Gurps 4th ed. Monster Compendium
Gurps 4th ed. Monster Compendium
Gurps 4th ed. Monster Compendium
GURPS doesn't have monsters. That's what I keep hearing from various DF fans who bemoan the lack of a
bestiary. Strictly speaking, however, this is not true. GURPS is loaded with monsters, if you know where to
look for them. To just name a few:
GURPS Characters: Dragons, Vampires
GURPS Magic: Zombies, Skeletons, Mummies, Wraiths, Liches, Demons, Elementals of all four varieties.
Thaumatology adds even more Elementals.
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 3: Orcs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Gargoyles, Trolls, Dark Ones, Shadow Elves, giant
bug people, lizard men, and many more.
Even more options exist in GURPS Fantasy (including a chapter dedicated to monsters), GURPS Banestorm
(loads of racial templates), and other sources, if you care to dig around.
The problem isn't the lack of monsters, though, it's the lack of detail on these monsters. Most of these are
racial templates. It's all fine and well to know what a Vampire or a Dragon is like, racially, but what sorts of
skills, weapons and powers does he actually have? We have no quick-and-easy way to toss together a
disposable monster to unleash on the table.
Astute veterans of GURPS will point out that we simply slap on whatever skills and such that we find
appropriate and move on, but I would caution that you could do the same with racial templates themselves,
that the average DF player isn't interested in wholesale world-building, but prefers some kind of quick-start
guide, the equivalent for monsters what DF 1 is to dungeoneers.
So, at the request of my Dungeon Fantasy GM, I put together what follows in this thread: a list of
"occupational" templates that can be quickly applied to a monster to give it a role within combat, and a large
list of example monsters, ready for any dungeon.
Dungeon and Dragons 4e included "roles" for its monsters, a guide on how to use a monster and what sort of
tactics they designed it for. This document does the same. Each role has a list of associated templates that, if
applied to a racial template, should help you put together a monster ideally suited to that sort of tactic in
combat. The standard templates are worth roughly 50 points, the "Greater" templates are worth 100 points,
and the Epic templates are worth 150. "Core" templates are worth 50 points, and every monster should have
at least one, to provide a solid basis of skills. Beyond that, no limitations or prerequisites apply (You're just
making a monster, not carefully balancing a character).
Furthermore, each role has a set of "strange" templates, which represent unique powers associated with that
role. Strange templates always have a power modifier. The most common power modifiers for monsters are:
• Magical: The powers can be nullified with counter-magic effects and do not work in no-mana zones
• Unholy: The powers do not work in areas of High (Holy) Sanctity, and might not affect "faithful" characters
• Biological: The power is always a manifestation of some interesting internal organs, which the players may
harvest after the battle. Generally, these organs provide bonuses to appropriate alchemy and invention rolls.
Minion organs provide +1, Worthy organs provide a +2, and Bosses generally have multiple harvestable
organs with +2. I haven't always explicitly outlined how the templates are constructed, because I feel the
average DF GM is more interested in knowing how a monster works, rather than looking at a list of
advantages and modifiers. If you want to know how I did something, feel free to ask. I bet I can still
Every core template has a list of associated disadvantages, which I discuss in each section. Sometimes, these
disadvantages are described beyond their normal, PC context. That's because a monstrous disadvantage that
does not disadvantage the monster isn't interesting or worth mentioning. These disadvantages exist to allow
players to come up with clever solutions to defeating their foe, and thus must represent real vulnerabilities.
Where possible, exaggerate these weaknesses and make sure the players are aware of them.
GURPS Sages will carefully recite the hallowed mantra "don't use points when designing monsters" Dungeon
Fantasy 2 itself offers this tid-bit of wisdom. Points unnecessarily slow down monster creation, and they
won't necessarily balance the encounter. After all, 250 points of carefully nuanced player character is no
match for 250 points of pure, distilled lethality.
However, points still have their place. While
points won't necessarily balance a monster for
an encounter, that's primarily because of the
existence of non-combat traits (15 points of
Empathy just isn't as useful in a fight as 15
points of DR or even 10 points of High Pain
Threshold). Combat traits, however, tend to be
fairly well balanced against one another. Thus,
a 50 point combat monster should measure up
nicely against another, differently designed 50
point combat monster, so points do give us nice
"ball park" figures for balance. Moreover,
certain advantages and aspects of the system
demand points, things like summoning and
shape-shifting. By noting the points involved, if
a player sees a demon he likes and asks to
summon it in the next adventure, the GM can
swiftly give him a total Energy Cost associated
with that demon, for example.
I have a few caveats regarding these point-
costs, however. Monsters need to be kept
simple. They don't need to worry about things
like perks, and you don't have the time to worry about fatigue cost this and recharge time that. Thus, those
who carefully reverse engineer my templates might discover that not everything adds up exactly to the
described point value, because monsters are too simple to worry about the small change. Moreover, points do
not trump good monster design.
Kromm's advice on page 27 of DF 2 remains very valid and pertinent. A 250 point "worthy" monster who has
200 points of DR (DR 40 or so, more with limitations) isn't very fun to fight because you can't actually hurt it.
When we design monsters, we want to create interesting fights, so consider what your players have at their
disposal before you sic a particular beastie on them. If your goal is an unbeatable monster that your players
cannot escape from, these rules won't prevent you from succeeding, but all you'll have really designed is a
unique invitation to write up new characters. If done too often, you're really telling your players not to invest
emotion into their characters or, worse, not to invest interest in your game.
In general, I have found that a minion needs only one or two templates (no more than 100 points) to be an
acceptable "quick" challenge, and about 5-10 per player is enough. Worthies generally take 3 to 5 standard
templates (150-250 points), and one to two per player is enough. I find bosses need at least 500 points worth
of templates (often at least one epic for truly awesome fights), and you only need one per group of players.
Where possible, I have discarded any reference to fatigue, but when it comes to spell-casting monsters, or
powers that attack fatigue, players will want to know how much fatigue a monster has. For the purpose of
these rules:
• Minions have sufficient fatigue to cast one effect. Don't worry about the exact cost, they just get to
cast one spell or use one fatigue-based ability.. Any fatigue damage will knock them unconscious
• Worthies have normal fatigue, but should they run out of fatigue, they automatically fall
unconscious, without rolling.
• Bosses use the normal fatigue rules.
This document offers no tips or suggestions
for equipment. Generally, monsters have
access to items that suit their skill set: a
monster with Broadsword 15 will have a
broadsword, and a monster with Traps 12
will have some traps. Don't bother with
minor stuff, like rations or rope, except
perhaps as loot for the players. When it
comes to equipment quality, don't worry
about wealth and simply give the monsters
whatever gear you think is suitable
remembering that players will loot them
after they defeat the monster. Giving a
goblin minion an Very Fine Enchanted fire
sword is really just handing the players a
Very Fine Enchanted fire sword for free.
Monsters are certainly allowed to wear
armor (provided they don't have some ability that precludes it), again, with the note that players can and will
loot said armor at the end of the fight.
Oh, and on a very final note, I'd like to eventually collect all this into one big downloadable PDF, but I'd
need some art for that. If any of your artistically inclined folks out there wanna donate any, I won't say no :D
Some monsters, such as the Dungeon Fantasy Dire Wolf, are really just vicious wild animals grown far too
large because of the effects of strange magic or... whatever. Pedants will note that “Dire Wolves” were
actually smaller than modern-day wolves, but we won't let details get in the way of our fun.
Dire Beasts gain +4 ST, +1 DR (With the Tough Skin limitation) and +1 Size Modifier. This is worth
approximately as much as a standard template.
Giant Beasts gain +10 ST, +2 DR (with the tough skin limitation) and +2 Size Modifier. This is worth
approximately as much as a Greater template.
Monsters are lethal. They have long claws, sharp fangs, dangerous spines and the touch of death. People fear
monsters because monsters murder, and Killers epitomize this fact. Whether they are knife-wielding assassins
or marauding berserkers, these monsters focus on dealing damage.
The primary stats for a Killer are his Strength and Dexterity. This makes Killers surprisingly well-rounded
fighters. Their high Strength grants them plenty of damage to defeat a foe, and plenty of HP to survive his
counter attack. His higher Dexterity allows him to both evade attacks and to ensure his own attacks land
home. Killers focus primarily on melee combat, wading into the players and attempting to inflict as much
damage as possible, representing a very clear threat to everyone.
When using Killers, be careful that they don't overwhelm the players too quickly. Because of their high
damage and accurate attacks, Killers bring with them the very real possibility of a PC death (and, in fact, this
occurred during one of our practice fights). Killer Bosses, in particular, can be extremely lethal. On the flip
side, they're not as tough or as agile as other monsters, and their lack of solid defenses often means that if
they do not overwhelm the players, the players will defeat them quickly.
Attributes: ST +1 [10], DX +1 [20]
Advantages: Choose either Combat Reflexes [15] or +1 ST and +1 Striking Strength for [15]
Disadvantages: Choose one of the following: Bad Temper (12), Berserk (12), Bestial, Bloodlust(12), Bully(12),
Easy to
Read, Life Bane, Obsession (Killing members of a particular race or religion), all [-10]
Skills: Choose one of the following packages:
• Brawl at DX+5 [16]
• Brawl at DX+3 [8] and one of the following: Knife at DX+3 [8] or Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Two-
Handed Axe/Mace, Two-handed Sword or Wrestling at DX+2 [8] or Flail or Two-Handed Flail at
Notes: Most Killers should generally take Combat Reflexes unless they already have it as part of a racial
Killers with Bad Temper must always test to resist rushing the first hero to insult them or call them out.
Berserk Killers should always use All-Out Attacks.
Bestial Killers only kill when hungry and can easily be distracted with some spare meat or the player can
negotiate with them with an Animal Handling roll.
Killers with Bloodlust operate more like they have a "Murder addition." Theyshould always stop to finish
someone off, especially their own fallen allies (With players, they might prefer to kidnap them and “finish
them off later, when they can enjoy it”). He must roll to keep from killing his own off if he has nothing to do.
Bully Killers must roll to resist the temptation to mistreat and generally alienate allies on his own side.
Players can easily trick them into turning on their own.
Easy to Read Killer wear their lethality on their sleeve, and suffer a -4 to trick delvers into thinking they're
going to do something else. If the monster is the sort that wouldn't try to trick the delvers anyway, he suffers
a -4 to feint attempts as well.
Life Bane Killers always give away their presence with dead plants or dark vibes. In addition to the +2 to
detect their presence, even Delvers who aren't actively looking for a stealthy target should get a roll to detect
their presence.
Obsessed Killers always target their obsession first. They'll disregard anyone that isn't part of their obsession
until they've finished off their favored foes first.
Elegant Killers
Elegant Killers use high DX and skill to slide past their opponent's defenses. They typically use more tact and
cunning than most of their Killer brethren, often using Feints and Deceptive attacks to breach a foe's skilled
Attributes: DX +2 [40]
Skills: Increase weapon skill or Brawl by +2 [8], or alternatively, replace weapon skill with Polearm or
Shortsword at
DX+4 [16], Brawl with Karate at DX+3 [16] (or DX+5 if Brawl was your only combat skill), or Wrestling with
Judo DX+3 [16]
Swift Killers
Swift killers use speed over power to kill their opponents as quickly as possible. They often blur into a pack of
enemies, slashing wildly. Multi-armed creatures make for good Swift Killers Their Extra Attack means they
get a minimum of two attacks every turn. For All-Out Attacks or Rapid Attacks, only increase total available
attacks by 1.
Secondary Attributes: Basic Speed +1 [20]
Advantages: Extra Attack (Multi-strike) [30]
Power Killers
Power Killers sacrifice their speed and grace in favor of making devastating attacks. Power Blow requires
several turns to activate and costs 1 fatigue (so minion Power Killers may only use it once), but once it hits, it
doubles the Killers ST for the purposes of damage.
Attributes: ST +4 [40]
Secondary Attributes: Basic Speed -0.5 [-10]
Skills: Power Blow Will+4 [20]
Strange Killers
Magical, mutant or unholy Killers display deadly attacks when their weapon or hand connects with their foe.
They may only use their strange attack 3 times in a fight, and it always requires a successful melee attack
(declared before hand). If a Strange Killer chooses to take a second, Alternate Attack as part of his package, he
may only use both of his attacks a total of 3 times.
Advantages: Choose one power below.
Skills: Either increase Brawl or a weapon
skill by +2 [8], or gain a second power as an
alternate ability [8]
Special Powers: Choose one of the
• Burning Touch: The killer ignites
his target in a fiery attack. Ideal for
sheer damage. Inflict 3d Burning
damage on a successful blow, and
Follow-Up immediately with 2d
Burning, which further cycles every
turn for the next 3 seconds.
• Icy Touch: The killer freezes his foe
in place. Ideal for eliminating lesser
Delvers from the fight. Inflict 2d
Freezing Fatigue damage, and the target must roll HT (with a penalty equal to the damage inflicted)
or be Paralyzed for the remainder of the fight. This paralysis might be removed with a careful
• Flaying Touch: The killer rends skin and sends fire coursing along nerves in this devastating attack.
Ideal for weakening a strong foe. Inflict 3d Impaling damage, and the target must roll HT (with a
penalty equal to the damage inflicted) or suffer Terrible Pain (-6) for the remainder of the battle.
• Corrupting Touch: The killer imparts a lethal disease, poison, or simply a entropic energy that slowly
dissolves the target. Ideal for scaring players after the fight is finished, and forcing them to come up
with solutions. Inflict 4d toxic damage and the target must make a HT roll or suffer an immediate
Follow Up of 2d toxic damage, that also cycles every minute for the next ten minutes. Depending on
the nature of the attack, Cure Disease, Neutralize Poison or simple Esoteric Healing (either Druid or
Holy) will purge the victim of the taint that besets him.
Monsters are sneaky. They don't play by the rules everyone else plays. Instead, they hide in the dark with
their snatching claws, lurk behind walls or scuttle across ceilings. They move swiftly and grab what they
want, harrying heroes before racing away to hide once more. These monsters focus on stealth, mobility and
battlefield control.
The primary statistic for a Stalker is his Dexterity. Agile, swift and mobile, they use their high dexterity and
basic move to stay out of the reach of the adventurers, often attacking with ranged weapons, or using their
superior stealth to slip around behind adventurers and ambush them. In a stand-up fight, though, they don't
usually fair so well, so Stalkers work best when they use the terrain to their advantage.
Stalkers have two flaws. Poorly equipped players may find themselves constantly outmaneuvered, unable to
mount an effective defense to such a fluid enemy. Stalkers might be a bad match for slow-moving, primarily
melee characters, unless you want to make a point about the importance of maneuverability. On the other
hand, Stalkers don't fare well when the player's finally pin them down, so you have to place them in positions
that will suit their talents: wide open areas with plenty of hiding places or strange terrain that they are well-
suited for. Remember, including Stalkers in your encounters changes the rules of engagement from a straight
up brawl to one of mobility and awareness.
Stalkers generally work best as minions, which suits the stalker stereotype of a cowardly, sneaky beast that
dies easily when you pin it down. Worthy or Boss stalkers tend to work best as "assassins."
Also, remember that creatures with a move higher than 10 get a step of 2 or more.
Attributes: DX +2 [40]
Secondary Attributes: Perception +1 [5]
Advantages: Night Vision 3 [3]
Disadvantages: One of HT-1, Will -2, Bad Smell, Cowardice, Dread (Light), Easy to Kill -5, Fearfulness -5,
Loner (6, -4), Low Pain Threshold, Paranoia all at [-10]
Skills: Stealth at DX+2 [8], and one of the following packages:
• Brawl DX+2 [4]
• Knife DX+2 [4], or Shortsword or Spear at DX+1 [4]
• Both Knife DX+1 [2] and Thrown Weapon (Knife) DX+1 [2] or both Spear or Axe/Mace DX [2] and
Thrown Weapon (Spear or Axe/Mace) DX+1 [2]
• Bow or Sling, both DX [4]
• Innate Attack, DX+2 [4]
Stalkers should only take Innate Attack if you plan on giving them a Strange template.
Smelly Stalkers can be detected by anyone with a good nose (and automatically fail any Stealth rolls against
someone with Discriminatory Smell).
Cowardly Stalkers should do everything they can to avoid a direct conflict with the heroes. Harrying them
from a distance is fine, but they'll run the instant the heroes close in. Furthermore, they suffer a -2 to Fear
Stalkers with Dread will avoid bright light, and cower (rather than fight) should they be trapped in a sudden
blaze of light. Optionally, you can instead inflict a -2 or -4 penalty on all their rolls while in bright light.
Easy to Kill is only appropriate to Stalker Bosses.
Loner Stalkers suffer from Bad Tempers whenever they are around lots of other monsters, and must roll to
keep from violently lashing out at them.
Low Pain Threshold is not appropriate for minion Stalkers.
Paranoid Stalker must roll to avoid believing anything dark and malicious said about their comrades, and
generally prefer to fight alone. They can be turned against their own with some successful trickery (or good
Fast-Talk rolls)
Additional Stalker Templates
Cunning Stalkers
Cunning Stalkers defeat their foes with their intellect and traps rather than direct confrontation. Before the
fight, consider secretly rolling Tactics to allow the Stalkers to know and exploit one of the party's weaknesses,
and consider allowing the Stalker to roll traps to set up a trap of their own (or two!). Beyond that, their main
asset is their ability to see through the delvers' trickery.
Attributes: IQ +1 [20]
Secondary Attributes: Perception +2 [10]
Skills: Tactics IQ+3 [12], Traps IQ+2 [8]
Swift Stalkers
Swift Stalkers rely on mobility and use their terrain to the best of their advantage. Swift Stalkers are, in fact, a
wide category of various subsets. Some Swift Stalkers are quick swimmers or deft climbers or race through
tree branches to avoid their foes. Make sure you have some interesting terrain to give them the most of their
Attributes: DX +1 [20]
Secondary Attributes: Move +2 [10]
Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15], Surefooted (Choose one) [1]
Skills: Choose one of the following: Swimming HT+2 [4], Acrobatics DX [4], or Climbing DX+1 [4]
Assassin Stalker
A Stalker's Stalker, the Assassin Stalker uses stealth and combat skill to his greatest advantage, slipping
behind his foes and eliminating them
ruthlessly. As all Assassin Stalkers have
access to the poison skill, consider allowing
them to slather their blades or arrows with
some deadly poison. Worthy or Boss
Assassin Stalkers often carry a spare vial of
poison on them that the heroes can loot.
Attributes: DX +1 [20]
Secondary Attributes: Perception +2 [10]
Advantages: Silence 2 [10]
Skills: Increase Stealth by +1 [4] and one
weapon skill by +2 [8]. Gain Poison at IQ
Strange Stalkers
Magical, mutant and unholy stalkers can manipulate their environment in strange fashions or unleash terrible
blasts upon their foes.
Special Powers: Choose on of the following powers
• Shadow Casting: These creepy Stalkers drag shadows around them to deepen the darkness, where
they feel most comfortable. Inflict darkness on an area up to 32 yards around the Stalker (generally,
an entire room), enough to inflict a -4 on all rolls regarding vision. Replace Nightvision with Dark
• Blink: The Stalker vanishes from one point and arrives at another in an instant. The Stalker may use
Warp to a distance of up to 10 yards up to 3 times a day. He gains +6 to his roll, but for practical
purposes, he should spend 1 turn concentrating, and then assume a success.
• Invisibility: The stalker vanishes from view! He has Invisibility, which he may switch on and off
automatically, and allows him to carry up to Light Encumbrance.
• Thorny Blast: The stalker snipes his foes with poisoned darts. The attack has Acc 3 1/2D 10, Max 100,
RoF 1. On a hit, inflict 3d Impaling damage and the target makes a HT roll with a penalty equal to
the damage dealt. Failure Stuns the target and inflicts 1d toxic damage for the next 3 seconds.
• Fire Blast: The stalker unleashes an explosive blast of fire! The attack has Acc 3 1/2D 10, Max 100,
RoF 1. On a hit, inflict 5d Burning damage. Everyone within 1 yard of the target takes 2d burning
damage, and everyone within 2 yards of the target takes 1d burning damage. Even on a miss, the
target might take some burning damage from the explosion (Roll for scatter).
• Storm Casting: The stalker summons wind and lightning to buffet and blast his targets. The attack has
Acc 3 1/2D 10, Max 100, RoF 1. On a hit, inflict either 6d(2) Burning damage with the Surge
modifier, or inflict 2 yards of Knockback if you successfully roll higher than the target's ST-2 on 3d6
(4 yards if you double his ST). Note that the air blast is mainly useful to position targets.
Monsters are deceptive. They wear human skins and walk among men. They seduce, lie, cheat, steal and
always have some trick hidden up their sleeve. Only a fool would trust a monster, and yet some monsters are
so capable, so cunning, that people find themselves falling for their lies anyway. These monsters focus on
supporting other monsters, social skills and defeating their foes via non-combat tactics.
Tricksters focus on IQ as their primary attribute. As a result, they often lack the raw, physical power of other
monsters. They tend to make up for this by supporting other monsters in battle, or finding a way to engage
the players outside of typical combat, such as disguising themselves as a helpless maiden, or dazzling the
characters with Awe or Terror.
Ideal Tricksters tend to be worthies or, better, bosses who force the players to deal with their foe in an
unusual manner. Unlike most other monsters, they're quite happy to negotiate, and quite good at it as well. If
the players choose not to play the Trickster's game, the fight can be over very quickly, so you should have
some back up ideas in case the players just ignore the beast's honeyed words and just attack. Generally, this
involves either some convoluted trickery (the monster is at the far end of a very acoustic labyrinth), making
the Trickster enormously powerful in combat by adding other templates (motivating the players to play the
Trickster's games rather than fight him), or including additional monsters under the Trickster's command.
Combat-obsessed delver groups might not appreciate the finer points of a Trickster, but a party who enjoys
talking to monsters, especially a party with social characters like Bards, will appreciate the challenge more.
Attributes: IQ +2 [40]
Advantages: One of Empathy, Will +3 or Perception +3 [15]
Disadvantages: One of Compulsive Lying (12), Overconfidence and Impulsive; Lecherousness; Sadism;
Trickster; Vow
(Harm none who can answer my riddles); All [-15]
Skills: One of Brawl or Knife at DX+1 [2], Rapier, Smallsword, Shortsword, Staff or Broadsword at DX [2];
One of Acting
or Fast Talk at IQ+2 [8], Sex Appeal at HT+2 [8] or Intimidation at Will+2 [8]
Overconfident and Impulsive Tricksters always assume that they can handle the heroes. Unlike the rest of
their Trickster kin, they don't spend time plotting, but merely leap into the fray to test their wits. They
should never be allowed to plan in advance.
Lecherous Tricksters can easily be persuaded or distracted by attractive members of the opposite sex, and will
often seek to kidnap or befriend said characters. Naturally, Lecherous Tricksters are attracted to any
Attractive delver, regardless of race.
Sadistic Tricksters have to attempt kidnapping, rather than kill, their prey and then monologue endlessly
while they torture and tease their prey (often loudly, giving the players a chance to recover their missing
party member).
Trickster Tricksters focus on non-violent pranks over actual combat, and might prefer to create convoluted
puzzles to confound the players, and admit defeat when the puzzle is solved.
Finally Tricksters with the Vow (Harm none who can answer my riddles) must attempt to riddle with the
players before going into combat with them. Successfully “outriddling” such a trickster effectively defeats
Clever Trickster
Clever Tricksters are broadly useful, more capable in combat and adept at social skills. They tend to be
deceptive, but often focus more on warfare than pure trickery. They make excellent leaders for lesser
monsters. With their tactics, you should give patient Tricksters a chance to “plan ahead” and exploit the
weaknesses of heroes. With their Psychology, consider letting them know the emotional weaknesses of a
player, and play off of them. With Leadership, consider
letting them roll to overcome the mental disadvantages of
other monsters and bring them together to defeat the
delvers. As with Cunning Stalkers, consider allowing
Clever Tricksters a roll ahead of time to discover and
exploit a player's weakness, and a roll ahead of time to
establish some traps.
Attributes: IQ +2 [40]
Skills: Tactics IQ-1 {2}, Traps IQ [2], your choice of +1 to
Fast Talk or Acting, or gain either Leadership or
Psychology at IQ+1 [4]. Finally, Add +1 to a single combat
skill [2].
Luscious Trickster
Some monsters are just plain sexy. Even relatively ugly monsters can be gorgeous if they turn out to be
Luscious Tricksters. The Luscious Trickster uses her (it's usually a her, but doesn't have to be) beauty to
disarm the players, often posing as a victim or a damsel, or simply offering them a night in her bed, before
striking. If that doesn't work, she hammers them with Awe.
When applying this template to a normally ugly monster, disregard that monster's ugliness.
Advantages: Beautiful (Universal +25%) [15], Awe [30]
Skills: Increase Sex Appeal by +1 [4] (But remember that her Beauty gives her an additonal +3)
Nightmarish Trickster
The opposite of the Luscious Trickster, the Nightmarish Trickster revels in his monstrosity. He is the mind-
numbing terror that makes the weak-minded go still. He still prefers to talk, but from the position of strength
that his chilling visage brings.
Most Nightmarish Tricksters are Impressive, but you can ignore that advantage for an ugly species, and
instead improve the Terror to a -2 to rolls, if you wish.
Advantages: Attractive (Impressive, Universal) [5], Terror (-1 to Fright Check) [40]
Skills: Increase Intimidation by +1 [4] (But don't forget to add the bonus from Impressive Looks for an
addition +1)
Strange Tricksters
More than any other type of monsters, Tricksters are likely to exhibit strange abilities. Magical, mutant or
unholy tricksters can deceive the senses, the mind, or even hoodwink fate.
Special Powers: Choose one of the following:
• Hypnotic Voice/Eyes: 3 times per day, the Trickster can attempt to control the mind of another who
can hear his voice or sees his eyes (Choose one when taking this power). This is Mind Control.
Concentrate, and then roll IQ +2 vs the Target's will. If the Trickster wins, he can control his target
for one minute per point he won the quick contest by. Incapacitation or forcing the target to do
something they would not (such as violating a Sense of Duty) forces another Quick Contest.
Furthermore, the Hypnotic Trickster gains +1 to IQ for [20] points.
• Dream-Weaving: You can manipulate what others think they see and hear. After concentrating, roll
IQ+2 vs the target's will. Success allows you to control what they see and hear. Your illusions may be
anything, but they cannot directly harm the target (an illusion of an arrow striking him does no
damage), and they still have control over their body. They can always choose to ignore what they see
and hear and “fight blind.” Thus, most Tricksters choose to create subtle illusions, so the target
doesn't realize he's being tricked
• Mimic: The Trickster can change its form to imitate what it sees. By spending a turn concentrating, it
can shifts its form to match whatever it can see (in general terms: if it sees humans, it can choose to
exactly mimic the humans it sees, or it can choose to become a general human). It gains none of the
powers of the creature it changed into. It must retain its mass and it can only change into other
“animals,” but it may appear to be any creature it sees otherwise.
• Luck Shifter: The Trickster can rewrite chance to a limited degree. Once per 30 minutes of game
play, it may force any roll (its own or others made it its presence) to be rerolled twice, and it chooses
the roll it likes the most. It can use this to force others to fail, or to force itself to succeed. It may not
use its power against a very specific subset of people (for example, people that know its name, or
people wearing the color blue, etc). Determine this limitation ahead of time.
Monsters are tough. They ignore the lesser blows of mortal men, armored in plates of demonic steel, slabs of
greasy flesh or alien carapaces. Even if you do kill them, they just rise from the grave, hungry for flesh and
revenge. Only the blessed blade of heroes can hope to defeat these monsters.
Brutes focus on Strength and Health as their primary attributes. This makes them extraordinarily tough
fighters who can be dangerous as well, making them vital for a "tanking" role, acting as a living wall of meat
for their monstrous allies. In general, they simply wade into battle and harry the delvers, forcing them to pay
attention to them while other, less durable monsters are free from danger. Brutes have more than just
physical durability, however. They're often treated with mental and spiritual durability as well, making them
tough on spell caster and social characters too.
Brutes make for poor minions, for obvious reasons. As worthies, Brutes do what they can to distract the
players, and work well if they are dangerous, but if the players can ignore them to go after more interesting
targets, then the Brute has failed in his defensive role. Design him accordingly. Brute Bosses make excellent
adversaries, however, as their durability forces the players to problem-solve if they want to defeat him.
Advantages: ST +1 [10], HT +1 [10]
Secondary Attributes: HP +4 [8], Will +2[10]
Advantages: High Pain Threshold [10], +1 ST [10] or +1 HT [10]
Disadvantages: Choose one of Perception -2, Berserker, Bestial, Sense of Duty (A specific group of monsters
or followers of a Religion), Gullibility (12), Gluttony (6), Vow (To Defend a particular spot eternally) or
Vulnerability (x2 damage from a Rare substance, defaults to Silver) all worth [-10]
Skills: One of the following packages:
• Brawling DX+2 [4] and Wrestling DX+2 [8]
• Wrestling DX+1 [4] and one of the following weapon skills: Axe/Mace, Broadsword, Staff, Spear,
Two-Handed Axe/Mace, Two-Handed Sword at DX+2 [8]
• Shield DX+2 [4] and one of the following weapon skills: Broadsword, Axe/Mace, Spear at DX+2 [8]
Notes: While this and all the other templates lists odd hit point values, when your final values are
determined, consider rounding to the nearest 5 for ease of dealing with the huge Brute HP totals. Remember
the rules of High HP and Shock (419) and High HP and Natural Recovery (424), as Brutes will often enjoy
those benefits.
Berserk and Bestial Brutes behave much like their Killer counterparts.
Dutiful Brutes go out of their way to protect their kin and can easily be persuaded or negotiated with if it
becomes clear that the heroes will kill everyone the Brute intends to protect.
Gluttonous Brutes must roll to resist their disadvantage if, while negotiating, they are offered food.
Brutes with a Vow will never consciously leave the side of the thing they have vowed to protect, and no
negotiation is possible. However, players can generally avoid them by avoiding the protected item.
Finally Vulnerable Brutes provide an opprotunity for players to get around their huge defenses more easily.
The vulnerability can be anything rare, but silver is the default, because “silver weapons” are synonymous
with attacking monstrous vulnerabilities. However, you may use something else similarly appropriate.
Graceful Brute
While many Brutes rely on their sheer HP totals to get them through their fights, the Graceful Brute prefers
to rely on his speed and skill to prevent injury to himself. They force players to use Feints and Deceptive
attacks to get past his solid parries and dodges.
Attributes: DX +1 [20]
Advantages: Combat Reflexes or Enhanced Dodge [15], Enhanced Parry (One Melee Weapon) +2 or
Enhanced Block (Shield) +2 [10]
Skills: Increase one Weapon Skill, Brawl or Shield by +1 [4]
Hardy Brute
The Brute's Brute. The Hardy Brute is just tougher than everyone else, with more hit points than any single
monster has the right to. They lack elegance, charging forward and letting their massive meat-bodies absorb
all damage.
Attributes: ST+1 [10], HT +1 [10]
Secondary Attributes: HP +12 [24]
Advantages: Damage Resistance 2 (Tough Skin -40%) [6]
Greater Hardy Brute
Even tougher than his Hardy Brute kin, almost nothing can put a Greater Hardy Brute down. Ideal for
absurdly tough Bosses. This template includes the Hardy Brute
Attributes: ST +2 [20], HT +2 [20]
Secondary Attributes: HP +16 [32]
Advantages: Damage Resistance 5 (Tough Skin -40%) [15], Hard to Kill +3 [6]
Stolid Brute
Not all fights are about HP or Parry values. Sometimes the battle is won by a resistance to any and all
influence attempts. The Stolid Brute focuses tirelessly on the goal at hand, never wavering.
Secondary Attributes: Will +4 [20]
Advantages: Indomitable [15], Unfazeable [15]
Strange Brutes
Magical, mutant or unholy Brutes display unnatural tenacity and hardiness, forcing the players to problem
solve on how best to defeat such a monstrosity. Each
Strange Brute, in addition to the Power Modifier, has a
vulnerability that heroes can exploit.
Disadvantages: Choose either Vulnerability (Rare (Default:
Silver), x2) or Increase current Vulnerability to (Rare, x4)
or (Occasional, x2). Occasional Vulnerabilities might
include: Magical Weapons, non-magical weapons, steel,
Special Powers: Choose one of the Following
• Vampiric Aura: Everyone within a 2 yard radius of
the Brute loses 1 HP per turn, which increases the
Brutes HP by a similar amount.
• Invulnerability: Choose one type of damage or one
broad weapon type (Steel, Wood, Cutting Damage,
Crushing Damage, Impaling Damage). The Brute gains +4 DR vs that damage type, and any
remaining damage is reduced to one-fourth before it is applied to the Brute's HP.
• Pain Aura: Everyone within 2 yards of the Brute must roll HT or be wracked by Terrible Pain (-6).
This pain lasts for 1 minute, or until the Brute is killed
• Greater Armor: The Brute is sheathed in powerful armor (a magical shield, a potent carapace, runic
platemail). It prevents him from wearing any additional armor, but grants a DR of 20.
• Regeneration: The Brute focuses his inner energies and unleashes enormous healing potential, his
flesh knitting before the eyes of the Delver. It grants him 10 seconds of Extreme Regeneration
(requires 1 turn of concentration, 3 uses per day), and an additional +10 HP.
While not in the first version of my monster book, we quickly discovered that you must have magical
monsters in a dungeon fantasy game, and so I put together some Caster templates.
Like Tricksters, Casters focus on IQ, but where Tricksters are leaders and social characters, Casters focus
entirely on scholarly pursuits and magic spells. Casters are well suited for warlocks, liches, witches, cultists
and demi-gods. They perform the same basic roles that casters do in a party: the harry the enemy, support
and heal their allies, and cast powerful attack spells.
The primary problem with casters is that they are hard for the GM to track. They have many spells, they
must spend turns casting and track fatigue. As a result, I recommend having no more than one or two casters
per encounter, simply for your own sanity! In general, I offer the option of taking Wild Car Spell Colleges,
and I recommend you take it. It's not necessarily well balanced, but it's alot easier to note that a monster has
Fire Magic! at 16 than it is to list his various and sundry fire spells. If you choose to use Caster minions,
remember that each can cast one spell once, and that's it. No worrying about Fatigue. I have a table of "quick
references" for common spells that monstrous casters might use, including page numbers (not the actual
effects: gotta by the Magic book for that :P), a prerequisite count (for use with the Wild Card Magic), which I
might post at the end, provided I have time.
Attributes: IQ+1 [20]
Secondary Attributes: Fatigue +2 [6]
Advantages: Choose one of the following
• Magery +1 [15] (Or, if your race begins with Magery 0+, gain +1 Magery and +1 Will)
• Clerical Investment [5] and Power Investiture 1 (Holy or Unholy) [10]
• Perception +1 [5] and Power Investiture 1 (Druid) [10]
Disadvantages: Choose one of: ST -1, Bully (12), Cowardice (12), Dread (Holy Symbols, 1 yard), Easy to Read,
Frightens Animals, Life Bane, Megalomania, Paranoia, or Phantom Voices (Disturbing), all worth [-10]
Skills: Choose one of Innate Attack or Knife, both at DX+2 [4] or Staff at DX+1 [4]; Choose one of Occultism
at IQ+1[4] or Theology at IQ [4]
Spells: Choose twelve spells at IQ-1* for [1] each, or choose one Spell College! Skill at IQ* for [12]
Notes: Casters can resemble Wizards, Clerics or Druids when it comes to their magic, and generally learn
equivalent spells. They have a wide assortment of disadvantages available to them, many of which have
already been discussed or need no further explanations.
Easy to Read Casters suffer -4 to all rolls to try to trick the delvers, or to resist any attempts to discern his real
motives or interests.
