4300011_BCH Lab Manual
4300011_BCH Lab Manual
4300011_BCH Lab Manual
Laboratory Manual
[ Semester : 1 – Chemical (05), Textile Processing Technology (28) ]
[ Semester : 2 – Textile Manufacturing Technology (29),
Printing Technology (58), Textile Designing (59)]
Enrollment No.
Name of the Student
Academic Term
Name of the Institute
Place: …………………..
Date: …………………..
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 0
DTE’s Vision:
To provide globally competitive technical education;
Remove geographical imbalances and inconsistencies;
Develop student friendly resources with a special focus on girls’
education and support to weaker sections;
Develop programs relevant to industry and create a vibrant pool of
technical professionals.
DTE’s Mission:
Institute’s Vision: (Student should write)
Institute’s Mission: (Student should write)
Department’s Vision: (Student should write)
Department’s Mission: (Student should write)
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science
and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified
standard methods.
4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and
appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes in field of engineering.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
b. CO-2: Solve engineering problems using the concepts of electrochemistry and corrosion.
c. CO-3: Use relevant water treatment methods to solve domestic and industrial problems.
e. CO-5: Choose various types of engineering materials like lubricants, polymers, Elastomers
and Adhesives for domestic and industrial applications.
Sr. No. Practical Outcome/Title of the Experiment CO-1 CO-2 CO-3 CO-4 CO-5
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
12. Do not be afraid to seek for help from your instructor in any situation. It might have to do with
safety, standard operating procedure, etc. Before moving ahead, make sure you properly
understand each of the instructions.
13. Organize the work in the group. Keep records on the practical observations and do the
calculations as needed, etc. Also complete the Interpretation of results, Conclusion and Answers of
the ‘Practical related quiz’.
14. After usage, store the reagents where they are. Do not change their positions.
15. Submit the lab manual, in time, as and when asked for Continuous Assessment (CA) by the
course faculty member.
16. Students should clean the equipment and glassware after the practical/experiment gets completed.
Store the unused chemicals. Dispose of the unwanted, useless chemicals carefully. Disconnect the
setup you've made and return all the instruments and components you've used after the practical
is completed.
17. Verify that your workspace is clean and dry before leaving the laboratory. Make sure that every water,
electricity, and gas valve is turned off completely.
18. When leaving the lab, fully wash your hands.
19. Student shall attempt to develop related hand-on skills and build confidence.
20. Student shall develop the habits of evolving more ideas, innovations, skills etc.
21. Students shall develop maintenance skills as expected by industries.
22. Student shall refer practical relevant videos, technical magazines, data books, etc.
Follow these DO’s & DON’T’S …to Protect yourself and others :
1. Use extreme caution and maintain good discipline in the laboratory.
2. Before igniting the bunsen burner, be sure that all combustible chemicals have been completely
kept away from it.
3. Any equipment damage should be reported to the lab supervisor if something occurs during
the experiment. While using the chemicals or handling the apparatus (equipment
and/or glassware and/or chemicals), you should use precautions.
4. Food and beverages are not permitted in the lab.
5. Never use pipette by mouth suction for taking out the concentrated solutions.
6. Never pour water directly into any concentrated acid.
7. Chemicals should never be placed directly on the balance pan. When weighing a chemical with a
balance, always use the appropriate weighing container.
8. Avoid using the washbasin to dispose of strong acids. Do not discard any used paper, litmus paper,
or other materials into the sink. Throw them in the dustbin. While not in use, keep the water and
gas knobs closed.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
RUBRICS for all PrOs with marks distribution for Continuous Assessment (CA)
of Practicals of Basic Chemistry (4300011) for 25 Marks
PrOs PERFORMANCE INDICATORS for the PrOs Criteria OF STUDENTS in Practical Exercises
Sr. CRITERIA (Each of maximum 5 Marks)
No. (As per GTU Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor
Curriculum) 5 marks 4 marks 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark
⮞ “PROCESS” related skills
- Prepare - Prepare - Prepare - Prepare - Prepare - Prepare
Experimental setup Experimental Experimental Experimental Experimental Experimental
accurately setup accurately setup setup with some setup with the setup poorly
by own satisfactorily by help of faculty help of faculty
1. own member member
- Handling of - Very carefully - Carefully - Good Handling - Proper - Poor Handling of
apparatus/glasswar Handling of Handling of of Handling of apparatus/glassw
es for precise apparatus/glassw apparatus/glassw apparatus/glassw apparatus/glass ares
measurements ares ares ares wares
- Practice and - Practice and - Practice and - Practice and - Practice and - poorly Practice
adapt good and adapt standard adapt very good adapt good and adapt gladly and adapt weak
safe measuring and safe and safe safe measuring and safe and unsafe
techniques measuring measuring techniques measuring measuring
techniques techniques techniques techniques
- Record - Record - Record - Record - Record - Record
observations observations observations observations observations observations
correctly correctly properly satisfactorily partially incorrectly
- Housekeeping - Regularly Keeps - Keeps - Keeps - Sometimes - Keeps
surrounding area surrounding area surrounding area Keeps surrounding area
neat and very very clean clean surrounding unclean
3. clean area clean
- Observance - Strictly Follow - Nicely follow - Follow safety - Sometimes - Rarely Follow
/Follow safety rules safety rules safety rules rules Follow safety safety rules
⮞ “PRODUCT” related skills
- Does Calculations - Did correct - Did precise - Did good - Did - Did incorrect
Calculations with Calculations with Calculations with Calculations Calculations
unit unit unit satisfactorily without unit
without unit
- Interpret the - Interpret the - Interpret the - Interpret the - Interpret the - Interpret the
Results and their Results and their Results and their Results and their Results and Results and their
Conclusion/s Conclusion/s with Conclusion/s with Conclusion/s with their Conclusion/s with
perfect very clear good explanation Conclusion/s unclear
explanation explanation with partial explanation
- Prepare report of - Perfectly - Properly - Moderately - Partially - Poorly Prepare
practical in Prepare report of Prepare report of Prepare report of Prepare report report of practical
prescribed format practical in practical in practical in of practical in in prescribed
prescribed format prescribed format prescribed format prescribed format
- Viva-voce - Answer the - Answer the - Answer the - Able to - Only able to
questions questions with questions, but answer basic answer few basic
effectively with explanations and fails to elaborate questions questions
explanations and elaboration
When above Performance Indicator/s for the PrOs Criteria is/are NOT fulfilled at all by the student/s then 0 Mark is to
given for that criteria.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
measuring techniques
Sr. Practical Outcomes (PrOs) / Page out of
- Does Calculations
prescribed format
No. Title of the Experiment No. Date 25
- Housekeeping
- Viva-voce
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 1
Prepare a standard solution of oxalic acid or potassium permanganate.
( Preparation of Primary Standard solution )
A. Objective:
Varieties of solutions are made in chemistry laboratory. Preparing the solutions in
chemistry laboratory is an important and integral part of studying chemistry.
There are two types of solutions: Primary standard solution and Secondary
standard solution.
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G. Prerequisite Theory:
Molarity :
“The number of gram mole weight of the solute dissolved in 1 litre (1000 mL) of the
solution is known as the molarity of the solution.”
🠚 Its unit is M or mole/L. (It is read as Molar.)
🠚 Molarity of solution = 1000 Weight of substance (g)
Molecular weight of substance Volume of solution (mL)
1 M solution :
“The solution which contains 1 gram mole weight of the solute per litre (1000 mL)
of the solution is known as 1 molar solution.”
Normality :
“The number of gram equivalent of the solute dissolved in 1 litre (1000 mL) of the
solution is known as the normality of the solution.”
🠚 Its unit is N. (It is read as Normal.)
