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Address all correspondence to:
The Registrar
North-West University
Potchefstroom Campus
Private Bag X6001

Tel: (018)299-1111/2222
Fax: (018)299-2799
Internet: http://www.nwu.ac.za
The General Academic Rules of the University, to which all students have to subject
themselves and which apply to all the qualifications offered by the University, appear in a
separate publication and are available on the web page at:
Please note: Although the information in this Calendar has been compiled with the utmost
care and accuracy, the Council and the Senate of the University accept no responsibility
whatsoever for errors that may occur. Before students finally decide on the selection of
modules, they must consult the class timetable. If a clash occurs in the planned selection of a
student, the relevant module combination is not permitted.


I.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................ 8
I.1.1 THE FACULTY ............................................................................................... 8
I.1.2 THE ENGINEERING PROFESSION ............................................................... 8
I.1.2.1 The Role of the Professional Engineer ............................................................ 8
I.1.2.2 Professional ethics .......................................................................................... 9
I.1.2.3 Registration as Professional Engineer ............................................................. 9

I.1.3 PROFESSIONAL STATUS ............................................................................. 9

I.1.3.1 ECSA Accreditation ......................................................................................... 9
I.1.3.2 International Comparability .............................................................................10

I.1.4 AUTHORITY OF THE GENERAL RULES .....................................................10

I.1.4.1 General provisions .........................................................................................10

I.1.5 EVALUATION OF ACADEMIC LITERACY ...................................................11

I.1.6 WARNING AGAINST PLAGIARISM: ............................................................12
I.1.7 CAPACITY STIPULATION ............................................................................12
I.1.8.1 General ..........................................................................................................12
I.1.8.2 Engineering test ...........................................................................................12
I.1.8.3 Admission requirements: application switching from BSc to BEng ..................13
I.1.8.4 Joining from another university .......................................................................13

I.1.9 RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING ........................................................14

I.1.11 REGISTRATION ............................................................................................14
I.1.11.1 Annual registration .........................................................................................15
I.1.11.2 Module acceptances and exemptions.............................................................15
I.1.11.3 General ..........................................................................................................15
I.1.11.4 Exemptions for a period and specific modules ................................................16
I.1.11.5 Registration according to time-table ...............................................................16
I.1.11.6 Simultaneous registration at more than one institution....................................16
I.1.11.7 Simultaneous registration for more than one qualification ...............................16
I.1.11.8 Registration for additional modules ................................................................17

I.1.12 EXAMINATION ..............................................................................................17

I.1.12.1 Participation mark ..........................................................................................17
I.1.12.2 Number of examination opportunities .............................................................17
I.1.12.3 Medical certificates for absence .....................................................................18

I.1.12.4 Use of pocket calculators during examinations ...............................................18
I.1.12.5 Admission to examination ..............................................................................19
I.1.12.6 Relationship between credits, teaching periods and examination
papers ............................................................................................................19
I.1.12.7 Moderating of modules, examination papers and answer papers ...................20
I.1.12.8 Calculation of module mark ............................................................................20
I.1.12.9 Pass requirements .........................................................................................20
I.1.12.10 Access to marked examination work ..............................................................20
I.1.12.11 Repeating of modules ....................................................................................21


I.1.13.1 Requirements with respect to assumed prior learning ....................................21

I.1.14 UNSATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE ......................................21

I.1.15 TERMINATION OF STUDIES ........................................................................22
I.1.16 FACULTY-SPECIFIC RULES FOR THE QUALIFICATION ...........................22
I.1.16.1 Duration of studies .........................................................................................22
I.1.16.2 Medium of instruction .....................................................................................22


I.1.18 ATTAINMENT OF QUALIFICATION .............................................................23
I.1.18.1 Satisfaction of requirements ...........................................................................23
I.1.18.2 Awarding the degree with distinction ..............................................................23

I.1.19 OTHER REGULATIONS ................................................................................24

I.1.19.1 Equipment ......................................................................................................24
I.1.19.2 Network services ............................................................................................24

I.1.20 SCHOOLS IN THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING ........................................24

I.1.21 QUALIFICATIONS, PROGRAMMES AND CURRICULA ..............................25


ENGINEERING ............................................................ 27
I.2.1 FACULTY RULES .........................................................................................27
I.2.2 MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM DURATION.........................................................27
I.2.3 COMPOSITION OF THE CURRICULUM .......................................................28
I.2.3.1 Purpose of the Qualification ...........................................................................28
I.2.3.2 Qualification outcomes ...................................................................................28
I.2.3.3 Knowledge .....................................................................................................29
I.2.3.4 Skills ..............................................................................................................29
I.2.3.5 Values ............................................................................................................30
I.2.3.6 Phasing in and out of programmes / curricula .................................................30

ENGINEERING ............................................................ 31
I.3.1 CHANGING A PROGRAMME .......................................................................31
I.3.2 PRESCRIBED MODULES .............................................................................31
I.3.3 TOTAL CREDIT VALUE OF PROGRAMMES ...............................................31
I.3.4 CURRICULA..................................................................................................32
I.3.4.1 Programme: BEng in Chemical Engineering ...................................................32
I.3.4.2 Programme: BEng in Chemical Engineering with Minerals Processing ...........33


COMPUTER ENGINEERING ....................................... 36
I.4.1 CHANGING A PROGRAMME .......................................................................36
I.4.2 PRESCRIBED MODULES .............................................................................36
I.4.3 TOTAL CREDIT VALUE OF PROGRAMMES ...............................................37
I.4.4 CURRICULA..................................................................................................37
I.4.4.1 Programme: BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering ............................37
I.4.4.2 Programme: BEng in Computer and Electronic Engineering...........................38
I.4.4.3 Programme: BEng in Electromechanical Engineering.....................................40


ENGINEERING ............................................................ 42
I.5.1 CHANGING A PROGRAMME .......................................................................42
I.5.2 PRESCRIBED MODULES .............................................................................42
I.5.3 TOTAL CREDIT VALUE OF THE PROGRAMME .........................................42
I.5.4 CURRICULA..................................................................................................43
I.5.4.1 Programme: BEng in Mechanical Engineering ...............................................43
I.5.4.2 Programme: BEng in Industrial Engineering ...................................................45

I.6 LIST OF PROGRAMME MODULES ............................ 47

I.6.1 MODULE TYPES ...........................................................................................47
I.6.2 METHOD OF DELIVERY ...............................................................................47
I.6.3 ASSESSMENT METHODS ............................................................................47
I.6.4 CREDIT VALUE AND PREREQUISITES.......................................................47

I.7 MODULE OUTCOMES ................................................ 53

Prof LJ Grobler, PhD (University of Pretoria), CEM, CMVP, PrEng


School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering
Prof FB Waanders, PrEng, PrSciNat, PhD (PU for CHE)

School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

Prof G van Schoor, PrEng, DEng (RAU)
School of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Prof JH Wichers, PrEng, PhD (PU vir CHO)

Manager: Mnr AG Hattingh, PrEng, MEng (UP)

Centre for Research and Continued Engineering Development (Pretoria)

Manager: Prof EH Mathews, PrEng, PhD (US)


Chairperson Teaching and Learning Committee: Prof M le Roux, BEng (Chem), M.Eng
(Chem), Ph.D (Eng) (NWU)
Ms V Pretorius (Senior Administrative Assistant)

Unit for Energy and Technology Systems
Director: Prof L van Dyk, PhD (US), PrEng, SAIIE

ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER (Undergraduate students)

Mrs MCJ Potgieter, BA (Communication) (PU for CHE), HonsBA (Library and Information
Sciences (PU for CHE)

Prof LJ Grobler (Dean)

School directors, programme managers and academic staff:

School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering

Prof FB Waanders (director)
Programme managers: Profs M le Roux (Under graduate programmes) S Marx
(post-graduates programmes)

School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

Prof G van Schoor (director)
Programme managers: Drs A Grobler (Electrical and Electronic Engineering); H Marais
(Computer and Electronic Engineering), WC Kukard Electromechanical Engineering) and
MJ Grobler (post-graduates programmes)

School of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering

Prof JH Wichers (Director)
Programme managers: Prof L van Dyk (Industrial Engineering), Dr J Janse van Rensburg
(Mechanical Engineering) and dr J-H Kruger (post-graduates programmes)

Academic representative Faculty of Natural Sciences:

Prof HCM Vosloo
Teaching and Learning and Quality affairs
Prof M le Roux (chairperson Teaching and Learning Committee)
Ms V Pretorius (Senior Administrative Assistant)

Innovation support
Manager: Mnr AG Hattingh

Unit for Energy and Technology Systems

Director: Prof L van Dyk

Centre for Research and Continued Engineering Development [CRCED (Pretoria)]

Manager: Prof EH Mathews

Recruitment, Selection, and Student Affairs

Manager: Ms EC Hattingh

Administrative manager: (Undergraduate students)

Mrs MCJ Potgieter

Senior Administrative Officer: Post-Graduate Administration

Ms Y Viljoen

Student representative:
Chairperson: ESA

Engineering Faculty’s representative on the Council of the Faculty of Natural Sciences:

Prof FB Waanders, School of Chemical and Minerals Engineering (director)

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Prof CA Strydom, PrSciNat, PhD (UP)

School of Computer, Statistical and Mathematical Sciences

Prof GJ Groenewald, HonsBSc (UWC), MSc (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),
MSc (UK), PhD (Vrije Univ. Amsterdam).

The Faculty of Engineering of the NW University officially came into existence
in 1982. In 1992 the Faculty relocated from the Vaal Triangle to
Potchefstroom. The Faculty comprises four schools offering training, teaching,
post-graduate study and research in seven specialised fields in Engineering.
The Faculty of Engineering's vision is to be the Faculty of choice in Southern
The Faculty of Engineering's mission is to be a balanced learning and
research faculty which is relevant for the development of students, the
community and the industry.
The Faculty will achieve its mission by:
 Being locally involved, nationally relevant and internationally competitive;
 Fostering scientific innovation and entrepreneurial thinking among students
and staff;
 Focusing on the general shaping of students in respect of their career
 Delivering high quality engineers with skills that emphasise the
implementation of engineering principles in the industry, and
 Developing new knowledge through research, assisting the advancement
of the country and its people.
The Faculty offers research opportunities to promising persons who wish to
pursue a research career after completion of the Bachelor’s degree (BEng) and
are interested in postgraduate study towards a masters’ degree (MEng) and/or
the doctorate (PhD) in Engineering. In the Faculty of Engineering there are
research centres of excellence, enjoying support from industry and statutory
bodies. The Faculty may also award the higher doctorate (DEng) for
outstanding research conducted without direct supervision.
For information regarding postgraduate study, you are referred to the
Postgraduate Calendar.


I.1.2.1 The Role of the Professional Engineer
Engineering refers to the practice of the organising of the design, construction
and operation of artefacts (products, processes or systems) which transform
the physical world around us, in order to satisfy certain identified needs.
Engineers study science and use it to solve problems of practical importance,
typically by a process known as creative synthesis or design. Engineers are
members of a profession and are responsible for the discerning application of
their knowledge with a view to the sustainable economic progress and welfare
of humanity.
Although engineering as a profession has its origin in the earliest development
of humankind, it was only in the middle of the nineteenth century that scientific
methodology was first systematically applied to solve engineering problems
and when a start was made with the establishment of engineering schools,
leading to engineering being recognized as a “learned profession”.
With the impact of technology on our society engineering plays an increasingly
important role with respect to economic development. Excellent work
opportunities exist for engineers in almost all sectors of the economy, both
locally and overseas.
The purpose of the BEng degree is to equip students with the necessary
knowledge to be able to practise as professional engineers.

I.1.2.2 Professional ethics

Engineers are subject to a professional code of conduct. The Engineering
Council of South Africa (ECSA) is vested with powers to lay down standards for
education and to register qualified persons as professional engineers.
Registration as a Professional Engineer (PrEng) certifies that a person is
authorised to practise as an engineer. ECSA also has the authority to take
disciplinary action against engineers who are guilty of misconduct.
Due to the high ethical standards in the engineering profession it is improbable
that a person who has been convicted and sentenced in a court of law or
against whom disciplinary measures have been taken as a result of conduct
which suggests dishonesty, will be admitted to the engineering profession,
notwithstanding good academic results.
More information regarding the engineering profession is available on the
website of the Engineering Council of South Africa at http://www.ecsa.co.za/.

I.1.2.3 Registration as Professional Engineer

To register as a professional engineer, and so use the title PrEng, a person
must normally meet two requirements:
 The person must hold a BEng or BScEng degree that has been
accredited by ECSA for this purpose; and
 The person must have completed a period of in-service training that
satisfies ECSA’s requirements in terms of standard and duration (at least
three years).This period may be shortened with one year after obtaining
an advanced university degree.
I.1.3.1 ECSA Accreditation
The BEng programmes of the Faculty are formulated to meet the requirements
of the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) for accredited BEng
programmes. This means that each of the programmes includes at least the
requires number of credits per ECSA knowledge area, and also develops and
assesses all the ECSA exit-level outcomes. Each student who has completed
a BEng programme, meets the ECSA requirements.
The bachelors’ degree awarded in the Faculty of Engineering is recognized by:
 The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) as a qualifying degree for
registration as professional engineer (PrEng) in terms of the Engineering
Profession Act (Act no 46 of 2000).
 The following Engineering societies for membership:
SA Institute of Chemical Engineering (SACHI)
SA Institute of Electrical Engineering (SAIChE)
SA Institute of Mechanical Engineering (SAIMI)
SA Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM)
 Other local universities and universities abroad for advanced postgraduate
I.1.3.2 International Comparability
International comparability of this whole qualification standard is ensured
through the Washington Accord, an agreement for the mutual recognition of
professionally-oriented bachelor’s degrees in engineering. The standards are
comparable with the Washington Accord Graduate Attributes. Washington
Accord signatories are: Australia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong China,
India, Ireland, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Russia, New Zealand,
Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, United Kingdom, and the United
States of America1. Comparability is audited on a six-yearly cycle by a visiting
Washington Accord team.
List as at July 2014. The current signatories and the Graduate Attributes can
be found on http://www.ieagreements.org.
The Faculty Rules valid for the different qualifications, programmes and
curricula of this faculty and contained in this faculty calendar are subject to the
General Rules of the University, as determined from time to time by the Council
of the University on recommendation of the Senate. The faculty rules should,
therefore, be read in conjunction with the General Rules. See

I.1.4.1 General provisions

In accordance with the General Academic Rules of the North-West University
the following apply with regard to application and interpretation:
These rules must be read with and applied subject to the Higher Education Act,
1997 and the Statute of the North-West University and in conjunction with
policies as determined by Senate and Council, such as, but not limited to, the
Admission Policy, the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and the Assessment
and Moderation Policy, as well as the schedule of payable fees as determined
annually by the University.
Senate must compile a manual for post-graduate studies within the framework
of the provisions of these Rules, which manual has the status of a binding
policy document of the University, in order to regulate matters relating to the
preparation for, progress, guidance and completion of post-graduate studies.
Except where expressly provided for otherwise, these Rules apply to all
qualification programmes listed in the Programme and Qualification Mix of the
North-West University and offered by the University and prevail over faculty
In instances where a faculty rule may contain provisions that are in conflict with
these rules, the latter will prevail.

Where functions and decision-making authority are entrusted by these Rules to
persons or structures, Senate or the campus senate committee concerned may
at any time resolve to require the person or structure concerned to report on
the performance of the relevant function or the making of the decision, and
Senate or the campus senate committee concerned may, within the limits of
reasonableness taking into account the implications for those affected thereby,
replace or revoke the act or decision concerned. (General Rules 1.1).


In order to evaluate their ability to function in an academic environment, all
undergraduate students who register at the University for the first time must
report for a compulsory skills test in academic literacy, at a time and place
determined by the University. The purpose of this test is to identify students
who, due to inadequate academic skills, may fail to complete their study
programme within the stipulated period, (A.5.2).
Students have the option of writing the compulsory skills test in English or
Afrikaans. With the exception of students who are identified as borderline
cases by the test, each student has only one opportunity to write the test.
Students, who are regarded as borderline cases, will be granted a second
opportunity to write the test. It is the student’s responsibility to establish his/her
result within 14 days of writing the test and to register for the correct module
and in in the correct semester.
Students who are regarded as at-risk cases must register for the module
AGLA111 [Afrikaans] or AGLE111 [English], depending on the language in
which the compulsory skills test was written. These modules are not calculated
in terms of curriculum credits, but the credits earned in this way are regarded
as additional credits.
Admission to the examination for AGLA111/AGLE111 requires a participation
mark of 35%. Students who are not admitted to the examination for
AGLA111/AGLE111 or who fail the relevant examination as well as two or
more other modules, will have to be re-evaluated by the Evaluation Committee
if they want to continue their studies in the following semester. In order to avoid
the termination of studies, AGLA111/AGLE111 must be completed at the end
of the student’s second historic year, at the very latest. *AGLA/E121consists of
three papers, viz. Academic Literacy, Computer and Information Skills and
Reading Skills. There is a subminimum in each of the three components. The
student must pass each of the three components in the same semester in
which he/she has registered for the module in order to pass the module.
*Engineering programmes include the compulsory module FIAP172 (24
credits), which includes the outcomes of AGLA121/AGLE121. Engineering
students who failed the module AGLA111/AGLE111, but passed FIAP172, may
have the result of AGLA111/AGLE111 conditionally condoned by the relevant
School Director to allow for a pass mark in the module.
A module mark of at least 40% for AGLA111/AGLE111 must have been
obtained and this permission is only valid if FIAP172 is passed in the same
Admission to the module AGLA121/AGLE121, which is compulsory for all
students who register at the University for the first time, requires that a student
should first complete AGLA111/AGLE111 and must obtain a mark of at least
40% for AGLA111/AGLE111. The module AGLA121 / AGLE121 carries a value

of 12 credits, forming part of the curriculum for which the student has
registered, and must be taken in the language in which the compulsory skills
test and AGLA111/AGLE111 were taken.
Students who failed the module AGLA111/AGLE111, but were allowed to
continue with AGLA121/AGLE121 and who passed the examination in this
module, may have the result of AGLA111 / AGLE111 condoned by the relevant
School Director to allow for a pass mark in the module.
Students who have already successfully completed a module(s)/ course(s)
equivalent to AGLA111 and 121/AGLE111 and 121 at another institution and
can provide proof in this regard, may apply in writing to the Head of the Centre
for Academic and Professional Language Practice for formal recognition.
Assignments are individual tasks and not group activities (unless explicitly
indicated as group activities). For further details see:


Please take cognizance of the fact that, owing to specific capacity constraints,
the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain
fields of study. This means that prospective students who comply with the
minimum requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the relevant course.


I.1.8.1 General
For admission to BEng degree studies the following apply:
Full matriculation exemption, with an APS count of at least 31, Mathematics
level 6 (70-79%) and Physical Sciences level 5 (60-69%). Consult
http://www.puk.ac.za/vstudente/index_e.html for the requirements for
undergraduate studies and the calculation of the APS score.
The Language requirement is a pass at level 5 (60-69%) in the language of
instruction on either the Home or First Additional Language level.
This, together with the compulsory Engineering Test, will be part of the
selection process.
The number of students allowed into a school may be restricted.

I.1.8.2 Engineering test

Prospective first year applicants for any engineering programme, who comply
with the minimum requirements as given above, must write an engineering
admission test. June matric results are requires for the compulsory test.
a) Prospective students who do comply with the minimum admission
requirements, with a APS score of 40, an average percentage of 80%,
Mathematics 90% and Physical Sciences 80% will be accepted
unconditionally. They write the test before registration.

b) Prospective students who do comply with the minimum admission
requirements, with an average percentage of 65% or more, will be invited
to write the engineering admission test.
c) Prospective students who do comply with the requirement of a APS count
of 31, with an average percentage of less than 65%, will be on a waiting
d) Prospective students who do not comply with the requirement of the APS
count, will not be considered for admission.
Enquiries: Ms Elza Hattingh
Project manager: Engineering
(018) 299 4026
I.1.8.3 Admission requirements: application switching from BSc to BEng
Prospective students who do not comply with the admission requirements for
BEng programmes offered by the Faculty, register on year level 1 of a
BSc programme in the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
At the end of his/her first year a new application for admission to a programme
offered by the Faculty of Engineering can be submitted. Admission is subject
to performance and the requirement that all the first year modules must be
passed. An engineering admission test must also be passed.
By virtue of General Rule a student who desires to change to another
curriculum has to apply, in writing, to the relevant Faculty for recognition of
modules already passed and which form part of the curriculum to which he/she
wants to change.

I.1.8.4 Joining from another university

a) Students who started their studies in Engineering at another university
and who are desirous to continue their studies at this University, are
strongly advised to complete only the first year level of the programme at
that university before applying to continue with the second level
programme at this University.
b) Applications from students who started their engineering studies at
another university and who wish to continue at this university, will only be
considered if the first year of study has been completed successfully at
the previous university. An application to continue with the second year of
the BEng programmes at this university, will be considered.
c) Students who studied Engineering at another university are subject to
selection. Their applications for admittance to one of the BEng
programmes will be treated on an ad hoc basis.
d) Students who studied Engineering at another university and who were not
allowed to continue at that university, will not be allowed to register for any
BEng programme at NWU.
e) Applications for admission to one of the BEng programmes for a particular
year, close on 31 July of the previous year and application for
acceptances of modules on the grounds of corresponding modules
passed at another university, must be directed to the Dean before the
beginning of the academic year.

f) Students who started their studies in Engineering at another university
and who are desirous to continue their studies at this University must, at
the start of their study at the other university, already have complied with
the admission requirements of the Faculty of Engineering of the NWU.
Technicon diplomats seeking admission to the Faculty must contact the
Admissions Office. Every application will be judged on merit and previous
learning will be taken into consideration.
Admissions Office
Building F20
(018) 299 2624
The requirements regarding prior learning are stipulated in General Rules


Converting from one curriculum to another (including amendment of
qualification or programme) is by way of a student request form. The full
transcript of the student along with the maximum period of the study, are
hereby considered. Admission is subject to the approval of the Dean.

The following General Rules for registration, apply:
A student may not be registered simultaneously at the University and at
another higher education institution without written permission granted by the
campus registrar concerned on recommendation of the dean concerned and
with the concurrence of the other institution, (1.3.2).
A student may not be registered simultaneously for more than one qualification
within the University without prior written permission granted by the campus
registrar concerned on recommendation by the dean or deans concerned,
Subject to specific exceptions granted by the campus registrar concerned, only
registered students are entitled to utilize the University's facilities, (1.3.4).
By signing and submitting the application and registration forms either on paper
or electronically a student agrees to be bound by all rules, policies and
decisions of the University for the duration of the student's study at the
University, (1.3.5).
A student who is admitted to and registered at the University continues to be a
student of the University for the duration of the validity of the registration or
until such time as the registration is validly terminated by the student or by the
University, (1.3.6).
The University reserves the right to cancel any erroneous registration and to
withdraw any qualification that was awarded erroneously after the conclusion of
a disciplinary process or the completion of a thorough administrative enquiry,

I.1.11.1 Annual registration
The following apply for annual registration (General Rules 2.3.1):
A student who has been admitted to the University registers for a specific
qualification programme per annum or per semester for the duration of the
study at the time determined in the annual calendar for that purpose, by paying
the prescribed registration fee, completing the registration form either on paper
or electronically, acquiring the required approval from faculty advisers and
other functionaries concerned and submitting the form to the campus registrar
concerned, upon which proof of registration is issued to the student, (
Students who attend lectures, write tests, submit assignments and who write
examinations without officially being registered, receive no credits, even if the
prescribed fees have been paid, (
A student registers on the date of registration in accordance with the rules
relating to the qualification programme, curriculum and module concerned as
provided for in faculty rules, (
Except where faculty rules provide otherwise, a student registered for a degree
that leads to professional or statutory registration may only register for final
year modules after all preceding modules have been passed (General Rule Permission will be considered by way of a student request and is
subject to the approval of the Dean.
It is the personal responsibility of the student to ensure that all requirements for
registration for the qualification programme, curriculum and module are
complied with and that no class, test or examination time table clashes
between modules for which the student registers, will occur. The University
reserves the right to refuse or cancel a registration where this condition is not
met, (
A student may, in terms of the prescribed university procedures, change
his/her registration within the period determined annually by the University.