Casters that Dread Holy Symbols will not willingly approach within a yard of one (cheap holy symbols work,
improvised do not).
Megalomaniacal Casters behave exactly as you might expect they would.
More advanced casters often bury their noses into books or spend all their time praying to their dark god, and
thus master the fine art of their magic. These casters have high skill levels, or very broad powers, providing
them with numerous options in a fight. You may take this template repeatedly.
Attributes: IQ +1 [20]
Advantages: Magery +1 or Power Investiture +1 (Holy, Unholy, Druid) [10]
Skills: +2 to Innate Attack, Staff, Knife, Occultism or Theology[8]
Spells: 12 points divided among spells, +1 to Spell College!, or gain a new Spell College! At IQ+1* [12]
Power Caster
Some casters are innately powerful. They bear the gift of their dark god, or magic burns bright in their dark,
twisted soul. While these casters lack the proficiency of their Archcaster cousins, they more than make up for
it in sheer power. Their enormous fatigue reserves allows them to cast the more powerful of spells more
often, thus laying waste to the party with sheer, brute spiritual might. You may take this template repeatedly.
Secondary Attributes: Fatigue +10 [30]
Skills: +2 to Innate Attack, Staff, Knife, Occultism or Theology[8]
Spells: 12 points divided among spells, +1 to Spell College!, or gain a new Spell College! At IQ+1* [12]
Wild Caster
Some casters use their magic innately, calling on their ancestral heritage or the very power of the air in their
lungs and the ground beneath their feet. Three times per session, they may cast any single spell, regardless of
prerequisites or capability, by rolling IQ + Magery. They must still pay the appropriate energy costs and
spend the appropriate time casting. You may take this template repeatedly, each time adding three more uses.
This template is ideally suited to magic users whose spell lists the GM doesn't want to work out ahead of
time, merely casting "whatever is appropriate."
Advantages: Wild Talent 3 (Magic Spells only -20%) [48]
Blood Caster
Blood Casters have a special pact with their dark god, or have unlocked malicious, necromantic secrets that
allow them to power their magic with the souls of the recently slain. Either way, once per session, if they kill
one of their own comrades in a gruesome, ritual fashion (generally fodder), they instantly gain 25 fatigue that
they may use to power a single spell. You may take this template repeatedly, each time adding an additional
(unique, non-stackable) use of the sacrificial power. This sort of caster is ideal for scaring the crap out of the
players with vast displays of power, but also gives them a chance to prevent the caster from unleashing his
enormous spell by stopping him from killing a minion.
Secondary Attributes: +25 Fatigue (Once per day (Usable for one spell) -40%, Requires a sacrificed minion
-10%) [50]
Some monsters are well and truly beyond the run of the mill horror that stalks the land of Dungeon Fantasy.
You can't just run up to them and hit them over and over with your sword until they die. They're beyond
that. Space and time are toys in their hands. They are immortal, god-like, unkillable. Facing an Epic Monster
is the sort of deed that men record of in their legends and myths.
Be warned: These Epic templates are designed to make the monster "unbeatable." They force the players to
"think outside the box" and approach the battle in some round-about way. Use these templates sparingly.
Orcs and goblins should never be epic, but dragons and elder gods usually are. Epic Templates work best with
bosses, but certain amazing worthies might be Epic too. I can't fathom an epic Minion. The very thought
terrifies me.
Epic Destruction
The greatest of monsters kill with as little as a touch or a glance. Often, their foes don't even know what
killed them. Whether it's the Gorgon's stony gaze or the Reaper's icy tough, facing a monster with these
powers is to face the certainty of death.
When using monsters with Epic Destruction powers, understand that you bring to the table the very real
possibility that a player character will die. He'll slip up, or he'll fail to kill the monster in time, or he'll do
something stupid in a battle with no margin for error. Be prepared to either accept the consequences of that,
or have some plans established that will let the players live without diminishing the threat of the epic
monster you have so carefully crafted.
In addition to being extremely deadly, Epic Destruction powers change the face of the battlefield. They force
the players to fight in new ways or under new circumstances. This is the real purpose of the Epic Destruction
powers (and really all of the Epic Powers): to force the players to approach the situation in a novel fashion.
• Stone Visage: Any who look upon the face of the monster must instantly roll HT or turn to stone.
Mechanically, being stoned is identical to being in a coma: Your character cannot move or act until
he is “healed” either by a Stone to Flesh spell, or by having the “Curse Dispelled” or having his statue
returned a place of healing. A statue weighs twice as much as the original person did, for the intents
of encumbrance. You can look at the reflection of the monster, but anyone who looks at the monster
directly must make the HT roll.
• Doom: Three times per day, the monster may cast a Malediction upon one of his foes. Take a
concentration action and roll Will, subtracting the distance between the target and the monster in
yards as a penalty. The target must win a quick contest against the monster's roll with the lower of
his HT-3 or his Will-3. Failure results in the character's death, something the target instantly knows.
This death sentence is delayed by 1 minute. If at the end of that minute, the monster who inflicted
the curse is still alive, the character dies. Doom is ideal for adding a hard time limit and a sense of
desperation to the fight.
• Armageddon: Once per battle, the monster unleashes a wave of complete and total destruction that
completely rewrites the battlefield. First, the monster must Ready his attack over the course of 4
turns. The fact that he's powering up a major attack is readily obvious to anyone who glances his
direction (glowing balls of energy, intense auras, the trembling roar of his power). When he has
finished readying his power, he attacks, unleashing an explosive 20d blast of burning (or crushing, if
you prefer) damage. This strikes everything within a twenty yard radius, though each yard between
the target and the monster reduces the dice of damage by 1. After the smoke clears, the battlefield
has changed in some profound way that the monster has no control over (it is set on fire, or covered
in ice, or filled with rivulets of magma or torn apart and filled with cracks and gulleys, whatever is
appropriate for the “element” of the attack). This should involve a new map in tactical combat, or
new movement rules in normal combat.
Epic Mastery
The greatest of monsters unleash sweeping disasters that cover a vast area. Dragons call up flames or storms.
Serpents summon floods. Demons rewrite space and time
so entire villages just vanish. To face these monsters is to
have the very ground pulled out from under your feet.
Epic Masteries focus on making broad changes to the
battlefield. As a result, they are among the “safest” of the
Epic Monster Powers to use, as they are suitably flashy to
impress the delvers with the severity of the enemy without
completely overwhelming them. Still, battling a monster
with one of these powers is an exercise in creativity, for
they rewrite the rules of the battle in their own favor.
• Swallowing Void: The monster casts everything
into complete and total darkness. An area up to 32
yards in radius plummets into complete (-10)
darkness. He may move this area about, shifting
the shape of the shadow radius, or even casting it far away from him. The borders of the area aren't
clear, representing vague twilight areas that trick a person into walking deeper into the shadowy
mist. Furthermore, the Void-Caster has Dark Vision (which allows him to see perfectly well in his
unnatural shadows) and Silence +4, so nobody will hear him coming.
• Typhon's Grasp: The monster can control the weather, summoning a vast and terrible storm that
covers an area of up to 1000 yards in radius (over a mile wide). He concentrates and then makes an
IQ roll. If successful, he summons the storm. Every turn, the monster my direct the winds and rain to
offer a +2 or a -2 to anyone (for example, impeding vision or ranged attack rolls) he wishes.
Furthermore, every turn he gets a two free attacks, in addition to his normal actions. The first is a
lightning blast (3d(2) burning) and the second is a sweeping wind (3d force that causes x2 knockback
and no wounding). The powerful storm threatens to escape the monster's grasp, though, and anytime
something unusual or surprising happens, the monster must roll Will or temporarily lose control of
the storm.
• Path Breaking: The monster reaches out and shatters the tenuous ties of space that bind reality
together, leaving a wild, shifting mess of strange pathways and weird, spatial distortions. The monster
concentrates and then makes an IQ roll. If successful, he breaks space and may redirect space for the
next minute. He may grant a +5 or -5 to any move action or to ranged attacks (as things turn out to be
closer or farther than one expected) by concentrating for a turn. Furthermore, broken space doesn't
“work” properly. The GM should decide the new ways players might navigate (doors lead to new
rooms, the way to get up the stairs is to go down, etc) to get around the room. If the GM is using
tactical combat, consider "shuffling" some of the miniatures around, or changing maps, to represent
the rewritten paths of space.
Epic Manipulation
The greatest of monsters can manipulate the very nature of reality. The rules of the conflict shift around
them in their favor, but subtly, sometimes imperceptibly. The Faerie plays with time, and the mad thing from
beyond the borders of reality steals people's sanity. To face one of these monsters is to struggle to maintain
your grip on reality.
Epic Manipulations resemble Epic Masteries in that both are relatively safe, but interesting powers that
complete change the nature of the fight. Epic Manipulations tend to be more subtle, internal and direct than
Epic Masteries, however. They focus on changing the rules for an individual, rather than for the entire
• Madness: The monster utters a dark word or unveils its real form as an attack action, and everyone
within 8 yards must make a Will Roll -4 to resist. For every yard between themselves and the
monster, add +1 to their roll as the distance between them keeps them safe. Furthermore, only those
who see or hear (choose one when creating the monster) are affected. Those who fail gain a -15 point
mental disadvantage of the GM's choice, which lasts for 1 minute per point the player failed by. GMs
are encouraged to be creative with the insanity they inflict on the players: rather than knocking
them into catatonia, use it as a chance to force them to be creative around their newly acquired
• Reality Rewrite: The world does not work around the monsters as it should. Everything that can go
wrong, does go wrong. The monster gains Serendipity 3 (Wishing) and Extraordinary Luck
(Wishing), which allows him to force any roll in his presence to be rerolled twice, with him choosing
the result he likes best, once every thirty minutes of gameplay, and he may have three “lucky” events
occur in his favor whenever he wishes, and in whatever form he wishes.
• Grandfather Clock: The monster manipulates time. He may unleash a Malediction upon anyone he
wishes by rolling Will (penalized by distance as normal), which the target resists with IQ (IQ-1 for
Decelerate). If the target fails, the monster may inflict Accelerated Time Rate 1, Decelerated Time
Rate 1, or Paralysis on his foe. He may do this as often as he wishes, but he may only have one such
effect active at a time. To start a new effect, he must end a previous effect (Thus, a monster who has
first paralyzed someone and now wishes to Accelerate someone else must first release the paralyzed
Epic Durability
The greatest of monsters cannot die. Hero after hero may try, but their arrows bounce off of unbreakable
scales, or the monster merely rises from the grave again and again and again. Not even Hell is strong enough
to keep these monsters down.
Epic Durability presents a challenge to the players who must determine a way to best kill the monster,
because without clever tactics, they can't. To make this sort of encounter work, you must make the defeat of
the monster imperative, lest the players choose to fight something altogether more mortal. Further, such an
encounter can be exceedingly frustrating as all their efforts go to nothing. Be prepared to reveal the monster's
vulnerable point or move the story along before it drags down into endless futility.
• Immortal: The monster is Supernaturally Durable, which means it ignores stunning and penalties
until it reaches 0 HP, and only suffers ½ movement penalties when it reaches -1 x HP. The monster
can only die if a single attack inflicts 10 x HP in damage, or targets the monster's vulnerability, which
must be chose before hand (Suggestions: Magic Weapons, Steel, Wood, Silver, Ornate Weapons)
• Total Regeneration: The monster heals as quickly as its opponents damage it. Every turn, the monster
heals 10 HP (remember the rules for high HP and healing: So a 50 HP monster heals 50 HP per turn).
Furthermore, the monster has +10 HP, and either a vulnerability (x2 damage from an occasional
material, or x4 from a rare, such as Silver), or its Regeneration has a dependency limitation, requiring
the presence of Mana or Unholiness or “remaining in touch with the ground” or something similar.
• Dark Reincarnation: Upon dying, the monster instantly regenerates to full health and manifests a
new, even more powerful form. This new form has +5 ST, +1 DX, +1 SM, and gains 150 points worth
of templates (1 epic Template, a greater template and a standard template or three standard
templates). The monster only does this once per battle. If the players slay the Dark Reincarnation
form, the monster truly dies.
Abandoned Temple
The Abandoned Temple is born when a hideous crime occurs in a temple. The furnishings, the ceiling and
the walls of the temple crack and join together, assuming a vaguely humanoid shape. It attacks with its heavy
Traits: Damage Resistance (5); Doesn't Breathe; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Hard to Kill (3); Injury
Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Pressure Support (3); Regeneration (Fast: 1HP/Min); Regrowth; Sealed;
Vacuum Support; Berserker (12); Fragile (Brittle); Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of
Humor; Slave Mentality; Pain Aura (See Below)
Skills: Brawling 11; Flail 11
Aboleths are aberrations, 20' long prehistoric fish with three eyes, four tentacles sprouting from their body,
just behind the massive, blunt head. Aboleths are true horrors, dwelling deep beneath the ground in ancient
underseas, from which they seek to enslave or destroy all things not like themselves.
Aboleths are possessed of a terrible knowledge, for every newborn aboleth is born both fully mature, and
with the knowledge of it's parent. Throughout life, aboleth's consume many things, gaining the memories
and knowledge of those who they eat.
Aboleths are capable of mentally enslaving any life form within 30', although an aboleth's mentally
dominated foes will never fight on the aboleth's behalf. This enslavement can be performed 3 times a day.
Every 24 hours, the slave may attempt a new resistence roll. The power is broken should the aboleth die or
travel more than a mile from the slave. Aboleths also have intense illusion powers at will
Traits: Constriction Attack; Doesn't Breathe (Gills); Enhanced Move (Water) (2); Extra Arms (2); Extra Attack
(1); Illusion Powers (See Above); Magery 2
Skills: Brawling 17; Innate Attack (Projectiles) 16; Occultism 20
Spells: Burning Death 17; Clumsiness 17; Control Zombie 17; Create Fire 17; Death Vision 17; Drunkenness
17; Foolishness 17; Heat 17; Ignite Fire 17; Itch 17; Lend Energy 17; Lend Vitality 17; Shape Fire 17; Sickness
17; Spasm 17; Summon Spirit 17; Zombie 17; Zombie Summoning 17
Constriction Attack (17): the Aboleth crushes its enemies with its tentacles (ST 25, +2 per further tentacle).
Enslavement (17): See Above
Hypnotic Pattern (17): See Above
Illusory Wall (17): See Above
Traits: Constriction Attack; Doesn't Breathe (Gills); Enhanced Move (Water) (2); Extra Arms (2); Extra Attack
(1); Illusion Powers: See Above; Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Callous; No Legs (Aquatic); No
Manipulators; Overconfidence; Sadism; Trickster; Magery +2
Skills: Brawling 17; Fast-Talk 23; Intimidation 26; Tactics 20; Traps 21; Leadership 22; Innate Attack
(Projectiles) 17; Occultism 24
Spells: Burning Death 17; Clumsiness 17; Control Zombie 17; Create Fire 17; Death Vision 17; Drunkenness
17; Foolishness 17; Heat 17; Ignite Fire 17; Itch 17; Lend Energy 17; Lend Vitality 17; Shape Fire 17; Sickness
17; Spasm 17; Summon Spirit 17; Zombie 17; Zombie Summoning 17
Constriction Attack (21): the Aboleth crushes its enemies with its tentacles (ST 25, +2 per further tentacle).
Enslavement (21): See Above
Hypnotic Pattern (21): See Above
Illusory Wall (21): See Above
Mirage Arcana (21): See Above
As Aboleth, Clever Strange Trickster Archcaster (Worthy), but add Epic Manipulation (Madness) power and
all the Illusion Powers (above).
Abyss Warrior
The Abyss Warriors are a fighter's tribe that haunts the temperate oceans of the planet. They are merciless
and very skilful warrior both on lands and in the water.
Traits: Amphibian; Amphibious; Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Doesn't Breathe (Gills); Enhanced
Move (Water) (2); Extra Arms (3); Extra Attack (1); High Pain Threshold; Pressure Support (2); Regrowth;
Temperature Tolerance (Colder) (4); Albinism; Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less);
Bully (12 or less); No Legs (Slithers); Flaying Touch (see below)
Skills: Aquabatics 14; Brawling 18; Spear 17; Power Blow 22
Traits: Amphibian; Amphibious; Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (5);
Doesn't Breathe (Gills); Enhanced Move (Water) (2); Extra Arms (3); Extra Attack (1); Hard To Kill 3; High
Pain Threshold; Pressure Support (2); Regrowth; Temperature Tolerance (Colder) (4); Albinism; Bad Smell;
Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); No Legs (Slithers); Berserker
Skills: Aquabatics 14; Brawling 16; Wrestling 16
Crushing Tentacles (16): the lower part of the Abyss Warrior body has ST 24. It can crush with up to three
tentacles (for a net ST 28).
Punch (16): 1d+1 cr, reach C, 1
Aero Golem
The Aero Golem are a devilment of the nazi magic. They have the power to draw scrap towards their body to
cure their wounds. These creatures are armed with four heavy mkachine-guns and four rocket lancheurs.
Their top speed exceeds the sound speed.
Aero Golem, Strange Killer Greater Hardy Strange Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Damage Resistance (25); Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Move (Air) (5); Extra Attack (3); Flight; Hard To
Kill (3); Greater Armor (20 DR); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood);
Pressure Support (3); Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec); Sealed; Vacuum Support; Bloodlust; Sadism (12);
Burning Touch (See Below);
Skills: Aerobatics 18; Gunner/TL7 (Machine Gun) 18; Gunner/TL7 (Rockets) 18
4 BM-13-16, 132mm (18): 6dx3 [6d+2] cr ex, acc 1, range 500/9400, RoF 2, Shots:16 (60i)
4 Rheinmetall MG34, 7.92x57mm (18): 7d pi, acc 5, range 1100/4400, RoF 15, Shots 50(5), Rcl 2
Burning Touch: The Aero Golem ignites his target in a fiery attack. Ideal for sheer damage. Inflict 3d Burning
damage on a successful blow, and Follow-Up immediately with 2d Burning, which further cycles every turn
for the next 3 seconds.
Airborne Trooper
The Troopers are the elite of the Hitler's army. They are very skilful with guns and operate in "hot places",
impregnable by other unit.
Traits: Acute Vision (1); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (5); Danger Sense; Fit; Flight
(Winged); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Military Rank (1) (Rank replaces Status); Night Vision (5);
Pain Aura (See Below); Callous; Code of Honor (SS); Duty (SS) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely
Hazardous); Fanaticism (Hitler); Intolerance (Non-Aryans) (Total Intolerance); Fumble with bullet
Skills: Aerobatics 14; Armoury/TL7 (Small Arms) 12; Artillery/TL7 (Cannon) 12; Brawling 14; Camouflage 13;
Climbing 12; Driving/TL7 (Automobile) 12; Driving/TL7 (Motorcycle) 12; Engineer/TL7 (Combat) 11;
Explosives/TL7 (Demolition) 12; First Aid/TL7 13; Gunner/TL7 (Machine Gun) 13; Guns/TL7 (Light Machine
Gun) 15; Guns/TL7 (Rifle) 13; Guns/TL7 (Submachine Gun) 15; Hiking 11; Jumping 13; Knife 13;
Mathematics/TL7 (Applied) 10; Navigation/TL7 (Land) 12; NBC Suit/TL7 12; Riding (Equines) 12; Savoir-
Faire (Military) 13; Scrounging 13; Soldier/TL7 13; Spear 12; Stealth 12; Survival (Mountain)12; Swimming
12; Tactics 11; Throwing 12; Traps/TL7 12; Wrestling 14
Bergmann MP34 I, 9x19mm (13): 3d-1 pi, acc 3, range 170/1900, RoF 6, Shots 32(3), Rcl 2
Haenel StG44, 7.92x33mm (13): 5d pi, acc 4, range 500/3100, RoF 8, Shots 30(3), Rcl 2
Rheinmetall MG34, 7.92x57mm (15): 7d pi, Acc 5, Range 1100/4400, RoF 15, Shots 50(5), Rcl:2
Large Knife (13): 2d-2 cut, reach C, 1; 1d imp, reach C
Pain Aura: Everyone within 2 yards of the Trooper must roll HT or be wracked by Terrible Pain (-6). This
pain lasts for 1 minute, or until the Trooper is killed
Traits: Acute Vision (1); Combat Reflexes; Danger Sense; Fit; Flight (Winged); Hard to Kill (2); High Pain
Threshold; Military Rank (1) (Rank replaces Status); Night Vision (5); Weapon Master (Knife); Bad Temper;
Callous; Code of Honor (SS); Duty (SS) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous); Fanaticism
(Hitler); Intolerance (Non-Aryans) (Total Intolerance); Fumble with bullet
Skills: Aerobatics 14; Armoury/TL7 (Small Arms) 12; Artillery/TL7 (Cannon) 12; Brawling 18; Camouflage 13;
Climbing 12; Driving/TL7 (Automobile) 12; Driving/TL7 (Motorcycle) 12; Engineer/TL7 (Combat) 11;
Explosives/TL7 (Demolition) 12; First Aid/TL7 13; Gunner/TL7 (Machine Gun) 13; Guns/TL7 (Light Machine
Gun) 15; Guns/TL7 (Rifle) 13; Guns/TL7 (Submachine Gun) 15; Hiking 11; Jumping 13; Knife 23;
Mathematics/TL7 (Applied) 10; Navigation/TL7 (Land) 12; NBC Suit/TL7 12; Riding (Equines) 12; Savoir-
Faire (Military) 13; Scrounging 13; Soldier/TL7 13; Spear 12; Stealth 12; Survival (Mountain)12; Swimming
12; Tactics 11; Throwing 12; Traps/TL7 12
Bergmann MP34 I, 9x19mm (15): 3d-1 pi, acc 3, range 170/1900, RoF 6, Shots 32(3), Rcl 2
Haenel StG44, 7.92x33mm (15): 5d pi, acc 4, range 500/3100, RoF 8, Shots 30(3), Rcl 2
Rheinmetall MG34, 7.92x57mm (17): 7d pi, Acc 5, Range 1100/4400, RoF 15, Shots 50(5), Rcl:2
Large Knife (23): 4d cut, reach C, 1; 2d imp, reach C
Airborne Trooper, Greater Elegant Killer ,Greater Hardy Strange Brute Epic Mastery (Boss)
Traits: Acute Vision (1); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (5); Danger Sense; Fit; Flight
(Winged); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Military Rank (1) (Rank replaces Status); Night Vision (5);
Swallowing Void (See Below); Weapon Master (Knife); Bad Temper; Callous; Code of Honor (SS); Duty (SS)
(15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous); Fanaticism (Hitler); Intolerance (Non-Aryans) (Total
Intolerance); Fumble with bullet
Skills: Aerobatics 16; Armoury/TL7 (Small Arms) 12; Artillery/TL7 (Cannon) 12; Brawling 22; Camouflage 13;
Climbing 12; Driving/TL7 (Automobile) 12; Driving/TL7 (Motorcycle) 12; Engineer/TL7 (Combat) 11;
Explosives/TL7 (Demolition) 12; First Aid/TL7 13; Gunner/TL7 (Machine Gun) 13; Guns/TL7 (Light Machine
Gun) 15; Guns/TL7 (Rifle) 13; Guns/TL7 (Submachine Gun) 15; Hiking 11; Jumping 13; Knife 23;
Mathematics/TL7 (Applied) 10; Navigation/TL7 (Land) 12; NBC Suit/TL7 12; Riding (Equines) 12; Savoir-
Faire (Military) 13; Scrounging 13; Soldier/TL7 13; Spear 12; Stealth 12; Survival (Mountain)12; Swimming
12; Tactics 11; Throwing 12; Traps/TL7 12
Bergmann MP34 I, 9x19mm (17): 3d-1 pi, acc 3, range 170/1900, RoF 6, Shots 32(3), Rcl 2
Haenel StG44, 7.92x33mm (17): 5d pi, acc 4, range 500/3100, RoF 8, Shots 30(3), Rcl 2
Rheinmetall MG34, 7.92x57mm (17): 7d pi, Acc 5, Range 1100/4400, RoF 15, Shots 50(5), Rcl:2
Large Knife (24): 6d-1 cut, reach C, 1; 3d imp, reach C
Swallowing Void: The creature casts everything into complete and total darkness. An area up to 32 yards in
radius plummets into complete (-10) darkness. He may move this area about, shifting the shape of the shadow
radius, or even casting it far away from him. The borders of the area aren't clear, representing vague twilight
areas that trick a person into walking deeper into the shadowy mist. Furthermore, the Void-Caster has Dark
Vision (which allows him to see perfectly well in his unnatural shadows) and Silence +4, so nobody will hear
him coming.
Anaconda, Giant
The Anaconda lives in the swamps of the planet. They ambush from the treetop, by dropping onto their
victims and crush them with their coils.
Traits: Altered Time Sense (Maximum Duration 10 seconds); Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (3);
Extra Attack (Multi-Strike); Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Bad Sight (Nearsighted); Berserker (12); Bestial; Cannot
Speak; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 18; Stealth 15; Wrestling 17
Sharp Teeth (18): 4d+2 cut, reach C
Coils (16): It has ST 40!!
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (4); Dark Vision; Silence (2); Teeth (Sharp
Teeth), Bad Sight (Nearsighted); Bestial; Cannot Speak; Hidebound; Loner (6); Shadow Casting (See Below)
Skills: Brawling 20; Stealth 24; Wrestling 22
When the Christian Religion stood out, the Mitra cult vanished. The Angels of Mitra, from then on, try to
eliminate those that are being considered usurpers. The Christians.
Angel of Mitra, Greater Elegant Killer, Clever Strange Trickster, Epic Destruction Mastery
Manipulation (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Appearance (Transcendent; Androgynous; Universal); Code of Honor (Angelic);
Detect Supernatural Beings and Powers; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Enhanced Move (Air) (2);
Enhanced Move (Space) (6); Extra Attack 3; Flight (Space Flight; Winged); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to
Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction 3; Homogenous); Jumper (Spirit);
Regeneration (Instant); Shtick (Can hide wings under any clothes thicker than a T-shirt); Terror (Visual; -4 to
Fright Checks); Unfazeable; Unkillable 1; Weapon Master (Sword); Fanaticism (Religious); No Sense of
Humor; Overconfidence (9); Bully; Sadism; Hypnotic Eyes (See Below); Armageddon (See Below); Path
Breaking (See Below); Madness (See Below).
Skills: Two-Handed Sword 28; Fast-Draw (Sword) 22; Hidden Lore (Angels) 20; Intimidation 25; Judo 20;
Karate 20; Occultism 20; Tactics 19; Theology (Abrahamic) 20, Traps 20; Fast-Talk 23
The ankheg is a burrowing monster usually found in forests or choice agricultural land. Because of its
fondness for fresh meat, the ankheg is a threat to any creature unfortunate enough to encounter it. The
ankheg resembles an enormous many-legged worm. Its six legs end in sharp hooks suitable for burrowing and
grasping, and its powerful mandibles are capable of snapping a small tree in half with a single bite. A tough
chitinous shell, usually brown or yellow, covers its entire body except for its soft pink belly. The ankheg has
glistening black eyes, a small mouth lined with tiny rows of chitinous teeth, and two sensitive antennae that
can detect movement of man-sized creatures up to 300 feet away.
The ankheg's preferred attack method is to lie 5 to 10 feet below the surface of the ground until its antennae
detect the approach of a victim. It then burrows up beneath the victim and attempts to grab him in its
mandibles, crushing and grinding while secreting acidic digestive enzymes. The ankheg can squirt a stream of
acidic enzymes once every six hours to a distance of 30 feet. However, since it is unable to digest food for six
hours after it squirts enzymes, it uses this attack technique only when desperate.
Traits: 360° Vision; Damage Resistance (4); Extra Legs (Six Legs); High Pain Threshold; Berserker; Horizontal;
Infravision; No Fine Manipulators; Tunnelling 4; Bestial; Cannot Speak; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 12; Stealth 14; Climbing 12.
It is said that he is the one who collects the souls of the dead and aids them on their journey to the next
world, in his rickety old cart. The cart is pulled along either by two horses, one of which is old and thin while
the other is youthful and strong, or by four black horses of unspecified age. According to legend he is tall, and
wears a widebrimmed hat and long coat. Some tales have it that he has two companions, who are skeletons in
some versions, following behind his cart and tossing the dead into it. Ankou are remarkably perceptive,
having the ability to continually see in all directions at once.
Advantages: 360° Vision; Damage Resistance (2); Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; High
Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; No Brains; No Eyes; No Vitals;
Unliving); Magery (5); Magery 0; Temperature Tolerance (10); Unaging; Unfazeable; Vacuum Support;
Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Fragile (Brittle); Fragile (Unnatural) (Mitigator: monthly
treatment (Potion)); No Sense of Smell/Taste; Skinny; Social Stigma (Dead); Vulnerability (Crushing Attacks)
(Common) (x2); Cannot Float; Sexless
Role: Bosses
Recommended Templates: Tricksters (Ideal Tricksters, Nightmarish Tricksters, Strange Tricksters); Casters
(Power Casters, Blood Casters); Epic Monsters (Epic Destruction).
Inappropriate Templates: Brutes (Any); Stalkers (Any).
Traits: 360° Vision; Damage Resistance (2); Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; High Pain
Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; No Brains; No Eyes; No Vitals;
Unliving); Magery (5); Magery 0; Temperature Tolerance (10); Unaging; Unfazeable; Vacuum Support;
Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Fragile (Brittle); Fragile (Unnatural) (Mitigator: monthly treatment
(Potion)); No Sense of Smell/Taste; Overconfidence; Skinny; Social Stigma (Dead); Vulnerability (Crushing
Attacks) (Common) (x2); Cannot Float; Sexless; Dream-Weaving (See Below); Doom (See Below).
Skills: Two-Handed Axe-Mace 14; Fast-Talk 19
Spells: Blackout 20; Blink 20; Blink Other 20; Continual Light 20; Dark Vision 20; Darkness 20; Keen Vision
20; Light 20; Night Vision 20; Teleport 20
The Annihilators are all-muscle creatures. They attack in ambush or stalk their victims. Their strenght is
enough to tear apart a man in a while. They grab their victmis with the powerful paws and drag them at their
Annihilator, Dire Beast Swift Power Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Hardy Brute (Greater
Traits: Claws (Talons); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (3); Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Extra Arms
(2); Extra Attack (1); Night Vision (3); Silence (5); Teeth (Fangs); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk
(12 or less); Bestial; Loner
Skills: Brawling 21Power Blow 18; Stealth 23
Talons (21): 4d imp/cut, Reach C-2
Fangs (20): 4d+1 imp, Reach C
Traits: Claws (Talons); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (3); Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Extra Arms
(2); Extra Attack (1); Silence (5); Teeth (Fangs); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less);
Bestial; Easy to Read; Icy Touch (See Below)
Skills: Brawling 20; Power Blow (22)
The Antiaircraft Zombies are the shock troops of the SS. They are zombie soldiers with enough strength to
handle a antiaircraft cannon!!
Traits: Acute Vision (5); Alterated Time Rate (maximum 10 seconds); Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink;
Doesn't Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity (All Mind Control); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards;
Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; Unliving); Single-Minded; Temperature Tolerance (10); Unaging;
Unfazeable; Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Dependency (Mana) (Common)
(Constantly); Disturbing Voice; Fragile (Unnatural); Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of
Humor; No Sense of Smell/Taste; Reprogrammable; Slave Mentality; Social Stigma (Dead); Unhealing (Total);
Wealth (Dead Broke); Sexless
Skills: Guns/TL8 (Light Machine Gun) 17; Brawling 17
ZiD KPV, 14.5x114mm (17): 8dx2 (2) pi inc, Acc. 6, Range 2100/8800, RoF 10, Shots 40(5), Rcl:2
Traits: Acute Vision (5); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (5); Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink;
Doesn't Sleep; Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Immunity (All Mind Control); Immunity to Metabolic
Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; Unliving); Single-Minded; Temperature Tolerance (10);
Unaging; Unfazeable; Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Dependency (Mana)
(Common) (Constantly); Disturbing Voice; Fragile (Unnatural); Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No
Sense of Humor; No Sense of Smell/Taste; Reprogrammable; Slave Mentality; Social Stigma (Dead); Unhealing
(Total); Wealth (Dead Broke); Sexless
Skills: Guns/TL8 (Light Machine Gun) 16; Brawling 15
ZiD KPV, 14.5x114mm (16): 8dx2 (2) pi inc, Acc. 6, Range 2100/8800, RoF 10, Shots 40(5), Rcl:2
In the depth of the Underdark there's the Araknor. These abominations serve Lolth and its minions, the
Drow. They attack with astounding speed: their nagigata and warhammer can kill a man with one blow. The
Araknors spin a strong web to engulf the enemies.
Araknor, Giant Swift Strange Killer Mana Breaker Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Binding (Web) (25) (Area Effect (2 yd); Engulfing; Sticky; Wall: Permeable); Combat Reflexes; Damage
Resistance (7) (Tough Skin); Extra Arms (4); Extra Attack (2); Extra Basic Speed (+0.75) (Affects displayed
Basic Speed score); High Pain Threshold; Magic Resistance (10); Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Bad Smell; Berserk (12
or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Corrupting Touch (See Below)
Skills: Brawling 18; Polearm 17; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 17
The Arrow Demon is the perfect killer: silent, dexterous and unerring in the use of its longbows. It is a skilful
Traits: Acute Vision (4); Brachiator; Chameleon (5); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (3); Enhanced
Tracking (1); Extra Arms (2); Extra Attack (1); Imbue (3); Infravision; Perfect Balance; Silence (5); Bad
Temper (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Callous
Skills: Brawling 20; Acrobatics 21; Bow 22; Camouflage 20; any one of Envenomed Weapon (Bow), Far Shot
(Bow), Guided Weapon (Bow), at 22, Stealth 21
Longbow (21): 1d+3 imp, accuracy 3, range 240/320, RoF 1, Shots 1(2)
Punch (20): 1d cr, reach C
Traits: Acute Vision (4); Brachiator; Chameleon (5); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (3); Enhanced
Tracking (1); Extra Arms (2); Extra Attack (1); Imbue (3); Infravision; Mimic (See Below); Night Vision (3);
Perfect Balance; Silence (7); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Callous
Skills: Brawling 22; Acrobatics 21; Bow 23; Camouflage 20; any two of Envenomed Weapon (Bow), Far Shot
(Bow), Guided Weapon (Bow), at 22, Stealth 23
Longbow (21): 1d+2 imp, accuracy 3, range 195/260, RoF 1, Shots 1(2)
Punch (20): 1d cr, reach C
Mimic: The Demon can change its form to imitate what it sees. By spending a turn concentrating, it can shifts
its form to match whatever it can see (in general terms: if it sees humans, it can choose to exactly mimic the
humans it sees, or it can choose to become a general human). It gains none of the powers of the creature it
changed into. It must retain its mass and it can only change into other “animals,” but it may appear to be any
creature it sees otherwise.
Asphissiant Corpse
A hideous experiment of the nazi science, the Asphissiant Corpse is the body of the concentration camp
prisoner that give off a very hazardous cloud of choking gas.
Traits: Affliction (Gas Cloud) (1) (Always On (effects are horribly inconvenient and/or very dangerous); Area
Effect (4 yd); Choking); Combat Reflexes; Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; High Pain
Threshold; Immunity (All Mind Control); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance
(No Blood; Unliving); Night Vision (3); Single-Minded; Temperature Tolerance (10); Unaging; Unfazeable;
Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Dependency (Mana) (Common) (Constantly);
Disturbing Voice; Fragile (Unnatural); Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; No
Sense of Smell/Taste; Reprogrammable; Slave Mentality; Social Stigma (Dead); Unhealing (Total); Wealth
(Dead Broke); Sexless
Skills: Brawling 15; Running 15
Poisonous Cloud (HT): a gas cloud that chokes the unlucky adventurers if they miss a HT roll
Punch (15): 1d-2 cr, reach C
The Assassin is an alien being that lives in dungeons, crumbling castles, sewers and spaceships. They attack in
twenty-member squads. When this creature is being wounded gives off a cloud of paralyzing gas.
