Abbreviations: UTI, Urinary tract infection; CA- MDR pathogens compared to the female patients (p = 0.015). Overall, 71% of Gram-nega-
UTIs, community-acquired UTIs; CLSI, Clinical and tive and 46% of Gram-positive bacteria were MDR. The burden of community-acquired UTI
Laboratory Standards Institute; ESBL, extended
spectrum beta-lactamase; MDR, multi-drug
caused by MDR organisms was high among the study population. The findings of the study
resistant; 3GCr, third-generation cephalosporin- will guide clinicians to be more selective about their antibiotic choice for empirical treatment
resistant; icddr,b, International Centre for of UTI and alleviate misuse/overuse of antibiotics in the community.
Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) in both community and hospital settings are estimated to affect
around 405 million people globally and nearly 0.23 million people died of UTIs, contributing
to 5.2 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) in 2019 [1]. Treatment of UTI begins
empirically often with different broad-spectrum antibiotics [2]. The incidence of UTIs caused
by multidrug-resistant uropathogens has been increasing at an alarming rate worldwide. Such
common infections can turn into life-threatening illnesses, especially in developing countries
[3, 4]. The frequency, spectrum, and antibiotic resistance in uropathogens differ according to
geographical locations and time, which necessitates a thorough understanding of the epidemi-
ology of community-acquired UTIs (CA-UTIs) [5].
The predominant organism causing both complicated and uncomplicated UTI is uropatho-
genic Escherichia coli followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis, Proteus mirabi-
lis, and group B Streptococcus (GBS) [6]. Further, multi-drug resistant E. coli and K.
pneumoniae are increasingly recognized to cause both CA-UTIs and hospital-acquired UTIs
[7, 8]. Because of these two pathogens, empirical treatment for acute pyelonephritis frequently
involves a third-generation cephalosporin [9]. However, inappropriate use of antibiotics is
very common in the management of CA-UTI. In developing countries, the scenario is debili-
tating as a significant proportion of UTI patients purchase antibiotics directly from commu-
nity pharmacies without prescription or any expert consultation [10, 11]. Consequently,
common antibiotics become ineffective. Although UTI can occur in any age and sex groups,
female children, women in their reproductive age, and older women are more vulnerable to
infections [12].
UTI is a significant public health problem in Bangladesh, which accounts for considerable
morbidity [13], health care cost [14] due to frequent treatment failure, and recurrent infec-
tions. UTI is also one of the main reasons for misuse of antibiotics in the community leading
to the escalating burden of antimicrobial resistance [11]. A study carried out in 2012 among
443 suspected UTI patients in a regional medical college hospital in Bangladesh showed that
43% of patients had significant bacterial growth of uropathogens in their urine samples [15]. A
recent study has shown that more than 75% of E. coli causing UTI are resistant to third-genera-
tion cephalosporin [16]. Existing reports are based on either a small sample size, targeting only
a specific population or age group, analysis of retrospective data from hospital registry, or
characterization of convenience samples of bacterial isolates obtained from urine samples of
UTI patients [17, 18]. The proportion of multi-drug resistant uropathogens is likely to have
increased over time. There is no large-scale prospective survey of UTIs in Bangladesh that can
provide an up-to-date information on the burden of infections in the community. Continuous
monitoring of the etiology of infections and antibiotic resistance pattern is essential not only
for selecting appropriate antibiotics for empirical therapy but also for reducing the overuse/
misuse of antibiotics. We carried out a community-based study to investigate the etiologies of
UTI along with antibiotic resistance profiles for 2 years in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Ethical approval
All participants provided written informed consent before taking part in the study. Written
informed consent was obtained from the parents/guardians of the minors (<16 years of age)
included in this study. The research team explained the background and objectives of the
study clearly to the participants. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board
(IRB) of icddr,b (protocol number: PR 16071).
