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Glorious Caliphs


Life before Islam

 Introduction
 Childhood and youth
 Occupation, character and personality
 Event of acceptance of Islam

Life after accepting Islam

 Torture and persecution, Dawa preaching of Islam

 Tolerance and firm attitude + Examples
 Services in Makkah
 Migration to Yasrib
Services in Madina, Participation in battles, devotion,
obedience, self control,
 Scribe, Amer e Hajj, Imamat,
 Election as First caliph of Islam

Life after becoming the Caliph

 Difficulties encountered
 Syrian expedition under Hz Usama(Rz)
 Tribes refused to pay zakat
 Apostasy movement
 False prophets
 Compilation of Quran
 Social services
 Rights given to non Muslims
 Relations with other states + examples
 Campaigns to wards Muslim areas to encounter their
rebellious attitude
 Important steps taken to improve the status of army
 Conquests of Persian and neighboring areas of
 Administration
 Death


 Bind community during a difficult phase
 Unanimously elected 1st caliph
 Crushed revolts
 Crushed fake prophets
 Had the Quran compiled
 Called Saviour of Islam
 Died a natural death in 13 AH, at the age of 63
 Buries by the right side of the Prophet (PBUH)
 Prophet (PBUH) said, “Follow two after me, out of my
companions – Abu Bakr and Umer.”

Birth, tribe, and early life.
 Born in less influential clan Banu Taym
 Pre Islamic name is Abdul Kabah changed into Abdullah
later by Holy Prophet (PBUH).
 Earned the titles Ateeq, Abu Bakr by Arabs due to his
personality and being fond of young camels.
 He led a pious and pure life before conversion and
remained away from corrupt society.

He was the first one to accept Islam.

 Abu Bakr (RZ) responded to the call of Prophet (PBUH)
 “And he who comes with Truth and he whom confirms
(supports) it… such are the people who do right …. “
(39:33) Al Zumur

He brought others to accept Islam

 Uthman, Talha, Zubair, Abu Ubaidah, Saad bin Abi
Waqas, Abdul Rahman bin Awf etc

He remained loyal to Prophet (PBUH) at all times.

 Pagans beat him when he rescued Holy Prophet (PBUH)
from the persecution of Utba bin Muit who tried to
strangle Holy Prophet (PBUH).

He bought slaves who were Muslims.

 Bilal, Amir, Zunnira, Umm i Ubais.

He expressed belief in Prophet (PBUH)’s night

 Ibn ad Dughna persuaded him not to migrate to
 On hearing about the night journey he was the first one
to believe it.
 On that Prophet (PBUH) awarded him the title Al-Siddiq

He accompanied the Prophet (PBUH) on the Hijra.

 Daughter Ama provided food and son kept them aware
of enemy’s movements.
 He being the second of two (or one of the two)
when they were in cave. Al – Tauba: 40

He fought all the battles during the time of Holy

Prophet (PBUH)
 In battle of Badr he fought with his own son.
 In battle of Uhud he shielded Prophet (PBUH) and
negated the rumor.
 In battle of Hunayn he remained firm and didn’t retreat.

He made financial contributions to the expedition

of Tabuk.
 Placed all his wealth. On that Hazrat Umer (RZ) said “
None can surpass Abu Bakr in serving the cause of Islam”

He gave his daughter Aisha (RZ) to be Prophet

(PBUH)’s wife.
 The passing away of Hazrat Khadija (RZ) and Abu Talib
created a great vacuum in Prophet (PBUH)’s life. Prophet
(PBUH) married Sauda an elderly lady.
 On suggestion of Khawla bin Hakim Prophet (PBUH)
was willing to marry a young lady and left on Khawla to
pursue the matter with Hazrat Abu Bakr(RZ).
 Abu Bakr felt honored and after the repudiation of the
engagement by Al-Mutim with Ayesha (RZ), he engaged
his daughter to Holy Prophet (PBUH)

He demonstrated extraordinary firmness in his

faith on Prophet (PBUH) at the time of Treaty of
 He silenced Hazrat Umar (RZ) when he tried to show
his disagreement of the pact.

