Ace the Data Science Interview-1
Ace the Data Science Interview-1
Ace the Data Science Interview-1
5.1. Google: Two teams play a series of games (best of 7) in which each team has a 50% chance
of winning any given round. What is the probability that the series goes to 7 games?
5.2. JP Morgan: Say you roll a die three times. What is the probability of getting two sixes in a
5.3. Uber: You roll three dice, one after another. What is the probability that you obtain three
numbers in a strictly increasing order?
5.4. Zene ts: Assume you have a deck of 100 cards with values ranging from 1 to 100, and that
you draw two cards at random without replacement. What is the probability that the number of
one card is precisely double that of the other?
5.5. JP Morgan: imagine you are in a 3D space. From (0,0,0) to (3,3,3), how many paths are there
if you can move only up, right, and forward?
5.6. Amazon: One in a thousand people have a particular disease, and the test for the disease is
98% correct in testing for the disease. On the other hand, the test has a 1% error rate if the
person being tested does not have the disease. If someone tests positive, what are the odds they
have the disease?
5.7. Facebook: Assume two coins, one fair (having one side heads and one side tails) and and the
other unfair (having both sides tails). You pick one at random, ip it ve times, and observe that it
comes up as tails all ve times. What is the probability that you are ipping the unfair coin?
5.8. Goldman Sachs: Players A and A are playing a game where they take turns ipping a biased
coin, with p probability of landing on heads (and winning). Player A starts the game, and then the
players pass the coin back and forth until one person ips heads and wins. What is the probability
that A wins?
5.9. Microsoft: Three friends in Seattle each told you it is rainy, and each person has a 1/3
probabilitY of lying. What is the probability that Seattle is rainy, assuming that the likelihood of rain
011 any given day is 0.25?
5.10. Bloomberg: You draw a circle and choose two chords at random. What is the probabilitY the
those chords will intersect?
5.11. Morgan Stanley: You and your friend are playing a game. The two of you will continue to
toss a coin until the sequence HH or TH shows up. If HH shows up rst, you win. If TH shows up
rst, your friend wins. What is the probability of you winning?
5,12. JP Morgan: Say you are playing a game where you roll a 6-sided die up to two times and
can choose to stop following the rst roll if you wish. You will receive a dollar amount equal to the
nal amount rolled. How much are you willing to pay to play this game?
5.13. Facebook: Facebook has a content team that labels pieces of content on the platform as
either spam or not spam. 90% of them are diligent raters and will mark 20% of the content as
spam and 80% as non-spam. The remaining 10% are not diligent raters and will mark 0% of the
content as spam and 100% as non-spam. Assume the pieces of content are labeled
independently of one another, for every rater Given that a rater has labeled four pieces of content
as good, what is the probability that this rater is a diligent rater?
5.14. D.E. Shaw: A couple has two children. You discover that one of their children is a boy. What
is the probability that the second child is also a boy?
5.15. JP Morgan: A desk has eight drawers. There is a probability of 1/2 that someone placed a
letter in one of the desk's eight drawers and a probability of 1/2 that this person did not place a
letter in any of the desk's eight drawers. You open the rst 7 drawers and nd that they are all
empty. What is the probability that the 8th drawer has a letter in it?
5.16. Optiver: Two players are playing in a tennis match, and are at deuce (that is, they will play
back and forth until one person has scored two more points than the others). The rst player has
a 60% chance of winning every point, and the second player has a 40% chance of winning every
point. What is the probability that the rst player wins the match?
5.17. Facebook: Say you have a deck of 50 cards made up of cards in 5 di erent colors, with 10
cards of each color, numbered 1 through 10. What is the probability that two cards you pick at
random do not have the same color and are also not the same number?
5.18. SIG: Suppose you have ten fair dice. If you randomly throw these dice simultaneously, what
is the probability that the sum of all the top faces is divisible by 6?
Medium 5.19. Morgan Stanley: A and B play the following game: a number k from 1-6 is chosen,
and A and B will toss a die until the rst person throws a die showing side k, after which that
person is awarded $100 and the game is over. How much is A willing to pay to play rst in this
5.20. Airbnb: You are given an unfair coin having an unknown bias towards heads or tails. How
can you generate fair odds using this coin?
5.21. SIG: Suppose you are given a white cube that is broken into 3 x 3 x 3 = 27 pieces. However,
before the cube was broken, all 6 of its faces were painted green. You randomly pick a small cube
and see that 5 faces are white. What is the probability that the bottom face is also white?
