Grundfos Hydronic Heating Handbook

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Hydronic Heating and

Hot Water Recirc Systems

Your personal guide for hydronic heating The guide contains the
following elements: 1
and hot water recirculation systems


This Technicians Service Manual is intended to assist you with an

overview of various systems and processes that incorporate Grundfos 3. RADIANT HEATING
products. The information presented here is only for illustration and 3
discussion purposes. The manual is not intended as a substitute for
the documentation that accompanies Grundfos products or other
products discussed in this publication.
Whenever undertaking any of the projects described here or using any
Grundfos product, you should always determine and comply with the
applicable building codes, permit requests, and other laws. There may
be national, state, or local codes that govern the installation of equip- 5. PUMP SELECTION
ment set forth herein. 5

Boilers, furnaces, pumps, and other similar equipment are sophisticat-

ed products that require caution. Working with water, glycol and other
materials, alone or in conjunction with electricity, gas or other energy 6
sources, presents certain dangers both to persons and property. It is
critical that technicians, installers, system designers, and owners be
aware of all dangers inherent in the products and systems. You should
consult, understand, and heed all cautions, warnings, and danger des- 7. TROUBLE SHOOTING
ignations that are listed in the product or process documentation. 7

Nothing herein shall be construed as a warranty, expressed or implied.

All Grundfos products carry warranties. You should consult the specific 8. REFERENCES
product information to determine the terms of such warranties. 8

1 2


Boiler types .................................................................................................................... 7 - 8 Determining metallurgy ...............................................................................................45
Solid fuel.......................................................................................................................9 Static, dynamic, and total dynamic head ............................................................... 46
Condensing - oil and gas.....................................................................................10 Selecting the right circulator .............................................................................. 47 - 48
Converting steam to hot water .......................................................................... 11 UP10-16B5/BN5/BU ....................................................................................................... 50
Integrating condensing/modulation ...............................................................12 UP15-10SU7P Comfort System ................................................................................... 51
Annual maintenance .............................................................................................13 UP15-10B5/7, BUC5/7 ......................................................................................................52
Direct hot water - Boiler generated .................................................................14 UP15-18B5/7, BUC5/7.......................................................................................................53
Indirect and direct water heaters ...................................................................... 15 UP15-29 SU/SF ..................................................................................................................54
Tankless water heaters ..................................................................................................16 UP15-42B5/7, BUC5/7 ......................................................................................................55
Solar hot water ........................................................................................................ 17 - 18 UP(S)15-35, 55 SU/SF....................................................................................................... 56
UPS15-58, 26-99, 43-44................................................................................................... 57
2. PIPING STRATEGIES UPS26-150, 43-100, 50-60 .............................................................................................58
UP15-42FC, BUC5/7 Miximizer ................................................................................... 59
Basic piping strategies ...................................................................................................19 UP15-42, 26-64, 26-96 Variable Speed .....................................................................60
Pumping away ................................................................................................................. 20 ALPHA ......................................................................................................................... 61 - 62
Primary, secondary, & tertiary .....................................................................................21 MAGNA.......................................................................................................................63 - 64
Series ....................................................................................................................................22 VersaFlo UP ....................................................................................................................... 65
One-pipe distribution .....................................................................................................23 VersaFlo UPS .....................................................................................................................66
Parallel .................................................................................................................................24 Dielectric isolation valves..............................................................................................67
Two-pipe direct return ...................................................................................................25 Pump zone controls........................................................................................................ 68
Two-pipe reverse return................................................................................................ 26
Zoning ..................................................................................................................................27
Zoning with circulators ................................................................................................. 28
Zoning with valves.......................................................................................................... 29 Eliminating air .........................................................................................................69 - 70
Injection ............................................................................................................................. 30 Pump installation ............................................................................................................ 71
ALPHA pump..............................................................................................................31 - 32 Thermal expansion tank sizing ...........................................................................72 - 73
Sizing water heater - tank and tankless.................................................................74
3. RADIANT HEATING Calculating heat losses ..........................................................................................75 - 76
Outdoor reset ....................................................................................................................77
Introduction .......................................................................................................................33 Pipe sizing...........................................................................................................................78
Concrete slab .................................................................................................................... 34
Under-floor........................................................................................................................ 34 7. TROUBLE SHOOTING
Walls and ceiling ..............................................................................................................35 Hot water systems and boilers ..........................................................................79 - 80
Snow melting ............................................................................................................36 - 37 Circulators ................................................................................................................. 81 - 82
Baseboard heating ................................................................................................. 82 - 83
Valves .................................................................................................................................. 84
Water heaters, radiators ....................................................................................... 85 - 86
New construction ...................................................................................................38 - 40 Noises ..................................................................................................................................87
Retrofit solution ...................................................................................................... 41 - 42 Piping .................................................................................................................................. 88
Potable hot water recirculation ................................................................................. 43 Air, Outdoor reset control, recirculation, ................................................................. 89
Annual savings ................................................................................................................ 44

3 4


Be–Think–Innovate and Grundfos Be responsible

Being responsible is our foundation.
Grundfos is a company that changes as the world changes – but
our fundamental values remain constant. Over the years, our way We know that we have a responsibility towards the people who are
of doing things has proved to be successful. We have always been Grundfos, towards the innovative soul of Grundfos, as well as towards
innovative, we have always thought ahead and we have always been the surrounding world. Whatever we do, we make sure that we have a
responsible. Be–Think–Innovate – the values underlying these words firm and sustainable basis for doing so.
have consistently been a part of Grundfos, but now we want the world
to know: Be–Think–Innovate is Grundfos.
Think ahead
Thinking ahead makes innovation possible.
Guide to this Technician’s Handbook We encourage a certain Grundfos way of thinking, which is founded
upon the belief that everyone must contribute by using his or her
Your time is valuable and we recognize that you are under more judgment and foresight. We are looking for commitment and ideas in
pressure today to do more in less time than ever before. everything we do so we can come up with the best solutions. We think
– and then we act.
That’s why we developed this booklet, which, by the way, is in direct
response to your expressed interest in it. You’ll find useful information
about hydronic piping strategies and circulation, charts, graphs, and Innovate
technician tips, all offered here to assist you while on the job. Innovation is the essence.

We hope that technicians, installers, system designers, and owners It is innovation that makes Grundfos unique. We stand out because
alike will value this resource. We designed it for tough service, just like of our ability to constantly create new solutions to the ever-changing
our products. Put it to use… and let us know what you think of it. We demands of the pump business. We meet every challenge and we are
value your insight and opinion. Visit our website and click on the “give never afraid of taking the initiative – remaining true to our ideals calls
us your feedback” tab. See back cover for specific handbook websites. for renewal. Innovation is the soul of Grundfos.

5 6
Heat sources

Boilers are typically the heart of a contemporary hydronic system. Atmospheric vented (newer style)
1 Boiler types: Later generations of boilers became smaller while offering much great-
er energy efficiency. Internal flue passageways grew closer together
• Atmospheric vented with draft diverter (chimney) – older style, low and with design improvements that further increased operational
efficiency non-condensing boiler, On/Off operation efficiency. At the time of their development, these types of boilers
delivered 80% to 83% efficiency, considered then to be ‘high efficiency.’
• Atmospheric vented with draft diverter (chimney) – newer style, Most were vented directly into chimneys.
medium efficiency non-condensing boiler, On/Off operation
As developments continued, new boilers soon exceeded to 85% ef-
• Indirect, side wall vented to exterior with fan assisted exhaust ficiency range. But with system advancements, a key change involved
– older style, low efficiency non-condensing boiler, On/Off operation the lowering of boiler flue gas temperatures. As these cooler exhaust
gasses enter old chimneys, condensation can form easily (when flue
• Indirect, side wall vented to exterior, fan assisted (stainless steel temps fall below 350°F, the formation of acidic condensate becomes a
exhaust) – newer style, higher efficiency non-condensing boiler, constant challenge and can ruin masonry chimneys, especially those
On/Off operation that are older and unlined). A flue liner must be installed to protect
the occupants. Aluminum may be used for gas-fired systems and
• Direct vent, sealed combustion vented to the exterior, fan assisted stainless steel must be used for oil.
(stainless steel or plastic exhaust) – high efficiency condensing,
On/Off or modulating operation. Condensate drained by gravity or Boilers – indirect side wall vented (low efficiency)
pump These systems offer no improvement in efficiency, but give greater
flexibility when placing a boiler where a conventional chimney is not
• Solid fuel boilers, wood/coal, indoor atmospheric chimney vented, available.
outdoor with exhaust stack and open relief or relief valved on water
side, normally isolated through a heat exchanger from the home’s Boilers – indirect side wall vented (high efficiency)
hydronic heating system These boilers provide higher efficiency operation. Venting material
changes to high temp plastic or stainless steel. Boilers, for the first
Boilers – atmospheric vented (old style) time, now include a secondary heat exchanger within the exhaust
stream to harvest waste energy, greatly improving efficiency.
Built long before fuel efficiency was a concern, their internal passage-
ways were designed to handle raw gases, soot, and smoke from solid Boilers – direct vent, sealed combustion (higher efficiency)
fuels. Heating of domestic water was typically accomplished by grav- These systems – designed to achieve mid-90s efficiency – extract a
ity flow to a storage tank. significant amount of waste energy from the waste stream. These
boilers are ideal for low temp hydronic systems, such as radiant heat
Old chimneys are often unlined; it’s vitally important to check the base and snow melt. One of the latest advancements is modulation of
each year to remove debris; this protects against infiltration of CO2 the burner. No longer an on/off appliance, these boilers dramatically
and other by-products of combustion. reduce fuel use and can actually match heat output to the building’s
heat loss. Flue gas temps are often well below 350°F. Stainless steel or
aluminum is the required venting material. Condensate is acidic and
must be neutralized before drain discharge.

7 8
Heat sources

Solid fuel Condensing – oil / gas

1 Wood- and coal-fired boilers can be open or closed systems. Open The emergence of early condensing boilers began in this country about
systems tend to be large in water volume and located outdoors. Wood one decade ago. A few cast iron models were available with efficien-
varies in BTU content, depending on the species and moisture content. cies approaching 90% and required stainless steel indirect venting.
Coal also varies in BTU content due to impurities. Draft inducer fans drew combustion gases through the boiler and
rejected the gases to a sidewall vent termination.
Open systems use a heat exchanger loop when connected to a
building’s hydronic system. If subjected to freezing temperatures, the More recently, these systems have advanced technologically and are
loop must be filled with a glycol solution. plentiful. Stainless steel is used for many of the heat exchangers
and extract sufficient heat from the combustion process to maintain
Closed systems can be made to work in conjunction with an existing exhaust temperatures well below 350° F.
hydronic heating system and must be provided with an uninterrupted
means for moving energy from the solid fuel boiler. Condensate is mildly acidic and must be neutralized before discharg-
ing into metal drain line piping. This new generation of condensing
A relief valve with a BTU rating that equals or exceeds the maximum boilers can achieve mid-90% efficiencies. They’re ideally suited for low
BTU capacity of the vessel and its fuel must be installed to direct any temperature radiant heat and snow melt systems.
discharge away from people.
One of the latest advancements to these systems is modulation of
the burner. No longer an on/off appliance, these boilers are adept
at dramatically reducing fuel use. Venting requirements vary widely
between manufacturers, as do piping and pumping needs. Setting up
Controlled by room combustion using a calibrated combustion analyzer is necessary to
thermostat ensure proper boiler function.
Check valves permit dual/individual use

Controlled by
aquastat only

Add strainer
Relief valve sized
properly and safely

Solid fuel boiler Neutralizer

Condensate drain
9 10
Heat sources

Converting steam to hot water Integrating condensing/modulation with older

1 Many two-pipe steam systems can be converted to hot water. Energy systems 1
savings can be dramatic if a modulating condensing boiler is used.
Existing high-temp hydronic systems with baseboards, convectors, or
If the radiators are connected across both the top and bottom, you can cast iron radiators can be switched over to condensing, modulating
begin to determine if hot water heating is an option. The first step operation.
requires a complete room-by-room heat loss and survey of the heat
emitters to ensure they’ll meet design-load conditions. The first step requires a room-by-room heat loss survey; be sure to
include each room’s existing heat emitter. Each type of heat emitter
Each radiator will need to have the older-style steam valve replaced will have a limited amount of BTU output, which will be based on its
and either the bellows removed from its trap or replaced with a return size and heating curve. By using the charts included in this booklet,
union/elbow. Many cast iron radiators were designed to be used for you can determine the output of each room’s heat source at varying
steam or hot water and will have a threaded plug near the top of one water temperatures. Once you’ve completed the heat loss survey and
end section. This can be removed by center-drilling the plug and gently know that room’s BTU load, the heat emitter’s capacity will determine
extracting it. A loose-key air vent can then be installed and the radia- how low you can go with water temperature delivery.
tor made ready for service by tightening both supply/return unions.
The ∆T across each heat emitter can be quickly determined by sub-
Rust and debris will likely find their way to the boiler; installation of tracting the BTU output from the GPM flow rate. The purpose behind
a strainer is recommended. Replace the strainer’s plug with a boiler the math? If you can keep the return water’s temperature below 140°
drain to quickly blow-down the unit’s screened compartment. F (what is needed to achieve condensate heat recovery within the
boiler), you’ll maximize the “mod-con’s” energy efficiency.
Once filled with water, any leaks can be found. It’s a good idea to tell
the owner that this is a possibility and, if so, repairs will be necessary. The addition of a Y-strainer to capture water-borne debris is recom-
A homeowner may also enjoy knowing that a hot water system – es- mended. Primary/secondary piping is an excellent method to ensure
pecially if you’ve used outdoor reset – will be safer, more comfortable, the boiler has the required GPM flow rate at all times.
and more energy gy efficient.
Cut & connect new piping
Hot water


