Assam Economy base
Assam Economy base
Assam Economy base
districts of Assam. Generally, the jute plants In Assam tea leaves are plucked for two
grow in Assam upto the length from 1 to 4m. times in a year. First time plucking is done
Tea during March-April, and second time
plucking is done during June-July. Tea leaves
Tea is the principal cash crop of Assam.
plucked during the second time provide deep
Assam enjoys agro-climatic conditions
colour and more taste. This kind of tea gains
suitable for tea cultivation. Almost all the
more popularity in the international market.
districts of Assam enjoy annual rainfall from
150cm to 200 cm, temperature more than Medicinal Plants
30oC and acidic soils of low slopes. Thus Varieties of medicinal plants are found
Assam happens to be an important tea in the hills and forests of Assam. About 300
producing region in the world. There are more species of vegetables and edible plants are
than 850 large tea gardens and several available in Assam. Commercially about 5
thousand small tea gardens in Assam (Table- to 10 per cent plants are grown in the state.
4) As many of these plants have medicinal value,
Assam has 304,133 hectares of land there is ample scope for establishment of
under tea cultivation. The state produces 642 plant-based industries in the state.
million kilograms of tea annually. Next to tea
Horticultural Crops
producing region of South China, Assam
Horticultural crops of Assam can be
ranks second position as tea producing region
divided into three types–
in the world. There are, however quality
(1) Major fruits : Pineapples, bananas,
differences between the tea produced in the
coconuts, jack fruits etc.
highlands of Darjeeling and Nilgiri hills and
(2) Major citrus fruits : Orange, lemon
the tea produced in the gentle slopes in the
plains of Assam. Colour of Assam tea is deep
(3) Major spice-fruits : Ginger,
in comparison to teas produced in different
turmeric, bhot chilli, chilli, peper etc.
region of the world. Assam tea has occupied
unique position in the international market as Production of fruits in Assam is
it provides pleasant taste and freshness. presented in Table-5
Economic base of Assam 59
Table - 4
Number of Tea Gardens, Areas under Tea Cultivation and
Tea Production (kg./hectare) in Assam)
Table - 5
Production of Fruits in Assam During 2012-13 and 2013-14
(Production in ’000 metric tons)
Any activity associated with production decorative materials made of brass and bell
is called industry. Assam is a backward state metals, articles made of tusks and handicraft
in industries as compared to some states of products of bamboo-can industries.
India. Desides the major industries like tea and First mineral oil production in 1901 at
mineral oil iondutry, there are some industries Digboi, first tea industry established 1833 in
which contribute to the economic development old Lakhimpur district and production of
of Assam to certain extent. Although there are plywood for the first time before independence
plenty of forest, mineral and agricultural raw were some of the achievements of Assam in
materials necessary for establishment of the field of industries. But, the state is lagging
industries, Assm has not progressed much in behind in industrial development during
the field of industries. subsequent period due to various reasons. The
Assam is famous for handlooms and reasons may be as follows :
bamboo-based cottage industries since the 1. Assam and the entire North-East India
past. Assam has earned national and (former seven states) are located at a
international fame for hand-woven Eri, far distance from the other regions of
India. The 21-40 km narrow land
Maga and Pat cloths, various utensils and
66 Swadesh Adhyayan
corridor of Siliguri area connected with up necessary for establishment of
the other parts of the country has industries also offerd hindrence in
caused difficulties in road and rail industrial development of the state.
transport connectivity to Assam. 7. Defective government policies, lack of
Therefore, the cost of transportation proper motivation and orientation to be
of raw materials and finished products extended to the young generation by
becomes high and as a result, Assam the concerned families and societies also
and the entire North-East India lag discourage people to come forward for
behind in industrial development. industrial entrepreneurship. Thus
2. Assam and the North-East are majority of the youths have interest in
bordered by the foreign countries goverment job.
