Classification Test For Hydroxyl
Classification Test For Hydroxyl
Classification Test For Hydroxyl
Kira Nicole Po, Raissa Maxine Que, Czarlene Isabel Recio John Carlos F. Rimorin and Ara Pauline Rodriguez
Hydroxyl- or carbonyl- containing samples were tasked for the proponents to do a comparative test on. The hydroxyl group refers to a functional group containing OH- when it is a substituent in an organic compound while the carbonyl group refers to a divalent chemical unit consisting of a carbon and an oxygen atom is connected by a double bond. Hydroxyl group is the characteristic functional group of alcohols and phenols while carbonyl group is the characteristic functional group of aldehydes and ketones. The samples were evaluated through tests namely; solubility of alcohols in water, Lucas Test, Chromic Acid Test (Jones Oxidation), 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone (2,4-DNP) Test, Fehlings Test, Tollens Silver Mirror Test, and Iodoform Test. The solubility of alcohols in water is self-explanatory, the Lucas Test distinguishes primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols, while Chromic Acid Test is a trial for oxidizables or any compounds that possess reducing property, on the other hand 2, 4-DNP Test is a analysis for aldehydes and ketones. Fehlings Test and Tollens Silver Mirror Test were assessments for aldehydes. Lastly, the Iodoform test is a performed for methyl carbinol and methyl carbonyl groups.
Classification tests used in organic chemistry are tests that categorize a substance into one of several classes (e.g. solubility classes). They also detect functional groups and other structural features. "Alcohol" is a generic name for a large group of organic chemical compounds. They are derivatives of hydrocarbons in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms have been replaced by a hydroxyl (-OH) functional group. Hydrocarbons are compounds which contain hydrogen (H) and carbon (C) only. The hydroxyl group imparts particular properties to the radical to which it is attached.
There are other molecules that contain an -OH group (oxygen bonded to a single hydrogen atom). Water (H2O) is the most common. Though it is not an alcohol, for alcohols are described as organic compounds that have a small amount or no ionization of the hydrogen. Other organic compounds that contain -OH groups that are not alcohols are phenol (C6H5OH) and acetic acid (CH3COOH). These compounds are not alcohols since they are acidic. The term alcohol, therefore, showcases a type of electronic structure in the molecules of certain substances. Aldehydes and ketones are characterized by a functional group called a carbonyl group a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom.
Alcohols are classified into three categories: primary (1), secondary (2) and tertiary (3). This is based on the number of carbon-containing groups (R- for an alkyl or an aromatic group) attached to the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group. If the carbon bearing the OH has one R- group, hence the molecule is a primary alcohol. If two R- groups are attached, therefore it is a secondary alcohol. If three Rgroups are attached, then the alcohol is tertiary.
To differentiate aldehydes and ketones, it would have to be based in the groups that are attached to the carbonyl carbon atom. In the case of an aldehyde, there is always at least one hydrogen (H) atom attached to the carbonyl carbon atom. While an aldehyde has one R group attached. R stands for any other organic chain or group. Whereas in ketones, there are no hydrogen (H) atoms attached to the carbonyl carbon, also it has two R groups attached.
A. Compounds Tested In the experiment there were several compound tested. The compounds are classified in three different groups. First, the alcohol group namely Ethanol, n-butyl Alcohol, sec-butyl Alcohol, tert-butyl Alcohol Benzyl Alcohol, Isopropyl Alcohol. Second, the aldehyde group namely Benzaldehyde, nbutyraldehyde and Acetaldehyde. Lastly, the group of ketones Acetone and Acetophenone belongs. B. Procedure In this experiment there were 7 tests for the group to classify the compounds is a hydroxyl- or carbonyl containing. These test are: I) Solubility of Alcohols in Water First the group done is to Label 5 test tubes A to E representing each different compound to be tested. In this test the compound to be tested are Ethanol (A), nbutyl Alcohol (B), sec-butyl Alcohol (C), tertbutyl Alcohol (D), Benzyl Alcohol (E). After labeling the test tubes, one member of the group place 10 drops of the alcohols to their respective test tubes by the use of Pasteur pipette. The next step is to add 1ml of water drop wise to the test tube containing ethanol. After each addition, the mixture was shake thoroughly. Then the group record if there is turbid/cloudy or clear result. Next, the addition of 0.25mL of H2O until it reaches 2mL and the group note down the result if it is clear or turbid mixture. The same procedure was done on the test tubes containing n-butyl Alcohol, tert-butyl Alcohol, Benzyl Alcohol. And the alcohol was classified as immiscible with H2O if it give cloudy or turbid result and miscible with H2O if it give a clear result. II) Lucas Test
Lucas reagent was already prepared for the experiment. It was prepared by dissolving 16g of anhydrous zinc chloride in 10mL of conc. HCl and allow it to cool. After receiving the Lucas reagent, the group adds about 2-3 drops of the sample to 1mL of the Lucas reagent in a small vial. And the group cap and shake vigorously for a few seconds the vial. And it was allowed to stand at room temperature. This test was performed on n-butyl alcohol, sec-butyl alcohol and tert-butyl alcohol. And the group observed the rate formation of the cloudy suspension. In this test the alcohols are differentiate in 3 types the primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol. III) Chromic Acid Test