Auditing 1 Notes

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Ncit o put auck on tha phAon uoo ob us
SuLdhuaiph paymund on hu heha th
Duulopmnt otaaale Commnc in
Puir 18 Guntuny pot idustailisation as a
Asult o compluxity in tu indwtaial woAka
Stpaatibn oOntshipnom management
Inwtoha ud to knou uhuthn thai
isAal Oh_ noi
An ouditon snoula be indapandant no herinta
to kiep hinga hampahent

ypa o actounting om obuinas oanlsalion

Ateps iovoluudiin occouwstinq

Auditinq begins cutn acCouwtin ends.

LhiBookeaping ndsoccOunina benins

Companiu Act o 1950 LAd uplocud by1936hih

inthuaud h stope auolid accountig
Accorduny oit, onl indinendunt etith beappoiniro
O auditon.
6 , th instuh o Cost 00Aka acLountant
I t Aco9niseo th1 uworka o thCost uoehk
o nda uohn giuun the pehnmission to cont audits

amundank wtha mads to h -

Lompaniu Act 1956uiich spLeikud t dudia oa

suabartr03 poigkuo b
1980 wa mundund to incuole mauphoiuens
hadlemabl phle sha
n damablu
appointment olauditos, tn iiq-sha

sh Audliu
aoduiuudhomtuLatin wehd
hih mea
t o hean
accohdinq to him audlit
i an
Spicu& Peglan

Accountiog sAuditing
naths LohhLas addng a
Act i COnthuc tiunn
aralticalin ratu
puparaiion c
Scopa o Ace. a saatitrd to the
iranciol statemant
0gAumund bhat exid
Stope à ditaminud by thu
bluw tha iunt f auoikeh
Naoama qualiiotion sAjuhid.
Auaites Mut be a
narcial postien
Ohjtb Toind ths opading . e u t
LKamin th tuth f taihniu
Acc. bLgiuohun bopk kupiaq
Aualidinabi ohun_accountunq d s
a AupeF
ACLOtant i not haauiwd toSubmit
Zhainantialshatemustpupasdby um
Aucdlitebas to AubmitaALpeAt On thu
books caccnunt audit by him
MonthlySalasy paid toAcconiant ik Amun

Accountant a anmploya thachaiasAud

an indp erdund Outgiolan on Condacdual basis
Accoundal o l eqwwd to haua KnDuladas daudud
phouls h a s Auclilo mut hau thukucuudgs
auais technlqus 4 Madu

Don haoughout tha yto tnmay may nu be dora

Ahaougous thaeoa

Auditina Inuutioation
To ua 4ha CoAueknua q Cudain Apeikd cis ha
inancialstaient. exdud o 1upecd kausl
MisapphopAiation Ato ind cus
ud uing Cnpod4dta
buineinany mattenCortu
puahase obins
ime Fon a inancia0yeo
u statuteyaubamant d not ba a tatuteu
C pe Componis Act 26I3 ALAbunui
TiadT i initialsd by phopuites ir.behao otsidess paz
EvidanafirPauma \ar 0h Conclusiue chsubstantiu4
Qalilins CA- Nusl wot be Aualed CA_

Pumasyobjdiu do exarmina ha cenasna o
inaniol dalemuit

Accs tha e m tenal cobol

Vanid. actuhar4 opOing o-40otnal utiiu, balaring

áonn hvaliliy o Luury dauatin with.sppang
doumand uouhn dabt cAnlitote
Hehouldascdain ohuthua daintion as ban
maal blw tapital Guune ikams.
Conim phutal exintenu Dat iabdtiu
*Heshoull aMLtain Ohetha alL tha statuten
Aunuhemant maindaining thu booka o aun
hau bun complàd with

s Subaidia4 chjectis4 mrist intRnional misaaphata-

To dutct PALLnt aausL-tion ol inancialin
Dtiction pution oAnohs

Aa mau invalue maniapulalion sAalaikicaton

Muapphophiatuon s
7 bupAMiDn On omiMion ohseedotu tnanaadli
Kom LAnds
Recsding o bansacdio uithout Abtanc
misapplicatio oaccoLulinqpolicius