🠚 Normality of solution = 1000 Weight of substance (g)
Equivalent weight of substance Volume of solution (mL)
1 N solution :
“The solution which contains 1 gram equivalent weight of the solute per litre (1000
mL) of the solution is known as 1 normal solution.”
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
I. Resources/Equipment Required:
/Components/Trainer Specification
No. ty
• Watch glass 2
• Standard volumetric flask with stopper (100 2
1. Glassware (Borosil) mL) 2
• Funnel 2
• Beakers (250 mL, 500mL) 1
• Wash bottle
• Oxalic acid (hydrated) (H2C2O4.2H2O) 5 gm
2. Chemicals (AR Grade) • Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) 5 gm
• Distilled water 1000
Type of Laboratory Balance: Analytical,
Electronic Weighing Sensitivity (mg): 1 mg, Maximum Capacity of
3. weighing (grams): 200 g, Shape of PAN: 1
Circular, Power Supply: Single Phase, Display:
J. Safety and necessary Precautions to be followed:
1. While working in the chemistry laboratory use Apron.
2. Handle all the glassware and chemicals/solutions very safely and
3. Clean all the glassware thoroughly before using them.
4. Use the chemicals/solutions and distilled water judiciously.
5. Disposal of the used chemicals/solutions should be done through drainage or
by appropriate methods.
6. After completion of this experiment, store the unused solutions for further use
in future.
K. Procedure to be followed :
⮞ Preparation of ......... mL ....... M .............................. solution :
(1) Wash and clean thoroughly all apparatus with distilled water.
(2) Weigh the exact weight of clean and dried watch glass and record its weight in
(3) Calculate the required amount of a given substance using prerequisites as
shown below in Calculations.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Thus, 1.58 g KMnO4 is dissolved in distilled water in standard volumetric flask upto
100 mL mark to form 100 mL 0.1M KMnO4 solution.
So based on prerequisites -
🢡 Preparation of 100 mL 0.1 N H2C2O4.2H2O (Oxalic acid (hydrated)) solution :
Equivalent weight of H2C2O4.2H2O = Molecular mass of H2C2O4.2H2O
Basicity of H2C2O4.2H2O
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Method : 2 :
Weight of H2C2O4.2H2O required = Normality Equivalent weight Volume (L)
= 0.1 63 (100/1000)
⮞ Observations :
M. Results :
(1) .................. g ............................. is dissolved in distilled water in standard
volumetric flask upto 100 mL mark to form ......... mL ............... M
............................. solution.
(2) .................. g ............................. is dissolved in distilled water in standard
volumetric flask upto 100 mL mark to form ......... mL ................ N
............................. solution.
N. Interpretation of Results :
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O. Conclusion :
Ans. ..........................................................................................................................
(5) Define : 1 Normal solution.
Ans. ..........................................................................................................................
(6) Write the formulae to find the Molarity and Normality of solutions.
Ans. ...........................................................................................................................
(7) Calculate the amount of oxalic acid (hydrated) required to prepare 500 mL
0.02 M oxalic acid solution. [Ans. 1.26 g]
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Ans. ..........................................................................................................................
(8) Calculate the amount of KMnO4 required to prepare 250 mL 0.02 N KMnO4
solution. [Ans. 0.158 g]
Ans. ..........................................................................................................................
Q. References / Suggestions :
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
R. Assessment-Rubrics
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 11) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 2
Determine the strength of the given sodium hydroxide solution by titrating against
standard oxalic acid solution using phenolphthalein indicator.
( ACID-BASE TITRATION – Weak Acid and Strong Base )
A. Objective:
When acid and base react with each other - salt and water formation occurs. This
process is called Neutralization. Basis on this process we can determine unknown
concentration of acid or base solution. This method is known as Acid-Base
Titration. In the acid-base reaction at the end-point indicator shows colourchange.
So, we can judge the end-point. By this method we can calculate the amount of
acid or base present in its solution. Acid-base titrations are used in pharmaceutical
field to determine the concentration of solutions.
This practical is expected to develop the following skills for the industry-
identified competency:
Use/Apply basic principles of Basic Chemistry in various engineering
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
G. Prerequisite Theory:
Strong Acid: An acid which ionizes completely (almost 100%) in its aqueous
solution is called a strong acid. e.g., HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, etc.
Weak Acid: An acid which ionizes partially/slightly (about 2 to 3 %) in its
aqueous solution is called a weak acid. e.g., H2C2O4, HCOOH, CH3COOH, etc.
Strong Base: A base which ionizes completely (almost 100%) in its aqueous
solution is called a strong base. e.g., NaOH, KOH, Ba(OH)2, etc.
Weak Base: A base which ionizes partially/slightly (about 2 to 3 %) in its
aqueous solution is called a weak base. e.g., NH4OH, Na2CO3, NaHCO3, etc.
Titration: The solution of unknown concentration of definite volume is allowed
to react chemically with the other solution having known concentration. This
method of determining the exact volume of a solution having unknown
concentration is known as titration.
🠚 So, titration is the technique used to find the unknown concentration of a
chemical component present in a given sample.
🠚 Types of Titrations: (1) Acid-Base titration (2) Redox titration (3)
Precipitation titration (4) Complexometric titration
Indicator: Indicator is a weak acid or a weak base which changes its own colour
at the end of titration (neutralization) indicating the completion of the
🠚 e.g., Phenolphthalein, Methyl orange, Orange-Red, Methylene blue, Starch,
EBT (Erichrome Black-T) etc.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
I. Resources/Equipment Required:
Sr. Instrument/Equipment Specification Quanti
/Components/Trainer kit ty
• Funnel 1
• Burette (50mL) 1
• Burette stand 1
1. Glassware (Borosil) • White glazed tile 1
• Conical flask (100 mL) 1
• Pipette (10mL) 1
• Wash bottle
• Beakers (250 mL, 100mL)
• x M NaOH solution
• 0.1 M Oxalic acid (H2C2O4.2H2O) As per
2. Chemicals (AR Grade) the
solution (Standard solution)
• Phenolphthalein indicator need
• Distilled water
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Clean the burette properly with distilled water and finally rinse it with sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) solution. Clamp the burette vertically in a burette stand.
2. Fill the burette with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution through a funnel above
the zero mark.
3. Remove the air gap from the nozzle of the burette by running the solution
forcefully from it.
4. Don’t keep funnel on the burette while taking and noting the reading. Also, see
that no drop of the liquid is hanging at the nozzle of the burette.
5. Note the reading by keeping the eye exactly at the same level of the lower
meniscus of the filled solution. Now, set the burette level at zero mark.
6. Pipette out 10 mL of oxalic acid solution in a cleaned conical flask.
7. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator into the conical flask. And put the
flask on the glazed tile. Titrate the acid with sodium hydroxide solution with
constant stirring the solution till a very faint permanent pink colour is obtained.
8. Note the reading from the burette and record it as final reading.
9. Repeat the procedure until three concordant readings are obtained. Record
your readings in Observation Table.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
⮞ Observation Table:
Mean (Average)
Burette Pilot reading I II III
Reading (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL)
(mL) = (I + II + III)/3
Final reading mL mL mL
(Whole No.)
Initial reading 0.0 mL mL mL mL V2 = ............mL
Difference mL
mL mL mL
= F.r.–I.r. (Whole No.)
Thus, 10 mL 0.1 M Oxalic acid (H2C2O4.2H2O) solution requires
V2 =............... mL of x M NaOH solution for neutralization.