I.1.11.2 Module acceptances and exemptions

I.1.11.3 General
A student who has studied at another recognised higher education institution
and who applies to register in a qualification programme at the University, may
apply in writing to the dean concerned for recognition or exemption of modules
required for the qualification programme for which the student wishes to
register, provided that the dean may grant recognition or exemption for no
more than half the credits, preferably regarding the modules in the junior year
levels of the qualification programme concerned, (
A student who has acquired a qualification from the University or any other
recognized higher education institution and who applies for registration in a
qualification programme at the University, may apply in writing to the dean
concerned for recognition or exemption of modules required for the
qualification programme for which the student wishes to register, provided that
the dean may grant recognition or exemption for no more than half of the
credits, preferably regarding the modules in the junior year levels of the
qualification programme concerned, (
Any registered student who wishes to change to a different curriculum, may
within the framework of the applicable faculty rules, apply in writing to the dean
concerned for the recognition or exemption of modules already passed which
are included in the curriculum to which the student wishes to change, (
I.1.11.4 Exemptions for a period and specific modules
Faculty rules may stipulate that recognition or exemption of modules will apply
for a specific period or that the dean may grant exemption or recognition of
only certain modules, (2.2.4).
For General Rule the Faculty rule applies namely that recognition or
exemption of modules will apply for five years. Applications for the recognition
of only specific modules or exemption of modules longer than the prescribed
period will be evaluate on merit by the Dean, in consultation with the School
An undergraduate or diploma student who has written a module examination
and has failed that module and has to repeat the module, may apply in writing
to the dean concerned to be exempted in the year after the module was failed
from the practical work in the module, in which case the student registers for
the module and makes the necessary arrangements with the lecturer
concerned for the transfer of the mark for practical work from the previous year
in order to form part of the participation mark, (
A student who failed a module and has in the opinion of the relevant school
director complied with the class attendance requirements in the previous year,
may on the recommendation of the school director concerned be exempted
once from class attendance in that module by the dean concerned, subject to
conditions provided for in the faculty rules, (
I.1.11.5 Registration according to time-table
A student is not allowed to register for a module if, according to the standard
time-table for lectures, tests and examinations, there is a schedule clash with
respect to another module for which the student is registered.
If a module has to be repeated the relevant module has again to be taken and
a participation mark built again. No exemption from class attendance will be
Before deciding finally on the choice of modules, students must take full
cognizance of the class time-table. If the intended choice leads to a clash, the
relevant choice is not allowed.
Such cases must be discussed with the relevant persons at the Faculty
I.1.11.6 Simultaneous registration at more than one institution
A student may not be registered simultaneously at the University and at
another higher education institution without written permission granted by the
campus registrar concerned on recommendation of the dean concerned and
with the concurrence of the other institution (General Rule 1.3.2).
I.1.11.7 Simultaneous registration for more than one qualification
A student may not be registered simultaneously for more than one qualification
within the University without prior written permission granted by the campus
registrar concerned on recommendation by the dean or deans concerned
(General Rule 1.3.3);

i. a student's application for simultaneous registration for more than one
qualification will be considered on merit if no more than two modules are
outstanding before the first qualification can be obtained and other program
requirements as well as requirements of Statutory Councils have been
taken into account;
ii. no modules may have timetable clashes;
iii. the practical sessions of PGCE may not take precedence over the class
attendance and practical sessions of modules of the first qualification; and
iv. a student must put in an official request; also, permission for simultaneous
registration of two qualifications must be obtained from both faculties,
where applicable.
I.1.11.8 Registration for additional modules
Apart from the required modules of the relevant curriculum, a student may take
additional modules in terms of the provision in the General Rule 2.3.4.
A student who registers for the first year level of a curriculum may only be
allowed to register additionally for one module on first year level per semester
not required for the curriculum concerned, provided that no timetable clashes
are brought about thereby.
A student who has already passed the first year of a curriculum may, with the
permission of the dean concerned – which may be granted in accordance with
the faculty rules - register for a maximum of two modules per semester or two
year modules or one semester module and one year module, additional to the
modules required for the curriculum, provided that no timetable clashes are
brought about thereby and that the student passed all the modules of the
previous semester.
A student who failed modules may in accordance with the faculty rules be
allowed by the dean concerned to register for a maximum of two modules per
semester or two year modules or one semester module and one year module,
additional to the modules required for the curriculum, provided that no
timetable clashes are brought about thereby.
Where a dean is satisfied that a particular student should be allowed to register
for more modules than provided for in, or above, the
specific decision is subject to the approval of the relevant faculty board.

I.1.12.1 Participation mark
The participation mark for a module is calculated from tests, assignments,
practical work and research assignments. The ratio between theory and
practica for the calculation of the participation mark is set out in the study
guides of the various modules.
I.1.12.2 Number of examination opportunities
The number of examination opportunities are in accordance with General Rule
For undergraduate examinations there are two examination opportunities per
module, of which the student may utilise one or both.

A student who utilises the second examination opportunity will be liable for the
prescribed fee.
Where the student utilises both opportunities, the module mark is calculated
with reference to the participation mark which gave admission to the first
examination opportunity and the mark achieved in the second examination.
Faculty rules may exclude specific modules from a second examination
A student who, having used all ordinary examination opportunities, has passed
all modules but one required for a qualification, may apply to the dean
concerned to be granted a final assessment opportunity in the outstanding
module, provided that the student was registered for that module in that
academic year and had a participation mark that admitted him/her to the
examination, (
The proof of participation the student achieved for a module for the first
examination opportunity, is carried over to the second examination opportunity.
I.1.12.3 Medical certificates for absence
No medical certificate is required for missed examinations: students must avail
themselves of the first and/or the second examination opportunity.
Regarding absence from a semester test due to illness a valid medical
certificate, which attests to the students inability to write the test, has to be
handed in. This certificate has to be submitted to the school director within five
working days of the consultation with the doctor, or the date of the test,
whichever was first.
I.1.12.4 Use of pocket calculators during examinations
The following policy with respect to calculators has been approved:
a) Prescribed calculators may be used, but are not supplied centrally.
b) If the calculators in question cannot be described adequately, the
examiner must be present in person in order to check the calculators.
c) The chief invigilator must, at the start of each examination session/test,
direct the candidates' attention specifically to the requirement that only
calculators indicated on the examination paper may be used.
d) No student may borrow a calculator from another student during an
examination/test session.
e) Any deviation from these Regulations will constitute an infringement of the
examination and test Regulations.
f) Regarding the use of non-standard calculators during examinations, the
following applies:
g) In exceptional cases, permission for the use of non-standard calculators
may be given. An application with motivation to this effect has to be
handed in two weeks before the commencement of the examination. In
each case measures must be taken to clear the memory of the calculator
before it is taken into the examination hall. On each examination paper it
must be stated whether a pocket calculator with memory may be used
and, if so, that the memory must be cleared. The student and the

invigilator must ascertain this and they then have to sign a statement to
this effect.
I.1.12.5 Admission to examination
The requirements regarding undergraduate examination are stipulated in
General Rule 2.4.
A student who achieved the required participation mark or proof of participation
prescribed by the faculty rules, is admitted to the examination in the module
"Proof of participation" is a confirmation by the lecturer in a specific module that
a student participated satisfactorily in the teaching-learning activities and in the
performance of teaching-learning assignments in accordance with the
curriculum requirements, whereby the student is admitted to a final assessment
in that module or part of that module.
In the Faculty of Engineering a minimum participation mark of 40% must be
achieved for admission to the examination.
The participation mark for a module is made up of marks for tests, assignments
and practical work. For each teaching-learning task (class tests, assignments,
reports, etc.) executed by means of formative assessment in a module, a mark
will be awarded. A student’s participation mark is the weighted average of
these marks.
Admission to the examination in any module is obtained by the achievement of
a proof of participation which will only be issued to a student if he/she
a) has fulfilled the specific requirements required for the relevant module as
explained in the study guide;
b) where applicable, has completed the practical work required for a module;
c) has achieved a participation mark of at least 40%.
The relationship between theory and practical work for the calculation of the
participation mark of a module is explained in the relevant study guide.
The proof of participation the student achieved for a module for the first
examination opportunity, is carried over to the second examination opportunity.
I.1.12.6 Relationship between credits, teaching periods and examination papers
Modules are grouped according to their level of advancement, which may also
be related to the year of study in which the modules are taken in a specific
programme, if the programme is to be completed in the minimum study period.
The engineering curricula are put together with a view to the minimum period of
four years (BEng degree). A Student may apply to spread the modules of a
programme over a longer period. Extension of the maximum study time of a
programme due to a lack of progression by the student, will only be allowed in
exceptional circumstances.
The order in which the modules are taken is not arbitrary, but is designed to
ensure that subsequent learning builds on previous learning.
The duration for an examination paper for a 12 credit module should normally
be two hours and for 16, 24 or 32 credit modules, three hours.
I.1.12.7 Moderating of modules, examination papers and answer papers
General Rules 1.1.1 and 2.4.1 is applicable as well as faculty rules where the
requirements of Statutory Councils are stated.

I.1.12.8 Calculation of module mark

The module mark (General Rule, footnote 5), is calculated by using the ratio
between the participation mark and the examination mark as set out in the
study guide and given at the module outcomes at I.11 of this calendar.
I.1.12.9 Pass requirements
By virtue of General Rule 2.4.3 the following applies for the Faculty of
A final assessment mark in a module will be considered a pass mark if a
student, admitted to assessment, has attained the required final module mark
of at least 50% in the assessment and provided that the sub-minimum as laid
down in the faculty rules has been achieved. (For Engineering modules 40% is
the sub-minimum for the examination).
Where a first-time entering student who has registered for the first time for an
undergraduate programme at the University fails any first-year module with no
less than 40% in the first semester, but achieves an examination mark of at
least 50% in that module, the school director concerned may allocate a pass
mark of 50% to the student, (
The final module mark is made up in accordance with the faculty rules, of the
mark attained by the student in the examination and the participation mark in
respect of the module, provided that in the calculation of the module mark the
weight attached to the participation mark will not be less than 30% and not
more than 70%, depending on the specific requirements of the different
academic disciplines. The sub-minimum for examinations in all modules will be
40% except where a higher sub-minimum has been laid down in the faculty
rules, or study guide (
The module mark for each module is, therefore, calculated by the average of
the participation mark and the examination mark. The relevant study guide
must explain the calculation if it differs from the above. General Rule
must be applied.
For all modules being moderated by an external examiner, the final results
obtained will be those awarded after the process has be finalised according to
Faculty procedures and guidelines for this.

I.1.12.10 Access to marked examination work

With reference to General Rule 2.4.9 a student can officially apply at the
School Director for access to marked examination work as well as the
Application to view answer papers must be made within a maximum period of
five working days after the marks have been made available.
If approved the student may view the answer paper and memorandum in the
presence of the lecturer and subject group chairperson concerned. Any bona
fide errors can be corrected. Students may still make use of the second
opportunity of examinations, after access is allowed to marked examination
work of the first examination.
I.1.12.11 Repeating of modules
If a student does not pass either of the two examination opportunities following
the achievement of a participation mark for a relevant module, the module must
be repeated and a new participation mark built up.
Furthermore, it is assumed that if a module is discontinued after the semester
test, it will be considered that the module has been taken during that semester.
In compiling each curriculum care has been taken that assumed learning, i.e.
the necessary prior knowledge and the general level of insight and experience
needed to complete the modules prescribed in a specific semester of a
curriculum with ease, have been acquired in the preceding semesters.
A student, having failed one or more modules in a preceding semester will,
therefore, probably not be adequately equipped to take the modules of the
following semester. Such students are advised to consult the director of the
relevant school beforehand to find out which modules of the semester
concerned they may take with a reasonable expectancy of success.
The aim of the rules is to make sure that a student in any semester will only
take those modules for which he has at least the minimum prior knowledge.
When students change from one programme to another, the entrance level in
the new programme will have to be determined in consultation with the director
of the school under which the relevant curriculum falls.
A module in any curriculum may only be taken if it conforms to the
requirements regarding the assumed learning, as indicated in the list of
I.1.13.1 Requirements with respect to assumed prior learning
Regarding the requirements with respect to assumed prior learning of
engineering modules, the following apply:
a) Where a first semester module in a certain year level is a prerequisite for
assumed prior learning of a second semester module, or a module from
one year level is a prerequisite with respect to assumed prior learning of a
module of the following year level, a pass mark (module mark) of at least
50% has to be achieved in that prerequisite module, before the following
module may be taken.
b) An auxiliary module has to be taken in the same semester as the module
on which it has a bearing.
c) A student registered for a degree that leads to professional or statutory
registration (i.e. BEng programmes too) may only register for final year
modules after all preceding modules have been passed (General Rule
Subject to exceptions that may be provided for in faculty rules, "unsatisfactory
academic performance" means that a full-time student achieves in a semester
less than half the credits required for the curriculum concerned or passes less
than half of the modules registered for in the semester.

A student whose academic performance is unsatisfactory receives a formal
warning from the dean and is referred for academic advice and study
counselling, (General Rule 2.4.7).
In terms of the above the following procedure will apply in the Faculty of
A student’s studies can be terminated if he/she has already received three
written warnings from the Faculty. A warning letter is issued when:
i) a student has in one semester not obtained admission to the examination
for half or more of the modules, and/or fails half or more modules in the
ii) in any three semesters a student does not achieve at least half of the
work/credits prescribed for the three semesters;
iii) a student fails a module twice or more; and
iv) it appears that the maximum duration for the degree will be exceeded.
Students, who do not perform satisfactorily in terms of these rules, probably do
not have the aptitude or motivation to complete the relevant curriculum
In terms of General Rule 2.4.8, the Rules following below apply in the Faculty
of Engineering:
Where a student has already received three warnings from the dean as
referred to in and fails for the fourth time to show satisfactory academic
performance, or did not obtain permission as referred to in to exceed
the maximum duration of the study period, the campus rector may, on the
advice of the dean concerned, terminate the student's studies, and must report
such termination to Senate.
A student whose studies have been terminated is not admitted to the same
study programme in the subsequent academic year.
A student whose studies have been terminated may apply in the normal
manner to be admitted to another study programme, but must in the course of
the application mention the termination.
In the event of an application for re-admission the dean concerned has the
discretionary authority to set reasonable conditions for such re-admission and
must report such conditions to the Vice-Rector.

I.1.16.1 Duration of studies

The minimum full-time study period for the degree is four years and the
maximum time for the completion of the degree is six years.

I.1.16.2 Medium of instruction

Lectures of the full-time undergraduate BEng programmes are made
accessible by means of educational interpreting into English for students who

do not have sufficient capacity in Afrikaans. In certain modules the language of
instruction is English.
In all programmes the examinations and other evaluations may be written and
correspondence conducted in either Afrikaans or English. Study guides and
other study material are also available in English.
As part of their programme and training, engineering students have to
receive practical experience and undergo specified training in industry during
Second year students are required to do a module in workshop practice. The
purpose of this module is to provide students instruction in workshop
practice and the safe use of tools. Students must master the practical use of
basic hand tools and manufacturing equipment and have acquired basic
knowledge of safety requirements in the workshop and the skills to fabricate
small articles. The eleven ELO’s of ECSA will also be introduced and
Senior students (at the end of year level III) have to perform discipline
appropriate vacation work for at least six weeks. It is expected of these
students to complete a report on their vacation training, which has to be
handed in (together with an employer’s report) at the University soon after
completion of the training.
The completion of a short course in occupational safety, presented at the
University, is a precondition for this module.
I. Occupational safety course
It is expected of all students in their third year of study to attend a course in
occupational safety (SHE Solutions).
After the successful completion of the course, a certificate will be issued, of
which a certified copy will have to be handed in, together with the report after
completion of the discipline-specific training at the end of the third year.
I.1.18.1 Satisfaction of requirements
The BEng degree is obtained when a student has passed in the examination of
all the modules prescribed for the curriculum concerned.
I.1.18.2 Awarding the degree with distinction
In order to receive the degree of Bachelor of Engineering with distinction, a
student must complete the degree in the minimum period (four years) and must
have achieved a weighted average of 75% for all the modules of the degree
over the four years of study.
In the calculation the credit values of modules are also taken into account.
Furthermore, year one will count 10%, year two 20%, year three 30% and year
four 40 % of the total average.
A student must pass all modules of a relevant engineering programme at the
NWU Potchefstroom campus. No module passed elsewhere can be presented
with a view to the awarding of the degree with distinction.
A module is passed with distinction if a module mark of 75% is achieved.


I.1.19.1 Equipment
A lecturer has the right, with the consent of the Director, to expect students to
acquire certain basic equipment, computer equipment, software, components
or consumables if the use of such equipment or material will enhance the value
of the module. In considering the possible enhancement of the value of the
module, the lecturer will keep the financial implications in mind.
From the first year of study every student has to possess a laptop. The
computer has to be Windows compatible with a hard disk and colour monitor.
All assignments in all modules in the Faculty have to be completed using a
word processing package.
I.1.19.2 Network services
It is expected of all fourth year students in the Faculty of Engineering to have
full access to international e-mail, Internet and WWW in order to facilitate the
completion of their mini-theses.
Access to these services will be supplied by the LAN of each school and via
the Uninet with the co-operation and under the final supervision of the division
of Information Technology, Potchefstroom Campus.
All regulations issued by the University, and revised from time to time, with
respect to the use of the computer facilities of the University, will also be
applicable to students and the services utilized by them. Regulations issued by
the Faculty of Engineering, and revised from time to time, are also relevant.
Any transgression of these Regulations may lead to disciplinary steps.


The Faculty of Engineering consists of four Schools. At the head of each
school is the Director who is assisted by programme leaders. The schools are
responsible for teaching the undergraduate and graduate programmes. The
schools and the programmes offered in each school are shown in the following

School Programmes
School of Chemical and Minerals  Chemical Engineering
Engineering  Chemical Engineering with
specialization in Minerals
School of Electrical , Electronic and  Electrical and Electronic
Computer Engineering Engineering
 Computer and Electronic
 Electromechanical Engineering
School of Mechanical and Nuclear  Mechanical Engineering
Engineering  Industrial Engineering
 MEng in Nuclear Engineering

Post graduate programmes:
Masters’ and Doctoral level Programmes
 Bio Engineering
 Chemical and Minerals
 Electrical, Electronic and
Computer Engineering
 Engineering Management
 Mechanical Engineering
 Nuclear Engineering

The director of the research Unit for Energy and Technology Systems, is
responsible for the management of the research component of the faculty, as
well as for the masters and PhD programmes.

RESEARCH UNIT Focus of research

 Nuclear Energy
UNIT FOR ENERGY AND  Hydrogen Energy
 Renewable Energy
 Energy Management

Further information is available on the web page of the research unit at



In the Faculty of Engineering different qualifications (degrees) can be obtained.
A particular qualification can be obtained in one of seven fields. In each
undergraduate programme a set curriculum is followed.
Information on and the rules for the different qualifications, study directions/
programmes and curricula for undergraduate study, are expounded in this
The Faculty of Engineering is entitled to award the following undergraduate


Qualification Programme Curriculum Method of NQF
and Code Delivery Level
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering 7CG K01 Full-time 8
Engineering (BEng)
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering 7CG K02 Full-time 8
Engineering (BEng) with specialization in
Minerals Processing
Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic 7CN K01 Full-time 8
Engineering (BEng) Engineering
Bachelor of Computer and 7CH K01 Full-time 8
Engineering (BEng) Electronic

Qualification Programme Curriculum Method of NQF
and Code Delivery Level
Bachelor of Electromechanical 7CL K01 Full-time 8
Engineering (BEng) Engineering
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering 7CJ K01 Full-time 8
Engineering (BEng)
Bachelor of BEng Industrial 7CK K01 Full-time 8
Engineering (BEng) Engineering

The BEng degree may be taken in one of seven programmes:
 Chemical Engineering
 Chemical Engineering with specialization in Minerals Processing
 Electrical and Electronic Engineering
 Computer and Electronic Engineering
 Electromechanical Engineering
 Mechanical Engineering
 Industrial Engineering
These programmes, which are described in detail below, may be taken by full-
time study only.
During their studies students may change from one programme to another or
change the programmes for which they are registered only with the consent of
the relevant school director and programme manager.


By virtue of General Rule 1.6 the following is stipulated:
i) Every faculty board makes, subject to these Rules, faculty rules with
regard to the qualification programmes offered by the specific faculty and
submits those rules to Senate for approval.
ii) Faculty rules may where appropriate, in addition to matters provided for in
these Rules, provide for arrangements that may be necessary for the
accommodation of qualification-specific requirements and faculty-specific
procedures and structures.
iii) The venue or venues where every qualification programme or curriculum
is presented as well as the method of delivery thereof, are determined by
faculty rules within the framework of institutional policies.
iv) Faculty rules are published in the calendar of the relevant faculty.
v) Where faculty rules are amended before the next version of the calendar
is published, steps that are reasonably necessary must be taken to bring
the amendments to the attention of students who are affected thereby.


The minimum full-time study period for the degree is four years and the
maximum time for the completion of the degree is six years.

I.2.3.1 Purpose of the Qualification
The purpose of the BEng qualification, as stipulated by ECSA, is to build the
necessary knowledge, understanding, abilities and skills required for further
learning towards becoming a competent practicing engineer. The recognised
purpose of this bachelor’s degree in engineering, accredited as satisfying this
standard is to provide graduates with:
1. Preparation for careers in engineering and related areas, for achieving
technical leadership and to make a contribution to the economy and
national development;
2. The educational requirement towards registration as a Professional
Engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa as well as to allow
the graduate to make careers in engineering and related fields;
3. A thorough grounding in mathematics, natural sciences, engineering
sciences, engineering modelling, engineering design and the abilities to
enable applications in fields of emerging knowledge together with an
appreciation for the world and society in which engineering is practised;
4. For graduates with an appropriate level of achievement in the
programme, the ability to proceed to postgraduate studies in both course-
based and research masters programmes.

I.2.3.2 Qualification outcomes

I. General
The curriculum for the first year of study consists mainly of natural science
modules, namely Chemistry, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics and
Computer Programming. Certain introductory engineering modules are also
presented in the first year. These include Professional Practice I in which the
work of engineers in the different disciplines, the principles and theory of
project management, the principles and theory of systems engineering,
computer programmes such as Word, Excel and Power Point and learning,
listening, reading and writing strategies are presented.

In the second year of study more engineering science modules are offered,
together with selected natural science modules, which differ for the different
The curricula for the third and fourth years of study consist mainly of
engineering science modules with a few science and management modules. In
the final year the emphasis is on design and synthesis, with design and project
modules fulfilling an important part.
While formal modules in computer science and information technology are
offered up to second year level, great emphasis is placed throughout the
curriculum on computer applications in engineering.

I. Exit-level outcomes

The curricula of all the undergraduate engineering programmes at the NWU
are compiled in order to comply with the exit-level outcomes required by the
Engineering Council of South Africa, namely:

Outcome 1: Engineering problem solving;
Outcome 2: Application of scientific and engineering knowledge;
Outcome 3: Engineering design and synthesis;
Outcome 4: Investigations, experiments and data analysis;
Outcome 5: Engineering methods, skills and tools, including information
Outcome 6: Professional and technical communication;
Outcome 7: Sustainability and impact of engineering activity;
Outcome 8: Individual, team and multidisciplinary working;
Outcome 9: Independent learning ability;
Outcome 10: Engineering Professionalism;
Outcome 11: Engineering management.

I. Articulation Possibilities

The exit-level outcomes ensure that a graduate of a programme meeting these
standards would meet requirements for entry to a number of programmes
 A candidacy programme toward registration as a Professional Engineer
 Formal specialist study toward the Postgraduate Diplomas;
 A postgraduate Bachelor of Laws (LLB) programme;
 Specialist coursework masters programmes;
 Research masters programmes leading to masters degrees with or
without coursework components;
 With appropriate work experience, a Master of Business Administration or
 In certain disciplines, progression toward the Government Certificate of
The basic and applied skills which the graduates, with this qualification, will
have acquired in the mathematical, computer and basic scientific and
engineering disciplines, will equip them to continue with learning in various
specialized areas at other institutions.
I.2.3.3 Knowledge
At the end of his/her studies the student will have scientific knowledge and
insight stretching across one or more areas. This will include factual
knowledge, but especially also knowledge of and insight into concepts,
structures, procedures, models, theories, principles, research methods and the
place and boundaries of science in human existence.
I.2.3.4 Skills
At the end of the study the student should be able to demonstrate competence
Identify, assess, formulate and solve convergent and divergent engineering
problems creatively and innovatively;

Apply knowledge of mathematics, basic science and engineering sciences from
first principles to solve engineering problems;
Perform creative, procedural and non-procedural design and synthesis of
components, systems, engineering works, products or processes;
Design and conduct investigations and experiments;
Use appropriate engineering methods, skills and tools, including those based
on information technology; and
Communicate effectively with engineering audiences and the community at
large, both orally and in writing.

I.2.3.5 Values
The following values are pursued:
Critical awareness of the impact of engineering activity on the social, industrial
and physical environment.
Competence to work effectively as an individual, in teams and in
multidisciplinary environments.
Competence to engage in independent learning through well-developed
learning skills.
Critical awareness of the need to act professionally and ethically and to
exercise judgement and take responsibility within own limits of competence.

I.2.3.6 Phasing in and out of programmes / curricula

The directors of all schools concerned, in consultation with the subject chairs /
programme managers, issue transitional rules where necessary in order to
facilitate the transition from existing programmes to new programmes.
If the curriculum for which a student registered in the previous year was
amended in this calendar, the student's curriculum will be adjusted to
correspond with the version in this calendar. If at all possible, adjustments will
be made in such a manner that a student's study load is not increase.