Study design
This study is a cross-sectional survey of patients from communities who visited the clinical
diagnostic center of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
(icddr,b) from 1st September 2016 to 30th November 2018. The icddr,b clinical diagnostic cen-
ter serves as reference laboratories for clinical diagnostic analysis of human diseases cohorts
and control subjects. Approximately 1500 patients and individuals avail diagnostic services
each day from the diagnostic outpatient department. The diagnostic laboratories are the only
accredited laboratories under ISO15189 (quality) and ISO15190 (safety) in Bangladesh for as
many as 160 different tests and parameters. The diagnostic center only offers on-payment clin-
ical diagnostic services and does not provide any consultancy services to the patient. During
the study period, patient’s consents were taken every day from 9 am to 5 pm except for the
weekends and government holidays. Study physicians approached only those patients at the
diagnostic center who ordered for urine culture and sensitivity analysis and requested for their
willingness to allow the study team to use culture-sensitivity results of their urine sample and
use the resulting bacterial isolates for further characterization. In Bangladesh, it is not required
to show physician’s order to the diagnostic clinics for urine culture and sensitivity test and
patients can order for the test by themselves. We did not assess whether they had any urinary
tract complaints or had any symptoms of UTI but we used the following exclusion criteria for
enrolment of the patients: 1) patients having any medical or surgical device in their bodies
(e.g., catheter, cannula) 2) patients having renal stone 3) patients admitted to hospital. Enrolled
patients were segregated into three age groups: adults (�18y), adolescents (11-17y) and chil-
dren (0-10y).
[21], while the isolates obtained from 18th December 2017 to 30th November 2018 were identi-
fied using VITEK-2 system.
Data analysis
We entered data into SPSS 20.0 (IBM Inc., Chicago, USA). Data cleaning, statistical analyses,
and data visualization were done in Stata 13.0 (College Station, Texas, USA) and MS Office
Excel 2010 (Microsoft, Washington, USA). Descriptive statistics including frequency distribu-
tion, percentage, and cross-tabulation were done among different age groups, sex, and etiology
of infection. Percent of resistance to different antibiotics and resistance to multiple antibiotics
in each organism was determined. Data were analyzed to determine the association between
the proportion of samples that tested positive for MDR, non-MDR, third-generation cephalo-
sporin-resistant, and carbapenem-resistant organisms, with age and sex by Chi-square test and
Fisher exact test where applicable. Binary logistic regression was done by considering a sample
positive for MDR as a dependent variable and age, sex as independent variables. Seasonal
trends in the prevalence of CA-UTI, MDR pathogens, MDR, and non-MDR E. coli were ana-
lyzed to see the changing patterns of infection over two years (September 2016-November
2018). Statistical significance was determined at alpha = 0.05 for all tests.
Prevalence of community acquired UTIs
During the period from September 2016 to November 2018, around 39,000 patients visited the
icddr,b diagnostic center in Dhaka for doing culture and sensitivity analysis of their urine
Table 1. Characteristics of patients according to their age, sex and urine culture status.
Covariates Male (N = 1,237) n (%) Female (N = 3,263) n (%) Total (N = 4,500) n (%)
Age group
Adult (18 & above) 895 (72) 2,748 (84) 3,643 (81)
Adolescent (11–17) 48 (4) 95 (3) 143 (3)
Child (0–10) 294 (24) 420 (13) 714 (16)
Growth status
Growth positive 747 (60) 2,453 (75) 3,200 (71)
Significant growth (�105 CFU/ml of urine) 199 (27) 721 (29) 920 (29)
Insignificant (<105 CFU/ml of urine) 548 (73) 1,732 (71) 2,280 (71)
No growth 477 (39) 720 (22) 1,197 (27)
Collection Contamination (� 3 organisms) 13 (1) 90 (3) 103 (2)
samples. In this study we enrolled 4,500 patients of which 3,643 (81%) were adults and 3,263
(73%) were females. Of these urine samples, 3,200 (71%) tested positive for microbial growth
on culture plates, of which 920 (29%) had a significant bacterial count (�1.0x105 CFU/ml of
urine), defined as cases of UTI (Table 1). According to this criterion, the prevalence of
CA-UTI cases among samples tested was 20% (920 of 4,500). The prevalence of CA-UTI was
significantly higher among adult patients compared to adolescents and children (OR: 1.86, CI:
1.48–2.34) (Table 2). The prevalence of CA-UTI was also significantly higher among female
patients (OR: 1.48, CI: 1.24–1.76) (Table 2). However, age-adjusted female patients and sex-
adjusted age showed a lower risk of CA-UTI than the crude rate (Table 2).
Etiologies of CA-UTI
Culture of urine samples from 920 patients yielded significant growth of uropathogens includ-
ing 849 (92%) monomicrobial (single bacterial species) and 71 (8%) polymicrobial (pair of two
different bacterial species) growths. A total of 991 [849+ (71� 2)] isolates were obtained from
920 patients of which 989 were bacterial isolates and 2 were identified as Candida spp. Among
bacterial isolates, E. coli was the predominant (51.6%), followed by Streptococcus spp. (15.7%),
Klebsiella spp. (12.1%), Enterococcus spp. (6.4%), Pseudomonas spp. (4.4%), coagulase negative
Staphylococcus spp. (2.0%), Enterobacter spp. (1.8%), Proteus spp. (1.6%), Acinetobacter spp.
