Pedagogical_word problems
Pedagogical_word problems
Pedagogical_word problems
Additive and Multiplicative Relationships, Classroom Culture,
Elementary Education, Schematic Representation, Structure,
Word Problems
January 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, 269-281
misused or abused, resulting in blocking the intended students to engage in mathematical discussions about
results of mathematical exploration (e.g., Mason, 2001; using and understanding schematic representation
Verschaffel et al., 2000). In particular, studies reported to improve students' problem-solving abilities in word
that many students tend to dive into calculations by problems.
grabbing given numbers and using known procedures
and operations or rely on keywords, rather than In short, despite the many possible supporting tools and
analyzing the structure of the problem as a means approaches, “what seems to matter most is not the
to solve the problem (Littlefield & Reiser, 1993; Savard apparatus itself, but how it is used” (Mason, 2018, p.332).
& Polotskaia, 2017; Stigler et al., 1990; Verschaffel et al., Good tools and approaches to real-world problems,
2000). Additionally, students generally produce one such as the aforementioned ones, can be (and often
answer in the form of a numerical symbol and seem are) incorrectly presented through a teacher-led, top-
unwilling to bring anything further into the problem- down presentation rather than as an apparatus for
solving process. Students also believe that there is only student-centered exploration. When students have
one correct answer or one correct process for finding more opportunities to play with, be curious about, and
a solution for a word problem. These two tendencies explore word problems by changing the context and
often keep students from paying attention to the numerical parameters, it can be more enjoyable for
context of the word problem, while these students them to explore structural relationships in the context
generally have difficulty with problem-solving of a word problem (Mason, 2018).
(Schwieger, 1999).
This study shares a series of explorations undertaken
Educators employ various approaches to help by a small group of third-grade students over several
students pay attention to and analyze the days. Using schematic representations and real-world
mathematical structure of a problem. For example, examples, this group discussed the mathematical
students are often encouraged to represent or relationships involved in the following story problem:
model the relationships in ways that allow them to “A father is 32 years old, and his son is 4 times younger
manipulate the quantities and reveal the structure, than him. How old will they be in 4 years?” The purpose
supporting their discovery of the required arithmetic of this study is to show the students’ exploration
operation. Some researchers supported schematic- process through three vignettes while providing
based instruction, claiming that schematic diagrams interpretational space for readers. In this retrospective
better serve students (e.g., Terwel et al., 2009). Several analysis of teaching episodes, this study focuses on
studies highlighted a conceptual correlation between the following questions: (a) What types of confusion
schemas and problem-solving (e.g., Jitendra & Star, and curiosity did the students exhibit while using
2011; Steele & Johanning, 2004; van Garderen et schematic representations to identify the additive and
al., 2013). Other researchers offered activities that multiplicative relationships? (b) How did the students
help students discern different word problem story make sense of the mathematical relationships
grammar (e.g., Xin, 2012). underlying schematic representations? (c) What kind
Previously, mathematics educators focused on of classroom culture should be established to support
teaching predefined schematic representations based student reasoning and justification?
on cognitive psychology (Fagnant & Vlassis, 2013).
They asked students to memorize several predefined Literature Review
representations to solve certain types of problems,
and students were expected to develop an ability to Problem Structure
categorize problems based on the representations
used (Schoenfeld, 1992). However, with increased Although the term “structure” has been widely
attention to sociocultural perspective (Cobb & Hodge, used in mathematics education without clear
2011) and mathematical process (National Council definitions, researchers consider knowledge about
of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], 2014), today’s structure as an awareness of a network of local and
mathematics educators are encouraged to provide general relationships (Venkat et al., 2019). Venkat et
students with opportunities to examine mathematical al. (2019) noted that emerging structures involving
structures of problems and represent them through analyzing, forming, and seeing local relationships
student-oriented investigations (Fagnant & Vlassis, can be observed when young students analyze and
2013). For example, NCTM (2014) suggests to “allow distinguish local relationships, ultimately allowing
students to select and discuss their choices to represent them to identify mathematical structures with more
the problem situations” (p. 28). When students gain general mathematical relationships and properties.
authority in their mathematics investigation, they can For young mathematics students, exploring the
make sense of connections between representations, different potential structures embedded in additive
understanding central mathematical ideas, and and multiplicative situations is a critical pathway for
experiencing authentic mathematical problem- developing students’ understanding and ability to
solving processes. Teachers should encourage operate within these structures flexibly (Mason, 2018).
