project-cs-this (1)
project-cs-this (1)
project-cs-this (1)
Project CS - This
Group members
Name Id number
Jun 2022
Chapter One................................................................................................................................................................7
1. Introduc琀椀on.............................................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Background of the organiza琀椀on.........................................................................................................................7
1.2. Background of the project................................................................................................................................8
1.3 Statement of the problem.................................................................................................................................9
1.4. Objec琀椀ve.........................................................................................................................................................10
1.4.1. General objec琀椀ve.....................................................................................................................................10
1. 4.2. Speci昀椀c Objec琀椀ve....................................................................................................................................10
1.5. Methodology..................................................................................................................................................10
1.5.1 Data collec琀椀on..........................................................................................................................................10
1.5.2 System analysis and design.......................................................................................................................11
1.5.3 System Development Tools......................................................................................................................12
1.6 Scope and Limita琀椀on of the Project.................................................................................................................13
1.6.1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................13
1.6.2 Limita琀椀on of the project...........................................................................................................................13
1.7 Signi昀椀cance of the project...............................................................................................................................13
1.7.1 Bene昀椀ts for court......................................................................................................................................13
1.7.2 Bene昀椀ts for society...................................................................................................................................14
1. 8. Feasibility.......................................................................................................................................................14
1.8.1 Economic feasibility..................................................................................................................................14
1.8.2 Technical feasibility...................................................................................................................................16
1.8.3 Time feasibility..........................................................................................................................................16
1.8.4 Opera琀椀onal feasibility...............................................................................................................................16
1.9 Task breakdown and deliverables....................................................................................................................16
1.10 Communica琀椀on plan......................................................................................................................................17
1.1 Time Schedule...........................................................................................................................................17
Chapter Two..............................................................................................................................................................18
Descrip琀椀on of the exis琀椀ng system.............................................................................................................................18
2.1 Introduc琀椀on.....................................................................................................................................................18
List of Table
Table 1.1 software costs............................................................................................................................................15
Table 1. 2 Hardware cost...........................................................................................................................................15
Table 1.3 tangible benefits.........................................................................................................................................15
Table 1.4 net cost benefit...........................................................................................................................................16
Table 1.5 Task Breakdowns......................................................................................................................................17
Table 1.6 Time Schedule...........................................................................................................................................17
List of Figure
Figure 3. 1 System use case.......................................................................................................................................25
Figure 3. 2 Sequence diagram for login.....................................................................................................................37
Figure 3. 3 Sequence diagram for new case registration............................................................................................38
Figure 3. 4 Sequence diagram for View Information.................................................................................................39
Figure 3. 5 Activity diagram for login.......................................................................................................................40
Figure 3. 6 Activity Diagram for Advocator Registration..........................................................................................41
Figure 3. 7 Activity Diagram for View Appointment................................................................................................42
Figure 3. 8 Activity Diagram for View Information..................................................................................................43
Figure 3. 9 Activity Diagram for Search Customer Information................................................................................44
Figure 3. 10 Activity Diagram for Create Account....................................................................................................45
Figure 3. 11 Activity Diagram for Give Comment....................................................................................................46
Figure 3. 12 Conceptual modeling using class diagram.............................................................................................47
Figure 3. 13 UI Flow Chart Diagram.........................................................................................................................48
This is to certify that the project is original and has not submitted for partial fulfillment of
Bachelor of Science in Information system (Name and Signature of the project group members)
The purpose of this project is to full fill the requirement of bachelor degree of Computer Science as final
year project in order to graduate.
Now days, using computers to simplify tedious manual work is significance. Because using computer
gives many benefits like speed, accuracy, storage capacity, security, flexibility, cost reduction and
minimizing tedious manual work. Arba minch court office was limited on manual works. This has a
limitation for customers wasting large amount of time in front of the office to register and high
consumption of resources.
To overcome this problem we are proposing the new web base system for Arba minch Court
Information management System. Customer can find advocators by using online system. So that no needs
waste the time and resource to find advocators
This system is developed based on two-tier approach with step by step from planning, analysis,
design, and then implementation. With the Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram such as use case,
activity diagram and sequence diagram is drawn. The system flow and the actor are drawn to understand
how the system works does and who the actors that interact the system are.
The programming language used to develop this project is PHP and HTML .Database
application is MySQL.
Chapter One
1. Introduction
Different organizations are established in order to give services to the community. Among those our
project is “Court information management system”.