Traits: Affliction (Asphissiant Gas) (5) (Area Effect (4 yd); Paralysis); Catfall; Claws (Talons); Clinging;
Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Striker (Impaling) (Hooked Tail); Teeth (Fangs); Bad Temper (12 or less);
Berserk; Bestial; Cannot Speak; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 20; Stealth 19
Tail Slash (18): 4d+2 imp, reach C-3, rear and front hexes
Talons (20): 2d+1 cut/imp, reach C-2
Bite (19): 2d+1 imp, reach C
Asphissiant Gas Cloud (HT-4): when the creature is being wounded, it delivers a paralysing gas cloud.
Assassin, Giant Beast Greater Power Killer Greater Assassin Stalker (Boss)
Traits: Affliction (Asphissiant Gas) (7) (Area Effect (4 yd); Paralysis); Catfall; Claws (Talons); Clinging;
Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Silence (2); Striker (Impaling) (Hooked Tail); Teeth (Fangs); Bad Smell; Bad
Temper (12 or less); Bestial; Cannot Speak; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 22; Stealth 22; Power Blow 18
Tail Slash (20): 7d-1 imp, reach C-5, rear and front hexes
Talons (22): 4d+1 cut/imp, reach C-4
Bite (21): 4d+1 imp, reach C
Asphissiant Gas Cloud (HT-6): when the creature is being wounded, it delivers a paralysing gas cloud.
Asuras are immortal beings whose origins are rooted in rejection and destruction. They are manifestations of
divine accident, living blasphemies risen from mistakes made by the gods themselves. Given horrible life
through these unspeakable divine errors, the asuras seek to sow doubt among mortals and ultimately revenge
themselves upon the gods for their accursed existences.
Most asuras share a cohesive philosophy that culminates in nothing less than the systematic destruction of
everything the gods have had a hand in creating. To this end, asuras study and meditate on the nature of
creation so that they might better know how the cosmos can be unmade.
While an asura’s individual incarnations can be slain, these fiends are nearly impossible to destroy
permanently. The divine spark in them returns to the presence of mighty asura lords, the asura ranas, in Hell
or elsewhere.
Within a variable amount of time, usually some multiple of 7 years, a slain asura reincarnates as a weaker
asura. A truly devoted asura that died in service to the asura cause might be given its old form at the cost of
some of the asura rana’s essence. Reincarnated asuras remember their past lives, their origins, and any enemy
who has wronged them, and while their appearances and resources change, their thirst for revenge is eternal.
Asura, Ideal Clever Sadistic Strange Trickster Arch-Blood Caster Epic Destruction Epic
Masnipulation Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: 360° Vision; Affliction (Hallucinations) (5) (Hallucinating; Malediction (Uses Speed/Range Table));
Combat Reflexes; Compartmentalized Mind (2); Constriction Attack; Extra Arms (4); Extra Attack (2);
Fearlessness (5); Flight (Lighter Than Air); Magery (7); Magery 0; Unkillable (3); Weapon Master
(Broadsword) (one specific weapon); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less);
Compulsive Lying (9); Cowardice (9); Sadism (6 or less); Selfish (12 or less); Dream-Weaving; Armageddon;
Reality Rewrite
Skills: Broadsword 20; Fast-Talk 24; Tactics 23; Thaumatology 32; Wrestling 18
Spells: Fireball 25; Explosive Fireball 25; Lightning 25; Explosive Lightning 25; Rain of Acid 25; Disintegrate
25; Explode 25; Find Direction 25; Weapon Self 25
An Athach is an extremely hideous giant which is classified as an aberration due to its unusual structure,
which has three functional arms and a poisonous hide. Athach are violent and brutal but not often very
bright and often attack their victims via a wild charge, they can be solitary or live in small tribes of up to 12
individuals and are frighteningly strong: capable of killing an unprotected human in seconds.
Athach often wear primitive armor made from slain farm animals and are a savage race that exist in the wild,
if they can not reach a victim they are also known to throw rocks at them - showing some basic form of
intelligence (despite their otherwise animalistic attributes).
Traits: Ambidexterity; Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (5); Extra Arms (3 arms); Extra Attack 1; High Pain
Threshold; Infravision; Bad Smell; Bad Temper; Berserk; Bloodlust; Bully
Skills: Axe/Mace 14; Brawling 13; Climbing 13; Jumping 16; Throwing 11.
Poisonous Bite (13): 3d+3 cut + HT-3 to resist immediate damage of 1d toxic. Follow-up hourly damage is 2d
toxic for three cycles.
Giant Mace x3 (14): 7d cr. One in each hand.
Thrown Rock x5 (11): 3d+2 cr. (Acc 0, Range 26). These rocks weight 50 lbs. They count as heavy weapons.
Atomic Lich
In 1973, a secret CIA-sponsored laboratory at a still-classified site began work on Project Umber Regal: an
attempt to create “artificial mages” by administering heavily irradiated alchemical compounds to test subjects.
The test was successful, but the subjects died. All 203 of them. Unfortunately, 15 percent of them – 30 people
– “awakened” within 24 hours, possessing supernatural abilities. Nicknamed “atomic liches” by the project’s
staff, the survivors resembled zombies, but retained their intelligence, free will and memory – including an
awareness of what had been done to them. They also had a high degree of magical aptitude. The staff didn’t
regard this as a problem, since none of the liches knew magic, but they didn’t reckon with the liches’ innate
abilities. The atomic liches organized an escape attempt, killed the scientific staff, fled the facility and
scattered across the country. The ensuing CIA hunt was hampered by the need to preserve the program’s
secrecy, and succeeded in eliminating only 10 of the escaped subjects. Over the last 25 years, the destruction
of seven more liches has been confirmed, but the rest remain at large. The most infamous is Elrond Carver,
the so-called “Dark Lord of Chicago,” who controls Mafia operations across the Midwest.
An atomic lich looks like a fire-charred skeleton that glows in the dark. It is terribly radioactive, emitting
alpha particles that deliver 4000 rad/second to anyone in close proximity (2 yards).
Atomic Lich, Ideal Sadistic Trickster Power Caster Epic Durability Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Affliction (Radiation) (6) (Aura; Melee Attack: Reach 2); Damage Resistance (2); Doesn't Breathe;
Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; No Brains;
No Eyes; No Vitals; Unliving); Magery (3); Magery 0; Supernatural Durability; Temperature Tolerance (10);
Unaging; Unfazeable; Vacuum Support; Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Dependency (Mana) (Common)
(Constantly); Fragile (Brittle); Fragile (Unnatural) (Mitigator: monthly treatment (Potion)); Life Bane; No
Sense of Smell/Taste; Overconfidence; Skinny; Social Stigma (Dead); Vulnerability (Crushing Attacks)
(Common) (x2); Cannot Float; Sexless
Skills: Thaumatology 25; Fast-Talk 22
Spells: Animate Machine/TL8 20; Animate Object 20; Animation 20; Apportation 20; Awaken Computer/TL8
20; Death Vision 20; History 20; Lightning 20; Locksmith 20; Machine Control/TL8 20; Machine
Possession/TL8 20; Permanent Machine Possession/TL8 20; Reveal Function/TL8 20; Rider Within 20;
Schematic/TL8 20; Seek Machine/TL8 20; Seeker 20; Summon Spirit 20; Trace 20; Wisdom 20
Atomic Marine
The Atomic Marines are former soldier caught in an atomic explosion. Their bodies melted down and became
liquid. They went crazy. These creatures are skilful with any WWII weapon.
Traits: Amphibious; Chameleon (1); Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Danger Sense; Doesn't Breathe;
Fit; Gunslinger; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Pressure
Support (3); Slippery (5); Code of Honor (Soldier's); Fanaticism (Patriot); Intolerance (Intolerance of one
group); Invertebrate; Vulnerability (Dehydration attacks) (Rare) (x2)
Skills: Armoury/TL7 (Heavy Weapons) 11; Brawling 18; Camouflage 12; Driving/TL7 (Automobile) 18;
Driving/TL7 (Halftrack) 18; Electronics Operation/TL7 (Communications) 10; Electronics Operation/TL7
(Sensors) 10; First Aid/TL7 11; Gesture 18; Gunner/TL7 (Machine Gun) 18; Guns/TL7 (Light Machine Gun)
19; Guns/TL7 (Pistol) 18; Guns/TL7 (Rifle) 18; Guns/TL7 (Shotgun) 18; Guns/TL7 (Submachine Gun) 18;
Hiking 11; Knife 18; Leadership 11; Navigation/TL7 (Land) 11; NBC Suit/TL7 12; Savoir-Faire (Military) 13;
Scrounging 18; Soldier/TL7 12; Stealth 18; Survival (Jungle) 11; Tactics 10; Throwing 18
"…Two large red serpent eyes will leer out of the infinate blackness (what used to be the obsidion wall).
(Fright Check -2) The eyes follow the PCs and eventually what appears to be a huge black serpent-like thing
coming forth from the wall. The serpent thing will then coil around the altar and ready itself to strike the
PCs. The evil emanating from this thing is incomprehensible to mortal minds and holy PCs are absolutely
revolted by this monstrosity…"
When the avatar is finally slain it will begin to decompose and form a hideous chaotic mass of serpent like
things before dissipating.
Avatar of Nyaga, Giant Greater Power Killer Sadistic Ideal Trickster Hardy Brute, Epic Mastery
Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (10); Dark Vision; Doesn't Breath; Doesn't
Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; No Legs (Slithers); Silence (4); Bad
Temper; Berserk; Bully; Compulsive Lying; Overconfidence; Sadism; Swalloving Void
Skills: Brawling 20; Wrestling 20; Tactics 20; Power Blow 32; Stealth 18
The Azer are what is left of a captured race from long ago from which the Dwarves now are descended from.
Corrupted by dark power their fire giant masters twisted them, warping them with raw elemental power
turning them into the firey dwarf people they now are.
Not all Azer are still captured however, and those who have escaped their masters often travel the astral sea
in search of gold stone so that they can build their own homes. Many wander the material plane in search of
such a belonging and their blacksmithing abilities are often welcomed in Dwarven forges providing them
with somewhere to live.
Skills: Axe/Mace 14; Jeweler/TL3 12; Merchant 13; Shield 13; Smith/TL3 (Select One) 13; Thrown Weapon
(Spear) 14.
Pick (14): 2d+2 imp + 1 burn (from body heat). May get stuck.
Thrown Spear (14): 1d+3 imp, (Acc 2, Range 13/19).
Notes: Azers generate body heat. It add 1 burn damage to their unarmed attacks and armed attacks made with
metallic weapons. Unarmed attacks made on Azers deal 1 burn damage to the attacker (DR protects against
The greatest and most terrible of the true tanar’ri, the balors are the undisputed terrors of the Abyss. They are
the very motivation behind the tanar’ri involvement in the Blood War. In every sense of the word, balors are
the quintessential tanar’ri. They derive great pleasure from the suffering of others and go out of their way to
torment lesser beings and cause them pain.
Balors are repulsive and loathsome to behold. They are towering humanoids with burning, dark red skin.
They have huge wings that propel them with unnatural speed and agility. They have long, wicked claws and
grotesque fangs that drip with venom. Balors are commonly surrounded by searing flames.
Balor, Greater Elegant Killer Greater Power Strange Killer Ideal Sadistic Trickster Hardy Brute
Blood Caster Epic Destruction Mastery Manipulation Durability Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Burning Attack (8) (Aura; Melee Attack: Reach C,1); Burning Attack (Whip; 6d; Reach 1-7); Combat
Reflexes; Damage Resistance (8) (Tough Skin); Enhanced Move (Air) (1); Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Flight
(Winged); High Pain Threshold; Magery (5); Magery 0; Striker (Infernal Horns; Impaling); Terror (4); Bad
Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Sadism (12 or less); Selfish (12 or less); Flaying
Touch; Doom (See Below)
Skills: Brawling 20; Broadsword 22; Whip 20; Power Blow 33
Spells: Burning Death 30; Explosive Fireball 30; Panic 30
Burning Great Sword (22): 14d+1 burn/cut, reach 4, 5; 11d burn/imp, reach 5
Burning Whip (7-yard)(20): 6d (0.5) burn/cr, reach 1-7*
Infernal Horns (20): 11d+1 burn/imp, in charge
Terror (Will-3)
Doom: three times per day, the monster may cast a Malediction upon one of his foes. It takes a concentration
action and a Will roll, subtracting the distance between the target and the Balor in yards as a penalty. The
target must win a quick contest against the monster's roll with the lower of his HT-3 or his Will-3. Failure
results in the character's death, something the target instantly knows. This death sentence is delayed by 1
minute. If at the end of that minute, the Balor who inflicted the curse is still alive, the character dies.
Flaying Touch: the Balor rends skin and sends fire coursing along nerves in this devastating attack. Ideal for
weakening a strong foe. Inflict 3d Impaling damage, and the target must roll HT (with a penalty equal to the
damage inflicted) or suffer Terrible Pain (-6) for the remainder of the battle.
Typhon's Grasp: the Balor can control the weather, summoning a vast and terrible storm that covers an area
of up to 1000 yards in radius (over a mile wide). It concentrates and then makes an IQ roll. If successful, it
summons the storm. Every turn, the monster my direct the winds and rain to offer a +2 or a -2 to anyone (for
example, impeding vision or ranged attack rolls) it wishes. Furthermore, every turn it gets a two free attacks,
in addition to his normal actions. The first is a lightning blast (3d(2) burning) and the second is a sweeping
wind (3d force that causes x2 knockback and no wounding). The powerful storm threatens to escape the
monster's grasp, though, and anytime something unusual or surprising happens, the Balor must roll Will or
temporarily lose control of the storm.
Madness: the Balor utters a dark word as an attack action, and everyone within 8 yards must make a Will Roll
-4 to resist. For every yard between themselves and the monster, add +1 to their roll as the distance between
them keeps them safe. Furthermore, only those who hear are affected. Those who fail gain Berserk
Dark Reincarnation: upon dying, the Balor instantly regenerates to full health and manifests a new, even
more powerful form. This new form has +5 ST, +1 DX, +1 SM, and gains 150 points worth of templates (1 epic
Template, a greater template and a standard template or three standard templates). The monster only does
this once per battle. If the players slay the Dark Reincarnation form, the monster truly dies.
A Basilisko looks like a giant, eight-legged brown lizard. The creatures aren't very intelligent. Their eyes glow
a pale green, and they grow to around six feet long (excluding the tail).
Basiliskos usually live in deserts, in small colonies of 3-6, though they are sometimes encountered singly.
However, they can be found in any climate. Their lairs are little more than shallow caves or burrows in the
ground, usually marked by victims of their petrifying gaze. It is possible to raise one as a guard animal,
provided one has the wherewithal to do so.
Traits: Alterated Time Rate (1); DR 5 (against cold/fire/non-magical weapons); Extra Legs (Eight Legs);;
Infravision; Magic Resistance 3; Night Vision 5; Berserk; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators; Bestial; Cannot
Speak; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 15; Stealth 13
A behemoth is a vast bipedal devil with a bulging, round belly and the head of a grimacing elephant. It is a
jovial, simple creature, content to gorge itself on damned souls until it is time to fight, at which point it
literally wades into the fray and stamps on smaller creatures than itself. Behemoths are notorious bullies and
especially like to victimise creatures that are much smaller than them, grappling them with their trunks and
then flinging them against hard surfaces.
Behemoths are used as the watchmen of Hell and are stationed by the main gateways to the Infernum. They
are valued for their musical ability as much as for their fighting prowess and often entertain massed hordes of
devils at banquets with their trumpeting, leading a group of herald devil minstrels.
A behemoth’s natural weapons and any weapons that it wields count as evil-aligned and lawful-aligned for
the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Traits: Constriction Attack; Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (6) (Tough Skin); Enhanced Move (Ground)
(2); Extra Arms (1) (Extra-Flexible; Long (+1)); High Pain Threshold; Striker (Horns; Impaling) (Limited Arc;
Long (+1)); Terror (Awe) (Will-5); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (Battle Rage; 6 or less); Bestial;
Bloodlust (12 or less); Easy to Read; Icy Touch
Skills: Brawling 16; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 17; Two-Handed Punch (Brawling) 16; Two-Handed Sword 17;
Wrestling 16
This is a big floating eyeball with magical attacks and a bad attitude. It has ten eye stalks coming out of the
top its skull/body, each one having a different magical ray. Its attitude causes it to react to other Beholders at
-7 and to everyone else at -10; other creatures react to them at -7. As such, they are usually encountered
alone, or with charmed minions. They are mad and hate anyone other than themselves, including other
Beholders, but often have charmed minions around for flattery. They live in underground caves, occasionally
not far from other Beholders in a city but not actually with them, eat any organic material, and sleep
whenever it suits them. Each eye stalk has an attack that takes five seconds of recharge.
Beholder, Giant Beasts Swift Killer Clever Trickster Hardy Brute (Boss)
Traits: Combat reflexes; Cultural Familiarity (Beholder society); DR 11 (Tough Skin; Can’t Wear Armor);
Injury Tolerance (No Neck); 360º Vision (Easy to Hit); Extra Attack 1; Extended Lifespan 1; Feather Fall;
Flight; High Pain Threshold; Infravision; Magery 3; Nictitating Membrane; No Legs (Aerial); Reduced
Consumption 4 (Cast Iron Stomach); Shorter Gestation; Bad Temper (12); Gluttony (6); Loner (9); Life Bane;
No Manipulators; No Sense of Taste; Overconfidence; Paranoia; Selfish; Intolerance (non-Beholders);
Monstrous Appearance (Universal); Sexless
Skills: Tactics 20; Leadership 20, Brawling 15; Observation 16; Search 16; Stealth 13; Thaumatology 20
These brutes form the army of a powerful warlord. They are very strong, quick, merciless and compliant.
Their strength is legendary. The Guardian are the bugaboo of other soldiers.
Traits: Dire Beasts (Dire Beasts, Giant Beasts); Killers (Power Killers, Greater Power Killers); Brutes (Hardy
Brutes, Greater Hardy Brutes); Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less);
Skills: Axe/Mace 17; Brawling 17; Shield (Buckler) 17
Betweeners are giant creatures that float in orbit, between thè Earth's atmosphere and outer space. They are
made of a delicate, crystal-like substance. Their outer shell is a multifaceted, intricate shape. Thè inside is
equally complex, with wide tunnels, large cavities and areas of densely-packed crystal. Thè betweener has
total control of its body - thè crystal can flow, reshape itself, and transform into articulated limbs. When
approached in space, thè betweener has a sparkling, spectral glow, a combination of transparent glass against
thè blackness of space and beams of starlight against its billions of facets.
Betweeners are supernatural. They have an understanding of magic, spells, psionics and occult phenomena far
beyond thè simple perceptions of man. They can sense all thè thoughts, supernatural qualities, physiological
qualities and locations of any creature or object within ten miles. Betweeners are very territorial; anyone
approaching a betweener (whether he knows it or not) will find thè creature ready when he arrives.
A betweener can move to any point above thè Earth at a speed just over 500 miles per hour. (This speed is
measured from orbit point to orbit point, not by points on thè Earth's surface.) It can also alter its appearance
to fade into thè darkness of space: by making its crystalline flesh non-reflective, it becomes invisible. It can
avoid satellites or move them, and absorb or scramble satellite transmissions. Any "secret" satellites placed by
humans will be known to a betweener.
Betweeners do not eat, breathe, sleep, or have relationships. In comparison to humans, they do not even
think. Thè only way to explain their intellectual and physiological qualities is to use occult and religious
terminology - they can be understood as demonic forces or higher powers, but not as animals.
It is not known how betweeners are created, where they come from, or what they want. It seems that they
need thè vacuum of space to survive. Their orbital habitat keeps them isolated from thè limitless genetic
material of Earth, thus saving mankind from total domination (if that is what thè betweeners want). There
may be only one betweener orbiting Earth at any given moment, or as many as a hundred.
Thè betweener mind exists universally in every molecole of its form. If a piece is removed, thè betweener can
render it "dead," causing it to disintegrate. Attackers will not find a brain or other weak spot in a betweener.
Betweeners are vulnerable to one thing: gravity. Any gravitational force other than thè attraction of thè
planet will cause thè betweener's body to disintegrate. Thè betweener may survive, however; it is possible
that its consciousness will drift until it can form a new body. Any gravitational force created by magic has a
dramatic effect on betweeners - it suspends them, forcing them into a coma-like state. If a betweener detects
thè presence of a magic-using being, it will try to sense whether or not thè invader has such a power.
Betweeners absorb genetic information from any living creature they can capture. Any betweener could have
captured an alien, an astronaut, or a subhuman life form attached to orbiting debris (including germs).
Betweeners snare thè captured specimen in glass tentacles and slice it to pieces. Thè genetic information is
absorbed by thè crystal and stored in thè betweener's consciousness. Thè captured flesh is held suspended for
later use. When thè betweener has collected enough of this raw material, it will build a synthetic life form
called a scion. This can have any or all of thè qualities of thè betweener's captured specimens. Thus, a
betweener that has captured an alien, a Russian cosmonaut and thè fungus from thè cosmonaut's feet could
create a being with thè alien's features, a human intelligence and a fungus-like physiology.
Its various mental and physical qualities can be striking or subtle. Betweeners generally prefer to create scions
with inconspicuous appearances complemented by many hidden, inhuman abilities. They also invariably
have weaknesses, an unfortunate byproduct of synthesizing diverse gene patterns. A scion may have anything
from night blindness to useless limbs, from an allergy to a split personality. Scions reach Earth through
special powers designed by thè betweener - in addition to other abilities, they are able to travel from thè
betweener to thè Earth's surface, through teleportation, transport in self-generated cocoons, selfpropelled
flight, etc. Some can return to thè betweener, though this is very rare.
Depending on thè amount of genetic information and raw material available, a betweener can potentially
create any conceivable creature. A scion can have any level of intelligence, from that of an insect to that of a
genius human. It can be created with psionic powers, thè ability to cast spells and other supernatural abilities.
Most can communicate with their betweener creator by supernatural means. They cannot send more genetic
information from thè planet (thè betweener needs thè actual flesh for that) but they can serve as thè
betweener's eyes and ears. Some scions are subservient to their creators. They may be aware of this, or may
be ignorant of their origins. It is very possible that one or more species on Earth were created by a betweener.
It is unknown how many scions have been created by betweeners or how well they have survived. Their only
real limitation comes from thè amount of raw material available - due to their isolation in space, each
betweener has, at best, a one-in-a-million chance of finding and capturing enough flesh to build more than
one scion every thousand years.
Interestingly, thè outer shape of a betweener often resembles its scions. For example, a betweener that has
created two human-like scions might look like a giant abstract glass sculpture of Siamese twins. A betweener
that has created scions resembling houseflies (as in thè adventure seed following) would vaguely resemble a
monstrous glass fly. A betweener that has never created a scion is an eerie, formless mass.
If an intelligent creature is captured, it may retain part of its consciousness. It becomes a disembodied id,
waiting in thè betweener for a scion shell. Roll against thè IQ of thè captured creature, thè source of thè id. If
thè roll is a critical success, thè id stays intact and functional; it can (incredibly) insert itself into a new scion
at will. It cannot communicate with thè betweener. It may not even have full control of thè scion body. But
its choice is final; it cannot return to thè betweener unless thè betweener wants it back. This fully-aware id
may go slightly mad if it rests too long in thè betweener. If thè roll is a normal success, thè id lies dormant
and suspended. It will be placed, fully intact, in a scion chosen by thè betweener. It will have additional
personality features designed by thè betweener. Thè id will not remember any of its time in suspension.
If thè roll fails, thè id is fragmented and lost. Parts of it may be detected through sophisticated and powerful
telepathic or magical searches in subsequent scions. On a critical failure, thè id fragments are undetectable.
Someone who comes in contact with a betweener may find a way inside. Betweeners do not have
recognizable halls or rooms, but they may shift their "innards" to form accommodating cavities. Betweeners
do not have an atmosphere inside; thè invader must provide his own protection from thè vacuum. He may
find suspended raw materials for future scions: lumps of blood and tissue contained in geometric crystalline
tubes and jars.
Thè betweener will take measures to trap thè explorer once he is inside. It will, of course, allow him to look
around for a while. Thè person may learn some of thè secrets of thè betweener before he is shredded and his
flesh is preserved. There is a slight chance that a captive's id will survive (see above).
An invader will break a lot of "glass." Thè betweener's crystal flesh is paper-thin in many places. As thè
invader touches "walls" or walks on "floors," he will occasionally discharge a cloud of shimmering, razorsharp
fragments. This does not hurt thè betweener - thè shards that float against unbroken crystal will be
reabsorbed instantly. But thè pieces could cut a space suit open.
Betweeners are gods ... or close to it. They can be part of a pantheon of Things Man Was Not Meant To
Know. Betweeners also help bring horror adventures into a new and fertile setting: space. Thè presence of
betweeners can explain a multitude of supernatural phenomena, especially thè origins of supernatural
creatures. For example, vampires might be a race of scions. Do they serve a betweener, or are they a creation
that has gained independence from its creator?
Betweeners can also be used to explain a lot of weirdness in thè world, especially thè UFO conspiracy. They
act as a sort of barrier between Earth and everything out there - they capture and dissect incoming aliens as
well as astronauts. In an ongoing campaign, focus on thè scions first. Thè meeting with thè betweener can
serve as a climax to thè adventure.
These strange creatures have the head and torso of a Dark One and the legs and lower body of a giant spider.
Black Widows are created by the Dark One's dark goddess. When a Dark One of above-average ability
reaches very much power, the goddess may put him or her through a special test. Failures become Black
Widow. Black Widows are able to cast many "Light and Darkness" spellsand they also retain any magical or
clerical skills they had before transformation. A majority of Black Widows (60%) were priests of high level
before they were changed, all other driders were mages of very high level.
Black Widows often use swords or axes, though many carry bows. Because they have failed their goddess’s
test, Black Widows are outcasts from their own communities. They are violent, aggressive creatures that
favor blood over all types of food. They stalk their victims tirelessly, waiting for the right chance to strike.
Black Widow, Greater Elegant Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Mana Breaker Brute Archcaster
Traits: Binding (Web) (20) (Surprise Attack; Sticky; Suffocating); Clinging; Combat Reflexes; Corrosion
Attack (6) (Guided); Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Extra Legs (7+ Legs); High Pain Threshold; Infravision;
Magery (6); Magery 0; Magic Resistance (15) (Improved); Night Vision (3); Silence (2); Weapon Master
(Broadsword); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Callous; Cowardice;
Intolerance (Total Intolerance); Vow (Defend the Dark One's treasure)
Skills: Brawling 23; Broadsword 25; Innate Attack (Breath) 21; Innate Attack (Projectile) 21; Stealth 24;
Tactics 22; Thaumatology 30;
Spells: Colors 30; Continual Light 30; Darkness 30; Flash 30; Light 30; Mirror 30
Web (21): the Black Widow attacks from above with its web, that, once it hits, suffocates the enemies.
Acid Spit (21): out of its feminine mouth, the Black Widow spits an acid projectile that causes 6d of corrosive
Broadsword (25): 3d+2 cut, reach 1; 2d imp, reach 1
The Blindwraith is a skeletal undead creature that magically radiates complete darkness within ten yards.
This darkness cannot normally be dispelled by any means short of defeating the Blindwraith. The
Blindwraith cannot see in the dark, but it has excellent hearing and can locate its prey by heartbeat alone.
The Blindwraith seeks to strangle the living by cutting off their air supply. Throat armor does not protect; the
Blindwraith's bony fingers will magically pass right through. The Blindwraith will not resort to crushing it's
victim's throat in order to make a quicker kill. Some say that Blindwarith's arise from those who die blinded,
lost and murderously angry. Their rotting clothing often suggests that they were adventurers in life.
Traits: Blink; Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (4); Doesn't sleep, breathe or Eat/Drink; High Pain
Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No Blood, Brain, Eyes, Vitals, Unliving);
Night Vision (3); Silence (2); Unfazeable; Dread (Light); Gullibility; Mute; Vunlerability (Crushing Attacks
Skills: Stealth 20, Brawling 20
There are a number of beasts that recur again and again in the bestiaries of sages and the cautionary tales of
nursemaids; their powers become more and more exaggerated through the years. Some creatures, however,
turn out to be just as black as they have been painted: one such is the Bloodbeast.
The origins and distribution of the Bloodbeast are obscure. Certain physical features, such as its tongue, and
skin texture and mutability, as well as its semi-aquatic lifestyle, suggest an amphibian heritage, although it is
quite clearly a monster now. It may be related to similarly hideous amphibious beasts such as the Chaos Slime
Beast and the Pool Crawler. Its closest relative is likely the Pool Beast.
Also, despite being a denizen of dungeons, it would appear rare. Complicating this is another quote suggesting
the Bloodbeast is actually a sewer-dweller.
This monstrosity is large, at least ten metres tall, and so bloated it can never leave the pool of foul blood-like
slime that has supported its bulk since it was spawned. Its hide is tough and leathery, protected by thin spines
and coloured the disgusting crimson of a creature that has never seen the sun. Its head appears to consist of a
catlike features above an enormous toothy maw, that also contains a long slimy pink prehensile tongue. The
Bloodbeast's one major weakness has always been its eyes. Anyone taking on the creature will need a lucky
strike to hit its eyes and pierce its brain. Attempting such a blow, however, means avoiding the thing's
Unless its opponent can slash off the tongue with a dagger, they will be dragged into the pool, where the
powerful acidic slime will quickly decompose their body, until it is ready to be eaten.
Finally the Bloodbeast's pool of acidic slime gave off a toxic gas that required a successful HT roll to avoid.
Those unfortunates who fail the roll are defeated by the fumes and faint, to be dragged by the creature's
tongue into the pool to their doom. This is a normal feature of a Bloodbeast's lair.
Traits: Affliction (see description); Binding (Tongue) (20); Damage Resistance (4); Hard to Kill; Injury
Tolerance (Diffuse. It has only the brain); Teeth (Fangs); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or
less); Cannot Speak; Gluttony; Hidebound; No Legs (Sessile)
Skills: Brawling 15, Innate Attack (Projectile) 18
Bugbears prefer to ambush opponents whenever possible. When hunting, they normally send scouts ahead of
the main group that, if they spy prey, return to report and bring up reinforcements. Bugbear attacks are
coordinated, and their tactics are sound if not brilliant.
Traits: Damage Resistance (3) (Tough Skin); Discriminatory Smell; Infravision, Bloodlust, Bully, Callous
Skills: Axe/Mace 13; Climbing 10; Shield 13; Stealth 12; Thrown Weapon (Spear) 13
Mace (13): 3d+2 cr, Reach 1, 2
Thrown Javelin (13): 1d+3 imp, acc 3, range 25/42.
Aptly called a landshark, the bulette (pronounced Boo-lay) is a terrifymg predator that lives only to eat. The
bulette is universally shunned, even by other monsters. It is rumored that the bulette is a cross between an
armadillo and a snapping turtle, but this is only conjecture. The bulette’s head and hind portions are
bluebrown, and they are covered with plates and scales ranging from gray-blue to blue-green. Nails and teeth
are dull ivory. The area around the eyes is brownblack, the eyes are yellowish and the pupils are blue green.
A bulette will attack anything it regards as edible. The bulette is always hungry, and is constantly roaming its
territory in search of food. When burrowing underground, the landshark relies on vibrations to detect prey.
When it senses something edible (i.e., senses movement), the bulette breaks to the surface crest first and
begin its attack. The landshark has a temperament akin to the wolverine-stupid, mean, and fearless.
The strength and numbers of its opponents mean nothing. The bulette always attacks.
Traits: Acute Taste & Smell (10); Claws (Talons); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (10); Discriminatory
Smell; Enhanced Move (Ground) (2); Extra Attack (Multi-Strikes); Extra Legs (4 Legs); Teeth (Sharp Teeth);
Tunneling (Tunneling Move (+20)); Vibration Sense (Universal); Berserk (Battle Rage; 6 or less); Bestial;
Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Hidebound; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 17; Tracking 13
This horror is an executioner of powerful and sadistic creatures. It can sniff the presence of a human being in
a radius of 8 hexes. It is an extremely-strong undead
Traits: Claws (Talons); Discriminatory Smell; Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; High Pain
Threshold; Immunity (All Mind Control); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance
(No Blood; Unliving); Night Vision (3); Silence (2); Single-Minded; Teeth (Fangs); Temperature Tolerance
(10); Unaging; Unfazeable; Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Bad Smell; Berserk; Cannot Learn;
Disturbing Voice; Fragile (Unnatural); Hidebound; Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; No Sense of
Smell/Taste; Reprogrammable; Slave Mentality; Social Stigma (Dead); Unhealing (Total); Wealth (Dead
Broke); Sexless
Skills: Axe/Mace 18; Brawling 18; Tracking 14; Power Blow 22; Stealth 20
A byakhee is a winged "thing" standing over seven feet in height. It is often described as bat-like. The
byakhee has two legs, two clawed arms and a broad set of bat-like wings. It is dark in color and covered in
fur. Byakhee exist to serve Hastur, although they can be summoned by mortal wizards and pressed into
service. In general, they seem to ignore humanity, unless told to do otherwise. They can fly in interstellar
space, and can carry passengers with them, although the passenger must fend for themselves during the trip.
Traits: 3D Spacial Sense; Acute Hearing 2; Altered Time Rate (1); Claws (Talons); Combat Reflexes; Damage
Resistance 2 (Tough Skin, Can't Wear Armor); Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Move 1 (Air); Enhanced Move 1
(Space); Extended Lifespan 8; Flight (Space Flight, Winged); Hard to Subdue 3; Hyperspectral Vision
(Extended High-Band); Increased Fatigue 1; Increased Perception 1; Increased Will 1; Indomitable; Night
Vision (3); Radiation Tolerance (PF1000); Reduced Consumption 4 (Cast-Iron Stomach); Silence (2);
Temperature Tolerance 100; Unfazeable; Vacuum Support; Vampiric Bite (Includes Sharp Beak); Warp
(Accessibility: in space only, -40%; Extra Carrying Capacity: Heavy Encumbrance, +30%; Reliable +10,
100%); Appearance (Monstrous); Bad Smell; Bestial; Cannot Speak, Gluttony; Ham-Fisted; Hidebound, Life
Bane; Wealth (Dead Broke)
Skills: Aerobatics 18, Brawling 20, Flight 18; Stealth 20
The catoblepas is a bizarre, loathsome creature that inhabits dismal swamps and marshes. Its most terrifying
features are its large bloodshot eyes, from which emanate a deadly ray. The body of the catoblepas is like that
of a large, bloated buffalo, and its legs are stumpy, like those of a pygmy elephant or a hippopotamus. Its long,
snaky tail is swift and strong, and can move with blinding speed. The head of the catoblepas is perched upon
a long, weak neck, and would be much like that of a warthog except that the catoblepas is uglier
Traits: Affliction (Death Gaze) (4) (Coma); Affliction (Venom) (5) (Agony); Claws (Sharp Claws); Doesn't
Breathe; Damage Resistance (4) (Tough Skin); Doesn't Eat or Drink; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to
Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; Unliving); Striker (Infernal Tail; Impaling); Temperature
Tolerance (10); Unaging; Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Bad Smell; Bestia; Cannot Speak; Hidebound;
No Sense of Smell/Taste; Social Stigma (Dead); Sexless
Skills: Brawling 15; Innate Attack (Gaze) 16
The Centipede-Zombie is a hideous experiment of some wizard or mad scientist. It can attack 4 times at a
time with its sharp claws. Its favorite tactic is to grab the enemies with six arms and attack with the remaing
limbs. This horror can cling on walls and ceilings.