Myanmar, China, Bhutan and Inspite of the above-mentioned
Bangladesh. As India’s reletionship problems associated with industries of Assam,
with some of these countries is not some small and medium size industries are
cordial, the foreign investors and being registered in the districts of Assam
industrialists hesitate to come forward annually (Table 1). The noticeable point is
for establishment of industries in Assam that the number of registered industries has
and the North-East. generally increased from 2011-12 to 2013-
3. It is realy difficult to import the raw 14. But, comparatively employment in
materials and export the finished industrial sector has not increased so much
products to the large cities and markets during the period, rather it is decreasing. Data
in India due to distance factor. For this record shows that the newly registered
reason, expenditure involved is more industries have limited employment
and so reasonable prices for the opportunities. As published by the Industry
produced commodities are not and Commerce Secreatariat of Assam, all
obtained. total 5799 industries were registered in 2015
4. Assam is industrially backward in which a total of 2,19,903 persons got
because of non-availability of employment (Table 2). Taking Kamrup and
necessary machines and tools and Kamrup (Metro) districts together the
some special type of raw meterials and number of such registered industries is 1505,
also due to irreguler supply of electricity while Dhemaji district has only 8 industries.
and other sources of energy. The one-fourth of the people engaged in
5. Due to lack of huge capital necessary industrial sector belong to Kamrup (Metro)
for establishment, of large and medium district alone. Data on industries of Assam
type industries, Assam has been reveal that there are gross disparities in
suffering from industrial backwardness. establishment of industries in the state. It is,
6. The people of Assam are largely indeed imperative to remove such disparities
dependent on agricilture. Lack of skills, for eradicating the overall backwardness of
experience, courage and mental set- industrial sector in Assam.
Economic base of Assam 67
Table 1
Number of minor, small and medium registered industries and industrial workers
in Assam
Serial District Number of registered industries Number of industrial workers
No 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
1. Kokrajhar 10 13 5 72 106 25
2. Dhubri 35 56 83 251 314 414
3. Goalpara 34 26 89 198 139 494
4. Bongaigaon 53 48 36 396 258 222
5. Barpeta 33 54 59 240 555 371
6. Kamrup 318 297 283 4274 3051 2381
7. Nalbari 70 89 78 399 439 375
8. Darrang 57 43 107 253 310 452
9. Morigaon 25 37 22 143 189 171
10. Nagaon 74 123 180 603 718 1286
11. Sonitpur 89 54 89 608 319 532
12. Lakhimpur 18 23 53 87 141 457
13. Dhemaji 41 27 39 209 104 156
14. Tinsukia 47 81 98 336 473 649
15. Dibrugarh 58 118 154 625 470 1705
16. Sibsagar 35 81 100 2646 760 632
17. Jorhat 69 82 86 985 565 471
18. Golaghat 62 42 63 390 245 609
19. Karbi Anglong 6 6 15 69 75 154
20. Dima Hassao 2 3 2 21 36 16
21. Cachar 62 50 72 524 1802 494
22. Karimganj 23 25 24 132 133 184
23. Hailakandi 23 37 47 100 155 263
24. Chirang 22 11 41 208 80 246
25. Baksa 7 11 32 44 134 166
26. Udalguri 11 14 3 73 99 28
Total 1287 1451 1860 13886 11671 12971
Source : Industry and Commerce Secretariat, Assam
68 Swadesh Adhyayan
Types of Industries : Agro based Industries :
Based on raw materials used in The agro based industries can again
industries, the industries of Assam may be be divided into two types :
(a) The industries based on tea,
divided into three types :
sugarcane, oilseeds, milk, rice, wheat and
(i) Agro based industries
(ii) Mineral based industries
(b) The industries based on jute,
(iii) Forest based industries cotton, pat-muga-eri and other fibre crops.
