Harvesting Our Souls - Arun Shourie
Harvesting Our Souls - Arun Shourie
Harvesting Our Souls - Arun Shourie
Arun Shourie
New Delhi
PDF created by Rajesh Arya - Gujarat
ISBN 81-900199-9-6
Allrights reserved.
Published by
ASA Publications,
New Delhi.
Printed in India by
Gopsons Papers Ltd.,
1. Introduction
Their design
2. An echo chamber 7
3. Body counts: big, and compelling business 25
4. Is the Vatican also unknown? 34
5. Their singular objective us. the law of the land 42
6. Igniting reaction 54
The figue of bistory
7. "But how can we disobey the command of
Our Lord?" 69
8. They have God as their author" 81
9. The uncertain build-up to the climax 110
10. Silence as evidence 126
The figure of
11. The figure of faith 137
12. Another figure of faith, Another can
of conundrums 162
Index 421
2Mattheu, 7.1-5.
Their design
An echo chamber
that the 'ape of the nun' case was projected and highlighted
all over the world and was also projècted as an attack on
Christians when in fact was not true, and the case turned out
to be false."
In the fifth incident, a young girl and boy were found
murdered in Kandhamal, also in Orissa. The murders had
taken place in a remote forest. Local officials said that there
seemed to be no communal angle to the murders, but our
papers and those abroad portrayed them to be part of
continuing attacks on Christians by militant Hindus. The
incident got redoubled prominence: it became a butt in the
factional war within Congress - local Congressmen found in it
the ultimate weapon in their efforts to replace J.B. Patnaik,
the then Chief Minister of Orissa. Justice Wadhwa looked into
this incident also. And what did he find?
On 7 February, 1999, two children, aged 10 and 19, vere
found murdered, a third had sustained injuries. "This incident
again attracted a great deal of publicity in the media,
including electronic media," writes Justice Wadhwa.
"Newspapers came up with the headings, 'Two Christians
killed, one injured in Orissa,' '2tribal Christians done to death
in Kandhamal,' and 'Orissa hunts for Christians' killer.'
Additional D.G.P. John Nayak reportedly said that the
communal angle to the attempted rape and murder could not
be ruled out..." "A certain political party even blamed the
State and Central Governments," Justice Wadhwa recalls,
"and stated that the inaction of the State Government in the
Manoharpur missionary killing incident [the killing of Staines
and his sons to which we shall come in a moment) and the
alleged rape of the nun in Baripada encouraged miscreants to
commit yet another crime in Kandhamal." "In short", he
concludes, "as per various reports that appeared in the
newspapers, the incident was taken as an attack on the
An echo chamber 11
not said this, he sent the paper a contadiction. The paper did
not publish the contradiction.
By that figure of 47-50 arrests hangs another lesson also.
One result of the gruesome nature the murders, of the
fact that even the little sons had been done to death, of the
fact that the State Government had to show to the Congress
leadership in Delhi that it was acting energetically, and also
of the glare the media had brought to bear on the case was
that the police felt it just had to show something. The
consequence? "The police went berserk," observes Justice
Wadhwa. It picked up anyone who in its imagination could
somehow or the other be linked with the Bajrang Dal. Fifty
one persons were thrown into jail. The Crime Branch found
that there was absolutely no case against them. All of them
had to be released. Justice Wadhwa observes,
Atrocity stories
Missionary publications and Internet sites are predictably
full of gory tales, and, unlike those eight incidents which
have disappeared from our' papers, the regular Christian
publications and sites are full of atrocity-mongering at all
"Christian suffering in India is the worst in India in 50
30 Harvesting Our Souls
2See note 1
of Ad Gentes.
Is tbe Vatican also unkn0wn? 37
of the Cross, may spread everywbere the vreign of Christ, Lord
and overseer of the ages (cf. Ecc. 36:19), and may prepare
theway for His coming. »3
The Council proclaimed "without hesitation", as it noted,
"that what has not been taken up by Christ is not made
whole."4 Indeed, not only is the Church conducting its
missionary activity because of its love and compassion for
mankind- love and compassion which impel it to save each
and every human being - it is God Himself who is acting
through the Church, the Council claimed. "Missionary activity
is nothing else and nothing less than an epiphany, or a
manifesting of God's decree," Vatican-IImaintained, "and its
fulfillment in the world and in world history, in the course of
which God, by means of mission, manifestly works out the
history of salvation. By the preaching of the word and by the
celebration of the sacraments, the center and summit of
which is the most holy Eucharist, He brings about the
presenceof Christ, the author of salvation. But whatever truth
and grace are to be found among the nations, as a sort of
secret presence of God, He frees from all taint of evil and
restores to Christ its maker, who overthrows the devil's
domain and wards off the manifold malice of vice. And so,
whatever good is found to be sown in the hearts and minds of
men, or in the rites and cultures peculiar to various peoples"
- this condescension is what constitutes the new "tolerance"
for which we are to be properly grateful - "is not only not
lost, but is healed, uplifted and perfected for the glory of
God, the shame of the demon, and the bliss of men" in
actual fact, having "harvested" the man and his family, the
missionaries strain to have them do things that rent asunder
every link with their tradition and culture, but in their
reckoning they are just healing, uplifting and perfecting our
sick, fallen and flawed cultures.
Ad Gentes, Decree on the Mission Activity of the Churcb, 7 December,
1965, 1. In this book,unless otherwise stated, emphases have been added.
^lbid., 3.
38 Harvesting Our Souls
5Tbid., 9.
6Ibid., 10.
Is the Vatican also unknown? 39
their task: training, organizational proficiency, setting up
institutions of service, research, and the rest. Not the least
among these is for the mnissionary to immerse himself in the
beliefs and practices of the target groups. As the Council
stressed, "All these different kinds of formations should be
completed in the lands to which they are sent, so that the
missionaries may have a more thorough knowledge of the
history, social structures, and the customs of the people; that
they may have an insight into their moral order and their
religious precepts, and into the secret notions which,
according to their sacred tradition, they have formed
concerning God, the world and man. Let the missionaries
learn the languages to such a degree that they can use them in
a fluent and polished manner, and so find more easy access to
the minds and the hearts of men. Furthermore, they should be
properly introduced into special pastoral problems..."
Nor is missionary activity to be the concern only of those
who hold office in the hierarchy of the Church: every lay
devotee must contribute his mite. This point was stressed
more than once by Vatican-II in Lumen Gentium. After listing
the "reasons" - the command of God, the command and
example of Jesus, etc. - on account of which it is compelled
to evangelise, the pronouncement decrees, "Each disciple of
Christ bas the obligation spreadingthe
faith to the best of bis
ability...» 8 And again, laterin the same decree, *....That is,
the faithful who by baptism are incorporated in Christ, are
placed in the People of God, and in their own way share the
priestly,prophetic and kingly office of Christ, and to the best of
their ability carryon the mission of thewbole Christian people
in the Church and the world. " And yet again,
The apostolate of the laity is a sharing in the salvific mission of the
Church. Through Bapism and Confirmation allare appointed to this
apostolate by the Lord himsclf. Moreover, by the sacraments, and
especially by the Eucharist, that love of God and man which is the
soul of the apostolate is communicated and encouraged. The laity,
however, are given this special vOcation: to make the Church
present and fruitful in tbose places and,circumstances wbere it is
only through then that she can become the salt theearth. Tbus,
every lay person, througb those gifts given to bim, is at once the
witness and the living instrument of the mission of the Church
itself according to the measure of Christ's bestowal,'10
'Matthew, 28.18-20.
Evangelica testificatio, the 4postolic Exhortation on the Renewal of
Religious Life, 29 Jurne, 1971, 3.
Their sinIgular objective us. the law of
the lanl 43
the whole human race. It is a duty that falls not just on those
who are formally in the hierarchy of the Church, it is the duty
which every Christian must discharge, the proclamation
emphasized: "The command which vas given to the twelve:
Go preach the Gospel' applies to allChristians though in
different ways. This is why Peter calls them a 'chosen race
to declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of
darkness into his marvelous light'..." "Moreover, the Gospel
of the kingdom which is coming and has already begun," the
Pope continued, "concerns all men of all times. All those,
therefore, wbo bave received this message and by virtue of it
bave been united in the communityy of salvation bave the
power and the obligation to band it on and disseminate it."
The Church is keenly aware of this," he said, "she realizes
that the words of the Saviour: 'I must preach the good news
of the kingdom of God' have a direct application to herself.
And with St. Paul she freely declares: 'If I preach the Gospel,
that gives me no cause for boasting. For necessity s laid upon
me. Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.'" It was
therefore "a great joy and consolation" for him, the Pope said,
to hear the Assembly of Bishops declare, "We wish to affirm
once again that the essential mission of the Cburcb is to
evangelise all men"4
On the fact that it is in the Gospel that the true path to
salvation lies, on the fact that spreading the message of Christ
is a duty inherent in the Church, that it is a necessity for
the Church, on that there can be no compromise, the Pope
emphasized. Proclamations about ecumenism are made
much of in Church propaganda in countries such as India.
What they amount to is well brought out by the emphatic
declaration of the Roman Pontiff in this regard:
IiJbid., 80.
12Jbid., 80.
48 Harvesting Our Souls
For evangelization will never achieve its full force and significance
unless it is received, accepted and adopted, and unless it evokes the
wholehearted allegiance of those who hear it. A man may assent to
the truths which a merciful God has revealed, but he will give a much
deeper and fuller assent to the spirit and way life-that is a life now
13 [bid., 23.
14 Jbid.. 24.
Tbeir singular objective s. the lauw of
the land 49
Talk of a person, given an inch, grabbing a mile! And notice
the way the psychological screw is turned: if the new convert
is less than zealous in converting others, he has failed "the
test of the genuineness of his own Conversion"!
Igniting reaction
For Mother (Teresa), it was the spiritual well-being of the poor that
mattered most. Material aid was a means of reaching their souls,of
showing the poor that God loved them. In the homes for the dying,
Mother taught the sisters how to secretly baptize those who were
dying. Sisters were to ask each person in danger of death if he wanted
a 'ticket to heaven'. An affirmative reply was to mean consent to
baptism. The sister was then to pretend she was just cooling the
person's forehead vilh a wet cloh, while in fact she was baptizing
him, saying quietly the necessary words:Secrecy was important so
that it would not come to be known that Mother Teresa's sisters were
baptizing Hindus and Moslems.?
A literal adherence to the instruction manual which the
Niyogi Commilee had reproduced 40 years ago.
Here before me is Tbe Thailand Report on Hindus.
Published by the Lausanne Committee for World
Evangelization, it is the report of the Consultation on World
Evangelzation held at Pattaya, Thailand, from 16 to 27 June,
On the goaiof the missionaries, the Consultation observed,
we are conscious that God longs for the whole Hindu
people to know Jesus Christ and live under his Lordship
(Isa. 17:7, 8)." Of themselves in relation to this divinely
ordained goal, the assembled missionary-experts said,
We... sincerely repent that we have failed to be a blessing
to the Hindus among whom God has placed us." "We rejoice
in the activity of God in recent days," they said, and called for
"world-wide prayer commitment for world-evangelization."
"As a first and most important step, we call upon the Church
world-wide, and specially the Church in India, to mobilize
intensive and believing prayer for the reaching of the 565.5
million Hindus. We strongly believe that God is calling his
people to active involvement in evangelizing Hindus in
every part of the world.,"
The clap-trap apart about what God is longing for, notice
how a few hundred million have just been chopped off from
the population of Hindus! As has been documented in
Missionaries in India, this miracle of the Church is an exact
continuation of what was done through census-redefinition
by the British rulers in the 1920s and 1930s - in the face of
protests from their own Census officers who knew the reality
A typical sequence
The bare sequence is as follows. Jesus has been nailed to
the Cross. He dies. His body is interred. A large stone is
placed to close the tomb. Devotees visit the tomb. The body
7Some of the judgments, in particular the Supreme Court's opinion in
response to the Presidential Reference on Ayodhya, are analyzed in my
"Steps towards Secularism," in Tbe Ayodbya Reference, Supreme Court
Judgment and Commentaries, Voice of India, New Delhi, 1993, pp. 156-74.
"But bow can we disobey the command of our Lord?" 73
is Jesus appears to disciples. He speaks to them.
Now, let us take the sequence step by step. As everyone
knows, there are four Gospels - by Matthew, Mark, Luke and
John. In the eyes of the Church each is a saint. Every word of
each Gospel is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the
Wbo goes to the tomb? For wbat purpose? "Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre," says
Matthew. "Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Jams,
and Salome," says Mark, as they "had bought sweet spices,
that they might come and anoint him."9 "Mary Magdalene,
and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James,and other women
that were with them," says Luke, "bringing the spices which
they had prepared."10 John reports Mary Magdalene alone as
having gone to the tomb.'1 Thus: from Mary Magdalene
alone, to her and the other Mary, to the two of them and
Salome, to the two of them and Joanna plus the other women
who were with them. Similarly, whoever went, the purpose
was either to "see the sepulchre" or to anoint the body. For
the latter purpose, they were carrying sweet spices which
they had either bought or prepared themselves.
What happened wben, wboever went, arrived at the tomb?
"And, behold, there was a great earthquake," says Matthew,
"for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came
and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it."12
Mark mentions no earthquake, no angel descending; instead
he says that, while on their way the women had been asking
each other "who shall roll us away the stone from the door of
the sepulchre?,"," when they arrived they saw that the stone
had already been rolled avway.15 Luke too does not report any
earthquake, he too says that when the women arrived they
found the stone to have been rolled away.!* According to
John, Mary Magdalene alone had gone. He too mentions
him. "Be not afraid", Jesus says, "Go tell my brethren that
they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me. »20
According toMark, neither the angel at the tomb nor Jesus
on the way asks them to give that message to the disciples.
That one young man does so at the tomb itself.21
According to Luke the conversation takes place with the
two men at the tomb. Not only are the words that are
exchanged different. No one not the angel, not one man,
not Jesus, not either of the twO men asks the women to tell
the disciples that Jesus is going to Galilee ahead of them and
that they will see him there,?22
According to John, what transpired was altogether
different. Mary Magdalene goes alone. She sees that the
stone has been removed, and the body is missing. She runs
"to Simon Peter and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved,"
and informs them that the body is missing. Simon Peter and
the other disciple run to the sepulchre. They see for
themselves, and return home. Mary, on the other hand,
continues to stand outside, weeping. She looks into the
sepulchre and sees two angels "in white sitting, the one at the
head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had
lain." And then Jesus himself appears to her.* Jesus appears
to her - as in Matthew. But there are three differences. In
Matthew Jesus appears to the two Marys, in John he appears
to Mary Magdalene alone. In Matthew he appears as the two
Marys are rushing to the disciples, in John he appears when
Mary Magdalene, having informed two of the disciples,
returns with them to the sepulchre. And, third, in Matthew,
Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, at once
recognize him, they fall at his feet, they hold his feet, and
worship him.24 But in John, even when she sees Jesus
standing in front of her, she does not recognize him. Instead,
she takes him to be the gardener.25
55Luke, 24.44-47.
"They have God as their author
In Mattbew In Luke
Abraham Abraham
Isaac Isaac
Judas Jacob
Phares Juda
Esrom Phares
Aram Esrom
Aminadab Aram
Naasson Aminadab
Salmon Naasson
Booz ,Salmon
Obed Booz
Jesse Obed
David, the King Jesse
Solomon David, the King
Roboan Nathan
Abia Mattatha
Asa Menan
Josaphat Melea
Joram Eliakim
Ozias Jonan
Joatham Joseph
Achaz Juda
Ezckias Simeon
Manasses Levi
Amon Matthat
Josias Jorim
Jechonias Eliezer
Salathiel Jose
Zorobabel Er
Abiud Elmodam
Eliakim Cosam
Azor Addi
Sadoc Melchi
Achim Neri
Eliud Salathiel
Eleazar Zorobabel
Matthan Rhesa
Jacob Joanna
Joseph Juda
Jesus Joseph
"They bave God as their autbo" 85
Jesus' virgin birtb: The belief that is fostered is that the child
was conceived between the betrothal and marriage of Joseph
and Mary, by the intervention of the Holy Spirit. This is one of
the most advertised marks of Jesus' divinity, and so it is
surprising that neither the Gospel according to Mark, nor that
according to John somuch as mentions it. Matthevw and Luke
mention it, but with embarrassing differences. In Matthew the
angel appears to Joseph: he tells Joseph that his betrothed
maiden is going to have a child; Joseph is astonished; how
come?, he demands; the angel explains that God has selected
his wife-to-be for bringing His own Son into the world.°In
Luke, on theother hand, the angel appears not to Joseph, but
to Mary: the conversation he has with her is different, though
the essential point is the same - though a virgin, she has
conceived because of the Holy Spirit "coming on" her, etc.
But, of course, both Gospels "have God as their author."
Apart from the obvious fact that the Church needs such
miraculous claims - scholars point to a linguistic quirk that
accounts for the story. Told that his virgin bride-to-be is
pregnant, Joseph is flummoxed, and apprehensive about
what this would entail for their reputations. The angel
explains that the Holy Spirit has impregnated her, and it has
done so for a purpose: "Now all this happened in order to
make what the Lord had said through the prophet come true,
'A virgin will become pregnant and have a son, and he will
be called Immaneul'. »8
The angel was referring to Isaiab, 7.14. In that sequence,
God sends message after message to Ahaz to ask the Lord for
a sign. Ahaz says he will not put God to a test. Isaiah scolds
him for trying the patience of God, and adds, "Well then, the
Lord himself will give you a sign: a young woman who is
pregnant will have a son and will name him 'Immaneul'. By
the time he is old enough to make his own decisions, people
will be drinking milk and eating honey. Even before that time
II, Histo1y and Literature of Early Christianity, de Gruyter, Berlin and New
York, 1982. p. 73.
90 Harvesting Our Souls
promises of the Old Testament and the hope of Israel and the
world, is shown by the numerous qùotations woven into the
stories. "20
That euphemism again "theological motifs"! In plain
language the authors of the Gospels were propelled to
situate the birth in Bethlehem because they were eager to
establish that Jesus was the same Messiah who had been
prophesied by the Old Testament. Hence his Davidic
genealogy, hence his birth in what was taken to be David's
Jesus was the first to see the contradiction in making both
claims simultaneously on the one hand that he was the
Messiah born to a virgin, and, on the other, that he was
descended from David. If he was born of a virgin, that is if
Joseph had nothing to do with his being conceived, where is
the question of his being traced through Joseph back to
David? The Gospel of Mark reports Jesus, the Messiah,
himself raising this question: "And Jesus answered and said,
while he taught in the Temple, How say the scribes that
Christ is the Son of David? For David himself said by the Holy
Ghost, The Lord said to my Lord [the Messiahl, Sit thou on my
right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool. David
therefore himself calleth him (the Messiah] Lord; and whence
is he [the Messiah) then his [David's son? And the common
people heard him Jesus] gladly."21
But we must take all these contradictory things to be
simultaneously true - Nazareth being the "home town" of
Jesus but Jesus being born in Bethlehem, Jesus being born to
a virgin buu Jesus having descended from David via Joseph
for all these are stated in the Gospels, and these, as we know,
"have God as their author"!
One way or another, at one place or another, on one date
or another, in one year or another, Jesus has taken birth. Who
with his family, Herod does not oxder that the children be
killed, there is no flight to Egypt. Instead, once the mandatory
days for the "purification" of Mary have passed, Joseph and
Mary bring the little child to the Temple at Jerusalem, to
present him to the Lord, and to offer as sacrifice a pair of
turtledoves. At the Temple they encounter a just and true man
who has been promised by God that he shall see the Lord's
Christ before his death. Upon seeing the radiant child, he
knows at once that this is the one for whom he has been
waiting. He tells the parents what a blessing the child is. And
then a prophetess sees the child, and gives thanks,25 There is
none of the tension and apprehension and urgency that
Matthew has set out. And not just in these days immediately
following the birth of Jesus. In fact, Luke portrays a tranquil,
precocious childhood of this gifted child: "And the. child
grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the
grace of God was upon him. "2 Jesus is twelve years old. As
they do every year, the parents visit Jerusalem for the
Passover Feast. Jesus gets lost. The parents are distraught.