He was appointed the first Ameer e Hajj and led

the prayer when the Prophet (PBUH) was ill.
 On the basis of this Prophet (PBUH)’s selection he was
decided the first Caliph of Islam and the successor of
Prophet (PBUH)

He steadied the mourning community
 The faithful were assembled in the mosque. There was
whispering that Prophet (PBUH) was dead and there were
suppressed sobs and sighs. All eyes were turned to the
quarter of Hazrat Ayesha Hazrat Umar (RZ) moved away
people and said “Who says that Holy Prophet (PBUH) is
dead? I testify that he is alive and has gone to Allah like
Moses and would return to us after some time.”
 The door of the chamber of Hazrat Ayesha (RZ) opened
and Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) came out , stood out to the
people and said : "Listen to me, ye people. Those of you
who worshipped Muhammad know that he is dead like
any other mortal. But those of you who worship the God
of Muhammad (SAW) know that He is alive and would live

He was appointed the first Caliph of Islam

 Ansars assembled in a place ‘Saqeefa Bani Sai’da to
discuss the matter of succession of Holy Prophet (PBUH).
 Saad bin Ubaidah made a passionate plea that on the
basis of services of Ansars to Islam and Prophet (PBUH)
the leader of Muslims should be selected from them.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ), Hazrat Umar (RZ) and Hazrat
Abu Ubaidah (RZ) proceeded to negotiate the matter.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) argued and said that succession is
the right of emigrants and Ansars stood next to them.
 Habab bin Mandhar, Ansar leader, argued and the
utmost concession they could make for emigrants is that
there should be two successors.
 Hazrat Umar (RZ) intervened and said the leader should
be one.
 Between this exchange of hot words Hazrat Abu
Ubaidah appealed which affected the hearts of Ansars. He
said “ O Ansars you were the first to help Islam : do not
be the first to take steps against disintegration of Islam”
 Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit supported emigrants by saying
that Prophet (PBUH) himself was from Quraish.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) then proposed Hazrat Umar (RZ)
or Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (RZ).
 Hearing this, Hazrat Umar (RZ) rose quickly to say: “"O
Abu Bakr, how can I or Abu Ubaidah be preferred to you?
You are undoubtedly the most excellent of the Muslims.
You were the 'Second of the Two' in the Cave. As such
you are dear to us. Stretch your hand so that we may
offer our allegiance to you."
 Hazrat Umar (RZ) was the first one to pay allegiance to
Abu Bakr (RZ) as the first caliph of Islam, then Abu
Ubaidah (RZ) and Ansars.

Events of his Caliphate

He continued the Prophet (PBUH)’s intention of

sending expedition to north.
 Several tribes around Arabia and other distant parts
began to rise in result of the Prophet’s death.
 Most of these had recently accepted Islam.
 Prophet (PBUH) sent an army to the north, Syria, to
fight with Romans under Usama bin Zaid but it returned
from Jurf on hearing the news of Prophet (PBUH)’s death.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) dispatched the army back. He felt
it doubly necessary to punish the Romans and to deter
tribes from Rebellion.
 The army came successful beating the rebel tribe Banu

He fought against the tribes who withheld Zakat.

 Tribe which recently embraced Islam, they weren’t
happy with the strict moral code of Islam and payment of
 They negotiated with Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) to renew
their agreement with the expulsion of Zakat .
 After failing in negotiation they decided to attack
Madinah but it was defended well.
 After Hazrat Usama (RZ)’s arrival he was sent against
other rebels and he defeated them either.

He fought Wars of Apostasy or Wars of Riddah

against these tribes who had revolted religiously
or politically.
 Many tribes didn’t enter into fully political and religious
submission to Islam.
 As a result, they started to defy Islamic restrictions and
in particular payment of Zakat.
 The worst aspect of this was the claims of prophet hood
made by different persons.

He fought against the false prophets.

1. Aswad Ansi
 He was an ugly man who covered his face with veil.
 He was the first to rise in Yemen.
 Aswad Ansi also succeeded in winning a considerable
number of followers and became the King of Yemen and
repudiated allegiance to Madinah.
 Qais, commander in chief of the army of Shahr became
the commander chief of his army.
 Muadh bin Jabal was dispatched to deal with his
 Aswad Ansi was killed by a day or two before the
Prophet (PBUH)’s death but news arrived in Madinah
during the caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ).
 There at Yemen Qais got hold of the throne.
 Feroz with his supporters who still were true to Islam
rallied against Qais and captured Yemen.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) sent two armies in order to help
 These armies defeated and capture Qais and
established peace in Yemen.
 Qais when was brought to Madinah he repented and re-
admitted to the fold of Islam.

