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Advanced Java programming
Advanced Java programming is basically related with Java Enterprise Edition or Java
EE or JEE, which is a widely used platform for server programming in the Java
programming language. The Java Enterprise Edition platform differs from the Java
Standard Edition Platform (Java SE) in that it adds libraries which provide functionality
to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier Java software, based largely on modular
components running on an application server.
The platform was previously known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition or J2EE until
the name was changed to Java EE in version 5. The previous version is called J2EE
1.4. Java EE is defined by its specification. The current version is called Java EE 8. As
with other Java Community Process specifications, Java EE is also considered
informally to be a standard since providers must agree to certain conformance
requirements in order to declare their products as Java EE compliant; albeit with no ISO
or ECMA standard.
JEE includes several API specifications, such as JDBC, RMI, E-Mail, JMS, Web
Services, XML, etc. and defines how to coordinate them. JEE also features some
specifications unique to JEE for components. These include Enterprise
JavaBeans (EJB), Servlets, Portlets (following the Java Portlet
specification), JavaServer Pages (JSP) and several Web Service technologies. This
allows developers to create enterprise applications that are portable and scalable, and
that integrate with legacy technologies. A JEE application server can handle
transactions, security, scalability, concurrency and management of the components that
are deployed to it, in order to enable developers to concentrate more on the business
logic of the components rather than on infrastructure and integration tasks.
General APIs
The Java EE APIs includes several technologies that extend the functionality of the
base Java SE APIs.
The Enterprise JavaBean’s 1st and 2nd API defines a set of APIs that a distributed
object container will support in order to provide persistence, remote procedure calls
(using RMI or RMI-IIOP), concurrency control, and access control for distributed
objects. This package contains the Enterprise JavaBeans classes and interfaces that
define the contracts between the enterprise bean and its clients and between the
enterprise bean and the EJB container.
These packages define the Java Transaction API (JTA).
This package contains readers and writers for XML streams.
This package defines the Java Message Service (JMS) API. The JMS API provides a
common way for Java programs to create, send, receive and read an enterprise
messaging system’s messages.
This package defines the JavaServer Faces (JSF) API. JSF is a technology for
constructing user interfaces out of components.
This package contains the classes and interfaces that define the contracts between a
persistence provider and the managed classes and the clients of the Java Persistence
Java Enterprise Edition Architecture
JEE uses a 4-level model for web development as depicted in figure below. The
browser runs on the client displaying HTML and optionally runs JavaScript. The middle
tier is comprised of two layers: a Presentation Layer and a Business Logic Layer. The
EIS tier manages persistent data in a database and, where appropriate, legacy data
Advantages of Servlets
The traditional way to add functionality to a web server is the Common Gateway
Interface (CGI), a language-independent interface that allows a server to start an
external process which acquires information about a request through environment
variables, the command line and its standard input stream and writes response data to
its standard output stream. Each request is answered in a separate process by a
separate instance of the CGI program, or CGI script (written in Perl or C++).
Java Servlets have several advantages over CGI programs:
A Servlet does not run in a separate process (instead it creates thread). This
eliminates the overhead of creating a new process for each HTTP request.
A Servlet stays in memory between client requests. A CGI program should be
loaded and started for each CGI request.
There is only a single instance which responds to all requests concurrently. This
saves memory and allows a Servlet to easily manage persistent data.
A Servlet can be run by a Servlet engine (i.e. Servlet container) in a restrictive
sandbox (similar to an Applet that runs in a web browser’s sandbox) which allows
secure use of untrusted and potentially harmful Servlets.
Servlet (and JSP also) have the following advantages over other technologies :–
Performance. The performance of Servlets is superior to CGI because there is
no process creation for each client request. Instead, each request is handled by
the Servlet container process. After a Servlet is finished processing a request, it
stays resident in memory, waiting for another request.
Portability. Similar to other Java technologies, Servlet applications are portable.
We can move them to other operating systems without serious hassles.
Rapid development cycle. As a Java technology, Servlets have access to the
rich Java library, which helps speed up the development process.
Robustness. Servlets are managed by the Java Virtual Machine. As such, we
don’t need to worry about memory leak or garbage collection, which helps us
write robust applications.
Widespread acceptance. Java is a widely accepted technology. This means
that numerous vendors work on Java-based technologies. One of the
advantages of this widespread acceptance is that we can easily find and
purchase components that suit our needs, which saves precious development
Secure. Servlets are server side components, so it inherits the security provided
by the web server. Servlets are also benefited with Java Security Manager.
Extensibility. The Servlet API is designed in such a way that it can be easily
extensible. As it stands today, the Servlet API supports HTTP Servlets, but in
later date it can be extended for another type of Servlets.
Servlet Life Cycle
The life cycle of a Java Servlet is determined by three of its methods: init(), service(),
and destroy(). The life cycle starts when Servlet container instantiates the object of
Servlet class and calls the init() method, and process the request
using service() method and ends with the web container calling the destroy() method.
The different phases of the Servlet life cycle are described below with figure:
Figure 1: Servlet Life Cycle
(3) Unloading:
The Servlet container unloads a Servlet class by invoking the Servlet’s destroy()
method. Typically, this method is invoked when the Servlet container is stopping a web
application which contains the Servlet. The method runs only once during the lifetime of
the Servlet and signals the end of the Servlet. After a Servlet’s destroy() method is
invoked, the Servlet container unloads the Servlet, and the JVM eventually performs
garbage collection on the memory resources associated with the Servlet.
The signature of destroy() method is shown below:
public void destroy()
There are also two auxiliary methods whose short descriptions are given below:-
public String getServletInfo(): Returns a ServletConfig object, which contains
any initialization parameters and startup configuration for this Servlet.
public ServletConfig getServletConfig(): Returns a string containing
information about the Servlet, such as its author, version, and copyright.
Steps :—
1. The client (web browser) makes a request via HTTP protocol.
2. The web Server receives the request and forwards it to the servlet.
3. The servlet will receive the request and perform some processing (database
4. The servlet will return a response back to the web Server.
5. The web server will forward the response to the client in terms of HTML output.
Servlet Container
A number of servlet containers are available today. But the most popular one—and the
one recognized as the official Servlet/JSP container—is Tomcat. Originally designed by
Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle Corporation), Tomcat source code was handed
over to the Apache Software Foundation in October 1999. In this new home, Tomcat
was included as part of the Jakarta Project, one of the projects of the Apache Software
Foundation. Working through the Apache process, Apache, Sun, and other companies—
with the help of volunteer programmers worldwide—turned Tomcat into a world-class
Servlet reference implementation. The current version of Tomcat is 8.5.37. Tomcat
Version 8.5.37 implements the Servlet 3.1 and JSP 2.3 specifications.
Tomcat by itself is a web server which is written purely in Java. This means that we can
use Tomcat to service HTTP requests for Servlets, as well as static files (HTML, image
files, and so on). In practice, however, since it is faster for Servlet, JSP requests, Tomcat
normally is used as a module with another more robust web server, such as Apache web
server or Microsoft Internet Information Server. Only requests for Servlets or JSP pages
are passed to Tomcat. Throughout this topic, Tomcat Version 8.5.37 is used as the
Servlet/JSP container. This version implements the Servlet 3.1 and JSP 2.3 specifications.
To write a Servlet on Tomcat 8.5.37, we need the Java Development Kit (JDK) version
1.7 or higher. Here, we have used JDK 1.8 version.
Typing the URL in the address bar of our web browser will give us the following output
as shown below in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Successful running of Tomcat server
The above screen shows that everything goes fine !!
Steps to run a Servlet
After we have installed and configured Tomcat, we can put it into service. Basically, we
need to follow six steps to go from writing our Servlet to running it. These steps are
summarized as follows:
1. Create a directory structure under Tomcat for the application.
2. Write the servlet source code. We need to import the javax.servlet package
and the javax.servlet.http package in our source file.
3. Compile the source code.
4. Create a deployment descriptor.
5. Run Tomcat.
6. Call the Servlet from a web browser.
The following sections will discuss each of these steps.
//user-defined servlet
public class TestingServlet extends HttpServlet {
//HTTP GET method for dealing with HTTP Request and HTTP Response
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
processRequest(request, response);
//HTTP POST method for dealing with HTTP Request and HTTP Response
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
processRequest(request, response);
Now, let’s save our file to the “src” directory under TestWeb. But it
is advisable to place the Servlet class files (after compilation) into the
“WEB-INF/classes” sub-directory under TestWeb. Other files, such as HTML
files and JSP files, should be placed directly under the TestWeb directory.
Step 3: Compile the Source Code
For our Servlet source code to compile, we need to include the path to the servlet-
api.jar file in our classpath environment variable. The servlet-api.jar is located in
the lib sub-directory under %CATALINA_HOME%. For example, if we placed Tomcat
under the C:\ drive on MS Windows and we named the install directory as apache-
tomcat-8.5.37, we have to type the following commands in the command prompt
(cmd) from the directory where resides.
C:\set classpath=C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37\lib\servlet-api.jar;
C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37\webapps\TestWeb\src>javac -d ..\WEB-INF\classes
Servlet API
The Java Servlet API is a class library for Servlets. Servlets are Java programs that run
on the server and send response to the client. Two packages are available for Servlet
programmers: 1) javax.servlet and 2) javax.servlet.http.
The first one contains basic classes and interfaces that we can use to write Servlets
from the scratch. The second package, javax.servlet.http, offers more advanced classes
and interfaces that extend classes and interfaces from the first package. It is much more
convenient to program using the second package.
1) Package javax.servlet
Interface Summary
Class Summary
Exception Summary
2) Package javax.servlet.http
Interface Summary
Class Summary
Method Description
The main job of the ServletConfig object is to give the init parameters. To retrieve the
init parameters in the program firstly we have made one class named InitServlet. The
Servlet code ( is placed under the TestInitParam\src directory.
The container calls the Servlet’s service() method then depending on the type of
request, the service method calls either the doGet() or the doPost(). By default it will be
doGet() method. Now inside the processRequest() method we use getWriter() method
of the response object which will return an object of the PrintWriter class which helps us
to print the content on the browser.
To retrieve all the values of the init parameter we use the
method getInitParameterNames() which will return the java.util.Enumeration of the init
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
pw.print("Init Parameters are : ");
Enumeration enumeration = getServletConfig().getInitParameterNames();
pw.print(enumeration.nextElement() + " ");
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
pw.print("The admin email address is = ");
ServletConfig ServletContext
(1) ServletConfig is one for each (1) ServletContext is one for each web
Servlet or JSP. application.
(2) The Servlet init parameters (i.e. (2) The Servlet context parameters (i.e.
<init-param> elements) are placed <context-param> elements) are placed
within the <servlet> element for each within the <web-app> element but not
Servlet or JSP. within a specific <servlet> element.
(3) The code for accessing Servlet init (3) The code for accessing Servlet context
parameter is: parameter is:
getServletConfig().getInitParameter(“E getServletContext().getInitParameter(“Em
mail”) ail”)
This is a very simple example in which we are going to display the name on the browser
which we have entered from the HTML page. To get the desired result firstly we have to
make one “HTML Form” which will have only one field named as name in which we will
enter the name. We will also have one submit button, on pressing the submit button the
request will go to the Tomcat server and the result will be displayed to us.
In the servlet which will work as a controller here picks the value from the html page by
using the method getParameter(). The output will be displayed to us by the object of
the PrintWriter class. The Servlet code named is placed under the
TestContextParam\src directory.
The code of the program is given below:
<title>New Page</title>
<p>Please enter your username and password</p>
<form method="post" action="/HtmlForm/">
<p> Username <input type="text" name="username" size="20"></p>
<p> Password <input type="password" name="password" size="20"></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"></p>
<p> </p>
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
pw.println("Checking whether the session is new or old");
if(session.isNew()) {
pw.println("You have created a new session");
else {
pw.println("Session already exists");
On requesting the Servlet next time will produce the following output:
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
pw.println("Testing The Session : ");
if(session==null) {
pw.println("There is no session");
pw.println("Can we create a session for you. Creating.........");
session = request.getSession();
else {
pw.println("Session already exists");
if (session.isNew()) {
head = "New Session Value";
else {
head = "Old Session value";
Integer oldcount =(Integer)session.getValue("count");
if (oldcount != null) {
count = new Integer(oldcount.intValue() + 1);
session.putValue("count", count);
out.println("<HTML><BODY BGCOLOR=\"white\">\n" +
"<H2 ALIGN=\"CENTER\">" + head + "</H2>\n" +
"<H3 ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Description about Session:</H3>\n" +
"<TABLE BORDER=1 ALIGN=CENTER>\n" + "<TR BGCOLOR=\"gray\">\n" +
" <TH>Information Type<TH>Session Value\n" +"<TR>\n" +" <TD>ID\n" +
"<TD>" + session.getId() + "\n" +
"<TR>\n" + " <TD>Session Creation Time\n" +
" <TD>" + new Date(session.getCreationTime()) + "\n" +
"<TR>\n" +" <TD>Last Session Access Time\n" +" <TD>" +
new Date(session.getLastAccessedTime()) + "\n" +
"<TR>\n" +" <TD>Number of Previous Session Accesses\n" +
"<TD>" + count + "\n" +
"</TABLE>\n" +"</BODY></HTML>");
//Create cookie
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("techguru", data);
In order to retrieve the cookie value, we have to type the following link in the
address bar:
Now see the following output.
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
pw.println("response.encodeURL("/UrlRewrite/") + "\">Click On Me");
In the above DD, TestingServlet is the First Servlet written in the Advanced Java
The output of the program is given below:
On clicking the link “Click On Me” will produce the following output:
See the following URL in the address bar of the web browser:
Certainly, the part of the above URL ( starting with
“jsessionid” shows the effect of encoding the URL.
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<head><title>HiddenFieldServlet" + "</title></head>");
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<head><title>HiddenFieldServlet" + "</title></head>");
Notice the hidden form fields in the HTML form. Now click the Submit button. The form
invokes the doPost() method of the HiddenFieldServlet. This method parses the hidden
fields out of the request and displays them in a “movie box” listing. Figure below shows
the results of the doPost() method of HiddenFieldServlet Servlet.