Coctegoni oud
Misappkophtation C cash col
Mlaniapulation oaccounts

2MAppAaphiadion cCah Embeglumunt

F a s Thia à don
b y httocaskALaipt
prthy es On any othas ngotiablinsbuumant-
ShouaingLbiouus paumunt touokena o Cadioh
oAhowing a ickious punahase ck
ThansoctonA Alabing
to hekeiptoCash COn
amitldacmuahc DA it con bt bucsdlads
assuhamoud n tashlbookOR a a
pouaun canbe AhouDh Ja thtash bcok
Ex-Recohdisgaitiouspuhchase omiting CAdit
oekia Auaiuud om AuPpli
aips k bad daa
a oges to dumyJ sSAKLns
AALusAaul ohap paay becocelld
oas Omeunt
ALAd olonatuon Alip by_hcsAdi
dit sal manet
ha Contalei_tha a i p t book_
beecadlao COsh sa mas not be husdlesl
}Lemina loding methoo may be
Cash sasiusd om a saluo autuan mau be
Casdit ida dlashbaok
ale p0ymant may be shouon on tha
Oh an LXCAsA anMouat o paymnt (an alko baun

Misagaophiation egoodla that

Can be doe eails n cow abusiauss eeicte phducs

gocca obich amotgh valuu anc dhs lass buuRy.

aThia don by
Tsuinq afalse Chaditwat to Lstomehdo salas
Aatuaa 2miapphophiating goo
d aataa by mplnyak om t stohts
Pabsapphepthionion actAun
Faaud thai ia been committes by uppeA Leual
manaoemant o midad paatiu uuistain 6 ouiaidde
a ehaanihalnn.
Thbsind Account asaalaliral o4 makia
ala enaiu in hupect alsale phchases
Naluodicn stok

Falihaion nacCDuuh con bedoAL iA llouin Lau

PuachaK expunies coua be in latio
op urduiq On ba motie upknseo
OA intomey

Sales may beAnlatedc supauwd

YStocdk may bewndunvalud
Omissiom ol odiustment o Outstonding expaws
0 phapaid axpLnBes
Pephration oh a t may b oKmchasgedlo
undchaaged oA Omittad
haLnu viúu w a
* Aotin Capitalexpndlitus a
clhuase tha pan
SecAat hAhuu can be Thiatrd to
Alous yeam hesmaA Canbe shouwsd to

adwant t r p h u i n u s y mau oi be golueo

n thu Cusnaat

Oidlau dhusing =
Makunaho iaaciel Poiion appLas biten han
it ackual is

ILidon un th ollauaung _LAay

h puAchasu oCuAaat qRoh may be shouon as tha
puaabaoptto ollouina uah
Tncomeoth pAecodingh inoLon as nOmLa
CuAnunt y h
Expenses t Cuhent y may be Aheon asexpuses.
tAa naxt
*Shouuing sherk ftm Lnbiliy_as Lorg tm_liabit-
Chaagung unuL expeue as_CopitalLXpanduAA-
Outualuing Closingahock
Quavaluotian dassetohundsLnNaluatien Liaoilitin
OnNov 2020, Mn Rachd staadada Radumada aamed
buwinua in laliiput MaRashä
inuda 50,00,000
al Cah dpautdnb tu bank 230,00,00.
2 oods phorua eCa E 80oco at S/isad diateud
31 Sewiq mathuny puachad eAcash 5,s0,0CD
Astoling expa paid 2 SODoD
sly omeutPchaalPad
p o s Sold e Cash 7,00,0oo b thugu 5o,Oto
Goaa pAhasedan Dinuh2Compa 12,0,000 at
26 taou distowt
al ocds solol Mphit Brothu F 20,00,coa at 4 Lsada diioud
s A mout paidl to Dinah 2 ompa b chgu F 400,00o
Fuudu puachasas paid bu chgu 1LSO0n
slChaqas hecied oa Mohit a baotiua F s,0a,ooo
depondsl iuto aank Sama day-
1ali annos puchasra 4aom Dinh 2 cenapany10,00,D0Oai
20 tmds disouat
20 |Gcoda
salal (en cash 5,0o,o0.
Cnoosbold o Mhit &BhothA O,00,00o at 2a
TAad oisconi
244 nnaunCAniwm paid 220,000 Hhua
26 h aiusd aona Mdhit Bhothe32,00,co2
2 Cash paid to Dinsh company L,sacoo
1ll Commigsion AAu 20,000
24l u Cah ithdaaun q e pasDnal use 40,c0
30l 8ala 25000 Rant 6poa paid by deouu