Two BEng programmes, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering with
specialization in Minerals Processing, are offered in the School.
Chemical Engineers are involved in the research, design, development and
management of industrial processes where raw materials are converted to
products with higher economic value.
Chemical Engineering involves the research, development, construction,
operation and management of those industrial processes in which raw
materials are transformed by chemical or physical means to products with a
higher economic value. These processes are concerned with the areas of
plastics, synthetic fibres, oil refining, explosives, food processing, fertilisers,
pharmaceutical drugs and nuclear installations. The modern chemical engineer
may be involved in any stage, from the conception phase of a process to the
sale of the final product.
These processes exist in the manufacturing of plastic, synthetic fibres, fuel
refining, explosives, processing of foods, fertilisers, pharmaceutical and
nuclear industries. Think of processes such as the ones that turn corn to
cornflakes, hops to beer, coal to petrol and algae to electricity.
Minerals Processing is a specialist field in Chemical Engineering and deals
with the physical and chemical processes used especially to extract metals
from ores.


During their study, students may only change their programme with the
consent of the School Director.


In the curriculum of each programme there are a number of compulsory
modules: FIAP172, FIAP271 (Professional Practice I and II), WVTS211
(Understanding the Technological World) and WVIS321 (Science, Technology
and Society). A fixed curriculum is followed for both branches.
The curricula of the programmes in this branch of engineering consist of
modules with a total credit value of at least 616 for Chemical Engineering and
624 for Chemical Engineering with specialization in Minerals Processing.
In the following programme curricula, the total number of credits is spread over
four years of study.

I.3.4.1 Programme: BEng in Chemical Engineering
Qualification code: 7CG K01 [previously 700 105 – I103P]
This curriculum is composed as follows (I401P):


First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

CHEM111 Introductory Inorganic C 12 CEMI121 Process Principles I C 16

and Physical Chemistry
FSKS111 Mechanics, Oscillations, C 12 CHEM121 Introductory Organic C 12
Waves and Theory of Chemistry
ITRW112 Introduction to C 12 FSKS121 Electricity, Magnetism, C 12
Computers and Optics, Atomic and
Programming Nuclear Physics
WISN111 Introductory Algebra C 12 ITRW126 Programming for C 12
and Analysis I Engineers (Visual
TGWN121 Statics and C 12
Mathematical Modelling
WISN121 Introductory Algebra C 12
and Analysis II
FIAP172 Professional Practice I F 24
(year module)
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

CEMI211 Materials and Corrosion C 12 CEMI222 Chemical C 16

(offered as from 2011) Thermodynamics I
CEMI213 Electrotechnics for C 8 CEMI224 Process Principles II C 8
Chemical Engineers
CHEN211 Analytical Methods I C 8 CHEN223 Organic Chemistry II C 8
TGWN211 Dynamics I C 8 TGWN223 Numerical Analysis C 8
TGWN213 Differential Equations C 8 WISN225 Engineering Analysis C 8
WISN211 Analysis III C 8 WISN227 Applied Linear Algebra C 8
WISN212 Linear Algebra I C 8 FIAP271 Professional Practice II F 24
(year module)
WVTS211 Understanding the F 12 MEGI271 Workshop Practice C 8
Technological World vacation training
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

CEMI311 Transport Phenomena I C 16 CEMI321 Transport Phenomena C 16

CEMI313 Chemical C 16 CEMI322 Separation Processes I C 16
Thermodynamics II
CEMI315 Biotechnology I C 8 CEMI323 Chemical Reactor C 16
Theory I
YEAR LEVEL 3 (continued) YEAR LEVEL 3 (continued)
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

CEMI316 Particle Systems C 16 CEMI326 Process Modelling for C 16

STTK312 Engineering Statistics C 16 CEMI328 Plant Design I C 12
TGWN312 Partial Differential C 16 WVIS321 Science, Technology F 12
Equations (Numerical) and Society
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

BIOT411 Biotechnology II C 16 CEMI477 Plant Design II (year C 32

CEMI411 Separation Processes II C 16 CEMI479 Project (year module) C 28
CEMI415 Chemical Reactor C 16 CEMI471 Vacation Training C 8
Theory II seniors
CEMI417 Process Control C 16
BEng in Chemical Engineering
Qualification code: 7CG K01 [previously 700 105 – I103P]

Year level 1 Year level 2 Year level 3 Year level 4

1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem.
48 100 72 88 88 88 64 68
Total: year level 1 Total: year level 2 Total: year level 3 Total: year level 4
148 160 176 132
Total credits of programme: 616

I.3.4.2 Programme: BEng in Chemical Engineering with Minerals Processing

Qualification code: 7CG K02 [previously 700 106 – I104P]
This curriculum is composed as follows (I401P):


First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

CHEM111 Introductory Inorganic C 12 CEMI121 Process Principles I C 16

and Physical Chemistry
FSKS111 Mechanics, Oscillations, C 12 CHEM121 Introductory Organic C 12
Waves and Theory of Chemistry
ITRW112 Introduction to C 12 FSKS121 Electricity, Magnetism, C 12
Computers and Optics, Atomic and
Programming Nuclear Physics
WISN111 Introductory Algebra and C 12 ITRW126 Programming for C 12
Analysis I Engineers (Visual
TGWN121 Statics and C 12
Mathematical Modelling

YEAR LEVEL 1 (continued) YEAR LEVEL 1(continued)
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

WISN121 Introductory Algebra C 12

and Analysis II
FIAP172 Professional Practice I F 24
(year module)
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

CEMI211 Materials and Corrosion C 12 CEMI222 Chemical C 16

Thermodynamics I
CEMI213 Electrotechnics for C 8 CEMI224 Process Principles II C 8
Chemical Engineers
CHEN211 Analytical Methods I C 8 CHEN223 Organic Chemistry II C 8
TGWN211 Dynamics I C 8 TGWN223 Numerical Analysis C 8
TGWN213 Differential Equations C 8 WISN225 Engineering Analysis C 8
WISN211 Analysis III C 8 WISN227 Applied Linear Algebra C 8
WISN212 Linear Algebra I C 8 FIAP271 Professional Practice II F 24
(year module)
WVTS211 Understanding the F 12 MEGI271 Workshop Practice C 8
Technological World vacation training
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

CEMI311 Transport Phenomena I C 16 CEMI321 Transport Phenomena C 16

CEMI313 Chemical C 16 CEMI322 Separation Processes I C 16
Thermodynamics II
CEMI316 Particle Systems C 16 CEMI323 Chemical Reactor C 16
Theory I
GENL311 Mineralogy and C 16 CEMI326 Process Modelling for C 16
Petrology Control
STTK312 Engineering Statistics C 16 CEMI328 Plant Design I C 12
TGWN312 Partial Differential C 16 WVIS321 Science, Technology F 12
Equations (Numerical) and Society
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

CEMI411 Separation Processes II C 16 CEMI471 Vacation Training C 8

CEMI417 Process Control C 16 CEMI477 Plant Design II (year C 32
CEMI418 Ore Dressing C 16 CEMI479 Project (year module) C 16

CEMI419 Pyro metallurgy C 16


BEng in Chemical Engineering with Minerals Processing

Qualification code: 7CG K02 [previously 700 106 – I104P]

Year level 1 Year level 2 Year level 3 Year level 4

1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem.
48 100 72 88 96 88 64 68
Total: year level 1 Total: year level 2 Total: year level 3 Total: year level 4
148 160 184 132
Total credits of programme: 624

Three BEng programmes, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer and
Electronic Engineering and a new programme in Electromechanical
Engineering (starting in 2015) are offered in this School.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
NWU Electrical and Electronic Engineers enable the modern world by moving
electrical energy from the source to the point of application. They do this as
efficiently as possible, by applying their knowledge of power systems, power
conversion, power conditioning, and electrical machines. Training provided by
leading experts in power quality, power electronics and electrical machines,
sets NWU Electrical and Electronic Engineers apart in industry. Our engineers
set the pace in power utilities and electrical consulting industries and relate well
to the challenges of utilizing renewable energy sources as part of the energy
solution of the future.
Computer and Electronic Engineering
NWU Computer and Electronic Engineers make the world a more efficient
place by connecting humans and the world we live in, to the digital world of
computer systems and the internet. They do this by using electronics,
embedded computers and the skill of programming to control mechatronic
systems and to build the internet of things. Their end-to-end design experience
makes NWU Computer and Electronic Engineers highly desirable in industries
ranging from telecommunications, process control, and aviation through to the
banking sector and software development companies.
Electromechanical Engineering
NWU Electromechanical Engineers ensure the safe and efficient operations of
plants and factories by combining elements of electrical and mechanical
engineering. Their knowledge of electrical machines, power electronics,
strength of materials and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems,
together with legal knowledge with respect to occupational health and safety
make them invaluable to industry. Our degree is well aligned with the
Government Certificate of Competence (GCC) requirements and candidates
make a natural transition towards obtaining the GCC after completion of the
degree. Our engineers will serve the Mining, Materials Handling, Power
Generation, Chemical, Oil and Gas industries.


During their study, students may only change their programme with the
consent of the relevant School Director.


In the curriculum of each programme there are a number of compulsory
modules: FIAP172, FIAP271 (Professional Practice I and II), WVTS211
(Understanding the Technological World) and WVIS321 (Science, Technology
and Society). A fixed curriculum is followed all three branches.

The curricula of the programmes in this branch of engineering consist of
modules with a total credit value of at least 616 for Electrical and Electronic
Engineering and 608 for Computer and Electronic Engineering.
The Electromechanical Engineering Programme started in 2015 and for 2017
consists of modules with a total credit value of at least 616.
In the following programme curricula, the total number of credit points is spread
over four years of study.

I.4.4.1 Programme: BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Qualification code: 7CN K01 [previously 700 107 – I203P]
I. Total credit value of programmes
Due to the implementation of revised programmes for the Faculty of Engineering credits and
contents of modules are revised and a few adjustments have been made to the programmes.
The credit values indicated in the tables below are those of the new programmes and for
seniors it differs as a result of adjustments forced by the phasing out of old programmes.
Compilation of curriculum
This curriculum is composed as follows (I401P):


First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

FSKS111 Mechanics, Oscillations, C 12 FSKS121 Electricity, Magnetism, C 12

Waves and Theory of Optics, Atomic and
Heat Nuclear Physics
INGM111 Engineering Graphics I C 12 INGM122 Materials Science I C 16
ITRW115 Programming for C 12 TGWN121 Statics and Mathematical C 12
Engineers I (C++) Modelling
REII111 Introduction to Digital C 12 REII121 Introduction to C 12
Systems Microcontrollers
WISN111 Introductory Algebra and C 12 WISN121 Introductory Algebra and C 12
Analysis I Analysis II
FIAP172 Professional Practice I F 24
(year module)
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EERI213 Electrotechnics II C 16 EERI221 Electrical Systems I C 16

FSKS211 Electricity and C 8 EERI222 Signal Theory I C 16
TGWN211 Dynamics I C 8 EERI223 Electronics I C 16
TGWN213 Differential Equations C 8 EERI224 Linear Systems C 12
WISN211 Analysis III C 8 TGWN223 Numerical Analysis C 8
WISN212 Linear Algebra I C 8 WISN225 Engineering Analysis C 8
WVTS211 Understanding the F 12 WISN227 Applied Linear Algebra C 8
Technological World
YEAR LEVEL 2 (continued) YEAR LEVEL 2 (continued)
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

FIAP271 Professional Practice II F 24

(year module)
MEGI271 Workshop Practice C 8
vacation training


First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EERI311 Electrical Systems II C 16 EEII321 Power Systems I C 16

EERI313 Electromagnetics C 16 EEII327 Electrical Design C 16
EERI315 Signal Theory II C 16 EERI321 Control Theory I C 16
REII211 Algorithms and C 8 EERI322 Electronics II C 16
STTK312 Engineering Statistics C 16 WVIS321 Science, Technology and F 12
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EERI412 Electronics III C 16 EEII422

Power Systems II C 16
EEII413 Power Electronics C 16 EERI423
Telecommunication C 16
EERI414 Signal Theory III C 16 EERI473 Engineering Management C 8
EERI418 Control Theory II C 16 EERI474 Project year module C 24
EERI471 Vacation Training seniors C 8
BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Qualification code: 7CN K01 [previously 700 107 – I203P]

Year level 1 Year level 2 Year level 3 Year level 4

1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem.
60 88 68 116 72 76 64 72
Total: year level 1 Total: year level 2 Total: year level 3 Total: year level 4
148 184 148 136
Total credits of program: 616
I.4.4.2 Programme: BEng in Computer and Electronic Engineering
Qualification code: 7CH K01 [previously 700 108 – I204P]
I. Total credit value of programmes
Due to the implementation of revised programmes for the Faculty of Engineering credits and
contents of modules are revised and a few adjustments have been made to the programmes.
The credit values indicated in the tables below are those of the new programmes and for
seniors it differs as a result of adjustments forced by the phasing out of old programmes.

Compilation of curriculum
This curriculum is composed as follows (I401P):


First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

FSKS111 Mechanics, Oscillations, C 12 FSKS121 Electricity, Magnetism, C 12

Waves and Theory of Optics, Atomic and
Heat Nuclear Physics
INGM111 Engineering Graphics I C 12 INGM122 Materials Science I C 16
ITRW115 Programming for C 12 REII121 Introduction to 12
Engineers I (C++) Microcontrollers

REII111 Introduction to Digital C 12 TGWN121 Statics and Mathematical C 12

Systems Modelling
WISN111 Introductory Algebra and C 12 WISN121 Introductory Algebra and C 12
Analysis I Analysis II
FIAP172 Professional Practice I F 24
(year module)
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EERI213 Electrotechnics C 16 EERI222 Signal Theory I C 16

FSKS211 Electricity and Magnetism C 8 EERI223 Electronics I C 16
REII211 Algorithms and C 8 EERI224 Linear Systems C 12
TGWN213 Differential Equations C 8 REII222 Embedded Systems C 12
WISN211 Analysis III C 8 TGWN223 Numerical Analysis C 8
WISN212 Linear Algebra I C 8 WISN225 Engineering Analysis C 8
WVTS211 Understanding the F 12 WISN227 Applied Linear Algebra C 8
Technological World
FIAP271 Professional Practice II F 24
(year module)
MEGI271 Workshop Practice C 8
vacation training
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EERI313 Electromagnetics C 16 EERI321 Control Theory I C 16

EERI315 Signal Theory II C 16 EERI322 Electronics II C 16
REII312 Network Fundamentals C 16 REII323 Embedded Operating C 16
REII313 Object-oriented Software C 16 REII327 Computer Engineering C 16
Development Design
STTK312 Engineering Statistics C 16 WVIS321 Science, Technology and F 12

First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EERI412 Electronics III C 16 EERI423 Telecommunication C 16

EERI414 Signal Theory III C 16 REII424 Data Analysis C 12
EERI418 Control Theory II C 16 EERI471 Vacation Training seniors C 8
REII414 Databases and Web- C 16 EERI473 Engineering Management C 8
EERI474 Project C 24
BEng in Computer and Electronic Engineering
Qualification code: 7CH K01 [previously 700 108 – I204P]

Year level 1 Year level 2 Year level 3 Year level 4

1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem.
60 88 60 112 80 76 64 68
Total: year level 1 Total: year level 2 Total: year level 3 Total: year level 4
148 172 156 132
Total credits of program: 608

I.4.4.3 Programme: BEng in Electromechanical Engineering

Qualification code: 7CL K01 [previously 700 113 - I205P]

(This is a new programme phasing in from 2015, year level 1. The first
graduates will complete this programme in 2018).
I. Total credit value of programmes
Due to the implementation of revised programmes for the Faculty of Engineering credits and
contents of modules are revised and a few adjustments have been made to the programmes.
The credit values indicated in the tables below are those of the new programmes and for
seniors it differs as a result of adjustments forced by the phasing out of old programmes.
Compilation of curriculum
This curriculum is composed as follows (I401P):
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

FSKS111 Mechanics, Oscillations, C 12 FSKS121 Electricity, Magnetism, C 12

Waves and Theory of Optics, Atomic and
Heat Nuclear Physics
INGM111 Engineering Graphics I C 12 INGM121 Engineering Graphics II C 12
ITRW115 Programming for C 12 INGM122 Materials Science I C 16
Engineers I (C++)
REII111 Introduction to Digital C 12 REII121 Introduction to C 12
Systems Microcontrollers
WISN111 Introductory Algebra and C 12 TGWN121 Statics and Mathematical C 12
Analysis I Modelling
WISN121 Introductory Algebra and C 12
Analysis II
FIAP172 Professional Practice I F 24
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EERI213 Electrotechnics II C 16 EERI221 Electrical Systems I C 16

INGM211 Strength of Materials I C 12 EERI223 Electronics I C 16
TGWN211 Dynamics I C 8 EERI228 Measure and Control C 16
TGWN213 Differential Equations C 8 INGM222 Thermodynamics C 12
WISN211 Analysis III C 8 TGWN223 Numerical Analysis C 8
WISN212 Linear Algebra I C 8 WISN225 Engineering Analysis C 8
WVTS211 Understanding the F 12 FIAP271 Professional Practice II F 24
Technological World
INGM271 Workshop Practice C 8
vacation training
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EERI311 Electrical Systems II C 16 EEII321 Power Systems I C 16

INGM311 Thermodynamics II C 12 EERI321 Control Theory I C 16
INGM312 Fluid Mechanics I C 12 INGM321 Fluid Mechanics II C 8
INGM 313 Strength of Materials II C 12 INEM327 Electro Mechanical Design C 16
STTK312 Engineering Statistics C 16 LLAW221 Introductory Labour Law C 12
TGWN312 Partial Differential C 16 WVIS321 Science, Technology and F 12
Equations (Numerical) Society

From 2018:


First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EEII413 Power Electronics C 16

INGM421 Machine Dynamics C 16
INGM411 Thermal Machines C 12
EEII422 Power Systems II C 16
INGM412 Heat Transfer C 12
EERI473 Engineering Management C 8
INEM471 Vacation Training seniors C 8
INEM474 Project C 24
BEng in Electromechanical Engineering
Qualification code: 7CL K01 [previously 700 113 - I205P]

Year level 1 Year level 2 Year level 3 (2017) Year level 4 (2018)
1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem.
60 100 72 108 84 80 40 72
Total: year level 1 Total: year level 2 Total: year level 3 Total: year level 4
160 180 164 112
Total credits of program: 616

Two BEng programmes, viz. Mechanical Engineering, and a new programme
in Industrial Engineering are offered in this School.
Specialization in Nuclear Engineering is possible from year level three, with
the offering of the elective modules Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Engineering I and
II as well as a Project in Nuclear Engineering in the final year. This will ensure
the proven learning skills for post-graduate studies in Nuclear Engineering.
Mechanical Engineers are involved with the development, manufacturing,
management and maintenance of transport, energy conversion,
manufacturing, generator, weapon and cooling and heating systems, as well
as industry installations, process equipment, manufacturing machinery and
mining equipment.
The Mechanical Engineering programme maintains a good balance between
training in the basic sciences, engineering science and design. Strong
emphasis is placed on creative synthesis (design), in order to enable
engineers to apply their knowledge in finding solutions to complicated
technological problems.
Nuclear Engineers design systems that utilizes nuclear processes for energy.
Ultimately Mechanical and Nuclear Engineers play important roles in all
engineering projects to ensure that designs are innovative, well planned, safe,
effectively implemented, manufactured and maintained.
Industrial Engineers enable people, technology, information, materials,
methods and money to work together productively and effectively.
It is an Industrial Engineer who helps on an airport to decide when and from
which gate airplanes should depart or in a hospital how many beds and
nurses to be allocated to each hospital ward. Whether you use a motor
vehicle, a chocolate bar or a cell phone or whether you withdraw money or
withdraw blood, you can be pretty sure that an Industrial Engineer was
involved in the design, manufacturing or distribution of that product or service.


During their study, students may only change their programme with the
consent of the relevant School Director.


In the curriculum of each programme there are a number of compulsory
modules: FIAP172, FIAP271 (Professional Practice I and II), WVTS211
(Understanding the Technological World) and WVIS321 (Science, Technology
and Society). A fixed curriculum is followed.
The curriculum of the programme for Mechanical Engineering consists of
modules with a total credit value of at least 636. The Industrial Engineering
Programme started in 2015 and for 2017 consists of modules with a total credit
value of at least 604. In the following programme curricula the total number of
credit points is spread over four years of study.

I.5.4.1 Programme: BEng in Mechanical Engineering

Qualification code: 7CJ K01 [previously 700 109 - I303P]

I. Total credit value of programmes
Due to the implementation of revised programmes for the Faculty of Engineering credits and
contents of modules are revised and a few adjustments have been made to the programmes.
The credit values indicated in the tables below are those of the new programmes and for
seniors it differs as a result of adjustments forced by the phasing out of old programmes.
Compilation of curriculum
This curriculum is composed as follows (I401P):


First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

CHEM111 Introductory Inorganic C 12 FSKS121 Electricity, Magnetism, C 12

and Physical Chemistry Optics, Atomic and
Nuclear Physics
FSKS111 Mechanics, Oscillations, C 12 INGM121 Engineering Graphics II C 12
Waves and Theory of
INGM111 Engineering Graphics I C 12 INGM122 Materials Science I C 16
ITRW112 Introduction to C 12 ITRW126 Programming for C 12
Computers and Engineers (Visual Basic)
WISN111 Introductory Algebra and C 12 TGWN121 Statics and Mathematical C 12
Analysis I Modelling
WISN121 Introductory Algebra and C 12
Analysis II
FIAP172 Professional Practice I F 24
(year module)
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EERI212 Electrotechnics C 16 EERI228 Measure and Control C 16

INGM211 Strength of Materials I C 12 INGM222 Thermodynamics I C 12
INGM212 Engineering Materials I C 12 INGM223 Manufacturing C 12
(New for 2nd years 2017)
= INGM423
TGWN211 Dynamics I C 8 INGM224 Applied Computer C 8
TGWN213 Differential Equations C 8 TGWN221 Dynamics II C 8
WISN211 Analysis III C 8 TGWN223 Numerical Analysis C 8
WISN212 Linear Algebra I C 8 WISN225 Engineering Analysis C 8
WVTS211 Understanding the F 12 FIAP271 Professional Practice II F 24
Technological World (year module)
INGM271 Workshop Practice C 8
vacation training

First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

INGM311 Thermodynamics II C 12 EERI321 Control Theory I C 16

INGM312 Fluid Mechanics I C 12 INGM321 Fluid Mechanics II C 8
INGM 313 Strength of Materials II C 12 INGM327 Mechanical Design C 16
STTK312 Engineering Statistics C 16 INGM322 Structural Analysis and C 12
TGWN312 Partial Differential C 16 INGM323 Machine Design or C 12
Equations (Numerical)
NUCI321 Nuclear Energy and C 12
NUCI326 Nuclear Engineering I C 12
WVIS321 Science, Technology and F 12
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

INGM411 Thermal Machines C 16 INGM423 Manufacturing C 12

(ends Dec 2019)
INGM412 Heat Transfer C 12 INGM427 Thermal Fluid System C 16
INGM413 Fluid Machines C 12 INGM421 Machine Dynamics or C 16
INGM417 Systems Engineering C 12 NUCI421 Nuclear Engineering II C 16
Choose one: EERI473 Engineering C 8
INGM414 Air conditioning and INGM471 Vacation Training seniors C 8
(This module is not
presented in 2016/7)
INGM415 Failure of Materials C 16 Project (year module) or
INGM479 C 16
INGM416 Aircraft Design C 16 NUCI479
Project in Nuclear C 16
Engineering (year
BEng in Mechanical Engineering
Qualification code: 7CJ K01 [previously 700 109 - I303P]

Year level 1 Year level 2 Year level 3 Year level 4

1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem.
60 100 84 104 68 76 68 76
Total: year level 1 Total: year level 2 Total: year level 3 Total: year level 4
160 188 144 144
Total credits of program: 636

I.5.4.2 Programme: BEng in Industrial Engineering
Qualification code: 7CK K01 [previously 700 112 - I304P]
(This is a new programme phased in from 2015, year level 1. The first
graduates will complete this programme in 2017).
I. Total credit value of programmes
Due to the implementation of revised programmes for the Faculty of Engineering credits and
contents of modules are revised and a few adjustments have been made to the programmes.
The credit values indicated in the tables below are those of the new programmes and for
seniors it differs as a result of adjustments forced by the phasing out of old programmes.
Compilation of curriculum BEng Industrial Engineering (I401P):


First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

CHEM111 Introductory Inorganic C 12 FSKS121 Electricity, Magnetism, C 12

and Physical Chemistry Optics, Atomic and
Nuclear Physics
FSKS111 Mechanics, Oscillations, C 12 INGB121 Process Drawings C 12
Waves and Theory of
INGM111 Engineering Graphics I C 12 INGM122 Materials Science I C 16
ITRW115 Programming for C 12 TGWN121 Statics and Mathematical C 12
Engineers C++ Modelling
WISN111 Introductory Algebra and C 12 WISN121 Introductory Algebra and C 12
Analysis I Analysis II
FIAP172 Professional Practice I F 24
(year module)
First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

EERI212 Electrotechnics C 16 INGB222 Operations Management C 16

for Engineers
REII211 Algorithms and C 8 INGB223 Operations Research I C 8
(new 2nd years 2017)
TGWN211 Dynamics I C 8 INGM222 Thermodynamics I C 12
TGWN213 Differential Equations C 8 LLAW221 Introductory Labour Law C 12
WISN211 Analysis III C 8 TGWN223 Numerical Analysis C 8
WISN212 Linear Algebra I C 8 FIAP271 Professional Practice II F 24
(year module)
WVTS211 Understanding the F 12 INGM271 Workshop Practice C 8
Technological World vacation training

First semester Second semester
Code Module name C/F Cr Code Module name C/F Cr

REII211 Algorithms and C 8 EERI321 Control Theory C 16

(3rd years 2017,
discontinue end of 2017)
INGB311 Engineering Economics C 12 INGM423 Manufacturing C 12
INGB314 Operational Excellence C 12 ITRW325 Decision Support C 16
Systems II
INGB315 Simulation C 12 TGWN322 Optimisation C 16

INGB316 Supply Chain C 16 WVIS321 Science, Technology and F 12

Management Society
STTK312 Engineering Statistics C 16

For 2017:
First semester Second semester
Module code Module name C/F Cr Module code Module name C/F Cr

INGB413 Quality Assurance C 12 INGB421 Business Analytics C 16

INGB417 Facilities Design C 16 INGB427 Business Engineering C 16
and Design
INGM417 Systems Engineering C 12 EERI473 Engineering C 8
REII414 Databases and Web- C 16 INGB471 Vacation Training seniors F 8
Project C 40
(Year module)
BEng in Industrial Engineering
Qualification code: 7CK K01 [previously 700 112 - I304P]

Year level 1 Year level 2 Year level 3 Year level 4 (2017)

1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem. 1st sem. 2nd sem.
60 88 68 88 76 72 56 88
Total: year level 1 Total: year level 2 Total: year level 3 Total: year level 4
148 156 148 144
Total credits of program: 596

Core modules mean those modules at all levels of a programme or curriculum
which have been designated as such by the faculty concerned (A.1.13).
Fundamental modules mean those modules which give expression to the
critical cross-field outcomes and which students have to take in order to comply
fully with the education, training or further learning required for the attainment
of a qualification (A.1.33).