They look for him. Eventually, three days later they find him
in the Temple. He has been happily confounding the
doctors.27 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in
favour with God and man."?8 What a contrast to the flight to
Egypt in the nick of time, the slaughter of children, the return
after the death of Herod.
From his birth and childhood there is a sudden jump to
Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist - there is no account
at all of the intervening years.
Jobn and the baptizing of Jesus: Luke would have us
believe that, like Jesus, John too was born as the result
of God's intervention. Zacharias, a priest, and his wife,
Elizabeth are by now old. They have no child. Zacharias is at
the Tenmple. An angel, in fact Gabriel himself, appears, and
and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea. "Follow
me," he calls out to them, "and I ill make you fishers of
men." They straightway leave their nets, and follow him.
Soon they chance upon James and his brother, John, mending
their fishing nets. Jesus calls out to them. They too at once
leave their boat, and join up with him.1
In Luke, Jesus has commenced his teaching, he has begun
performing miracles too - for instance, he is pictured driving
out a spirit from a man, he is pictured rebuking the fever
which has gripped Simon's mother. One day he is standing
by the lake. The people are all round asking him to teach
them. He sees two ships standing by the lake, but the
fishermen are out washing their nets. He enters one of the
ships. It is Simon's. Jesus asks him to take the ship a bit into
the lake. From there he addresses the people. The account
Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into
the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all niglht,
and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the
Andwhen they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of
fishes: and their net brake.
And they beckonedunto their partners, which were in the other ship,
that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both
the ships, so that they began to sink.
When Simon Peter saw it, he feldown atJesus' knees, saying, Depart
from me; for Iamna sinfulman, O Lord.
For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of
the fishes which they had taken:
And so vas also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were
partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from
henceforth ye shall catch men.
And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and
followed him,42
And the two disciples heard him John] speak, and they followed
Then Jesusturned, and saw them following, and saith unto them,
What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being
interpreted, Master) where dwellest thou?
He saith untothem, Come and see. They came and saw where he
dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.
One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was
Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.
He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have
found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ.
And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him,he said,
Thou art Simon the son ofJona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is
by interpretation, A stone.
The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth
Philip, and saith unto him, Follow nme.
Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him,of
whom Moses in the law, and the prophets did write, Jesus of
Nazareth, the son Joseph...3
13Jobn, 1.37-51.
98 Haivesting Our Sous
Now when he had ended all his sayings in the audience of the
people, he entered into Capernaum.
And a certain centurion's servant, whowas dear to him, was sick, and
ready to die.
And when he heard of Jesus, be sent unto bim the elders of the Jeus,
beseeching him that he would come and heal his servant.
And when they came to Jesus, they besought him instantly, saying,
That he was worthy for whom he should do this:
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar
jona: for flesh and bood hath not revealedit unto thee, but my Father
which is in heaven.
AndI say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will
build my church; and the gates of hell sthall not prevail against it.
And I will give untco thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and
whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and
whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed on earth...8
The incident figures in Mark, and also in Luke. But this all
important exchange - one from which springs the claims of
the Catholic Church of Rome to authority, one from which
springs the myth of Peter having the keys to heaven, is
Next, Jesus restores sight to the blind. According to
Matthew and Mark, this happens as Jesus and his disciples
leave Jericho. According to Luke, it happens as they
approach Jericho. According to Matthew, there are two blind
men. According to Mark and Luke, there is 0ne blind man.
According to Matthew, Jesus restores sight by touching the
eyes of the blind men. According to Mark and Luke, he does
so merely by speaking to them, "Go thy way, thy faith hath
made thee whole."70
Each of the three Synoptic Gospels narrates how Jesus rid a
possessed child of the devil that had taken possession of him.
But again, the narratives differ in significant ways: all
important exchanges which are in one are missing from
others, in those exchanges, all-important observations of
Jesus which are in one Gospel, observations that form almost
the moral of the miracle in one Gospel are completely absent
from the others.
Jesus is surrounded by a multitude. A helpless father falls
on his knees, and implores Jesus to cure his son. He is a
Mattheu, 16.16-19.
Pc.f: Mark, 8.27-30; Luke, 9.18-21.
7Compare, Mattheu, 20.29-34; Mark, 10.46-52; Luke, 18.35-43.
"Ibey have God as their author" 105
lunatic, the father says, he is sorely vexed. Often he falls into
fire, often into water. I brought him to your disciples, the
father tells Jesus, but they could not cure him. Jesus is
moved as well as vexed. He says, "O faithless and perverse
generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I
suffer you? Bring him hither unto me."
The child is brought. Jesus rebukes the devil. The devil
departs. The child is cured.
In Mark, the cure is preceded by an exchange between
the father and Jesus, an exchange oft-cited to stress the
importance of reposing faith:
And he asked his father, How long is it ago since this came into lhim?
And he said, Ofa child.
And oft timesit hath cast him into the fire, and into the waters, to
destroy him: butifthoucanst do anything, have compassion on us, and
help us.
Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him
that believeth.
And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears,
Lord, I believe; help thou my unbelief.71
Because of yourunbelief: for verily I say unto you, Ifye have faithas
grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove
hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shallbe
impossible unto you....
Seest thou this woman? I entered into thine house, thou gavest me no
water for my feet: but she hath washedmy feet with tears, and wiped
them with the hairs of her head.
Thougavest me no kiss: but this Woman since the time I came hath
not ceased to kiss my feet.
My head with oil thou didst not anoint: but this woman hath anointed
my feet with ointment.
Wherefore Isay unto thee, Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for
she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little.
And he tells them that for this good deed, "Wheresoever this
Gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also
this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of
76Luke, 7.36-50.
"Tbey haare God as their autbor" 109
her." The woman is not a sinner. The moral is not about who
had loved Jesus more, nor aboutwho, being in greater need
of exculpation, is the one to whom the Lord shall rush His
John'sversion differs from both, having as it does elements
from each of the two! The Passover feast is six days hence.
Jesus is in Bethany, from where he will soon proceed on the
final, fateful journey to Jerusalem. He is at the house not of
sOme Pharisee, not of some leper, but of Lazarus - whom he
has raised from the dead. Lazarus' sisters, Mary and Martha,
who hacd got Jesus to come over to resurrect their brother are
attending on him. No woman comes from outside. There is no
alabaster box. Mary takes "a pound of ointment of spikenard,
very costly." She anointsthe feet of Jesus - she does not pour
it over his head; she wipes his feet with her hair.
Not the disciples in general as in Matthew and Mark, but
one disciple - Judas Iscariot, who will sOon betray him
exclaims, "Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred
pence, and given to the poor?" John adds an editorial
comment: "This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but
because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was
put therein." "Let her alone", Jesus remarks, "against the day
of my burying hath she kept this. For the poor always ye have
with you; but me ye have not always." There is nothing about
his having directed that the deed must be remembered
wheresoever the Gospel is taught .78
Quite a bundle of irreconcilables, and the foregoing is just
a sample. And, as we shall see, they are nothing compared to
what happens when we get to the climax - the final week,
and the decisive events to which the Gospels devote the
largest proportion of their text.
before that final meal the chief priests and elders decide to
arrest Jesus secretly and to have him put to death. According
to Mathew, Judas then goes to the chief priests and asks,
"What will you give me if Ibetray Jesus to you?" They count
out 30 silver coins and give these to him. From then on
Judas is looking for a chance to hand Jesus over to them.12
According to Mark and Luke no money is paid at this stage:
Judas goes to them, offers to deliver Jesus, they are pleased,
"and promised to give him money."13 In John also we are told
of the chief priests hatching the plot, but there is no mention
of Judas going to them. l4
Jesus is said to have foretold Judas' betrayal at this meal.
According to Matthew, when they are eating Jesus says,
"Verily I say unto you that one of you will betray me." The
disciples are agitated, each begins asking Jesus, "Is it I?"
When Judas asks, "Master, is it I?," Jesus answers elliptically,
"Thou hast said."5 According to Mark, Jesus says that one of
those who is eating with him will betray him. Questioned by
the agitated disciples, he repeats the prophecy, "It will be
one of you twelve, one who dips his bread in the dish with
me..." But there is no additional exchange with Judas. l6 In
Luke the sequence is more or less the same as in Mark-there
is no specific hint about Judas, nor is there any additional
exchange with him.
According to John, on the other hand, Jesus was as specific
as anyone can be. The supper has ended, the devil has
planted the idea of betraying Jesus into the heart of Judas
Iscariot. Jesus begins to wash the feet of his disciples. He
alludes to what lurks: "... All of you are clean," he says, "all
except one". And yet again: "I speak not of you all: I know
whom I have chosen: but that the scripture nay be fulfilled,
He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against
me. Now Itell you before it come, that, when it come to pass,
guards who have been sent by the chief priests and elders,
but in addition there are also Roman soldiers,23
Whoever have come, have reached. What happens next?
All four Gospels report that one of Jesus' disciples - Peter -
34Mark, 15.1-15.
118 Harvesting Our Souls
And all this from scholars who believe that Jesus was in fact
arrested as a trouble-maker, informally interrogated, and
handed over to the Roman governor as one leading a political
revolt against the Empire..
lHC. Kee, E.M. Meyers, John Rogerson, AJ. Saldarini, The Cambridge
Companion to the Bible, Cambridge University Press, Carmbridge, 1997,
P. 546.
122 Harvesting Our Souls
The JewS are upset: as men are being cured by the mere
Wordof this outsider, who will flock them and their places?
They use the pretext of Jesus having worked - a miracle
though it be - on a Sabbath. "And therefore", the Gospel
records, "did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay
him...." Questioned, Jesus answers, "My Father worketh
hitherto, and Iwork." That enrages the Jews even more, John
would have us believe: "Therefore the Jews sought the more
to kill him, because he had not only broken the Sabbath, but
said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with
God n42
Silence as evidence
Pilate has washed his hands off the innocent Jesus. At the
clamour of the crowd, instigated as it is by the Jewish
authorities, he has sent Jesus to be crucified.
The trek to Golgotha differs from one Gospel to the other:
OCcurrences in one do not figure in others. Even events that
are at the centre of the Christian myth, which indeed have
become figures of our common speech - the soldiers puting
that crown of thorns on Jesus' head, for instance events -
which form so dramatic a part of one Gospel are totally
missing from the others. "The Passion narrative (Mark 14-15
and parallels) is difficult to harmonize with what we know of
Jewish legal procedure in the 1st century," the authority from
the Union Theological Seminary, at New York, begins his
account of the events leading to the crucifixion in The
Encyclopedia Anmericana.' Having listed the reasons for
which the accounts in the Gospels even of Jesus' trial cannot
be trusted, the Encyclopaedia Britannica observes - without
adducing any evidence, of course - that events such as Judas'
betrayal, Jesus' last meal, Peter's denial "are certainly
historical". But even it is constrained to remark about these
and other events that, apart from the trial, "The other scenes
in the Passion story do not need to be listed
They relate more to thetheological meaning of Jesus Passion
and are, to a large measure, formed in an edifying cultic
manner. "2
Encclopedia Americana, Volume XVI, p. 44.
ZEncyclopaedia Britannica, Macropaedia, Volume XXII, p. 345.
Silence as evidence 127
That is the common view which one can find listed even in
general reviews like those contained in encyclopedias. But
here in India not just missionary publications, even secular
newspapers and magazines narrate the events as if they were
merely reproducing accounts of eyewitnesses! It will,
therefore, pay us to sample an occurrence or two relating to
these final hours.
Jesus is nailed to the cross. According to Matthew, he cries
out in a loud voice, "My God, my God, why hast thou
forsaken me?" "And straight away one of them lfrOm among
those who were standing around] ran, and took a spunge, and
filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to
drink," Matthew says. "The rest said", he continues, "Let be,
let us see whether Elias will come to save him." Jesus does
not seem to get to drink the soporific. Mark, from whom, as
we shall see, Matthew bOrrowed wholesale, gives a similar
account.4 Even though it forms the penultimate climax in
Mark and Matthew, the incident does not figure in Luke at
It figures in John all right, but to a different end. Jesus has
just spoken to a disciple - we shall come to this in a moment
"After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now
accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I
thirst," reports John. "Now there was set a vessel full of
vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it
upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth. When Jesus therefore
had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he
bowed his head, and gave up the ghost, 0
Two bandits have also been nailed to crosses, one to Jesus'
left and one to his right. In Matthew and in Mark passers-by
and, of course, the chief priests mock Jesus, and so do the
bandits. There are no exchanges with the bandits. In Luke
upon being nailed and mocked, Jesus says those famous
words, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they
do."8 It isn't just that these words do not occur in any of
the other Gospels, as the Good News Bible notes, "some
manuscripts lof Luke itself] do not have.[them],"9
In Matthew and in Mark, as we just noted, both the bandits
join the passers-by in mocking Jesus. Neither Gospel says
that Jesus had any exchanges with them. In Luke, on the
other hand, only one of the two criminals mocks Jesus: "And
one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him,"
Luke writes, "saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us."
Instead of joining this thief in his mockery as he does in the
other two Gospels, "the other answering rebuked him,
saying, Dost thounot fear God, seeing thou art in the same
condemnation?" Not only that, this second bandit remarks on
what a difference there is between them and Jesus: "And we
indeed [are being crucified] justly; for we receive the due
reward of our deeds; but this man hath done nothing amiss."
He proceeds further: instead of mocking Jesus as in Matthew
and Mark, he implores Jesus: "And he said unto Jesus, Lord,
remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." And
Jesus responds, full of compassion: "And Jesus said unto
him, Verily Isay unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in
paradise."10 In John, the bandits are there all right. But neither
incident transpires - they do not mock him, nor does Jesus
exchange any words with them.!1
On the other hand, John reports one exchange which none
of the others do. All report that among those who were
present was Mary, the mother of Jesus. "When Jesus there
fore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he
loved," reports John, "he saith unto his mother, Woman,
behold thy son! Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy
mother! And from that hour that disciple took her into his oWn
*Luke, 23.34.
Good Neus Bible, Today's English Version, The Bible Society
of India,
Bangalore, The New Testament, p. 114, note c.
Luke, 23.39-43. 1Jobn, 19.16-30.
Silence as evidence 129
home...." And then follow the vinegar, and Jesus' exclaiming,
"It is finished, "12
Notice that here in John, the last words are these, "It is
finished," In Mark and Matthew, there is the cry of despair
and incomprehension, "My God, my God, why hast thou
forsaken me?" In Luke, Jesus is in an altogether different
mental state. He commends himself to God with the serene
words, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit."13
Clearly, the import of the words is entirely different. Will
Durant offers a typical explanation: the words in Mark and
Matthew, he notes, follow Psalm 22,18; "perhaps finding
such words repugnant to the theology of Paul," Will Durant
says, Luke "substitutes for them, 'Father into thy hands I
commend my spirit,"" "which in turn", Durant writes, "echoes
Psalm 31,5 with suspicious accuracy."14 How apposite the
words of the writer of the essay in the Macropaedia, that all
these things "are.... to a large measure, formed in an edifying
cultic manner...." But our missionaries recite all of them -
taking care to select the set that best suits the occasion!
Jesus has died - the hour assigned differs. In John, Jesus
just gives up the ghost. The soldiers come. They break the
legs of the bandits. Seeing that Jesus is already dead, they do
not break his legs and that too is in accordance with what
has been set out in a scripture. One of them pierces his body
- and that too fulfills a scriptural prophecy. Nothing happens
as far as the. environment is concerned. Jesus' body is taken
down, and eventually consigned to the tomb.15 In Mark and
Luke, on the other hand, the event is of such force that the
curtain which hangs in the Jewish Temple is rent in two,l6
In Matthew, on the third hand, cataclysmic consequences
follow: "Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice,
Matthew, 27.50-53.
Silence as evidence 131
saints were that came to life again, and went into the city, and what
became of them afterward,and who it was that saw them- for heis
not hardy enough to say he saw them himself;... whether they
remained on earth, and followed their former occupation, or working;
or whether they died again, or went back to their graves alive, and
buried themselves.
Strange, indeed, that an army of saints should return to life, and
nobody know who they were, nor who it was who saw them, and that
not a word more should be said upon the subject, nor these saints
have anything to tell us!.... But instead this, these saints were made
to pop up, like Jonah's gourd in the night, for no purpose at all but to
wither in the morning...3
given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For Jonas was
three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the
Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of
the earth. "22 A minor, but none the less embarrassing fact: as
Thomas Paine remarked, going by the Gospels themselves,
Jesus left the grave within 36 hours instead of the prophesied
72. There is more than an arithmetical problem here. Por
scholars see that Jesus had talked of resurrection in a
corporate sense - in the sense of the community of believers
as a whole being resurrected once the Kingdom of God broke
out on earth, and not of his being resurrected as an individual.
The Oxford Companion to the Bible summarizes the position:
"Critical scholarship regards the predictions by Jesus of his
own resurrection (Mark 8.31; etc.) as creations of the post
Easter community after the event. Since, however, Jesus'
preaching of the kingdom implied resurrection, there can be
no question that he foresaw the corporate resurrection of
God's people as lying beyond his death (Mark 14.25). But
there is nothing in his authentic preaching to suggest that he
expected an individual resurrection for himself. "23
But, strange to say, the exact opposite has transpired! He
arose as an individual. The conmunity of believers is still
waiting - two thousand years after his death.
In Mark the disciples are told to proceed to Galilee, in
Matthew they actually go to Galilee and it is there that
Jesus appears to them, in Luke all the appearances of the
resurrected Jesus take place in and around Jerusalem.24 In
any event, in Galilee and Jerusalem, or around and in
Jerusalem alone, risen, Jesus appears - to this group or that.
And then he ascends to heaven. Does be? Matthew, who, as
22Matthew, 12.38-40.
23The Oxford Companion to the Bibie, Bruce M. Metzger, Michael D.
Coogan, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993, p. 647.
2cf., for instance, H.C. Kee, E.M. Meyers, John Rogerson, A,J. Saldarini,
The Cambridge Companion to the Bible, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 1997, p. 525.
Silence as evidence 133
2OFor instance, The Oxford Companion to the Bible, op. cit., pp. 39-40.
The figure of faith
"raised up" on that day, and these will be those who have
eaten Jesus' "flesh" and drunk his blood", what are these but
propositions which have to be taken on faith?
Since the Council of Trent the Church has been claiming
that this anointing is "a divine institution" the claim can be
accepted only on faith. It relies on the statement of James, the
brother of Jesus, that if there is someone sick, presbyters of
the Church should be sent for, and "They in turn are to pray
over him with oil in the namne of the Lord. This prayer uttered
in faith will reclaim the one who is ill, and the Lord wil1
restore him to health. If he has committed any sins, forgive
ness willbe his." That Jesus can and will forgive us- that is,
set us free from the consequences of the wrongs we do -
upon this prayer being said is also just a matter of faith.
Next, notice that James' assurance is absolute: "This prayer
uttered in faith will reclaim the one who is ill, and the Lord
willrestore him to health." Now, given mind-body relation
ships, that a person believes that a ritual will cure him is liable
to facilitate his recovery, no doubt. But it is the belief, not
the ritual of anointing which helps get him back on his feet -
any other ritual, provided the patient believes in it as much,
will do.
And even in the case of devout Christians, the ritual of
anointing may not! The Church is certainly aware of this, and
hedges against failure being taken as proof to the contrary.