Add strainer

Cut and connect new piping


11 Condensate drain 12
Heat sources

Annual maintenance Direct hot water – boiler generated

1 Most heating systems suffer from neglect. As you well know, home- There are a number of boiler manufacturers that offer models which
owners often forget about mechanical systems – until there’s a crisis. also heat potable water.
Lucky you! Here are some tips that may help you on the job.
Some use a three-way valve to divert hydronically heated water
Older style boilers often vent into chimneys: through a flat-plate heat exchanger to produce hot potable water;
• Clean and inspect flue passageways and exhaust piping the GPM flow rate is dependent upon net BTU input from the boiler
• Inspect piping, circulators, and controls (see tankless water heaters). During production of potable hot water,
• Inspect and clean chimney hydronic heating zones are disabled so that the boiler’s full energy is
• Perform combustion analysis prioritized to making potable hot water. Temperature fluctuations and
the potential for scalding make it important to use an ASSE 1016/1017
Indirect-vent boilers (non-condensing): thermostatic scald-guard.
In addition to the above . . .
• Exhaust vent piping must be adequately supported (no sags) Other models have dual storage tanks – a tank within a tank – to
• Exhaust termination points - inspect for blockages: bee’s nests, maintain separation between the hydronic and potable waters.
rodents, perimeter clearance from landscaping, and potential for Heat-energy is transferred directly through the walls of the two tanks.
snow drifting/accumulation A time-out feature can be programmed to temporarily shut down
hydronic zones while domestic potable hot water is in use. While po-
Direct-vent condensing boilers: table hot water outlet temperatures tend to be relatively stable, they
In addition to the above . . . will often be within scalding ranges, so be sure to use an ASSE certified
• Open combustion chamber to chemically clean all internal pas- 1016/1017 thermostatic scald-guard.
• Inspect and clean condensate trap/drain line Hydronic Hydronic
• Inspect and verify condensate pump operation (if present) supply return
• Clean or replace flame sensors and/or probes
• Recharge condensate neutralizer
• An electronic combustion analyzer must be used for proper com-
bustion analysis, operation, and to maintain peak efficiency
• Print out results to document your work 3-way valve

Solid fuel boilers:

• Thoroughly clean all interior combustion and flue passageways Potable cold in
• Inspect and clean chimney, flue piping, and anything used to
transport exhaust gases
• Relief valves should be tested Potable hot out
• Test glycol for pH level
• Inspect door gaskets, controls, and circulators
ASSE 1016/1017 valve

13 14
Heat sources

Indirect and direct water heaters Tankless water heaters

1 Basic indirect and direct storage-tank water heaters have a well insu- Tankless water heaters heat water on-the-fly. If you apply the BTU
lated tank and lose very little heat to the surrounding area. Both types ratings for the fuel type, know the ∆T and the appliance net input, the
must be connected to an external energy source that generates heated maximum delivery flow rate can be determined.
• Presdrop may create the need for a booster pump
On average, an indirect tank has an internal coil through which hy- • Venting requirements must be followed exactly
dronically heated water is circulated. A sensor or aquastat is used to • In retrofit applications, gas and electric lines must be increased
monitor the storage temperature and activate/deactivate the external • Not suitable for use with aggressive or high mineral content water
energy source. A properly sized circulator is used to move energy from • Direct recirculation is not recommended due to high head loss
the heat source through the tank’s coil. The circulator should pump to-
wards the highest head loss. GPH rating for heating potable water will * Consult tankless manufacturer’s recommendations before installing
be dependent on the GPM flow rate through the coil and the delivery recirculation system.
temperature from (and net BTU rating of) the energy source. • If an quastat and timer is not used, the electric water heater may
not have enough recovery rate to keep up with BTU losses.
On systems with a direct style storage tank, potable water is circulated
through the energy-producing device to maintain temperature. All
components must be rated for direct contact with potable water. Cir-
culators must have bronze or stainless steel impellers and water-ways Example: Indirect recirculation
and must be sized to meet the required GPM.
To point of use Tankless potable
Meeting peak demand determines the sizing. As the storage tank vol- water heater
ume increases, the net BTU rating of the heat source can be decreased. Aquastat
Multiple storage tanks can be combined with a single heat source to Timer
increase peak-demand storage.

6-8 gal. electric

water heater

15 16
Heat sources

Solar hot water – storage tank

1 Three basic types of solar panels are the vacuum tube, flat enclosed
panel, and soft roll mat. Vacuum tube array panels offer some of the
highest efficiencies and potential for the hottest water (in excess of Potable
160° F). Flat enclosed panels are less expensive and produce slightly
lower temperatures, while soft roll mat panels are typically used for Hot out Cold in
pool heating applications.

Common to all three: panels work best in a south-facing orientation.

Storage volume is chiefly dependent on panel style, number of panels,
solar radiation (amount of sunshine), lifestyles of the occupants, and
other sources of hot water.

In warm climates where freezing is not a concern, the entire solar heat
system (including the tank) may be located on the roof, or collectors
may be lower in elevation than the storage tank. All other types will ASSE
incorporate one or more circulators to move heated water.

In areas subject to freezing temperatures (solar panels can freeze at

temperatures below 32° F), the solar heat system will either be pres-
surized and filled with a glycol/water mixture or self-draining to a tank
that can accept the drained volume without overflowing. Heat exchanger

Stored water is often above scalding temperatures. An ASSE-1016/1017

certified scald-guard mixing valve is required to regulate delivery
temperatures. A differential temperature control turns the pump(s) on
and off when the solar collector temperature rises above stored water


Solar Auxiliary
storage water
tank heater

17 18
Piping strategies

Basic piping strategies Pumping away

Piping is used as the energy-transportation network. Its job is to In any hydronics system, the point where the thermal expansion tank
permit sufficient flow to move enough BTUs within a given time frame joins the piping is called the “Point of No Pressure Change”. Since
so that comfort levels can be maintained under design conditions. water cannot be compressed or stretched, no water can leave the hy-
Once you’ve calculated the heat loss, the design process and installa- dronic loop when a pump starts/stops. Circulator pumps create a pres-
tion methods you choose will determine pipe sizing. sure differential when running, which upsets the pressure balance and
2 causes fluid to flow. The pump’s differential pressure will be added to 2
Manufacturers of pipe and tubing provide flow charts detailing maxi- the loop if it is installed after the thermal expansion tank – Pumping
mum flow rates and head loss per foot for various sizes. Size matters: Away.
maximum tubing lengths are limited by flow rate and total head loss.
If multiple loops are attached to a single manifold, the highest head The added pressure causes air bubbles to shrink, which makes them
loss of any single loop is the number used when selecting a pump to less buoyant and helps carry them through the loop where they can be
serve this manifold. removed by an air elimination device such as an automatic air vent or
separator. Pumping Away helps eliminate air, enhances quiet perfor-
Circulators create a pressure differential that induces flow. The com- mance, and helps systems run more efficiently.
bined GPM flow rate required and single largest head loss determine
which pump is the best match. Warning: Pumping towards a thermal expansion tank has the opposite
effect: pressure will decrease at the system’s highest elevation; air
bubbles will expand and gather together; noise will be created during
operation; customers will complain; nuisance no-heat calls will occur;
and the potential to damage system components will be present.

Pumping Away – Piping

19 20
Piping strategies

Primary, secondary, & tertiary loops Series

All fluid passes throughout this network. Air elimination is critical at
Primary loop: start-up and on a continuing basis in order to maintain comfort, quiet
operation, and to protect system components.
This is normally the loop connected to the heat source with the
thermal expansion tank. Multiple boiler configurations may each be
2 connected to a primary loop (see boiler section for details). 2
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Secondary loops: • Simple • Single zone only
These are connected to the primary loop and serve separate heating • Less expensive • High head loss potential
loads. • Easy control strategy • BTU drop-off along loop
• Flow rates critical
Tertiary loops: • Over/under heating

These can be connected to secondary loops, as in the example below,

where the return water temperature from the baseboard loop is the
required supply temperature for the wall-panel radiator.


Secondary Secondary Tertiary

21 22
Piping strategies

One-pipe distribution systems Parallel

Flow of water (BTUs) is accomplished by using tees with flow restric- Balancing for equal flow through parallel piping loops is accomplished
tors that cause some of the water to divert through the heat emitter. by installing balancing valves or reducing/increasing pipe size in the
supply/return lines

2 2
Advantages: Disadvantages: Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Reduced material cost • High head loss potential • Simple • High head loss potential
• Individual heat emitter control • BTU drop-off along loop • Moderate cost increase • Flow rates more critical
• Enhanced heat distribution • Flow rates very critical • Easy control strategy • Velocity noise
• Air elimination difficult • Individual heat emitter control • Pipe sizing more critical
• Easy to balance heat output
• Consistent temperature supply

23 24
Piping strategies

Two-pipe direct return Two-pipe reverse return

In a two-pipe direct return system, heat emitters are connected to the In a two-pipe reverse return system, heat emitters are still connected
supply/return piping like rungs of a ladder. between the supply return like rungs on a ladder. However, reverse
return has its supply/return connected at opposite ends – pushing/
pulling with equal force through all the connected heat emitters that
have identical or similar head losses.
2 2
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Simple • Flow balance issues
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Control heat emitters individually • Uneven distribution of heat
• Simple • Higher cost
• Zoning is possible • Velocity noise
• Balanced heat output • May require a by-pass valve
• Over/under heating
• Quiet, even flow
• Individual zoning

25 26
Piping strategies

Zoning Zoning with circulators

Zoning can be accomplished by using circulators, motorized valves, Not long ago, it was more complicated and expensive to zone with
manifold telestats, or solenoid valves, giving owners/occupants more circulators than it was with zone valves. Not any more. Today’s com-
control to manage room-to-room comfort levels. Zoning reduces pact wet-rotor circulators are extremely versatile, rugged, and no more
energy consumption by heating only spaces during operator- expensive than zone valves. Circulators are available in multi-speed,
programmed time periods. and with or without integral flow checks. Add air purge and isolation
2 flanges and you’ll soon see how simple air elimination can be. Servic- 2
ing a single circulator is quickly accomplished without interrupting the
Advantages: Disadvantages: operation of other zones.
• Reduced energy cost • Higher installation cost
• Independent control of space Zoning with circulators offers the ability to deliver multiple tempera-
• Design flexibility tures from either a single-source set-point or graduated temperatures
from a primary loop with outdoor reset. As the reset curve changes, so
will the mixed-down temperatures – allowing the secondary circuits to
use the same reset ratio. The highest temperature zone becomes the
Example 1: reset target temperature and determines the reset ratio.

Multi-speed circulators, like the SuperBrute, allow the designer or in-

staller to adjust flow rates for reduced energy consumption and silent
operation. In fact, the SuperBrute lineup, each with a flip-of-a-switch,
three-speed adjustability, offers versatility unmatched in the industry.
These multi-speed circs improve your ability to do more with less –
reducing inventory and increasing profits.

Example 2:

27 28
Piping strategies

Zoning with valves Injection piping

Injection piping serves as a thermal bridge between two circuits for
Properly sizing a circulator includes totaling all zone-connected circuit transferring BTUs. Being hydraulically separated, the primary and
GPM flow rates and the single greatest resistance to flow in any of secondary circuits can have varying flow rates with no affect on the
the connected circuits. As zone valves open/close, flow rates and fluid other. The injection bridge circuit can also operate at a different flow
velocities vary. Most zone valves need to close against flow to avoid rate. If the ∆T is allowed to widen, more BTUs can be transferred over
2 slamming shut. the injection bridge at lower flow rates. With low flow rates required 2
to transfer large amounts of energy, the injection bridge will allow
In order to avoid flow and velocity related noises, a differential by-pass manifolds serving large areas to be remotely located, away from the
regulator may be needed. As valves close and head increases, the by- mechanical room.
pass regulator opens to maintain proper flow/velocity.
Note 1: Reduced diameter injection piping (supply and return).
Circuits can be quickly charged by installing a purge valve on the main
return or on individual returns to eliminate air. A single purge fitting Note 2: There must be a maximum of 6 pipe diameters between the
can be used to quickly charge all zones. tees in the boiler and system loops in order to prevent heat migration
(ghost flow).
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Manifold zoning • Wiring can be difficult Note 3: There must be at least 6 pipe diameters of straight pipe on
• Less expensive • May require larger transformer either side of the tees in order to prevent turbulent flow which could
• Frequent replacement encourage heat migration.
• System debris failure
• Drain system to replace Note 4: To prevent heat migration through the injection loop, there
• Frequent leaks should be a minimum 18-inch drop to create a thermal trap.