We can see that hidden form fields have their advantages. They are easy to implement
and are supported by most browsers. This technique also has its disadvantages. The
hidden fields must be created in a particular sequence. We are not able to click the
Back button on our browser without losing the additional fields added to the current
page. We are also restricted to dynamically generated documents.
Methods getRequestDispatcher() and sendRedirect()
The two important methods in Servlet Programming
are: getRequestDispatcher() and sendRedirect(). Their descriptions are given below.
1. getRequestDispatcher()
A RequestDispatcher object can forward a client’s request to a resource or include the
resource itself in the response back to the client. A resource can be another Servlet, or
an HTML file, or a JSP file, etc. We can also think of a RequestDispatcher object as a
wrapper for the resource located at a given path that is supplied as an argument to the
getRequestDispatcher method.
For constructing a RequestDispatcher object in Servlet Programming, we can use either
the ServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher() method or the
method ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher(). They both do the same thing, but
impose slightly different constraints on the argument path. For the former, it looks for
the resource in the same web application to which the invoking Servlet belongs and the
path-name specified can be relative to invoking servlet. For the latter, the path-name
must begin with ‘/’ and is interpreted relative to the root of the web application.
To illustrate, suppose we want Servlet A to invoke a.jsp. If they are both in the same
directory, we could accomplish this by incorporating the following code fragment in
either the service() method or the doGet()/doPost() method of Servlet A:
RequestDispatcher v = request.getRequestDispatcher("a.jsp");
v.forward(request, response);
Where request of the type HttpServletRequest, is the first parameter of the enclosing
service() method (or the doGet() method) and response, of type HttpServletResponse,
the second.
We could accomplish the same by:
RequestDispatcher v = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(“/a.jsp");
view.forward(request, response);
For implementation, we could modify the web application CookieExample and rename it
to Advanced. Here the codes of k.html and are remaining
unchanged. But the code of is modified for our purposes. In
addition, a new JSP file check.jsp is included to the web application.
The example code are placed within Advanced directory.
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
// Create cookie.
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("techguru", data);
<a href="">Click Here</a>
2. sendRedirect()
In response.sendRedirect() whenever the client makes any request it goes to the
container, there the container decides whether the concerned Servlet can handle the
request or not. If not then the Servlet decides that the request can be handled by other
Servlet or JSP. Then the Servlet calls the sendRedirect() method of the response object
and sends back the response to the browser along with the status code. Then the
browser sees the status code and looks for that Servlet which can now handle the
request. Again the browser makes a new request, but with the name of that Servlet
which can now handle the request and the result will be displayed to us by the browser.
The URL will have the address of the new servlet. In all this process the client is
unaware of the processing.
Therefore when we want that someone else should handle the response of our Servlet,
then there we should use sendRedirect() method. Servlet Redirect forces the browser to
do the work. The example code are placed within ServletProject directory.
The complete code is given below:
<form action = "/ServletProject/SendRedirect" method = "post">
<td>Enter your name :</td>
<td><input type = "text" name = "username"></td>
<td>Enter your password :</td>
<td><input type = "password" name = "password"></td>
<td><input type = "submit" name = "Submit"></td>
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
String name = request.getParameter("username");
String password = request.getParameter("password");
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
PrintWriter pw = response.getWriter();
pw.println("Welcome to My Site!!");
pw.println("\nHow are you?");
Role of Servlet
If we look at the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, the targets of all the
requests are Servlets that act as the Controller for the application. They analyze the
request and collect the data required to generate a response into JavaBeans objects,
which act as the Model for the application. Finally, the Controller Servlet dispatches the
request to JSP pages. These pages use the data stored in the JavaBeans to generate a
response. Thus, the JSP pages form the View of the application.
Therefore the “Controller Servlet” is used to manage the flow of the web application
between the JSPs, with JSP being used primarily to display the results. The controller
servlet uses JavaBeans to do things like getting a database connection (often from a
pool of connections) and performing typical operations on the database (insert, update,
etc.) using information stored in the request object passed on by the Controller Servlet.
The result set is returned to a JSP for display. The Controller Servlet might also
perform authentication of the user and prevent a command from being done twice
(when a page is reloaded, for example).
In summary, a JSP initially passes a request object to the Controller Servlet,
which figures out which JavaBeans to use and which JSP to pass the results onto next,
based on parameters stored in the request object. See the figure below for MVC
Servlet Environment
Servlet Container runs our Java web application using the JVM in a safe “sandboxed”
environment. Servlet Container invokes our application’s Servlet classes to handle
requests and prepare responses in this environment. To allow Servlet Container to
distribute requests for applications across multiple web servers, and to prevent one
application from interfering with another, the application runs in a restricted “sandbox”
environment. In this environment, the application can execute code, store and query
data in the Servlet Container data store, use the Servlet Container mail, URL fetch and
users services, and examine the user’s web request and prepare the response.
JSP Tags
JSP scripting language include several tags or scripting elements that performs various
tasks such as declaring variables and methods, writing expressions, and calling other
JSP pages. These are known as JSP scripting elements. The different types of scripting
elements are summarized in the Table 1:
Table 1. JSP Tags
1. Directive Tag:
Directive tags provide general information about the JSP page to the JSP engine. A
directive tag always starts with <%@ and ends with %>.
There are 3 types of directives: page, include, and taglib.
The general syntax for the 3 directives is:
<%@ page attribute-list %>
<%@ include attribute-list %>
<%@ taglib attribute-list %>
In the above shown syntax, the attribute-list represents one or more attribute value-pairs
that are specific to the directive. Some important points that are needed to be
remembered about the syntax of the directive are as follows:
The tag names, their attributes, and their values are all case sensitive.
The value must be enclosed within a pair of single or double quotes.
A pair of single quotes is equivalent to a pair of double quotes.
There must be no space between the equals sign (=) and the value.
A page directive informs the JSP engine about the overall properties of a JSP page.
For example, the following page directives inform the JSP engine that Java will be used
as scripting language in our JSP page:
<%@ page language=”java” %>
An include directive tells the JSP engine to include the contents of another file (HTML,
JSP, etc) into the current file. For example:
<%@ include file=”test.html” %>
<%@ include file=”test.jsp” %>
A taglib directive is used to associate a prefix with a tag library. For example:
<%@ taglib prefix=”test” uri=”taglib.tld” %>
2. Declaration Tag:
Declarations declare and define variables and methods that can be used in the JSP
page (a JSP declaration can contain any valid Java declaration including inner classes
and static code blocks. However, such declarations are rarely used). A declaration
always starts with <%! and ends with %>.
For e.g.: <%! int i = 0; %>
This declares an integer variable i and initializes to 0. The variable is initialized only
once when the page is first loaded by the JSP engine, and retains its value in
subsequent client requests i.e. the value of i is not reset to 0 each time we access the
page. It can contain any number of valid Java declaration statements. For example, the
following tag declares a variable and a method in a single tag:
String name[] = {“biswa”, “amit”, “sreejan”};
String getName(int i) {
return name[i];
The above declaration can also be written using two separate JSP declaration tags.
3. Scriptlet Tag:
Scriptlets are used to embed any Java code fragments in the JSP page.
For example: <% i++; %>
Here the scriptlet tag is executed and the value of i is incremented each time the page
is requested. We can use scriptlets for printing HTML statements also. For e.g.:
<%@ page language="java" %>
<%! int i = 0; %>
out.print("The value of i is now: " + i);
4. Expression Tag:
Expression tags are used as a shortcut to print values in the output HTML in a JSP
page. Syntax of Expression tag is:
<%= variable %>
The variable denotes the variable value that is needed to be printed in the output HTML
page. For e.g.: <%= i %>
The expression is evaluated each time the page is accessed, and its value is then
embedded in the output HTML. Unlike variable declarations, expressions must not be
terminated with a semicolon. Thus, the following is not valid: <%= i; %>
The below tables denotes some valid and invalid JSP expressions:
Expression Explanation
Expression Explanation
5. Action Tag:
Action tags are used to provide request–time instructions to the JSP container or JSP
engine. There are 7 types of action tags. The following table describes various JSP
action tags:
Table 2. JSP Action Tags
Used to forward a
Specifies the URL of the
request to a target
<jsp:forward> page page target page
Defines a
parameter to be Defines the name of the
passed to an reference parameter.
included or name Defines the value of the
<jsp:param> forwarded page value specified parameter
6. Comment Tag:
Comments are used for documentation purposes but do not affect the output of the JSP
page in any way. The syntax of a JSP comment is:
<%-- Anything you want to be commented --%>
Steps to develop and run a JSP Code
In this section, we will learn step-by-step how to develop a JSP code and run it using
the Tomcat Server.
Let us consider the following JSP code:
<%@ page language="java" %>
<%! int count = 0; %>
<% count++; %>
Welcome! You are visitor number
<%= count %>
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
int count = 0;
private static final javax.servlet.jsp.JspFactory _jspxFactory =
static {
_jspx_imports_packages = new java.util.HashSet<>();
_jspx_imports_classes = null;
try {
pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response,
null, true, 8192, true);
_jspx_page_context = pageContext;
application = pageContext.getServletContext();
config = pageContext.getServletConfig();
session = pageContext.getSession();
out = pageContext.getOut();
_jspx_out = out;
out.write("\t \r\n");
out.write(" \r\n");
out.write("Welcome! You are visitor number \r\n");
out.print( count );
} catch (java.lang.Throwable t) {
if (!(t instanceof javax.servlet.jsp.SkipPageException)){
out = _jspx_out;
if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0)
try {
if (response.isCommitted()) {
} else {
} catch ( e) {}
if (_jspx_page_context != null) _jspx_page_context.handlePageException(t);
else throw new ServletException(t);
} finally {
When we study the generated code, the first thing we will see is the following:
public class Counter_jsp extends HttpJspBase
The signature of this class is as follows:
public abstract class HttpJspBase extends HttpServlet implements HttpJspPage
Now we can see that HttpJspBase is an HttpServlet and it does implement
the javax.servlet.jsp.HttpJspPage interface. The HttpJspBase is more like a wrapper
class so that its derived class does not have to provide implementation for the
interface’s methods if the JSP page author does not override them.
Back to the generated JSP servlet class, the JSP page source code is simply the
following lines of code:
<% count++; %>
<%= count %>
There are no jspInit() and jspDestroy() methods in the source code, so there are no
implementations for these two methods in the resulting Servlet code. The three lines of
code, however, translate into the _jspService() method.
Remember that the JSP specification defines only standards for writing JSP pages. A
JSP page itself will be translated into a java file, which in turn will be compiled into a
servlet class. The two processes are implementation dependent and do not affect the
way a JSP page author codes. Therefore, a JSP container has the freedom and
flexibility to do the page translation in its own way. The JSP servlet-generated code
presented in this chapter is taken from Tomcat. We can therefore expect a different
Java file to be generated by other JSP containers.
Python is a powerful multi-purpose programming language created by Guido Van
Rossum and later developed by Python Software Foundation..
The JSP technology is based on the JSP API that consists of two
packages: javax.servlet.jsp and javax.servlet.jsp.tagext. In addition to these two
packages, JSP also needs the two Servlet packages—
javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http. The javax.servlet.jsp package is the most
important package of the JSP API, because when we study the package, we will know
why we say that JSP is an extension of Servlet technology and understand why it is
important that a JSP application programmer understands the Servlet technology well.
The “javax.servlet.jsp” package has two interfaces and four classes. The interfaces are
as follows:
The four classes are as follows:
In addition, there are also two exception classes: JspException and JspError.
JspPage Interface
The JspPage is the interface that must be implemented by all JSP Servlet classes. This
is similar to the javax.servlet.Servlet interface and, not surprisingly, the JspPage
interface does extend the javax.servlet.Servlet interface. The JspPage interface has two
methods, JspInit and JspDestroy, whose signatures are as follows:
public void jspInit()
HttpJspPage Interface
This interface directly extends the JspPage interface. There is only one
method: _jspService(). This method is called by the JSP container to generate the
content of the JSP page. The _ jspService() has the following signature:
public void _jspService (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException
We can’t include this method in a JSP page, such as in the following code:
public void jspInit() {
This is because the page content itself represents this method. See the previous
JspFactory Class
JspFactory class is an abstract class that provides methods for obtaining other objects
needed for the JSP page processing. The class has the static
method getDefaultFactory() that returns a JspFactory object. From
the JspFactory object, a PageContext and a JspEngineInfo object can be obtained
that are useful for the JSP page processing. These objects are obtained using the
JspFactory class’s getEngineInfo() method and the getPageContext() method, whose
signatures are given here:
public abstract JspEngineInfo getEngineInfo()
The following code is part of the _ jspService method that is generated by the JSP
jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory();
JspEngineInfo Class
JspEngineInfo class is an abstract class that provides information on the JSP
container. Only one method, getSpecificationVersion(), returns the JSP container’s
version number. Because this is the only method currently available, this class does not
have much use. We can obtain a JspEngineInfo() object using
the getEngineInfo() method of the JspFactory class.
PageContext Class
PageContext represents a class that provides methods that are implementation-
dependent. The PageContext class itself is abstract, so in the _ jspService() method of
a JSP Servlet class, a PageContext object is obtained by calling
the getPageContext() method of the JspFactory class. The PageContext class provides
methods that are used to create other objects. For example, its getOut() method returns
a JspWriter object that is used to send strings to the web browser. Other methods that
return Servlet-related objects include the following:
getRequest(), returns a ServletRequest object
getResponse(), returns a ServletResponse object
getServletConfig(), returns a ServletConfig object
getServletContext(), returns a ServletContext object
getSession(), returns an HttpSession object
JspWriter Class
JspWriter class is derived from the class and represents a Writer that we
can use to write to the client browser. Of its many methods, the most important are the
print and println methods. Both provide enough overloads that ensure us can write any
type of data. The difference between print and println is that println always adds the new
line character to the printed data. Additional methods allow us to manipulate the buffer.
For instance, the clear method clears the buffer. It throws an exception if some of the
buffer’s content has already been flushed. Similar to clear is the clearBuffer() method,
which clears the buffer but never throws any exception if any of the buffer’s contents
have been flushed.
JSP Implicit Objects
In the previous sections, we have examined the generated JSP Servlet source code, we
know that the code contains several object declarations in its _jspService() method.
