M10 Installing and Maintian
M10 Installing and Maintian
M10 Installing and Maintian
Based on March 2022, Curriculum Version 1
Module Title: - Installing and Maintaining Fluid Power Pipes and Tubes
Module code: IND MCS2 M10 0322
Nominal duration: 60 Hour
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Table of content
Acknowledgme nt ........................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures................................................................................................................................ 5
Self-Check -1................................................................................................................................ 20
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Ope ration 1 .................................................................................................................................. 53
Self-Check -3................................................................................................................................ 80
List of reference........................................................................................................................... 96
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Ministry of Labor and Skills wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many
representatives of TVET instructors and respective industry experts who donated their time
and expertise to the development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM).
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List of Table
Table 2 Warning Colors .............................................................................................................. 13
Table 3Comparison between a hydraulic and a pneumatic system</table> ...................................... 19
Table 4 types of pipe fitting ......................................................................................................... 35
Table 5 standard pipe size ........................................................................................................... 56
Table 6 tubing size designation .................................................................................................... 57
Table 7 typess joining ................................................................................................................. 71
List of Figures
Figure 1Principle of fluid work .................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2 disconnecting the case drain line..................................................................................... 12
Figure 3 Arrow in the picture is showing drain valve.................................................................... 15
Figure 4 the arrow in the picture is showing minims’ point ............................................................ 15
Figure 5 basic components hydraulic system ................................................................................ 16
Figure 6basic components of pneumatics...................................................................................... 17
Figure 7 Medium pressure synthetic rubber hose........................................................................... 31
Figure 8 Synthetic rubber hose identification. ............................................................................... 32
Figure 9 gasket and packing ........................................................................................................ 37
Figure 10 Dynamic seal .............................................................................................................. 38
Figure 11 compression of gasket.................................................................................................. 38
Figure 12Bender tools ................................................................................................................. 39
Figure 13Flange tool ................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 14Pipe wrench and cutter.................................................................................................. 39
Figure 15 testing hose ................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 16 effects of incorrect line size .......................................................................................... 61
Figure 17 bending technique........................................................................................................ 63
Figure 18 double Bending technique ........................................................................................... 64
Figure 19 Tube cutter.................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 20 Tube cutter.................................................................................................................. 69
Figure 21 Chip less cutter. ........................................................................................................... 70
Figure 23 Flaring tool. ................................................................................................................ 72
Figure 24 Correct and incorrect methods of installing flared fittings. .............................................. 74
Figure 25 Cut out the damaged section ......................................................................................... 76
Figure 26 Slip bender Figure 27 measuring ............................................................................ 76
Figure 28 Correct and incorrect methods of installing tubing ......................................................... 79
Figure 29 pressure switch ............................................................................................................ 91
Figure 30 Electro hydraulic pressure switch.................................................................................. 91
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PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
ID-Inside Diameter
P - Lode
mm- milometer
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Introduction to the Module
In Mechanics filed; Installing and Maintaining Fluid Powe r Pipes and Tubes helps to
know the pipes and tubes installation, maintenance and repair to pumps, equipment and
This module is designed to meet the industry requirement under the mechanics occupational
standard, particularly for the unit of competency: Installing and Maintaining Fluid Powe r
Pipes and Tubes.
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Unit one: Fluid Work plan requirement
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:
apply work instructions
apply OHS standards
Type of components, tools and equipment
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Apply OHS standards
Identify types of components, tools and equipment
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1. Fluid Work Plan Requirement
1.1 apply work instructions
In the industry we use three methods for transmitting power from one point to another.
Mechanical transmission is through shafts, gears, chains, belts, etc. Electrical transmission is
through wires, transformers, etc. Fluid power is through liquids or gas in a confined space.
Fluid power is the technology that deals with the generation, control and transmission of
forces and movement of mechanical element or system with the use of pressurized fluids in a
confined system. Both liquids and gases are considered fluids. Fluid power system includes a
hydraulic system (hydra meaning water in Greek) and a pneumatic system (pneuma meaning
air in Greek). Oil hydraulic employs pressurized liquid petroleum oils and synthetic oils, and
pneumatic employs compressed air that is released to the atmosphere after performing the
By the term “fluid” refer to air or oil, for it has been shown that water has certain drawbacks
in the transmission of hydraulic power in machine operation and control. Commercially, pure
water contains various chemicals (some deliberately included) and also foreign matter, and
unless special precautions are taken when it is used, it is nearly impossible to maintain valves
and working surfaces in satisfactory condition. In the cases where the hydraulic system is
closed (i.e., the one with a self-contained unit that serves one machine or one small group of
machines), oil is commonly used, thus providing, in addition to power transmission, benefits
of lubrication not afforded by water as well as inc reased life and efficiency of packing and
The application of fluid power is limited only by the ingenuity of the designer, production
engineer or plant engineer. If the application pertains to lifting, pushing, pulling, clamping,
tilting, forcing, pressing or any other straight line (and many rotary) motions, it is possible
that fluid power will meet the requirement.
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1.1.2 Types of Fluid Power System
Fluid power systems perform work by a pressurized fluid bearing directly on a piston in a
cylinder or in a fluid motor. A fluid cylinder produces a force resulting in linear motion,
whereas a fluid motor produces torque resulting in rotary motion.
The Fluid power system is divided in to two types. They are hydraulic and pneumatic
system depends upon the fluid medium used to transmit force. The hydraulic fluid power
system employ liquid (like as water, petroleum, oils and synthetic oils) as fluid medium. The
pneumatic fluid power system employs gas (Compressed Air) as the fluid medium
1.1.3Advantages of a Fluid Power System
A. Fluid power systems are simple, easy to operate and can be controlled accurately:
B. Multiplication and variation of forces: s of tons.
C. Multifunction control:
D. Low-speed torque:
E. Constant force or torque:
G. Low-speed torque:
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4. Construction Equipment: Earthmoving equipments like excavators, bucket loaders,
dozers, crawlers, and road graders.
5. Defense: Missile- launch systems and Navigation controls
6. Fabrication Industry: Hand tools like pneumatic drills, grinders, bores, riveting
machines, nut runners
7. Food and Beverage: All types of food processing equipment, wrapping, bottling
8. Foundry: Full and semi-automatic molding machines, tilting of furnaces, die casting
9. Material Handling: Jacks, Hosts, Cranes, Forklift, Conveyor system.
Hydraulic equipments and systems are designed to accomplish work using confined liquid
pressure to produce a greater mechanical force. The operators/ maintenance crews are
subjected to hazards from high pressure liquids and large mechanical forces. Fluid power
machine systems store fluid under high pressure. The workmen are exposed to following
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Figure 2 disconnecting the case drain line
Note: - leakage is testing procedure by improperly disconnecting the case drain line and holding it in
an open receptacle.
Color warnings mark physical hazards, indicate the location of safety equipment, and identify
fire and other protective equipment.