Traits: Clinging; Combat Reflexes; Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; Enhanced Move
(Ground) (1); Extra Arms (6); Extra Attack (3); Extra Legs (7+ Legs); High Pain Threshold; Immunity (All
Mind Control); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitabl; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; Unliving); Single-
Minded; Temperature Tolerance (10); Terror (Awe) (Will-4); Unaging; Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal);
Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Disturbing Voice; Fragile (Unnatural); Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Life Bane; Low
Empathy; No Sense of Humor; No Sense of Smell/Taste; Reprogrammable; Slave Mentality; Social Stigma
(Dead); Unhealing (Total); Sexless; Corrupting Touch; Blink
Skills: Brawling 17; Wrestling 17
Cerberus is a mythical 3-headed hound said to guard the gates of Hades in Greco-Roman literature and
mythology, never allowing the escape of a person who has already crossed the River Styx. Cerberus was
generally believed to be siblings with the Chimaera, Lernaean Hydra, Sphinx, and Nemean Lion; and the
child of Echidna and Typhon. One of the Labors of Hercules was to capture Cerberus, and Hercules was able
to not only overpower the dog without weapons, but also used it as leverage with King Eurystheus to end the
Labors. When Orpheus went to the underworld to retrieve his wife he is said to have put him to sleep by
playing music on his lyre.
Cerberus, Giant Beast Swift Killer Strange Brute Epic Durability Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: 360° Vision; Affliction (Snake Venom) (5) (Paralysis; Melee Attack: Reach C); Claws (Talons); Damage
Resistance (7); Discriminatory Smell; Enhanced Move (Ground) (2); Extra Attack (2); Extra Head (3); High
Pain Threshold; Teeth (Fangs); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12
or less); Cannot Speak; Easy to Read; Hidebound; Vampiric Aura; Total Regeneration
Skills: Brawling 17; Tracking 12
When a Demon Lord wants to be sure of the next death of its enemy, it sends a Champion of Evil. Aside its
amazing skilfulness with the quarterstaff, this creature can summon 8 deadly Skull-Spirit that fight for it. It is
a world-class strategist.
Champion of Evil, Greater Elegant Strange Killer Strange Stalker Clever Trickster Strange Brute
Epic Mastery Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Ally (Skull-Spirits) (Constantly; Minion (+8); Summonable; Born War-Leader (4); Combat Reflexes;
Enhanced Move (Air) (2); Evil Talent (4); Flight; Hard to Kill (4); High Pain Threshold; Magic Resistance (4)
(Improved); Night Vision (3); Unholiness (4); Unholy Might Detect (Evil) (Unholy); Unholy Might Medium
(Specialized (Demons); Unholy); Unholy Might Spirit Empathy (Unholy); Unholy Warrior Higher Purpose
(Slay Servitors of Good) (1); Weapon Master (Staff) (one specific weapon); Legionary of the Damned;
Berserker (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully; Jealousy; Sadism (12 or less); Selfish (12 or less); Social
Stigma (Excommunicated); Stubbornness; Burning Touch; Thorny Blast; Greater Armor; Path Breaking
Skills: Brawling 22; Exorcism 20; Fast-Draw (Staff) 22; Hidden Lore (Demon Lore) 20; Interrogation 20;
Intimidation 20; Leadership 22; Meditation 22; Observation 20; Physiology/TL8 (Cleric) 20; Physiology/TL8
(Paladin) 20; Poisons/TL8 20; Psychology (Cleric) 20; Psychology (Paladin) 20; Religious Ritual (Satan)20;
Staff 26; Strategy 20; Tactics 20; Theology (Demons) 20; Throwing 20; Wrestling 20
Foul and terrible, the chaos beast has no set form. It constantly melts and reforms, apparently drawing each
shape from every nightmare that has ever plagued humankind. It chaotically shifts through a dozen forms
before shaping itself into a bulbous thing with ten eyes swimming in a viscous sac at the top of a body that's
surrounded by a ring of smacking mouths. A chaos beast's dimensions vary, but it always weighs about 200
Being evil through and through chaos beasts will attempt to sneak up on unsuspecting prey and gleefully
attack to watch it's victims writhe in agony as they slowly die, unable to control their own shape or mind.
The horrific creatures known as chaos beasts have mutable, ever-changing forms. Their deadly touch can
make opponents melt into formless goo. There is no telling what a chaos beast will look like. One moment it
might be a towering horror of hooks and fangs, all pulpy flesh and exposed veins, and the next a slithering
mass of ropy, vermilion-tipped tentacles. Then it becomes a mighty creature, all muscle and fury.
Chaos beasts find their way into our world through a variety of means. Some have come through rifts torn in
the fabric of reality by powerful evil magic, others may have been summoned by those seeking power from
the Far Realms, still others are said to be mages or clerics that have offended some Elder Evil and now exist as
a chaos beast as a form of eternal punishment.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Corporeal Instability (see below); Damage Resistance (3); Enhanced Dodge 1; Extra
Attack (2); Immunity (Shapeshifting); Infravision; Injury Tolenrance (No Head, No Neck, No Vitals); Magic
Resistance 2; No Legs (Slithers); Bloodlust, Lifebane
Skills: Brawling 15; Camouflage 15; Climbing 16; Escape 15; Jumping 13
The Chimera (also Chimaera or Chimæra) was, according to Greek mythology, a monstrous fire-breathing
female creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, composed of the parts of multiple animals: upon the body of a lioness
with a tail that ended in a snake's head, the head of a goat arose on her back at the center of her spine. The
Chimera was one of the offspring of Typhon and Echidna and a sibling of such monsters as Cerberus and the
Lernaean Hydra. The term chimera has also come to describe any mythical or fictional animal with parts
taken from various animals. It can attack with the bite or a claw, and the fire-breath, at a time.
Giant Beast Greater Hardy Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: 360° Vision; Burning Attack (4) (Cone (+2)); Claws (Sharp Claws); Combat Reflexes; Damage
Resistance (4); Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Extra Attacks (1); Extra Legs (4 Legs); Hard to Kill (3); High
Pain Threshold; Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or
less); Cannot Speak; Gluttony (6); Hidebound; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 16; Innate Attack (Breath) 15
Bite (16): the Goat-Head and the Lion-Head inflict 3d+3 cut damage, Reach C
Claws (16): 3d+3 cut, Reach C-3
Fire Breath (15): the Snake-Head breathes a cone of fire!! It inflicts 4d burning damage at a 10/100 range.
These vicious predators, 7 feet tall, lurk underground, grabbing whatever prey happens by. Its hands and feet
have spiny pads that help the choker grip almost any surface. The creature weighs about 350 pounds.
Traits: Altered Time Rate; Clinging; Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (2); Infravision; Silence (2); Bad
Smell Bloodlust, Sadism (9)
Skills: Brawling 14; Climbing 16; Stealth 14; TA Neck (Wrestling) 13; Wrestling 15
Punch (14): 1d+1 crushing, reach C-3
Constriction Attack (13): the Choker has ST 16 (as just as it had 18 with both hands)
A horrible mix of crustacean, insect, and serpent, the chuul is an abomination that lurks submerged or
partially submerged, awaiting intelligent prey to devour. Although amphibious, chuuls are not good
swimmers and actually prefer to be on land or in very shallow water when they attack. A chuul is about 8
feet long and weighs 650 pounds.
A chuul prefers to wait by the shore, submerged in murky water, until it hears nearby prey (in or out of the
water) that it can attack with surprise. A chuul grabs with its claws and constricts its foe, then passes the
opponent to its paralytic tentacles. It tries to always have one claw free, so if it faces a large number of
opponents, it drops a paralyzed or dead victim and continues attempting to grab, constrict, and paralyze the
The Clawer is a horror created by genetic engeneering. The claws is being grafted into the bones. This
operation makes the Clawer mad. They make huge leaps.
Traits: Claws (Long Talons); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (4) (Tough Skin); Hard to Kill (3); Hard to
Subdue (3); High Pain Threshold; Night Vision (3); Silence (3); Super Jump (4); Bad Temper (12 or less);
Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Dread (Light); Invisibility
Skills: Brawling 19; Climbing 19
Claws (19): 1d+3 imp/cut, Reach 1
Leap Attack (19): the Clawer attack by leaping onto an enemy and striking with its claws. Treat it as just as a
Slam, but the damage is impaling
Invisibility: The Clawer vanishes from view! He has Invisibility, which he may switch on and off
automatically, and allows him to carry up to Light Encumbrance.
Clay Face
These horrors are able to mimic sounds, shapes and colors of any organic being. They have the capacity for
turning their limbs into blades, maces, etc. and can harden their body up to the stiffness of brick. However
they are cowardly and one can detect them because these creatures frightens the animals.
Traits: Binding (Extra Arms) (23); Chameleon (10); Claws (Long Talons); Constriction Attack; Damage
Resistance (10) (Tough Skin); Double-Jointed; Elastic Skin; Growth (2); Hermaphromorph; Injury Tolerance
(Diffuse); Mimicry; Morph; Night Vision (3); Regrowth; Shadow Form (Finite Thickness); Shrinking (4);
Slippery (6); Stretching (3); Striker (Crushing) (Arm-Mace); Striker (Cutting) (Arm-Blade); Striker (Horns;
Impaling) (Limited Arc; Long (+1)); Striker (Impaling) (Arm-Quill); Cowardice (9 or less); Frightens Animals;
Loner; Hypnotic Eyes
Skills: Brawling 18; Traps 16; Psychology 18
Claws (18): this creature can turn its hands in long talons. 2d+2 cut/imp, Reach C-4
Huge Mace (18): the arms turn into huge maces!! 5d cr, Reach C-4
Huge Sword (18): as above, but into blades. 4d+2 cut, Reach C-4
Extra Arms (18): this creature can pin a SM 0 enemy with its extra-arms (ST 23).
Hypnotic Eyes: 3 times per day, the creature can attempt to control the mind of another who can see his eyes.
This is Mind Control. The Clay Face concentrates, and then rolls IQ +2 vs the Target's will. If the creature
wins, he can control his target for one minute per point he won the quick contest by. Incapacitation or
forcing the target to do something they would not (such as violating a Sense of Duty) forces another Quick
Clockwork Demon
The Clockwork Demon is half automaton, half spider-like demon. It loves mock its victims while it flagellates
them. Its strenght and fierceness are infamous. It is 15 feet tall and has the body of metal.
Clockwork Demon, Giant Beast Clever Trickster Greater Hardy Brute (Boss)
ST: 53 HP: 73 Speed: 7.25
DX: 12 Will: 17 Move: 11
IQ: 15 Per: 15
HT: 17 FP: 17 SM: 4
Dodge: 10 Parry: 11 DR: 16
Traits: Claws (Talons); Corrosion Attack (9) (Jet); Damage Resistance (9); Doesn't Breathe; Extra Arms (4);
Extra Attack (2); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance
(Homogenous; No Blood); Pressure Support (3); Sealed; Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Vacuum Support; Hidebound;
Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; Sadism (12 or less); Slave Mentality
Skills: Brawling 16; Innate Attack (Breath) 16; Psycology; Tactics 17; Tracking 16; Traps 17; Whip 16;
The Clockwork Nazis are the elite troops of the German Army. They are very fast, strong and skilful in any
soldierly ability. They like to blinside the enemies and break their neck. Their expertise with the guns is
Clockwork Nazi, Greater Swift Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Clever Trickster Greater
Graceful Brute (Boss)
Traits: Altered Time Rate; Damage Resistance (2); Enhanced Dodge; Fit; Gunslinger; Hard to Kill (4); High
Pain Threshold; Military Rank (1) (Rank replaces Status); Night Vision (3); Silence (2); Unfazeable; Style
Familiarity (Military Hand-to-Hand - Fairbairn Close Combat Training); Bully (12 or less); Callous; Code of
Honor (SS); Cowardice; Duty (SS) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous); Hidebound; Incurious
(6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; Slave Mentality; Toying With the Bullet
Skills: Acrobatics 23; Armoury/TL8 (Small Arms) 23; Artillery/TL8 (Cannon) 23; Brawling 21; Camouflage 18;
Choke Hold (Judo) 21; Climbing 20; Driving/TL8 (Automobile) 20; Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) 20;
Engineer/TL8 (Combat) 16; Explosives/TL8 (Demolition) 21; Fast-Talk 20; First Aid/TL8 18; Gunner/TL8
(Machine Gun) 23; Guns/TL8 (Light Anti-Armor Weapon) 23; Guns/TL8 (Light Machine Gun) 23; Guns/TL8
(Pistol) 23; Guns/TL8 (Rifle) 23; Guns/TL8 (Submachine Gun) 23; Hiking 19; Judo 23; Jumping 21; Karate 23;
Knife 23; Leadership 20; Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) 18; Navigation/TL8 (Land) 17; NBC Suit/TL8 20; Neck
Snap (ST) 23; Riding (Equines) 20; Savoir-Faire (Military) 19; Scrounging 18; Soldier/TL8 18; Spear 20; Stealth
22; Survival (Mountain) 17; Swimming 19; Tactics 19; Targeted Attack (Knife Thrust/Neck) 19; Throwing 20;
Traps/TL8 17
A corpse-kisser is a dead human filled with corpsebugs (occasionally called "taxidermites"). These are black
centipede-like insects that invade corpses, reproducing rapidly as they eat thè organs and bones inside.
Leaving only thè husk of outer flesh, they continue to multiply until they form a tightly-packed mass. They
secrete a fluid that preserves thè flesh of thè husk. Thè fluid also binds them together, allowing them to
imitate muscles as they twitch and shift in a complex series of movements. Corpse-bugs share a single
consciousness, a hive mind of mutual instincts and collective decisions. While one corpse-bug has thè
intelligence of an ant, a mass inside a corpse has thè IQ of a normal human, occasionally higher.
A corpse-kisser appears to be a normal, living being. As long as a corpse-kisser wears sunglasses (or squints its
eyes) and never opens its mouth, it can blend in with society. Corpse-kissers cannot talk, smell, or taste. They
can, however, learn how to behave by observing humans. This includes gesturing, shaking hands, walking,
running, using simple tools and weapons, and pretending to sleep.
Corpse-kissers can see - dozens of corpse-bugs peer from thè eye sockets, communicating visual information
to thè hive mind. Each corpse-kisser also develops some unique mannerisms such as a distinct walk (a slight
limp), habitual gestures (scratching behind thè ear), length of sleeping periods (midnight to dawn), etc.
Extreme heat is very painful to corpse-kissers, causing thè corpse-bugs to immediately evacuate thè husk. A
burning corpse-kisser will shudder and then vomit a thick, continuous stream of squirming black bugs. Thè
husk collapses and thè corpse-bugs scatter.
Occasionally, a corpse-bug will fall out of a corpse-kisser's mouth. Conventional injury (bullets, blades, etc.).
Will spill a few from thè inflicted gashes and holes. A firm shake or solid punch will cause corpse-bugs to fall
out of thè ears and nostrils. Those outside a husk die. Thè fluid that holds them together and preserves thè
husk's skin dries quickly - in five minutes, thè fluid is gone and thè corpse-bug is reduced to a pile of black
Static stimulates corpse-bugs to secrete their precious fluid. They thrive on thè sound of radios tuned
between stations and televisions showing "snow." After a day without static, corpse-kissers lose one hit point
every two hours.
A simple IQ or Empathy roll will detect that something is wrong with a corpse-kisser. Once someone is
aware of thè bugs, thè same roll will unmask thè creature ... if thè person looks.
All corpse-kissers want to do is create more corpse-kissers and occasionally listen to static. They do not
naturally cooperate with each other, and they do not want to take over thè world. They will eagerly infest
any fresh corpse they encounter (or create).
A corpse-kisser places its mouth next to thè mouth of a corpse, or any open wounds. Hundreds of bugs enter
thè corpse and begin breeding. Within 1d days, thè corpse rises as a new necrophile. However, thè corpse
must be fresh; a body more than a day old won't do, except as food. This means that corpse-kissers will hover
near thè dying, awaiting their chance. Occasionally, an eager necrophile may try to hurry thè process if there
are no witnesses, "kissing" someone who isn't quite dead. If someone is down to negative HT, he must make a
HT-3 roll to survive thè foul kiss and spew of crawling bugs ... and, if he lives, an immediate Fright Check at
Very rarely corpse-bugs infest non-human bodies, but they prefer humans. Any body must weigh at least 50
pounds to be worth infesting. If a colony in an animal body can find a human corpse, thè whole colony will
transfer to thè corpse, leaving thè dried-out animal husk behind.
If a necrophile is destroyed, thousands of bugs will scatter. Normally they all die, but if there are fresh corpses
nearby, roll 3 dice for thè maximum amount that can be infested by thè refugees. Thè bugs are not intelligent
and will try to enter any human, by any orifice. Thè ones that enter live humans will die, unless thè human is
at negative HT, but Fright Checks from thè target at -5 are required!
An autopsy of an infested corpse that has not yet risen will reveal bugs, but (unless thè examiner has previous
experience with them) a Diagnostics+2 roll is required to know these are not just some kind of maggot. Since
thè bugs disintegrate outside thè host, examination is difficult. Anyone dissecting or examining a "live"
necrophile will immediately know something is wrong, and will certainly have to make at least one Fright
Check when thè bugs appear. Entomophobes will probably be reduced to gibbering horror, especially as thè
bugs try to crawl in ... Corpse-kissers eat about thè equivalent of one human meal a day, of any trash or
carrion that will feed thè corpsebugs...
If thè corpse-kisser stays inconspicuous and avoids conversations, it can survive among humans for years.
They are not capable of elaborate ruses, and always assume roles that combine minimum interaction with
maximum proliferation: they pretend to be people who are everywhere, but never need to converse. This
includes thè homeless, thè retarded, thè transient, thè elderly, thè very young, thè mute and thè deaf.
Corpse-kissers are ruthless and deadly if provoked. If a corpse-kisser is backed into a corner, attacked with
fire, or nearly dead from lack of static, it will go Berserk. They also have Bad Tempers and a Mild Phobia of
fire. Because they do not have an agenda of their own, they can be controlled by a suitably powerful and
intelligent being - a mad scientist, for example, might devise a way to lead them, building a corpse-kisser
army for his own ends.
Corpse-kissers can be a new brand of zombie, docile cannon-fodder for a greater power, a secret sect of
humanity, or (if encountered on an individual basis) creeping horrors in thè guise of normal humans. Use thè
special types of humans who become corpse-kissers as a starting point for adventures - think about where
these types of people are found, and what they do when encountered.
Corpse-Kisser, Swift Killer (Minion)
Coterus is another offspring of Echidna. It has a baboon head and a hyena head, the latter growing out of its
chest. It inhabits swamp and marshes and is a wicked creature. Its first attack is the lightning bolt, then is
carried away by a manic rage.
Traits: Affliction (Heart Attack) (3) (Heart Attack; Link (Powers must be used together)); Burning Attack (5)
(Link (Powers must be used together)); Claws (Sharp Claws); Damage Resistance (8) (Tough Skin); Extra
Arms (2); Extra Attack (1); Extra Head (1); Hard to Kill (3); Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Bad Temper Berserk; Bestial;
Bloodlust; Cannot Speak; Gullibilty; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 14; Innate Attack (Breath) 14
The Crimson Horror is a creature inexpressibly hideous. It has three many-toothed heads that wiggle
constantly, and it moves onto four human hands. Its smell is unbearable. It is huge (long 10 yards) and very
Crimson Horror, Greater Swift Killer Mana Breaker Brute Epic Manipulation Monster (Epic
The Cyborg Ape is a colossus (7 feet tall) bio-engineered for the war. It uses huge Gatling guns and is
proficient in stealthy actions. The luck seems smile on it when the creature takes an unnecessary risk. It loves
massacre the enemies with its powerful punches.
Cyborg Ape, Greater Elegant Killer Greater Hardy Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Brachiator; Damage Resistance (8) (Tough Skin); Daredevil (2); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold;
Striking ST (5); Super Climbing (3); Super Jump (3); Weapon Master (Knife); Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk;
Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Gullibility
Skills: Brawling 20; Gunner/TL8 (Machine Gun) 20; Guns/TL8 (Gyroc) 20; Guns/TL8 (Light Machine Gun)
20; Guns/TL8 (Rifle) 20; Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) 20; Knife 23; Stealth 18; Tactics 14; Wrestling 20
Knife (23): 4d+1 imp, Reach C-2; 7d+2 cut, Reach C-2
Punch (20): 3d cr, Reach C, 1
Kick (19): 3d+1 cr, Reach C- 2
C-More M26 MASS, 12G 2.75'' (20): 1d+1 piercing, accuracy 3, range 40/800, RoF 1x9, Shots 5+1(3), Rcl:1/5
GE M61A1, 20x102mm (20): primary damage 6dx3 piercing++, acc 5, range 1250/5300, RoF 66!/100!, Shots
Var., Rcl 2; follow-up damage 2d [1d] cr ex range:1250 / 5300
TsNIITochMash AS Val, 9x39mm (20): 3d (2) piercing-, accuracy 4, range 400/1700, RoF 13, Shots 20+1(3)
This horror is a muscular giant, 30 feet tall, that inhabits lonely islands. It attacks with tree-trunks, or
A cyclops, in Greek mythology and later Roman mythology, was a member of a primordial race of giants,
each with a single eye in the middle of his forehead. The name is widely thought to mean "circle-eyed".
Hesiod described one group of cyclopes and the epic poet Homer described another, though other accounts
have also been written by the playwright Euripides, poet Theocritus and Roman epic poet Virgil. In Hesiod's
Theogony, Zeus releases three Cyclopes, the sons of Uranus and Gaia, from the dark pit of Tartarus. They
provide Zeus' thunderbolt, Hades' helmet of invisibility, and Poseidon's trident, and the gods use these
weapons to defeat the Titans. In a famous episode of Homer's Odyssey, the hero Odysseus encounters the
Cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon and Thoosa (a nereid), who lives with his fellow Cyclopes in a
distant country. The connection between the two groups has been debated in antiquity and by modern
scholars. It is upon Homer's account that Euripides and Virgil based their accounts of the mythical creatures.
Cyclop, Giant Beast Greater Power Killer Greater Hardy Brute (Greater Worthy)
ST: 71 HP: 91 Speed: 7
DX: 13 Will: 11 Move: 35
IQ: 9 Per: 13
HT: 17 FP: 17 SM: 6
Dodge: 11 Parry: DR: 11 (Tough Skin)
Traits: Acute Taste and Smell (3); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (11) (Tough Skin); Enhanced Move
(Ground) (2); Enhanced Move 1/2 (Ground) (1); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Bad Temper (12 or
less); Bestial; Berserk; One Eye; Shyness (Severe); Stubbornness
Skills: Brawling 15; Power Blow 21; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 15
Dark ones claim to be distant cousins of elves, but it’s whispered that they’re really Elder Things that
transformed themselves to resemble humans so long ago that they’ve forgotten their ancestry. Whatever the
truth, they resemble humans . . . except for creepy pupils with vertical slits, greenish skin, an unhealthy
familiarity with all things occult, and occasional bouts of bloody murder.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Elder Gift 2 (See pag 6 of DF 3); High Manual Dexterity 2; Night Vision 1; Resistant
to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Bad Temper; Bloodlust (12); Unnatural Features 2
Skills: Brawling 19; Broadsword 17
Dark One, Strange Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Clever Trickster (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Elder Gift 2 (See pag 6 of DF 3); High Manual Dexterity 2; Night Vision 4; Resistant to Metabolic
Hazards (+3); Bloodlust (12); Bully; Cowardice; Unnatural Features 2, Icy Touch
Skills: Brawling 19; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 21; Stealth 20; Tactics 13; Traps 14; Fast-Talk 15
The Death Lord is nothing but a terrible ghost that has the ability to summon hundreds of powerful undead.
This creature is coward and it protects itself behind the horde of summoned undeads. It has only one attack:
the Deadly Scare (see below).
Death Lord, Ideal Sadistic Nightmarish Trickster Epic Mastery Monster (Epic Boss)
ST: 12 HP: 12 Speed: 6.25
DX: 13 Will: 20 Move: 6
IQ: 18 Per: 18
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: 0
Dodge: 9 Parry: - DR: 0
Traits: Affliction (Deadly Scare) (5) (Aura; Heart Attack; Melee Attack: Reach C,1); Ally Group (Allow 100
point Undead Allies; Frequency: Almost all the time (15 or less); Size: Large Group (20 to 100)); Attractive
(Impressive, Universal); Dark Vision; Death Talent (4); Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep;
Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Insubstantiality (Always On); Invisibility (Substantial Only; Usually On);
Silence (4); Terror (Will-4); Unaging; Combat Paralysis; Cowardice (12 or less); Flashbacks (Severe);
Hidebound; Incurious (12 or less); Obsession (Long-Term Goal) (9 or less); Sadism (12 or less); Swalloving
Deadly Scare (Will-4): the only direct attack of the Death Lord is linked to Terror (Will-4). If an unlucky
person approaches (reach C, 1) the Lord must win a Will-4 roll. If he wins, he don't experience a heart attack.
Then, the victim must win another Will-4 roll, or he must run away panicked.
Swallowing Void: The monster casts everything into complete and total darkness. An area up to 32 yards in
radius plummets into complete (-10) darkness. He may move this area about, shifting the shape of the shadow
radius, or even casting it far away from him. The borders of the area aren't clear, representing vague twilight
areas that trick a person into walking deeper into the shadowy mist.
Death Runner
The Death Runners attack in packs up to eight members. They reach full speed and circle the enemies,
emanating the breath against their victims, at the same time. When the victims are dead, they dine.
Traits: Affliction (Death Breath) (6) (Cone (+5); Choking); Claws (Sharp Claws); Combat Reflexes; Damage
Resistance (2); Enhanced Move (Ground) (4); Extra Legs (4 Legs); High Pain Threshold; Teeth (Sharp Beak);
Bestial; Cannot Speak; Gluttony; Hidebound; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 16; Innate Attack (Breath) 16
The Death Samurai is a bodyless mask that possesses people. The Samurai turns the seized into a powerful
warrior with the ability to steal the life energy from its enemies.
Death Samurai, Greater Elegant Killer Clever Trickster Greater Graceful Brute Epic Durability
Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
The Death Vulture compensates its lack of magical powers with an amazing resilience. It is almost
indestructible. The only way for killing it is extinguishing the little flame on its head. The creature knows its
weakness, but it is easily irritable...
Death Vulture, Greater Swift Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Sadistic Trickster Trickster Mana
Breaker Brute (Greater Boss)
ST: 37 HP: 41 Speed: 10.75
DX: 19 Will: 25 Move: G 10; A 21
IQ: 16 Per: 19
HT: 16 FP: 16 SM: 3
Dodge: 14 Parry: - DR: 1
Traits: 360° Vision; Altered Time Rate (Maximum Duration 10 sec.); Claws (Talons); Combat Reflexes;
Damage Resistance (1); Extra Attack (1); Flight (Winged); Injury Tolerance (Homogenous); Magic Resistance
(5); Night Vision (3); Supernatural Durability; Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Terror (Will-4); Unkillable (3);
Appearance (Horrific); Bad Smell; Berserk (9 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Life Bane;
Overconfidence; Sadism (6 or less)
Skills: Brawling 19
Defilers are former humans who ruin everything thè touch. Any object that contacts their skin will become
dirty, rusted, spoiled, greasy, withered or flawed. The change takes from one to 30 minutes. It seems to occur
naturally - anyone watching thè process will have trouble remembering thè old appearance.
Sacred objects suffer thè same fate but they are damaged as well. Thè damage depends on thè length of time,
thè defiler touches it. "Sacred" is not limited to religious items. It also includes heirlooms, treasured baubles,
wedding gowns, tombstones and any object whose destruction will cause trauma in someone. Ten seconds of
contact will render a diary illegible or crack a crematory urn. In 30 seconds stained glass windows will shatter
or a handprint will be burned into a priceless portrait. One minute with a defiler will cause a tombstone to
crumble. Thè creatures themselves are as filthy as humanly possible. Their fingernails are long and encrusted
with germ- filled soil. Their maggot-ridden clothes and hair are matted down with layers of greasy dirt. Their
skin is covered with rashes, scabs and sores. Their teeth are rotten, black shards. Defilers can be mistaken for
bums or homeless people in thè largest cities. In other places, they are too filthy to be mistaken for anything
Occultists and others with supernatural experience might assume that defilers are zombies. Thè faces of
defilers prove this is false. Their facial expressions are hauntingly natural but wicked. One glance reveals that
they are cunning and fully aware, too intelligent to be mere zombies.
Defilers are joined by a single consciousness, a mindshare. Defilers share each other's knowledge
instantaneously. They act as individuals and think their own thoughts, but they hear thè thoughts of thè
others in their heads. This effectively gives them a clairvoyant link. Thè range of this link is limited to one
Their mindshare causes them to act in perfectly coordinated groups. They never use weapons, but they are
formidable foes nonetheless. They will push opponents into an ambush of other defilers nearby, silently send
for reinforcements while others continue to fight, and convey information about enemy armaments and
weaknesses instantly. Clawing attacks (thè most common) will infect a victim on a failed HT roll. If thè
victim is bitten, thè roll is made at HT-2.
They live in all places but congregate under ground. A rare few will inhabit thè dwellings they owned as
humans. These places invariably degenerate into what appear to be garbage heaps with roofs. Thè rest live
like moles. Defilers can find and navigate subterranean passages as if they were raised in them. They can dig
through junk heaps and soft earth like vermin. Their subterranean passages always lead to a few linked rooms
where they can meet, sleep and store supplies.
They are most active on nights of thè new moon. Many save their appetites for this time. They hunt small
animals, devour thè occasional human, and consume discarded food.
Defilers are inactive during thè full moon for a special reason. If they stare at a glowing circle, they become
mesmerized. This is a mental stun, requiring a successful IQ roll to recover. They lose their link to thè shared
mind as well. It comes back after snapping out of thè stun and ten seconds of concentration.
Enemies can keep defilers confused by using flashlights and then distracting thè creatures to prevent thè
mindshare link. Without its mindshare, it will panic and try to hide. If thè mindshare is not reestablished
within ten minutes, it is severed permanently. A defiler in this situation may begin to remember its former
life ...
Defilers create more defilers through a strange ritual. They surround a victim and cover him with filth. He is
beaten and infected, then chased or taken into one of thè lightless subterranean lairs. Thè defilers then chant
for hours. At this time, thè chanting, thè darkness and thè fear open an invisible node to thè shared mind. If
thè victim senses it and makes mental contact, he joins thè ranks of thè defilers. He can resist with a
successful Fright Check (at -5 or more, rolled every minute). If he neither escapes nor joins within (HT-2)
minutes, he dies of fright. If he joins thè ranks of defilers, his features transform slightly, making him barely
recognizable. He forgets his name (something he has no need for once he has a link to thè shared mind). His
old life will be remembered as a dream.
Defilers are smart zombies. Use their mindshare when they encounter adventurers by setting up
fullycoordinated ambushes and tactics. Defilers are not always violent and may let thè PCs roam their
subterranean lairs unmolested. Of course, if thè new moon rises or thè group abuses this tenuous privilege,
thè defilers will attack.
Feel free to devise special settings and terrain types for defiler encounters. Cities are thè obvious place to find
them. Try other places such as Arctic zones, mountains, coastlines and industrial complexes.
Traits: Claws (Sharp Claws); Dark Vision; Mindlink (100-999 people); Surefooted; Bad Smell; Low Pain
Threshoold; see notes
Skills: Brawling 16; Acrobatics 13
These creatures are invincible warriors that strike terror into their enemies with a awesome battle cry. They
are very skilful with any muscle-powered weapon and can deal powerful blow by focusing. They are
indomitable and invulnerable fighters. These creatures have only one weakness: the part of the body placed
under the armpits.
The Demi-God are former human warriors, turned into a perfect war machine through an immersion into a
powerful, magical liquid that assures their invulnerability. The above-mentioned vulnerable part is caused by
the stripes used for the immersion.
Demi-God of War, Greater Swift Killer Clever Trickster Mana Breaker Strange Brute Epic
Durability Monster
Traits: Altered Time Rate (1); Damage Resistance (4) (Tough Skin); Enhanced Block (3); Enhanced Dodge (3);
Enhanced Parry (all parries) (3); Fearlessness (5); Hard to Kill (3); Hard to Subdue (5); Indomitable; Magic
Resistance (5); Supernatural Durability; Terror (Will-4); Trained By A Master; Weapon Master (Melee) (all
muscle powered weapons); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Callous;
Vulnerability (Occasional) (x4); Dark Reincarnation
Skills: Brawling 23; Broadsword 23; Leadership 23; Net 23; Power Blow 34; Shield (Shield) 23; Spear 23; Spear
Thrower 23; Tactics 20; Traps 20; Two-Handed Punch (Brawling) 23; Two-Handed Sword 23
Great sword (23): 7d+3 cut, Reach 1,2; 4d+2 imp, Reach 2
Large Shield (23): 3d+1 cr, Reach 1
Spear (One-Handed, 23): 4d imp, Reach 1
Spear (Two-Handed, 23): 4d+2 imp, Reach 1, 2
Net, Large (23): this creature use a net that is a thrown entangling weapon. The target may dodge or parry it.
If he successfully parries with a cutting weapon, he damages the net; treat the net as a diffuse object with DR
1 and normal HP for its weight. If the target fails to defend, he is entangled, and cannot move or attack until
freed. To escape, the victim requires at least one free hand, and must make three successful DX-4 rolls. Each
attempt counts as a Ready maneuver, during which time the victim may take no other actions. If the victim
fails three consecutive rolls, he becomes so entangled that he must be cut free.
It is also possible to escape the net by damaging it. The victim can only use attacks with reach “C,” but they
hit automatically. Use the Breaking a Weapon rules (p. 401) – but treat a net as diffuse (see Injury to
Unliving, Homogenous, and Diffuse Targets, p. 380).
Dark Reincarnation: Upon dying, the monster instantly regenerates to full health and manifests a new, even
more powerful form. This new form has +5 ST, +1 DX, +1 SM, and gains 150 points worth of templates (1 epic
Template, a greater template and a standard template or three standard templates). The monster only does
this once per battle. If the players slay the Dark Reincarnation form, the monster truly dies.
Demon Bishop
The Bishop is a wolf in sheep's clothing: it preaches peace and love, but in fact, it is a real monster. Aside
from be a pedophile, it eats its victims. It can summon a horde of insects, rats, etc. It is very loathsome.
Demon Bishop, Greater Power Strange Killer Clever Trickster Greater Hardy Stolid Strange
Brute Blood Caster Epic Destruction Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (13); Doesn't Breathe; Flight (Winged); Hard to Kill (6); Hard to
Subdue (3); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance
(Homogenous; No Blood); Power Investiture (Unholy) (6); Pressure Support (3); Regeneration (Extreme: 10
HP/Sec); Regrowth; Religious Rank (6); Sealed; Unholy Ally (Insect Swarm) (150% of starting points) (12 or
less; Summonable; Unholy); Vacuum Support; Addiction (Direct Pleasure Stimulation) (Cheap)
(Incapacitating; Totally addictive; Illegal); Bad Smell; Berserk; Bloodlust (12 or less); Fragile (Brittle); Sadism
(6 or less); Secret (Hideous Monsters) (Possible Death); Sense of Duty (To the its own congregation); Burning
Touch (See Below); Armageddon (See Below)
Skills: Brawling 20; Tactics 20; Traps 20; Fast-Talk 20; Psycology 20
Spells: Agonize (Unholy) 25; Blackout (Unholy) 25; Wither Limb (Clerical) 25
The Demon Sorcerer is the High Priest of the Crimson King turned into a terrible monster: it has four arms,
with talons. It reach a terrible berserk-like state in combat. The appearance of the Sorcerer is humonoid, but
has a frog-like face. The skin is purple. It can cling on the walls and ceilings
Demon Sorcerer, Dire Beast Greater Elegant Killer Strange Stalker (Worthy)
Traits: Clinging; Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (4); Dark Vision; Extra Attack (2); Appearance
(Hideous); Berserk; Bloodlust; Life Bane; Loner (6 or less); Low Pain Threshold; Sadism; Shadow Casting (see
Skills: Stealth 22, Brawling 22
This horror has the body of petroleum that solidifies and becomes hard as just as the stone. It attacks with the
claws and the glass above its head radiates a burning solar beam.
