PDA Vol. 77, Issue 3 - VinaGMP
PDA Vol. 77, Issue 3 - VinaGMP
PDA Vol. 77, Issue 3 - VinaGMP
PDA Journal of
Science and
Volume 77
Number 3
vinagmp.com | Group Facebook: EU GMP in Viet Nam
PDA Journal of
Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
Artificial Intelligence and Pharmaceutical Production 145
Shanker Gupta
CPV of the Future: AI-Powered Continued Process Verification for Bioreactor Processes 146
Andrej Ondracka, Arnau Gasset, Xavier Garcı́a-Ortega, David Hubmayr,
Joeri van Wijngaarden, José Luis Montesinos-Seguı́, Francisco Valero, and Toni Manzano
Flexible Loading Pattern Approach in Overkill Steam Sterilization Based on the Physical 166
Properties of Steam and Thermodynamics of Sterilization
Arnan Ben-David
Tolerance Interval Approach for the Determination of Overfill of Liquid Parenteral Drug Products 181
Bernhard Schmelzer and Marc Sutter
Determination of ICH-Q3D Elemental Impurity Leachables in Glass Vials by Inductively 197
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Lydia Breckenridge, Yusuf Oni, Christina Evans, Jason Franck, Sharla Wood,
Meng Xu, Erinc Sahin, and Brian Zacour
Rapid Sterility Test Systems in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Applying a Structured 211
Approach to Their Evaluation, Validation and Global Implementation
Sven Deutschmann, Mousumi Paul, Marja Claassen-Willemse, Jonas van den Berg,
Pieta Ijzerman-Boon, Viviane Grunert da Fonseca, Ellen Brunbech, Lynn Johnson,
Chris Knutsen, Lucile Plourde, Joanny Salvas, Philip Villari, and Lisa Wysocki
Multisite Qualification of an Automated Incubator and Colony Counter for 236
Environmental and Bioburden Applications in Pharmaceutical Microbiology
Hans Joachim Anders, Daniel Männle, William Carpenter, Wolfgang Eder,
Ivana Heckel, Tobias Gøtzen, Corinne Oechslin, Cedric Joossen, Maria Eugenia Giribets
Parra, Jason Rose, Vaishali Shah, and David L Jones
Something for Nothing 248
James Agalloco
ABSTRACT: According to the standard guidelines by the FDA, process validation in biopharma manufacturing encom-
passes a life cycle consisting of three stages: process design (PD), process qualification (PQ), and continued process
verification (CPV). The validity and efficiency of the analytics methods employed during the CPV require extensive
knowledge of the process. However, for new processes and new drugs, such knowledge is often not available from Pro-
cess performance qualification and Validation (PPQV). In this work, the suitability of methods based on machine learn-
ing/artificial intelligence (ML/AI) for the CPV applied in bioprocess monitoring and cell physiological control of the
yeast Pichia pastoris (Komagataella phaffii) was studied with limited historical data. In particular, the production of
recombinant Candida rugosa lipase 1 (Crl1) under hypoxic conditions in fed-batch cultures was considered as a case study.
Supervised and unsupervised machine learning models using data from fed-batch bioprocesses with different gene dosage
clones under normoxic and hypoxic conditions were evaluated. Firstly, a multivariate anomaly detection (isolation forest)
model was applied to the batch phase of the bioprocess. Secondly, a supervised random forest model for prediction of
required operator’s control actions during the semiautomated fed-batch phase under hypoxic conditions was assessed to
maintain the respiratory quotient (RQ) within the desired range for maximizing the specific production rate (qP). The per-
formance of these models was tested on historical data using independent evaluation of the process by the process control
engineer (subject matter expert—SME), and on real-time data in the case of manual action prediction, where the model was
implemented to guide the control of the bioprocess. The work presented here constitutes a proof-of-concept that multivariate
analytics methods, based on machine learning, can be a valuable tool for real-time monitoring and control of biopharma
manufacturing bioprocesses to improve its efficiency and to assure product quality.
KEYWORDS: Bioprocess engineering, Bioreactor, Pichia pastoris, Artificial intelligence (AI), Machine learning,
Anomaly detection, Random Forest.
Figure 1
Process validation schema based on the FDA guidance (FDA, 2011). The two arrows indicating the possibility
to bring feedback to previous stages are an interpretation proposed by the authors based on the goal of this
research applied to the FDA guidance.
final control element, the control addresses the interaction critical material attributes (CMAs), critical process pa-
between process variables and incorporates functions such rameters (CPPs), key process parameters (KPPs), and
as constraint control that are intended to optimize process critical quality attributes (CQAs), are not sufficient to
operations (1). Unfortunately, in pharma biomanufactur- describe a real and complete picture of the drug manufac-
ing, the APC systems are still managing processes by uni- turing bioprocess as they were designed at Stage 1. New
variate controls (2). Multivariate analysis is a set of results or additional factors not considered during Stage 1
techniques used to understand and interpret the complex- or Stage 2 that would be relevant could appear during the
ity embedded in a system governed by multiple dimen- production. Stage 3 is typically a long manufacturing
sions, and it is useful in the biotech field (3). Although phase in which extensive data is accumulated, trended,
multivariate techniques are broadly accepted in biophar- and analyzed to ensure that the bioprocess is always
maceutical environments, artificial intelligence (AI) is still under control. The drug manufacturing and the imple-
not adopted in Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) mented industrial processes are verified at Stage 2, but
environments, even though it has a demonstrated value in the inherent variability of the huge number of elements
the industry (4). involved in the industrialization of the drug design is
always providing uncertainty to the process. Depending
When the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pub- on the robustness of the initial quality by design process,
lished the first version of the Process Validation guide- a backward movement to the previous stage or even to
lines (FDA, 2011) (5), the administration established the Stage 1 often has to be considered (Figure 1).
path for implementing the expected quality, safety, and
efficacy by design in the product, as well as in the pro- In general, chemical processes are usually considered
cess. These guidelines establish the continuation of the much easier to be on-line monitored than bioprocesses.
initial proposal established by the International Confer- Therefore, the implementation of CPV in pharmaceuti-
ence on Harmonisation (ICH) guidances for industry, Q8 cal industries is easier for products obtained by chemi-
(R2) Pharmaceutical Development, Q9 Quality Risk cal transformations rather than biological processes or
Management, and Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System. biotransformations. It is due to the lower complexity of
process validation encompasses a life cycle approach that the process and the need not to include so many key
includes three stages: process design (Stage 1), process process variables. Moreover, CPV has been considered
qualification (Stage 2), and continued process verification as an essential mechanism to implement APC in bio-
(CPV, Stage 3) (Figure 1). manufacturing processes (2) and a relevant procedure
to ensure consistency of biologics manufacturing (3).
Established conditions (EC) are defined as legally binding
information (or approved matters) considered necessary The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris (Komagataella
to assure product quality (6). The ECs, which include phaffii) is a widely used microbial cell factory for the
metabolites and recombinant proteins production (RPP), makes the likelihood of finding a single model that cap-
including both biopharmaceutical and industrial enzymes tures the information necessary for a proper predictive
(7–11). Most of them are secreted to the culture broth model rather low (22). Hence, the use of data-driven
facilitating the subsequent downstream processes due to models in the sense of learning from experience with
the low secretion of native proteins and other metabolites. measurement data represents a suitable alternative. In
Although the inducible alcohol oxidase 1 promoter addition, the run-to-run variability on bioprocess model
(PAOX1) has been the classical promoter used with the parameters and predictions that present the currently
expression regulated by the presence of methanol, devel- available macroscopic models (24, 25) is not low enough
opment of alternative new methanol-free expression sys- for a successful use in process control. Thus, as an alter-
tems is considered of great interest during the last years native, the relationships between state variables such as
to avoid the drawbacks and costs associated with the stor- biomass, substrate, and product concentrations and the
age and handling of methanol as well as the operational measured variables can be modeled to a sufficient degree
problems caused by the methanol metabolism (12). The of accuracy with modern data-driven AI methods devel-
most used methanol-free alternative is the widely used oped by the machine learning (ML) community.
constitutive glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
promoter (PGAP) (13–15). Consequently, great efforts AI algorithms have been promoted as valid analytical
have been undertaken to improve bioprocess efficiency methods, and good practices have been proposed for bio-
with PGAP, boosting the production yields and rates to pharmaceuticals manufacturing. Two AI algorithms
become a cost-effective alternative to PAOX1 for the indus- (Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines) were
trial production of recombinant proteins. introduced by the European Pharmacopoeia (26) as valid
chemometric methods applied to analytical data in
It has been reported in previous works that cellular pharma contexts. The FDA proposed different tools and
stress in P. pastoris and other yeasts can trigger an techniques to reduce the variability and to understand the
increase in production parameters (12, 16). Therefore, effects of the unavoidable and unpredictable events on
implementation of hypoxic conditions as a novel and commercial manufacturing processes. Unknown factors
nonconventional cultivation strategy can lead to signif- can lead to byproducts formation due to perturbations on
icant increases in terms of specific production rate (qP) operating conditions or nonconsidered process variables,
and productivity (17–19). This environmental stress which may affect bioprocess efficiency and product qual-
leads to a shift from a respiratory to respiro-fermenta- ity. A more recent publication elaborated by the FDA
tive metabolism, which can be monitored by either described a methodology for AI application in medical
ethanol production and/or an increase in the respiratory devices (FDA, 2021). Thus, the CPV highly recommends
quotient (RQ) as indirect reporting parameters. There- bioprocess automation, use of process analytical technol-
fore, these parameters must be properly controlled not ogies (PAT), risk assessment, and a deep knowledge of
only to maximize protein production but also to keep a the biomanufacturing process and drug product attributes.
constant protein quality to standardize the process and They are considered and evaluated individually, although
to guarantee the reproducibility between lots. most of them are part of a multivariate and complex real-
ity. Statistics and multivariable analysis can be comple-
Process modeling can be applied to perform an opti- mented with AI to bring more knowledge at this stage.
mized, feasible, precise, and robust process control.
Mechanistic and data-driven modeling possess separate Many AI algorithms have been developed and can be
unique advantages as well as disadvantages and limita- applied to tasks such as describing the relationships
tions due to their respective model structures. No gen- between variables in the bioreactor. The support vector
eral statement can be made about whether mechanistic, machine regression (SVR) techniques are one example,
data-driven, or hybrid approaches (20–22) are more neural networks and relevance vector machines are
suitable, because the selection is strongly dependent on other alternatives (20, 27). Some recent examples of
the available process knowledge and measurement sys- applications to P. pastoris bioprocesses include a neu-
tems (off-line/on-line) as well as the number of data ral network-based feedback control for methanol feed-
sets and data points (23). However, the fact that P. pas- ing (28) and final yield prediction (29) in case of
toris bioprocesses have distinct process phases such as recombinant antibody production, and a support vector
batch, transition, and fed-batch phases, with more than machine (SVM) regression-based yield prediction in an
one substrate and time-varying key process rates, insulinase production system (30).
However, another class of AI/ML algorithms that are Materials and Methods
particularly suitable for such tasks are algorithms based
on decision trees, such as random forest regression, Risk Assessment
which has also been implemented due to its versatility,
no need for complex parameterization, no need for Risk assessment was performed before the start of the
variable normalization or scaling, relative insensitivity study. The results of the risk assessment are in the
to outliers, and ability to extract the important predic- Table A-I at the end of the document.
tors by feature importance, making the resulting mod-
els more interpretable (27). Strain and Cultivation Methods
In addition to supervised learning methods described Clone Construction and Gene Dosage Determination:
previously, which aim to model the relationship Two clones of P. pastoris harboring one (single-copy
between independent variables and a target variable clone, SCC) and five (multicopy clone, MCC) copies
(typically a critical quality attribute, CQA), another of the C. rugosa lipase 1 (CRL1) expression cassette
potentially useful application of AI methods is outlier regulated by PGAP were tested in chemostat and fed-
detection. One of the main root causes of issues in drug batch mode. The clone construction and the gene dos-
manufacturing are mechanical human interactions age determination have been previously described in
within the production chain (31). The routine actions other works (39, 40).
executed by process operators are often a source of
failures. In contrast to univariate outlier detection, AI
Chemostat and Fed-Batch Cultivation: Chemostat
algorithms for outlier detection (or anomaly detection)
cultivations with these clones (SCC and MCC) had
can detect outliers in a dataset in a multivariate man-
been performed before this study to evaluate the effect
ner, considering not only data points that are anoma-
of oxygen limitation as described in previous published
lous in a single variable but also detecting potential
works (19).
anomalous combinations of variable values. Several
ML algorithms have been adapted and developed for
For the work presented hereafter, the producer clones
multivariate anomaly detection, such as one-class sup-
were grown in carbon-limited fed-batch cultures with a
port vector machine (SVM), local outlier factor, and
preprogrammed exponential glucose feeding profile at
isolation forest (32–34).
a constant specific growth rate (l) of 0.10 h1 in both
normoxic and hypoxic conditions. This strategy allows
AI can replicate simple manual tasks of human cogni-
a pseudostationary state to be reached as has been
tion in an automated way, and as such, it is suitable
described elsewhere (14, 41). Prior to the fed-batch
for controlling multiple processes with a high number
phase, a glycerol batch phase was conducted (14). The
of variables to make fast decisions. AI is already
extensively used in operations such as image recogni- composition of both batch and fed-batch media have
tion, multivariate prediction, or fast classifications been previously reported (19). Temperature and pH
(35, 36). The overall goal of the present work is to de- were controlled at 25˚C and 6.0, respectively. The inlet
velop and implement AI for CPV to demonstrate that gas flow rate was 2 L min1. The fermentations were
AI can be used as not only a multivariable tool for done in a 5 L Biostat B Fermenter (Sartorius Stedim,
detecting bioprocess anomalies but also for estimating Goettingen, Germany), equipped with MFCS/win 3.0
the most suitable operating conditions for bioprocess Process Control software for the monitoring and con-
intensification, including bioprocess efficiency and trol of the fermentation.
product quality in real time. The previously described
P. pastoris cell factory was selected as a case study Analytical Methods
producing Candida rugosa lipase 1 (Crl1) regulated
by the constitutive PGAP, one of the most promising Biomass Concentration and Composition: Biomass
industrial lipase enzymes for biocatalysis (37, 38). dry cell weight (DCW) analysis was performed as
Specifically, the use of AI modeling to detect anoma- described previously (42). Biomass elemental composi-
lies in high automated bioprocesses and to develop a tion was also determined as it was done in other studies
novel physiological control strategy based on AI has (43). In both cases, the relative standard deviation
been explored. (RSD) of the measures was below 5%.
Lipase Production: Product quantification was per- Ideal Agitation Prediction Models: The random forest
formed through a lipolytic assay, using p-nitrophenyl model for stirring rate was trained using the ranger
butyrate (pNPB) as a substrate for Crl1, as previously function from the ranger package in R software. Before
described (44). Product titer is presented as activity training the models, data were filtered so that only the
units·mL1, in which one activity unit is defined as the data points that were considered in the ideal regime
amount of enzyme needed to hydrolyze 1 lmol ester were kept. The number of trees constructed for the ran-
bond per min. RSD of the analysis was below 1%. dom forest models was 500, variance was used as the
splitting rule, and no constraints were put on maximal
tree depth. Impurity was used to calculate the variable
Carbon Source and By-Products Quantification: The
concentrations of substrates and potential fermentation
by-products were analyzed through high-performance
Data Governance and Deployment of AI Models: The
liquid chromatography (HPLC) for each sample. The
raw data were stored and managed, and the models
software for the quantification and the column specifi-
were deployed in the AWS cloud using the Aizon plat-
cations are described elsewhere (45). The RSD of the
form (Aizon, Barcelona, Spain) to ensure data integrity
method was below 1%. In addition, ethanol concentra-
and compliance.
tion was measured on-line with a Methanol Sensor Sys-
tem (Raven Biotech Inc., Vancouver, Canada) used in Results
previous studies (46, 47). This sensor system is sensi-
tive to other volatile compounds, and it was adapted to Bioprocess Background, Experimental Setup, and Data
ethanol measurement, being calibrated in each fed- Gathering
batch integrating HPLC data with the electric signal of
the probe to obtain an on-line ethanol concentration Previously, the application of hypoxic conditions in the
profile. production of an antibody fragment (Fab) increased up
to threefold the specific production rate (qP) and spe-
Inlet- and off-Gas Analyses: To analyze CO2 and O2 cific productivity (QP) (17–19). In the present work,
mole fractions of both the inlet- and the off-gas, a this culture strategy has been applied to the recombi-
BlueInOne FERM (BlueSens, Herten, Germany) ana- nant production of Crl1.
lyzer linked to the software BlueVis (BlueSens, Herten,
Germany) was used. As described in previous works To gather information about the system, a systematic
study of the effect of hypoxic conditions has been
(19), the recorded data was used to calculate the
made in chemostat cultures at a dilution rate of
respirometric parameters: carbon dioxide emission rate
0.10 h1 with both producer clones (SCC and MCC).
(CER), oxygen uptake rate (OUR), and respiratory quo-
Chemostat experiments have shown that at around 12%
tient (RQ). The RSD was below 5%. The gas analyzer
O2 molar fraction in the inlet-gas can be found the tran-
was recalibrated for every fed-batch to assure an accu-
sition between normoxic and hypoxic conditions.
rate and reliable data set.
Accordingly, and regardless of the gene dosage of the
clones, RQ increased linearly from a constant value
AI Algorithms close to 1.2 in normoxic conditions up to 1.6 once the
culture achieved the most restrictive oxygen condition
Anomaly Detection Model: The anomaly detection tested. Similar behavior was observed for ethanol-spe-
models were trained using the isolation.forest function cific production rate (qEthOH) from 0 under normoxic
from the isotree package in R software, with default pa- conditions to the highest value of 0032 gEtOH gX1 h1
rameters, except for where the column weights were under the most severe hypoxic condition.
specified. The data were split in hourly intervals from
the beginning of the fermentation, and a separate model On the other hand, it must be noticed that the pattern
was trained for every interval. Finally, the trained mod- observed for qP with respect to oxygen limitation dif-
els were applied to each data point to compute the fered from that observed with RQ or qEtOH. Although
anomaly scores. For visual clarity, the anomaly scores the value of these last two parameters increased line-
(output of the model) were binned and averaged in 1- arly when oxygen limitation was applied, qP values
hour intervals for visual clarity. showed a high increase when applying hypoxia but
935 6 85
on/off switch, generating a fivefold higher qP for SCC
and a threefold higher qP for MCC comparing hypoxic
with normoxic conditions. As stated previously, the
condition corresponding to 12% of oxygen in the inlet-
Multicopy Clone (MCC)
1,29 6 0,05
921 6 31 gas acted as a transition between these two states,
showing higher variability in qP values between repli-
qp EtOH
Table I
Figure 2
(A) Experimental setup to perform RQ control in fed-batch bioprocess. (B) Classification of off-line (white
boxes) and on-line (blue boxes) data obtained from the bioprocess. Variables are separated depending on
whether they are direct/indirect measurements (primary variables) or calculated parameters (secondary varia-
bles). Arrows indicate which measurements are used for the calculation of each parameter.
following heuristic rules: to increase RQ, agitation was obtainment of higher specific production rates. However,
reduced to decrease O2 transfer rate to the culture because the work aims to implement a feasible and
media and therefore decrease OUR. To reduce RQ, the robust control strategy, an estimation algorithm for the
opposite action was carried out. Additionally, ethanol proper stirring rate is required.
concentration was also monitored on-line using a Rav-
en’s probe, to double-check hypoxic level conditions. Exploratory Analysis
In accordance with chemostat results previously described A set of 11 fed-batch experiments was carried out at a
(48), preliminary experiments through manual action on constant specific growth rate of 0.10 h1 with the single
stirring rate based on heuristic rules demonstrated that and multicopy clones under hypoxic and normoxic
the control of RQ in fed-batch fermentations allows the conditions. In Table II, the set of available experiments
Table II
Set of Experiments Performed in This Work, Classified According to the Clone Tested: Single-Copy Clone or
Multicopy Clone (First Letter of the Fermentation Code, S/M); and Oxygen Supply Condition: Normoxic and
Hypoxic (Second Letter of the Fermentation Code, N/H). Arrows Indicate the Good (:), Average (!) or Bad (;)
Performance of Each Phase (Batch, Transition, Early Fed-Batch, and Later Fed-Batch)
Fermentation Fermentation
Code Phase Performance Code Phase Performance
Early Later Early Later
Transi- Fed- Fed- Transi- Fed- Fed-
Batch tion Batch Batch Batch tion Batch Batch
NORMOXIC SN-1 : : : fi MN-1 fi : : :
SN-2 : : : : MN-2 : fi : :
SN-3 : : : :
HYPOXIC SH-1 : : ; ; MH-1 : : fi :
SH-2 : : fi : MH-2 : : fi :
SH-3 fi : : : MH-3-V : : : :
to feed AI algorithms is presented. MH-3-V was the control actions on the manipulated variable (stirring
experiment to validate the general algorithm under rate) required due to the slow dynamics of the culture.
hypoxic conditions with the MCC.
Phase 4 Later fed-batch. The manipulated variable
However, because the number of experiments to feed AI requires continued actions (increasing its value) to
algorithms was quite limited, each fed-batch experiment maintain the RQ set point. Normally, this phase starts
was divided into four different phases as shown in Figure when the biomass concentration is around 50 g L1.
3. Furthermore, the process was split into phases because
they represent different subprocesses, with significantly Finally, the different phases were classified by the pro-
different dynamics or time evolution characteristics due to cess control engineer as “good”, “average”, and “bad”,
the carbon source used, concentrations of substrates and according to their bioprocess expertise (Table II). The
biomass, and consumption and production rates. phase was classified as “good” if RQ was controlled
within the desired range and the values of all parame-
The main characteristics of the different phases for ters (especially biomass and ethanol concentrations and
each process are detailed as follows: product titer) were those expected. On the other hand,
the phase was classified as “average” if RQ was con-
Phase 1 Batch. This phase aims to generate a signifi- trolled within the desired range, but the value of any
cant amount of biomass growing on glycerol. In the other parameter was significantly different from the
conditions used, the reached biomass concentration is expected (but without having a significant impact on
about 25 g L1. No off-line data is collected in this biomass and ethanol concentrations and product titer).
phase, and no manual actions are made; it can be con- Finally, the phase was classified as “bad” if RQ was
sidered as a routine phase before starting the fed-batch not controlled within the desired range and/or a signifi-
stage. The duration is around 20-24 h. cant impact on biomass and ethanol concentrations and
product titer was observed. For the anomaly detections
Phase 2 Transition. This phase runs between the end of in phase 1, the experiments marked both as “good” and
the batch, once glycerol is completely depleted, and “average” were used, with a goal to detect the “aver-
the beginning of the fed-batch, when the culture is fed age” experiments as anomalies (with suboptimal per-
with a glucose solution. formance) in this phase. To calibrate the AI algorithms
for the operator’s control action to maintain RQ in its
Phase 3 Early fed-batch. This phase lasts 10 h from the set point during phase 4, only the experiments under
start of the fed-batch, and it is characterized by fewer hypoxic conditions marked as “good” and “average” in
Figure 3
The different phases of the bioprocess SH-3 as an example. The vertical lines represent the transitions between
the 4 phases: Batch, Transition, Early fed-batch, Late fed-batch.
phases 3 and 4 were used, not including experiment manually inspected and validated by the process con-
MH-3-V, which was only used for the model validation trol engineer. MH-3-V was not included in this set.
step. Eight of them were labeled as “good” and unlikely to
contain anomalous data points. In contrast, two were
Anomaly Detection: As an alternative to univariate suboptimal, labeled as “average”, and it was hypothe-
anomaly detection, whereby each process variable is sized that these two fed-batches might contain data val-
monitored individually, a multivariate statistics method ues that would be detected as anomalies.
to efficiently summarize the entire bioprocess by trans-
forming all the relevant variables into a single metric Because the behavior of the variables is dynamic, com-
was selected. Ideally, this metric would indicate bining all of the data points into a single model would
whether, and with what certainty, the bioprocess is not be an appropriate strategy, as the isolation forest
anomalous. With this aim, the isolation forest algo- model works by majority rule. Thus, the areas where
rithm (IFA) to implement the outlier detection was variables change faster would be flagged as outliers.
applied (32). The IFA was selected because it has been Because the outlier detection using isolation forest
previously qualified for use for anomaly detection (49). requires stationarity, it was necessary to split the data
into subintervals for which the bioprocess can roughly
Even though there are a few manual operations such as be assumed to be constant. Taking into account that the
inoculation, sampling, eventual foaming correction, batch phase lasts approximately 1 day and there are
and other minor operator’s actions, the batch phase of only slight differences in the duration between differ-
the bioprocess is considered fully automated for this ent batches, it was assumed that all the experiments
analysis. Thus, without considering manual actions, proceeded at the same process rates and consequently,
possible anomalies arise due to system perturbations, the experiments were aligned by absolute time. Thus,
improper functioning of the equipment, and/or unex- data were split into 1-h intervals and isolated forest
pected performance of the microorganism not detected. models for each interval were trained. The training was
The dataset contains 10 fed-batches that were initially made using multiple variables that included operating
Figure 4
Distribution of anomaly scores for each different batch culture colored by the expert according to the classifica-
tion of the run. The batches were sorted by median anomaly score. The vertical line represents the global me-
dian anomaly score.
parameters (primary variables) such as pH, tempera- consistent with the previous knowledge that, except for
ture, pO2, and O2 - CO2 molar fraction in the off-gas the period during which the pH dropped in the time
stream as well as the respirometry parameters (second- window around 15 h, the experiment was labeled as
ary variables): CER, OUR, and RQ. Because no signifi- good.
cant differences were observed when the weights for
individual variables were varied, the models were Overall, the anomaly score based on the isolation forest
trained using equal weight for all variables. Comparing model accurately reflects known anomalous behavior.
the distribution of anomaly scores of individual experi-
ments revealed that some cultures consistently scored AI Modeling Strategy to Predict Stirring Rate for RQ
higher than others. Thus, these cultivations were fur- Control: In contrast to the batch phase, where the bio-
ther investigated. process is considered fully automated, the fed-batch
stages (phases 3 and 4) rely on manual actions to main-
In Figure 4, the distribution of anomalies scored are tain the cell physiological state, especially when the
presented for all experiments, and in Figure 5, the culture is kept in hypoxic conditions. To maximize the
anomaly score over time is plotted. The highest anom- specific production rate in hypoxic bioprocesses, RQ
aly score was obtained in SH-3; pO2 values were over was selected as a controlled variable that was kept con-
100% in the first hours, due to an undetected overpres- stant, and the stirring rate was manually controlled.
sure in the fermenter. In the experiment MH-2, which Under hypoxic conditions, the suitable RQ values were
had the second highest anomaly scores, no untypical selected to be in the wide range of 1.3–1.7, with 1.5 as
behavior was detected by the process control engineer. the RQ set point value.
