Tore Scrub
Tore Scrub
Tore Scrub
washing device with lower foot print area and weight than conventional sand washing technologies.
at source, eliminating the requirement for storage of dirty sand on site shipment of the oily sands to cleaning/disposal facilities.
can be completely automated removing the requirement for direct operator intervention in normal operation.
What isToreScrub? ToreScrub is a compact sand washing device incorporating a vessel containing a combination of Tore and solid/liquid cyclone to accomplish the washing cycle. What does ToreScrub do? Dirty sand with crude oil or other contaminants requires washing prior to the sand being disposed of or recycled. ToreScrub is designed to carry out this process and uses the combination of solid / liquid cyclones, a Tore and a jet pump to remove the contaminants from the sand. How does ToreScrub work? Cyclones are used to separate contaminants from the sand, allowing the sand to drop to the base of the vessel where the Tore is used to hydro-transport sand either by recycling them in a controlled flow back through the inlet of the cyclones for further separation or for discharge from the vessel. Sand is fed to the ToreScrub and is accumulated in the collection chamber under the cyclones. Once charged with sand the ToreScrub vessel is isolated from the sand feed and depressurised. In order to wash the sand, a recycle line is used to re-circulate the sand slurry generated by a Tore through the cyclone at the inlet to the ToreScrub vessel. To boost the pressure in the recycle line a jet pump is included. The high centrifugal forces and attrition set up in the jet pump, solid/liquid cyclones and Tore act as scrubbing devices on the solid particles, washing contaminants from their surfaces. The feed to the cyclone is kept below 10% slurry by weight to prevent the hydrocyclone from blocking. If the sand requires further washing, they would simply be recycled through the ToreScrub until it can be discharged at the required levels.
Brent Avenue Montrose, Scotland DD10 9PB Phone: 44 0 1674 662200 Fax: 44 0 1674 662266