Zone valves Reset controller

By-pass Outdoor
relief valve reset
Purge valve 4


29 Purge valve Manifold telestats 30

Piping strategies

Differential pressure
by-pass valve Usin
Using the ALPHA™
A new generation of piping strategies will emerge with the Grundfos not required pum
pump in a controlled
ALPHA pump. By incorporating a permanent magnet motor design, mod
mode, will eliminate
power consumptions are now reduced by a minimum of 50%. Utiliz- the n
need for
ing the AUTOADAPT™ control feature will ensure automatic hydraulic diffe
erential pressure
2 adjustments to system demand changes. by-p
by-pass valves.

Seven hydraulic control options

• 3 Fixed speeds
• 3 Constant pressure settings

Easy-to read LED displays

• Power consumption
• Flow indicator
• Seven hydraulic settings

Simple plug in design for power connection

Constant pressure or
AUTOADAPT™ mode, will
Differential pressure automatically adapt to meet
by-pass valve the demands of your heating
not required system. By measuring andd
analyzing power demands, s,
pumping speeds are adjusted
to maximize comfort levels
and energy consumption..

31 32
Radiant heating

Radiant heating Concrete slab installations

In a radiant heating application, liquid is pumped through distribution Tubing layouts vary widely. The intent, ideally, is to run warmest water
piping, providing heat to be transferred to floors, walls, or ceilings. along the coldest sides first. Rooms with a single exposed wall might
These surfaces radiate heat in all directions, with warmth always mov- be served by a simple back and forth serpentine loop. For long walls or
ing to colder, solid objects. multiple exposed walls, two loops (or more) can be run in a counter-
flow pattern with each loop’s water flowing in opposite directions to
The water temperature for radiant heating systems is typically much minimize any noticeable floor temperature difference.
lower than what’s used with other types of heat transfer – such as
with radiators and baseboard systems. Putting heat where it’s most
needed and the use of lower liquid temperatures improves comfort,
control, and reduces energy consumption.
3 3
It’s not uncommon for a radiant system to vary its water delivery tem-
peratures from 75° F to 140° F to offset building heat losses. During
the heat loss calculation and design phase, a reset ratio is calculated
to determine the upper and lower water delivery temperature limits.
Floor surface materials must be considered and will affect the rate of
heat transfer.

Multi-speed, low wattage circulators, like the SuperBrute, give you

greater flexibility to match wide varieties of required flow/head rates
for floor, wall, and/or ceil-
ing applications. Radiant vs. Forced air heating Under-floor installations
There are a number of There are four basic types of installation for under-floor designs:
installation methods for suspended tube, staple-up, thin plate, and extruded plate. Thermal
radiant heating applica- performance varies between each style.y Insulation installed below the
tions. Each one provides tubing
bing directs heat upward through the flooring materials.
varying degrees of
energy efficiency and
comfort. The correct
application will be the
one that most closely
matches a given instal-
lation and its design.

The finished surface ma-

terials will determine
maximum allowable
water temperatures.
33 34
Radiant heating

Above-floor installations Snow melt

There are four basic installation applications for above-floor designs: Snow melting systems are a popular addition to hydronic systems. In
staple-down with gypcrete over-pour, plated tube on sleepers, struc- some cases, the snow melting load will be far greater than the home
tural sub-floor with built-in tube channels, and several non-structural, or business heating needs. This may mean installing a separate stand-
over-floor products with channels for tubing. alone heat source for snow melting. Glycol solutions are more viscous
than plain water, which increase head (resistance to flow) and also
g y reduces the abilityy to transport
p heat-energy.

3 3

Walls and ceilings

In some installations, it may be necessary or desirable to run tubing in
walls or ceilings to offset heat loss. For a walk-in shower, for instance,
it may be best to heat all surfaces for a warm cocoon-like environment.
Towel warmers can also be used to p provide a p
portion of the heat load.

35 36
Radiant heating Hot water recirculation

Snow melting Why wait for hot water?

Snow melting systems are sometimes required for safety in public There are three key reasons your customers should want a “recirc”
areas and helipads at hospitals. Residential snow melting systems are system:
a popular addition to hydronic systems. In some cases, the snow melt-
ing load will be far greater than the home or business heating needs. It saves water – It saves money – It saves time
This may mean installing a separate stand-alone heat source for snow
melting. Or, for a swimming pool, you could offer the temperature The average home wastes 11,461 gallons of water per year due to
conditioning to extend the swimming season. unnecessary wait for hot water to reach showers and faucets. Instal-
lation of a dedicated hot water return line, “recirc” system, means a
continuous flow of hot water without having to wait.

3 Fresh water is a precious natural resource that is slowly being de-

pleted. In many parts of the world, stringent water conservation is
already a part of everyday life. Even in the U.S., rising populations and
arid climates in some Western states have resulted in higher costs
and stronger focus on water conservation. Hot water recirculation is a
cost-effective method of controlling and additional waste of water. 4

Glycol loop

Snow melt


Condensate drain

Liquid glycol solutions are more viscous than plain water, which
increases head - resistance to flow - and also slightly reduces the abil-
ity to transport heat-energy (see glycol information in the pumping
section). Condensing modulating boilers are often used for these low-
temperature applications because they do not require boiler flue gas
condensation or thermal shock protection. Hydronic glycol pH should
be tested annually. Thermal expansion is greater when glycol is added
and the expansion tank must be rated for use with glycol.

37 38
Hot water recirculation

One preferred method is by installing a pump with Timer and Aquastat For new construction
on the return line. This method of installation will ensure maximum
energy savings when both controlling limits are satisfied, fluid tem- One possible solution is the UP10-16 for new homes, designed
perature observed by the aquastat, and the timer setting. with dedicated return lines. The one-piece HWR solution is easily
installed at the water heater. This innovative pump comes with
Pump with Timer and Aquastat an integrated aquastat and timer to meet your customers specific
Pump Integrated
Aquastat Timer Aquastat

Cold water supply Timer
Hot water
supply to
VXSSO\WR Hot water return line
4 4
Check Valve

Cold water
Hot water VXSSO\
supply to

Hot water
return line

Purging a hot water recircula-

tion system is very imprtant
upon installation. Ensures
proper operation of the pump
and system components.
39 40
Hot water recirculation

Hot water recirc: the retrofit solution As long as the water in the hot line remains cold, the valve stays
open and the cold water is sent back to the heater through the cold
The Comfort System is a one-pump, one-valve combo that’s typically water line. Hot water stands ready to come out when the tap is
installed in one hour – without the need to install a return line to the turned on. Contractors also appreciate the fact that there’s no need
water heater, or an electrical connection outside the mechanical room. for electric service under the sink – a common requirement for other
recirculation systems.
The unit begins working when the timer-activated pump at the hot
water tank pushes hot water toward a valve beneath the furthest
fixture in the house. The valve connects the hot and cold water supply
Typical Comfort System installation

4 Bypass 4

Flex hose

Hot water

Cold wate
er su
water upp


Hot Water Tank

For more information on either system, go to

41 42
Hot water recirculation

Potable hot water recirculation Example 1:

A common homeowner complaint is the long wait for hot water in the Operating costs for recirculation – constant circulation:
bathroom. Frequently, that wait can last for one or two minutes. Toss • 25W circulator running 24/7/365 costs $20.15 at $.092 kWh
in a family with several bathrooms, and the potential exists for large • Average annual heat loss cost $138.33 (1/2-inch copper tubing cov-
volumes of water to be wasted. Our chart with the calculation based ered with 1/2-inch fiberglass insulation)
on pipe size, length of run, and daily usage indicates 9,855 to 55,115 gal-
lons of wasted water per year ( Annual savings: $275.12 - $20.15 - $138.33 = $116.64

Hot water recirculation system applications:

• 24/7/365 constant circulation with a dedicated return line Example 2:
• Dedicated return line with an aquastat to turn the pump on and off
• Dedicated return line with timed pump circulation Operating costs for recirculation – timed circulation:
• Hot-to-cold timed circulation with an aquastat to limit the cold • 25W circulator running 2 hours per day costs $1.68 at $.092 kWh
water line’s temperature • Average annual heat loss cost $14.62 (1/2-inch copper tubing covered
• Thermal by-pass systems can be motion-sensor, infrared, or with 1/2-inch fiberglass insulation)
manually activated
4 Annual savings: $275.12 - $1.68 - $14.62 = $258.82 4
Why is it important?

Water use:
• An average home over 2,000 square feet has 125 feet of 3/4-inch pipe
• 125 feet of 3/4-inch Type L copper pipe holds 3.14 gallons of water
• 10 draws per day wastes about 31.4 gallons of water
• Over a year, the use equals 11,461 gallons
• 25.2 million homes waste 288,817,200,000 gallons of water per year

Wasted water cost analysis:

• Assume 12,000 gallons water wasted per year
• At $.007 per gallon, that comes to $84 down the drain
• At 82% efficiency, heating water from 55° F to 140° F costs $138.33
(natural gas costs $.01335 per 1 cu. ft.)
• Add yearly sewage treatment cost of $52.79
• The total wasted-water-cost would come to $275.12

The system’s initial cost and fees to install an electrical outlet may
seem like a deal-killer. But if you promote the return on investment,
your sales will increase. ROI is calculated by dividing the system’s cost
into the annual fuel savings. If you project an annual saving of $100
and the system costs $600 installed, the ROI is an attractive 16.7%,
which is also a tax-free ROI.
43 38 39 44
Pump selection

Determining metallurgy Static, dynamic, & total dynamic head

One aspect of your pump selection should be determining the metal- The term “head” is used often and has many different meanings – no
lurgical makeup of your pump. What should your metallurgy be, based wonder it’s confusing. Let’s untangle the head knot a bit.
on application, fluid medium, and any governing standards?
Static head:
First Step: Defined as the pressure required to adequately fill the hydronic sys-
• Will this be an Open or Closed system? tem. Static head needs to be greater than the highest elevation within
• Open system is defined as a piping system moving fresh the hydronic system.
water or is exposed, at any point, to atmosphere - specifi-
cally oxygen. One PSI will cause water contained in a column to rise 2.31 feet. You’ll
• Closed systems are hermetically sealed piping systems, often see the rise in feet shown as ‘altitude’ on gauges. 12 PSI = 27.72-
fresh water is never required after commissioning and is feet of static pressure. Static head does not relate to the selection of
usually pressurized. No interaction with the atmosphere. circulators.

Second Step: Dynamic head:

• What is the fluid being pumped? Defined as one half of the required information to properly select
• Fresh water, chemical (pH), glycol, etc… circulators. Hydronic systems move liquid containing heat-energy from
the heat source to all points where warmth is needed. Pressure-energy
Third Step: is exerted by circulators to meet or exceed resistance to flow (dynamic
• Any federal, state, or local standards governing metallurgy? head) to move the liquids at required GPM. The pathway from heat
• Some states are requiring “lead free” or only traceable source to areas where heat is needed (or points of comfort) and back
5 amounts of lead present in potable pumping systems. again creates a loop. 5
The following parameters may influence your metallurgical selection Within each loop, there are multiple sources of friction that create
• Aggressive carbon dioxide CO2 , chloride CL- resistance to flow (dynamic head). Look for the one component that
• Free chlorine CL2 has the highest resistance to flow. Examples: longest single length of
• Oxygen O2 PEX connected to a manifold; mixing valve; total developed length of
• Acidity pH supply/return piping; heat emitters; or monoflow tees. As GPM flow
• Hydrogen sulphide H2S rates change, the dynamic head will also change.
• Temperature
Common metallurgy available, corrosion resistance increasing left to Total dynamic head:
right Each component through which hydronic fluid passes has a specific
“dynamic head.” This number will increase or decrease as flow rate
Cast iron -> Bronze -> Stainless steel increases or decreases. Once you know the GPM flow rate, you need
to determine total dynamic head – often expressed as “head losses” or
“feet of head,” a number arrived at by adding up the various dynamic
head losses for all components in that loop.

GPM rates, along with total dynamic head, are the two factors used
when selecting circulators (See next page).
45 40 46
Pump selection

Selecting the right circulator, made easy Example 3:

Head loss 3/4-inch copper = .04/100 ft. @ 170°F. 150-foot total equiva-
By now, you have completed several steps along the path to selecting lent length; 150 x .04 = 6-foot of dynamic head and 4 GPM is required.
the best circulator that will use the least amount of energy to over- Find the intersecting points for 6 feet of total dynamic head and 4 GPM.
come dynamic head. Low speed is correct.

The heat loss, fluid temperature, and potential BTU output of the
heat emitter(s) determine GPM flow rates, which guide you toward
circulator selection. In the following examples, we’ll use the UPS15-
58 SuperBrute. You will see three colored bands that represent three
different speed ranges (Hi-Med-Low). Reference the dotted lines for
applications when integral flow-checks are required.