The third-highest scoring experiment (MN-1) was also
flagged as suboptimal by the process control engineer Due to the manual actions required during the fed-
operator: a malfunction of the base addition pump to batch phase, it is expected to observe higher variability
keep the pH at the set point of 6 was detected. It is among the individual runs. Therefore, the application
Figure 5
Anomaly score of the 10 analyzed batch cultures. The suboptimal experiments are plotted in light blue. The
dashed lines represent the period for which the pH dropped below 5.5 during MN-1. Anomaly scores are aver-
aged by hourly intervals for a cleaner visualization.
of anomaly detection in an unsupervised manner would culture: RQ, CER, OUR, ethanol concentration, and
not be a suitable strategy. Instead, a supervised model- substrate feeding rate.
ing strategy was implemented. The approach was to
give a dataset of successfully completed manually con- A first random regressor model (Model_1) was trained
trolled fed-batches to formulate the problem of finding with three historical datasets from hypoxic fed-batches
the ideal stirring rate at any moment as a supervised including SCC and MCC (SH-3, MH-1, and MH-2).
learning problem. Because the exact relationships The validation of the model was made with data from
between the concerned variables are unknown and very the SH-2 experiment. The predicted stirring rate is pre-
difficult to model without additional information, a sented in Figure 6A showing a similar trend compared
deterministic model that does not account for empiric with the manual actions of the operator, and the mean
observations would likely yield inaccurate predictions. absolute error of the prediction is 57 rpm. However, the
predicted stirring rate is systematically higher than that
This model was built based on the following assump- chosen by the process control engineer (mean error =
tions: 1. Ideal stirring rate at a given time can be pre- +38 rpm), and the model has a clear bias as the error
dicted only from the current state of the bioreactor, distribution is not symmetric around 0 (Figure 6B).
without considering the time evolution of bioprocess This bias of the model predictions likely represents a
variables; 2. no explicit previously known relationship systematic error due to the run-to-run variability.
between variables is needed; 3. in the successful man-
ually operated fed-batches, the actual stirring rate is To evaluate this possibility, a second random forest
considered ideal as long as the RQ is kept successfully regressor model (Model_2), which was trained on all
between 1.3 and 1.7, and the data points where the four historical hypoxic fed-batches (SH-2, SH-3, MH-
value of RQ was out of the range were excluded. 1, and MH-2), was built and evaluated. The same crite-
ria for the inclusion of the data points were used con-
Random forest regressor models were trained to predict sidering them to be in the ideal regime. However, this
the stirring rate based on the five critical variables that time the dataset was evaluated on 25% of the data
are concerned with the physiological state of the cell points that were randomly selected from all four fed-
Figure 6
(A) Comparison of the stirring rate implemented by the process control engineer with the predicted values
based on Model_1 for the SH-2 experiment dataset. (B) Distribution of the error from Model_1 evaluated on
the unseen data (the entire SH-2 dataset).
batches, whereas the remaining 75% of the data points were training of both models were analyzed. The importance
used for training the model. With this evaluation approach, of a feature (variable) is defined as the sum over the
the error of the model on the test set was much lower than number of splits (across all trees in the constructed ran-
for Model_1 (mean absolute error = 5.6 rpm), and the distri- dom forest model) that include the feature, normalized
bution showed no bias (mean error = 0.2 rpm) as can be by the number of samples it splits. As expected, the
observed in Figure 7. highest importances were found for CER, OUR, and
substrate feeding rate, because these three variables
To understand how the model makes predictions and correlate very well with stirring rate due to the relation
what features contribute to its performance, the relative among oxygen transfer rate (OTR), governed by the
importances of each independent variable used in the stirring rate, and the other variables concerned with
Figure 7
Distribution of the error from Model_2 evaluated on the unseen data (randomly sampled data points from all
four historical fed-batch datasets).
cell activity. In contrast, the RQ, which fluctuates broth, and the changes on stirring rate are more frequent
around a rather constant value during the bioprocess, according to the faster dynamics of the bioprocess.
contributes almost nothing to the prediction of the Using the stirring rate predicted by the model, the RQ
model, which is expected for small fluctuations without was successfully kept within the desired operation range
a trend. Additionally, it is important to bear in mind (Figure 9). Bioprocess efficiency in terms of specific
that the RQ is directly related to CER and OUR, production rate of Crl1 was similar to that obtained with
because it is calculated as the quotient between them. heuristic controlled fed-batches (Table III). This result
The ethanol concentration showed a moderate relative demonstrates that the developed AI ML-based modeling
importance. Because it is an indicator parameter of the strategy can be satisfactorily applied to the prediction of
cell metabolism, it is expected that a higher increase is operating conditions such as stirring rate in a bioreactor
produced when a higher limited oxygen transfer rate is to maximize the bioprocess efficiency through the appli-
applied and consequently higher hypoxic conditions cation of physiological control.
are implemented. The ethanol concentration is the vari-
able that fluctuates the most between fed-batches, In Figure 10, the evolution of RQ for all hypoxic fed-
highly contributing to the systematic bias on the model batch experiments and the stirring rates predicted with
prediction (Figure 8). the AI-ML are compared with the ones carried out fol-
lowing heuristic rules. The four manually controlled
Real-Time Prediction and Implementation of the fed-batch fermentations varied significantly around the
Stirring Rate: Finally, to drive the prediction stirring RQ set point of 1.5, although in all the fed-batches the
rate in real time, Model_1 was evaluated in real time to RQ was mostly kept within the interval 1.3–1.7. How-
control the bioprocess. The prediction of the required ever, in MH-3-V, the validation experiment, the fluctua-
stirring rate using the model every 30 min during a 6 h tions of the RQ were lower, within the interval between
time window of late fed-batch (phase 4) was imple- 1.5 and 1.7, normally working at RQ not lower than 1.5.
mented in the validation process MH-3-V. The last 6 h In fact, the trend seems to be slightly above the set point.
of the fed-batch were controlled by the model, because The predicted stirring rates are lower than those applied
in this latter phase the control is most demanding, in most heuristic-guided experiments. Thus, the AI-ML
because the changes on RQ are more important due to strategy can be considered more efficient while keeping
the high biomass concentration present in the culture the RQ within the optimal interval.
Figure 8
Relative importance of the critical variables selected in the Random forest regressor models, Model_1 and
Figure 9
AI-Model prediction of stirring rate to maintain RQ in a mean set point of 1.5 in the validation fed-batch pro-
cess MH-3-V (gray) compared with a heuristic control MH-2 (blue).
Comparison between Heuristic Controlled Fed-Batches and AI ML Model Validation Fed-Batch
Performance COMPARISON
Fermentation code MH-1 MH-2 MH-3-V
qp Crl1 997 6 29 1110 6 8 1061 ± 17
(AU · gX-1· h-1)
RQ 1,37 6 0,13 1,30 6 0,16 1,60 ± 0,13
(IoT), cloud computing, big data technologies, and AI has processes. Thus, these results demonstrate that even
accelerated the mechanisms to orchestrate the huge with scarce data, the IFA can be used as an analytical
amount of data generated in the supply chain. The trans- tool to reliably detect anomalous batches in near real
formation of data into information and finally into knowl- time.
edge is the pinnacle of the digitization journey.
Additionally, an AI/ML modeling strategy based on
The level of control and process understanding needed random forest regressor models has been shown to be a
to deploy a CPV strategy around the biotech process useful tool in the bioprocessing area, especially in mul-
requires a high maturity of digitization, and the techni- tivariate systems requiring feedback in near real time.
ques described in this article support this assumption. In this work, this approach has been successfully
The final goal of a total CPV implementation is to keep applied to the prediction of the stirring rate to maintain
the full process under control with the ability of near the RQ set point, maximizing the specific production
real-time interaction with the system. A first approach rate of a heterologous protein with the P. pastoris cell
to this vision has been deployed in this work, consoli- factory.
dating these ideas and establishing the foundation for a
broad scope in which a full control would drive the bio- This study is related to the first phase of a broad initia-
process using adaptive mechanisms provided by AI. It tive led by the PDA where the final purpose is to
is important to highlight that the AI strategy proposed empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the appli-
in this research is not replacing the classical univariate cation of digital twins in upstream biomanufacturing
or multivariate statistical process control tools used in operations for drug manufacturing. Digital twin can be
CPV. The implementation of AI techniques is useful to defined as a cyber copy of a physical system that is
complement the existing and validated methods already replicated by a virtual system that interacts with the
in place. Actually, the mechanisms described in the rest of the elements in a similar way as the real object
study explore better process control in combination does. AI is the mechanism that orchestrates the digital
with existing mathematical models. twin, preventing issues and proposing optimal condi-
tions. Under a biopharma perspective, the regulatory
The complexity inherent to biological systems makes it approach is required, and this article is part of the pre-
difficult to manage and control upstream processes liminary approach that will be developed in a second
from a pure analytical perspective and even more so phase, including the compliant vision.
when manual actions are required to keep the process
under control. Although the critical process parameters Acknowledgments
and the expected quality attributes are well-known by
the subject matter experts, the cell metabolism could This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of
react unexpectedly in light of unknown factors or as a Science and Innovation (Project PID2019-104666GB-
consequence of the complex combination of variables 100) and the Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI).
that are governing the bioreaction. The authors are members of the group Continued Process
Verification of the Future of the Parenteral Drug
The experimental process described in this article Association (PDA). AGF acknowledges the award of
has shown that AI works successfully as a modeling a scholarship (FI-DGR 2019 from Generalitat de
mechanism to detect anomalies in highly automated Catalunya).
Figure 10
Results comparison achieved with the AI-ML model-strategy in fed-batch MH-3-V and the four heuristic-
guided fed-batches. The top graph represents stirring rate (actuation variable), the bottom graph represents
RQ (controlled variable). The dashed lines represent the selected range of RQ values. The AI-ML model-based
prediction of the stirring rate was implemented from 12 h after the beginning of the fed-batch (dotted line).
LOESS smoothing, span = 0.1, was used for the RQ plot.
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The Table of Issues and Mitigation Plans Identified during the Risk Assessment
10AR – Sterile Engineering Solutions, 7 Yona Volach St., Rosh Haain, Israel © PDA, Inc. 2023
ABSTRACT: Because overkill steam sterilization processes in autoclaves are considered critical, they are highly scruti-
nized, and the use of autoclaves in fixed loading patterns is a common approach to the interpretation of regulatory
requirements. Many such regulations are attributed to tradition and a buildup of restrictions that aim to improve the lev-
els of assurance of the process and minimize risk. However, these measures complicate the operation and qualification
of autoclaves, becoming cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly. In actuality, overkill sterilization is one of several
processes in the pharmaceutical industry that provides the highest levels of sterility assurance. This method provides a
minimum reduction of highly durable spore populations of 12 logs, achieving a probability of a nonsterile unit (PNSU)
of 106. Because these spores are far sturdier than the common microorganisms that can be found in pharmaceutical
facilities, overkill sterilization effects significantly lower PNSU values for the latter. The physical properties of steam
and the thermodynamics of steam sterilization constitute a predictable and repeatable process that can be monitored and
verified. The high assurance level of overkill sterilization, combined with the properties of steam, actualizes a high
safety margin that encompasses nearly every load type and load configuration when the cycle is performed under cer-
tain basic rules. The aim of this article is to present data that advocate and favor an approach that allows greater free-
dom and variability in arranging items in an autoclave when running overkill cycles, without the need to qualify each
KEYWORDS: Overkill, Saturated steam sterilization, PNSU, Lethality, Loading pattern, Steam properties, Thermodynamics.
On the Safe Side of Safe Side An overkill cycle is defined in PDA TR-1 (1) as
Overkill Cycles
“a cycle designed with the overkill design
Steam sterilization is one of the most common and im- approach can be defined as a sterilization cycle
portant practices in parenteral manufacturing, bound that is demonstrated to deliver an FPHY and
by many rules and regulations. In a routine inspection, FBIO of at least 12 min to the items being
the validation, maintenance, and operation of an auto- sterilized.”
clave are usually examined thoroughly. Without down-
grading the criticality of steam sterilization, many require- In other words, it is a cycle with a lethality value (F0)
ments are derived from the definition of “critical”, even that achieves a probability of a nonsterile unit (PNSU)
when there is no scientific basis for the requirements. In of 106 for a spore population of 106 with a D121˚C1 of
other cases, the requirements are extended far beyond 1.0 min—that is, an overkill cycle should demonstrate
what is really needed to be “on the safe side”. 12-log reductions in spores with a D121˚C of 1.0 min. A
cycle with a lethality of 12 min (F0 = 12 min) would
* For a steam sterilization processes, the D-value represents the dura-
Corresponding Author: 10AR – Sterile Engineering bility of a microorganism in an environment of steam at a given temper-
Solutions, 7 Yona Volach St., Rosh Haain, Israel; Tele- ature. It refers to the time (in minutes) required at the given temperature
phone: (+972) 54-888-5265: E-mail: arnan@10ar.co.il to achieve a log reduction, that is, to kill 90% of the relevant microor-
ganism population. D121˚C is the D-value when steam temperature is
doi: 10.5731/pdajpst.2021.012708 121˚C.
attain this goal. EU regulations have set forth minimal calculated for a BI and a common microorganism. The
requirements - 15 min at 121˚C for items that are suita- resulting PNSU that is calculated for the common
ble for such conditions (2)—that effect a minimal microorganism is 101598!
lethality value of F0 = 15 min and decrease the PNSU
to <109. Clearly, based on sterility assurance levels, there is no
difference between PNSUs of 106 and 1074, and there
The use of biological indicators (BIs) with D121˚C = 1.0 is no practical benefit in obtaining a PNSU of below
min already establishes a safety margin, because in 106; such a practice appears increasingly academic.
actual situations, few spore-producing microorganisms However, The mathematical calculations reflect the
that are found in pharmaceutical manufacturing facili- combined effect of all safety margins applied. The
ties have a D121˚C that exceeds 0.5 min (1) (such micro- resulting values demonstrate how the desire for safety
organisms will be referred to as facility-durable has elevated and exaggerated the process grossly, adding
microorganisms). Although it might appear that the no real value but imposing massive costs to the industry
PNSU is reduced by half for standard microorganisms, and environment.
in point of fact, a change from a D121˚C of 0.5 to 1 min
decreases the PNSU to 1 trillionth that of the more No other process in the pharmaceutical industry (with
durable microorganism—that is, a cycle that delivers the exception of depyrogenation, in which the same
an F0 of 12 min, as discussed previously, prompting a overly conservative philosophy applies) aims to attain
12-log reduction for a microorganism with D121˚C = such excessive safety levels.
1 min will effect a 24-log reduction for facility-
durable microorganisms with a D121˚C of 0.5 min In terminal sterilization, in which a heat-sensitive prod-
(Calculation - 12/0.5 = 24) . Thus, at 12 min, a uct is sterilized, the cycle is designed to effect signifi-
safety factor is already built into the overkill cycle cantly lower lethality—for example, targeting the F0 to
to allow for the rare (or even unrealistic) presence 8 min. Such a cycle will provide only 8-log reductions
of a resistant spore-forming microbe in the autoclave for a BI with D121˚C of 1 min and a PNSU of 102
load at a concentration of 106, which is the concen- when starting with a population of 106. For facility-
tration of BIs that is used for validation. Com- durable microorganisms with a maximum D121˚C of 0.5
pounded with the additional 3 min of lethality in the min, it will result in 16-log reductions, yielding a
EU requirements, as referenced earlier, we essen- PNSU of <1010 for such microorganisms when start-
tially apply a safety factor to another safety factor ing with the same population of 106. This example sup-
that already buffers a third safety factor. ports the belief that regulatory bodies are willing to
accept lower assurance levels even for the sterilization
The premise of the overkill cycle was extended again, of final products, not considering it a risk.
and instead of being calculated based on a D121˚C of 1
min, the typical Geobacillus stearothermophilus BI The rationale of the overkill cycle was that it would
that is in use has a D121˚C in the range of 1.6–2.5 min allow more flexibility in sterilization, due to the high
(3). If D121˚C is 2.5 min in the calculations, a 12-log safety margins that it provides to compensate for
reduction will require a cycle with F0 = 30 min. Such a potential variation in this process. The premise of over-
cycle will yield a PNSU of 10−54 for facility-durable kill cycles is that the bioburden population and its re-
microorganisms (Calculation: for those microorgan- sistance can be ignored, because they are irrelevant to
isms with a D121˚C of 0.5 min, a cycle of 30 min will re- the outcome. This genuine benefit is eliminated,
alize 30/0.5 = 60-log reduction; thus, when starting at a because in actuality, overkill sterilization cycles are re-
population of 106, 60-log reductions will achieve a stricted by additional regulatory requirements and
PNSU of 1054). “expectations” to inflate the safety margin. The
requirement for fixed loading patterns is one of the
In certain facilities, an F0 value of 30 min is the mini- most burdensome of these principles.
mum allowed value, and to be “on the safe side”, the
cycles are designed at an F0 of 40 min, yielding a Requirements of Fixed Loading Patterns
PNSU of 1074 for facility-durable microorganisms.
The USP (4) provides such an example, in which the In a fixed loading pattern, the items that are to be
PNSU of a sterilization cycle with F0 = 8 min is sterilized are arranged according to a scheme or
depiction that shows their exact number, size, posi- The requirement for fixed loading patterns is triggered
tion, and orientation in the chamber. This arrangement by the belief that there is an interaction between items,
is validated, and if all the acceptance criteria are met, that one item can influence or interact with an adjacent
the load is approved for production. If a new item is item, and that the item per se might not be sterilized in
added to a validated load, the load is considered to be a different area in the autoclave—that is, that items can
new, and the validation must be repeated. The same “steal” steam from other items, creating a cold spot or
process applies to items that have been validated in restricting steam flow to other items. For example,
other loads and, due to changing production require- heavy items could be believed to be “steam-consum-
ments, must now be sterilized with other items in a ing” items that reduce the supply of steam to other
different load. items. This suspicion then leads to the requirement that
many loading patterns be validated and maintained
The roots of this method date back to the 1970s, when through revalidation activities.
many practices that were related to large-volume par-
enteral (LVP) sterilization were universally adopted by The standard validation procedure that is used by cer-
the small-volume parenteral (SVP) industry, regardless tain firms is to run three distribution cycles and three
of their use in a different setting (5). At that time, when penetration cycles for each new load, rendering the
gravity displacement autoclaves were used in many workload and downtime of the facility to be significant
facilities, this principle was justified. Since then, auto- and costly. Reducing nonvalue-added validation activ-
clave design has evolved considerably, with the advent ities can create significant savings for facilities, with
of vacuum and steam pulses to remove air from porous no adverse impact on patient safety.
loads and greater control over temperature and pressure
in the chamber. In contrast, validation practices have Several studies have examined the requirements for
remained almost unchanged. fixed loads in reducing the workload. Agalloco, Akers,
and Madsen have described such requirements to be a
Such regulations as the EU Annex 1 on Sterile Manu- myth (8). Pavell and Hughes (9) discussed this topic,
facturing (6) require validated loading patterns to be based on maximal load, using mass as the criterion.
applied: These works have provided a means to incorporate
more flexible loading but have nevertheless failed to
“Validated loading patterns should be estab- address certain complexities and limitations.
lished for all sterilization processes and should
be subject to periodic revalidation. Maximum Notably, Pavell and Hughes (9) state that:
and minimum loads should also be considered
as part of the overall load validation strategy. . . “Lacking definitive data on how much variation
Routine operating parameters should be estab- is allowable without affecting sterilization effi-
lished and adhered to for all sterilization proc- cacy, this is a difficult if not impossible ques-
esses, eg, physical parameters and loading tion to adequately answer and thus presents a
patterns.” significant obstacle to effective training of equip-
ment preparation operators. Although reasonable
Further, the WHO (7) states that “validated loading and rational scientific thought supports the abil-
patterns should be established for all sterilization ity to relocate but not reorient objects, the fixed-
processes.” load approach initially utilized did not provide
sufficient data to identify process boundary
In certain firms, only exact, validated loads are allowed conditions.”
to be run—if for example, just 1 of the 20 items that
are validated in the full load is needed, the entire load This article will attempt to challenge this difficult ques-
must be prepared (i.e., washed, bagged, and arranged) tion with data and convincing arguments, suggesting
and sterilized. To this end, some firms use maximal an approach that allows greater freedom and variability
and minimal load cycles (Max-Min approach), which in arranging items in an autoclave when running over-
provides more flexibility. But, when a new item is kill cycles, without the need to qualify each configura-
required or validated loads must be combined, the new tion or any adverse impact on patient safety or the
load needs to be validated again before use. required sterility assurance levels.
Physical Properties of Pure Saturated Steam and the The only interaction that might occur between items
Thermodynamics of Sterilization is the condensate, which can drip from heavy nonpo-
rous items onto lower items; this situation can be
Steam sterilization relies on the physical properties of resolved easily by placing the former on the lower
pure saturated steam and the thermodynamics of the shelf of the autoclave.
sterilization process. Any claim that relates to the abil-
ity of steam to sterilize should be evaluated in light of 5. Heat can be transferred between objects only when
its properties, as described following. there is a difference in temperature (12). Once the
items in the autoclave attain the temperature of the
1. Steam releases a large amount of energy relative to steam, no more energy is transferred to the item, and
its weight when it condenses. A small amount of further condensation stops—an equilibrium is reached.
steam can heat a large load, as well as the metal Additional small quantities of steam enter the autoclave
structure of the autoclave. As it condenses, 1 kg of only to compensate for the heat loss to the doors and
saturated steam releases 2200 kJ, which, when con- chamber walls (even when the jacket is heated, because
densed, can heat over 40 kg of stainless steel (SS) the temperature of the jacket is lower than that of the
from 20˚C to 121˚C (10); thus, heating “heavy” chamber).
metal items does not require large amounts of
steam. 6. After an equilibrium is reached (after the heating
phase and at the outset of the sterilization phase),
2. When saturated steam is condensed, its volume pressure across the chamber will be equal, according
decreases significantly (1 L of saturated steam turns to Pascal’s law.
into approximately 1.2 mL of condensate) (11).
Whenever condensation occurs (when steam makes 7. Steam and air (primarily nitrogen and oxygen) are
contact with cold areas and condenses), the reduction small molecules (>1 nm); thus, air removal and
in volume will bring more steam to cold sections due steam penetration can also be achieved through nar-
to the decrease in pressure until the item reaches the row channels or gaps. Large quantities of steam
same temperature as the steam and no further heating require wider passageways, but even with small
is needed. gaps, steam will eventually penetrate all parts of an
3. There is a 1:1 correlation between saturated steam
pressure and its temperature in an enclosed space With regard to load, other physical properties are
with constant volume. After the pressure stabilizes, involved in steam sterilization. Table I lists the load prop-
temperatures in the chamber become steady and will erties of items and their effects on sterilization. Combin-
be maintained throughout the chamber as a result of ing these properties simplifies the decision over which
the stabilization of pressure. items are easy or more challenging to sterilize. Table II
lists examples of common items. Note that the table
4. Steam that is under pressure in an enclosed space merely compares items and does not definitively state
does not flow like air; thus, there are no steam flow whether an item is challenging for an overkill cycle.
patterns in the autoclave. Items do not obstruct steam
or prevent it from entering other objects. Providing a In summary:
load does not block the passage of steam com-
pletely—steam will reach all items. As indicated in 1. Steam can heat a heavy load at low quantities due to
Point 2, whenever condensation arises, the steam that high latent heat of condensation (Point 1). Fresh
is nearest to the condensation point will move toward steam will fill the low-pressure zones that are created
it. These movements occur on a molecular level and due to condensation (Point 2), supplying more
are thus rapid; consequently, steam molecules are not energy. Heavy loads might elongate the heating
influenced by the other items. Combining this inher- phase, but this extra time is not included in the sterili-
ent property of steam with the property in Point 3 zation phase time. Eventually, after the load reaches
ensures that wherever items are positioned in the the sterilization temperature, there is no difference
chamber, each element will be subjected to the same between heavy and light loads, because there is no
sterilization conditions. further transfer of energy to the load (Point 5). Mass
Table I
Load Item Properties and Their Effect on Sterilization
Property Meaning Values Effect on sterilization
Mass Mass of item Higher Greater energy to heat the item and
mass higher steam demand
Specific The amount of energy required to elevate Higher heat Greater energy to heat the item and
heat the temperature of an item by 1˚C per unit capacity higher steam demand
capacity weight.