Table 2
Number of Registered Industries and Industrial warkers in the Districts of Assam
Serial District Number of registered Number of industrial
Number industries workers
1. Kokrajhar 42 1812
2. Dhubri 95 2762
3. Goalpara 23 598
4. Barpeta 71 2069
5. Morigaon 64 2352
6. Nagaon 373 16920
7. Sonitpur 475 19567
8. Lakhimpur 70 2148
9. Dhemaji 8 124
10. Tinsukia 641 25192
11. Dibrugarh 695 28495
12. Sibsagar 388 13639
13. Jorhat 348 9483
14. Golaghat 317 8185
15. Karbi Anglong 40 1254
16. Dima Hassao 27 591
17. Cachar 343 11,808
18. Karimganj 121 3950
19. Hailakandi 50 3450
Economic base of Assam 69
Serial District Number of registered Number of industrial
Number industries workers
20. Bongaigoan 67 5559
21. Chirang 21 1139
22. Kamrup (Metro+Rural) 1505 50,673
23. Nalbari 33 1086
24. Baksa 16 1047
25. Darrang 92 2773
26. Udalguri 74 3227
Total 5799 2,19,903
Source : Office of the Chief Inspector of Industries, Assam
The major mineral based industries of registered industries of Assam, 30 per cent
Assam include the oil refineries, industries produce tea. Since inception
petrochemicals, cement and LPG bottling Assam’s tea industry has been producing
plants. black tea, but since 1980 green tea
Paper industries, plywood and production and export has increased, thereby
furniture manufacturing etc. are the major earning more foreign currency.
forest based industries of Assam. Tea industry is the highest foreign
Major Industries of Assam : currency earning industry in Assam.
Tea Industry : Out of India’s total tea production 54
Tea industry of Assam is based on the per cent tea is produced in Assam.
tea leafs produced through large scale tea Among the mineral based industries,
plantation in the state. It is the highest foreign the oil refineries and petrochemical are the
currency earning industry of Assam. India’s major industries. Based on refining mineral
54 per cent tea is produced in Assam. In the oil and different petroleum by – products,
tea industry of Assam more than 6 lakh people some allied industries are set up and among
are employed and among them 2.7 lakh or these the plastic (polymer) industry is the
about half of the people are women. During major one. The Assam Petro-Chemical
the last few years serveral thousands of samll Limited has been able to establish fertilizers
tea gardens have grown up and a good and thermal electric power producing plants
number of families are getting economically by using natural gas found in upper Assam
benefited. Among the total number of region. In order to check wastage of natural
70 Swadesh Adhyayan
gas the Assam Industrial Development 1901, which is the oldest refinery in India.
Corportation (AIDC) has been established Initially this refinery was functioning under the
under government sector in 1971 and thereby Assam Oil Company, but subsequently it was
the gas-based petro-chemical production attached to Indian Petrochemical unit. Later
plant, the first in the country was establised on in 1981, the Digboi Petrochemical unit
in Assam. was brought under Indian Oil Corporation
The first mineral oil based industry Limited. The produced substances and
under government sector is the Guwahati products of the Digboi petrochemical industry
perto-chemical industry. Its main industry is are naptha, high speed diesel, turpine oil,
oil refinery. Moreover, based on various by furnace oil, jute batching oil and mortor spirit.
– products obtained during refining of mineral Wax produced in Digboi petrochemicals is
oil, a number of small industries have been of high quality.
set up in the state. The major chemical Among the other mineral based
substances produced in Guwahati petro industries the three large industries located
chemical industry are – naptha, LPG, motor at Namrup are the Brahmaputra Vally
spirit, petroleum coke, kerosene and high Fertilizer Corporation Limited, Assam
speed diesel. Petrochemicals Limited and Namrup
The Bongaigaon Refinery and Petro- Thermal Power Station. The industrial
Chemical Limited was establised by the environment created at Namrup through
Government of India on February, 20, 1974. establishment of the first natural gas based
But in 2001 this idnustry was brought under fertilizer industry in 1960 was favourable for
Indian Oil Limited. In view of demand in the establishment of these industries at Namrup.