Desert Burning Monster, Giant Beast Swift Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Mana Breaker Brute
(Greater Boss)
Traits: Amphibious; Burning Attack (6) (Jet); Claws (Talons); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (5);
Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Extra Attack (1); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury
Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Magic Resistance (5); Pressure Support (3); Silence (2); Vacuum Support;
Bad Smell; Bestial; Cannot Speak; Dread (Cold); Disturbing Voice; Easy to Read; Fragile (Brittle); Gullibility
(12 or less); Hidebound; Invertebrate
Skills: Brawling 18; Innate Attack (Beam) 18; Stealth 18
Being a minor demon, the Devil's Violinist is a servitor of powerful Demon Lords. It amuses its masters with
fiendish music and the disruption that it can create.
The Devil's Violinist loves surround itself with an adoring audience. It can manipulate the thought of the
people, by creating hallucinations. In this way it has created cults around itself. When its music fails to
destroy the mind of an enemy, the Violinist turn itself into a horned and winged creature that, continuing to
play the violin, slaughter mercilessly the enemies.
Human Form
Devil's Violinist, Human Form, Luscious Sadistic Ideal Trickster (Lesser Boss)
Disturbing Music (Will-4): the Violinist can cause dreadful or delightful hallucination at will. Anybody who
hears the wondeful music of this fiend (usually the "Devil's Trill Sonata") must win a HT-4 roll or experience
the hallucinations
Demon Form
Devil's Violinist, Demon Form, Dire Beast Greater Elegant Killer Clever Sadistic Trickster
Hardy Brute (Boss)
Traits: Affliction (Disturbing Music) (5) (Area Effect (64 yd); Hallucinating); Ally Group (Allow 100 point
Allies; Frequency: Almost all the time (15 or less); Size: Large Group (20 to 100)); Alternate Form (Human
Violinist); Charisma (3); Claws (Sharp Claws); Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance
(Tough Skin) (2); Empathy; Fearlessness (3); Flight (Winged); High Pain Threshold; Indomitable; Musical
Ability (4); Striker (Infernal Horns; Impaling); Bad Smell; Bad Temper; Compulsive Lying; Dread (Loud
Noise); Overconfidence (12 or less); Sadism (12 or less)
Skills: Brawling 18; Musical Instrument (Violin) 24; Psycology 20; Tactics 20; Traps 20
The omnivorous dire bear usually does not bother creatures that try to avoid it, but will aggressively defend a
kill or other source of food. It will not hesitate to rip apart anything that might contain something edible.
A typical dire bear is 12 feet long and weighs as much as 8,000 pounds. A dire bear attacks by tearing at
opponents with its claws.
Traits: Damage Resistance (10); Discriminatory Smell; Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Night Vision 5;
Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Bestial; Cannot Speak; Gluttony; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 14; Running 16; Swimming 18
Bite (14): 4d+3 cut, Reach C
Claws (14): 4d+3 cut, Reach C-5
Dire Boar
Dire boars are omnivorous and spend most of their time rooting around, much as ordinary pigs do. They
viciously attack anything that approaches them, however. Dire boars grow up to 12 feet long and weigh as
much as 2,000 pounds. A dire boar charges its opponent, trying to rip the target open with its tusks.
Traits: Cutting Striker (Tusks); Damage Resistance (3); Discriminatory Smell; Extra Legs (Four Legs); Hard to
Kill (3); Hard to Subdue 2; High Pain Threshold; Night Vision 5; Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Bestial; Cannot
Speak; Gluttony; Hidebound; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 12
Dire lions are patient hunters, just like their smaller cousins, but apt to take on bigger prey. Dire lions grow to
be up to 15 feet long and weigh up to 3,500 pounds.
A dire lion attacks by running at prey, leaping, and clawing and biting as it rakes with its rear claws. It often
jumps onto a creature larger than itself.
Dire Lion, Greater Elegant Killer Greater Assassin Strange Stalker Stolid Brute (Greater
Dire rats are omnivorous scavengers, but will attack to defend their nests and territories. A dire rat can grow
to be up to 4 feet long and weigh over 50 pounds. Dire rat packs attack fearlessly, biting and chewing with
their sharp incisors.
Traits: Damage Resistance (2) (Tough Skin); Discriminatory Smell; Night Vision 8; Sharp Teeth; Semi-
Upright; Silence (2); Bestial; Cannot Speak; Dread (Light); Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 16; Climbing 18; Stealth 16; Swimming 16
Dire sharks attack anything they perceive to be edible, even larger creatures. This monstrous fish can grow to
a length of 25 feet and weigh more than 20,000 pounds. Dire sharks bite with their powerful jaws,
swallowing smaller creatures in one gulp.
Traits: Acute Taste and Smell 2; Damage Resistance (3)(Tough Skin); Discriminatory Smell; Doesn’t Breathe
(Gills); Hard to Kill (3); Pressure Support 2; Sharp Teeth; Subsonic Hearing; Vibration Sense
Disadvantages: No Legs (Aquatic); No Manipulators; Bestial; Cannot Speak; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 15; Swimming 18
Bite (15): 4d+1 cut, Reach C; if this horror wins the roll of 4 or more, it swallows a enemy of SM 4 or less in a
gulp. Then, the victim suffer a corrosive damage of 2d+3
Dire Tiger
Dire tigers prey on just about anything that moves. They will patiently stalk a potential meal, striking
whenever the creature lets down its guard. Dire tigers grow to be over 12 feet long and can weigh up to 6,000
pounds. A dire tiger attacks by running at prey, leaping, and clawing and biting as it rakes with its rear claws.
Dire Tiger, Giant Beast Greater Elegant Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Greater Hardy Brute
Epic Durability Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (3); Discriminatory Smell; Ehnanced Move (1)(Ground); Extra
Legs (Four Legs); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Night Vision (8); Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Silence
(2); Bestial; Bad Smell; Bloodlust (6 or less); Cannot; Speak; Hidebound; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators;
Total Regeneration
Skills: Brawling 22; Jumping 22; Running 22; Stealth 22; Swimming 22
This hideous monster is a huge spider which has the power to baffle the mind of its enemies. It lures the
people in a given place, then it cast "Charm" on its strongest enemy and "Daze" on others. It attack with
"Panic" and its fangs dripping with venom.
Disarming Beauty, Dire Beast Greater Swift Killer Assassin Stalker Strange Brute (Worthy)
ST: 31 HP: 40 Speed: 9.75
DX: 17 Will: 18 Move: G 18
IQ: 3 Per: 18
HT: 14 FP: 14 SM: 3
Dodge: 13 Parry: - DR: 1 (Tough Skin)
Traits: Affliction (Venom) (6) (Terrible Pain); Altered Time Rate (1)(Maximum 10 seconds); Binding (Web)
(31); Combat Reflexes; Ehnanced Move (Ground)(1); Extra Attack (1); Extra Legs (6 Legs); High Pain
Threshold; Night Vision (3); Teeth (Fangs); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Easy to Read;
Gullibility; Hidebound; Loner (6 or less); Vampiric Aura
Skills:Brawling 18
Spells: Charm 16; Lure 16; Mass Daze 16; Panic 16
The Disembodied Arms come out of thin air. They grasp their victims with undead hands to tear the flesh of
the living being apart. Sometimes they wield weapons, that are being used with great skilfulness
Disembodied Arms, Greater Elegant Strange Killer Strange Stalker Greater Graceful Brute
(Greater Worthy)
No one knows precisely how this creature comes into being, or even if it’s alive. Also called the deadly
sphere, it is simply a featureless black globe, 5 feet in diameter. It levitates about slowly and silently, in
apparently random patterns, disintegrating everything in its path. The blackball has no recognizable mind or
intelligence. It's only vulnerability is holy water.
Disintegration Sphere, Giant Beast Swift Killer Strange Stalker Strange Brute (Worthy)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Corrosion Attack (7) (Armor Divisor (5); Cannot Parry; Extra Attack (1); Melee
Attack: Reach C); Damage Resistance (20) (Absorption (One trait)); Enhanced Move (Air) (3); Flight (Low
Ceiling (5 foot ceiling)); Imaging Radar; (Extended Arc: 360°); Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Bad Smell; Life
Bane; Sense of Duty (Guard the Treasure...); Vulnerability (Rare) (x4); Greater Armor; Shadow Casting
Skills: Brawling 16
Disintegration Slam (16): the Sphere, when hits, causes 7d corrosive damage.
Shadow Casting: This creepy Sphere drags shadows around it to deepen the darkness, where it feels most
comfortable. Inflict darkness on an area up to 32 yards around the Sphere (generally, an entire room), enough
to inflict a -4 on all rolls regarding vision.
Greater Armor: The Sphere is sheathed in powerful armor (a magical force field). It grants a DR of 20.
Displacer Beast
The displacer beast is a magical creature that resembles a puma with two powerful black tentacles growing
from its shoulders. Very rare, they stay far from human habitations.
The displacer beast has the blue-black coloring of a dark panther, and a long cat-like body and head. Females
range in length from 8 to 9 feet, and weigh 450 pounds; males are 10 to 12 feet long, and weigh up to 500 Lbs.
They have 6 legs. Tentacles are tipped with rough horny edges that can inflict terrible wounds. Their eyes
glow bright green, even after death.
The displacer beast is a fierce, savage creature that hates all forms of life. Highly aggressive, the displacer
beast will attack on sight, using its tentacles.
Their main advantage in combat is their magical power of displacement, which allows them to appear to be
some 3 feet from their actual location.
Displacer beasts will not use their claws or teeth unless near death, or when in combat with a very large
opponent. Displacer beasts are carnivores. Unless they are raising young, they usually run in packs, carving a
savage swath of destruction as they go. They hate all life, and will sometimes kill purely for pleasure. Fierce
and vicious as they are, however, displacer beasts never fight among themselves. The pack is a well-run and
highly efficient killing machine. When encountered in packs, displacer beasts are more than a match for
many large creatures and have been known to make a meal of orcs, goblins, and bands of men. Any creature
entering their territory is viewed as potential prey.
Displacer beasts mate in the autumn, and the young are born in spring. A mated pair of displacer beasts
makes its home in a cave, producing litters of 1-4 young. The cubs, about the size of domestic cats, are born
without tentacles and reach maturity, though not full size, within 4 months. They remain in the cave until
their displacement abilities are fully developed. This is followed by a two month period during which the
cubs are taught how to hunt. When this is completed, the family group disbands and the monsters wander off
to join separate packs. While raising young, the monsters are fiercely protective of their lairs. One adult
always remains with the cubs, usually the female, while the other goes off to hunt. Dead prey is dragged back
to the lair to be eaten by the family. Lairs are littered with the bones, equipment, and the treasures of its
Naturally vicious and almost evil at times, displacer beasts harbor an undying hatred of blink dogs. Many
theories attempt to account for this enmity. Some sages believe it springs from antipathy in temperaments --
the lawful good blink dog would naturally be the enemy of a creature as savage and destructive as the
displacer beast. Others argue that it is the displacement and blink abilities which cause this antipathy – the
two abilities, when in close proximity, somehow stimulate the nervous system and produce hostile reactions.
Encounters between the two breeds are rare however, since they do not share the same territory. Displacer
beasts have little to fear from other large predators, save perhaps trolls or giants. Some wizards and alchemists
value their hides for use in certain magical preparations, and will offer generous rewards for them.
The eyes of a displacer beast are a highly prized, if uncommon, good luck charms among thieves who believe
that they will protect the bearer from detection.
Traits: Combat reflexes; Chameleon 4 (Magical); Cutting Striker (Long +1; Weak); DR 1; Enhanced Dodge 4
(Magical; Sight-based); Extra Attack (1); Extra Legs (Six legs); Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Berserk; Bestial;
Cannot Speak; Hidebound Horizontal; Indomitable; Intolerance (Blink Dogs); No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 16; Stealth 13*
*Chameleon gives +4 when moving or +8 when still.
The Displacer Samurai is a brave warrior. Skilful at using the katana, this creature is also a expert strategist. It
is unbelievably strong, quick and resilient. Just like the Displacer Beast it can cast illusions and use the
tentacles on its back to attack.
Displacer Samurai, Greater Elegant Killer Clever Trickster Greater Graceful Brute (Greater
Arabic legends say that Allah made men from earth, but djinn from smokeless fire. The natural form of a
djinni is a cloud of vapor, which can be either visible or invisible. Djinn can also materialize in the shape of
tall, powerfully built humans. When dematerialized they can only speak in peculiar breathy whispers. Djinn
as a race have great magical power and often are mighty sorcerers. They are proud by nature, but some are
obedient Muslims.
Djinn, Giant Beast Ideal Trickster Trickster Archcaster Epic Manipulation Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Alternate Form (Materialized Djinni); Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Empathy; Flight (Lighter
Than Air); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Invisibility (Can Carry Objects (No
Encumbrance); Normally On; Switchable); Magery (5); Magery 0; Unaging; Bully; Disturbing Voice; Dread
(Solomon's Seal) (Rarity: Occasional); No Legs (Aerial); No Manipulators; TricksterVulnerability (Vacuum
and windbased attacks) (Occasional) (x2); Proud
Spells: Complex Illusion 25; Fire Cloud 25; Great Wish 25; Perfect Illusion 25; Simple Illusion 25; Sound 25;
Windstorm 25
Choking Attack (14): the Djinn, in this form, can suffocate its enemies by entering the oral cavities of its
victims. See pag. B436 for details. Inside the enemy, the Djinn usually uses Fire Cloud for devastating effects.
Materialized Djinni
Materialized Djinn, Giant Beast Greater Power Killer Ideal Trickster Trickster Greater Hardy
Brute Archcaster Epic Manipulation Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Appearance (Very Beautiful); Combat Reflexes; Empathy; Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold;
Magery (5); Magery 0; Unaging; Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully; Dread (Solomon's Seal) (Rarity: Occasional);
Proud; Trickster; Grandfather Clock
Skills: Two-Handed Sword 19; Power Blow 31
Spells: Complex Illusion 25; Fire Cloud 25; Great Wish 25; Perfect Illusion 25; Simple Illusion 25; Sound 25;
Windstorm 25
In the quest for medical knowledge, the Nazis performed horrific experiments on entire villages and whole
populations. The purposes of these experiments are so twisted and utterly evil that Hitler has found only a
handful of soulless doctors willing to engage in them. However, the experiments are viewed as vital to the
existence of the Reich, so Hitler has ordered the SS to track down and draft physicians from the best German
medical institutes and the most promising students from around the country. They are stripped of their
identity and forced to comply with the human experimentation directive titled “Ics.” The project has met
with a stunning 70% mortality rate within the first six months. Those physicians who have not killed
themselves have gone mad with revulsion and selfloathing from the torture and horror they have inflicted on
their subjects.
Due to the astronomical rate of failure and physician suicide, the SS high command has been forced to close
down several research facilities and has sent the doctors back to their cities and villages. There the physicians
continue their experiments in secret, living terrifying double lives. During the day these men masquerade as
family doctors and good citizens, curing the sick and tending to the wounded. They can barely be told apart
from the average Hans or Fritz on the street. At night, in the privacy in their homes they give into their
soulless alter ego of Doctor Ics, experimenting on their living captives and creations.
For the most part, a Doctor Ics is indistinguishable from the general population. However this is only due to
self-restraint. As a doctor’s madness progresses he is less and less sensitive to who and what he experiments
on, including himself. As time goes on, the doctor examines his own body with his array of tools, sometimes
reworking entire systems. This always leaves heavy layers of scar tissue all across his body. The doctor
becomes a grotesque vision of something that was once human, covered in scars and stitches everywhere save
for his face and hands. The doctors become nearly immune to pain and are difficult to take down.
These doctors almost always avoid direct combat. In rare instances a doctor may seek to procure his
experimental subjects though direct assault, but the abundance of battlefield wounded and lack of attention
paid to mental institutions generally makes this unnecessary.
Their victims are typically prostitutes, vagrants, or victims purchased from unseemly individuals willing to
kidnap for a price.
In cases where a doctor is forced into combat, he almost always falls back on medical equipment for a
weapon. In most scenarios a doctor utilizes his composites to do his fighting.
Attribute Modifiers: ST +2; DX +2; IQ +6; HT +3
Advantages: Catfall; Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (2) (Tough Skin); Extraordinary Luck; Ghostly
Movement; Hard to Kill 2; High Manual Dexterity (4); High Pain Threshold; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous);
Recovery; Weapon Master (Surgical "Weapons")
Disadvantages: Bloodlust (12); Compulsive Murderer (12); Loner (12); Low Empathy; Obsession (12)
(Slaughtering patients); Odious Personal Habit (Sadistic Murderer); Sadism (12); Secret (Psycho Killer);
Role: Worthies, Bosses
Recommended Templates: Killers (Any); Stalkers (Any); Tricksters (Clever Tricksters); Brutes (Any)
Inappropriate Templates: Dire Beasts (Dire Beasts, Giant Beasts); Casters (Any); Epic Monsters (Any)
Doctor Ics, Greater Elegant Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Clever Trickster Greater Graceful
Brute (Greater Boss)
Traits: Catfall; Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (2) (Tough Skin); Enhanced Dodge (2); Extraordinary
Luck; Ghostly Movement; Hard to Kill 2; High Manual Dexterity (4); High Pain Threshold; Injury Tolerance
(Homogenous); Night Vision (3); Recovery; Silence (2); Weapon Master (Surgical "Weapons"); Bloodlust (12);
Compulsive Murderer (12); Compulsive Lying; Cowardice; Loner (12); Low Empathy; Obsession (12)
(Slaughtering patients); Odious Personal Habit (Sadistic Murderer); Sadism (12); Secret (Psycho Killer); Sense
of Duty ("Cure" the Patients) Trademark
Skills: Brawling 22; Knife 26; Physician/TL8 22; Stealth 24; Surgery/TL8 (Human) 22; Tactics 22; Traps 22;
Fast-Talk 22
The Double Scorpion is the outcome of a hideous experiment of a mad scintist or a wicked mage. It is found
in the dungeons or secret headquarters of its creators as guard dog. It is deadly.
Double Scorpion, Dire Beast Swift Killer Greater Assassin Strange Stalker Greater Hardy Brute
Epic Mastery Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Affliction (Tail Venom) (7) (Follow-Up; Terrible Pain); Clinging; Compartmentalized Mind (1);
Damage Resistance (6) (Tough Skin) + (8) (Carapace, Back Only); Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Extra Arms
(2); Extra Attack (4); Extra Legs (7+ Legs); Hard to Kille (3); Night Vision (3); Silence (2); Striker (Infernal
Tail; Impaling); Bad Smell; Bestial; Cannot Speak; Hidebound; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators; Thorny
Blast; Path Breaking
Skills: Brawling 17, Stealth 18
Derived from the eggs of gold dragons, Auraks are the most powerful and devious of the draconians.
Softspoken and coldblooded, no act of violence is too extreme for an Aurak.
Auraks are seven-foot-tall, sinewy draconians with short tails and golden scales. Small spines grow from the
backs of their heads. They have long, sharp teeth and bulging eyes that are either blood red, green, or black.
Their bodies emit a noxious sulphur odor, detectable from several yards away. They wear few clothes, aside
from the occasional belt or cape. Auraks are the only wingless draconians.
Draconian Aurak, Greater Swift Strange Killer Cunning Stalker Ideal Trickster Archcaster Epic
Manipulation Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Altered Time Rate (Maximum 10 seconds); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (3); Darkvision;
Discriminatory Smell; Extended Lifespan 4; Higher Purpose (Serve Evil Dragons); Immunity to Disease;
Immunity to Paralysis; Immunity to Sleep Effects; Night Vision (8); Reduced Consumption 3; Sharp Claws;
Sharp Teeth; Vibration Sense; Breath Attack: Toxic Attack 3d (Cone, 2 yards; Contact Agent; Limited Use,
3/day; Reduced Range 1/50; Resistible, HT-3; Side Effect (Blindness Disadvantage but Reduced Duration
1/100)); Energy Ray (Left Hand): Burning Attack 2d+1 (Increased ½ Range 10x; Reduced Range 5); Energy
Ray (Right Hand): Burning Attack 2d+1 (Increased ½ Range 10x; Reduced Range 5); Extra Attack (2);
Invisibility (Can Carry Objects, Medium Encumbrance; Cannot attack while invisible; Maximum Duration,
10 minutes; Switchable); Magery 4 (Racially innate spells only); Magic Resistance 4 (Improved +150%);
Military Rank 5; Mind Control (Limited Use, 1/day); Mind Control (Independent; Suggestion; Takes
Recharge, 10 minutes); Morph (Cosmetic; Limited Use, 3/day; Mass Conservation; Maximum Duration. Up to
10 minutes; Reduced Time 4; Retains Shape); Morph (Can turn into animals of same size or smaller only;
Limited Use, 3/day; Reduced Time 4); See Invisible (Magical) (True Sight); Warp (Extra Carrying Capacity,
Medium Encumbrance; Limited Use, 3/day; Range Limit, 20 yards; Reliable +10); Death Throes; Tail; Bully;
Cowardice; Fanatism (Evil Dragons); Fragile (Unnatural); Duty (Dragonarmies, 15 or less; Extremely
Hazardous); Life Bane; Flaying Touch; Overconfidence; Madness
Skills: Brawling 16; Body Sense 18; Diplomacy 18; Innate Attack (Beam) 17; Innate Attack (Breath) 17;
Intimidation 18; Tactics; Thaumatology 18; Traps 18
Racial Spells: Blink 25; Emotion Control 25; Enlarge 25; Flaming Armor 25; Lightning 25; Mind-Reading 25;
Phantom 25; Shocking Touch 25; Stench 25; Wall of Lightning 25
Baaz are the smallest and most plentiful draconians. Derived from the eggs of brass dragons, they were the
first draconians to appear on Krynn.
Baaz have mottled scales in various shades of bronze and dark green. Their eyes are blood red, and they have
slightly stooped shoulders. Their fangs are somewhat shorter than those of other draconian races.
Baaz so enjoyed the regal dress of the Dragonarmies that many of them continue to wear it today. Leather
collars and breastplates studded with iron are common, as are layered metal leggings. Since this apparel is
poorly kept, it is primarily for decoration, offering little in the way of protection.
Baaz are often encountered in disguise. They conceal their wings under long dark robes and hide their
features with large hoods and masks. Such outfits enable them to pass through civilized lands unnoticed.
At the bottom of the draconian social order, Baaz tend to be chaotic in nature and self-serving when they can
get away with it. During the War of the Lance, they served as common foot soldiers and were routinely
assigned the most dangerous and least appealing duties. Their superior officers, along with members other
draconian races, made no effort to conceal their contempt for the Baaz, humiliating them at every
opportunity. The Baaz deeply resented this treatment, a feeling that still lingers.
Traits: Darkvision; Discriminatory Smell; Extended Lifespan 4; Flight (Gliding; Winged); High Pain
Threshold; Higher Purpose (Serve Evil Dragons); Immunity to Disease; Immunity to Paralysis; Immunity to
Sleep Effects; Night Vision 5; Reduced Consumption 3; Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Vibration Sense; ; Damage
Resistance 2; Magic Resistance 2; Military Rank 0; Alcohol Tolerance; Death Throes (See Notes); Tail;
Fanatism (Evil Dragons); Fragile (Unnatural); Gullibility; Duty (Dragonarmies, 15 or less; Extremely
Hazardous); Wealth (Struggling); Likes costumes, disguises and highly decorative clothing; Likes Alcohol
Skills: Brawling 11; Broadsword 11; Disguise/TL3 (Human) 10; Fast-Talk 10; Intimidation 10; Running 12
Bozaks are magic-using draconians derived from the eggs of bronze dragons. They are quick-witted, shrewd,
and ruthless. Bozaks are just over six feet tall and are covered with bronze-colored scales. They have dull
yellow eyes and gray teeth.
Though Bozaks eschew armor, since it limits their maneuverability, they often wear helmets, light
breastplates, and leather arm and leg bands for body decoration.
Bozak wings are the most versatile of any draconian race. Aside from the Kapak, the Bozak is the only
draconian that can actually fly, albeit only for a single round (because flight requires a great effort, its
movement rate in the air is 6). Not only can it glide like other winged draconians, it can sustain the glide
indefinitely in a strong wind. On cold days, Bozaks spread their wings to increase exposure to the sunlight.
On warm days, they slowly flap their wings to generate cooling breezes. When Bozaks are anxious or lost in
thought, their wings twitch and vibrate.
Bozaks are intensely spiritual, devoted to the worship of Takhisis, the Queen of Darkness. They conduct
elaborate ceremonies in her honor.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Darkvision; Discriminatory Smell; Extended Lifespan 4; Flight (Gliding; Winged);
Higher Purpose (Serve Evil Dragons); Immunity to Disease; Immunity to Paralysis; Immunity to Sleep Effects;
Night Vision 5; Reduced Consumption 3; Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Vibration Sense; Damage Resistance 2;
Magery 1 (Racially innate spells only); Magic Resistance 3 (Improved); Military Rank 1; Death Throes (See
Notes); Tail; Bloodlust (12 or less); Fanatism (Evil Dragons); Fragile (Unnatural); Duty (Dragonarmies, 15 or
less; Extremely Hazardous)
Skills: Bow 13; Brawling 13; Diplomacy 13; Fast-Talk 13; Innate Attack (Beam and Projectile) 13;
Intimidation 14; Leadership 14; Power Blow 23; Running 12; Shortsword 13; Tactics 15; Thaumatology 15;
Traps 15
Racial Spells: Blackout 14; Fireball 14; Flame Jet 14; Invisibility 14; Levitation 14; Loyalty 14; Shield 14;
Shocking Touch 14; Sleep 14; Spider Silk 14; Stench 14
Regular Bow (13): 2d imp, acc 2, range x15/x20, RoF 1, Shots 1(2)
Shortsword (13): 3d cut, Reach 1
Sharp Claws (13): 2d-1 cut, Reach C
Sharp Teeth (13): 2d-1 cut, Reach C
Death Throes: When a bozak dies, its scaly flesh shrivels and crumbles from it bones in a cloud of dust. The
bones immediately explode, dealing 1d cr ex damage
Draconian, Kapak
Kapaks are a race of venomous draconians known for their stealth. They are derived from copper dragon eggs.
Kapaks average six feet tall and have sleek torsos and long limbs. Their scales are dull copper tinged with
green, their eyes are orange or dark brown. They have short manes of dark brown or blonde hair hanging
from either side of their mouths. Soft pads line the bottoms of their feet, enabling them to move silently.
They speak in a soft, high-pitched whine. The most exotic physical feature of the Kapaks are the poison
glands located under their tongues that continuously secrete a venomous spittle. The glands are magical in
nature, and are capable of producing a virtually limitless amount of the thick, yellowish venom.
Kapaks avoid any style of clothing that might draw attention to themselves.
Traits: Darkvision; Discriminatory Smell; Extended Lifespan 4; Flight (Gliding -50%; Winged); Higher
Purpose (Serve Evil Dragons); Immunity to Disease; Immunity to Paralysis; Immunity to Sleep Effects; Night
Vision 8; Reduced Consumption 3; Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Vibration Sense; Affliction 1 (-2 DX;
Secondary Paralysis; Cumulative; Follow-up, Sharp Teeth); Damage Resistance 2; Magic Resistance 2;
Military Rank 0; +2 to Stealth (Padded Feet); Death Throes (See Notes); Immune to Kapak poison; Silence (2);
Tail; Cowardice; Fanatism (Evil Dragons); Fragile (Unnatural); Duty (Dragonarmies, 15 or less; Extremely
Hazardous); Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 15; Running 16; Shortsword 16; Stealth 18
Sivaks are savage, shapechanging draconians that are derived from the eggs of silver dragons. They are among
the most powerful draconians, second only to Auraks.
Sivaks have gleaming sliver scales and black eyes. Topping nine feet in height, they are the largest draconian
race. They emit a mild odor that smells ilke hot metal and smoke. Sivaks seldom wear armor, but they
sometimes wear flowing capes and decorative metal bands around their arms, legs, necks, and tails.
Sivaks can run and glide like most other draconian races, but they are unique in their ability to fly. They are
extremely agile in the air, as maneuverable as dragons and nearly as fast.
Draconian Sivak, Greater Elegant Killer Clever Trickster Greater Graceful Brute Epic
Destruction Monster (Greater Epic Monster)
ST: 18 HP: 22 Speed: 7
DX: 15 Will: 14 Move: A 14; G 7
IQ: 12 Per: 13
HT: 13 FP: 13 SM: 1
Dodge: 11 Parry: 16 DR: 2 (Scales) + 6 (Steel Corselet)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Darkvision; Discriminatory Smell; Extended Lifespan 4; Flight (Winged); Higher
Purpose (Serve Evil Dragons); Immunity to Disease; Immunity to Paralysis; Immunity to Sleep Effects; Night
Vision 5; Reduced Consumption 3; Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Vibration Sense; Weapon Master (Two-Handed
Sword); Enhanced Parry (2); Crushing Striker (Tail) (Cannot Parry; Limited arc, straight behind); Damage
Resistance 2; Extra Attack; Magic Resistance 3; Military Rank 3; Morph (Cosmetic; Can only Morph into
killed victims and within 10 seconds victim died; Reduced Time ½; Retains Shape); High Pain Threshold;
Alcohol Tolerance; Death Throes (See Notes); Duty (Dragonarmies, 15 or less; Extremely Hazardous);
Fanatism (Evil Dragons); Fragile (Unnatural); Life Bane; Bloodlust (12 or less); Odious Personal Habit (Eating
sapients, especially fond of elven flesh); Likes Alcohol; Stone Visage (see below)
Skills: Acting (Impersonation) 15; Brawling 18; Climbing 18; Diplomacy 15; Disguise/TL3 (Human) 16; Fast-
Talk 15; Intimidation 16; Jumping 16; Leadership 15; Running 16; Tactics 16; Traps 16; Two-Handed Sword
Its rough, deep green shell is much the same color as the deep water the monster favors, and the silver
highlights that line the shell resemble light dancing on open water. The turtle’s legs, tail, and head are a
lighter green, flecked with golden highlights. An adult dragon turtle can measure from 20 to 30 feet from
snout to tail, with a shell from 15 to 25 feet in diameter, and can weigh 8,000 to 32,000 pounds.
Dragon turtles are fierce fighters and generally attack any creature that threatens their territory or looks like
a potential meal.
Dragon Turtle, Giant Beast Greater Hardy Brute Epic Destruction Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Amphibious; Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell; DR 20 (against fire); Extra Attack 1; Hard to Kill (3);
High Pain Threshold; Immunity (Sleep effects); Immunity (Paralysis effects); Night Vision 5; Quadruped;
Sharp Beak; Sharp Claws; Bad Temper; Bloodlust (12 or less); Gluttony
Skills: Brawling 14; Camouflage 14; Detect Lies 15; Diplomacy 10; Innate Attack (Breath) 16; Intimidation 14;
Survival (Open Ocean) 16; Swimming 21
Huge, intelligent, and impossibly long-lived, dragons are fire-breathing creatures of terrible beauty. They are,
by all available accounts, native to Yrth . . . at least, there are no reliable reports of a time before the dragons.
Given their blatantly magical nature, they may well have been the product, accidental or deliberate, of some
ancient age of high magic. If the dragons themselves know, they aren’t telling.
Dragons have two sexes, but distinguishing a male from a female is an exercise for the scholarly or the
foolhardy. Dragons mate infrequently, sometimes impelled by erratic instinct but oftener in pursuit of
political alliance; their clutches number up to a dozen eggs. A newly hatched dragon, about the size of a man,
is fully mobile, self-sufficient, and fluent in its racial language. Some dragons never make it out of the shell;
wyrm eggs are powerfully magical, and insanely brave adventurers sometimes steal them for sale to mages.
A newly hatched dragon sets out to find its own territory. Most hatchlings perish at the hands of humans,
dwarves, monsters, or other dragons, but the smartest and luckiest survive. Dragons grow, age, and ripen in
wisdom as long as they live. They never weaken or fall to senility; they are said to be immortal, succumbing
only to violence. Exceptionally magical creatures, they learn spells from each other, and occasionally from
powerful wizards of other races. The potential rewards of such arrangements can persuade dragons to traffic
with lesser beings, and humans to risk dealing with creatures that could swallow them in two bites. Dragons
also learn by research and experiments, in which case they may employ or enslave humanoid servitors to take
care of tedious details or simply to provide hands. An adult dragon may know dozens of spells, but they often
focus on high skill rather than acquiring a wide range. While they can use words and gestures of their claws
and tails to cast spells, some prefer to learn them to skill 20 or better, so that they can cast them subtly,
without overt rituals.
Except for Magery itself, their powers are not affected by low or high mana, but they suffer horrendously in
no-mana areas, quickly sickening and eventually dying. However, many prefer low-mana areas because
wizards are less likely to attack them there.
Dragons are thus most often found in the Ring Islands, the Great Forest, and the northern parts of the
Whitehood Mountains. They tend to live in mountainous areas but will take up residence anywhere that
interests them. Some are rumored to be able to take other forms and live among the more social races.
Whether they do so for political reasons, personal preferences, or simply sport is usually unknown. Dragons
could never be common. It takes a large territory to feed one; a full-grown dragon can eat two cows a week
and will prey on elephants for variety. Even a hatchling eats as much as a man. They can reduce their needs
by deliberately placing themselves in a kind of extended torpor, but most feel unsafe doing this for long:
enemies might take advantage. Most nurse a fondness for treasure, but this can take the form of violent greed,
refined connoisseurship, or miserly paranoia.
A few eventually rise above such seemingly crass instincts. Dragons are intelligent enough to understand the
long-term limits on their food supply, territorial enough to dislike having other dragons nearby, and far too
proud to adopt ideas such as agriculture. Those who live too close together inevitably fight, usually sooner
rather than later . . . but “sooner” for dragons may be a long time in human terms, as rivals watch for
advantage and negotiate with other neighbors. Dragons are quite willing to gang up on each other, but the
negotiations . . . who gets first pick of the target’s hoard, who gets how much of his lands . . . can take
decades. This partly explains the relative lack of truly ancient dragons – the youngsters eventually mob them.
Still, dragons do have a society. Every dragon past hatchling age knows every other dragon, at least by
reputation, and at times they meet peacefully . . . to
plot, to share knowledge, or just to have the
company of a near-equal.
Dragons rob men of land and cattle, dwarves of
caves and gold, elves of forest and game. Most of
the sentient races thus regard them as enemies.
Even in ancient times, the dragon population was
kept low by territorial squabbles and the occasional
elven or dwarven hero seeking revenge. Since the
Banestorm, dragons have gradually been
exterminated in populated regions. No young
dragon can hope to survive long in human lands;
only a mature wyrm dropping in unexpectedly is
likely to overcome the local warriors. Such a monster may even settle down and grow fat, pillaging at night
or demanding tribute.
Most dragons are intelligent enough not to pursue this strategy, since champions eventually come to do
battle. If nineteen die fiery deaths, still the twentieth appears. Or, worse, a human army with magical support
will lay siege to its lair. Sooner or later, the dragon must return to the wilderness, find new lands to terrorize
– or die. Scholars estimate that around 500 dragons live on Yrth, but given the complexities of dragon society,
the ease which which they can fly great distances, and the fact that many may be hibernating in secluded
lairs, no one can be at all certain.
