a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, an experimental set-up for testing chevron type gasketed plate heat exchangers is utilized
Received 20 July 2012 to investigate the thermal and hydraulic characteristics of three different plate geometries. The exper-
Received in revised form iments are performed using various number of plates, several flow rate and inlet and outlet temperature
21 June 2013
values so that the Reynolds numbers (300e5000) and Prandtl numbers vary for all the plates that have
Accepted 26 June 2013
30 of chevron angle. Plate-specific correlations are derived for Nusselt number and friction factor by
Available online 25 July 2013
using the experimental results.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Gasketed plate heat exchanger
Heat transfer
1290-0729/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
250 C. Gulenoglu et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 75 (2014) 249e256
fluid. They showed that the flow maldistribution increased by and 0.075% accurate pressure transmitter [19]. Discharge water
increasing the overall pressure drop in a plate heat exchanger. from the heat exchanger is collected at a waste water tank during
Muley and Manglik [10] studied the heat transfer and isothermal experiments. There is a closed cycle option for hot water which is
pressure drop data for single phase water flow in three different used to stabilize the temperature distribution in the tank before
plate arrangements with chevron angles of 30 , 60 and one mixed starting experiments.
30 /60 of plate heat exchanger with single pass U-type counter- To observe different characteristics for plate packs, the experi-
flow chevron plates, a Reynolds number range of 600 to 104 ments are carried out for various temperatures and flow rates for
experimentally. Data for Nusselt number and friction factor was U-type flow arrangement shown in Fig. 2. After waiting the system
presented. They found that at constant pumping power, depending to be stabilized, temperature values are recorded by digital data
on the Reynolds number, chevron angle and the ratio of effective to taker and pressure differences and volumetric flow rates are
projected surface area of plate corrugations, the heat transfer was recorded every 20 s.
enhanced by up to 2.8 times that of an equivalent flat plate channel.
For developing a new correlation method, Fernández-Seara et al.
[11] practiced the Wilson plot method and reported characteristic 2.2. Geometrical properties of plates
experimental results for a smooth tube and a spirally corrugated
tube. In another study of Fernández-Seara et al. [12] modifications The three different chevron plates that are experimentally
on Wilson plot method to determine the convection coefficients in tested have different geometrical properties as shown in Table 2.
heat exchanger devices were investigated and they showed how Fig. 3 shows the dimensional parameters that define the geomet-
Wilson plot method could deal with the determination of convec- rical properties. Plate 1 and Plate 2 both have the same geometrical
tion coefficients based on the measured experimental data and the properties except for the plate length between ports. Plate 3 has
subsequent construction of appropriate correlations. larger dimensions.
Some correlations developed from previously reported studies
for obtaining thermal and hydraulic characteristics of various plate 3. Correlation development methodology
heat exchangers with their application ranges are tabulated in
Table 1. Calculations are performed with the experimental data by using
the basic heat transfer equations from the literature [2].
2. Experimental methodology
Tc;b ¼ Tc;in þ Tc;out 2 (1)
Table 1
Correlations for Nusselt number and friction factor from literature and their ranges of application.
Reference Ø b ( ) Correlation
Table 2
Dimensional specifications of plates.
b ( ) 30 30 30 Chevron angle
Dp (m) 0.035 0.035 0.1 Port diameter
Lw (m) 0.109 0.109 0.343 Port to port plate width
Lv (m) 0.37 0.665 0.732 Chevron area length
Lp (m) 0.335 0.63 0.632 Port to port length Table 3
b (m) 2.76 2.76 2.64 Corrugation depth Uncertainties in experimental measurements.
t (m) 0.45 0.45 0.45 Thickness of the plate
Variable Max uncertainty %
Al (m2) 0.035 0.073 0.266 Effective corrugated area
Alp (m2) 0.03 0.062 0.207 Projected surface area LMTD, DTlm [K] 7.8
4 1.17 1.17 1.288 Enlargement factor Pressure drop, DP [kPa] 9.2
De (m) 0.0055 0.0055 0.0053 Equivalent diameter Heat load, Q [kW] 9.4
Dh (m) 0.0047 0.0047 0.0041 Hydraulic diameter Reynolds number, Re 7.2
kl (W/mK) 16.2 16.2 16.2 Thermal conductivity of Nusselt number, Nu 12.4
the wall Fanning friction factor, f 11.8
252 C. Gulenoglu et al. / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 75 (2014) 249e256
Table 4
Q ¼ mhot Cp;hot Thot;in eThot;out (9)
Coefficients a, C and deviation percentage of C.
Plate# a C Deviation %
Q ¼ mcold Cp;cold Tcold;out eTcold;in (10)
1 0.68 0.32867 2.8508
2 0.675 0.32774 2.2997 For determining overall heat transfer coefficient, logarithmic
3 0.7 0.17422 3.3807
mean temperature difference must be known where it can be
calculated as:
Table 5 DTLM ¼ Th;in eTc;out e Th;out eTc;in ln Th;in eTc;out
Nusselt number correlations of plates.