(1.0%), Staphylococcus saprophyticus (1.1%), Staphylococcus aureus (0.6%), Corynebacterium
spp. (0.3%), Serratia spp. (0.3%), and Sphingomonas paucimobilis (0.3%). A significant propor-
tion of Streptococcus spp. and Enterococcus spp. were Streptococcus agalactiae (52%), and
Enterococcus faecalis (59%), respectively. Due to some limitations of conventional culture-
Table 2. Prevalence of community-acquired UTI among patients according to different age and sex groups.
Characteristics No (%) of UTI patients Age (Mean±SD) COR (CI) AOR (CI)
Adult (n = 3,643) 808 (22) 45.96±16.11 1.86 (1.48,2.34) 1.76 (1.40,2.22)
Adolescent (n = 143) 17 (12) 14.33±4.56 0.88 (0.51,1.52) 0.86 (0.49, 1.49)
Child (n = 714) 95 (13) 4.70±5.25 1.00 1.00
Male (n = 1,237) 199 (16) 37.00±24.43 1.00 1.00
Female (n = 3,263) 721 (22) 38.95±20.18 1.48 (1.24,1.76) 1.39 (1.17, 1.66)
COR, crude odds ratios; AOR, adjusted odds ratios, CI, confidence intervals, SD, standard deviation
Fig 1. Prevalence of major bacterial pathogens causing community-acquired UTI among patients from 2016 to
based methods in identifying organisms at species level we report the prevalence of some
organisms at genus level. Distribution of isolates over two years showed almost similar trends
with E. coli being the predominant organism in year 1 (52%) and year 2 (50%), followed by
Streptococcus spp. (15%, 17%, respectively), Klebsiella spp. (12%, 12%), Enterococcus spp. (7%,
5%), coagulase negative Staphylococcus spp. (5%, 4%), Pseudomonas spp. (2%, 2%), and other
pathogens (7%, 10%) (Fig 1). Of 71 polymicrobial infections, 39 (55%) tested positive for only
Gram-negative bacteria, 17 (24%) tested positive for only Gram-positive bacteria and 15 (21%)
tested positive for a mix of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The predominant pair
of organisms (13 of 71) included lactose fermenting and non-fermenting E. coli followed by a
pair of E. coli and Klebsiella spp.
Fig 2. Antibiotic resistance profiles of four major pathogens causing community-acquired UTI from 2016 to
2018. Only those antibiotics were included in the analysis for which the minimum number of isolates tested was 10.
Of 260 Gram-positive bacterial isolates, antibiotic susceptibility test results were available
for 194 (75%) isolates. Among the prevalent Gram-positive organisms, both Streptococcus spp.
and Enterococcus spp. were predominantly resistant to macrolide (59%, 65%, respectively).
Only a small proportion (9%) of Streptococcus spp. was resistant to third-generation cephalo-
sporin (Fig 2). Overall, 46% of Gram-positive isolates were identified as MDR, Streptococcus
spp. and Enterococcus spp. were predominant with a prevalence of 37% and 35%, respectively.
Fig 3. Distribution of the prevalence of major pathogens causing CA-UTI among patients by age and sex.
Increased resistance to multiple antibiotics among pathogens causing CA-UTI leads to fre-
quent treatment failure and complications. Drug-resistant CA-UTI has become a major global
Table 3. Prevalence of MDR community-acquired UTI among patients according to different age and sex groups.
Covariates (n = 892)� MDR (n = 575) Age (yrs) (Mean±SD) Non-MDR (n = 317) Age (yrs) (Mean±SD) OR (CI)
Adult (n = 781) n (%) n (%)
Male (n = 157) 109 (69) 57.11±13.68 48 (31) 51.79±17.75 1
Female (n = 624) 393 (63) 51.99±15.33 231 (37) 46.25±16.37 0.75 (0.51, 1.09)
Adolescent (n = 17)
Male (n = 2) 1 (50) - 1 (50) - 1
Female (n = 15) 9 (60) 13.18±2.41 6 (40) 14.33±3.32 1.50 (0.07, 28.89)
Child (n = 94)
Male (n = 35) 29 (83) 2.66±2.66 6 (17) 1.42±1.24 1
Female (n = 59) 34 (58) 4.44±3.07 25 (42) 4.35±3.03 0.28 (0.10, 0.78)
Antibiotic susceptibility results were available for 892 out of 920 patients
Table 4. Prevalence of 3GCr and carbapenem-resistant pathogens among patients with community-acquired UTI.