Not all dragons are hostile marauders; some are willing to talk. People take some convincing that such
dragons are sincere, but it happens. Motivations vary from dragon to dragon: some care only for food and
treasure, while others see the benefits of bargaining and cooperation – or at least, of employing humanoid
Although a human army is one of the few things a dragon really fears, they can sometimes be persuaded to
participate in wars. Legends even speak of great heroes who rode dragons into battle. Dragons’ oaths, not
lightly given, can almost always be trusted; they are proud creatures, and a reputation for unreliability makes
things difficult over the centuries.
The best way to approach a dragon is to be very polite and offer treasure. Food is welcome, but only a young
or very hungry dragon will be mollified by that alone. Threats are likely to be met with anger and violence.
Incidentally, dwarves are the one race which trusts dragons less than humanity does. Reptile men, on the
other hand, regard them with respect, which is returned in full; in addition to its Reputation, reptile men
ignore a dragon’s Social Stigma.
Dragons fight intelligently, though some may succumb to atavistic battlefury. They use claws, teeth, strength,
and any applicable spells as well as breath weapons; older dragons make more use of flame, as they not only
have better range, but can spare more fatigue. Anyone attacking a dragon from behind is likely to become the
target of a tail swipe; dragons will often aim low, to sweep an opponent’s legs – or horse – out from under
him, buying the dragon time to deal with any foes to the front.
Hatchling Dragon
An infant dragon, perhaps fresh out of the egg, is around 6’-7’ long, and weighs 150-200 lbs.
Attribute Modifiers: ST +3; DX -1; HT +2
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Speed -1
Advantages: Perception +2; Crushing Striker (Tail; Long, +1 SM; Cannot Parry); Extra Legs (Four Legs); Flight
(Winged); Magery 3; Reputation (“noblest of the scaled ones”; +1 among reptile men); Unaging; Burning
Attack 1d (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, - 10%; Jet, +0%;
Reduced Range, 1/5, -20%); DR 1 (Can’t Wear
Armor, -40%); Nictitating Membrane 1; Sharp
Claws; Sharp Teeth
Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana, Very
Common, Constantly); Horizontal; Loner (15);
No Fine Manipulators; Reputation (“cave-horror,
worst of gold-thieves”; -2 among dwarves);
Social Stigma (Monster)
Role: Wothies
Recommended Templates: Killers (Elegant
Killers); Brutes (Hardy Brutes)
Inappropriate Templates: Dire beasts (Dire
Beasts, Giant Beasts); Killers (Greater Elegant
Killers; Swift Killers, Greater Swift Killers,
Power Killers, Greater Power Killers); Stalkers
(Swift Stalkers); Tricksters (Any); Brutes
(Graceful Brutes, Greater Graceful Brutes,
Greater Hardy Brutes); Casters (Any); Epic
Monsters (Any)
Traits: Perception +2; Combat Reflexes; Crushing Striker (Tail; Long, +1 SM; Cannot Parry); Extra Legs (Four
Legs); Flight (Winged); Magery 3; Reputation (“noblest of the scaled ones”; +1 among reptile men); Unaging;
Burning Attack 1d (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP, - 10%; Jet, +0%; Reduced Range, 1/5, -20%); DR 1 (Can’t Wear
Armor, -40%); Nictitating Membrane 1; Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Bad Temper; Dependency (Mana, Very
Common, Constantly); Horizontal; Loner (15); No Fine Manipulators; Reputation (“cave-horror, worst of
gold-thieves”; -2 among dwarves); Social Stigma (Monster)
Skills: Brawling 14; Innate Attack (Breath) 14
Young Dragon
This is a dragon of about 20 years old, which has survived the perilous hatchling phase and is probably
establishing a lair. It is a 4-hex creature weighing 500-800 lbs.
Attribute Modifiers: ST +8; DX +1; IQ +1; HT +3
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM +1; FP +2; Basic Speed -1
Advantages: Perception +2; Crushing Striker (Tail; Long, +1 SM; Cannot Parry); Extra Legs (Four Legs); Flight
(Winged); Magery 3; No Fine Manipulators; Reputation (“noblest of the scaled ones”; +1 among reptile men);
Unaging; Burning Attack 1d (Costs Fatigue, 2 FP; Jet; Reduced Range, 1/2); DR 2 (Can’t Wear Armor);
Metabolism Control 2; Nictitating Membrane 2; Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth
Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana, Very Common, Constantly); Horizontal; Loner (15); Reputation (“cave-
horror, worst of gold-thieves”; -2 among dwarves); Social Stigma (Monster);
Role: Worthies
Recommended Templates: Killers (Any); Tricksters (Clever Tricksters); Brutes (Hardy Brutes, Greater Hardy
Brutes); Casters (Wild Casters)
Inappropriate Templates: Dire Beasts (Dire Beasts, Giant Beasts); Stalkers (Any); Epic Monsters (Any)
Young Dragon, Power Killer Clever Trickster Hardy Brute Wild Caster (Worthy)
Adolescent Dragon
This specimen is perhaps a century old, probably established both in its lair and in draconic society. It is a 7-
hex creature weighing 800-1,500 lbs.
Attribute Modifiers: ST +13; DX +2; IQ +2; HT +3
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM +2; FP +5
Advantages: Perception +2; Crushing Striker (Tail; Long, +1 SM; Cannot Parry); Extra Legs (Four Legs); Flight
(Winged); Horizontal; Loner (15); Magery 3; Reputation (“noblest of the scaled ones”; +1 among reptile men);
Unaging; Burning Attack 2d (Breath; Costs 2 Fatigue; Jet; Range 5); DR 3 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%);
Metabolism Control 6; Nictitating Membrane 3; Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth
Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana, Very Common, Constantly); No Fine Manipulators; Reputation (“cave-
horror, worst of gold-thieves”; -2 among dwarves); Social Stigma (Monster)
Role: Worthies, Bosses
Recommended Templates: Dire Beasts (Dire Beasts); Killers (Any); Tricksters (Clever Tricksters, Ideal
Tricksters); Brutes (Hardy Brutes, Greater Hardy Brutes); Casters (Power Casters, Wild Casters)
Inappropriate Templates: Stalkers (Any)
Adolescent Dragon, Dire Beast Greater Elegant Killer Ideal Trickster Hardy Brute Power Caster
(Greater Worthy)
Adult Dragon
This is a dragon after several centuries, a 10-hex monster weighing 1,500-2,500 lbs., with little to fear except
draconic rivals or very powerful heroes.
Attribute Modifiers: ST +16; DX +3; IQ +4; HT +4
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM +3; FP +10
Advantages: Perception +2; Crushing Striker (Tail; Long, +1 SM; Cannot Parry); Extra Legs (Four Legs); Flight
(Winged); Magery 3; Reputation (“noblest of the scaled ones”; +1 among reptile men); Unaging; Burning
Attack 3d (Breath; Costs 2 Fatigue; Jet); DR 6 (Can’t Wear Armor); Fangs; Metabolism Control 8; Nictitating
Membrane 5; Talons
Disadvantages: Dependency (Mana, Very Common, Constantly); Horizontal; Loner (15); No Fine
Manipulators; Reputation (“cave-horror, worst of gold-thieves”; -2 among dwarves); Social Stigma (Monster)
Role: Bosses
Recommended Templates: Dire Beasts (Dire Beasts, Giant Beasts); Killers (Any); Tricksters (Any); Brutes
(Any); Casters (Any); Epic Monsters (Any)
Inappropriate Templates: Stalkers (Any)
Adult Dragon, Giant Beast Greater Power Killer Ideal Trickster Greater Hardy Brute Wild
Caster (Greater Boss)
Traits: Perception +2; Combat Reflexes; Crushing Striker (Tail; Long, +1 SM; Cannot Parry); Extra Legs (Four
Legs); Flight (Winged); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Magery 4; Reputation (“noblest of the scaled
ones”; +1 among reptile men); Unaging; Burning Attack 3d (Breath; Costs 2 Fatigue; Jet); DR 6 (Can’t Wear
Armor); Fangs; Metabolism Control 8; Nictitating Membrane 5; Talons; Wild Talent (3); Bad Temper; Bully
(12 or less); Dependency (Mana, Very Common, Constantly); Horizontal; Loner (15); No Fine Manipulators;
Overconfidence; Reputation (“cave-horror, worst of gold-thieves”; -2 among dwarves); Social Stigma
Skills: Brawling 19; Innate Attack (Breath) 19; Power Blow 32
Spells: any seems appropriate
Monstrous Dragon
Monstrous Dragon, Giant Beast Greater Swift Killer Clever Strange Trickster Greater Graceful
Brute Wild Power Blood Caster Epic Destruction Epic Mastery Epic Manipulation Monster
(Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Altered Time Rate (Maximum Duration 10 seconds); Combat Reflexes; Crushing Striker (Tail; Long, +1
SM; Cannot Parry); Dark Vision; Enhanced Dodge (2); Extra Attack (1); Extra Legs (Four Legs); Flight
(Winged, -25%); High Pain Threshold; Magery 4; Reputation (“noblest of the scaled ones”; +1 among reptile
men); Unaging; Burning Attack 4d (Breath; Costs 2 Fatigue; Jet); DR 7 (Can’t Wear Armor, -40%); Fangs;
Long Talons; Metabolism Control 9; Nictitating Membrane 6; Reputation (“Embodiment of the Infinite”; +1
among elves); Silence (4); Wild Talent (3); Bad Temper; Berserk; Dependency (Mana, Very Common,
Constantly); Horizontal; Loner (15); No Fine Manipulators; Reputation (“cave-horror, worst of gold-thieves”;
-2 among dwarves); Social Stigma (Monster); Mimic; Stone Visage; Swallowing Void; Madness
Skills: Brawling 20; Innate Attack (Breath) 20; Psychology 20; Tactics 20; Traps 20; Fast-Talk 20
Spells: any seems appropriate
In addition to draconic monsters such as wyverns, there are occasional reports of dragon-like monsters on
Yrth which do not fit the standard pattern. These may be magical mutants, or Banestorm victims from some
other world. A few seem to be simply “deficient” dragons; for example, some seem to be born without the
ability to breathe flame, but survive to adulthood anyway, thanks to raw strength, cunning, or magic. It is
said that some dragons pursue unusual magical paths which radically affect their physique, giving them an
exotic appearance and strange powers.
Most “variant dragons” lack wings and flame; some have the Constriction Attack advantage, or possess either
powerful venomous bites (a Toxic Attack with Follow-Up) or the ability to spit venom (a Corrosive or Toxic
Attack with Jet and often Contact Agent). A few are amphibious; some even prefer life underwater.
Dream Warrior
Dream warriors appear as swirling columns of white mist, having no corporeal bodies to speak of. In this form
they are hard to distinguish from smoke or fog, but as they engage in combat they take on more corporeal
They assume the shapes of knights and warriors, with armaments and weapons. They often scry their victims
briefly, pulling memories from their sub-conscience and casting themselves in the images of those memories.
They twist these memories into horrible apparitions, pained and sorrowful.
In this way their victims are confronted with someone they thought long dead or gone and made to believe
they suffer woefully in the great beyond. However dream warriors can never assume real shapes and there
are always tendrils of mist coiling about them.
Dream warriors do not bleed, nor can they have limbs chopped off or the like. Nor can they drop their
weapons, slip or fall. They are creatures of mist and fragments of a mad god’s musings. They are, however,
real and they can slay and cause damage as with any other creature. They are drawn to the weary or the
troubled. There are in fact many of these creatures, and they linger on the edges of civilization, or in
forgotten places where men once dwelt, latent and powerless. When they are encountered, their victims give
their malice shape and form and they manifest and attack those nearest.
Dream warriors use any variety of weapons in combat, preferring swords, axes and lances. They can fight two
handed. A dream warrior is incorporeal most of the time; at will, it may switch between a misty form and a
more dense corporeal form.
The dream warrior has the ability to read the thoughts of those within 100 feet of its location. It can do this
only while in its mist shape and even then only in a limited capacity.
It can read latent memories of its target. This is instantaneous, however, upon a successful Will check, the
target can detect that a hostile mind is scrying them.
Dream Warrior, Greater Elegant Strange Killer Greater Graceful Brute (Worthy)
Traits: Ambidexterity; Combat Reflexes; Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Parry (2); Flight (Lighter Than Air);
Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Terror (Awe) (Will-3); Weapon Master
(Broadsword); Bad Temper; No Legs (Aerial); Vulnerability (Vacuum and wind-based attacks) (Occasional)
Skills: Axe/Mace 18; Broadsword 21; Dual-Weapon Attack (Broadsword) 20; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 18;
Two-Handed Sword 18
These hulking warlords are the cruel rulers of the fire elementals, though in theory they all obey the Sultan
of the City of Brass. They plot and scheme against one another with a degree of cunning and skill usually seen
only in the Lower Planes. They care nothing for humans and generally try to corrupt those sha’ir powerful
enough to command them. Their arrogance and lust for power have won them few friends on either the
Elemental or Prime Material Planes.
An efreeti has the skin of the color of basalt, hair of brass, and eyes of flame. The efreet wear baggy
pantaloons, a shoulder harness for swords and daggers, and massive jewelry, generally armbands and earrings.
The males enjoy showing off their muscled chests and broad shoulders, and so only wear tunics and cloaks
when cold demands it; this is a matter of status and pride in strength rather than pure vanity. Their goal in
choosing weapons, clothes, and jewelry is as much to intimidate others as to adorn themselves.
Efreeti, Giant Beast Greater Elegant Killers Clever Trickster Graceful Brute Archcaster Epic
Destruction Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; DR 20 (against fire); Enhanced Dodge 1; Flight
(Handling Bonus +3); Growth 2 (Affect Others, 1 person max; Limited Use, 2/day*; Resistible, HT); High Pain
Threshold; Infravision; Jumper (Planes; can carry up to eight persons); Magery 4 (Racially innate spells only);
Shrinking 2 (Affect Others, 1 person max; Limited Use, 2/day*; Resistible, HT); Telesend (Maximum Range,
30-yards); Weapon Masters (Two-Handed Sword); Berserk (12 or less); Life Bane; Megalomania;
Vulnerability (Cold x2); Armageddon (see below)
Skills: Brawling 20; Detect Lies 16; Diplomacy 15; Fast-Talk 18; Innate Attack (Beam) 20; Intimidation 20;
Stealth 18; Tactics 19; Thaumatology 25; Traps 20; Two-Handed Sword 22
Spells: Body of Air 15; Create Fire 15; Detect Magic 15; Flame Jet 15; Great Shapeshift 15**; Great Wish 20***;
Invisibility 15; Perfect Illusion 15; Smoke 15; Wall of Fire 15
Notes: Efreeti generate body heat. It add 2 burn damage whenever it hits in melee. Unarmed attacks made on
Efreeti deal 2 burn damage to the attacker (DR protects against it)
* Efreeti can use Growth or Shrinking up to a total of twice a day maximum, not per power
** Can be used on self only
*** Efreeti can cast this spell without any FP cost up to three times for nongenies only
I began to experiment ...and that's how Ego came about. ... A planet that was alive; a planet that was
intelligent. That was nothing new either because there had been other stories about live planets but that's not
acceptable. ... You would say, 'Yeah, that's wild,' but how do you relate to it? Why is it alive? So I felt
somewhere out in the universe, the universe ... becomes denser and turns liquid — and that in this liquid,
there was a giant multiple virus, and if it remained isolated for millions and millions of years, it would ...
begin to evolve by itself and it would begin to think. By the time we reached it, it might be quite superior to
us — and that was Ego.
Ego is exceptionally intelligent, although as its name suggests, it harbors an extreme superiority complex and
can be emotional if thwarted. Ego is propelled through space via the engine Engai implanted on it and can
travel at faster than light speeds (for unknown reasons, Ego is unable to remove the powerful propulsion unit
placed at its south pole). Ego has total control over its entire mass down to the molecular level; it often shapes
its surface into the appearance of a gigantic face to address powerful beings, and can also shape its terrain to
suit the circumstances. It is able to use its own substance to extrude tentacles, organic sensors, plant-like
growth, and to create humanoid vessels for its consciousness. It can shape its surface to appear as a dead
inhospitable world, or into an idyllic, lush green paradise to lure unaware space travelers to its surface, which
it promptly consumes. Ego possesses various internal features analogous to a living organism, such as gigantic
tunnels that have been compared to arteries, and a gigantic brain-like organ deep below its surface. It can
heat up its internal temperature to destroy beings inside it. Ego possesses both digestive organs, which it uses
when absorbing living beings, and an immune system with which to create powerful antibodies to destroy
beings which resist absorption.
It also possesses vast psionic abilities, and can project blasts powerful enough to destroy other worlds. He was
able to read human's mind scan their biological structure.
*See Notes
Traits: Damage Resistance (100); Enhanced Move (Space) (16); Enhanced Time Sense; Flight (Space Flight
Only); Photographic Memory; Intolerance (Total Intolerance); Megalomania; Selfish (12 or less); See Attacks
Skills: Brawling 14, Drain Emotion 23; Lasting Effect 23; Mass Drain 23; Steal Dreams 23; Destabilizing 23;
Steal Energy 23; Far Theft 23; Steal Life 23; No Contact 23; Steal Power 23; Improved Theft 23; Cryokinesis
23; Expanded Area 23; Nerve Damage 23; PK Shield 23; Suppression 23; Telereceive 23; Deep Probe 23;
Multiplicity 23; New Approach 23; Telesend 23; Broadcast 23; Send Senses 23
Stone Tentacles (14): 103d crushing damage, reach up to thousands of yard The stats above are for the
tentacles that Ego can create to crush its enemies
Drain Emotion (23): Ego can drain all of the emotion out of a person. Roll a Quick Contest of Ego skill against
its enemy Will. If Ego win, he loses the ability to experience any emotions for (10 * your margin of victory)
hours. He retains his own mind and personality, but he will only take actions based on logic. Ego, on the
other hand, experiences his emotions for the duration of seconds! These are usually manageable, but
especially strong ones may require a Will roll to maintain your composure. This power takes normal range
Ego, additionally, can affect everyone in a two-yard radius at once. It may double this radius, cumulatively,
for every 5 points by which Ego makes your (modified) skill roll.
Steal Dreams (23): Ego can steal someone’s dreams, leaving his sleep useless and unfulfilling. (Anyone with
Doesn’t Sleep is immune.) If Ego wins a Quick Contest of skill vs. his Will, his next full night’s sleep does not
count for FP recovery; treat it as though he was awake the entire time! There is no outer indication that he is
having problems – to an observer, he is sleeping peacefully. His dreams, however, are transferred to Ego; it
experiences them the next time you sleep. Ego can use this ability to learn more about a person’s secrets, or
uncover his hopes and desires. Ego can use this ability on a victim every day, until it kills him!
This power takes long-distance penalties (p. B241) allowing Ego to affect someone across space, as long as it
knows exactly where he is.
The lack of sleep has a particular deleterious effect on its victim. Ego can choose all of the following effects:
Bad Temper (9), Chronic Depression (12), Confused (9), Indecisive (9), Odious Personal Habit (Snippy, -3 to
reactions), Phantom Voices (Diabolical), or Short Attention Span (9). If Ego uses this technique every time it
affects a person, he gains that disadvantage once he has lost over 1/3 his basic FP to Steal Dreams. (For most
people, this will be after the second night in a row.) He keeps it for as long as he remains over this threshold.
Steal Energy (23): Ego can steal energy (FP) from others, replenishing its own. Ego must win a Quick Contest
of skill vs. its target’s Will; It is at -1 per yard of distance between them. Ego can drain 7 FP from a victim
every second; it has to roll a new Quick Contest per second.
If the subject ever successfully resists, Ego must wait 24 hours before attempting to drain him again. Even
successful use of Steal Energy can be tricky, as the subject’s sense of self is embedded in his life energy. After
Ego's done draining a person, it has to roll 3d. If the result is less than or equal to the amount of FP Ego stole
from him, the GM will assign Ego -(1d*5) points of disadvantages and quirks from the victim, which last for
10 minutes per point of stolen FP.
Ego skill takes normal range penalties.
Steal Life (23): Ego can steal someone’s life force (HP), healing itself with it. It must maintain ongoing contact
to use this ability – a grapple or handshake will do, but a touch will not. This is not a subtle ability! Roll a
Quick Contest of skill vs. the victim’s Will every second. If it succeeds, it drains 15 HP. These HP can be used
to heal its injuries. Once Ego is at full HP, they go to heal its FP instead. (If it is at full HP and FP, it get no
further benefit, but its victim can still lose HP.)
If its victim ever successfully resists, Ego cannot affect him again for 24 hours.
Ego can use Steal Life at a distance; it is at -1 to skill for every yard to the subject. Its effective power level is
halved while using No Contact, however.
Steal Power (23): Ego can steal someone’s psi abilities. This requires skin-to-skin contact and a Quick Contest
of skill vs. his Will. If Ego wins, it steals some of his power for the duration (below). If Ego ties or loses, it
cannot use Steal Power on the same subject again for 24 hours.
Ego can steals all of the victim’s psionic powers and abilities. To determine how long it retains the stolen
power, multiply its margin of victory by 2 days.
The subject retains any relevant Talents and skills, but Ego temporarily gain the skill for every stolen ability
at 23
Cryokinesis: Ego can lower temperatures, either in an area or within a subject. Each use requires a skill roll,
and Ego can affect anything it can see. Apply long-range modifiers for distant targets. When affecting an area
(which takes two seconds of concentration), Ego can lower the temperature by 600°, in an area with up to an
16-yard radius. The change takes place at 60° per second, over the course of 10 seconds. Those in the area do
not take damage directly, but they have to deal with the effects of Cold (p. B430).
If affecting a single subject, he resists with Will (inanimate objects resist with HT). Failure means that the
subject takes 9d of damage; DR does not protect against this!
Ego can choose which kind of damage the target takes: Freezing is FP damage; the FP lost cannot be regained
until the subject is in a warm environment. Frostbite is HP damage (specifically, burning damage, but from
extreme cold); if Ego wishes, the Creature can have it target a specific exterior hit location (i.e., “left arm” is
valid, but “vitals” are not).
Alternatively, instead of doing damage to a single subject, Ego can affect everyone in a two-yard radius area.
It has to roll once; they resist separately.
Nerve Damage (23): Ego can target the spine and nervous system for damage. Its attack does half damage, but
if the victim takes cumulative damage greater than 2/3 his HP or FP (as appropriate to the damage you’re
causing), he is paralyzed until he heals enough to fall back below that threshold.
PK Shield (23): Ego can psychokinetically resist or deflect incoming physical attacks. This affects weapons,
punches, and objects (including those held by TK Grab or thrown by TK Bullet), but it has no effect on
energy (e.g., fire, electricity) or purely mental attacks. Every time it is hit by a physical attack, it has to roll
against its skill. Success provides DR 100. In a situation where it's under constant “attack” (i.e., caught in a
vicious hailstorm), Ego has to roll once per minute. This is a passive ability.
Its effective shield level is halved, but it also grants its DR against damage from Innate Attacks that use
Cosmic or Malediction, as long as they involve physical damage of some sort. This includes TK Crush and
Innerportation. Round down.
Telereceive: Ego can read another person’s thoughts – and probe further, into his memories and subconscious.
To use this ability, it must win a Quick Contest of skill vs. the subject’s Will. He does not have to resist if he is
aware of its presence and wants to communicate with the creature. He also has the option of allowing Ego to
hear just the thoughts he “projects” at it, while still retaining the right to resist you reading his surface
thoughts or memories. Likewise, he can choose to let Ego read his surface thoughts while resisting attempts
to read his memories.
If the subject does resist, its repeated attempt penalties (p. PP6) – but not the FP cost – are tripled if Ego try
again within five minutes, and doubled if you try again within the hour.
Critical failure means Ego cannot get inside this subject’s head for 24 hours, unless it uses the New Approach
psi technique.
If Ego wins, it is inside his head and can overhear his surface thoughts, including any telepathic conversations
he’s involved in. Ego canunderstand his native language! This gives you +4 Detect Lies, Fortune-Telling, and
Psychology against the subject. (This bonus is not cumulative with the Emotion Sense ability.) Ego also
receives +4 to detect an imposter and +2 to other rolls where knowing what the subject is thinking would be
useful (e.g., Tactics, Influence Rolls). This also reduces its defense penalties from his feints and Deceptive
Attacks by -1. Ego may stay in his mind for as long as it’d like. The creature only needs to roll again if the
range penalty worsens.
Once in, it can probe further. This takes a second and requires another Quick Contest. If Ego wins, it can get
an honest answer to any question from the subject’s mind. If he resists, see above. Ego only suffers repeated
attempt penalties if it asks the same (or a very similar) question.
This power has no range penalties.
Note that Telereceive can be used to detect other psis in the subject’s mind (see Inside a Crowded Mind, p.
PP12) and – in conjunction with Psi Sense (p. PP41) or Telepathy Sense (p. PP67) – can eavesdrop (p. PP12)
on a telepathic conversation.
Deep Probe (23): Ego can use this technique once you’re already inside its subject’s mind. If successful, any
attempts to probe his memories in the next minute are unresisted. Ego only needs to succeed on its skill roll
to get the answer.
Multiplicity (23): Ego can read additional minds without leaving the one it's in. This is at an additional -1
penalty (which cannot be bought off) for each person you’re already reading.
New Approach (23): After critically failing, Ego can try to use Telereceive on the subject within 24 hours, but
this roll is at an extra -2 penalty (which cannot be bought off) for every critical failure against the subject in
the past 24 hours.
Telesend (23): Ego can project its thoughts into a person’s mind. Make a skill roll, minus any range penalty to
the subject, to do so. This is one of the few Telepathy abilities Ego can use “blind”; if it cannot see the subject,
its skill roll is at -3 for acquaintances; and -5 for someone it met only briefly. If successful, the subject hears
your voice in his head. If the subject does not want to hear Ego, he can mute its voice down to a whisper; this
does not require a roll and is a free action. If he does not, Ego can use further Telepathy abilities on him; the
most common is to employ Telereceive so you can have a two-way conversation. Ego does not need to roll
again to maintain the connection to this subject unless the range penalty worsens.
Ego can send mental images, at about the same speed and accuracy as if it were drawing it yourself; Ego has to
use the Send Senses psi technique for better pictures. When using Multiplicity (Telereceive) to stay in touch
with several people at once, Ego can send the same thought to multiple contacts simultaneously, at a -1
penalty per contact.
Range is as for Telereceive (above).
Broadcast (23): Ego can send its thoughts to anyone and everyone around you. Use its margin of success to
determine how far its thoughts went. It may choose to have only some of the people around it hear it, if Ego
Send Senses (23): Ego can send fully accurate images from its mind (or of anything it can see) in one second.
Ego can send sounds, smells, touches, and tastes as well.
An ettercap is a purplish humanoid spider. It is 6-feet tall, walks on two legs and has two arms, but its arms
and legs end in claws and it has a spider's head. It typically has many spiders around it as pets, many of which
will be big enough for trouble.
While not intelligent, ettercaps will have traps lain. It is cowardly, and suffers -2 to Fright Checks when
physical danger is involved. It will avoid confrontation with anyone who can obviously harm it, instead using
its traps to make sure these folks cannot strike back.
Traits: Acute Hearing 2; Acute Vision 4; Clinging; Combat Reflexes; damage Resistance (1) (Tough Skin);
Night Vision 3; Cowardice (12); Loner (12); No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 15; Camouflage 12; Climbing 18; Innate Attack (Projectile) 15; Survival (Jungle) 12; Traps 10
Ettercap Deadfall
Detect: Per-based Traps at -2.
Disarm: DX-based Traps at -2. Failure triggers!
Circumvent: Automatic (don't go under the trap).
Evade: Dodge at -1.
Effects: 3d crushing to everyone under the deadfall (2-hex radius).
Shots: 1.
Rearm: Yes.
Steal: No.
Ettercap Noose
Detect: Per-based Traps at -2.
Disarm: DX-based Traps at -2.
Circumvent: Automatic (don't go near the noose).
Evade: Dodge.
Effects: Quick Contest of ST 14 vs. the victim's ST or HT (whichever is higher). On a victory, deal this much
crushing damage to the victim; multiply by 1.5 for the Neck. If any damage gets through the victim's DR, he
starts suffocating (p. B436): he loses 1 FP each second until he escapes.
Shots: Infinite.
Rearm: Yes.
Steal: No.
Ettercap Spear Trap
Detect: Per-based Traps at -2.
Disarm: DX-based Traps at -2.
Circumvent: Automatic (go around).
Evade: Hearing allows Dodge at -2.
Effects: 1d+3 impaling.
Shots: 1.
Rearm: Yes.
Steal: No.
Ettercap Webbing
Detect: Per-based Traps at -2.
Disarm: It will burn easily.
Circumvent: Burn it or go around it.
Evade: Quick Contest of ST 14 against the victim's ST or Escape skill. If he fails, he loses 1 FP but may try
Effects: The victim is grappled (p. B370).
Shots: Infinite.
Rearm: No.
Steal: No.
Ettins, or two-headed giants, as they are often called, are vicious and unpredictable hunters that stalk by
night and eat any meat they can catch.
The creature’s vast differences from the relatively civilized giant races become immediately apparent. An
ettin has brownish skin, though it appears to be covered in a dark brown hide. This is because an ettin never
bathes if it can help it, and is therefore usually encrusted with a thick layer of dirt and grime. Its skin is thick,
giving the ettin its high DR. An ettin’s hair is long, stringy, and unkempt; its tusks are huge, yellowing, and
often rotten. The ettin’s facial features strongly are those of an wild boar.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (5); Discriminatory Smell; Enhanced Move (Ground) (1,5); Extra
Attack (1); Extra Head (1); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Magic Resistance (5); Teeth (Fangs); Bad
Smell; Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Gullibility (6 or less)
Skills: Axe/Mace 15; Brawling 16; Power Blow 22; Tracking 14
The Evil Mirror is an artefact of the Demon Lords. It can duplicate one or more sentient creatures of SM 0 or
less, with the same attributes, traits and skills. Only the social and mental traits are "specular": the good
person will give rise to a wicked creature, etc.
In game terms, the heroes could give life to their arch-enemies that, by working behind the scenes, could
give them a hard time...
The Factotum looks like something out of an animated cartoon: it has the ability to be in the right place at the
right time. It has always the right item for the occasion. It is amazingly resilient and has a very witty mind.
The Factotum is schizophrenic, with two personality: the first one very quiet, fond of gardening and
carousing. The second one is homicidal. It attacks with a force saber and a laser pistol, with consummate
The most infamous Factotum is Lord Jester, the right-hand man of the Crimson King
Factotum, Greater Elegant Killer Clever Trickster Greater Graceful Brute Wild Caster Epic
Mastery Epic Manipulation Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Compartmentalized Mind (2); Enhanced Parry (Force Sword) (2); Enhanced Time
Sense; Filter Lungs; Gizmo (10); Hard to Kill (5); High Pain Threshold; Indomitable; Intuitive Mathematician;
Luck (Ridiculous); Magery (1); Magery 0; Mathematical Ability (4); Peripheral Vision; Photographic Memory;
Rapier Wit; Regeneration (Extreme: 10 HP/Sec); Serendipity (3); Speak Underwater; Speak With Animals;
Super Luck (1 per 15-min); Supernatural Durability; Unaging; Unfazeable; Walk on Air; Weapon Master
(Force Sword); Wild Talent (Magic Spell only) (3); Gullibility (12 or less); Impulsive; Overconfidence; Split
Personality (12 or less) (see description); Madness; Typhon's Grasp
Skills: Beam Weapons/TL9 (Pistol) 18; Beam Weapons/TL9 (Projector) 18; Carousing 18; Force Saber 21;
Gambling 20; Gardening 20; Mathematics/TL9 20; Mathematics/TL9 (Applied) 20; Physician/TL9 20;
Physics/TL9 20; Throwing 18
The Ferryman is a minion of the Riddler (see below). Its task is showing the Riddler's victim around in the
maze of its master and, primarily, it creates a warp-tunnel with which it carries the victims into the aforesaid
Ferryman, Strange Killer Ideal Tricksters Wild Power Caster (Greater Worthy)
Soporific Parlance (Will-5): the Ferryman puts its victims to sleep by speaking to them. The people must win
a Will-5 roll or fall asleep.
Flaying Touch: the Ferryman rends skin and sends fire coursing along nerves in this devastating attack. Ideal
for weakening a strong foe. Inflict 3d Impaling damage, and the target must roll HT (with a penalty equal to
the damage inflicted) or suffer Terrible Pain (-6) for the remainder of the battle.
The Fifth Element
This behemoth has, at the same time, the powers of the four elements: it can set fire at its body, strike as just
as the rock, squeeze in the tiniest cracks, and become invisible. Its rage is incommensurable.
The Fifth Element, Greater Power Killer Clever Trickster Greater Hardy Brute (Greater Boss)
Traits: Amphibious; Burning Attack (10) (Always On; Aura; Melee Attack: Reach C); Combat Reflexes;
Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (15); Damage Resistance (20) (Limited: Heat/Fire); Doesn't Breathe;
Flight (Lighter Than Air); Hard to Kill (3); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse);
Invisibility; Pressure Support (3); Sealed; Slippery (5); Vacuum Support; Berserk (6 or less); Bestial; Easy to
Skills: Brawling 15; Power Blow 27; Psychology; Tactics 17; Traps 17
This oddity of the nazi science attacks its enemies with its bowel, just like a whip. It is hideous...
Traits: Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity (All Mind
Control); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; Unliving); Night Vision
(3); Single- Minded; Surefooted; Temperature Tolerance (10); Unaging; Unfazeable; Appearance (Monstrous)
(Universal); Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Disturbing Voice; Dread (Light); Fragile (Unnatural); Hidebound;
Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; No Sense of Smell/Taste; Reprogrammable; Slave
Mentality; Social Stigma (Dead); Unhealing (Total); Wealth (Dead Broke); Sexless
Skills: Whip 16
The Flamethrower is an automaton created by a mad wizard for defense. It is a terrible machine: it can toast
an enemy in a second and flies thanks to "jet engines" below its "feet".
Traits: Burning Attack (5) (Cone (+2); Jet); Combat Reflexes; Extra Attack (2); Flight; Injury Tolerance
(Homogenous); Night Vision (3); Bad Smell; Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor;
Slave Mentality
Skills: Aerobatics 17; Innate Attack (Beam) 19
Hell Fire (16): 5d burning damage, reach 5/10. Out of its arms and the jaws built into the ribcage, the
Flamethrower emits, at the same time, three devastating jets of fire, that causes 5d burning damage each of
The Flayed is a genetically modified creature. Its speed is huge and it can have 3 attacks in a round without
an All-Out Attack. Due to the lack of the outer layers of the skin, the Shock that it experiences is double
Traits: Altered Time Rate (2); Ambidexterity; Combat Reflexes; Enhanced Move (Ground) (4); Bad Temper
(12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Increased Life Support (Oxygen
Storage); Low Pain Threshold
Skills: Brawling 22; Knife 28
Large Knives (18): 3d (10) cutting, reach C. The knives of the Flayed cause the above damage in close combat
attacks. If this creature charges, it causes 7d-1 cutting damage with one knife.
Gallow Tree
It is almost impossible kill a Gallow Tree by ordinary means. One can destroy it cut off the ropes that support
the hanged men under it. A Gallow Tree have 1d+3 hanged men. It attacks with its powerful arms-branches.