Recall this part from the code in the preceding section: we see that there are object
references, such as pageContext, session, application, config, out, and so on. These
object references are created whether they are used from inside the page. They are
automatically available for the JSP page author to use. These objects are called implicit
objects and are summarized in the Table 1.
1) out
The implicit object out is probably the most frequently used implicit object. We call
either its print method or its println method to send text or other data to the client
browser. In a servlet, we always need to call the getWriter() method of
the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse interface to obtain a PrintWriter before we
can output anything to the browser, as follows:
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
In JSP, we don’t need to do this because we already have an out that represents
a javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter object.
Coding Example 1
The following codes demonstrates the use of out, request and response objects:
<title>Sample Form</title>
<form action="greetings.jsp">
<b>Enter your name: </b>
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit" value="Submit"><br/>
<title>Greetings Page</title>
//use of 'request' object
String name = request.getParameter("name");
//use of 'out' object
out.println("Welcome " + name + ". Have a nice day!" + "<br>");
<form action="redirect.jsp">
Click this for redirection to another page
<input type="submit" value="Go">
//use of 'response' object
When the “Submit” button is clicked, the control will be transferred to greetings.jsp file
with the HTML form data. See it below.
Now, if the “Go” button is clicked, the control will be redirected to the mentioned URL
( as described in redirect.jsp file.
4) session
In JSP we have been provided an implicit object session so we don’t need to create an
object of session explicitly as we do in Servlets. In JSP the session is by default true.
The session is defined inside the directive <%@ page session=”true/false” %>. If we
don’t declare it inside the JSP page then session will be available to the page, as it is
default by true. This session object is of type javax.servlet.http.HttpSession class.
We can tell the container to disable session in the JSP file by setting the session
attribute to false. Set the session attribute of the page directive to false, as shown in the
following example:
<%@ page session="false" %>
The session implicit object represents the HttpSession object that we can retrieve in a
Servlet by calling the getSession() method of the well-known
interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, as in the following code:
Coding Example 2
The following codes demonstrates the use of session object:
<title>Sample Form</title>
<form action="session.jsp">
<b>Enter your name: </b>
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit" value="Submit"><br/>
String name = request.getParameter("name");
out.println("Hello " + name + "!" + "<br>");
//use of 'session' object
out.println("Session Id: " + session.getId() + "<br>");
session.setAttribute("user", name);
<a href="other.jsp">Other JSP Page</a>
String name = (String)session.getAttribute("user");
out.println("Session Id: " + session.getId() + "<br>");
out.println("Bye " + name + "!" + "<br>");
When the “Submit” button is clicked, the control will be transferred to session.jsp file
with the HTML form data.
If the hyperlink named “Other JSP Page” is clicked, the control will be transferred to
the other.jsp file.
Note: In the last two cases shown above, we can see that the session id is same.
5) config
The config implicit object represents a javax.servlet.ServletConfig object that in a
Servlet can be retrieved by using the getServletConfig() method.
6) application
The application implicit object represents the javax.servlet.ServletContext object. In
an HttpServlet, we can retrieve the ServletContext method by using
the getServletContext() method.
Coding Example 3
The following codes demonstrates the use of config and application objects
using a deployment descriptor (web.xml):
<title>Sample Form</title>
<form action="testing">
<b>Enter your name: </b>
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit" value="Submit"><br/>
<title>Config & Application</title>
String name = request.getParameter("name");
out.println("Welcome " + name + "!" + "<br>");
If the “Submit” button is clicked, the control will be transferred to testing.jsp file with the
HTML form data. See below.
7) page
The page implicit object represents the javax.servlet.jsp.HttpJspPage interface.
8) pageContext
The pageContext implicit object represents the javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext object.
Coding Example 4
The following code demonstrates the use of page and pageContext objects:
//testing of 'page' object
String page_name = page.toString();
out.println("Page Name is: " + page_name + "<br>");
9) exception
The exception object is available only on pages that have been defined as error
This concept will be discussed in the topic named JSP Exception Handling.
Example 1
The following JSP program calculates factorial values for an integer number,
while the input is taken from an HTML form.
<form action="Factorial.jsp">
Enter a value for n: <input type="text" name="val">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
long n, result;
String str;
long fact(long n) {
return 1;
return n*fact(n-1);
str = request.getParameter("val");
n = Long.parseLong(str);
result = fact(n);
<b>Factorial value: </b> <%= result %>
After clicking the “Submit” button we get the following response:
Example 2
The following JSP program shows the Fibonacci series up to a particular term,
while the input is taken from an HTML form.
<form action="Fibonacci.jsp">
Enter a value for n: <input type="text" name="val">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
int n;
String str;
int fibo(int n) {
return n;
return fibo(n-1) + fibo(n-2);
<b>Fibonacci series: </b><br>
str = request.getParameter("val");
n = Integer.parseInt(str);
After clicking the “Submit” button we get the following response:
Example 3
The following JSP program shows the System date and time.
<%-- JSP comments --%>
<%@page import="java.util.Date"%>
Date date;
date = new Date();
<b>System date and time: </b> <%= date %>
Example 4
The following JSP program calculates Powers of 2 for integers in the range 0-10.
<title>Powers of 2</title>
<table border="2" align="center">
<% for (int i=0; i<=10; i++) { //start for loop %>
<td><%= i%></td>
<td><%= Math.pow(2, i) %></td>
<% } //end for loop %>
Example 5
The following JSP program shows a Sample Order Form.
<TITLE>A Catalog Order Form</TITLE>
<H1 ALIGN="center">A Sample Order Form</H1>
String item[] = {"DVD", "CD", "Diskette"};
double price[] = {19.99, 12.99, 1.99};
int quantity[] = {2, 9, 24};
<TABLE ALIGN="center" BGCOLOR="lightgray" BORDER="1" WIDTH="75%">
<TD>Total Price</TD>
<% for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { %>
<TR><TD><%= item[i] %></TD>
<TD><%= price[i] %></TD>
<TD><%= quantity[i] %></TD>
<TD><%= price[i] * quantity[i] %></TD>
<% } //end for loop %>
Example 6
The following JSP program shows a Sine Table using java.lang.Math class.
<title>Powers of 2</title>
int degrees[] = {0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90};
double number;
String result;
<table border="2" align="center">
<th>Degree</th><th>Sine Value</th>
for (int i=0; i<degrees.length; i++) { //start for loop
number = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees[i]));
result = String.format("%.2f", number);
<td><%= degrees[i] %></td>
<td><%= result %></td>
<% } //end for loop %>
Example 7
The following JSP program shows the use of JSP forward action tag.
<title>JSP Page</title>
<% if (Math.random() > 0.5) { %>
<jsp:forward page="PowersOf2.jsp" />
<% } else { %>
<jsp:forward page="SineTable.jsp" />
<% } %>
Depending on the value returned by the Math.random(), the web browser either displays
the contents of “PowersOf2.jsp” or displays the contents of “SineTable.jsp“.
Example 8
The following JSP program shows the use of JSP include action tag.
<title>JSP Page</title>
<font color="red">Include the First File:</font>
<jsp:include page="Date.jsp"/>
<font color="blue">Include the Second File:</font>
<jsp:include page="OrderForm.jsp"/>
Benefits of JavaBeans
By using JavaBeans we can fully separate the business logic from the generation of the
display. This is an important philosophy that leads to better structured and more
maintainable systems. We would use the JavaServer Page to dynamically generate
display and also to handle the user interaction. The JavaBean would take over when we
need to perform some complex data processing or when we need to access databases
or the file system.
The other advantage of using JavaBeans is that the business logic can be used by
more than one application. For example, both a client based Java application and a JSP
page can access the same JavaBean thus guaranteeing the same functionality.
A final point to note is that by using JavaBeans we can split our development team into
Java experts and HTML experts. The Java experts would write and develop the
JavaBeans and the HTML experts would concentrate of the design of the web
Example JavaBean
More specifically a JavaBean is just a Java class that adheres to the following rules,
It is a public class.
It has a public constructor with no arguments.
It has public getter and setter methods to read and write to properties.
Properties are always accessed using a common naming convention. For each property
two methods must exist: a getXxx() and a setXxx() method where xxx is the name of the
property and of a private instance variable. They are called getter and setter methods
This is an important point as we can easily get tripped up with the syntax. For example,
if we want a property called fileName then we would need to define an instance
variable called fileName and two methods: getFileName() and setFileName(). Notice the
change of case of the f in ‘fileName’. The example codes are placed
within BeanTest directory (under webapps).
package com.example;
This JavaBean is a bit trivial. It has three properties firstName, lastName and fullName.
The last property is read only as it doesn’t have a set method.
Now, compile the JavaBean using the following way (as shown in cmd):
JavaBeans and JSP
JavaServer Pages technology directly supports using JavaBeans components with JSP
language elements. We can easily create and initialize beans and get and set the
values of their properties. This section provides basic information about JavaBeans
components and the JSP language elements for accessing beans in our JSP pages.
JSP Actions for JavaBeans:
To use a JavaBean in our JSP page we make use of three JSP actions that we saw
earlier. They are,
<jsp: useBean/> – find or instantiate a JavaBean
<jsp: setProperty/> – sets the property of a JavaBean
<jsp: getProperty/> – gets the value of a JavaBean property
The first of these is used to specify which JavaBean we want to use in our page. The
next two actions, as their names suggest, are used to set and get values of properties of
the JavaBean.
Here, beanID is the variable we use in our code to reference the Bean, beanScope is
the scope the Bean has. It can take one of the following values:
Value Description
page It lasts until the page completes and there is no storage of state.
The JavaBean instance lasts for the client request and so will remain if the requ
request forwarded.
The JavaBean is instantiated with the application and remains in use until the
application application ends.
The package and beanName refer to the package and name of the JavaBean we wish
to use. Note, some applications servers require that we also use the page import
directive to reference the package or class that contains the JavaBean
The setProperty and getProperty Actions
These are used to set and read property values.
<jsp:setProperty name="bean" property="propertyName" value="val" />
To use a variable as either a property or a more often as a value then, between the
quotes, enter a JSP expression that returns the value of the variable. For example,
<jsp:setProperty name="empBean" property="firstName" value="<%= strFirst %>" />
where strFirst is a variable used in the page.
Example JSP
The following JSP code (EmpBeanTest.jsp) illustrates how to access a JavaBean from
a JSP page. The JavaBean being used here is the one we saw earlier in the item
“Example JavaBean”.
<title>Simple Java Bean</title>
String last = "Guru";
Note, we can also call the associated property methods directly within Java code using
syntax similar to,
String name = empBean.getFullName();
String value;
double result;
value = request.getParameter("data");
result = Double.parseDouble(value);
The parent of the tag is the JSP tag within which it is nested, if there isn’t one, its set to
null. There are two things to remember while using TAGLIB’s:
The Class file should be created and it should be deployed in the Servlet folder of
the web server.
The class file should implement the Tag and BodyTag interfaces.
The mapping of a particular tag to a particular Java class file should be done in the
“taglib.tld” file. The tag is then ready to be used in the JSP file. This file is placed
under WEB-INF directory.
The taglib file forms the central description for the tag library. This file is an XML
document that defines the tag’s operation. It maps the tag name on the page to the
implementing class. It defines inputs to the class. It references the helper class that
provides details of any output variables set by the tag class.
Currently, a Tag can be either of two flavors: BodyTag or Tag (sometimes referred to
as ‘Simple Tag’). We will focus on the Tag in this section. This Tag and BodyTag have
some methods; all these methods are callback methods.
Tag methods: doStartTag()
BodyTag methods: doAfterBody()
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
public HelloWorldTag() {
NOTE: It is to be noted that in the above Java code the method doStartTag() returns
the SKIP_BODY value. This will make sure that no evaluation of the tags body will take
place. If we wanted evaluation of the body of the tag, we would have returned
Following that, we will implement the method doEndTag() which will try to write “Hello
World!” to the output stream back to the client, which in the end is our JSP page. Note
that the method returns the EVAL_PAGE value. This means that the rest of the JSP
page will be evaluated. If we don’t want that to happen, we would return the
SKIP_PAGE value.
The method release() is where we normally do our cleaning up. Due to the nature of
this simple tag, we will not do anything here.
The method setPageContext() gets called by the JSP container and is used to set the
Tag’s PageContext. We will never have to worry about this method, as long as we just
remember to let our Tag remember its PageContext.
The method setParent() gets called by the JSP container and is used to set the Tag’s
parent-Tag. As with the PageContext, we need to remember our parent. Finally, the
method getParent() has to be implemented.
Let’s consider that Java class file is placed into the following directory with the package
structure mentioned here:
In order to compile the above Java file we need to include the jsp-api.jar in our
classpath. This can be done like this:
2. Then create the Tag Library Descriptor (TLD) file named ‘taglib.tld‘ as given
JSTL Example
JSTL was introduced to write JSP programs using tags rather than Java code. To show
why this is preferable, a quick example is in order. We will examine a very simple JSP
page that counts to five. We will examine this page both as regular scriptlet-based JSP,
and then as JSTL. When the “count to five example” is programmed using scriptlet-
based JSP, the JSP page (count.jsp) appears as follows.
<title>Count to 5 in JSP scriptlet</title>
<% for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { %>
<%= i %>
<% } %>
As we can see from the preceding example, using scriptlet code produces page source
code that contains a mix of HTML tags and Java statements. There are several reasons
why this mixing of programming styles is not optimal.
The primary reason that it is not optimal to mix scriptlet and tag-based code is
readability. This readability appeals both to humans and computers. JSTL allows the
JSP programmer to look at a program that consists entirely of HTML and HTML-like
The readability of JSP scriptlet code does not just apply to human beings. The mixing of
scriptlet and HTML code is also hard for computers to read. This is particularly true of
HTML authoring tools such as Adobe Dreamweaver and MS FrontPage. Currently, most
HTML authoring tools will segregate JSP scriptlet code as non-editable blocks. The
HTML authoring tools usually do not modify the JSP scriptlet code directly.
The following code shows how the “count to five example” would be written using JSTL.
As we can see, this code listing is much more constant, as only tags are used. HTML
and JSTL tags are mixed to produce the example (count_new.jsp).
