SPM 1119 2011 Bi K2
SPM 1119 2011 Bi K2
SPM 1119 2011 Bi K2
zj jam
JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU Arahan 1. 2. 3. 4. T u l i s no m b o r kad pengenalan dan a n g k a g ilira n yang disediakan. a n d a p a d a ru a n g
Kertqs soalan ini mengandungiempat bahagian: Bahagian A, Bahagian B, Bahagian C dan Bahagian D. Jawab semua bahagian dalam kertas soalan ini. Soalan-soalan dalam Bahagian A mempunyai empat pilihan jawapan. Jawab setiap soalan dengan menghitamkan ruang yang betul di halaman 20.
Instructions 1. 2. 3. 4. Write your l.C. number and index number in the spaceprovided. This questionpaper consists of four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C and Section D. Answer all sections in this questionpaper. Questions in Section A have four options. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on page 20.
Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 20 halaman bercetak dan 2 halaman tidak bercetak.
Ill9/2 o 2011 Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia
If you see someonevandalising apublic phone or find thatit has been damaged, let us know. Togetherwe can reduce the vandalism of public phones.Report it when you see it. You'll never know when you need the phone. CALL : 1 800 88 8700
The purposeof this notice is to A B C inform the public about vandalism involve the public in preventing vandalism encouragethe public to use the public phones show the public the location of public phones
Dear Editor, My family and I recently visited the National Zoo. To our dismay, the animals were poorly fed and suffering from diseases.This situation could be avoided if they were given proper care and diet. Another issue is the hygiene of the zoo. From the cagesto the open areas,visitors and animals have to endure a filthy environment. This is a disgrace considering that we are making efforts to promote tourism'
P e tf i n d e r.my, d r online pet adoption por tal i s o rg a n i si n g a ser ies of pet adoption dr ives every weekend from April to JuIy. Lovely pets from va ri o u s a n i ma l sh elter s will be featur ed ever y weekend for instant adoption. The adoption fees are RMl50 for dogs and RMl00 for cats. Adopters will receive a free starter pack consisting of essential items including food, shampoo and vouchers. F o r d e ta i l s,vi si t h ttp: / /www.petfinder .myi
From the extract above, we know that A B C D pet adoption drives will be held daily adoptersneed to buy a starter pack it takes a long time to adopt a pet people can adopt pets for a fee
. . o . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . O . . . .o O........o .....o o ........ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o o o a a a a This offer is valid for onetime use and only a originalcouponswill be accepted.lt is o not valid for other promotionalitems a a for or exchangeable cash. a a a . .. . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...o ..O...o ...............
a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
Sim p l y pres ent thi s c ouPo n u P o n exceptat payment any BBB bookstore at its branchin KualaLumpurlnternational (KLIA). Airport
To get a discount on the book, we must A B C D use the original coupon buy other promotional items attend the book club gathering go to BBB bookstore in KLIA
Kua la Se la n gor: The Malaysian Red Cre s c e n t S o c ie t y re c e n t ly o rg a n is e d the "Let's Make SelangorGreen" event.The programmeaimed to replant some 10,000 mangrove seedlings.A total of 1,000 young mangroveswere planted at TamanAlam, u ttoporr.t for migratory birds from all over the world. The mangrove-plantinginitiative, Mangrove forestsplay which was carried out in a gotong-royong spiit, was a success. an important role in preventing and mitigating the effects of natural disasters such as a tsunami. The objective of the "Let's Make SelangorGreen" event was to A B C D preventtsunami attractmigratory birds replant mangrove seedlings foster the spirit of gotong-royong
ttlgt2 Alf studentswill be requiredto toke up ot leost one sport next yea?.The moveis port of the Educotion Ministry's plonto revive th e g l o r y of s ports i n s c hoo l. S p o r t s in s c h o o l h o v e b e e n neglected o result of the lock of infnostructure, os eguipment ond teochingstoff but this will now change.