There was already a caveat in James' claim itself: for the
prayer to Work it must be "uttered in faith", so that, if it does
not work, it is not the prayer which lacks in potency, it is that
it was not uttered with the requisite faith! The Church has
since fortified the caveats, making out that when the prayer
does not work there is a higher purpose being served, that it
has not worked to design! Anointing the ritual as "a divine
institution," the Council of Trent observed,
James, 5.14-15.
The figure of
faith 141
The central reality is the grace of the Holy Spirit. The anointing
removes any remaining sin and its remnants. It brings relief and
strength to the soul of sick persons, making them greatly confident in
the divine mercy. Thus sustained, they can more easily bear their
illness, be better able to withstand the temptations of the devil in
ambush (Genesis 3:15) and sometimes they regain bodily strength,
f this will contribute to the bealth of the soul. (Decree for the
To be taken on faith
Nor is it a question only of the general nature of figures and
objects of faith. This sudden turn-around – from historicity
being the decisive consideration to historical facts being
unimportant - cuts deeper. For the Jesus of the Gospels is not
just a figure of faith, he is a figure who has to be taken on
faith. True, we cannot construct anything definite about him
from the Gospels, scholars and churchmen concede, but
about the fact that he existed there can be no doubt. But when
the sources for him are only the Gospels, and similar material,
and when they are so patently flawed, how does that "but
about the fact that he existed..." follow?
Assume that it follows, that about the fact that Jesus existed
there is no doubt. But that, as we noted earlier, is hardly
something that would set him apart - countless others,
including all of us, have existed, for far longer than the Bible
says the world has existed. The point is that everything
does make Jesus special has to be taken on faith. The virgin
birth; the opening of the heavens upon John baptizing him,
the descending of the Spirit, and the celestial voice
proclaiming that Jesus is the beloved Son of God, that God is
well pleased with him; the miracles; the exorcisms; the
prophecies in the Old Testament of which he and his life, his
death, his resurrection are said to have been a fulfillment; his
prophecies of his own suffering; that he was crucified as "a
The figure of faith
ransom for many, " that he died for our sins, that our sins have
been absolved by his crucifixion; that this was the best way
for God to demonstrate His compassion for us - to send down
His Son, and have him nailed to the cross: wouldn't it have
been more to the point for Him to have had Satan in the shape
of a serpent impaled on that cross?, the irrepressible Paine
had ingquired; that though our sins were absolved by the
sacrifice of Jesus, we continue to suffer, that the world in
general continues to have so much cruelty and suffering; the
disappearance of the body; the resurrection; the appearances
to the disciples; the sonship of God; God Himself...- each of
these is "a matter of faith," exactly at par with, say, the belief
of our tribals that spirits dwell in the trees they revere....
Isthe Trinity anything other than a "matter of faith"? Is the
belief that this community - those who believe in Jesus - is
the one Chosen of God rather than every other community -
those who believe in Jehovah, those who believe in Allah -
which claims as much on its behalf: what is this exclusivist
claim but a "matter of faith"? What is the belief - common to
the Jews, the Christian Church, and the Islamic Ummab - that
history, specially their own history, is the unfolding of the
purpose of God except a "matter of faith"? What is the belief
that their community is being taken through suffering for a
purpose, that in the end God will ensure triumph except a
"matter of faith"? What are the several "signs" by which Jesus
and God make known Jesus' special proximity to God except
"matters of faith"? That he changed water into wine at the
wedding feast when the hosts ran out of wine, that he healed
the son of the nobleman by his mere word though the son
was dying:? that a man who has been lame for thirty eight
years should rise and walk at Jesus asking him to do so; that a
multitude of five thousand which has followed him should
get fed on next to nothing;" that when his disciples have gone
A representative example
We believe in eternal life. We believe that the souls of all those who
die in the grace of Christ- whether they must still make expiation in
the fire of Purgatory, or whether from the moment they leave their
bodies they are received by Jesus into Paradise like the good thief-
go to form the People of God which succeeds death, death which will
be totally destroyed on the day of Resurrection when these souls are
reunited with their bodies.
We believe that the multitude of those souls gathered round Jesus
and Mary in Paradise forms the Heavenly Church. There they enjoy
eternal happiness, seeing God as He is. There also, in different
Daniel. 10.1-21.
146 Harvesting Our Souls
degrees and ways, they share with the holy angeis in that exercise of
divine power which belongs to Christ in his glory when they
intercede for us and come to the aid of our weakness in brotherly
care. 22
Five sentences in all, and sixteen propositions you have to
take on faith:
1. That there is "eternal life";
2. That there is a Paradise;
3. That Jesus and Mary are siting there;
4. That there is a Purgatory;
5. That some "souls that die" have to "make expiation in the fire of
6. That other souls “from the moment they leave their bodies are
received by Jesus into Paradise";
7. That there is a People of God "which succeeds death;
8. That death is "totaily destroyed on the day of the Resurrection";
9. That on the day of the Resurrection "these souls are reunited
with their bodies";
10. That thereafter they "enjoy eternal happiness";
11. That there isa God;
12. That having been reccived in Paradise, these souls get to "'see
God as He is";
13. That there are holy angels;
14. That they "share in the exercise of divine power";
15. That ensconced in Paradise, these souls also get to share with the
angels the exercise of divine power;
16. That they direct this divine power in our interest by interceding
for us and coming to the aid of our weaknesses.
2iPope Paul VI, Solemni bac lituigia, The Credo of the People of God, 30
June, 1968.
The figue of
faith 147
That "by the hidden and kindly mystery of God's will a
supernatural solidarity reigns among men'; that as a
consequence both the holiness and sins of one are
transferable to, they are transmitted to others; that "we can
see evidence of this solidarity in the fact that Adam's sin is
passed on through propagation to all men" - notice the words
"evidence of", "the fact that" as if that Adam's sin is being
transmitted down the generations is some proven fact; that
thereis one great reservoir available to all– for Jesus died for
our sins;25 that the merits earned and stored up by the saints
toocan be parcelled out for our redemption; that the keys to
this reservoir have been handed to Peter and through him to
his successor, the Pope; that by his having delegated the
power to them, the bishops decide on the way and extent to
which "satisfaction" is to be made; that they may decide to
grant a partial indulgence or a complete one; that all this
having been established, the Church "condemns with
anathema those who say that indulgences are useless or that
the Church does not have the power to grant them"; that we
gain particular merit in charity by obtaining indulgences for
the dead - these propositions are not contained in the
writings and encyclicals of the middle ages, they are the
Current doctrine.4 Which step in this long sequence rests on
anything more than what, were it urged by the clergy of some
other religion, the Church would condemn as superstition?
25See, for instance, John M. Court, Reading the New Testament, Routledge,
New Testament Readings, London, 1997,pp. 62-63.
150 Harvesting Our Souls
carly Christian theology suggest that they are the creation of the early
church (or at least that the oiginal fom has been heavily modified in
transmission), with the result that we can no longer be sure what
Jesus said. For example, the presence of the command to 'do this'27
in remembrance of Jesus, which is lacking in Mark's account, given
once in Luke and twice in 1 Corintbians, could be due to the early
church putting into words what it took to be the intention of Jesus.
Even if this is the case, we would still be left with a tradition of Jesus'
sharing a loaf and cup with his disciples, and these acions would
invite. interpretation. In other words, to account for the origins of
the church meal and the early Christians' appeal to Jesus we must
surely postulate the bistoricity of some kind of meal be beld 28
and answers,
Butif there is no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen;
And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching in vain, and your faith
is also vain.
Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have
testified of God that He raised up Christ: whom He raised not up, if so
be that the dead rise not.
For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
Then they also which are fallen asleep in Chist are perished.
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most
miserable 30
There is no doubt that in puncturing the claims of the
Church scholars have led the way. For three hundred years
they have relentlessly proceeded wherever their analysis
has led them. Their intellectual and moral courage are an
example. And yet, even today, we glimpse the same failure
of nerve. Having listed the reasons on account of which so
much in the Gospels cannot be taken at face value, having
shown at length how they grew up piece by piece, the
scholars observe, "The canon can still be understood to be
God-given just as the contents of the scripture are God
given"- surely, that can only mean that the proposition that
accepting the canon as God-given is as much "a matter of
faith" as accepting the contents of the scripture as God-given
is a matter of faith – "but not purely and supernaturally so -
3°Pope Paul VI, Solemni bac liturgia, The Credo of the People of God,
30 June, 1968.
160 Harvesting Our Souls
he is "coeternal with the Father," that the three are one, the
one three, etc., the usual assertions - each of which has to be
taken on faith - are put forth in the document as if they are
propositions based on proof. Every formulation which differs
in the slightest from the Church-approved one is dismissed as
"far removed from true belief," as one that "deviates from the
faith." And the only "reason" that is advanced for sticking to
the formulation of the Church is that even the slightest
departure on one limb undermines the rest also:
Oncethe mystery of the divine and eternal person of Christ the Son
of God is abandoned, the truth respecting the Most Holy Trinity is
also undernmined, and with it the truth regarding the Holy Spirit who
proceedseternally from the Father and the Son, or from the Father
through the Son...
The unimpaired truth of these mysteries is of the greatest momnent
for the whole Revelation of Christ because they pertain to its very
Core in such a way that, they are undermined, the rest of the
treasure of Revelationis adulterated.
shall die in your sins." You will see allthis only later on, Jesus
says: "When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then ye shall
know that I am be, and that Ido nothing of myself; but as my
Father hath taught me, I speak these things. And he that sent
me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone: for I do
always those things that please him." Even as genealogies
are set out in other Gospels tracing Jesus through David to
Abraham, Jesus himself affirms that he has existed before the
line even began: "Verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham
was, I am."8 While commending his followers to God Jesus
again affirms his identity with God. The hour has come, Jesus
proclaims - the hour for the final events: his going to the
garden, his arrest and all that is to follow. Jesus asks God to
glorify him as he glorifies God: "And now Iam no more in the
world,"Jesus tells God, "but these are in the world, and I
come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name
those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we
are »9
On the one hand, this put Christianity in direct
confrontation with the tradition Jesus had said he was
fulfilling - the tradition of Judaism and the Old Testament.
For, as we just noted, the superimposition of Jesus on God
certainly amounted to the very crime, to the very blasphemy
which the Old Testamnent God had declared was the one
crime He would never pardon. On the other, it had
consequences in regard to those who had been close to Jesus
in his lifetime. Mary the foremost among them. She started as
one who had been chosen by God to be the mother of His
Son. As the Son became the Father, she became the mother of
the Father!
The ascent of
14The Oxford Companion to the Bible, Bruce M. Metzger, Michael
Coogan, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993, 500.
168 Harvesting Our Souls
did not die for her sins. Thereby, the theologians reasoned,
15The Encylopaedia of Religion, Volume XV, op. cit., p. 278.
16The Catholic Encyclopaedia Dictionary, Donald Attwater,
Cassell, London, 1949, p. 310.
Anotber figure of faith, Another can of conundrums 169
her relationship with God's grace was less than full and
perfect. This reasoning was countered with great ardour.
Mary had been preserved from the taint of sin, it was argued,
by the same death of Jesus on the Cross - except that in her
case it was an anticipatory saving! Notice how the devout
scholar puts it in the Chambers's Encyclopaedia, notice
in particular how what is just a series of assertions, of
assumptions suddenly become a "fact":
..As every other human being, Mary stood in need of redemption
and could be redeemed only by the death of Christ; and only from the
merits of that death, seen in anticipation, does the unique grace and
favour of her immaculate conception derive. Because of Adam's sin
all his progeny, from the first monment of their existence, have
suffered in their whole nature the blight and alienation from God that
is original sin. But though Mary inherited the same spiritual liability as
all the rest of Adam's children and, for any liberation from it, was
dependent on the future sacrifice of the cross, that liability was,
nevertheless, in the solitary case of the mother of God, not realised:
whereas the rest of mankind have, by the saving merits won on the
cross, been cleansed of the taint of original sin, Mary, by those same
merits,was preserved from the taint;and God so provided that there
was never an instant in her existence when her soul was actually, in
any degree, under the domination of sin and less than perfectly
united to him through grace. The doctrine of the immaculate
conception is the Roman Catholic Church's statement of tbis fact
and of its relation to the divine plan for the salvation of all of Adam's
descendants. 17
The Encyclopedia Americana amplifies the thesis, and faults
those who down the centuries have seen theological
problems in it. The Encyclopaedia observes,
..Their denials stemmed not from anything explicitin the sources of
revelation, but from three basically speculative objections:
Chambers's Encyclopaedia, Volume VI, International Learning
p. 390.
Systems, London, 1973,
170 Haivesting Our Souls
strange if she were not exempt from all sin." And this is
proclaimed to be "an argunent of fittingness"!
What of the Quran which using the very same "argument
of fittingness" asserts that Jesus was not the Son of God? For
Allah says, "It is not befitting to (the nmajesty of) Allah that He
should beget a son...", and that anyone who alleges that
Jesus was the Son of God is guilty of blasphemy?20 In which
of these mutually exclusive "arguments of fittingness" should
one put his faith? For one man's fittingness is the other man's
And thereis the other problem - one that springs from the
Gospels themselves. We have two propositions: that Jesus
was born to a virgin, and, second, that she remained a virgin
throughout her life. Each proposition is called into question
by the plain text of the Gospels themselves.
Matthew is describing the visit of the angel to Joseph. The
angel dispels the doubts which have erupted in Joseph's
mind about marrying Mary who is already pregnant. He
marries her. How does Matthew describe their subsequent
Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had
bidden him, and took unto him his wife:
And knew her not till she bad brought forth berfirstborn son.21
The clear implication being that after the birth of the child, he
came to "knOw her",
Jesus is claimed to be the Son of God- not just figuratively,
not just because of his spiritual or other attainments, but
literally in that it was the Holy Spirit which, by "coming upon"
20 Quran, 19.35. Commenting on the verse Abdullalh Yusuf Ali remarks,
"Begetting a son is a physical act depending on the needs of man's animal
nature. Allah Most High is independent of all needs,and it is derogatory to
Him to attribute sucli an act to Him. It is merely a relic of pagan and
anthropomorphic materialist superstitions." Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The
Meaning of the Holy Quran, Amana Corporation, Brentwood, 1994 reprint,
p. 751, footnote 2487.
21Mattbeu, 1.24-25.
172 Harvesting Our Souls
Jbid.,0. 27 1bid., 60, 62. 28
Jbid., 67.
Anotberjgure of
faith, Anotber can of conundruns 175
4Mattheu, 10.22-23.
184 Harvesting Our Souls
Jesus has had exchanges with his disciples about who the
people think he is, and who they- the disciples -think he is.
He has been telling them how, in accordance with the plan of
God, he must go to Jerusalem, how he will have to undergo
much suffering, how he will eventually be killed, how he
shall rise on the third day. The disciples protest. Jesus teaches
them how they are to look upon the suffering he will be
Mattheu, 16.28.
10Mattbew, 24, and 25; in particular, 24.32-34; 25.13.
186 Harvesting Our Souls
For the Son of man is as a man taking a far joumey, who left his house,
and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and
COmmanded the porter to watch.
Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house
cometh, even, or at mid-night, or at the cock-crowing,or in the
Lest coming suddenly he findyou sleeping.
And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.'4
17 Luke, 19.11.
188 Harvesting Our Souls
We can see in the biblica! tradition that this outlook causes problens,
especially when the fulfillment of the hopes of the group does not
OCcUr On schedule. For example, the promise of Israel's renewal in
the space of seventy years expressed by Jeremiah Jer. 25:11, 29:10)
is revised by Daniel tO seventy 'weeks' of years, or 490 years (Dan.
9:1-27). In the Gospel tradition, and in other parts of Christian
scriptures, there is evidence that with the passage of time the
expectation of an imminent end of the age had to be dealt with, and
a variety of solutions were offered. 18
Z0Pope Puul VI, Solenmni bac liturgia, The Credo of the People f God,
30 June, 1968.
190 Harvesting Our Souls
Dictated? Inspired?
Written? Collated? Edited?
Potential converts in India are still fed the line that the
Bible - specially the Gospels, of course - is a divine book
which was dictated by God. That used to be the claim of the
Church in Europe also – but it was abandoned long ago. A
lesser claim was then advanced: that while the Old and New
Testaments were written by humans, by mortals, at the time
these authors wrote them they were under the inspiration of
God. They were a sort of passive hand that was used by the
Holy Spirit to set out the narrative. The Oxford Companion to
the Bible describes the current status of this assertion as
Today all but the most extreme Jewish and Christian fundamentalists
recognise the complicated and heterogeneous origins of the Bible
and that it contains statements that in any other literary work would
beconsicdered erroneous. Modern biblicalcriticism has immeasurably
enriched our understanding of biblical backgrounds, customs, and
mores, but it has inevitably raised other issues. Most modern
believers acknowledge that in the end the issue of biblical inspiration
is ultimately a mystery - truly a matter of faith.'
oThe Cambridge Companion to the Bilble, op. cit., pp. 11, 573.
198 Haivesting Our Souls
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Macropaedia, Volume XIV, p. 977.
25 The
Encyclopedia Americana, Volume VII, p. 555.
Dictated? lnspiredl? 1Witten? Collated? Eclited? 205
The second difficulty arises from the fact that we are dealing
with a period when manuscripts were being copied by hand
- by perSOns of varying ability, of varying fidelity, by perSons
who must have had at least as firm a conviction as the
"authors" of the originals that they should be passing on that,
and only that which will spread and deepen what they
regarded as the correct faith. Even a brief passage from
Koester gives us a glimpse of the resulting uncertainty:
p. 41.
208 Havesting Our Souls
the text of a passage had become sO COrrupt that the scribe had no
choice but to reconstruct hypotheticaly whatever he thought might
Ihave been the original, or cases of deliberate corrections in order to
adjust a text to a new theological perspective. Marginal notes were
also brought into the text accidentally in a number of cases. A
particular difficulty is the text of the Bock ofActs, which is preserved
in Codex D in a textual form which so radically departs from the texts
of the other manuscripts that it has been surmised that at its base was
a second revised edition made by the book's original author. In
all these instances, the textual critic must turn to a hypothetical
reconstruction (conjecture), for which there may be at least some
justification in the uncertainty of the manuscript tradition, but never
support frOm an actual manuscript reading..
At times Mattbew shapes the quotation to fit bis aim, as in his claim
that the scriptures predicted Jesus' living in Nazareth, whereas the
Hebrew Bibie never mentions Nazareth but has two non-local ternms:
nezer, which refers toa special consecration to God (Num. 6:2-21,
Lev. 21:12), and netzer, which means shoot'
Isa. 11:1, 53:2).
Elsewhere Matthew shapes the events be refports in order to make
them fit bis understanding of scripture, as when he describes Jesus
riding into Jerusalem on two animals, since two are mentioned in
scripture (Matt.21:7, Zecb. 9:9). The aim is clear, and the method
matches that of Jewish interpreters in that period: the interpreter of
#Mark, 6.1-6.
The Cambridye Companion to the Bible, op. cil., p. 447.
10Mattheu, 13.58.
All to apredetermined purpose 213
scripture is interested in what it means in his own situation, not what
it meant in the time of the writer.!1
The quest for the historical kernel of the stories of the Synoptic
narrative materials is very difficult. In fact such a quest is doomed to
miss the point of such narratives, because these stories were all told
in the interests of mission, edification, cult, or theology (especially
christolog), and they bave no relationsbip to the question of
bistorically reliable information. Precisely those elements and
features of such narratives which vividly lead to the climax of the
story are derived not from actual historical events, but belong to the
form and style of the genres of the several narrative types. Exact
statements of names and places are almost always secondary and
were often introduced for the first time in the literary stage of the
Large-bearted? 2
"1,the Sovereign Lord, Almighty," that is His unvarying
description of Himself. "1, the Almighty Lord have spoken,"
that is how He concludes His innumerable curses.