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<title>Count to 5 Example (using JSTL)</title>
<b>Using JSTL</b><br>
<c:forEach var="i" begin="1" end="5" step="1">
<c:out value="${i}" />
<br />
When we examine the preceding source code, we can see that the JSP page consists
entirely of tags. The above code makes use of HTML tags such <head> and <br>. The
use of tags is not confined just to HTML tags. This code also makes use of JSTL tags
such as <c:forEach> and <c:out>. In this section I will introduce some of the basics of
JSTL. The example codes are placed within Jstl-Expt directory under webapps.
In the next topic I will introduce some of the basics of JSTL.
The following table lists each library with its recommended tag prefix and default URI:
Table 1: JSTL Tags
Core c
In this topic, we will only take a brief look at a few of the core tags. We will examine a
simple example that shows how to process data that a user enters into a form. Before
we examine this program, we must first see how JSTL handles expressions. Expression
handling in JSTL is accomplished by using the EL expression language, just as it is
done in JSP 2.0. In the next section, we will examine the EL expression language.
EL Expression Language
One major component of JSP 2.0 is the new expression language named EL. EL is
used extensively in JSTL. However, it is important to remember that EL is a feature of
JSP and not of JSTL. JSP scriptlet code used with JSP 2.0 can contain EL expressions.
The following lines of code demonstrate using EL inside of JSP scriptlet code.
<p> Your total, including shipping is ${total+shipping} </p>
As we can see form the preceding code, the values “total” and “shipping” are added and
displayed as the HTML is generated. These expressions can be used inside of JSTL
tags as well. One important requirement of JSTL 1.0 was that JSTL could be used with
JSP 1.2.
Because JSP 1.2 does not support EL, it is necessary to provide a few additional JSTL
tags that facilitate the use of EL. For example, if we want to use JSTL to display the
above expression, we would use the following code:
<p> Your total, including shipping is <c:out var="${total+shipping"/> </p>
One of the requirements of JSTL was that it not requires JSP 2.0 to run. By providing a
tag that is capable of displaying EL expressions, this requirement is met.
This simple web page will display a form and ask the user to guess what computer
language the program is thinking of. Of course, the computer is thinking of “Java.” This
page begins by checking to see if a POST was done. This allows both the form, and the
code that handles the form, to be placed on one single page. This is done with the
following JSTL if statement.
<c:if test="${pageContext.request.method=='POST'}">
Here we can see that the <c:if> tag uses an EL expression to evaluate whether the
request method is POST. If data was posted to the page, the value that the user
entered for their guess is stored in a parameter named “guess”.
This is because “guess” was specified as the name of the form input item. We must now
check to see whether this parameter is equal to the word “Java”. This is done with the
following <c:if> tag.
<c:if test="${param.guess=='Java'}">Bravo! You guessed it. </c:if>
As we can see, the body of the <c:if> tag is executed if the statement evaluates to true.
In this topic, we began to examine the basics of how JSTL is installed and how it works.
There is much more to JSTL than the small example we examined in this topic. The
core tags of JSTL also include tags for looping, iteration, and variable handling. By
using these tags, we can iterate through collections, access user session data, and
perform other core tasks that all Web applications perform. In addition to the core tag
library, the XML, database, and formatting tag libraries are also provided for more
advanced uses.
This topic shows the differences between the JSTL and standard JSP scriptlet
programming. As we can see, JSTL allows a more consistent programming
environment by allowing both HTML and procedural code to be expressed as tags.
JSTL and tag libraries represent a new method of programming Web pages.
JSTL does not provide everything that a programmer would need to create a full-
featured Web application. Further, some procedures that could be programmed in JSTL
is often best not programmed in JSTL. One perfect example of this is the database
JSTL tags.
Except for very small Web applications, it is generally considered bad programming
practice to embed actual database commands into a JSP page. The proper location for
such program code is in Java beans and EJBs that will be used by our Web application.
For such routines, we may consider creating our own tag libraries.
This way, our JSP pages can use JSTL to perform basic programming procedures that
are not unique to our business. We should implement our own tag libraries to implement
components, which are unique to our business, which will be used by our Web
JSP Exception Handling
In this section we will learn how exceptional events can occur in a JSP page and how to
catch these exceptional events to display a more useful message to the user. Exception
Handling in JSP is much easier than Java exception handling.
JSP declares 9 implicit objects, the exception object being one of them. It is an object
of java.lang.Throwable class, and is used to print exceptions. However, it can only be
used in error pages.
There are three ways of handling exceptions in JSP —
1. Using normal try..catch block
2. Using errorPage and isErrorPage attributes of page directive
3. Using <error-page> tag in deployment descriptor (i.e. web.xml)
We will describe each of them one-by-one.
The isErrorPage attribute in a page directive assigns a JSP page as an error page.
<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>
The example codes are placed within JspError sub-directory under webapps.
<title>Division of Two Numbers</title>
<form action="divide.jsp" method="post">
<b>Number1: </b><input type="text" name="first" ><br><br>
<b>Number2: </b><input type="text" name="second" ><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Divide">
<%@page errorPage = "error.jsp" %>
String num1, num2;
int a, b, c;
String num1 = request.getParameter("first");
String num2 = request.getParameter("second");
a = Integer.parseInt(num1);
b = Integer.parseInt(num2);
c = a / b;
out.print("Result is: " + c);
<%@ page isErrorPage = "true" %>
<h3> Exception caught!</h3>
<font color="red"><b>Exception occurred = </b></font>
<font color="blue"><%= exception %></font>
On clicking the button it will move to the divide.jsp page, which in turn causes the
control to be passed to error.jsp page internally and showing an exception message like
3. Using <error-page> tag in deployment descriptor
We may also declare error pages in the deployment descriptor (DD) for the entire web
application. Using <error-page> tag in the DD (i.e. web.xml) we can declare an error
page for all types of exceptions. See the contents of web.xml file below.
<title>Division of Two Numbers</title>
<form action="divide.jsp" method="post">
<b>Number1: </b><input type="text" name="first" ><br><br>
<b>Number2: </b><input type="text" name="second" ><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Divide">
String num1, num2;
int a, b, c;
String num1 = request.getParameter("first");
String num2 = request.getParameter("second");
a = Integer.parseInt(num1);
b = Integer.parseInt(num2);
c = a / b;
out.print("Result is: " + c);
<%@ page isErrorPage = "true" %>
<h3> Exception caught!</h3>
<font color="red"><b>Exception occurred = </b></font>
<font color="blue"><%= exception %></font>
The output, in this case, is similar as in the previous one.
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
Java applications cannot communicate directly with a RDBMS to submit data and
retrieve the results of queries. This is because a RDBMS can interpret only SQL
statements and not the Java language statements. So, we need some kind of
mechanism to translate Java statements into SQL statements. In Java programming
domain, the technology that enables database access and manipulation is called Java
Database Connectivity (JDBC).
JDBC has two parts: the JDBC core API and the JDBC optional package API. The
JDBC Core API is the main part of JDBC and it takes the form of the classes and
interfaces in the java.sql package. The JDBC optional package API is specified in
the javax.sql package and it supports connection pooling, distributed transactions, row
sets, and so forth.
JDBC Architecture
The JDBC architecture provides a mechanism to translate Java statements into SQL
statements. The JDBC architecture can be categorized into two layers — (1) JDBC API
Layer and (2) JDBC Driver API Layer. The description of JDBC architecture is given
here. See Figure below for detailed information.
2. Driver interface
The Driver interface is implemented by every JDBC driver class. The driver class itself
is loaded and registered with the DriverManager, and the DriverManager can manage
multiple drivers for any given connection request. In the case where there are multiple
drivers registered, the DriverManager will ask each driver in turn to try to connect to the
target URL.
3. Connection interface
The Connection interface represents a connection to the database. An instance of the
Connection interface is obtained from the getConnection method of the DriverManager
class. The following are some important methods of the Connection interface—
The close() method immediately closes and releases a Connection object instead of
waiting for it to be released automatically. Its signature is as follows:
public void close() throws SQLException
We use isClosed() method to test whether the Connection object is closed. The
signature of this method is as follows:
public boolean isClosed() throws SQLException
The createStatement() method is used to create a Statement object for sending SQL
statements to the database. If the same SQL statement is executed many times, it is
more efficient to use a PreparedStatement object.
This method has two overloads with the following signatures:
public Statement createStatement () throws SQLException
4. Statement Interface
We use the statement interface method to execute an SQL statement and obtain the
results that are produced. The two most important methods of this interface
are executeQuery() and executeUpdate().
The executeQuery() method executes an SQL statement that returns a single ResultSet
object. Its signature is as follows:
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException
The executeUpdate() method executes an insert, update, and delete SQL statement.
The method returns the number of records affected by the SQL statement execution,
and its signature is as follows:
public int executeUpdate(String sql)
5. ResultSet Interface
The ResultSet interface represents a table-like database result set. A ResultSet object
maintains a cursor pointing to its current row of data. Initially, the cursor is positioned
before the first row. The following are some important methods of the ResultSet
The isFirst() method indicates whether the cursor points to the first record in the
ResultSet. Its signature is as follows:
public boolean isFirst() throws SQLException
The isLast() method indicates whether the cursor points to the last record in the
ResultSet. Its signature is as follows:
public boolean isLast() throws SQLException
The next() method moves the cursor to the next record, returning true if the current row
is valid and false if there are no more records in the ResultSet object. The method’s
signature is as follows:
public boolean next() throws SQLException
The getMetaData() method returns the ResultSetMetaData object representing the meta
data of the ResultSet. The signature of the method is as follows:
public ResultSetMetaData getMetaDate() throws SQLException
In addition to the previous methods, we can use several getXXX() methods to obtain the
value of the specified column in the row pointed by the cursor.
In this case, XXX represents the data type returned by the method at the specified
index, and each getXXX() method accepts the index position of the column in the
ResultSet. The column index 1 indicates the first column. The signature of this method
is as follows:
public XXX getXXX(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
For example, the getString() method has the following signature and returns the
specified cell as String:
public String getString(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
6. PreparedStatement Interface
The PreparedStatement interface extends the Statement interface and represents a
pre-compiled SQL statement. We use an instance of this interface to execute efficiently
an SQL statement multiple times.
7. ResultSetMetaData Interface
The ResultSetMetaData interface represents the meta data of a ResultSet object. The
most important methods are given below.
The getColumnCount() method returns the number of columns in the ResultSet whose
meta data is represented by the ResultSetMetaData object. Its signature is as follows:
public int getColumnCount() throws SQLException
The getColumnName() method returns the column name as the specified column index.
Its signature is as follows:
public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
The first column is indicated by index number 1.
In the next section, we will learn the basic steps of developing JDBC code to
access and manipulate tables in MySQL RDBMS.
The following is the list of commands that are executed in the command prompt
(cmd) to create database and table and to populate table with records:
mysql> create database test;
mysql> use test;
mysql> create table students (Roll integer(5), Name varchar(20));
mysql> insert into students values(10,'Ramen Das');
mysql> insert into students values(20,'Sampa Pal');
mysql> insert into students values(30,'Kisna Kar');
mysql> select * from students;
| Roll | Name |
| 10 | Ramen Das |
| 20 | Sampa Pal |
| 30 | Kisna Kar |
try {
//Step 1: Load the Driver class
The output of the code from the command prompt is given below:~
C:\Users\techguru> set classpath=C:\Users\techguru\Documents\JdbcApp\mysql-
C:\Users\techguru> cd Documents\JdbcApp
The Deployment Descriptor (DD) i.e. web.xml for our Java Servlet application is
given below:
public class JdbcServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
throws ServletException, IOException {
try {
con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pass);
out.println("Successfully connected to " + "MySQL server using TCP/IP... +
stmt = con.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from students");
while ( {
out.println("Roll = " + rs.getInt(1) + " Name = " + rs.getString(2) + "<br>");
catch (Exception e) {
out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
finally {
try {
if (con != null) {
catch (SQLException e) { }
The procedure for compiling the code and running the Tomcat
service (startup.bat) from command prompt is given below:~
C:\> set classpath=C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37\lib\servlet-api.jar;
C:\> cd apache-tomcat-8.5.37\webapps\JdbcWeb\src
C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37\webapps\JdbcWeb\src> cd ..\..\..\bin
C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37\bin> startup.bat
Using CATALINA_BASE: "C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37"
Using CATALINA_HOME: "C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37"
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: "C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37\temp"
Using JRE_HOME: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162"
Using CLASSPATH: "C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37\bin\bootstrap.jar;C:\apache-tomcat-
In the next section we will learn how to create JSP code using JDBC concept.
Using JSP Code for JDBC
Here, we will use the same directory for our web application named JdbcWeb under “C:\
apache-tomcat-8.5.37\webapps” used in the previous section. A JSP program is created
with the name Jdbc.jsp to make the JDBC connection. It is placed directly
under JdbcApp. As usual, lib under WEB-INF has the JDBC Type 4 driver for MySQL
8.0.15 named mysql-connector-java-8.0.15.jar. The whole directory structure is shown
Figure 1: The directory structure of the web application
The procedure for running the Tomcat service (startup.bat) from command
prompt is given below:~
C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37\bin> startup.bat
Using CATALINA_BASE: "C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37"
Using CATALINA_HOME: "C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37"
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: "C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37\temp"
Using JRE_HOME: "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_162"
Using CLASSPATH: "C:\apache-tomcat-8.5.37\bin\bootstrap.jar;C:\apache-tomcat-
In the next section we will learn about different important methods of JDBC API.
Some Important JDBC Methods
In this tutorial, we will discuss some of the important methods of JDBC. Eventually, all
these methods are from Statement interface which provides necessary support to
execute queries with the database. They are namely —
1) public ResultSet executeQuery (String sql) : It is used to execute “select” query
and returns the object of ResultSet.
2) public int executeUpdate (String sql) : It is used to execute specified SQL query, it
may be create, drop, insert, update, delete etc. and returns an integer value
representing the number of rows affected by the SQL statement.
3) public boolean execute (String sql) : It can be used with any type of SQL
statements and it returns a boolean value. If we don’t know which method to use for
SQL statements, then this method can be the best option. A ‘true‘ value indicates that
this method returns a result set object which can be retrieved
using getResultSet() method; while a ‘false‘ value indicates that statement has returned
an int value or returned nothing.