All modules are presented full-time by means of contact teaching. A few
modules entail vacation training, which is performed during the university


Arrangements and requirements in connection with assessment will be
communicated to students at the start of each semester. They are also fully
explained in each relevant study guide.
Assessment methods include:
 Formative assessment methods - homework, class tests, semester tests,
practical reports, assignments and other applicable methods.
 Summative assessment methods – Usually a 2 to 3 hour examination-
paper. Exceptions are indicated in the study guides of the relevant


The list of modules from which the curricula of all the programmes are
compiled and the credit value of each module is given in the table below. The
requirements with respect to assumed learning are given for each module in
the last column in the table. (See also I.2.8)
Regarding the requirements with respect to assumed prior learning of
engineering modules, the following apply:
a) Where a first semester module in a certain year level is a prerequisite for
assumed prior learning of a second semester module, or a module from
one year level is a prerequisite with respect to assumed prior learning of a
module of the following year level, a pass mark (module mark) of at least
50% has to be achieved in that prerequisite module, before the following
module may be taken.
b) An auxiliary module has to be taken in the same semester as the module
on which it has a bearing.

Faculty of Law
Module code Descriptive name Cr Prerequisites
LLAW221 Introductory Labour Law 12 None
Faculty of Natural Sciences modules
Module code Descriptive name Cr Prerequisites
CHEM111 Introductory Inorganic and 12 None
Physical Chemistry
CHEM121 Introductory Organic 12 None
CHEN211 Analytical Methods I 8 CHEM111 and CHEM121
CHEN223 Organic Chemistry II 8 CHEM111 and CHEM121
FSKS111 Mechanics, Oscillations, 12 None
Waves and Theory of Heat.
FSKS121 Electricity, Magnetism, 12 FSKS111 and WISN111
Optics, Atomic and Nuclear
FSKS211 Electricity and Magnetism 8 FSKS121 and TGWN122
GENL311 Mineralogy and Petrology 16 None
ITRW112 Introduction to Computers 12 None
and Programming
ITRW115 Programming for Engineers 12 None
I (C++)
ITRW126 Programming for Engineers 12 ITRW112
(Visual Basic)
ITRW325 Decision Support Systems II 16 ITRW214
STTK312 Engineering Statistics 16 WISN121
TGWN121 Statics and Mathematical 12 WISN111 and FSKS111
(BEng) Modelling
TGWN211 Dynamics I 8 WISN121 and (TGWN121 of
TGWN213 Differential Equations 8 WISN121
TGWN221 Dynamics II 8 TGWN213 and (TGWN121
or TGWN122)
TGWN223 Numerical Analysis 8 WISN121
TGWN312 Partial Differential Equations 16 WISN221/WISN225
TGWN322 Optimisation 16 WISN211 and WISN212
WISN111 Introductory Algebra and 12 None
Analysis I
WISN121 Introductory Algebra and 12 WISN111
Analysis II
WISN211 Analysis III 8 WISN121
WISN212 Linear Algebra I 8 WISN121
WISN225 Engineering Analysis 8 WISN211
WISN227 Applied Linear Algebra 8 WISN212

Engineering modules
Module code Descriptive name Cr Prerequisites
BIOT411 Biotechnology II 16 CEMI315
CEMI121 Process Principles I 16 None
CEMI211 Materials and Corrosion 12 None
CEMI213 Electrotechnics for Chemical 8 FSKS111 and FSKS121
CEMI222 Chemical Thermodynamics I 16 CEMI121
CEMI224 Process Principles II 8 CEMI121 and CHEM121
CEMI311 Transport Phenomena I 16 CEMI224
CEMI313 Chemical Thermodynamics II 16 CEMI222 and CEMI224
CEMI315 Biotechnology I 8 None
CEMI316 Particle Systems 16 CEMI121
CEMI321 Transport Phenomena II 16 CEMI224 and CEMI311
CEMI322 Separation Processes I 16 CEMI313
CEMI323 Chemical Reactor Theory I 16 CEMI121
CEMI326 Process Modelling for Control CEMI121; CEMI224; CEMI313;
(new module from 2015) WISN222/ WISN227 and
CEMI328 Plant Design I 12 CEMI121 and CEMI222
CEMI411 Separation Processes II 16 CEMI313 and CEMI322
CEMI415 Chemical Reactor Theory II 16 CEMI224 and CEMI323
CEMI417 Process Control 16 CEMI326
CEMI418 Ore Dressing 16 None
CEMI419 Pyrometallurgy 16 CEMI321
CEMI471 Vacation Training seniors 8 None
CEMI477 Plant Design II 32 Student has to be in final year
and must be able to complete
degree (all previous modules
CEMI479 Project 28 Student has to be in final year
(Year module) and must be able to complete
EEII321 Power Systems I 16 EERI221 and EERI311
EEII327 Electrical Design 16 Student must be able to
complete third year BEng
EEII413 Power Electronics 16 EERI311 and EERI321
EEII422 Power Systems II 16 EEII321
EERI212 Electrotechnics 16 FSKS111; FSKS121; WISN111
(for Mechanical students) and WISN121
EERI213 Electrotechnics II 16 FSKS111; FSKS121; WISN111
(E/E/C students) and WISN121
EERI221 Electrical Systems I 16 EERI213

EERI222 Signal Theory I 16 EERI213; TGWN211 or

WISN211 and WISN212
EERI223 Electronics I 16 EERI213
EERI224 Linear Systems 12 EERI213 and WISN212
(New module from 2015) Co-required: WISN227
EERI228 Measure and Control 16 EERI212 or EERI213
EERI311 Electrical Systems II 16 EERI212/213, EERI221 and
Engineering modules
Module code Descriptive name Cr Prerequisites
EERI313 Electromagnetics 16 FSKS211 and WISN211
EERI315 Signal Theory II 16 EERI222
EERI321 Control Theory I 16 TGWN121; EERI212/213;
TGWN222/TGWN223 and
EERI322 Electronics II 16 EERI223
EERI412 Electronics III 16 EERI322
EERI414 Signal Theory III 16 EERI315
EERI418 Control Theory II 16 EERI321
EERI423 Telecommunication Systems 16 EERI313
EERI471 Vacation Training seniors 8 None
EERI473 Engineering Management 8 Co-required: EERI474
EERI474 Project 24 Student must be able to
complete their degree
concurrently with EERI474.
Co-required: EERI473
FIAP172* Professional Practice I (Year 24 None
FIAP271 Professional Practice II (Year 24 FIAP172
INGB121 Process Drawings 12 None
INGB222 Operations Management for 16 INGB121
INGB223 Operations Research 8 EERI214/REII211 and
INGB311 Engineering Economics 16 FIAP271
INGB314 Operational Excellence 16 INGB222
INGB315 Simulation 8 WISN111
Co-requisite: STTK312
INGB316 Supply Chain Management 16 INGB222
INGB413 Quality Assurance 12 INGB314 and STTK312
INGB417 Facilities Design 16 Student must be final year
(must be able to complete the
INGB421 Business Analytics 16 ITRW325; TGWN322 and
INGB427 Business Engineering and 16 Student must be final year
Design (must be able to complete the
INGB471 Vacation Training seniors 8 Must have completed third year
INGB479 Project 40 Student must be final year
(must be able to complete the
Co-required: EERI473
INGM111 Engineering Graphics I 12 None
INGM121 Engineering Graphics II 12 INGM111 (40%)
INGM122 Materials Science I 16 None
INGM211 Strength of Materials I 12 WISN121 and TGWN121
INGM212 Engineering Materials I 12 INGM122 (40%)
INGM222 Thermodynamics I 12 WISN11
Co-required: The student should
have passed or be enrolled for
Engineering modules
Module code Descriptive name Cr Prerequisites
WISN 121
INGM223 Manufacturing Technology 12 INGM212 or INGB121
New module for second year
students in 2017. The same
module as INGM423.
The same as INGM423 till 2019
(INGM423 phasing out)
INGM224 Applied Computer Methods 8 INGM211
Co-required: INGM222
INGM271 Workshop Practice (Vacation 8 None
INGM311 Thermodynamics II 12 INGM222
INGM312 Fluid Mechanics I 12 None
INGM313 Strength of Materials II 12 INGM211
INGM321 Fluid Mechanics II 8 INGM312 and INGM222 (40%)
INGM322 Structural Analysis 12 INGM313 and TGWN222/223
INGM323 Machine design 12 TGWN211
INGM327 Mechanical Design 16 INGM313
INGM411 Thermal Machines 16 INGM224 (40%);
INGM311 (40%) and
Co-required: INGM412 and
INGM412 Heat Transfer 12 INGM321
INGM413 Fluid Machines 12 INGM321
INGM414 Air conditioning and 16 INGM311 and INGM321
(not offered in 2016)
INGM415 Failure of Materials 16 INGM212
INGM416 Aircraft Design 16 INGM313
INGM417 Systems Engineering 12 Co-required: INGM479 or
INGM421 Machine Dynamics 16 TGWN312
INGM423 Manufacturing Technology 12 INGM212 or INGB121
INGM427 Thermal Fluid System Design 16 INGM411 passed or
admittance (>40%): for
INGM311, INGM321, INGM412
and INGM417
INGM471 Vacation Training seniors 8 None
INGM479 Project 16 INGM271
(Year module) Co-required: EERI473;
Student must be able to
complete degree
MEGI271 Workshop Practice (Vacation 8 None
NUCI321 Nuclear Energy 12 None
NUCI326 Nuclear Engineering I 12 Co-required: NUCI321
NUCI421 Nuclear Engineering II 16 NUCI321 and NUCI326
NUCI479 Project in Nuclear Engineering 16 INGM271
Student has to be in final year
and must be able to complete
Co-required INGM472

Engineering modules
Module code Descriptive name Cr Prerequisites

REII111 Introduction to Digital Systems 12 None

REII121 Introduction to Microcontrollers 12 EERI112/REII111 and ITRW115
REII211 Algorithms and Optimisation 8 WISN121; TGWN121
For 2017: ITRW112 &
Co-required: WISN211,
WISN212 and TGWN213
REII222 Embedded Systems 12 EERI112 and EERI123 or
REII111 and REII121
REII312 Network Fundamentals 16 EERI214/REII211;
REII313 Object-oriented Software 16 ITRW115;
Development REII221/REII222
REII323 Embedded Operating Systems 16 REII311/REII312
REII221/REII222 and
REII327 Computer Engineering Design 16 Student must be able to
complete third year BEng
REII414 Databases and Web- 16 EERI316/REII313; STTK312
programming and REII311/REII312
REII424 Data Analysis 12 WISN227; EERI214/REII211;
Prescribed modules
Module code Descriptive name Cr Prerequisites
AGLA111# Introduction to Academic 12 None
AGLA121* Academic Literacy 12 AGLA111
WVIS321 Science, Technology and 12 None
WVTS211 Understand the Technological 12 None
# Students who have not passed the test in academic literacy, must register for the
module AGLE111.
*All Engineering programmes include the compulsory module FIAP172 (24 credits),
which includes the outcomes of AGLE121.

Module code: AGLE111 Semester 1 NQF level: 5
Name: Introduction to Academic Literacy
Module outcomes:
After you have completed this module you should be able to
 demonstrate basic knowledge of learning strategies, academic vocabulary and register, as
well as reading and writing academic texts in order to function effectively in an academic
 communicate effectively, orally and in writing, in an appropriate way as an individual and in a
group in an academic environment;
 understand, interpret and evaluate basic academic texts and to implement academic
conventions of appropriate academic genres in a coherent way to write accurate and
appropriate scientific texts; and
 be able to listen, talk, read, write and learn accurately within an ethical frame of reference.
Module code: AGLE121 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Name: Academic Literacy
Module outcomes:
After you have completed this module you should be able to
 demonstrate fundamental knowledge of appropriate computer programmes, as well as
appropriate learning, listening and writing strategies; implement the academic language
register and reading and writing of academic texts in order to function efficiently in the
academic environment;
 be able to learn effectively as an individual and as a member of a group in an ethically
responsible and acceptable way in the academic environment; and, using appropriate IT, be
able to communicate academic information orally and in writing according to a prescribed
format in assignments; and
 search for and collect a variety of relevant scientific information in a variety of study fields; to
analyse, interpret, synthesise and evaluate the texts and suggest solutions in a creative way
in appropriate genres by using linguistic conventions as customary in formal language
Module code: BIOT411 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Biotechnology II
Module objective:
Instil students to acquire the knowledge enabling them to understand basic biological concepts
and develop the skills of extending engineering principles to biological systems.
Module outcomes:
After completion of this Module the student should have:
The students will acquire knowledge about the physiology of microorganisms and enzymes, as
well as the bioprocess considerations for effective treatment of wastewaters or recovery of pure
products in adequate bioreactor systems.
 Ability to select suitable microorganisms for a biological process and recognize the growth
phase required to achieve maximum yield.
 Must be able to establish and control physical and chemical conditions necessary for effective
performance of the enzymes.
 Must be able to model microbial-growth-kinetics and predict the behaviour of microorganisms
under specific conditions in a batch or chemo stat system.
 Ability to select appropriate bioreactor based on the microbial species and the intended
product as well as manipulate operating conditions to ensure improved performance of
 Recognize the bioreactor instruments and scale consideration suitable for effective
monitoring and control of chemical and physical environment.
 Must be able to recommend a purification method informed by the complexity of the

fermentation broth and the nature of the product.
 Ability to apply biological-based processes to induce chemical transformations necessary in
the treatment of wastewaters and formation of useful products.
 Ability to use rudimentary equipment for the making of cheese and beer.
 Demonstrate the ability to use mathematical analyses to predict the performance of
bioreactor systems.
 Ability to choose energy sources to minimize footprint and ensure continuity.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI315
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI121 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Name: Process Principles I
Module objective: Teaching of the basic calculations with a focus on material balances, as
applicable to Chemical and Minerals engineering.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students should have the following:
Students obtain formal knowledge of different unit systems, process data handling, dimensional
homogeneity, the mol unit, chemical and mineral processes and process variables, fundamentals
of material balances, degrees of freedom, stoichiometry, multiple material balances, recovery and
bypass streams, reactive processes, combustion processes, single phase processes.
 Being able to carry out elementary chemical calculations, convert between different unit
systems and know the concept of dimensional homogeneity.
 To know about the different types of chemical processes and know the most important
process variables.
 Understand the fundamentals of material balances and apply these fundamentals to single
and multiple unit processes with and without reaction.
 Know how to find, calculate or estimate the relevant physical properties of single-phase
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: None
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI211 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Materials and Corrosion
Module objective: To obtain knowledge on materials, material selection and corrosion processes.
To understand the atomic structure and bonding in materials resulting in mechanical properties of
metals and alloys, polymers and ceramics. To obtain knowledge on corrosion and corrosion
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have:
The student will be able to understand materials, material strength, corrosion and corrosion
prevention to make decisions on material selections.
 Ability to identify the different materials, such as metals, polymers and ceramics.
 Ability to understand the processing of these materials.
 Ability to solve material problems encountered in a chemical engineering environment.
 Ability to identify and describe corrosion processes, electrochemical corrosion and galvanic
 Solve corrosion problems and determine corrosion rates and how corrosion control is
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: none
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1

Module code: CEMI213 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Electrotechnics for Chemical Engineers
Module objective: The objective of this module is to equip students with a critical understanding of
how the field of electrotechnics is applicable to the basic training of the chemical engineer.
Module outcomes:
On completion of this module the student will demonstrate:
 Knowledge and informed understanding of the basic terms related to electricity, including
AC/DC, as well as three-phase and single-phase power;
 Critical understanding of and the ability to analyse and evaluate basic power generation
within the South African context, including renewable energy
 Detailed knowledge of the basic working of transformers and electrical motors with a view to
understand the application of these components on a process plant;
 The ability to understand measurement (pressure, temperature, flow, density and level) in
order to be able to select the correct instrumentation for measurement in chemical
 Detailed knowledge and understanding of, and the ability to demonstrate the working of
various kinds of valves in different scenarios; and
 The ability to work as part of a team to solve practical problems in the field of

NOTE: New module from 2016. Previous module was EERI212.

Credits: 8
Prerequisite: none
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI222 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Chemical Thermodynamics I
Module objective: The main objective of this module is to equip students with the fundamental
skills to perform energy, entropy and mass balances to solve energy, flow and general
thermodynamic problems. Furthermore, the students will learn how to select specific equations of
state or correlations to describe and analyse different processes that are relevant to the chemical
process industry. Finally, the students will be taught how to integrate the different concepts
through the use of fundamental property relations and the Maxwell relations.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to:
The students will have gained knowledge of the 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics and should
have learned how to solve energy and entropy balances using thermodynamic concepts.
 Perform energy, entropy and mass balance calculations for open and closed systems.
 Use equations of state or generalized correlations to describe any fluid, and be able to
calculate the compressibility factor of gases.
 Establish thermodynamic property relationships for any system and select appropriate
equations of state for calculating thermodynamic properties in terms of the measureable
system properties temperature and pressure.
 Describe and analyse the thermodynamic properties of a fluid at each location in refrigeration,
liquefaction, and power generation cycles.
 Appreciate mechanical work in solving thermodynamic problems.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI224 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Process Principles II
Module objective: To understand and apply energy balances for design and operational problems
of industrial processes.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module students should have the following:
Knowledge about energy balances, the first law of thermodynamics, forms of energy, heat
capacity of gasses; liquids and solids, enthalpy of mixtures and solutions; enthalpy-concentration
diagrams; enthalpy of formation, vaporisation, melting, combustion and solutions; combustion of
fuels, and should be able to integrate this to solve energy balances over processes.
Skills: The student will have developed the following skills:
 Ability to identify the different forms of energy.
 Ability to solve energy balances on closed and open systems, with or without reactions taking
place, whilst accounting for scenarios such as phase change, mixing and solutions.
 Ability to simultaneously solve energy and material balances on simple systems
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: CHEM121 and CEMI121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI311 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Transport Phenomena I
Module objective: An introductory course in the basic fundamentals and applications of
momentum transfer. This module has the main objective of introducing the student to the theory
and application of momentum transfer so that he/she will be able to apply the acquired knowledge
to practical momentum transfer problems.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have:
 Basic knowledge and insight in the mechanisms of fluid dynamics;
 Be able to use mass, energy and momentum balances to describe fluid motion on the
macroscopic level;
 Be able to describe the motion of a fluid on the microscopic level by making use of velocity
profiles and differential analysis;
 Be able to do dimensional analyses to derive important correlations which determine the type
of flow;
 Know and be able to use Buckingham's theory;
 Be able to describe fluid flow where friction is relevant and to use the relevant correlations to
calculate friction factors;
 Be able to use the above-mentioned knowledge to describe both internal and external flow;
 Know and be able to apply the basic theory and applications regarding fluid machines.
 Be able to describe internal and external flow systems using basic flow dynamics;
 Know and be able to apply dimensional analyses for further study;
 Be able to design reaction and impulse turbines
 Be able to generate and process experimental data and prepare an appropriate report on the
findings; and
 Be able to use sources such as the internet and library to obtain and study relevant
information on flow dynamics.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI224
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI313 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Chemical Thermodynamics II
Module objective: The main objective of this module is to help students develop fundamental skills
and knowledge in the field of chemical thermodynamics, relevant to some basic operations in the
chemical process industry.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have the following:
The student should have gained knowledge in performing complex thermodynamics calculations

w.r.t. determining the composition of coexisting phases during phase separation, and predicting
the extent to which a reversible chemical reaction proceeds.
 Understand the importance of the Gibbs energy and the chemical potential in relation to
equilibrium calculations.
 Understand the concept of fugacity as a key-parameter in equilibrium calculations.
 Perform fugacity calculations for species in the gas and liquid phases.
 Calculate the composition of coexisting phases, mainly w.r.t. Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE)
and Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) from first principles.
 Describe a reversible chemical reaction/system of reactions in terms of the equilibrium extent
of the individual reactions/ single reaction.
 Co-operate effectively in group work.
 Act ethically sound in presenting results, findings, interpretations and personal views in
problem solving activities.
 Reveal applicable communication skills.
 Think critically and innovatively in all problem solving activities.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI222 and CEMI224
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI315 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Biotechnology I
Module objective: An introductory course in the basic fundamentals and applications of
biotechnology. The aim of this module is to expose engineering students to the principles and
concepts of biotechnology and how it relates to engineering problems.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have:
Formal knowledge about:
 The importance of chemical engineering within the field of biotechnology.
 Cell biology and the structure and function of bio-molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins
and nucleic acids.
 Enzymatic and microbial fermentation.
 Cell growth.
The ability to perform the following:
 Design and execute simple biochemical experiments.
 Collect and process experimental data.
 Solve problems related to enzymatic and microbial fermentation.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: none
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI316 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Particle Systems
Module objective: Teaching the fundamentals of particle systems and the design of processes to
be able to handle particles.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module students should have the following:
Knowledge: Knowledge of the properties of particles and the handling of dry particles, the
properties of slurries and the handling thereof and to design equipment that can handle these
systems. The student will also have knowledge of solid-liquid separation system and to design the
appropriate equipment.
 Describe populations of particles in terms of their physical and chemical properties, to design
screens and other apparatus to classify particles in terms of size and or density.
 Design systems to store and convey particles.
 Describe slurries in terms of physical properties such as density and viscosity.
 Design mixer tanks, piping systems and pumps to transport slurries, to design and describe
waste dumps.
 Design settling dams, thickeners, filters and thermal dryers.
 Describe the operating aspects of all the above mentioned processes and to understand and
describe the interaction between the different processes.
 Use laboratory equipment to obtain information, experimentally, on the above mentioned
processes for later use in design and optimisation thereof.

