Ncp Meningitis Removed
Ncp Meningitis Removed
Ncp Meningitis Removed
Name: Sangeeeta
Age: 5 years
Sex: female
Religion: Hindu
Informant: Mother
• High grade fever and chills
• Headache, malaise
• Convulsions
• Restlessness and irritability
• Altered sensorium
Antenatal: G2 P2 A0. Mother attended antenatal checkups 3 times during her pregnancy. She
was fully immunized with two doses of TT and also taken IFA tablets. She was in good health
status during her pregnancy.
Natal: She delivered a full-term baby through normal vagina delivery. Baby cried at the time of
birth, no history of birth asphyxia or aspirations. Breastfeeding was started within one hour after
Post natal history: APGAR score was 8, birth weight was 2.5 kg. activity of baby was
Has no family history of hypertension, diabetes, communicable disease, cardiovascular disease
or congenital anomaly. All of her family members are healthy.
36 years 32 years
5 years 3 years
• Recent weight: 17kg
• Expected weight: 18kg
• Appetite: Normal
• Eating habits: Vegetarian
• Bowel: regular bowel movements
• Bladder: regular, voids 5-6 times a day
• Sleeping pattern is normal
• Average socio-economic background. Only father is the bread owner of the family.
• Family having own house, type of house is pucca.
• Family income per month is 10 thousand.
Relationship with the friends & family: Have good relationship with the friends and
Activities of Daily Living: The child is not able to perform his activities of daily living as
she is having seizure.
School Performance: The child is studying UKG. Good performances in the school.
1. General Observation
Baby Sangeeta is moderately built, nourished, 5 year old female child, conscious and oriented to
time, place and person.
2. Vital Signs
Temperature: 99 o F
Respiration: 30/mt.
Pulse rate: 100/mt.
BP: 90/60 mmHg
3. Anthropometric Measurements
Height: 104 cms
Weight: 17 kg
4. Skin and Mucus Membrane
Color: Fair
Edema: No
Moisture: Moist
Temperature: Warm to touch
Turgor: Good
Texture: Good
Any Abnormal Discharges: Nil
5. Hair
Changes in Texture: No changes
Characteristics: Equally distributed and black in color.
Lice: Absent
6. Nails
Changes in Appearance: No changes
Cyanosis: Absent
Texture: Normal
7. Head
Skull/Cranium Size, Shape: Normal
Movements: Normal
Forehead: No scars
8. Face
Appearance: Normal
Color: Fair
Symmetry: Symmetrical
Movements: Normal
9. Eyes
Expression: Appears dull
Eye Lids: Eye lashes equally distributed
Lacrimation: Clear fluid expressed
Eyebrows: Equal, evenly distributed.
Conjunctiva: Clear
Sclera: White and moist
Cornea: Smooth, moist and round
Pupil: Pupils are equally reactive and accommodates light.
10. Ears
Appearance: No abnormal masses
Discharges: No abnormal discharges
Lesions: No lesions
Any Abnormalities: Nil
11. Nose
Appearance: No septal deviation
Discharges: Nil
Patency: Good
Sense of Smell: Good
13. Neck
General Appearance: No scars, Normal range of movements
Trachea: Centrally located, No abnormal masses
Lymph Nodes: Not enlarged
Thyroid Glands: Smooth, firm and non-tender
Salivary Glands: No inflammation
Cysts and Tumors: Nil
16. Abdomen
Inspection: Size and shape of the abdomen is within normal Limits
Palpation: No lumps present, mild tenderness present,
Percussion: No fluid spaces could be found
Auscultation: peristaltic sounds heard.
17. Back
Spine, Curvature: Normal
Symmetry: Symmetrical
Tenderness: No tenderness
18. Genitalia
Normal female genitalia
19. Extremities
Deformities: No
Swelling/ Edema: No
Muscles: Normal strength
Lymph Nodes: Not enlarged
Joints: Normal ROM
Fingers and Toes: Normal
Nails: Normal
CT scan of Brain: Mild diffuse cerebral edema
Medication name Dosage Frequency Route Actions Side effects Nursing
1. Inj. Augmentin 300mg Bd IV Antibiotic Allergic reaction, Monitor ECG, check
nausea, vomiting, vital signs, and check
increased salivation, for other side effects
fever and chills
According to NANDA’s format of nursing diagnosis the following diagnosis are formulated:
Risk factors include recent exposure to someone with bacterial meningitis, recent infections like
ear or sinus infections, immune system problems etc.
Symptoms in young children may include irritability, fever, poor feeding, bulging fontanelles
and seizures.
Bacterial meningitis is diagnosed through medical history, physical examination and tests such
as blood cultures and lumber puncture to analyze CSF.
Vaccination is a key in preventing certain types of bacterial meningitis. Vaccines are available
for pneumococcus, meningococcus, haemophiles influenzae type b (Hib).
Good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing and covering the mouth when coughing or
sneezing, can help prevent the spread of infections that can lead to meningitis.
Early detection and treatment are essential to minimize the risk of serious illness or death.