Ditendon audpAAUAilion
= EAsons
EgaMa _ma be dus o Caelessnes On he
pani o tha pehon phapahung he account An mnen
A - unintantional MAstake e makduucaipton n
th bok d accouds s AKAAdstohathn bs_ua
Cle aicalA mathamatical matake in a secozd
Ouasighk ei misaphesntahoa d4art
Misapplication oacLOunting policiu

Eaae phinipl-
Ldhn phiipks obonk Kaping hdaCCoLMtany
olloued in tha tAaatmun and Aaesag
stam a taanbacfiosit knaAn a hhah
Exampt lu.capulal euuu,
hho allocation of expendutuns
R e u u itema e o a tuhon accamt.
Valuatios aetnt binbade s p the
phunpla acLoine
dubisnueawAn oin
Ests opicpla
nadanual duphacCalian
doubluL dalbts,phouidin

Enou c Cmission
àomitluol ll,oh panioly om
A traunsarlion ha.
Pocks oaccount Auh ahheA u i l not alhct
bcoma oicut o-dtat datet
LAia balanc ard t

Etampls-Full omigsion
*Omusion o puchasskom pwchaaas day
rom als day book
n boaka
Oidighe enduyen_chaaun daphaiation

Fostial Omission
EnEy opunchaA OmiktedDahe ADLunt o t a
bok omtlhd be
Supf t dolak o punchas day
Oted o pussha aad
Edsne La amittad Jhonm t accowd ol the ustoma.
Aokalobala day-beck cmitled to be postud fo Sl

Esa Commuion
ohan entimade in t badka d oiaina
a udaur
0 incaaci dhdy ehpontial
LhhEAs n
0AA COmmison h enehsma
m rray

th tnial oalantphrALo_alc&baloa chut

Exoumples Wron4 uding n he booka eiainal
Lndy cholly aadially
Lhon4 kotalling t bock dciqinal eutu
poting polinato tu thonq atcLounk
Posking Lo hong Aiola acLoun
WhonaCa euwasd obolancs ooLLont to ta
inial balanc
Whongubsidia book uud keA Lshduing a aansactuon

EaoA Duplitation
LOhun a tsansation i Aacencded tuia and also
poRtead wiu in th lodqa Such On eaheh wil ad alld
t taial balancTn utaies appar
TT on -ths ma Mda
the accCnt aiith theama qunaount
Ex- Supelin sendsh inyoic in dliat ard bath tka
Lopies b bilaN hcedao sepasaiul

Compensaling Ehons
Lhnaa esnghdts th_eect oe anoth LA
d is knoun as Compensalinq ahM Thaudo at a t
0chmut o aial balaioca
E- accaunt is debitd uuith R 90 shait andth Chudi
aids dAia accaunt is undas-iothlial b?90
Unda couna O acOaiandLA Casting nnthaa Alz.
Qualiiss an Audibos
Ua allirdCA Can be appouilud 2s an auudts_
a umitad Company He miu hau adsuatskill-
ualiti a Conduut Aia uehk pliuatl should ba
maninteg aitu chaaacas audidemLst
PDAA oloiq ualiltotio
C Heut haua tthongh kucalda Cpinipay f-
phactia oal asc oacLounton4
He must b ta a na inlenation h inaduguak
inkeunadibn may be anilableh Catain thansaions
He muthauahotauah kneuslaslaa o ausit a u
Kaua oA d woulal halp himM daleamining tha soAe