The word this tn the extract refers to the A B C D lack of teaching staff sportsbeing neglected EducationMinistry's plan studentstaking up at least one sport
R A MLT's R IC H RHY T HM ft's very eosyto tell thot RqmliSelomot, the Monoging Director of Music Supplies Sdn. Bhd. loveswhot he does. Ploying instruments, musicol whichstorted os o hobby,hos led to o booming business. Orig inol l yfrom 6uo Mus o n g ,K e lo n t o n , m liq r r iv e d Ro in Kuolq Lumpur yeors ogo to work in the bonking six sector. N o w, 3 8 , he s peok s w i th c on f id e n c e o n d s m ile s o b o u t the business loves. he
(Adapted from The Expat,2006) From the extract. we know that Ramli A B C D organisesmusical shows and concerts has gained wealth through his hobby is now stationedin Gua Musang startedhis careeras a musician
lll912 o 2o1r a k H
C ip ta Ke r a ja a n M a la ysia
of A surveywas carriedout among100 students a secondary percentfeels that schoolon what makesa good teacher.Forty Thirty in shouldbe well-versed the subjectmatter. a goodteacher punctual responsible. and percent needto be caring, feelsteachers feels students of an In addition, equalpercentage the remaining portray pleasant a and theirstyleof teaching change should teachers appearance.
Which of the following pie charts best representsthe results of the survey?
ContentExpert 30%
PositiveAttitudes 40%
PositiveAttitudes r5%
Content Expert
r5 %
PositiveAttitudes r 5%
Content Expert 40% PositiveAttitudes 30%
Questions 9 - 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank. I would like to sharewith you an incident that I will never forget. This is n my
only son, Haikal. As my son's eighth birthday approached,he could not contain he his excitementbecause was allowed to invite the children in the neighbourhoodto his birthday party. 10 me that she could not On the morning of the 'big' day, a woman called to make it to the party. I must have seemed 11 to her, so shereplied, "I'm Haikal's teacher - Mrs Choo." She paused.and then said. "Didn't you know he'd invited party?" "No," I said "but you're most welcome to drop in later for a piece of cake." She was then she said. "Your son has invited the whole class- 30 children silent for a few seconds. in a11." I hung up and 13 called for Haikal. He looked mischievous and burst into laughter. I asked 14 he had done such a thing. 15 wanted a surprise party, Mom! Are you surprised?" "I have You bet I was. 12 to his
9A B C D 1 0A B C D lt A B C D 12 A B C D
13 A B C D
t4A B C D 1 5A B C D
PERDANA IMPERIAL RESORT ANd SERI MAGAZINE present Contest Day Dedication Teachers'
Day. Write the most of Show your appreciation your teacherthis coming Teachers' creative dedication and submit it today. The three most creative entries will win:
How to enter:
. . Submit your dedicationin not more than 30 words or E-mail to competition@serimag.com.my fax to 03-22885508
. Include your full name, I.C. number, contact number, and the name and addressof your school . Deadline: 20 March 2011 Te r m s and Gonditionsl
. Winners will be notified by telephone . The decisionof the judges is final . Prizes are not exchangeable cash for
SULIT 16 Questions - 25
Using the information from the poster given, completethe graphic organiserbelow.
19. 20.
Length of dedication:
|0 marksl
Section C 125 marksl lTime suggested: 50 minutesf
Questions 26 - 3l are based on the following passage. (Helen, the writer, who lives in the United Statesof America, describes her friendship with a tiny hummingbird that she found.) The thrill of seeingthe first hummingbird in my gardenhas never left me - the sight of this unbelievably tiny creaturewith striking feathers flitting boldly from flower to flower. To attract other birds, I began growing their favourite plants. Soon, more hummingbirds before departing for countries began visiting my garden from May through late September, 5 with warmer climates. In 1998, the last one left on October 3 - or so I thought. On October 2l,I went outdoorsfor my early moming chores.Suddenly,I saw a young male hummingbird. I couldn't believe my eyesas I thought thesebirds shouldhave migtated by then. I quickly looked around the garden as hummingbirds usually need to feed once every ten to fifteen minutes and my garden was bare. This bird would have nothing to eat so I hung out a feeder containing liquid nectar.However, the bird didn't seemto know what 10 to do with it and kept circling a particular spot. Finally, I placed a trall of plants leading to my conservatory a specialroom where I grew my flowers. When the hummingbird came inside, I closed the door behind him to keep him safe and then set up another feeder. The bird went from flower to flower before he discovered the feeder. He liked the nectar 15 and fed on it for the rest of the day. Although I loved the idea of a hummingbird spending the winter in my conservatory I hesitatedto take away his freedom. But I also didn't want him to die. So I called an ornithologist, an expert on birds, for advice. He warned me that this bird was probably not going to live and gave me three choices:I could keep the bird all winter, or I could fatten him up and let him go after a few days, or I could find someoneto releasehim down south 20 that if the bird had nothing outsideto eat that day,the next where it was wanner. I reasoned day wouldn't be any better.And sendinghim south was not practical. However, I could provide suitable living conditions to keep him warm in my conservatory.I named him Squeak becauseof his constant squeakychirping. Offering Squeak a balanceddiet now becamemy main concern.Besides nectar,25 Nektar-Plus. hummingbirds need protein from insects.The ornithologist then suggested love to bathe, I kept two feedersof this complete diet going at all times. As hummingbirds I also bought a small plastic bird bath for Squeak.But he had different plans as bath time was always a gameto him. He would rather slide aroundon the wet leavesand get his entire body soaked.After bathing, he would fly around the room to dry himself. Once when 30 he became sick, I had to nurse him back to health. As winter turned to spring, we had strengthenedour friendship. Hoping that he would make my gardenhis territory I gave him a special treat.I filled a feederwith a particularly sweet solution and held it in my hand. After just one taste, Squeak loved it. He began watching for me and waiting eagerly by the door handle for this treat. By then, he would even 35 allow me to stroke him. I began to spendmore time with him.