The court office was established during the “Haile silase ” regime. Before this time disagreement and
criminal cases were solved in traditional way. Starting from that time it passes many obstacles to reach
today’s position. The he organization is located around the Gamo zone Arba minch town sikela sub town
in menariya kebele 02. court office of in Arba minch town established in 1996 E.C started to serve the
customer in modern ways. The purpose of the court is to provide legal decision for those plaintiffs and
defendants based on their evidences as well as for those who commit crimes. The lawyers make decision
based on the constitution of the country. The court information management system addresses two major
cases those are civil case and criminal cases. It has the responsibility to support, manage, giving response
to the case, taking case from the kebele (mahiberawifirdeshengo) to woreda level court office. The woreda
has this partially automation system after 2017 E.C. We have seen some problems in data processing and
handling. During the process there are many difficulties of manual processing of files/data. Not only this
but also giving comments for one court is difficult because of distance. Now we are going to develop
software that can solve problems of data processing, data handling and etc.
Now we are going to develop software that can solve problems of data processing, data handling, give
appointment ,assign case ,registering case and view assigned case etc. we can achieve our aim by using
hardware (pc) and software (programming language). The main purpose of doing this project is that to
save person’s file from damage, store files forever, secure files that must be secured, reduce costs and
time. There will be data communication from one office to the other. There will be many advantages after
the end of our project. The following things will be the result after the implementation of the new
proposed system we are going to develop.
• protect the data from damaging
• Court fee can be registered and saved into database in civil case.
• Dead files can be seen by a person who wants to see it but active file is secure
• Recording examination, cross examination and reexamination may difficult while collecting
evidence from witness.
• They pay cost for paper, copy, print, scan and etc…
1.4. Objective
1.4.1. General objective
Our main objective is to develop web based court information management system for Arba minch town
court office.
• To store all data’s of the accuser and accused person into the database.
• To design and developed a user friendly system to handle data insertion, updating, deletion,
retrieving on the database.
1.5. Methodology
In order to achieve our aim, we use different methods to bring the system from imagination to realization.
These methods include different models, techniques and tools for our work.
• Hard disk:1TB
Software tools
The different kind of software we used for developing the project is:-
• Edraw Max—to design Use case Diagram, design Sequence Diagram, design Activity
Diagramand. Class Diagram, Deploy Diagram and other diagram
• Generate reports.
• Register finished cases decisions and the evidence Register finished cases decisions
and the evidence of the witness.
• They can secure active files and dead file as they want.
• Information about court can be accessed any time from any place based on given privilege.
1. 8. Feasibility
Feasibility study is the process of determina琀椀on of whether or not a project is worth doing. There are
many types of feasibility study
1.8.1. Economic Feasibility
1.8.2. Technical Feasibility
1.8.3. Time Feasibility
A. Software cost
Item Price
Microsoft window 10 50
MSVisio2010 60
Microsoft word 2010 30
SQL Server 2005 45
Macromedia Dreamweaver 50
Visual basic studio 65
Total 300
Table 1.1 software costs
B. Hardware costs
Item Quantity Unit price Total
PC 1 24,000 24,000
Flash disk 1 350 350
Other material --- ---- 1200
Total 25,550
Table 1. 2 Hardware cost
• So the first year total cost can be calculated like this:-
So if we got this amount of net benefit on the first year we are economically feasible.
Intangible benefits
• Reduce workload of the organization
• Increase customer and user satisfaction
• Modernize organization work
• Error reduction
• Give better and effective service
• Increase security
• Increase efficiency
1. Proposal- in this stage the project contains the facts that shows how the existing system works and
other information’s such as the background of the organization and the problem of existing system. This
stage also shows the needs that the new system wants to solve the problem. The proposal stage is the main
stage that contains the plane to complete the project effectively.
2. Analysis-in the analysis stage requirements will be determined. This means the new system should do
from as many sources as possible (user of the existing system, forms and procedures). In the analysis stage
requirements that we determined will be represented diagrammatically in order to make them easier to
translate into technical system specification.
3. Design-in this stage that we will make the layout that shows how the new system will do at its
implementation stage. These are user interface, sequence diagram, etc.
4. implementation-it is the last stage that we will run and test the new system according to the layout
in the design phase and requirements specified in the analysis stage.
1 Mulugeta Gebino In All activity
2 Tsega Bezabih In All activity
3 Yehualashet Wonde In All activity
4 Meseret Mekayhu In All activity
5 Turifat Asfa In All activity
6 Tademe Zewdihun In All activity
Table 1.5 Task Breakdowns
Chapter Two
The summon send to the accused when the accused is present on the appointment he/she can defense the
case. In both civil and criminal case all information, detail of accuser and accused as well as advocator
detail and also their words registered on the paper.
If the customers want to appeal, the law officer gives the appeal. There is limitation date to ask appeal
after decision made by judges. Then if one asks appeal, the hard copy of all his/her document including
words of witnesses given to him/her within a given time.