Specific How energy is transferred in an item, for Higher heat Faster heating of the item; heat
thermal example, from the outside surface to the transfer penetrates the item much faster.
conductivity inside of the item or from the steam to the
Material Internal pores, channels, or lumens an Higher Restricts air removal and steam
porosity item has porosity penetration. The length of channels also
- more has an effect, and long lumens are more
smaller difficult to sterilize.
pores, Porous materials may also retain
longer condensate within.
Air volume How much air is entrapped within a Higher Air removal and steam inlet will take
inside item hollow item with only vents to allow air volume longer time.
removal and steam inlet Condensate may accumulate inside.
Table II
Decision Whether an Item is Easy or Hard to Sterilize, Based on an Overall Assessment
Specific Specific
Heat Thermal Material
Item Mass Capacity Conductivity Porosity Overall Assessment
Stopper bowl H L H L Relatively easy to sterilize but will drip condensate
Filter L M L H Relatively hard-to-sterilize item
Long silicone L M L H Relatively hard-to-sterilize item
Arthroscopic L L H H Relatively medium–hard-to-sterilize item
Isolator glove L M L L No issues if left open. Glove rubber is not permeable
to steam, so in case the glove is pressed or bent,
steam penetration may be restricted.
Closed SS M–H L H L Vessel should be equipped with enough venting
vessel with ports to allow more rapid air removal and steam
few vents entrance. Air removal process should include more
pulses to allow efficient air removal.
If the steps above are done properly, the item is
relatively easy to sterilize.
L, Low; M, Moderate; H, High.
should not be the chief parameter for selecting chal- Steam purity is influenced by how steam is produced and
lenging items. The results of the tests in Pavell and transferred and by efficient air removal from the chamber
Hughes (9) also showed that the more challenging and load. Assuming that steam is tested on a regular basis
items were the filter and the cleaning hose with a for low levels of NCGs2, proper air removal should be
valve on one end, neither of which was among the ensured before starting the sterilization phase. In most
heaviest items. cases, air removal is more important than additional sterili-
zation time and increased temperature. The PNSU calcula-
2. One of the most common myths that concern steam tions in the first section are valid only with efficient air
sterilization is that the high lethality of steam is removal so that the full lethality of steam is applied.
attributed to the high energy transfer to the sterilized
object during condensation (13): “Direct steam con- Air removal and steam penetration are complemen-
tact with the surface of the object to be sterilized is tary, because the same channel that allows air to be
required for the steam to transfer its stored energy to removed from internal voids allows steam to enter
the object.” Direct contact is definitely required, these voids.
because the moisture in the steam must make contact
with the item, but the last section of this statement The level at which air is not considered to be harmful
becomes irrelevant when the setpoint temperature depends on the load. Small air bubbles that are dis-
has been attained by all load items. As indicated in solved in steam are not a problem, but their accumula-
Point 5, energy transfer occurs only during the heat- tion in closed packs or pockets can become an issue
ing phase; throughout the sterilization phase, there is (16).
no energy transfer, and microorganisms are eradi-
cated by maintaining the temperature and water mol- Effective air removal and steam penetration are
ecules contact for the required time. achieved by the repeated evacuation and entrance of
steam into the voids. Collectively, this process entails
3. From Points 2, 4, 6, and 7, I conclude that there is dilution of the air in steam and subsequent extrusion of
no impact of the location of items in the autoclave the mixture. The efficacy of the process is dictated by
with regard to achieving the same extent of sterili- two factors:
zation. The only parameter that requires attention
relates to the prevention of condensate dripping. 1. Values of pressure for the vacuum and steam pulses.
This conclusion was also the outcome of Pavell and Larger differences between these values affect
Hughes (9) greater efficacy. The values for the remaining air in
the chamber (not inside of the load) can be calculated
Air Removal and Steam Penetration theoretically using the pressure values and can pro-
vide a good indication of the effectiveness of the pro-
Steam sterilization is based on the use of pure steam. cess. (In many modern autoclaves, the vacuum pump
When air or other noncondensable gases (NCGs) are continues to operate throughout the complete cycle
present, they will affect the sterilization on several to remove condensate, which improves results com-
levels: pared with the calculated value. To compensate for
the pumping, more steam is forced into the chamber,
1. Steam will follow the physical properties described mixed with the remaining air in it, and eventually
above only when it is pure. When it is impure, the sucked out by the pump.) For example, a process
outcome is not predicted as easily. with an initial vacuum of 10 kPa and 4 pulses in the
range of 90 to 20 kPa will leave 0.03% air. The same
2. Effective steam sterilization is predicated on the process with pulses in the range of 120 to 20 kPa will
steam being in contact with the item. NCGs create leave only 0.01% air in the chamber.
isolation and can limit the destructive effectiveness
of steam.
The requirements for the NCGs content in the steam supply are strict
(14) and stipulate that the level of NCGs in steam be below 0.003% (M/
3. Steam lethality is attributed to the presence of water M) (15). This value is calculated from the reference value of 3.5%,
molecules. NCGs reduce steam lethality because which is a volume-to-mass ratio (volume of NCGs vs. mass of
they do not include water molecules.
Figure 1
2. Pulse time. Slow pulses are more effective in remov- Item Preparation, Wrapping, and Orientation
ing air from challenging items, such as long lumens,
porous loads, and packed items, because physical Preparation, wrapping, and orientation are significant
restrictions slow the evacuation and steam penetra- factors in the success of the sterilization cycle, because
tion. This property is the chief reason that a minimal they impact air removal, steam penetration, and con-
load is required in an overkill cycle. In minimal loads, densate removal (8). An item that is validated after
the evacuation time and steam pulse are shorter, being prepared, wrapped, and oriented in the chamber
impeding the air removal from and steam penetration according to specific instructions should always be
of challenging items. In certain autoclaves, pulses du- sterilized in the manner that it was validated. For
ration can be set and be equal, regardless of load size, example, a tube coiling of a specific length should be
but in many autoclaves, this option does not exist. In inserted into a double bag and placed flat on the auto-
such cases, this issue can be overcome through redun- clave shelf. A validated item includes its preparation,
dancy by adding more pulses or increasing the differ- wrapping, and orientation.
ence between the vacuum and steam pressures,
rendering even shorter pulses sufficiently effective.
Data Collection and Interpretation
An effective cycle for even the most difficult loads is a
10-pulse cycle using 5 subatmospheric pulses and 5 Data were collected from actual validation runs that
superatmospheric pulses, such as that in Figure 1. were performed at a specific facility from 2017 to
2019, as presented in Table III. The data are used to
This process will reduce air to a level of <0.004% (cal- assess differences between maximal and minimal load
culated value), help heat the load before entering the results.
sterilization phase, and provides sufficient redundancy
in the case of shorter pulses. The maximal load is prepared by collecting the more
challenging items (items with a minimal F0 value)
In an overkill cycle, air removal is the main parameter from all validated loadings.
when determining whether an item is simple or difficult
to sterilize. When air removal is conducted properly, The minimal load usually includes one item that is
steam will penetrate all voids, eliminating “hard-to- found to be more challenging during the run of the
sterilize or challenging items.” maximal load.
Figure 2 shows examples of maximal and minimal Note that the validation runs were performed using
loads. the “minimal cycle” concept, wherein the cycle times
were shortened or the sterilization temperature set
Data were collected from: point was reduced by 1˚C from the routine production
6 autoclaves, varying in size and age
Figure 3 shows four types of air removal processes that
4 types of loads—garments, gloves, tools, and rubber were included in the data collection.
The decision on using a specific air removal process is
4 types of air removal processes related to the autoclave age and load. Older autoclaves
use the simple but less effective process of 3 pulses. In
Cycles from 2017, 2018, and 2019 certain cases, the more effective “3 pulses + steam
injection” process was adopted.
Each line in the data collection table relates to a valida-
tion activity that was performed for a specific load Subsequently, the effective “10-pulse” process was
type. The maximal and minimal F0 values that were found to be required for more complex loads to comply
obtained for the maximal and minimal loads were with the validation requirements of equilibration time
collected. and was thus chosen for most new loading patterns.
According to the F0 values that were obtained, a corre- The “3 pulses reduced vacuum rate” process is applied
lated temperature (CT) was calculated. The CT is a sin- only for the sterilization of rubber stoppers.
gle temperature value that provides an equivalent F0
value for the entire sterilization phase. There are several insights from the data collection:
The CT is calculated per the following formula: 1. Minimal load F0 values were within the values that
CT ¼ ðlog10 F0 log10 Ts Þ 10 þ 121:1 were obtained in the maximal load (the highest and
lowest F0 values were found in the maximal load
where Ts is the sterilization phase time in minutes.
cycles) (Figure 4). These data indicate that faster air
removal and faster heating, which characterize the
minimal cycle, do not necessarily provide the lowest
lethality values.
An item attains an F0 value of 43.5 min in a steriliza-
tion cycle of 40 min.
2. In certain cases, the differences in F0 values
CT ¼ ðlog10 43:5 log10 40Þ 10 þ 121:1 ¼ 121:46 C between the hottest and coldest points in a specific
cycle might appear to be significant, but when CT
values are considered, the differences are small
Check: (Figure 5).
F0 ¼ 40 10ð Þ
10 ¼ 43:5 min: 3. Because the thermocouples that are used for the PQ
study are calibrated to 60.5˚C, some differences can
The difference between the two CT values of the be related to calibration tolerances; when this factor
maximal and minimal F0 values was calculated (CT is considered, the results indicate excellent tempera-
DT). ture uniformity inside all of the loads.
Equilibration time (Equil. time)3 and air removal phase 4. The correlation was low (0.26) between the equili-
time were also collected. bration time and correlated temperature differences.
It would be expected that a short equilibration time
Equilibration time– the period that elapses between the attainment of indicates faster heating of the items, thus reducing
the sterilization temperature in the sterilizer chamber and that at all temperature differences, but the low correlation does
points within the load (17).
not support this relationship. Pavell and Hughes (9)
Data Collection from Actual Validation Runs
1 2017 Garments 124 20 3 pulses 46.9 124.8 43.6 124.5 0.3 19 0:20:05 47.6 124.9 46 124.7 0.1 14 0:10:51
820L 2018 Group 46.4 124.8 44.2 124.5 0.2 22 0:17:36 46.3 124.7 42.8 124.4 0.3 0 0:15:27
2019 45.3 124.6 43.9 124.5 0.1 2 0:20:44 44.9 124.6 43.9 124.5 0.1 0 0:12:50
2017 Gloves 124 20 10 pulses 50.5 125.1 43.4 124.5 0.7 6 0:20:26 44.9 124.6 44.6 124.6 0 2 0:20:27
2018 Group 44.1 124.5 40.6 124.2 0.4 0 0:24:58 42.9 124.4 38.6 124 0.5 0 0:20:21
2019 46.8 124.8 42 124.3 0.5 2 0:25:28 42.9 124.4 42.1 124.3 0.1 1 0:20:48
2017 Tools 122 30 3 Pulses + 46.6 123 40.8 122.4 0.6 34 0:20:36 43.7 122.7 39.7 122.3 0.4 2 0:23:09
2018 Group Steam 44.7 122.8 39.5 122.3 0.5 2 0:22:43 42.1 122.6 40.7 122.4 0.2 2 0:22:43
2019 injection 47 123 40.8 122.4 0.6 4 0:22:16 42.2 122.6 41.4 122.5 0.1 5 0:21:17
2 2017 Garments 121 40 10 pulses 41.6 121.3 39.3 121 0.3 1 0:36:25 40.1 121.1 39.4 121 0.1 0 0:22:37
820L 2018 Group 44 121.5 41.5 121.3 0.3 7 0:36:44 43.3 121.4 42.8 121.4 0.1 4 0:25:21
2019 43.4 121.5 38.5 120.9 0.5 12 0:34:09 41.4 121.2 40.3 121.1 0.1 4 0:20:57
2017 Tools 121 40 10 pulses 41.1 121.2 38.3 120.9 0.3 2 0:30:03 39.7 121.1 39 121 0.1 5 0:18:20
2018 Group 45.9 121.7 39.8 121.1 0.6 14 0:30:40 44.2 121.5 41.4 121.2 0.3 7 0:21:47
2019 43.8 121.5 39 121 0.5 10 0:29:00 43.7 121.5 40.9 121.2 0.3 7 0:15:11
3 2017 Garments 121 40 3 pulses 47.3 121.8 44.3 121.5 0.3 6 0:20:36 46.1 121.7 46 121.7 0 1 0:14:33
1,500 L 2018 Group 47.7 121.9 45.3 121.6 0.2 10 0:20:47 48.3 121.9 47.2 121.8 0.1 1 0:14:41
vinagmp.com | Group Facebook: EU GMP in Viet Nam
2017 Gloves 121 40 3 pulses 47.7 121.9 44.9 121.6 0.3 6 0:16:54 46 121.7 45.7 121.7 0 1 0:13:43
2018 Group 47.6 121.9 45.6 121.7 0.2 5 0:14:53 47.2 121.8 46.2 121.7 0.1 NA 0:14:29
2019 48.7 122 47.1 121.8 0.1 4 0:19:09 49.3 122 47.8 121.9 0.1 1 0:19:41
2017 Tools 121 40 3 pulses 49.2 122 45 121.6 0.4 39 0:18:35 47.8 121.9 45.4 121.6 0.2 3 0:13:44
2018 Group 48.7 122 45.1 121.6 0.3 1 0:17:08 47.1 121.8 45.6 121.7 0.1 6 0:12:34
2019 48.8 122 45.5 121.7 0.3 13 0:20:30 48.8 122 46.9 121.8 0.2 2 0:14:26
4 2017 Garments 122 27 10 pulses 38 122.6 36.3 122.4 0.2 4 0:34:06 37.3 122.5 37.2 122.5 0 0 0:21:45
820 L 2018 Group 39.6 122.8 37.8 122.6 0.2 2 0:31:55 39.2 122.7 38.2 122.6 0.1 1 0:23:31
2019 41 122.9 37.5 122.5 0.4 14 0:37:33 40.6 122.9 39.1 122.7 0.2 6 0:22:56
2017 Tools 122 27 10 pulses 39.7 122.8 36.2 122.4 0.4 10 0:29:00 38.6 122.6 34.7 122.2 0.5 11 0:23:11
2019 Group 41.8 123 38.4 122.6 0.4 24 0:23:24 41.7 123 39.8 122.8 0.2 3 0:19:46
2017 Tools 121 40 3 Pulses + 43.5 121.5 41.9 121.3 0.2 2 0:24:52 43.4 121.5 42.2 121.3 0.1 2 0:24:39
Group Steam
2018 121 40 3 Pulses + 45.8 121.7 41.8 121.3 0.4 0 0:25:21 44.6 121.6 42.2 121.3 0.2 0 0:25:48
2019 121 40 3 Pulses + 44.5 121.6 42.6 121.4 0.2 1 0:24:59 44.5 121.6 44.4 121.6 0 1 0:25:20
vinagmp.com | Group Facebook: EU GMP in Viet Nam
Figure 2
also observed this finding. It would be interesting to and between items in the load are small. The large dif-
understand the reason, scientifically. Practically ferences in the mass or density of arrangement of the
speaking, the lack of correlation has no effect on the items between the maximal and minimal loads did not
overall conclusions that are related to the overkill have any effect or direction that was related to the
cycle. lethality that was gained by the items.
The results of the data collection and analysis show When evaluating the results for an overkill cycle, the
clearly that the differences in lethality between loads differences are negligible. No item can be considered
Four types of air removal processes used in the 1. The cycle should be an extended overkill cycle. To
data collection. allow load flexibility, more robust overkill cycles,
Figure 4
Figure 5
Distribution chart of the correlated temperature differences in maximal and minimal loads.
with a calculated F0 value >25 minutes,4 are recom- 5. The air removal stage should be designed to provide
mended to ensure the destruction of Geobacillus redundancy, such that even with fast pulses, it will be
stearothermophilus BIs. efficient. (If the autoclave is capable of controlling
the timing of the pulses to be equal for maximal and
2. A validated item is one that has been validated by minimal loads, the minimal load cycle validation is
three penetration cycles (using thermocouples and no longer relevant, and it could be skipped or be per-
BIs that are inserted into adjacent locations inside formed only once to ease regulatory questions [19]).
of the item) in any loading pattern. The term “item”
includes the specific wrapping that is used when 6. Revised or new loads are created under a change con-
validated. trol procedure or a detailed SOP that includes full
documentation and pictures of the revised or new
3. The item must be placed in the same orientation in load.
which it was validated and in a manner that will not
block air or steam passage to other items. The overall conclusion can be summarized as follows:
4. Due to greater condensation from heavy metal items,
If the preceding principles are followed, an item that has
they should be placed on the lower shelves to avoid
been validated in a specific overkill cycle will be effec-
dripping onto another item.
tively sterilized in any other load configuration using the
same sterilization cycle parameters (including the air
The 25 minutes was selected from the kill time calculation of Geoba- removal phase parameters), wrapping, and orientation.
cillus stearothermophilus BI. The kill time for a BI is calculated as:
Kill time = (log10 N0 + 4) x D121˚C (18), where N0 is the initial popula-
tion. When taking 106 for the N0 and D121˚C = 2.5, the kill time = No additional validation is required to ensure that the
(log10(106)+4) x 2.5 = (6+4) x 2.5 = 25 minutes.
combination of such items will be sterilized properly.
Figure 6
Consequently, several options are created when apply- Conflict of Interest Declaration
ing the preceding principles, such as the following:
The author declares that he has no competing interests.
1. A new item can be tested alone, running 3 penetra-
tion cycles, after which it can be multiply or com- References
bined with any other validated item.
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2. A combination of any validated item in any number Report No. 1: Validation of Moist Heat Steriliza-
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The two options are demonstrated in Figure 6. 2007.
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ABSTRACT: Liquid parenteral products contain an overfill to ensure withdrawal of the declared volume. The overfill
must be sufficiently high to compensate for the expected loss during product preparation and administration, but it
should also be minimized to prevent accidental overdosing and unforeseen dose splitting of single-dose products. Find-
ing the right balance between too much and too little overfill with an acceptable risk of product failure is challenging
and requires consideration of the relevant sources of variability of the extractable volume. This article provides a novel
approach for the calculation of the required overfill based on tolerance interval methodology. In a first step, a tolerance
interval multiplier from the literature is proposed, and a simulation study is conducted to assess the appropriateness of
its use for overfill determination. In a second step, this multiplier is adapted to cover operator-to-operator variability in
the loss data and compared with other multipliers via a second simulation study. Use of a tolerance interval multiplier
enables adaptation of the overfill such that the risk of not reaching the minimum extractable volume fulfills predefined
acceptance criteria. By this, the scientific justification of the selected overfill is strengthened and control over a critical
quality attribute is improved.
KEYWORDS: Overfill, Hold-up volume, Void volume, Liquid parenteral product, Tolerance interval, Manufacturing.
extractable volume is selectable. The factors loss, vari- equation is proposed for overfill calculation. In addition,
ability of the loss, and variability of product fill weight a tolerance interval approach for the determination of
together define the required overfill. They can be deter- the multiplier is introduced to enable a product-specific
mined from experimental data during development and calculation and justification of the overfill.
during product transfer to the designated commercial
manufacturing site. The proposed calculation does not The article is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
include the factor product fill weight in addition to the an approach to compute the target fill volume (or
fill weight variability as described by Dasnoy et al. (3), equivalently, the overfill) by using a tolerance interval
because it is assumed that the filling machine is con- multiplier. Section 3 focusses on the question how to
trolled and steered to reach the target fill weight very compute the tolerance interval multiplier (Section 3.1).
closely during batch filling. As a result of this, the dif- It includes a simulation study to confirm the appropri-
ference between the achieved average fill weight of ateness of the suggested approach (Section 3.2) and a
batches and the target fill weight should be negligibly sample computation to demonstrate its application
small for the overfill calculation approach presented (Section 3.3). Section 4 is dedicated to the question
here. To calculate a robust target fill volume with suffi- how the computation of the multiplier changes when
cient overfill, a tolerance interval multiplier is included taking into account the (potential) operator-to-operator
in the proposed calculation. The value of the multiplier variability in the loss data. Seven approaches are pre-
depends on the sample size of the experimental loss sented in Section 4.1. Their performance is assessed in
data, the sample size of the experimental fill weight Section 4.2 by a simulation study, and their application
data, as well as the selected acceptable failure rate and is demonstrated in Section 4.3 by revisiting the exam-
confidence level.
ple from Section 3.3. Conclusions are in Section 5.
Details on the statistics used to derive the multipliers
The proposed calculation of target fill volume is intended
are provided in Appendix A.
to be applied product specifically, that is, for a particular
liquid parenteral product in its container and packaging.
2. Definition of Overfill to Meet Minimum
Within this frame, it includes the right factors to take into Extractable Volume
account all sources of variability that could affect the ex-
tractable volume from manufacturing to administration to For the correct dosing of patients, a minimum extracta-
the patient. The approach presented in this article does not ble volume (EVmin) corresponding to the nominal vol-
attempt to replace experimental work for overfill determi- ume of a liquid parenteral product must be ensured.
nation by a prediction model as described by Dasnoy et al. Overfill must be added to account for the variability of
(3). Nevertheless, it can help to reduce the number of ex- filling during manufacturing of the product and for
perimental iterations that are needed until the final overfill unavoidable loss during preparation and conduction of
and target fill volume are set. It can also help development the administration according to the recommended pro-
teams to assess the expected effect of changes on the ex- cedure. The target fill volume is the sum of the mini-
tractable volume, for example, when a product is trans- mum extractable volume and the required overfill. The
ferred to a new filling line with different fill weight fill volume and the loss can be seen as random varia-
variability. Finally, it enables development teams to define bles, each with a certain average and a certain standard
what failure rate for the extractable volume is still accept- deviation with any difference between the average fill
able and to adapt the overfill accordingly. This again pro- volume and the target fill volume being negligible. The
vides improved justification of the selected overfill. extractable
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi volume standard deviation is then equal to
s2F þ s2L with sF and sL denoting the standard devia-
The approach described in this article is complemen- tion of filling and loss, respectively. The idea for the
tary to recent publications about overfill, which have computation of the target fill volume is to add to EVmin
proposed prediction models for estimating hold-up vol- the average loss and a multiple of the (theoretical) ex-
ume (2) and overfill (3). Dasnoy et al. (3) proposed a tractable volume standard deviation. The multiplier is
basic equation for the calculation of the overfill, which determined such that the risk of too low extractable vol-
takes into account the filling variability, the analytical ume is deemed acceptable. Taking into account that the
variability, and a fixed multiplier to ensure withdrawal delivery of the nominal volume to the patient is of major
of the nominal volume. In this article, the same basic importance, the acceptable risk level should be low. For
example, if a failure rate of not more than 0.01% with k: tolerance interval multiplier. It should be com-
95% confidence is selected, this means that with 95% con- puted as the multiplier of a one-sided tolerance inter-
fidence 99.99% of all extractable volume values are not val for the difference of two normally distributed
less than EVmin. This corresponds to a one-sided 99.99%/ random variables (fill volume and loss) with a certain
95% lower tolerance limit (LTL) for extractable volume population content (e.g., 99.99%) and a certain con-
matching EVmin. The advantage of using a tolerance inter- fidence level (e.g., 95%). The multiplier depends on
val multiplier over using a fixed multiplier (e.g., 3 as sug- the sample size of the fill weight data, the sample
gested in [3]) is that it can be precisely adapted to the risk size of the loss data, and the ratio between the stand-
level and provides a confidence statement by accounting ard deviations of the fill weights and loss. The
for the uncertainty related to the estimates of filling vari- smaller the sample sizes, the bigger the multiplier.
ability, average loss, and loss variability.
3. Determination of Tolerance Interval Multiplier
Using the average loss and the extractable volume
standard deviation to determine the overfill leads to the 3.1. Tolerance Interval Multiplier by Guo & Krishnamoorthy
following equation for the target fill volume:
For a certain proportion of the population (e.g., batch or
Target filling volume
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi product), extractable volume should be above the mini-
¼ EVmin þ Losstotal þ k s2F þ s2L (1) mum extractable volume (label claim). To ensure this, a
where: tolerance interval on extractable volume is an appropriate
statistical approach. The extractable volume is the differ-
EVmin: Minimum acceptable extractable volume corre- ence between the fill volume and the loss during extraction
sponding to the nominal fill volume (or label claim) (hold-up volume, dead volume), which are both subject to
random variation. These two quantities can be seen as ran-
Losstotal: Average total loss, including void volume dom variables for which the assumption of independence
in, for example, primary packaging, needles, and is reasonable, because the loss should not depend on the
syringes used for preparation for administration and fill volume. Assuming that the fill volume and the loss fol-
administration. The average total loss should be low normal distributions with means (expectations) lF and
experimentally determined by repeated extraction lL and variances r2F and r2L , respectively, the extractable
experiments using the materials and the extraction volume follows a normal distribution with mean (expecta-
procedure intended for administration of the product tion) lEV ¼ lF lL and variance r2EV ¼ r2F þ r2L . The
to the patient. If products require the use of closed lower p-quantile of this distribution is the value above
system transfer devices (CSTDs), extraction experi- which a proportion p of the extractable volume population
ments should be performed with these devices in lies, that is,
addition to extraction experiments with standard qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
needles and syringes. CSTDs may substantially Qp ¼ lEV zp rEV ¼ lF lL zp r2F þ r2L
increase the loss compared with that with standard (2)
needles and syringes (4) and because of this, the cal-
culated overfill may even exceed pharmacopeia lim- where zp is the p-quantile of the standard normal distri-
its for vials (1). In this situation, the decision for an bution. As the (theoretical) means and variances are
overfill is difficult to make and cannot be based only not known, samples need to be taken to estimate these
on the calculation. parameters. Fill volume or fill weight data of one or
several batches can be used to estimate the average and
sL: Loss variability (independent of fill weight) standard deviation of filling. For loss (dead volume),
expressed by the standard deviation computed from extraction experiments can be performed.
the repeated extraction experiments. It comprises
within-operator variability and between-operator (oper- Assume that samples of size nF and nL are available for
ator-to-operator) variability. the fill volume and the loss (dead volume; e.g., from
extraction experiments), respectively. Let the average and
sF: Filling variability expressed by the standard devi- the (sample) standard deviation of the fill volume data be
ation of fill volumes during manufacturing of the denoted by x F and sF , respectively, and let the average
product. and the (sample) standard deviation of the loss data be
denoted by x L and sL , respectively. Then a lower toler- to Appendix A1 for more information and background
ance limit (LTL) on the extractable volume is of the form on the preceding formulas.