⮞ Chemical Equation:
H2C2O4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) 🠚 Na2C2O4(aq) + 2H2O(aq)
⮞ Calculations:
(1) Molarity of NaOH solution :
a1M1V1 = a2M2V2 ;where, a1 = basicity (replaceable H+) of oxalic acid=2
M1 = molarity of the oxalic acid solution = 0.1 M
V1 = volume of the oxalic acid solution = 10 mL
a2 = acidity (replaceable OH-) of sodium hydroxide = 1
M2 = molarity of the sodium hydroxide solution = xM
V2 = volume of the sodium hydroxide solution = ............mL
M 2 = a1 M 1 V1
a2 V 2
M2 = 2 × 0.1 × 10
1 × ………..
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
M. Results:
The strength (concentration) of the given NaOH solution is ............. g/L.
N. Interpretation of Results :
O. Conclusion :
Ans. .......................................................................................................................
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
5. What is indicator?
Ans. .......................................................................................................................
6. Write three names of indicator.
Ans. .......................................................................................................................
7. What type of reaction is an acid-alkali titration?
Ans. .......................................................................................................................
8. Write chemical equation for this experiment.
Ans. .......................................................................................................................
Q. References / Suggestions:
1. Laboratory Manual Chemistry, NCERT Publication
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid%E2%80%93base_titration
3. https://vlab.amrita.edu/?sub=2&brch=193&sim=352&cnt=4
4. Figure source: https://pediaa.com/difference-between-standardization-and-
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J9ozb6nB48
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
R. Assessment-Rubrics:
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 11) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 3
Standardize potassium permanganate solution by standard oxalic acid solution and
estimate ferrous ions.
A. Objective:
The amount of ferrous (Fe2+) ions present in the given solution can be determined
by redox titration. In Redox titration oxidation and reduction takes place
simultaneously. Here KMnO4 acts as an oxidizing agent. This titration is carried out
in acidic medium & hot condition. Ferrous ions solution is titrated against KMnO4
solution. By this titration we can determine amount of Fe2+ ions. Here oxalic acid is
used to standardize KMnO4 solution.
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G. Prerequisite Theory:
Permanganate ion is a powerful oxidizing agent, especially in acidic solution,
which can be used to analyse solutions. In these titration reactions, the intensely
coloured permanganate ion (O.N. of Mn = +7) is reduced to form the colourless
manganese ion (O.N. of Mn = +2). An advantage to using this is that it is “self-
indicating”. As long as the reducing agent remains present in the sample, the
colour of permanganate quickly disappears as it is reduced. However, at the
endpoint, all the reducing agent has been used up so the next drop of
permanganate solution is sufficient to cause a visible colour change. So, at the
endpoint, we know the oxidizing agent and reducing agent have reacted exactly in
proportion to their stoichiometry in the balanced redox reaction. If we know how
much of the oxidizing agent we added, then we can figure out how much reducing
agent was present in the unknown.
“The reaction in which oxidation and reduction half-reactions take place
simultaneously is called a redox reaction.”
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
I. Resources/Equipment Required:
Sr. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
No. /Components/Trainer kit
• Funnel 1
• Burette(50mL) 1
• Burette stand 1
• White glazed tile 1
1. Glassware (Borosil) • Conical flask (100 mL) 1
• Pipette (10 mL) 1
• Wash bottle 1
• Beakers (250 mL, 100 mL) 1
0.1 N H2C2O4.2H2O (hydrated As per
oxalic acid) solution requirem
KMnO4 solution ent
2. Chemicals (AR Grade)
x N FeSO4.7H2O solution
Dilute H2SO4 solution
Distilled Water
K. Procedure to be followed:
PART – 1: To Standardize KMnO4 solution
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7. When permanent light pink colour is observed, stop the addition of KMnO4
solution from the burette.
8. First take pilot reading and note-down in observation table.
9. Then take three accurate readings by repeating above procedure.
10. By calculations find the strength of x N KMnO4 solution.
PART – 2: To Estimate Fe ions present in FeSO4.7H2O solution
⮞ Observations:
Burette: x N KMnO4 solution (Titrand)
Conical flask (using Pipette): 10 ml 0.1N oxalic acid solution (Titrant/Titrator) +
1 to 1½ test-tube of dilute H2SO4 + HEAT
Indicator: KMnO4 self-indicator
Colour change (at the end point): Colourless to Light Pink
⮞ Observation Table:
Mean (Average)
Burette Pilot reading I II III
reading, (mL)
Reading (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL) V1 = (I + II + III)/3
Final reading mL mL mL
(Whole No.)
Initial reading 0.0 mL mL mL mL V1 = ............ mL
Difference mL
mL mL mL
= F.r. – I.r. (Whole No.)
Thus, 10 mL 0.1N oxalic acid solution requires V1 = ……..ml of KMnO4 solution for its
complete oxidation.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
⮞ Chemical Equation:
2KMnO4(aq) + 3H2SO4(aq) + 5H2C2O4(aq) 🠚 2MnSO4(aq) + 8H2O(l) + 10CO2(g)
⮞ Calculations: (for PART-1)
To find Normality of KMnO4 solution (N1) :
For PART – 2 :
⮞ Observations:
Burette: ............. N KMnO4 solution (Titrand)
Conical flask (using Pipette): 10 ml y N FeSO4.7H2O solution + 1 to 1½ test-
tube of dilute H2SO4 solution
Indicator: KMnO4 self-indicator
Colour change (at the end point): Colourless to Light Pink
⮞ Observation Table:
⮞ Chemical Equation:
2KMnO4(aq) + 10FeSO4(aq) + 8H2SO4(aq) 🠚 K2SO4(aq) + 2MnSO4(aq) + 5Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 8H2O(g)
⮞ Calculations: (for PART-2)
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V1 = N 2 V2 N1 = Normality of FeSO4.7H2Osolution = y N = ?
N1 = ............. N FeSO4.7H2Osolution
= 278
Equivalent mass of FeSO4.7H2O = 278 g/equivalent
g / l = …….. 278
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
M. Results :
1. Normality of FeSO4.7H2O solution = ............... N.
2. Molarity of FeSO4.7H2O solution = ............... M
3. Strength of FeSO4.7H2O solution = ............... g/l
N. Interpretation of Results :
O. Conclusion :
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Ans. .......................................................................................................................
6. Write redox equations for this experiment for part-I and part-II.
Ans. .......................................................................................................................
Q. References / Suggestions:
1. https://dbchhag.blogspot.com
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDUd4KqBKa8&t=124s
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHkFSavcU5I
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA0wbCkczAE
5. Figure source:
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J9ozb6nB48
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
R. Assessment-Rubrics:
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 11) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 4
Determine pH-Values of given samples of Solution by using Universal Indicator and
( pH Measurement )
A. Objective:
Chemical, biochemical and bio-mineralization reactions are highly pH sensitive.
Water is the cheapest and most abundant chemical available on the earth. Many
industries consume water as a raw material and / or as a reagent in the
manufacture of drugs, detergents, cosmetics, cements, fertilizers, varnishes,
paints, lubricants, polymers, adhesives, elastomers, ceramics, etc. Hence proper
pH should be maintained throughout the reaction. Fertility of soil, waste water
and drinking water treatments, corrosion and electrolysis are also pH dependant.
Therefore, determination of pH of a given sample is important and should be
carried out precisely. So pH has high significance.
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G. Prerequisite Theory:
pH means potential / power (potenz German word) of Hydrogen ion in solution.
pH scale was introduced by Danish biochemist Sorensen in 1923. This scale is
applicable to only very dilute aqueous solutions and pure water (distilled water) to
magnify the lower concentration of H(aq) ions present in them. For non-aqueous
solutions this scale is not applicable.
“pH of an aqueous solution is the negative logarithm of molar (mol/litre)
concentration of hydronium (H3O+ (aq)
) (or hydrogen H+ (aq)
) ions present in an
aqueous solution to the base 10.”
pH = log10[H3O+] = log10[H+]
🠚 pH has no unit.