5.22. Goldman Sachs: Assume you take a stick of length 1 and you break it uniformly at random
into three parts. What is the probability that the three pieces can be used to form a triangle?
5.23. Lyft: What is the probability that, in a random sequence of H's and T's, HHT shows up
before HTT?
5.24. Uber: A fair coin is tossed twice, and you are asked to decide whether it is more likely that
two heads showed up given that either (a) at least one toss was heads, or (b) the second toss was
a head. Does your answer change if you are told that the coin is unfair? -. wii. i ..,
5.25. Facebook: Three ants are sitting at the corners of an equilateral triangle. picks a direction
and begins moving along an edge of the triangle. What is the probability that none of the ants
meet? What would your answer be if there are, instead, k ants sitting on all corners of an
equilateral polygon?
5.26. Robinhood: A biased coin, with probability p of landing on heads, is tossed n times. write a
recurrence relation for the probability that the total number of heads after n tosses is even.
5.27. Citadel: Alice and Bob are playing a game together. They play a series of rounds until one of
them wins two more rounds than the other. Alice wins a round with probability P. What is the
probability that Bob wins the overall series?
5.28. Google: Say you have three draws of a uniformly distributed random variables between (0,2).
What is the probability that the median of the three is greater than 1.5?
5.29. D.E. Shaw: Say you have 150 friends, and 3 of them have phone numbers that have the four
digits with some permutation of the digits 0, 1, 4, and 9. Is this just a chance occurrence Why or
why not?
5.30. Spotify: A fair die is rolled n times. What is the probability that the largest number rolled is r,
for each r in 1,...,6?
5.31. Goldman Sachs: Say you have a jar initially containing a single amoeba in it. Once every
minute, the amoeba has a 1 in 4 chance of doing one of four things: 1) dying out, 2) doing
nothing, 3) splitting into two amoebas, or 4) splitting into three amoebas. What is the probability
that there will eventually contain no living amoeba?
5.32. Lyft: A fair coin is tossed n, times. Given that there were k heads in the it tosses, what is the
probability that the rst toss was heads?
5.33. Quora: You have N i.i.d. draws of numbers following a normal distribution with parameters
(mu) and (sigma). What is the probability that k of those draws are larger than some value Y?
5.34, Akuna Capital: You pick three random points on a unit circle and form a triangle from them
What is the probability that the triangle includes the center of the unit circle?
5,35. Citadel: You have r red balls and w white balls in a bag. You continue to draw balls from bag
until the bag only contains balls of only one color. What is the probability that you run out of white
balls rst?
Statistics Questions:
6.1. Uber: Explain the Central Limit Theorem. Why it is useful?
6,2. Facebook: How would you explain a con dence interval to a non-technical audience?
6,3. Twitter: What are some common pitfalls encountered in A/13 testing?
6.4. Lyft: Explain both covariance and correlation formulaically, and compare and contrast them.
6,5• Facebook: Say you ip a coin 10 times and observe only one heads. What would be your null
hypothesis and p-value for testing whether the coin is fair or not?
6.6. Uber. Describe hypothesis testing and p-values in layman's terms?
6•7. Groupon: Describe what Type I and Type II errors are, and the tradeo s between them.
6,8• Microsoft: Explain the statistical background behind power.
6•9• Facebook: What is a Z-test and when would you use it versus a t-test?
6,10. Amazon: Say you are testing hundreds of hypotheses, each with a t-test, what
considerations would you take into account when doing this?
6.11. Google: How would you derive a con dence interval for the probability of ipping heads
from a series of coin tosses?
6.12, Two Sigma: What is the expected number of coin ips needed to get two consecutive heads
6.13. Citadel:: What is the expected number of rolls needed to see all 6 sides of a fair die.
6.14. Akuna Capital: Say you're rolling a fair six-sided dice. What is the expected number of rolls
until you roll two consecutive 5s?
6.15. D.E. Shaw: A coin was ipped 1000 times, and 550 times it showed heads. Do you think the
coin is biased? Why or why not?
6.16. Quota: You are drawing from a normally distributed random variable X~N(0,1) once a day.
What is the approximate expected number of days until you get a value greater than 2?
6.17. Akuna Capital: Say you have two random variables X and Y, each with some standard
deviation. What is the variance of aX + bY for constants a and b?
6.18. Google: Say we have X~Uniform(0, 1) and Y~Uniform(0, 1) and the two are independent.
What is the expected value of the minimum of X and Y?
6.19. Morgan Stanley: Say you have an unfair coin which lands on heads 60% of the time. How
many coin ips are needed to detect that the coin is unfair?
