2015 Upgrade A Cyscan system to 4.83_2
2015 Upgrade A Cyscan system to 4.83_2
2015 Upgrade A Cyscan system to 4.83_2
0. Introduction
This document details how to upgrade a CyScan MKIV system to version 4.83 which uses the
CyScan ‘Dashboard’ human interface. There are two procedures depending on the level of
software in the target system.
If the current system is sensor version 4.60 or below upgrading the sensor must be done via the
USB socket at the sensor, See procedure 1 below. If the CyScan sensor is at version 4.70 or
above procedure 2 should be followed.
1.1.1. Obtain a USB key and create a folder called Upgrade in the root directory e.g.
E:\Upgrade (see fig.1) - The USB key should be 4GB or less in size and formatted
as FAT16 or FAT32 only, NTFS formatted keys will not work.
1.1.2. Copy Release.zip and Navboot.exe files into the upgrade directory on the key.
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1.2. Backup Parameter & Calibration Settings
1.2.1. Enable Service Access mode (See CyScan Operators Guide p.64)
1.2.2. In Service Access mode, select the Configuration tab, then from the drop down
menu select Vessel Parameter/File Transfer (see Fig.2)
1.2.3. Insert the USB key previously prepared into the CyScan Console computer.
1.2.4. Under Calibration select Export and save the file to the USB key naming it
1.2.5. Under Parameters select Export and save the file to an external USB drive
naming it Parameters-DDMMYY
1.2.6. Also take note of the DP Feed Format & Message String type.
1.3.1. Power cycle the sensor to force a reboot of the sensor, during the first few
seconds of the power up process and when prompted by the sensor screen,
press and release user button 2 to use USB functions (see Fig.3).
1.3.2. Again when prompted by the sensor screen insert the USB device into any of the
3 available sockets. The sensor will read the USB key and prompt to update
Navboot.exe press and release user button 2 when this is displayed (see Fig.4).
1.3.3. Navboot.exe will be upgraded which takes a few minutes. On completion of the
update the sensor prompts to remove the USB device. Ensure the USB key is
removed when prompted.
1.3.4. Once again power cycle to reboot, again during reboot and when prompted by
the sensor screen, press and release user button 2 to use USB functions (see
1.3.5. Inset the USB key once again.
1.3.6. The sensor will read the USB key and prompt to upgrade Release.zip press and
release user button 2 when this is displayed.
1.3.7. The upgrade of Release.zip, this takes approx. 10 minutes.
1.3.8. Again remove the key when prompted by the upgrade, and allow the sensor to
1.3.9. Confirm the sensor is upgraded by reading the sensor software version at the
sensor display.
1.4.1. Insert the USB key into the CyScan computer and extract the CyScanInstaller.exe
file contained in the release.zip file to the desktop and then run the file (do not
uninstall the previous version).
1.4.2. During the installation you will be prompted to select the communication
protocol for the system. Ensure the correct protocol is selected i.e. Ethernet /
1.4.3. Once the update has completed restart the CyScan computer as prompted.
1.4.4. Then repeat Step 1.1 to 1.5, but this time import both the calibration and
parameters files previously saved back into the console and select the correct DP
Feed Format.
1.5.1. Enable Service Access mode (See CyScan Dashboard Installer’s Guide p.30)
1.5.2. In Service Access mode, navigate to sensor settings (More >> Page 2 >> Sensor
Settings). See Fig.5
1.5.3. Insert the USB key previously prepared into the CyScan Console computer.
1.5.4. Select Import.
1.5.5. Click Import Parameters. The enter file name dialog box will appear (Fig 6).
1.5.6. Enter the parameter filename previously saved, including the full path to the USB
1.5.7. Once the import of the parameters is completed again select Import.
1.5.8. Click Import Calibration. The enter file name dialog box will appear (Fig 7).
1.5.9. Enter the calibration filename previously saved, including the full path to the USB
End of procedure 1
2.1.1. Obtain a USB key and create a folder called Upgrade in the root directory e.g.
E:\Upgrade (see fig.1) - The USB key should be 4GB or less in size and formatted
as FAT16 or FAT32 only, NTFS formatted keys will not work.
2.1.2. Copy Release.zip only into the upgrade directory on the key.
2.2.1. Enable Service Access mode (See CyScan Operators Guide p.64)
2.2.2. In Service Access mode, select the Configuration tab, then from the drop down
menu select Vessel Parameter/File Transfer (see Fig.2)
2.2.3. Insert the USB key previously prepared into the CyScan Console computer.
2.2.4. Under Calibration select Export and save the file to the USB key naming it
2.3.1. Power cycle the sensor to force a reboot of the sensor, during the first few
seconds of the power up process and when prompted by the sensor screen,
press and release user button 2 to use USB functions (see Fig.3).
2.3.2. Again when prompted by the sensor screen insert the USB device into any of the
3 available sockets. The sensor will read the USB key and prompt to update
Release.zip press and release user button 2 when this is displayed (see Fig.4).
2.3.3. Release.zip will be upgraded which takes a few minutes. On completion of the
update the sensor prompts to remove the USB device.
2.3.4. The upgrade of Release.zip, takes approx. 10 minutes. Ensure the USB key is
removed when prompted.
2.3.5. Allow the sensor to reboot.
2.3.6. Confirm the sensor is upgraded by reading the sensor software version at the
sensor display.
2.4.1. Insert the USB key into the CyScan computer and extract the CyScanInstaller.exe
file contained in the release.zip file to the desktop and then run the file (do not
uninstall the previous version).
2.4.2. During the installation you will be prompted to select the communication
protocol for the system. Ensure the correct protocol is selected i.e. Ethernet /
2.4.3. Once the update has completed restart the CyScan computer as prompted.
2.4.4. Then repeat Step 1.1 to 1.5, but this time import both the calibration and
parameters files previously saved back into the console and select the correct DP
Feed Format.
2.5.1. Enable Service Access mode (See CyScan Dashboard Installer’s Guide p.30)
2.5.2. In Service Access mode, navigate to sensor settings (More >> Page 2 >> Sensor
Settings). See Fig.5
2.5.3. Insert the USB key previously prepared into the CyScan Console computer.
2.5.4. Select Import.
2.5.5. Click Import Parameters. The enter file name dialog box will appear (Fig 6).
2.5.6. Enter the parameter filename previously saved, including the full path to the USB
2.5.7. Once the import of the parameters is completed again select Import.
2.5.9. Enter the calibration filename previously saved, including the full path to the USB
2.5.11. Check the DP Feed Format & Message and DP feed behaviour settings are the
same as previously set prior to upgrade. (More >> Page 1 >> DP Feed). See Fig.8.
End of procedure 2