LTL ¼ x F x L k s2F þ s2L (3) 3.2. Simulation Study to Check the Appropriateness of
the Multiplier
The multiplier k depends on the population content p and
the confidence level c. The lower tolerance limit repre- A simulation study was performed to evaluate the
sents a lower confidence limit on the quantile Qp (5). appropriateness of kGK defined in eq 4. The sample size
nL of the loss data was varied between 30 and 120,
In Reference 5, one can find several approaches to because this covers a typical number of extractions in
obtain approximations to the tolerance interval multi- experiments. The sample size nF of the filling data was
plier k for the difference of two independent random varied between 30 and 300,000. This covers a wide
variables following a normal distribution. In the fol- range of possible batch sizes, as well as the possibil-
lowing, the focus is on the approach published in Guo ities that fill weight in-process control (IPC) is per-
& Krishnamoorthy (6) for which the index “GK” is formed in defined time intervals or continuously (100%
used subsequently. It is based on a multiplier derived fill weight IPC). The variance ratio RF;L ¼ r2F =r2L was
in Reference 7 for which the index “Hall” is used sub- varied between 0.01 and 100, which corresponds to one
sequently. More precisely, standard deviation being up to ten times as big as the
other one. The population content p was varied from
kGK ¼ maxfkHall;F ; kHall;L g (4)
0.9 to 0.9999. In total, 5175 combinations of values for
the four variables nF , nL , RF;L , and p were generated. In
with 2675 of the combinations, the population content was
pffiffiffiffiffi 1 fixed to 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999, or 0.9999 (in equal
kHall; ¼ tf^ ;c ðzp ^m Þ pffiffiffiffiffi (5)
^m share). In 175 out of these 2675 cases, nF was fixed to
30, 3000, or 300,000; nL was fixed to 30, 60, or 120;
ðR^L;F þ 1Þ2 and the variance ratio RF;L was fixed to 0.01, 1, or 100.
f^F ¼ ;
1=ðnF 1Þ þ R^ =ðnL 1Þ
L;F In the other 2500 of the 2675 cases (where p was
fixed), the latter three variables were varied using Latin
1 þ R^L;F
mF ¼ ; Hypercube Sampling. For the remaining 2500 out of
1=nF þ R^L;F =nL the 5175 cases, all four variables were varied using
s2 ðnF 3Þ Latin Hypercube Sampling. Because the multiplier kGK
R^L;F ¼ 2L
sF ðnF 1Þ from eq 4 does not depend on the means (of fill volume
and loss) and does not directly depend on the variances
but only on their ratio, the simulations were performed
ðR^F;L þ 1Þ2
f^L ¼ ; with lF ¼ lL ¼ 0 and r2L ¼ 1. For each combination of
R^F;L =ðnF 1Þ þ 1=ðnL 1Þ
the four variables, the quantile Qp (see eq 2) was com-
puted and 10,000 random samples for fill volume and
1 þ R^F;L
mL ¼ ; loss were generated using normal distributions. For
R^F;L =nF þ 1=nL
each of the generated data sets, the lower tolerance
s2 ðnL 3Þ limit was computed according to eq 3 using kGK from
R^F;L ¼ F2
sL ðnL 1Þ eq 4 and a confidence level of c = 0.95. The proportion
of simulated data sets for which the tolerance limit
does not exceed the theoretical quantile Qp (i.e., the
where zp is the p-quantile of the standard normal distri- tolerance interval contains Qp ) can be called achieved
bution and tf^ ;c ðzp ^m Þ is the c-quantile of the noncen- confidence, and ideally, it is equal to or at least close to
tral t-distribution with f^ degrees of freedom and the nominal confidence level of 0.95.
noncentrality parameter zp ^m with ^m representing the
effective sample size. The placeholder * stands for ei- The scatterplots in Figures 1 and 2 show the achieved
ther F or L, depending on which of the variance ratio confidence in dependence of the variables varied. Fig-
estimates (R^L;F or R^F;L ) is used. The reader is referred ure 1 shows that most of the simulated values for
Figure 1
Results of the simulation study in Section 3.2—scatterplot of achieved confidence versus population content;
each blue dot represents one configuration of the four variables (filling sample size, loss sample size, filling-to-
loss variance ratio, population content); red dashed line represents nominal confidence of 0.95.
achieved confidence scatter closely around the nominal From the simulation results for achieved confidence
value of 0.95. Note that deviations in a magnitude of and the results for the multiplier kGK , there is no need
0.01 can be due to the number of simulation runs. to restrict the approach in its practical application with
Deviations of more than 0.01 only show up on the regard to nF and nL or to avoid use of a high population
lower side, that is, there is not a single case with content up to 99.99%.
achieved confidence above 0.96, but there are cases
with achieved confidence below 0.94, and the devia-
tions become larger when the population content 3.3. Example Calculations
increases. This means that the multiplier kGK from eq 4
tends to be slightly too liberal for some of the cases The computations presented in Section 3.1 are applied
considered in the simulation. Figure 2 shows the to two Novartis biopharmaceutical liquid in vial prod-
achieved confidence in dependence of the variance ra- ucts. The first one has a label claim of 10.0 mL, the sec-
tio and the sample size ratio for different values of pop- ond one has a smaller label claim of 4.0 mL.
ulation content p. It can be seen that the lowest values
of achieved confidence show up when the sample size For the product with the 10.0 mL label claim, the filling
of fill volume is much larger than the sample size of variability (standard deviation) was estimated as
losses and the fill volume variance is close to or not sF ¼ 0:0254 mL based on a data set comprising
more than ten times the loss variance. Nevertheless, the nF ¼ 694 values. An extraction experiment was con-
multiplier from eq 4 is deemed to work sufficiently ducted according to the procedure in the product leaflet
well for all relevant cases because all simulated values comprising nL ¼ 40 extractions resulting in an average
for achieved confidence range between 0.92 and 0.96. total loss of x L ¼ 0:2203 mL and a standard deviation
of sL ¼ 0:0397 mL. Thepextractable volume standard
Figure 3 shows the values of the multiplier kGK for the deviation is thus sEV ¼ 0:0254 þ 0:03972 ¼ 0:0471
same parameter combinations as used in the simula- mL. The variance ratio estimates result in R^L;F ¼ 2:4359
tions for achieved confidence (note that values of RF;L and R^F;L ¼ 0:3884. The degrees of freedom and the effec-
and RL;F ¼ 1=RF;L have been used instead of R^F;L and tive sample sizes are computed as f^F ¼ 76:8647,
R^L;F , respectively, to compute kGK from eq 4). One can f^L ¼ 74:5457, ^m F ¼ 55:1169, and ^m L ¼ 54:32. Using a
see that the formula in eq 4 results in reasonable multi- population content of p = 0.9999 and a confidence level of
pliers. The smallest multipliers are obtained when the c = 0.95 results in a multiplier of kGK ¼ maxfkHall;F ;
filling-to-loss variance ratio is high and the sample size kHall;L g ¼ maxf4:342; 4:353g ¼ 4:353 (with values of the
of filling is high at the same time. quantile of the noncentral t-distribution of 32.238 and
Figure 2
Results of the simulation study in Section 3.2—gray scale plots of achieved confidence (ac) versus sample size
ratio and variance ratio for four different values of population content; each dot represents one configuration
of the four variables (filling sample size, loss sample size, filling-to-loss variance ratio, population content).
32.0804, respectively). Applying eq 1 results in a target fill <1151> (1) for liquid in vials, which, depending on vis-
volume of 10:0 þ 0:2203 þ 4:353 0:0471 ¼ 10:428 mL. cosity, permit overfills of up to 0.50 mL and 0.70 ml for
10.0 mL label claim and up to 0.30 mL and 0.50 mL for
For the product with the 4.0 mL label claim, the filling 5.0 mL label claim (which is the closest to the 4.0 mL
variability (standard deviation) was estimated as sF ¼ label claim in the second example). If the calculated over-
0:0164 mL based on a data set comprising nF ¼ 740 val- fill for a liquid in vial product should exceed these require-
ues. An extraction experiment was conducted according ments, the presented approach enables identification of the
to the procedure in the product leaflet comprising nL ¼ 90 source of variability that eventually leads to a high over-
extractions resulting in an average total loss of x L ¼
fill. One can also readily assess the effect of lower varia-
0:1913 mL and a standard deviation of sL ¼ 0:0203 mL.
bilities on the calculated overfill. This information can be
The extractable volume standard deviation is thus sEV ¼
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi used to improve the filling process or the extraction proce-
0:01642 þ 0:02032 ¼ 0:0261 mL. The variance ratio
dure to remain within a defined variability, which leads to
estimates result in R^L;F ¼ 1:528 and R^F;L ¼ 0:638. The
degrees of freedom and the effective sample sizes are com- a calculated overfill within USP <1151> (1) criteria.
puted as f^F ¼ 231:6617, f^L ¼ 227:6332, ^m F ¼ 137:9225,
and ^ m L ¼ 136:8047. Using a population content of 4. Taking into Account Operator-to-Operator Variability
p = 0.9999 and a confidence level of c = 0.95 results in a
multiplier of kGK ¼ maxfkHall;F ; kHall;L g ¼ maxf4:064; Usually there are several operators involved in extrac-
4:067g ¼ 4:067 (with values of the quantile of the non- tion experiments. The induced operator-to-operator
central t-distribution of 47.7288 and 47.5703, respec- variability can take a substantial part of the overall var-
tively). Applying eq 1 results in a target fill volume of iability of the loss (dead volume). The basic approach
4:0 þ 0:1913 þ 4:067 0:0261 ¼ 4:298 mL. presented in the previous section does not take into account
the operator-to-operator variability explicitly. However,
In these examples, the calculated overfills of 0.428 mL the approach presented in (7) and (6) can be extended in
and 0.298 mL correspond to the requirements of USP such a way that operator-to-operator variability is covered
Figure 3
gray scale plots of the multiplier from eq 4 (k) versus sample size ratio and variance ratio for four different
values of population content; each dot represents one configuration of the four variables (filling sample size,
loss sample size, filling-to-loss variance ratio, population content) in the simulation study in Section 4.2
m significantly different from zero to decide whether to
s2op ¼ ðy i y Þ2 account for operator-to-operator variability with an
m1 own variability term or not. For additional explanations
and background information on operator-to-operator
and variance, the reader is referred to Appendix A2.
4.1. Options for Computing the Multiplier One can see from these formulas that it is not meaning-
ful to use this approach when the number of operators
Motivated by (6), the multiplier to compute the toler- in the extraction experiment is only 3, because the esti-
ance interval on extractable volume can be defined as mates R^F;op and R^e;op vanish. One way out could be to
kGK ¼ maxfkHall;F ; kHall;op ; kHall;e g use (instead of kGK ) the multiplier kHall;0 where
unbiased estimates for the variances are used (instead
with kHall; being defined as in eq 5 and of unbiased estimates for variance or mean square
2 ratios; see also [8]), that is,
1 þ R^op;F þ 1 1l R^e;F
f^F ¼ 2
2 ^2 ;
1 2 R e;F s2F þ s2op þ 1 1l s2e
nF 1 þ m1 þ 1 l nL m f^0 ¼ s4 ;
1 2 s4e
nF 1 þ m1 þ 1 l
1 þ R^op;F þ 1 1l R^e;F nL m
mF ¼ ;
nF þ m
s2F þ s2op þ 1 1l s2e
s2op ðnF 3Þ ^m 0 ¼ s2op
R^op;F ¼ ; nF þ m
s2F ðnF 1Þ
However, the performance of this multiplier is low (see
s2 ðnF 3Þ
R^e;F ¼ 2e ; Section 4.2). Other alternatives are approximations
sF ðnF 1Þ
2 based on References 9 and 10, which have been
R^F;op þ 1 þ 1 1l R^e;op derived as tolerance interval approximations for ran-
f^op ¼ 2 ^2 ; dom or mixed effect models. In Reference10, the non-
R^F;op 1 2 R e;op
nF 1 þ m1 þ 1 l
nL m central t-distribution in eq 5 is replaced by an
approximation suggested by Reference 11 resulting in
R^F;op þ 1 þ 1 1l R^e;op
m op ¼ ; sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi
nF þ m
kHH ¼ zp þ zc
2 ^
s2 ðm 3Þ 0
R^F;op ¼ 2F ;
sop ðm 1Þ This formula involves an estimate and an upper confi-
s2e ðm 3Þ dence limit (UCL) of the total variance, that is the var-
R^e;op ¼ ; iance of the extractable volume. For the computation
s2op ðm 1Þ
2 of the UCL, two approximations are considered: the
R^F;e þ R^op;e þ 1 1l Satterthwaite approximation (12, 13) and the modified
f^e ¼ 2 ; large sample (MLS) procedure (14, 15). Using the Sat-
R^F;e R^op;e
1 2 1
nF 1 þ m1 þ 1 l nL m terthwaite approximation leads to
R^F;e þ R^op;e þ 1 1l
me ¼ ; f0 ^
R^F;e R^op;e UCLSatt ¼ s2EV
nF þ m vf^ ;1c
s ðnL m 2Þ
R^F;e ¼ F 2 ; where v2f^ ;1c is the (1-c)-quantile of the chi-square dis-
se ðnL mÞ
tribution with f^0 degrees of freedom. The resulting tol-
!2 !2
u 2 2
u nF 1 m1 1 nL m
þ sF 2
4 1 þ sop 2 4 1 þ 1 s4e 2 1
vnF 1;1c vm1;1c l vnL m;1c
The resulting tolerance interval multiplier is denoted We are mutually independent random variables follow-
kHH;MLS . ing chi-square distributions with nF 1, m 1, and
ml m degrees of freedom, respectively. Replacing
Motivated by Reference 16, Hoffman & Kringle (9) lF , lL , r2F , and r2L in eq 2 by GPQlF , GPQlL , GPQr2F ,
provide an approximation for the multiplier of a two- and GPQr2L , respectively, results in a GPQ for Qp . The
sided tolerance interval for a mixed effect model. By generalized confidence limit for Qp is obtained via sim-
replacing the (1+p)/2-quantile zð1þpÞ=2 by zp , it can be ulation. Let N denote the number of simulations runs
used as an approximation in the one-sided case: (say N = 10,000). Then for each i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N one
ðiÞ ðiÞ ðiÞ
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi generates (independent) random samples ZF , ZL , WF ,
ðiÞ ðiÞ
1 UCL Wop , and We for ZF , ZL , WF , Wop , and We , respec-
kHK ¼ zp 1 þ
^m 0 s2EV tively, and computes the GPQ for Qp by the formula
0 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1
ðnF 1Þs2F A
GPQQp ¼@x F ZF
ðiÞ ðiÞ
The multiplier obtained when using the Satterthwaite n F WF
approximation to compute the UCL is denoted by 0 vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1
kHK;Satt , the multiplier using the MLS procedure is B uð
ðiÞ t m1 sop C
denoted by kHK;MLS . @x L ZL ðÞ
As an additional alternative approach, one can consider ðnF 1Þs2F ðm1Þs2op 1 ðmlmÞs2e
a tolerance interval based on general pivotal quantities zp þ þ 1
ðiÞ l We
(GPQs).1 In Reference 5, GPQs are extensively used to F
ðnF 1Þs2F
GPQr2F ¼
WF 4.2. Simulation Study to Assess Appropriateness of
ðm 1Þs2op 1 ðml mÞs2e
GPQr2L ¼ þ 1 (7) A simulation study was conducted to assess the per-
Wop l We
formance of the seven multipliers. Six variables were
where ZF and ZL are independent random variables fol- varied in this study: The variables nF , RF;L ¼ r2F =r2L
lowing the standard normal distribution,WF ; Wop , and and p were varied as in the simulation study in Section
3.2. In addition, the number of operators was varied
1. This approach is basically also applicable to the situation in Section
3.1. It is only mentioned in this section because the multiplier by Guo from 3 to 9, the number of extractions per operator was
& Krishnamoorthy (GK) yields satisfactory results in the simulation varied from 6 to 40, and the intraclass correlation of
study in Section 3.2 and might be easier to implement. The simulation
study in Section 3.2 was also conducted for the GPQ multiplier. Values operator-to-operator variability
of achieved confidence were very similar to those obtained with the GK
multiplier although slightly higher, resulting in more conservative tol- r2op r2op Rop;e
erance intervals. qop ¼ ¼ ¼
r2L r2op þ r2e Rop;e þ 1
was varied from 0.01 to 0.99. In total, 15,000 combina- considerable number of results below 0.9. The
tions of values for p, nF , RF;L , m, l, and qop were gener- achieved confidence of kGK is slightly biased to the
ated. This list of combinations is a mixture of lower side, but the spread is relatively small, that is, all
combinations for which the variables were fixed to cer- results are above 0.9. The multiplier kGPQ has a bias of
tain values (3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 for m; 6, 10, 25, and 40 for similar magnitude, but to the upper side, and it has the
l; 0.01, 0.5, and 0.99 for qop ) on the one hand, and var- smallest spread. Overall, kGPQ yields the best results
ied randomly by Latin Hypercube sampling on the and the results of kGK appear acceptable as well. It
other hand. It should be noted that the case l = 6 is only should be noted that it is not possible to identify one of
considered in combination with m = 5 to correspond to the multipliers as optimal for all situations, because the
a minimum of nL ¼ 30; this refers to 4225 out of the
achieved confidence changes with the values of the var-
15,000 combinations. In the other 10,775 combina-
iables. For example, the achieved confidence of kGK
tions, l was varied from 10 to 40 and the proportion for
and kHH;Satt is lower than 0.95 for moderate and high
which p was fixed to 0.999 or 0.9999 and m was fixed
values of qop whereas kHK;MLS is quite stable with
to 3 or 4 was considerably higher than for the other val-
ues of p and m. For each combination of the six varia- respect to qop but implies values lower than 0.95 with
bles, the quantile Qp (see eq 2 where r2L ¼ r2op þ r2e ) increasing RF;L .
was computed and 10,000 random samples for fill vol-
ume and loss were generated using normal distribu- Figure 5 shows the values of the multipliers for popula-
tions. For each of the generated data sets, the lower tion content p = 0.9999 and confidence c = 0.95 for the
tolerance limit was computed using the above seven same parameter combinations as used in the simula-
multipliers (with number N of simulation runs for kGPQ tions for achieved confidence. The left picture shows
set to 10,000) and a confidence level of 0.95, and the the multipliers when the number of operators is 3, and
achieved confidence was determined. the right picture shows the multipliers when the num-
ber of operators is 4 to 9. One can see that all seven
The left picture in Figure 4 shows boxplots and indi- approaches can produce very large multipliers (and
vidual values (blue dots) of achieved confidence of the still, in many cases, they are too small to achieve the
seven multipliers for all simulation cases for which nominal confidence of 0.95 as shown by Figure 4).
m = 3. One can see that the multiplier kGK yields unsat- These large values belong to the cases where the fill-
isfactory results. Looking at the other six multipliers, ing-to-loss variance ratio RF;L takes values of 4 and
kGPQ seems to provide the best performance. The val- more. A more detailed look into the simulation results
ues for achieved confidence show the smallest spread also reveals that the multiplier kGK increases with the
even though there is a small bias to a too high achieved intraclass correlation qop and slightly decreases with
confidence, that is, the GPQ approach tends to result in
the number of operators m (within the investigated
slightly too conservative tolerance intervals. The multi-
range of 3 to 9). The median of the multipliers kGK in
plier kHH;MLS shows a slightly higher bias to the upper
the cases with more than three operators is approxi-
side and a slightly wider spread. The median achieved
mately 8.2, which seems to be unreasonably high, and
confidence of kHK;MLS is very close to the nominal value
the medians of the other multipliers are similar. For the
of 0.95, but results show a very wide spread with quite
some values below 0.9. Achieved confidence results number of operators investigated in this simulation
for kHH;Satt and kHK;Satt show an unacceptable bias and a study (and likely usually available for extraction
wide spread. Therefore, it cannot be recommended to experiments), care should be taken when using the tol-
use these two multipliers in general, although in some erance interval multipliers from Section 4.1. They
cases they might yield more acceptable results than might yield reasonable multipliers in individual cases.
other multipliers, for example kHH;Satt yields acceptable Nevertheless, for obtaining a suitable and functional
results if filling variability is high (compared to loss overfill one can restrict to using the multiplier pre-
variability) and operator-to-operator variability is low. sented in Section 3.1 by default, and using the loss var-
iability s2L computed by eq 6 also when operator-to-
The right picture in Figure 4 shows boxplots of operator variability is significant.
achieved confidence of the seven multipliers for all
simulation cases for which the number m of operators 4.3. Example Calculation
is greater than 3. One can see that the median achieved
confidence of kHK;MLS matches the nominal confidence This section describes how the results for the two
of 0.95, but the spread of the results is very wide with a examples in Section 3.3 change when accounting for
Figure 4
Results of the simulation study in Section 4.2— boxplots of achieved confidence per multiplier when the num-
ber of operators is three (A) and when the number of operators varies from four to nine (B); each blue dot rep-
resents one configuration of the six variables (population content, filling sample size, filling-to-loss variance
ratio, number of operators, number of extractions per operator, operator-to-operator intraclass correlation
coefficient); red dashed line represents the nominal confidence level of 0.95.
operator-to-operator variability in the losses by using In the second example, the 90 extractions were actually
the approaches presented in Section 4.1. performed by three operators (each of them performing
30 extractions). Computing the standard deviation of
In the first example, the 40 extractions were actually per- the total loss according to eq 6 results in sL ¼ 0:0211
formed by four operators (each of them performing ten mL with s2op ¼ 0:00011692 and s2e ¼ 0:00033917. As
extractions). Computing the standard deviation of the total the F-statistic for testing r2op ¼ 0 (see Appendix A2)
loss according to eq 6 results in sL ¼ 0:0419 mL with yields a value of 10.34, which corresponds to a p-value
s2op ¼ 0:00087532 and s2e ¼ 0:00097469. As the F-statistic of 0.00009, the operator-to-operator variance r2op is
for testing r2op ¼ 0 (see Appendix A2) yields a value of significant, and it is reasonable to use an own variabili-
8.98, which corresponds to a p-value of 0.00014, the oper- ty term. The standard deviation of the extractable vol-
ume (sEV ) is 0.0267 mL. The approximate degrees of
ator-to-operator variance r2op is significant, and it is rea-
freedom needed to compute the tolerance interval multi-
sonable to use an own variability term. Note that there is a
pliers are computed as f^0 = 62.3645, f^F = 62.488, f^op =
slight increase in sL compared with the result in Section
2, and f^e = 63.2643. The effective sample sizes are com-
3.3. The standard deviation of the extractable volume
puted as ^m 0 = 18.1444, ^m F = 18.1625, ^m op = 3, and ^m e =
(sEV ) is 0.049 mL. The approximate degrees of freedom 18.3406. The upper confidence limit on the extractable
needed to compute the tolerance interval multipliers are volume variance is 0.000984 when using the Sat-
computed as f^0 = 20.7266, f^F = 20.7587, f^op = 7.4159, and terthwaite approximation, whereas applying the MLS
f^e = 21.4284. The effective sample sizes are computed as procedure results in 0.002878. Table I shows the multi-
m 0 = 10.9106, ^m F = 10.9189, ^m op = 6.31, and ^m e = 11.1454. pliers and the resulting overfills when using a population
The upper confidence limit on the extractable volume var- content of p = 0.9999 and a confidence level of c = 0.95
iance is 0.00437 when using the Satterthwaite approxima- (with the multipliers needed for kGK being
tion whereas applying the MLS procedure results in kHall;F ¼ 4:494, kHall;op ¼ 16:598, kHall;e ¼ 4:488Þ.
0.009007. Table I shows the multipliers and the resulting
overfills when using a population content of p = 0.9999 and From both examples, one can see that the multipliers
a confidence level of c = 0.95 (with the multipliers needed differ substantially. For the multipliers kHK;MLS , kHK;Satt ,
for kGK being kHall;F ¼ 5:146, kHall;op ¼ 6:684, kHall;e ¼ kHH;MLS , and kHH;Satt , this is induced by the fact that the
5:117). approximations for the upper confidence limit on
Figure 5
Boxplots of each multiplier when the number of operators is three (A) and when the number of operators
varies from four to nine (B); each blue dot represents one configuration of the six variables (population content,
filling sample size, filling-to-loss variance ratio, number of operators, number of extractions per operator, oper-
ator-to-operator intraclass correlation coefficient) in the simulation study in Section 4.2.