lll912 o 2011 Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia
In early May, the other hummingbirds returned and when Squeakspoffedthem outside, he becameexcited, chatteringand flying rapidly to and fro. One day, I saw him and another hummingbird hovering beak to beak with the window between them and I knew then what had to be done.As much as I loved having Squeak,I realisedthat I had to let him go. 40 That morning, as usual, Squeak had a shower after which I opened the door in the conservatory.I then coaxedhim with atreat in my hand. He came over for a sip, then flew back inside. He did it again and again. Each time I moved farther away and after much coaxing, he finally came all the way out to where I was. He took a drink, then inspected a plant hanging on the porch. Suddenly he lifted up, flew over the roof of the house- and 45 was gone. My eyes filled with tears. I was sorry for releasing him - yet I also knew it was for the best. (Adapted from Reader's Digest, T995)
26 From paragraph 1, what did the writer do to encouragemore hummingbirds into her garden?
27 From paragraph2, (a) why was the writer surprisedto seethe hummingbird?
(b) what did the writer put in the feeder for the bird?
lT markl
From paragraph 3, (a) which word tells you that the writer was not sure what to do with the bird?
(b) of the three choices suggested the ornithologist, which option did the writer by choose?
ll markl
29 (a) From paragraph 4, what evidence is there to show that Squeak had fun during bath time?
U markl
his enjoyed (b) Fromparagraph give two pieces evidence showthat Squeak to of 5, special treat. E vi d e n ce 1 :.............. 2 :.............. E vi d e n ce lT mar k l ll mar k l
30 In your own words, give two reasonswhy the writer was sad to releaseSqueak.
ll markl
2: Reason
ll m ar k l
write a sufilmary on how the writer showed her love and care 31 Basedon the passage, for the hummingbird. Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning. Your summary must: . . be in continuous writing form (not in note form) use materials from line 9 to line 36
o not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below Begin your sunmary as follows: To show her love and care for the hummingbird,she ...
ll5 marksl
32 Read the poem below and answer the questionsthat follow. In the midst of hardship At dawn they returned home their soaky clothes torn the stove and approached their limbs marked by scratches their legs full of wounds but on their brows there was not a sign of despair The whole day and night just passed they had to brave the horrendous flood in the water all the time betweenbloated carcasses and tiny chips of tree barks looking for their son's desperately albino buffalo that was never found They were born amidst hardship and grew up without a sigh or a complaint now they are in the kitchen, making jokes while rolling their cigaretteleaves Latiff Mohidin (a) At what time of the day did they return home?
l1 markl t (b) In stanza 2, (i) which word showsthat the situationwas dreadful?
ll markl
(c) If you were one of the villagers, what would you do to help? Give a reasonfor your answer. A cti on : ............... Rea so n ............... :
lll9l2 o 2011 Hak cipta KerajaanMalaysia
. . . 1 1ma rk l
Thefollowing are the novels studied in the literature componentin English Language. The Curse Step By Wicked Step Catch Us If You Can Lee Su Ann Anne Fine CatherineMacPhail
Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below. Which part of the story do you like most? Give reasonsfor your choice with close referenceto the text. lI5 marksl
Blac-kenonly one spacefor each question. you wish to changeyour answer,erasethe Jf blackenedmark that you have made. Then blacken the ,pu.. for the new answer.
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Cip ta Ke r a ja a n M a la ysia