Example 1:
At 1 GPM and 140° F fluid temperature, head losses for the 3-way
valve is rated at 15.5 feet, piping 1-foot, and radiator 2-feet. Find the
intersecting points for 18.5 feet of total dynamic head and 1 GPM.
High speed is correct.
SuperBrute UPS15-58F/FC performance curves

5 18
Without Check Valve 5
With Check Valve


Example 2:

Head (ft.)
Assume a total flow requirement of 5.6 GPM (1.4 GPM per loop). Head 10

loss 5/8-inch Pex @ 1.4 GPM = .03 per foot. 350 feet of Pex x .03 = 10.5
feet of head. Find intersecting point for 10.5 feet of total dynamic head
and 5.6 GPM. Medium speed is correct. 6 HI

2 Low
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Flow (GPM)

47 48
Pump selection

Flow Range Head Multi- UP10-16B5/BN5/BU

Model Page
(GPM) Range (ft.) Speed – for hot water recirculation
UP10-16 0 - 2.5 0-5 50 with return line
UP15-10SU7P 0 - 6.5 0-6 51
Technical data
UP15-10B/BUC 5/7 0 - 8.5 0-6 52 Flow range: 0 - 2.5 GPM
Head range: 1 - 5 feet
UP15-18B/BUC 5/7 0 - 15 0 - 14.5 53 Motor: 25W
Voltage: 1 x 115V
UP15-29 0 - 22 0 -10 54 Fluid temperature range: 36°F (2°C) to 203°F 95°C
Max. working pressure: 145 PSI
UP15-42B/BUC 5/7 0 - 18 0 -15.5 55 Flange to flange length:
UP10-16B5/BN5 3-1/8 inches
UPS15-35 0 - 21 0 -12  56 UP10-16BU 4-1/3 inches
Pump housing: Brass MS 58
UPS15-55 0 - 24 0 -18  56 Connection type:
UP10-16B5 1/2-inch sweat
UP10-16BN5 1/2-inch FNPT
UPS15-58 0 - 18 0 - 19  57
UP10-16BU GF 125 union - 1-1/4” NPSM
5 UPS26-99 0 - 33 0 - 30  57 • Standard features: 5 foot line cord w/plug 5
Mating flanges available
UPS43-44 0 - 64 0 - 14  57 • Optional features: Timer, aquastat

UPS26-150 0 - 52 0 - 47  58 Performance curves

UP10-16B5/BN5 UP10-16BU
UPS43-90 0 - 60 0 - 31  58
UPS50-60 0 - 110 0 - 21  58
UP15-42 MR/VS 2 - 36 2 - 30  59-60 3.5

Head (ft.)
ALPHA™ 0 - 22 0 - 19  61-62 2.5
MAGNA 0 - 170 0 - 42  63-64 1.5
VersaFlo UP/UPS 0 - 240 0 - 62  65-66 0.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
49 43 Flow (gpm) 50
Pump selection

UP15-10SU7P UP15-10B5/7, BUC5/7

COMFORT SYSTEM – for hot water recirculation
– for hot water recirculation
no return line required

Technical data Technical data

Flow range: 0 - 6.5 GPM Flow range: 0 - 8.5 GPM
Head range: 0 - 6 feet Head range: 0 - 6 feet
Motor Hp, watts: 1/25Hp, 25W Motor Hp, watts: 1/25Hp, 25W
Voltage: 1 x 115V Voltage: 1 x 115V
Fluid temperature range: 36°F (2°C) to 150°F (66°C) Fluid temperature range: 36°F (2°C) to 230°F (110°C)
Max. working pressure: 145 PSI Max. working pressure: 145 PSI
Flange to flange length: 5-7/16 inches Flange to flange length: See product guide
Pump housing: Stainless steel Pump housing: Silicon bronze
Pump connection type: 3/4-inch M X 3/4-inch FNPT Connection type: 1/2-inch & 3/4-inch sweat
BUC5/7 Integrated check valve
• Standard features:
Isolation valve: 1/2”M NPS • Optional features: Line cord
Flex stainless steel hoses: (2) 1/2” FNPS x 1/2”FNPS x 12” Line cord w/timer *
5 Power cord:
10 feet
Integrated 24-Hr.
* Line cord w/timer: Max fluid temp. 150°F (66°C) 5

Performance curves Performance curves

7 UP15-10B5 UP15-10B7
UP15-10BUC5 UP15-10BUC7
6 7
5 6
Head (ft.)

Head (ft.)
2 2
1 1
0 3 6 9
0 2 4 6
Flow (gpm) Flow (gpm)
51 44 45 52
Pump selection

UP15-18B5/7 BUC5/7 UP15-29 SU(1)/SF(2)

– for hot water recirculation – for hot water recirculation

Technical data Technical data

Flow range: 0 - 15 GPM Flow range: 0 - 22 GPM
Head range: 0 - 14.5 feet Head range: 0 - 10 feet
Motor Hp, watts: 1/25 Hp, 85/96W Motor Hp, watts: 1/12 Hp, 87W
Voltage: Voltage: 1 x 115V(1), 230V(2)
UP15-18B5/7 1 x 115V, 230V Fluid temperature range: 36°F (2°C) to 230°F (110°C)
UP15-18BUC5/7 1 x 115V Max. working pressure: 145 PSI
Fluid temperature range: 36°F (2°C) to 230°F (110°C) Flange to flange length: 6-1/2 inches
Max. working Pressure: 145 PSI Pump housing: Stainless steel
Flange to flange length: See product guide Connection types: (2) 1/2” dia. bolt holes (GF 15/26)(2)
Pump housing: Silicon bronze 1-1/4 inch union (GU 125)(1)
Pump connection type: 1/2-inch or 3/4-inch sweat • Optional features: Removable check valve
BUC5/7 Integrated check valve Line cord
Line cord w/timer *
5 • Optional features: Line cord * Line cord w/timer: Max fluid temp. 150°F (66°C) 5
Line cord w/timer *
* Line cord w/timer: Max fluid temp. 150°F (66°C)
Performance curves
Performance curves
Without check valve With check valve
UP15-18BUC5 UP15-18B5 10
UP15-18BUC7 UP15-18B7
15 8


Head (ft.)
Head (ft.)


3 2

0 0
0 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Flow (gpm) Flow (gpm)
53 46 47 54
Pump selection

UP15-42B5/7, BUC5/7 UPS 15-35, 55 SU/SF

– for hot water recirculation 3-speed, stainless steel

Technical data Technical data

Flow range: 0 - 18 GPM Flow range: 0 - 24 GPM
Head range: 0 - 15.5 feet Head range: 0 - 18 feet
Motor Hp, watts: 1/25 Hp, 85/95W Motor Hp, watts: UPS15-35 1/15 Hp, 110W
Voltage: UPS15-55 1/12 Hp, 87W
UP15-42B5/7 1 x 115V, 230V Voltage: 1 x 115V, 230V
UP15-42BUC5/7 1 x 115V Fluid temperature range: 36°F (2°C) to 230°F (110°C)
Fluid temperature range: 36°F (2°C) to 230°F (110°C) Max. working pressure: 145 PSI
Max. working pressure: 145 PSI Flange to flange length: 6-1/2 inches
Flange to flange length: See product guide Pump housing: Stainless steel
Pump housing: Silicon bronze Connection type: (2) 1/2” dia. bolt holes (GF 15/26)
Pump connection type: 1/2-inch & 3/4-inch sweat 1-1/4 inch union (GU 125)
BUC5/7 Integrated check valve • Standard features: Removable check valve

5 • Optional features: Line cord

• Optional features: Timer w/line cord * 5
Line cord w/timer * * Line cord w/timer: Max fluid temp. 150°F (66°C)

* Line cord w/timer: Max fluid temp. 150°F (66°C) • 230V models Single speed only

Performance curves Performance curves

UP15-42BUC5 UP15-42B5 UPS15-35 UPS15-55
UP15-42BUC7 UP15-42B7
14 12

Head (ft.)
Head (ft.)

10 9
6 6
0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 5 10 15 20 25
Flow (gpm) Flow (gpm)
55 48 49 56
Pump selection

UPS15-58(1), 26-99(2), 43-44(3) UPS26-150(1), 43-100(2), 50-60(3)

3-speed SuperBrute 3-speed SuperBruteXL
– for heating systems – for heating systems

Technical data Technical data

Flow range: 0 - 64 GPM Flow Range: 0 - 120
Head range: 0 - 30 feet Head Range: 0 - 47
Motor Hp, watts: 1/25 Hp(1), 1/6 Hp(2,3) Motor: 1/3 Hp
Voltage: 1 x 115V (1,2,3), 230V (2,3) Voltage: 1 x 115, 230V
Fluid temperature range: 36°F (2°C) to 230°F (110°C) Fluid Temperature Range: 36F (2C) to 230F (110C)
Max. working pressure: 145 PSI Max. Working Pressure: 150 PSI
Flange to flange length: 6-1/2 inches(1,2), 8-1/2 inches(3) Flange to Flange Length: 6-1/2(1), 8-1/2 inches(2,3)
Pump housing: Cast iron(1,2,3), bronze(2,3) Pump Housing: Cast iron, Stainless steel
Pump connection type: (2) 1/2” dia. bolt holes (GF 15/26) Pump Connection Type: (2) 1/2” dia. bolt holes (GF 15/26)(1,2)
(2) 1/2” dia. bolt holes (GF 40/43) (2) 1/2” dia. bolt holes (GF 40/43)(2)
(4) 1/2” dia. bolt holes (GF 50)(3)
• Standard features: Removable check valve
• Standard features: Run light
5 5

Performance curves Performance curves

UPS15-58 UPS26-99 UPS43-44
30 UPS26-150 UPS43-100 UPS50-60
25 45
20 35
Head (ft.)

Head (ft.)
15 25
5 10
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Flow (gpm) Flow (gpm)
57 50 58
Pump selection

UP15-42FC, BUC5/7 MR UP15-42(1), 26-64(2), 26-96(3) F VS

– Miximizer – Variable speed
Mixing reset control
Variable speed

Technical data
Flow range: 1 - 15.5 GPM Technical data
Head range: 1 - 15 feet Flow range: 4 - 35 GPM
Motor Hp, watts: 1/25Hp, 85W Head range: 4 - 30 feet
Voltage: 1 x 115V Motor Hp: 1/25(1), 1/12(2), 1/6(3) Hp
Fluid temperature range: 36°F (2°C) to 205°F (96°C) Voltage: 1 x 115V
Max. working pressure: 145 PSI Fluid temperature range: 36°F (2°C) to 205°F (96°C)(1),
Flange to flange length: 6-1/2 inches to 195°F (91°C)(2,3)
Pump housing: Cast iron Max. working pressure: 145 PSI
Connection type: Flange to flange length: 6-1/2 inches
UP15-42FC (2) 1/2” dia. bolt holes (GF 15/26) Pump housing: Cast iron
UP15-42BUC5 1/2-inch sweat Connection type: (2) 1/2” dia. bolt holes (GF 15/26)
UP15-42BUC7 3/4-inch sweat
• Standard features: Boiler ON/OFF output
• Standard features: Removable check valve Manual % speed control
5 Two water temperature sensors Signal: Voltage: 0-10 DC or 2-10 V(DC) 5
One outdoor temperature sensor Current: 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA
Boiler ON/OFF output Line cord
Performance curves Line cord Performance curves
UP15-42 FC UP15-42 BUC5 UP15-42 BUC7 UP15-42 UP26-64 UP26-96
16 32
14 28
12 24
10 20

Head (ft.)
Head (ft.)

8 16
6 12
4 8
2 4
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
Flow (gpm) Flow (gpm)
59 60
Pump selection

ALPHA™ Control display

– 3-speed and variable speed
Technical data
Flow Range: 0 - 22 GPM
Head Range: 0 - 19 Feet
Motor watts: 5-45W 2
Voltage: 1 x 115V
Fluid Temperature Range: 36F (2C) to 230F (110C)
Max. Working Pressure: 150 PSI 3
Flange to Flange Length: 6-1/2” 5
Pump Housing: Cast iron, Cast iron rotated,
Stainless steel
Connection Type: GF 15/26, (2) 1/2” Dia. Bolt Holes
Standard Features: LED display
Removable check valve Position Description
Line cord plug 1 Watt or flow indicator
2 Three fixed speeds
3 Three constant pressure settings
This function controls pump performance automatically within
defined performance range. Ensuring lowest possible energy
5 consumption, while maintaining maximum comfort levels.
5 Push-button for selection of pump settings 5
Approximate power usage
Performance curves
Speed setting LED Min. Max.
3 Fixed Speeds 3 Constant Pressures AUTOADAPT ™
High fixed speed 39W 45W
18 Medium fixed speed 15W 30W
16 Low fixed speed 5W 8W
Head (ft.)

