Battle of Ligny
l6 June l8l5
Commanding Officer: Feldmarschal Blucher
I Corps: Generallieutenant von Ziethen
(Main body posted before St. Amand & Ligny. The advanced troops were posted
between Lambusart & Heppignies)
lst Brigade: Generalmajor von Steinmetz
l2th Infantry Regiment (3)
24th Infantry Regiment (3)
lst Westphalian Landwehr (3) (& jagers)
3/Silesian Schutzen Company
4/Silesian Schutzen Company
4th (lst Silesian) Hussars (4)(& jagers)
6pdr Foot Battery No. 7
6pdr Horse Battery No. 7
2nd Brigade: Generalmajor von Pirch II
6th Infantry Regiment (3) (& jagers)
28th Infantry Regiment (3) (& jagers)
2nd Westphalian Landwehr (3) (& jagers)
lst Westphalian Landwehr Cavalry (4)(& Jagers)
6pdr Foot Battery No. 3
3rd Brigade: Generalmajor von Jagow
7th Infantry Regiment (3)(& jagers)
29th Infantry Regiment (3)(& jagers)
3rd Westphalian Landwehr (3)(& jagers)
l/Silesian Schutzen
2/Silesian Schutzen
6pdr Foot Battery No. 8
4th Brigade: Generalmajor von Henckel
l3th Infantry Regiment (3)
l9th Infantry Regiment (3)
4th Westphalian Landwehr (3)(& jagers)
6pdr Foot Battery No. l5
Corps Cavalry: Generalmajor von Roder
lst Brigade: Generalmajor von Treckow
5th (Brandenburg) Dragoon Regiment (4)
2nd (lst West Prussian) Dragoon Regiment(4)
3rd (Brandenburg) Uhlan Regiment (4)
6pdr Horse Battery No. 7
2nd Brigade: Oberstlieutenant von Lutzow
6th (2nd West Prussian) Uhlan Regiment (4)
lst Kurmark Landwehr Cavalry (4)
2nd Kurmark Landwehr Cavalry (4)
Artillery: Generalmajor von Holzendorff
l2pdr Foot Battery No. 2
l2pdr Foot Battery No. 6
l2pdr Foot Battery No. 9
6pdr Foot Battery No. l
6pdr Horse Battery No. l0
Howitzer Battery No. l
lst Field Pioneer Company
2nd Field Pioneer Company
II Corps: Generallieutenant von Pirch I
(Corps posted by Sombreuf & Mazy)
5th Brigade: Generalmajor von Tippelskirch
2nd Infantry Regiment (3) (& jagers)
25th Infantry Regiment (3)(& jagers)
5th Westphalian Landwehr (3)(& jagers)
Field Jager Company
6pdr Foot Battery No. l0
6th Brigade: Generalmajor von Krafft
9th Infantry Regiment (3)(& jagers)
26th Infantry Regiment (3)(& jagers)
lst Elbe Landwehr (3)
6pdr Foot Battery No. 5
7th Brigade: Generalmajor von Bause
l4th Infantry Regiment (3)(& jagers)
22th Infantry Regiment (3)
2nd Elbe Landwehr (3)
6pdr Foot Battery No. 34
8th Brigade: Generalmajor von Bose
2lst Infantry Regiment (3)
23rd Infantry Regiment (3)
3rd Elbe Landwehr (3)
6pdr Foot Battery No. l2
Corps Cavalry: Generalmajor von Wahlen-Jurgass
lst Brigade: Generalmajor von Thumen
lst (Queen's) Dragoon Regiment (4)(& jagers)
6th (Neumark) Dragoon Regiment (4)(& jagers)
2nd (Silesian) Uhlan Regiment (4)
6pdr Horse Battery No. 6
2nd Brigade: Oberstlieutenant von Sohr
3rd (Brandenburg) Hussar Regiment (4)(& jagers)
5th (Pommeranian) Hussars Regiment (4)(& jagers)
llth (2nd Westphalian) Hussars Cavalry (4)(& jagers)
3rd Brigade: Oberst von der Schulenburg
4th Kurmark Landwehr Regiment (4)
5th Kurmark Landwehr Regiment (4)
Elbe Landwehr Regiment (4)
Artillery: Major von Lehmann
l2pdr Foot Battery No. 4
l2pdr Foot Battery No. 8
6pdr Foot Battery No. 37
6pdr Horse Battery No. 5
6pdr Horse Battery No. l4
Howitzer Battery No. 2
III Corps: Generallieutenant von Thielmann
9th Brigade: Generalmajor von Borche (Left of Belgrade)
