Meck Insurance
Meck Insurance
Meck Insurance
[Student’ Name]
[Institute’s Name]
Table of Contents
Leadership Application..............................................................................................................5
There has been many aspects in this case study that are catered however, one of the most
common is the way through which Meck Insurance worked and made their way into the
market. First of all it is necessary to understand Meck Insurance, which is a large, broadline
provider of property, causality and insurance of life that is being sold through different
channels of business models. These are mostly an agency force and call centers to be
particular. With the help of enterprise and customer service it mostly covers up to 70% of the
workforce that the company is having. MECK insurance on its basics were working on the
cultural shift in which they are progressing towards the productivity of the performance. This
particular. After the transformation it is seen that over 18 months there are many of the things
full-day session with customer service organization commonly known as CSO leadership
team. The OD team was quite positive that the idea of this journey would be quite
progressing and exciting in the future. There can be two main cases which suggests that either
the business can progress or the idea on the whole can be backfired. In the whole case study
there are many ideas applied however, the most common one is Nadler-Tushman Congruence
model which suggests that it is necessary to identify if there is any problem going on and
what can be the possible solutions to these problems. These problems have to be addressed
during different times so the solutions found can be for the success of the company. It also
gives an idea that during the inputs and applying the strategy towards the idea people, work,
culture and structure can help in giving desired results for the organization.
Core Transformation Principles
The business works on to create strategic results for which they have planned on many levels.
In many circumstances it is seen that the OD team is working with the leadership to achieve
the results. They started with building up the foundation in presenting this idea with the help
of Burk-Litwin model. This model caters the idea of change and presents the plan that there
are many reasons because of which change happens within an organization. The changes in
Burk-Litwin model is shown on various levels and it is driven in accordance to that idea. The
model is having rank with having the most important part of the business placed on the top
most part. Similarly towards the lower level the less important things are placed. The model
argues that all of the factors are integrated (to greater or lesser degrees). Therefore, a change
in one will eventually affect all other factors. Further it is seen that Burke-Litwin model in
any case scenario suggest that environmental factors to be the key reason for major drivers of
leadership and organisational culture, are often impacted by changes that originate outside the
organisation. It is your job to understand these external changes and identify the implications
for you and your team. In the case of MECK insurance, they were keen to cater the customers
first and in this case they were clear that catering the customers would give them the edge for
sustaining their business development. The basic factor for MECK insurance was the external
environment where their competitors was the key factors because of which the business is
lacking behind its other competitors. It is seen that the change manager within the
organization plays the key part as not only he would be working on to suggesting the changes
but also keep up with the idea that how these changes can be incorporated within the culture
of the organization. Followed by that Mission and Strategy of the organization is again and
important factor for the foundation and its activity. The strategy that is planned helps the
business to grow further and allows them to have an organization backing. In the light of
environmental changes these are being planned and according to that the decisions for further
prospering have to be made. Another important rank is the organization culture that sets the
basis. For instance, it is necessary that the values, beliefs behaviors and all the other parts of
the organization are well known by the people. This sets up a tone that how well the culture
understood that employees were not reluctant to the change. Followed by that the alignment
of leadership with taking the charge is equally important as it sets the tone that how well the
business can coordinate with its stakeholders. In this case the team took full ownership of the
work and appreciated the idea of implementing the change because they were agreeing to the
fact that they are lacking behind others. In this case leadership engagement sessions were also
in placed which showed that leadership teams were partnering with OD team coming up with
the changes. They were also partnering with the talent management, workforce measurement
and leadership development in their own human resources function. In to the conclusion it
was seen that the organization it itself was given a clear direction that what changes were to
be made and how well their leaders are aligned with these ideas. Lastly, it is seen that within
this team employee motivation is an important factor which can be seen. Further MECKS
insurance, ensured that organizational goals are clearly communicated to the employees
because of which effective change and the project can be executed effectively and in all
Leadership Application
The leadership process also plays another important role in the whole process. In this case it
is seen that leaders in MECKS insurance are playing an important role in the working.
Looking into the application of this leadership, transformational leadership is applied which
2. Inspirational
3. Intellectual
4. Considerate
This transformational leadership brings in positive changes for the people because they are
invested within the success of the organization and everyone who is related to this
organization. It’s not a surprise that these qualities can be the things that can make or break
an organization.