Elementary Students’ Exploration of the Structure of a Word Problem Using Representations / Lee & Hwang
Typically, curriculum using word problems includes Wright et al., 2006) frequently incorporate five or 10
multiple structures within additive and multiplicative frames to help students’ early numeracy knowledge
situations. It is common that students make additive by illustrating the structure of numbers and the place
errors in multiplicative missing-value word problems value concept. In the Singapore curriculum, various
and multiplicative errors in additive missing-value models, such as bar models, support students’ deeper
word problems. understanding in solving word problems (Kaur, 2019;
Ng & Lee, 2005, 2009).
Researchers highlighted that an important difference
between additive and multiplicative relationships is More explicit use of models in elementary
the nature of invariance (Behr & Harel, 1990; Degrande mathematics curriculum can be found in Davydov’s
et al., 2019). In other words, quantities are linked curriculum (Davydov et al., 1999), where the critical
additively in the additive structure, and the actual role of symbols and models is emphasized. In the
difference between quantities remains invariant. latter curriculum, students manipulate real objects
In contrast, the ratio (e.g., relative difference) of and graphic models such as line segments and
quantities linked multiplicatively (e.g., linked through schematics to represent implicit and explicit structural
multiplication and division), what is invariant is the relationships. As they progress, the use of concrete
ratio between quantities. objects and graphic models decreases, and the use
of symbolic formulas increases. For instance, physical
When considering the word problem at hand, we objects or graphic models of a part-whole relationship
can consider several structures.
help students initially see all involved quantities and
A father is 32 years old, and his son is 4 times younger their connection. Later, students can formulate
than him. How old will they be in 4 years? algebraic equations for this mathematical relationship
(Lee, 2002; Schmittau, 2005). Several studies reported
First, the given relation (“4 times younger”) supports the effectiveness of using various tools to represent
students in multiplicative reasoning. Thus, the son’s and visualize relationships between quantities when
current age is 8 because 32 divided by 4 is 8. Second, solving word problems (Kaur, 2019; Ng & Lee, 2005,
the question turns students to additive reasoning. 2009; Schmittau, 2005).
After finding the son’s age, students can find missing
values (“in 4 years”) through different strategies. As Word Problem and Schematic Representation
the examples below show, 4 years are added to the
current ages of father and son: Mathematics educators highlighted the importance
of word problems in learning mathematics (NCTM,
Father’s age in 4 years: 32 + 4 = 36 2000; van Garderen et al., 2013; Vula et al., 2017).
Son’s age in 4 years: 8 + 4 = 12 Word problems refer to problems that are “typically
composed of a mathematics structure embedded
Alternatively, noting the actual difference between in a more or less realistic context” (Depaepe et al.,
the current ages of father and son, 24, the final missing 2010, p. 154). Word problems help students construct
value is identified as follows: mathematical representations and understand
mathematical relationships and structures. They help
The difference between the current ages of father
them explore the relationship between reality and
and son: 32 – 8 = 24
abstract mathematical concepts and operations
Father’s age in 4 years: 32 + 4 = 36
(Jitendra, 2019). Studies showed that students usually
Son’s age in 4 years: 36 – 24 = 12 go through problem-representation and problem-
solution phases to solve word problems (Depaepe et
Thus, the situation can be explained differently al., 2010; Jitendra, 2019). In the problem-representation
depending on the relationships students recognize. phase, students comprehend the problem and
construct representations (or models) to illustrate
Representing the Problem Structure the problem situation clearly. However, students
work through the constructed representations in the
Researchers noted that students have difficulties in problem-solution phase and interpret and evaluate
understanding structures and analyzing quantitative the outcome.
relationships of word problems (Mason, 2018). Several
researchers highlighted the importance of visualizing In a well-known classification scheme for
and representing the problem contexts to support representation types, Lesh et al. (1987) emphasized
students’ attention and analyze the structure and flexibility and variability in meaningful use of
relationships underlying a problem. Therefore, in representations among contextual, visual, verbal,
mathematics curricula and programs, it is prominent physical, and schematic (or symbolic) representations.
to include various representations of a problem to elicit The visual representation retains most of the detailed
the structure and relationships within it. For example, information of the original contexts and clearly
materials used in the Math Recovery Program (e.g.,
January 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, 269-281
represents concrete visualization of objects to help culture should be established to best support students
students understand the problem contexts (Hegarty as they learn word problems. Therefore, further studies
& Kozhevnikov, 1999; Viseu et al., 2021). However, can be conducted to examine students’ exploration
schematic representations abstractly represent a of mathematical structures of word problems with
structural relationship of mathematical elements in a representations.
