Dicussion 2 the Self in the Social World
Dicussion 2 the Self in the Social World
Dicussion 2 the Self in the Social World
Main Reference:
Social Psychology by
David Myers & Jean Twenge
Spotlights and
Are you being observed?
Spotlight Effect
Our tendency to overestimate how much others notice
us. We often feel like we're under a microscope, but in
reality, people are usually too busy with their own lives
to pay much attention to us.
Illusion of Transparency
The spotlight effect and illusion of transparency reveal that people are more
focused on themselves than on us. Understanding this can reduce social
anxiety and help us feel less self-conscious.
Who am I?
Self - Concept
Self-concept is your understanding of who you are,
including your traits, roles, and how you see yourself in
various situations.
Self - Schemas
Self-schemas shape how we
The mental frameworks that
see ourselves and interpret
help us organize and interpret
others, like noticing athleticism
information about ourselves.
if you identify as athletic.
Social Comparison
An important part of self-concept involves social comparisons, where we regularly assess
ourselves by measuring our abilities, traits, and accomplishments against those of others.
Social comparisons can be skewed by incomplete information, like viewing curated social
media, can harm self-esteem and lead to anxiety.
Cultural trends show rising individualism globally, with more use of "I" over "we," and younger
generations in collectivistic cultures like China also becoming more individualistic.
Our self-concept evolves with
personal beliefs, social comparisons,
and cultural context.
Nature and Motivating
Power of Self-esteem
What is Self - Esteem?
Self-esteem is how we value ourselves and influences our behavior, often leading to both positive
and negative outcomes.
Researcher Jennifer Crocker and Connie Wolfe pointed out, self-esteem depends on
what’s personally important to us.
Psychologists Jonathan Brown and Keith Dutton suggest that high self-esteem leads us to
view all aspects of ourselves more positively
The Effects of Self-Esteem on Performance
Mark Leary views self-esteem as a 'fuel gauge' prompting action when threatened. Jeff Greenberg's
terror management theory adds that pursuing self-esteem helps manage our fear of death and gives
life meaning.
The Pitfalls of Chasing Self-Esteem
The false consensus effect makes us overestimate how much others share our
views and behaviors, while the false uniqueness effect leads us to see our positive
traits as more unique than they are, both serving to boost our self-image.
To conclude
“ego depletion”
Study 1: Study 2:
Resisting temptation depletes Suppressing emotions also
willpower, leading to decreased depletes self-control, reducing
persistence on later tasks. physical stamina.
Building Self-Control
Practicing self-control in one area improves self-control in others. Students
taught study skills also showed improved self-control in other aspects of
their lives.
Strategies for Strengthening
Start small to improve self-control, focusing on
one goal at a time. Success in one area leads to
improvements in others.
We also explored self-serving bias, which protects our self-image but can
lead to overconfidence, and self-presentation, how we manage others'
perceptions of us.