country the Indian Oil Limited had In Assam all total 64 Commercial
established one large methanol production Estates and 50 Industrial Estates have been
unit in 1989 and one formaldehyde developed. Moreover, three industrial growth
production unit in 1998 in collaboration of centres are also established in the state. These
England and the Netherlands. The products three growth centres are located at Balipara
and substances produced by the Bongaigoan in Sonitpur district, Matia in Goalpara district
Petrochemical industry are exported to West and Chhaygaon-Patgaon-Jambari in Kamrup
Bengal, Bihar, Delhi, Haryana, Uttaranchal district. Efforts are made for industrial
and even to the neighbouring countries like development in the state by establishing
Bhutan and Nepal. another 11 numbers of Industrial
Digboi Refinery was established in Infrastructure Development Centres. The
Economic base of Assam 71
Software Technology Park established near bamboos as raw materials the two big
the Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi paper mills of Assam are the ‘Nagaon
International Airport is a significant step Paper Mill’ presently in Morigaon district
towards development of computer and and the ‘Pachgram Paper Mill’ in
software industries in the state. Under the Hailakandi district. These two paper mills
control of IIT Guwahati, the Bio-Technology are under government sector. Presently
Park, the Export Promotion Industrial Park there is no production in these mills. Due
covering 58 units developed on a plot of 68.1 to heavy financial loss, the ‘Ashok Paper
acre land area at North Guwahati, the North- Mill’ established at an expenditure of 15
East Mega Food Park at Tihu in Nalbari crores during the 4th 5 – year plan period
district, the Food Processing Park, Bamboo has also been closed. There is also a small
Park at Chhaygaon, the Plastic Park at paper mill at Amingaon of Kamrup district.
Lapetkota near Dibrugarh established with Timbers for plywood industries are
the by – products of the Gas Cracker collected from the forests of Assam. The
industry, the Jute Park at Dhing in Nagaon plywoods manufactured in Assam are
district and the Agro Food Processing units mainly used in making the boxes for
established at Silapathar, Dalgaon, Dhubri, packing teas. Assam manufactures about
Samaguri and Pawoi of Tinsukia district are 65 percent plywoods of India. However,
the initiatives in the industrial sector of the the government of Assam has taken some
state which may be expected to bring about measures to reduce plywood production
industrial development in Assam in near in view of increasing loss of forests. Almost
future. The export and import of raw all the plywood manufacturing industries of
materials and industrial products to and from Assam are located at Margherita and
the neighbouring country Bangladesh and Mariani. In the year 1984, there were 52
Bhutan via Assam have been emphasized. In plywood industries in Assam out of which
this regard, commercial centres are 13 were big and the rest were of medium
established at Sutarbandi of Karimganj type. But, some of these industries were
district, Mankachor and Golokganj of Dhubri closed down so as to check tree cutting
district and Darranga of Baksa district. and thus in 2001 the numbers of plywood
Forest based Industries : industries came down to 46. In these
industries, about 5,600 numbers of people
The medium scale industries based on
are directly engaged, while about one lakh
forest products of Assam are mainly the
people are indirectly engaged.
paper and plywood industries. Based on
72 Swadesh Adhyayan
Cottage Industries : these cottage industries, the notable ones are
During the post independence period, rice milling, oil seed milling, grinding of spices,
a survey conducted in 1954-55 revealed that sugarcane crusher, fibre extraction from
there were all total 72 numbers of cottage banana tree, pickles processing, flour milling
industries including handlooms and textiles, etc.
brass and bell metals, pottery industries etc. The forest based cottage industries of
Besides these industries, Assamese Assam include the industries which produce
ornaments manufacturing works, fire works, the bamboo and cane- made household
manufacturing of various items of bamboo - furnitures, doors and windows, various
cane and wood, locally manufacturing of silk decorative furnitures made of timbers, oil
thread and cloths, preparing and designing extracted from different plants and herbal
of different decorative items made of jute medicines etc.
