Python programming
Python programming
Python programming
Pre-Requisite -
Anti-Requisite -
Co-Requisite -
COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
CO1 3 2 - - 3 - - - - - - - 3 - - -
CO2 3 2 - - 3 - - - - - - - 3 - - -
CO3 3 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 3 - - -
CO4 3 2 2 2 3 - - - - - - - 3 - - -
CO5 3 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - - 3 - - -
CO6 - - - - - - - 3 3 - - - - - - -
Correlation 3 3 3 3 3 - - 3 3 - - - 3 - - -
B.Tech.ComputerScienceandEngineering(AIandML) 120
1) a python script to the perform the various computations for the amount payable by the
customer for Challenger Computers Store. A customer buying two numbers of SSD device, one
SSD device cost is Rs. 3575/-. The stores offer 15% of the total cost. The customer has to pay
9% CGST, and 9% SGST. Prepare the Net Amount to be payable by the customer.
2) a python script to compute and generate the electricity bill as per the following slab
rates. Collect the meter reading inputs, such as current unit and previous unit.
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Consumption Units Rate (in Rupees/Unit)
0-200 3.0
201-250 4.5
251-300 5.2
301-400 6.5
Above 400 7.0
3) a python script to display the sum of numbers divisible by 4. The code must allow the
user to accept a number and add it to the sum if it is divisible by 4. It should repeatedly
accepting numbers as long as the user wants to provide an input using an appropriate iterative
statement and should display the final sum.
4) Corner home delivers vegetarian and non-vegetarian combos to its customer based on
order. A vegetarian combo costs Rs.120 per plate and a non-vegetarian combo costs Rs.150 per
plate. Their non-veg combo is really famous that they get more orders for their non-vegetarian
combo than the vegetarian combo.
Apart from the cost per plate of food, customers are also charged for home delivery based on
the distance in kms from the restaurant to the delivery point. The delivery charges are as
mentioned below:
Given the type of food, quantity (no. of plates) and the distance in kms from the restaurant to
the delivery point, write a python program to calculate the final bill amount to be paid by a
customer. The below information must be used to check the validity of the data provided by the
Type of food must be ‘V’ for vegetarian and ‘N’ for non-vegetarian.
Distance in kms must be greater than 0.
Quantity ordered should be minimum 1.
If any of the input is invalid, bill amount should be considered as -1.
a) A list has the AP City Names [Tirupati, Kurnool, Kadapa]. Design a python script and
perform the operations like, add 3 more AP City names Chittoor, Nellore, Guntur, insert
Hyderabad in 3rd position, delete any two city names, update all city names as in Uppercase.
Displays the list data, whenever an operation completes.
b) Design a python script for given an integer tuple, for each element in the tuple, check
whether there exists a smaller element on the next immediate position of the tuple. If it
exists print the smaller element. If there is no smaller element on the immediate next to the
element then print -1.
Example: Input: 4 2 1 5 3 Output: 2 1 -1 3 -1
a) Sets n1 has the data {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, n2 has the data {9, 5, 6, 8},
wd1=set(["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"]),
wd2=set(["Mon", "Tue", "Wed"]).
Design a python script to perform intersection, difference, and symmetric difference
operations on the sets n1 and n2, and to perform superset, and subset operations on the
sets wd1, and wd2.
b) The dictionary city_pin has the data {'Tirupati': 517101, 'Hyderabad': 500002,
'Chittoor': 517001,'Nellore': 524001}. Design a python script using lambda function to sort
the dictionary on city name and produce the output and sort the dictionary on pincode and
produce the output.
c) The string has the data, Wel_str = "Welcome to AI ML DS". Design a python script to search
the pattern “AI” using regular expression search and display the three location numbers of
the pattern. First shows the pattern starts location, second shows the pattern end location,
and the last shows pattern span locations.
a) Design a python script for the mathematical puzzle, Towers of Hanoi. The puzzle has three
rods and n disks. To move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the three rules (i) Only
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one disk can be moved at a time, (ii) Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one
of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e., a disk can only be moved if it is the
uppermost disk on a stack, (iii) No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.
b) Design a python script to display the numbers that do not appear in the Fibonacci series of n
numbers where n is given by the user. (If n is 8 then up to 8 Fibonacci numbers has to be
printed Ex: 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 and in this series missing numbers should be traced and
printed, Ex: missing numbers are: 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19.
a) Design a function Learner_Age_Days with two formal parameters name, age and it
computes Learner’s age in days, then displays learners name and age in days.
(i) Design a driver code to call the function using positional arguments, keyword arguments
(ii) Apply the necessary changes in Learner_Age_Days function, and design a driver code to
call the function using default arguments.
b) Design a python script using lambda and filter functions to construct an odd numbers list
from numbers 1 to 10, and construct a negative numbers list from range of numbers -7 to 7
and to find the biggest number from a numbers list.
a) Design a python script to create a new file Collect_Literals_Phython.txt, collect the data from
the keyboard about the contents of collection literals list, tuple, sets, dictionaries details,
then write all the data into that file, and then close that file. Afterwards Open the
Collect_Literals_Phython.txt file in read mode, read the entire contents of the file
Collect_Literals_Phython.txt, then display all the contents of that file in monitor.
b) The file feat_python1.txt has the contents of features of the Python programming language.
Design a python script to open that file feat_python1.txt in read mode, open the new file in
feat_python2.txt in write mode, then read entire contents of the file feat_python1.txt, then
copy all the contents of that file into the new file feat_python2.txt
a) Construct a Python script to implement the below requirements. Create a base class
Basic_Info with data members name, rollno, gender and two member functions getdata()
and display(). Derive a class Physical_Fit from Basic_Info which has data members height
and weight and member functions getdata() and display(). Display all the information using
object of derived class.
b) Design a Python script to implement the below specifications, compute, and produce
required output. Define a class REPORT with the following specification
Private members
Admno : 4-digit admission number
Name : 20 characters
Marks : A list of 5 floating point values
Average : average marks obtained
GETAVG() a function to compute the average obtained in five subjects.
Public members
READINFO() function to accept values for Adno, Name, Marks. Invoke the function
DISPLAYINFO() function to display all data members of report on the screen. You should give
function definitions. Write driver code to demonstrate all the functions.
a) The below scenarios will create Logical Error/Exception, and it will forcibly stop the execution
in middle of the program. Design a Python Script the to handle these operations exceptions
effectively, and avoid to stop the script execution in the middle.
i. The variable num has the data 100, the value of num dividing by the value 0.
ii. To importing a library file matheqn, this library file not available in Python.
iii. A num_List has the values[10,20,30].To print the fifth value of num_List[5]
iv. A dictionary has the data, Dict_Univ = {'1':"MBU", '2':"Tirupathi", '3':"CSE"}. to print the
fifth key value Dict_Univ[5]
b) Design a python script to collect the 10 students Python course mark. Check that entered
mark is negative, then throw a user defined exception called Negative, otherwise store into
the mark in the List Python_mark[].
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