🠚 pH ranges from 0 to 14.
🠚 If pH is 0 to less than 7, the aqueous solution is acidic in nature.
🠚 If pH is equal to 0, the aqueous solution is neutral in nature.
🠚 If pH is more than 7 to 14, the aqueous solution is basic in nature.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Digital pH meter
I. Resources/Equipment Required:
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K. Procedure to be followed:
Part - I: pH measurement by Universal indicator.
1. Procure samples in separate beakers of 100 mL capacity each.
2. Transfer nearly 2 mL of the sample (20 drops) with the help of a separate
dropper for each sample in six different test tubes marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5and
6 respectively.
3. Add two drops of the universal indicator in each test tube and mix the
content of each test tube thoroughly by shaking.
4. Match the colour appearing in each test tube with the standard pH chart.
5. Record your observations as in Observation Table
Part - II: pH measurement by pH meter.
1. Calibrate pH meter with pH 7 and pH 2 Buffers.
2. Select the pH Mode and set the temperature control knob to 25°C. Adjust
the cal 2 knob to read 100%.
3. Rinse the electrode with deionized water and blot dry using a piece of
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L. Observation Tables:
Part - I: pH measurement by Universal indicator
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Name of the sample pH Inference
3. Distilled water
4. Tap water
5. Soap solution
M. Results:
1. pH of acidic solution ranges from ...………… .
2. pH of neutral solution is ...………… .
N. Interpretation of Results:
O. Conclusion:
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Q. References / Suggestions:
1. Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, ISBN: 93-521-6000-2.
2. Engineering Chemistry by Shikha Agarwal, Cambridge Uni. Press, New Delhi,
2013, ISBN: 9788126543342.
3. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. S. S. Dara &Dr. S. S. Umare, S.
Chand & Co.(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2014, ISBN:81-219-0359-9.
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
R. Assessment-Rubrics:
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 11) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 5
Determine the rate of corrosion of different metals in the given solution.
( Rate of corrosion of different metals in the solution)
A. Objective:
Corrosion is a well-known redox phenomenon. There is a weight loss due
to corrosion of metal. Different metal undergoes corrosion at different rate
in given solution. Measure the rate of corrosion of different metals in the
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G. Prerequisite Theory:
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
I. Resources/Equipment Required:
Sr. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
No. /Components/Trainer kit
K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Clean all the metal pieces of Fe, Zn and Al.
2. Polish each metal piece properly using policeman and remove the loose
particles from it.
3. Measure the surface area of each metal piece and note it down.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
4. Also note down the weight of each metal piece before corrosion.
5. Take 0.5M 100ml solution of any one - Hydrochloric acid (Acidic medium),
Sodium Hydroxide (Basic medium), Sodium chloride or Water (Neutral
medium) in three different beakers.
6. Now immerse each piece of different metals in three beakers having same
7. After one hour remove the metal plate from the solution.
8. Clean each piece by using water & policeman, remove all the loose particles
and then dry it with the help of drier.
9. Take weight of each piece after drying them and note down their weights
after corrosion.
10. Calculate the rate of corrosion of different metals in the same solution.
Rate of
Weight loss corrosion
Total surface
Weight of metal Weight of metal of metal due of the
Sr. area of the
before corrosion, after corrosion, to corrosion, metal
No. Metal metal piece,
W1 (mg) W2 (mg) (W2 W1) (mdd)
A (dm2)
(mg) (calculate
& write)
1. Iron (Fe)
2. Zinc (Zn)
3. Aluminium (Al)
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
🠚 Rate of corrosion of metals (are described by their weight loss) has been most
commonly given unit as mdd = (mg/dm2) per day (milligrams per square
decimetre per day) of metal lost by corrosion.
⮞ Calculations:
= Weight loss (mg) Total surface Area of metal piece (dm2) 24 (hours)
= Weight loss (mg) Total surface Area of metal piece (dm2) 24 (hours)
= Weight loss (mg) Total surface Area of metal piece (dm2) 24 (hours)
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
= Weight loss (mg) Total surface Area of metal piece (dm2) 24 (hours)
M. Results :
In 0.5M ........................................................... solution,
1. The rate of corrosion of the Iron (Fe ) piece/plate = ................... mdd.
2. The rate of corrosion of the Zinc (Zn) piece/plate = ................... mdd.
3. The rate of corrosion of the Aluminium (Al) piece/plate =.................... mdd.
N. Interpretation of Results:
🠚 The rate of corrosion of the .................. metal is the highest and of the
.................. metal is the lowest in the given
................................................................ solution.
🠚 Order of metals is .................. > .................. >.................... for the decreasing rate
of corrosion in the given ................................................................. solution.
O. Conclusion:
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Q. References / Suggestions:
1. Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, ISBN: 93-521-6000-2.
2. Engineering Chemistry by Shikha Agarwal, Cambridge Uni. Press, New Delhi,
2013, ISBN: 9788126543342.
3. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. S. S. Dara &Dr. S. S. Umare, S.
Chand & Co.(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2014, ISBN:81-219-0359-9.
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
R. Assessment-Rubrics:
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 12) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 6
Determine the rates of corrosion of the metal in the solutions of different pH.
( Rates of corrosion of metal in solutions of different pH )
A. Objective:
Corrosion is a well-known redox phenomenon. There is weight loss due to
corrosion of metal. Different metal undergoes corrosion at different rate in
a given solution. Measure the rate of corrosion of the metal in the
solutions of different pH.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
G. Prerequisite Theory:
• Corrosion is a destruction of metals into metallic compounds/salts
(metal oxide, metal hydroxide, etc.) due to surroundings. When metal
comes in the contact with gases or liquid medium, it under goes decay.
• Corrosion may be Dry corrosion or Wet corrosion.
• There are many factors which affect the rate of corrosion of metals like
moisture, purity of metal, area of metal, surrounding medium,
temperature, etc.
• During wet corrosion the medium of the solution and pH of the solution
also affect the rate of corrosion.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
I. Resources/Equipment Required:
Sr. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
No. /Components/Trainer kit
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
K. Procedure to be followed:
1. Clean the three pieces of same metal (any one Fe, Zn or Al).
2. Polish each metal piece properly using policeman and remove the loose
particles from it.
3. Measure the surface area of each metal piece and note it down.
4. Also note down the weight of each metal piece before corrosion.
5. Take 100ml for each - 0.5M Hydrochloric acid solution (Acidic medium), 0.5M
Sodium Hydroxide solution (Basic medium) and 0.5M Sodium chloride
solution or Water (Neutral medium) in three different beakers.
6. Measure the approximate pH of each solution using pH strip and note it
7. Now immerse each piece of same metal in the beakers having different
8. After one hour remove the metal plate from the solution.
9. Clean each piece by using water & policeman, remove all the loose particles
and then dry it with help of drier.
10. Take weight of each piece after drying them and note down their weights
after corrosion.
11. Calculate the rates of corrosion of the metal in the solutions of different
1. Total surface area of the 2nd piece of .................. metal, A2 = ................... dm2
2. Total surface area of the 1st piece of .................. metal, A1 = ................... dm2
3. Total surface area of the 3rd piece of .................. metal, A3 =.................... dm2
4. All three following solutions having different pH (of different media) for
Acidic medium : 0.5M Hydrochloric acid solution,
Basic medium : 0.5M Sodium hydroxide solution and
Neutral medium : 0.5M Sodium chloride solution/Water
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
⮞ Observation Table:
Rate of
Total surface Weight of Weight of Weight loss corrosion of
Sr. area of the metal piece metal piece of metal due the metal
pH to corrosion,
No. same metal before after
Solution of solution piece, corrosion, corrosion, (mdd)
(W2 W1)
A (dm2) W1 (mg) W2 (mg) (calculate &
1. 0.5M HCl A1 =
2. 0.5M NaOH A2 =
3. 0.5M NaCl/H2O A3 =
🠚 Rate of corrosion of metals (are described by their weight loss) has been most
commonly given unit as mdd = (mg/dm2) per day (milligrams per square
decimetre per day) of metal lost by corrosion.