Covariates� 3GCr n (%) Age (yrs) (Mean±SD) OR (CI) Covariates� CarbR n (%) Age (yrs) (Mean±SD) OR (CI)
Adult (n = 521) Adult (n = 521)
Male (n = 107) 77 (72) 58.88±12.97 1 Male (n = 107) 5 (5) 62.40±7.64 1
Female (n = 414) 271 (65) 53.27±14.17 0.74 (0.46–1.18) Female (n = 414) 20 (5) 53.15±16.58 1.04 (0.38–2.83)
Adolescent (n = 8) Adolescent (n = 8)
Male (n = 2) 1 (50) - 1 Male (n = 2) 1 (50) - -
Female (n = 6) 4 (67) 14.00±3.46 2 (0.07–51.59) Female (n = 6) 0 - -
Child (n = 58) Child (n = 58)
Male (n = 21) 15 (71) 2.00±1.85 1 Male (n = 21) 2 (10) 1.23±0.86 1
Female (n = 37) 24 (65) 4.67±3.03 0.74 (0.23–2.36) Female (n = 37) 2 (5) 8±1.41 0.54 (0.07–4.17)
health problem, especially in developing countries like Bangladesh. However, longitudinal sur-
veillance of CA-UTI estimating the burden of infection, etiology and antibiotic susceptibility
patterns of uropathogens in Bangladesh is largely missing except for a few small observational
studies among specific population groups such as pregnant women, children, and hospitalized
patients [15, 17, 24, 25]. We conducted this study to fill this critical knowledge gap. Among
4,500 patients enrolled in this study during the 2 years, the prevalence of laboratory-confirmed
CA-UTI cases (as defined by CFU �1.0x105 CFU/ml from urine culture) was 20% with
women bearing the greater burden (78%), similar to most studies of CA-UTI [26].
Although the majority of UTI cases were caused by a single pathogen, we found a small pro-
portion of patients had polymicrobial growth in their urine culture mostly E. coli coupled with
lactose non-fermenting E. coli or Klebsiella spp. In general, polymicrobial infections are less
common in young, healthy, sexually active females [27]. In our study, we found that polymi-
crobial cases were predominant among female adult patients (52.3 ± 15 years), and there was
no significant difference in prevalence among different age groups. Studies on polymicrobial
cases of UTI in Bangladesh are limited, one study reported that 5% patient had polymicrobial
growth in urine samples [15]. It is more likely that polymicrobial infections often go untreated
or treated with inappropriate antibiotics leading to the development of antibiotic resistance in
uropathogens [28].
Among monomicrobial cases, we found that Streptococcus spp. was the most prevalent
cause of CA-UTI after E. coli, which is in agreement with a previous study among adult
women in Dhaka slums [29]. However, two studies carried out with patients attending tertiary
level hospitals outside of Dhaka (in Rajshahi and Mymensingh), reported that Staphylococcus
saprophyticus was the second leading cause of UTI after E. coli [15, 18] while another study (in
Comilla) reported Klebsiella pneumoniae as the second leading cause [30]. There might be
some geographical variations in the etiology of UTI in Bangladesh, which might also be depen-
dent on the age, sex, sexual activity (for female), clinical features and demographic characteris-
tics of patients. However, irrespective of all variations among patients, E. coli appears to be the
most common cause of UTI, and thus combating E. coli infections would largely reduce the
burden of CA-UTI in the community. Among all Streptococcus spp. cases S. agalactiae or
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) accounted for 52% (n = 80) and around 9% of the total number
of patients with UTI; 92% (n = 74) of women were infected with GBS. In a previous study
among pregnant women in rural Bangladesh, only a small proportion of (5.3%) patients were
infected with GBS [24].