The MIL-STD-101 establishes the color code used to identify piping carrying hazardous
fluids. It applies to all piping installations in naval ind ustrial plants and shore stations where
color coding is used.
Five classes of materials have been selected to represent the general hazards for all dangerous
materials, while a sixth class has been reserved for fire protection materials. A standard color
represents each of these classes, as shown in Table 2. In some instances, piping systems that
do not require warning colors may be painted to match surroundings; in other instances, such
systems may be painted aluminum or black or remain unpainted.
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Table 1 Warning Colors
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General safety precautions during maintenance of fluid powe r machine System
Positive isolation procedure to be followed before start of any fluid power machine
Depressurize the system before start of work. Shut down/ Local Isolation may be
taken, if required.
Never begin work on a hydraulic system until fully trained.
Never begin work on a hydraulic system without using a risk assessment.
Carefully review the manuals on equipments before beginning work. Ask questions
about anything you do not fully understand.
Read the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for chemicals used.
Use all required safety Equipments.
Never try to repair a part without having full knowledge about it.
Each hydraulic system must have a documented procedure of de-energizing and load
locking. This should be known to all maintenance personnel.
Document and practice de-pressurizing procedure in each of the circuit.
While testing the system after repair never stand close to the unit. Any component,
pipe, hose, fitting may fail.
Before start of work, drain the pressure line through minimesh point upto the
Drain the accumulator, if any, from drain valve and check oil pressure from minimess
coupling provided in safety block or main pressure line after accumulator. (Refer Fig.-
3 and Fig.– 4). If pressure gauge is showing zero, then also bleed the accumulator
with minimess hose for confirmation.
During the tightening of pressurized lines hammering should not be done.
Tightening of Joints should be done in depressurized condition.
In any of the hydraulic maintenance jobs, all other agencies working in that area
should be well communicated about the hydraulic work and its effects.
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1.3.1 Basic Components of a Hydraulic System
Hydraulic systems are power-transmitting assemblies employing pressurized liquid as a fluid
for transmitting energy from an energy- generating source to an energy- using point to
accomplish useful work. There are six basic components required in a hydraulic system:
1) Tank (reservoir) to hold the hydraulic oil.
2) Pump to force the oil through the system.
3) An electric motor or other power source to drive the pump.
4) Valves to control oil direction, pressure, and flow rate.
5) An actuator to convert the pressure of the oil into mechanical force to do the useful work.
6) Piping to carry the oil from one location to the other.
Pressure regulator
1. The hydraulic actuator is a device used to convert the fluid power into mechanical power
to do useful work. The actuator may be of the linear type (e.g., hydraulic cylinder) or rotary
type(e.g., hydraulic motor) to provide linear or rotary motion, respectively.
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2. The hydraulic pump is used to force the fluid from the reservoir to rest of the hydraulic
circuit by converting mechanical energy into hydraulic energy.
3. Valves are used to control the direction, pressure and flow rate of a fluid flowing through
the circuit.
4. External power supply (motor) is required to drive the pump.
5. Reservoir is used to hold the hydraulic liquid, usually hydraulic oil.
6. Piping system carries the hydraulic oil from one place to another.
7. Filters are used to remove any foreign particles so as keep the fluid system clean and
efficient, as well as avoid damage to the actuator and valves.
8. Pressure regulator regulates (i.e., maintains) the required level of pressure in the hydraulic
1.3.2 Basic Components of a Pneumatic System
A pneumatic system carries power by employing compressed gas, generally air, as a fluid for
transmitting energy from an energy-generating source to an energy-using point to accomplish
useful work. Figure 1.3 shows a simple circuit of a pneumatic system with basic components.
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The functions of various components shown in Fig. 7 are as follows:
1. The pneumatic actuator converts the fluid power into mechanical power to perform
useful work.
2. The compressor is used to compress the fresh air drawn from the atmosphere.
3. The storage reservoir is used to store a given volume of compressed air.
4. The valves are used to control the direction, flow rate and pressure of compressed a ir.
5. External power supply (motor) is used to drive the compressor.
6. The piping system carries the pressurized air from one location to another.
7. Air is drawn from the atmosphere through an air filter and raised to required pressure
by an air compressor.
As the pressure rises, the temperature also rises; hence, an air cooler is provided to cool the
air with some preliminary treatment to remove the moisture. The treated pressurized air then
needs to get stored to maintain the pressure. With the storage reservoir, a pressure switch is
fitted to start and stop the electric motor when pressure falls and reaches the required level,
The three-position change over the valve delivering air to the cylinder operates in a way
similar to its hydraulic circuit.
Usually hydraulic and pneumatic systems and equipment do not compete. They are so
dissimilar that there are few problems in selecting any of them that cannot be readily
resolved. Certainly, availability is one of the important factors of selection but this may be
outweighed by other factors. In numerous instances, for example, air is preferred to meet
certain unalterable conditions, that is, in “hot spots” where there is an open furnace or other
potential ignition hazard or in operations where motion is required at extremely high speeds.
It is often found more efficient to use a combined circuit in which oil is used in one part and
air in another on the same machine or process.
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Table 2Comparison between a hydraulic and a pneumatic system</table>
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Written Test
Self-Check -1
2. A type of component is used to control the direction, pressure and flow rate of a fluid
flowing through the circuit.
A, hydraulic actuator B. hydraulic pump C. Valves D. motor
3. One of the following is in correct about Hydraulic System
A. It employs a pressurized liquid as a fluid
B. The system slows down when leakage occurs
C. Carry Heavier weight compare to pneumatic
D. Compressors are used to provide compressed oil
4. Which one of the following is not correct about fluid power safety
A. Depressurize the system before C. try to repair a part without having
start of work full knowledge about it
B. Tightening of Joints should be D. None
done in depressurized condition
5. a type of component used for hold the hydraulic liquid, usually hydraulic oil
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PART-III: Match the items listed under column “A” with those expressions listed under
“Column A” “Column B”
_____1. Carry the fluid from one location to the other A. hydraulic actuator
_____ 5.device used to convert the fluid power into mechanical E. pump
1. List three methods for transmitting power from one point to another
2. Mention Classification of Fluid Power Systems
3. List at list 5 Advantages of a Fluid Power System
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Practical Demonstration
LAP Test
Task 1: Identify hydraulic and pneumatic component from the given diagram.
Task 2: Describe the function of fluid power components. from the given diagram.
Task 3 much the given drawing (diagram)
1. Select from the table and Fill the name of the hydraulic component on the given blank
1. pressure regulator 3. Filter, 5. motor, 7. pump,
2. directional control valve 4. oil tank 6. actuator 8. Load
1. Select from the table and Fill the name of the pneumatic component system on the
given blank space
5.In late Air from 6. Air cooler 7. Storage reservoir 8. Directional control valve
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Unit Two: Prepare and set-up work
This unit to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage
and topics:
Identify Faults
methods of repairing fault
Types of pipes and fittings
tools and equipment
Circuit functions and components
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Identify Faults
apply methods of repairing fault
Identify Types of pipes and fittings
select tools and equipment
Map out Circuit functions and components
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2. Prepare and set-up work
2.1. Identify Faults
One of the big challenges to maintenance fluid power is finding faults. Sometimes it’s need
better experience to perform this task.