Moses, God's chosen prophet, warns his fellow-Israelites,
..When the Lord brings you into this land and you have all you want
to eat, makecertain that you do not forget the Lord who rescuedyou
from Egypt, where you were slaves. Honour the Lord your God,
worship only Him, and make your promises in His name alone. Do
not worship other gods, any of the gods of people around you. Ifyou
do worsbip otbergods, the Lord's anger will come against you like
fire and will destroy you completely, because the Lord your God,
wbois present with you, tolerates no rivals3
But youmay not be able to serve the Lord. He is a holy God and will
not forgive your sins. He will tolerate no rivals, and ifyou leave Him
to serve other gods, He will turn against you and punish you. He will
destroy you, even though He was good to you before.
Then get rid of those foreign gods that you have, and pledge your
loyalty to the Lord, the God of Israel,4
eremiab, 50.44.
"4, the Souereign Lord, Almigbty" 227
you till there is not one of you left in the land you are about to
occupy.... infectious diseases with swelling and fever....
Disasters, no rain.. The Lord will give your enemies victory
over you...When they killyou, no one will come to scare the
birds and wild animals that will be eating your bodies.... The
Lord will send boils on you.... He will make your bodies
break out with sores, your bodies will be covered with scabs
and itch.... The Lord will make you lose your mind....
Blindness... Your livestock will be butchered before your
eyes.... Your sons and daughters will be given as slaves to
foreigners while you look on... Incurable, painful sores,
boils will cover you from head to foot..Your crops will fail,
your trees will be devoured by insects... your land will be
taken from you.... These disasters will be evidence of God's
judgment on you and your descendants for ever... Hunger,
thirst, nakedness... God willsend a nation to swOop down on
you like an eagle. They will be ruthless and show no mercy
to anyone, young or old...When your enemies are besieging
your towns, you will become so desperate for food that you
will even eat the children the Lord has given you.. you will
all eat your own children... the mother will secretly eat her
new-born child, such will be the hunger the Lord will
inflict...Incurable diseases and horrible epidemics...And all
because you failed to obey Him, and because you failed to
honour the wonderful and awesome name of the Lord..14
Though He has been so good to them as to have chosen
them as His own, the people repeatedly revert to other gods.
The Lord God does not wean them back –after all, that would
be the easiest thing for Him to do: He is All-powerful, is He
not? On the contrary, He orders His prophet, Isaiah, “Make
the minds of these people dull, their ears deaf, and their eyes
blind, so that they cannot see or hear or understand." And
why not? "If they did", this benevolent Father explains, "they
might turn to Me and be healed."
I4Deuieronomy, 28.1-68.
", the Sovereign Lord, Almigbty" 229
"How long will it be like this, Lord?," his alarmed prophet
Isaiah asks. And the Lord declares,
Until the cities are ruined and empty - until the houses are
uninhabited- until the land itself is a desolate waste. I will send the
people far away and make the whole land desolate. Even if one
person out of ten remains in the land, he too will be destroyed; he will
be like the stump of an oak-tree that has been cut down..15
Now I will act. I will show how powerful I am. You make worthless
plans and everything you do is useless. My spirit is like fire that will
destroy you. You will crumbe like rocks burnt to make lime, like
thorns burnt to ashes. Let every one near and far hear what I have
done and acknowledge my power.'18
....The Lord is angry with all the nations and all their armies. He has
condemned them to destruction. Their corpses willnot be buried, but
will lie there rotting and stinking; and the mountains will be red with
blood. The sun, moon, and stars will crumble to dust. The sky will
disappear like a scroll being rolled up, and the stars will fall like leaves
dropping from a vine or a fig-tree.
The Lord has prepared His sword... His sword will be covered with
blood and fat, like the blood and fat of lambs and goats that are
sacrificed. The Lord will offer this sacrifice in the city of Bozrab; He
will make this a great slaughter in the land of Edom. The people will
falllike wild oxen and young bulls, and the earth will be red with
blood covered with fat.
...The whole country will burn like tar..The land will lie waste age
after age.... Vultures will gather there, one after another.... 19
20For the foregoing, Jeremiab, 1.6, 16-17; 2.4-6, 11-12, 17, 19-20.
232 Harvesting Our Souls
Ezekiel, 29, 30.
"I, the Sorereign Lord, Alnighty" 233
gOtomy lovers -they will give me food and water, wool and linen,
olive-oil and wine.'
SoI am going to fence her inwitlh tlan-bushes, and build awall to
block her way....
She would never acknowledge that I an the one who gave lher the
Con, the wine, the olive-oil, and all the silverand gold that she used in
the worship of Baal. So at harvest time I will uke back My gifts... Iwill
strip her naked in front of her lovers, and no one will be able to save
Iher from My powver....
So Iam going to take her into the desert again; there Iwill win her
back witlh words of love. Iwill give back to her the vineyards she had
and make Trouble Valley a door of hope. She will respond to Me
there as she did when she was young, when she canne from Egypt.
Then once again she will call Me her husband-she will no longer call
Me lher Baal. I will neverlet her speak tlhe name Baal again....22
But He rages on. "They have left Me," Hesays of His people.
"Like a voman who becomes a prostitute, they have given
themselves to other gods...."23 «There is no faithfulness or
love in the land," He declares, "and the people do not
acknowledge Me as God.." He lists the wrongs they do, the
people He has chosen as His own, people vho are under His
guidance at every turn, people to whom He is sending
prophets one after the other... "My people are doomed," He
says, "because they do not acknowledge Me..." They have
become prostitutes - taking in other gods as lovers.. They
are under the spell of idols..24
And so, I will myself attack them like a lion, He declares.
"I myself will tear them to pieces and then leave thenm. When
I drag them off, no one will be alble to save them. I vill
abandon My people until they have suffered enough for their
sins and come looking for Me. Perhaps in their suffering they
will try to find Me, "25
Who is to blame? As usual, theother party! I am always
eager to help them, but look at them, says the Lord God.
22Hosea, 2.2-17. 23Hosea, 4.12.
ZiHosea, 4.1, 6, 12, 17. 25Hosea, 5.14-15.
234 HarvestingOur Souls
I,the Lord have decided that four terrible things will happen
to them: they will be killed in war; their bodies will be
cdragged off by dogs; birds will eat them, and wild animals
will devour what is left over...."
As usual, He reverts to recounting the sin for which He is
Hewarns the prophet not to have any children in that land: "I
will tell you what is going to happen to the children whoare
born here and to their parents. They vill die of terrible
diseases, and no one will mourn for them or bury them. their
bodies willlie like piles of manure on the ground. They will
be killed in war or die of starvation, and their bodies will be
food for the birds and the wild animals." Allthis torment for
what crimne? "..because they have defiled My land with idols
that are as lifeless as corpses," the Lord God Almighty
explains, "and have filled it with their false gods, "29
Those closing words, "In order that every one will know
that You are God, do not delay," suggest the one argument
that works, an argument that Moses uses to good effect.
As usual, God is in rage. "How much longer will these
people reject Me?," He roars at Moses. How much longer
will they refuse to trust in Me, even
though Ihave performed
so many miracles among them?" "I will send an epidemic and
destroy them," He declares, "but I will make you the father of
a nation that is larger and more powerful
than they are."
Moses lavishes praise on Him for all the good things He has
done to lift His chosen people. He reminds Him that many
nations have heard Him declare that these people are His
chosen ones. "Now if you kill all Your people," Moses
argues, "the nations wbo bave heard Your fame uvill say
32 Daniel, 9.4-19.
"I, the Souereign Lord, Ahwigbty" 239
kill them, because You hated them. After all, these are Your
people wbom You chose to be Yoùr own and whom You
brought out of Egypt by Your great power and might. "34
In a word, flattery plus one unfailing reason that if You
carry out the punishment, those who have heard of Your
promise willthink less of You.
3Deuteonomy, 9.25-29.
An extreme condition
isn't just that the Lord God of the Bible is enraged if you
Worship someone else. He flies into paroxySms if yOu so
much as praise anyone else. In His calculus, by praising
another you insult Him. An extreme ConditiOn, one that we
can scarcely believe would be the case, yet one that is
literal truth.
The Lord God has ordered Gideon to attack the enemy.
They re well-entrenched, in enormous numbers like a
Swarm of locusts," they have "as many camels as there are
grains of sand on the seashore." Gideon and his men hesitate
to hurl themselves at this mammoth opponent. But the Lord
God has a different consideration in mind. "The men you
have are too many for Me to give them victory over the
Midianites," He tells Gideon. How come? "They might think
that they had won by themselves, " God says, "and so give Me
n0 credit. "Therefore, the Lord God commands: tell them that
those vhowant to return home can do So, that way fewer will
be left. Gideon proffers the option. Twenty-two thousand
leave. Ten thousand are left. Still too many, says the Lord. He
prescribes another test: take them to drink water; those who
get down on their knees to drink it, the Lord says, should be
sent back, and only the three hundred who scooped up in
their hands and lapped it should remain.
The number is now so small that the victory, should it
follow, cannot but be attributed to God. God in turn ensures it
by makingthe enemy troops attack cach other.
Judges, 7.
242 Harvesting Our Souls
My priests forever. "But now Isay, I,won 't have it any longer.
Instead, I willhonour those who honour Me, and I will treat
with contempt those who despise Me." "Listen", He declares
to this helpless,aged, faithful man, "the time is coming when
Iwill kill all the young men in your family and your clan, so
that no man in your amily will live to be old. You will be
troubled and look with envy on all the blessings I will give to
the other people of Isracl, but no one in your family will ever
again live to old age..." Your two sons will die on the same
day, He announces. But to what purpose? "Tbis will show you
that everytbing I have said will come true, says the Lord
The sin of Eliis that, in God's reckoning, he "honours" his
Sons more than God. The evidence for this is that he allows
them to take the best parts of the sacrifices that are made for
God. God decides to kill them, and, therefore, the sons
persist in sin. Godextermninates not just the two of them, He
exterminates every man of Eli's family in his youth. Why? So
as to establish that everything He says comes true! The
offence, the evidence, the responsibility for the sons
persisting in sin, the punishment meted out not just to those
two but to every man – born and unborm - in the family, the
purpose of all this cruelty.
At last after twenty years unremitting labour, the Temple is
complete. King Solomon and the people offer sacrifices to
the Lord God. Solomon sacrifices 22,000 head of cattle and
120,000 sheep as "fellowship-offerings". The Lord hears
Solomon's prayer, He appears to Solomon. He says, "!
consecrate this Temple which you have built as the place
where I shall be worshipped forever. Iwill watch over it and
protect it for all time" - in fact, it won't be long before He
once again takes offence, and the Temple comes to grief.
But, for the moment, notice the condition He lays down:
'1Samuel, 2.22-34.
An extrennecondition 245
Why has the Lord done this, every one wll ask. People, He
forecasts, will answer,
It is
because they abandoned the Lord their God, who brought their
ancestorS (OUt of Egypt. They gavetheir allegiance to othergods and
worsbipped them. That is why the Lord has brought this disaster on
God flies into His accustomed rage, and hurls His customary
curses. He chooses a young official, Jeroboam, who is among
The wife has but to enter the city, and the curses descend.
The son dies.... And, of course, the wrath of God falls not just
on Jeroboam and his family but on the people in general -
they had allowed themselves to be misled into worshipping
foreign gods and idols..
In Judah, vhich is under the rule of Solomon's son,
Rehoboam, the chosen people do worse! They too build
"places of worship for false gods, and put up stone pillars and
symbols of Asherah to worship on the hills and under shady
trees..."Worse, "there were men and women who served as
prostitutes at those pagan places of worship."" Ire, anger,
rage follow...
Rehoboam is succeeded by his son, Abijah. Alas!, "He
committed the same sins as his father and was not completely
loyal to the Lord his God..., " the Bible tells us. 12 He is
succeeded by Asa. He fares a bit better, doing "what pleased
the Lord." And what is this? "He removed his grandmother
Maacah from her position as queen mother, because she had
made an obscene idol of the fertility goddess Asherah. Asa
cut down the idol and burnt it.." Unfortunately, Asatoo falls
short of what is wanted: "he did not destroy all the pagan
places of worship...»13
Jeroboam's son, Nadab, becomes king of Israel. Alas!, "like
his father before him," the Bible tells us, "he sinned against
the Lord, and led Israel into sin...»14
And so Baasha plots against Nadab, overthrows him,
becomes king. And now a typical thing happens which we
shall encounter in greater detail soon.
Baasha becomes king. "At once he began killing all the
other gods, in order to buit Me. But am Ireally the One they
are hurting? No, they are hurting themselves and bringing
shame on themselves. And so I, he Sovereign Lord, willpour
out my fierce anger on this Temple. I vill pour it out on the
people and animals alike, and even on the trees and crops.
My anger vill be like a fire that no onc can put out."1$
That motive which is read into innocent practices of the
people He has Himself decided are vorthy to be His chosen
people - that they honour other gods so as to burt Him! That
anger which in any other entity would be seen to be so
extreme asto be irrational, indeed pathological.
Ezekiel is now the chosen prophet. Enraged, God
has abandoned His chosen people to suffer. Ezekiel is
conversing with leaders from Judah. He has a fiery vision. It
is God. God has Ezekiel see what He says are the disgusting
things that are being done in the precincts of the Temple
At the north entrance is an idol "that was an outrage to
God." Inside, on the walls are "dravwings of snakes and other
unclean animals, and of other things" which the chosen
people are worshipping. Next, Ezekiel is shown seventy
leaders each of whom is worshipping images. And then
women whoare veeping over the death of the god Tammuz
-a god who was thought to die with the vegetation each year
and comne back to life the following year. He is also shown
people worshipping the rising sun...
The all-encompassing, compassionate, large-hearted,
magnanimous, God is convinced that the people are doing
these things with one purpose alone: to spite and enrage
Him! He roars at Ezekiel,
These people:are not satisfied with merely doing all the disgusting
things you have seen here and with spreading violence throughout
the country. No, they must come and do them here in the Temple
1HJerenih, 7.16-20.
250 Harvesting Our Souls
itself and make Me even more angry. Look how they insult Me in the
most offensive way possible.
you, "tben you will know that I am the Lord. "2 "Then you
will remember the disgusting things you did and how you
defiled yourselves. You will be disgusted with yourselves
because of all the evil things you did.. When I act to protect
My bonour, you Israelites will know that I am the Lord,
because I do not deal with you as your wicked, evil actions
After round upon round of privation, death, epidemics,
wars, the people vill be brought back. The Lord God shows
Ezekiel His throne at the Temple. He tells Ezekiel how things
in the future will difer from the past: "..Neither the people
of Israel nor their kings willever again disgrace My name hy
worsbipping otber gods or by burying the corpses of their
kings in this place.."" He declares 30
Ezekiel is gone. Zephaniah is the chosen prophet. God
speaks to him. "I am going to destroy everything on earth, all
human beings and animals, birds and fish," He thunders. "I
will bring about the downfall of the wicked," He says leaving
some little hope for those who are not wicked. Only tO
Smother it in the very next sentence: "I will destroy all
mankind, and no survivors will be left. I, the Lord, have
As usual, He is particularlydetermined to pulverize His
chosen people. But why this time? God explains:
I willpunish the people of Jerusalem and of all Judalh. I will destroy
the last trace of the wOrship of Baal there, and no one will ever
rememlber the pagan priests who serve him. I willdestroy anyone
whogoes up on the roof and worships the sun, the moon, and the
stars. Iwill also destroy those who worship Me and swear loyalty to
Me,but then take oaths in the name of the god Molech. Iwill
those who have turned back and no longer follow Me, those wvlo do
not come to Me or ask Me to guide them2
Ezekiel, 20.42. 20 Ezekiel, 20.44. 3
Ezekiel, 43.5-7.
3Zepbaniab, 1.2-3. 32 Zepbaniab, 1.4-6.
An extrene condition 251
He held His hand, and for the same reason: "But I did not,
since that would bave brougbt disbonour to My name among
the nations wbich bad seen Me lead Israel out of Egypt. So I
made them another promise in the desert.... "22
Next, God says He deliberately misleads the very people He
bas chosen as His own, He deliberately lets them wallow in
tbings that disgust Him - so that He can punish them all the
more. He misleads them so that He may punish them. He
punishes them so that the pain will remind them that Hle is the
Lord their God:
Then Igave them laws that are notgood and commands that do not
bring life. I let them defile themselves with their own offeings, and
let them sacrifice their first-born sons. This was to punisb them and
showthem that I am the Lord23
What would you call a fathe, an ordinary, mortal father who
behaved like that towards his children? Does the same
behaviour become exalted because it is the doing of the Lord
God again commands Ezekiel to remind people of these
ways by which their fathers "insulted Me by their
unfaithfulness."24 And to convey Hisdetermination topunish
them, and bring them to heel. "Then you will know that Iam
the Lord," He says.25 He both warns the people, and holds out
a promise -
the object of each of these contrary decrees
being to ensure that His own name is honoured. Please
yourselves, He tells the people. Go on serve your idols, He
taunts them. "But I warn you that after this you will have to
obey Me and stop disbon ouring My boly name by ofering
gifts toyour
idols. "26 Soon I will begin accepting the
sacrifices you burn "and the nations will see that I am
boly."27 And Iwill bring you back to the land I have promised
23 Ezekiel, 20.25-26.
22 Ezekiel, 20.18-23.
2^ Ezekiel, 20.27. 25Ezekiel, 20.37-38.
26 Ezekiel, 20.39. Ezekiel, 20.41.
254 Harvesting Our Souls
forget tlhe lesson I taught them. But soon they vere behaving as
badly aS ever37
just wait,wait for the day when I rise to accuse the nations. I have
made up my mind to gather nations and kingdoms, in order to let
them feel the force of My anger. The whole earth will be destroyed
by the fire of My fury.
Then I wil change the people ofthe nation...
In what way?
And they willpray to Me alone and not to other gods. Even from
distant Sudan My scattered people will bring offerings to Me...338
What a thing for which to wreck all mankind! What an
objective at which to aim!
Do not make any treaties with the people of the country, because
when they worship their pagan gods and sacrifice to them, they wil!
invite you to join them, and you will be tempted to eat the fod they
offer io their gods. Your sons might marry those foreign women, who
would lead them to be unfaithful to Me and to worship their pagan
So, what should they do? "Instead, tear down their altars," the
Lord God commands. "Destroy their sacred pillarS, and cut
down the symbols of their goddess Asherah... Do not make
and worship gods of metal..."3
Scores and scores and scores of passages speak to the
same paranoia. Garnering them, and reflecting on the
condition they reveal, I leave to the reader - as an
inducement for him to wade through the Bible - the Book
having which is said to be one of the grounds for their
Idols and altars being such a threat, what does the
Almighty, the Lord God command be done about them?
"In the land that you are taking," the Bible conmands,
"destroy all the places wbere tbe people worsbip their gods on
high mountains, on hills, and under green trees. Tear dovn
their altars and smasb their sacred stone pillars to pieces.
Burn their symbols of the goddess Asberah and chop down
Even your brother or your son or your daughter or the wife you ove
or your closest friend may secretly encourage you to worship other
gods, gods that you and your ancestors have never worshipped. One
of you may encourage you to worship the gods of the people who
live near you or the gods of those who live faraway. But do not let
him persuade you; do not even listen to him. Show bim no niercy or
pity, and do not protect hin. Kill bim! Be tbe fist to stone bin,
and ibenlet every one else stone bin too. Stone bin to death !He
tried to lead you away from the Lord your God...