NOTE: Previously CEMI413

Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI321 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Transport Phenomena II
Module objective: Teaching of heat and mass transfer principles while also learning to use these
skills in the development and/or design of heat and mass transfer equipment such as TEMA type
heat exchangers.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should:
 Have knowledge of and insight into the mechanisms of conduction, convection, radiation,
diffusion-mass transfer and convective mass transfer;
 Be able to determine transfer rate for steady-state and non-steady-state conduction;
 Be able to use numerical, as well as graphical techniques to solve conduction problems;
 be able to do dimensional analyses for convective systems and be able to solve natural and
forced convection problems;
 Be able to determine transfer coefficients for convection systems
 Be able to solve heat transfer for simultaneous conduction and convection systems;
 Be able to solve transfer for simultaneous heat and mass transfer systems;
 Be able to use the concept of black and grey bodies to solve radiation problems;
 Know the laws of radiation and be able to apply them to solve the heat transfer by radiation
for different systems;
 Be able to apply Fick's law to shell balances to solve steady-state and non-steady-state mass
transfer problems;
 Be able to calculate the mass transfer for flow over a flat plate, spheres, cylinders and packed
beds by using the different analogies between momentum, mass and heat transfer; and
 Be able to determine the mass transfer rate for different systems.
The student should be able to:
 Calculate heat and mass transfer rate for different systems;
 Design systems for effective heat and mass transfer;
 Analyse shell and tube heat exchangers using HTRi software; and
 Design shell and tube heat exchangers to comply with an industrial design specification
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI224 and CEMI311
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI322 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Separation Processes I
Module objective: Development of skills for the conceptional design, modelling, optimization and
selection of equilibrium-based separation processes, with specific reference to absorption,
stripping and distillation. Application of basic knowledge in the development of more complex
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students should have the following:
Formal knowledge about the following:
 The various separation processes with specific focus on distillation, absorption and stripping.
 The appropriate equipment necessary in these separation processes.
 The use of thermodynamic models in equilibrium-based separation processes.
 The advantages and disadvantages of various design choices.
The ability to perform the following:
 Flash calculations in multi-component processes.
 Design of adsorption, stripping and distillation columns for binary and multi-component feed
 Troubleshoot and optimize separation processes.
 Simulate a distillation column using ASPEN/HYSYS.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI313
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI323 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Chemical Reactor Theory I
Module objective: The main objective of this module is to equip students with the basic
fundamentals of chemical reactor theory and the design of different types of reactors on an
advanced level with the focus on suitable engineering problem solving. Use of all accumulated
engineering knowledge and skills, specifically mass- and energy balances and thermodynamic
concepts applicable to problem solving. Skills that are developed are based on the utilization of
the theory of the kinetics of homogeneous reactions for problem solving in reaction systems of
industrial importance and catalytic reactions, with the focus on reactor design.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students should have the following:
The student will have obtained formal knowledge about reaction kinetics and reaction rates for
different reaction systems, operation and functioning of different reactor types, derivation of
operations and design equations from first principles for a variety of reactor types, isothermal and
non-isothermal operation and design, Pressure drop across reactors, non-steady-state operation
of reactors, recirculation reactors, membrane reactors, thermodynamic effects and multiple
Skills: After successful completion of this module, students will have the following skills:
 Perform reaction and reactor problems using analytical and numerical methods;
 Use of different industrial design software for the design of a reactor and reaction systems;
 Operation of different reactors,
 Measuring of certain experimental quantities and the processing of results to meaningful
deductions in order to reach conclusions, communicated professionally in a practical Report.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI326 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Process Modelling for Control
Module objective: The objective of this module is to equip the student with skills to perform
dynamic modelling of processes, to be able to solve such models and to perform techniques on
such models to be able to analyse and assess the behaviour of processes in order to eventually
control such processes.
Module outcomes:
After completion of module, the student should be able to demonstrate:
 A basic overview knowledge of the discipline of process modelling and control.
 A thorough understanding of the behaviour of first- and higher-order processes through
behaviour analysis techniques.
 Knowledge of the fundamental- and empirical approaches to modelling chemical processes.
 Skills to develop steady-state and dynamic models that describe chemical process behaviour.
Mathematical skills to solve differential equations that describe process dynamics.
 Skills in using computer packages to solve differential equations that describe chemical
process dynamics.
 Mathematical skills to linearize non-linear process models as well as to determine process
stability of such processes.
 Ability to work individually and in groups.

NOTE: New module from 2015. Previous module was CEMI324.

Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI121; CEMI224; CEMI313; WISN222/WISN227 and
Assessment modes: PC 4 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI328 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Plant Design I
Module objective: To give students a strong foundation in simulations using Aspen by designing
real life chemical process applications. To impart knowledge on chemical processes
environmental impact and give a foundation on environmental management systems. To bring an
awareness of hazards linked to chemical processes and explore possible safety solutions.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should:
Knowledge: Be competent to perform procedural and non-procedural design and synthesis of
engineering products or processes. Should have acquired knowledge on environmental
management systems and risk assessment from a chemical engineering context. Be able to
handle and have an overview of environmental related design problems such as water related
(BOD) and air pollution related (stack design). Students should be able to do hazard analyses on
chemical plants and process components.
 Understand the application of Aspen in solving engineering problems.
 Appreciate and be able to link environmental hazards associated with chemical processes
and address problems using engineering knowledge acquired up to so far.
 Developed analytical and problem solving skills.
 Be able to carry out a HAZOP analysis on chemical processes and plants.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: CEMI121 and CEMI 222
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI411 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Separation Processes II
Module objective: Teaching of applicable separation processes, as well as the development of
skills in order to solve problems in this field using the necessary calculations
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students should have the following:
Knowledge: The students will acquire the knowledge about the concepts and technologies related
to water purification, membrane separation processes, solubility of elements, leaching,
precipitation, crystallisation, solvent extraction, ion exchange, electro winning and electro refining.
 Demonstrate sufficient knowledge about the context of water pollution and remediation
strategies to restore water suitable for drinking purposes.
 Must be able to identify the type of membrane adequate for a given task and predict its
 Ability to explain the behaviour of elements in solution through construction of the pourbaix
diagram and application of thermodynamic principles.
 Ability to advise on a suitable leaching technique based on the grade and the mineralogical
composition of the compound.
 Ability to determine optimum conditions for higher leaching rate.
 Recognise the limitations and the advantages of the various metal purification techniques.
 Must be able to determine the capacity and specificity of extracting matrices in ion exchange
and solvent extractions systems.
 Must be able to establish conditions suitable for the separation or purification of metals
through precipitation.
 Ability to explain the mechanisms of electro winning and electro refining, as well as suggest
optimization conditions based on information obtained through calculations.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI313 and CEMI322
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI415 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Chemical Reactor Theory II
Module objective: All chemical engineers must have a basic knowledge of reactors and their
operation. The objective of this module is to teach students advanced concepts concerning the
design of reactors. The skills acquired in this module build on the knowledge that the student has
acquired in his/her third year.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have:
 Knowledge and insight to use simple models for non-ideal flow to predict the conversion in a
non-ideal reactor.
 Develop models to predict the flow patterns in a reactor.
 Design a reactor for a heterogeneous catalytic reaction with complex reaction kinetics.
 Design reactors for reactions with de-activating and poisoned catalysts.
 Design reactor-regenerator systems for de-activating catalysts.
 Design reactors for non-catalytic heterogeneous reactions.
 Design reaction tanks and towers for gas-liquid reactions with adsorption.
 Design multiphase reactors and analyse biochemical reactors.
 Analyse and design reactors.
 Realise the importance of optimal chemical reactor design for the chemical industry.
 Predict non-ideal flow patterns and develop suitable models of the flow.
 Design reactors with heterogeneous catalytic reactions having complex kinetics.
 Consider deactivation of catalysts in a heterogeneous reaction.
 Design tanks and towers for gas/liquid reactions.
 Design multiphase reactors, as well as biochemical reactors.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI224 and CEMI323
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI417 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Process Control
Module objective: The objective of this module is to equip the student with skills to design simple
feedback as well as more advanced control systems for chemical processes, to use techniques to
tune such controllers, to assess the stability thereof and to be acquainted with multivariable
processes and controllers. Plant-wide control strategies also receive attention.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have:
 Detailed knowledge of measuring equipment (sensors) as well as actuators (valves, conveyor
belts) for efficient design of control systems
 A thorough understanding of feedback control theory, stability criteria and tuning techniques
 A thorough understanding and knowledge of advanced control systems
 Knowledge and understanding of control strategies and techniques for multivariable control
 Knowledge in designing and implementing plant-wide control strategies
 Skills to implement both simple feedback controllers as well as advanced controllers on
existing process models and/or simulations
 Mathematical and computer literacy to perform a frequency response analysis on processes
and to efficiently use this information in the design of control systems.
 Ability to work individually and in groups.

NOTE: New module from 2016. Previous module CEMI414.

Credits: 16
Prerequisite: CEMI326
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI418 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Ore Dressing
Module objective: Ore dressing comprises the first steps during the preparation and concentration
of mined ore. In this module all these processes are studied in terms of the fundamental
principles and their operation, simulation and design.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have:
 The principles of the synthesis and design of mineral plants.
 The processes of liberation and concentration of important minerals.
 The types units in the above-mentioned processes and their operation.
 Coal processing and plants.
 To integrate and apply the principles of separation equilibrium and kinetics to mineral
 To simulate mineral plants and the associated process units with the help of available
computer packages.
 To use the principles of ore commination and mineral liberation to design crushing circuits.
 To use the principles of mineral separation to design concentration processes.
 To safely use laboratory equipment during practicals.
 To be able to function effectively in groups.
 To communicate scientifically in different mediums.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: None
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI419 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Pyro metallurgy
Module objective: To give the student basic knowledge and insight of selected aspects of pyro
metallurgical processes, including thermodynamic principles, refractories, furnaces and
pyrometry. To understand high temperature separation techniques and to apply these in
industrial applications.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have
 Understand metallurgical thermodynamic principles used in pyro metallurgical processes.
 Refractories.
 Furnaces and their construction.
 Able to use the Laws of Thermodynamics on relevant pyro metallurgical problems.
 Able to use Ellingham-diagrams to make predictions on pyro metallurgical plant operations.
 Distinguish between oxide/ non-oxide and acid/basic/neutral refractories and construct simple
phase diagrams for the most important refractories,
 Determine from the phase diagrams plant conditions of the refractories.
 Discuss the classification principles of refractories.
 Perform combustion calculations used in pyro metallurgical processes.
 Distinguish between chemical and physical preparation processes.
 Understand direct reduction of hematite and solve relevant problems.
 Understand copper metallurgy and conduct relevant discussions and solve problems.
 Describe the reduction of solid oxide ores and perform calculations.
 Discuss the carbothermic reduction of Ferro alloys.
 Describe the reduction of alumina.
 Determine chemical equations and solve problems.
 Give a short description of refining processes.
 Perform a research project on a relevant pyro metallurgical process.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: None
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: CEMI471 Year module NQF level: 8
Name: Vacation Training seniors
This is a compulsory attendance module for a period of six weeks during the vacation.

Module objective: During vacation training students are exposed to the daily operation of an
appropriate plant, installation or laboratory. Typical engineering problems which are connected
with the work place concerned must be investigated under the guidance of an engineer in charge.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of the module the student should have a better understanding of the
skills a professional engineer needs, the process of engineering and problem solving. The student
should be able to take his/her place in industry and apply safety requirements in the work place.
An occupational safety course (NOSA) will be completed during the second year of study at the
University before, the start of the vacation training in industry.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: Must have completed third year
Assessment modes: Attendance (Industry: report)
Module code: CEMI477 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Plant Design II
Module objective: To integrate all previous knowledge, together with innovation and creativity to
conceptualise and design a technically and economically viable process to produce a valuable
commodity from raw materials, while maintaining awareness of the impact of the process on
people and the environment.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students should have the ability to perform the
 Design a technically and economically viable process plant.
 Effectively communicate in writing and orally the designed process plant as well as all
aspects related to the process by which the plant was designed.
 Critically assess the impact of engineering activities on the social, industrial and physical
 Effectively work as an individual in teams and in multidisciplinary environments.
Note: Previously CEMI416 + CEMI427
Credits: 32
Prerequisite: A student must have completed all previous modules for this programme and
must be able to graduate after successful completion of this module
Assessment methods and weights:
Final design report: 56%; Panel interview: 14%; Preliminary reports: 30%
Module code: CEMI479 Year course NQF level: 8
Name: Project
Module objective: The aim of the final year chemical engineering project is to allow students the
opportunity to demonstrate their competency in applying chemical engineering knowledge to the
solution of a practical chemical engineering research project.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students should have gained the following:

 Planning of engineering projects.
 Literature surveys.
 Processing and interpretation of results.
 Reporting of results, both written and oral.
 The use of advanced analytical equipment.
After successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
 Conceptualize a research problem.
 Conduct a literature survey to obtain the necessary knowledge regarding a specific problem.
 Formulate a hypothesis that can lead to laboratory planning.
 Plan a laboratory investigation according to known research methodologies.
 Obtain the physical apparatus to conduct the investigation.
 To complete the research process.
 Report results by oral presentations and poster presentations.
 Report research results in a written report complying with acceptable levels of style,
language and grammar.
 Integrate prior knowledge and skills for problem solving.
 Use advanced analytical equipment.
 Manage project to meet set milestones and complete project on time.
Credits: 28
Prerequisite: A student must have completed all previous modules for this programme and
must be able to graduate after successful completion of this module.
Assessment methods and weights:
Project report: 80%
Oral and poster presentation: 20%
Module code: CHEM111 Semester 1 NQF level: 5
Name: Introductory Inorganic and Physical Chemistry
Module outcomes:
On completing the module the student should be able:
 to demonstrate fundamental knowledge and insight into the properties of matter and
compounds, molecular interaction, aqueous solutions, chemical equilibriums, acids and
bases, formation of precipitates and electron transfer reactions and to apply this knowledge
to write and name chemical formulae;
 to balance reaction equations, to use stoichiometric and other calculations to determine an
unknown quantity, and to explain tendencies and relationships according to the Periodic
Table (main groups);
 to demonstrate skills in applying laboratory and safety regulations;
 to be competent to explain observed chemical phenomena, do calculations relating to these,
communicate results scientifically and to understand applications of these in industry and the
environment better.
Module code: CHEM121 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Name: Introductory Organic Chemistry
Module outcomes:
On completing the module the student should be able:
 to demonstrate knowledge and insight to classify and name organic compounds;
 to know the physical properties and chemical reactions of unsaturated carbohydrates, alkyl
halides, alcohols, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, as well as a
few aromatic compounds and
 to describe the mechanism of selected organic reactions.
Module code: CHEN211 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Analytical Methods II
Module outcomes:
At the end of this module the student will have acquired knowledge and insight to describe
analysis as a process (sampling, sample preparation, separation, quantifying, evaluating) to
evaluate analytical data, to do analytical calculations and to describe gravimetric methods,
volumetric methods (acid-base, complexiometric), atomic spectrometric methods (atomic
absorption and emission spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma), surface characterising
methods (microscopy) and separation methods (extraction, column and thin-layer
chromatography). The student will also have become familiar with general laboratory techniques
and chemical analytical techniques with a view to quality control and control laboratories, and
have developed the ability to learn ‘classical’ analytical methods
him-/herself, to conduct chemical analyses in a responsible way and to evaluate analytical results.
Module code: CHEN223 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Organic Chemistry II
Module outcomes:
At the end of this module the student will be familiar with:
 the basic principles and rules of aromaticity;
 drawing resonance and chemical structures;
 identifying permanent and temporary effects and applying them to predict the sequel of
 the principles of electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions with special
reference to orientation, reactivity and mechanism;
 illustrating general and name reactions of aromatic and heterocyclic compounds with
appropriate examples and mechanisms;
 suggesting synthesis routes for preparing specific aromatic compounds.
At the end of this module the student will be familiar with:
 setting up appropriate glass apparatus;
 the correct and safe handling of chemicals;
 the dangers of chemicals;
 making scientific observations during experiments and noting these down in the correct way;
 obtaining pure compounds at the end of a synthesis;
 the theoretical background of the experiments;
 laboratory techniques and skills;
 doing appropriate scientific calculations and completing an experimental report.
Module code: EEII321 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Power Systems I
Module objective: To obtain a thorough understanding of the basic principles governing single-
phase and three-phase power systems and the analytical techniques required for modelling and
analysis of power systems under steady state conditions.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 Has mastered the basic principles of single frequency power definitions for both single- and
three-phase power systems, application of the admittance matrix, transformer principles and
modelling, the per unit system, symmetrical components, steady state transmission line
operation and modelling; and
 Can analyse power systems under steady state conditions.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI221 and EERI311
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EEII327 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Electrical Design
Module objective: This module introduces the systems engineering process. A customised
version of this process is applied to a complex engineering problem. Due to the scope and
complexity of engineering problems, a high degree of teamwork is required.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 Understands the systems engineering process;

 Can apply design guidelines and constraints;
 Can interpret a development specification and the allocation of requirement;
 Apply a customised systems engineering process on a complex engineering project;
 Can successfully work as an individual and in groups;
 Use appropriate CAD, simulation and other relevant engineering software tools during the
design process.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: Student must be able to complete third year BEng
Assessment modes:
Functional demonstration of developed solution – Subminimum 50% (40%)
Design portfolio (40%)
Oral design presentation (20%)
Module code: EEII413 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Power Electronics
Module objective: In this module the student is exposed to the different types of power electronic
switches and converter topologies. Armed with this knowledge and skills acquired in this and
previous modules the student will be able to analyse, design, construct and test power converter
circuits for various applications and topologies.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 has mastered the functioning of various power electronic switches, including diodes,
transistors, MOSFETs, thyristors and IGBTs, and of various converter topologies;
 understands the physics and switching transients of different switches;
 can calculate the losses associated with different switches;
 can apply switches in various converter topologies; and
 successfully build a converter to control an electrical machine.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI311 and EERI321
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EEII422 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Power Systems II
Module objective: The student acquires the knowledge and skills to analyse power flow in a
power system, fault currents and transient stability and how to economically dispatch energy
within the power system.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 understands the principles and requirements to operate a power system safely and
economically within stable limits;
 can solve power flow problems with Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and Newton methods;
 can perform symmetrical and asymmetrical fault current analysis;
 can use the swing equation and equal area technique to test the stability of the network;
 can use the principles of generator voltage control, load frequency control and economic
dispatch to meet the system requirements; and
 can calculate wave propagation in transmission systems.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EEII321
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI212 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Electrotechnics
Module objective: This course is an introduction to the electrical and electronic engineering. The
student should develop basic knowledge with regard to electrical quantities and signals, networks,
solution of networks, ac theory and power.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 has acquired thorough knowledge of electrical quantities and components, signals and
understands the basic techniques governing circuit analysis;
 understands the most common network elements and their properties, as well as the
application and functioning of these elements in dc and ac networks;
 has developed technical skills to analyse electrical networks in steady state dc and ac
conditions using different techniques, phasors and to do power calculations; and
 has developed skills to perform simulations of electrical networks with circuit analysis
NOTE: This module is taken by Mechanical and Industrial Engineering students.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: FSKS111; FSKS121; WISN111 and WISN121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI213 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Electrotechnics II
Module objective: This course is an introduction to the electrical and electronic engineering. The
student should develop basic knowledge with regard to electrical quantities and signals, networks,
solution of networks, ac theory and power.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 has acquired thorough knowledge of electrical quantities and components, signals and
understands the basic techniques governing circuit analysis;
 understands the most common network elements and their properties, as well as the
application and functioning of these elements in dc and ac networks;
 has developed technical skills to analyse electrical networks in steady state dc and ac
conditions using different techniques, phasors and to do power calculations; and
 has developed skills to perform simulations of electrical networks with circuit analysis
Note: New module from 2011 for Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Electromechanical
engineering students.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: FSKS111; FSKS121; WISN111 and WISN121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI221 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Electrical Systems I
Module objective: This course serves as an introduction to electrical engineering. The laws of
electro-mechanics are applied in the derivation of models for direct current machines. The focus
lies on steady state conditions. The student is able to represent 3-phase power, is knowledgeable
in power principles and equipped to use phasor diagrams.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 has acquired a thorough knowledge of basic units and derived units, the per unit system of
measurement and the fundamental principles of electricity and mechanics, electrical network
principles and active, reactive and complex power in single- and three-phase linear networks
in the steady state;
 has skills to use per unit values to do calculations, and
 can use electrical network theory and circuit laws to analyse the operation of machines under
steady state conditions and derive mathematical models for them. The student should also be
able to analyse the steady state operation of single- and three-phase networks
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI213
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1

Module code: EERI222 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Signal Theory I
Module objective:
To introduce the student to the fundamentals of modelling and characteristics of continuous time,
linear and time invariant systems. The student should become confident with the mathematics
and analysis of continuous time signals in both the time and frequency domains.
Module outcomes:
Knowledge about the basic properties and behaviour of continuous time, linear time invariant
systems is obtained in this module. At the end of this module the student will also know the
properties and limitations of the Fourier series and the Fourier transform.
After the successful completion of this module the student will be able to describe basic signals
with mathematical equations and will also be able to analyze these signals using Fourier series
and the Fourier transform. The student will further be able to analyze linear time invariant
systems in both the time and frequency domain to obtain knowledge about the behaviour and
compute the response of such systems to arbitrary input signals. Finally the student will be able
to design lower order passive Butterworth, Chebyschev and Elliptic filters in both the high pass,
low pass, band pass and band stop formats.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI213; TGWN211 or EERI214; TGWN212/213; WISN211 and WISN212
Co-required: None
Assessment methods and weights
The final mark on this module will consist of:
Semester tests: 35 %
Tutorials: 7.5%
Practicum: 7.5%
Exam: 50 %
Module mark: 100 %
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI223 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Electronics I
Module objective: To gain knowledge in the analysis and design of analogue electronic circuits.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she has:
 Acquired a thorough knowledge of elementary semiconductor physics, pn levels, application,
analysis and design of diode circuits, dc and ac operation of bipolar and field-effect
transistors, amplifier configurations, modelling, application, design and analysis of analogue
amplifiers, basic properties and behaviour of continuous time, linear time invariant systems;
 Developed the ability to use models of diodes and transistors in the analysis of such circuits
during the application and design of analogue electronic circuits.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI213
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI224 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Linear Systems
Module objective: The purpose of the Linear Systems module is to solve analogue circuits by
using Laplace transform techniques. This module therefore introduces the basics to be used in the
Signal Theory II module.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 has acquired a commanding ability to analyse analogue circuits by using the Laplace
transform technique, the convolution integral and to determine the transfer function of
analogue circuits;
 has acquired an ability to analyse analogue circuits by applying principles from physics.
 can determine the characteristics of different approximation functions for filter designs and
apply techniques to practically implement the approximation functions;
 has the ability to design active analogue filters using different methods and implement the
designs in different ways using Bode diagrams and other techniques.
Note: New module from 2015 previously EERI229.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: EERI213 and WISN212.
Co-required: WISN227/WISN222
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI228 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Measure and Control
Module objective: To acquaint mechanical engineering students with basic instrumentation and
control systems and electrical drive systems.
Module outcomes:
After completion of this module the student should be able to
 demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the design and building of basic instrumentation and
control systems for process control;
 analyse the behaviour of induction motors;
 specify motors for mechanical applications;
 demonstrate skills in the designing and building of basic instrumentation and control systems;
 demonstrate skills in problem solving, teamwork and communication.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI212 or EERI213
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI311 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Electrical Systems II
Module objective: In this module the student is introduced to ac machines and transformers.
Armed with this knowledge and skills acquired in this and previous modules, the student should be
able to analyse the performance of these electromagnetic converters.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should be able to demonstrate that he/she
 has acquired a commanding ability to analyse the performance of electromagnetic converters,
i.e. transformers, induction motors and synchronous machines; and
 understands and can apply the physics and theory of transformers, induction motors and
synchronous machines in practical applications using complex algebra.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI213, EERI221
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI313 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Electromagnetics
Module objective: After successful completion of this module the student should be able to apply
the principles of transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves in waveguide applications,
to model transmission lines and waveguides as electrical components, to calculate the radiation
patterns of antennas and to calculate the electrical and magnetic fields in various applications.
The student should further be able to set up and solve electromagnetic problems numerically, thus
being able to use computer packages to solve electromagnetic problems.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 has a thorough knowledge of the principles of transmission and reflection of electromagnetic
waves, waveguides, the modelling of transmission lines and waveguides as electrical
components, the radiation patterns of antennas and the electrical and magnetic fields in
various applications;
 can use the acquired knowledge to model and analyse waveguides, radiation patterns of
antennas, and to calculate the electrical and magnetic fields in various applications; and
 can set up and solve electromagnetic problems numerically, thus being able to use computer
packages to solve these problems.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: FSKS211
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI315 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Signal Theory II
Module objective: The purpose of the Signal Theory II module is to teach the student the basic
principles of digital signal theory. The differences between analogue signal theory and digital
signal theory are discussed throughout the course as well as the advantages and disadvantages
of digital signal theory. At the end of the course the student will be able to analyse basic digital
signal processing systems.
Module outcomes:
In this module the student obtains the ability to analyse discrete time systems, to mathematically
formulate the relationship between discrete time systems and analogue systems and to realize
discrete time systems using different methods. The student also learns how to handle discrete
time systems using Fourier transform. In the practicum sessions industry problems are addressed
and solved using digital signal processing principles.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI222
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI321 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Control Theory I
Module objective: Control Theory I is the basic course in control theory where the student
integrates knowledge gained in previous subjects to analyse, design and simulate system
behaviour in the continuous time domain.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 has mastered the main elements of modern analogue control system theory, i.e. model control
system components, determine steady state errors and dynamic response, perform stability
analyses, frequency response representations, controller design and simulate, state space
modelling of systems;
 can set up block diagrams of systems, model systems, determine steady state errors and
dynamic responses; and
 can perform stability analyses with Routh-Hurwitz and root-locus methods, perform frequency
response representations using Bode diagrams and others, verify system response through
simulation, model systems through state space representation.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: TGWN121; EERI212/213; TGWN212/TGWN213; TGWN222/TGWN223 and
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI322 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Electronics II
Module objective: The student should be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of electronic
hardware after the successful completion of EERI322. The student should also be able to use
these obtained skills in creating effective, purpose-driven designs. In addition the student should
be able to approach all practice-aimed applications in a problem-solving and analytical manner
and cooperate in finding solutions successfully in groups and professional relations, and
communicate them orally and in writing.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 knows advanced standard configurations of active components;
 is capable of analysing and designing feedback, multistage and power amplifiers as integrated
 has the capability to determine the frequency and time response of electronic circuits;
 can manipulate signal descriptions in an orthogonal space, with specific reference to signals

in the frequency domain; and
 can use modulation techniques for the design and analysis of information channels for
transfer of analogue or digital information.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI223
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI412 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Electronics III
Module objective: The aim of this module is to enable the student to analyse and design radio
frequency analogue electronic circuits. This module also serves as a study of radio frequency
electronic amplifiers, and the stability and noise that accompanies circuits.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 understands basics of micro strip waveguides at radio frequencies;
 can use different methods to analyse and design stable analogue radio frequency amplifiers
(specifically linear, quasi-linear and nonlinear amplifiers) and lossless impedance matching
networks with the aid of the Smith chart;
 can analyse stability and noise in radio frequency amplifiers;
 understands orthogonality, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, phase modulation,
pulse amplitude modulation, pulse width modulation, pulse position modulation and the
influence of noise in analogue communication systems; and
 understands digital communication, e.g. ASK, PSK, QAM with reference to the influence of
noise and the necessity of error correction.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI322
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI414 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Signal Theory III
Module objective: The purpose of the Signal Theory III module is to teach the student advanced
principles of digital signal theory. The basics of digital filters are discussed throughout the course
and at the end of the course the student will be able to design IIR and FIR digital filters.
Module outcomes
 In this module the student obtains the ability to handle discrete-time systems in the
z-domain, to work with discrete-time systems in the transform domain and to understand
digital filter structures.
 The student also learns to design IIR and FIR digital filters. In the practicum sessions industry
problems are addressed and solved using digital signal processing principles.
NOTE: New module from 2016. Previous code EERI413.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI315
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI418 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Control Theory II
Module objective: This module is a specialist module that follows on the basic level of the third
year of study. The focus of the module is on time discrete systems. After successful completion of
the module, the student should be able to analyse, design and simulate basic time discrete
systems. A short overview of artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic systems is also given.

Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she can
 design state variable feedback systems, set up mathematical models of simple linear
 apply the z-transform and inverse z-transform, apply and describe sampling and

 determine the pulse transfer functions for open-loop and closed-loop systems;
 determine the time-response characteristics of open-loop and closed-loop systems;
 determine the stability of digital systems;
 describe the operation and application of artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic systems;
 design digital controllers according to predetermined criteria;
 analyse the impact of engineering activities on the community and the environment; and
 complete tasks or projects in group context.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI321
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI423 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Telecommunication systems
Module objective: To provide the student with an overview of the most important aspects of
modern speech and data communication systems. Radio and optical communication networks
must be defined, designed, analysed, and evaluated from a systems perspective.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 understands the basic principles on which radio and optical communication systems operate;
is able to compare and evaluate different radio and optical communication systems;
 is able to characterise, analyse, and design radio-based communication systems, including
cellular systems, receivers and transmitters, mixers, phase-locked loops and frequency
synthesizers; and
 able to analyse optical networks.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI313
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: EERI474 Year module NQF level: 8
Name: Project
Module objective: This module serves as part two of the final year capstone project. The aim of
the project module is to lead the student solve a comprehensive practical engineering problem.
Through the demonstrations, presentations, and written reports the student have to demonstrate
their competence in the following:
 Problem solving
 Engineering design and synthesis
 Professional and technical communication
 Individual working ability
 Independent learning ability
 Engineering professionalism
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 Demonstrate adherence to an Engineering Design process;
 Can realise the detail design aspects of their assigned project;
 Can implement and test the functionality of the developed solution;
 Evaluate the suitability of the developed solution;
 Can successfully present the developed solution to a panel;
 Can document the design, testing and evaluation of the solution; and
 Can demonstrate the functionality of the solution to a panel.
NOTE: New module from 2017.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: Student must be able to complete their degree concurrently with EERI474.
Co-required: EERI473
Assessment modes:
Final design report evaluated by both internal and external examiners –Subminimum 50% (75%)
Demonstration of functional solution to a panel of internal and external examiners –Subminimum

50% (25%)
Module code: EERI471 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Vacation training seniors
Module objective: This is a compulsory attendance module requiring vacation training for a period
of six weeks during the University vacation. During this training period students are exposed to
the day to day operation of an acceptable plant, installation or laboratory.
Typical engineering problems arising from the activities of the workplace concerned have to be
investigated by the student, under the supervision of the engineer in charge.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the students should have insight in the skills required
of professional engineers, better understand the process of engineering and problem solving, pull
their weight in industry and be able to apply safety measures in the work environment.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: Must have completed third year
Assessment modes: Participation (industries, report)
Module code: EERI473 Year module NQF level: 8
Name: Engineering Management
Module objective: To equip students with knowledge and practical project management skills for
application in a technical environment.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 have fundamental knowledge of project management activities for all project management
functions during each life cycle phase; and
 be able to execute activities of project management in the management of his/her own final
year project by using techniques which include development and updating of applicable
documentation, as well as using applicable software.
NOTE: Previous codes EERI472 and INGM472.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: Student must be able to complete their degree concurrently with final year
Co-required: Co-required: EERI474 or INGB479 or INGM479 or NUCI479
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: FIAP172 Year module NQF level: 5
Name: Professional Practice I
Module outcomes:
On successful completion of this module a student must be able:
 to demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the work engineers perform in the various
disciplines, as well as the curriculum to be followed;
 to demonstrate fundamental knowledge and the application of :
a) the principles and theory of project management;
b) the principles and theory of systems engineering;
c) computer programmes such as Word, Excel and Power Point;
d) learning, listening, reading and writing strategies; as well as
e) the academic language register and the reading and writing of academic texts in the field
of engineering.
 The student must demonstrate the ability to apply, as a member of a multi-disciplinary team,
the engineering process of determination of need, analysis, design, manufacture and
evaluation to a simple engineering problem or project; to effectively and verbally
communicate the engineering process in an ethically responsible way within the academic
milieu and to demonstrate the ability to source scientific information within the field of
engineering, to analyse texts, interpret them, synthesize, evaluate and to communicate
solutions in a creative manner in the applicable academic genres by using linguistic and

mathematical conventions as applicable to the field of engineering.
Credits: 24
Prerequisite: None
Method of delivery: full time year course
Assessment modes: Group portfolios and individual portfolio.
Module code: FIAP271 Year module NQF level: 6
Name: Professional Practice II
Module outcomes: On successful completion of the module the student must be able:
 to demonstrate thorough knowledge of the elements of project management and economic
and financial accountancy and to apply this knowledge to determine cost estimates, mark
analysis, risk analysis and the evaluation of economic feasibility and profitability of non-
complex projects to be undertaken in the field of engineering.
 to demonstrate skills to identify, analyse and evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities and the
sustainability thereof; to plan, implement, develop and manage a simulated organisation, with
due regard to economic, social, ethical and environmental responsibilities;
 to demonstrate the ability as an individual and member of a team, to apply organisational
managerial elements in the form of a comprehensive management plan and to communicate
the development and execution thereof verbally and in writing to stakeholders by way of
relevant IT.
Credits: 24
Prerequisite: FIAP172
Method of delivery: full time year course
Assessment modes: Group portfolios and individual portfolio.
Module code: FSKS111 Semester 1 NQF level: 5
Name: Mechanics, Oscillations, Waves and Theory of Heat
Module outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will have formal mathematical knowledge of fundamental
concepts like force, work, energy and momentum, elasticity, simple harmonic motion, waves,
hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and theory of heat.
For the first time, students are introduced to differential and integral calculus in natural science
problems, and using these, they will have the skills at the end of the module to describe certain
sections of the theory and to solve a variety of problems of the above-mentioned topics. In the
accompanying practical sessions, students develop skills in measuring, processing and reporting
natural science processes selected from an area wider than Physics only.
Module code: FSKS121 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Name: Electricity, Magnetism, Optics, Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Module outcomes:
Students acquire a formal mathematical knowledge of electricity and magnetism, optics and topics
from atomic and nuclear physics, such as introductory quantum theory, quantum theory of
radiation, atomic spectra, X-rays, de Broglie waves and radioactivity.
Students develop skills to describe physical processes and natural science problems by means of
differential and integral calculus and to solve a variety of problems of the above-mentioned topics.
In the accompanying practical sessions, they develop their skills in measuring, processing and
reporting on natural science processes.
Module code: FSKS211 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Electricity and Magnetism
Module outcomes:
Knowledge: At the end of this module, the students have been introduced comprehensively to
the experimental laws of electrostatics and magneto statics in vacuum and matter, and to
introductory electrodynamics.
Skills: Students learn to apply the laws to a variety of problems by calculating electrostatic
potentials and fields and magneto static fields. In the practical sessions, they apply new
knowledge to measure some of these phenomena, to investigate the laws governing them and to
analyse and present their results and reports by means of computer methods.
Module code: GENL311 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Mineralogy and Petrology
Module outcomes:
On completion of this module the student will have the knowledge to
 describe the relation between the basic principles of crystallography, crystal chemistry and
structure and properties of minerals and artificial materials;
 give an indication of the geological occurrence and uses of economic minerals;
 relate aspects of the textual and mineralogical characteristics of rocks with the beneficiation
of economic deposits;
 indicate the most important South African economic deposits and their contribution to the
South African economy; and
 explain the origin of coal, relate aspects e.g. coal analysis, beneficiation and use with one
another and be aware of its impact on the environment.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: None
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGB121 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Name: Process Drawings
Module objective: The objective of this module is to equip the student with techniques, tools and
approaches to enable the documentation of a process as first steps of system optimization.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module the student should be able to:
 Appreciate the role of the Industrial Engineer as process and system optimizer;
 Describe and measure any process in terms of process inputs, process transformation and
process outputs;
 Select amongst work study and other process optimization methodologies an appropriate
methodology for a given problem;
 Execute the first step of process optimization by documenting the process, within context of
the relevant methodology;
 Interpret, create and communicate through a variety of process drawings;
 Use work measurement techniques to determine standard process times;
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: None
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGB222 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Operations Management for Engineers
Module objective: The objective of this module is to equip the student with an understanding of
the challenges in operations management and the ability to apply the principles, techniques and
approaches to plan, analyse, design, control and optimise operations and related planning and
control processes.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module the student should be able to
 Appreciate the role of the Industrial Engineer in the analysis, design, integration,
implementation and optimisation of operations;
 Formulate an operations strategy;
 Evaluate the economic impact of product development;
 Analyse, improve and measure the performance of manufacturing processes and service
 Contrast alternative approaches to operations management and evaluate applicability in
different environments;
 Appreciate the role of information technology on operations management;

 Evaluate, integrate and improve the elements and processes of operations planning and
 Initiate and support continuous improvement capacity building.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: INGB121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGB223 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Operations Research I
Module objective: To formulate and solve problem by means of linear programming.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module the student should be able to
 Formulate and solve the optimization problems listed below as deterministic linear
programming problems:
o Linear programming problems;
o Integer programming problems;
o Network and transportation problems.
 Determine the sensitivity of a LP problem solution and base decisions upon that
 Follow the problem solving process in the identification, description, formulation and solution
of a real-life problem, which can be considered as one of the above. This includes the
comparison of alternatives and making of suggestions.
NOTE: New module from 2017.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: EERI214/REII211 and WISN212
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGB311 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Engineering Economics
Module objective: Engineering Economics involves the formulation, estimation and evaluation of
economic outcomes of alternatives to accomplish a defined purpose.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module the student should be able to:
 Interpret financial statements;
 Use basic accounting equations and financial ratios to describe the financial position of a
 Understand the concepts of time value of money, discounted cash flows, inflation,
depreciation, depletion, present worth, annual worth, Internal rate of return, external rate of
return, investment balance diagrams;
 Perform appropriate calculations and analyses with respect to above, including sensitivity
 Communicate recommendations.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: FIAP271
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGB314 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Operational Excellence
Module objective: Operational Excellence is the philosophy of the workplace where problem-
solving, teamwork, and leadership results in the ongoing improvement of an organization. The
objective of this module is to equip the student to execute the first step of process optimization.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module the student should be able to:
 Know and appreciate the underpinning methodologies of operational excellence, namely lean
manufacturing, six sigma and scientific management.
 Apply appropriate tools, techniques, theories and models to accomplish operational
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: INGB222

Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGB315 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Simulation
Module objective: To use simulation as technique to optimize stochastic processes, with the
emphasis on discrete-event models.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module the student should be able to:
 Appreciate the similarities, differences, advantages and disadvantages of the simulation
paradigms, discrete-event simulation, systems dynamics and system dynamics;
 Define problems involving stochastic processes by means of simulation models;
 Use simulation software;
 Perform input and output analysis, based on different scenarios.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: WISN111; Co-requisite: STTK312
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGB316 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Supply Chain Management
Module objectives: To manage and optimize supply chain processes and systems.
Module outcomes: After successful completion of this module the student should be able to:
 Understand the role of logistics in the economy and organisation.
 Apply supply chain management techniques and approaches related the inventory
management, distribution channels, transportation, warehousing.
 Design a supply chain.
 Understand and apply supply chain reference model.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: INGB222
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGB413 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Quality Assurance
Module objectives: To equip students to successfully undertake quality improvement initiatives by
means of investigations, experiments and relevant statistical data analysis within the context of
appropriate quality management systems.
Module outcomes: After successful completion of this module the student should be able to:
 Know and understand international quality management systems and the fundamental
concepts of quality.
 Appreciate the interdependency of quality management and continuous improvement
 Analyse performance and capability of a process by means of relevant statistical methods.
 Design and implement statistical process control systems (SPC)
 Execute Design of Experiments (DoE) runs.
NOTE: New module from 2017.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: INGB314 and STTK316
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGB417 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Facilities Design
Module objectives: To guide students to understand the systematic approach to the functional
design of the physical facilities required in all operational environments and lead them to a
confident application thereof in a phased facilities design project from product or service design,
analysis of process, capacity and people and/or material flow to the specification of facility
requirements, services, layout and storage and handling equipment.

Module outcomes: After successful completion of this module the student should be able to:
 Understand the factors influencing facility location.
 Understand the importance of systematic planning and continuous redesign of facility
 Understand material handling principles.
 Know alternative material handling systems.
 Understand interactions among humans and work environment (ergonomics).
 Apply theory, principles, data and methods to design facilities in order to optimize human
well-being and overall system performance.
 Evaluate product, process and schedule design and impact on facility requirements
 Determine capacity requirements.
 Apply best practices of efficient flow planning, work station design, materials handling system
design, visual management.
 Identify and compare alternative production systems, layout types and materials handling
systems for a given problem.
 Use algorithms to optimise flow and layouts.
NOTE: New module from 2017.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: Student must be final year and must be able to complete the degree
Assessment modes: Design report and written exam
Module code: INGB421 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Business Analytics
Module objectives: To familiarize the student to business analytics concepts, principles and
techniques, and to solve practical problems through relevant case studies. This will include
descriptive, predictive and prescriptive methods, as well as the processes to be followed when
applying business analytics within an organizational context.
Module outcomes: After successful completion of this module the student should be able to:
 Know and understand business analytics concepts: decision making processes; analytics
data and technology; descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics, including modelling
and optimization.
 Analyse problems to be solved through business analytics, the management of analytics
data, the use of analytics software and the application of software tools to practical problems.
NOTE: New module from 2017.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: ITRW325, TGWN322 and REII415/REII414
Assessment modes:
Module code: INGB427 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Business Engineering and Design
Module objectives: To familiarise the student with the complex and interdisciplinary world of
business from an engineering point of view. This module also enhances the student’s engineering
design skills by way of application to real world business problems. The concepts mastered in this
course will allow the student to develop entrepreneurial thoughts before entering the work

Module outcomes: After successful completion of this module the student should be able to:
 Know and understand of business engineering concepts: Business process engineering
(BPR), servitization, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, business models, value propositions,
customer behaviour, system architecture and how they interrelate.
 Use BPR to map existing and improved business processes
 Identify and develop value offerings
 Identify applications areas for engineering knowledge in the business environment
 Conceptualize business architecture
 Model existing business processes using BPR and recommend improvements
 Identify potential problem areas within business processes
 Recognize different business models and value propositions in their day to day encounters.
NOTE: New module from 2017.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: Student must be final year (must be able to complete the programme)
Assessment modes: Design report and written exam
Module code: INGB471 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Vacation training seniors
Module objective: This is a compulsory attendance module requiring vacation training for a period
of six weeks during the University vacation. During this training period students are exposed to
the day to day operation of an acceptable plant, installation or laboratory.
Typical engineering problems arising from the activities of the workplace concerned have to be
investigated by the student, under the supervision of the engineer in charge.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the students should have insight in the skills required
of professional engineers, better understand the process of engineering and problem solving, pull
their weight in industry and be able to apply safety measures in the work environment.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: Must have completed third year
Assessment modes: Participation (industries, report)
Module code: INGB479 Year module NQF level: 8
Name: Project
Module objective: To teach the student to execute a project with help from a study leader and to
report it both orally and in writing. The project has both a theoretical and practical component,
e.g. design and testing. The student is given an opportunity to integrate his/her knowledge and
skills in various engineering subjects into one comprehensive project.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 define the problem and divide it into smaller problems;
 synthesize, analyse and evaluate the possible solutions;
 document the design or experimental procedures;
 fabricate the design or experimental hardware;
 test aspects of the design, evaluate the design or to do the experiments;
 collect information through the library and/or internet;
 report on the project both verbally and in writing; and
 use project management software to manage progress on the project.
Credits: 40
Prerequisite: Student must be final year (must be able to complete the programme)
Co-required: EERI473
Assessment modes: Successful reporting on an engineering project, in the form of a written
report, an oral presentation and a poster presentation.
Module code: INGM111 Semester 1 NQF level: 5
Name: Engineering Graphics I
Module objective: To equip the student to communicate with basic engineering graphics and to
create drawings by means of hand sketching and computer aided design software. The student
should have an understanding of the role of engineering graphics in further design modules and in
practical design processes.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 make use of basic geometric forms to create and communicate design solutions;
 create technical design solutions by using sketching and CAD; and
 communicate in e-format.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: none
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGM121 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Name: Engineering Graphics II
Module objective: To equip the student to communicate through advanced mechanical
engineering graphics and to create specialised mechanical drawings. The student should have an
understanding of the role of engineering graphics in practical design analysis and in further design
modules. The student should acquire the skills to operate in a group by solving design problems
and perform project administration in e-format.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 create 3D models of parts and assemblies and create manufacturing and assembly drawings;
 work in groups to solve engineering designs; and
 communicate in e-format.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: INGM111 (40%)
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 40:60
Exam: 60% (Sub-minimum 40%)
Module code: INGM122 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Name: Materials Science I
Module objective: To equip the student with basic knowledge about the composition, structure,
properties and applications of engineering materials. This module forms the basis for later
modules in materials selection, techniques for manufacturing, strength of materials and design.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 evaluate the suitability of some important engineering materials for certain applications,
based on their properties; and
 analyse and interpret experimental data in the laboratory.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: none
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGM211 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Strength of Materials I
Module objective: The objective of this module is to give the students a basic knowledge of
strength of materials and give them a basic understanding of the analysis and design of
mechanical structures. This module forms the basis for Strength of Materials and Mechanical
Design in the 3rd year.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to use the knowledge
gained to define and solve problems:
 Stress: Axial, Shear, Bending, Combined stress condition;
 Strain;
 Thin walled pressure vessels;
 Safety factors;
 Stress concentrations.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: WISN121 and TGWN121
Assessment modes and weights:
Tests: 27%; Practical’s 3%; Exam-project: 70% (sub-minimum 50%)
Module code: INGM212 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Engineering Materials
Module objective:
Provision of learning opportunities to acquire an understanding of the influence of chemical
composition, strengthening mechanisms and strengthening techniques/methods on strength,
ductility, toughness, and formability of ferrous- and non-ferrous alloys, design designations,
specifications and the use, and application potential of these materials, in mechanical design.
Differently stated, the student should have developed the ability to perform general material
selection for design.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to:
 Classify carbon steels, alloys steels, stainless steels, cast irons, tool steels, copper and zinc
alloys, Ti-alloys, Ni-alloys, refractory metals and engineering ceramics, in terms of main
general composition, phase chemistry where applicable to classification and properties,
general engineering properties and general and potential application in engineering design or
 Demonstrate knowledge of the principles and methods that are available to improve
engineering properties of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.
 To specify materials for simple mechanical designs taking cognisance of the possible
influence of requirements with respect to failure, (corrosion) and the impact on the
 The student will also have been subjected to:
1. Basic considerations for material selection;
2. Group projects in terms of:
o Procedural and non-procedural design;
o Synthesis of components & systems;
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: INGM122 (40%)
Assessment modes: PC 2 hours 1:1
Module code: INGM222 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Thermodynamics I
Module objective: To lead the students to a thorough understanding of the concepts and
principles of thermodynamics and lead them to a confident application thereof. The concepts
mastered in this module form an integral part of the energy and thermal-fluid modules in
subsequent years.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students should have the following:
Knowledge and understanding of thermodynamic concepts: mass and energy conservation,
reversible and real processes, properties of real, ideal and perfect substances and how they
 The ability to solve thermodynamic problems
 Tutorials are done cooperatively and students who attended the tutorials should be able to
cooperate better with others.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: WISN11
Co-required: The student should have passed or be enrolled for WISN 121
Assessment methods and weights:
Three semester tests: 33%; Practical exam: 7%; and Exams: 60%
Module code: INGM223 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Manufacturing Technology
Module objective: The objective of this module is first of all to introduce the student to the different
manufacturing technologies available, and to enable the student to specify the correct or
applicable manufacturing processes for any mechanical design. The second objective is to enable
the student to design for manufacturing i.e. so that the designed component or product can be
manufactured as effectively, simple and inexpensive as possible.
Module outcomes:
On successful completion of the module, the student must have basic knowledge of the following:
 Characteristics and manufacturability properties of engineering materials.
 Material-forming manufacturing processes to manufacture components from metals,
plastics, composites and ceramics.