8th (Leib) Infantry Regiment (3) (& jagers)
30th Infantry Regiment (3)
lst Kurmark Landwehr (3)
6pdr Foot battery No. l8
l0th Brigade: Oberst von Kemphen
20th Infantry Regiment (3)
27th Infantry Regiment (3)
2nd Kurmark Landwehr Infantry Regiment (3)
6pdr Foot Battery No. 35
llth Brigade: Oberst von Luck (Right of Belgrade)
3rd Kurmark Landwehr Regiment (3)
4th Kurmark Landwehr Regiment (3)
6pdr Foot battery No. 36
l2th Brigade: Oberst von Stulpnagel (Behind 9th Brigade)
3lst Infantry Regiment (3)
5th Kurmark Landwehr Regiment (3)
6th Kurmark Landwehr Regiment (3)
6pdr Foot Battery No. 24
Corps Cavalry: Generalmajor von Hobe (In Flavinne)
lst Brigade: Oberst von der Marwitz
7th (Rhinland) Uhlan Regiment (4)
8th (Rhineland) Uhlan Regiment (4)
l2th (Saxon) Hussar Regiment (4)
2nd Brigade: Oberst von Lottum
5th (lst Westphalian) Uhlan Regiment (4)
7th (Westphalian) Dragoons Regiment (4)
3rd Kurmark Landwehr Cavalry (4)
6th Kurmark Landwehr Cavalry (4)
6pdr Horse battery No. 20
Artillery: Major von Lehmann (On the road to Namur)
l2pdr Foot Battery No. 7
l2pdr Foot Battery No. ll
l2pdr Foot Battery No. l2
6pdr Foot Battery No. 30
6pdr Horse Battery No. l8
6pdr Horse Battery No. l9
Howitzer Battery No. 3
4th Field Pioneer Company
5th Field Pioneer Company
IV Corps: Generallieutenant Bulow von Dennewitz
l3th Brigade: Generallieutenant von Hake
(by Luttich, Hirschtake, Voteme, Ans & St. Nicolas)
l0th Infantry Regiment (3)
lst Neumark Landwehr Regiment (3)
2nd Neumark Landwehr Regiment (3)
6pdr Foot Battery No. 2l (In Saire)
l4th Brigade: Generalmajor von Ryssel
(By Vareme, Greenville & Oreye)
llth (2nd Silesian) Infantry Regiment (3)
lst Pommeranian Landwehr Regiment (3)
2nd Pommeranian Landwehr Regiment (3)
6pdr Foot Battery No. l3
l5th Brigade: Generalmajor von Losthin
(By Helogne, Grace, Thys, Chirchegnee, Odeur,
and Villar l'Eveque)
l8th (lst Posen) Infantry Regiment (3)
3rd Silesian Landwehr Regiment (3) (& Jagers)
4th Silesian Landwehr Regiment (3)
6pdr Foot Battery No. l4
l6th Brigade: Oberst von Hiller
(Posted by Glons)
l5th (2nd West Prussian) Infantry Regiment (3)
lst Silesian Landwehr Regiment (3)
2nd Silesian Landwehr Regiment (3)
6pdr Foot Battery No. 2
Corps Cavalry: Generalmajor HRH Prince Wilhelm of Prussia
(Cantoned by Mastricht)
lst Brigade: Oberst Count von Schwerin
l0th (lst Magdeburg) Hussar Regiment (4)
lst (West Prussian) Uhlan Regiment (4)
6th (2nd Silesian) Hussar Regiment (4)
2nd Brigade: Generalmajor von Sydow
8th Dragoon Regiment (4)
8th (lst Westphalian) Hussar Regiment (4)
6pdr Horse Battery No. l2
3rd Brigade: Oberstlieutenant von Watzdorff
(Posted by Marlin, Roclenge, Vry Heers, Op Heers,
Looz, Wantrenge, Heerstappe, Heur le Tirhe
Nedrin & Frere)
lst Pommeranian Landwehr Cavalry Regiment (4)
2nd Pommeranian Landwehr Cavalry Regiment (4)
lst Neumark Landwehr Cavalry Regiment (4)
2nd Neumark Landwehr Cavalry Regiment (4)
lst Silesian Landwehr Cavalry Regiment (4)
2nd Silesian Landwehr Cavalry Regiment (4)
3rd Silesian Landwehr Cavalry Regiment (4)
Reserve Artillery: Major von Lehmann
(Posted by Greenville, Oreye, Thys, Chirchegnee,
Odeur and Villers l'Eveque
l2pdr Foot Battery No. 3
l2pdr Foot Battery No. 5
l2pdr Foot Battery No. l3
6pdr Foot Battery No. ll
6pdr Horse Battery No. ll
Howitzer Battery No. 4