problem. As schematic representations are “meaning-
based representations” (Terwel et al., 2009, p. 27), Methods
they discard unimportant information and select
mathematically important relationships and structures Context and Participants
used in the problem-solving process. Therefore,
students are expected to convert verbal information The class episodes were taken from a three-year
into symbolic expressions, such as line, diagram, teaching experiment conducted in a private school
and shapes, and use them to construct arithmetic in the US (Lee, 2002). The first author taught a
operations during the problem representation phase. cohort of seven students using the first three years
Some studies reported that mathematics of elementary mathematics curriculum developed
educators often introduced predefined schematic by Davydov and his colleagues (Davydov et al.,
representations and asked students to memorize 1999). There were two male students and five female
those representations to solve word problems students. For five students, this private school was their
(Fagnant & Vlassis, 2013). However, findings of some first formal education setting, and two students had
studies revealed that solving word problems with some public school experience. There were three or
representations does not always increase students’ four mathematics classes per week, and each class
performance (Diezmann & English, 2001; Terwel et al., session lasted approximately 50–60 minutes. The
2009; Verschaffel et al., 2020). For example, Terwel et curriculum consists of a series of problems. Students
al. (2009) examined the effect of teacher-provided were accustomed to engaging in an in-depth
representations on solving word problems with fifth- discussion (or debate) on a small number of problems
grade students and reported minimal improvement each session.
in student problem-solving abilities. However, their
counterpart group, which was asked to construct The class was in the third year of the experiment
representations through collaboration, showed when discussing the word problem that this study
considerable improvement. As the reasons for these discusses. Prior to this discussion, the students were
different outcomes, the researchers explained that accustomed to using literal variables, while they had
the collaboration allowed students to improve their the freedom to refer to known or unknown quantities
understanding of problem structures and enhance using some tools such as question marks, blanks,
students’ capabilities to generate new problem-solving underlines, or verbal descriptors. These students were
strategies. Similarly, Lehrer et al. (2000) examined also accustomed to problems that were impossible to
elementary school students and found that student- solve due to insufficient or contradictory information.
generated representations were more beneficial Such problems aimed to facilitate the students’
for developing their conceptual competence than justification and reasoning process. The students
using teacher-sanctioned representations. However, called them trap problems (Lee, 2007). The students
these findings did not reveal that teachers should not were also familiar with using various representations
teach schematic representations to their students; such as line segments and schematic representations.
instead, it means that teachers should first give Students used self-invented schematic representations
students opportunities to learn and use predefined at times, but they usually used mutually agreed-upon
representations. Teachers should then allow students representations. Figure 1 shows some examples. As
to construct their schematic representation based on shown, students were encouraged to relate various
their understanding paired with thoughtful discussion relationships by analyzing the structure of the given
and analysis among classmates (Diezmann & English, schematic representations.
2001; Lehrer et al., 2000).
When the class episodes in the following section
Previous studies have largely adopted quantitative occurred, the students had already studied additive
research methods to examine the effect of employing and multiplicative relationships and analyzed various
schematic representations on students’ word contexts (word problems). In previous experiences,
problem-solving abilities. Thus, limited qualitative the problem contained only one relationship — either
information on what types of confusion and curiosity the additive or multiplicative relationship. Thus, the
is exhibited by students when using schematic invariance of difference or ratio was maintained.
representations. We also lack understanding of how The discussion presented in this study happened
students make sense of mathematical relationships when students needed to consider both additive and
underlying schematic representations, and there is multiplicative relationships in the same context.
little guidance on what types or aspects of classroom
Elementary Students’ Exploration of the Structure of a Word Problem Using Representations / Lee & Hwang
Data Sources and Data Analysis important to examine their context. A descriptive case
study clearly describes a phenomenon and focuses
The primary data sources of the study were classroom on tracing “the sequence of interpersonal events
discourse and field notes that the first author over time (and describing) a subculture of it” (Yin,
documented after each class session, describing 2003, p. 4). For example, if researchers investigate the
interactions between the students, the teacher, and development of students’ interactions over time, they
among students. For this study, the authors focused can examine student participation and discourse, as
on the three days of class vignettes related to the well as their teachers’ roles and discourse, to get a
discussion on the given word problem. A descriptive complete picture of the classroom environments.
case study design (Yin, 2003) was used to examine
student challenges during word-problem solving, and The second author had an unbiased third-party
how students resolved those challenges through a role. As the first author was a teacher and thus
series of small group discussions. directly participated in the classroom interactions,
the second author also independently examined
A case study examined a few cases of a phenomenon the raw data. Then, the two authors collaborated
in a real context (Creswell & Poth, 2016). As individual during several online meetings to compare and
cases are strongly connected in space and time, it is discuss the interpretation of the raw data at hand.