But when you capture cities in the land that the Lord your God is
giving you, kill every one. Completely destroy all the people tlhe
Hittites,the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and
the Jebusites, as the Lord ordered you todo. Kill tbem, so that they
will not make you sin against the Lord by teaching you to do all the
disgusting things that they do in the worship of their gods.8
When the Lord your God gives you victory in battle and you take
prisoners, you may see among hem a beautiful woman you like and
want to marry. Take her to your home, where she will shave her
head, cut her fingernails, and change her clothes. She is to stay in your
home and mourn for her parents for a month; after that, you may
marry her. Later, if you no longer want her, you are to let
her go free.
Since you forced her to have intercourse with you, you cannot treat
her asa slave and sell her.9
Anyone who tries to rebuild the city of Jericho will be under the
Lord's curse.
Whoever lays the foundation will lose his eldest son;
Whoever builds the gates will lose his youngest. 10
The Lord God now orders him to advance on Ai. The place
and its king are captured. what does the prophet lead his
soldiers to do? The Bible describes it for us:
The Israelites killed every one of the enemy in the barren country
where they had chased them. Then they went back to Ai and killed
every one there. Joshua kept his spear pointed at Ai and did not put it
down until every person there had been killed. The wbole
population of Ai was killed that day - twelve thousand men and
women... Joshua burnt Ai and left it in ruins....He hanged the king of
Ai from a tree and left his body there until evening. At sunset Joshua
gave orders for the body tobe removed, and it was thrOWn down at
the entrance to the city gate.. 11
killed by the soldiers. Joshua then had the five kings of the
Amorites brought out,and slaughterèd them himself.12
The Lord then granted Joshua and his men victory over
Makkedah, and Joshua "put every one in the city to death; n0
one was lefi alive. He did to the king of Makkedah what he
had done to the king of Jericho."3
And then the good Lord granted tlhem victory over Libnah.
And in turn Hischosen ones "spared no one, but killed every
person in it. They did to the king what they had done to the
king of Jericho."14
And then the good Lord gave them victory over Lachish.
"Just as they had done at Libnah, they spared no one, but
killed every person in the city.."15
And then with His blessing they surrounded Eglon. And,
what with the good Lord backing them, "They captured it the
same day and put every One there to death, just as they had
done at Lachish, »l6
And then Joshua led his men up the hills to Hebron. They
attacked it and captured it. And "They killed the king and
every one else in the city as well as in the nearby towns.
Joshua condemned the city to total destruction, just as he had
done to Eglon. No one in it was left alive."17
And on and on. "... Joshua captured the whole land.. He
spared no one; every one was put to death. Tbis is wbat the
Lord God of Israel had conmanded.."18
And then to Hazor. And there too Joshua killed the king,
and “tbey put every one lbere to deatb; 20 0ne tUas left alive,
and the city was burnt."19
How is all this to be reconciled with the image - of
tolerance, compassion, broad-mindedness - that Christian
missionaries would have us swallow? It is a real dilemma, If
they say, the accounts are not true, even if they maintain, like
1Josbiua, 10.7-27. 13Josbua, 10.28.
14Josbua, 10.29-30. 1
Josbua, 10.31-33.
1Jasbua, 10.34-35. 1Josbua, 10.36-38.
1Josbua, 10.40. PJosbua, 11.10-11.
Vbat the faitbful must do 261
Josbua captured all these cities and their kings, putting every one
to deatb, just as Moses, the Lord's servant, bad commanded... The
Lord bad given His comnands to His servant Moses, Moses bad
given then to Josbua, and Josbuaobeyed them. He did everytbing
that the Lord bad comnanded Moses.20
Take your father's bull and another bull seven years old, tear down
your father's altar to Baal, and cut down the symbol of the goddess
Asherah, which is beside it. Build a well-constructed altar to the Lord
your God on top of this mound. Then take the second bull and bum it
whole as an offering, using for firewood the symbol of Asherah you
have cut down.' So Gideon took ten of hisservants ancd did what the
Lord had told him. He was too afraid of his family and the people of
the town to do it by day, so he did it by night..22
"Hesinned against the Lord, for until the day of his death he
followed the wicked example of`King Jeroboam, son of
Nebat, who led Israel into sin till the day of his death.."30 He
is succeeded by Pekhiah. Alas!, "He sinned against the Lord,
following the example of King Jeroboam, son of Nebat, who
led Israel into sin.. "31 He is succeeded by Pekah as king of
Israel, and "He sinned against the Lord, following the
example of King Jeroboam, son of Nebat, who led Israel into
sin.."32 Remember Jotham - the son who ruled as his father
was confined to his house because of the dreaded skin
disease? Well, he eventually becomes king of Judah, and
rules it for sixteen years. He is the one who built the North
Gate of the Temple. But the net result? "Following the
example of his father Uzziah, Jothamn did what was pleasing
to the Lord. But the pagan places of worsbip were not
destroyed, and the people continued to offer sacrifices and
burn incense there.... "55 And then Jotham's son, Ahaz
becomes king of Judah. He rules for sixteen years, but turns
outto be deliberately perverse: "He did not follow the good
example of his ancestor King David; instead he did what was
not pleasing to the Lord his God and followed the example of
the kings of Israel. He even sacrificed his own son as burnt
offering to idols, imitating the disgusting practice of people
whom the Lord had driven out of the land as the Israelites
advanced. At the pagan places of worship, on the hills, and
under every shady tree, Ahaz offered sacrifices and burnt
incense.."39 Hoshea becomes king of Israel, and rules in
Samaria for nine years. He turns out to be a bit of an
exception: "He sinned against the Lord, but not as much as
the kings who had ruled Israel before him... "35
The predictable happens:
Samaria fell because the Israelites sinned against the Lord their God...
They worshipped other gods, followed the customsof the people
This is the conduct of the people God has chosen as His own.
In the case of the kings, this is the conduct of ones who
otherwise do a lot to advance God's plan: several of them kill
thousands in God's cause. Most important, how come God -
the Almighty, the Al-powerful - is so ineffectual? And wby is
He so ineffectual? After all, as He is All-powerful, as nothing
happens except at His command, He must Himself be
making His chosen kings and people behave in so contrary a
fashion. If the mens rea be deduced from what He does as a
consequence, He must be setting them up to outrage Him so
that He may bring down the unspeakable cruelties that He in
fact sends down on them. What would you call a father who
so arranges things in regard to his children? Would you not call
him a sadist? And how is this kind of a God an improvement
over the trees and rivers, the sun and sea to which we Pagans
Judah that every one who hears aboutit will be stunned...Iwill wipe
Jerusalem clean of its people, as clean as a plate that has been wiped
and turnedupsidedown. Ivill abancdon the people who survive, and
will hand them over to their enemies, who will conquer them and
plunder their land. I will do this to My pebple because they have
stirred up My anger....
and consecrate it. You are to take the bull that is offered as a
sacrifice for sin and burn it at the specified place outside the
Temple area. The next day you are to take a male goat
without any defects and offer it as a sacrifice for sin. Purify the
altar with itsblood in the same way as you did with the bull.
When you have finished doing that, take a young bull and
young ram, botb of bem without any defects,and bring them
to Me. The priests will sprinkle salt on them and burn them as
an offering to Me. Each day for seven days you are to offer a
goat, a bull, and a ram as sacrifices for sin. All of them must be
without any defecis.."
The killing of innocent animals brings as much honour to
Him, evidently, as to any of the deities which these
missionaries have condemned as primitive. The cleansing
and honouring by blood of these poor animals - is it more
compassionate when it is done in honour of the Lord God
than when it is done for the deity of the Incas? And notice
how finicky the Lord God is about the animals that they
must bring and kill in His Temple make sure, He says
repeatedly, that they are without any defects.3
The Lord Almighty remonstrates with the priests:
A son honours his father, and a servant lonours his master. I am your
father-why don't you honour Me? I am your master - why don't you
respect Me? You despise Me, and yet you ask, 'How have we
despised You? This is how - hy offering worthless foodon my altar.
Then youask, 'How have we failed to respect You?' Iwill tell you
by showing contempt for My altar. When you bring a blind or sick or
lame animal to sacrifice to Me, do you think there is nothing wrong
with that? Try giving an animal like that to the govenor! Would he be
pleased with youor grant you any favours?..
..As your offering to Me you bringa stolen animal or one that is lame
or sick. Do you think I will accept that from you? A curseon the cheat
who saCrifices a worthless animal to Me, when he lhas in his flock a
good animal that he promised to give Me. ForI ama great King, and
people of all nations fear Me,4
When Aaron has finished performing the ritual to purify the Most
Holy Place, the rest of the Tent of the Lord's presence, and the altar,
he shallpresent to the Lord the live goat chosen by Azazel. He shall
put both his hands on the goat's head and confess over it all the evils,
sins, and rebellions of the people of Israel, and so transfer them to the
goat's head. The goat will carry all their sins away with him into some
uninhabited land.ó
71Samuel, 15.10-30.
Jeremiab, 13.11.
"And then they will knowI am the Lord"
But why drown them? Why kill them in so horrible a way?
The Lord God explains:
When I defeat them, the Egyptians will know tbat I am tbe Lord?
A telling metapbor
She sank deeper and deeper in her immorality. She was attracted by
276 Harvesting Our Souls
the images of high Babylonian officials carved into the wall and
painted red, with sashes round their waists and fancy turbans on their
heads. As soon as she saw them, she was filled with lust and sent
messengers to them in Babylonia. The Babylonians came to have sex
with her. They used her and defiled her 'so much that finally she
became disgusted with them. She exposed herself publicty and let
every one know she was a whore. I was as disgusted with her as I had
been with her sister. She became more of a prostitute than ever,
acting just as she did as a girl, when she was a prostirute in Egypt. She
was filled with lust for oversexed men who had all the hustfulness of
donkeys or stallions.
Bring the mob to terrorize them and rob them. Let the mob stone
them and attack tlhem with swords, kill their children, and bum down
their houses. Throughout the land Iwill put a stop to immnorality, as a
warning to every woman not to commit adultery as they did. And you
two sisterS I willpunish you for your immorality and your sin of
worshipping idols.
One day, the Lord God tells His chosen prophet, "Mortal man
IHis customary way of addressing Ezekiel], with one blow I
am going to take away the person you love most." That
evening Ezekiel's wife suddenly dies. Now, Ezekiel had
done n0 wrong, much less his poor wife. What was the
purpose of killing her suddenly? The killing was strange
indeed. Once the person youlove most, dies, the Lord God
told Ezekiel, you will not mourn, you will not show any sign
of mourning either. People in general will do the same when
the Lord profanes the Temple, and brings other suffering on
them-they too will not mourn or show any sign of mourning.
"Then", the prophet explained, "I will be a sign to you; you
will do everything I have done." But what purpose will be
served by these twin demonstrations - of suffering being
brought on both, the prophet as well as the people, and
neither mourning in any way? The hapless prophet, whose
wife had just been killed, explained:
The Lord says that when this happens, you will krnow that He is the
Sovereign Lord.1
1°Ezekiel, 23.1-49.
Ezekiel, 4.15-24.
278 Harvesting Our Souls
The Lord God has set many nations to destroy Jerusalem, and
kill His chosen people. The peoplè of Tyre are exultant of
course, we have only the Lord God's testimony for that.
"Jerusalem is shattered!", they exclaim. "Her commercial
power is gone! She won't be our rival any more," That
exultation, like almost everything other than His adoration,
sends the Lord God into His usual fury. "!, the Sovereign
Lord, am saying: Iam your enemy," He declares. And over
the next 2500 words He describes the ruin and devastation
He is arranging for Tyre. And what will be accomplished
after the city is laid low?
Wben I punish Egypt in this way, they will know that I am the
Lord.... I will scatter theEyyptians thrOugbout the world. Then they
2vill know that I am the Lord. When I make Egypt a desolate
wasteand destroy all wbo live there, they will knowthat an the
Lord 15
The fate that He will visit on Egypt will also remind His
chosen people how wrong they were in turning to Egypt for
help, He says,
When I punisb the people for their sins and nake the country a
waste, then they will know that I am the Lord17
Then the neigbbouring nations that bave survived will know that I,
the Lord, rebuild ruined cities and replant waste fields..1
The Lord God takes His prophet to a valley covered with dry
bones. He asks the prophet to repeat to the bones what He is
saying, "Iam going to put breath in you and bring you back to
life. Iwill give you sinews and muscles, and cover you with
skin. Iwill put breath into youand bring you back to life.
His chosen people are like these bones, the Lord God tells
Ezekiel. He isgoing to take them up and bring them back to
the land from which He has turned them out. "When I open
the graves where My people are buried and bring them out,
they will know that I am the Lord. I will put My breath in
them, bring them back to life, and let them live in their own
land. Then they will know that I am the Lord."24
Iwill send Gog to kill My people, God declares. On the
day he invades them "Iwill be furious," God declares. And so
"I will terrify Gog with all sortsof calamities. I, the Sovereign
Lord, have spoken. His men will tun their swords against
one another. I will punish him with disease and bloodshed.
Torrents of rain and hail, together with fire and sulphur, will
pour down on him and his army and on the many nations that
are on his side. In this way Iwill show all the nations tbat I am
great and that I an boly. They will know then that I am the
22 Ezekiel, 36.37-38.
21Ezekiel, 36.24-36.
23 Ezekiel, 37.4-6. 24 Ezekiel, 37.11-14. 25 Ezekiel, 38.18-23.
282 Harvesting Our Souls
He decrees further bloodshed, He decrees further death
and destruction. He commandsHis prophet,
Mortal man, call all the birds and animals to come from all round to eat
the sacrifice I am preparing for them. It will be a huge feast on the
mountains of Israel, where they can eat meat and drink blood. They
are to eat the bodies of the soldiers and drink the blood of the rilers of
the earth, all of whom willbe killed like rams or lambs or goats or fat
bulls. When I kill these people like sacrifices, the birds and animals
are to eat all the fat they can hold and to drink blood until they are
drunk. At My table they will eat all they can hold of horses and their
riders and of soldiers and fighting men. I, the Sovereign Lord, have
Then they will he My people, and I will be their God. I will give them
a single purpose in life: to bonotur Me for al time, for their own
good and the good of their descendants. I will make an eternal
30Jsaiab, 33.10-13. 31
saiab, 45.5-6.
284 Harvesting Our Souls
covenant with them. Iwill never stop doing good things for them,
and I will make them fea Me witb aththeir beart, so that they will
1never turn away fromMe..32
SJeremiab, 32.36-41.
Judges. 3. 1-6.
judges, 7.21-22.
51Samttel, 2.25. 1 Kings, 16.7.
"Kill, "He commands, "Destroy"
He beguiles devotees of other gods togather in the Temple
So that there He can have them slaughtered en masse....
His prophets pick up the habit from Him. King Ahaziah
falls off his balcony. He is seriously injured. Elijah, the
prophet, forecasts that the king will die. The king dispatches
his men to fetch Elijah. The men reach Elijah. "Man of God,"
the officer in charge of the men addresses him, "the king
orders you to come dovn." "If I am a man of God," Elijah
answers, "may fire come down from heaven and kill youand
your men." "At once fire came down and killed the officer
and his men," the Bible reports. The sequence is repeated
with the next batch." What wrong had the officer and his men
Elijah passes away. Elisha is the prophet now. He is going
to Bethel. "On the way some boys came out of a town and
made fun of him," the Bible reports. "Get out of here baldy,"
they shout. "Elisha turned round," says the Bible, "and cursed
them in the name of the Lord. Then two she-bears came out
of the woods and tore forty two of the boys to pieces. "8 What
an example in tolerance!
As usual the one who has been made king by the grace of
the Lord God betrays Him and reverts to practices that are
designed to disgust Him. God now anoints Jehu as king. And
has the prophet convey the following message to Jehu:
Ianoint you king of My people Israel. You are to kill yourmaster the
king, that son of Ahab, so thatI may punish Jezebel for murdering My
prophets and My other servants. All Ahalb's family and descendants
are to die; I will get rid of every male in his family, young and old
alike. Iwill reat his family as I did the families of king Jerohoam of
Israeland king Baasha of Israel. Jezebel will not be buried; herbody
will be eaten by dogs....?
Notice, who will do all this? I will, says the Lord God, Iwill,
He declares again and again. But the moment it comes to
12 Kings, 9.32-37.
"Kill," He commands, "Destroy"
in Jezreel, and all his officers, close friends, and priests; not
one of them was left alive," the Bible records. Jehu leaves
Jezreel to goto Samaria. On the way he encounters relatives
of the late king Ahaziah of Judah. Unsuspecting, they reveal
their identity. "Take them alive", Jehu shouts. They are
seized. "And he Jehu) put them to death near a pit there.
There were forty-two people in all, and not one of them was
left alive." Next, he encounters Jonadab, son of Rechab.
"Come with me and see for yourself how devoted I am to the
Lord," the Bible has him telling Jonadab. "And they rode on
together to Samaria," it says. "When they arrived there, Jehu
killed all of Ahab's relatives, not sparing even one of them."
"This is what the Lord had told Elijah would happen," the
Bible notes with evident satisfaction.!!
The conduct of the one who has been chosen and anointed
by the Lord Himself. Even if the killings had to be carried out
so that, what the Lord God had said would happen happened,
surely, no one is any wiser why the Lord made those dire
predictions in the first place, or heaped those dire curses on
the victims. Nor is it enough to say that all tlhis killing was to
punish people: the Bible has no explanation as to why the
Lord God did not cho0se some more direct method of
converting the victims to the correct path.
Nor does Jehu stop there. He calls the people together,
and tells them that, while Ahab had served the god Baal a
little, he, Jehu, would serve him a great deal more. He orders
them all– the people who believe in him, the prophets and
priests of Baal - to gather at their temple towitness a great
sacrifice to god Baal. And when they are all gathered, he
orders the guards, "Go in and kill them all; don't let anyone
escape." The guards go in, and kill all of them. And then they
go into the inner sanctuary of the Temple, bring out the
sacred pillar, and burn it. The Bible's account concludes with
....You have been disrespectful to Me, the holy God of Israel. You
sent your messengers to boast to Me that with all your chariots you
had conquered the highest mountains of Lebanon. You boasted that
there youcut down the tallest cedars and the finest cypress-trees and
that you reached the deepest parts of the forests. You boasted that
you dug wells and drank water in foreign lands and that the feet of
your soldiers tramped the River Nile dry.
Have you never heard that Iplanned tbis long ago? Andnow Ihave
Caried it out. Igave you the power to turn forified eities into piles of
rubble... 13
"Keep watching the nations round you," the Lord tells His
chosen people, “and youwill be astonished at what you see.
I am going to do something that you will not believe when
you hear about it." Who is going to do it? On His own
testimony, He, the Lord God is going to do it. What is He going
to do? The Lord elucidates: T am bringing the Babylonians to
power, those fierce, restless people..."14 "T will punish the
people of Jerusalem and Judah," He declares. "I will destroy
the last trace of Baal there.... Ivill destroy anyone who goes
up on the roof and worslhips the sun, the moon, and the stars.
I will destroy those who worship Me, but then take oaths in
the name of the god Molech. I will destroy those who have
turned back and no longer follow Me or ask Me to guide
them."15 Who will? "I will," the Lord God affirns again and
again. "The Lord is preparing to sacrifice His people and bas
invited enemies to plunder Judah, " the Bible informs us. And
the Lord adds, "COn that day of slaughter, I will punisb the
officials, the king's sons, and all those who practice foreign
customs. I will punish all those who worship like pagans and
who steal and kill in order to fill their master's house with
loot."16 Not satisfied, He enlarges His resolve: "7 will bring
such disasters on mankind that every one will grope about
like a blind man. They have sinned against Me, and now their
blood will be poured out like water, and their dead bodies
will lie rotting on the ground.""7 He proceeds to state clearly
that He is going to mete havoc on the people of Moab, on
those of Ammon, then Sudan, Assyria..18
So, first God chooses one set as the people who will
always honour Him, and Him alone - why He is so obsessed
as having them do so is of course never explained. Then He
132 Kings, 19.20-26. 14Habakieuk, 1.5-6.
15Zephaniah, 1.2-6. 16Zepbaniab, 1.7-9.