Table I
Multipliers and Resulting Overfills for the Two Examples When Using a Fixed Multiplier, the Multiplier from
Section 3.1 (GK_Simple) and the Multipliers from Section 4.1 (Accounting for Operator-to-Operator Variability—
GK_op, GPQ, Hall0, HH_Satt, HH_MLS, HK_Satt, HK_MLS); for the Fixed and the Simple Multiplier Both Cases
of Determining the Loss Standard Deviation Are Considered: Simple Computation as Suggested in Section 3.1 and
Computation according to eq. 6 (Accounting for Operator-to-Operator Variability by an Own Variance
confidence levels for all numbers of operators consid- during product development and, if considered neces-
ered in this article. sary, to increase the calculated overfill based on this
From a practical perspective, it will usually be adequate to
derive a suitable and functional overfill using the approach Acknowledgements
from Guo & Krishnamoorthy (6) without taking into
account the operator-to-operator variability in the compu- The authors would like to thank the following colleagues
tation of the multiplier. Using an own variability term for for their support in the establishment of the concept of
operator-to-operator variability might in general only work overfill determination: Sigrun Löw, Thomas Schröder,
well when ten or more operators are involved in the extrac- Aleksandra Stojkovic, Robert Hormes, Fabien Canepa,
tion experiments. Even when experimental work can be Alexander Z€urn, Robert M€uhlbacher, and Caroline Hilbert.
conducted with many operators, it is recommended to use
this approach complementary to the simpler approach not
taking into account operator-to-operator variability and to Conflict of Interest Declaration
make the final decision on the overfill based on a careful
interpretation of the outcomes of both approaches. Bernhard Schmelzer and Marc Sutter declare no com-
peting interests. All authors are employees of their re-
The presented tolerance interval approach is applicable spective group of companies.
to single-dose liquid parenteral products in different
presentations, such as vials or prefilled syringes. It can References
be adapted for multidose vial presentations, which was
not shown in this article. Losses that occur occasion- 1. U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, General Chapter
ally, such as drop loss when removing needle shield <1151> Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms. In USP
caps of devices, are not necessarily known and do not 42—NF 37, USP: Rockville, MD, 2019.
necessarily occur when conducting the extraction
experiments. Therefore, they cannot be covered by the 2. Mehta, S. B.; Subramanian, S.; Brown, R.; D’Mello,
proposed tolerance interval approach. It is advisable to R.; Brisbane, C.; Roy, S. Use of a Predictive Regres-
collect data about such losses over a longer time period sion Model for Estimating Hold-Up Volume for
Biologic Drug Product Presentations. PDA J. Pharm. 13. Satterthwaite, F. E. An Approximate Distribution
Sci. Technol. 2020, 74 (3), 290–300. of Estimates of Variance Components. Biom. Bull.
1946, 2 (6), 110–114.
3. Dasnoy, S.; Simonin, L.; Radulovic, S.; White,
A.; Decoster, J.-F.; Denis, L. A Predictive Model- 14. Graybill, F. A.; Wang, C. M. Confidence Intervals
ing Approach to Support the Overfill Volume Def- on Nonnegative Linear Combinations of Varian-
inition of Liquid-in-Vial Drug Products. PDA J. ces. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 1980, 75 (372), 869–873.
Pharm. Sci. Technol. 2022, 76 (5), 384–394.
15. Burdick, R. K.; Graybill, F. A. Confidence Inter-
4. Besheer, A.; Burton, L.; Galas, R. J. Jr; Gokhale, vals on Variance Components; Marcel-Dekker,
K.; Goldbach, P.; Hu, Q.; Mathews, L.; Muthura- Inc.: New York, 1992.
nia, K.; Narasimhan, C.; Singh, S. N.; Stokes,
E. S. E.; Weiser, S.; Zamiri, C.; Zhou, S. An 16. Howe, W. G. Two-Sided Tolerance Limits for
Industry Perspective on Compatibility Assessment Normal Populations— Some Improvements. J.
of Closed System Drug-Transfer Devices for Bio- Am. Stat. Assoc. 1969, 64, 610–620.
logics. J. Pharm. Sci. 2021, 110 (2), 610–614.
5. Krishnamoorthy, K.; Mathew, T. Statistical Toler-
ance Regions: Theory, Applications, and Compu-
tation; John Wiley & Sons, 2009. Appendix A: Details on the Tolerance Interval
6. Guo, H.; Krishnamoorthy, K. New Approximate
Inferential Methods for the Reliability Parameter Appendix A1: Hall’s Approach for the Difference of Two
in a Stress-Strength Model: The Normal Case. Independent Random Variables Following a Normal
Commun. Stat. Theory Methods 2004, 33 (7), Distribution
1715–1731. Let X and Y denote independent random variables both
following a normal distribution with means (expectations) l1
and l2 , respectively, and variances r21 and r22 , respectively.
7. Hall, I. J. Approximate One-Sided Tolerance Lim- Then the difference D = X – Y follows a normal distribution
its for the Difference or Sum of Two Independent with mean (expectation) l1 l2 and variance r2D ¼ r21 þ r22 .
Normal Variates. J. Qual. Technol 1984, 16 (1), Let X1 ; ; Xn1 and Y1 ; ; Yn2 denote random samples
15–19. (i.e., samples that are independently and identically distributed)
for X and Y, let X and Y denote the sample means, and let S12
and S22 denote the sample variances. The mean difference is
8. Reiser, B.; Guttman, I. Statistical Inference for Pr given by D ¼ X Y and the variance of D is estimated by
(Y<X): the Normal Case. Technometrics 1986, SD2
¼ S12 þ S22 . Hall (7) suggests a lower tolerance limit for D
28 (3), 253–257. of the form
9. Hoffman, D.; Kringle, R. Two-Sided Tolerance D k SD ¼ X Y k S21 þ S22
Intervals for Balanced and Unbalanced Random with the multiplier k being defined as in the case of a simple
Effects Models. J. Biopharm. Stat. 2005, 15 (2), normal random variable (e.g., see [5]), but the sample size
283–293. being replaced with the effective (or equivalent) sample size m,
that is,
10. Hoffman, D. One-Sided Tolerance Limits for Bal- pffiffiffi 1
kHall ¼ tf ;c ðzp mÞ pffiffiffi (A1)
anced and Unbalanced Random Effects Models. m
Technometrics 2010, 52 (3), 303–312. where zp is pffiffithe
ffi p-quantile of the standard normal distribution
and tf ;c ðzp mÞ is the c-quantile of the noncentral t-distribution
11. Halperin, M. Approximations to the Non-Central with f degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter zp m.
The effective sample size is the ratio between the variance of D
t, with Applications. Technometrics 1963, 5 (3),
and the variance of D. The latter is given by
r21 r22
r2D ¼ þ
12. Satterthwaite, F. E. Synthesis of Variance. Psy- n1 n2
chometrika 1941, 6, 309–316. Consequently, the effective (or equivalent) sample size is
r2D r21 þ r22 into account operator-to-operator variability. Let Yij denote the
m¼ ¼ r2 r2 loss observed with the jth extraction performed by operator
r2D 1
þ 2
n1 n2 number i. Then Yij can be modeled by the one-way random
effect model
The degrees of freedom f involved in eq A1 is approximated
by using the Satterthwaite approximation (12, 13): Yij ¼ lL þ Oi þ eij
2 2 where lL represents the (theoretical) average loss across all
r4D r21 þ r2
f ¼ r21 r2
¼ r21 r2
operators, Oi represents the random effect introduced by
n1 1 þ n2 1
n1 1 þ n2 1
operator i, and eij represents the random error term
associated with the jth extraction performed by operator i.
Hall (7) expresses the effective sample size and the degrees Under the assumption that the random terms Oi and eij are
of freedom by using the variance ratio R1;2 ¼ r21 =r22 . As the mutually independent and follow a normal distribution with
variances are (usually) unknown, Hall (7) suggests to replace mean 0 and variance r2op and r2e , respectively, the losses
the unknown ratio R1;2 by the unbiased estimate follow a normal distribution with mean lL and variance
r2L ¼ r2op þ r2e . Note that r2op corresponds to operator-to-
S2 ðn2 3Þ
R^1;2 ¼ 12 operator variability and r2e corresponds to within-operator
S2 ðn2 1Þ variability.
resulting in the multiplier Assume that extractions are performed by m operators, and
that each operator performs the same number of extractions,
pffiffiffiffiffi say l. Then the total number of extractions is nL ¼ m l. Let Y i
kHall;2 ¼ tf^2 ;c ðzp ^m 2 Þ pffiffiffiffiffi denote the average loss associated with operator i and let Y
^m 2 denote the average loss across all operators, that is,
where 1
Yi ¼ Yij
ðR^1;2 þ 1Þ2 R^1;2 þ 1 l
f^2 ¼
; m^ 2 ¼
R^1;2 =ðn1 1Þ þ 1=ðn2 1Þ
2 ^
R 1;2 =n1 þ 1=n2
S ðn1 3Þ
R^2;1 ¼ 22
S1 ðn1 1Þ
In order to estimate operator-to-operator and within-operator
resulting in the multiplier
variability, the following mean squares are considered (see for
example [15])
kHall;1 ¼ tf^1 ;c ðzp
^m 1 Þ pffiffiffiffiffi 1
^m 1 S2op ¼
ðY i Y Þ2
m X
r2D hF þ hop þ 1 1l he r2F þ r2op þ r2e respectively. The resulting multiplier is denoted by
m¼ ¼ h
¼ r2 r2 kHall;F
r2D hF
þ op F r2
þ op þ e
nF m nF m ml
Note that compared with the situation in Appendix A1, the Following Reference 6, the multiplier to compute the tolerance
role of the variances r21 and r22 is taken by hF , hop , and he as interval on extractable volume is then the greatest of the three
these are the expected values of the mean squares SF2 , Sop2
, and multipliers, that is kGK ¼ maxfkHall;e ; kHall;op ; kHall;F g. This
Se . This is particularly relevant when using the Satterthwaite
results in the formulas presented in Section 4.1.
Bristol Myers Squibb, 1 Squibb Drive, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 © PDA, Inc. 2023
ABSTRACT: Container closure systems that are used for packaging pharmaceutical products are required to satisfy
numerous safety requirements. Maximum permitted limits on the concentrations of numerous toxic elemental impur-
ities that potentially leach from the packaging are one such requirement. The implementation of ICH-Q3D Guideline
for Elemental Impurities, in conjunction with the 2018 publication of USP <232> Elemental Impurities—Limits and
USP <233> Elemental Impurities—Procedures, requires a critical risk assessment of all container closure systems to
evaluate their contribution of certain elemental impurities to the enclosed drug product. ICH-Q3D has established limits
for each specific elemental impurity that considers relevant toxicological data and administration route (oral, parenteral,
or inhalation) and presents them as permitted daily exposures based on the maximum daily dosage of the final drug
product. A study was undertaken to assess the degree of elemental impurity leaching from one type of pharmaceutical
glass vial under specific, fixed environmental controls. Multiple buffer systems representing a broad spectrum of possi-
ble parenteral drug product formulations were used in the study. Resulting buffer solutions that had been in contact
with a single type of glass vial under specific conditions were subsequently analyzed using an inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) method developed and validated specifically for the purpose of quantifying ele-
mental impurity leachables in a variety of parenteral formulations. Results indicated that the degree of elemental impu-
rity leachables imparted by the specific type of glass vial evaluated during this study posed no risk to patient safety,
regardless of the drug product buffer formulation. Following this evaluation, the ICP-MS method developed for the
determination of elemental impurities leachables has been successfully applied to the assessment of elemental impur-
ities in a number of different biological parenteral drug product formulations currently under development. These data
can be leveraged for inclusion in elemental impurities component ICH-Q3D risk assessments to satisfy the container
closure system contribution.
ongoing. There are numerous manufacturers of glass the knowledge base, covering four of the six buffers
vials, and each will employ a different proprietary for- most commonly selected for the formulation of the ma-
mulation for their specific glass composition. These dif- jority of parenteral drug products (15). Some of these
ferences in formulation may involve the types of glass buffers serve a secondary purpose as possible ‘worst
former, intermediates, modifiers, colorants, and/or fining case scenarios’ due to the aggressive nature of their
agents (11). Each of these glass formulation variations interactions with components of the glass formulation
can impact the elemental impurity leaching profile of the (e.g., the metal chelation potential of citrate).
glass vial, which is further compounded by variations in
the parenteral drug product’s chemical and biological In addition to various buffers, this study investigated the
formulations. The exact chemistry of glass leaching, or leachable impact of other commonly used parenteral exci-
corrosion, is a complex phenomenon (12). There are pients such as DTPA, sucrose, polysorbate 80 (PS80), me-
multiple mechanisms by which elements may migrate thionine, arginine, and sodium chloride. Beyond their use
from the glass network into the interior solution, includ- in formulations, these materials also provide test cases for
ing congruent and incongruent dissolution, reactive cor- strong metal chelators and high ionic strength environ-
rosion, and alkali leaching. The most significant variable ments, both of which are chemically relevant scenarios in
that impacts the leaching mechanism is the pH of the generating leachables knowledge.
contact solution, which may in turn be variable over
time as the concentration of ionic leachates increases. The glass vial storage conditions of the various buffer
Additionally, leachable concentrations may be further formulations are also expected to have an impact on
exacerbated by other drug formulation components such the extent of elemental impurities leachables. For prac-
as metal chelators (e.g., pentetic acid [DTPA]). Owing tical purposes, aligning a leaching study with the drug
to the broad spectrum of possible parenteral pharmaceu- product’s long-term stability studies (LTSSs) would
tical formulations, it cannot be assumed that two drug present a convenient opportunity to monitor trends
products of different formulations will elicit the same associated with both real-world and exaggerated stor-
elemental impurities leachable profile from the same age conditions over the life cycle of the drug. For the
vial. Other factors such as storage conditions (solution purpose of this investigation, and as a means of reduc-
residence time and temperature) and vial type (molded ing the number of compounding variables to only the
vs. tube, volume) may also contribute to the leachable formulations, the storage conditions for results pre-
variability in glass vial–drug formulation systems (13, sented here represent only those solutions exposed to
14). glass vials for 6 months at 25˚C.
Histidine is a frequently used buffer component in many In order to assess the extent of elemental impurity leach-
commercial monoclonal antibody (mAb) formulations ables attributed to any specific variable, a highly sensi-
owing to its physiologically relevant buffering range as tive analytical technique must be employed. Inductively
well as its freeze/thaw and lyophilization-friendly phase coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been
behavior, as opposed to buffers such as phosphate and demonstrated to be an ideal instrument for accurate,
acetate. Approximately one-third of ready-to-use liquid quantitative leachable work (16–20). ICP-MS is a solu-
and lyophilized commercialized mAb drug products are tion-based analytical technique that provides both quali-
reported to use histidine as an ingredient (15). As a tative and quantitative multielement analysis with the
result, generation of data and knowledge on the elemen- possibility of sub-ppb detection limits.
tal impurities leachable potential of histidine buffers
would be of paramount interest to inform formulation- This study is separated into two parts, the first being a
induced packaging risks over the shelf life of many par- broad design of experiment (DoE) for the purpose of
enteral drug products. studying the extent of leaching from a single, specific type
of glass vial as a function of exposure to 14 different
However, despite it being one of the dominant buffer buffer/excipient formulations, all stored under the same
selections for parenteral drug products, generating conditions for 6 months. All the solutions employed in
leachable knowledge from only histidine formulations this part of the study were placebos and did not contain
would be a vastly incomplete coverage of available any actual drug product. All ICH-Q3D elements (except
buffer options. The addition of citrate, phosphate, and Os) were assessed as potential leachables. Several non-
tris to the experimental design space greatly expands ICH-Q3D elemental impurity elements were also included
in this part of the study: Ti, Zn, Zr, and Al were included simultaneously to test the extremes of the CCS (in this
because, at the time of the study design, these elements case, buffer formulation composition) on the observed
were under consideration for inclusion in extractable studies leachable results. The samples were tested similar to a
of USP <661.1> Plastic Materials of Construction and full design approach. This design approach assumes that
were considered relevant to glass vial packaging leachable the stability of any intermediate level is within the sta-
studies. Additionally, although Al and Zn are not elements bility results observed for the extreme samples tested. If
with prescribed ICH-Q3D permitted daily exposures differences in leachables are observed across the range
(PDEs), they are identified as elements that may have studied, the individual factor causing the difference can-
patient-specific or regional toxicological limits (4). Other not be identified statistically. However, if the entire
elements that are major components of glass construction range of leachables observed are within acceptable lim-
(e.g., Si or B) but that do not pose toxicological concerns its, then it can be concluded that the entire range of
were not considered in this study; however, they were factors studied has no practical effect on elemental
assessed in a parallel study of glass delamination propensity. leachables.
The second part of this study involved leveraging the ana- In order to design the histidine formulations that would
lytical parameters employed during the buffer leachable most effectively capture the most aggressive scenarios,
DoE previously described and developing a novel, gen- a factorial design was created using JMP software. A
eral, elemental impurities ICP-MS method that can be factorial design is a type of experiment that allows
applied for the assessment of only ICH-Q3D elemental researchers to study the effects of several different fac-
impurity leachables in authentic drug product formula- tors on a response. When conducting a DoE, varying
tions (as opposed to only placebo buffer formulation). the levels of all factors within the design (instead of
This general method was refined and validated on a single across several designs) enables the researcher to study
representative buffer formulation with the expectation the interactions between the factors.
that it can be applied to any biologic formulation follow-
ing minimal matrix compatibility confirmation, a process This study utilized a 23 full factorial design with three
referred to as bridging. It has been demonstrated to pro- identical center points (center points are the midway
vide accurate and precise quantitative data at low limits points between the low and high settings for a factor).
for all ICH-Q3D elemental impurities (except Os, which Center point replicates are included to determine the
is monitored qualitatively for safety reasons). The general experimental repeatability at the center of the experi-
method subsequently has been successfully applied to mental space, which can be compared with the change
many different parenteral drug product formulations, in in responses at different experimental conditions to test
the commercial and development space, to assess for for factor significance. It is assumed that the experi-
leachables at various defined storage time points and con- mental repeatability is similar across the experimental
ditions. Each different drug product formulation has been range. The center point runs also enable the analyst to
‘bridged’ to the method by performing a spike-and-recov- test for nonlinearity across the design, although if non-
ery study at three concentration levels that encompass the linearity is found, the factor causing the nonlinearity
PDE of each element. Successful recovery of these spikes cannot be identified statistically.
ensures that any difference in matrix effects relative to
the representative buffer used to validate the method are Histidine Formulations for Buffer Leachable DoE
negligible and confirms that the method is appropriate for
use. Data collected for each drug product following this Buffers are major excipients in developing a robust
method can then be applied to an ICH-Q3D Elemental drug formulation. Specifically, buffer systems help to
Impurities risk assessment to satisfy the contributions of control the pH, an important factor during drug product
the glass vial CCS component. formulation and processing. In addition to the buffer,
there are eight factors (excipients) that are generally
Experimental Method considered in the formulation: osmolality modifier,
chelator, surfactant, pH, antioxidant, viscosity modi-
Experimental Design for Buffer Leachable DoE fier, and an ionic strength modifier.
A DoE was conducted using a bracketing variable These factors were varied in the design as three inde-
approach, in which multiple factors are changed pendent variables: pH, NaCl, and a combined factor
that includes the remaining six factors. The pH and that was not used to fill vials was stored in Nalgene
NaCl factors are hypothesized to most likely have an plastic containers and submitted to the analytical test-
effect on elemental impurities leachables and were var- ing group for use to matrix-match calibration stand-
ied independently in the study to estimate their inde- ards. Because these formulations were not exposed
pendent effects. The combined set of factors are to any glassware, they could be considered control
hypothesized to have a low likelihood of affecting ele- samples.
mental impurities and thus treated as a single factor.
For example, when the combined factor is at its low Analytical Experimental Details
level ( 1), all of the factors in this group will be at the
low level depicted in Table II. If an effect on elemental Buffer Leachable DoE: For analysis, solutions of inter-
impurities is found with the combined factor, further est were removed from the vials using standard polypro-
experiments will need to be executed to identify which pylene syringes with a stainless-steel needle, typically
individual factor caused the effect. If no effect is iden- used in the pharmaceutical industry. This sampling pro-
tified, it can be concluded that none of the individual cedure was preferred to the procedure of decrimping the
factors have an effect on elemental impurities over the Al cap and removal of the stopper to pour the solution
ranges studied. As described previously, a 23 full facto- over the vial lip into a polypropylene tube. This latter
rial design with 3 center points DoE used for this study preparation was found to impart subvisible, Al particles
leads to 11 histidine buffer formulations with variable
generated by the decrimping process into the solution,
excipient levels. This design has many merits. It can fit
which in turn completely dissolved in the more aggres-
a full model with all main effects (all 2-factor interac-
sive buffer formulations. Solutions were received and
tions) as well as provide the opportunity to test for non-
stored before preparation in polypropylene tubes (SCP
linearity. It is also a high-power design with lower
Sciences) to ensure that no further leaching occurred.
financial and resource burden compared with an eight-
factor design.
All sample solutions were prepared using a 10 dilu-
tion in deionized (DI) water (Millipore, 18.2 MX-cm)
Solution Sample Preparation
to minimize matrix effects and to protect the ICP-MS
cones from the salt buildup that would occur if the
Triplicate vials (Valor, 30 R, Corning) were filled with
samples were to be analyzed at high concentrations.
the various buffer formulations in an ISO 5 laboratory
Ge, Y, and Ho were used as internal standards at a con-
environment. Prior to fill, vials were washed with
centration of 10 ng/mL with the further addition of
water-for-injection (WFI) and depyrogenated under
standard conditions. Fourteen bulk buffer solutions of 10 ng/mL of Au as a stabilizing agent for Hg. Calibra-
varying formulations were prepared using a variety of tion standards were prepared by matrix-matching the
excipient components (histidine [Avantor JT Baker], calibration standards to the buffer solutions through the
sucrose [Pfanstiehl], citrate [Spectrum], phosphate addition of 10% of the corresponding control buffer
[Thermo Fisher], tris [Spectrum], methionine [Sigma formulation (e.g., if citrate buffer solutions were being
Aldrich], arginine hydrochloric acid [Avantor JT analyzed, calibration standards would be prepared with
Baker], sodium chloride [Avantor JT Baker], DTPA the same concentration of citrate as in the samples, fol-
[EMD Millipore], and PS80 [NOF]). The range of com- lowing dilution). Such incorporation of the control (not
ponents in each formulation, if not the exact concentra- exposed to glass) formulation into calibration standards
tions, are provided in Table II. At the onset of the not only served to matrix-match the standards to the
study, triplicate glass vials were filled with 33 mL of samples and thereby increase method accuracy but also
each formulation. The vial type selected for this study to negate the impact any elemental impurities native to
was Valor 30 R, manufactured by Corning. Vials were the formulation would have on the sample solution
stoppered with West/Daikyo 20 mm stoppers and results. With this approach, subtraction of the control
capped with West 20 mm Al caps using a Genesis cap- sample from the sample solutions was not necessary,
ping station. No container was filled with more than and all elements detected in the sample solutions could
one individual formulation. Filled vials were subse- be attributed to glass leaching. Multi-element stock
quently stored upright in monitored and controlled ICP standards (Inorganic Ventures) were used to pre-
(63˚C) stability chambers at 25˚C for 6 months before pare calibration standards in concentrations of 100 and
withdrawal for testing. The remaining bulk formulation 200 ng/mL of each element.
DoE, design of experiment; DTPA, pentetic acid; NA, not available; PS80, polysorbate 80.
Table III
ICP-MS Operating Conditions for Leachable Elemental Impurities for Both the Buffer Study and the General
Parameter Setting
Element isotopesa 7
Li, 27Al, 47,48Ti, 51V, 52,53Cr, 58,60Ni, 59Co, 63,65Cu, 64,66,68Zn, 75As, 76,77,78Se, 90,92,94Zr,
Mo, 101,102,104Ru, 103Rh, 105,106,108Pd, 107,109Ag, 111Cd, 116,118,120Sn, 121,123Sb,
Ba, 191,193Ir, 194,195,196Pt, 197Au, 200,201,202Hg, 203,205Tl, 206,207,208Pb
Internal standard isotopes Ge, 89Y, 165Ho
Interference reduction Kinetic energy discrimination (KED)
Sampling cone Nickel
Spray chamber Quartz cyclonic
Measurement replicates 3
Dwell time 0.05 seconds
Resolution Normal
Other settings Determined by daily tuning report
Ti, Zr, Zn, and Al were included in the buffer leachable study; however, they are omitted from the subsequently developed
General Method as these elements are not considered ICH-Q3D Class 1–3 elements.