There are three maintenance levels. First-line maintenance is concerned with getting
faulty plant running again. When the cause of a fault is found, first- line staff has the choice
of affecting a first- line, on-site, repair (by replacing a failed seal, say) or changing the
complete faulty unit for a spare. This decision is based on cost, time, availability of spares,
technical ability of staff, and the environment on site and company policy.
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a. Any or all of the following:- b. Any or all of the following:
Replace dirty filters; Tighten leaking connections;
wash strainers in solvent compatible with Fill reservoir to proper level (with rare
system fluid; exception all return lines should be below
clean clogged inlet line; fluid level in reservoir);
clean or replace reservoir breather vent; Bleed air from system; replace pump shaft
change system fluid; change to proper pump seal.
drive motor speed;
Overhaul or replace supercharge pump; fluid c. Align unit and check condition of seals,
may be too cold. bearings and coupling. correct pressure
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C, Any or all of the following:
a. Any or all of the following: Align unit and check condition of seals and
Replace dirty filters; bearings;
clean clogged inlet line; locate and correct mechanical binding;
clean or replace reservoir Check for work load in excess of circuit
change system fluid; design.
change to proper pump drive motor d, Any or all of the following:
speed; Install pressure gauge and adjust to correct
Overhaul or replace supercharge pressure (keep at least 125 PSI difference
pump. between valve settings).
b. Any or all of the following: e. Overhaul or replace.
Tighten leaking connections; f. Change filters and also system fluid if
Fill reservoir to proper level improper viscosity; fill reservoir to
Bleed air from system; proper level
replace pump shaft seal . g Any or all of the following:
Clean cooler and/or cooler strainer;
replace cooler control valve;
Repair or replace cooler.
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b. Tighten leaking connections (fill reservoir to proper level and bleed air
from system).
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e. Overhaul or replace.
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2.3 Types of pipes and fittings
Pipe and fittings are widely demanded for any piping and plumbing systems used in industrial
and commercial applications. Fittings allow pipes to be joined or installed in the appropriate
place and terminated or closed where necessary. Fittings are available in various shapes and
sizes. They can be expensive, require time, and different materials and tools to install. They
are an essential part of piping and tubing systems. There are many different types of
connectors and fittings provided for this purpose. Each type of pipe or tube requires its own
type of fitting, but usually all pipe fittings share some common features.
2.3.1 Types of Tubing, Piping, and Hose
There are three types of lines products used in transfer fluid one component to another.
1. Tubing (semi rigid),
2. pipe (rigid), and
3. Hose (flexible).
A number of factors are considered when the type of line product is selected for a particular
system. These factors include the type of fluid, the required system pressure, and the location
of the system. For example, heavy pipe might be used for a large stationary system, but
comparatively lightweight steel tubing is used in the automotive brake system.
The advantages of tubing include easier bending and flaring, fewer fittings, better
appearance, better reusability, and less leakage. However, pipe is cheaper and will handle
large volumes under high pressures. Pipe is also used where straight- line hookups are
required and for more permanent installations.
In either case, the hydraulic lines must be compatible with the entire system. Pressure loss in
the line must be kept to a minimum for an efficient system.
Pipes for hydraulic systems should be made of seamless cold-drawn mild steel. Galvanized
pipe should NOT be used because the zinc coating could flake or scale, causing damage to
the valves and pumps.
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Tubing used in fluid power systems is commonly made from steel, copper, aluminum, and, in
some instances, plastic. Each of these materials has its own distinct advantages or
disadvantages in certain applications. Some tubing materials are listed below
Flexible Hose
Hose is used in fluid power systems where there is a need for flexibility, such as connection
to units that move while in operation or to units attached to a hinged portion of the
equipment. It is also used in locations that are subjected to severe vibration. Flexible hose is
usually used to connect the pump to the system. The vibration that is set up by the operating
pump would ultimately cause rigid tubing to fail. Shock-resistant, flexible hose assemblies
are required to absorb the movements of mounted equipment under both normal operating
conditions and extreme conditions. They are also used for their noise-attenuating properties
and to connect moving parts of certain equipment.
There are two basic types of hoses used in aircraft and related equipment. They are synthetic
rubber and poly tetra fluoro ethylene (PTFE), commonly known as Teflon
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Rubber hoses are designed for specific fluid, temperature, and pressure ranges and are
provided in various specifications. Rubber hoses (Figure 5) consist of a minimum of three
layers; a seamless synthetic rubber tube reinforced with one or more layers of braided or
spiralled cotton, wire, or synthetic fibre; and an outer cover. The inner tube is designed to
withstand the attack of the fluid that passes through it. The braided or spiralled layers
determine the strength of the hose; the greater the number of these layers, the greater the
pressure rating. Hoses are provided in three pressure ranges: low, medium, and high. The
outer cover is designed to withstand external abuse and contains identification markings.
Synthetic rubber hose (if rubber-covered) is identified by the indicator stripe and markings
that are stencilled along the length of the hose. The indicator stripe (also called the lay line
because of its use in determining the straightness or lie of a hose) is a series of dots or dashes.
The markings (letters and numerals) contain the specification, hose size, cure date, and
manufacturer's Federal supply code number. This information is repeated at intervals of 9
inches (Figure 6).
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Figure 8 Synthetic rubber hose identification.
Size is indicated by a dash followed by a number (referred to as a dash number). The dash
number does not denote the inside or outside diameter of the hose. It refers to the equivalent
outside diameter of rigid tube size in sixteenths (1/16) of an inch. dash 8 (-8) mates to a
number 8 rigid tube which has an outside diameter of one-half inch (8/16). The inside of the
hose will not be one half inch, but slightly smaller to allow for tube thickness. The cure date
is provided for age control. It is indicated by the quarter of the year and year. The year is
divided into four quarters.
Synthetic rubber hose (if wire-braid covered) is identified by bands wrapped around the hose
at the ends and at intervals along the length of the hose. Each band is marked with t he same
information (Figure 9).
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Acceptance Life
The acceptance life for synthetic rubber hoses is the period of time from the cure date to the
acceptance by the organizational-, Intermediate-, or Depot-level activity. Synthetic rubber
hose and hose assemblies must have at least 8 1/2 years (34 quarters) of the shelf life
remaining upon acceptance from the first Government activity receiving the material from the
The PTFE hose is a flexible hose designed to meet the requirements of higher operating
pressures and temperatures in present fluid power systems. This type of hose is made from a
chemical resin, which is processed and extruded into a tube shaped to a desired size. It is
reinforced with one or more layers of braided stainless steel wire or with an even number of
spiral wrap layers with an outer wire braid layer.
