Big Body Play
Big Body Play
Big Body Play
March/April 2013
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Child Care
Service Aware of Northwest
Areas Kansas
Child Care Aware® of Northeast & North Central Kansas
Independent Child Care Resource
Care Aware® of Eastern Kansas
and Referral Agencies
Child Care Aware of Southwest
® (CCR&Rs)
Kansas provide
service to all 105 counties in Kansas,
Child Care Aware of South Central Kansas
directly serving
Child Care Aware® offamilies, child care
Southeast Kansas
providers/early education staff,
and communities.
Running, climbing, chasing, tagging, baby up to “fly like an
Child Care Aware® of CHILDREN’S
1 Northwest Kansas: HAYS
roughhousing, and horseplay are just airplane.” Once children
a few of the names that adults give learn to walk, they begin HEALTH
Satellite Office: COLBY
to the very physical activity that to display a greater
Toll Free 888-351-3589
young children engage in frequently. variety of movements. Toddlers
Most adults can remember running, spend a lot of time engaging in big
Child Care Aware® of
2 Northeast & North Central Kansas:
rolling and roughhousing as children body play such as jumping, running,
with their siblings or friends. kicking a ball and carrying armloads
However, for a variety of reasons, of toys from place to place. All
Satellite Office:
this type of play is declining among of these activities help toddlers
Toll Free 877-678-2548
young children. In her book, Big advance their large motor skills,
Body Play, Frances M. Carlson but parents should remember that
explains why this type of play is motor skills are developing skills
Child Care Aware® of Eastern
important and how it can support a that have to be practiced over and
child’s development in many ways. over again. Toddlers will take lots of
Toll Free 800-755-0838
tumbles as they learn and practice.
Child Care Aware® of
Many Ways to Play Toddlers enjoy big body play on their
4 Southwest Kansas: GARDEN CITY own, but also engage in parallel play,
Children engage in big body play
Toll Free 866-550-1510 in different ways. From birth, where children play beside others
children are using their bodies to and imitate movements or actions.
Child Care Aware® of South Central learn. Infants kick, flap their arms Big body play for preschoolers
5 often includes the use of objects or
Kansas: WICHITA and scoot on their backs or bellies.
Toll Free 800-684-3962 Generally, physical play of infants structures, such as slides and other
is solitary. Sometimes, a parent or playground equipment. They will
Child Care Aware® of Southeast caregiver engages an infant with climb up the slide instead of climbing
6 Kansas: PITTSBURG a game of “horsey” or holds the See PLAY, page 2
Toll Free 866-732-9700
Are You
on the Move?
Child care providers have a
PROVIDER lot of movement built into
PERSPECTIVE their day as they care for
young children, but this
physical activity cannot be counted as exercise.
Just like children, they need recess too!
According to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, more than 60% of adults in
the United States do not get enough physical
activity and 25% of adults are not active at all!
Movement If you are one of these adults, make physical
activity a priority TODAY!
Dip, Dip, Dip (hop on one foot,
always fun for children. Ask while saying “dip”), then land
them to jump like rabbits (lower on both feet. Clap hands
to the ground with small hops) together and say “Crunch!” Hop
or kangaroos (jumping as high on the other foot, while saying
BEST Children need and as far as they can). “dip, dip, dip,” then land on both
PRACTICE opportunities for feet. Clap hands together and
IN ACTION movement every day. say “Crunch!” If your child has
Child care providers difficulty hopping on one foot,
can encourage children to be Poppin’ Piece of Toast simply move from one foot to
physically active and practice Ask children to pretend to be the other.
different movements with simple a piece of bread that has just
movement games. These movin’ been put into the toaster. Bend
minute activities are simple and at knees and scrunch down.
require little or no equipment. As the toaster begins to warm
Use them indoors or outside, up, wiggle around as you get This activity, filled with a
extended as part of a gross warmer. Now, you’re all toasted! variety of movement prompts,
motor activity or shortened for Jump up to “pop” from the help get children’s bodies
transition times. toaster. moving and creative juices
flowing. Choose any of the
Three-Legged Race ideas listed, and add any that
Hoop Hop you know your child would
Have two children stand enjoy. Start by pointing out
side-by-side and gently tie Put a plastic hula-hoop on the the destination, then ask your
their inside legs together. ground, then have children hop child to show you their surprise
Challenge them to go as fast (or jump, if too young to hop) moves. Prompt them by saying,
as they can. Then have them in, out and all around the circle. “Can you surprise me by…?”
try three-legged jumping, Challenge children by reversing
hopping or galloping. the direction. ¡ Marching, lifting your knees
up high and swinging your
¡ Clapping your hands over
Tightrope Walker your head while you march
To play, you need a small space, indoors or outside, and some masking ¡ Floating like a balloon, and
tape, yarn, or chalk. Use the tape, yarn or chalk to create a tightrope then pop when you get into
– a straight line – for children to walk on, about 8 feet in length. Point a room
out the destination and ask children to imagine they are walking on a
high, narrow tightrope like someone in the circus. Encourage children ¡ Stomping as though walking
to take steps, alternating their feet, going slowly and holding their through mud puddles
arms out wide at their sides to help stay balanced. When they reach the ¡ Sliding as if ice-skating
end of the rope, clap and cheer and tell the child to bow to end their ¡ Walking sideways
magnificent performance!
¡ Hopping while you clap your
Sources: Healthy Habits Grow Healthy Children professional development curriculum
Move! From Head to Toe
by Steve Jenkins & Robin Page by Eric Carle
Want to know
how YOU can Articles contributed by Cathy Gray
Healthy Kansas Kids Coordinator,
help children Child Care Aware® of Kansas
build healthy
habits for life? Berry Spectacular Salad
Join Let’s Move! Child Care, a free, A mix of fresh greens, with strawberries, cranberries,
online, national initiative dedicated thinly sliced red onion and finished off with a flavorful
to solving the challenge of childhood dressing. Grilled chicken and roasted almonds may be added
obesity within a generation. to salad to use as a main entree.
To learn more about Let’s Move Child
Ingredients: NUTRITION
Care and access helpful resources visit NEWS
2 cup romaine lettuce Poppyseed, Raspberry
2 cups baby spinach Vinaigrette, Cranberry
By making simple but impactful 1 cup strawberries, sliced Balsamic or salad dressing
changes, we can help children lead 1/4 cup dried cranberries of your choice.
healthier lives. Your involvement is 1/4 cup red onion, thinly sliced
key to ensuring a healthy future for
Rinse and drain greens. Combine and lay strawberries, cranberries and red
onion on top of mixed greens. Toss salad with dressing to evenly coat and
serve with tongs.