The other is if customer wants to give his/her comment for employees or for organization; he/she
writes and put it in comment box. In order to give comment for them one must go there. On the holding of
data; the file saved in two ways active files and dead files. Those files handle manually. Also searching
document is takes place manually. If the law officers want to assigned case, they search by case card in the
shelf. this is very difficult to find the accuser document.
• To know the statement of the problem and challenge of the system and to come up with the
perfect solution.
• Due to the operation that is done by the hand most of the activities are causes to high consumption of
resources like papers, man power, time, pen etc. This makes the existing system costs are too high.
Data storage problem
• Data are not easily accessible due to place in different location.
BR10: In court management system administrator has responsibility to manage all the system in
court. He/she has authority to managing information, financial order, and ordering work flow,
manages employee and etc.
• Performance:-the system will have faster response time and use minimal space usage.
• Speed:-regarding on the speed the system will generate output within short times.
• Reliability:-the system is reliable by analyzing each business rule set by the organization
• Security:-the system provides or contains user name and password for each users based on their privilege.
• For administrative it is best to see the weekly, monthly and yearly report and activity. It also helps to know
how the judge is resolving problems and it helps to getting feedbacks from the customer about the court
management information system. For the organization, the system will help saving cost and time.
• The new proposed system used to minimizes the number of tasks that labeled to the employees.
• Economy: when we apply Wed based court information management system there will be areas in
which cost will be reduced. Example as a result of a new system the payment too many employees
will be reduced. Reduce cost of paper and other materials.
• Efficiency: the Web based court information management System by itself is short and clear and in
this system there is no duplication of data through the new system is powerful to manage things.
• The system should allow adding new user account; modifying recent users account and delete user
account. This can delete or modify the customers or other user by using user id.
• The system should allow giving privileges to each user. The proposed system can give privilege
only the authorized users can access.
• The system should allow changing their password.
• The system enforce only authorized user to perform this task.
• Accuracy: proposed system will be better due to reduction of error. All operation can be one
correctly and it ensures that whatever information is coming from the data base is accurate.
• Reliability: The reliability of the proposed system will be better due to proper storage of
information when users access the application.
• No Redundancy: In the proposed system can be avoided reputation of data anywhere in the
• Availability: All data in the system will be available all the time.
• Efficiency: The system must ensure allocation and use of services being requested for the users by
using minimum memory storage, cost, time and human power.
• User friendly Interface: Users can easily input and retrieve their profile and history.
• Security: The system should allow login to only authorized users. For security issue, only
authenticated user can visit the system. Usability: The system is user friendly. It can be easily
understandable by the user. Any user who have known how about computer can easily do with it.
For employers of the courts tutorials will give to adopt the system.
• Error handling: The system handles an error done by the user and display error message.
Chapter Three
Analysis deliverables of new system
3.1 Introduction
Analysis is the process of breaking something into its parts so that the whole may be understood. System
analysis is concerned with becoming aware of the problem, identifying the relevant and most decisional
variables, analyzing and synthesizing the various factors and determining an optimal or at least a
satisfactory solution. During this a problem is identified, alternate system solutions are studied and
recommendations are made about committing the resources used to design the system
• Login
• Manage account
• Generate report
• New case registration
• Advocator registration
• View appointment
• Give appointment
• Record decision
• Search Customer Information
• View assigned case
• View decision
• Give comment
• View information
• :Actors
• Administrator
• Criminal Law Officer
• Civil Law Officer
• Judge
• Customer
Step3. Select link he/she want to Step4. The system displays the selected report.
generate a report. Step5. The use case ends
course of 3.1 If enter incorrect ID error message display for the user
3.2 Go to step3 and fill again
action: message.
3.2.Go to step 3 to fill again
Table 3. 12 Use case documentation for record decision
Class name
Responsibilit Collaborator
Name: The name, located at the top of the card, describes the class that the CRC card represents.
Responsibility: A responsibility is something that a class knows or does, represented along the
left side of the card.
Collaborators: Responsibilities will collaborate with one or more other classes to fulfill one or
more Scenarios. Collaborators are listed on the right hand side of the CRC card, next to the
responsibilities that they are helping to realize.
Phone no
Case type
Case id
Court fee
Assigned case
Judge ID
Case ID
Case type
Send() form
Manage account
User id
User name
Confirm password
Give Appointment
Judge ID
CaseID Registration
Change case will used to describe potential modifications requirements to the system.
There are many cases that change the content of the project. From these:-
• Missing activities: -Where there the important activities missed in each project development
phase and the developing team latterly understood them, they should include them.
• Important comments: - When crucial comments are raised from the advisor, teachers and
examiners that should be included and excluded the developing team assess the project again.
• Lack of resources: - If there is scarcity of resources occurred to develop many system activities,
the developing team also restructured the contents of the project.