ICP-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
Samples were analyzed in groups according to the Elemental Impurities Leachables General ICP-MS
buffer formulation using a Thermo iCAP RQ ICP-MS Method Development: Following the assessment of ele-
(Table III). All elements listed in ICH-Q3D (except mental impurities leachables from glass vials in the vari-
Os) were included in the analysis, with four additional ous formulations, the analytical work was leveraged for
elements of interest (Al, Zn, Ti, and Zr) commonly the development and validation of a general elemental
used by various packaging manufacturers. The most impurities leachable method. The Histidine 4 buffer for-
sensitive isotopes for each element were selected. Lim- mulation was selected as a permanent, representative
its of detection (LODs) and limits of quantification buffer for calibration standard matrix-matching (10%
(LOQs) for each element isotope were calculated as 3r Histidine 4:90% DI Water) in the method. This buffer
and 10r of the blank solution, respectively, for each would be used regardless of the formulation of the par-
matrix (Table IV). However, to normalize the mini- enteral drug product for which the general method was
mum quantifiable limit (MQL) to a common reporting applied provided a spike-and-recovery bridging study on
limit for all isotopes, elements, and matrices, a practi- that specific matrix was successful. Parenteral drug
cal MQL of 1 ng/mL (on instrument, 10 ng/mL in sam- product samples exposed to glass vials that were ana-
ple following dilution correction) was adopted. lyzed following the general method were weighed to
yield 10 mg/mL sample solutions. Providing data rela-
For the leachable assessment, data was exported from tive to weight (as opposed to volume, as for the buffer
the ICP-MS and processed off-line using Excel. All leachables DoE study) permitted the results to be
isotopes were confirmed to have satisfied quality con- reported in lg/g in alignment with ICH-Q3D. The
trol criteria of standard checks (620%) and those suf- method LOQ for each element was calculated as 30% of
fering from significant interferences were omitted from the target limits, verified by spike recovery. Elemental
calculation (e.g., 114Cd was removed from considera- impurities limits were, in turn, determined from ICH-
tion due to a Sn interference). In cases in which multi- Q3D parenteral PDE limits with one modification: a
ple isotopes of an element were used, the isotopes were blanket daily dose of 100 g/day was utilized to ensure
averaged before calculation of the dilution-corrected that the method would be applicable to a wider variety
sample concentration. Triplicate vials of the same vari- of potential drug product formulations. This results in
able were assessed for extreme variability and the limits that were a factor of ten lower than those detailed
results averaged. Results were presented in ng/mL. in ICH-Q3D for a 10 g/day dose.
Table IV
The On-Instrument Limits of Detection, Limits of Quantification and Practical Limits of Quantification (Those That
Are Used to Report Data) Are Presented for a Representative Histidine Formulation. For Elements with Multiple
Isotopes, Only One Is Presented
Histidine 4
On-Instrument Dilution Corrected
Practical LOQ Practical LOQ
LOD (ng/mL) LOQ (ng/mL) (ng/mL) (ng/mL)
Li 0.053 0.057 1.00 10.0
Al 0.334 0.748 1.00 10.0
Ti 0.096 0.179 1.00 10.0
V 0.007 0.013 1.00 10.0
Cr 0.171 0.031 1.00 10.0
Co 0.002 0.004 1.00 10.0
Ni 0.042 0.013 1.00 10.0
Cu 0.011 0.024 1.00 10.0
Zn 0.052 0.017 1.00 10.0
As 0.002 0.013 1.00 10.0
Se 0.111 0.305 1.00 10.0
Zr 0.004 0.045 1.00 10.0
Mo 0.001 0.047 1.00 10.0
Rh 0.000 0.000 1.00 10.0
Ru 0.002 0.003 1.00 10.0
Pd 0.003 0.005 1.00 10.0
Ag 0.021 0.001 1.00 10.0
Cd 0.001 0.002 1.00 10.0
Sn 0.002 0.004 1.00 10.0
Sb 0.003 0.023 1.00 10.0
Ba 0.007 0.003 1.00 10.0
Ir 0.000 0.001 1.00 10.0
Pt 0.001 0.004 1.00 10.0
Au 0.018 0.055 1.00 10.0
Hg 0.015 0.003 1.00 10.0
Tl 0.000 0.000 1.00 10.0
Pb 0.001 0.003 1.00 10.0
LOD, limit of detection; LOQ, limit of quantification.
Results and Discussion glass used in the formulation of the test vials was made
from an alumino-silicate matrix and the proprietary
Assessment of Buffer Leaching Profiles manufacturing process used SnO2 as a fining agent
(21), the leaching of these two elements was not unex-
Results for the elements that exhibited leaching pected. Furthermore, of these two elements, Sn is the
>10 ng/mL for at least one or more buffer systems are only element controlled with specific limits by ICH-
presented in Table V. Of all the elements investigated, Q3D. Al is subjected to possible regional regulatory
only Al, Cu, Zn, and Sn were found to leach from the limits. Despite this, neither element approached the
glass vials, and of these, only Al and Sn were found to 100 g/day parenteral drug product limit utilized in this
leach from all 14 buffer formulations. Because the study as an alert concentration. The results indicate
Table V Table VI
Elements Detected in Each of the Formulations Al Concentration Variability Determined in
Following Dilution Correction Are Presented Relative Triplicate Vials for Phosphate and Tris Formulations
to the LOQ of 10 ng/mL (Corrected for 10 dilution). Demonstrating the Extent of Leachable
Al and Sn Were the Only Leachable Elements Detected Reproducibility
in All Formulations
Al Concentration (ng/mL)
Analyte Concentration (ng/mL)a Phosphate Tris
Al Cu Zn Sn
Vial 1 750 520
Histidine 1 150 ND ND 38 Vial 2 800 650
Histidine 2 73 ND ND 32 Vial 3 800 590
Histidine 3 260 ND ND 40
Histidine 4 140 22 18 36
Some Cu and Zn leachates (>10 ng/mL) were observed
Histidine 5 220 13 ND 38 in one of the histidine formulations. However, this was
Histidine 6 160 ND ND 39 limited to only one of the triplicate vials (which also
Histidine 7 73 ND ND 39 exhibited trace quantities of Hg and Pb, <10 ng/mL).
Histidine 8 100 ND ND 34 Thus, this vial was designated an outlier as it is not rep-
Histidine 9 240 ND ND 39 resentative of typical histidine leaching under these
Histidine 10 77 ND ND 32 conditions. The detection of these elements is likely
Histidine 11 300 ND ND 43 due to environmental contamination or spurious, anom-
Citrate 83 ND ND 43 alous leaching effects. Because this work was not per-
Phosphate 780 ND ND 79 formed in a designated clean room and an analytical
Tris 590 ND ND 48 technique with sub-ppb sensitivity was employed for
Average of three vials. detection, infrequent ultratrace contamination is an
LOQ, limit of quantification; ND, not detected— unfortunate reality. In order to ensure that such trace
concentrations below the LOQ. contaminations do not skew the data with artificial con-
centrations, it is vital that multiple vials (triplicate, at
minimum) be interrogated. If such anomalous or unex-
that none of these formulations stored in the type of pected results arise at similar levels in all replicates,
glass vial under consideration would present a concern then further investigation would be warranted.
for patient safety or product quality resulting from
leachable elemental impurities. The higher Al concentrations observed in the phosphate
and tris buffer systems were not attributable to Al con-
The results indicated that under the conditions in this tamination from the cap. Table VI demonstrates the
study, the phosphate leached the highest concentrations repeatability of the Al concentrations for triplicate indi-
of Al and Sn of the 14 buffer formulations studied. Tris vidual vial measurements, indicating little variability.
also demonstrated greater Al leaching relative to citrate When Al contributions from particles liberated from the
or the 11 histidine formulations, all of which exhibited cap were observed, they tended to be highly variable
very similar leaching patterns. Generally, glass attack is from vial-to-vial and exhibited obvious anomalously
dependent on glass formulation and pH. Ion exchange or high concentrations in excess of 1000 ng/mL. As such,
hydrolysis occurs in acidic and neutral formulations, the Al concentrations demonstrated in Table VI are con-
whereas dissolution occurs in alkaline media. Thus, sidered to be solely from the glass vial. Contributions
more aggressive reactions occur at alkaline conditions. from the stopper were deemed negligible, because the
The phosphate and tris buffer solutions were formulated vials were stored in the upright position and contact
at pH of 8 and 9, respectively, aligning with the between the solution and stopper was minimized if not
observed data. The differences noticed in metal leach- completely excluded. In order to avoid this potential
ates between both solutions may be related to the nega- conflict of possible Al contributors in similar leachable
tive pH shifts at higher temperatures in tris buffer and studies, it is recommended to either forego the use of Al
the chelation/coordination abilities of phosphate vs. tris caps or remove the solution for analysis using a syringe
with metals in glass. ensuring no contact with the Al rim of the vial. This
Table VIII
Validation Study Criteria for a General Method for Elemental Impurity Leachables, Using the Histidine 4 Formulation
for Matrix Matching the Calibration Curves and As a Test Sample. The PDE For 100 g/day Parenteral Dosages Is
Adopted as the Method Reporting Limit and the Concentration Around Which the Validation Is Structured
Table IX Table X
Analyte Limits (mg/g), Based on a 100 g/day Dose Results of the Bridging Study for a Drug Product
Formulation Analyzed According to the General
Reporting Minimum Quantifiable
Elemental Impurities Leachable Method. The
Analyte Limit (mg/g) Limit (mg/g)
Bridging Study Acceptance Criteria Is for an
Li 2.5 0.75 Average Recovery of Triplicate Spiked Samples at
V 0.1 0.03 Various Concentrations (50%, 100%, and 150% of
Cr 11 3.30 the 100 g/day PDE) of 70%–150%. For Simplicity,
Ni 0.2 0.06 Only Single Isotopes for Each Elemental Impurities
Co 0.05 0.15 Are Shown. Results Demonstrate the Method Is
Cu 3 0.90 Successfully Applied to This Drug Product
As 0.15 0.45 Formulation
Se 0.8 0.24
Element Recovery (%)
Mo 15 4.5
100% of
Rh 0.1 0.03 50% of Target Target 150% of Target
Ru 0.1 0.03 7
Li 94 94 94
Pd 0.1 0.03 51
V 104 97 99
Ag 0.1 0.03 53
Cr 102 97 102
Cd 0.02 0.006 59
Co 101 95 96
Sn 6 1.80 60
Ni 112 125 100
Sb 0.9 0.27 65
Cu 106 100 102
Ba 7 2.1 75
As 102 97 98
Ir 0.1 0.03 78
Se 101 98 99
Pt 0.1 0.03 98
Mo 117 111 116
Au 1 0.3 103
Rh 102 95 101
Hg 0.03 0.009 104
Ru 102 97 99
Tl 0.08 0.024 108
Pd 104 97 101
Pb 0.05 0.15 109
Ag 101 100 99
Cd 109 101 107
Sn 102 94 98
parenteral drug product in development, subject to a 123
Sb 106 97 100
simple bridging study. The availability of a singular, 138
Ba 103 97 100
validated ICP-MS method that assesses all ICH ele- 193
Ir 105 104 107
mental impurities allows for the generation of data at 196
Pt 97 97 99
various time points in long-term stability studies that 197
Au 97 98 99
are both comparable within a study and between differ- 202
Hg 90 99 103
ent drug products. The data from such drug product- 205
Tl 101 101 103
specific elemental impurities leaching studies are 208
Pb 103 99 101
appropriate for use in an ICH-Q3D elemental impur-
ities risk assessment to satisfy the CCS contribution of
the component option.
Furthermore, the study identified the degree of elemen-
tal impurity leaching from glass vials under fixed envi-
Conclusion ronmental controls using multiple buffer systems that
are common in parenteral drug formulation systems.
The preceding study presented a new, general method Results indicated that for the vials investigated during
that can determine the extent of elemental impurities this study, elemental impurity leachables pose no risk
leachables in biological parenteral drug formulations. to patient safety, regardless of the buffer formulation
The method developed and validated was successfully tested. This method has potential further applications
applied to a number of biologics under development. in comparing different vial types and sizes, as well as a
variety of different buffer formulations and excipient Accumulation in Pharmaceutical Drug Products
components. and Related Solutions. PDA J. Pharm. Sci. Tech-
nol. 2011, 65 (2), 166–176.
8. Jenke, D. R. Evaluation of Model Solvent Sys-
The authors would like to acknowledge the following tems for Assessing the Accumulation of Container
Bristol Myers Squibb colleagues: Derrick Parfitt, Shilpa Extractables in Drug Formulations. Int J Pharm
Patel, Olga Yee, Dana DeSantis, Daniel Paniagua, and 2001, 224 (1–2), 51–60.
Celia Wang for their technical contributions to this
paper. 9. Zdravkovic, S. A. Comparison of the Solubilization
Properties of Polysorbate 80 and Isopropanol/Water
Conflict of Interest Declaration Solvent Systems for Organic Compounds Extracted
from Three Pharmaceutical Packaging Configura-
The authors declare that they have no competing interests. tions. Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2016, 93, 475–483.
7. Jenke, D. A General Assessment of the Physio- 17. Solomon, P.; Nelson, J. Profiling Extractable and
chemical Factors That Influence Leachables Leachable Inorganic Impurities in Ophthalmic
Drug Containers by ICP-MS. Pharm. Dev. Tech- Leachables from Saline-Containing IV Bags Can
nol. 2018, 23 (3), 247–254. Alter Therapeutic Protein Properties. Pharm. Res.
2010, 27 (11), 2402–2413.
18. Dorival-Garcia, N.; Carillo, S.; Ta, C.; Roberts,
D.; Comstock, K.; Lofthouse, S.; Ciceri, E.; 20. Menzel, R.; Pahl, I.; Loewe, T.; Hauk, A. Compar-
D’Silva, K.; Kierans, G.; Kaisermayer, C.; Lin- ative Extractables Study of Autoclavable Polyether-
deberg, A.; Bones, J. Large-Scale Assessment of sulfone Filter Cartridges for Sterile Filtration. PDA J.
Extractables and Leachables in Single-Use Bags Pharm. Sci. Technol. 2018, 72 (3), 298–316.
for Biomanufacturing. Anal. Chem. 2018, 90 (15),
9006–9015. 21. Schaut, R. A.; Peanasky, J. S.; DeMartino,
S. E.; Schiefelbein, S. L. A New Glass Option for
19. Chang, J. Y.; Xiao, N. J.; Zhu, M.; Zhang, J.; Parenteral Packaging. PDA J. Pharm. Sci. Tech-
Hoff, E.; Russell, S.; Katta, V.; Shire, S. J. nol. 2014, 68 (5), 527–534.
ABSTRACT: The current compendial sterility test has a 14-day incubation time and is often the time-limiting step in the
Assess and Release Process of pharmaceutical products. There is an ever-increasing number of technologies available
on the market that have benefits in addition to faster Time to Result, such as standardization and automation of readout
(eliminating analyst subjectivity) and improved data integrity (including eliminating the need for contemporaneous ver-
ification of the result by another analyst). Regulators have been encouraging the pharmaceutical industry to adopt these
innovative systems; however, it has taken a considerable time before receiving the first approvals from various health
authorities (including both the European Medicines Agency and Food and Drug Administration) for the use of an alter-
native and rapid sterility test for the release of sterile drug product lots. This article describes a systematic 9-step
approach to the evaluation, equipment qualification, validation, and deployment of alternative sterility tests that can be
applied by pharmaceutical companies wanting to take advantage of the numerous benefits of alternative sterility tests.
Two case studies are presented to illustrate the validation and implementation approach, including statistical methods.
Although most of the steps toward implementation are aligned, the validation and transfer have been approached differ-
ently for each of the case studies because of differences in the chosen technology as well as independent company inter-
nal decisions to comply with validation guidelines. However, both case studies show successful implementation of an
alternative sterility test for sterile drug products with an 50% reduced incubation time.
KEYWORDS: Alternative and rapid microbiological methods, Alternative sterility test, Method validation, Microbio-
logical method transfer, Regulatory filing, Statistical methodology.
rapid sterility test systems. This structured approach has The general framework has already been applied to auto-
been developed collaboratively by experts challenged mated colony counting systems (6). A paper on biofluor-
with the task of implementing alternative and rapid ste- escent particle counters using this framework is planned
rility test systems in their respective pharmaceutical for mid-2024, and a paper on adventitious agents is
companies. Two comprehensive case studies are pro- planned for publication in late 2021/early 2022 [7].
vided; whereas Steps 1 to 6 are aligned, Steps 7 and 8
will provide details of the differences including study In the present article, the general framework is applied
design and statistical methods. The case studies cover to alternative sterility testing.
the following technologies:
The 9 steps described in this framework and applied
1. a respiration-based alternative sterility test, and here are as follows:
groups, quality assurance product leads, and regulatory Step 2: Define the Application
leads for the product franchise, subject matter experts in
sterility testing, and others. For an alternative and rapid Alternative and rapid sterility testing can be used in
sterility method, the following business needs were any situation where the compendial test is currently
identified: being used. These include:
21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 11, 4. Culture media in-release testing
compliance, including a more detailed and com-
prehensive audit trail 5. Processes that require post-incubation subculture
Early notification of positive results will expe- The determination of company-specific requirements
dite root cause investigations and prevent long can only be a snapshot of the current state of technol-
shut down of the filling line. ogy available for alternative sterility testing at the time
of a study.
Cycle time reduction to support batch release,
relevant especially for products with a limited In this article, four technologies were selected for com-
shelf life parison. These alternate technologies are characterized
by the same similarities to the compendial method, that
Reduction of inventory, resulting in significant is, growth-based microbial detection, except for solid-
cost savings phase cytometry. The principle of detection is different
with these technologies:
Freeing up of incubator space, resulting in addi-
tional cost savings if you can downsize or avoid Respiration (CO2 detection): A fully automated ste-
upsizing of incubator capacity rility test system utilizing colorimetric detection of
carbon dioxide production for the detection of mi-
3. Automation and Efficiency: crobial growth. The system incubates, agitates, and
monitors cultures continuously (8).
High throughput, efficient, cost-effective solution
needed in comparison with compendial sterility ATP bioluminescence: Two technologies using an
testing ATP-based bioluminescence reaction. For both meth-
ods, a microbial enrichment in culture broths (9) or on
Desire to move toward a paperless lab agar plates (10) is mandatory after the filtration of the
4. Quality:
Solid-phase cytometry: A test system that employs a
Capability for real time monitoring of the steril- combination of direct fluorescent labeling and solid-
ity test (if applicable) phase laser scanning cytometry to rapidly enumerate
viable microorganisms without any prior growth
See also Data Integrity preceding amplification (11).
Step 4: Compare Options and Technologies - technology investment, does the alternate method
Landscaping and Candidate(s) Selection add or reduce lab costs?
After identifying possible technologies for an alterna- 5. Do automated methods prevent human error by the
tive sterility test that theoretically fulfills the user standardization of operations (e.g., compared with
requirements, the different technologies still have to be the compendial method, the visual observation to
compared with each other for a final decision to be assess contamination can be replaced by an auto-
reached. mated data interpretation that eliminates contempo-
raneous verification)?
With the relevant information gathered for the compet-
ing options, the technologies can be readily compared Step 5: Develop a Business Case: Technical, Quality,
attribute by attribute (Table I). Most importantly, any and Business Evaluation and Justification
technology that does not meet mandatory requirements
should not be selected, which may narrow the options For many of these technologies, there is an upfront cost
down to a single candidate. In some cases, however, to pursuing the alternative and rapid microbiological
there are multiple competing viable options. In these method, which is later balanced by the Return on
situations, the application-specific requirements (Table Investment (ROI). Upfront costs for capital, investment
II) can be examined more thoroughly. Sites can then in method development and validation, data lifecycle
perform analysis using a local process, in which the management, generation of documents required to per-
various requirements are assessed—either formally or form the alternative microbiological method, change
informally—to help reach a decision. Users may control procedures, and so forth, may discourage com-
decide, for example, that TTR is the most important panies, so it is essential to convey the ROI addressing
requirement, whereas decreasing complexity of the both the qualitative and quantitative aspects. A strong
method is secondary. The importance of all the require- business case can help the technology gain approval
ments should be evaluated. In terms of the assessment and sponsorship for capital investment. Typically,
or the selection process, it is imperative to consider these assessments are processed through several levels
questions about the entire process from end-to-end, of- of management approval as well as various teams that
ten with input from analysts who would routinely use evaluate the value proposition and impact to the busi-
the method. Some considerations include: ness (e.g., regulatory, quality control [QC], quality
assurance, safety, legal, and supply chain departments).
1. Are the attributes of the technology inferior, equiva-
lent, or superior to those of the compendial method? Presenting a strong business case requires researching
the current state of the product or site and a comparison
2. Is the product matrix filterable or does it have growth with the benefits that the selected equipment/technol-
inhibitory properties causing false-negative results or ogy delivers. Examples can include a comparison of
interference with the readout technology causing the workflow with the alternative method versus the
false-positive results? With filterable products, the workflow with the compendial method. For the respira-
primary choice would be for the technologies that tion-based method, it involves direct inoculation of the
follow the principle of membrane filtration as recom- media bottles with the product, loading the bottles into
mended by the pharmacopoeias (1–3) to allow rins- the incubator, and reporting the results, which is auto-
ing of the membrane to remove antimicrobial mated. Compared with the compendial method—which
components or properties interfering with the readout involves filtering, rinsing, adding growth media, incu-
technology (use of the membrane filtration technique bation, performing interim reads, and performing a
vs. the direct inoculation technique). final read with second-person verification—one can
illustrate that the rapid method has less room for
3. What volume of product will be tested? Some tech- human error. On the other side, the respiration-based
nologies may require multiple replicates to accom- method has some disadvantages, for example, a third
modate the entire volume. medium must be added for the detection of slow-grow-
ing aerotolerant bacteria when targeting 50% of the
4. For a rapid sterility test, what is the minimum time current incubation time; a specific workaround is
saving needed to create value? To balance with required for detection of molds, as it is not possible to
storage of verification is capable with data capture and storage, common programs available
data, access needed configuration exporting to common database
control, etc.) database programs programs
available, audit trail is available, audit
default trail is default
Access and password Customizable security Access and Access and
controls, audit trail in levels for access and password password controls,
place password controls in place controls, audit audit trail in place
trail in place
Reputable, Current methods Reputable and Reputable and established
established. make use of established company company
Table I
approved the
Established in Validated and Widely used; it is a Validated and in GMP Validated and in GMP Validated and in Validated and in
Biopharma / in GMP regulatory operation in industry operation in industry GMP operation GMP operation in
Extent of Use operation in requirement in industry industry
in the Industry industry, or
clear path
Technology Proven N/A. Proven technology with Proven technology with Proven Proven technology
Platform / technology. some development some minimal technology with with minimal
Minimal work for end user some minimal development work
ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CBER, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research; GMP, good manufacturing practice; IT, information technology; LIMS,
perform non-agitating incubation, which is required to
improve detection of, for example, A. brasiliensis; or
chemical solution)
complex matrix as
buffer, water or
the technology is limited to the direct inoculation tech-
Laboratory Information Management System; N/A, not applicable; OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration; SOP, standard operating procedure.
(only for not
nology, which can have other disadvantages. Where
Example Calculation:
work for end
Maturity of the
Comparison of Sterility Method Platform Candidates Using Application-Specific Requirements
Application-Specific Requirements
Characteristic Desired Attribute Compendial Respiration ATP Bioluminescence Solid-Phase Cytometry
In Liquid Growth On Solid Growth
Media Media
Monitoring and Continuous No, it is a Continuous No, it is an end-point No, it is an end- No, it is an end-point
Reporting monitoring, manual system monitoring with assay point assay assay
reporting of failure read out every
immediately 10 minutes and
reporting of
Proprietary No – multiple No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Instrument vendors
Proprietary No – multiple No Yes Partial Yes Yes
Consumables vendors (growth media are
compendial media but
reagents for readout
are proprietary)
Reference Readily available No Yes Yes N/A Yes
Standards (just negative
controls, training
vinagmp.com | Group Facebook: EU GMP in Viet Nam
Detection - Detects Ph. Eur./ USP-required Yes – issues with Detects Ph. Eur./USP Yes, but noted Yes, new kit available
Specificity USP challenge microorganisms detecting mold. challenge issues for some to better detect spores
microorganisms, a P. acnes isolation microorganisms, a bacteria (i.e., and fungi
broad panel of requires iNST broad panel of isolates Methylo-
isolates especially bottles especially from past bacteriaceae)
from past events and events and slow-
slow-growing growing
microorganisms microorganisms
Sensitivity - Equivalent or better Able to recover Yes Yes Yes Yes
Limit of than compendial <100 CFUs
Detection (LOD)
63 min 41 min 30–60 min 30 mins 120 mins
Application-Specific Requirements
Characteristic Desired Attribute Compendial Respiration ATP Bioluminescence Solid-Phase Cytometry
In Liquid Growth On Solid Growth
Media Media
Sample Fewer
Preparation Time manipulations
Inoculation Filtration preferred, Membrane Direct Alternative sterility Membrane Membrane filtration
Results Automatic, Manual, interim Automatic Automated data Automated data Automated data
Reporting integrated with reads at 3 and readout. Reports interpretation, capture, interpretation, interpretation, capture,
LIMS 7 days, final read generated in and storage capture, and and storage.
at 14 days OBSERVA are storage Additional step not
LIMS capable integrated if needed:
verification of positive
result by microscope
Non-Destructive Non-destructive – Non-destructive Non-destructive – ATP readout uses only ATP readout is Non-destructive
viable cells for – viable cells for viable cells for part of the sample destructive
identification identification identification material and is
Table II
Application-Specific Requirements
Characteristic Desired Attribute Compendial Respiration ATP Bioluminescence Solid-Phase Cytometry
In Liquid Growth On Solid Growth
Media Media
destructive. The
remaining part of the
original sterility test
containers can be used
for identification
User Minimal, closed Manipulations in Minimal, closed Initial manipulations Some manual Some manual stages:
Manipulations system an isolator/ system, bottles in an isolator/ stages: filtration, filtration, reagent
cleanroom inoculated in an cleanroom. Manual reagent addition, addition, and
isolator sample preparation in and membrane membrane transfer
BSC. Manipulation of transfer
ATP-readout minimal
Complexity/ Simple – user On-the-job Vendor-provided Vendor- provided Simple, vendor- Vendor-provided
Training in training for a couple training training needed training needed on provided training training for a couple of
Addition to of days on software and operation of the days
Fluency in equipment equipment and on
Aseptic Skills operation software for a couple
of days
Equipment Reliable and Pumps used for Reliable. Reliable. Consumables are Reliable.