fibre and waterhyacinth etc. are the varieties Footloose Industries :
of cottage industries presently growing in It is not that footloose industries should
Assam. Among the cottage industries, the silk be localised in any particular area. These
industries have occupied the leading position. industries can be set up in all places. The
Cloths made of eri and muga have been factors usually responsible for the growth of
gaining importance in the life and culture of industries, such as availability of raw
the Assamese since the past. Muga cloths materials, skilled labour, favourable transport
have been able to occupy a special position system and market facility are not supposed
now in the international market. Presently, to determine the location of footloose
different types of hand-woven cloths are industries. Therefore, such industries can be
produced in about 7 lakhs looms. Sualkuchi established at any place and thus these are
is famous for production of pat and muga called footloose industries. Although
clothes. Similarly, Palashbari-Chhaygaon footloose by nature, these industries also face
area is famous for production of eri thread difficulties without proper transport system,
and eri cloths. On the other hand, the cottage regular supply of electric power and very
industries of Hajo-Sarthebari are most famous skillful labourers. In these industries the raw
for manufacturing of utensils made of brass materials required and materials produced
and bell metals and varieties of decorative are less in amount, but their market values
items. are high. So, the transport cost involved in
There are also a good number of agro carrying the raw materials and finished
based cottage industries in Assam. Among products is less. Pollution is less in these
Economic base of Assam 73
industries. However, pollution free Guwahati is such an example. Although the
environment is quite essential for some types footloose industries in Assam are presently
of footloose industries. For this reason, many less in number, the Government of Assam has
footloose industries are set up in the relatively been undertaking plans and necessary efforts
pollution free outskirt of the cities. The to establish a number of footloose industries
Software Technology Park, India localised in the state in the coming years.
near the L.G. B. International Airport at
1. (a) What do you mean by kharif crops?
(b) What do you mean by rabi crops?
(c) What are medicinal plants?
(d) What is the percentage of people in Assam dependent on agriculture?
2. (a) Where is Jhum cultivation practised in Assam? How is it carried out?
(b) What do you mean by ‘rotation of crops’?
(c) What is intensity of cropping?
(d) What are the spices grown in Assam?
3. (a) Write about the drawbacks of the agricultural system of Assam.
(b) Explain how and in which seasons rice is cultivated in Assam.
(c) Write about the essential conditions necessary for tea cultivation.
(d) Give a short account of the economic condition of Assam.
4. (a) Where was mineral oil first drilled in Assam?
(b) How much percentage of India’s total tea production is produced in Assam?
(c) In which year the Assam Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC)
was formed?
(d) Where was the first fertilizer industry of Assam established?
5. (a) Classify the industries of Assam based on the raw materials used.
(b) Write a short note on the agro based industries of Assam.
(c) Write in brief about the speciality of Assam’s tea industry.
(d) Name the foreign countries bordering Assam.
6. (a) Explain the reasons responsible for industrial backwardness in Assam.
(b) Write about the major industries of Assam.
(c) Give an account of the mineral based industries of Assam.
74 Swadesh Adhyayan
7. Select the correct answer from the following alternatives :
(i) In which one of the following sectors, income increased during 2015-16 as
compared to that during 2011-12 in Assam?
(a) Agricultural Sector (b) Industrial Sector
(c) Mineral Production Sector (d) Service Sector
(ii) Kharif crops are cultivated during
(a) April-May to November-December
(b) March to June
(c) October to April
(d) January to May
(iii) Which one of the following is a zaid crop?
(a) Mustard (b) Paddy
(c) Pumpkin (d) Wheat
(iv) In which of the following districts the number of registered industries is the
(a) Goalpara (b) Udalguri
(c) Morigaon (d) Dhemaji
(v) What percentage of India’s total tea production is produced in Assam?
(a) 30% (b) 45%
(c) 54% (d) 67%
(vi) The India’s oldest Digboi Oil Refinery was established in the year
(a) 1898 (b) 1901
(c) 1951 (d) 1974
(vii) Which one of the following industries can be set up at any place?
(a) Tea industry (b) Forest based industries
(c) Mineral based industries (d) Footloose industries