17Zepbaniab, 1.17. IZepbaniab, 2.8-15.
"Kill, " He commands, "Destroy"
Corpses are piled high,
dead bodies without number
11en stumble over them!
Nineveh the whore is being punished.
The Lord Almighty says,
Iwill punish you, Nineveh!
I will strip you naked
and let the nations see you,
see you in all your shame.
Iwill treat you witlh contempt
reverenced today, and yet "the whole earth" has not been
We get an even clearer account of the sequence of events,
and of where the responsibility for them rests in Isaiah. The
Lord God frets and fumes at the faithlessness of His chosen
people. He decides to wreak havoc on them. He, as the Bible
records, "has stirred up their enemies to attack them." His
fury is such that it is not going to be assuaged soon, we learn:
"And so the Lordwill not let any of the young men eScape,
and Hewill not show pity to any of the widows and orphans,
because all the people are godless and wicked and
everyihing they say is evil.."24 Other things apart, does this
not speak to God's total ineffectiveness that of His chosen
people "all the people are godless and wicked and
everytbing they say is evil"? In any event, hunger, pestilence,
war - He decrees them all. Indeed, He curses the people to
such extreme hardship that they are eating their children.25
That fate the Lord God visits repeatedly on His people, and
all for that singular aim, that they honour Him and Him alone:
the Lamentations are an extended wail about what has been
visited on the hapless people,
2'Jsaiab, 9.11-17. 25
saiab, 9.19-21. 26 Lamentations, 4.9-10.
Kill, "He conmands, "Destroy" 295
from the point of view of our seeing His nature, the Lord
God is too possessive to let the credit for the suffering lie
unappropriated! So, we soon hear Him proclaiming again,
And whom does He decide to use for carrying out His plan?
"Assyria', He announces, "I use Assyria like a club to
punish those with whom I am angry. I sent Assyria to attack a
godless nation, people who have made Me angry. Isent them
to loot and steal and trample the people like din in the
streets."25 The emperor and armies of Assyria proceed to do
just this. hie the people are being trampled, while they are
reduced to eating their children, what is our Lord God's
preoccupation, what is His concern?
He is upset that the emperor is claiming that he, the
emperor, is the author of the havoc, that he, the emperor, is
the one who has power. It is to this that the Lord addresses
Himself: "Can an axe claim to be greater than the man who
uses it?," Hedemands. "Is a saw more important than the man
who saws with it? A club doesn't lift up a man; a man lifts up
a club,»29
Infuriated with His own people, the Lord God has set the
Assyrians to trample them. Now He tells His people, reeling
as they are under the Assyrian heel, "Do not be afraid of the
Assyrians, even though they oppress you as the Egyptians
used to do. In only a little while I will finish punishing you,
- what a reason!
In every town in the land
Ithrew you to the wind ike straw.
Idestroyed you, My people,
Ikilled your children
because you did not stop your evil ways.
Jsaiab, 15.1-9. 34 Isaiab, 15-34. 35Isaiab, 24; 34.
298 Harvesting Our Souls
36Jeremiab, 15.6-9. 37
Jeremiab, 33.4-5. 38Jeremiab, 50.44.
"Kill, " He comnands, "Destroy" 299
to slaughter shepherds and their flocks,
to slaughter ploughmen and their horses,
to crush rulers and high officials,39
Now while My people Israel live in security, you will set out from
your place in the far north, leading a large, poweful army of soldiers
from many nations, all of them on horseback. You will attack My
people like a stom moving across the land. When the time comes
will send you to invade My land in order to show the nations who I am,
to show My holiness by wbat I do through you. You are the one I was
talking about long ago, when I announced through My servants, the
prophets of Israel, that in the days to come, Iwould bring someone to
attack Israel,46
Ezekiel, 35; 36.5. 45Obadiab, 8-10, 15-16.
46Ezekiel, 38.14-17.
"Kill, " Hecommands, "Destroy"
Even as He is asking His prophet to convey this command to
Gog, He tells the prophet,
On the day Gog invades Israel, I will be furious. I deckare in the heat of
My anger that on that day there will be a severe earthquake in the
land of Israel... Mountains will fall, cliffs will crumble, and every wall
willcollapse. Iwill terrify Gog with all sorts of calamities... 47
"What are you trying to do to Me, Tyre, Sidon, and all the
regions of Philistia?," He demands of the very people He has
used to kill and pillage. "Are you rying to pay Me back for
Something? If you are, I willquickly pay you back. You have
taken My gold and silver and carried My rich treasures into
your temples. You have taken the people of Judah and
Jerusalem far from their own country and sold them to the
Greeks. Now I am going to bring them out of the places to
which you have sold them. I will do to you wbat you bave
done to them. I will let your sons and daughters be sold to the
people of Judah, they will sell them to the people of far-off
Sabeans. I, the Lord, have spoken."1
He goes down the list of each of the peoples He has used,
and vowS revenge:
....Egypt will become a
and Edom ruined waste,
because theyattacked the land of Judah
and killed its innOcent people.
I willavenge those who were killed:
Iwill not spare the guilty..2
Put He, the Lord, is the one who has caused the killing. If
anyone is guilty it is God: it isn't just that He acknowledges in
several places that He is the one who set these peoples to
smother the chosen ones. On the claim of the Bible
absolutely nothing - for good or for ill - happens except at
His command. Hence, if the deeds of anyone deserve to be
avenged, they are the deeds of the Lord God.
Having gathered several nations to attack His chosen
people, He tells the latter that they should proceed to
Babylon, but that they should not be afraid as He, the Lord -
the very one who has set other nations to attack them will
help them. "Many nations have gathered to attack you," He
announces. "They say, Jerusalem must be destroyed! We
will see this city in ruins!' But these nations do not know what
is in the Lord's mind. They do not realise that they have been
Iwas the one who brought famine to all your cities, yet you didnot
Come back to Me. Iheld back the rain when your crops needed it
most. Isent rain on one city, but not on another. Rain fell on one field,
but another field dried up. Weak from thirst, the people of several
cities went to a city where they hoped to find water, but there was
not enough to drink. Still you did not come back to Me.
Isent the scorching wind tco dry up your crops. The locusts ate up all
your gardens and vineyards, your fig-trees and olive-trees. Süll you
did not come back to Me.
I sent the plague on you like the one Isent on Egypt. I killed your
young men in bate and took your horses away. Ifilled your nostrils
with the stink of dead bodies in your camps.Still youdid not come
back to Me.
Idestroyed some of you as I destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Those
of you whosurvived were
like a burning stick saved froma fire. Still
youdid not come back to Me....So then.... Iam going to punish you.
And because I am going to do this, get ready to face My judgment.
The self-pity: "My heart will not let Me do it! My love for you
is too strong"! The protestations which are the complete
opposite of His unvarying record: "I will not punish you in
My anger.... Iwill not come to you in anger." His view of
Himself as the mother who does so much for her children and
yet whom they disregard! If only He were an ordinary
mother, some therapist would instruct Him that a mother who
is forever reminding her children of the things she has done
for them, is sure to lose their affection! But who can counsel
therapy to the Almighty?
So extreme is this psychological complex that, having
sworn eternal and inexhaustible love for His children, in a
moment the Lord God is driven to denouncing them in gaudy
metaphors! "You are like a wild camel on heat," He charges,
"running about loose, rushing into the desert. When she is on
heat, who can control her? No male that wants her has to
trouble himself; she is always available at mating time..."
"Look up at the hilltops," He says. "Is there any place where
you have not acted like a prostitute? You waited for lovers
along the roadside, as an Arab waits for victims in the desert.
You have defiled the land with your prostitution." The
accusation, invariably followed by another bout of self-pity:
Israel, I wanted to accept you as My son
and give you a delightful land,
the most beautiful land in the world.
I wanted you to call Me father,
Then I took water and washed the blood off you. Irubbedolive-oil on
your skin. I dressed youin embroidered gowns andgave you shoes of
the best leather, a linen headband and a silk cloak.
Iputjewels on you–bracelets and necklaces. I gave youa nose-ring
and earrings and a beautiful crown to wear.
You had ornaments of goldand silver... Your beauty was dazzling,
and you becamea queen. You became famous in everynation for
your perfect beauty,becauseIwas the one who made you lovely.!4
Little need to put too fine a point on such accounts, but three
things willbe obvious. Were someone other than the Lord
God painting such word-pictures, he would be pulled up for
dressing and undressing someone with his mind's eye! And
what would one say of a husband who is forever reminding
his wife of the gifts he has bought her not forgetting even
the linen scarf, and the pair of shoes? What would one say of
14Ezekiel, 16.3-14.
Ever the unrequited lover
a husband who does not see
the natural loveliness in her but
proclaims that the beauty for which she has become famous
is lustrous only because be has dressed
her up?
And then come the accusations against the "wife" He has
so –
done much for the other side of these being self-pity of
having been wronged. The metaphors He uses for both- the
people as well as for Himself - are telling: the people are
the unfaithful wife, and He the aging, trusting, cuckolded
"But you took advantage of your beauty and fame," the
Lord God tells His chosen "wife", "to sleep with everyone
whocame along. You used some of your clothes to decorate
your places of worship, and just like a
prostitute, you gave
yourself to everyone." And then a cut so unkind, He moans in
Youtook the silver and gold jewelry that I had given you, used it to
make male-images, and committed adultery with them. You took
the embroidered clothes Igave you and put them on the images, and
youoffered to the images the olive-oil and incense I had given you. I
gave you food-the best flour, olive-oil, and honey-but you offered
it as a sacrifice to win the favour of idols. Then you took the sons
daughters you had borne Me and offered them as sacrifices to idols.
Wasn't it bad enough to be unfaithful to Me, without taking My
children and sacrificing them to idols?
You are doomed! Doomed! You did all that evil, and then by the side
of every road you built places to worship idols and practice
prostitution. You dragged your beauty through the mud. You offered
yourself to everyone who came by, and you were more of a
prostitute every day. You let your lustful neighbours, the Egyptians,
go to bed with you, and you used your prostitution to make Me
And so, says the Lord God, the forgiving compassionate Lord
God, I have no alternative but to raise My hand to punish you.
And what form will the punishment take? Were anyone else
to describe it the way and at the length at which the Lord
does, literary critics would say that the author is injecting
sexual allusions gratuitously:
Because you were not satisfied by the others, youwent running after
the Assyrians. You were their prostitute, but they didn't satisfy you
either. You were alsoa prostitute for the Babylonians, that nation of
businessmen, but they didn't satisfy you either....
You have done all this like a shameless prostitute. On every street
you built places to worship idols and practice prostitution.
But it isn't just that you have had an insatiable appetite, the
Lord God tells His wife", it isn't just that you have been a
prostitute. Among prostitutes, you have been one of a
specially depraved kind:
But you are not out for money like a common prostitute. You are like
a woman who commits adultery with strangers instead of loving her
husband. A prostitute is paid, but you gave presents to all your lovers
and bribed them to come from everywhere to sleep with you. You
are a special kind of prostitute. No one forced you to become one.
You didn'tget paid; you paid them! Yes, you are different.
Ever the unrequited lover 313
By now the Lord God is in full flight:
You stripped off your clothes and, like a prostitute, gave yourself to
your lovers and to all your disgusting idols, and you killed your
children as sacrifices to idols. Because of this I willbring all your lovers
together- the ones you liked and the ones you hated. I will bring
them round you in a circle, and then will stripoffyour clothes and let
them see you naked.
this mea culpa square with what follows just two verses later?
That verse, in this very book of Almighty God, declares,
The will of the Lord alone is always crried out.
Good and evil alike take place at His command.23
Surely, the inference from that can only be that the guilt is His
more than that of anyone else. But through His book, He
makes the devotees internalize the exact opposite! "Why
should 'we ever complain when we are punished for our
sin?," they sing!24
Lamentations is entirely devoted to dousing believers with
guilt and blame. As are the monologues of Daniel. "I prayed
to the Lord, my God," Daniel says, "and confessed to the sins
of my people." He tells the Lord,
Lord God, You are great, and we honour You. You are faithful to your
covenant and show constant love to those who love You and do what
You command,
23 Lamentations, 3.37-38.
24Lamentations, 3.39. 25Daniel, 9.4-9.
Ever the unrequited lover
What an abject condition for the Almighty Lord to reduce His
devotees to He chooses them - so that there may be people
who will worship Him, and Him alone. Then, though capable
of doing so, He deliberately does not instill this faculty – of
remaining steadfast in their worship of Him- in them. And as
they waver something which, like everything else, cannot
happen but by His command, He punishes them for
wavering. Next, He makes them internalize the notion that
they alone are to blame for what He is doing to them, that He
is doing no more than mete out justice, indeed in raining
down such suffering on them He is only being faithful to
them -in that He is faithfully executing the covenant He had
entered into with them.
The sequence has the predictable end: He does what
pleases His whim of the moment, and the people, though
crushed under His heel, feel grateful to Him for never
forgetting them. They wallow in the conviction that they
deserve wvhat is being done to them. They spend their nights
singing paeans to His justice...
The perfect crinme! The murdered man dies convinced he is
the murderer!
And the perfect precursor - to the Inquisition, to the
interrogations in Communist States. In these also, the
confessions almost invariably ended with the victim singing
praises of his tormentors – of the Church, in particular of
the Pope during the Inquisition; of the Communist Party,
in particular of Stalin and Mao in the Soviet Union and
Communist China!
Not even the people He has chosen as His own, the people
He has chosen with the express purpose that at least by them
He will be worshipped, that by them He alone will be
"I, the Lord, ask you, why you refuse to listen to Me and to
obey My instructions," He says in an almost imploring tone.
"Jonadab's descendants have obeyed his command not to
drink wine, and to this very day none of them drink any. But
I have kept on speaking to you, and you have not
Me. have continued to send you all My servants and
prophets, and they have told you to give up your evil ways
and to do what is right. But you would not listen to Me or pay
attention to Me. Jonadab's descendants have obeyed what
their ancestor gave them, but you people have not obeyed
Me.... "50
And again, after another bout of inflictions has failed to
have any lasting effect: "In spite of everything that has
happened, they have not returned to Me, the Lord, their
And yet again, "I have wiped out whole nations; I have
destroyed their cities and left their walls and towers in ruins.
The cities are deserted; the streets ae empty – no one is left.
Ithought that then My people would have reverence
for Me
and accept My discipline, that they would never forget the
lesson I taught them. But soon they were behaving as badly
as ever...."52
And yet, All-powerful He remains!
Tbat is His real mystery!
Throughout, and till the very end of the Old Testament,
God is wailing and raving at the infidelity of the people He
has chosen as His own, He is forever and till the very end
moaning about His not having been able to persuade or beat
them into venerating Him and Him alone.
95:1-3; Is. 2:1-4; Jer. 3:17). The plan of salvation foretold by the
sacred authors, recounted and explained by them, is found the true
Word of God in the books of the Old Testament: these hbooks,
therefore,written under divine inspiration, preserve a lasting value:
for whatever was written in former days was written for
instruction, so that by steadfastness and the encouragement of the
Scriptures we might have hope (Ro, 15:4),53
on 18 November,
5Dei verbum, Dogmatic Constittion Divine Revelation,
1965, 14.
334 Harvesting Our Souls
The principal purpose to which the plan bf the old covenant was
directed was to prepare for the coming of Christ, the redeemer of all
and of the messianic kingdom, to announce this COming hy prophecy
(see Luke 24:44; Jobn5:39; 1 Peter 1:10), and to indicate its meaning
through various types.... God, the inspirer and author of both
Testaments, wisely arranged that the New Testament be hidden in
the Old and that the Old be made manifest in the New. For, though
Christ established the new covenant with His blood (see Luke 22:20;
Cor. 11:25), still the books of theOld Testament with all their parts,
caught up into the meaning of the proclamation of the Gospel,
acquire and show forth their full meaning in the New Testament (see
Matt. 5:17; Luke 24:27; Rom. 16:25-26; 2 Cor. 3:14-16) and in turn
shed light on it and explain it.4
On the other hand, the principal purpose of the Bible, says
Allah in the Quran, was to forecast the coming of the final
Prophet, Ahmed-that-is-Muhammad!
Which of these rival, mutually contradictory claims should
we believe?
Jbid. 15, 16.
The Almighty displaced
Nor do the stray words and sentences string into any pattern.
A thousand other words or sentences could as well have been
chosen for being fulfilled. Had they been selected, the
pattern of Jesus' life could have been very different.
In any event, the expectation which forms the leitmotif of
the Old Testament is the belief that the Lord God expresses
repeatedly - that the people will one day come to worship
Him and Him alone. As we have seen, this is the one,
singular, exclusive, overriding aim of God. It is the one
forecast He lets out again and again. It is the one
Consummation He longs for.
Yet that central object, that most prominent of forecasts is
not the one which is chosen for being fulfilled during the
events which the New Testament records. Instead, a
sentence from this Book, a few words from another one
including, as we have seen, mis-translated word: "virgin"
for “young woman" are chosen for fulfillment. One is left to
wonder: which is the cause, which the effect? Is it that those
sentences having been written in the Books of the Old
Testament, Jesus' life proceeded along one course? Or is it
that Jesus' life having proceeded along one trajectory, rather
that the compilers having made it proceed along one
trajectory in their narratives, they read a special significance
into those particular words and sentences?
In any event, the instrument God has chosen is thoroughly
Convinced that he is an instrument, that the privations he is to
undergo, including and specially the cruel and unjust death
which is to be visited upon him, are essential to God's plan,
that it is through these privations being visited upon him, that
through them alone will the people come to believe that they
must worship God and Him alone. Moreover, like God, Jesus
is convinced that the suffering and death that he shall
undergo will succeed in turning the people to God. Jesus is
certain - nodoubt on the authority and say-so of God- that
the people willcome to worship God and God alone, that
Tbe ascent ofJesusS
they will come to do so soon, that the Kingdom of God wvill
break out within the lifetime of those vho are seeing and
hearing him. Were he a member of Stalin's CPSU or Mao's
CCP, it vould certainly be said
that Jesus was not just an
instrument in their plan, but that he was a thoroughly brain
washed instrument.
Being Al-poverful, being the Almighty, God could have
even now chosen the direct route: He could have instilled
requisite faith in people directly, immeliately. But, as is IHis
wont, He once again chooses an Adam Smithian round-about
method of attaining His objective. He is being consistent in
one sense, and innovative in another. As has been His
practice throughout the Old Testament, He chooses to bring
the people round by inflicting suffering. The innovation is
that this time round, instead of subjecting to pain the people
whose homage He is panting for, God makes His own Son
suffer. Indirection squared.
By witnessing the humiliation and cruelties to which the
Son is subjected, by coming to realize that they have
themselves had a hand in inflicting those cruelties, the
people, God reckons, will at last acquire faith in Him, the
That to get them to worship Him, He is subjecting His own
Son to cruelty anddeath is projected as proof-positive of His
being full of compassion! Indeed, of compassion twice-over.
First, instead of subjecting the target people to suffering, He
is confining the suffering to His Son. Second, the fact that
He is subjecting His own Son to such extreme cruelty just
to redeem the people of their sin the sin, that is, of not
Worshipping Him - proves how much He feels for the
unredeemed wretches.
As we know from what has happened since, like al! the
devices that God had deployed earlier, this one too has
proved just as ineffectual: many times more do not worship
that one God today than was the case at the time He put His
340 Harvesting Our Souls
Except for having thought up a new device, God in the
New Testament remains what He has been in the Old.
He remains the Jealous God. Jesus warns the Pharisees,
He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with
me scattereth abroad.
Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be
forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall
not be forgiven unto men.
And wihosoever speaketh a word against the Son of Man, it shall he
forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it
The ascent ofJesus
shall not be forgiven hin, neither in this world, neither in the world
to come.!
'Matthew, 12.30-32; Mark, 3.28-29, to the same effect; see also Luke, 11.23.
The practice among the other People of the Book, the Muslims of course is
quite the opposite! In Islam, as is well known, all are cautioned: Ba Khuda
diivana bash o' ba Mubamnad hosbiyar.
Jobn, 4.23.
The ascent ofJestus
And this life is eternal, that they migbt know thee the only true
God, and Jesus Christ, ubon thou bast sent..."° Jesus tells
God who he is praying for- something to which we shall turn
in a moment - and explains the purpose of his doing so: *That
they all may be one," he says, "as thou, Father art in me, and
I in thee, that they also be one in us:
that the world may
believe that thou bast sent me.... I in them, and thou in me,
that they may be perfect in one; and that the ivorld may know
tht tbou bast sent ne, and hast loved them, as thou hast
loved me. »7
This addition apart, things remain the same. God remains
All-powerful. Nothing happens without His command- even
a sparrow does not fall to the ground but
for His having
decreed that should.8 God remains the All-knowing: in the
New Testament too He continues to "seeth in secret"9, here
also He continues to "knoweth what things ye have need of,
before ye ask Him, "10
And He continues in His old ways. God continues to inflict
punishments on one generation for sins – the usual sins of not
wOrshipping Him, of not honouring Hisemissaries - that their
ancestors have committed: recall God's admonishment of the
teachers of law - your ancestors killed prophets, and you
build tombs for them; that shows that you approve of what
they did, God tells them; "So the people of this time shall be
punished for the murder of all the prophets killed since the
creation of the world," God proclaims, "....Yes, I tell you, the
people of this time shall be punished for them all."11
He continues to inflict suffering so that His emissary may
relieve it, and thereby the people may worship Him. He
makes a man blind so that a miracle may be performed, and
the people impressed. Jesus is walking. He sees a man who
has been blind since birth. His disciples ask him whether this
and asks that the stone be removed, Martha tells him "Lord,
by this time he stinketh, for he has been dead four days."
Jesus tells her, "Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldst
believe, thou shouldst see the glory of God?" And he lifts his
eyes, and thanks God, "Father Ithank thee that thou hast
heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: but
because of the people wbich stand by I said it, that they may
believe that thou bast sent me."3
"Let not your hearts be troubled," Jesus tells his followers,
"Ye believe in God, believe also in me." "I am the way, the
truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by
me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father
also: and from henceforth ye know Him, and have seen him."
A disciple tells Jesus, show us the Father, and that will
suffice, “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou
not known me, Philip?," Jesus asks. "He that bath seen me
bath seen the Fatber: and how sayest thou then, Shew us the
Father?" "Believest thou not that I am in the Fatber, and the
Fatber in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of
myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, be doeth the
L0orks." "Believe 1me," Jesus exhorts his followers, "that I an
in the Father, and» the Father in ne: or else helieve me for the
very works' sake. 4
As the final days approach, Jesus tells the companions
what is going to transpire, and explains, "And now I have told
you before it come to pass, that, wben it come topass, ye
migbt believe. Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the
prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. But tbat
the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father
gave me comnmandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go
hence... "5
"Father, the hour is come," Jesus says, lifting his eyes to
heaven, "Glorify thy Son,that the Son may also glorify thee....
man had sinned or his parents had tht he has been punished
with blindness. Jesus answers, "Neither hath this man sinned,
nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made
manifest in bim."12 And he proceeds tO spit on the grournd,
mix the spit in clay, and anoint the eyes of the man with the
clay. The man goesand washes his eyes as Jesus has asked
him to do, and is cured of blindness...3 Similarly, as we have
seen, God has Lazarus fall sick and die, so that His Son may
raise him, and thereby turn the people to Him.14
He certainly continues to be different from what He
demands that people be! We must love even those who hate
us, Jesus instructs mankind. What is virtuous in loving those
wholove us?, he asks. “For if ye love them which love thee,
what reward have ye?," Jesus instructs in a ringing passage.
"Do not even the publicans the same?" "And if ye salute your
brethren only, what do ye more than others? Do not even the
publicarns so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father
which is in heaven is perfect."15 But what does God do? Is He
perfect by Jesus' standard?
God's conduct is certainly conditional. Recall the words in
which Jesus exhorts mankind to forgive others: “For if ye
forgive nen their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also
forgive you: But fye forgive not men tbeir trespasses, neither
will your Father forgive your trespasses." And His mercy is
strictly circumscribed! "And His mercy is on them that fear
Him fiom generation to generation."lb Not Jesus' standard,
Jesus describes Him in the well-known, glowing words,
AndI say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall
find; knock, and it shal be opened unto you.
Foreveryone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and
to him tlhat knocketh it shall be opened.
12Jobn, 9.1-3.
13The Sadchucees and Pharisees continue to doubt the miracle, and so, the
Gospel instructs us, their sin continues: Jobn, 9.40-41.
15 Matthew, 16Luke, 1.50.
Jobn, 11.4,42. 5.46-48.
The ascentofJesus
Ifa son shall ask bread of any ofyouthat is a father, will he give hima
stonc? Or if he aska fish, wvill he for a fish give him a serpent?
Or if he shall ask an egg,vill lhe offer him a scorpion?
Ifye then, being evil, knov how to give good gifts unto your clhildren:
how much more shall your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to
them that ask Him?17
abandoned. Iassure you that you will not see me until the time comes
when you say, 'God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord. 120
As ineffectual
Jesius ascends
But even that much would mean only that God had made
but hath committed all judgment unto the Son that all men should
And He that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for
Ido always those things that please Him.3
that he might live again,that "No man taketh it from me, but I
lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have
power to take it again. This commandment I have received
from my Father." Some believe him,»some say he has the
devil in him, others that he is mad,. Jesus is now in Jerusalem.
The arguments are continuing. Jesus tells the assembled Jews
how they do not believe him because they are not his sheep,
that his own sheep hear his voice and believe him, that he in
turn gives them eternal life, that they shall never perish, that
no man shall pluck them from his hand. For they were given
him by the Father, and no man is greater than that Father. 7
and my Father are one, " Jesus telis them to seal the matter.
The Jews take stones to again stone him... But I have done
many good works, Jesus remonstrates with the Jews. We do
not stone you for those works, they say, but for the
blasphemy, because, though you are a man, you make
yourself out to be God. Jesus presents contrary arguments,
and exclaims, "If I do not the works of my Father, believe me
not. But if Ido, though ye believe not me, believe the works:
that ye may know, and believe [the same anxiety as that of
God!]that the Father is in me, and I in Him,"42
Soon Jesus and his disciples are at the Last Supper. To drill
into them the manner in which they must care for each other
- for there have been the usual rivalries among them also -
Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. He tells them, "Ye call
me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then,
your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought
towash one another's feet. For I have given you an example,
that ye should do as I have done to you..."»43
Jesus tells them how one of them is about to betray him.
And he says he is doing so for a purpose: "Now I tell you
before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe
that I am He "44
The hour has come. Jesus is commending his disciples to
God, he is praying for them, and for those who will believe in
him because of what these disciples will preach to them.
"That they all may be one..," Jesus prays. "And the glory
which thou gavest me Ihave given tlhem," Jesus assures God,
"that tlhey may be one even as ve are one."
It requires little inagination to sec that this ever higher
ascent causes several problems. Consider an elemental one:
after all, others have their own "matters of faith." How are
these assertions, this progressive identification of Jesus with
God, these notions - of Jesus having pre-existed in heaven,
of his being the Son of God- to be held in the face of contrary
notions that another faith regards as equally central? We need
go no further than the sister faith - Islanm - which in a sense
builds on the Old Testament.
As much a "maiter of
"O ye people of the Book," Allah warns in the Quran,
"overstep not bounds in your religion:and of God speak only
truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, is only an apostle af
God, and His word which He conveyed into Mary, and a
Spirit proceeding from Himself...ná6
"In blasphemy indeed ave they" Allah declares, *who say
'Verily God is the Messiah Ibn Maryam (son of Mary], Say:
Who then hath the least power against God, if He chose to
destroy the Messiah Ibn Maryam, and his mother, and all who
are on the earth together?"»47
"They do blasphene," Allah proclaims again, "who say
'God is the Messiah, son of Mary...3»48
"The Messiah, son of Mary," Allah says conclusively, "is
but an apostle; other apostles have flourished before him;
and his mother was just a person; they both ate food."
"Behold!", Allah tells the faithful, "how we make clear to
Christian regards as being the mission for which God sent His
Son-Jesus - down to earth, and for which He had him suffer
so much, that mission itself is a deliberate invention. In the
Quran, in the eyes of Islam, the function of Jesus is not to
deliver the conclusive message of God. He is pictured as just
a latter-day John. That is, his function is merely to forecast
the future coming of Prophet Mohammed. The Christians
deliberately suppressed this forecast of Jesus – says, not just
the average Muslim, but Allah Himself. For in the Quran,
Allah reminds us, "And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary,
saicd: 'O, children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent)
to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and
giving glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose
name shall be Ahmed." Even at that time these persons who
had turned their back on God, disbelieved Me, Allah says:
"But when he came to them with clear signs, they said, "This
is evident sorcery. 3* <Who does greater wrong than the
one who invents falsehood against Allah," Allah asks in
exasperation, "even as he is being invited to Islam?"55
It is precisely because this forecast is missing from the
New Testament, it is precisely because the Christians have
replaced altogether the purpose for which Jesus was sent by
a so-called mission which is nothing but their own invention,
that Allah charges them, that to this day Islam charges them
with having doctored and distorted the divine scripture.
Is the central mission as presented in the New Testament
itself a falsification? Obviously not, say the Christians.
Obviously, say the Muslims. Either way, entirely a "matter of
Allah's charge in the Quran goes further, much further. As
Jesus is but the son of Mary, as he is just an apostle like so
many others, the notion of the Trinity a notion that puts
Jesus and the Holy Ghost at par with God is nothing in
Allah's reckoning but blasphemy.
55Quran, 61.6-7.
356 Harr'esting Our Souls
Narrated Ibn Abbas: "The Prophet said, 'Alkah said, "The son of Adam
tells a lie against Me though he has no right to do sco,and be abuses
Me though he has no right to do so. As for his telling a lie against Me,
it is that he claims that Icannot recreate him as I created hinm before;
and as for his abusing Me, it is lis statement that I have offspring.""*62
and say, Even the very dust ofyour city, wbich cleaveth on us,
we do wipe off against you: notwithstanding be ye sure of
this,that the Kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. ButIsay
unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for
Sodom, than for that city. Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto
thee, Bethsaidal for if the migbty works bad been done in Tyre
and Sidon, wbich bave been done in you, they bad a great
wbile ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and asbes. But it shall
be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than
for you. And thou, Capernaum, wbich at exalted to beaven,
shalt be thrust down to bell. "6
Any roOm left in that for ecumenism? Any more room than
in the Old Testament?
And then the identity, not just of Jesus with God, but of the
Church and its missionaries with Jesus and there through with
God! Jesus is said to have told those who are to carry his
He that beareth you heareth me; and be that despisetbyou
despisetb me and be that despiseth me despiseth Him that sent
In John, as we have seen, the identification is carried farthest.
But that Gospel does not neglect to assert the next super
impositions: God-is-Jesus-is-the-Church-cum-missionary.
Having once again told the disciples that one of them is going
tobetray him – "He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up
his heel against me"- Jesus affirms, "Now I tell you before it
COme, that, when, it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am
He," and extends the reverence that is due to him to cover the
missionary: “..Verily, verily, I say unto you, be that receiveth
wbomsoever I send receivetb me; and he that receiveth me
receiveth Him that sent me."8
To instill fortitude into his disciples and those who will
But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to COuncils;
and in the synagoguesye shallbe beaten: and ye shall be brought
before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.
If the world hate you, ye know that it has hated me before it hated
you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but
because ye are not of the world, but Ihave chOsen you out of the
world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I
said unto you, the servant is not greater than his lord. If they have
persecuted me,they will also persecute you; if they have kept my
saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do unto
you for my name's sake, because they know not Him that sent
me.. 10
They will soon throw you out of the synagogues, the time is
coming when those who kill you will feel that they are
serving God,Jesus says. "And these things they will do unto
you, because they have not known the Father, nor me."»11
Such passages, coming as they do along with those that link
God and Jesus and the missionary in the way we have seen,
do not merely instill fortitude, they instill self-righteousness:
when something he is doing is called in question, the
missionary remains unaffected - 0, that is how they taunted
and persecuted Jesus too; 0, they are doing this only because
I am working for the cause and name of Jesus; O, they
oppose me only because they know neither the Father nor
the Son....
It isn't just that there is just one God, and you must believe
in Him and Him alone. You must believein the one version of
that one God, the version which is given in the Bible. Second,
as He has had only one Son, as that one Son is in fact
indistinguishable from God, you must believe in him also.
Third, as the Son is the only way to God, unless you embrace
that one'way you cannot reach God. Indeed, unless you do
so, you are guilty of sin in the eyes of the Father, and,
therefore, destined to ever-lasting hell.
One consequence, of course, is that, when some other
person has another Book, also given by Almighty the Lord
God, precisely because you do any of these things - precisely
because you believe in the version of God which is given in
the Bible rather than in, say, the Quran; precisely because you
believe in the Son of God rather than in, say, the final prophet
of God, Muhammad; precisely because you think that Jesus is
the one and only way to God rather than the one indicated in
the Quran and exemplified in the sunnab of the Prophet -
you are guilty of unpardonable sin!
The other consequence is within the tradition: there is no
scope for, there can be no scope at all for holding other
traditions in any regard. Indeed, every teaching that urges
some different path is a deliberate conspiracy to lead men
into sin. And, must, for that reason, be fought to extinction.
"Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt
thou serve," that is the commandment, Jesus tells the Devil as
he tries to tempt Jesus.2
Jesus tells his missionaries that when they go into a house,
"let your peace come upon it." But if the residents are not
worthy, if they do not agree to accept the message, that is,
"let your peace return to you."15 Tolerance?
And this is the condemnation that light iscome into the world, and
men loved darkness rather than light, ecause their deeds u'ere evil.
For eveiy one that doeth euil bateth ligbt, neither cometh to the
ligbt, lest bis deeds should he reproved.
But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be
made manifest, that they are wrought in God...24
next Comforter shall not come; but having gone, I will send
him; "And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin,
and of righteousness, and of judgment," Jesus says; and what
is the sin for which the Comforter will bring the world to
book?;"Of sin, because they believe not in me, " Jesus
The Vedas teach us to pray for the well-being of every one
and everything – inanimate as well as animate without
distinction. And what is the prayer Jesus sends up to God as
his earthly journey draws to a close? "I pray for them [his
disciplesl: Ipray not forthe word, but for them which Thou
hast given me; for they are Thine. And all mine are Thine,
and Thine are mine: and I am glorified in them." He enlarges
the circle a little later, and yet strictly circumscribes it:
"Neither pray I for these alone," Jesus tells God, "but for them
also wbich sball believe on me through their word.."31
Broad-minded? Ecumenical? Tolerant?
Indeed, the question is not only: is this broad-minded,
ecumenical, tolerant? But can it be any of these?
its uses and consequences
and to actively guide and direct it, "The Spirit dwells in the
Church and in the hearts of the faithful, as in a temple," the
Council declared. In them He prays, it said, and bears witness
to their adoptive sonship. He guides the Church in the way of
all truth, it said, He unifies her in communion and in the
works of ministry, He bestows upon her varied hierarchic
and charismatic gifts, and in this way directs her. He adorns
her with His fruits. He renews her constantly. He leads her to
perfect ùnion with her Spouse, Jesus. [And for each of these,
as for the assertions which follow, the Council cited - as
proof! - fragments of lines and passages from Romans,
Corintbians, Galatians, etc., the very documents one of the
principal functions for composing which had been to assert
these very propositions!!
The Church is righty described by the many names which
are used for it, the Council said: the house of God in which
His family dwells, the dwelling place of God among men,
and, especially, the holy temple. The Church has been
correctly likened to the New Jerusalem, it said, "the holy city
which is seen by John as it comes down from out of heaven
from God when the world is made anew, prepared like a
bride adorned for her husband." The Church has been called
"that Jerusalem vhich is above," it recalled approvingly, and
"our mother", as "the spotless spouse of the spotless lamb."
"It is she whom Christ 'loved and for whom he delivered
himself up that he might sanctify her," the Council declared.
"It is she whom he unites to himself by the unbreakable
alliance, and whom he constantly 'nourishes and cherishes
It is she whom, once purified he villed to be joined to
himself, subject in love and fidelity,..and whom, finally, he
filled with heavenly gifts for all eternity.. "4
The head of this body is Christ," the Council asserted
on behalf of the Church. And all it does is at his express
direction: "He continually provides in his body, that is in the
Church, for gifts of ministries through which, by his power,
4Ibid., 6.
Deification-at-second-remove, its uses and consequences
we serve each other unto salvation, so that, carrying out
truth in love, we may through all things grow unto him who is
our head,"5He has suffused the Church with his Spirit,
and it
is this Spirit "which gives life to, unifies and moves the whole
body." Moreover, "Christ loves the Church as his bride..."6
"The one mediator, Christ, established and ever sustains here
on earth his holy Church.... through which he communicates
truth and grace to all men...."7
To establish the Church'sauthority, tomake accepting that
authority to be an over-riding article of faith, the Council
deployed a typical circularity. "The Church... is held, as a
matter of faith, to be unfailingly holy," it said. On what basis?
"This is because Christ, the Son of God, who with the Father
and the Spirit is hailed as 'alone holy' loved the Church as his
Bride, giving himself up for her so as to sanctify her..., he
joined her to himself as his body and endowed her with the
gift of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God..."$ But that is no
"reason" -every knot in that string is just an assertion, another
series one must take on faith.
Having positioned itself as the Jesus-at-hand, the Church
fosters another superimposition. After all, the strong human
urge for worshipping the mother-goddess has ensured that it
isn'tjust Jesus who is venerated. The cult of Virgin Mary has
acquired enormous force over the centuries. Unable to erase
it, the Church, as we have seen, has appropriated it - with
caveats. But as it isthere in any case, the Church has put it to
use in another way. We are the Mary-at-hand, it has declared!
Thus we have Vatican-II superimposing the Church on
Mary also in itsdecree, Lumen Gentium,
By reason of the gift and role of her divine motherhood, by which she
isunited with her Son, the Redeemer, and with her unique graces and
functions, the Blessed Virgin is also intimately united with the
5Tbid., 7. G1bid., 7.
7Ibid., 8. #Ibid., 39.
376 Harvesting Our Souls
Not only is there such a reservoir, not only can merits from it
be transferred so that sins of others are remitted, not only
does the Church have the power to transfer the merits, not
only does it alone have the power to do so, the obtaining of
the indulgence itself becomes the occasion to reinforce
obedience to the Church! For the Pope declares,
we ought not to forget that when they try to gain indulgences the
faithful submit with docility to the lawful pastors of the Church.
Above all, they acknowledge the authority of the successor of
Blessed Peter, the key-bearer of heaven. To them the Saviour
himself entrusted the task of feeding his flock and ruling his
At the pinnacle
28 1bid. 25.
Deification-at-second-remove, its uses and consequences 385
It is therefore by tlhe will of Christ [notice the leap]that the successOr
of Peter is endowed with the pre-eminent responsibility of teaching
revealed truth. How often doestheNew Testament represent Peter
as being filled with the Holy Spirit when he spoke in the name of all.
