Line Coding-Simulink
Line Coding-Simulink
Line Coding-Simulink
Parameter Value
Line Coding Unipolar RZ
rb 1000 bps, 3000 bps
Vp 5V,10V
Duty Cycle (𝜏/𝑇𝑏) %50, %75, %100*
*Can be considered as NRZ
Q1) How does changing one of the parameters given in Table 1 (𝑟𝑏 , Vp and Duty Cycle) effects the
bandwidth and power of frequency spectrum.
Set block parameters appropriately to generate POLAR line coding scenarios in Table 2 (To generate
POLAR line coding we used “Unipolar to Bipolar Converter” block just after “Bernoulli Binary” block
in order to convert unipolar to polar).
Parameter Value
Line Coding Polar RZ
rb 1000 bps, 3000 bps
Vp 5V,10V
Duty Cycle %50, %75, %100*
*Can be considered as NRZ
Q2) Run the code for 10 secs. Observe spectrum analyzer outputs for each
polar NRZ and unipolar NRZ signals. Do they have included any DC
component? Which one has greater DC values? Explain it.
For frequency spectrum representation use the parameter set in the right
Q3) Copy and paste scope and spectrum analyzer outputs to the given spaces
Polar RZ, %50 duty cycle, Vp=5V, Rb=1 [kbps] Polar RZ, %50 duty cycle, Vp=5V, Rb=3 [kbps]
Run the code for 5 secs Run the code for 5 secs
Scope OUTPUT1 for 5 bit times Scope OUTPUT2 for 5 bit times
Spectrum analyzer OUTPUT1 (Y-axis: Power Spectrum analyzer OUTPUT2 (Y-axis: Power
[dBm]) [dBm])
Q4) Based on your answer to Q3, Comment on differences on BW, power consumption and data rate.
Q5) Copy and paste scope and spectrum analyzer outputs to the given spaces below.
Polar RZ, %50 duty cycle, Vp=5V, Rb=1 [kbps] Polar RZ, %75 duty cycle, Vp=5V, Rb=1 [kbps]
Scope OUTPUT1 for 5 bit times Scope OUTPUT2 for 5 bit times
Spectrum analyzer OUTPUT1 (Y-axis: Power Spectrum analyzer OUTPUT2 (Y-axis: Power
[dBm]) [dBm])
Q6) Based on your answer to Q5; Comment on BW, power consumption and data rate differences on
outputs’ scope and spectrum.
Q7) According to your observations, fill the table below. Blue arrow stands for causal (cause and result)
relationship. Select only the true item(s) and delete the others.
Increase in data rate BW increase / BW decrease / None
Increase in duty cycle BW increase / BW decrease / None
Increase in duty cycle data rate increase / data rate decrease / None
Decrease in duty cycle data rate increase / data rate decrease / None
Decrease in duty cycle BW increase / BW decrease / None
Decrease in data rate BW increase / BW decrease / None
Power consumption increase / Power
Increase in duty cycle
consumption decrease / None
In terms of
DC presence in line coding Advantage / disadvantage
error rate
Time synchronization information Present in Unipolar / polar / both