Figure 1
Examples of Schematic Representations Students Used
Schematic Representation Example Related symbolic representations
Line segment for a part- b+c=x
whole relationship x-b=c
Schematic for a part-whole a+b=x
relationship x-a=b
January 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, 269-281
“A father is 32 years old, and his son is 4 times younger Although Chris resisted to do extra work (not due to
than the father. How old will they be in 4 years?” any mathematical reason), students agreed that they
could put “4 times” in the schematic representation
To solve this question, the student first determined the between the father’s age and son’s age in 4 years
known (father’s age now) and unknown quantities (Figure 3).
(son’s age now, father’s age in 4 years, and son’s
age in 4 years) and the relationships between given Figure 3
quantities. Based on that, the students drew the Examining the Unasked Relationship
following schematic representation to help class
discussion (see Figure 2). Students used descriptors
for the quantities instead of literal variables in the
schematic representations. In students’ terms, the
father’s age in 4 years was noted as “father will be”
and son’s age in 4 years as “son will be.” Unknown
quantities were noted using question marks. Students
noted the additive relationship between quantities
“by” and multiplicative relationship “times.”
Elementary Students’ Exploration of the Structure of a Word Problem Using Representations / Lee & Hwang
When completing the problem, students realized that father will be and son will be cannot be connected in
something was wrong in the schematic representation this situation. This attempt was more likely to support
because the father will be in 4 years (36) was not 4 Chris’ argument in Vignette 1. While Chris argued
times greater than the son will be in 4 years (12). At that we did not need to find that relationship in the
this point, Chris again suggested deleting “4 times” problem, Morgan tried to show that it was not possible
between the father’s and son’s ages in 4 years. Chris to find the relationship by changing the shape of the
believed that we were not responsible for explaining schematic.
the relationship between father will be and son will be
by deleting the connection between them. Morgan: “We cannot connect father (will be) and son
(will be) now, so we cannot say that it is a trap.”
Other students disagreed with Chris, stated that the Chris: “But we can still figure out the relationship
relationship would still exist even after it was deleted. between father will be and son will be, and it should
be the same as the relationship 4 years ago.”
Then, they concluded that this was a trap problem due
to the contradictory information. Chris also agreed Morgan: “We don’t need it.”
that it was a trap problem because the relationship Chris: “We don’t need it, but we can do it. (Chris
between the father’s age and the son’s age should connected father will be and son will be and noted
stay the same in 4 years. However, he continued to the relationship as “4 times” as illustrated in Figure 5).
argue that there was no need to talk about this issue
Figure 5
as the question did not ask about this relationship.
Peers’ Reaction to Morgan’s First Attempt
Vignette 2
Figure 4 Figure 6
Morgan’s First Attempt to Change the Shape of the Morgan’s Second Attempt to Change the Shape of
Schematic Representation the Schematic Representation
Figure 7
Peers’ Reaction to Morgan’s Second Attempt
January 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, 269-281
relationship between father will be and son will be Although Alex’s explanation was good and the
were not 4 times bigger or smaller. Thus, this continued students used the phrase “age difference,” they were
to be a trap problem. unable to connect the different explanations for this
problem and the original problem regarding the ages
Vignette 3 of father and son in 4 years. At this point, the teacher
encouraged the students to think about an additional
In this session, a student suggested taking a different problem in a similar context.
example. Alex tried another example using Morgan’s
age and the age of an adult in the classroom. We Teacher: “Alex’s explanation was very interesting.
drew a schematic on the board along with Alex’s Can we make another example? Can you use Fran’s
age and Mrs. L’s baby’s age this time?” (They all knew
explanation. that Fran was 10 years old, and Mrs. L’s daughter was
two years old.) What is the relationship between Fran
Alex: “Morgan, how old are you?” now and Mrs. L’s daughter now?”
Morgan: “11.”
Interestingly, this time, some students said, “by 8,” and
Alex: “Mrs. L., how old are you?”
some of them said “5 times.” The teacher wrote down
Mrs. L.: “32.” both relations in the schematic (Figure 10).
Figure 8
Alex’s New Example
Figure 11
Teacher’s Variation Problem: Expanded Version
Figure 12
Figure 9
Teacher’s Expanded Version with Additive and
Alex’s New Example: Expanded Version
Multiplicative Relationships Noted
Elementary Students’ Exploration of the Structure of a Word Problem Using Representations / Lee & Hwang
Jamie: “Wait a minute. 12 minus 4 is 8, but 12 divided between the father’s and son’s ages would remain
by 4 is 3, not 5…” the same in 4 years. Two aspects are noteworthy.