⮞ Calculations:
Rate of corrosion of a metal in the solution (mdd)
= Weight loss (mg) Total surface Area of metal piece (dm2) 24 (hours)
= Weight loss (mg) Total surface Area of metal piece (dm2) 24 (hours)
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= Weight loss (mg) Total surface Area of metal piece (dm2) 24 (hours)
= Weight loss (mg) Total surface Area of metal piece (dm2) 24 (hours)
M. Results :
1. The rate of corrosion of the ......................... (. ..... ) metal in 0.5 M HCl solution
(having pH = ............) = ................... mdd.
2. The rate of corrosion of the ......................... (.......) metal in 0.5 M NaOH
solution (having pH = ............) = ................... mdd.
3. The rate of corrosion of the ......................... (.......) metal in 0.5 M NaCl
solution/H2O (having pH = ............) = ................... mdd.
N. Interpretation of Results:
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
O. Conclusion:
1. What does the weight loss of the metal give idea about?
Ans. ..........................................................................................................................
Q. References / Suggestions:
1. Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, ISBN: 93-521-6000-2.
2. Engineering Chemistry by Shikha Agarwal, Cambridge Uni. Press, New Delhi,
2013, ISBN: 9788126543342.
3. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. S. S. Dara &Dr. S. S. Umare, S.
Chand & Co.(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2014, ISBN:81-219-0359-9.
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
R. Assessment-Rubrics:
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 12) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 7
Estimate total hardness of given water sample using standard EDTA
( Total Hardness of water by EDTA )
A. Objective:
Hardness in water is due to the presence of dissolved salts of calcium and
magnesium. It is unfit for drinking, bathing, washing and it also forms
scales in boilers. Hence it is necessary to estimate the amount of hardness
producing substances present in the water sample. Once it is estimated,
the amount of chemicals required for the treatment of water can be
calculated. The estimation of hardness is based on complexometric
titration. Hardness of water is determined by titrating with a standard
solution of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic acid (EDTA) which is a
complexing agent. Since EDTA is insoluble in water, the disodium salt of
EDTA is taken for this experiment. EDTA can form four or six coordination
bonds with a metal ion.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
I. Resources/Equipment Required:
Sr. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
No. /Components/Trainer kit
• Burette (50 mL)
• Pipette (10 mL)
• Conical flask (100 mL)
• Burette stand
1. Glassware (Borosil) • White glazed tile 1 for each
• Funnel
• Wash bottle
• Measuring flask (100 mL)
• Beakers (100mL)
1. Ammonia buffer solution As per
2. Eriochrome Black - T (indicator) requirements
3. disodium salt of EDTA
2. Reagents (AR) 4. magnesium chloride hexahydrate
5. CaCO3
6. conc. HCl
7. NaOH
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
1. Properly wash all the glassware with the help of distilled water.
2. All the glassware should be rinsed properly before they are used.
3. Handle all the glassware and chemicals/solutions very safely and carefully.
4. Remove the air bubble if present in the nozzle of the burette before taking the
burette reading.
5. Use white glazed tile to accurately observe the colour change at the
endpoint reading during the experiment.
6. The conical flask should be continuously shaking well during the
addition of the solution from the burette.
K. Procedure to be followed:
Part – I : To standardize the solution of EDTA – disodium salt of ethylene
diamine tetraacetate:
⮞ Preparation of Standard calcium chloride i.e., CaCl2 solution:
1. Accurately weigh out 0.5 gm of dried, pure CaCO3 into a 250 mL beaker.
2. Add approximately 25 mL of distilled H2O, then add 1 mL of conc. HCl carefully,
cover with watch glass spaced with glass hooks until dissolved.
3. Note: If CaCO3 does not dissolve completely, add another 0.5 mL of conc. HCl.
Next, evaporate volume to about 2 mL maintaining watch glass on beaker to
expel carbon dioxide.
4. Rinse watch glass, transfer quantitatively into a 500 mL volumetric flask and
make up volumetrically to 500 mL.
⮞ Preparation of EDTA solution:
1. Weigh out approximately 2 gm of reagent grade disodium EDTA into a 250 mL
2. Add 0.05 g magnesium chloride hexahydrate, three pellets of NaOH and add
about 200 mL of distilled water to dissolve.
3. The EDTA will dissolve slowly over a period of a half an hour. Magnesium
chloride is added to enhance the sharpness of the end point (It forms a more
stable complex with the indicator).
4. Filter the EDTA solution into a 0.5 or 1 L bottle, and then add approximately
250 mL of distilled water.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
⮞ Standardization of EDTA:
1. Pipette out 20 mL of CaCl2 solution into a conical flask.
2. Add 5mL of buffer solution (pH 10) and few drops of Eriochrome Black-T.
3. The indicator, which is originally blue color, would acquire a wine-red color.
4. Titrate with EDTA solution taken in the burette, till the wine-red color changes
to blue which is the end point. Repeat the titration till three concordant
readings are obtained. Record the readings as shown in Observation Table and
calculate the molarity of EDTA solution (standard EDTA solution should be
~0.01 M).
Part – II : To determine the total hardness of water:
1. Repeat the part - I titration method for sample hard water instead of standard
CaCl2 solution.
2. Repeat the titration till three concordant readings are obtained.
3. Record the readings as shown in Observation Table and calculate the total
hardness of given water sample in ppm.
⮞ Observations:
• Burette: xM EDTA solution
• Pipette: 20mL CaCl2 solution + 5mL buffer solution (NH4OH + NH4Cl, pH = 10)
• Indicator: 2-3 drops of Eriochrome Black-T (EBT)
• Colour change: Wine red to Blue
⮞ Observation Table:
Mean (Average)
Burette Pilot reading I II III
Reading (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL)
(mL) = (I + II + III)/3
Final reading mL mL mL
(Whole No.)
Initial reading 0.0 mL mL mL mL V1 = .......... mL
Difference mL
mL mL mL
= F.r.–I.r. (Whole No.)
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⮞ Chemical Equations :
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) 🠚 Ca2+(aq) + 2Cl1-(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g)
⮞ Observation Table:
Mean (Average)
Burette Pilot reading I II III
Reading (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL)
(mL) = (I + II + III)/3
Final reading mL mL mL
(Whole No.)
Initial reading 0.0 mL mL mL mL V1 = .......... mL
Difference mL
mL mL mL
= F.r.–I.r. (Whole No.)
⮞ Chemical Equations :
Ca2+/Mg2+ + Eriochrome Black-T 🠚 Ca2+/Mg2+ -Eriochrome Black-T- complex
(Colourless) (Blue) (Wine red-unstable Complex)
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
⮞ Calculations:
For Part – I : To standardize the solution of EDTA:
(1) Molarity of EDTA solution:
M 1V 1 = M 2V 2 ;where, M1= Molarity of EDTA solution = x M
V1 = Volume of EDTA solution = ............ mL (from Part-I)
M2 = Molarity of Ca2+solution
= 0.5/(100.09 0.500) = 0.009991M
V2 = Volume of Ca2+solution = 20 mL
M1 = M2V2
M1 = 0.009991 20
M1 = ...........
M2 = ...........
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M. Results:
Total hardness of given water sample = ............ ppm in terms of CaCO3.