A PTFE hose is unaffected by all fluids presently used in fluid power systems. It is inert to
acids, both concentrated and diluted. Certain PTFE hose may be used in systems where
operating temperatures range from −100 to +500 degrees Fahrenheit (°F). PTFE is non
flammable; however, where the possibility of open flame exists, a special asbestos fire sleeve
should be used.
A PTFE hose will not absorb moisture. This, together with its chemical inertness and anti
adhesive characteristics, makes it ideal for missile fluid power systems where none
contamination clean lines In lieu of lay line marking, PTFE hoses are identified by metal or
pliable plastic bands at their ends and at intervals along their length. Usually the only
condition that will shorten the life of PTFE hose is excessive temperature. For this reason
there is no manufacture date listed on the identification tag.
Flexible hose is available in three pressure ranges: low, medium, and high. When replacing
hoses, it is important to ensure that the replacement hose is a duplica te of the one removed in
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length, OD, material, type and contour, and associated markings. In selecting hose, several
precautions must be observed. The selected hose must:
Some type of connector or fitting must be provided to attach the lines to the components of
the system and to connect sections of line to each other. There are many different types of
connectors and fittings provided for this purpose. The type of connector or fitting required for
a specific system depends on several factors. One determining factor, of course, is the type of
fluid line (pipe, tubing, or flexible hose) used in the system. Other determining factors are the
type of fluid medium and the maximum operating pressure of the system..
Pipe fittings to extend or terminate pipe runs: For example, Couplings, Adapters,
Unions, Caps and Plugs Pipe.
Fittings to change a pipe's direction: For example , Elbows
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Pipe fittings to connect two or more pipes: For example: Tees, Cross, Side- inlet
Elbows, Wyes
Pipe fittings to change pipe size: For example, Reducers, Bushings, Couplings
Pipe fittings to manage or regulate flow: For example, Valves
Pipe fitting tools: For example, Pipe fasteners
Pipe flanges
On the basis of the above categories, we give below an idea about the various types of pipe
fittings available in the market.
Connection types: When purchasing pipe fittings, you should be aware of the fact
that a fitting can have two different connector types. One end of the fitting might be
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female threaded while the other female threaded. One end might be male slip while
the other end is threaded, in the case of plastic fittings. They can also have matching
ends which can accommodate any requirement.
Materials of construction: As a rule, the pipe fitting should be of the same material
as the material used in the making of the pipe in which it is to be fitted. However, in
some cases, materials conforming to certain codes or standards can also be used in
pipes of another material.
Check for flow: To keep the flow consistent, the ends of pipe fittings should be
slightly larger than the rest of the pipe so that they can accommodate connections
without narrowing the inner diameter (ID) of the pipe.
Type of fitting: Besides pipe materials, pipe fittings are identified by the type of
fitting — threaded or slip, male or female.
Size: When measuring the size of pipe fittings, it is to be noted that the male threaded
fittings are measured to the outside edge or OD, while female fittings are measured to
the inside edge of the inlet or ID.
Thickness: Just as pipes are available in a number of different thicknesses or
"schedules", so also the pipe fittings.
Design: Each pipe or tube is designed to carry certain specific types of fluids, liquids,
gases, chemicals under varying conditions. Accordingly, the pipe fittings are also
available in variety of designs.
Standards and codes: There are certain standards and codes set by various
organizations by which the different pipe fittings are graded. For example, ASTM,
ASME, BSP etc. are certain standards assigned to pipe fittings and those standards
dictate their use.
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Gaskets and Packing
Gaskets (Figure 10) depend upon mechanical compression to provide a positive seal between
two stationary joints, whereas packing generally are used where some form of relative motion
occurs between members of the joint. Packing (Figure 10) consists of deformable material,
which is shaped by adjustable compression to provide a controlled seal. Certain types of seals
(for example, the O-ring, which is discussed later) may be used either as a gasket or a
The sealing devices and materials used in fluid power systems and components are divided
into two general classes — static seals and dynamic seals (Figure 11).
The static seal is used to prevent leakage in a mechanica l joint where there is no relative
motion between mating surfaces. Material used to create a seal between two stationary faces
of a mechanical joint are called gaskets. The gasket must function to confine liquids or gasses
within an assembly and maintain this seal under various operating conditions.
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Figure 10 Dynamic seal
To create an effective barrier, gasket material will deform to fill the space between imperfect
mating surfaces of mechanical joints to prevent fluids from leaking. This compression
requires that the joint be tightly bolted or otherwise held together. The compression of a
gasket forming a seal between mating parts is shown in Figure 11.
There are different types of tools and equipment for fix to fluid power system. Such type of
works needs low to high-pressure tooling and equipment. Thus tools are jacks, cylinders,
crimpers, spreaders, cutters, splitters, breakers, drivers, torque wrenches, punches, drills,
saws, power tools and more. Some are listed below in fig
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Figure 12Bender tools
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2.5 Circuit functions and components
2.5.1 Basic fluid powe r component symbols
The installation, modification and troubleshooting of a fluid power system require an
understanding of fluid power circuit drawings. Circuit diagrams and the symbols used in
them should be drawn to the ISO 1219-1 standard. Before working on a hydraulic system,
you should obtain and trace through the circuit drawing to ensure that any potential hazards
are identified, so precautions can be taken to avoid personal injury and damage to equipment.
It is therefore necessary for you both to be capable of identifying components and to know
their function in a circuit.
In addition to knowing the symbols illustrated on the following pages, remembering the
points below will help you to understand a hydraulic system and be able to identify its
1. The starting point in circuit reading is the reservoir and the termination point is the
2. Control valves are shown in the de-energized, or neutral, position.
3. When tracing a circuit’s operation, mentally move the valve envelopes into the
position to give the desired flow.
4. Arrows are used in the envelopes to indicate fluid flow direction.
5. Fluid flow will take the path of least resistance.
6. Identify the basic type of circuit – either open or closed-loop construction.
7. Identify the type of fluid lines connecting the components in the circuit diagram.
Symbols of components
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Fluid Connectors
Line, Flexible
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Quick Disconnect, Without Checks
Lines, Crossing
Lines, Joining
Reservoir, Vented
Reservoir, Pressurized
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Accumulator, Weighted
Fluid Conditioners
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Desiccators’ (Chemical Dryer)
Linear Devices
Manual (general symbol without indicating specific type, i.e. foot, hand,
leg, arm, etc.)