Th;out eTc;in
Plate# b ( ) 4 Correlation (300 Re 5000)
1 30 1.17 Nu ¼ 0.32867Re0.68Pr1/3(m/mw)0.14
2 30 1.17 Nu ¼ 0.32774Re0.675Pr1/3(m/mw)0.14 And the overall heat transfer coefficient is obtained from Eq.
3 30 1.288 Nu ¼ 0.17422Re0.7Pr1/3(m/mw)0.14 (12) and can be written as Eq. (13):
Q ¼ UADTLM (12)
3 5 2
k ¼ 0:61694 þ 7:1785$10 T þ 1:167$10 T
9 3 1=U ¼ 1=hh þ 1=hc þ t=kw (13)
þ 4:704$10 T (5)
Reynolds number, which is a non-dimensional number that
For specific heat, Cp [kJ/kg K]: 273 T 430 K
characterizes the flow regime is found by using channel mass ve-
h locity, equivalent diameter and dynamic viscosity as follows:
4 2 6 3
Cp ¼ 17:6611e0:147914Te6:08619$10 T 1:11867$10 T
i Gc ¼ mc = Ncp bLw (14)
þ 7:80297$10 10 T 4
(6) Re ¼ ðGc De Þ=m (15)
For dynamic viscosity, m [kg/m s]: if 273 T 350 K Nusselt number, can basically be found using Eq. (16) and in a
h i correlation format to determine heat transfer coefficient where
m ¼ exp 0:030185e2191:6T þ 6:38605$105 T 2
$10 3 Nusselt number is a function of Reynolds number, Prandtl number
and ratio of viscosities at bulk temperatures and wall temperatures
(7) at Eq. (17) [21]:
For dynamic viscosity, m [kg/m s]: if 350 T 500 K
h i Nu ¼ ðhDh Þ=kf (16)
m ¼ exp 3:2295e13:18574T þ 2:65531$105 T 2
$10 3
Table 6
Fanning friction factor correlations of plates.
h ¼ kf =Dh CRec Pr b ðm=mw Þ0:14 (18)
4. Results
Fig. 6. Comparison of present Nusselt number correlation with literature.
The objective of this study is to investigate thermal and hy-
draulic characteristics of three different plate heat exchangers and
compare their performances. A large set of experimental data was minimum total percentage deviations of plates are shown in
taken in order to obtain heat transfer and pressure drop values. Table 4. The correlations developed for the tested plates are shown
Measurements were performed for a wide range of Reynolds in Table 5.
numbers (300 Re 5000). The uncertainties in the measure- Heat transfer data which gives the thermal performances of the
ments are shown in Table 3. three chevron plates tested, in terms of a nondimensional perfor-
Correlations for Nusselt number are derived in the form of Eq. mance parameter [Nu/Pr1/3(m/mw)] versus Reynolds number (Re) are
(17) by writing Eq. (18) for both hot and cold sides and using these given in Fig. 4. Turbulent flow regime with increasing Reynolds
equations in Eq. (13). Varying the “a” value in Eq. (17) from 0 to 1 number also enhances the thermal characteristics. Enhanced heat
gives C value with minimum percentage deviation. a, C, and transfer characteristics of the plates with similar corrugation
Experiments are carried out and steady state heat transfer and A heat transfer area [m2]
pressure drop measurements are made for gasketed plate heat Al effective corrugated area [m2]
exchangers with three different plates with different plate sizes Alp projected surface area [m2]
having 30 of chevron angle. Reynolds number varies from 300 to a correlation coefficient
5000. The correlations in literature give a wide performance en- b corrugation depth [mm]
velope; however they are very limited to specific applications and C correlation coefficient
plates. The experimental results show that thermal and hydraulic Cp heat capacity [J/kg K]
characteristics enhance with decreasing plate size. Corrugation Dh hydraulic diameter [m]
patterns and geometrical properties of the plates support the flow De equivalent diameter [m]
regime to become turbulent even in low flow rates and it en- f fanning friction factor
hances heat transfer between hot and cold parts of plate heat G channel mass velocity [kg/m2 s]
exchangers. The strong influence of geometrical properties such as h heat transfer coefficient [W/m2 K]
port diameter, enlargement factor and channel flow area on k thermal conductivity [W/m K]
thermal and hydraulic performance of a heat exchanger is clearly Lp port to port length [m]
seen from the experimental results. Difference between Plate 3 Lw port to port plate width [m]
from Plate 1 and 2 shows that with increasing port diameter and Lv chevron area length [m]
effective plate area, pressures of inlet and outlet ports decreases m mass [kg]
and pressure drop values between them increases, so that channel N number of inter plate channels for a fluid stream
velocity and channel uniformity at the end channels decreases. Nu Nusselt number
The correlations obtained from this study are only applicable for Pr Prandtl number
the gasketed plate heat exchangers using chevron angles pre- Q heat transfer rate [W]
scribed in Table 2. Therefore, it can be seen from the experimental Re Reynolds number
studies given in Table 1, a general correlation applicable to all T temperature [K or C]
chevron angles even with the same chevron angle is not possible. t thickness of the plate [mm]
A gasketed plate heat exchanger design continues to be pro- U overall heat transfer coefficient [W/m2 K]
prietary in nature; the correlations obtained are applicable to this
exchanger that is marketed.