This kind of leadership is very popular it can be seen in board rooms, hospitals, schools, and
inclined towards encouraging the team and its success. With the help of raising the team’s
self-confidence and morale. The team can then align with itself and the common goal or
vision of the organization. Within the context of case study it is seen that MECKS insurance
worked really hard in aligning the leadership and setting up the direction. According to CSO
leadership team was progressing after their initial conversation. The questions discussed in
this conversation were what If in any case the organization doesn’t changes or goals are not
achieved. Analyzing all the aspects of business is important for the leader as it allows them to
progress well and all the aspects of employee management and employee engagement is
looked by them in a far better way. To seeing the data and to believe it and two separate paths
that have to be understood. In addition to that the CSO team following the leadership rules
articulated the vision for the future of business. Because of which the document known as
The Compass is formed. The cultural focused areas are also important as it shows the idea
that people are to be represented first. Followed by that Customer centricity is important
which shows that customers are important part of the organization and they are dealt
according to their need. On the whole this part explains that whether it is the customer or the
employee of the organization they have to be treated well and with respect regardless of the
culture that they are following. In the final part of conversation the motive of change in the
organization was explained. It is clearly shared that how well the idea and change can take
the company to new heights and within this change process what can be different roles of
each and every employee. Further they were understanding the idea that what can be the new
representation of leadership defines them with, In the end it was seen that employees were
fully convinced with the idea of change by their transformational leaders and these changes
Application of Mckinsey 7s
Strategy: The three business areas' transformation initiatives were all motivated by strategy.
Thrill Our Customers represented CES and Technology's plan to develop into a more
creative, economical, and value-added service provider. Hence, the Strategy element applies
to the case.
Structure: Structure is a representation of how a company's segments and units are formed,
and it also includes details about who is in charge of what. In other terms, the business's
organisational chart serves as its structure (Razmi, 2020). It is also one of the most
recognisable and flexible parts of the framework. The team transformed the structure by
becoming decentralized, collaborative, and decided to communicate with each other via
Technology organization's senior leaders recognised design changes parallel with the large-
group events, the CES transformation engaged all levels of the organisation to identify and
or even to be at odds with, shifting cultural and behavioural norms. The team was aware that
design modifications to support the new culture were necessary to bring about lasting
Staff: The staff component is concerned with the kind and quantity of employees that a
company will need, as well as their hiring, training, and incentive programmes. The team's
activities encouraged collaboration and innovation while also establishing linkages between
various locations, corporate departments, and people. Each person's vision of the
organisation, their place within it, and how they may act differently to genuinely delight the
customer were all affected by the experience. By bringing the passion and unity they felt to
their workplaces, participants became change agents (Channon, 2015). As employees started
working differently across boundaries, their managers gained new insights and workable
business solutions. In addition to more broad sustainability measures put forth by the entire
team, there was a general feeling of excitement and energy among the participants after the
meetings. Hence, the culture represents productive and motivated employees who work in a
shared culture where they are appreciated and acknowledged (Gill, 2002).
Style: The leadership style become democratic and people-oriented for the transformation.
The leadership team was prepared to support change and make the necessary modifications to
have an impact on business performance. The leadership team had to agree to the CES
approach, comprehend the need for change, and take ownership of the change before the OD
team involved others. The motivation of the rest of the CES organisation was greatly aided by
Skills: The tasks that employees of a corporation excel at doing are known as skills.
Additionally, they include skills and abilities and skills (Hanafizadeh, 2011). Throughout
organisational transformation, the challenge of what competencies the organisation will
genuinely need to support its new plan or new structure frequently arises. Due to
transformation, the firm had the relevant skills to lead towards a change. Due to training, past
experiences, and challenges, the team had the required skillset to manage a change (Bøje &
Frederiksen, 2019).
Into the concluding remarks it is seen that MECKS insurance did planned the idea of
progressing and bringing in change because they have examined their competitors. And
compared to them they were lacking in many points. However, the main idea that coincides
with every other idea is the cultural change that is also needed to be changed as well within
the organization (Blase & Blase, 2000). It has to be made sure that the employees in the
organization were well versed and well trained towards the changes. Further they should be
knowing that the changes that they are incorporated and understood by them. In addition to
that the employees were constantly motivated and encouraged that how these changes are for
their own betterment and in the case of any blunder they have envisioned all the ideas. The
betterment of implementation also brings in the need for many conversations with the
employees. Different theories and models were also applied which gave the clear idea that
which part can be important and how. For instance, Burke-Litwin Model was having many
ranks and levels that were important for the growth of business and with every rank higher its
importance is determined. In the case of MECKS insurance, one thing was quite evident that
the external environmental issues were important to be catered and there were many factors
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