 Material-removal manufacturing processes to manufacture components from different
 Material jointing processes used to join different materials, eg welding, brazing, adhesive
bonds, etc
 Know and understand the applications and limitations of the different manufacturing
processes and be able to apply them successfully to engineering problems related to
 Understand the economic aspects related to manufacturing as well as the impact it has on
the design process;
 Be able to apply knowledge with respect to material properties and manufacturing processes
and technology to solve industrially oriented problems regarding material forming,
manufacturing and value adding processes;
 Be able to suggest suitable testing, inspection, and quality-assurance procedures for
application in the manufacture of a specific component;
 Be able to optimise manufacturing processes to manufacture a component more
 Be able to design components with the emphasis on manufacturability of the
 Understand the impact of different manufacturing technologies on the environment, workforce
and surroundings;
 Understand the dangers and issues relating to the safe use of different manufacturing
technologies, and therefore understand the professional responsibility of the manufacturing
engineer to conduct manufacturing operations in a responsible and safe manner.
NOTE: New module for second year students in 2017. Same module as INGM423.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: INGM212 or INGB121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 30:70
Module code: INGM224 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Computer Methods
Module objective: In industry, engineers work with a variety of computer software that enable
them to solve engineering problems. The software can be divided into two main groups, namely
thermal flow analysis and strength of materials analysis packages.
The object of this module is to expose the student to both types of computer packages that he/she
will come across in modules in following years of study, and eventually in industry itself. This
module also provides a support function for modules in the third and fourth years of study, where
this knowledge and these skills will be required.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 identify and interpret thermal flow and strength of materials problems;
 plan and develop simulations and analysis to solve problems;
 write, solve and analyse basic thermal flow programmes using Engineering Equation Solver
 design and analyse piping networks using Flownex; and
 design and solve basic structural problems using NASTRAN.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: INGM211
Co-required: INGM222
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGM271 Year module NQF level: 6
Name: Workshop Training
Module objective:
The purpose of this module is to provide students instruction in workshop practice and the safe
use of tools. Students must master the practical use of basic hand tools and manufacturing

equipment and have acquired basic knowledge of safety requirements in the workshop and the
skills to fabricate small articles. The eleven ELO’s of ECSA will also be introduced and discussed.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students will have mastered the practical use of basic
hand tools and manufacturing equipment, e.g. welding machines and various other machine tools.
The student will acquire basic knowledge of engineering drawings, safety requirements in the
workshop and the skills to fabricate small articles; involving plate metal work, turning, welding,
electronics and they will acquire knowledge about electrical circuits and electrical equipment.
The student will able to understand workshop safety and the basic understanding of the various
machines in the industry and the eleven ELO’s of ECSA.
After completion of this module, the student will have developed the following skills:
 Interpretation and layout of engineering drawings, manufacturing and job scheduling /
 Understand the need of workshop safety;
 Ability to understand the hand tools and real life working experience;
 Ability to select material and do several jointing methods in the engineering environment;
 Fabricate small articles.
Note: This is the new code for Mechanical students for the module MEGI271 from 2010.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: none
Method of delivery: practical training – Participation.
Module code: INGM311 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Thermodynamics II
Module objective: To develop and apply the concepts and principles from the first module in
thermodynamics in different applications. This module follows on the first module in
thermodynamics and develops it further. It forms part of the foundation of modules such as air-
conditioning and thermo-machines.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of the module the student should be able to:
 Analyse power and refrigeration cycles;
 Do an energy analysis on open and closed systems;
 Use variables such as: dry bulb temperature, relative humidity and specific humidity in
analysing processes performed on air;
 Apply the First Law on processes performed on air;
 use the Psychrometric Chart in the calculation and analysis of processes performed in the
conditioning of air;
 Given the off-gas analysis, fuel composition, air-fuel ratio or other standard specifications,
balance the combustion reaction and calculate the energy released (work or power) in
combustion reactions; and
 Use thermodynamic relations to calculate the value of internal energy, enthalpy and entropy
for components used in thermodynamic systems.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: INGM222
Assessment methods and weights:
Semester test: 3x9%;
Project group assignments: 3% and
Exam-project: 70% (Sub-minimum 40%)

Module code: INGM312 Semester 1 NQF level: 7

Name: Fluid Mechanics I
Module objective: To provide the student with the basic knowledge of fluid mechanics including
the conservation laws for systems and control volumes with the emphasis on incompressible flow
in pipes and ducts. This is a first module in fluid mechanics that forms part of the basis for the

follow-on module INGM321 Fluid Mechanics II as well as for the modules in Fluid Machines,
Thermal-fluid System Design and Project.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students should have the following:
General concepts; Fundamentals of fluid flow analysis; Fundamental laws for systems and control
volumes including integral and differential form as well as dimensional analysis; Incompressible
viscous flow in pipes and ducts.
After completion of this module, the student will have developed the following skills:
 Apply the mathematical formulations for velocity, acceleration, mass flow rate and forces to
describe the properties of flow fields.
 Apply the equations for the conservation of mass, linear momentum and angular momentum
in both integral and differential form to describe and solve practical problems in fluid
 Apply dimensional analysis techniques to derive scaling laws for simple experimental studies
of fluid mechanics phenomena.
 Calculate the losses that are present in steady-state incompressible flow in pipes and ducts
and apply it in the solution of practical pipe network problems and the design of simple pipe
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: none
Assessment methods and weights:
Tests: 1,2,3: 15%; Assignments: 1,2: 9%; Practicums: 1,2: 6%; Examination: 70%
Module code: INGM313 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Strength of Materials II
Module objective: To equip the student with basic knowledge of the determination of stresses and
displacements for the analysis and design of structural components. This module follows on
MEGI211 and serves s further preparation for the modules on structural analysis fluid machines
and mechanical design.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to apply fundamental
knowledge of:
 Stress and strain transformation;
 Failure criteria;
 Analysis of shaft for failure;
 Deflection of beams;
 Euler struts;
 Energy methods;
 Thick-walled cylinders.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: INGM211
Assessment methods and weights:
Semester test: 25% (Sub-minimum 50%); Project group assignments: 5%; Exam: 70%
Module code: INGM321 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Fluid mechanics II
Module objective: To equip the student with the basic knowledge of compressible flow, boundary
layer flow, potential flow and measuring techniques in fluid mechanics. This module follows on
MEGI 312 Fluid Mechanics I and serves as further preparation for the modules in Heat Transfer
and Thermal Fluid System Design.
Module outcomes: Attain engineering science knowledge about a wide variety of fluid mechanics.
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 To apply the basic knowledge and principles of compressible flow and boundary layer theory
to solve problems.
 Use the applicable engineering tools such as the software package EES.
 Analyse and interpret results obtained from assignments and practical experiments.
Credits: 8
Prerequisites: INGM312
Assessment methods and weights:
Semester test: 22%; Tutorials: 6%; Assignment 01: 6% (Sub-minimum 40%);
Assignment 02: 6% (Sub-minimum 40%); Exam: 60% (Sub-minimum 40%)
Module code: INGM322 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Structural Analysis
Module objective: To equip the student with basic knowledge of the flexibility, stiffness and finite
element methods.This module follows on INGM313 and serves as support and further preparation
for the modules on mechanical design.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have the following:
Matrix structural analysis; Weak formulation; Finite element formulation; Finite element solution of
one-dimensional second order equations; Finite element solution of one-dimensional fourth order
equations; Finite element solution of coupled and constrained one-dimensional equations.
 Identify, formulate and to solve structural problems.
 Apply specialist knowledge of the flexibility, stiffness and finite element methods to analyse
and solve engineering problems.
 Use the appropriate engineering tools such as EES and a finite element code to simulate
engineering problems.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: INGM313 and TGWN222/223
Co-required: None
Assessment methods and weights:
Class tests 1,2,3: 15%;
Assignments 1,2,3,4: 15%;
Examination: 70%
Module code: INGM323 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Machine Design
Module objective: To teach the student the basic engineering knowledge of machine design and
to give them a basic understanding of the analysis and design of simple machine components.
This unit covers some of the basic aspects needed for the subject Mechanical Design.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student shall be able to:
 Analyse existing designs of basic machine elements: Cams, Crank diagrams, Universal
Joints, Governor’s Belt drive systems.
 Have a basic understanding of oils and lubricants.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: TGWN211
Assessment methods and weights:
Semester test: 25%;
Practical: 5% ;
Exam-project: 70% (Sub-minimum 40%)
Module code: INGM327 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Mechanical Design
Module objective: To teach the student the basic engineering knowledge for the analysis and
design of some basic mechanical systems. The mechanical components include fasteners,
bearings, gears, shafts and axles. This is a comprehensive module in design of mechanical
components that is based on the modules in Drafting for Engineers, Engineering Materials and
Strength of Materials. The student has to design a reduction gearbox for use in the Puk-BAJA
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student shall be able to
 Analyse existing designs of basic machine elements;
 Design basic machine elements; and
 Communicate in writing with technical audiences through sketches, drawings and a formal
engineering design report.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: INGM313
Assessment outcomes:
 Analyse and design the basic elements of Machine Design;
 Complete a comprehensive design problem that covers many of the basic elements;
 Compile a manufacturing drawing pack for the comprehensive design problem.
Assessment methods and weights:
Semester test: 20% (Sub-minimum 50%);
Class test: 10%;
Exam-project: 70% (Sub-minimum 50%)
Module code: INGM411 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Thermal Machines
Module objective: This module will equip the student with the fundamentals in engineering science
and applied knowledge of gas turbines and reciprocating internal combustion engines. The
design, solution and optimisation criteria of ideal and practical thermodynamic cycles will form the
basis of analysis and synthesis in operational performance. The module builds on the knowledge
gained in thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and computer methods and forms part of
the basis for the final year Project and the Thermo-Fluid System Design module to follow.
Module outcomes:
The knowledge gained will be in the fields of gas turbines and internal combustion engines.
The skills learnt will be obtained by applying the fundamental knowledge of gas turbine and
reciprocating internal combustion engine theory together with specialised knowledge of thermo-
dynamic cycles, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and computer programming to solve thermo-
machine problems. The design of basic thermo-machine cycles is done by means of convergent
and divergent synthesis of existing knowledge. The optimisation in the design of typical gas
turbine cycles is done by using programming in Engineering Equation Solver (EES). The analysis
and interpretation of experimental data are done during practical sessions.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: INGM224 (40%); INGM311 (40%) and INGM321 (40%)
Co-required: INGM412 and INGM417
Assessment methods and weights:
Summative exam (Gas turbines) 25%;
Summative exam (Internal Combustion Engines) 25%;
(A sub-minimum of 40% is required for each of the above two exams and 50% combined).
Design assignment including computer programming and cycle optimisation 50%.
Module code: INGM412 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Heat Transfer
Module objective: To provide the student with the basic knowledge of conduction, convection and
thermal radiation. Furthermore develop the necessary skills to solve problems that are generally
found in heat transfer processes. This module follows on Fluid Mechanics and is necessary for
successfully completing Thermal Fluid System Design.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 apply basic knowledge and concepts of heat transfer, including conduction, external flow, flow
inside pipes and thermal radiation to solve practical problems;
 design a basic heat exchanger by integrating the knowledge gained on different heat transfer
methods into a solution strategy;
 use engineering software tools like Excel and EES to solve heat transfer problems; and
 analyse and interpret results obtained from practical experiments.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: INGM321
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGM413 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Fluid Machines
Module objective: At the end of this module the student should have in-depth knowledge of the
concepts and theory of fluid machines and be able to select the right fluid machine for different
applications and predict the performance of individual fluid machines, as well as in flow networks.
Module outcomes: After successful completion of this module, students should have the following:
Knowledge and be able to understand fundamental fluid machine concepts and definitions,
hydraulic pumps, hydraulic turbines, centrifugal compressors and fans, axial flow compressors
and fans.
After completion of this module, the student will have developed the following skills:
 Choose the right fluid machine for the right application.
 Predict the performance of a full size fluid machine given the performance of a scale model.
 Predict the performance of a fluid machine given the geometry of the machine as well as the
flow conditions before and after the machine.
 Predict the performance of fluid machines in basic flow networks.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: INGM321
Assessment methods and weights:
Two tests 70%
Two practicums 30%
Participation mark 40%
Final examination: 60%
Module code: INGM414 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Air conditioning and Refrigeration
Module objective: After completion of this module the student should be able to solve air
conditioning and refrigeration problems and design a refrigeration system (by combining a
synthesis of knowledge with additional self-obtained information). It includes the use of tools such
as Excel, as well as specialist programs such as EES. The student should be able to understand
the impact of the air conditioning and refrigeration industry, as a result of the use of harmful
refrigeration media and emissions, on the environment and should be able to stay abreast with
the latest technology available on the market.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 understand the psychrometric chart and do basic calculation for various actual processes;
 understand and calculate the heating load for a building;
 understand and solve a compression thermodynamic cycle for air-conditioning system with
applicable equipment sizing;
 understand and solve air distribution system for a building;
 using engineering software tools like Excel and EES and Design Builder to solve problems;
 analyse and interpret results obtained from assignments and practical experiments.
NOTE: This module is not offered in 2017.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: INGM311 and INGM321
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGM415 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Failure of Materials
Module objective: Engineers of all disciplines need to have a basic and applied knowledge of the
degradation and possible failure mechanisms of structural materials. The module aims to
introduce students to failure mechanisms associated with metal alloys, ceramics and polymeric
engineering materials with reference to those properties that influence integrity. Special focus is
on condition monitoring of machines in factories and mines. The module is presented against the
background of specific applications and observed failures of materials under typical service

Module outcomes:
The student will gain knowledge of the most important failure phenomena and the prevention of
failure through suitable design and operation. This knowledge is conveyed during lectures, case
studies, and practical investigations of failed components.
After completion of this module, the student will have developed the following skills:
 Ability to understand the different conditions at specific type of material failures.
 Do computations for fatigue and brittle failures.
 Apply knowledge for vibration analysis and diagnostics of problems at machine for condition
monitoring. as predictive maintenance approach.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: INGM212
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGM416 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Aircraft Design
Module objective: The objective of the module is to prepare the student for further in depth study
of aerodynamics and aircraft design and give an introduction to the fundamentals of aeronautical
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 Understand the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, lift, drag, thrust, aircraft performance,
stability and control.
 Use Xfoil (2D computer software for designing airfoils) to design and optimize airfoils;
 Integrate knowledge of this and other modules to design a basic aircraft, according to
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: INGM313
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 40:60
Module code: INGM417 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Systems Engineering
Module objective: To teach the student the basic knowledge of systems engineering and the
ability to apply it in the design of practical systems. This is the capstone in the application of the
underlying training in engineering drawings, materials, strength of materials and mechanical
design. This module develops the design skills of the students and exposes them to group work.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 define a user requirement in engineering terms, do a functional analysis of the system and
creatively generate system concepts and evaluate it;
 break a system down into sub-systems and components, assign applicable technical
performance measures to it, and design according to the specifications;
 communicate in writing with technical audiences by means of reports; and
 work in a group.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: None
Co-required: INGM479 or NUCI479
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGM421 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Machine Dynamics
Module objective: To equip the student with basic knowledge of machine dynamics, vibration and
condition monitoring. The module builds on the knowledge gained in dynamics and serves as a
basis to identify and understand typical problems found in practice
Module outcomes:

After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to:
 Use the flexibility method to determine the unknown reaction forces and the element forces of
statically indeterminate structures;
 Use the stiffness method to determine the displacements of statically determinate and
indeterminate structures;
 Derive the weak formulation and set-up the associated Galerkin finite element formulation for
one-dimensional second order and fourth order differential equations;
 Use the finite element method to determine the approximate solution of one-dimensional
second order and fourth order differential equations;
 Communicate effectively and function in a team in the context of the abovementioned
problem solving skills that you have developed;
 Reason and act ethically correct based on an established value system.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: TGWN312
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: INGM423 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Manufacturing Technology
Module objective: The objective of this module is first of all to introduce the student to the different
manufacturing technologies available, and to enable the student to specify the correct or
applicable manufacturing processes for any mechanical design. The second objective is to enable
the student to design for manufacturing i.e. so that the designed component or product can be
manufactured as effectively, simple and inexpensive as possible.
Module outcomes: On successful completion of the module, the student must have basic
knowledge of the following:
 Characteristics and manufacturability properties of engineering materials.
 Material-forming manufacturing processes to manufacture components from metals, plastics,
composites and ceramics.
 Material-removal manufacturing processes to manufacture components from different
 Material jointing processes used to join different materials, eg welding, brazing, adhesive
bonds, etc
 Know and understand the applications and limitations of the different manufacturing
processes and be able to apply them successfully to engineering problems related to
 Understand the economic aspects related to manufacturing as well as the impact it has on
the design process;
 Be able to apply knowledge with respect to material properties and manufacturing processes
and technology to solve industrially oriented problems regarding material forming,
manufacturing and value adding processes;
 Be able to suggest suitable testing, inspection, and quality-assurance procedures for
application in the manufacture of a specific component;
 Be able to optimise manufacturing processes to manufacture a component more
 Be able to design components with the emphasis on manufacturability of the
 Understand the impact of different manufacturing technologies on the environment, workforce
and surroundings;
 Understand the dangers and issues relating to the safe use of different manufacturing
technologies, and therefore understand the professional responsibility of the manufacturing
engineer to conduct manufacturing operations in a responsible and safe manner.
NOTE: Module is the same as INGM223, starting in 2017. INGM423 ends at the end of 2019.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: INGM212 or INGB121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 30:70
Module code: INGM427 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Thermal Fluid System Design
Module objective: This module will equip the student with fundamentals in engineering science
and applied knowledge of power generation. More specifically, steam turbines and associated
auxiliary plant, the design and optimisation of Rankine cycles, steam boilers and the combustion
of coal with associated auxiliary plant and the design and optimisation of combustion parameters.
Design, solution, and optimisation criteria of ideal and practical Rankine cycles will form the basis
of analysis and synthesis of operational performance. The module builds on the knowledge
gained in thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, thermo-machines, heat transfer and computer
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, a student should have the following:
Knowledge in the fields of steam turbines and coal fired boilers.
Be able to:
 Designing a basic Rankine cycle by means of convergent and divergent synthesis of existing
knowledge, with emphasis on feed pumping combinations and regenerative feed water
heating options.
 Combined cycle principles.
 Boiler operational problems, control system philosophy, clinker formation and sootblowing
 Steam boiler auxiliary plant, combustion, and airflow optimisation with coal quality impact
factors. Safety precautions, air pollution and impact on society.
Credits: 16
Prerequisites: INGM411 passed or
admittance (>40%): for INGM311, INGM321, INGM412 and INGM417
Assessment methods and weights:
Summative exam (Steam turbines) 25%
Summative exam (Boiler and combustion) 25%
(A sub-minimum of 40% is required for each of the above two exams and 50% combined);
Design assignment including computer programming and cycle optimisation 50% (a sub-min of
50% is required)
Module code: INGM471 Year module NQF level: 8
Name: Vacation Training seniors
This is a compulsory attendance module for a period of six weeks during the vacation.

Module objective: During vacation training students are exposed to the daily operation of an
appropriate plant, installation or laboratory. Typical engineering problems which are connected
with the work place concerned must be investigated under the guidance of an engineer in charge.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of the module the student should have a better understanding of the
skills a professional engineer needs, the process of engineering and problem solving. The student
should be able to take his/her place in industry and apply safety requirements in the work place.
An occupational safety course (NOSA) will be completed during the second year of study at the
University before, the start of the vacation training in industry.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: Must have completed third year
Assessment modes: Attendance (Industry: report)
Module code: INGM472 Year module NQF level: 8
Name: Introduction to Project Management
Module objective: To equip students with knowledge and practical project management skills, for
application in a technical and/or industrial environment.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, a student will
 Have a fundamental knowledge of project management activities for all project management

functions during each project life cycle phase.
 Be able to execute activities of project management in the management of his/her own final
year project, by using techniques which includes development and updating of applicable
documentation as well as using applicable software.
 Be able to compile a useable project management plan pinning all the mentioned project
management areas.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: None
Co-required: INGM417; INGM479 or NUCI479
Assessment methods and weights:
Continuous assessment is conducted through interaction with students during lectures and by
way of the following:
1. Continues participation assessment consisting of:
a) Computer quizzes: 30%;
b) Assignments: 30%
2. Project group assignment: 40%
Module code: INGM479 Year module NQF level: 8
Name: Project
Module objective: To teach the student to execute a project with help from a study leader and to
report it both orally and in writing. The project has both a theoretical and practical component,
e.g. design and testing. The student is given an opportunity to integrate his/her knowledge and
skills in various engineering subjects into one comprehensive project.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 define the problem and divide it into smaller problems;
 synthesize, analyse and evaluate the possible solutions;
 document the design or experimental procedures;
 fabricate the design or experimental hardware;
 test aspects of the design, evaluate the design or to do the experiments;
 collect information through the library and/or internet;
 report on the project both verbally and in writing; and
 use project management software to manage progress on the project.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: INGM271;
Student must be able to complete his/her degree.
Co-required: INGM472
Assessment modes: Successful reporting on an engineering project, in the form of a written
report, an oral presentation and a poster presentation.
Module code: ITRW112 Semester 1 NQF level: 5
Name: Introduction to Computers and Programming
Module outcomes:
On completing this module, the students should be able to demonstrate fundamental knowledge
of the different components of a computer and an information system, as well as programming
languages and their uses.
Furthermore, the student should be able to demonstrate the manipulation of spreadsheets by
applying knowledge of tables, computations, transfer of data between different applications,
functions and graphic presentations; to demonstrate the ability to solve problems by designing
and implementing structured programming, by using data manipulation and data presentations
and applying ‘GUI’ event-driven approaches in the development environment of a spreadsheet; to
demonstrate insight into ethical issues related to the wider IT business and an awareness of the
risks and dangers that threaten the business; to demonstrate the ability to communicate in writing
by compiling a report after having completed a project.

Module code: ITRW115 Semester 1 NQF level: 5
Name: Programming for Engineers I C++
Module outcomes:
After successfully completing the module the student ought to have knowledge of and insight in
the basic structure, data types, and functions, including structured problem solving and
debugging, testing and execution of applications of the programming language C++.
The student will have to demonstrate that he/she can apply the acquired knowledge and insight to
solve elementary problems in engineering, develop an algorithm to solve problems, codify the
algorithm in C++, and to debug and test it on the computer.
Module code: ITRW126 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Name: Programming for Engineers (Visual Basic)
Module outcomes:
On completing this module students should be able to
 demonstrate knowledge requiring the mastering of certain prior theoretical insights to write
computer programs;
 solve simple problems by the application of prior theoretical knowledge;
 demonstrate that he/she has sufficient knowledge of and insight into the graphical interface
environment to develop computerized systems in a visual object-oriented computer language;
 demonstrate the ability to understand and implement conditional, repetition and sequential
structures; and
 have mastered aspects such as graphical interface design, event-driven programming, and
procedural programming.
Assessment criteria:
The student demonstrates that the outcomes have been mastered if he/she
 can show that he/she can practically apply the theory of graphical interface programming by
solving given problems; and
 can facilitate problem solving by the design and development of computer applications with
emphasis on user-friendly interfaces.
Module code: ITRW325 Semester 2 NQF Level: 7
Title: Decision Support Systems II
Module outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the module the students will be able to:
1. Identify the problem (or model type) based on a problem specification given;
2. Solve given problems in each of the (sub)fields of study by hand and/or by utilizing available
3. Interpret/explain the solution to the problem (as for management);
4. Construct/develop a DSS based on a given Case Study (Project).
Module code: LLAW221 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Introductory to Labour Law
Module outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this module students should be able to demonstrate the following:
 A detailed knowledge and understanding of the principles of Labour Law with specific
reference to:
1) what labour law entails, the different sources and the distinction between; individual
and collective labour law;
2) the nature and essentialia of a contract of employment;
3) the rights and obligations of the employer and employee in an employment
relationship; and the conclusion and termination of a contract of employment as well as
remedies for breach of contract.
 A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the influence and application of the
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 on the field of Labour Law and specifically
on core labour legislation such as the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, Basic Conditions of
Employment Act 75 of 1997, the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 and other core labour
 Ability to select, evaluate and apply legal principles to solve fundamental problems in a
defined environment in the field of Labour Law as well as an understanding of the ethical
implications of decisions, actions and practices specifically relevant to Labour Law and to
represent the employment parties during dispute resolution processes.
This will include discipline-specific methods and techniques of scientific enquiry and
information gathering on subject-related topics from relevant sources, as well as analysing,
evaluating and synthesising the information and providing conclusions to a given context in
the field of Labour Law.
 Accurate and coherent written and verbal communication of principles, rules and solutions to
problem-solving tasks or projects by means of preparing for a disciplinary hearing,
conciliation, arbitration, the writing of legal opinions and written answers to evaluations with
an understanding of and respect for intellectual property conventions, copyright and rules on
 Monitor own learning progress and apply relevant learning strategies and management of
resources to successfully realise all learning outcomes of this module.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: None
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: MEGI271 Year module NQF level: 6

Name: Workshop Training

Module objective:
The purpose of this module is to provide students instruction in workshop practice and the safe
use of tools. Students must master the practical use of basic hand tools and manufacturing
equipment and have acquired basic knowledge of safety requirements in the workshop and the
skills to fabricate small articles.
The eleven ELO’s of ECSA will also be introduced and discussed.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students will have mastered the practical use of basic
hand tools and manufacturing equipment, e.g. welding machines and various other machine tools.
The student will acquire basic knowledge of engineering drawings, safety requirements in the
workshop and the skills to fabricate small articles; involving plate metal work, turning, welding,
electronics and they will acquire knowledge about electrical circuits and electrical equipment.
The student will able to understand workshop safety and the basic understanding of the various
machines in the industry and the eleven ELO’s of ECSA.
After completion of this module, the student will have developed the following skills:
 Interpretation and layout of engineering drawings, manufacturing and job scheduling /
 Understand the need of workshop safety;
 Ability to understand the hand tools and real life working experience;
 Ability to select material and do several jointing methods in the engineering environment;
 Fabricate small articles.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: none
Method of delivery: practical training – Participation.
Module code: NUCI321 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Nuclear Energy
Module objective:
Students are expected to develop knowledge and understanding of the opportunities and
challenges facing the global nuclear energy industry and to gain basic techno-economic
knowledge of the major power source types, in order to be able to select the most applicable
technical and economical options, in view of these global energy policy issues. The attainment of
these general outcomes will be facilitated by the more specific outcomes listed below.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have mastered the following:

Acquire integrated knowledge of issues pertaining to global trends in the field of nuclear energy
production and the global consequences thereof with an ability to apply and evaluate the key
terms, concepts, facts, principles, rules and theories of the field;
acquire detailed knowledge of nuclear materials in the fuel cycle, and how this knowledge relates
to other fields of energy supply;
develop understanding of a range of methods of enquiry in the field of nuclear energy systems,
and an ability to apply a range of methods to resolve problems or introduce change;
Students are expected to:
 develop skill and ability to identify, analyse, critically reflect on and address complex
problems, applying evidence-based solutions and theory-driven arguments;
 develop an ability to take decisions and act ethically and professionally, and the ability to
justify these decisions and actions drawing on appropriate ethical values and approaches,
within a simulated group-work class environment;
 develop appropriate processes of information gathering for current technical and economic
issues relating to nuclear power in a global context; and an ability to independently validate
sources of information, and evaluate and manage the information;
 hone the ability to develop and communicate one’s own ideas and opinions in well-formed
arguments, using appropriate academic, professional, or occupational discourse;
 develop an ability to manage processes in unfamiliar and variable contexts, recognising that
problem solving is context- and system bound, and does not occur in isolation;
 develop an ability to accurately identify, evaluate and address own learning needs in a self-
directed manner, and facilitate collaborative learning processes; and
 take full responsibility for own work, decision making and use of resources and limited
accountability for the decisions and actions of others in varied or ill-defined contexts.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: none
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: NUCI326 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Nuclear Engineering I
Module objective: To expand the students basic knowledge in atomic and nuclear physics and in
nuclear engineering fields, about the interaction of radiation with matter, various nuclear power
reactors and their fuel cycles, neutron moderation (slowing down) and diffusion in nuclear
reactors, as well as introduce basic knowledge of reactor analysis and time dependent behaviour
of nuclear reactors and thermal hydraulics of nuclear reactors.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should have the following:
 Basic knowledge in atomic and nuclear physics and in nuclear engineering fields;
 Nuclear physics and the interaction of radiation with matter;
 Various nuclear reactor types;
 Heat production and transfer in nuclear reactors;
 Radiation protection, radiation shielding, licensing, safety and environmental aspects of
nuclear power;
 Reveal, apply and expand basic knowledge in atomic and nuclear physics and in nuclear
engineering fields;
 Apply basic knowledge about nuclear physics and the interaction of radiation with matter to
the elementary analysis of various nuclear power reactors and their fuel cycles;
 Use his/her broad background knowledge regarding the various reactor types, to make
recommendations about the most suitable reactor type for various needs;
 Perform basic analytical calculation of neutron moderation and diffusion in nuclear reactors;
 Perform introductory analysis of nuclear reactors and their time dependent behaviour;
 Apply knowledge of heat production and transfer in nuclear reactors to basic analysis of their