He shaual hau p-tordat knoualalae-

ompany ac ano Othun mencaiilil lauy
Heshousd kau a thorouoh knaologs opintipluy
aELpmies fEtonomiL laaalatina
He mus be Ramiliaa uith ha phiniple anol
phin paartitas o COst oLAuiag
Thuouah knoonludag MaaAwd olta e
Scope o Auditing=
AuditinQ is lonCaanus uwiih tha Veniialioa c
occontin data dlatnaining taaliabuliy e
Eaalun thu ehieutie audidina hasia dutc kisn
pluudian ud
Now toncpoAudliing haue coma up lik tax
Oudli Cort auolid manamank aud 0paiien

CLasAiitotion oOudii
DOn h basi aSCOp Caenhal

O tha hasssnauas o liui-
on Commueta
3Dnt ba c-mdeganiaiion Plank

) O nthe b a cohoLonduis tha Cuudit

S On te banoeqal natuuty
Non- tatutu
6 O nth base meshod o exam
t Catueu udi
_Painalical/ lomplakd lonnaual audii1
Ontabas a Scope
Caenohal audi
T Con be indapendeud e intebnal
Speuilicaudi Concentaatas on_paiuLas nLas_A
obicit may he phiad Lik_cost auolit, maaagia.
aoli tax audid ote

On thu ba onatus oacui

hratu 2adli uuiU ditemie tha Aiope
apphach Audid oud he commncial ea
non LommaialE-ot. audad
audid opisatin
pinuolues in tha phomeion
n the bau o mthod o
yLAoh-ptuod od haguulas iahsgnlas-
intawals ContinuLaik Quelii
ACltConduciud ad tha clesu
oactound -Annuall
Piodial Linal aald
Balana Shaut_Auolit- Audit
LontAmad Lith_a
tuma o r halant hui onl4
yp oAudi
Paiwat audit Audid not a mandaio
PLguinumandTLL Loduutud at thu daiu oh
p opAiwact Qudid

Audik oSo tAOdans kl

Audlitoaccoun s pardhahipiums
Audit e aceants o inolividuals
Audiso uAstitution Moi louand by Motuteu

a12 Tripundurc Auikehs

Audit o Sola taadus Alc

The sola thadder's wil dlacid1 th suopz audit
ound t-aPpnintnmsnt ethi audlitas

Lndupedunu a Auditos
The judmud qthu pthson n o t subedenat
t th diusctien o anethaa peADn Ldho has engaqsd him.
Th tunm Inolapndnta Cannat bediiimunsd phacisel
h hets opanlessionaContact deoling uuith tha
indepundanca c aualites asa nam1d uth Catain
Dbiedtu but thuy caunok asua h existenc e
Tmdepedanco isa Condition_omisd asuull as
pLsonal Ckasadtea sshaas dhstardasds oauoiting
QA iinpesea y law aol nard not quahantes Complta
indopedunca o th audites
m i coda othiCs pholauionalaccountaut

Lswd b tua inteaaational_Jolasatuion accountants

doines Hu tum inclopendate as
Todepndunca is a
Trdupeadunt cind
Tndoptndsnt n appRananca

7 Tdpeiduau omind Tia toch1omuahat

-pemihthu phouision Oth Dpinion uithout btin
kded ilunta 1 allous th idiuidual to
ad uith taturgerituexCanci objctiud, ard PAqkuonal

dptndunta_ in appeanaita Tha auaidantoa

ChCumstount thad a so signllicat thaith3pal
uDuld aaasanaby tOntnd that- ntegea j
hoesioral skepticibm has beun comphemued
Trdagendars dth audtn shousd ne ol
i t in a t bui i should alho appn un uiu
o t (anlias

Thnua to ndptrdantu audidn

Than a 5 thouats a icdansi js by ths udu
S indiud thuat
o c u s ohan th audidinqum, ib forins
A buulit pom
c i o t L could a inanal
n an adit cliut
EXoon quasadsu 4rem tha c c u n d dind

clo buinus halalionhip with a i i d

poteniial mploymaut usith Br clint
Dinikinancial interud oA indisat ina dins

S uiuw Boual
Tt oCLws Lohan dusing ahuuiuo.ed ay
judaumnt c tonclusion nuachuol ina pauu audit
non- amdi
cha l okasa engagtmunt incuss :

an pheasional senuis hundasad by h Qudiden to-

the i i n t obhan than audit swuiu lik bnuedmud
0duizo4 B e u i , I u i c ete. OR ohan a
mambth th uditen uaspheutcusy associtucl
ith th Clit
Sush &hanots eca cchun th auditenbaiy
sndly bana d i d ea a kunisA oltan o bu cenpa
P cAms Qudiding euis t Clians
Adwocabu d
ocuna uohen t auoiteh Ahonncu tu
pinionttunt udhenin kia.aljuinit sgtting
Ex-H may oe duaing ith th show e i u of ta
auwdlitinq compay A mOy beuonmL an aduonlta
C n t in liti atio