The executeQuery() method has already been discussed in the preceding sections. So,
we will not describe this method here. We provide coding examples for second and third
methods only.
<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?
String user = "root";
String pass = "system";
String str, name, sql;
int roll, count;
try {
//initializing necessary variables
str = request.getParameter("first");
name = request.getParameter("second");
roll = Integer.parseInt(str);
sql = "insert into students values(" + roll + ", '" + name + "')";
//returns the number of data rows affected after executing SQL statement
count = stmt.executeUpdate(sql);
out.println("Successfully added one record" + "<br>");
out.println("Test unsuccessful!" + "<br>");
catch (Exception e) {
out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
finally {
try {
if (con != null) {
catch (SQLException e) { }
Now, we press the ‘Submit’ button to get the following response from Tomcat server:
rs = stmt.getResultSet();
out.println("Test unsuccessful!" + "<br>");
while ( {
out.println("Roll = " + rs.getInt(1) + " Name = " + rs.getString(2) + "<br>");
catch (Exception e) {
out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
finally {
try {
if (con != null) {
catch (SQLException e) { }
In the next section, we will discuss about PreparedStatement interface with coding
JDBC PreparedStatement
PreparedStatement interface inherits from java.sql.Statement and differs from it in two
1. Instances of java.sql.PreparedStatement contain an SQL statement that has already
been compiled. This is what makes a statement “prepared.”
2. The SQL statement contained in a java.sql.PreparedStatement object may have one
or more IN parameters. An IN parameter is a parameter whose value is not specified
when the SQL statement is created. Instead the statement has a question mark (“?“) as
a placeholder for each IN parameter. A value for each question mark must be supplied
by the appropriate setXXX() method before the statement is executed.
As because PreparedStatement objects are pre-compiled, their execution can be faster
than that of Statement objects. Consequently, an SQL statement that is executed many
times is often created as a PreparedStatement object to increase efficiency.
Being a subclass of Statement, PreparedStatement inherits all the functionality of
Statement. In addition, it adds a whole set of methods which are needed for setting the
values to be sent to the database in place of the placeholders for IN parameters. Also,
the three methods execute(), executeQuery(), and executeUpdate() are modified so
that they take no argument. The Statement forms of these methods (the forms that take
an SQL statement parameter) should never be used with a PreparedStatement object.
Method Description
Setting Placeholders
The methods for setting placeholders take the form of setXXX() where XXX is a Java
type name. Here is the method for setting a String:
void setString (int parameterIndex, String x)
There are other setXXX() methods available, one for each Java primitive, and methods
for many object types such as Date, or BigDecimal. We should consult the JavaDoc for
information on all the available methods.
The first argument in the setXXX() method will be the index of the placeholder in the
SQL command. Each placeholder is referenced by its position in the SQL string.
Starting from the beginning of the string, the first placeholder is at index 1, the second at
2, and so on.
The second argument is the data value that replaces the placeholder. So, using the
same SQL INSERT from above, here’s how the data values would be set:
String sql = "insert into students values(?, ?)";
// Placeholder index: 1 2
Coding Example 1
The example below shows the use of PreparedStatement using “insert into” query.
<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?
String user = "root";
String pass = "system";
String sql = null;
int count;
try {
//loading the MySQL driver
out.println("Successfully added one record.." + "<br><br>");
out.println("Test unsuccessful!" + "<br>");
catch (Exception e) {
out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
finally {
try {
if (con != null) {
catch (SQLException e) { }
Coding Example 2
The example below shows the use of PreparedStatement for batch updates.
<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?
String user = "root";
String pass = "system";
String sql = null;
try {
//loading the MySQL driver
//executeBatch() executes all the batch updates and returns an array of update
counts on success
int[] affectedRecords = pstmt.executeBatch();
out.println("Successfully updated " + affectedRecords.length + " records.." +
catch (Exception e) {
out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
finally {
try {
if (con != null) {
catch (SQLException e) { }
Method Description
prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int Create a CallableStatement for the given S
resultSetConcurrency) CallableStatement returns a resultset, the r
has the given resultset type and concurren
not holdable.
Using Placeholders
Like the PreparedStatement object, the placeholders are numbered consecutively,
starting with number 1 for the placeholder that appears in the left-most position in the
string. Moving from left to right, each placeholder is given the next number in sequence.
If a placeholder is used to pass an argument to a stored procedure, this parameter is
known as an IN parameter. Its value must be set before the statement can be executed.
If we fail to set one of the placeholders, the driver will throw a SQLException when we
attempt to execute the SQL. The CallableStatement interface inherits
the setXXX() methods of the PreparedStatement interface for doing this.
A stored procedure can also set an input parameter to a new value, and that value is
passed back to the caller through the parameter list. For example, this SQL command:
call set_price(?, ?)
The sproc has two parameters in the parameter list. If this were a Java method call, the
method could set the value of either parameter inside the method, and that value is not
visible to the caller. With a SQL stored procedure, the parameters can be set, and the
new values can be visible to the caller. If the placeholder is used to pass data to the
sproc, and the sproc passes data back through the parameter, this is
an INOUT parameter. A placeholder that is only used to pass data back, or that is a
return value, is an OUT parameter.
If any of the parameters in the SQL command are INOUT or OUT parameters, the
JDBC type of the placeholder must be registered before the call can be executed. If we
do not register a placeholder that returns a value, we will get a SQLException. This is
done with the following methods:
void registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int jdbcType)
void registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int jdbcType, int scale)
Unlike the setXXX() methods, the registerOutParameter() method only has two forms.
The first parameter in the method is the position of the placeholder in the SQL string.
The second parameter is one of the constants defined in the java.sql.Types class. The
Types class defines a constant for each generic JDBC type.
So, for example, if we were calling a stored procedure that passed a value through the
second parameter in a parameter list, and the SQL type returned was a varchar
(essentially a string), we would register the parameter like this:
cs.registerOutParameter(2, java.sql.Types.STRING);
If the return value of a function was a double, we could use this:
cs.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.DOUBLE);
For the complete list of the available java.sql.Types constants, consult the API Java
documentation. When registering a parameter that is one of the numeric types such as
float, double, numeric, or decimal, we could also use the second form of
the registerOutParameter() method. This method takes a third parameter that defines
the scale of the returned value. For example, to register a return type that returned a
number with two digits to the right of the decimal point, we could use:
cs.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.DOUBLE, 2);
Note that if any of the placeholders is an INOUT parameter, the JDBC code must call
both a setXXX() method and a registerOutParameter() method prior to executing the
callable statement. If we fail to set the value or register the parameter, the driver will
throw a SQLException.
As with the PreparedStatement object, once a placeholder has been set with data, that
placeholder remains set until the code explicitly changes the placeholder. All the
placeholders can be cleared by calling the method clearParameters(). The value of a
placeholder is changed by calling one of the setXXX() or registerOutParameter()
methods, again with the appropriate index. After the data values are set, the code calls
one of the execute methods, executeUpdate(), executeQuery(), or execute(), to tell the
database to execute the stored procedure.
If we call any of the executeQuery(String), executeUpdate(String),
or execute(String) methods, the driver will throw a SQLException. We must call the no
parameter versions of those methods with a CallableStatement.
After executing the sproc, the return values of any placeholders are retrieved
with getXXX() methods, similar to those used to retrieve the column values from a row
in a resultset. The getXXX() methods only have one form, one that takes an int
parameter. The parameter int is the index of the placeholder in the CallableStatement.
2. Stored procedure creation: For demonstration purpose, we will create a new stored
procedure named emp_info with IN, OUT and INOUT parameters. The following SQL
script name sproc.sql shows it.
CREATE PROCEDURE emp_info (IN eid int, OUT ename varchar(30), INOUT esalary
declare tempSalary decimal(10,2);
-- Select data
select name, salary into ename, tempSalary from emp where id=eid;
After writing, the procedure can be created by running the SQL script from the MySQL
8.0 Workbench CE.
The following JSP program named “call-stmt.jsp” is the complete example of calling the
MySQL stored procedure from JDBC.
<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
Connection con = null;
CallableStatement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?
String user = "root";
String pass = "system";
String sql = "{call EMP_INFO(?,?,?)}";
int count;
try {
//Load the MySQL driver
//Set IN parameter
stmt.setInt(1, 101);
catch (Exception e) {
out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
finally {
try {
if (con != null) {
catch (SQLException e) { }
4. Running the JSP program: When the JSP program runs, it shows the following
The program works as expected.
In this tutorial, we have shown you how to call a stored procedure in MySQL database
from a JSP program using JDBC CallableStatement object.
JDBC Connection Pooling
Establishing JDBC connections is resource-expensive, especially when the JDBC API is
used in a middle-tier server environment, such as when MySQL driver for JDBC is
running on a Java-enabled web server. In this type of environment, performance can be
improved significantly when connection pooling is used. Connection pooling means that
connections are reused rather than created each time a connection is requested. To
facilitate connection reuse, a memory cache of database connections, called
a connection pool, is maintained by a connection pooling module as a layer on top of
any standard JDBC driver product.
Connection pooling is performed in the background and does not affect how an
application is coded; however, the application must use a DataSource object (an object
implementing the DataSource interface) to obtain a connection instead of using the
DriverManager class. A class implementing the DataSource interface may or may not
provide connection pooling. A DataSource object registers with a Java Naming and
Directory Interface (JNDI) naming service. Once a DataSource object is registered, the
application retrieves it from the JNDI naming service in the standard way. For example:
InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
Context context = (Context) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env");
//The JDBC Data source that we just created
DataSource ds = (DataSource) context.lookup("connpool");
If the DataSource object provides connection pooling, the lookup returns a connection
from the pool if one is available. If the DataSource object does not provide connection
pooling or if there are no available connections in the pool, the lookup creates a new
connection. The application benefits from connection reuse without requiring any code
changes. Reused connections from the pool behave the same way as newly created
physical connections. The application makes a connection to the database and data
access works in the usual way.
Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
NetBeans IDE (this tutorial uses NetBeans 8.2)
Tomcat (Tomcat 8 that is bundled within NetBeans)
MySQL database
MySQL Java Driver
Steps to be performed
In NetBeans IDE, click File → New Project… Select Java Web → Web Application
The, Click Next and give the project the name JDBCPool. Click Next.
Choose the server as Tomcat and Java EE version as Java EE5. Since we are not
going to use any frameworks, click Finish.
The project will be created and the start page, index.jsp, opened for us in the IDE.
Next, expand the JDBCPool node: JDBCPool → Configuration Files. We will now have
the file “web.xml“:
4) Editing JSP page: Edit index.jsp by adding this code just after the initial coments but
before <%@page contentType=…
<%@page import="javax.naming.Context"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.ResultSet"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.PreparedStatement"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.SQLException"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.Connection"%>
<%@page import="javax.sql.DataSource"%>
<%@page import="javax.naming.InitialContext"%>
After adding some code in the <body> section of the page the index.jsp program will
look like this:
<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<%@page import="javax.naming.Context"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.ResultSet"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.PreparedStatement"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.SQLException"%>
<%@page import="java.sql.Connection"%>
<%@page import="javax.sql.DataSource"%>
<%@page import="javax.naming.InitialContext"%>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>JDBC Connection Pool</title>
<h2>Data in Connection Pooled Database</h2>
<table border="1">
<th>Player Name</th><th>Country</th>
InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
Context context = (Context) initialContext.lookup("java:comp/env");
//The JDBC Data source that we just created
DataSource ds = (DataSource) context.lookup("connpool");
Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
if (connection == null)
throw new SQLException("Error establishing connection!");
String query = "select * from players";
while ( {
<% } %>
5) Running the application: Now, we test the connection pool by running the web
Final Comments
If anyone wants to have the one connection pool used in multiple applications, he/she
need to edit the following two files:
1. <tomcat_install_folder>/conf/web.xml
Just before the closing </web-app> tag, add the code
<description>DB Connection</description>
2. <tomcat_install_folder>/conf/context.xml
Just before the closing </Context> tag, add the code
<Resource name="connpool" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"
username="root" password="system" driverClassName="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
Now we can use the pool without editing XML files in each of your applications. Just use
the sample code as given in index.jsp
Struts Model-View-Controller (MVC)
There are two architectural approaches for building applications using the JSP and
Servlet technology. These approaches are called JSP Model 1 and JSP Model
2 architectures:
Model–View–Controller (MVC)
Model–View–Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in Software Engineering.
Successful use of the pattern isolates business logic from the user interface, permitting
one to be freely modified without affecting the other. The controller collects user input,
the model manipulates application data, and the view presents results to the user.
Typically, views and controllers come in pairs of one each, and many such pairs exist in
an application, each corresponding to a small part of the user interface.
Here are the reasons why we should use the MVC design pattern.
1. They are reusable: When the problem recurs, there is no need to invent a new
solution; we just have to follow the pattern and adapt it as necessary.
2. They are expressive: By using the MVC design pattern our application becomes
more expressive.
Figure 3 below shows the relationship between the components of the MVC pattern.
Here are the responsibilities of the three MVC components:
[1] Model — The Model is responsible for keeping the data or the state of the
application. It also manages the storage and retrieval of the data from the data source.
It notifies all the Views that are viewing its data when the data changes. The model
represents enterprise data and the business rules that govern access to and updates of
this data. Model is not aware about the presentation data and how that data will be
displayed to the browser.
[2] View — The View contains the presentation logic. It displays the data contained in
the Model to the users. It also allows the user to interact with the system and notifies the
Controller of the users’ actions. The view is not dependent on the application logic. It
remains same if there is any modification in the business logic. In other words, we can
say that it is the responsibility of the view’s to maintain the consistency in its
presentation when the model changes.
[3] Controller — The Controller manages the whole show. Whenever the user sends a
request for something then it always go through the controller. The controller is
responsible for intercepting the requests from view, and passes it to the model for the
appropriate action. After the action has been taken on the data, the controller is
responsible for directing the appropriate view to the user. In GUIs, the views and the
controllers often work very closely together. See Figure 3 below.