12 Low constant pressure 8W 45W

8 Medium constant pressure 14W 45W
4 High constant pressure 22W 45W
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
61 Flow (gpm) See UP Product Guide or visit for details. 62
Pump selection

Standard control features
40-120(1), 65-60(2), 65-120(3) • AUTOADAPT™
– Variable Speed Pumps • Constant Curve
• Constant Pressure
• Proportional Pressure Indicates
• Night set back Flow
Technical data
Optional communications features
Flow Range: 10-170GPM
GENI Module Control
Head Range: 1-42 Feet
• Max. curve Modes
Motor Hp: 1/3(1,2) to 1(3) HP
• Min. curve
Voltage: 1x230V
• 0-10 V analog input
• Parallel pumping
Fluid Temperature Range: 59°F to 230°F
Max. Working Pressure: 145 PSI
Pump Housing: Cast iron, Stainless steel
Connection Options: 2-bolt (GF15/26)(1)
AUTOADAPT™ is an automatic control mode designed for heating applica-
2-bolt (GF40/43)(1)
tions and is unique to the Grundfos MAGNA and ALPHA™. AUTOADAPT™
4-bolt 2”, 2.5”, 3” (GF53) (2,3)
not only adjusts the pumps performance along the set control curve, but
it can also actually optimize the control curve for the particular system.
While ensuring comfort, this automatic adaptive control can reduce
5 energy consumption compared to traditional circulators by more than 5
Performance curves 70%.

Magna 40-120 Magna 65-120 Magna 65-60 Permanent Magnet Motor Design
45 The permanent magnet rotor is designed to create greater energy sav-
ings than any other speed controlled circulator on the market.
Head (ft.)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Flow (gpm) See product guide or visit for details.
63 64
Pump selection

VersaFlo UP VersaFlo UPS

– Single speed – 3-speed
UP43-70 (1)
UP43-110 (2)
UP53-45 (3)
UP53-46 (4)

Technical data Technical data

Flow range: 13 - 97 GPM Flow range: 9 - 245 GPM
Head range: 18 - 35 feet Head range: 1 - 59 feet
Motor Hp: 1/2(1,3), 3/4(2,4) HP Motor Hp: 1/3 to 3 Hp
Voltage: 1 x 115/230V Voltage: 1 x 115/230V
Fluid temperature range: 32°F (0°C) to 230°F (110°C) 3 x 208-230V, 460V, 575V
Max. working pressure: 175 PSI 2-speed models 460V, 575V
Flange to flange length: Fluid temperature range: 32°F (0°C) to 248°F (120°C)
8.5-inch (1,2) Max. working pressure: 175 PSI
10-inch (3,4) Pump housing: Cast iron, Silicon bronze
Pump housing: Connection type: Oval flange 1-1/4 inch
Cast iron (1,2) Oval flange 1-1/2 inch
Silicon bronze (3,4) 2”, 2.5”, 3” Non-ANSI
Connection types: 3” or 4” ANSI
5 1.5-inch, 2-bolt (GF40/43) (1,2) Connection to VFD: All 3-phase units are suitable 5
2”, 2.5”, 3” Non-ANSI (4 bolt) (3,4) Optional features: Relay or protection module
• Consult VersaFlo product guide for specific performance curves
Performance curves Performance curves
UP43-70 UP43-110 UP53-46 UP53-45

40 70
Head (ft.)

20 Head (ft.) 40

10 20
0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 50 100 150 200 250
Flow (gpm) Flow (gpm)
65 66
Pump selection

Dielectric Isolation Valves Pump Zone Controls


Technical data
Technical data
Pump Connection Pipe Connection Max Number of Zones: 1, 3, 4/6-Zones
Material Priority Options: Models UPZC-3, 4/6
NPT Solder Numbers No priority
(inch) (inch) Zone 1 priority
1/2 591202 Zone 1 w/freeze protection
Freeze protection
3/4 591203 Transformer Voltage: 120VAC, 24V, 15VA
1 591204 Input Power 50/60HZ: 1 x 120VAC +/-10%
Min./Max. Ambient Temp.: 32°F(0°C) / 104°F(40°C)
1/1/4 591205 Wiring Options: 2 or 3-wire thermostats
GF 15/26 Bronze X-X, ZC-ZR terminals
1-1/2 591206
Features LED external diagnostics
1/2 591207 Powder coated cover
5 Socketed relays (one size all 5
3/4 591208 models)
1 591209
1-1/4 591210
1-1/2 591211

Rotating flange
• Full port shut-off ball valve
• Dielectric isolation = no
galvanic (dissimilar metal)
• Service pump without
Wrench draining system
boss • Swivel flange allows
optimum pump
Dielectric sleeve mounting position
• All hardware included
67 68
Installation tips

Eliminating air – purging, bleeding, & quiet comfort

Water contains dissolved gasses. Cold water contains more dissolved Once free air is eliminated and the first heating cycles begin, dissolved
gasses than hot water. When filling a hydronic system for the first gasses will come out of solution and create problems – unless you’ve
time, proper procedures must be followed to manage air elimination. planned for eliminating air on an ongoing basis. The best location for
air elimination devices is immediately after the heat source: that’s
The most important requirement is to purge all free air from the where the majority of air will be forced out of solution.
hydronic system. Elimination of free air ensures quiet operation, pro-
tects system components and provides proper transfer of heat-energy. • Devices, such as air-scoops or micro-bubble scrubbers are very
effective at removing dissolved air – if installed correctly!
By raising the system pressure during purging, air bubbles trapped in • Gravity float-vents are typically located where air collects and will
upper floor loops are re-absorbed and carried down to the purge loca- automatically allow gasses to pass out of the hydronic system
tion . The sudden discharge of water through the purge valve creates • Unchecked air trapped in hydronic systems can accelerate
rapid flow that forces trapped air within the system to be expelled. corrosion, damage components, create system noise, and lead to
• Zoning with circulators, utilizing isolation valves and a purge no-heat calls
fitting, will allow for fast elimination of air in primary, secondary,
and tertiary piping
• Radiant loops are easily purged if you use valved manifolds to
purge one loop at a time
• Standing cast iron radiators will have individual vents for purging
air prior to starting the system

18-inches minimum or 18 pipe diameters Straight pipe distance

of straight pipe before air-scoop can be less than 18-inches

6 6

69 70
Installation tips

Pump installation Thermal expansion tank sizing

• Always point the cable entry downwards to prevent water from Water expands when it’s heated. The level of expansion (in volume) is tied
entering the terminal box directly to system volume in gallons, the starting and ending temperatures or
∆T, static pressure, and expansion tank volume. If you adjust the air pressure
• Wet-rotor pumps must always be mounted with the shaft in a in the thermal expansion tank so that it matches the system static pressure,
horizontal position the calculations are easy to master. We’ll use Boyle’s Law, which states that
P1 x V1 = P2 x V2 ( P = pressure and V = volume). P1 x V1 = Constant Value.
• Before starting the pump, flush clean water through the system to P2 x V2 must equal the Constant Value.
remove all foreign material
Total system volume is 50 gallons
• Never start the pump before the system is filled with water and
properly vented. Even short periods of dry-running can damage
the pump

• The pump inlet should be placed as close as possible to the

expansion tank (pumping away)

• Make sure it will be possible to vent the pump and the pipe P2 = ??
system when making the installation. Follow proper piping P1 = 12 PSI
procedures when installing venting components V1 = 4.5 gal. V2 = 3.193 gal.

• Never install a larger pump than necessary; pump noise in the

system can result Water is being heated from 70° F to 180° F
Determine final system pressure – example calculation:
• Do not install a circulator pump with aquastat too close to water
heaters or storage tanks. Heat transfer may affect the aquastat Step 1: Determine the constant value
6 operation
p • V1 = 4.5 gal. 6
• P1 = 12 PSI
• 4.5 x 12 = 54 Constant Value
Step 2: Calculate thermal expansion for V2
• System volume = 50 gal.
• Determine ∆T (finish 180°F – start 70°F) = 110°F
• Expansion multiplier = .02614 (expansion table for water)
• 50 gal. x .02614 = 1.307 gal. of thermal expansion
• V2 = 4.5 (V1) – 1.307 = 3.193 gal.
Step 3: Determine P2 for final system pressure
• P2 x V2 must equal 54
• 54 ÷ 3.193 (V2) = 16.91 PSI
71 • 16.91 x 3.193 = 54 72
Installation tips

Determining system volume Sizing water heaters – tank and tankless

Total system volume ?? Step 1: Determine percentage of hot water in flow

(Desired bathing temperature – cold water temperature ) *

(Hot water temperature – cold water temperature ) *
(110° F – 40° F) ÷ (140° F – 40° F) = .7 (70%)
* Must be coldest inlet temperature seen during the year
P1 = 16 PSI P2 = 28 PSI Step 2: Hot water required
V1 = 4.5 gal. V2 = ?? • Measure GPM flow rate of desired bathing temperature
(Use bucket and time fill rate)
• Example: 3 GPM x .7 = 2.1 GPM of hot water
Water is being heated from 70° F to 180° F 2.1 GPM x 30 minutes = 63 gal. of hot water required

Step 3: Energy required per gallon of hot water

You find the pressure in a hydronic system is higher than you’d like. Let’s say it
• A gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs. and it takes 1 BTU to raise 1 lb. of
rises to 28 PSI, which is too close to the relief valve’s 30-lb limit. You’d like the
water 1° F.
final pressure to be less than 20 lbs, but you’re not sure which size thermal
• ∆T = 100° F x 8.33 lbs./gal. = 833 BTU/gal. required net input
expansion tank will be the best fit. (This same formula can be used for potable
water thermal expansion by substituting pressure and relief values).
Step 4: Determine water heater size requirements
System fluid volume calculation example:
Step 1: Identify total system volume • 2.1 GPM x 833 BTU/gal. = 1,749.3 BTU/min. or 104,958 net BTU/hr.
• 16 PSI x 4.5 gal. = 72 (constant value) input
6 • 72 ÷ 28 PSI = 2.57 gal. (V2) tank volume • Net input = gross input x operating efficiency 6
• 4.5 gal - 2.57 gal. = 1.93-gallons of thermal expansion • The net input must meet or exceed 104,958 BTU/hr. in this case
• Determine ∆T (finish 180° F - start 70° F) = 110°
• Expansion multiplier = .02614 (from thermal expansion table) Storage tank:
• Assume 50 gallons/40,000 BTU gross input @ 82% operating
Total System Volume 1.93 gal. ÷ .02614 = 73.73 gal. efficiency 40,000 BTU x .82 =32,800 BTU net input.
• 32,800 BTU ÷ 833 BTU/gal. = 39.4 GPH recovery rate
Let’s move up to a 10-gallon thermal expansion tank, pumped up to 16 PSI. • 39.4 GPH ÷ 60 minutes = .657 GPM
• 16 PSI x 10 gal. = 160, our new constant value • 30-minute run-time = 19.7 gal. recovery
• V2 = 10 gal. – 1.93 gal = 8.07 gal. • Turbulent mixing of cold with hot water in the tank will reduce
• P2 x 8.07 gal. = 160 the available storage from 50 gallons to about 44 gallons
• 160 ÷ 8.07 gal. = 19.83 PSI, which is exactly what you wanted • Add 19.7 gal. to 44 gal. and you’ll have a net available hot water
draw of 63.7 gallons for a 30-minute draw

73 74
Installation tips

Calculating heat losses Design ∆T for location 80 70 60 50 40

Window - single pane 138 121 104 86 69
Energy moves from hot to cold – always. The ∆T determines how
quickly that happens. Any materials in-between the ∆T will slow the Window – double pane 92 81 69 58 46
rate of energy transfer. A few easy steps will help you build a heat loss
Frame wall no insulation 32 21 17 15 12
survey – the rock-solid foundation from which you can build castles of
comfort that will exceed customer expectations. Frame wall R-11 7 5.8 4.8 4.6 3.5

Frame wall R-19 3.7 3.2 2.8 2.3 1.8

You need to measure each room’s surface area that is exposed to cold-
er air. The net square footage (subtract windows and doors) is then Ceiling no insulation 55 48 41 35 28
multiplied by a factor that represents the BTU energy loss per square Ceiling R-11 7.5 7 5.8 4.5 3.5
foot. For example, if you want to maintain 70°F in 0°F temperature,
Ceiling R-19 4.6 4.4 3.5 2.3 2.1
use the column under “70.” Insert that number in the “factor” box and
multiply your net square footage to obtain the BTU heat loss. Add up Ceiling R-30 3 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.3
all of the BTU heat losses in that column to obtain the total for that
Ceiling R-38 2.1 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.1
room. You can use this room-by-room heat loss calculation to choose
heat emitters and/or determine why an existing room over- or under- Floor R-11 6.6 5.8 4.9 4.1 3.2
heats. There are many computer programs that quickly and accurately Floor R-19 4.1 3.7 3.1 2.6 2
determine heat loss and gain, and are accepted by code authorities for
permit applications. Door – wood solid core 37 32 28 23 18

Door – insulated core 38 33 28 24 19

Heat loss example:
Door – glass single pane 92 81 69 58 46

Door – glass double pane 58 51 44 36 29

Slab heat loss per linear foot exposed

Slab – No edge insulation 64.8 56.7 48.6 40.5 32.4

6 Slab – 2-inch edge insulation 16.8 14.7 12.6 10.5 8.4 6

Square foot x factor = BTU loss

Item Sq. ft. Factor BTUs

Window 12 81 972

Door 21 32 672

Net wall 47 3.2 150.4

Ceiling 120 1.8 216


Slab: exp. feet 100 14.7 1,470

Total BTUs for room 3,480.4

75 76
Installation tips

Outdoor reset Pipe sizing

Heat loss is directly affected by outdoor air temperatures: the colder The flow rate required is determined by how many BTUs must be
the outdoor temperature, the greater the heat loss. Non-modulating transported and the ∆T of the supply/return. If we use a 20° F ∆T, the
boilers run until the thermostat is satisfied; the burner is turned on transfer rate will be 10,000 BTUs per each GPM of flow. Water weighs
and off by the aquastat. This wastes energy by overheating the water 8.34 lbs. per gallon and it takes one BTU to raise 1 lb. of water 1° F. 8.34
during most of the heating season. Outdoor sensor monitors the x 60 (minutes for 1 GPM) x 20 (∆T) = 10,008 BTUs. Rounding down to
outdoor air temperature and may also include sensors to monitor 10,000 makes it easy to calculate flow rates. If the heat source has a
return water temperature to prevent sustained flue gas condensation net output of 100,000 BTUs, the flow rate needs to be 10 GPM at 20°
within the boiler and/or cold-shocking cast iron boilers. More ∆T.
advanced outdoor reset controls monitor outdoor, supply, and return
water temperatures and even the amount of fuel that should be You can quickly match tubing sizes to required BTU loads. The maxi-
burned. mum fluid velocity should be no more than 4 feet per second to avoid
velocity noise and or erosion corrosion . The following charts show
To use outdoor reset control properly, you need to know four things: GPM flow rates for each pipe size.