Push Button
Pressure Compensated
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Electrical Solenoid (Single Winding)
Rotary Devices
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Hydraulic Pump, Variable Displacement, Pressure Compensated,
Electric Motor
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Pressure Switch
Check Valve
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Sequence Valve
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Three Position, Actuated Right
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Adjustable, Temperature & Pressure
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Description of the above Components
1. Reservoir (50 gallons minimum; elevated above pump centerline to provide gravity feed)
9. Cooler
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Written test
Self cheek-2
PART-I: Select the best answer from the given alternatives and write its letter on the
space provided
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Operation 1
Ope ration Sheet title: - Prepare and set-up work
Instruction:-Read Basic fluid power circuits and install in accordance with specifications
and operational procedures
Step4- Collect fluid power components, pipes, tubes, hoses and accessories based on the
information gathered from the drawing
Step 5- Select power tools, hand tools and equipments required to accomplish the work
Step9- Connect components with the help of piping or hose according to work specification
Step 14- clean and return tools and equipment to their proper place
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Practical Demonstration
LAP Test 2
Task 2: you are given a schematic drawing of a simple hydraulic circuit below, so you are
expected to perform a complete practical installation of a circuit.
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Unit Three: Install fluid power pipes and tubes
This unit to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage
and topics:
place Pipes in position
Join Pipes
Install P ipe system
conduct repair
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
place Pipes in position and size with procedure
perform joining pipe
install pipe system
Conduct repair
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3. Install fluid power pipes and tubes
As mentioned earlier, the size of pipes is determined by the nominal (approximate) ID. For
example, the ID for a 1/4- inch Schedule 40 pipe is 0.364 inch, and the ID for a 1/2- inch
Schedule 40 pipe is 0.622 inch. It is important to note that the IDs of all pipes of the same
nominal size are not equal. This is because the OD remains constant and the wall thickness
increases as the schedule number increases.
For example, a nominal size 1- inch Schedule 40 pipe has a 1.049 ID. The same size Schedule
80 pipe has a 0.957 ID, while Schedule 160 pipe has a 0.815 ID. In each case the OD is 1.315
(Table 5) and the wall thicknesses are 0.133 [(1.315 - 1.049) / 2], 0.179 [(1.315 - 0.957) / 2],
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and 0.250[(1.315 - 0.815) / 2] respectively. Note that the difference between the OD and ID
includes two wall thicknesses and must be divided by 2 to obtain the wall thickness .
Tubing differs from pipe in its size classification. Tubing is designated by its actual OD
(Table 5). Thus, 5/8- inch tubing has an OD of 5/8 inch. As indicated in the table, tubing is
available in a variety of wall thicknesses. The diameter of tubing is often measured and
indicated in 16ths of an inch. Thus, No. 6 tubing is 6/16 or 3/8 inch, No. 8 tubing is 8/16 or
1/2 inch, and so forth.
Table 5 tubing size designation
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The wall thickness, material used, and ID determine the bursting pressure of a line or fitting.
The greater wall thickness in relation to the ID and the stronger the metal, the higher the
bursting pressure. However, the greater the ID for a given wall thickness, the lower the
bursting pressure, because force is the product of area and pressure.
3.2 Install and Join Pipe system
3.2.1 Installing Pipe and hose
Hose installation
1. Measure the effective cut-off length of the hose to suit the installation position
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b) Lightly apply oil to the hose cover over a length of about 20 mm from the end.
c. Screw the hose back in a clockwise direction by two-thirds (⅔) of a turn to back it off
from the stop (fine thread) by approximately 1.5 to 2.0 mm.
e) Remove the hose and body from the vice and visually check that the end of the hose is
back from the stop inside the body by approximately 1.5 mm.
f) Hold the stem by its hexagonal section horizontally in a vice and apply oil to
g) Position the hose and body onto the stem. Avoid ‘slicing’ of the inner hose tube.
h) Screw the hose and body onto the stem, applying some initial pressure, until the stem
thread engages the thread of the body.
i) Hold the body and hose by the front hexagonal section of the body vertically in the vice.
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J) Screw the stem in until the shoulder of the stem is between 0.0 and 1.5 m from the face of
the body.
4. Maintain a continuous screwing motion to prevent ‘cooling’ off and binding between the
stem and the inner tube.
5. Remove the hose assembly from the vice and repeat the fitting operation at the other end.
6. Install and test the hose to work order or site requirements.
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Factors affecting incorrect installation of hose
Oil flow through a tube pipe or hose affects system performance and component life. The
wrong size of hose, pipe or tube can result in the following problems:
reduced pressure
system overheating
cavitations (caused by too low a pressure at pump inlet)
slow actuator response
turbulent flow
High back pressure (in return or tank lines).
The above figure illustrates how high back-pressure can be caused by incorrect line sizing.
Hydraulic lines (that is, pipe and hoses) are measured by the inside diameter in millimetres.
Tube is measured by the outside diameter and wall thickness (but you use internal diameter
when utilising a flow rate monogram to determine required size).
When matching hydraulic fittings and components, the hydraulic technician will need to
check the:
type of thread (eg JIC, BSPP, BSPT etc)
angle of any sealing face (seat angle)
pressure rating of the fitting.
Hoses are used where there is a degree of movement between components. A hydraulic hose
will have a line (usually consisting of the manufacture’s name and hose information) running
along its length. This is so that the technician can detect any twist in the hose during fitment.
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General hose installation principles
Remember the following:
Do not twist the hose. High pressure applied to a twisted hose may cause loosening
of the nut or failure of the hose.
Make sure hose has enough slack to avoid pulling at the nut and allow for thermal
contraction and movement.
Provide as large a bend radius as possible.
Use clamps and lacing to prevent hose from chafing.
Do not let the hose lie against hot exhaust-carrying components.
Installation of pipe
Steel pipe is used:
where fluid is to be conducted along straight paths
because of its low cost compared to hose
Where use can be made of welding fittings.
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anti- friction lubricant prior to fitting between the flange grooves. Anti- friction
lubricant, compatible with the flange material and process fluid shall be used.
F. Joint the pipe using different connection methods.(Flanges connecting to strain
sensitive mechanical equipment e.g. pumps, compressors, turbines, etc. shall be fitted-
up in close parallel and lateral alignment prior to tightening the bolting.)
G. flushing and testing
Pipe and tube bending
While friction increases significantly for sharper curves than this, it also tends to increase up
to a certain point for gentler curves. The increases in friction in a bend with a radius of more
than 3 pipe diameters results from increased turbulence near the outside edges of the flow.
Particles of fluid must travel a longer distance in mak ing the change in direction. When the
radius of the bend is less than 2 1/2 pipe diameters, the increased pressure loss is due to the
abrupt change in the direction of flow, especially for particles near the inside edge of the
At times, new tubing may need to be fabricated to replace damaged or failed lines.
Fabrication of tubing consists of four basic operations: cutting, deburring, bending, and joint
When constructing a tube profile from an engineering drawing, re member that stated
dimensions are usually taken from centre- line measurements. This is also the most common
method of taking measurements in ‘on the job’ situations, as illustrated below.