Figure 3: The components of the MVC design pattern
Struts Framework and Architecture
Apache Struts or simply Struts is an open-source web application framework for
developing Java EE web applications. It uses and extends the Java Servlet API to
encourage developers to adopt a model–view–controller architecture.
Struts Framework
Struts is an open-source web application framework for developing Java EE web
applications. It uses and extends the Java Servlet API to encourage developers to
adopt a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. It was originally created by Craig
McClanahan and donated to the Apache Foundation in May, 2000. Formerly located
under the Apache Jakarta Project and known as Jakarta Struts, it became a top level
Apache project in 2005.
In a standard Java EE web application, the client will typically submit information to the
server via a web form. The information is then either handed over to a Java Servlet
which processes it, interacts with a database and produces an HTML-formatted
response, or it is given to a JavaServer Pages (JSP) document which intermingles
HTML and Java code to achieve the same result. Both approaches are often considered
inadequate for large projects because they mix application logic with presentation and
make maintenance difficult.
The goal of Struts is to cleanly separate the model (application logic that interacts with a
database) from the view (HTML pages presented to the client) and
the controller (instance that passes information between view and model). Struts
provides the controller (a Servlet known as ActionServlet) and facilitates the writing of
templates for the view or presentation layer (typically in JSP, but XML/XSLT and
Velocity are also supported). The web application programmer is responsible for writing
the model code, and for creating a central configuration file struts-config.xml which
binds together model, view and controller.
Requests from the client are sent to the controller in the form of “Actions” defined in the
configuration file; if the controller receives such a request it calls the corresponding
Action class which interacts with the application-specific model code. The model code
returns an “ActionForward”, a string telling the controller which output page to send to
the client. Information is passed between model and view in the form of special
JavaBeans. A powerful custom tag library allows it to read and write the content of
these beans from the presentation layer without the need for any embedded Java code.
Struts also supports internationalization, provides facilities for the validation of data
submitted by web forms, and includes a template mechanism called “Tiles” which (for
instance) allows the presentation layer to be composed from independent header,
footer, and content components.
Struts Architecture
Struts is famous for its robust Architecture and it is being used for developing small and
big software projects. Struts is an open source framework used for developing JEE web
applications using Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern. It uses and extends the
Java Servlet API to encourage developers adopting MVC architecture. Struts framework
provides three key components:
1. A request handler provided by the application developer that is used to
be mapped to a particular URI.
2. A response handler which is used to transfer the control to another resource
which will be responsible for completing the response.
3. A tag library which helps developers to create the interactive form based
applications with server pages.
See the figure below for understanding the Struts work flow diagram.
web.xml: Whenever the container gets start up the first work it does is to check the
web.xml file and determine what struts action Servlets exist. The container is
responsible for mapping all the file requests to the correct action Servlet.
Request: This is the second step performed by the container after checking the
web.xml file. In this the user submits a form within a browser and the request is
intercepted by the controller.
Controller: This is the heart of the container. Most Struts application will have only one
controller that is ActionServlet which is responsible for directing several Actions. The
controller determines what action is required and sends the information to be processed
by an action Bean. The key advantage of having a controller is its ability to control the
flow of logic through the highly controlled, centralized points.
struts-config.xml: Struts has a configuration file to store mappings of actions. By using
this file there is no need to hard code the module which will be called within a
component. The one more responsibility of the controller is to check the struts-
config.xml file to determine which module to be called upon an action request. Struts
only reads the struts-config.xml file upon start up.
Model: The model is basically a business logic part which takes the response from the
user and stores the result for the duration of the process. This is a great place to
perform the pre-processing of the data received from request. It is possible to reuse the
same model for many page requests. Struts provides the ActionForm and the Action
classes which can be extended to create the model objects.
View: The view in Struts framework is mainly a JSP page which is responsible for
producing the output to the user.
Struts tag libraries: These are struts components helps us to integrate the struts
framework within the project’s logic. These struts tag libraries are used within the JSP
page. This means that the controller and the model part can’t make use of the tag
library but instead use the struts class library for strut process control.
Property file: It is used to store the messages that an object or page can use.
Properties files can be used to store the titles and other string data. We can create
many property files to handle different languages.
Business objects: It is the place where the rules of the actual project exist. These are
the modules which just regulate the day-to-day site activities.
Response: This is the output of the View JSP object.
property=”myCheckBox”/> Tag creates check box on the form.
<html:textarea property=”myTextArea”
value=”Hello Struts” /> Tag creates the text area on the form.
Softwares Used
In the Configuration Files node, the application includes all the Struts-specific
configuration files, of which struts-config.xml is the most important. Also, within the
Configuration Files node, in order to handle Struts processing, the Struts controller
servlet is mapped in the web.xml deployment descriptor:
Above, the Struts servlet (org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet) is specified as the
servlet that controls all requests for the mapping .do. In addition, the web.xml file
specifies that the Struts servlet is configured by means of the struts-config.xml file that
is found in the WEB-INF folder.
The bean taglib provides us with numerous tags that are helpful when associating a
form bean (i.e., an ActionForm bean) with the data collected from the form. The html
taglib offers an interface between the view and other components necessary to a web
application. For example, below we replace common html form tags with
Struts’ <html:form> tags. One benefit this provides is that it causes the server to locate
or create a bean object that corresponds to the value provided
for html:form‘s action element.
4. Below the <h2> tags, add the following line:
<html:form action="/login">
<html:submit value="Login" />
Using the Palette (Window > Palette) in the right region of the IDE, we can drag a Table
item from the HTML category to a point just above the <html:submit
value="Login"/> line. The Insert Table dialog box displays. Setting the rows to 3,
columns to 2, and leave all other settings at 0 and clicking OK we will get a tabular
structure. See it below.
This code (login.jsp) after some modification would look like this:
<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %>
<title>Login Page</title>
<html:form action="/login">
<table border="0">
<td colspan="2">
<bean:write name="LoginForm" property="error" filter="false"/>
<td>Enter your name:</td>
<td><html:text property="name" /></td>
<td>Enter your email:</td>
<td><html:text property="email" /></td>
<td><html:submit value="Login" /></td>
The html:text element enables us to match the input fields from the form with
properties in the form bean that will be created in the next step. So for example, the
value of property must match a field declared in the form bean associated with this
form using the <bean:write> tag. This will be added in the final step for “error
message” (shown in bold font).
This code (success.jsp) after some modification would look like this:
<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<title>Login Success</title>
<p>You have successfully logged in.</p>
<p>Your name is: <bean:write name="LoginForm" property="name" />.</p>
<p>Your email address is: <bean:write name="LoginForm" property="email" />.</p>
Creating an ActionForm Bean
A Struts ActionForm bean is used to persist data between requests. For example, if a
user submits a form, the data is temporarily stored in the form bean so that it can either
be redisplayed in the form page (if the data is in an invalid format or if login fails) or
displayed in a login success page (if data passes validation).
1. Right-click the MyStrutsApp project node and choose New > Other. Under
Categories choose Struts, then under File Types choose Struts ActionForm
Bean. Click Next.
2. Type in LoginForm for the Class Name. Then select techguru.myapp.struts in the
Package drop-down list and click Finish. The IDE creates the LoginForm bean
and opens it in the Source Editor. By default, the IDE provides it with
a String called name and an int called number. Both fields have accessor
methods defined for them. Also, the IDE adds a bean declaration to the struts-
config.xml file. If we open the struts-config.xml file in the Source Editor, we can
see the following declaration, which was added by the wizard:
3. <form-beans>
4. <form-bean name="LoginForm"
type="techguru.myapp.struts.LoginForm" />
5. </form-beans>
The IDE provides navigation support in the struts-config.xml file. Hold down the Ctrl key
and hover our mouse over the LoginForm bean’s fully qualified class name. The name
becomes a link, enabling us to navigate directly to the class in the Source Editor:
6. In the LoginForm bean in the Source Editor, create fields and accompanying
accessor methods that correspond to the name and email text input fields that we
created in login.jsp. Because name has already been created in
the LoginForm skeleton, we only need to implement email.
Add the following declaration beneath name (changes in bold):
private String name;
private String email;
To create accessor methods, place the cursor on email and press Alt-Insert.
Select Getter and Setter, then in the dialog that displays, select email : String and click
Generate. Accessor methods are generated for the email field.
5. In the third step of the wizard, we are given the opportunity to associate
the Action class with a form bean. Notice that the LoginForm bean we previously
created is listed as an option for ActionForm Bean Name. Make the following
adjustments to the panel:
Delete the forward slash for the Input Resource field
Set Scope to Request (Session is the default scope setting in Struts.)
Deselect the Validate ActionForm Bean option
Click Finish. The LoginAction class is generated, and the file opens in the Source
Editor. Also note that the following action entry is added to the struts-config.xml file:
<action name="LoginForm" path="/login" scope="request"
type="techguru.myapp.struts.LoginAction" validate="false"/>
<action path="/Welcome" forward="/welcomeStruts.jsp"/>
The name and scope attributes apply to the form bean that is associated with the action.
Specifically, when an incoming request matches /login, the Struts framework
automatically instantiates a LoginForm object and populates it with the form data sent in
the request. The default value of validate() is set to true. This tells the framework to call
the validate() method of the form bean. We deselected this option in the wizard however
because we will hand-code simple validation in the next step, which does not require
the validate() method.
Implementing Validation
In the Source Editor, browse through the LoginAction class and look at
the execute() method:
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
Notice the definition of SUCCESS, listed beneath the LoginAction class declaration:
private final static String SUCCESS = "success";
Currently, the mapping.findForward method is set to unconditionally forward any
request to an output view called success. This is not really desirable; we want to first
perform some sort of validation on the incoming data to determine whether to send
the success view, or any different view.
Accessing Bean Data and Preparing a Forwarding Condition
Setting Up an Error Message
// perform validation
if ((name == null) || // name parameter does not exist
email == null || // email parameter does not exist
name.equals("") || // name parameter is empty
email.indexOf("@") == -1) { // email lacks '@'
return mapping.findForward(FAILURE);
return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
13. Add a declaration for FAILURE to the LoginAction class (changes in bold):
14. private final static String SUCCESS = "success";
15. private final static String FAILURE = "failure";
Using the above logic, the execute() method forwards the request to the success view if
the user provides an entry for both name and email fields, and the email entered
contains an ‘@’ sign. Otherwise, the failure view is forwarded. As will be demonstrated
below in Adding forward Entries to struts-config.xml, we can set the failure view to point
back to the form page, so that the user has another chance to enter data in the correct
Setting Up an Error Message
If the login form is returned, it would be good to inform the user that validation failed. We
can accomplish this by adding an error field in the form bean, and an
appropriate <bean:write> tag to the form in login.jsp. Finally, in the Action object, set the
error message to be displayed in the event that the failure view is chosen.
1. Open LoginForm and add an error field to the class:
2. // error message
private String error;
3. Add a getter method and a setter method for error, as shown above.
4. Modify the setter method so that it appears as follows:
5. public void setError() {
6. this.error =
7. "<span style='color:red'>Please provide valid entries for both fields</span>";
8. }
9. Open login.jsp and make the following changes:
10. <html:form action="/login">
11. <table border="0">
12. <tbody>
13. <tr>
14. <td colspan="2">
15. <bean:write name="LoginForm" property="error"
16. </td>
17. </tr>
18. <tr>
19. <td>Enter your name:</td>
20. <td><html:text property="name" /></td>
21. </tr>
22. In LoginAction, within the if conditional clause, add a statement to set the error
message before forwarding the failure condition (changes in bold):
23. if ((name == null) || // name parameter does not exist
24. email == null || // email parameter does not exist
25. name.equals("") || // name parameter is empty
26. email.indexOf("@") == -1) { // email lacks '@'
28. formBean.setError();
29. return mapping.findForward(FAILURE);
30. }
Our completed LoginAction class should now appear as follows:
public class LoginAction extends org.apache.struts.action.Action {
// perform validation
if ((name == null) || // name parameter does not exist
email == null || // email parameter does not exist
name.equals("") || // name parameter is empty
email.indexOf("@") == -1) { // email lacks '@'
return mapping.findForward(FAILURE);
return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
These two Java codes after final modification are given below.
package techguru.myapp.struts;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
// error message
private String error;
package techguru.myapp.struts;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
// perform validation
if ((name == null) || // name parameter does not exist
email == null || // email parameter does not exist
name.equals("") || // name parameter is empty
email.indexOf("@") == -1) { // email lacks '@'
return mapping.findForward(FAILURE);
return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS);
2. In the Add Forward dialog box, type success in Forward Name. Enter the path
to success.jsp in the Resource File field (i.e., /success.jsp). The dialog box
should now look as follows:
Click Add. Note that the following forward entry was added to struts-
config.xml (changes in bold):
3. <action name="LoginForm" path="/login" scope="request"
type="com.myapp.struts.LoginAction" validate="false">
4. <forward name="success" path="/success.jsp"/>
5. </action>
6. Perform the same action to add a forward entry for failure. Set the Resource File
path to /login.jsp. The following forward entry is added to struts-
config.xml (changes in bold):
7. <forward name="success" path="success.jsp"/>
8. <forward name="failure" path="/login.jsp"/>
Now click on the Source tab to view the file. Note that login.jsp is now listed in
the welcome-file entry:
Try entering data that should pass validation. Upon clicking Login, we are
presented with the success page:
Note :~
We can also add a simple stylesheet to this project by selecting the Web Pages node in
the Projects window of IDE and press Ctrl-V). The file (e.g. ext.css) is added to our
We can link the stylesheet to our JSP pages by simply adding a reference between
the <head> tags of both login.jsp and success.jsp:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext.css">
This concludes the Introduction to the Struts framework in NetBeans IDE. This tutorial
demonstrates how to construct a simple web MVC application in NetBeans IDE using
the Struts Framework, and introduces the IDE’s interface for developing web
applications. We have also seen how to use Struts tags in JSP pages, temporarily store
user data in a Struts ActionForm bean, and implement forwarding logic using a
Struts Action object. We have implemented simple validation to our application,
including setting up warning message for a failed login attempt.