Gallow Tree, Dire Beast Greater Power Killer Greater Hardy Stolid Brute Epic Destruction
Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: 360° Vision; Claws (Blunt Claws); Damage Resistance (4) (Semi-Ablative); Doesn't Breathe; Hard to
Kill (8); Hard to Subdue (10); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous);
Lifting ST (5); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Lifebane; Numb;
Vulnerability (see notes); Doom
Skills: Brawling 14; Power Blow 24
Crushing Slash (14): 10d-1 cr, Reach C-5. The Tree attacks with its powerful arms-branches
Doom: Three times per day, the monster may cast a Malediction upon one of his foes. Take a concentration
action and roll Will, subtracting the distance between the target and the monster in yards as a penalty. The
target must win a quick contest against the monster's roll with the lower of his HT-3 or his Will-3. Failure
results in the character's death, something the target instantly knows. This death sentence is delayed by 1
minute. If at the end of that minute, the monster who inflicted the curse is still alive, the character dies.
Doom is ideal for adding a hard time limit and a sense of desperation to the fight.
Gamma Horror
At the end of the WWII, a group of Nazi terrorists bursted into the laboratories of the "Manhattan Project",
destroying all the documents. The U.S. Army, in a bind, opted to use, against the Japan, a new weapon of
mass destruction: the "Gamma Bomb". In August, 6, 1945, this terrible bomb was being dropped onto
The corpses of the japanese came back to life like hideous monsters, amazingly strong and resilient. Perfect
and murderous war machines.
Gamma Horror, Dire Beast Swift Killer Hardy Stolid Brute (Worthy)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (50); Extra Attack (1); High Pain Threshold;
Immunity to Disease; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance: Damage Reduction (1/100); Regeneration (Very Fast:
1HP/sec); Super Jump 6; Super Throw 3; Temperature Tolerance 160; Penetrating Voice; Appearance (Ugly);
Bad Temper (6); Berserk (9); Gullibility; Hidebound; Life Bane; Social Stigma (Monster); Truthfulness (6);
Wealth (Dead Broke); Cannot Float; Expression ("Rulk Kills!"); Third Person; Uncongenial
Skills: Brawling 18; Jumping 13; Lifting 20; Throwing 13; Wrestling 18.
The General of Darkness is the greatest minion of the Crimson King, the Lord of All Demons. This fiend has a
sharp mind and a amazing ability in the use of the sword. It is a brilliant tactician and strategist and can set
fire to its sword. Its favourite attack is impaling its enemies with the horns.
General of Darkness, Greater Elegant Greater Swift Killer Clever Strange Trickster Greater
Graceful Brute Epic Mastery Monsters (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Altered Time Rate (1) (Maximum 10 seconds); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (4) (Tough Skin);
Dark Vision; Enhanced Parry (2) (Broadsword); Extra Attack (1); Hard to Kill (3); Hard to Subdue (3); High
Pain Threshold; Imbue (3); Imbuement Talent (3); Jumper (Spirit); Striker (Horns; Impaling) (Limited Arc;
Long (+1)); Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Weapon Master (Broadsword); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or
less); Callous; Life Bane; Sadism (12 or less); Vow (toward Crimson King); Vulnerability (Silver) (Occasional)
(x4); Hypnotic Eyes; Path Breaking
Skills: Brawling 20, Broadsword 25; Dancing Weapon (Broadsword) 20; Fast-Talk 20; Incendiary Weapon
(Broadsword) 20; Psychology 18; Strategy (Air) 18; Strategy (Land) 18; Strategy (Naval) 18; Tactics 20; Traps
18; Two-Handed Sword 25
Fire giants are brutal, ruthless, and militaristic. They are tall, but squat, resembling huge dwarves. An adult
male is 30 feet tall Fire giants have coal black skin, flaming red or bright orange hair, and prognathous jaws
that reveal dirty ivory or yellow teeth. They can live to be 350 years old.
Warriors usually wear banded mail and round metal helmets. They carry their belongings in huge sacks. A
typical fire giant's sack contains 2-7 (1d+1) throwing rocks, the giant's wealth, a tinderbox, and 3-18 (3d)
common items.
Everything they own is battered, filthy, and smelly, making it difficult to identify valuable items. All fire
giants can speak the language of all giants and their own tongue.
Fire giants are immune (DR 30) to fire and heat, as well as red dragon breath. Adult fire giants can hurl rocks
for 5-30 (5d) points of damage. Their minimum range is 3 yards while their maximum is 200 yards. They can
catch similar large missiles 50% of the time. They usually fight in disciplined groups, throwing rocks until
they run out of ammunition or the opponent closes. Fire giants often wait in ambush at lava pools or hot
springs, hurling heated rocks at victims for an extra 1-6 points of damage. Warriors favor huge two-handed
Fire Giant, Dire Beast Greater Power Killer Greater Graceful Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (5) (Tough Skin); Enhanced Move (Ground) (1,5); Enhanced
Parry (2) (Great Sword); High Pain Threshold; Immunity (Warmth); Increased Consumption (-3); Berserk;
Bad Temper; Bully; Easy to Read; Gluttony
Skills: Brawling 16; Throwing 15; Two-Handed Sword 16; Wrestling 16; Power Blow 22
Like all evil giants, frost giants have a reputation for crudeness and stupidity. This reputation is deserved, but
frost giants are crafty fighters. Frost giants have muscular, roughly human builds. The typical adult male is 30’
tall. Females are slightly shorter and lighter, but otherwise identical to males. Frost giants have snow-white
or bluish skin. Their hair is light dirty yellow or ivory, with matching eyes. They can live to be 250 years old.
Warriors usually wear chain mail and metal helmets decorated with horns or feathers. They also wear skins
and pelts, along with any jewelry they own. Frost giants carry their belongings in huge sacks. A typical frost
giant’s sack contains 2-7 (ld+1) throwing rocks, the giant’s wealth, and 3-18 (3d) mundane items. Everything
in a giant’s bag is old, worn, dirty, and smelly, making the identification of any valuable items difficult.
Frost giants speak their own language.
Frost giants are immune to cold. Adult frost giants can hurl rocks for 5-30 (5d) points of damage. Their
minimum range is 3 yards while their maximum is 200 yards. They usually will start combat at a distance,
throwing rocks until they run out of ammunition, or the opponent closes. One of their favorite strategies is to
ambush victims by hiding buried in the snow at the top of an icy or snowy slope where opponents will have
difficulty reaching them. Warriors favor huge battle axes.
Frost Giant, Giant Beast Greater Elegant Killer Clever Trickster Greater Hardy Brute Power
Caster (Greater Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (4) (Tough Skin); Enhanced Move (Ground) (1,5); Hard to Kill
(3); High Pain Threshold; Immunity (Cold); Magery (1); Weapon Master (Great Axe); Increased Consumption
(-3); Berserk; Bad Temper; Bully; Sense of Duty (its followers)
Skills: Brawling 16; Leadership 16; Tactics 16; Traps 14; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 21; Wrestling 16
Spell: Icy Touch 16; Frostbite 16; Snow Jet 16; Flesh to Ice 16
Hill Giants are cunning brutes who survive through hunting and by terrorizing and raiding nearby
communities. Despite their low intelligence, they are capable fighters.
Hill giants are oddly simian and barbaric in appearance, with overly long arms, stooped shoulders, and low
foreheads. Even though they are the smallest of the giants, their limbs are more muscular and massive than
those of the other giant races. The average hill giant is 22 feet tall and weighs about 4,500 pounds. Females
have the same builds as males. Their skin color ranges from a light tan to a deep ruddy brown. Their hair is
brown or black, and their eyes are black. Hill giants can live to be 200 years old.
Nearly all hill giants wear these hides, which are a symbol of esteem in some hill giant communities-the more
hides a giant has, the more large kills to his credit. A typical hill giant's bag will contain 2-12 (2d6) throwing
rocks, the giant's wealth, and 1-6 additional common items
Traits: Damage Resistance (4) (Tough Skin); Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); High Pain Threshold; Increased
Consumption (-2)
Skills: Brawling 14; Throwing 12; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 13
Githyanki are an ancient race descended from humans. They dwell upon the Astral plane but will often leave
that plane to make war on other races. They are engaged in a lengthy war with the githzerai.
Githyanki are strongly humanoid in appearance. They are approximately of human height but tend to be
much more gaunt and long of limb. They have rough, yellow skin and gleaming black eyes that instantly
betray their inhumanness. Like many demihuman races, their ears have sharp points and are serrated at the
back. Dress for the githyanki is always an elaborate affair. Their baroque armor and weapons of war are
decorated with feathers, beads, and precious metals and gems.
Githyanki speak their own tongue, and no others.
Traits: Affliction (Sex Pheromones; Lecherousness) (1) (Accessibility (Only on those attracted to your
gender); Area Effect (2); Disadvantage (Lecherousness (12)); Emanation; Scent-Based); Combat Reflexes;
Combat Teleport (Psi); High TL (2); Magery (3); Magery 0; Bloodlust (12 or less); Callous; Greed (12 or less);
Skinny; Flaying Touch
Skills: Autoteleport 15; Brawling 18; Breath Control 13; Broadsword 18; Shortsword 18; Strategy (Air) 16;
Strategy (Land) 16; Strategy (Space) 16; Tactics 15
Githyanki, Greater Elegant Killer Strange Stalker Greater Graceful Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Affliction (Sex Pheromones; Lecherousness) (1) (Accessibility (Only on those attracted to your
gender); Area Effect (2); Disadvantage (Lecherousness (12)); Emanation; Scent-Based); Combat Reflexes;
Combat Teleport (Psi); Dark Vision; Enhanced Parry (Broadsword) (2); High TL (2); Magery (3); Magery 0;
Weapon Master (Broadsword); Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Callous; Dread (Light); Greed (12
or less); Skinny; Shadow Casting
Skills: Autoteleport 15; Brawling 20; Breath Control 13; Broadsword 23; Shortsword 22; Strategy (Air) 16;
Strategy (Land) 16; Strategy (Space) 16; Tactics 18
The Glass Swordsman is a coward: it lurks in a dark place, then blinds its enemies with a flash of light from
the crest atop its head. Only then it attack its victims with its katana.
Traits: Affliction (Flash of Light) (5) (Area Effect (4 yd); Disadvantage (Blindness) (+50)); Enhanced Dodge
(2); Enhanced Parry (2) (Katana); Style Familiarity (Kenjutsu); Cowardice (12 or less); Vow (Guard the Glass
Skills: Acrobatics 13; Broadsword 18; Innate Attack (Beam) 15; Two-Handed Sword 18
Gnolls are large, evil, hyena-like humanoids that roam about in loosely organized bands.
While the body of a gnoll is shaped like that of a large human, the details are those of a hyena. They stand
erect on two legs and have hands that can manipulate as well as those of any human. They have greenish gray
skin, darker near the muzzle, with a short reddish gray to dull yellow mane.
Gnolls have their own language and many also speak the tongues of flinds, trolls, orcs, or hobgoblins.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; DR 1 (Tough Skin); Acute Taste/Smell 2; Acute Hearing 2; Peripheral Vision; Extra
Hit Points (2); Primitive TL-2; Bully; Bad Temper; Callous; Sadism; Appearance: Monstrous; Social Stigma:
Monster, Odious Personal Habit: Eats Other Sentients; Easy to Read; Basic Speed (-0.5)
Skills: Power Blow 12; Brawling 14; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 13
Great Axe (13): 3d cut, reach 1,2
Punch (14): 1d cr, reach C
Traits: DR 1 (Tough Skin); Acute Taste/Smell 2; Acute Hearing 2; Peripheral Vision; Extra Hit Points (2);
Night Vision 3; Primitive TL-2; Bully; Bad Temper; Callous; Sadism; Appearance: Monstrous; Social Stigma:
Monster, Odious Personal Habit: Eats Other Sentients; Bad Smell; Silence 2
Skills: Stealth 15; Bow 14; Poison 8
Traits: DR 1 (Tough Skin); Acute Taste/Smell 2; Acute Hearing 2; Peripheral Vision; Extra Hit Points (4);
Primitive TL-2; Bully; Bad Temper; Callous; Sadism; Appearance: Monstrous; Social Stigma: Monster, Odious
Personal Habit: Eats Other Sentients; Gullibility; Berserk; High Pain Threshold
Skills: Shield 12; Spear 12
In Jewish folklore, a golem is an animated anthropomorphic being, created entirely from inanimate matter.
The word was used to mean an amorphous, unformed material in Psalms and medieval writing. The Golem
has the body of metal and attacks its enemies with huge swords. Its only vulnerabilty is the inscription on its
forehead: if an enemy read it aloud, the Golem is instantly destroyed
Traits: Damage Resistance (9); Doesn't Breathe; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance
(Homogenous; No Blood); Pressure Support (3); Sealed; Unkillable (2); Vacuum Support; Gullibility;
Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; Slave Mentality; Unhealing (Total)
Skills: Brawling 16; Broadsword 16; Shield (Shield) 16; Two-Handed Sword 16
"It was a paw, fully two feet and a half across, and equipped with formidable talons. After it came another
paw, and after that a great black-furred arm to which both of the paws were attached by short forearms.
Then two pink eyes shone, and the head of the awakened gug sentry, large as a barrel, wabbled into view.
The eyes jutted two inches from each side, shaded by bony protuberances overgrown with coarse hairs. But
the head was chiefly terrible because of the mouth. That mouth had great yellow fangs and ran from the top
to the bottom of the head, opening vertically instead of horizontally."
—H. P. Lovecraft, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
Gugs are a race of horrifying giants (9 yards tall). They are speechless, communicating only by facial
expressions. But they tend to make very strange sounds randomly as if they have Tourette's syndrome.
The gugs were banished to the underworld by the earth’s gods, the Great Ones, for an unnamed blasphemy.
Now they reside in a terrifying, underground city, dwelling in lofty, round, cyclopean towers. Nearby,
colossal monoliths mark the cemetery of the gugs. In the midst of the gug city, the Tower of Koth contains a
stairway that leads to the Enchanted Wood in the upper Dreamlands. There it is sealed by a huge stone
trapdoor with a large iron ring. Because of a curse of the gods, no gug may open that door, though no such
restriction prevents a gug from climbing to the very top of the tower.
Gugs prey on the ghasts that live in the Vaults of Zin (though prior to their banishment, they had been
known to devour wayward dreamers). When in sufficient numbers, ghasts may likewise prey on the gugs.
Though gugs would seem to have the advantage, they nonetheless superstitiously fear ghouls. The gugs often
indulge in great feasts and, once engorged, retire to their great towers to sleep.
Traits: Altered Time Rate (maximum duration 10 sec.); Claws (Talons); Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack;
Damage Resistance (6) (Tough Skin); Extra Arms (2); Extra Attack (2); High Pain Threshold; Night Vision (3);
Striking ST (8); Surefooted; Teeth (Fangs); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial;
Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 18; Wrestling 18
The gullet is a creature unlike any on the planet; it may not even be from this planet. Found in damp, warm
underground environments, it is a 20’-long, 5’-thick tube of gooey, leathery muscle, terminating in a mouth
5’ across that is filled with three rows of serrated teeth. The mouth conceals a long, black tongue, which can
shoot out at 60 mph and grab an enemy in less than a second.
The worst aspect of the creature is the dozens of tendrils, up to 200 yards long, that snake out from its hiding
place along walls and ceilings, or underwater. These are slick and hard, and take on the appearance of their
surroundings. Using its tendrils, the gullet grows “into” its chosen network of caves, tunnels or basements and
gathers food. The tongue is used only when prey gets close enough to eat. A gullet hates living things coming
near its body unless they’re food dragged there by a tendril.
When traveling, the gullet extends no tendrils and keeps its tongue folded over into its body. It can snake
along as quickly as a running man, and can twist and flatten itself to fit into some very tight spots. In a very
open area, the gullet will try to intimidate its foes by drawing in its tendrils and rearing up on them like legs,
lashing out with its tongue. It takes 25 tendrils to support the creature; any remaining tendrils may still
attack. The stats above are for the gullet’s tube-like body. The damage listed is for its mouth. The creature’s
DR isn’t due so much to resistance to damage as to the lack of resistance – physical attacks tend to slosh
through the sticky muscles as if through mud – but they do have a certain tough, elastic quality as well. Due
to its shape, a gullet’s body has a “blow-through” threshold of 30 hit points rather than 300.
Gullets enjoy heat, and are immune to flames cooler than 4,500°F or so (much hotter than Company-issue
flamethrowers). They have an effective DR of 40 against flame weaponry and other heat-based attacks.
Extreme cold slows them slightly; it doesn’t harm them.
Getting Touched: Gullets settle into remote corners, shafts and holes, deep underground. Once they are at
rest in a new location, they quickly grow tendrils, one at a time. These grow to a length of approximately 600’
in about two days. Then the next tendril begins to grow. The tendrils adapt their coloration (and to a limited
degree, their texture) to their environment, blending in as much as possible. In a cave, they look like smooth
flows of stone, while in a sewer, they resemble hard, gray pipes. The gullet can sense heat and movement
through any part of its body, with an acuity that in some ways surpasses human sight. When food draws near
a tendril, it moves, crushing the prey and dragging it back to the gullet’s maw.
The tendrils are narrow enough to wrap around a mansized creature several times. Each one has ST 16, and
can move and dodge as quickly as the body itself. They can also constrict. The tendrils have DR 5. It takes 8
points of damage to sever one. Damage done to a tendril has no effect on the body or other tendrils. A gullet
can have more than 30 tendrils; the limit is unknown. The record to date is 37.
Getting Licked: The gullet is a partially hollow tube of sinuous muscle, and a large part of it is tongue. The
tongue is extended only when food is being drawn toward the gullet’s open maw, or as a last-ditch (and
devastating) form of attack. The creature’s tongue is twice as strong as its body proper (ST 109!), much longer
and lightning-quick. In game terms, it is a much more powerful tendril. Any target within 15 yards of the
creature’s maw (in direct line-of-sight) can be snapped up and pulled into the maw as a single combat action.
This requires a Quick Contest of DX between the gullet and the victim. If the victim loses, he is instantly
grappled in the gullet’s mouth (ST 78), and the gullet can start chewing him up on its next turn. When the
tongue is “deployed,” any target within 30 yards of any part of it can be grappled. Again, roll a Quick Contest
of DX. The gullet may elect to move the target the remainder of the 30 yards. For instance, a target 20 yards
from the tongue when it attacks can be grappled and dragged 10 yards in a single turn. The gullet’s tongue
may constrict on the turn that it grapples. Death is typically instantaneous. The tongue has DR 5. It takes 24
hits of damage to “cripple” it, and cutting damage can sever it.
However, any part of the tongue between the wound and the creature can still move and attack normally,
dragging the crippled flesh along with it, if necessary. If the gullet’s tongue is crippled, it will begin its retreat
(see below).
Gullet Encounters: All five gullets encountered
to date have been solitary creatures. Three of
these were destroyed by Cadre squads after
several previous squads had gone missing. The
other two got away.
Tactically, they are a nightmare: a conflict
with a gullet is a conflict with the shadows in
its lair and with its tendrils. A GM running a
gullet encounter should build to it slowly, then
start it abruptly. Out of nowhere, one or more
tendrils will strike at each black op: some from
the ceiling, some from the floor, some from
behind pillars, crates, stalagmites. . . The gullet will choose its point of attack carefully, trying to keep
dangerous prey at a good distance from its soft body. While small-arms fire rarely bothers it, a burst or two
from a machine gun can kill it in seconds; and while it’s too stupid to tell a gun from a six-pack of 7-Up
(unless it has encountered one before), the gullet knows that humans are dangerous prey. Eventually, a group
of tough and clever ops will trace the tendrils to their source. Then they’d better be ready, because the gullet
won’t hesitate to bring its tongue to bear. This can mean a dead op every turn if they’re foolish enough to get
into the open in front of its maw. On the other hand, the only way to disable the tongue is to give the gullet
an excuse to extend it. Risky hunting. Explosives may sound like the obvious answer, but they are generally a
bad idea in an underground environment, especially beneath the populated areas that gullets enjoy feeding
from. If the gullet sustains a crippling injury to its tongue, loses more than half of its tendrils or takes any
kind of real injury to its body, it will engineer its retreat. By taking a single turn and doing nothing else, the
gullet can “jettison” its tendrils. Free of its “entanglements,” the central body can make good its escape,
fleeing into large heating ducts, watery pits or any other tight squeeze it can find. The discarded tendrils tend
to harden and dry over time, becoming just another odd tree root or length of lead pipe to the casual
Gullet, Giant Beast Greater Swift Killer Swift Stalker Greater Hardy Brute Epic Mastery
Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Altered Time Rate (maximum 10 seconds); Binding (Sticky Tongue) (109) (Increased Range (x2);
Resistible (DX); Sticky); Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (17); Dark Vision; Extra
Attack (1); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (Extended) (/5));
Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk; Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Dread
(Light); Hidebound; Life Bane
Skills: Brawling 19
This "humanoid tank" is the infantryman of the future battlefield. It is fast, merciless and resilient. Inserted in
its artificial brain there's an efficient infrared targeting system (Targeting (TL 9; CL7; +2)) Its right arm
contains several powerful weapons.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (30); Doesn't Breathe; Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold;
Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Pressure Support (3); Sealed;
Vacuum Support; Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; Slave Mentality
Skill: all Ranged Weapons Skill at 18; Brawling 16
Gatling Ultraviolet Laser (18): 6d (2) burning, accuracy 18, range 8700/26100, RoF 4, Shots 100(5), Rcl 1
Gyroc LSW, 15mm (18): 6d piercing++, accuracy 2, range 1900, RoF 10, Shots 30(5), Rcl 1
Nerve Rifle (18): HT-4 affliction (1 yd), accuracy 12, range 40/120, RoF 1, Shots 56(3), Rcl 1
Punch (16): 3d+2 cr, Reach C-1
Gynosphinxes can attack with two paws, but prefer to bargain with their opponents. They help strangers only
if they are paid. They accept payment for services rendered or knowledge and advice given, in the form of
gems (preferred), jewelry, magic, or knowledge. Knowledge that would be of special interest to a gynosphinx
is the location of an androsphinx, but they accept fine prose, poetry, lore, or a good riddle.
If anyone breaks a bargain with a gynosphinx, he is subject to attack and the gynosphinx won't hesitate to
devour the victim if it wins the fight. Note that a gynosphinx is very intelligent and can use its spells in many
ways. If a bargaining group of adventurers steps back to discuss their plans among themselves, the
gynosphinx will growl a little and cast clairaudience to listen in.
Gynosphinxes are solitary by nature, but not by choice. They spend most of their lives avoiding the advances
of criosphinxes (which they detest) and hieracosphinxes (which they fear), and searching high and low for an
Gynosphinxes are intelligent enough to actively seek out ruins and mystical places, like forgotten temples and
such, which they immediately occupy. Using their many spells to learn as much as possible about the setting,
they then wait for the next group of travelers, pilgrims, or adventurers to come by and hope that they've
encountered an androsphinx in their travels or have spells or magical items that might be usable for just such
a purpose.
Gynosphinxes own the dubious distinction of being the only female sphinx. A gynosphinx mated with an
androsphinx will produce another androsphinx or gynosphinx (even chances for both). A gynosphinx mated
with a criosphinx only produces another male criosphinx, while mating with a hieracosphinx produces
similarly displeasing results.
Fortunately, gynosphinxes are much smarter than all of their counterparts and can avoid otherwise
compromising situations through trickery and outright deceit. Unfortunately, they are among the slowest of
the sphinxes when flying or running, and the lustful criosphinx and vicious hieracosphinx rarely give up the
chase once a gynosphinx has been located.
Notes: Once per week, the Gynosphinx, by performing a 10 minutes ritual, can inscribe a magical rune that is
triggered whenever a creature does one or more of the following, as she selects: looks at the rune; reads the
rune; touches the rune; passes over the rune; or passes through a portal bearing the rune. Regardless of the
trigger method or methods chosen, a creature more than 20-yard from a rune can’t trigger it (even if it meets
one or more of the triggering conditions, such as reading the rune).
Once the rune is inscribed, the triggering conditions cannot be changed. In this case, “reading” the rune
means any attempt to study it, identify it, or fathom its meaning. Throwing a cover over a rune to render it
inoperative triggers it if the symbol reacts to touch. She can’t use a rune offensively; for instance, a
touchtriggered rune remains untriggered if an item bearing it is used to touch a creature. Likewise, a rune
cannot be placed on a weapon and set to activate when the weapon strikes a foe.
She can also set special triggering limitations of her own. These can be as simple or elaborate as she desires.
Special conditions for triggering a rune can be based on a creature’s name, identity, or other observable
actions or qualities. When scribing a rune, she can specify a password or phrase that prevents a creature using
it from triggering the effect. Anyone using the password remains immune to that particular rune’s effects so
long as the creature remains within 60 feet of the rune. If the creature leaves the radius and returns later, it
must use the password again.
She also can attune any number of creatures to the rune, but doing this can extend the ritual time. Attuning
one or two creatures takes negligible time, and attuning a small group (as many as ten creatures) extends the
ritual time to 1 hour. Attuning a large group (as many as twenty-five creatures) takes 24 hours. Attuning
larger groups takes proportionately longer. Any creature attuned to a rune cannot trigger it and is immune to
its effects, even if within its radius when triggered. She is automatically considered attuned to her own runes,
and thus always ignore the effects and cannot inadvertently trigger them. A rune can be removed by a
successful Dispel Magic spell. Destruction of the surface where a symbol of death is inscribed destroys the
symbol but also triggers it.
She can cast each version of these runes once per week and the rune lasts a maximum of one week.
Here are the available rune types:
Rune of Death: Roll vs HT-2 of suffer a Heart Attack.
Rune of Fear: Fright Check at -3.
Rune of Insanity: Roll vs Will-3 or suffer the Hallucinating condition for minutes equal to the margin of
Rune of Pain: Roll vs HT-3 or suffer the Agony condition for minutes equal to the margin of failure.
Rune of Persuasion: Roll vs Will-3 or suffer the effects of a Loyalty spell (M136) as if casted by the
Rune of Sleep: Roll vs Will-4 or suffer the Sleep condition for minutes equal to the margin of failure.
Rune of Stunning: Roll vs Will-3 or suffer the Paralysis condition for minutes equal to the margin of failure.
Gynosphinx, Giant Beast Greater Elegant Killer Cunning Stalker Ideal Killer Greater Graceful
Brute Archcaster (Greater Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (5) (Tough Skin); Empathy; Extra Legs (Four Legs); Flight
(Winged; Handling Penalty -1); High Pain Threshold; Infravision; Magery 5 (Racially innate spells only);
Night Vision 8; Sharp Claws; Bad Temper; Horizontal; Loner; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Acting 19; Brawling 19; Diplomacy 19; Disguise/TL3 18; Fast-Talk 19; Intimidation 19; Traps 19;
Tactics 19
Spells: Ancient History 16; Detect Magic 16; Dispel Magic 16; Gift of Letters 15; Gift of Tongues 15; Invisible
Wizard Eye 16; Invisible Wizard Ear 16; Remove Curse 16; See Invisible 16; Seeker 16
The Flame Hag is a terrible monster: it can turn its body into fire at will and can toast a human being in a
second. It loves burning things down.
Flame Storm: the Hag can raise temperatures, either in an area or within a subject. Each use requires a skill
roll, and it can affect anything it can see. Apply long-range modifiers for distant targets.
When affecting an area (which takes two seconds of concentration), the Hag can raise the temperature by 20°
per level, in an area with up to an eight-yard radius. The change takes place at (2*level)° per second, over the
course of 10 seconds. Those in the area do not take damage directly, but they have to deal with the effects of
heat (p. B434). If affecting a single subject, he resists with Will (inanimate objects resist with HT). Failure
means that the subject takes one of two types of damage (Hag's choice): Heatstroke does 1 point of FP damage
per level; the FP lost cannot be regained without a cool environment and liquid to drink. Spontaneous
Combustion does two points of burning (HP) damage per level; also, treat the flammability class (Making
Things Burn, p. B433) of the subject as one step higher than it actually is! DR does not protect against either
type of harm.
Flame Hag, Ideal Clever Trickster Epic Mastery Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Burning Attack (30) (Always On; Aura; Melee Attack: Reach C); Damage Resistance (10); Doesn't
Breathe (Oxygen Combustion); Flight (Lighter Than Air); Immunity (Fire); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards;
Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Pyrokinesis (30); Pyromania; Sadism; Path Breaking
Skills: Fast-Talk 20; Pyrokinesis 20; Extended Area (Pyrokinesis) 20; Psychology 20; Tactics 20
The Octopus Hag is a crone of the worst kind. It is merciless, and is specialized in disfiguring spell: it HATES
the beauty. This horror attacks with its tentacles, strangling its enemies.
Octopus Hag, Greater Swift Killer Clever Strange Trickster Power Caster (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Altered Time Rate (Maximum 10 seconds); Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Extra Arms (4);
Extra Attack (2); Magery (3); Magery 0; Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec); Regrowth; Striking ST (7); Bad
temper (12 or less); Cowardice (12 or less); No Legs (Slithers); Sadism; Dream-Veawing
Skills: Brawling 16; Fast-Talk 17; Tactics 18; Traps 18; Wrestling 16
Spells: Acid Ball 15; Acid Jet 15; Create Acid 15; Create Earth 15; Create Water 15; Earth to Stone 15; Purify
Water 15; Seek Earth 15; Seek Water 15; Shape Earth 15; Shape Water 15; Water Jet 15
Tentacles (16): the Hag crushes to death its enemies with the tentacles. It can use up to 4 tentacles against a
single enemy (ST 27)
Dream-Weaving: the Hag can manipulate what others think they see and hear. After concentrating, it rolls
IQ+2 vs the target's will. Success allows the Hag to control what they see and hear. Its illusions may be
anything, but they cannot directly harm the target (an illusion of an arrow striking him does no damage), and
they still have control over their body. They can always choose to ignore what they see and hear and “fight
blind.” Thus, the Hag chooses to create subtle illusions, so the target doesn't realize he's being tricked
Hag, Rift
Rift hags are ugly crones who spend their time spinning, weaving and mending cloth. Each is an incredibly
powerful supernatural creature - their cloth represents thè fabric of time and space. As they work, they repair
holes in thè temporal landscape and weave new bolts of cloth for mankind to live in. Any old woman who
sews, spins, or weaves by trade might be a rift hag.
All rift hags are ugly, so ugly that they often cover their faces. Many are twisted, bloated and filthy as well.
They are never seen traveling, but some will mysteriously arrive or depart from their communities without
warning. Each has a cover story to make her existence sound legitimate.
Their primary job is to make new fabric and to repair damage. Each rift hag is fully aware of what she does,
but unable to explain it. She can do nothing else. Rift hags are powerful . . . but disinterested in capitalizing
on their power for personal gain. It is possible that they serve a higher or darker power. If so, they appear to
be neutral in any battle between good and evil. Their only other interest is in punishing those who cross
them. Their punishments often revolve around trickery and manipulation.
They can be killed but their power cannot be stolen. Their magic is inborn - if anyone else tries to mend or
spin their cloth, there is no cosmic effect. If a hag's spinning wheel, sewing machine, or piece of cloth is
stolen, however, thè rift hags will stop at nothing to get it back. Thè thief cannot use thè stolen goods, but thè
rift hags' work will be delayed until thè goods are returned.
They are dangerous only when mistreated. More than anything, they hate seeing someone repulsed by their
appearance. They demand respect and do not enjoy being pestered. If someone knows what they are and
threatens to tell others, he will regret it.
They do not know spells, but their occult knowledge is vast. They can describe thè dimensions, recite tales of
necromancers and demons, and identify most supernatural beasts. They can also use thè rifts to pass through
time and space; this gives them nearly limitless power.
They cannot transport others through thè rifts of time and space directly. They can, however, give simple
directions that will help. They know basic rituals that, when performed in thè proper conditions, allow an
observer to see into other times or places. In rare cases, he can also travel to thè new time and place. Such a
journey is often temporary and always dangerous. If thè ritual was improperly performed or thè conditions
not quite right, thè traveler may find himself in trouble. He could be transformed or cursed upon arrival,
instantly detected by foes in thè new setting, or arrive at thè wrong destination. If thè rift hag was feeling
mean, she might have given him false instructions to achieve just such an effect.
Rift hags occasionally resort to violence. Physical attacks include punching (which could fell an ox),
crucifying someone with needles, and skinning a foe alive. At ST 23, they do 2d+1 with a thrusting attack and
4d+1 with a swing. They are not above a little torture to make their point.
On thè other hand, a rift hag can become a temporary ally. People who treat them with charm, respect and a
few well-placed compliments will not be harmed. Thè rift hag may even help them. This civility won't last
long, however - she will soon become suspicious, assuming she has been duped. If anything happens to proves
her right, thè con artist is doomed.
Rift Hag, Greater Power Killer Cunning Strange Stalker Ideal Trickster Wild Caster Epic
Mastery Epic Manipulation Monster (Greater Epic Monster)
Traits: Absolute Timing; Affliction (Time Stasis) (4) (Area Effect (8 yd); Temporal Stasis); Channeling
(Aware); Clairsentience (Aware; Timespanning (Past & Future)); Combat Reflexes; Detect (Time Anomalies)
(Rare); Jumper (Time); Magery (3); Medium (Timespanning (Past & Future)); Night Vision (3); Precognition;
Telecommunication (Telesend) (Timespanning (Past & Future)); Temporal Inertia; Unaging; Wild Talent (3);
Appearance (Hideous); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Delusion (To be Beautiful)
(Severe); Jealousy; Overconfidence; Sadism (12 or less); Blink; Path Breaking; Madness
Skills: Brawling 19; Knife 19; Innate Attack (Gaze) 19; Power Blow 34; Tactics 19; Traps 19
Spells: any spell seems appropriate
Time Stasis (19): this hideous creature can stop the time!!! Anyone caught within the Area Effect is "freezed"
Knitting Needle (19): 3d imp, Reach C
Path Breaking: The Hag reaches out and shatters the tenuous ties of space that bind reality together, leaving a
wild, shifting mess of strange pathways and weird, spatial distortions. The Hag concentrates and then makes
an IQ roll. If successful, he breaks space and may redirect space for the next minute. He may grant a +5 or -5
to any move action or to ranged attacks (as things turn out to be closer or farther than one expected) by
concentrating for a turn. Furthermore, broken space doesn't “work” properly. The GM should decide the new
ways players might navigate (doors lead to new rooms, the way to get up the stairs is to go down, etc) to get
around the room. If the GM is using tactical combat, consider "shuffling" some of the miniatures around, or
changing maps, to represent the rewritten paths of space.
Madness: The Hag utters a dark word as an attack action, and everyone within 8 yards must make a Will Roll
-4 to resist. For every yard between themselves and the monster, add +1 to their roll as the distance between
them keeps them safe. Furthermore, only those who hear are affected. Those who fail gain a -15 point mental
disadvantage of the GM's choice, which lasts for 1 minute per point the player failed by.
Hag, Snake
This hideous hag is in fact a mass of snakes! It approaches a victim by pretending to be a beggar and attacks by
expelling its tongue-snake that injects a paralyzing venom (resistible with a HT -6 roll).
Then, the creature devours the unfortunate.
Snake Hag, Swift Killer Cunning Stalker Clever Trickster Blood Caster (Worthy)
Traits: Claws (Sharp Claws); Constriction Attack; Extra Attack (1) (Multi-Strike); Injury Tolerance (Swarm of
Snake) (Diffuse); Magery (1); Venom (see description); Bad Smell; Cowardice; Life Bane; Sadism (12 or less);
Selfish (12 or less); Very Fat
Skills: Brawling 16, Fast-Talk 18; Tactics 18; Traps 18
This beautiful fiend approaches its victims by promising them a night of wild sex. When the victim reach
orgasm, it begins to suck his hit points. Just before the victim's death, the Hag turns into a huge spider, that
engulfs the unfortunate and eats him.