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Figure 18 double Bending technique
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Calculating the gain of a 45° bend
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General rules for tube bending
1. The normal minimum bend radius should not be less than three times the tube
diameter. This is a general rule to prevent the tube from distorting – that is,
flattening, kinking or wrinkling – and the actual minimum depends upon the gauge
(wall thickness) and ductility of the tube.
2. The approximate gain for a 90° bend is equal to the tube diameter. The reduction in
tube length will vary according to the size of tube you are bending and the size of the
bend radius.
3. A tube bender will have a ‘gain scale’ on the form handle as illustrated below
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Close the shoe handle and line up the ‘0’s.
Rotate the handle until the ‘0’ and ‘90°’ Remove the tube from the bender and
line up (or the ‘45°’ mark were aligned if cheek for squareness and to ensure there
you were making that angle). are no wrinkles or flattening of the bend.
from the bender and check the
When the measured distance is taken from the right-hand side, align the mark with the ‘R’,
as shown below. This is for both 45° and 90° bends.
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Close the shoe handle so its ‘0’ lines up with the
‘0’ on the form handle.
Then rotate the handle until the required Check your bends for squareness and
mark is reached. ensure that the tube assembly lays flat on
the table.
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copper. The cutter should be revolved around the tubing and turn the adjustment wheel 1/4
turn per rotation until the copper is cut through and separates.
Tubing may be cut with a hacksaw, although a tubing cutter is preferable. It is important to be
careful to cut the tubing square if it is to be flared. A fine-toothed hacksaw blade, with 32
teeth per inch, should be used when cutting copper.
The following steps should be taken when using a chip less cutter:
1. Select the chip less cutter according to tubing size.
2. Rotate the cutter head to accept the tubing in the cutting position. Check that the
cutter ratchet is operating freely and that the cutter wheel is clear of the cutter head
opening (Figure 20).
3. Centre the tubing on two rollers and the cutting blade.
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4. Use the hex key provided to turn the drive screw in until the cutter touches the tube.
5. Tighten the drive screw little. Do not over tighten the drive screw. Over tightening
can damage soft tubing or cause excessive wear or breakage of the cutter wheel in
hard tubing.
6. Swing the ratchet handle back and forth through the available clearance until there is a
noticeable ease of rotation. Avoid putting side force on the cutter handle. Side force
will cause the cutter wheel to break.
7. Tighten the drive screw an additional turn and swing the ratchet handle back and
forth, retightening the drive screw as needed until the cut is completed.
8. The completed cut should be 1/2 degree square to the tube centreline.
9. After the tubing is cut, all burrs and sharp edges should be remo ved from inside and
outside of the tube (Figure 18) with deburring tools. The tubing should be cleaned to
make sure there are no foreign particles remaining. A convenient method for cutting
tubing with a hacksaw is to place the tube in a flaring block and clamp the block in a
vice. After cutting the tubing with a hacksaw, all saw marks should be removed by
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3.2.2 Joining Pipes
Table 6 illustrates a range of methods for joining pipes. The table indicates the form of the
connection and the type of pipes on which the joint may be used.
Table 6 types of joining
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Tube Flaring
Flaring is an easy and satisfactory method of joining copper tubing. The ends of the tubing
should be flared and pressed against the tapered surface of the flared fitting. Next, the flare
nut should be screwed over the end of the fitting.
An advantage of this type of connection is that it is easily disassembled when repairs are
necessary. The only thing required to disassemble this connection is to select the correct size
wrench, unscrew the flare nut that makes up the compression-type connection, and separate
the fittings. When a flare is made on tubing, every precaution should be taken to produce an
airtight and watertight joint. First, the tubing should be measured and cut to the proper length
with a tubing cutter or hacksaw. Then, the burr within the tubing should be removed by
reaming. Tubing can be flared with a flaring type tool (Figure 5-8).
Before a flare is made, the flare nut should be slipped on the tubing and the end of the tubing
inserted into the correct size hole in the flaring block. Then, the end of the tubing should be
extended above the face of the block twice the wall thickness of the tubing.
Next, the flaring yoke should be attached to the flaring block and the flaring cone centered
over the end of the tubing. The cone should be forced against the flaring block by rotating the
handle on the flaring yoke clockwise. After the tubing has been flared properly, assembly of
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the joint is simple. After placing the flare against the fitting, the compression nut should be
slipped against the flare and screwed on the fitting. This operation compresses the flare of the
tubing between the fitting and nut. Figure 18: Flared-tube fittings.
Tees, crosses, and elbows are self-explanatory. Universal and bulkhead fittings can be
mounted solidly with one outlet of the fitting extending through a bulkhead and the other
outlet(s) positioned at any angle. Universal means the fitting can assume the angle required
for the specific installation. Bulkhead means the fitting is long enough to pass through a
bulkhead and is designed so it can be secured solidly to the bulkhead.
For connecting to tubing, the ends of the fittings are threaded with straight machine threads to
correspond with the female threads of the nut. In some cases, however, one end of the fitting
may be threaded with tapered pipe threads to fit threaded ports in pumps, valves, and other
Tubing used with flare connectors must be flared prior to assembly. The nut fits over the
sleeve and when tightened, it draws the sleeve and tubing flare tightly against the male fitting
to form a seal.
The male fitting has a cone-shaped surface with the same angle as the inside of the flare. The
sleeve supports the tube so vibration does not concentrate at the edge of the flare, and
distributes the shearing action over a wider area for added strength.
Correct and incorrect methods of installing flared-tube connectors are illustrated in Figure 19.
Tubing nuts should be tightened with a torque wrench to the value specified in applicable
technical publications.
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Figure 24 Correct and incorrect methods of installing flared fittings.
If an aluminium alloy flared connector leaks after being tightened to the required torque, it
must not be tightened further. Over tightening may severely damage or completely cut off the
tubing flare or may result in damage to the sleeve or nut. The leaking connection must be
disassembled and the fault corrected.
If a steel tube connection leaks, it may be tightened 1/6 turn beyond the specified torque in an
attempt to stop the leakage; then if it still leaks, it must be disassembled and repaired.
Under tightening of connections may be serious, as this can allow the tubing to leak at the
connector because of insufficient grip on the flare by the sleeve. The use of a torque wrench
will prevent under tightening.
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3.4 Conduct Repair
3.4.1Repairing coppe r tube
Copper pipes are connected with soldered, compression, or flare fittings. Always follow your
local code for the correct types of pipes and fittings allowed in your area. Soldered fittings,
also called sweat fittings, often are used to join copper pipes. Correctly soldered fittings are
strong and trouble free. Copper pipe can also be joined with compression fittings or flare
fittings. For repair leak copper tube or pipes follow the following step.
B. Identify the diameter and wall thickness using Grade stamp information sheet (this
sheet includes the pipe diameter, the wall-thickness grade, and a stamp of approval from
the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials).
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C. Cut out the damaged pipe
Shut off the main water supply valve, drain the damaged water line and use a pipe cutter to
cut out a section of pipe that extends about 1 in. to each side of the leak. Start by gripping the
pipe firmly in the cutter’s jaws and tightening the cutter’s screw. Rotate the cutter in the
direction shown—as you tighten the screw handle—until the pipe snaps.