2. Musalima (The Liar)

 Of all false prophets who rose in Arabia Musailima was
the most dangerous one.
 He visited Madina during the life time of Holy Prophet
(PBUH) and enjoyed his company.
 On return from Madina, he laid a claim to divine mission
and founded a new creed.
 In imitation of Quran he composed some letters and
recited them rhythmically and gave them out as Divine’s
 He relieved his followers from fasting and zakat, he
lessened the number of prayers from five to three and he
legalized adultery and drinking.
 He had an attractive personality and he was a good
speaker. He used these qualities and succeeded in
winning considerable followers.
 When Prophet (PBUH) asked him to abandon this he
sent him (PBUH) a letter in which he demanded to divide
Arabia in two parts one for Muslims and other exclusively
for him and his followers.
 Prophet (PBUH) deputed Nahr ar Rajjal to propagate
 He false declaration established the status of
 After the death of Prophet (PBUH) people argued and
many tribe’s hostiles to Islam joined his ranks.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) entrusted the operation against
Musailima to Ikrima bin Abu Jahl. Shurabbil bin Hasnah
was to advance with another column to the assistance.
 Strict orders were given to Ikrimah that action was to
be taken when the two columns joined together.
 Ikrimah launched an attack without waiting for
 The Muslims were beaten back with considerable
 Shurabbil did the same again Muslims were defeated
with considerable loss.
 Two consecutive defeats raised a moral that Musailima
was indeed a prophet.
Khalid bin Walid commissioned to meet the challenge.
 Khalid bin Walid prepared an army of one thousand
horse men under his personal command to beat the army
of Musailima.
 Musailima’s body guards fought gallantly meanwhile
Musailima lost the nerves due to this surprise attack and
retreated to a neighboring fortified garden.
 So bloody was the battle in the annals of Arab history
that it came to be known as Battle of the Garden of
 Wahshi a Negru slave killed Musailima.
 3000 Muslims were martyred including a large number
of Quran Hafiz and 10,000 of his army men were killed.

3. Sajjah
 Among the false prophets arose in Arabia, Sajjah was
the lady who claimed to be a prophetess.
 She was beautiful and had endowed personality, she
was professed to predicting future.
 She was a poetess and mostly talked in verse, had
qualities of leadership and was famous in her people.
 Musailima convinced Sajjah to join her forces with him
as they both had common enemy, The Muslims, and
overpower the Muslims by united action.
 Musailima then proposed Sajjah to be his wife.
 As a gift of marriage Musailima declared to his followers
that prayer of morning and evening are no longer
obligatory on them, henceforth he shortened the
numbers of prayers from five to three.
 The followers of Sajjah went back to Iraq frustrated. She
then went back to her people.
 When the Muslims conquered Iraq she became Muslims
with the other tribe members.


 He laid claim of receiving revelation and prophet hood

during Prophet (PBUH)’s lifetime.
 He ridiculed Muslim’s way of prayer and asked his
followers to pray by standing.
 A Muslim stole into his camp in order to kill him but the
attempt was miscarried and it made the followers of
Tulayha proclaim that no sword could harm him.
 Many other tribes preferred Tulayha as prophet by
saying that Mohammad (PBUH) is dead and Tulayha is
alive so he should be preferred.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) sent Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (RZ)
to face the challenge and crush the growing power of
 Armies of Muslims and Tulayha met at Buzakha which
resulted in uncertain outcomes.
 Tulayha retired to a place of safety and pretended to
await heavenly inspiration.
 Tulayha escaped with his wife to Syria.
 Later when Muslims conquered Syria he embraced
Islam and his career as a false prophet came to an end.

