QuestionBank 24145 Content Document 20240913101921AM (1)
QuestionBank 24145 Content Document 20240913101921AM (1)
QuestionBank 24145 Content Document 20240913101921AM (1)
Module 1
1) Explain the nature of software
2) Define software. Explain the characteristics of software.
3) Explain the unique nature of Web Apps.
4) Give IEE definition for software engineering and Explain software engineering
as a layered process.
5) What is software process? Give a generic process framework for software
6) Explain the essence of software engineering practice.
7) Elaborate general principles of software engineering practice.
8) Briefly discuss software myths.
9) Explain the software process framework. How does linear process, iterative
process and evolutionary framework work in process flow?
10) What is a process pattern? Explain the types of patterns.
11) List out the differences between generic process model and prescriptive
process models.
12) With a neat diagram explain waterfall model and V-model.
13) Discuss the importance of incremental process model.
14) Explain evolutionary process model paradigm (includes spiral model also)
15) What is concurrent model? Explain
16) What are specialized process models? Briefly explain its types.
17) Define Unified process. Explain the phases of Unified process.
18) What is Personal Software Process (PSP)? Explain its 5 framework activities.
19) Briefly explain Team Software Process (TSP).
Module 2
1) Elaborate the 7 tasks involved in Requirements Engineering.
2) Discuss the steps required to establish the groundwork for an understanding of
software requirements.
3) Explain the importance of Requirements elicitation (also called requirements
gathering) in SE.
4) Write a note on Developing Use Cases in SE by considering Safe Home Control
panel as a use case scenario.
5) Explain different types of Elements of the Requirements Model.
6) Write a short note on: a) Negotiating requirements
b) Validating requirements
7) Explain why requirements modelling approach is required?
8) Discuss Scenario-Based modelling.
9) Depict how UML models that supplement the use case.
10) What are Data objects, data attributes and relationships explain with an
example for each.
11) What is class-based modelling? Briefly explain the elements of class-based
12) Explain the steps involved in creating a flow-oriented modeling.
13) Explain the steps involved in creating a behavioral modeling.