Bend flexible copper pipe with a coil-spring tubing bender to avoid kinks. Select a bender
that matches the outside diameter of the pipe. Slip bender over pipe using a twisting motion.
Bend pipe slowly until it reaches the correct angle, but not more than 90º.Cut out the
damaged section, then measure the gap and, from the sweat coupling, cut a repair piece that’s
1 in.longer than the damaged section. Maybe if the change parts has shaped follow Figure 22.
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D. Clean before soldering
F. Soldering:- A soldered pipe joint, also called a sweated joint, is made by heating a copper
or brass fitting with a propane torch until the fitting is just hot enough tomelt metal solder.
The heat draws the solder into the gap between the fitting and pipe to form a watertight seal.
A fitting that is overheated or unevenly heated will not draw in solder. Copper pipes and
fittings must be clean and dry to form a watertight seal.
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If you see a hose lying against a hot surface such as an exhaust, throw away the hose. You
won’t be able to see the damage but the hose liner, if it hasn’t already failed, will not be far
off doing so.
Chafing is a common cause of failure. It is almost never visible during a visual examination
and therefore missed during most inspections. Think about it: the chafe point is where the
hose rests against something – you can’t see the chafe damage without moving the hose. Pull
the hose away from any points of contact and look behind the hose. Wherever a hose is
touching something you must inspect for chafing, cutting or other damage.
Faulty installation: hoses have a tendency to expand in diameter and contract in length when
pressurised. When manufacturing and fitting hoses, this needs to be taken into consideration.
Use elbows to avoid sharp bends near the end of the hose assembly.
Lines should normally be kept as short and free of bends as possible. However, tubing
should not be assembled in a straight line, because a bend tends to eliminate strain by
absorbing vibration and also compensates for thermal expansion and contraction. Bends
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are preferred to elbows, because bends cause less of a power loss. A few of the correct
and incorrect methods of installing tubing are illustrated in Figure 5-1.
Do not allow hose movement in more than one plane. Flexing a hose in two separate
planes of movement will cause torsion in the hose assembly. Always install the hose
assembly so that flexing occurs in one plane only and this is the same plane in which
bending occurs.
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Written Test
Self-Check -3
PART-II: Select the best answer from the given alternatives and write its letter on the space
“Column A” “Column B”
_____2. Use clamps and lacing to prevent hose from chafing B reduced pressure
_____5. A soldered pipe joint, also called a sweated joint E. General hose installation
1. Explain, with the aid of sketches, three methods of joining two pipes together
2. Name and sketch three types of pipe fittings.
3. Describe four types of pipe used in engineering. Include typical properties and applications of
each type.
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Operation 1
Ope ration Sheet title: - Prepare and set-up work
Instruction:-Read the given drawing and cut in accordance with specifications and
operational procedures
Step4- Rotate the cutter head to accept the tubing in the cutting position.
Step 5- Centre the tubing on two rollers and the cutting blade.
Step 6- Use the hex key provided to turn the drive screw in until the cutter touches the tube.
Step 7- Tighten the drive screw little. Do not over tighten the drive screw.
Step 8- Swing the ratchet handle back and forth through the available clearance until there is
a noticeable ease of rotation.
Step9- Tighten the drive screw an additional turn and swing the ratchet handle back and
forth, retightening the drive screw as needed until the cut is completed.
Step 12- After the tubing is cut; all burrs and sharp edges should be removed from inside and
outside of the tube with deburring tools.
Step 13- clean and return tools and equipment to their proper place
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Operation 2
Ope ration Sheet title: - permanent joining pipes
Instruction:-Read the understand the given drawing and soldering the copper tube in
accordance with specifications and operational procedures
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LAP test 1
Task 1: solder copper pipe
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Unit Four: Assure quality and cleanup work
This unit to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage
and topics:
Flush and pressure testing components
Complete Test reports
Clean up Work area
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
Identify Flushing and pressure testing components
Complete Test reports
Clear Work area, tools materials and equipment’s
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4. Assure quality and cleanup work
Pipe flushing is usually done for pipes with sizes 10 inches or less. For larger pipes, the fluid
quantity requirement becomes so large that it slowly becomes impractical. So, full bore pipe
flushing is usually not done for pipes with size 12 inches or larger.
Depending on the fluid used for the operation, pipe flushing can be of two type s:
Pipe flushing removes the unnecessary elements from the piping system by the force of
flushing fluid which passes through the system at high velocity. The force applies on the
foreign elements and becomes loose which then flows along with the flushing fluid making
the pipe and pipeline surface clean.
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Basic Pipe Flushing Guidelines
Detailed flushing plan should instruct about types, steps, and duration of flushing.
Pipeline flushing should preferably be done from the highest to the lowest elevation.
Flushing should be performed through fully open flanges/ open pipe ends and never be
carried out through smaller openings such as drains or vents.
The proper capacity of the pump shall be selected for pipe flushing activity.
All required temporary fittings like a hose, blind flange, strainer, gasket, etc must be fitted
before flushing and shall be removed immediately after completion of pipe flushing.
To avoid corrosion potential, the system shall be de-watered immediately after flushing
and make it dry.
Most fluid power systems are provided with pressure gauges and thermometers for measuring
and indicating the pressure and/or the temperature in the system. Additionally, various
temperature and pressure switches are used to warn of an adverse pressure or temperature
condition. Some switches will even shut the system off when an adverse condition occurs.
A range of instruments is used to measure fluid systems, for such variables as pressure,
temperature and flow. The following equipment is a sample of the type of instruments found
in industry, rather than in a laboratory setting.
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Pressure Gauges
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Temperature Measuring Devices
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calculated. Some losses occur, but because of the
gradual change in diameter, a venture
meter is about 97% efficient. A venture is useful
where the fluid flow contains suspended solids.
A venture may also be placed in an open channel,
where the same changes in velocity occur, but as
the pressure cannot be measured the change of
fluid elevation is used to calculate the flow. The
venture principle is used in a carburettor, to draw
fuel into the engine air flow.
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Pressure Switches
It is often desirable to have an alarm sound a warning, a light give a signal, or an auxiliary
control system energize or de-energize when a measured pressure reaches a certain minimum
or maximum value. A pressure switch is the device commonly used for this purpose.
One of the simplest pressure switches is the single-pole, single-throw, quick-acting type
shown in Figure 25. This switch is contained in a metal case that has a removable cover, an
electrical connection, and a pressure-sensing connection. The switch contains a seamless
metallic bellows located in its housing. Changes in the measured pressure cause the bellows
to work against an adjustable spring. This spring determines the press ure required to actuate
the switch. Through suitable linkage, the spring causes the contacts to open or close the
electrical circuit automatically when the operating pressure falls below or rises above a
specified value. A permanent magnet in the switch mechanism provides a positive snap on
both the opening and closing of the contacts. The switch is constantly energized. However, it
is the closing of the contacts that energizes the entire electrical circuit.