During these Ridda wars or Apostasy movement

Islamic territory expanded.
Province of Bahrain:
 Beyond Yamama were the provinces of Bahrain and
Hajr near the Persian Gulf.
 After Al Mundhir’s death his people apostatized.
 He had sent his deputy Al-Ala to seek Caliph’s help
 With the caliph’s support he defeated the rebels
supported by neighboring Persian tribes.
 This was the opening battle of Arabs against Powerful
People apostatized though prince remained loyal to
 Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl crushed the rebels successfully and
leaving Hudhayfa in charge.
 Later he captured Mahira and Hadromawt with Muhajir
bin Abu Umayyah.
 With the fall of Yemen the wars of Apostasy came to an

Byzantine and Persian Empire

 Arab Peninsular was then surrounded by two great
Empires of that time.
 Northern east side was the border of Persian Empire
 Northern part was bordered by Byzantine; Syria,
Palestine, Egypt.

Battles against Persians:

 Persians helped rebels at the campaign in Bahrain.
 Persians wanted to wipe out the increasing power ot
 Muslims felt endangered from the Persian’s threat
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) also wanted to spread the
message of Islam
 There was an unrest in Persian Empire. Muslims took
advantage of the situation and made raids on Eastern
Iraq under the command of Muthana bin Haritha.

Battle of Chains: (Battle of Kazina)

 Khalid bin Walid joined Muthana.
 He gave Hurmuz, Persian commander, three general
 Hurmuz chose to fight and a battle took place at Huful.
 Persians were defeated and Hurmuz was killed.
 During the battle Persians soldiers had tied themselves
to one another with Chains that showed their do and die
 This is why the battle is known as Battle of chains.
 After this battle some other small skirmishes took place
at Madhar, Walija, Ullies etc.
 Persinas were defeated by Muslims one after another.

Fall of Hira:
 After these conquests Khalid Bin Walid conquered Hira.
 The Persian governor abandoned the city and fleed with
his forces to Madain.
 After the fall of Hira the whole of South and most of
North Iraq was conquered.

Battles against Byzantines

 Byzantine began to conspire against the Muslims in co-
operation with Bedouine tribes on Syrian borders.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) raised an army and divided it into
four forces.
 Hazrat Abu Ubaidah (RZ) marched to Hims, Hazrat
Amr bin al A’as (RZ) to Palestine, Hazrat Yazid bin Sufyan
(RZ) to Damascus, Hazrat Sharebeel (RZ) to Jordan.
 The army was about 40,000 in total.
 Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (RZ) was also instructed to
march towards Damascus.

Battle of Basra:
 Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (RZ) changed the route and
went to Basra in order to reinforce Hazrat Shrabil’s army
 Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (RZ) offered Islam to the
commander of Byzantine army, Romenus who
embraced Islam and joined Muslims.
 The army lost the heart and locked themselves in the
 With the help of Romenus Muslims entered the city
from underground passage and killed Byzantines in large
number.This conquest was the first important victory
against Byzantines in Syria.

Battle of Ajnedain:
After the defeat of Basra, the Byzantine Emperor,
Hercules decided to take revenge.
His forces started gathering at Ajnedain of about 100,000
to 240,000.
Hazrat Khalid bin Wlaid (RZ) decided to deal with
Byzantine at Ajnedain.
Muslims joined forces of 40,000 reached there.
Byzantine army was defeated with heave losses.
Muslims lost 3000 of their men.
The Victory brought many other cities to the Muslims.
Cities up to Gaza were captured.
He arranged to have first collection of Quran made.
 At the time of Battle of Yamama many memorizers,
Huffaz, had been martyred.
 Hazrat Umar (RZ) on feeling the threat of loosing
Quran, suggested Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) to collect Quran
in one Book form.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) first being reluctant was
convinced later on to do the task.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) appointed Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit
(RZ) to do the task of compilation.
 The caliph also persuaded and convinced Hazrat Zaid
bin Thabit who felt the task being difficult than moving a
hill from one place to another.
 The copy was given to Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ) which was
called UMM.

