Yashasvi (4)
Yashasvi (4)
Yashasvi (4)
JSP Foundation
YASHASVI- Women Education & Skill Development Scheme:
Middle Name
Last Name
(e) Husband’s Name & Occupation: (Applicable for married candidates only)
1. Permanent Address:
2. Email Address:
3. Aadhar Number :
Alternate ID Proof: (a) Voter Card No………………..……………… (b) Pan Card No…................................
4. Educational Qualification:
(a) General
(b) Professional
Applicant Institution
Bank A/C
Bank Name
Branch Address
8. Pre-existing health condition: No: _____Yes:_______________
If Yes, Details:____________________________________________________________________
b) Present status of study (please specify which year of the course) ……………………………………………
10) Institutions imparting Courses in order of preference with correspondence address/ contact
details (pls. specify 2 options only):
Institute a)
Institute b)
11. Course Fees as stipulated by the Institution (Monthly/ Quarterly/ Yearly/ One Time) (Eligible
applicants to submit Fee structure of admitted course duly signed by Principal / Head of the Institution)
13. Income of Parents /Spouse (To be issued by a competent Revenue Authority and source of
such income:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
15. Reasons for applying for financial support from JSP Foundation for the vocational course/
higher studies:
I declare that the entries made by me in this form are true to my knowledge and understand that
I am liable for action under the law for any false information or documents produce by me.
I also understand that the JSP Foundation shall be free to investigate on its own the correctness
of information furnished by me in this application and /or call for any further information in this
regard from me.
During such investigation or at any subsequent stage, JSP Foundation may refuse to issue the
certificate or if already issued, may cancel the same and I shall stand debarred from the scheme.
I also declare that I know and fully understand about the scheme offered by JSP Foundation.
My selection will entirely be based on the various criteria specified by JSP Foundation and the
Expert Committee. I also understand that this is an application form only which means selection
is not guaranteed by JSP Foundation
Date…………………………….. Name:
Name, Contact Number and Signature of Mother along with identity proof:
Name, Contact Number and Signature of Father/ Spouse along with identity proof:
Name, Contact Number and Signature of Guardian/Witness along with identity proof:
(Absence of any listed documents will result in the invalidation of the application)
Complete filled in form in the prescribed format ( Incomplete forms will be treated as invalid)
Self-attested photocopies of certificates of marks of Previous Exams passed :
Residential proof certificate from the Block/ District :
Bonafide certificate from the school/ college along with the fee structure :
Annual family income certificate by appropriate authority :
Self-declaration in the form of affidavit regarding non -receipt of scholarship from any :
other sources by the student duly endorsed by concerned authorities (sample copy attached) :
Photocopy of Ration card. :
Photo copy of Bank pass book of applicants & Institutions duly signed by Principal & Institution
Head with their Seal (Account No., IFSC, Branch name). :
Pass port size photograph :
Photocopy of Aadhar card of candidate and parents/spouse :