Department of Computer Engineering
1] Index Page
2] User can view insurance , invest and loan page without Logging in.
Department of Computer Engineering
3] When User Clicks on “Apply Now” ,user will be displayed an alert box alerting “Please
Login First” (same goes for invest and loan).
4] User can also use Insurance , loan and deposit calculator’s without Logging in.
Department of Computer Engineering
5] User can calculate for different schemes without Logging in (same goes for invest and
6] After Clicking “Submit” button , Total amount , Interest and Rate of Interest will be
displayed (same goes for invest and loan).
Department of Computer Engineering
7] If user selects “yes invest now” ,user will be displayed an alert box alerting “Please
Login First” (same goes for insurance and loan).
8] If user selects “no later”, Thank You Page will be Displayed (same goes for invest and
Department of Computer Engineering
9] Footer includes links to all the social media accounts of the bank.
10] Index Page has two main buttons “Log in” And “Open DA”.
Department of Computer Engineering
11] On clicking “Open DA” button , Open Digital account form will be open.
12] After Submiting , User will be displayed a confirm box “Successfully Registered!!”.
Department of Computer Engineering
14] If user enters correct details, then on clicking “Log in” button OTP window will be
Department of Computer Engineering
15] On clicking “Get OTP” button , an alert box will pop-up with a random 4 digit OTP.
16] User must enter the OTP within the given time, otherwise the window will disappear.
Department of Computer Engineering
17] If user Enter Invalid Login Details, A Sorry Page will be displayed
23] On clicking on “Account” button on navigation bar on home page, Account form will
be displayed (Valid details) .
24] On clicking “Get OTP” button , an alert box displaying 4 digit random OTP will be
Department of Computer Engineering
25] On clicking “Submit OTP” button, prompt will be displayed “Enter OTP”.
26] On clicking “Check Balance” , an alert box displaying balance will be displayed.
Department of Computer Engineering
28] For invalid details, an alert box displaying “Invalid details” will be displayed.
Department of Computer Engineering
29] Contact Us page (Both for Logged in and without Logged in).
30] About Us page (Both for Logged in and without Logged in).
Department of Computer Engineering
Note: Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3
columns and individual in 4th columns for each group of students as per rubrics.
Note: Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3
columns and individual in 4th columns for each group of students as per rubrics.
Note: Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3
columns and individual in 4th columns for each group of students as per rubrics.