Around 65% of the patients in our study tested positive for an MDR pathogen comprising
both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms, which is higher than the report from a
neighboring country Nepal [31, 32]. There is scarcity of data on the overall prevalence of MDR
pathogens in CA-UTI in Bangladesh and neighboring countries. The majority of studies
focused on resistance patterns of the predominant bacterial pathogen causing UTI, such as E.
coli or ESBL-producing E. coli. Among neighboring countries, a study in Kathmandu, Nepal
reported that 41% of bacterial pathogens from UTI cases were MDR [32]. A similar study from
Alighar, India reported that 42% of uropathogens were ESBL-producing, while another study
from Pakistan showed that 66% of uropathogens were ESBL-producing [33]. Studies from
India and Pakistan reported the occurrence of MDR E. coli as 43% and 59%, respectively [31,
34, 35]. In this study, we found that 74% of E. coli isolates were MDR and 69% of isolates were
resistant to third-generation cephalosporins, which is higher than the prevalence of MDR E.
coli (58%) reported earlier from Bangladesh [29]. Overall, 50% of all isolates were consistently
resistant to macrolide, and penicillin, and 80% of isolates were sensitive to carbapenem, glyco-
peptides and rifampicin. In the case of E. coli, a significant proportion (70%) was sensitive to
aminoglycosides, nitrofurantoin and carbapenem, which corroborates with data from other
countries [36–40].
We found that male patients were more likely to be infected with MDR organisms than
female patients. Similarly, prevalence of 3GCr and carbapenem-resistant organisms was higher
among adult male compared to adult females. This finding correlates with the results of a large
study conducted in Portugal where the prevalence of MDR uropathogens was higher in men
than in women (35% vs. 22%) [41]. However, among adolescents and children, the difference
in prevalence was not statistically significant. One of the reasons for the higher prevalence of
MDR organisms among adult male in our study could be the older age as we found mean ages
of the male adults with 3GCr and carbapenem-resistant infections were 58.9 (±13.0) and 62.4
(±7.6) years, respectively which is higher than the mean age for female adults with 3GCr (53.3
±14.2) and carbapenem (53.1±16.6) resistant infections. Older males usually develop UTIs as a
result of bladder outlet obstruction from prostate enlargement, which is often associated with
a higher prevalence of resistance due to recurrence and prolonged antibiotic treatment with
higher therapeutic doses [42, 43].
There were some limitations in our study. We carried out the surveillance among patients
who came to icddr,b diagnostic facility to test their urine samples for culture and sensitivity
analysis. A large proportion of patients receiving diagnostic services from icddr,b are the resi-
dents of Dhaka city and therefore the data may not be representative of the whole country.
icddr,b diagnostic facility only provides clinical diagnostic services and does not offer any out-
patient services and therefore, we could not estimate the proportion of patients with and with-
out symptomatic infection. Nevertheless, our study provides a recent insight into the etiology
of CA-UTI along with trends in antibiotic resistance among uropathogens over 2 years in a
large sample size for the first time in Bangladesh.
The burden of CA-UTI caused by MDR pathogens is high among the study participants and
there was no significant difference in prevalence and etiology of infection over two years. The
findings of the study can serve as an evidence base for updating guidelines for improved man-
agement of CA-UTI in Bangladesh and other developing countries with similar settings. It also
provides a basis to conduct epidemiologic studies to investigate risk factors for the acquisition
of antibiotic-resistant CA-UTI.
Supporting information
S1 Data. Data file for Figs 1–3 and the frequency of polymicrobial infections.
S1 File. PLOS’ questionnaire on inclusivity in global research.
We acknowledge the contribution of Dr. Progga Paromita and Dr. Refaya Noor for their sup-
port in enrolling patients during the first phase of the study. We are grateful for the invaluable
assistance of all the patients participated in the project.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Mohammad Aminul Islam, Lee W. Riley.
Data curation: Md Rayhanul Islam, Rizwana Khan, Muhammed Iqbal Hossain, Muhammad
Formal analysis: Mohammad Aminul Islam, Md Rayhanul Islam, Rizwana Khan, Mohammed
Badrul Amin, Mahdia Rahman, Muhammed Iqbal Hossain, Muhammad Asaduzzaman.
Funding acquisition: Mohammad Aminul Islam, Lee W. Riley.
Investigation: Mohammad Aminul Islam, Mahdia Rahman, Dilruba Ahmed, Muhammad
Methodology: Mohammad Aminul Islam, Mohammed Badrul Amin, Mahdia Rahman,
Muhammed Iqbal Hossain, Dilruba Ahmed.
Project administration: Mohammad Aminul Islam, Rizwana Khan, Mohammed Badrul
Amin, Muhammed Iqbal Hossain, Muhammad Asaduzzaman.
Supervision: Mohammad Aminul Islam.
Writing – original draft: Mohammad Aminul Islam.
Writing – review & editing: Mohammad Aminul Islam, Md Rayhanul Islam, Mohammed
Badrul Amin, Dilruba Ahmed, Muhammad Asaduzzaman, Lee W. Riley.
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