Chris: “It is another trap!” First, the students were unable to identify the additive
(But this time, nobody agreed with Chris). relationship between the father’s age (now) and
son’s age (now) bound by the given multiplicative
Jordan: “No, it is not a trap.”
relationship between these two quantities.
January 2022, Volume 14, Issue 3, 269-281
Comments on Vignette 3: Reconstructing the Problem eventually recognize multiple relationships within the
particular problem context and general contexts.
Noting the importance of distinguishing between Additionally, the exploration revealed students’
additive and multiplicative situations, Mason (2018) unexamined assumptions about the use of schematic
suggested that encouraging students to make representations.
connections or develop problems with given
structural relations would be an important area for We particularly noted that there were several
further exploration. Students’ discussion in Vignette 3 instances where students themselves exhibited
appeared to align with this suggestion. Alex’s attempt intellectual perturbations (Harel et al., 2014) or
to restructure the problem using different quantities cognitive conflicts. Without such student-generated
helped students attend to the additive relationship. perturbations and conflicts, the proposed problem
Alex focused on the difference between the ages might have ended up as a computational problem.
because it was not immediately feasible to find the What if Jordan did not ask to find the unasked
multiplicative relationship between the selected question in Vignette 1? What if Morgan did not pay
two quantities (32 and 11). At this point, the teacher her false attention to the shape of the schematic
intentionally suggested two quantities (10 and 2) so representations in Vignette 2? What if Alex did not
that the students could identify both additive and suggest restructuring the problem using different
multiplicative relationships. Alex’s and the teacher’s examples? What if the teacher did not provide
attempts resonate with the notion of variation in strategic variation in the quantities to shift students’
structuring sense-making regarding tasks (Watson attention? Such unexpected questions helped the
& Mason, 2006). Both aimed to expose the target students focus on the structures and relationships
mathematical structure by strategically varying some rather than just performing calculations.
features of the problem while keeping other features. Consistent with previous studies (e.g., Lehrer et al., 2000;
Reconstructing the schematic representations using Terwel et al., 2009), the findings of this study revealed
these quantities (i.e., strategic variation) promoted that students could resolve their confusion through
students’ focus of attention and encouraged them collaboration. While the teacher did not ask students
to notice what was invariant in this context. The to use a particular schematic representation, they
students’ willingness to reconstruct the context with constructed and reconstructed the representations
the teacher’s purposeful support was helpful. through group discussion to reveal the difference
between the father’s and son’s ages concerning
Discussion and Implications additive and multiplicative relationships. Therefore,
students could identify important mathematical
The story problem used in this article can be quickly elements in additive and multiplicative word problems
solved using several steps of analysis and calculation. and explain structural relationship of these problems
However, exploring this word problem with schematic using schematic representations. These findings
representations took an unexpected path, resulting revealed that teachers might provide students with
in a much longer exploration than expected. Some mathematical tools to support their investigation,
may say that this is a failure of lesson planning and its reasoning, and justification.
enactment. Others may question whether it was worth
spending a long time discussing only one problem. These findings also highlighted the teachers’ roles in
While admitting that the presented class episodes solving complex word problems with representations.
in this study were atypical in terms of the duration of Using mathematical tools, such as representations,
the discussion, we saw the value of allowing such an alone could not guarantee students’ mathematical
atypical learning process to occur. learning (Lehrer et al., 2000). As Mason (2018) claimed
“what seems to matter most is not the apparatus
Regarding the mathematical content, the students’ itself,” (p. 332) but how teachers and students use
lengthy investigation was fueled by their initial them. If the apparatus is not used properly, its use
confusion and curiosity about the additive and might lead to rote learning. Therefore, teachers should
multiplicative relationships and the related invariant be cautious when using schematic representations in
and variant relationships. Considering the importance mathematics classrooms. For example, as shown in this
of constructing multiplicative reasoning for students’ study, teachers could first teach their student types of
learning of mathematics throughout the middle schematic representations that they could use and
grades and beyond (Zwanch & Wilkins, 2021), this explain the meanings of individual representations.
was a timely opportunity for students to think about Next, teachers could provide challenging problems
different relationships among quantities. Although it and ask students to justify their reasoning by presenting
took longer than planned, it was worthwhile because additional questions. These processes might arouse
it offered students a space to express their confusion, students’ curiosity and help them manipulate the
demonstrate their knowledge, test conjectures, quantities to reveal the mathematical structure of the
construct a similar but different problem context, and problem.
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