Reliability and supported by vendor filtration are Company has Company has supported. Company has
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Lifecycle from a life cycle robust reputation for reputation for robust Current reputation for robust
Management management robust and and reliable equipment technology will and reliable equipment
perspective reliable not be supported (second-generation
equipment by the vendor in available since 2013)
the future, but the
platform is in
Level of Fewer potential Manual system Fewer human Yes. Potential Filtration has few No automation—
Automation human error sources prone to human errors because of contamination point potential errors filtration, all staining
error barcoding of during readout steps, and final readout
Application-Specific Requirements
Characteristic Desired Attribute Compendial Respiration ATP Bioluminescence Solid-Phase Cytometry
In Liquid Growth On Solid Growth
Media Media
compared with samples, manipulations, but this (scan) are manual. The
existing. automatic read of has no impact on the initial staining step is
samples, and outcome with critical, the other/
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Table III
Example for Decision-Making Matrix (to Be Completed by the End User)
Additional assessments supporting the business case can with the product(s) that will be tested and with the needs
include literature searches on the equivalence of the instru- of the laboratory. Supplier documentation, publications,
ment, discussions with vendors, and benchmarking with and communication in conferences are used to help the
external industry laboratories that have experience with the microbiologist initiate the project and evaluate the advan-
technology. Therefore, before making any investment in a tages and the disadvantages in terms of costs, training, user
new technology, microbiology laboratories must look for manipulation, level of automation, operational lead time,
the best one and/or the best adapted of all methods already data integrity, and so forth Whenever available, regulatory
available. There are some alternative and rapid microbio- intelligence is another important element to convince inter-
logical methods that are applicable to the sterility test; nal stakeholders to invest in alternative microbiological
however, the technology chosen should be compatible methods.
Figure 1
Validation strategy and global deployment of an alternative sterility test based on (a) Case Study 1 and (b)
Case Study 2.
demonstrate the sensitivity of the method. For growth- of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for
based methods, the LOD is defined as the detectable Human Use (ICH) Q2A(R1) (19) and the PDA Technical
number of microorganisms present in the sample before Report No. 33 (18) define ruggedness as intermediate pre-
the growth phase. The parameters repeatability and rug- cision. Precision, including repeatability, is described in
gedness are mentioned in Table I of USP <1223> (17). the text of USP <1223> (17) only in relation to quantita-
Ruggedness may be based on data from the technology tive tests; from a statistical perspective, this makes sense.
supplier. Although ruggedness can be interpreted in dif- As recognized by Ph. Eur. 5.1.6 (16), precision is not ap-
ferent ways, the International Council for Harmonisation plicable to qualitative tests.
Table V
Summary of Statistical Validation Approaches for Accuracy (non-Inferiority) and LOD
Although referred to as equivalency in Ph. Eur. 5.1.6 including the spike levels and the number of replicates
(16), USP <1223> (17) recommends demonstrating per spike level used, should reflect the statistical proce-
noninferiority in the sense that the alternative sterility dure that will be used to evaluate the data. The statistical
test method is (statistically) equivalent or better than procedure should be described and justified in the valida-
the compendial method. In addition, equivalence is not tion documentation.
really a validation parameter on its own, but rather an
evaluation method that should be applied to one or Noninferiority compared with the compendial method can
more of the validation parameters or a corresponding be demonstrated using different validation strategies. In
measure to evaluate the sensitivity of the method (e.g., case the rapid sterility test will be used at multiple sites
accuracy or LOD). To show equivalence on the valida- for multiple products, it is often efficient to perform the
tion parameters, a spiking study is most efficient for primary method validation (including a noninferiority
the method validation of an alternative sterility test, study) without product and to perform an additional non-
because parallel testing during routine production for a inferiority study with product (product validation). Oth-
predefined number of samples or a predefined period of erwise, the primary validation can be performed directly
time (Ph. Eur. 5.1.6 [16]) would result in comparing with product, and there is no need for an additional prod-
(mostly) negative results. Equivalence (in terms of uct validation. Also, USP <1223> (17) states that, once
noninferiority) can be studied using various statistical equivalency (i.e., Noninferiority) for an ARMM to the
procedures, as demonstrated in Case Studies 1 and 2 compendial method is demonstrated with one product,
(see following). The design of the validation experiment, it is not necessary to repeat such a study for every new
product. Hence, a separate product validation study is Primary Method Validation: For the primary method
not always needed. Method suitability, however, validation of the rapid sterility test, the parameters specific-
should be demonstrated for each new product and at ity and accuracy/LOD were evaluated in separate studies
each new testing site as described in USP <71> (2) (referred to as the Specificity study and the LOD study),
and Ph. Eur. 2.6.1 (1). Figure 1 demonstrates the strat- both in comparison with the compendial sterility test with
egy for validation of a new test method at the primary 14 days of incubation and in the absence of product.
site using the examples of the two case studies.
Fifteen different microorganisms were used for the method
Microorganisms for Validation: The microorganisms validation. The LOD study was challenged with six cryo-
used for the method validation should comprise at least the preserved reference strains recommended for testing in
standard reference strains that are used for growth promo- USP <71> (2) and Ph. Eur. 2.6.1 (1). The Specificity study
tion testing of sterility test media according to USP <71> was challenged with nine environmental isolates including
(2) and Ph. Eur. 2.6.1 (1). Additionally, several environ- slow growers. Cryopreserved reference strains were chosen
mental isolates should be selected, for example, predomi- for the LOD study as precise spiking was required. Frozen
nantly facility isolates, isolates from a previous sterility cultures of environmental isolates were used for the Speci-
failure, slow growers (additional stress conditions may be ficity study that aimed to recover a large panel of relevant
applied to prolong the lag phase), spore formers, microor- microorganisms including slow growers.
ganisms with aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, microor-
ganisms coming from potentially different sources (i.e., Noninferior accuracy of the rapid sterility test versus
human, environment, and water) as well as from different the compendial method was determined in the LOD
groups (bacteria, molds, and yeasts). The guidelines do not study. To ensure that both methods would test samples
specify how many microorganisms should be used for with on average the same spike levels, one big, spiked
method validation nor for which study. stock solution was created, which was split into differ-
ent volumes to create dilutions from which all test sam-
The case studies following show two different approaches ples were taken. In order to reduce the risk that due to
toward method validation, especially with regard to the imprecise spiking, the true spike level would be too far
design of experiments and statistical methods applied. Ta- away from the optimal spike level of around 2 Colony
ble V provides an overview of the differences between Forming Units (CFUs)/sample (20), the LOD study
the statistical approaches for accuracy (including the non- was performed for each microorganism using three tar-
inferiority assessment) and LOD. Both approaches to get concentrations: 1, 2, and 4 CFU/sample, each with
method validation were approved by health authorities 40 replicates per method (independent group design);
with the data presented. Adaptations to these validation total of 240 tests per microorganism (120 per method),
approaches are possible; in fact, another BioPhorum each providing a positive or negative test result.
member has also gained approval for one of the technolo-
gies with slight adaptations to the method validation. For the analysis, a binomial detection model (20–22) was
assumed, in which each single microorganism has a prob-
Case Study 1: Validation of a Respiration-Based ability h, the detection proportion (depending on the type
Alternative Sterility Test of microorganism and the method), to be detected by the
method. As a result, for a sample with x microorganisms
Description of the Rapid Sterility Test: The method in it, the (binomial) probability that a sample becomes
uses direct inoculation of the sample to be tested and three positive, is
types of media: one for detection of aerobic microorgan- x
px ¼ 1 ð1 hÞ :
isms and two for anaerobic microorganisms. One of the an-
aerobic media was added for the detection of slow-
growing microorganisms such as Cutibacterium acnes. Note that this model assumes no false positives (px ¼ 0
Incubation takes 8 days in total, where the anaerobic media when x ¼ 0), which is addressed under specificity by
are incubated at 30˚C–35˚C and the aerobic media at 20˚ testing blank samples. However, the exact number of
C–25˚C. The aerobic media use a delayed entry into the microorganisms in a sample is not known, only an esti-
sterility test system to allow for nonagitating germination mate of the average number of microorganisms k per
of mold spores (1-day static incubation in a traditional in- test sample may be available. Assuming, additionally
cubator, followed by 7 days in the system). to the binomial detection model, that the number of
microorganisms in a sample follows a Poisson distribu- value is commonly used for validation of mycoplasmas
tion with mean k, the expected proportion of positive or other nucleic acid amplification techniques (Ph. Eur.
samples (the positive rate), equals 2.6.7 [26], 2.6.21 [27]). LODs were reported per method
and microorganism, under the assumption that the esti-
p ¼ 1 expðhkÞ:
mate for the average spike level k was correct, because h
and, therefore, the LOD cannot be estimated from the for-
Accuracy (Noninferiority Testing). To address noninfer-
mula for p without knowledge of the spike level k.
iority1 (d) of the detection capabilities of the rapid sterility
Because of the uncertainty of assumed spike levels, one
test method compared with that of the compendial method,
should be careful with comparing LOD results between
the accuracy or recovery for each type of microorganism
studies. No formal acceptance criterion was used, because
was defined as the ratio of microorganism detection pro-
the detection capabilities of the two methods were al-
portions hR =hC of the rapid and the compendial method.
ready formally compared using a noninferiority criterion
Estimates of this ratio were calculated per type of microor-
under accuracy.
ganism across all spike levels. Note that the detection pro- Specificity. The specificity of the method is defined as its
portions and therefore also the ratio are independent of the ability to detect a range of challenge microorganisms spe-
spike levels. For the estimation of the ratio, it is important cific to the technology (Ph. Eur. 5.1.6 [16], USP <1223>
that both methods test samples from the same spike levels, [17]). In the Specificity study, nine relevant and worst-case
which may be accomplished by deriving all samples from environmental isolates were tested (chosen based on an
the same stock solution. An overall accuracy estimate was assessment of predominant species recovered from differ-
also calculated across all microorganisms and spiking lev- ent locations across sites) using the same inoculum solu-
els (23), provided that the assumption of homogeneity of tion for both the rapid sterility test and the compendial
the accuracy across microorganisms was not rejected. In sterility test method at concentrations of 10–100 CFU/me-
order to fulfil noninferiority, the corresponding two-sided dium bottle and three replicates per microorganism and
90% confidence interval (CI) (or equivalently, the one- test method. Detection of the panel of microorganisms by
sided 95% lower confidence limit) of the ratio of organism the rapid sterility test with an incubation time of 8 days is
detection proportions should be entirely above the nonin- compared with that of the compendial sterility method
feriority margin, which was set at 0.70 (or 70%). This with an incubation time of 14 days, and the number of pos-
means that the null hypothesis H0 in the following test itive samples should be equal to or higher than for the
problem is rejected at a significance level of 5%: compendial test method. Note that one would generally
expect all three replicates per microorganism and test
H0 : hR =hC 0:70 versus H1 : hR =hC > 0:70. method to be positive, but if this is not the case, it is con-
sidered sufficient if the rapid sterility test has at least as
The noninferiority margin of 0.70 was motivated by an many positives as the compendial test. Positive tests from
acceptance criterion of ‘at least 70% recovery’ sug- the rapid method were identified to confirm the inoculated
gested for microbial tests in PDA Technical Report No. isolates.
33, Chapter 5.3.1 (18) and in previous versions of Ph.
Eur. 5.1.6 (24) and USP <1227> (25). Note that apply- The specificity of the method is also its ability to detect
ing this noninferiority margin to the ratio of organism only the required microorganisms (Ph. Eur.5.1.6 [16]).
detection proportions is more stringent than when it Hence, false positivity was evaluated by inoculating 60
would be applied to the ratio of positive samples at a replicates per media type with sterile dilution fluid and
given spike level (22). testing them with the rapid sterility test. If all 60 sam-
Limit of Detection. The LOD was defined as the small- ples would be negative, then the estimate for the true
est number of microorganisms x in a sample, such that false-positive rate would be 0.0%, and we could claim
the sample becomes positive according to the formula with 95% confidence that the true value would be
for px with at least 95% probability, that is below 5%, because the one-sided 95% CI would be just
below 5.0%.
LOD = [ln(0.05)/ln(1h)], Robustness. The capacity of the method to remain
where the brackets [·] indicate the nearest integer above unaffected by small but deliberate variations in method
the calculated value represented by the dot. A 95% cutoff parameters has been well studied by the supplier. Addi-
tionally, a study was performed to investigate the effect
Please note that in USP <1223> this is mentioned under LOD, but Ph. of the stand-time of inoculated media bottles on sensi-
Eur. 5.1.6 suggests Accuracy instead.
tivity. The stand-time is the time between adding the
test sample to the media bottle and incubation in the facility isolates. Based on internally predefined accep-
system for automated reading. The results were input tance criteria, the test is considered suitable when the
for the routine procedure. bottles show a positive read-out within the 8-day incu-
Repeatability/Ruggedness. Repeatability and rugged- bation period, and the TTR of the bottles with product
ness (or intermediate precision) were not considered is smaller than two times the TTR of the bottles with-
relevant for Case Study 1, because the rapid sterility out product sample (control). A product control for
test is a qualitative test for which precision does not each media type is incubated to check for false
apply (see also the text about Table IV). positivity.
Product Validation: Because the primary method vali- Case Study 2: Validation of an ATP Bioluminescence–
dation is performed without product, a product valida- Based Alternative Sterility Test in Liquid Growth Media
tion is performed to confirm that the product matrix
under the given test conditions does not affect the vali- Description of the Rapid Sterility Test: The method
dation parameters as a result of interference. This prod- uses membrane filtration2 of the sample to be tested.
uct validation bridges the gap between the extensive Each sample is split over two membranes, which subse-
primary method validation without product and the quently are rinsed with an appropriate solution to
limited method suitability with product. Note that prod- remove the sample. Fluid thioglycolate medium (F) is
uct in this case may refer not only to final drug product added to one membrane, tryptic soy broth (TSB) is
but also to other matrices like process bulk. The prod- added to the other membrane. The first part of the
uct validation seeks to demonstrate noninferiority on method is identical to the procedure described in USP
the overall accuracy, similar to the primary method <71> (2), Ph. Eur. 2.6.1 (1), and JP 4.06 (3).
validation, but at an internally predefined noninferior-
ity margin of 50% of the rapid sterility test with versus The samples in TSB are incubated at 20˚C–25˚C, the
without the product, rather than comparing versus the samples in F are incubated at 30˚C–35˚C for a total
compendial method. This noninferiority margin of 50% incubation time of not less than 7 days. After incuba-
was applied to the overall accuracy of the rapid sterility tion, all samples must be agitated to ensure a represen-
test in the presence of product compared with without tative dispersion of microorganisms in the growth
product, that is, the ratio of probabilities to detect a sin- medium. A small aliquot is withdrawn from the sam-
gle organism, which is more stringent than it would be ples and inserted into a luminometer, which automati-
when applied to the ratio of positive samples at a given cally adds reagents to detect ATP via bioluminescence.
spike level (22). For this purpose, the product (usually
from one batch) was added to 20 aerobic and/or anaero- Primary Method Validation: The product-independent
bic media bottles per microorganism. Another 20 primary method validation evaluated the validation pa-
media bottles were left without product, and all 40 rameters specificity, LOD, ruggedness, robustness, and
media bottles were subsequently inoculated with 2 repeatability considering different sets of data.
CFU of each of the six standard reference strains that
were used in the primary method validation. All 40 rep- The most comprehensive data set addressed the specific-
licates (20 with and 20 without product) were incu- ity of the rapid method and compared the performance
bated for 8 days according to the rapid sterility test of the rapid sterility test and the compendial sterility test
method. with respect to LOD and accuracy (i.e., sensitivity in
terms of detection probabilities). The comparison of
Method Suitability: Method suitability testing is per- detection probabilities via a statistical noninferiority hy-
formed by the testing laboratory to demonstrate that pothesis test allowed the conclusion of statistically sig-
the new method is compatible with the product or nificant noninferiority regarding the performance of the
actual material used during routine testing. Suitability rapid method in comparison with that of the compendial
testing of the rapid sterility method is performed on method. Twelve different microorganisms (pharmaco-
three batches and is very similar to the testing peial reference strains, in-house isolates, and stressed
described in Ph. Eur. 2.6.1 (1) and USP <71> (2). microorganisms) were used for this data set. Three
Media bottles are inoculated with and without product
and spiked with <100 CFU of the six standard refer- Theoretically, the rapid sterility method can also be combined with the
direct inoculation method.
ence strains, C. acnes, and two predominant local
inoculation levels for each microorganism (nominal lev- The inferiority null-hypothesis was to be rejected if the
els of 10 CFU, 1 CFU, and 0.1 CFU) were prepared. The lower one-sided 95% nonparametric Bootstrap confi-
inoculation levels were chosen because the LOD was dence interval (28) for the difference in detection prob-
expected to be close to 1 CFU. At levels 0.1 CFU and 10 abilities was entirely above D.
CFU, respectively, most of the test results were expected Limit of Detection. As the lowest concentration of
to be concordant (negative by both methods or positive microorganisms in a test sample that can be detected,
by both methods). Per microorganism, 10 replicates the LOD was internally defined as the lowest concen-
were prepared for the samples with 10 CFU and 0.1 tration (18) at which the detection probability is at least
CFU, and 28 replicates were prepared for the samples 10% (0.1). A concentration at the LOD level should
with 1 CFU. In total, 48 test runs were performed for have a detection probability clearly above 0; a proba-
each microorganism. bility of at least 10% is considered meaningful for all
practical purposes.
Rinsing fluid was spiked with the microorganisms and
subsequently filtered through the sterility test con- The pooled data (three inoculum levels of all microorgan-
tainer. Sterile growth media was added to each con- isms) were considered for the estimation of LODs of the
tainer. The containers were then incubated for in total two sterility test methods. The LOD was not meant to be
14 days. After 7 days (6 4 h), the samples were exam- specific to a particular type of microorganism.
ined using the rapid method and after 14 days (6 4 h),
the same samples were examined with the compendial A nominal (binary) logistic regression model (28) was
method. Statistically, the data correspond to a paired fitted to the pooled data of the alternative sterility test
sample design. The data served to study specificity, method and of the compendial method, respectively.
LOD, and accuracy (noninferiority).
Accuracy (Noninferiority Testing and Descriptive Analysis). The actual inoculum levels (verified via an inoculation
Different approaches were adopted for each inoculation count control procedure) rather than the nominal levels
level to compare the performance of the two sterility (0.1, 1, and 10 CFU) were used in the analyses, as the
methods. A descriptive analysis was carried out for the actual levels are assumed to be closer to the microbiologi-
inoculum levels 0.1 CFU and 10 CFU (10 sample repli- cal reality.
cates per microorganism, 120 in total) by reporting the
difference of sample detection proportions (i.e., esti- The following nominal logistic regression models were
mates of the probabilities detecting a sample to be posi- fitted separately to the rapid and compendial results:
tive) and also the ratio of detection counts, that is, the p
ln ¼ intercept þ slope log10 ðinoculum levelÞ
number of positive results with the alternative method 1p
divided by the number of positive results with the com-
pendial method. where p is the probability of a positive result.
With respect to the inoculum level of 1 CFU with 28 sample The limits of detection of the alternative sterility test
replicates per microorganism (336 in total), a noninferiority and the compendial method were estimated (in a con-
hypothesis test was performed considering the following servative way) via the corresponding upper one-sided
test problem regarding sample detection probabilities: 95% confidence limit of the inverse-predicted inocu-
lum level at a detection probability of 10% (=0.1).
H0: P(Rapid=positive) P(Compendial=positive)
≤ D = 0.2 The estimated detection limits of the rapid method and
of the compendial method were reported and compared
versus relative to each other. Ideally, the detection limit of the
rapid method should be lower than or equal to the
H1: P(Rapid=positive) P(Compendial=positive) detection limit of the compendial method. This require-
> D = 0.2 ment was not considered a mandatory acceptance crite-
rion, as the LOD verification was already addressed by
The noninferiority margin of D = 0.2 for the compari- the noninferiority test presented previously demonstrating
son of qualitative methods is a recommendation in USP noninferior detection probabilities of the alternative steril-
<1223> (17). ity method in comparison with the compendial sterility
method at the inoculum level of 1 CFU (following recom- Repeatability. Additional data were generated by test-
mendations of USP <1223>). ing four microorganisms with an inoculation level of
Specificity. After the incubation period, the positive not more than 100 CFU per test sample (actual inocula-
sterility test containers for each set of microorganisms tion level between 25 and 50 CFU) with the rapid
were subcultured; colony morphology and Gram stain- method. The procedure was applied repeatedly to mul-
ing was performed. DNA sequencing was performed tiple samplings of the same suspension of microorgan-
on one plate for each of the test microorganisms. The isms. One test container for each organism was
acceptance criterion for specificity was met when each prepared (4 in total). From each test container, 10 repli-
microorganism of the panel was successfully detected cates were taken and measured (40 measurements in
with the alternative sterility test method and was cor- total). All samples were positive in the ATP readout;
rectly identified. therefore, the acceptance criterion for repeatability was
Ruggedness. Additional data were generated by test-
ing two microorganisms at an inoculation level of not
more than 100 CFU per test sample (actual inoculation
level between 25 and 45 CFU) with the rapid method Product Validation: In Case Study 2, the term product
under a variety of test conditions. The validation pa- validation relates to a verification of some of the char-
rameter ruggedness (also referred to as intermediate acteristics of the primary validation in the presence of
precision) is an evaluation of the intrinsic resistance of actual product. Because this case study uses the mem-
the method to the influences arising from operational brane filtration technique, the product validation is
or environmental variables. Several variables were intended to be performed only for a limited number of
introduced, like different operators, instruments, lots of products. Additionally, the FDA requested a product
reagents, and days. Three test samples for each orga- validation; for all other health authorities, the method
nism and each day (12 samples in total) were prepared. suitability test was sufficient. The product validation
The individual tests were measured in different combi- was designed to compare the LODs of the alternative
nations (48 measurements in total). All samples were sterility method and the compendial sterility method in
positive in the ATP readout; therefore, the acceptance the presence of drug product with a limited number of
criterion for ruggedness was met. microorganisms and replicates. The LODs of the alter-
Robustness. Additional data were generated by testing native and compendial method were estimated and
two microorganisms at an inoculation level of not more compared using a nominal logistic regression model as
than 100 CFU per test sample (actual inoculation level described in the primary validation. The study demon-
between 15 and 45 CFU) with the rapid method. The strated that the LOD of the alternative method is not in-
validation parameter robustness is an evaluation of the ferior to that of the compendial method. Equivalence
method’s capacity to remain unaffected by small but of both methods is verified through descriptive analysis
deliberate variations in method parameters. Variations (report of the read-outs analogous to the approach in
introduced were related to the reconstitution volume, primary validation). In addition, specificity in the pres-
sample volume, storage conditions of reagents, varia- ence of drug product of the alternative method was
tions of incubation temperature and incubation time, as verified by identification of the spiked microorganisms.
well as different types of the sterility test containers.
Three sterility test containers for each organism and
variation (21 in total) were prepared. All test samples Method Suitability: Method suitability testing is per-
taken from the different test containers were measured formed by the testing laboratory to demonstrate that
under different test conditions (102 measurements in the new method is compatible with the product or
total). During the robustness study, the incubation tem- actual material used during routine testing. The test for
perature was identified as a critical parameter for the growth-inhibiting properties of the product is identical
detection of C. acnes. Growth of C. acnes was delayed to the testing described in Ph. Eur. 2.6.1 (1), USP
at low temperatures of around 30˚C; therefore, it is im- <71> (2), and JP 4.06 (3) and is performed on three
portant to tightly control the incubation temperature for batches. Samples with and without product are spiked
routine testing. With the tight temperature control with <100 CFU of the six reference strains and two
applied, all samples were positive in the ATP readout; local in-house isolates. After incubation, the growth of
therefore, the acceptance criterion for robustness was microorganisms must be visually comparable for the
met. samples with and without product.
In addition, the suitability test for the alternative Areas to assess in the quality risk assessment include
method was adapted to include product interference method, facility, equipment/analyst qualification, and
testing. It contains two additional criteria that are not material and shipment. Any risks identified must be
required for the compendial test. First, in addition to mitigated before or during the method transfer. A
visual growth, the samples used to test the growth-in- global alternative sterility test deployment strategy
hibiting properties must also result in a positive signal designed for multiple sites and products is summarized
using the alternative readout. With this test, false nega- in Figure 1, using the examples of the two case studies.
tives can be excluded, which can be caused for exam- The method transfer from the primary site to a second-
ple by product-interfering properties on the ATP ary site evaluates and demonstrates that the method
bioluminescence reagents. Second, false-positive test- performance of the secondary site is equivalent to the
ing is used to demonstrate that the product does not performance of the primary site that performed the
method validation. Globally, method transfer protocols
create an increased background noise or interfering sig-
are harmonized across sites to enable standardized
nals. For this test, a sample with product but without
implementation of the alternative sterility test. The
addition of any microorganisms is prepared. The sam-
method suitability is always the final step before the
ple must result in a negative signal using the alternative
test is applied routinely.