So also St. Leo the Great says of him that he merited the primacy of
the apostles. it is for this reason likewise that the solemn declaration
of the Church has affirmed that the Supreme Pontiffis the supreme
head- in apice in specula-of theapostolate. The second Vatican
Council has declared that 'Christ's mandate to preach the Gospel to
the whole creation (cf. Mk 16,15) is directed prinarily to the bishops
vith Peter and in subordination to Peter."29
...TheHoly Spirit unfailingly assists her (The Church- the bride and
body of Christ.] in her charge of guarding, teaching, explaining, and
spreading that truth which was foreshadowed in the prophets and
which God fully and completely revealed to men in the Lord Jesus.
{So muclh for the identical claim made on behalf of Muhammad and
the Quran!! We believe all that is contained in the word of God,
whether written or handed down, and which the Church propOses for
our belief as being divinely revealed either through a solemn
declaration or by the ordinary and universal magesterium. We
believe in the infallibility enjoyed by the Successor of Peter when he
speaks ex cathedra as shepherd and teacher of all the faithful, an
So, every word of the Bible is literally tFue, and every verdict
that the Pope hands down on matters of doctrine and
interpretation is literally infallible, and therefore beyond
0Pope Paul VI, Solen ni bac liturgia, The Credo of the People of God, 30
June, 1968.
Deification-at-second-rem0ve, its uses and consequences 387
the will and intellect must be given, in a special way to the
teaching of the Roman Pontiff, even when he does not speak
ex cathedra in such wise, indeed, that his supreme teaching
authority be acknowledged with respect, and sincere assent
be given to decisions made by him, conformably with his
manifest mind and intention..."31 All the more, "when the
Roman Pontiff, or the body of bishops together wh him,
definea doctrine, they make the definition in conformity with
revelation itself, to which all are bound to adhere and to
which they are obliged to submit; and this revelation is
transmitted integrally either in written form or in oral tradition
through the legitimate succession of bishops and above all
through the watchful concern of the Roman Pontiff himself -
and through the light of the Spirit of truth it is scrupulously
preserved in the Church and unerringly explained..."32
The Council conceded that occasions may arise when
believers may need to put their concerns and needs to the
Church. They may do so, it said. But within a narrow pen: “If
the occasion should arise this should be done through the
institutions established by the Church for that purpose and
always with truth, courage, prudence and with reverence and
charity towards those who, by reason of their office,
represent the person of Christ." Hence, "Like all Christians,
the laity should pronmptly accept in Christian obedience what
is decided by the pastors who, as teachers and rulers of the
Church, 'represent Christ. In this they will follow Christ's
example who, by his obedience unto death, opened the
blessed way of liberty of the sons of God to all men." The
faithful must not just obey these persons who occupy offices
of the Church, the Council decreed: "Nor should they fail to
commend to God in their prayers those who have been
placed over them, who indeed keep watch as having to
render an account of our souls, that they may do this with joy
and not with grief... "33
differing in many aspects from the gnes which she holds and
sets forth, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that Tiuth which
same breath,
enlightens all men." The Council added in the
"Indeed, she proclaims, and ever must proclaim Christ, 'the
way, the truth, and the life'(Jobn, 14,6), in whom men may
find the fullness of religious life, in whom God has reconciled
all things to Himself.
It is this passage which the present Pope emphasizes
it is -
only this condescending acknowledgment which he allows:
that the Church accepts that which is true in other religions.
But what exactly do these other religionscontain? The Pope's
answer puts them in their place, as it should all who trumpet
were the
the new spirit of the Church as ecumenical! As if this
soul of broad-mindedness, the Pope says, "The words of the
Council recall the conviction, long rooted in the Tradition, of
the existence of the so-called semina Verbi (seeds of the
Word), present in all religions." That is all that Hinduism and
Buddhism might at best have: seeds of the Word, of the Word
which blossomed in full in and only in Christianity to which -
he, the Pope, and only he is the infallible guide!
Indeed, even this acknowledgment, the Pope regards as
reflecting not so much an intrinsic truth as proof of the
Church's universalism! And universalism has a very special
meaning for him and the Church. It doesn't mean that there is
no difference in the eyes of God between the believer and
the non-believer, to say nothing of the eyes of the Church.
doesn't mean that all religions are paths that lead equally
efficaciously to God. It only means that the Church is anxious
to save all in the universe by bringing them round to Jesus! As
the Pope puts the point,
In the light of this conviction, the Church seeks to identify the semina
Verbi present in the great traditions of the Far East, in order to trace
And for that act of kindness and grace of the Church we must
be forever grateful!
What is valid in Islam, therefore, are those elements which
it has retained from, or at the least has in common with
Christianity.0 What is valid in Judaism is that the beginnings
of the faith and election of the Church of Christ "are found
already among the Patriarchs, Moses and the prophets,
and in that "the salvation of the Church is mysteriously
foreshadowed by the chosen people's exodus from the land
of bondage. n41
The fundamental position remains unaltered, unyielding:
"One Lord, one faith, one baptism."42 So, while the Council
expressed "esteem" for the Muslims, this is subject to its
repeated declarations that the revelation given to Jesus was
the final one! "Now God, in order to establish peace or the
communion of sinful human beings with Himself, as well as
to fashion them into a fraternal community," the Council
declared, "did ordain to intervene in human history in a way
botb new and final by sending His Son, clothed in our
flesh, in order that through Him He might snatch men from
the power of darkness and Satan..."43 Similarly, in Dei
Verbum, its Declaration on Dogmatic Constitution on Divine
Revelation, the Council decreed, "The Christian dispensation,
therefore, as the new and definitive covenant, will never
pass away and we now awail no further public evelation
39Beyondthe Thresbold of
Hope, op. cil., pp. 80-81.
40Nostra Aetate, op. cil., 3. 411bid., 4.
12The expression from Epbesians, 4:4-5, was often invoked by Vatican-iI.
Ad Gentes, Decree on the Mission Activity of the Church, 3.
Harvesting Our Souls
A telling anxiety
Ecumenism, yes, but not at the cost of our market-share
that seems to be the doctrine. Notice how anxious the Church
is about marriages between Catholics and non-Catholics.
After all, if all paths, in particular all Christian paths lead to
God, how does it matter if the children of such marriages, or
for that matter the Catholic who enters such a marriage
observes one set of rituals or another? But that is enmphatically
not the way the Church sees the outcome.
In his declaration on the matter the Pope stresses, "such a
marriage is by its nature an obstacle to the full spiritual
communion of the married parties." And that, therefore, "the
Church, conscious of her duty, discourages the contracting of
mixed marriages, for she is most desirous that Catholics be
able in matrimony to attain to perfect union of mind and full
Communion of life." Unless the marriage is preceded by
obtaining a dispensation from the Church, such a marriage is
invalid, he declares. And he lays down a stern condition:
Declarations vis á
vis reality
Pope John Paul II (in the Dominican Republic) said that he must
protect his flock from the 'wolves' of evangelical Protestantism
wooing Latin Americans away from the Roman Catholic Church...As
shepherd to Latin America's 395 million Catholics, the Pope said he
must ´take care of the sheep who have been put in my care and
protect them from rapacious wolves.'
And for that metaphor too the Pope had precedent in the
scripture. For does Matthew not warn, "Beware of false
prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but
inwardly they are ravening wolves"?52
The second item is from the Wasbington Post of
24 January, 1999. Entitled, "Pope moves to reverse
Catholicism's decline in America," it was filed by Molly Loore
and John Ward Anderson:
52Mattbew, 7.15.
Harvesting Our Souls
Trinidad Gonzales Rodriguez,who is bsed in Mexico's second-most
populous city, Gudlajara. 'Now we are not only facing evangelism
and Protestantism, but a high tide of NewAge religions from the
The Sister was all along briefed by a couple of Fathers who were not
initially willing to let her speak. "Didn't they try to rape you
and fail?,"
Father Cajetan asked her. The Sister reeled out some incoherent
words in Tamil. "She said they tried to rape her and did not succeed,"
Father Cajetan said, adding that her hancds were tied at the back. "It
was when they failed to rape her that they forced
her to drink urine,"
the Father added.
The FIR lodged by Sister Ruby also has the same version. After
narrating how she was waylaid and stripped, the Sister said she was
asked the following questions:
1. Isyour convent still running in Jalalpur?
2. How many Sisters are there?
3. How many people have you converted to your
4. What is your mother tongue?
5. Who asked you to come and work here?
6. Don't you know we have kidnapped, murdered
and raped
many people like you? Yet you have not learnt your lesson.
However, there are several questions that remain unanswered. Sister
Ruby filed an FIR three days after the incident. According to her
report she was forced to answer the questions after being tied. She
had also said that her abductors were speaking in Hindi and Bhojpuri.
How could Sister Ruby,who spoke inTamil and claimed not to know
Hindior English, understand her captors?
That Sister admitted to have understood the questions and
remembered them in order indicates she has a complete command
overHindi and Blhojpuri, and a very retentive memory. Her failure to
even identify the place where she was reportedly taken after being
waylaid does not quite jell with her graphic recounting of the incident
itself. On September 24, the police spent an entire day going around
with her. But she failed to spot the site even though the incident had
taken place around 10 am...
There are glaring contradictions in a press release issued by the
Secretary of the Bishop of Bettiah and Sister Ruby's FIR. While the
nun said she was forced to dink urine after her abductors failed to
rape her, the release said she was threatened with rape if she refused
to drink the urine. It is inconceivable how a frail woman couldescape
rape when she was stripped and tied.
Haivesting Our Souls
more heinous is being
People, therefore, are wondeing if sorgething of SisterRuby's
coveredup. It becomes allthe more relevant in view
was disturbed both
delay in fiing the FIR. The nun claims that she Bettiah
physically and mentally and had also to consult the Bishop of
House at Bettiah
before going to the police. Incidentally, the Bishop
Ihas two telephones and is barely 60 km from Chhapra.
even admitted that the Bishop
To confound matters, Sister Ruby
came to Chhapra a day after the incident. Presumably, the Bishop
took another two days to discuss the matter with his superiors before
lodging the FIR. It is difficult to imagine why the Church should
case to the police. Didn't
three days to allow a vicim to report the
any one realize that the culprits could have escaped in the
intervening period?
men in
The excuse given by the Sister has failed to convince the
uniform. "Somehow we are not entirely sure about the whole
Something is missing," said a police officer at the spot..."
we had encountered
Quite literally a replay of the story
earlier, "Orissa nun raped in moving car"! But the story
was on
all over the newspapers, it was On Internet, it
television channels!
In a word, we should be alert to the fact that missionaries
have but one goal- that of harvesting for the Church, and
that they have developed a very well-knit, powerful,
extremely well-endowed organizational network for
attaining that singular goal. Their "spiritual" quest, their quest
are all
for power and control, their commercial interests -
entwined with, they are in fact dependent on that one goal
In the last few decades, another goad has erupted.
Converts who were enticed into Christianity by promises that
it is free of notions like caste, are astir. They have been
calling the Church to account for the lure it held out. To
contain their restlessness, the Church is seeking to
externalize the problem. As "Dalits" within the Church have
begun to vent their disillusionment at the way the Church
3i) Each District Magistrate shall maintain list of religious
institutions or organizations propagating religious faith in his district
and that of persons directly or indirectly engaged for propagation of
religious faith in the district.
(ii) The District Magistrate, if he thinks fit, may call for list of
with the religious faith, receiving benefits either in cash in kind
from the religious organizations or institutions or from any
connected therewith.
a declaration
4. Any person intending to convert his religion shall give
before a Magistrate, 1st Class, having jurisdiction prior to such
conversion that he intends to convert his religion on hisown will.
5) The concerned religious priest shall intimate the date, time and
place of the ceremony in which conversion shall be made along with
the names and addresses of the persons to be converted
to the
concerned District Magistrate before fifteen days of the said
(ii)The intimation shall be in Form A and shall be delivered either
personally by the Priest to the concerned Distict Magistrate or sent to
him by registered post with acknowledgment due.
6. The District Magistrate on receiving the intimation from the priest
shall sign thereon stating the date on which and the hourat which the
intimation has been delivered to him or received by him, and shall
forthwith acknowledge the receipt thereof in Form B.
7. The District Magistrate shall maintain a register of conversion in
Form Cand shall cover therein particulars of the intimation received
by him.
8.Any person who contravenes the provisions of Rule 5 or6 shall be
liable to a fine of Rupees one thousand.
9. The District Magistrate shall by the 10th of each month send to the
State Government a report of intimations received by him during the
preceding month in Forn D.
A few things to do 413
One reform is obvious at once. Under the Act, penalties
for disregard and violation are so minor that they cry out
to be multiplied manifold. As conversions are triggering
such intense tensions, what is the rationale for limiting
punishments to fines of a thousand or five, to imprisonment
of one or two years?
The more serious lesson lies in what Justice Wadhwa
reports about what this law means on the ground. He records,
Noone was aware of the Freedom of Religion Act or the Rules framed
thereunder in the State at least in the districts of Mayurbhanj and
Keonjhar. These provisions of law were lying dormant and [had]
never beenl put into operation for the last many years. Admittedly,
there were conversions to Christianity in these two districts. No
person intending to convert his religion ever gave a declaration
before a Magistrate prior to such conversion of his intent to convert
his religion on his own will which was the requirement of Rule 4.
Similarly also the religious priest did not give intimation of such
conversion as per Form A under the Rules. District Magistrate did not
maintain a register of conversion as per Form prescribed. Since they
did not make any record of conversions,theyy did not send any report
of conversion to the State Government.
Mr. Balakrishnan, District Magistrate, Mayurbhanj and Mr. Saurabh
Garg, District Magistrate, Keonjhar were examined to know if any
action (had been] taken under the Freedom of Religion Act and the
Rules framed thereunder. They expressed ignorance of the
provisions of the law relating to conversion and said they had
become aware of these only after the incident at Manoharpur on the
night of 22/23.1.1999. To me, it appears tlhat even now they do not
understand the full scope and intent of the provisions of the Orissa
Freedom of Religion Act and the Rules. These are salutary provisions
and prohibitconversion from one religion to another by the use of
force, inducement or by any fraudulent means. Even any abetment
to such conversion has been made an offence. If these provisions of
law,in my view, are strictly followed no one can have any grievance
to contend that gullible and innocent tribals are being converted.
CNN Networks
31 March 1998
Web posted at: 03:23 GST, New York Times (23:23 GMT)
416 Harvesting Our Souls
(For the text of the Dectee see, CharlesD. Paglee, Chinalaw Web, http://
www.qis.net/chinalaw/prclaw109. htm.
Harvesting Our Souls
And that is just the formal law The "situation the ground,"
as the phrase goes, is much harsher: yet none of the persons
traduce us in India, and certainly no
and organizations that
China in this
progressive of ours so much as Bleats about
Therefore, the basic lesson of this survey is: clear the
national mind, develop a strong and purposeful State.
To clear our society's mind on the subject of this
important things are ones each of us can do on his own.
Just read the publications of the missionaries.
In particular, read the Bible.
Read what is common knowledge about it in Europe. Make
that known all across our country.
At each opportunity, question the missionaries about
what is Contained in the Bible, and about what scholars in
advanced Christian countries have written about it.
This little bit, a bit that lies within the reach of each of
will by itself be a substantial enough antidote.
To conserve space,as passages fron the Old and New Testaments are cited
througbout the book, pages on wbich they appear bave not been listed bere.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali: on God being Bethlehem: was Jesus born in?: 88
parallels to manufacture of
Hadis: 209-10; effect of Church "People of India" Project: 33;
Judaism tensions on Gospel Consequences of a weakened
narrative: 213; leave no scope State, confused society: 414-15
for ecumenism: 360-70; Church Indian Express, Tbe: on alleged
on their pre-eminence, divine rape of nun in Baripada: 9
authorship and inerrancy: 378 Indulgences: Vatican on their
79 efficacy: 147
Govindlalji us. State of
Rajasthan: Indulgentiarum doctrina,
70-71 Apostolic constitution on
Revision of Indulgences:
Harvesting the dying: Catholic efficacy of indulgences: 147;
Dbaram ka Pracharak on: 57; sins remitted only through
practice in Mother Teresa's Church vorking asa single
Order: 57-58 body: 382; relies on Pope
Harvey, A.E.: on whether Jewish Clement VI's Bull: 382-83; to
authorities held Jesus guilty of secure benefit believers must
blasphemy: 119 submit to Church with docility:
Herod: differing accounts about 383; attributes supremacy,
Jesus' birth and: 91-92 universal power, infallibility to
Hindus: (Christian) God's longing Pope: 383-84
to have them under His fold: 58; Israel: Christian groups pledge to
their numbers lopped off: 58; desist from missionary activity:
residing abroad targeted: 59; 415-16
Hindu beliefs which can be
worked to advantage: 59; Jesus, life of: crucifixion,
"theological blocks" which resurrection: 72-80; conflicting
impede drives to convert them: genealogies of: 83-85; virgin
59-60 birth of: 86-87; uncertainties
Hindustan Times, The: purveys about year of birth of: 87-88;
story about Jhajjar nuns: 7-8 uncertainties about place of
Hitchens, Christopher: 57-58 birth of: 88-90; reasons for
Index 427
claiming Davidic descent for: multitude again: 102; on giving a
89-90; on claiming sign or not: 102-03; restores
simultaneously he is Son of sight to blind: 104; heals
God and descendant of David: possessed child: 104-06; infirm
90; who come bearing gifts?: 91; man walks: 121-22; his miracles
incidents after birth: 91-92; said to alarm Jewish authorities:
baptism by John: 92-94; 121-24; restores sight: 123
COmmencement and duration Jesus, commands of: counsel
of ministry: 94-95; entry into missionaries should have
Jerusalem: 110-11; visit to heeded: 3-4; commands
Temple: 110-11; last meal: 111 missionaries say he gave them:
12; betrayal of: 112-15; arrest of: 69, 79-80; command weighed
114-16; Jewsprogressively against our law: 70-72;
blamed for death of: 116-21; continuing attribution of words
Jews portrayed as having been to: 209-10; possible inability
out to kill Jesus from outset: converted to decision: 211-12;
121-24; interrogation of: 116-17; Church on its relation to Jesus:
trial by Pilate of: 116-21; trek to 380-83; the only living God and
Golgotha: 126, crucifixion, Saviour: 388-89
exchanges with bandits, and last Jesus, prophecies of: about Judas
words: 127-29; events in wake betraying him: 112-15; about his
of death: 129-31; resurrection, own suffering: 181-82; about
forecasts and facts: 131-32; resurrection: 131-32; about
once events are shorn of the imminence of Kingdom of God:
miraculous: 150-57 182-90
Jesus, ministry of: commencement Jesus, as "figure of faith": 137-61
of: 94-95; when and how initial Jesus, and God: progressive
disciples gathered: 95-97; identification: 162-64; all
miracles of: 97-106; on giving a devices having failed, God
sign or not: 102-103; inquires sends him: 337-40; Jesus
.what men say of him: 103-04; eclipses God: 347-53; Quran on
on sitting to his right and left: this identification being
107; exchanges when sinful blasphemy: 353-57
Woman anoints: 107-09 Jews: blame for Jesus' death
Jesus, miracles of: significance and progressively shifted on to: 116
use made of: 97-99; cures leper: 121; progressively portrayed as
99; cures centurion's servant: having been out to kill Jesus
99-100; exorcises spirit or spirits: from outset: 121-24; effects of
100; cures man of palsy: 100; tensions between Church and
revives a dying or dead girl: 100 Judaism on Gospel narratives:
01; cures woman of 213-14
uncontrollable bleeding: 101; Jhabua: rape of nuns: 7
feeds multitude: 101; incident as Jhajar: concoction about assault
he walks on water: 101-02; feeds On nuns: 7-8
428 Harvesting Our Souls