 Apply basic knowledge of radiation protection, radiation shielding, licensing, safety and
environmental aspects of nuclear power towards improving nuclear safety;
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: NONE
Co-required: NUCI321
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: NUCI421 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Nuclear Engineering II
Module objective: To guide students in rounding off their introductory knowledge of nuclear
engineering, acquired in NUCI321 and NUCI326 on a mostly conceptual level, by adding the
complementary mathematical and technical knowledge and insight.
Module outcomes:
In order to pass this module, students must obtain an average of at least 50% during assessment
of the following outcomes:
 Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Students must be able to derive the appropriate mathematical
formulae and apply these to the necessary calculations regarding the nuclear reactions in a
nuclear reactor.
 Interactions between Radiation and Matter: Definition of the concepts, derivation and
interpretation of the mathematical formulae and application of data, especially those
concerning the interactions between neutrons and the various materials in the core of the
 Different Types of Nuclear Reactors: Mathematical description of the fuel cycle in terms of the
conversion ratio, isotopic breeding, fuel burn-up, etc. Students must also be able to explain
the advantages and disadvantages of different reactor types in terms of the theory treated in
this module.
 Neutron Diffusion and Moderation: To derive, apply and understand Fick’s law and the
relevant diffusion equations.
 Nuclear Reactor Theory: To understand and apply the one group reactor equation, to derive
the bare slab reactor equation and to understand the other reactor shapes. To give qualitative
theoretical explanations of the various aspects of reactor design, for instance reflectors and
the lumping of fuel.
 Time Dependant Reactor Behaviour: To define and demonstrate insight into the mathematical
concepts, without having to derive the mathematical formulae. To give detailed qualitative
theoretical explanations of the mechanisms and effects of the temperature and void reactivity
coefficients, also for different fuels.
 Radiation Protection: To explain the importance of radiation protection and to demonstrate
elementary knowledge of radiation dosimetry, statutory radiation dose limits and techniques
for protecting against radiation.
 Reactor Safety and Licensing: To have elementary understanding of the most important
radiation safety theories as well as of the licensing process.
 Nuclear Reactor Accidents: To understand and discuss the technical aspects of the accidents
in terms of the above mentioned theoretical concepts.
The student will be capable of:
 Synthesising lessons from the history of nuclear power to gain insight into how to best utilize
nuclear power;
 Revealing, applying and expanding basic knowledge in atomic and nuclear physics and in
nuclear engineering fields;
 Applying basic knowledge about nuclear physics and the interaction of radiation with matter to
the elementary analysis of various nuclear power reactors and their fuel cycles;
 Using his broad background knowledge regarding the various reactor types, to make
recommendations about the most suitable reactor type for various needs;
 Basic analytical calculation of neutron moderation and diffusion in nuclear reactors;
 Introductory analysis of nuclear reactors and their time dependent behaviour;
 Applying knowledge of heat production and transfer in nuclear reactors to basic analysis of
their safety;
 Communicating with the public about the benefits and potential risks associated with nuclear
power; and
 Applying all these skills towards creating elementary conceptual solutions for reactor design
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: NUCI321 and NUCI326
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: NUCI479 Year module NQF level: 8
Name: Project in Nuclear Engineering
Module objective: To teach the student to execute a project with help from a study leader and to
report it both orally and in writing. The project has both a theoretical and practical component,
e.g. design and testing. The student is given an opportunity to integrate his/her knowledge and
skills in various engineering subjects into one comprehensive project.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student should be able to
 define the problem and divide it into smaller problems;
 synthesize, analyse and evaluate the possible solutions;
 document the design or experimental procedures;
 fabricate the design or experimental hardware;
 test aspects of the design, evaluate the design or to do the experiments;
 collect information through the library and/or internet;
 report on the project both verbally and in writing; and
 use project.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: INGM271
Student has to be in final year and must be able to complete degree.
Co-required: INGM472
Assessment modes: Successful reporting on an engineering project, in the form of a written
report, an oral presentation and a poster presentation.
Module code: REII112 Semester 1 NQF level: 5
Name: Introduction to Digital Systems
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 has acquired thorough knowledge of binary and octal number systems, logic gates, Boolean
algebra and simplification, Karnaugh map simplification, gates and their time relationships, as
well as knowledge of various combinational circuits, e.g. decoding and encoding and
mathematical circuits, synchronous circuits, flip-flop circuits and their time characteristics,
random circuit adder designs, time division multiplexing, A/D, D/A converters and coupling,
memory systems and microcomputer structures, buses and time signals, codes, e.g. ASCII,
Grey, EBCDIC; and
 is conversant with the theory of analysis, evaluation, simulation, design, synthesis and
troubleshooting of logical circuits and systems of circuits.
Note: New module from 2017 previously EERI112.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: none
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: REII121 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Name: Introduction to Microcontrollers
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 has acquired thorough knowledge to identify and evaluate the difference between embedded
microprocessors and general microprocessors as in the Intel 80x86 family, as well as the
difference between von Neumann and Harvard architectures. Furthermore, the student
should have the ability to specify and design embedded hardware for a given task and to

design and codify software for a given task in assembly language or C++;
 can make use of IN and OUT interfaces on the level of specification, design and
programming and can develop software for both polled and interrupt driven systems;
 can use address space optimally taking into consideration space and speed criteria in
microprocessors; and
 is conversant with the theory of analysis, evaluation, simulation, design, synthesis and
troubleshooting of microprocessors on a systems level.
Note: New module from 2017 previously EERI123.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: EERI112/REII111 and ITRW115
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: REII211 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Algorithms and Optimisation
Module outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
 demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of mathematical modelling and the
ability to simulate mathematical models by using a programming language;
 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of data structures (including vectors, matrices,
switched lists, stacks and queues);
 use methods to create abstract data types for the above mentioned data structures;
 demonstrate the ability to construct complex algorithms by setting up and manipulating the
above data structures;
 solve different engineering problems by using the above techniques.
Note: New module from 2017 for Electrical, Electronic and Computer engineering students.
Previous code EERI214.
Credits: 8
Prerequisite: ITRW115/ITRW126; WISN121; TGWN121
Co-required: WISN211, WISN212 and TGWN212
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: REII222 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Embedded Systems
Module objective: This course is built on EERI122 (Computer Engineering II) by dealing with more
advanced processors and their architectures. Students should be able to analyse and design
embedded computer systems and solve problems in this domain.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 has fundamental knowledge of 16- and 32-bit processor architectures;
 Understands electrical requirements of these processors and signal integrity issues to be
aware of;
 Understands memory interfaces. Specifically various types of RAM, ROM, FLASH. Address
decoding, and DMA is of importance;
 Understands common communication busses (I2C, I2S, RS232, RS485, USB, 1-Wire, SPI);
 Understands the challenges of programming for embedded systems. This specifically
pertains to the safety and security considerations when dealing with embedded systems;
 Can apply his/her knowledge to solve engineering problems by low level C programming of
embedded systems; and
 Can design a basic microcontroller based embedded system.
Note: New module from 2017 for Computer and Electronic engineering students. Previous code
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI112 and EERI123 or REII111 and REII121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1

Module code: REII312 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Network Fundamentals
Module objective: This course introduces the student to the basic concepts of computer networks.
Specific emphasis is placed on engineering aspects of data transmission and networks.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should be able to demonstrate that he/she
understands data communication and computer networks from the following perspectives:
 Historical: In terms of standards;
 The user: Information theory, signal coding and compression;
 Security: Cryptography and algorithms;
 Network: Topologies, switching, models and dimensioning, internet networks, components,
protocols, quality of service;
 Link: Media access, error correction, protocols;
 Channel: Capacity, transmission media, line coding, modulation; and
 Applications: GSM, VoIP.
Upon completion of the module, the student should be able to describe IP and the OSI 7 layer
structure, be able to program simple data compression and cryptography algorithms, to derive
network models and apply in dimensioning, to apply routing algorithms, implement error correction
codes, characterise media, do engineering calculations and simulations on data rates, congestion
in networks, optimal buffer sizes and influence of automatic resend.
NOTE: New module from 2017. Previous code REII311.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI214/REII211; REII221/REII222
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: REII313 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Object-oriented Software Development
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 Understands the difference between classical and object oriented software engineering;
 Mastered the principles of object oriented programming, namely objects, classes, inheritance
and polymorphism;
 be acquainted with programming methods applicable in certain problem-solving techniques,
e.g. simulation and modelling, by the development of object oriented programmes;
Understands and is able to apply the principles of graphical user interfaces and event driven
 Is able to design and develop object oriented computer programs to solve engineering
 Is able to develop software according to best programming practice;
 understands various phases in software engineering: requirements and analysis,
specification, design, implementation, integration and maintenance,
 understands and can use planning and estimating, project management, life cycle models,
teamwork, documentation and testing of software theoretically as well as with case studies.
Note: New module from 2017 for only Computer and Electronic engineering students. Previous
code EERI316.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: ITRW115; REII221/REII222
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: REII323 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Embedded Operating Systems
Module objective: This course introduces the detail concepts of 32-bit architectures. This includes
the low level functionality of 32-bit microcomputers and embedded operating systems.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should be able to demonstrate that he/she:
 Understands the detail concepts of 32-bit architectures;
 Can describe the low level functionality of 32-bit microcomputers;
 Understand challenges associated with embedded operating systems;
 Is able to deploy an embedded operating system; and
 Can develop appropriate engineering solutions within an embedded environment.
Note: New module from 2017 for Computer and Electronic engineering students. Previous code
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: REII221/REII222 and EERI316/REII313
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: REII327 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Computer Engineering Design
Module objective: This module introduces the systems engineering process. A customised version
of this process is applied to a complex engineering problem. Due to the scope and complexity of
engineering problems, a high degree of teamwork is required.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should demonstrate that he/she
 Understands the systems engineering process;
 Can apply design guidelines and constraints;
 Can interpret a development specification and the allocation of requirement;
 Apply a customised systems engineering process on a complex engineering project;
 Can successfully work as an individual and in groups;
 Use appropriate CAD, simulation and other relevant engineering software tools during the
design process
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: Student must be able to complete third year BEng
Assessment modes:
Functional demonstration of developed solution – Subminimum 50% (40%)
Design portfolio (40%)
Oral design presentation (20%)
Module code: REII414 Semester 1 NQF level: 8
Name: Databases and Web-programming
Module objective: This course introduces database concepts and web based programming.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should be able to demonstrate that he/she:
 understands database definitions and terms;
 can design and implement databases, and store, alter and delete information in databases;
 Use basic and advanced SQL to manipulate databases;
 Identify problems associated with concurrent access and repair of databases after failure;
 can implement interfaces to the database;
 Understands the challenges of web based programming;
 Clearly understands the differences between procedural, object oriented and web
 Successfully use software tools to implement web based software;
 Evaluate the applicability of rapid application development tools for developing web based
software; and
 Is able to apply all of the above to solve an engineering problem.
NOTE: New module from 2017. Previous code REII415.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: EERI316/REII313; STTK312 and REII311/REII312
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1

Module code: REII424 Semester 2 NQF level: 8
Name: Data Analysis
Module objective: This course serves as a capstone experience, which exposes the student to the
integrated world of the real life computer engineering. Concepts that will be integrated include
embedded systems, networking, databases and software engineering. In this module a complete
end-to-end development of a sensor node is used as the primary vehicle of delivery.
Module outcomes:
To successfully complete this module, the student should be able to demonstrate that he/she:
 Estimate required sampling rate, data type and transmission rate of sensor data;
 Calculate the effect of multiple sensor nodes on network performance;
 Develop a database capable of handling multiple sensor nodes;
 Develop software for administration of the system;
 Apply applicable data mining principles to utilise acquired data;
 Understand the planning, documentation and testing of these types of systems;
 Apply of the above to a distributed sensing system.
NOTE: New module from 2017. Previous code REII423.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: WISN227;
Assessment modes: Exam 2 hours (40%) Capstone Project – Sub-minimum 50% (60%)
Module code: STTK312 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Engineering Statistics
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, the student shall be able to:
 Demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the following statistical concepts: uncertainty and
variation, a distribution, certain continuous and discrete distributions, numerical summary
measures, bivariate and multivariate data and distributions, methods for obtaining data,
probability and sampling distributions, quality and reliability , point estimation and statistical
intervals, testing statistical hypotheses, the analysis of variance, experimental design and
inferential methods in regression and correlation.
 Demonstrate his/her ability to interpret graphic illustrations of the data, explain the concept of
a distribution, work with certain continuous and discrete distributions, calculate measures of
centre, spread and variants thereof, making scatter plots, calculating correlation coefficients,
fitting lines to data and working with multivariate data, explaining different sampling methods
and measurement systems, explain basic concepts in probability theory and the description of
sampling distributions, explain methods used in quality and reliability, calculating point and
interval estimates, performing hypothesis testing procedures, performing analysis of variance
calculations, propose an experimental design in specific cases and using inferential methods
in regression and correlation.
Credits: 16
Prerequisite: WISN121
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: TGWN121 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Name: Statics and Mathematical Modelling
Module outcomes:
On completing this module, the students should be able to do the following: demonstrate
fundamental knowledge of geometric vectors and their operational rules, vectors, forces,
components, scalar and vector product, Cartesian forms, resultant of two- and three-dimensional
systems of force through a point, the principle of propagation, moments, couples, reduction of
systems of forces to a single force and a single couple, equilibrium in a plane and equilibrium in
space, friction and moments rotating around axes, the modelling process, geometric similarity and
proportionalities, dimensional analysis and the theorem of Buckingham; to demonstrate problem
solving skills by analysing familiar and unfamiliar problems, by using knowledge of techniques to
determine resultants of different types of systems of force, by solving equilibrium problems in two

and three dimensions, by forming and solving models by means of proportionality relations and
dimensional analysis, and by fitting models to data.
Module code: TGWN211 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Dynamics I
Module outcomes: On completing this module, students should be able to do the following:
demonstrate fundamental knowledge of kinematics (square, normal, tangential and cylindrical
coordinates) and kinetics of a single particle (force, acceleration, work, energy, momentum,
impulse), a system of particles (force, acceleration, work, energy, momentum, impulse) and a rigid
body (force, acceleration, work, energy, momentum, impulse, moment of inertia, angular impulse
and angular momentum), all moving along a straight line or a curved trajectory; demonstrate
problem solving skills by analysing familiar and unfamiliar problems and using knowledge of
kinematics and kinetics to calculate time duration, displacements, velocities, accelerations, forces,
word done, energy, momentum, impulse, moment of inertia, angular impulse and angular
Module code: TGWN213 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Differential Equations
Module outcomes:
On completing this module students should be able to do the following:
 demonstrate fundamental knowledge of ordinary differential equations and standard methods
of solution amongst others separation of variables, variation of parameters and the Laplace
 solve suitable unknown ordinary differential equations, initial value problems and systems
using the standard methods above and elementary numerical algorithms utilizing MATLAB or
other computer software; model real phenomena.
NOTE: Previously TGWN212.
Module code: TGWN221 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Dynamics II
Module outcomes:
On completing this module students should be able to do the following: demonstrate fundamental
knowledge of the theory of flexible cables, internal forces and deformation of simple beams, and
the motion of satellites and planets, demonstrate problem solving skills by solving familiar and
unfamiliar problems involving deformations in beams and cables acted on by forces, and
determining the orbits and positions of satellites.
Module code: TGWN223 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Numerical Analysis
Module outcomes:
On completing this module the student should be able to do the following:
 demonstrate fundamental knowledge and insight into the theory of basic numerical methods
for general occurring mathematical problems, amongst which are the solving of non-linear
equations, determining interpolation polynomials and the numerical D of definite integrals;
 Demonstrate problem solving skills by solving non-linear equations through iteration
techniques, determining the interpolation polynomials of Lagrange and Newton, determining
definite integrals by means of the trapezium method, Simpson’s rule, Romberg integration and
Gauss quadrature, and the computer application of these techniques, and the methods of
Heun and Runge Kutta for the solution of single or systems of differential equations, and be
able to apply these techniques computationally;
 Show a fondness for this field of study and demonstrate insight into the relation between
reality and abstraction, model and solution.
NOTE: Previously TGWN222.
Module code: TGWN312 Semester 1 NQF level: 7
Name: Partial Differential Equations (Numerical)
Module outcomes:
On completing this module the student should be able to do the following: demonstrate
fundamental knowledge and insight into the discretisation of ordinary and partial differential
equations, the special properties of tridiagonal matrices, calculation problems caused by ill-
conditioned and sparse systems of linear equations, convergence properties of iterative methods
of systems of linear equations, solving parabolic, elliptical and hyperbolic differential equations
numerically, performing iterative methods with MATLAB on a computer; demonstrate problem
solving skills in numerically solving two point boundary value problems, the heat equation, the
potential equation and the wave equation with the finite difference methods and in implementing
these by computer; show a fondness of this field of study and demonstrate insight into the relation
between reality and abstraction, model and solution; reveal a Christian or alternative perspective
on the subject.
Module code: TGWN321 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Dynamics III
Module outcomes:
On completing this module the student should be able to do the following: demonstrate
fundamental knowledge and insight into the kinematics and kinetics of a rigid body in space, the
Lagrange formulation for dynamics and the basis of variation calculus; demonstrate skills in
solving problems describing motion and the constraints on motion, modelling the three-
dimensional motion of a rigid body, stationary curves for functionals formed through integrals;
show a fondness of this field of study and demonstrate insight into the relation between reality and
abstraction, model and solution; reveal a Christian or alternative perspective on the subject.
Module code: TGWN322 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Optimisation
Module outcomes:
On completing this module, students should be able to do the following: demonstrate fundamental
knowledge of analytical and numerical optimisation techniques for functions of one or more
variables, including problems with restrictions on unevenness and evenness; demonstrate
problem solving skills by applying a variety of mathematical optimisation techniques to familiar and
unfamiliar unrestricted and restricted problems and implementing these techniques by computer
with MATLAB as computer language.
Module code: WISN111 Semester 1 NQF level: 5
Title: Introductory Algebra and Analysis I
Module outcomes: On completing this module, students should be able to do the following:
demonstrate fundamental knowledge of the concept of functions, polynomials in one variable with
factor theorem, remainder theorem and synthetic division, rational functions and partial fractions,
absolute value function, circle measure and inverse functions, trigonometric and inverse
trigonometric functions, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions, exponential and logarithmic
functions, limits, continuity, differentiability and indefinite integrals of all the above mentioned
functions, complex numbers; demonstrate problem solving skills by analysing familiar and
unfamiliar problems, using the knowledge of techniques to develop powers of first degree
polynomials, calculating the limits, derivatives and indefinite integrals of all the above mentioned
functions and performing simple operations with complex numbers.
Module code: WISN121 Semester 2 NQF level: 5
Title: Introductory Algebra and Analysis II
Module outcomes:
On completing this module, students should be able to do the following: demonstrate fundamental
knowledge of logic, the system of real numbers, mathematical induction, permutations and
combinations and the binomial theorem, De Moivre’s theorem and its applications, L’Hospital’s
rule and its applications, the fundamental theorems of differential and integral calculus, the use of
derivatives in optimisation and curve sketching, basic concepts of power series and the basic
theorems on the converging of series, Taylor series, the basic properties and applications of the
definite integral, applications of integration to surfaces, lengths and volumes; demonstrate
problem solving skills by analysing familiar and unfamiliar problems, using knowledge of
techniques by applying logic to systems of numbers, proving theorems with mathematical
induction, determining the number of arrangements and selections from a set, performing
operations with complex numbers, judging convergence of power series, calculating Taylor series,
determining limits using L’Hospital’s rule, sketching functions, formulating optimisation problems
mathematically and using knowledge of derivatives to solve them, by determining definite integrals
and calculating surfaces, lengths and volumes.

Module code: WISN211 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Analysis III
Module outcomes:
On completing this module, students should be able to do the following: demonstrate a thorough
knowledge and insight into all the aspects of the differential calculus of multivariate functions:
partial and directional derivatives, the gradient function, optimisation problems, including
Lagrange’s method, the theory of multiple integrals to calculate partial derivatives, directional
derivatives and gradients, and double and triple integrals; demonstrate problem solving skills by
analysing familiar and unfamiliar problems, using knowledge of techniques to solve practical
problems modelled with multivariate functions. Students should demonstrate the ability to use the
geometric and physical meaning of the above-mentioned concepts to abstract the underlying
mathematical structure of applied problems and to interpret the significance of the mathematical
Module code: WISN212 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Linear Algebra I
Module outcomes:
On completing this module students should be able to do the following: demonstrate a thorough
knowledge and insight into the solvability of systems of linear equations; the basic properties of
Euclidic spaces and linear transformations, interdependency of general vector space concepts;
demonstrate the ability to determine Eigen values and Eigen vectors; demonstrate problem
solving skills by analysing familiar and unfamiliar problems, using knowledge of techniques to
solve systems of linear equations in the context of a vector space; to perform matrix operations; to
determine bases for subspaces; to calculate Eigen values and Eigen vectors; to execute these
matrix calculations and interpret the results.
Module code: WISN225 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Engineering Analysis
Module outcomes:
On completing this module, students should be able to demonstrate advanced knowledge of and
insight into the application of:
 Vector fields, line integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of line integrals, Green’s theorem,
oriented surfaces and surface integrals, rotation and divergence, the theorems of Stokes and
 Convergence criteria for sequences of real numbers and the monotone convergence principle,
Convergence of series, standard convergence tests, absolute and conditional convergence,
introduction to power series, Taylor’s theorem.
 Definition of derivatives and contour integrals of complex functions, Laurent’s theorem (as an
extension of Taylor’s theorem), algebraic manipulation of Laurent series, formal definition of
the Z-transform and basic rules for Z-transforms, partial fraction method for computing inverse
transforms, applications to difference equations.
NOTE: Previous module WISN221.
Module code: WISN227 Semester 2 NQF level: 6
Name: Applied Linear Algebra
Module outcomes:
On completion of this module the student should be able to:
 demonstrate advanced knowledge of and insight into bases and linear independence of
functions, and be able to use it in applications;
 be able to use concepts like eigenvalues and eigenvectors in applications such as
diagonalisation, discrete dynamical systems and systems of linear differential equations; be
able to use the concepts of inner product, length and othogonality to find orthogonal bases
and master their applications such as for example the least squares method and linear
models; symmetric matrices and further applications;
 demonstrate problem-solving skills by analysing known and unknown problems and
applications and applying the knowledge and techniques of linear algebra.

NOTE: Previous module WISN222

Module code: WVIS321 Semester 2 NQF level: 7
Name: Science, Technology and Society
Module objective:
The objective of this module is to develop an elementary knowledge and understanding of the
foundational issues and/or ethical problems in one or both main subjects of the study programme,
as is envisaged by the Institutional Plan. It is especially important to bring home the notion that,
due to different assumptions and perspectives on the nature of reality, different answers to these
questions have been developed, which represent different "approaches” in the subject field.
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students should
 have a solid and systematic knowledge of the most important foundational issues in the
relevant field of study and demonstrate a critical understanding of the meta-theoretical
assumptions underscoring foundational issues;
 be able to demonstrate knowledge and a critical understanding of specific forms of ethics that
apply to the field of study, such as a personalised code of conduct or the general human
rights charter, and be able to apply such forms of ethics discriminately to analyse, evaluate
and pose possible solutions to some current themes or issues salient to the field of study; and
 be able to demonstrate the ability to analyse, synthesise and critique the assumptions on
which a chosen theme or issue is based, formulate a personal opinion about the theme or
issue that gives evidence of a personal coherent world view, and communicate the findings in
a presentation making use of applicable technology, as well as in an evidence-based report
written in a typical academic format.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: None
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1
Module code: WVTS211 Semester 1 NQF level: 6
Name: Understanding the Technological World
Module objective: The objective of this module is to broaden and deepen the students’ vision of
reality by introducing them to a variety of contemporary world views and ideologies and to relevant
international issues determined by them. Also to introduce them to the notion of the world as a
coherent whole and to the interconnectedness and interdependence of natural and social
Module outcomes:
After successful completion of this module, students should:
 have a fundamental knowledge base of a selection of world views and ideologies and
demonstrate their critical understanding through an ability to compare the nature and function,
as well as different contemporary manifestations of these world views and ideologies;
 have the ability to understand the interrelatedness of phenomena such as occur in natural and
social systems, and from this vantage point, analyse and evaluate real life problems or case
studies based on core issues of our time, such as poverty, constant change, human rights,
HIV-AIDS, power abuse, corruption, racism, xenophobia, etc.; and
 be able to articulate their personal world view and use it as a point of departure for arguing
and communicating feasible solutions to core issues and problems of our time in a typical
academic manner.
Credits: 12
Prerequisite: none
Assessment modes: PC 3 hours 1:1

Compiled by Mrs MCJ Potgieter

October 2016


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