Familianit thwatu
Ti ocs whsn th audkcs em lattcnhipa
with theclid whaa thy dl up bei teo simpadhatie
to ha clint'sinttstTha can ocuain manHLAa
A clesa aladiua D audites akig_ina suniss
postienn thu Ciuat Lonpan
7 Aehmaa easknu o the oalii Jiun a dnuctos ei a
Benn amploye tho cliat
onq associatien bu aualibeAs A tha
7Accpta a Aigniad a a heepidality remih
CAinst compauyit dÁectets eÁ emplouus

Intimidatien hhat

acing ohjtivelu twih an adeauat dsaau
ARapdiisom Ths could_happen bouse ee th
Oua Cliiao mntsbetuean tha auolites
in saspDnse
t h cliuat oR pALkuAa to hduca uuehk
to nrduc audit Ja

Salequandls to independaca
algahd tha
indepundanca eth Odites aha as
implament chdlibka
thaauditos á unakbla to ulu
salguasda aeuld net accpt

tha 4ua -
ro th publie io haun conidanta ú
auolit it ia impedand tha ha auudidon sheuld
auoaus b apepLoa Lobe indapandunto a
d ntitiu o a audiing
h uAdamundak phiniplu ha to be jolleuud

Dbuti pnolesiena skapticism

by th auolitelo enbu idpandunt
auoite zhould pud
LOhn &uch haLats exit the
aliminats h
plac adnauata nkquards t h a s

Paoleioual kepticim
incudlos a
1A Alaus to an attitud khat
quetioning mind, bein4 aleht zo conditie dhat
indicate a pOsibls misstatment due to HALA oOR
aud a Caiical asseLAMAAtoaudit eslidanca
-Paolesioval skeplicam inludes bain alsas t
812 Audit tolnCa that contaadid othntkn audlL
Luidunca pting
Incamalionthat baings into 9uation s AaliahiLq
olouuned and Gnponsia to inquhius to be used as
Cordiion thad mau ndicat possiblaaud
Cicumstacea hat suggust ho nad le Qdditianak
udi pacsokna apa aon heaaiud by tha
anclanda daudiding
Maukauing Phnleional keptiim thaoushad the Dusk.
AAcaasy hauditesLOOrt to.nuduke
DuAlookig unuLal tinuimtancas o uho aliin
olnauiung.concusionA om thu auoli data

Audit olocwmentation j n to ihu hurohal oaudi

phoud piromLd, nulunnt audid uiduu Dblainad
dnd Gonluuions Aeachud by h Quditen Au


Objedi o e audit cioumuntalion

Th obyeda ohtu auolter in tophapas
olocumandation that phciduy
A buiiont &opphopaiada haLshddha basis eath
auoile upeit
An euidunta that thu Qudid ucasplaunasl peaesmis
aLehalinyta tha standasda oaudliing and appitabka

unpos dQudd documuntationn

Assilinq audut teana to plan peaem the audil
Asit the masmbas d h a d d tuoun o dasd e_
Aupiisa the uualii im todidhang hois haponsbiliti
Eaoliq tu oaudit Leom to be accouunlaiols es th
Kataini a huLerd matiihs aau akaignicont ,
tbat ill halp in futu Auoliks
Enabng tu Conduu oexteaL ihspeciuon u
atehdan ithlugal h4iemunt
A reu ttam

