A) Capsulopalpebral fascia
D) Lockwood ligament
A) Estlander flap
C) Karapandzic flap
D) Primary closure
3 - A 32-year-old man with Bell palsy comes for evaluation of nasal obstruction. He
says that the left side of his nose constantly feels clogged. Physical examination
shows left facial paralysis and collapse of the left external valve. Which of the
following muscles is most likely paralyzed?
C ) Procerus
D ) Risorius
E ) Transverse nasalis
4 - A 9-year-old girl is brought for evaluation by her mother because of a 1-year
history of headaches and precocious puberty. Physical examination shows café-au-
lait spots over her abdomen and a bony prominence of her right parieto-occipital
area. CT scan of the calvarium shows fibrous dysplasia. Which of the following is
the most likely diagnosis?
A ) Klippel-Feil syndrome
B ) McCune-Albright syndrome
C ) Paget disease
D ) Proteus syndrome
E ) Renal osteodystrophy
A ) Esotropia
B ) Exophthalmos
C ) Exotropia
D ) Hypertelorism
E ) Pseudohypertelorism
A ) Bilateral disease
E ) Vascular malformations
7 - A 1-year-old male infant is brought to the office because of congenital ptosis of
the left eye. On examination, the eyelid margin covers 4 mm of the upper limbus,
and levator excursion is 4 mm. Which of the following is the most appropriate
A ) Fasanella-Servat procedure
C ) Levator advancement
E ) Observation
8 - A 76-year-old man comes to the office for consultation regarding a 5-year history
of upper eyelid ptosis. He has no history of serious illness or trauma and takes no
medications. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
A ) Levator dehiscence
B ) Muscular dystrophy
C ) Myoneural dysfunction
E) All patients showed remarkable improvement within the first one to two days after
beginning the treatment
B Orbital hypertelorism
C Negative overjet
D Positive overbite
12 - The Lymphatic Anatomy of the Lower Eyelid and Conjunctiva, witch of the
fallowing incorrect.
C)The superficial lymphatic system drained the eyelids and was dominant laterally
D)damage to both the superficial and deep lymphatic systems, especially laterally, may
be responsible for post- operative chemosis and edema
B. Above the temporalis muscle and beneath the temporalis muscular fascia
14 - Which is not true concerning Temporalis transfer for dynamic facial palsy
B. Anatomy: Fan-shaped muscle, originates from temporal fossa and inserts into
coronoid process of mandible
C. Blood supply: Anterior deep temporal artery, posterior deep temporal artery, medial
temporal artery
E. Can transfer and suture muscle with its fascial extensions to eyelids, ala of nose, oral
commissure, and upper and lower lips
B. Defects greater than 75% can often be closed with canthotomy and cantholysis alone.
C. Defects of 50% to 75% can usually be closed using myocutaneous advancement flaps.
E. The lower lid is best reconstructed using the upper lid as a donor site.
17 - What is the key reason why vascularized bone flaps are preferred for
reconstruction of mandibular defects following resection of malignant tumors?
18 - Which one of the following is correct when managing patients with post-tumor
resection defects of the oropharynx?
A. Most soft palate defects are well managed with prosthetic devices.
B. Larger tongue base defects are more safely treated with laryngectomy.
D. Local flaps for tongue base reconstruction are associated with low complication rates.
E. Large tongue defects benefit from free muscle transfer with motor reinnervation
C. Supraorbital nerve
D. Supratrochlear nerve
E. Zygomaticotemporal nerve
20 - For management of a patient with an unstable ZMC fracture, which one of the
following statements is correct?
A. All four articulations must be reduced and stabilized with monocortical miniplates and
B. The patient is likely to have permanent deformity even if accurate reduction and
stabilization is achieved.
A. Functional neck dissection removes level1 through level 5 but preserving non
lymphatic structures.
B. Radical neck dissection removes level 1 through level 5 including spinal accessory
nerve, internal jugular vein and sternocleidomastoid muscle.
23 - Which one of the following techniques may be useful in patients who have
sustained marginal mandibular nerve injury?