N. Interpretation of Results:
O. Conclusion:
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Q. References / Suggestions:
1. AWWA, WEF, APHA, 1998, Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater (Methods: 2340 C. EDTA Titrimetric Method
Sawyer, C.N., McCarty, P.L., and Parkin, G.F. 2000. Chemistry for
Environmental Engineering 4 th Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited.
2. IS 10500:2012- Drinking Water- Specification, Second Revision.
3. Engineering Chemistry by Shikha Agarwal, Cambridge Uni. Press, New Delhi,
2013, ISBN: 9788126543342.
4. Virtual lab link:
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
R. Assessment-Rubrics:
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 12) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 8
Estimate alkalinity of given water sample using 0.02N sulphuric acid
( Alkalinity of water sample )
A. Objective:
Alkalinity is important for a variety of natural water and wastewater
treatments and uses. Alkalinity is thought to be a sign of these elements as
well because many surface waters contain carbonates, bicarbonates, and
hydroxides. An important factor in assessing whether water is suitable for
irrigation is alkalinity that is greater than alkaline earth metal
concentrations. Measurements of alkalinity are used to evaluate and
manage water and wastewater treatment procedures.
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G. Prerequisite Theory:
Alkalinity: The alkalinity of the water is a measure of its capacity to neutralize
acids. The alkalinity of natural waters is due primarily to the salts of week acids,
although weak or strong bases may also contribute.
For samples whose initial pH is above 8.3, the titration is conducted in two
steps. In the first phase, the titration is conducted until the pH is lowered to
8.2, the point at which phenolphthalein indicator turns from pink to colourless,
corresponds to Phenolphthalein End point (PE). This value corresponds to the
points for conversion of carbonate to bicarbonate ion.
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I. Resources/Equipment Required:
Sr. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
No. /Components/Trainer kit
• Burette (50 mL)
• Pipette (25 mL)
• Conical flask (250 mL)
• Burette stand
1. Glassware (Borosil) 1
• Funnel
• White glazed tile
• Measuring flask (500 mL)
• Wash bottle
• 0.02N H2SO4(aq)
As per
• Water sample
2 Reagents (AR) requirements
• Phenolphthalein indicator
• Methyl orange indicator
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
burette reading.
5. Use white glazed tile to accurately observe the colour change at the
endpoint reading during the experiment.
6. The conical flask should be continuously shaking well during the
addition of the solution from the burette.
K. Procedure to be followed:
Titration setup: Rinse a burette with the 0.02N sulphuric acid solution, and fill
it with the solution. Add 50 mL of the water sample to the flask. Add a few
drops of phenolphthalein indicator to the sample in the conical flask.
Titration: Titrate the sample by slowly adding the 0.02N sulphuric acid solution
from the burette into the conical flask while swirling the flask. Continue adding
titrate the sample with the 0.02N sulphuric acid till a faint pink colour persists.
Record titre value as a Phenolphthalein End point - PE and add 2-3 drops of
methyl orange indicator to the same solution and the titration is continued
until the colour turns to orange yellow. The titre value from the beginning of
the titration is recorded as the Methyl orange End point - ME.
Repeat the titration until three concordant readings are obtained. Record your
readings in Observation Table and calculate the total alkalinity of the water
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
⮞ Observation Table:
Mean (Average)
(mL) (mL) (mL)
Burette (mL) = (I + II + III)/3
Final reading mL mL mL mL mL mL
Initial reading 0.0 mL 0.0 mL 0.0 mL 0.0 mL 0.0 mL 0.0 mL V2 = V2 =
......... mL ......... mL
mL mL mL mL mL mL
= F.r.–I.r.
⮞ Chemical equations:
OH– + H+ 🠚 H2O
CO32– + H+ 🠚 HCO3–
HCO3– + H+ 🠚 H2O + CO2
P = ...............ppm
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
M. Results:
(1) Hydroxide alkalinity of the given water sample, P =............... ppm.
(2) Total alkalinity of the given water sample, M = ..............ppm.
N. Interpretation of Results:
O. Conclusion:
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Q. References / Suggestions:
1. IS 3025-23 (Part 23) - 1986: Methods of Sampling and Test (physical
and chemical) for Water and Wastewater, Alkalinity, First Revision.
2. AWWA, WEF, APHA, 1998, Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater (Methods: 4500 B. Electrometric Method; 2320
B. Titration Method)
3. Virtual lab link: https://ee1-nitk.vlabs.ac.in/exp/determination-of-alkalinity/
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
R. Assessment-Rubrics:
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 12) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 9
Determine Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS) in a given
sample of water.
A. Objective:
It is helpful to estimate the total dissolved solids to assess whether the
water is acceptable for drinking, industrial, or agricultural usage. The
examination of polluted waterways benefits greatly from the identification
of suspended solids. Light is blocked by suspended particles, which slows
the growth of plants that produce oxygen.
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G. Prerequisite Theory:
• TSS and TDS measure the amount of particulate matter (tiny pieces of
things) floating in water.
• These particles, or ‘solids’, can be divided into two types by passing the
water through a filter. The particles that are large enough to be held
back by the filter are called total suspended solids (TSS), while the
particles that pass through the filter are called total dissolved
solids (TDS).
• Total suspended solids (TSS) values are often related to the turbidity
(cloudiness) of water. If TSS is high and the water is murky then light
from the sun will not travel well through the water, making it difficult
for plants and algae to grow.
• Total dissolved solids (TDS) include dissolved minerals and salts in the
water. As a result, TDS is often closely related to conductivity, salinity,
alkalinity, and hardness measures. Most freshwater fish and bugs
cannot tolerate high TDS because they are not adapted to saline (salty)
water, like marine fish are.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
I. Resources/Equipment Required:
Sr. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
No. /Components/Trainer kit
Temperature is controlled by
digital temperature indicator
1. Hot air oven 1
cum controller from ambient to
250°C with ± 0.1°C Accuracy.
Sensitivity (mg): 1 mg,
2. Analytical Balance Maximum Capacity of 1
weighing (grams): 200 g.
Evaporating Dish As per
3. Glassware Graduated Cylinders require
Gooch Crucibles ment
As per
Dish Tongs and Crucible
4. Heat resistant metal tongs require
As per
5. Filter papers Whatman require
Glass flask equipped with a
side arm for vacuum pump
connection and a rubber
Vacuum Pumps with stopper to provide seal with
6. 1
glass filter funnel. The flask is used to
collect the filtered process
water that passes through the
As per
7. Forceps Metal or plastic based require
sealable enclosures containing
8. Desiccator desiccants used for preserving 1
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K. Procedure to be followed:
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…………… mg/L
Total Dissolved Solids (mg/L) TDS
(calculate & write)
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…………… mg/L
Total Suspended Solids(mg/L) TSS
(calculate & write)
M. Results:
In a given water sample,
(1) Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) = ................... mg/L
(2) Total Suspended Solids (TSS) = ...................mg/L
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
N. Interpretation of Results:
O. Conclusion:
Q. References / Suggestions
1. Link for virtual lab:
2. Reference: www.researchgate.com
3. IS 3025 (Part 15)- 1984: Method of Sampling and Test (Physical and Chemical)
for Water and Wastewater: Total Residue (total Solids, Dissolved and
Suspended, First Revision.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
R. Assessment-Rubrics:
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 12) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 10
Determine the viscosity of the lubricating oil using a Redwood viscometer.