1. Maximum supply-water temperature (MT) This chart is for copper tubing. If you need 15,000 BTUs delivered, then
2. Lowest supply-water temperature (LT) ½” copper (nominal pipe size) would be a perfect match.
3. Indoor supply-water ∆T (= MT – LT)
4. Outdoor temperature ∆T (= 68°F – coldest air temperature) Pipe
1/2” 3/4” 1” 1¼” 1½” 2” 2½” 3”
The reset ratio = (MT – 68) ÷ (68 – coldest outdoor air temperature)
3.2 6.5 10.9 16.3 22.9 39.6 75 120
Example: 180°F MT; 68°F LT; Designed for 10°F outdoor air GPM
Reset ratio = (180 – 68) ÷ (68 – 10) = 112 ÷ 58 = 1.9
For every 1°F drop in outdoor air temperature, the supply water The following flow chart is for PEX tubing.
temperature will be increased 1.9°F (starting at 68°F).
6 Pipe 6
3/8” 1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 1”
Supply sensor Size
1.2 2 4 6 9.5

Reset controller

Return sensor

77 65 78
Trouble shooting

No heat - Upper floors Look for air - if none, raise pressure

Hot Water Systems

Check thermostat function
Check air / Remove air from zone
Check circulator function Throttle radiator valve

High heat
Check thermostat function
No heat - One zone Too much heat Install thermostatic radiator valve
Check switching relay function
Clean/adjust check valve
Check for water / Slab leaks Close baseboard louver
Bleed radiator
No air, look for flow problem/open
No heat

No heat - One radiator radiator valve Is there power? Check electrical supply
Check distance between tees on Is there fuel? Check oil or gas supply
Hot Water Systems

What is the boiler pres-
Check for air in unit / Purge coil Check if PRV is functioning
Check temperature of water? Is circulator function-
∆T @ coil Check power, flow
No heat - Air handler ing?
Check flow / Check zone valve What is the boiler
Check aquastat function

Hot Water Boilers

Check reverse aquastat function
Check for air, flow, ∆T Is there air in the
Vent boiler / Add air eliminator

No heat
Check mixing valve function,
No heat - Radiant zone temperature Test LWCO / Replace if not function-
Is LWCO functioning?
Check injection control and circula-
tor Observe silica-carbide No visible glow - if voltage present,
Ignitor replace ignitor
Check radiator for air
Flame sensor fault Clean sensor and electrical contacts
Not enough heat - One
Check radiator for restricted air flow code or replace
7 Check radiator piping 7
Low heat

Is thermostat calling
Test thermostat function, wire
for heat?
Check length of baseboard & piping
Is flame relay in lock-
Check if vent louver is open Check burner function
Not enough heat - out?
Baseboard Check for blocked air flow
Is pilot light on? Relight pilot / Test thermal couple
Monoflow system / Check distance
Is gas burner flame
between tees Check gas pressure with manometer

79 66 67 80
Trouble shooting

3-piece circulator / Oil bearing

Check power supply (Voltage)
Check for air / Install air eliminator Check system pressure
Check for good, clean neutral
Air scoop not installed correctly, re-
quires 18 pipe diameters of straight Is direction of flow correct?
piping before entering air scoop Check function of flow valve
Squealing Purge system No heat / Low heat IFC Model - Remove / Clean /
Replace valve

Check system temperature / Limit
function Check that all valves on zone are

Is air scoop installed properly?
Check for proper sizing of circulator

Install wet rotor circulator

Check proper speed if circulator is
Power head mounted in wrong variable
Replace circulator if not functioning
Replace circulator coupler
Check operation of flow valve
Misaligned motor mount / Replace
motor IFC Model - Clean or replace check-
Rattling / Banging / Too much heat valve
Grinding Worn bearing assembly or impeller
/ Replace
Check limit control function /
Replace circulator with wet rotor On/Off contact / Replace if needed
Replace flange gasket / Flanges if
From flanges

Bleed baseboard / Purge zone

Replace bearing assembly or

Baseboard Heating
Bearing assembly Check that valve is open
Copper adapter Replace or repair fitting No heat / Low heat Check for air flow disruption
7 7

Cast Iron
Flange thread Replace adaptor, nipple, or flange Increase system temperature
Add more baseboard
Zone system
Check thermostat operation/
Overheating Replace if needed
Re-pipe system using reverse-return
81 68 69 82
Trouble shooting

Open louvers Check system pressure

Check PVR function
Remove carpeting to increase air

Boiler Relief
Check if expansion tank is full -
Drain / could be non-bladder tank
Open / adjust old-style check valve
Leaking Check expansion tank diaphragm /
Move drapes or furniture away from
Change tank
Check expansion tank sizing
Clean debris and pet hair from fins
No heat / Low heat Check relief valve spring / Replace
Add more baseboard
Baseboard Heating

Purge air from zone / Test for slab

Check water pressure/ Install PRV

T & P Valves
Check cold water line for check
Increase system temperature

Check Circulator function / Replace Leaking Thermal expansion / Install Ther-
if needed
mal expansion tank
Check thermostat function / Re-
Check water temperature / Test
place if needed

Close louvers
Check location of circulator
Remove some of the fin
Check zone valve function

Three Way
Zone system
Check circulator function
Check thermostat operation / No heat
Check reverse aquastat function
Overheating Replace if needed
Check thermostat function
Decrease system temperature
Check for power, voltage
Install outdoor reset control
Check to see if valve is open

Check flow valve operation

No heat - One
Check for system or slab leak
radiator Check for valve obstruction
7 7
Check operation of actuator

Radiator Valve
Check for valve operation
No heat - One
Check for valve obstruction

83 70 71 84
Trouble shooting

Check Upper / Lower aquastat

Check / Relight pilot

Water Heaters
Test / Replace Thermal couple Check electrical supply, circuit
No hot water
No hot water Vent spill switch tripped - reset/re- breaker

place Test element operation / Replace
Check aquastat / gas valve opera- if needed

tion / Vapor safe limit Survey hot water load / Install larger
Check aquastat well, calcium build heater
Not enough hot water
- up / Replace Raise temperature / Install ASSE
Survey hot water load / Install larger 1016/1017 mixing valve
Not enough hot water
Water Heaters

Raise temperature / Install mixing
valve Bleed air

Panel Recessed Freestanding Convectors

Check aquastat operation / Replace Check that valve is open
if needed
Check radiator / system piping
Cracked electrode ceramic - replace
No air, then look at flow problem
No hot water Clean, tune up No heat / Low Heat Check circulator operation / sizing
Check oil primary control operation
Check radiator sizing

/ Replace

Disassemble, check radiator valve

Check oil supply, oil pump operation
for broken stem
Check aquastat well for calcium
Increase system temperature
build - up / Replace
Zone system
Survey hot water load / Install larger
Not enough hot water
heater Install thermostatic radiator valve
Raise temperature / Install mixing Check thermostat operation /
valve Over heating Replace if needed

7 Re-pipe system using reverse-return 7

Decrease system temperature

85 72 73 86
Trouble shooting

Check ΔT / Slow down flow of Check for correct sizing for BTU

System system output
Check sizing of expansion tank
Expansion Align friction glides on brackets Low heat Check for flow restrictions

Pipe penetrations at walls must be

oversized Check that system piping is correct
Baseboard radiation Long runs must have expansion
compensators Is fluid velocity too high?
Element must have play and not be Is flow restricted at inlet of circula-
too rigid Erosion / Noise tor?
Oversize penetration openings in
walls and floors Is system fluid dirty or full of debris?
Pex tubing
Staples or J-hooks too tight Are there any dissimilar metals
Allow for tubing to expand


Must not touch each other / Space Is PH of the system fluid too high
properly or low?
Extruded aluminum End loops must be large / mush- Is the electrical system grounded

plates room heads correctly?
Injection pumping minimizes noise Is there a bad ground wire on water
and expansion main?

Proper air eliminator to remove Is pipe supported correctly?

micro bubbles
Purge into bucket to see micro Are pipe hangers too tight?
Air in tubing Expansion and
contraction Does piping rub against any wood?
Raise system fill pressure when
purging Is there room for the copper to
7 Flow meters always on supply expand? 7
Clean joint thoroughly and re-solder
Valves or actuators always on return
Radiant manifolds Solder joints
manifolds Replace copper pipe and fitting and
Circulator too large
Check by-pass valves

87 74 75 88
Trouble shooting References

Drawing symbols
Install air eliminator
Hot water piping
Horizontal tube

Air in System or Noise

Air scoops need 18 pipe diameters of Cold water piping
&ROG: +R
straight pipe before entering scoop
Hose bib / boiler drain
Check autovent / Replace if needed Hose bib / boiler drain
3XUJLQ Radiant panel circuit

No heat - Air bound Bleed radiators or purge zones Globe valve


Remove air scoop, install micro Pressure

3UHVVX reducing valve Radiant panel circuit
bubble design w/zone valves
3UHVVX relief valve
Check system fill pressure 3-way motorized mixing valve

Check relief valve 3-way thermostatic valve

:D\ Condensing boiler

Zone valve 2-way


Test outdoor sensor

Outdoor Reset Control


Test supply/mix sensor
Gas fired boiler
Backfl ow preventer
Test reset control function 6WUDLQH
Check reset control perimeters Float type air vent
No heat
Sensor placed next to heated
Air $LU6H
ventilation Oil fired boiler
Cast iron air scoop
Sensor placed in direct sun light,
place on north facing wall
&LUFXOD w/isolation flanges

Check boiler command

&LUFXOD w/integral flow check
Solar collector array
Install recirculation line, install

UP10-16B Diaphram-type
'LDSKU expansion tank
Install Comfort System
Heat exchanger
Long wait for hot water at tap
Check valve operation Fin tube baseboard

Properly sized circulator

Cast iron radiator
Gas fired Indirect
water heater DHW tank
89 76 77 90

Abbreviations used in heating Equivalent value in different units

British Thermal Unit BTU Gallons per minute GPM 746 W

0.746 kW
British Thermal Unit 1 hp =
BTUh Gallons per hour GPH
per hour 33,000 ft-lb per minute

Cubic centimeter cc Ounce oz 550 ft-lb per second

33.475 BTUh
Cubic foot cu ft Pound lb 1 hp =
34.5 lbs of steam/hr from and at 212°F
Cubic feet per min. cfm Pounds per square inch psi
1,000 W
Cubic feet per sec. cfs Pounds per square inch, gauge psig
1.34 hp
1 kW =
Cubic inches cu in Pounds per square IN, absolute psia
3.53 lbs water evaporated per hour from
and at 212°F
Degree deg or ° Revolutions per min. rpm
0.00134 hp
Degree, Celsius °C Revolutions per sec. rps 1W =
0.0035 lb of water evaporated per hour
Degree, Fahrenheit °F Second sec
1,000 Whr
Diameter diam Specific gravity sp gr
1.34 hp/hr
Direct-current d-c Specific heat sp ht 1 kwhr = 3,600,000 joules

Feet per min. fpm Square foot sq ft 3.53 lbs water evaporated from and at 212°F

Feet per sec. fps Square inch sq in 22.75 lbs of water raised from 62°F to 212°F

Foot ft Volt V
1 watt second
1 Joule =
0.000000278 kWhr
Foot-pound ft-lb Watt W
8 MJ 1,000,000 Joule = 948 BTU 8
Watt hour Whr =
Freezing point fp (Megajoule) 239 kcal
Watt min. Wmin
91 78 79 92

Equivalents of electrical units Conversion factors

1.34 hp Water
0.955 BTUs U.S. Gallons x 8.34 = Pounds
1 kW =
57.3 BTUm
U.S. Gallons x 0.13368 = Cubic Feet
3438 BTUh
U.S. Gallons x 231 = Cubic Inches
746 W

1 hp = 42.746 BTUm U.S. Gallons x 3.78 = Liters

2564.76 BTUh Imperial Gallons x 277.3 Cubic Inches

17.452 Wmin Imperial Gallons

1 BTU = at 62°F = 10.0 Pounds
0.2909 Whr
Cubic In. of
Water (39.2°) x 0.03613 = Pounds

Cubic In. of
Water (39.2°) x 0.004329 = U.S. Gallons

Cubic In. of
Water (39.2°) x 0.576384 = Ounces

Cubic Feet of
Water (39.2°) x 62.427 = Pounds

Cubic Feet of
Water (39.2°) x 7.48 = U.S. Gallons

Cubic Feet of
Water (39.2°) x 0.028 = Tons

Pounds of Water x 27.72 = Cubic Inches

Pounds of Water x 0.01602 = Cubic Feet

8 8
Pounds of Water x 0.12 = U.S. Gallons

93 80 81 94

Converting PSI to Head (ft.)
144 Pounds Per Square Foot
2.0355 Inches of Mercury at 32°F.
70 160
2.0416 Inches of Mercury at 62°F.
1 Pound Per Square Inch =
2.31 Feet of Water at 62°F.
27.71 Inches of Water at 62°F
6.895 kilopascal 60 140

Pressure in Pounds per square inch (PSI)

0.1276 Inches of Mercury at 62°F.
1 Ounce Per Square Inch =
1.732 Inches of Water at 62°F.
2116.3 Pounds Per Square Foot

Head of Water in feet (ft.)