A. Temporalis transfer
B. Masseter transfer
D. Digastric transfer
24 - Check reconstruction
C-Biolobed flaps are frequently used in check reconstruction because of laxity of check
D-inferolateral based rotation flaps had high risk of necrosis of its distal part.
E-cervicopectoral flap based primarily on the internal mammary perforating vessels with
variable contribution from perforation arise from thoracoacromial vessels.
25 - Lip reconstruction:
A-the color and elevation of white roll is created by par peripheralis component of
orbicularis oris.
B-the labial vessels lie anterior to orbicularis oris muscle.
C-large lateral defect of upper lip is best to reconstructed with Abbe flap from lower lip.
E-for defect greater than 80% the Karapandizc flap is best option for lip reconstruction.
26 - Nasal reconstruction
B-local flap used for nasal reconstruction is adds skin to nasal surface.
E-A three stage forehead flap usually used for normal healthy person with small defect
and no scar.
27 - Eyelid reconstruction:
A-An ideal donor site in anterior lamellar defect is full thickness skin graft from
contralateral upper eyelid.
B-Cutler-Beard bridge flap is full thickness composite flap from the upper eyelid.
C-full thickness defect that are 25% or more in zone two of lower eyelid can approach by
superiorly based Tenzel flap.
28 - Ear reconstruction
C-for amputated ear,removing the skin from cartilage and burying it beneath
retroauricular skin is good choice.
D-staphylococcus bacterial infection is common after ear reconsruction for acquired ear
deformity more than congenital microtia.
A-Washio flap.
B-Banner flap.
C-Worthin flap.
D-Rintala flap.
E-Gillie flap.
31 - The ideal flap to reconstruct a moderate sized defect on the lower lip that
maintans the sensation and sphincter function is:
A-Abbe flap.
B-Estlander flap.
D-Karapandzic flap.
E-McGregor flap.
A- Optic.
B- Trigeminal.
C- Facial.
D- Acoustic.
E- Spinal accessory.
A. Outfracturing alone.
B. Submucous morselization of the turbinate bone.
A. Wood-Smith.
B. Converse–Wood-Smith.
C. Furnas.
D. Chongchet.
E. Mustarde.
35 - A 62-year-old woman is concerned that she has developed deep creases from the
corner of her mouth to her chin (marionette lines). Which of the following is the
most likely cause of these findings?
37 - The dominant vascular supply of the rectus abdominis muscle originates from
which of the following vessels?
A ) Common femoral.
B ) External iliac.
C ) Internal iliac.
D ) Internal mammary.
E ) Superficial femoral
38 - What is the main blood supply to the nasal tip after an open rhinoplasty?
A. Lateral nasal.
B. Columellar.
C. Angular.
D. Dorsal nasal.
E.Superior labial.
39 - When examining a young patient with ptosis of the upper eyelids, which one of
the following may be useful to differentiate between congenital and acquired
A. Strabismus.
B. Amblyopia.
C. Telecanthus.
D. Lagophthalmos.
E. Hypoglobus.
D. Temporalis transfer.
B. It is only suitable for defects less than half the lip width.
D. Blood supply is from the contralateral labial artery of the opposite lip.
B- Drain is recommended.
E - If it is done under general anesthesia, the injected superwet solution contains 2.5 liters
of ringer lactate, 2.5 ml of 1:1000 adrenaline and 1300 mg of lidocaine.
A. Occipital
B. Frontal
C. Parietal
D. Temporal
46 - A 60-year-old man is evaluated for a painful unilateral facial rash with blisters,
intense ear pain, and complete ipsilateral facial nerve paralysis. Which of the
following is the most likely diagnosis?
A Cholesteatoma
B Facial myokymia
C Lyme disease
D Möbius syndrome
A Frontalis
C Müller muscle
E Procerus
48 - During routine brachioplasty, which of the following nerves is/are most likely at
risk during typical dissection?
B Fasanella-Servat procedure
C Frontalis sling
D Levator advancement