Q1 Describe how Abu Bakr was elected as

Caliph. [10]
• Prophet did not nominate a successor
• Abu Bakr calmed people after Prophet died saying ‘if
you worship Muhammad know that
he is dead. If you worship Allah, know He will never
• Ansar gathered to discuss the appointment of a
successor; Abu Bakr, Umar, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah were
there too
• Ansar wanted a Caliph from amongst them; Abu Bakr
said Arabs would like ‘Amir’ from Quraish
• Ansar suggested one from each; Umar objected; would
create confusion
• Abu Ubaidah said ‘O Ansar, you were the first to uphold
Islam. Do not be the first also to sow the seed of
dissention in it’
• Ansar agreed remembering the Prophet was from the
• Abu Bakr proposed Umar and Abu Ubaidah
• Abu Bakr held unusual honour of being the one who
migrated with the Prophet; also he was asked by the
Prophet to lead the prayers when he was ill.
• Umar held the hand of Abu Bakr reminding everyone he
was mentioned in the Qur’an[9:40]
• the companions remembered Prophet saying ‘I have
paid back everyone’s debts, but my debt to Abu Bakr will
be paid by Allah on Day of Judgement’
• Umar took his oath of loyalty to Abu Bakr
• all those present followed; next day others pledged
their loyalty in the mosque of Medina

Q2 Why is the era of the four Rightly Guided

Caliphs known as the Golden Age of Islam?[10]
• Caliphs were from amongst the closest companions of
the Prophet; hence their personal character, conduct and
attitude followed the letter and spirit of the Qur’an and
sunnah]; lived simply
• each considered becoming Caliph a sacred trust;
promoted the healthy pattern of democracy known as the
consultative system [shura]; they were chosen by this
system and were bound by its decisions
• freedom of speech and basic human rights were fully
guaranteed for Muslims and non Muslims alike; Caliph
was accessible during five prayer times each day, on
Friday and during Hajj when people came from far and
• endeavoured to make the Caliphate a welfare state
promoting brotherhood, equality, prosperity without
discrimination; the state treasury not private property of
• judiciary was supreme; judges were not interfered with
even if judgement was against Caliph
• the Muslim empire stretched far and wide; the message
of Islam continued to touch the hearts of people, many
became Muslim

Q3 Describe the collection of the Qur’an during the

time of the Prophet and during the Caliphate of
Abu Bakr. [10]
During the Prophet’s lifetime
• During the Prophet’s lifetime work of recording the text
had been done
• Was checked and authenticated by the Prophet himself
• Verses existed written on parchment, wood, leather,
animal bones
• Were recited, and memorised ‘in the hearts of men’
• Used for all daily prayers

During Abu Bakr’s caliphate

• During Abu Bakr’s caliphate many Huffaz had died
during the Battle of Yamama
• Umar suggested to Abu Bakr that the verses should be
compiled otherwise they may be lost
• Abu Bakr hesitated as it had not been done during the
Prophet’s lifetime but later agreed.
• Entrusted to Zaid bin Thabit, the Prophet’s chief scribe,
himself a hafiz.
• Zaid collected everything and verified verses from
other companions who were Huffaz.
• Completed less than two years after the Prophet’s
death while memories were still fresh
• Compilation kept by Abu Bakr during his lifetime, then
passed to Umar
(b) Why do you think it was important to make this
collection? [10]
• The Prophet (and many Huffaz) had died and therefore
there were few remaining who were left to consult about
Allah’s message; if the revelations were not compiled
there may have been conflicting versions which would
not be good for Islam
• The Qur’an is a miracle for the Muslims. It tells us about
things we cannot know of otherwise: Allah, His signs and
attributes, the past (stories of earlier prophets) the
present and the future (the Day of Judgement, Paradise
and Hell); therefore vital that the revelations had to be
• The Qur’an gives infallible guidance to Muslims on how
to conduct their lives; it is the foundation of Islam, guides
us about Hajj, Ramadan, Zakat and worship; if not
compiled it would be irreplaceable
• Early Muslims were men of vision. They knew the
message of the Qur’an was for all people
in the world not just the Arabs. The Muslim empire was
expanding, more people becoming
Muslim, therefore vital to compile revelations so that
the message could be conveyed
• Allah tells us the Qur’an is for ‘those who think’,
therefore early Muslims realized a written version was
imperative so that individual Muslims could read it and
take Allah’s message to heart

Q 4Describe the main Challenges faced and

Conquests made in his rule.
His reign was of immense Importance to Islam.
He reunited Islamic Empire and Muslims, when they
were very grieved and fell in chaos and anarchy after the
death of Holy Prophet (SAW).