( Viscosity using Redwood viscometer )
A. Objective:
Viscosity is the most significant property of any lubricating oil because it
determines the strength of the lubricant’s film in preventing friction between two
moving or sliding parts. If the viscosity of the oil is low for the operating
conditions, a liquid oil film cannot be maintained between two moving or sliding
parts; the machine must work harder and then generate more heat, so this will
create wear and tear on the machine. On the other hand, if the viscosity of the oil
is too high, the film may not be thick enough to prevent friction so this will create
wear and tear on the machine. Redwood viscometer - 1 or 2 is used in oil
manufacturing industries to determine the viscosity of lubricating oil. Lubricants
are used to reduce friction in various machineries that works at different
temperatures. The selection of lubricating oil for various machineries becomes
difficult because the viscosity of lubricating oils changes with temperature.
Determining the temperature effect on the viscosity of various lubricating oils will
help in selecting the relevant lubricants for different machines at different
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G. Experimental set up/ Program Logic-Flow chart (CE & IT 1st and 2nd semester
software subjects only):
H. Prerequisite Theory:
Redwood viscometer is used to measure viscosity of lubricating oil. Redwood
viscometers are of two types based on their orifice size. Redwood viscometer No.
1 is commonly used for measuring viscosity of low viscous lubricating oils and it
has a jet of bore diameter 1.62 mm and length 10 mm. Redwood viscometer no.2
is used for measuring viscosity of highly viscous lubricating oil. It has a jet of bore
diameter 3.8 mm and length 15 mm. The unit of viscosity co-efficient is poise and
centipoise. It works on the principle of allowing a fixed volume of lubricating oil to
flow from a standard orifice at a fixed height and measuring the time of flow in
seconds. The viscosity of water at 20 ℃ is one centipoise and when the viscosity of
liquid measured with respect to water, it is call relative viscosity.
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I. Resources/Equipment Required:
Instrument /
Sr. Equipment
Specification Quantity
No. / Components / Trainer
Flow Range in second: 20-2000,
Redwood viscometer Redwood Viscometer Model No.: 01,
1. 03
No.1 Material: Stainless Steel,
Bath Capacity (Approx.): 7 litres
2. Kohlrausch flask Material: Glass, capacity: 50 mL 03
Timing capacity: Max. 23:59:59
(hours: minutes: seconds),
3. Stop watch Accuracy/Display Resolution: 0.1 03
second, operational keys: Start, Stop
& Reset, Water Resistance
4. Thermometer Temperature range: As per requirement 06
As per
5. Lubricating oil ................................................................
As per
6. Filter paper ................................................................
K. Procedure to be followed :
1. Clean the apparatus with the help of water.
2. The viscometer is levelled with the help of levelling screws.
3. The water bath is filled with water and a thermometer is placed in the water
4. Clean the oil cup and place the ball-valve rod on the agate jet to close it.
5. Place empty cleaned Kohlrausch flask below the jet.
6. Pour the experimental oil sample into the oil cup up to the tip of pointer.
7. Put the thermometer in the oil cup to read the temperature of oil sample and
cover it with a lid.
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⮞ Observation Table:
Measurement of time of efflux for water and lubricating oil sample:
Relative viscosity
Time of flow Time of flow
Sr. Temperature of lubricating oil,
of Water, of lubricating oil,
No. (℃ ) ɳ1 (poise)
t1 (sec) t2 (sec)
(Calculate & Write)
2. 40
3. 50
4. 60
5. 70
⮞ Calculations:
The following relative viscosity is obtained when the viscosity of a fluid is related
to the viscosity of water.
ɳ1 d1t1
n2 d2t2
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
∴ ɳ1 = ɳ2
∴ ɳ1 = ɳ2
∴ ɳ1 = ................ poise
Similarly find ɳ1 for all other four observations.
∴ ɳ1 = ɳ2
∴ ɳ1 = ................ poise
∴ ɳ1 = ɳ2
∴ ɳ1 = ................ poise
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
∴ ɳ1 = ɳ2
∴ ɳ1 = ................ poise
∴ ɳ1 = ɳ2
∴ ɳ1 = ................ poise
M. Results :
1. The viscosity of given lubricating oil at room temperature is poise.
2. The viscosity of lubricating oil at 40℃ is ............... poise.
3. The viscosity of lubricating oil at 50℃ is ............... poise.
4. The viscosity of lubricating oil at 60℃ is ............... poise.
5. The viscosity of lubricating oil at 70℃ is ............... poise.
N. Interpretation of Results :
O. Conclusion :
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Q. References / Suggestions:
1. Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, ISBN: 93-521-6000-2.
2. Engineering Chemistry by Shikha Agarwal, Cambridge Uni. Press, New Delhi,
2013, ISBN: 9788126543342.
3. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. S. S. Dara & Dr. S. S. Umare, S.
Chand & Co.(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2014, ISBN:81-219-0359-9.
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
R. Assessment-Rubrics
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 12) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 11
Determine the Acid value of the given lubricating oil.
( Acid value of Lubricating oil )
A. Objective:
Determination of acidity is more common and is expressed in terms of Acid
number or Acid value. Lubricating oil should have acid value less than 0.1. A value
above 0.1 indicates that the oil is oxidized. Some lubricating oils contain some
acidic components which are harmful as they can lead to corrosion. If the lubricant
undergoes oxidizing action during the lubricating action, the acidity or acid
number increases. A good lubricant is one which does not possess acidity and is
not liable to be oxidized to an acid. Properly refined lubricants are generally non-
acidic and therefore do not cause corrosion, but most petroleum-based lubricating
oils naturally contain various organic compounds that have some acidic properties.
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G. Experimental set up/ Program Logic-Flow chart (CE & IT 1st and 2nd semester
software subjects only):
Titration Method
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
H. Prerequisite Theory:
The acid number is an indication of the acidic or basic constituents of lubricating
oils. Neutralisation number, Acid number or Acid value of lubricating oil can be
defined as “The number of milligrams of KOH required to neutralize the free
acids present in 1 gram of the oil.” A known weight of lubricating oil is dissolved
in a neutral alcohol and titrated against 0.1 N KOH solution using phenolphthalein
as the indicator. The following formula can be made to calculate the acid value.
Volume of 0.1 N KOH required (X mL) Normality of KOH 56.1
Acid Value = Weight of lubricating oil taken,W (gm)
I. Resources/Equipment Required:
Sr. Instrument/Equipment
No. /Components/Trainer kit Specification Quantity
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
5. Use white glazed tile to accurately observe the colour change at the
endpoint reading during the experiment.
6. The conical flask should be continuously shaking well during the addition
of the solution from the burette.
K. Procedure to be followed :
1. Clean the apparatus with the help of distilled water.
2. Fill 0.1 N KOH solution into the burette through a funnel upto the zero mark.
3. Weigh 1 to 2 g of the lubricating oil into 250 mL conical flask.
4. Add 100 mL of the mixture of alcohol and water (1:1) to dissolve the
lubricating oil.
5. Add 1-2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator to the conical flask.
6. The contents of the conical flask are titrated against 0.1 N KOH solution, till the
faint pink colour is obtained.
7. Take the initial and final reading of the burette to record in the observation
8. Repeat the procedure until three concordant readings are obtained and it is
recorded in the observation table.
Mean (Average)
Burette Pilot reading I II III
Reading (mL) (mL) (mL) (mL)
(mL) = (I + II + III)/3
Final reading mL mL mL Volume of 0.1 N
(Whole No.)
KOH solution
Initial reading 0.0 mL mL mL mL
Difference mL X = ........... mL
mL mL mL
= F.r.–I.r. (Whole No.)
⮞ Calculations:
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
M. Results :
Acid value of the given lubricating oil = ...................... .
N. Interpretation of Results :
O. Conclusion :
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(4) Write precautions that should be taken during performing the experiment.
Ans. ..........................................................................................................................
(5) Give the formula to calculate the acid value of lubricating oil.
Ans. ..........................................................................................................................
Q. References / Suggestions:
1. Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, ISBN: 93-521-6000-2.