Fm Condend and acpoua egtund o-ad

h-aelite pALpana t Ouuoit doeumanialeAn
that enalbls an auoliton to
extunt o audit padu
Thenaluu , timlng and Ue
peoiumsd th
ThAulu o u audit-phoueunu
Qudit uiduna Obtainasd.
audit tu
igniiod mattes ahiiig dusinq
aualito t phe onaa
Conclusiau Asachud by thu onaluusse
LokapmandA Aa mad inAaachiqthu

auudit doumentis
Th eum Conkut and Lstud o
dapuroon vasiousateu-
TheineAcompluxdy o thu eddu
Tw naduna o audit phocLdusa to be penlemid
f identilied hisk o matehial mitatamnt
h hiqnilhcanta o auoli euidenca obtaunnd
T ratun Gextnt eany th xptien idantiliud un

thephoLass to
Th owdit mthoolelagyususl

bampls dd_documankation iusu-

Audit phAam all onalys t t s aceniumatien,
atrius) on
Onu ehasnndanta iptsiqnicaut matsu &ummasy
BqniliLont mattuas

Ttidinday onu shmeJaldus o ctha veaga
Macdio phaical salartieriiz e smdhich
CCdain AACenols thot compris thu Qudi oloumutouan
en o spieungagumLnd.
Adis Eiduu
i dlakinasl as ainlomalion ud by h
anoitain aiiuia atthu Contusiona on ahich iu
auolitesa opinion i bastal Tk inctudss tha intimalian
Ccntainedn theLinanciastadtmud ethus inehumati

Auelit euidunte Mdudu

ETemaiuen in acceunding hardi such

as invoic vouhans aLLOuii uihiis , Auppestiu

ALhduk huoas elcthanitud analeas
ousnalelnia hdgens oths auskmanh mad ta
inancia satumuds tat ase net halild inHOunal

Any othan tetesa aet inehmalon Auch as

Caltulations e aconcillation,AAA LOkshuuA ad
Osthes intehmatio hat Auppesd the audidesá loic
eenot bohind tha iue pais phesuntation o inaucial
slataman inclusks sainutu atmuting -
datack istennal ctaol hitun conumation
aom thaa pauabluu ei ALcuivahu

nAmalion to beused _as audit udunt-

Lchun tu auslide-pecmsaudit_pAcsdunushu
shaldLouaidaa taais nnlawan &ho aaliabilidy
nlehmation to be e d asa u d i t uiduna

LOhun inahnation thai i ta be usmd as audt

Luidena has bun phpahid a a manaqumnl ph
tha oucditea nuds ta ealuate h LOmpetn Bha-
pobilitiac manaqumunt_2xpant haunao
undanstadinq o uthk o bu expnL andeualuas
tha apphopiateuM otheiouation
to be wAd a
audit euidanta
Ohan our u r h inkAmation pAoducad
ha n t Be auditen hould aluat tu aliabüity
uch inkotmaiiom He should ewaluoi
2h inohmatien i phatise ard ditailed joaudi

uinCH APpAophiatns eaudd uidara

picien oaudlit euidart

Tm quantits oaudit euiduta qathassd
tha auditon ta e usd as audd uidara les dauing-
Cencuios àcollad scientTha A oea -
t auditea asemanddthe àk o misstatem
Land also by th 9uality ouch auolit eudanca
racte ating audizdehs judgumans aa iothe
incu th thAalitehts o t audit euidune
Rik omatnial mistatemunt
6in hanacdaristka opopulation

Tidoinnd as -t signilicovnt oclasbta
thanAacdons , acCawnt balant declesuu to th

ALLA inantial totamustk usuuladutole

DL hLouhoktOALAdioaa umataniai to
u A nantioal tatunuih Onth othun dou
AbALionsmada anmehmataaial to t uwh
d imtiol stalemunu m tudur wuld be nuauouE

Riak o muteioal miatanand

D i a hiak thai bha inantial statumanta a
mistoted pnto t audit.iCoi
tw omponata
Tnhadit nisk

Thund uisk - hiak thas mistotemut ould b
at uial bueu Considahiq ha ay halates ontsok
iiConthol kiuk-th isk thad mitatomund coulol

mateial Cannot be phumded oltested and

COudid by th entidiesentity's intenal conthe
Les uiduna usould be hsquinnd in cose
aysLntiona thahaue oJoun nisk c materialmistaka
Similasly meAL euidunta wauld be asauiud àn cas
sUdion that baus a highs sisk oateial