33.947 Feet of Water at 62°F. 110
30 Inches of Mercury at 62°F.
1 Atmosphere 100
(14.7 Lbs. Per Sq. In.) = 29.922 Inches of Mercury at 32°F.
760 Millimeters of Mercury at 32°F. 40
101.3 kilopascal
235.1 Ounces Per Square Inch
0.03609 Pounds Per Square Inch 30 70

0.5774 Ounce Per Square Inch

1 Inch Water (at 62°F.) = 5.196 Pounds per Square Foot
0.248 kilopascal 50
235.1 Ounces Per Square Inch
0.433 Pounds Per Square Inch
1 Foot Water (at 62°F.) =
62.355 Pounds Per Square Foot 30

0.491 Pounds Per Square Inch 10

7.86 Ounces Per Square Inch
8 1 Inch Mercury (at 62°F.) = 8 8
1.132 Feet Water at 62°F. 10

13.58 Inches Water at 62°F.

0 0
95 82 81 96

Feet Head of Water to PSI Water Pressure to Feet Head

Pounds Per Pounds Per Pounds Per Pounds Per
Feet Head Feet Head Feet Head Feet Head
Square Inch Square Inch Square Inch Square Inch

1 0.43 100 43.31 1 2.31 100 230.90

2 0.87 110 47.64 2 4.62 110 253.98

3 1.30 120 51.97 3 6.93 120 277.07

4 1.73 130 56.30 4 9.24 130 300.16

5 2.17 140 60.63 5 11.54 140 323.25

6 2.60 150 64.96 6 13.85 150 346.34

7 3.03 160 69.29 7 16.16 160 369.43

8 3.46 170 73.63 8 18.47 170 392.52

9 3.90 180 77.96 9 20.78 180 415.61

10 4.33 200 86.62 10 23.09 200 461.78

15 6.50 250 108.27 15 34.63 250 577.24

20 8.66 300 129.93 20 46.18 300 692.69

25 10.83 350 151.58 25 57.72 350 808.13

30 12.99 400 173.24 30 69.27 400 922.58

40 17.32 500 216.55 40 92.36 500 1154.48

50 21.65 600 259.85 50 115.45 600 1385.39

60 25.99 700 303.16 60 138.54 700 1616.30

70 30.32 800 346.47 70 161.63 800 1847.20

80 34.65 900 389.78 80 184.72 900 2078.10

90 38.98 1000 433.00 90 207.81 1000 2309.00

NOTE: One foot of water at 60°F equals .433 pounds pressure per square inch. NOTE: One pound of pressure per square inch of water equals 2.31 feet of water
at 60°F.
8 To find the pressure per square inch for any feet head not given in this table 8
above, multiply the feet head by .433. Therefore, to find the feet head of water for any pressure not given in this
table above, multiply the pressure (pounds per square inch) by 2.31.

97 82 98

Capacity of Round Storage Tanks









Depth Number of Gallons








Inside Diameter (inches)

Number of Smaller Pipes Equivalent to One Larger Pipe

18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72








1 1.1 1.96 3.06 4.41 5.99 7.83 9.91 12.24 14.81 17.62



26 47 73 105 144 188 238 294 356 423




2-1/2 33 59 91 131 180 235 298 367 445 530



40 71 100 158 216 282 357 440 534 635




3-1/2 46 83 129 184 252 329 416 513 623 740

4 53 95 147 210 288 376 475 586 712 846






4-1/2 59 107 165 238 324 423 534 660 800 952

5 66 119 181 264 360 470 596 734 899 1057




5-1/2 73 130 201 290 396 517 655 808 978 1163

6 79 141 219 315 432 564 714 880 1066 1268





6-1/2 88 155 236 340 468 611 770 954 1156 1374

7 92 165 255 368 504 658 832 1028 1244 1480




7-1/2 99 179 278 396 540 705 889 1101 1335 1586

8 106 190 291 423 576 752 949 1175 1424 1691


9 119 212 330 476 648 846 1071 1322 1599 1903

10 132 236 366 529 720 940 1189 1463 1780 2114


12 157 282 440 634 864 1128 1428 1762 2133 2537

14 185 329 514 740 1008 1316 1666 2056 2490 2960

Capacity of Rectangular Tanks in U.S. Gallons:
• Measure tank (inches): Length, Width, Height

Size (in.)
• Then multiply Length x Width x Height ÷ 231




8 8


• 60” length x 36” width x 48” height = 103,680 cu. in.
• 103,680 ÷ 231 = 448.8 Gallons
99 100

Copper Tubing - Water Capacity (Gal.) / Linear Foot

Type K
Pipe Size
3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3

0.006 0.011 0.017 0.023 0.040 0.063 0.089 0.156 0.242 0.345
per Foot

Type L
0.007 0.012 0.017 0.025 0.043 0.065 0.092 0.161 0.248 0.354
per Foot

Type M
0.008 0.013 – 0.027 0.045 0.068 0.095 0.165 0.254 0.363
per Foot

Steel & Wrought Iron Pipe - Water Capacity Per Linear Foot

Pipe Size
1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 5 6

0.016 0.023 0.040 0.063 0.102 0.170 0.275 0.390 0.530 0.690 1.100 1.500
per Foot

PEX - Approximate - Water Capacity (Gal.) / 100 Foot)*

Tubing Size (in.) 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1

Gallon(s) .50 .92 1.33 1.84 3.04

* Check manufacturer for specific capacities



Capacity of Pipe in Cubic Feet of Gas Per Hour
Nominal (Based on 0.60 Specific Gravity, 0.30” W.C. Pressure Drop)
Pipe Size

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 125 150 175 200

3/4” 0.824 278 190 152 130 115 105 96 90 84 79 72 64 59 55

1” 1.049 520 350 285 245 215 195 180 170 160 150 130 120 110 100

1-1/4” 1.38 1050 730 590 500 440 400 370 350 320 305 275 250 225 210

1-1/2” 1.61 1600 1100 890 760 670 610 560 530 490 460 410 380 350 320










Cast Iron






Brass or














Linear Expansion of Pipe - Inches per 100 feet



Heat Losses From Bare Steel Pipe Based on 70°F Surrounding Air Heat Losses From Insulated Pipe
Temperature of Pipe, °F 85 Percent Magnesia Type
BTU per Linear Foot Per Hour Per °F
Diameter of Pipe
100 200 150 180 210 240 Difference (Surrounding Air Assumed 75°F)
Heat Loss per Lineal Foot of Pipe - BTU per Hour Insulation Max. Temp. of Pipe Surface °F
Pipe Size
1/2 13 22 40 60 82 106 (inches) 125 175 225 275
3/4 15 27 50 74 100 131
1/2 1 0.145 0.150 0.157 0.160
1 19 34 61 90 123 160
3/4 1 0.165 0.172 0.177 0.180
1-1/4 23 42 75 111 152 198
1 0.190 0.195 0.200 0.203
1-1/2 27 48 85 126 173 224 1
1-1/2 0.160 0.165 0.167 0.170
2 33 59 104 154 212 275
1 0.220 0.250 0.232 0.237
2-1/2 39 70 123 184 252 327 1-1/4
1-1/2 0.182 0.870 0.193 0.197
3 46 84 148 221 303 393
1 0.240 0.247 0.255 0.260
3-1/2 52 95 168 250 342 444 1-1/2
1-1/2 0.200 0.205 0.210 0.215
4 59 106 187 278 381 496
1 0.282 0.290 0.297 0.303
Heat Losses From Bare Copper Pipe Based on 70°F Surrounding Air 2 1-1/2 0.230 0.235 0.240 0.243
1/4 4 8 14 21 29 37 2 0.197 0.200 0.205 0.210
3/8 6 10 18 28 37 48 1 0.322 0.330 0.340 0.345
1/2 7 13 22 33 45 59 2-1/2 1-1/2 0.260 0.265 0.270 0.275
5/8 8 15 26 39 53 68 2 0.220 0.225 0.230 0.237
3/4 9 17 30 45 61 79 1 0.375 0.385 0.395 0.405
1 11 21 37 55 75 97 3 1-1/2 0.300 0.305 0.312 0.320
1-1/4 14 25 45 66 90 117 2 0.253 0.257 0.263 0.270
1-1/2 16 29 52 77 105 135 1 0.419 0.430 0.440 0.450
2 20 37 66 97 132 171 3-1/2 1-1/2 0.332 0.340 0.345 0.352
2-1/2 24 44 78 117 160 206 2 0.280 0.285 0.290 0.295
8 3 28 51 92 136 186 240 1 0.460 0.470 0.480 0.492 8
3-1/2 32 59 104 156 212 274
4 1-1/2 0.362 0.370 0.379 0.385
4 36 66 118 174 238 307
2 0.303 0.308 0.315 0.320
105 90 91 105

HEAT OUTPUT TABLE - 1 Temperature Differential (°F)
1° 2° 3° 4° 5° 6° 7° 8° 9° 10°
1.0 494 988 1 , 4 82 1 , 97 6 2 , 47 0 2 , 964 3 , 45 8 3 , 95 2 4, 446 4,940
1.5 741 1 , 4 82 2,223 2 , 964 3 , 7 05 4, 446 5 , 1 87 5 , 92 8 6, 669 7,410
2.0 988 1 , 97 6 2 , 964 3 , 95 2 4, 940 5 , 92 8 6, 91 6 7 , 904 8, 892 9,880
2.5 1,235 2 , 47 0 3 , 7 05 4, 940 6, 1 7 5 7 , 41 0 8, 645 9,880 11,115 12,350
3.0 1,482 2 , 964 4, 446 5 , 92 8 7 , 41 0 8,892 10,374 1 1 , 85 6 1 3, 338 14,820
3.5 1,729 3 , 45 8 5 , 1 87 6, 91 6 8,645 10,374 1 2 , 1 03 1 3 , 83 2 1 5 , 5 61 17,290
4.0 1,976 3 , 95 2 5 , 92 8 7 , 904 9,880 11,856 1 3 , 83 2 1 5 , 808 1 7 , 7 84 19,760
4.5 2,223 4, 446 6, 669 8,892 11,115 1 3, 338 1 5 , 5 61 1 7 , 7 84 2 0, 007 22,230
5.0 2,470 4, 940 7 , 41 0 9,880 12,350 1 4 , 82 0 1 7 , 2 90 1 9, 7 60 22, 230 24,700
5.5 2,717 5 , 43 4 8,151 10,868 1 3 , 5 85 1 6, 3 02 1 9, 01 9 21 , 7 36 2 4, 45 3 27,170
6.0 2,964 5 , 92 8 8,892 11,856 1 4 , 82 0 1 7 , 7 84 2 0, 7 48 23, 7 1 2 2 6, 67 6 29,640
6.5 3,211 6, 42 2 9,633 12,844 1 6, 05 5 1 9, 2 66 2 2 , 47 7 2 5 , 688 2 8, 899 32,110

Flow Rate (GPM)