The basic purpose of the Java Servlets in Struts is to handle requests made by the
client or by web browsers. Here, JSPs are used to design the dynamic web pages;
while Servlets help to route request which has been made by the web browsers to the
appropriate JSP. The use of Servlet as a router helps to make the web applications
easier to design, create, and maintain. Struts framework is purely based on MVC design
Facelets (that was designed specifically for JavaServer Faces) was adopted as the
official view technology for JSF 2.0. This eliminates the life-cycle conflicts that existed
with JSP, forcing workarounds by Java developers. Facelets allows easy
component/tag creation using XML markup instead of Java code, the chief complaint
against JSF 1.x.
JSF 2 provides a fine infrastructure to implement a rich user interface. It would not be
right to compare it with Spring or Struts2 because they are more of an ecosystem where
many technologies interplay. JSF 2 is focused in one aspect of Web development and
there it performs pretty well. The flexible component-centric behavior of JSF 2 provides
a fertile ground for fabrication of the UI components. JSF 2 is not the only one. There
are other component-based frameworks, such as Tapestry and Wicket. JSF 2 is
particularly suitable for rapid Web interface development.
Introduction to JSF Architecture
Components Overview
Components in JSF 2 basically represents an abstraction of UI elements useful for Web
development. Suppose we want to create a table and display it in a Web page with a
certain number of rows and columns. We can simply generate the table statically with
HTML tags or use the tags in a loop to create one, in JSP. In JSF, what we can do
instead is use the table component to generate the table rather than resorting to raw
HTML tags almost like the Java Swing GUI components, but the difference here is that
the UI components are used in a server-side environment of a Web application rather
than a desktop app. The component connotation has a three-part utility in JSF 2, such
JSF provides a number of built-in components for quick UI design. These
components come in quite handy because, as a component, they can be
dragged and dropped while designing the page.
JSF follows an event-driven programming model. The core of the event-driven
model is handled by the managed bean. Managed beans are nothing but the
simple POJO with a @Named or @ManagedBean annotation.
The component model is reusable and flexible enough to include many third-
party developers’ re-fabricated UI components. Some third-party components
providers are RichFaces, IceFaces, and PrimeFaces.
Framework Pattern
JSF 2 uses a MVC design pattern similar to Struts2 and Spring Web MVC while
implementing a request, response mechanism in a Web application. JSF application is
like other Java-based web application and runs in Java Servlet container and contains:
JavaBeans components, which are application-specific functionality and data
A custom tag library to represent event handlers and validates
A custom tag library to render UI components
UI components which act as stateful objects on server
Helper classes on server-side
Validators, event handlers and navigation handlers
Application configuration resource file
The JSF 2 Architecture is shown below with its components.
Figure 1: The JSF 2 MVC Architecture
In JSF 2, user actions are performed by controllers. Web page authors create UI and
managed beans can utilize the business logic.
JSF facilitates different mechanisms to render individual component. Web page
designer can pick the representation as desired and there is no need that the
application developer knows the type of mechanism used to render JSF UI component.
In a nutshell, the MVC architecture with respect to JSF 2 can be described as this:
Every application has some data to manipulate in the problem domain. This data is
represented with a model class. Data once processed need a way to display it to the
user. This is represented by the view. The JSF implementation operates as a liaison as
a controller between the model and the view. As should be obvious, the controller has
some say in both the model and view layer, respectively.
Building Web Applications with JSF
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a user interface (UI) framework for Java web applications. It
is designed to significantly ease the burden of writing and maintaining applications that
run on a Java application server and render their UIs back to a target client. JSF
provides ease-of-use in the following ways:
Makes it easy to construct a UI from a set of reusable UI components
Simplifies migration of application data to and from the UI
Helps manage UI state across server requests
Provides a simple model for wiring client-generated events to server-side
application code
Allows custom UI components to be easily built and re-used
This tutorial demonstrates how we can apply JSF 2.2 support to a web application using
the NetBeans IDE. We begin by adding JSF 2.2 framework support to a basic web
application. The example application asks for input a name and then displays a
message that uses that name.
Softwares Used
To complete this topic, we will need the following software resources :—
NetBeans IDE 8.2
Java Development Kit (JDK) 8
GlassFish server 4.1.1
5) Configuration tab is where one defines the URL pattern and Preferred page
language. We are fine with the defaults for this example. Press Finish.
If everything goes fine, we will have a project created with the following structure:
Web Pages contains all UI files such
as XHTML Facelets, Stylesheets, JavaScripts, etc. At this point, we have our first
page called index.xhtml.
WEB-INF contains the web deployment descriptor web.xml.
All Java files resides in Source Packages. We don’t have any right now but soon
you will see once we create our first managed bean.
Libraries contains all framework, JDK and Server related files. Do note
the javax.faces.jar, which is the JSF 2.2 framework.
Configuration Files folder contains all configuration files.
Project is created successfully. Press the Run Project button on the toolbar or press F6.
Now, we take a look at the output panel. The important line we are looking for is
highlighted below.
Creating FacesServlet – The Controller
FacesServlet is the controller of our JSF application. There is no Java file created cause
it’s part of the framework. All we need to do is configure it properly in the web
deployment descriptor i.e. web.xml file.
Here is the listing of our web.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
The <context-param> element is used to define the context parameters that is
going to be available to any servlet in the web application. By setting
the PROJECT_STAGE to development we can get extra debugging support
First we need to tell the server a little bit about the servlet. We do that by using
the element. Here we give the servlet a name and the actual class name. load-
on-startup element tells the server to load this servlet when the server starts
The servlet needs to be mapped to a URL or URL pattern. To do so, we use
element. In our case, all URL that has faces in it will be sent to this servlet. You
can define multiple mapping for a servlet. Other possible mappings
are *.jsf, *.faces, /faces/* etc.
Welcome file list element defines a list of welcome files. The welcome file is
invoked by the server automatically if no file name is specified in the URL. Take a
look at our URL, we haven’t specified any file name but the server is smart
enough to show us “Hello Faces Servlet” message. This happens because we
have defined index.xhtml file as our welcome file so the server is picking it up.
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
@Named(value = "welcomeBean")
public class WelcomeBean {
public WelcomeBean() {
public String getGuestName() {
return guestName;
NetBeans will create the file and open it in the editor for further editing. Let’s add our
own code.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<h:outputLabel><h2>Hello, #{welcomeBean.guestName}. You are
Finally let’s take a look at the index.xhtml.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<title>Custom JSF Application</title>
<h:outputLabel><h2>Hello guest! What's your name?</h2></h:outputLabel>
<h:inputText maxlength="10" required="true"
value="#{welcomeBean.guestName}" requiredMessage="Please enter your name."/>
<h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{welcomeBean.welcomeUser()}" />
If we enter the name and press Submit button then you should see the page below. The
screen shot shows that I entered “techguru” here.
Figure 2: Welcome page
If we press the submit button without entering a name then we should see the following
error message.
Figure 3: Validation error demonstration
Advantages of Spring
We can use all of Spring’s functionality in any JEE server, and most of it also in non-
managed environments. A central focus of Spring is to allow for reusable business and
data access objects that are not tied to specific JEE services. Such objects can be
reused across JEE environments (web or EJB), standalone applications, test
environments, etc without any hassle.
Spring’s layered architecture gives us a lot of flexibility. All its functionality builds on
lower levels. So we can e.g. use the JavaBeans configuration management without
using the MVC framework or Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) support. But if we
use the web MVC framework or AOP support, we will find they build on the core Spring
configuration, so we can apply our knowledge about it immediately.
The descriptions of the main modules in the Spring framework are given below:
1. Spring AOP
One of the key components of Spring is the AOP framework. AOP is used in Spring:
2. Spring ORM
The ORM package is related to the database access. It provides integration layers for
popular object-relational mapping APIs, including JDO, Hibernate and iBATIS.
3. Spring Web
The Spring Web module is part of Spring’s web application development stack, which
includes Spring MVC.
4. Spring DAO
The DAO (Data Access Object) support in Spring is primarily for standardizing the data
access work using the technologies like JDBC, Hibernate or JDO.
5. Spring Context
This package builds on the beans package to add support for message sources and for
the Observer design pattern, and the ability for application objects to obtain resources
using a consistent API.
7. Spring Core
The Core package is the most import component of the Spring Framework. This
component provides the Dependency Injection features. The BeanFactory provides a
factory pattern which separates the dependencies like initialization, creation and access
of the objects from our actual program logic.
Building Web Applications with Spring Web MVC
The Spring Framework is a popular open source application framework that can make
JEE development easier. It consists of a container, a framework for managing
components, and a set of snap-in services for web user interfaces, transactions, and
persistence. A part of the Spring Framework is Spring Web MVC, an extensible MVC
framework for creating web applications.
This part of this chapter shows us how to construct a simple web MVC application using
the Spring Framework in NetBeans IDE 8.2. The application enables a user to enter
his/her name in a text field, and upon clicking OK, the name is returned and displayed
on a second page with a welcome greeting.
The IDE provides built-in support for Spring Framework 2.5. Framework libraries are
packaged with the IDE and are automatically added to the project classpath when the
framework is selected. Configuration settings are provided, such as naming and
mapping of the Spring Web MVC DispatcherServlet. The JSTL library is automatically
registered. Support for Spring XML bean configuration files is also provided, including
the following functionalities:
Code completion. Invoked in Spring XML configuration files for Java classes as
well as bean references.
Navigation. Hyper linking of Java classes and properties mentioned in Spring
bean definitions, as well as hyper linking to other Spring bean references.
Refactoring. Renaming of references to Java classes in Spring XML
configuration files.
The Web and Java EE installation enables us to optionally install the GlassFish
application server and the Apache Tomcat web container. We must install one of these
(or register a different server in the IDE) to work through this topic.
Softwares Used
To complete this topic, we will need the following software resources :—
NetBeans IDE 8.2
Java Development Kit (JDK) 8
GlassFish server 4.1.1
Note: The IDE enables us to add the Spring 4.x library to our project, but for this tutorial
we will use SimpleFormController that is not supported in Spring 4.x. Also, when we
select Spring Web MVC, note that the JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library)
library is added to the classpath during project creation by default. Deselect this option
(as in the above screenshot), since we do not require JSTL for this tutorial.
7. Click the Configuration tab and note that the wizard enables us to specify the
name and mapping of the Spring Dispatcher servlet.
8. Click Finish. The IDE creates a project for the entire application, including all
metadata, as well as the project’s Ant build script which we can inspect from the
Files window (Ctrl-2). We can view the template structure from the Projects
window (Ctrl-1). Also note that four files open by default in the IDE’s
editor: dispatcher-servlet.xml, applicationContext.xml, redirect.jsp, and index.jsp.
9. In the Projects window, expand the new project’s Libraries node and note that
the Spring JARs are included in the project’s classpath.
Click the Run Project ( ) in the IDE’s main toolbar. The IDE automatically starts the
GlassFish server if it is not already running, compiles the project, then deploys it to the
server. Note any output displayed in the IDE’s Output window (Ctrl-4). The generated
output completes with a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message. The IDE’s default browser
starts up, and we may see content from the welcome page view
When we run our project in the IDE, the project is compiled and deployed to the server,
and then opens in our default browser. Furthermore, the IDE provides a Deploy on Save
feature, which is activated by default for web projects. When we save files in the editor,
our project is automatically recompiled and deployed to the server. To view changes,
we can simply refresh pages in our browser.
In order to understand what just took place, start by examining the project’s deployment
descriptor (web.xml). To open this file in the Source Editor, right-click the WEB-
INF > web.xml node in the Projects window and choose Edit. The default entry point for
the application is redirect.jsp:
Within redirect.jsp, there is a redirect statement that points all requests to index.htm:
<% response.sendRedirect("index.htm"); %>
In the deployment descriptor, note that all requests for URL patterns that
match *.htm are mapped to Spring’s DispatcherServlet.
The fully qualified name of the dispatcher servlet, as shown above,
is org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet. This class is contained in the
Spring library, which was added to the project classpath when the project was created.
We can verify this in the Projects window by drilling down from the Libraries node.
Locate the spring-webmvc-3.1.1.RELEASE.jar, then expand it to
find org.springframework.web.servlet > DispatcherServlet.
The DispatcherServlet handles incoming requests based on configuration settings found
in dispatcher-servlet.xml. Open dispatcher-servlet.xml by clicking on its tab in the editor.
Note the following code.
<bean id="urlMapping"
<property name="mappings">
<prop key="/index.htm">indexController</prop>
<bean id="viewResolver"
p:suffix=".jsp" />
<bean name="indexController"
p:viewName="index" />
Three beans are defined in this file: indexController, viewResolver, and urlMapping.
When the DispatcherServlet receives a request that matches *.htm such as index.htm, it
looks for a controller within urlMapping that can accommodate the request. Above, we
see that there is a mappings property that links /index.htm to indexController.
The runtime environment then searches for the definition of a bean
named indexController, which is conveniently provided by the skeleton project. Note
that indexController extends ParameterizableViewController. This is another class
provided by Spring, which simply returns a view. Above, note
that p:viewName="index" specifies the logical view name, which is resolved using
the viewResolver by prepending /WEB-INF/jsp/ and appending .jsp to it. This allows the
runtime to locate the file within the application directory, and respond with the welcome
page view (/WEB-INF/jsp/index.jsp).
Implementing a Service
Now that we are sure that our environment is set up properly, we can begin extending
the skeleton project according to our needs. Start by creating the HelloService class.
1. Click the New File ( ) button in the IDE’s toolbar. (Alternatively, press Ctrl-N;
2. Select the Java category, then select Java Class and click Next.
3. In the New Java Class wizard that displays, type in HelloService for Class
Name, and enter service for Package Name to create a new package for the
4. Click Finish. The IDE creates the new class and opens it in the editor.
The HelloService class performs a very simple service. It takes a name as a parameter,
and prepares and returns a String that includes the name. In the editor, create the
following sayHello() method for the class (changes in bold).
public class HelloService {
NetBeans IDE provides templates for various Spring artifacts, including the
Spring XML Configuration File, the AbstractController, and
the SimpleFormController.
2. Click Next.
3. Name the class HelloController and create a new package for it by
typing controller in the Package text field. Click Finish. The IDE creates the new
class and opens it in the editor.
4. Specify controller properties by uncommenting the setter methods that display by
default in the class template. To uncomment the code snippet, highlight the code
as in the image below, then press Ctrl-/ (⌘-/ on Mac).