6.20. Uber: Say you have n numbers 1...n, and you uniformly sample from the distribution with
replacement n times. What is the expected number of distinct values you would draw?
6.21. Goldman Sachs: There are 100 noodles in a bowl. At each step, you randomly select two
noodle ends from the bowl and tie them together. What is the expectation on the number of loops
6.22. Morgan Stanley: What is the expected value of the max of two dice rolls?
6.23. Lyft: Derive the mean and variance of the uniform distribution U(a, b)
6.24. Citadel: How many cards would you expect to draw from a standard deck before seeing the
rst ace?
6.25. Spotify: Say you draw n samples from a uniform distribution U(a, b). What are the MLE
estimates of a and b?
6.26. Google: Assume you are drawing from an in nite set of i.i.d random variables that are
uniformly distributed from (0, 1). You keep drawing as long as the sequence you are getting is
monotonically increasing. What is the expected length of the sequence you draw?
6.27 Facebook: There are two games involving dice that you can play. In the rst game, you roll
two dice at once and receive a dollar amount equivalent to the product of the rolls. In the second
game, you roll one die and get the dollar amount equivalent to the square of that value. Which has
the higher expected value and why?
28. Google: What does it mean for an estimator to be unbiased? What about consistent? Give
examples of an unbiased but not consistent estimator, and a biased but consistent estimator. ,.
29, Net ix: What are MLE and MAP? What is the di erence between the two?
30. Uber: Say you are given a random Bernoulli trial generator. How would you generate values
from a standard normal distribution?
31. Facebook: Derive the expectation for a geometric random variable.
32. Goldman Sachs: Say we have a random variable X~D, where D is an arbitrary distribution.
What is the distribution F(X) where F is the CDF of X?
6.33. Morgan Stanley: Describe what a moment generating function (MGF) is. Derive the MGF for
a normally distributed random variable X.
6.34. Tesla: Say you have N independent and identically distributed draws of an exponential
random variable. What is the best estimator for the parameter (lambda)?
6.35. Citadel: Assume that log X~N(0, 1). What is the expectation of X?
6.36. Google: Say you have two distinct subsets of a dataset for which you know their means and
standard deviations. How do you calculate the blended mean and standard deviation of the total
dataset? Can you extend it to K subsets?
6.37. Two Sigma: Say we have two random variables X and Y. What does it mean for X and Y to
be independent? What about uncorrelated? Give an example where X and Y are uncorrelated but
not independent.
6.38. Citadel: Say we have X~Uniform(-1, 1) and Y = X^2. What is the covariance of X and Y?
6.39. Lyft: How do you uniformly sample points at random from a circle with radius R?
6.40. Two Sigma: Say you continually sample from some uniformly distributed (0, 1) random
variables until the sum of the variables exceeds 1. How many samples do you expect to make?
7.26. Walmart: What loss function is used in k-means clustering give k-clusters and n sample
points? Compute the update formula using (1) Batch gradient descent, (2) Stochastic gradient
descent for the cluster mean for cluster k using a learning rate (alpha).
7.27. Two Sigma: Describe the kernel trick in SVMs and give a simple example. How do you
decide what kernel to choose?
7.28. Morgan Stanley: Say we have N observations for some variable which we model drawn from
a Gaussian distribution. What are your best guesses for the parameters of the distribution?
7.29. Stripe: Say we are using a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) for anomaly detection of
fraudulent transactions to classify incoming transactions into K classes, Describe the model setup
formulaically and how to evaluate the posterior probabilities and log likelihood. How can we
determine if a new transaction should be deemed fraudulent?
7.30. Robinhood: Walk me through how you'd build a model to predict whether a particular
Robinhood user will chum?
7.31. Two Sigma: Suppose you are running a linear regression and model the error terms as being
normally distributed. Show that in this setup, maximizing the likelihood of the data is equivalent to
minimizing the sum of the squared residuals.
7.32. Uber: Describe the idea behind Principle Components Analysis (PCA) and describe its
formulation and derivation in matrix form. Next, go through the procedural description and solve
the constrained maximization.
7.33. Citadel: Describe the model formulation behind logistic regression. How do you maximize
the log-likelihood of a given model (using the two-class case)?
7.34. Spotify: How would you approach creating a music recommendation algorithm for Discover
Weekly (a 30-song weekly playlist personalized to an individual user)?
7.35. Google: Derive the variance-covariance matrix of the least squares parameter estimates in
matrix form.