He without any delay, sent the Syrian expedition, which
was hold back because of the illness and then the death
of Holy Prophet. Persians were suppressed and Hz.
Usama returned victorious.


Then tackled the most dangerous issue of the refusal to
pay zakat with great firmness.
He fought the Ridda wars against the people who
disobeyed the religion commandments.

The four main tribes Banu Asad, Banu Abbas, Banu
Ghatafan and Banu Murra who had accepted Islam just
to enjoy its privileges apostatized after the death of Holy
They offered to sign a peace treaty; they will remain
Muslims but will not pay zakat.
Hazrat Abu Bakr enraged and waged wars against them,
and was successful.
The next challenge was the false prophets :
i) Musailima--battle of Yamama- Muslims were
ii) Tulayha -- battle of Buzaka – he was from Banu Asad ,
faced defeat, later accepted Islam.
iii) Aswad Ansi – head of Ansi tribe of Yemen, man with
an ugly face, known as veiled prophet, was over thrown
by Muslims of his tribes in the life of Holy Prophet, News
reached Madina later
iv) Sajjah --from Banu Tamim- married Musailima , later
accepted Islam.

In battle of Yamama , number of huffaz e Akram got
martyred ,on the persuasion of Hz. Umer he appointed
Hz. Zaid to compile Quran .


Hz.Abu Bakr send many campaigns under different
Campaign in Bahrain, Oman and Mahrah against the
 Campaign in Yemen against Aswad Ansi.
Campaign in Hadramant.
There were four battles against Persians in which
Muslims fought gallantly and won consecutively 4 times.
Battle of Kazima, Mazar, Walaja, Ulleis.
Conquest of Hira took place without any resistance from
Battle of Anbar took place. it was a town of great
commercial value, the trade and marketing .it was
surrounded by a deep moat, Khalid bin Waleed selected
the point where the moat was the narrowest and filled it
with the carcasses of old camels and enter the city.
Battle of En-at-tamer took place in which again Muslims
were victorious.
There was a Campaign in Syria against the Byzantines,
Muslims were successful.
Khalid bin Waleed was sent out for Basra where an army
of 4000 under Shurabil was fighting, Abu Ubaidah was
asked to join him. Before fight Khalid offered Islam, the
king Romanus after asking some questions accepted
Islam. His people escaped and shut them selves in the
fort but Romanus guided the Muslims and they over
powered them.
Next was the battle of Ajnadain, led by Heraclius, the
Byzantine Emperor, who faced a defeat.
Siege of Damascus was left incomplete because of the
death news of Hz. Abu Bakr(RA) and later conquered in
Hz. Umer’s Caliphate.