Another pressure switch is an electro hydraulic assembly that is used for shutting off the
pump's motor whenever the system pressure exceeds a pre-determined maximum value
(Figure 25-26). The switch is mounted on the pump housing so that the former's low pressure
ports drain directly into the pump housing.
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Figure 29 pressure switch
This pressure switch principally consists of a flange- mounted hydraulic valve to which is
fixed a normally closed electrical limit switch. The valve consists of two hydraulically
interconnected components. The pilot valve subassembly, which bolts on the bottom of the
body (1), functions to sense system pressure continuously, and initiates pressure switch action
whenever this pressure exceeds the adjusted setting of the pilot adjustment. System pressure
is directed into the bottom port and is applied against the exposed tip of the pilot piston (5).
This piston is held on its seat by compression from the piston spring (6) which is dependent
on the position of the adjusting screw (8). Whenever the pressure causes a force large enough
to raise the pilot piston from its seat, fluid flows through an interconnecting passage to the
actuating piston (2) chamber. The accompanying fluid force raises the actuating piston
against the force of spring (3) and causes depression of the extended switch plunger. This
action disconnects the contained electrical switch, which may be connected into the pump
motor's electric supply system. Pressure switches come in many sizes and configurations
depending on how they will be used.
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4.2 Completing Test reports
After testing all components and system you should record and report your findings by
organizing them in a format given below this format is an example but different company
may use different format and procedures
Pressure test record No: Pressure test plan No: Pressure system ID:
Test parameters
Type of test pneumatic _______ Hydraulic _______
Required test pressure: Test fluid Actual test fluid temperature:
Test starting time: Test ending time:
Test duration (starting - ending time); Actual holding time:
Test equipment –pressure gauge
Type Pressure range : Calibration date:
Actual test pressure
Environmental control
Exclusion zone for safety of people (actual safe distance)
Test area controls Actual disposal of test fluid
Inspection satisfactory _____ not satisfactory (explain)
Pressure test satisfactory _____ not satisfactory (explain)
Remarks :-
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4.3 Cleanup Work area, tools materials and equipme nt’s
4.3.1 Cleaning work area
Cleaning your work area makes it a safe and pleasant environment for your customers to
shop. The cleaning of your work area must be carried out on a regular basis. The quick and
easy jobs can be carried out during the day, while other larger tasks such as vacuuming might
be done before the shop opens, or at the end of the day's trading. In some larger retail stores,
professional cleaners may be used for the larger tasks, but it is still your responsibility to keep
your own work area clean and tidy.
In this activity you will learn about cleaning procedures and how to dispose of waste
correctly. You will also learn how to handle spills or other potential hazards efficiently to
protect customers and your workmates from potential injury.
Poor housekeeping can be a cause of incidents, such as:
A. tripping over loose objects on floors, stairs and platforms
B. being hit by falling objects
C. slipping on greasy, wet or dirty surfaces
D. striking against projecting, poorly stacked items or misplaced material
E. cutting, puncturing, or tearing the skin of hands or other parts of the body on
projecting nails, wire or steel strapping
To avoid these hazards, a workplace must "maintain" order throughout a workday. Although
this effort requires a great deal of management and planning, the benefits are many.
Effective housekeeping results in:
A. reduced handling to ease the flow of materials
B. fewer tripping and slipping incidents in clutter- free and spill- free work areas
C. decreased fire hazards
D. lower worker exposures to hazardous products (e.g. dusts, vapours)
F. better control of tools and materials, including inventory and supplies
G. more efficient equipment cleanup and maintenance
H. better hygienic conditions leading to improved health
I. more effective use of space
J. reduced property damage by improving preventive maintenance
K. less janitorial work
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L. improved morale
M. improved productivity (tools and materials will be easy to find)
The fabrication, installation, and maintenance of all fluid lines and connectors are beyond the
scope of this training manual. However, there are some general precautionary measures that
apply to the maintenance of all fluid lines.
Regardless of the type of lines or connectors used to make up a fluid power system, they must
be the correct size and strength and perfectly clean on the inside. All lines must be absolutely
clean and free from scale and other foreign matter. Iron or steel pipes, tubing, and fittings can
be cleaned with a boiler tube wire brush or with commercial pipe cleaning apparatus. Rust
and scale can be removed from short, straight pieces by sandblasting, provided there is no
danger that sand particles will remain lodged in blind holes or pockets after the piece is
flushed. In the case of long pieces or pieces bent to complex shapes, rust and scale can be
removed by pickling (cleaning metal in a chemical bath). Parts must be degreased prior to
pickling. The manufacturer of the parts should provide complete pickling instructions.
Open ends of pipes, tubing, hose, and fittings should be capped or plugged when they are to
be stored for any considerable period. Rags or waste must not be used for this purpose,
because they deposit harmful lint which can cause severe damage to the fluid power system.
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Self cheek -4
PART-I: Write “TRUE” if the statement is correct and “FALSE” if it is wrong
“Column A” “Column B”
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List of reference
1. "Plumbing Glossary". PlumbingMart. Retrieved 2 July 2019.
2. "Use Proper Plumbing Tools To Avoid Flushing Money Down The Drain". Bangor
Daily News. April 24, 2022. Retrieved 23 April 2013.
3. "Proper Replacement Of Gaskets Important". The Victoria Advocate. Feb 26, 1963.
Retrieved December 26, 2013.
4. "Gaskets General – Non-Metallic Flat, Spiral Wound Gaskets, Camprofile Gaskets,
Metal-Jacketed Gaskets and Metallic Gaskets -". wermac.org.
5. Design Guide: Residential PEX Water Supply Plumbing Systems (2nd ed.). Home
Innovation Research Labs. 2013. p. 89. Several varieties of fitting adapters are
available for simple transition between piping systems, such as solder, threaded, and
polybutylene adapters
6. "Plumbing Glossary". PlumbingMart. Retrieved 3 July 2019
Participants of this Module (training mate rial) preparation
No Name Qualifi Field of Study Organization/ Mobile E-mail
cation Institution number
1 BIRUK DESSIE B Mechanical Addis Ababa 0913419004 birukdessie27@gmail.com
TAKELE Engineering Tegbareid PTC 0967733412
2 WALIYI BENA A Manufacturing Athlete 0912305425 Waliyibena2019@gmail.co
BUSISO Technology kenenisa m
Bekele PTC
3 W/MEDHIN A Manufacturing Debremarkos 0913080488 Kenu andu1621@gmail.com
4 GOSA A Manufacturing Diredawa PTC 0923179949 Firesenbet gosa@gmail.com
5 ERMIYAS A Manufacturing N/S/P/T/C 0911169904 ambayeerm@gmail.com
AMBAYE Technology