2. Engineering Chemistry by Shikha Agarwal, Cambridge Uni. Press, New Delhi,
2013, ISBN: 9788126543342.
3. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. S. S. Dara & Dr. S. S. Umare, S. Chand &
Co.(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2014, ISBN:81-219-0359-9.
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
R. Assessment-Rubrics
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 12) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Practical No. 12
Determine flash point and fire point of the given lubricating oil using Pensky-
Martens/Cleveland open cup/Abel’s flashpoint apparatus.
( Flash point & Fire point of Lubricating oil )
A. Objective:
Flash points and fire points of lubricating oils are required when the lubricating oils
are used at higher temperatures. So, the determination of flash points and fire
points is immensely important for lubricating oils. This method helps to detect
highly volatile constituents of the lubricating oils. If they are highly volatile at
normal temperatures, their escaping vapours can cause fire hazards. Hence, it
ensures safety against fire hazards during storage, transportation and use of
lubricating oil. A good lubricant should have flash point at least above the
temperature at which it is to be used.
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Pensky-Marten’s apparatus
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
H. Prerequisite Theory:
“Flash point is the lowest temperature at which the liquid lubricant gives
momentary flash of light when a flame is applied to it, but it does not continue to
burn. “Fire point is the lowest temperature at which the vapours of the liquid
lubricant catch fire and burns continuously for at least 5 seconds when the small
flame is applied near to it.” The fire points of liquid lubricants are 5 to 40 ℃ higher
than the flash points. So that the fire point of a lubricating oil is always greater
than its flash point. The flash points and fire points of lubricating oil are
determined using Pensky-Marten’s apparatus/Cleveland open cup/Abel’s
flashpoint apparatus.
I. Resources/Equipment Required:
Instrument /
Sr. Equipment
No. / Components / Specification Quantity
Trainer kit
Pensky-Marten’s apparatus:
Ignition source: Electric, Measuring Range:
Pensky- Ambient to 370℃ or more, Heat rate: 0.5 °C
Marten’s to 12 °C per minute. Sample Stirrer: manual or
apparatus automatic, Accessories: Brass Test Cup with
Handle, Thermometer Holder, Cover Assembly
OR etc. Voltage: 220-240V.
Cleveland open Cleveland open cup apparatus:
cup Temperature range: Ambient to 370℃ or
1. 03
more, Temp. measurement PT100 temp.
OR sensor, Temp. scale resolution 0.1℃, Ignition
source: Electric, cooling forced air cooling,
Abel’s heating coil, heating 888W,220V, AC.
flashpoint OR
apparatus. Abel’s flashpoint apparatus:
Material: Stainless Steel, Power Source:
Electric, Voltage: 115V/220- 240V, 50-60 Hz,
Temperature Range: up to 110℃, Temp. scale
Resolution: 0.1 ℃
2. Thermometer Temperature range: As per requirement 03
As per
3. Lubricating oil ................................................................................. requireme
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Observation of
Sr. Flash point (oC)
Temperature (oC)
No. and Fire point (oC)
(during heating)
o o
1. t1 = C Flash point = C
o o
2. t2 = C Flash point = C
o o
3. t3 = C Flash point = C
o o
4. t4 = C Fire point = C
o o
5. t5 = C Fire point = C
o o
6. t6 = C Fire point = C
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
⮞ Calculations:
1. Average value of flash point of the given lubricating oil
= (t1 + t2 + t3)/3
= (.............. + .............. + .............. ) / 3
= .............. / 3
= .............. ℃.
2. Average value of the fire point of given lubricating oil = (t4 + t5 + t6)/3
= (t1 + t2 + t3)/3
= (.............. + .............. + .............. ) / 3
= .............. / 3
= .............. ℃.
M. Results:
1. The flash point of the given lubricating oil = .............. ℃.
2. The fire point of the given lubricating oil =...............℃.
N. Interpretation of Results:
O. Conclusion:
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
(2) The fire point of the given lubricating oil is .................. higher than
the flash point.
Ans. ..........................................................................................................................
(3) Write precautions that should be taken while performing the
Ans. ..........................................................................................................................
(4) Which apparatus can be used to find out the flash point and fire point
of the lubricating oil?
Ans. ...........................................................................................................................
(5) The fire point is the lowest temperature at which the vapour of
lubricating oil catches the fire and burns continuously for at least
......................... when a small flame is brought near to it.
Ans. ...........................................................................................................................
Q. References / Suggestions:
1. Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, ISBN: 93-521-6000-2.
2. Engineering Chemistry by Shikha Agarwal, Cambridge Uni. Press, New Delhi,
2013, ISBN: 9788126543342.
3. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry by Dr. S. S. Dara & Dr. S. S. Umare, S. Chand &
Co.(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2014, ISBN:81-219-0359-9.
Students should search and write any one reference relevant to this experiment
R. Assessment-Rubrics:
As mentioned in (1) Rubrics (Pg. 10) and (2) Continuous Assessment (CA) (Pg. 12) is
to be done by the course faculty member.
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
INORGANIC Side Reagents -
ORGANIC Side Reagents -
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
Equipments / Practical
No. Specifications
Instruments No.
Electronic Type of Laboratory Balance: Analytical,
Weighing Balance / Sensitivity (mg): 1 mg, Maximum Capacity
1, 6, 7, 8, 11,
1 Digital Weighing of weighing (grams): 200 g, Shape of PAN:
13, 14, 16
Balance (OR Circular, Power Supply: Single Phase,
Analytical Balance) Display: LED.
Number of stirring Positions:1, Calibration:
Automatic Calibration, Magnetic stirrer
Hot plate with with a hot plate, Speed Control Accuracy of
2 3
Magnetic stirrer set speed (+/-) (RPM): 5, Maximum Stirring
capacity per position: 3000 ml,Top plate
Material: Stainless steel
Type: Microcontroller Based, Display:
LED / LCD / Touch Screen, 3 digits,
Calibration: up to 3 points with auto
buffer, pH Range (pH): 0.00 to 14.00,
+/- 0.05, Power Requirements: 230 V
3 Digital pH meter +/- 10, 50 Hz AC, Modes: pH mV- C, 4, 8
Temperature Compensation Type:
Automatic Temperature Compensation
Range (Degree C): 0 to 100,
Temperature Accuracy (Degree C): +/-
0.3, Resolution (pH): 0.01
The input range is from ± 1 V to ± 1000 V.
Accuracy: The accuracy is about ± 1 percent
4 Voltmeter 5
for a 3-digit digital voltmeter and ± 0.0002
percent for a 6-digit digital voltmeter.
5 6 V Battery As per requirement 6
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
No. Apparatus Practical No.
1 Watch glass G 1
Standard volumetric flask
2 G 1
with stopper (100 mL)
3 Funnel G/P 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16
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BASIC CHEMISTRY (4300011) Laboratory Manual
21 Salt-bridge G 5
22 Glass rod G 7, 8, 16
26 Graduated Cylinders G 11
28 Evaporating Dish G 11
32 Forceps P/ML 11
sealable enclosures
33 Desiccator containing desiccants 11
used for preserving
34 Kohlrausch flask G 12
Temperature range: As
35 Thermometer 12, 15
per requirement
36 Round Bottom Flask (RBF) G 14
37 Reflux condenser G 14
ML - Water bath
Chamber Capacity:
38 Boiling water bath 14
Approx. 8 to 10
39 Dropper G 16
Handle the Glassware very carefully.
Return back all the Apparatus after their use.
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Use the Chemicals Judiciously.
Put the reagent bottles at their own places after their use.
Don’t waste the chemicals.
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Don’t waste the chemicals.
Put the Side reagent bottles at their own places after their use.
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