Q5 Write an account of the major events of Hazrat

Abu Bakr’s caliphate (RZ) [10]
 Hazrat Abu Bakar had to face many problems when he
took the office of caliphate. The first unfinished task Abu
Bakar had to accomplish as a caliph was to send an
expedition to Syria. Before his demise, the prophet had
dispatched an army to punish the Syrian tribes for killing
a Muslim ambassador on his way to Basra commanded by
Zaid bin Harith. However, he was killed during the battle
of Muttah. The Syrian tribe was under the protection of
byzantine emperor which made battle tough.
 Holy prophet decided to dispatch another army under
the leadership of Usama bin Harith against the
Byzantines but before the expedition could be sent, holy
prophet passed away. Hazrat Abu Bakar took it as his
responsibility to accomplish this unfinished task. As
decided by holy prophet the expedition was sent and
Muslims achieved victory in this battle without loss or
 Many Bedouin tribes outside medina did not accept
Abu Bakar as the caliph. Most of these people has
recently accepted Islam and therefore had not fully
internalized Islamic laws of peaceful co-existence. They
rebelled against Islam and the changes it had brought
with it, which they find difficult to adopt. They were not
willing to pay zakat to the newly founded system of
caliphate as they claimed that their allegiance was with
the holy prophet only. The weakness of faith turned many
against Islam. When Hazrat Abu Bakar rejected the
demands of no payment of zakat they decided to launch
an attack on the Madina. One night as the tribe force
advanced to attack Muslims, the army led by Hazrat Abu
Bakar took them for surprise. Many tribesmen died and
this was the first event of caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakar.
After this battle many tribes sent their delegates to
Madina, offered allegiance and paid zakat.
 When the news of the demise of holy prophet spread
far and wide, a fraction of the people rose up in rebellion
against the Islamic state at Madina, and renounced Islam.
This movement led by these people is recognized as the
apostasy movement. Hazrat Abu Bakar dealt firmly with
apostasy movement and sent troops to crush the
uprising; he collected troops in Madina and divided them
in eleven battalions. He sends each battalion with a
experienced commander to eleven different part of
Arabia to fight against and tribes helping them. Many
tribes were asking for relaxation for this Hazrat Abu Bakar
said become Muslims at full, either be non Muslim or pay
zakat or be prepared for war.
 False prophets were those people who rose from
different parts of Arabian Peninsula and claimed prophet
hood. They tried to undermine the picture of Islam by
introducing their own laws and were successful in
influencing number of people. They wanted to gain the
same fame as holy prophet. They caliph crushed them all
in the wars of Riddah. These were led by three false
prophets namely Tulayha, Musailma and Sajjah.
 The first false prophet was Aswad Ansai in Yemen. He
was an ugly man so his face was kept revealed to hide
his ugliness. He was the leader of Ansi tribe. He collected
a large army and stood in an open area to revolve
against Islam. He was defeated and killed by Muslims.
 The second false prophet was Tulayha who was from
banu Asad tribe in northern Arabia. He was a wealthy
chief and great warrior. He managed together a
considerable numbers of followers during the prophet’s
life time. He had supported many tribes as a holy
prophet. After the prophet’s demise, Abu Bakar send an
army under Khalid bin Waleed who crushed Tulayha’s
power later, he accepted Islam.
 Musailma whose origin lay in the banu Hanifa tribe, he
was the notorious of all the false prophets he had gain
power during prophet’s life time by claiming that he had
also been entrusted with the task of accomplishing the
divine mission. He pretended of receiving revelation that
he was sharer in prophet hood. He deformed the picture
of Islam by following the unlawful practices. Abu Bakr
took the initiatives to crush his authority so as to shield
Islam. One army was dispatched under the leader
Ikramah while other under Shurabbil but the armies were
defeated by the army of Musailima. In great urgency,
Khalid bin Walid was sent to fight. He finally defeated the
enemy in a fierce encounter in which Musailima also died.
 Christian women Sajjah also claimed as a prophetess.
She belonged to Bani Tamim tribe. She visited Yamama
at the invitation of Muslims. They decided to join forces
and over power Muslims by uniting. When Sajjah returned
to her people she ended her adventure of prophet hood.
She lived in obscurity for rest of her life after she became
a Muslim.
 Action was taken against the Persian who had proved
to be perilous to the newly established faith. To achieve
this purpose, several battles such as battle of Kazima,
Anbar, Mazar and, Walaja etc were fought. The Persian
forces realized that the Muslim forces were not an easy
target. The battles established the influence of Islam in
the Persian Empire.
 Hazrat Abu Bakar also organized the Muslims to fight
against the Byzantines who were the most powerful
enemies of Islam. Muslims were successful in both the
battles of Basra and Ajnadein, and Damascus was also
besieged. The Byzantines, who took great pride in their
numerical and military strength, realized that the Muslims
zeal and enthusiasm out weighted all kind of strength.
These battles also helped to establish Islamic rule in part
of Byzantines. During Hazrat Abu Bakar’s reign Islamic
empire also expanded and large areas were brought
under Muslim rule.
 Under the Caliphate of Hz Abu Bakr, in the battle of
Yamama 720 Muslim companion died. Seeing the urgent
need, Hz Umer persuaded Hz Abu Bakr to take step in
putting Quran together in one single book form. Hz Abu
Bakr instructed Hz Zaid bin Sabit to collect Quranic
verses written copies and arrange them. In this way Hz
Abu Bakr was able to secure the Holy book. And so there
is no conflict between the Muslims related to Quran and
we have the message of Allah in a book form which we
could easily handle and recite. The first volume of Quran
was known as UMM which was completed in two years.

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