Case Study 1: Method Transfer Approach for the
Step 8: Deploy Global/Company-Wide Qualification of
Respiration-Based Alternative Sterility Test: Method
Additional Laboratories
transfer is performed without product, allowing the
secondary site to use the method for multiple products
The global deployment of an alternative sterility test
if product validation has demonstrated that the matrix
should be considered early on in the planning of the vali-
does not interfere with the validated method and
dation strategy. By validating the alternative method at
method suitability was demonstrated (see Step 7). The
one site (referred to as the primary site) without product,
method transfer experiments are performed at the pri-
the method validation can be leveraged for a larger num-
ber of products, which allows for more flexibility. After mary and the secondary site using the six standard ref-
equipment qualification and primary method validation, erence strains inoculated into the appropriate media
the primary site facilitates readiness of additional labora- bottles at 2 CFU/medium bottle and 80 replicates
tories (referred to as secondary sites) to receive the each. These numbers are sufficient to achieve a power
validated method. Secondary sites should obtain the nec- of more than 90% under a variety of assumptions.
essary equipment and follow the global package described Results of both the primary and secondary sites must
in Step 7 to qualify the equipment. demonstrate equivalence to confirm qualification of the
secondary site to leverage the method validation data
An important element of the global deployment pack- of the primary site. Equivalence criteria of 70%–130%
age—besides the data integrity-assessment and the were applied to the overall accuracy, that is, the ratio
equipment qualification protocols—is the global test of probabilities to detect a single organism, of the
method required to perform the alternative sterility test receiving site relative to the transferring site. The lower
in routine. The global test method will be generated by margin was chosen similar to the noninferiority margin
the primary site, and this test method should be used of 70% used during primary validation. For the upper
(ideally) by the secondary sites. Under certain circum- equivalence margin, the reciprocal of 70%, that is,
stances, a site needs an additional local test method, for 143%, would also be sensible.
example, a translated version of the global test method
to include additional local requirements. In this case, it
Case Study 2: Method Transfer Approach for ATP
must be ensured via change control processes that the
Bioluminescence–Based Alternative Sterility Test in
local test method does not deviate from the require-
Liquid Growth Media: The method transfer strategy is
ments described in the global test method. Any revision
of either the global test method or local test method(s) designed as a partial revalidation that verifies the speci-
must follow change control procedures. ficity, LOD, and noninferiority to the compendial
method in the presence of product. The product to be
After the equipment is qualified, a risk assessment used in the method transfer at the secondary site is one
should be performed and documented to assess any of the products manufactured at that site. The experi-
gaps between the primary and secondary sites before mental design of the method transfer is based on the
the method transfer for facility readiness assessment. design used for the product validation. The transfer
experiments are only carried out by the secondary site data is recommended and may need to be included in
including site-representative in-house isolates. The the filing.
rounded LOD of the secondary site and the primary
site are compared. The estimated LOD of the alterna- It is easier to implement an alternative sterility test
tive sterility test method at the secondary site (in the method for new products than for currently marketed
presence of product) must be lower than or equal to the products. Existing products will require a postapproval
estimated LOD at the primary site (without the pres- filing (analytical variation) with the health authorities
ence of product), both LODs rounded to the nearest creating a longer lead time for receiving approval from
unit. Similarly, the estimated LOD of the alternative different markets, which might result in a dual-testing
scenario where both methods—the compendial sterility
sterility test method and that of the compendial sterility
test as well as the alternative sterility test—must be
test method at the secondary site (in the presence of
maintained and applied for product release to fulfill dif-
product) are compared, and the ratio of detection
ferent local requirements and to comply with different
counts are reported. After successful completion of the filing strategies. Filing these methods in the earlier
method transfer, the secondary site is qualified to per- stages of a product’s development can allow a company
form method suitability tests and subsequently release to leverage its existing regulatory structure to facilitate
tests for new products. acceptance of the alternative microbiological method as
a replacement for the compendial sterility method.
Figure 1 summarizes the validation and global deploy-
ment process that was used for the technology in Case Regulatory approaches for the implementation of an alter-
Study 1 (Figure 1a) and Case Study 2 (Figure 1b). It native sterility test method should be managed at the
should be noted that the validation and global deploy- product level with appropriate change controls guiding
ment process demonstrated here were specifically the regulatory pathway. If possible and accepted by the
designed to fit the technologies used by the two compa- national competent authorities, both the alternative
nies for Case Study 1 (direct inoculation method) and 2 method and compendial method would usually be filed
(membrane filtration method). The first technology has a together to alleviate any risk to alternative microbiologi-
higher risk of interference by the product matrix owing cal method acceptance in a certain country/market. Either
to the direct inoculation. Different validation approaches method can then be used once approval is received. An
and deployment strategies might be suitable. implementation plan should reflect use of one method,
not both, in routine testing. The alternative sterility test
Step 9: Define Regulatory Filings and Implementation method can then be designated as the primary method to
Strategy be used for routine testing in the QC lab. Some compa-
nies, however, may choose not to file both alternative and
It is recommended to initiate discussions with health compendial methods based on their supply chain configu-
authorities in the early stages of alternative microbio- ration or because of lack of availability of a sterility test
logical test method implementation planning to ensure isolator. Supply chain strategy often will dictate the
alignment with the prospective country’s regulatory implementation approach for a certain product.
requirements for microbial testing of drug substance,
intermediates, and final drug product. It is encouraged Acknowledgements
to discuss the approach and rationale of the proposed
alternative microbiological method to cultivate an Many improvements were suggested by many subject matter
effective pathway for implementation. For example, a experts who reviewed the manuscript. Any remaining errors
thorough evaluation of the proposed method is are our own and should not tarnish the reputations of these
required for compliance with local requirements reviewers. This article has been written by subject matter
where product will be filed. As a result, companies experts from eight companies, collaborating in the
should obtain guidance from their regulatory teams on Alternative and Rapid Microbiological Methods team of the
the possibility of engaging in multiple project-specific BioPhorum Operations Group. More information can be
interactions with the corresponding health authorities. found at www.biophorum.com.
More stringent acceptance criteria may be required
based on the feedback from health authority/national
competent authorities interactions. Consultation with Conflict of Interest Declaration
the equipment manufacturers of the alternative micro-
biological methods regarding the available validation The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
This article has been developed by a collaborative 8. Jimenez, L.; Rana, N.; Amalraj, J.; Walker, K.;
group of subject matter experts from eight biopharma- Travers, K. Validation of the BacT/ALERT(R)
ceutical companies. It represents a current consensus 3D System for Rapid Sterility Testing of Biophar-
view also based on the feedback from health agencies. maceutical Samples. PDA J. Pharm. Sci. Technol.
Users of the systems are of course free to deviate from 2012, 66 (1), 38–54.
the described validation and implementation approach.
9. Bugno, A.; Almodovar, A. A. B.; Saes, D. P. S.;
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18. Parenteral Drug Association Inc. Technical Report 25. U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention, General Chapter
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tion of Alternative and Rapid Microbiological Pharmacopeial Articles. In USP 39—NF 34, USP:
Methods; Bethesda, MD, 2013. Rockville, MD, 2016.
ABSTRACT: Traditional microbiological techniques have been used for well over a century as the basis for contamina-
tion testing of pharmaceutical products and processes. With more recent focus on faster product release and concerns
around the integrity of the test data, new technologies have been implemented to detect and enumerate organisms faster
and provide paperless processes to minimize data integrity issues. Manual colony counting technologies, where incuba-
tion is performed in a standard incubator, and the plate is manually transferred to the colony counter for a single read at
the end of incubation, have been used for many years to reduce the potential for human error; however, they pose vali-
dation challenges due to poor counting accuracy. Colony counters that automatically perform both the incubation and
enumeration functions (multiple enumeration calculations through the incubation phase) have recently been imple-
mented for quality control (QC) laboratory analytical processes, supporting a cGMP environment. This article summa-
rizes the findings of eight companies demonstrating the qualification of an automated colony counter technology to
perform the majority of microbial tests required for QC, environmental monitoring, and bioburden for in-process, bulk
drug substance, and water system testing. Comparable analytical performance and time to result data generated during
individual studies at all companies allows the system to be qualified and implemented for cGMP processes while reduc-
ing data integrity risks.
KEYWORDS: Automation, Colony Counter, Environmental Monitoring, Bioburden testing, Performance Qualification,
Method Validation, contact plate, Rapid Microbial Methods (RMMs).
3. Will automated vision systems generate false posi- size, colored black on the surface of the media to
tives and cause more action/alert level excursions? improve the signal-to-noise ratio for the detection sys-
tem. During the incubation phase, images of each cas-
4. If a shorter incubation time (TTR) is selected, will the sette are taken at intervals of 4 h, allowing organisms
colony counter miss contamination that would have and debris that are naturally fluorescent under the exci-
been seen with the traditional incubation conditions? tation blue light (465–495 nm) of the imager to be
detected as objects in the green (505–560 nm) spec-
5. Will the technology get regulatory acceptance? trum. Analysis of the behavior of objects over the incu-
bation time by the proprietary algorithms of the vision
These risks are addressed in the article. analysis software allows the Growth DirectV System to
The Growth Direct System for rapid microbial enumer- more, 6.30 Alternative and Harmonized Methods and
ation comprises two automated incubators handling up Procedures states that “Alternative methods and/or
to 659 media cassettes. The Growth Cassette products procedures may be used if they have advantages in
are plastic contact plate style cassettes containing stand- terms of accuracy, sensitivity, precision, selectivity, or
ard compendial growth media. adaptability to automation or computerized data reduc-
tion, or in other specialized circumstances. Such alter-
The Growth DirectV test method requires the presence
native procedures and methods shall be validated
of a mixed cellulose ester membrane, 0.45-micron pore as described in the USP40/NF35 general chapter Validation
Figure 1
Schematic of the detection of the autofluorescence of microcolonies. Top: Microorganisms fluoresce under blue
light and their location on the membrane captured by the CCD detector. Middle: Images taken at 4-hour inter-
vals and an increase in a fluorescent object size or brightness confirms a growing colony. Bottom: Accuracy of
the system can be shown by comparison with human counts at the end of incubation.
of Compendial Procedures <1225> and must be shown to demonstrate certain method validation requirements as
give equivalent or better results.” The Pharmacopeia are specified in Section 5.0 of the Technical Report. For
being updated to relate to changes in microbial methods. these technologies, at least accuracy and precision
These changes and how the new methods are validated are assessments should be performed, in addition to method
described in USP <1223> Validation of Alternative Micro- suitability and equivalence/comparability studies.” The
biological Methods. For colony counters, USP <1223> view expressed in USP <1223> is fully supported in
states the following: “There are commercially available this industry practice document.
enhancements to growth-based methods that allow colonies
Ph. Eur. 5.1.6, Alternative Methods for the Control of
on solid media to be read more quickly, with substantially
Microbiological Quality, does discuss growth-based
less incubation time, than is possible using only the unaided
methods using the presence of endogenous autofluores-
eye. In the implementation of these enhanced methods for
cent molecules and metabolites such as reduced nico-
the detection of colony growth, only the detection capability
tinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)
of the method requires verification.” This statement supports and flavoproteins within microorganisms. The revised
the view that the Growth DirectV System is not an alterna-
definition as an automated compendial colony counter is native microbiological methods. Taking the risk-based
discussed in a technology review article by Jones and Cun- approach, as recommended in Ph. Eur. 5.1.6, in conjunc-
dell (5). tion with a verification strategy, a simpler approach can
be justified.
Similarly, the PDA Technical Report No. 33 (Revised),
Evaluation, Validation and Implementation of Alterna- Validation Approaches
tive and Rapid Microbial Methods, states the follow-
ing: “Some alternative or rapid technologies may be The analytical testing performed by each site was the
considered automated traditional or compendial micro- same, but depending on company definitions, the name
biological methods, especially when the results are in of the test phase varied, for example, Performance
colony-forming units (CFU). These technologies may Validation/Qualification/Verification. The term PQ
be qualified for their intended use without the need to will be used in this document to encompass all three
terminologies. The same approach will be used for the system and visual counts using standard analysis of
Method Validation/Qualification/Verification. variance methods can be used.
Performance testing used a challenge microorganism CFU numbers can vary depending on the day of the final
stock culture, freshly grown but no more than five pas- visual count, so the final read date needs to be controlled.
sages removed from ATCC or an equivalent source or
reconstituted commercial preparation such as Quanti- The TTR was evaluated from system colony counts
cult or BIOBALLV. The test runs were performed with
collected every 4 h. When plotted against incubation
three replicates of each test organism. The smallest time, CFU counts show a sigmoidal colony detection
number of organism types that may be used would be curve (Figure 2). The TTR can be determined from a
three (Escherichia coli, fast growing circular morphol- defined set of library microorganisms or by testing the
ogy, Aspergillus brasiliensis, slower growing irregular sample site and determining the natural growth time
morphology with hyphae, and Bacillus subtilis, fast for the “stressed” organisms present. The time at which
growing irregular morphology) to cover the main col- all detected organisms met an 85% threshold of the vis-
ony morphologies for detection capability by the ual count is the basis of the TTR.
Growth DirectV algorithm software. A company-spe-
required temperature 20˚C–25˚C, 25˚C–30˚C, 28˚C– settes were incubated and enumerated on the system,
32˚C, or 30˚C–35˚C for 3–7 days, a visual count was then visually counted by the analyst at the end of
performed for the colonies on each Growth Cassette. incubation.
The equivalence of the Growth DirectV system com-
pared with the mean of the three analysts’ count was The range of sample points and sample numbers used
performed. in the study is given below:
Time to Results (TTR) For water, sample volumes ranged from 0.1 mL to
200 mL depending on water type with 2 to 25 sample
The TTR is related to the organism type, media type, points yielding 192 to 600 test replicates.
and incubation conditions. Thus, separate studies
should be performed for each sampling site and appli- For active air, sample volumes ranged from 200 to
cation. EM samples were usually taken from the lower 1000 liters from 18 to 83 sample points, yielding 54
environmental grades C or D. For water samples, larger to 215 samples. For contact plates, 6 to 132 sample
volumes than routine can be taken to increase cell num- points yielded 36 to 216 samples.
bers. Product bioburden samples are often uncontami-
nated, so organisms likely to be found in the environment For bioburden testing, the guidelines suggest the Phar-
or product are used to inoculate the sample. For product macopeial organisms, at least one environmental orga-
bioburden, organisms were included that have been nism, and a stressed organism should be tested for each
through a stress treatment present in the process, for test product type. The stressed cells should represent
example, low pH. For EM testing, the samples usually conditions from the process, for example, viral inacti-
contain organisms that are already stressed through disin- vation at low pH (3.0-4.0), as performed by some of
fection, dehydration, or starvation. Sample incubation the companies. Six replicates of each organism were
reflects the maximum duration of the visual method, 3, 5, used for in-process or BDS samples. Calculation of the
or 7 days. Visual counts of the colonies on the plate were mean and standard deviation of each data set allows a
made by three analysts on incubation completion. The statistical test of the variance, for example, Chi-square
Table I
The Media, Test Microorganisms, and Growth DirectV Incubation Temperature and Time at the Different Study
Table I
Figure 2
TTR curves for 5 pharmacopeial and 7 environmental organisms, namely Staphylococcus epidermidis, Micro-
coccus luteus, Kocuria rhizophila, Bacillus pumilus, Brevundimonas diminuta, Candida tropicalis, and Aspergillus
fumigatus are incubated and imaged every 4 h for 72 h at 30˚C–35˚C. The cumulative percentage of emerging
colonies is shown on the y axis.
distribution. The same sample data used for precision 1. Neutralization of disinfectant residue from surfaces,
are used for accuracy determination.
2. Ability to capture organisms on a surface and pull
Equivalence is included in the method qualification, them away for growth,
which demonstrates results obtained with the test method
agree with the compendial method currently in use. Test 3. Ability to capture organisms in an air flow with-
sample selection is based on relevant species and a suffi- out adverse dehydration resulting from active air
cient number of organisms for statistical significance. sampling.
The incubation time for the new method would be the
assigned TTR or the compendial duration if the data are Performance of these tests may be comprehensive or
to be used to set the TTR. A minimum of 50–100 individ- based on literature data with a minimal test strategy to
ual test samples should be taken and analyzed contempo- verify the published data.
raneously and the resulting CFU counts compared.
The main function of the media in the bioburden and Method Suitability (MS)
water applications is to provide nutrients to allow the
organisms to grow. In all cases, the traditional methods Method suitability followed the same method as that
used for comparison studies had been qualified. Other described for the method qualification, with the excep-
critical functions of the media in the environmental tion that the test sample contained the product. The con-
application include: trol was a suitable buffer (Fluid A, PBS and so forth).
Table II
Verification of the Equivalency of the Automated Plate Counter and Traditionally Read Plate Counts
colonial shape recorded in PQ to verify vision accuracy by site. Grayed cells indicate the organism was not tested during
company PQ.
Findings of the TTR study are shown in Table III. This article summarizes the results from eight global
From the data shown, the TTR for the EM testing companies obtained after qualification and implemen-
ranged from 36 to 76 h using a single incubation format tation of an automated colony counter system including
and with a wide range of incubation temperatures used, automated incubation for routine microbial testing in
22.5˚C to 32.5˚C. Bioburden testing using TSA ranged cGMP manufacturing. The applications cover the main
from 36 to 52 h depending on the company. Water microbiological testing needs of a QC laboratory, EM
gave the longest TTR with use of the low nutrient and bioburden testing for water or product, and follow
media with results from 44 h (rinse water sample) but the verification approach proposed in USP <1223> for
with the majority in the 100 to 116 h range. automated colony counters. The rationale for that
approach was based on the media types and incubation
Method Qualification (MQ) conditions, as specified in the harmonized pharmaco-
peia with the only change being the enumeration of an
All companies passed the acceptance criteria for accu- image of the colonies taken by a CCD camera and
racy, precision, and equivalence for all applications interpreted by software rather than by the human eye.
tested, water, product bioburden, and EM. For EM The visual (human eye) approach has been shown in
equivalence, most companies used both active air and some cases to have wide variability and sensitivity
surface contact samples in the MQ and from a range of (15). This, combined with the enumeration of colonies
room qualities. Where Grade A areas or WFI was used at the end of a 3–7 day incubation period, can lead to
for sample type, there were no false positives found significant errors in the microbial status of a product or
with the testing as all samples gave 0 CFU. For compa- facility through overgrowth due to false negative
nies that performed specific disinfectant neutralization, counts caused by colonial mergers. The BioPhorum
Table III
Determination of TTR. Acceptance Specification, Recovery ≥85% of the Visual Count for the Maximal Incubation
Table III
organization has recently published a reference docu- microflora found in each site may vary (depending on
ment to cover the 9 steps from evaluation to routine global locality and environmental conditions) and the
use of any Automated Colony Counter (9). incubation conditions used may vary as well, it is
unlikely that all sites would see the same TTR for each
To verify the performance of the automated colony application. The sites contributing to this article are
detection, a simple comparison of the visual colony from East and West USA, as well as Europe, with vali-
count versus the colony count obtained by the system dations performed at various times of the year when
can be made on the same test plate. The amount of test- temperature and humidity could affect the microbial
ing required can be minimized as the possible popula- species present. As can be seen from the data presented
tion of shapes and sizes that grow are media agnostic, here, incubation conditions vary with mean incubation
for example, the same colony shapes exist on all media temperatures for EM ranging from 22.5˚C to 32.5˚C.
types depending on organism type, and the vision sys- The different temperatures will each affect growth
tem has been verified at many companies over the last rates and detection times for the organisms present.
10 years. Colony colors are not a factor, as the camera Interestingly, all sites showed good recovery using a
only sees a black and white image of the colony fluo- single incubation temperature rather than the serial
rescence, so the range of variations is significantly less incubation strategy (10–13). With bioburden and water
than with a traditional white light colony counter. As a testing, the incubation temperature was the same for all
result, the three basic shapes are specified for PQ test- sites, 30˚C–35˚C, but TTR times did differ due to the
ing, fast growing discrete E. coli, slower growing irreg- spectrum of microorganisms and local stressors used
ular shape B. subtilis, and the irregular growing hyphae dependent on process. It is noticeable that the TTR for
of A. brasiliensis. As the software accuracy is inde- the water systems is longer than that seen for other
pendent of media type sold by Rapid Micro Biosystems applications. The use of R2A as a low nutrient media
(colony shapes are not unique to media type), it only was standard for all sites but cannot support the growth
needs to be performed once for an application (e.g., rates seen by the rich media used in other applications.
bioburden) and can then be transferred to any other The original article by Reasoner and Geldreich (14)
application to be implemented with no further PQ work suggested that the optimum temperature for water
required. borne bacteria should be 20˚C to 25˚C, so use of 30˚C
to 35˚C may not be optimal; however, the higher tem-
Following confirmation of the accuracy of the technol- perature is specified in the EP. Coupling that informa-
ogy, the QC laboratory must decide on the incubation tion with the adaptation to a very low nutrient environ-
conditions for the required test in terms of temperature ment adds to the slower colony growth rates and TTR,
(single or serial) and time. Most companies have al- even with the earlier microcolony detection. The TTR
ready validated an incubation strategy for their facility should also be set with the shift pattern in use at the fa-
that can be transferred directly to Growth DirectV with
cility. If a one-shift pattern is used, there is no benefit
no further system qualification. However, due to the for a sample result to be produced at midnight as no
ability of the technology to detect microcolonies ear- one can react to it. In those cases, a more conservative
lier, many companies opt to determine the TTR for time can be used so that the result also appears during a
their facility and the microflora found there. As the following single shift. With a single shift, the incubation
windows would be 40–48 h, 64–72 h, 88–96 h, and 112– full validation as an alternative microbiological
120 h. method, only verification of the enumeration software.
The technology has been qualified for water, in-process
A significant benefit for all sites implementing the bioburden, and BDS testing as well as for EM applica-
automated colony counter technology centers on the tions in several global pharmaceutical companies,
improvement in data integrity. Recent discussions on using a shortened TTR that is defined by the site-spe-
the so-called “four eyes rule”, in which every plate cific natural flora. The technology has been success-
count should be verified by a second analyst, have not fully implemented for in-process bioburden testing as
led to general adoption. The PDA TR80 Data integrity part of new drug applications to the FDA and EMA.
management system for pharmaceutical laboratories Water and environmental testing have been imple-
discussed the secondary review of microbiological test mented in routine cGMP areas through annual report
plates, noting that: changes.
Best Laboratory Practices, confirmed the benefit of a Pharmaceutical Water Bioburden Analysis. Eur. J.
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recommend its use for other microbial enumeration
methods. The use of an automated colony counter and 3. Samson, A.; Durusky, A.; Carpenter, B.; Jones,
direct transmission of the counts from plate to labora- D. L.; Intinarelli, T. Validation of the Growth
DirectV System to Perform Pharmaceutical In Pro-
tory information management system (LIMS) database
has improved security and negates any need for a sec- cess Bioburden Analysis. IVT Network 2018, Jan
ond reader. Most sites in this study have a LIMS con- 23.
nectivity to the Growth DirectV System and can cover
the most common LIMS platforms available. 4. London, R.; Schwedock, J.; Sage, A.; Valley,
H.; Meadows, J.; Waddington, M.; Straus, D.
Conclusions An Automated System for Rapid Non-Destructive
Enumeration of Growing Microbes. PLoS One
The authors believe this review makes a strong case 2010, 5 (1), e8609
that colony counters such as the Growth DirectV Sys-
tem qualify as an automated system for the incubation 5. Jones, D.; Cundell, T. Method Verification
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vised) Evaluation, Validation and Implementation of 6. Murphy, T.; Schwedock, J.; Nguyen, K.; Mills,
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pendial plate count, the technology does not require No 33. Statistics Testing Recommendations for a
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of Naturally Occurring Species of Bacteria and Fungi
7. van den Heuvel, E.; Jones, D.; Manju, A.; Bros- on Semi-Solid Media When Incubated under Stand-
seau, J.; Parsaei, N. Primary Validation of the ard and Dual Temperature Conditions and Its Impact
Growth DirectV Bioburden System and Media.
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8. Jones, D. L.; Parsaei, N.; van den Heuvel, E. 12. Sage, A.; Timas, N.; Jones, D. Determining
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ABSTRACT: This article reviews the evolution of performance standards for aseptic processing as defined by regulatory,
pharmacopoeial, and industry activities. The increasing rigor of the expectations for sterility testing, environmental
monitoring, and process simulation have made for improvements in capability for sterile manufacturing. The document
explains why contemporary requirements are such that satisfying them requires a shift in operating practice from
manned clean rooms to isolation technology.
KEYWORDS: Closed systems, Aseptic processing, Isolation technology, Sterility testing, Environmental monitoring,
Process simulation.
actually be sterile, only that it meet the require- – One (1) contaminated unit is considered cause
ments of the test for sterility.” (1) for revalidation, following an investigation.
Thus, although the present day harmonized sterility test When filling from 5000 to 10,000 units:
must be conducted with a substantial amount of rigor in
the sampling, testing, and review of results, it is not proof – One (1) contaminated unit should result in
(or disproof) of the very attribute it is named for (11)! an investigation, including consideration of a
Nevertheless, it maintains a position of prominence in reg- repeat media fill.
ulatory thinking and inspectional activities.
– Two (2) contaminated units are considered
cause for revalidation, following investigation.
Environmental Monitoring
Removing personnel entirely from the aseptic ever. Monitoring cannot make aseptic products safer, but
environment. elimination of the operator most certainly can (21). Ab-
sence of microorganisms is unattainable in a manned envi-
Refinements and combinations of the preceding. ronment and approachable in the best closed designs (17).
Realization of that absolute intent will never be demonstra-
The continued advances have made aseptic products ble but can be approached using closed systems. Taking
safer than ever before. The next step is obvious. Fur- the operator completely out of the process by employing
ther progress in performance requires the elimination closed systems can bring the industry closer to the unreal-
of direct personnel involvement in aseptic processes. izable goal of zero contamination. Something for nothing.
Realizing the “zero contamination” goal is possible
only by implementation of advanced aseptic processing Conflict of Interest Declaration
technologies (21). This was originally defined as:
The author declares that they have no competing interests.
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