8ig population
Ls euidoa would be unuhad in case&mallaa
meh homcgunos taaactions ikeuoueMA dana
LoOud be huauiau n cae a langes hetenounoA

APphophiodunass oaudik eidarta

T ameasuseo th quality el audit
uldunie i t lunna GAabiy i pho udng
Augpaht doconcluiodha btu auditos. e
Auliabilady -ouldandeinluuncad by Suste
nalun A dupundsud ontha Lndiuiouat
cihmdars wndia uchith it a obtauns

Souncu c auslit uidanta

I u analu AALitu
2RpenminapADuduas {ellawd in hakinantiol
Auait pAOzdurts LNTE
Audit Unds Compauei Acl

StatuteAs adit
Serautanian aMAdt
Cost oudltt

Btakutey aiuddanoi tompuluehy Re OPc

Audit commitea chamon cuilobe indupolant -
2ypu buainu _Odinosy

wan> hdinay AApphoal aso

DDeclasatioo c diuidlds
Appointmnt Lku-oppaintnet d dsisbeu
Appointaunt hi-appausdonuntqaudite Aatihuy

Tntal diuries15iec Tnalealndiut & puman
discde kztks id
Rumaiuu dhdteu 12ol ohih 2/3 ea (8) oL
elgibl fe utiaumunk o hotalion
Ebad Autiumnt oAGM a 3 2.6
2018 2026

-7 ABCD EFaH Cample o 10 oluar teu

ELgible er aatikamt ABCD
3 duinete b d onOg

Appoirlment 0h auolitas by tenua
troltol Company
10CA-paid up capital lpublic to
Privat Companu- 50LaALA LPard up Capital
Puklhe depouk s beiLOwin- 30laA bh abou

Jateanal audid

Pablic Co Paicl upcapidal 50Chs-

Outatardiy Loanlheásouauqs tzn i00 (h
Outstanduso dapoMd 25Ca
Paivata Co -200 Chs
Outstadin Loanlhohhouong - 00 C -

Rasoldtion Odunas esoution a a

SpLcial Aadulion
Audid tomit imatluy
Con\eumappointrmud in he boasd mactine
Boasd AuolutionLmeu than aJ
|Eixu tima dada Vanuu Aguwal maun
Notiu lES
Pous ALdnedien

Eauty Shasy PA ancg ShaaA Debe

Conuatabla Senad
Bdunay shasa
Desutial holdin ight atictpnting lonutable |
Suweat i y - Fumuloliue


tist Listsd

Ralognisd stock exchaq Aon iiLcqued pioCk exchangg_



Audid gen Conwittea

Agwa doline -30 Sep

21 claadayy draudid.

Audit Commitlea Sama as ivdsprdaict dliouteu

Min 3 disndleh wth majeyD-
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by th adites udih help him in identikrn tha Aope
o a ngagAmund a Aaponuna cbjectius.Iha audte
ust COuiclus aignilicant fauton allecting tha audit
2qmnt bele tnalising his sthathan

Audlit Pan-
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LAucal to olatuaine tha stoinq euojuisameds epad
BAD H involuonmuut ad tonstaaina helatima to AALOuLa

Falohmance matuiality
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Thwephoducudua phouicdo euuidato Codt:_

- Complutnus duiclosu, hghta andl valuntAons

inclusso t a companiu ianciaAtattme
Substanlie piDCLduus osepeeMa usng
physica_xomialicn enauiyquustionnaaa

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Bas louching9- ijtation

Maonn Vouchinq_e to tha Vicotiena thu-phas
hoCADcuckin the adua substatiading the alidd
ot tAauuaction aLsNdade tha aat iakilidia
In tha boeks oaccound afpLadina in thu balanc skaut

Basig Douumantay_udnto- Obsuation DoCmenlas


Exohna PL_Al a Ralante Shet

Time TMAOLgaout the ygas Al hi d d inantiol uun

Cbiadlue 0 examine the couitua, o ecOumine tha
Compltenss &valiity oq pueuon exitta
Aanaadiond valaton &diclosu

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