Qualitative research uses techniques such as group discussions, Defining the research problem is the most critical step in the
individual depth interviews, projective techniques and observation. research process. Unless the problem is accurately defined, the
information collected will be of limited or no use.
In other words, what is the problem and what do we want to find
out to try to solve it? This preliminary planning is important as it
has implications for the design of the research and the quality
3) Research design
There are three types of research design:
- Exploratory,
- Descriptive
- Causal.
The choice of research design will depend on the problem
previously defined. Some examples of external sources are listed below:
◆ Government statistics: Census data, family expenditure surveys,
a) Exploratory research trade and manufacturing trends.
This is most useful in the early stages of research, particularly if ◆ Trade information: Trade press, e.g. Fashion Weekly, Drapers
the researcher is not familiar with the subject area. Record; trade associations, e.g. CBI, trade surveys, company
The aim of exploratory research is to uncover any variables that reports and competitors’ accounts.
may be relevant to the research project as well as an investigation ◆ Financial institutions: Many major banks publish reports on
of the environment in which the research will take place. regional and national industries.
These are some of the objectives that warrant the need for ◆ Commercial research: Many market research companies
exploratory research: undertake continuous research and omnibus surveys covering an
– Define an ambiguous problem more precisely like why sales of a extremely broad range of topics, including consumer, media and
specific product are declining. retail
– Gain a better understanding of an issue.
– Generate new ideas like what one can do to improve customer b) Primary sources
relationships. Most marketing research projects will involve the collection
– Develop hypotheses that can explain the occurrence of specific of more up-to-date information than is available from secondary
phenomena. sources. Primary sources of information may include consumers,
designers, buyers, manufacturers, retailers, and so on, depending
b) Descriptive research upon the research problem
The purpose of descriptive research is to provide an accurate
description of the variables uncovered by the exploratory stage. 5) Practical sampling methods
This could be used to investigate the market share of a company’s
products or the demographic characteristics of the target market In designing research a major decision that the researcher must
(age, gender, income, etc.). make concerns the selection of a sampling method.
Data are usually obtained from secondary data sources or from
Sampling is a very important tool in marketing research. It
involves selecting a small number of people from the larger survey
population whose characteristics, attitudes and behaviour are
c) Causal research representative of the larger group
Causal research is used to determine the relationship between
variables, e.g. the relationship between advertising and repeat a) Deciding sample size
Deciding how many people to include in your sample is as
important a decision as how they should be selected.
4) Data sources
Data come from two sources, primary and secondary. Secondary Factors such as cost, time and staff availability, level of accuracy
data sources consist of information that has already been collected required, data collection method and location of the population all
for other purposes and primary sources of information are those play a part in deciding sample size.
used for the purpose of collecting information specifically for the
current research project. When selecting a sample it is important that there is a high level of
confidence that the sample is representative of the research
a) Secondary sources population as a whole. The sample must be large enough to
provide accurate results, without being so large as to increase
These provide the researcher with a starting point for data
research costs unnecessarily. It is possible to calculate confidence
collection. It may be possible to solve the research problem either
levels for different sample sizes and there are several texts that
wholly or in part by using secondary data. This reduces the cost of
cover this adequately
a research project as secondary data are cheaper than collecting
primary data. - In statistics analysis, there are 2 cases which is necessary
to collect data to make comments:
Example: Assume that your survey population has the following These include decisions on:
characteristics: - what information is required,
- who will be included in the survey
Age: 16–29: 26%; 30–64: 58%; 65 : 16% - how they will be contacted
Gender: Male : 48%; Female: 52%
2) Question content
6) Data collection methods This section is concerned with the content of individual questions:
If a survey is to be conducted, there are a number of methods what to include, rather than how to phrase the question. Points to
available for the collection of data and each has its relative consider include the following:
advantages and disadvantages.
Is the question necessary? The first decision to be made
The three main traditional methods are by personal interview, here is whether or not the question is actually necessary.
telephone interview and mail questionnaire. If the question is not necessary for the purposes of
meeting the survey objectives, then leave it out.
a) Personal interview How many questions are needed? If the question is
necessary, one must take care that the information you
Face-to-face interviewing is still the most widely used method of elicit will answer the question without ambiguity.
primary data collection.
For example, if you asked a respondent: ‘Do you think woollen
This method is labor-intensive and costly, but is more likely to trousers are comfortable and warm to wear?’ and the response
result in a satisfactorily completed questionnaire than any of the was ‘No’
other methods.
Has the respondent the information to answer the
b) Telephone interviewing question? Sometimes respondents are asked questions on
subjects about which they are not informed.
Interviewing is done from a central location, cutting the costs of
Some respondents will attempt to answer questions without being
fieldwork considerably, providing the sample size is large. It is not
adequately informed, which will affect the validity of the results.
a cost-effective method for small samples.
Is the respondent able to articulate the response? Even if 2) The Likert scale
the respondent has the necessary information to answer a
question, they may not always be able to articulate their Respondents are asked to indicate their level of agreement or
responses successfully. disagreement with a series of statements about a subject or an
Using aids such as descriptions and pictures makes it easier for the object.
respondent to answer the questions, and so complete the interview. The statements used are identified as either positive or negative,
and scores are allocated for particular responses.
Asking questions beyond the memory span of the
2) The Likert scale
respondent Asking questions about behaviour over a long
time span may not produce accurate information. The list of possible responses is usually:
For example, asking the respondent how much they spent on tights ◆ strongly agree;
in the last year would result in an answer that was pure guesswork. ◆ agree;
Asking how much they spent on tights in the last fortnight would ◆ don’t know/neutral;
be more likely to provide accurate information. ◆ disagree;
◆ strongly disagree.
3) Question wording
Great care must be taken with the wording of questions. This is of
particular importance when conducting cross-cultural or 2) The Likert scale
international marketing research. Decisions about question
The Likert scale is not an interval scale, so it is not possible to
wording include:
infer that ‘strongly agree’ is twice as strong an attitude as ‘agree’.
+ Does the word mean the same to all respondents?
+ The use of vague or ambiguous words also should be avoided The scores achieved by individual respondents are only relative to
those achieved by other respondents. Likert scales are popular as
4) Response format they are easy to construct and give reliable information about the
degree of respondents’ feelings.
There are a number of types of response format that may be used.
The most commonly used are dichotomous, multiple-choice and
open-ended formats. Most questionnaires contain a mixture of