7.0 3,458 6,916 10,374 1 3 , 83 2 1 7 , 2 90 2 0, 7 48 2 4, 2 06 2 7 , 664 31 , 1 22 34,580
7.5 3,705 7,410 11,115 1 4 , 82 0 1 8, 5 2 5 22, 230 2 5 , 93 5 2 9, 640 3 3 , 3 45 37,050
8.0 3,952 7,904 11,856 1 5 , 808 1 9, 7 60 23, 7 1 2 2 7 , 664 3 1 , 61 6 3 5 , 5 68 39,520
8.5 4,199 8,398 12,597 1 6, 7 96 2 0, 995 2 5 , 1 94 2 9, 3 93 3 3 , 5 92 3 7 , 7 91 41,990
9.0 4,446 8,892 13,338 1 7 , 7 84 22, 230 2 6, 67 6 31 , 1 22 3 5 , 5 68 40, 01 4 44,460
9.5 4,693 9,386 14,079 1 8, 7 7 2 2 3 , 465 2 8, 1 5 8 3 2 , 85 1 3 7 , 5 44 42 , 2 3 7 46,930
10.0 4,940 9,880 14,820 1 9, 7 60 2 4, 7 00 2 9, 640 3 4 , 5 80 3 9, 5 2 0 44, 460 49,400
* 100% Water mean temperature of 120°F

HEAT OUTPUT TABLE - 2 Temperature Differential (°F)
11° 12° 13° 14° 15° 16° 17° 18° 19° 20°
1.0 5,434 5 , 92 8 6, 42 2 6, 91 6 7 , 41 0 7 , 904 8, 3 98 8, 892 9, 3 86 9,880
1.5 8,151 8, 892 9,633 10,374 1 1 ,1 1 5 1 1 , 85 6 1 2 , 5 97 1 3, 338 1 4, 07 9 14,820
2.0 10,868 1 1 , 85 6 1 2 , 84 4 1 3 , 83 2 1 4 , 82 0 1 5 , 808 1 6, 7 96 1 7 , 7 84 1 8, 7 7 2 19,760
2.5 13,585 1 4 , 82 0 1 6, 05 5 1 7 , 2 90 1 8, 5 2 5 1 9, 7 60 2 0, 995 22, 230 2 3 , 465 24,700
3.0 16,302 1 7 , 7 84 1 9, 2 66 2 0, 7 48 22, 230 23, 7 1 2 2 5 , 1 94 2 6, 67 6 2 8, 1 5 8 29,640
3.5 19,019 2 0, 7 48 2 2 , 47 7 2 4, 2 06 2 5 , 93 5 2 7 , 664 2 9, 3 93 31 , 1 22 3 2 , 85 1 34,580
4.0 21,736 23, 7 1 2 2 5 , 688 2 7 , 664 2 9, 640 3 1 , 61 6 3 3 , 5 92 3 5 , 5 68 3 7 , 5 44 39,520
4.5 24,453 2 6, 67 6 2 8, 899 31 , 1 22 3 3 , 3 45 3 5 , 5 68 3 7 , 7 91 40, 01 4 42 , 2 3 7 44,460
5.0 27,170 2 9, 640 32, 1 1 0 3 4 , 5 80 3 7 , 05 0 3 9, 5 2 0 41 , 990 44, 460 46, 93 0 49,400
5.5 29,887 3 2 , 604 35 , 321 3 8, 03 8 40, 7 5 5 43 , 47 2 46, 1 89 48, 906 5 1 , 62 3 54,340
6.0 32,604 3 5 , 5 68 3 8, 5 3 2 41 , 496 44, 460 47 , 42 4 5 0, 3 88 5 3, 35 2 5 6, 3 1 6 59,280
6.5 35,321 3 8, 5 3 2 41 , 7 43 44, 95 4 48, 1 65 5 1 , 37 6 5 4 , 5 87 5 7 , 7 98 61 , 009 64,220
Flow Rate (GPM)

7.0 38,038 41 , 496 44, 95 4 4 8, 4 1 2 5 1 , 87 0 5 5 , 328 5 8, 7 86 62 , 2 44 65 , 7 02 69,160

7.5 40,755 44, 460 48, 1 65 5 1 , 87 0 5 5 ,5 7 5 5 9, 2 80 62 , 985 66, 690 7 0, 3 95 74,100
8.0 43,472 47 , 42 4 5 1 , 37 6 5 5 , 328 5 9, 2 80 63 , 2 3 2 67 , 1 84 7 1 , 1 36 7 5 , 088 79,040
8.5 46,189 5 0, 3 88 5 4 , 5 87 5 8, 7 86 62 , 985 67 , 1 84 7 1 , 3 83 7 5 , 5 82 7 9, 7 81 83,980
9.0 48,906 5 3, 35 2 5 7 , 7 98 62 , 2 44 66, 690 7 1 , 1 36 7 5 , 5 82 80, 02 8 84 , 4 7 4 88,920
9.5 51,623 5 6, 3 1 6 61 , 009 65 , 7 02 7 0, 3 95 7 5 , 088 7 9, 7 81 84 , 4 7 4 89, 1 67 93,860
10.0 54,340 5 9, 2 80 64, 2 2 0 69, 1 60 7 4, 1 00 7 9, 040 83 , 980 88, 92 0 93 , 860 98,800
* 100% Water mean temperature of 120°F


Water – Velocity Copper Tubing – Type K



Velocity (ft./Sec.)

1 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Flow (GPM)

Water – Head Loss Copper Tubing – Type K



3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4




Head Loss (ft./100 ft.)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Flow (GPM)


Water – Velocity Copper Tubing – Type L



Velocity (ft./Sec.)

1 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Flow (GPM)

Water – Head Loss Copper Tubing – Type L



14 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4



Head Loss (ft./100 ft.)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Flow (GPM)


Water – Velocity Copper Tubing – Type M



Velocity (ft./Sec.)

1 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Flow (GPM)

Water – Head Loss Copper Tubing – Type M



16 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4




Head Loss (ft./100 ft.)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Flow (GPM)


Estimated Water – Velocity – PEX Tubing 1




Estimated Velocity (ft./Sec.)

3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Flow (GPM)
Check with PEX manufacturer for specicic Velocity figures

Estimated Water – Head Loss – PEX Tubing 1


3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1

Estimated Head Loss (PSI/100 ft.)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Flow (GPM)
Check with PEX manufacturer for specicic Head Loss figures


Freezing point*
Maximum Tubing Flow Rates and BTU/h Loads (at 20°F ΔT)
Concentration by
Ethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol
Maximum Flow volume
Pipe Size (Copper)* Heat Carrying Capacity (BTUhr)
Rate (GPM)** 55% -50°F -40°F

1/2” 3.2 32,000 50% -37°F -28°F

3/4” 6.5 65,000 40% -14°F -13°F

1” 10.9 109,000 30% +2°F +4°F
1-1/4” 16.3 163,000 20% +15°F +17°F
1-1/2” 22.9 229,000
*Check with glycol manufacturer for specific volume concentration
2” 39.6 396,000
Method to increase concentration of glycol in a hydronic
* Nominal pipe size
** Maximum 4 ft./sec. Vg = TSV (PSd – PSt)

BTU per hour glycol based: Vg = Quantity of glycol, in gallons, to be added

BTU/h (water @ 68°F) = GPM x 500 x ΔT (°F) TSV = Total System volume in gallons
PSd = Percent of glycol solution desired
BTU/h (30% E. glycol @ 68°F) = GPM x 445 x ΔT (°F)
PSt = Percent of system solution by test (initial percent)
BTU/h (50% E. glycol @ 32°F) = GPM x 395 x ΔT (°F) Example:
BTU/h (30% P. glycol @ 68°F) = GPM x 465 x ΔT (°F) Total system volume (TSV) = 125 gal.
BTU/h (50% P. glycol @ 32°F) = GPM x 420 x ΔT (°F) Initial percent of system solution from test (PSt) = 25%
Percent of glycol solution desired (PSd) = 45%

Vg = 125(45-25)
Drain 33.3 gallons from the system and then refill the system with 33.3
gallons of glycol concentrate.

8 = 33.3 gallons of glycol concentrate required 8

117 118

General Formulas: Water Heating:

Horsepower Water = GPM x head (ft.) x specific gravity % Efficiency = GPH x 8.34 x Temp. Rise x 1.0 (Specific Heat)
3960 BTU/h. Input

Horsepower Brake = GPM x head (ft.) x specific gravity BTU/Output = GPH x 8.34 lbs/Gal. x Temp. Rise x 1.0
3960 x pump efficiency
BTU/Input = GPH x 8.34 x Temp. Rise x 1.0
Horsepower Brake = GPM x PSI x specific gravity % Efficiency
1713 x pump efficiency
GPH = BTU/h. Input x % Efficiency
Efficiency (pump) = GPM x head (ft.) x specific gravity Temp. Rise x 8.34
3960 x pump BHP
Rise (DF) = BTU/h. Input x % Efficiency
Brake horsepower (motor) = Watts input x motor efficiency GPH x 8.34
KW = GPH x 8.34 x Temp. Rise x 1.0
Pressure (lbs./sq. in.) = Head (ft.) x specific gravity
Determine % of hot water portion:
Head (ft.) = lbs./sq. in. x 2.31
MWT - C = 140 – 50 = 90
Specific gravity
H-C 180 – 50 130 = 69.2% Hot Water
GPM = BTU/h Determine % of cold water portion:
500 x ΔT (°F) H - MWT = 180 – 140 = 40
H-C 180 – 50 130 = 30.8% Cold Water
ΔT (°F) = BTU/h
500 x GPM MWT = Mixed Water Temperature (°F)
H = Hot Water Temperature (°F)
Pressure (PSI) = Head (ft.) x Specific Gravity C = Cold Water Temperature (°F)
Fluid Velocity:
Head (ft.) = Pressure (PSI) x 2.31
Velocity (ft./sec.) = .408 x GPM
Specific Gravity
(pipe diameter in inches)2
8 Velocity Head (ft.) = (pipe velocity ft./sec.)2 8

119 120

Volts =
Volts =

Ohms =
Ohms =
Ohms =

Ohm’s Law








Volts = Amperes X Ohms
Watts X Ohms



Watts =

Amperes =
Amperes =
Amperes =







Watts = Volts x Amperes

Watts = Amperes2 x Ohms

Value Single Phase Two Phase 4-Wire Three Phase

I= (746 • Hp) / (V • Eff • Pf) (746 • Hp) / (V • Eff • Pf • 2) (746 • Hp) / (1.73 • V • Eff • Pf)

I= (1000 • KW) / (V • Pf) (1000 • KW) / (V • Pf • 2) (1000 • KW) / (1.73 • V • Pf)

I= (1000 • KVA) / V (1000 • KVA) / (V • 2) (1000 • KVA) / (1.73 • V)

KW = (V • I • Pf) / 1000 (V • I • Pf • 2) / 1000 (1.73 • V • I • Pf) / 1000

KVA = (V • I) / 1000 (V • I • 2) / 1000 (1.73 • V • I) / 1000

Hp = (V • I • Eff • Pf) / 746 (V • I • Eff • Pf • 2) / 746 (1.73 • V • I • Eff • Pf) / 746

Pf Motor power factor V Voltage

Eff Motor efficiency KW Kilowatts
Hp Horsepower KVA Kilovolt-Ampere

I Amperes


8 8

123 124

Competitive Cross-Reference Table

Model Speed TACO Bell & Gossett Armstrong

005, 007, 008, 0010-IFC,
High NRF-22, LR-20WR Astro 30
005, 005-IFC, 007, 007-IFC,
Medium 008, 008-IFC, 0010-IFC, NRF-9F/LW Astro 25

ALPHA 15-55
005, 005-IFC, 006, 006-IFC,
Low Astro 20
High 0011, 0013-IFC, 0014 NRF-36 SP-2, NRF-45 SP-2 E7
0011, 0011-IFC, 0014, Series 100, PL-30, PR, NRF-36
Medium Astro 50, H41
0014-IFC SP-1, NRF-45 SP-1

Low LR-15BWR Astro 30

High 0012, HV

Medium 0010, 0012-IFC NRF-33 H32

Low 0010-MSF1-IFC

005-BF2, 005-BF2-1 IFC,

High NBF-12F/LW, SSF-12F/LW Astro 30 SP-2
007-BF5, 007-BF5-1 IFC
35SFC Astro 20BF,
Astro 30 SP-1
High NBF-12U/LW, SSF-12U/LW Astro 25BU
Medium 006-BC4-1, 006-B7-IFC NBF-9U/LW Astro 25BU

Low 003-B4-2-IFC
High Astro 25BU-T

Medium Astro 25BU-T


High Astro 30BF

008-BF6, 008-BF6-1 IFC,
Medium NBF-22, SSF-22 Astro 30BF SP-2
008-BC6-IFC, 00R-BF6-IFC
Astro 30 SP-1,

Astro 50 SP-1

Medium NBF-22U, SSF-22U


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Handbook, please use the appropriate website below:

Promo Code: 101

Promo Code: 401

GRUNDFOS Pumps Corporation
17100 West 118th Terrace
Olathe, Kansas 66061
Phone: (913) 227-3400
Telefax: (913) 227-3500

GRUNDFOS Canada Inc.
2941 Brighton Road
Oakville, Ontario
L6H 6C9
Phone: (905) 829-9533
Telefax: (905) 829-9512

Bombas GRUNDFOS de Mexico S.A. de C.V.

L-UP-SL-033 4/09 (US)

Boulevard TLC No. 15
Parque Industrial Stiva Aeropuerto
C.P. 66600 Apodaca, N.L. Mexico
Phone: 011-52-81-8144 4000
Telefax: 011-52-81-8144 4010

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