We now need to create the Name class as a simple bean to hold information for each
11. In the Projects window, right-click on the project node and choose New > Java
Class. The New Java Class wizard displays.
12. Enter Name for the Class Name, and for Package select controller from the
drop-down list.
13. Click Finish. The Name class is created and opens in the editor.
14. For the Name class, create a field named value, then create accessor methods
(i.e., getter and setter methods) for this field. Start by declaring the value field:
15. public class Name {
17. private String value;
To quickly type out ‘private‘ we can type ‘pr‘ then press Tab. The ‘private‘ access
modifier is automatically added to the line. This is an example of using the editor’s code
templates. For a full list of code templates, choose Help > Keyboard Shortcuts Card.
The IDE can create accessor methods for us. In the editor, right-click on value and
choose Insert Code (or press Alt-Insert; Ctrl-I on Mac). In the popup menu, choose
Getter and Setter.
19. In the dialog that displays, select the value : String option, then click OK.
The getValue() and setValue() methods are added to the Name class:
20. public String getValue() {
21. return value;
22. }
24. public void setValue(String value) {
25. this.value = value;
26. Press Ctrl-Tab and choose HelloController to switch back to
the HelloController class. Note that the previous error badge has disappeared
since the Name class now exists.
27. Delete the doSubmitAction() method and uncomment the onSubmit() method.
The onSubmit() method enables us to create our own ModelAndView, which is
what is required here. Make the following changes:
28. @Override
29. protected ModelAndView onSubmit(
30. HttpServletRequest request,
31. HttpServletResponse response,
32. Object command,
33. BindException errors) throws Exception {
35. Name name = (Name) command;
36. ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(getSuccessView());
37. mv.addObject("helloMessage", helloService.sayHello(name.getValue()));
38. return mv;
As indicated above, the command is recast as a Name object. An instance
of ModelAndView is created, and the success view is obtained using a getter
in SimpleFormController. Finally, the model is populated with data. The only item in our
model is the hello message obtained from the HelloService created earlier. We use
the addObject() method to add the hello message to the model under the
name helloMessage.
39. Fix import errors by right-clicking in the editor and choosing Fix Imports (Ctrl-
Note. Confirm
that org.springframework.validation.BindException and org.springframework.web.
servlet.ModelAndView are selected in the Fix All Imports dialog box.
40. Click OK. The following import statement is added to the top of the file:
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
As stated in the API documentation, this class “represents a model and view returned
by a handler, to be resolved by a DispatcherServlet. The view can take the form of
a String view name which will need to be resolved by a ViewResolver object;
alternatively a View object can be specified directly. The model is a Map, allowing the
use of multiple objects keyed by name.”
Note that at this stage, not all errors are fixed because the class still cannot identify
the HelloService class, nor make use of its sayHello() method.
41. Within HelloController, declare a private field named HelloService:
private HelloService helloService;
Then create a public setter method for the field:
public void setHelloService(HelloService helloService) {
this.helloService = helloService;
Finally, right-click in the editor and choose Fix Imports (Ctrl-Shift-I; ⌘-Shift-I on Mac).
The following statement is added to the top of the file:
import service.HelloService;
All errors should now be fixed.
42. Register HelloService in applicationContext.xml. Open applicationContext.xml in
the editor and enter the following bean declaration:
<bean name="helloService" class="service.HelloService" />
Spring support in the IDE includes code completion within XML configuration files for
Java classes as well as bean references. To invoke code completion, press Ctrl-Space
when working in the editor:
This concludes the Introduction to the Spring Framework in NetBeans IDE. This
document demonstrated how to construct a simple web MVC application in the
NetBeans IDE using the Spring Framework, and introduced us to the IDE’s interface for
developing web applications.
Hibernate Framework
Hibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) library for the Java language,
providing a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a traditional
relational database. Hibernate solves object-relational impedance mismatch problems
by replacing direct persistence-related database accesses with high-level object
handling functions. Hibernate is free as open source software that is distributed under
the GNU Lesser General Public License (formerly the GNU Library General Public
License) or LGPL.
Hibernate’s primary feature is mapping from Java classes to database tables (and from
Java data types to SQL data types). Hibernate also provides data query and retrieval
facilities. Hibernate generates the SQL calls and relieves the developer from manual
result set handling and object conversion, keeping the application portable to all
supported SQL databases, with database portability delivered at very little performance
Hibernate was developed by a team of Java software developers around the world led
by Gavin King. JBoss, Inc. (now part of Red Hat). The current version of Hibernate is
Version 4.x.
Features of Hibernate
1) Mapping: Mapping Java classes to database tables are accomplished through the
configuration of an XML file or by using Java Annotation. When using an XML file,
Hibernate can generate skeletal source code for the persistence classes. This is
unnecessary when annotation is used. Hibernate can use the XML file or the annotation
to maintain the database schema. Facilities to arrange one-to-many and many-to-many
relationships between classes are provided.
In addition to managing association between objects, Hibernate can also manage
reflexive associations where an object has a one-to-many relationship with other
instances of its own type. Hibernate supports the mapping of custom value types. This
makes the following scenarios possible:
Overriding the default SQL type that Hibernate chooses when mapping a column
to a property
Mapping Java Enum to columns as if they were regular properties
Mapping a single property to multiple columns
2) Persistence: Hibernate provides transparent persistence for Plain Old Java Objects
(POJOs). The only strict requirement for a persistent class is a no-argument
constructor, not necessarily public. Proper behavior in some applications also requires
special attention to the equals() and hashCode() methods. Collections of data objects
are typically stored in Java collection objects such as Set and List. Java generics,
introduced in Java 5, are supported. Hibernate can be configured to lazy load
associated collections. Lazy loading is the default as of Hibernate 3.
Related objects can be configured to cascade operations from one to the other. For
example, a parent such as an Album object can be configured to cascade its save
and/or delete operation to its child Track objects. This can reduce development time
and ensure referential integrity. A dirty checking feature avoids unnecessary database
write actions by performing SQL updates only on the modified fields of persistent
3) Hibernate Query Language (HQL): Hibernate provides a SQL inspired language
called HQL which allows SQL-like queries to be written against Hibernate’s data
objects. Criteria Queries are provided as an object-oriented alternative to HQL.
4) Integration: Hibernate can be used both in standalone Java applications and in Java
EE applications using Servlets or EJB session beans. It can also be included as a
feature in other programming languages. For example, Adobe integrated Hibernate into
version 9 of ColdFusion (Which runs on J2EE app servers) with an abstraction layer of
new functions and syntax added into ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML).
5) Entities and components: In Hibernate jargon, an entity is a stand-alone object in
Hibernate’s persistent mechanism which can be manipulated independently of other
objects. In contrast, a component is subordinate to other entities and can be
manipulated only with respect to other entities. For example, an Album object may
represent an entity but the Tracks object associated with the Album objects would
represent a component of the Album entity if it is assumed that Tracks can only be
saved or retrieved from the database through the Album object.
Hibernate API
The Hibernate API is provided in the Java package org.hibernate. It has two important
interfaces which are given below:
1) org.hibernate.SessionFactory interface
It references immutable and thread-safe object creating new Hibernate sessions.
Hibernate-based applications are usually designed to make use only of a single
instance of the class implementing this interface (often exposed using a singleton
design pattern).
2) org.hibernate.Session interface
It represents a Hibernate session i.e. the main point of the manipulation performed on
the database entities. The latter activities include (among the other things) managing
the persistence state (transient, persisted, detached) of the objects, fetching the
persisted ones from the database and the management of the transaction demarcation.
A session is intended to last as long as the logical transaction on the database. Due to
the latter feature Session implementations are not expected to be thread-safe nor to be
used by multiple clients.
Softwares Used
To complete this topic, we will need the following software resources :—
NetBeans IDE 8.2
Java Development Kit (JDK) 8
GlassFish server 4.1.1
MySQL 5.0 with Type 4 driver
Sakila MySQL Sample Database Plugin
When we click OK a Sakila node appears under the MySQL Server node.
5. Right-click the Sakila node and choose Connect.
When we click Connect a database connection node for the Sakila database
(jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sakila [root on Default schema]) is listed under the
Databases node. When a connection is open we can view the data in the database by
expanding the connection node.
If we click the XML tab in the editor we can see the file in XML view. Our file should look
similar to the following (the 3 new properties are bold):
<property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sakila</
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">root</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">system</property>
<property name="hibernate.show_sql">true</property>
<property name="hibernate.current_session_context_class">thread</property>
9. Save the changes to the file.
We can close the file because we do not need to edit the file again.
When we click Finish, opens in the editor. We can close the file
because we don’t need to edit the file.
The wizard generates a hibernate.reveng.xml reverse engineering file and opens the file
in the editor. We can close the reverse engineering file because we don’t need to edit
the file.
6.2. Enumerating Film Titles and Retrieving Actors Using an HQL Query
In this exercise, we will create a Hibernate Query Language (HQL) query that queries
the database to retrieve a list of film titles from the Film table. We will then add a
method that queries both the Actor and Film_actor tables to fetch the actors involved in
a particular film.
The Film table has 1000 records so the method to retrieve the list of films should be
able to retrieve records based on the filmId primary key. We will use the HQL editor to
construct and test the HQL query. After we have created the correct query we will add a
method to the class that can generate the proper query.
1. Right-click the project node in the Projects window and choose Clean and
2. Right-click hibernate.cfg.xml in the Projects window and choose Run
HQL Query to open the HQL query editor.
3. Select hibernate.cfg from the drop down list in the toolbar.
4. Test the connection by typing the following in the editor and clicking the
Run HQL Query button ( ) in the toolbar.
from Film
When we click Run HQL Query we can see the results of the query in the bottom
window of the HQL query editor.
If we click the SQL button we can see the equivalent SQL query.
select film0_.film_id as col_0_0_ from film0_
5. We now type the following query to retrieve the records in the Film table
where the film id is between 100 and 200.
When we click Finish, the IDE creates the bean class and opens the class in the editor.
The IDE added the @Named and @SessionScoped annotations. We have also added
the annotation @ManagedBean from javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean. See it below.
@Named(value = "filmController")
public class FilmController implements Serializable {
After addting fields & methods and fixing the imports the final code would look like this:
package dvdrental;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped;
import java.util.List;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.model.DataModel;
import javax.faces.model.ListDataModel;
@Named(value = "filmController")
public class FilmController implements Serializable {
int startId;
int endId;
DataModel filmTitles;
FilmHelper helper;
private int recordCount = 1000;
private int pageSize = 10;
* Creates a new instance of FilmController
public FilmController() {
helper = new FilmHelper();
startId = 1;
endId = 10;
void recreateModel() {
filmTitles = null;
5. Modify the <ui:insert> element to change the default generated name to “body”.
<div id="content" class="center_content">
<ui:insert name="body">Content</ui:insert>
6. Save the changes.
The content enclosed within the element in index.xhtml and browse.xhtml will be
inserted into the location identified with Content in the template. The CSS files also
have to be added within <h:head> and </h:head> .
The final code would look like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<link href="./resources/css/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="./resources/css/cssLayout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<title>Facelets Template</title>
3. <html xmlns=""
4. xmlns:h=""
5. xmlns:ui="">
6. <ui:composition template="./template.xhtml">
7. <ui:define name="body">
8. <h:form>
10. </h:form>
11. </ui:define>
12. </ui:composition>
When we start typing the tags, the IDE
adds xmlns:ui="" tag library declaration.
The <ui:composition> and <ui:define> elements are used in combination with the page
template that we will create. The <ui:composition> element references the location of
the template that will be used by this page. The <ui:define> element references the
position in the template that the enclosed code will occupy.
13. Add the following navigation links that call the previous and next methods
in the JSF managed bean.
<ui:define name="top">
<ui:define name="body">
We can see that the new file specifies the template.xhtml file and that
the tag <ui:define> has the property name="body"
7. Add the following code (in bold) between the <ui:define> tags to create
the form and call the methods in the managed bean FilmController to
retrieve the data and populate the form.
8. <ui:composition xmlns:ui=""
9. template="./template.xhtml"
10. xmlns:h=""
11. xmlns:f="">
13. <ui:define name="top">
14. top
15. </ui:define>
17. <ui:define name="body">
19. <h:form>
20. <h:panelGrid columns="2">
21. <h:outputText value="Title:"/>
22. <h:outputText value="#{filmController.selected.title}"
23. <h:outputText value="Description"/>
24. <h:outputText
value="#{filmController.selected.description}" title="Description"/>
25. <h:outputText value="Genre"/>
26. <h:outputText value="#{filmController.category}"/>
28. <h:outputText value="Cast"/>
29. <h:outputText value="#{filmController.actors}"/>
32. <h:outputText value="Film Length"/>
33. <h:outputText value="#{filmController.selected.length}
min" title="Film Length"/>
35. <h:outputText value="Language"/>
36. <h:outputText value="#{filmController.language}"
title="Film Length"/>
38. <h:outputText value="Release Year"/>
39. <h:outputText
value="#{filmController.selected.releaseYear}" title="Release Year">
40. <f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" />
41. </h:outputText>
42. <h:outputText value="Rental Duration"/>
43. <h:outputText
value="#{filmController.selected.rentalDuration}" title="Rental
44. <h:outputText value="Rental Rate"/>
45. <h:outputText
value="#{filmController.selected.rentalRate}" title="Rental Rate"/>
46. <h:outputText value="Replacement Cost"/>
47. <h:outputText
title="Replacement Cost"/>
48. <h:outputText value="Rating"/>
49. <h:outputText value="#{filmController.selected.rating}"
50. <h:outputText value="Special Features"/>
51. <h:outputText
value="#{filmController.selected.specialFeatures}" title="Special
52. <h:outputText value="Last Update"/>
53. <h:outputText
value="#{filmController.selected.lastUpdate}" title="Last Update">
54. <f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy
HH:mm:ss" />
55. </h:outputText>
56. </h:panelGrid>
57. <br />
58. <br />
59. <h:commandLink action="#{filmController.prepareList}"
value="View All List"/>
60. <br />
61. </h:form>
63. </ui:define>
64. </ui:composition>
We can see that browse.xhtml and index.xhtml will use the same page template.
65. Save the changes.