Human Form
Traits: Awe; Alternate Form (Huge Spider); Appearance (Very Beautiful); Empathy; Leech (per sec +9);
Compulsive Lying; Sadism (12 or less); Hypnotic Eyes
Skills: Erotic Art (Human) 20; Sex Appeal 20
Exhausting Orgasm: in the climax of the intercourse, the Hag drains the vital energy of its mate at a rate of 9
HP per second
Hypnotic Voice/Eyes: 3 times per day, the Hag can attempt to control the mind of another who can sees its
eyes. This is Mind Control. Concentrate, and then roll IQ +2 vs the Target's will. If the Hag wins, it can
control its target for one minute per point it won the quick contest by. Incapacitation or forcing the target to
do something they would not (such as violating a Sense of Duty) forces another Quick Contest
Spider Form
Web Hag, Spider Form, Giant Beast Greater Swift Killer Ideal Trickster (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Affliction (Venom) (5) (Follow-Up (+1); Heart Attack); Altered Time Rate (Maximum 10 seconds);
Binding (Web) (20) (Engulfing; Sticky); Clinging; Combat Reflexes; Ehnanced Move (1) (Ground); Empathy;
Extra Attack (1); Extra Legs (7+ Legs); Teeth (Fangs); Berserk; Compulsive Lying; No Fine Manipulators;
Sadism (12 or less)
Skills: Brawling 17
Fangs (17): 4d+1 imp, Reach C. It delivers a powerful venom (HT-4) that causes a heart attack
Web: the Hag engulfs its victims with a resilient web (ST 20).
Hangin' Judge
Hangin' judges are solitary and relentless hunters. Once they're on someone's trail, they stay with him until
he's dead or morning comes. If their quarry is killed, they string him up along thè street and paint thè
victim's offense on his forehead in blood.
Thè judges never speak except to whisper their prey's offense over and over. Each hangin'judge looks bit
different, but all wear cowls or hoods hiding their faces.
Hangin' Judge, Greater Elegant Killer Clever Nightmarish Strange Trickster Greater Graceful
Strange Brute Wild Caster Epic Destruction Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Ambidexterity; Combat Reflexes; Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; Enhanced
Dodge (2); Flight (Lighter Than Air); Gunslinger; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Insubstantiality (Affect
Substantial; Usually On); Invisibility (Substantial Only; Usually On); Magery (4); Magery 0; Terror (-2 Fright
Check); Unaging; Weapon Master (Knife); ; Bad Temper; Bloodlust (6 or less); Bully; Gullibility; Sadism (6 or
less); Vow (Never Talk) (Minor); Dream Weaving; Stone Visage; Vampiric Aura; see notes
Skills: Dual-Weapon Attack (Guns (Pistol)) 23; Fast-Draw (Pistol) 23; Guns/TL5 (Pistol) 23; Intimidation 20;
Knife 23; Law 20; Lasso 23; Psychology 20; Tactics 20; Traps 20
Spells: any seems appropriate
Magical Revolvers (23): 4d+2 pi+, Range 200/1000. The revolvers reload themselves automatically.
Knives (23): 6d+2 cut, Reach C
The Loop (23): the Judge attacks by throwing a lasso against its enemy (Range 30). When it hits (without
penality for the neck), the loop causes 4d+1 crushing damage. The victim, furthermore, suffocates (see pag
Dream-Weaving: the Judge can manipulate what others think they see and hear. After concentrating, roll
IQ+2 vs the target's will. Success allows the Judge to control what they see and hear. Its illusions may be
anything, but they cannot directly harm the target (an illusion of an arrow striking him does no damage), and
they still have control over their body. They can always choose to ignore what they see and hear and “fight
blind.” Thus, the Judge chooses to create subtle illusions, so the target doesn't realize he's being tricked
Stone Visage: any who look upon the face of the Judge must instantly roll HT or turn to stone. Mechanically,
being stoned is identical to being in a coma: the character cannot move or act until he is “healed” either by a
Stone to Flesh spell, or by having the “Curse Dispelled” or having his statue returned a place of healing. A
statue weighs twice as much as the original person did, for the intents of encumbrance. You can look at the
reflection of the Judge, but anyone who looks at the monster directly must make the HT roll.
Vampiric Aura: everyone within a 2 yard radius of the Judge loses 1 HP per turn, which increases the Judge
HP by a similar amount.
When a demon lord wants sow confusion in people’s minds, sends a Hate-Monger. It is a amazingly beautiful
creature (man or woman) that has the ability, by speaking and flattering, to inflame the minds. It is
responsible for wars and genocides.
Traits: Affliction (Rage!) (5) (Area Effect (512 yd); Disadvantage (+10); Resistible (Will) (Will-5)); Ally Group
(Allow 100 point Allies; Frequency: Almost all the time (15 or less); Size: Large Group (20 to 100));
Appearance (Very Handsome); Awe; Charisma (6); Empathy; Rapier Wit; Overconfidence; Sadism (12 or
less); Dream-Weaving
Skills: Acting 20; Body Language (Human) 20; Current Affairs/TL8 (Business) 20; Current Affairs/TL8
(Headline News) 20; Current Affairs/TL8 (High Culture) 20; Current Affairs/TL8 (People) 20; Current
Affairs/TL8 (Politics) 20; Current Affairs/TL8 (Popular Culture) 20; Current Affairs/TL8 (Science &
Technology) 20; Current Affairs/TL8 (Sports) 20; Current Affairs/TL8 (Travel) 20; Detect Lies 20; Diplomacy
20; Erotic Art (Human) 20; Fast- Talk 20; Gambling 20; Gesture 20; Intimidation 20; Leadership 26; Merchant
20; Politics 22; Propaganda/TL8 22; Savoir-Faire 20; Sex Appeal 20; Teaching 20.
Hell Clown
The Hell Clowns are initiates of Crimson King Cult. They are some human turned into mad death-machines
by their Dark Master. Their speed, dexterity and skill with the rapier and other fencing wapons are
devastating. They confuse their enemies with witticism and acrobatic feats. They are so fast than they may
attack twice with the same weapon without make a All-Out Attack
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Extra Attack (1); Fearlessness; Daredevil; Double-Jointed; High Pain Threshold;
Night Vision (3); Rapier Wit; Appearance (Ugly); Sadism; Bloodlust; Cowardice
Skills: Acrobatics 21, Rapier (or another fencing weapon) 21, Fast-talk 21
These powerful, armored demons serve as the captains of Hell's legions. They are more than capable of
holding off an entire band of experienced adventurers on their own. With sufficient DR to stave off even the
most powerful weapons and complete mastery of their blade, a party of adventurers should think twice
before taking one on.
Hell Knights take to the front-lines, using their considerable defenses to hold off the adventurers while his
other demons do the necessary work to take the players down. He's also very capable of killing off players.
They have the capacity to spray a jet of hot fire with their lance.
Hellknight, Greater Elegant Greater Swift Killer Clever Trickster Greater Graceful Brute Epic
Mastery Epic Manipulation Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
ST: 21 HP: 25 Speed: 9.75
DX: 16 Will: 17 Move: 9
IQ: 15 Per: 15
HT: 15 FP: 15 SM: 0
Dodge: 13 Parry: 17 DR: 6 (Armor)
Traits: Altered Time Rate (Maximum Duration 10 seconds); Burning Attack (6) (Cone (+3); Jet); Combat
Reflexes; Extra Attack (1); High Pain Threshold; Status (6); Very Fit; Weapon Master (Nagigata); Bad Temper
(12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Code of Honor (Chivalry); Life Bane; Path Breaking;
Reality Rewrite
Skills: Broadsword 20; Heraldry 16; Lance 20; Leadership 17; Riding (Equines) 20; Shield (Shield) 20; Staff 24;
Two-Handed Sword 20
Jet of Fire (17): out of its lance, the Knight can ejects a powerful conic jet of flame that causes 6d burning
damage. Reach 5 (1/2 D), 10 (Max)
Bastard Sword (One-Handed, 20): 4d cut, Reach 1, 2; 2d+1 imp, Reach 2
Bastard Sword (Two-Handed, 20): 4d+1 cut, Reach 1, 2; 2d+2 imp, Reach 1, 2
Lance (20): 4d+1 imp, Reach 4
Naginata (24): 7d-1 cut, Reach 2, 3; 4d+1 imp, Reach 2, 3
Path Breaking: The Knight reaches out and shatters the tenuous ties of space that bind reality together,
leaving a wild, shifting mess of strange pathways and weird, spatial distortions. The monster concentrates and
then makes an IQ roll. If successful, he breaks space and may redirect space for the next minute. He may
grant a +5 or -5 to any move action or to ranged attacks (as things turn out to be closer or farther than one
expected) by concentrating for a turn. Furthermore, broken space doesn't “work” properly. The GM should
decide the new ways players might navigate (doors lead to new rooms, the way to get up the stairs is to go
down, etc) to get around the room. If the GM is using tactical combat, consider "shuffling" some of the
miniatures around, or changing maps, to represent the rewritten paths of space.
Reality Rewrite: The world does not work around the Hellknight as it should. Everything that can go wrong,
does go wrong. The Knight gains Serendipity 3 (Wishing) and Extraordinary Luck (Wishing), which allows
him to force any roll in his presence to be rerolled twice, with him choosing the result he likes best, once
every thirty minutes of gameplay, and he may have three “lucky” events occur in his favor whenever he
wishes, and in whatever form he wishes.
The Hellshrike is a horror that comes from the hell. As just as its mundane relative, it stakes the corpse of its
victims with the thorns of huge tree. It is very sadistic
Hellshrike, Dire Beast Swift Strange Killer Greater Hardy Strange Brute Epic Destruction Epic
Mastery Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Claws (Long Talons); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (4); Enhanced Move (Air) (2); Extra Attack
(1); Flight (Winged); Hard to Kill (3); Teeth (Sharp Beak); Telescopic Vision (2); Terror (Awe) (Will-3); Bad
Grip (-3); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Cannot Speak; Gluttony; Hidebound; Sadism (12 or less); Vampiric
Aura; Doom; Typhon Grasp
Skill: Brawling 16
Spell: Windstorm 18
In the big road charred by the summer sun, a terrible horror can rise: the Highway Shark. It can, by
telepathy, melt the asphalt and swim into the pavement, mangling the vehicles and the people inside.
Highway Shark, Giant Beast Swift Strange Stalker Epic Manipulation Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (20); Dark Vision; Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Move (Water) (2);
Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Pressure Support (3);
Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec); Sealed; Teeth (Long Tusks); Vacuum Support; Berserk; Bloodlust; Loner;
Sadism (12 or less); Blink; Typhon's Grasp
Skills: Brawling 18; Swimming 18
The Homunculus is a little demon, extremely dexterous and sadistic. It attacks from ambush with a scalpel or
a small knife.
Traits: Altered Time Rate (1) (maximum duration 10 seconds); Brachiator; Catfall; Combat reflexes; Extra
Attack (1); Night Vision (3); Super Jump (2); Bad Temper; Cowardice; Mute; Sadism (12 or less)
Skills: Acrobatics 18; Brawling 20; Knife 20; Stealth 20; Tactics 15; Traps 15
Sly hunters of cavernous subterranean areas, these are territorial monsters that distruct intruders and fiercely
protect their hunting grounds. They appear a 9 foot tall humanoid birds with a beetles body and powerful
arms that end in great hooked claws of bone
Traits: Acute Vision (4); Claws (Long Talons); Combat reflexes; Damage Resistance (5); Enhanced Move
(Ground) (1); High Pain Threshold; Striking ST (5); Vibration Sense; Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Gullibility;
Hidebound; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 16
The Hooked is a horror that attacks with up to four hooked chains. It is blind, but this creature is very skilful
in the use of its chains and in the blind fighting. Usually, they attack in four-members squads.
Traits: Ambidexterity; Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Extra Attack (3); High Pain Threshold; Night
Vision (3); Silence (2); Striker (Impaling) (Hook); Weapon Master (Chain); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or
less); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Blindness; Dread (Sunlight); No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Blind Fighting 20; Stealth 22; Whip 24
This hideous creature, 7-8 feet tall, attacks with 4 pseudopods at a time, choking its victims. Its enemies must
win a Fright Check -3 or faint.
6 Tentacles (14): this horror attacks by enveloping its victims with six tentacles, crushing him. It acts as just as
it had ST 41.
Hideous Appearance: see above.
The Hydra is the stuff nightmares are made of. It's a ten yard long snake with seven fierce heads at the end of
long flexible necks. Each head possesses a mouth that can distend enough to swallow whole a large horse or
ox. Fortunately enough, the hydra is just short of being sentient, and its motivations don't extend past
searching for its next (copious) meal. Despite it's massive bulk, the hydra's strong muscles make is extremely
fast, and it's streamline shape allows it to swim even faster.
The Hydra is a Maneater. Well, almost-everything-eater. Not able to negotiate, but highly subject to
distraction with food. Considers dead/unconscious/pinned/helpless delvers to be food.
Hydra, Dire Beast Swift Strange Killer Greater Assassin Strange Stalker Greater Graceful Brute
Epic Mastery Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: 360° Vision; Amphibious; Discriminatory Smell; Doesn't Breathe (Gills); Double-Jointed; Ehnanced
Dodge; Extra Attack 7; Extreme Regeneration; Extra Head 6; Magic Resistance 5; Nictitating Membrane 6;
Dark Vision; Regrowth; Resistant to Metabolic Hazards +8; Silence 2; Supernatural Durability (Having all
heads chopped off); No Legs (Slithers); Bad Smell; Bestial; Cannot Speak; Hidebound; Fixed IQ; Life Bane;
Corrupting Touch; Shadow Casting; Typhon's Grasp
Skills: Brawling 22; Stealth 22
Acid Hydra: The hydra’s stomach acid is powerful enough to eat through stone and steel in seconds! Those
trapped in the hydra’s stomach take 5d corrosion damage per turn, instead of the usual constriction by the
stomach walls. The hydra can also spit this acid, as a 10 yard range, 2 yard radius area effect, dealing 3d
corrosion damage , but doing so depletes it’s acid reserves. Each time the hydra uses this attack, reduce the
damage the stomach acid does to those swallowed by 1d, and can not use this ability if doing so would reduce
the stomach acid damage to less than 1d. The hydra “recharges” it’s stomach acid at the rate of 1d per second.
Fire Hydra: Maybe the hydra secretes a venom that spontaneously combusts, or it has some fire elemental
blood in it, but it can breathe fire! Add Innate Attack (Breath)–16, Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction)
(Fire Only) 4, and 4d 10 yards long, 10 yards wide fire breath. Each head can use the breath attack instead of
attacking, and each fire breath requires a 1 hour recharge.
Frost Hydra: The Hydra’s stomach is frigid. Those swallowed take 1d fatigue damage with the freezing
enhancement per turn, in addition to the normal constriction effects, and DR does not protect. Also, the
hydra can shoot basketball sized “pellets” of ice, that shatter on impact. Add Innate Attack (projectile)–16,
Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction) (Ice/Cold Only) 4, and instead of attacking, each head can shoot 3d cr
dkb+2d cr ex [2d cut] ice balls, with a range of 20 yards.
Poison Hydra: The hydra’s digestive processed cause it to exhude a cloud of noxious vapors around it.
Upgrade Resistant to metabolic Hazards to Immune to Metabolic Hazards, and add Injury Tolerance (Damage
Reduction) (Poison and Acid Only) 4, and the hydra exudes an 8 yard radius cloud of noxious gasses, that
persists for 10 seconds. Anyone breathing the gas must make an HT roll. On a failure, the character is
afflicted by choking for seconds equal to his margin of failure. On a critical cailure, or on a failure by 5 or
more, the character also takes 4d toxic damage.
Thunder Hydra: The hydra can create electrical discharges like an electric eel! Outside of the water, this
manifests as a 2d Burning aura, that treats metalic DR as DR 1, and that affects anyone touched by the Hydra,
and anyone who touches the hydra (including by striking it with metalic weapons). Those Those grappled
suffer damage every turn, at the beggining of the hydra's turn, but swallowed are not affected by it!. In the
water though, this affects all targets within 4 yards, dealing 1d damage per second, but ignoring all DR. In all
cases, anyone damaged by the aura must make an HT roll, at -1 per two points of penetrating damage, or be
Elder Hydra: The Hydra is a thing from Beyond! Seeing it’s horrific, mind bending appearance requires a
fright check at -5. Also, each head has an independent mind, and can use it, instead of attacking, to use a
Psionic ability from Dungeon Fantasy 14: Psi. Select two abilities from Madness, Mind Blast, Mind Control,
Mind Stab, Psychic Sensitivity, Psychokinetic Lash and Pyrokinetic Bolt, and raise them to their max level.
The Hydra also gains Energy Reserve (Psi) 30, Psi Talent 10, and Innate Attack (Gaze)-16 (before accounting
for the bonus from Psi Talent). It might also have “beards” of twisting tentacles on each head.
Hydra Amalgamation: This hydra has mixed blood. Pick any number of lenses and apply them to it.
The "They" (plural of "It"), are the ultimate rulers of the Red, and the archetypal embodiment of evil in the
multiverse. Their goal is to topple the Dark Tower which serves as the lynchpin of time and space, destroying
the multitude of universes which revolve around it so that the creatures can rule in the primordial chaos
which follows.
The "They" are the bastard offspring of Arthur Eld, a legendary gunslinger, and the Crimson Queen, a
demonic creature of the Prim – the chaotic primordial void from which the Dark Tower, and all universes,
arose. With the aid of the wizard Maerlyn, the Crimson Queen took on human form and deceived Arthur Eld
to achieve this union and generate the creatures called "They".
The They are powerful and mysterious entities that force others to do their bidding and are behind the
destruction of the beams that hold up the Dark Tower which holds reality and all of the universes together.
"They" are quite insane and their intentions are not quite clear beyond that they wish to destroy the Tower
and possibly rule the darkness that would follow. These creatures rule from the lands of Discordia.
These creatures take many forms in their life. A horned, red-skinned monster called Satan, a handsome,
blonde man, a creature the men are unable to see properly, (his true form cannot be comprehended by
human beings), an old man with white hair and one fang, a monstrous entity with spiderlike characteristics, a
bald man with a large tusk or horn on his head. "They" are shapeshifters; these creatures take the form most
terrifying to whoever confront them.
They have one defining characteristic: their blood red eyes, which fascinate anyone who looks into them.
They fade in and out of view due to their transcendent magical powers. These creatures prefer to work from
behind the scenes. They employ other people to do his bidding, as well as numerous supernatural beings,
including vampires, low men, and taheen.
There are few "They". The more infamous is the Crimson King.
It, Ideal Sadistic Nightmarish Clever Strange Trickster Archcaster Epic Manipulation Monster
(Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Empathy; Enhanced Time Sense; Extra Attack (1); Magery (7); Magery 0; Mana Enhancer (2) (Area
Effect (8 yd); Switchable); Morph (No Memorization Required; Unlimited); Attractive (Impressive,
Universal); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Life Bane; Overconfidence; Sadism (6 or less); Self-
Destruct; Selfish (12 or less); Terror (-4 to Fright-Check); Dream-Weaving
Skills: Fast-Talk 24; Strategy (Air) 24; Strategy (Land) 24; Strategy (Naval) 24; Tactics 24; Thaumatology 30;
Throwing 18; Traps 24
Spells: Apportation 30; Catch Missile 30; Catch Spell 30; Deflect Missile 30; Great Ward 30; Reflect 30;
Return Missile 30; Teleport 30; Ward 30
Dream-Weaving: It can manipulate what others think they see and hear. After concentrating, It rolls IQ+2 vs
the target's will. Success allows it to control what they see and hear. Its illusions may be anything, but they
cannot directly harm the target (an illusion of an arrow striking him does no damage), and they still have
control over their body. They can always choose to ignore what they see and hear and “fight blind.” Thus, It
chooses to create subtle illusions, so the target doesn't realize he's being tricked.
Reality Rewrite: The world does not work around the It as it should. Everything that can go wrong, does go
wrong. The monster gains Serendipity 3 (Wishing) and Extraordinary Luck (Wishing), which allows It to
force any roll in his presence to be rerolled twice, with It choosing the result he likes best, once every thirty
minutes of gameplay, and It may have three “lucky” events occur in its favor whenever It wishes, and in
whatever form It wishes.
The Jouster isn't a centaur, but an experiment of weird science. The outcome is a man, with the metal skin,
grafted in the body of its horse.
Traits: Claws (Hooves); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (9); Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Move (Ground)
(1); Enhanced Dodge (1); Extra Legs (4 Legs); Fearlessness (3); Fit; High Pain Threshold; Imbue (2); Immunity
to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Pressure Support (3); Racial ST Bonus (8)
(Size); Sealed; Status (1); Vacuum Support; Weapon Master (Lance); Bloodlust (12); Code of Honor (Chivalry);
Gullibility; Impulsiveness (12 or less); Overconfidence (12 or less)
Skills: Lance 20; Riding (Horse) 18; Shield (Shield) 20; Telescoping Weapon (Lance) 20
Lance (20): 3d imp. The reach, thanks to the skill "Telescoping Weapon", varies.
The Kaliban is a tough guy. Its skin is very resilient, and its muscle mass let it minimize the damage. It is very
skilful in the use of axe and broadsword, as well as brawling.
It is a clever hunter, but favors head-on struggle to subterfuges
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (8) (Tough Skin); Hard to Kill (6); High Pain
Threshold; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (/3)); Weapon Master (Broadsword); Bad Temper (12 or
less); Berserk (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Gullibility (12 or less); Sadism (6 or less)
Skills: Axe/Mace 19; Brawling 19; Broadsword 20; Wrestling 19
The Kalisans are distantly related to Kaliban. They lack of physical presence of the Kalibans, but are extra-fast
(Speed 10 or more), and very skilful in the use of the deadly kusarigama. Focus one second, the Kalisans can
deliver a very powerful attack (double the damage the next turn).
The Killing Joke is the chaos embodied. This creature loves torturing and killing the people. When it haunts a
country, it begins to gather the most dangerous villains of the State. Then, it bring the governments down.
One after the other.
It is a skilful strategist, and a very sharpshooter. Its goal is only one: the destruction of the human being
Killing Joke, Greater Swift Strange Killer Ideal Strange Trickster Epic Mastery Epic
Manipulation Monster (Epic Boss)
ST: 15 HP: 15 Speed: 9.00
DX: 15 Will: 23 Move: 9
IQ: 20 Per: 20
HT: 13 FP: 13 SM: 0
Dodge: 13 Parry: 11 DR: 0
Traits: Ally Group (Allow 100 point Allies; Frequency: Almost all the time (15 or less); Size: Large Group (20
to 100)); Altered Time Rate (Maximum 10 seconds) (1); Combat Reflexes; Contact Group (Texas Criminal)
(Effective Skill 21) (9 or less; Completely Reliable; Somewhat Reliable); Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or
Drink; Extra Attack (Multi-Strike); Fashion Sense; Hard to Subdue (4); High Pain Threshold; Higher Purpose
(Destroy the Living) (4); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; Unliving); Rapier Wit;
Reputation (Prince of the Crime) (4) (All the time; Almost everyone); Serendipity (3); Temperature Tolerance
(10); Unaging; Zeroed; Penetrating Voice; Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Bad Smell; Bully; Callous;
Compulsive Lying (12 or less); Disturbing Voice; No Sense of Smell/Taste; Odious Personal Habit (Killing all
the living; Torture them); Reputation (Terrorist) (-3) (All the time; Almost everyone); Sadism (6 or less);
Social Stigma (Dead); Trademark (Playing Card) (Simple); Trickster (12 or less); Hypnotic Eyes; Corrupting
Touch; Madness; Path Breaking
Skills: Area Knowledge 20 (Texas); Brainwashing 20; Brawling 18; Disguise 16; Escape 16; Explosives
(Demolition) 20; Fast Draw 18 (Ammo); Fast Talk 20; Forced Entry 14; Guns (Pistol) 18; Guns (Shotguns); 18
Holdout 16; Guns (Rifle) 18; Interrogation 19; Intimidation 20; Knife 16; Leadership 20; Persuade 17; Poisons
20; Psychology 18; Sleight of Hand 16; Stealth 18; Streetwise 17; Sway Emotions 18; Tactics 20; Traps 20; Two
Handed Axe/Mace 16; Urban Survival 18
The Killnetic is the outcome of hideous experiments of mad scientists. It has the body totally tatted up. The
tattoos enable it to manipulate the kinetic energy of the planet. It is a serial killer and totally crazy.
Killnetic, Greater Elegant Killer Swift Stalker Clever Trickster (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Binding (Kinetic Energy) (30); Catfall (Feather Fall); Combat Reflexes; Crushing Attack (7); Damage
Resistance (40) (Force Field; Limited (Physical)); Enhanced Dodge (4); Enhanced Move (Air) (3); Enhanced
Move (Ground) (3); Flight; Intuition; Lifting ST (5); Night Vision (3); Slippery (10); Striking ST (10); Super
Jump (5) (Maneuverable); Surefooted; Telekinesis (20); Weapon Master (Knife); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or
less); Bully (12 or less); Compulsive Behavior (Murderer) (12 or less); Delusion (To be immortal) (Severe);
Loner (12 or less); Obsession (Short-Term Goal) (12 or less); Sadism (12 or less)
Skills: Acrobatics 20; Acting 20; Fast-Talk 16; Innate Attack (Beam) 20; Knife 23; Tactics 18; Traps 18
The Kolossus and the Midget of Nukeland are one creature, one mind with two body. Together they are very
powerful, thanks to the dexterousness of the Midget, and the strenght of the Kolossus. This creature is very
smart, too, and acts in sync. It is deadly.
Kolossus, Dire Beast Elegant Killer Greater Hardy Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (10) (Tough Skin); Hard to Kill (8); Injury Tolerance (Damage
Reduction (/3)); Mindlink; Telesend (6); Unfazeable; Bestial; Life Bane; Low Empathy
Skills: Survival (Radioactive Wasteland) 16; Two-Handed Sword 18
Traits: Ally (Kolossus) (Constantly; Points: 250 +; Special Abilities); Combat Reflexes; Mindlink (1 person);
Night Vision (3); Silence (2); Telesend (6); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less);
Dwarfism; Easy to Kill (5); Sadism (12 or less)
Skills: Acrobatics 24; Knife 22; Pickpocket 22; Stealth 24; Survival (Radioactive Wasteland) 18; Traps/TL8 20
Children walking alone at night may encounter a woman wearing a surgical mask, this is not an unusual sight
in Japan as people wear them to protect others from their colds or sickness. The woman will stop the child
and ask, 'Am I beautiful?' If the child answers no, he/she is killed with a pair of scissors which the woman
carries. If they answer yes, the woman pulls away the mask, revealing that her mouth is slit from ear to ear
and asks 'Am I beautiful now?'. If the child answers no, he/she will be cut in half. If he/she answers yes, then
she will slit his/her mouth like hers. It is impossible to run away from her, as she will simply reappear in
front of the victim.
When the legend reappeared in the 1970s rumors of ways to escape also emerged. When she asks you, you
must say that she is pretty two times in a row, so that she will become confused and her victim can escape
while she is lost in thought. Some sources say she can also be confused by answering her question with,
rather than yes or no, "You are average." Unsure of what to do, she will give you enough time to escape.
Another escape route is to tell her you have a previous engagement; she will pardon her manners and excuse
herself from your presence. In some variations of the tale, she can be distracted by throwing fruit or sweets at
her which she will pick up, thus giving the victim a chance to run. One other way is to ask her if you are
pretty; she will get confused and leave.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; Immunity to Metabolic
Hazards; Insubstantiality (Affect Substantial; Usually On); Invisibility (Substantial Only; Usually On); Night
Vision (3); Surefooted; Unaging; Walk on Liquid; Warp (Blink); Bloodlust (12 or less); Cowardice (12 or less);
Sadism (12 or less)
Skills: Knife 18
The Langoliers are voracious creatures with the body of stone, totally made up of jaws, that flies very fast. It's
better that no one enters in their mouths.
Traits: Damage Resistance (10); Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Move (Air) (2); Flight; Immunity to Metabolic
Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Pressure Support (3); Radar (Extended Arc: 360°;
Penetrating); Sealed; Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Vacuum Support; Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Blindness; Bloodlust
(12 or less); Cannot Speak; Fragile (Brittle); Gluttony; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 15
When a powerful evil spellcaster dies, his spirit sometimes takes control of the wriggling mass of worms and
maggots devouring his corpse. This mass of vermin rises as a larva mage to continue the spellcaster’s dark
schemes or to seek revenge against those who slew him.
The Larva Wizard can become a swarm of maggots that is dispersed by injury equal to your HP. The
dispersed swarm is effectively “unconscious” and unable to act in concert. A determined foe might contain
and continue to damage your dispersed bodies, though. Should it reach -HP, enough of its bodies have been
killed to dissociate its consciousness and kill it! It can filter or flow through the tiniest of holes. In addition to
the normal benefits of Diffuse, it can ooze through porous barriers and narrow cracks and keyholes
Larva Mage, Ideal Strange Trickster Blood Archcaster Epic Manipulation Epic Durability
Monster (Epic Boss)
ST: 9 HP: 9 Speed: 6.25
DX: 13 Will: 23 Move: 6
IQ: 20 Per: 18
HT: 12 FP: 42 SM: 0
Dodge: 9 Parry: 11 DR: 0
Traits: Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Intuition; Luck; Magery (6); Magery 0; Bad Smell; Bloodlust (12 or less);
Callous; Compulsive Lying (12 or less); Cowardice (12 or less); Easy to Read; Frightens Animals; Impulsive;
Low Pain Threshold; Overconfidence; Unfit; Dream Weaving
Skills: Alchemy/TL3 20; Cartography/TL3 20; Diplomacy 20; Gesture 20; Hazardous Materials/TL3 (Magical)
20; Hidden Lore (Demon Lore) 20; Hidden Lore (Magical Items Lore) 20; Hidden Lore (Magical Writings
Lore) 20; Hidden Lore (Spirit Lore) 20; Innate Attack (Projectile) 20; Meditation 20; Occultism 20;
Research/TL3 20; Savoir-Faire (High Society) 20; Scrounging 20; Speed-Reading 20; Staff 16; Strategy (Land)
20; Teaching 20; Thaumatology 20; Writing 20
Spells: Agonize 25; Animation 25; Choke 25; Clumsiness 25; Control Zombie 25; Death Vision 25; Deathtouch
25; Debility 25; Decay 25; Frailty 25; Itch 25; Lend Energy 25; Lend Vitality 25; Minor Healing 25; Pain 25;
Paralyze Limb 25; Pestilence 25; Rotting Death 25; Sensitize 25; Sickness 25; Skull-Spirit 25; Spasm 25; Steal
Energy 25; Steal Vitality 25; Stun 25; Summon Spirit 25; Test Food 25; Wither Limb 25; Zombie 25; Zombie
Summoning 25
The name "Licker" was given to this creature by the officers at the Raccoon City Police Department for their
incredibly long tongues.
The most striking changes that occur when a zombie, normally in the transition from a Crimson Head to a
Licker, are the exposed brain tissue, an increase in muscle development, and the total loss of skin. Because of
the lack of skin-constraint and the development of muscular tissue, the Licker is very agile, capable of
performing surprising jumps to incredible heights and distances and moving much more rapidly. Their
quadrupedal bone structure makes it more suitable for them to crawl about on all fours. The Licker also uses
its talons to scale vertical structures and ceilings with ease. This allows the creature to use predatory tactics to
surprise their prey. These new hunting strategies also showcase its increased primal intellect. Finally, its
elongated tongue is shown to be enormously powerful, capable of piercing human flesh and often being used
to decapitate its prey. Although naturally quiet and a master of ambushes, the presence of a Licker can often
be hinted at by the sound of their raw flesh and claws scraping against whatever surface they happen to be
crawling along, as well as a sibilant hissing sound. When attacking or incurring damage, a Licker will also
make a variety of screeching sounds, producing a particularly agonized scream when killed.
Lickers have lost the use of their eyes entirely and cannot track prey by sight. Their super developed hearing
however more than compensates for the loss. Upon detecting potential prey it will attack full force with
teeth, tongue and claws, often alerting others of its kind in the vicinity as well. Weapons that emit very little
sound, such as the bowgun, are especially useful against these blind B.O.W.s.
Traits: Claws (Talons); Clinging; Combat Reflexes; Cutting Attack (6) (Melee Attack: Reach 1-4 (like a whip));
Discriminatory Hearing; Hard to Kill (5); Super Jump (2); Surefooted; Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less);
Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Blindness; Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Hidebound; Low Pain Threshold;
Shadow Casting
Skills: Acrobatics 18; Brawling 19; Tactics 12
This huge, ebony-haired stallion is the fastest creature of the universe. Its speed is legendary: it can pass
sound speed!! Its combat technique is to reach top speed (instantly!!) and lash out against its enemies (in the
basic form, 20 dice of impaling damage). It's know Lightnings killed monstrous Dragons with their
extendable horn.
Traits: Enhanced Move (Air) (6) (Cosmic (Complete Maneuverability); Cosmic (Instantaneous Acceleration);
Handling Bonus (+5)); Enhanced Move (Ground) (2); Extra Legs (4 Legs); Flight (Winged); Hard to Kill (3),
High Pain Threshold; Striker (Impaling) (Unicorn Horn) (Limited Arc; Long (+3)); Bad Temper (12 or less);
Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Hidebound; Horizontal; No Fine
Skills: Aerobatics 18; Brawling 17
The Lion-Hearted Knights are a caste of powerful warriors that works for the good of your land. They
combine the puissance of a lion and the skilfulness with the knight-weapons. These creatures are brave,
merciless and have the power of a quick regeneration.
Lion-Hearted Knight, Greater Elegant Greater Power Killer Greater Hardy Greater Graceful
Brute (Boss)
Traits: Claws (Sharp Claws); Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Hearing; Discriminatory Smell; Discriminatory
Taste; Enhanced Parry (2); Fearlessness (5); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Indomitable; Regeneration
(Fast: 1HP/Min); Speak With Animals; Status (1); Very Fit; Wealth (Very Wealthy); Weapon Master (Great
Sword); Fur; Berserker; Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully; Code of Honor (Chivalry); Fanaticism (Their Country);
Intolerance (Commoners); Stubbornness
Skills: Brawling 17; Broadsword 18; Heraldry 13; Lance 19; Leadership 16; Power Blow 25; Riding (Horse) 18;
Savoir-Faire 14;
Shield (Shield) 18; Tactics 18; Two-Handed Sword 21
The Living Whip is one of the most dangerous creatures of the desert. It is usually outlined against the sun,
and it places the hairs radiating. It uses the hairs as just as a whip, to tear the enemies apart.
Traits: Acute Hearing (3); Acute Vision (3); Constriction Attack; Cutting Attack (6) (Melee Attack: Reach 1-4
(like a whip)); Enhaced Dodge (1); Extra Attack (2); High Pain Threshold; Night Vision (3); Striking ST (5);
Very Fit; Vibration Sense; Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less);
Bully (12 or less)
Skills: Brawling 19; Tactics 15; Traps 15; Whip 19; Wrestling 19
Hair Whip (19): 6d cutting, reach 1-4. The Living Whip a very long hairs (4 yards) that operate as just as they
were alive. The creature can attack three times with its hair whip.
Constriction Attack (19): the Living Whip can crush its enemies by enveloping them with its hairs. Usually it
attacks with three wisps (net ST 23).
Punch (19): 1d+2 cr, Reach C
Kick (17): 2d-1 cr, Reach C, 1
Lord of Storm
The Lords of the Storm are ape-like creatures that have control of weather. They create a cloud full of roaring
lightnings for flying. These creatures can hit an enemy with lightning bolts and are very skilful in the use of
their magical staff. They are poerful wizards.
The Low Men in Yellow Coat are the "unskilled" laborers of the Crimson King. They are zombies not yet
decomposed. As soon as a human being dies nearby, a Low Man approaches and dresses the corpse with the
yellow coat. The coat give the corpse hound-like abilities: discriminatory smell and hearing, acute vision and
combat reflexes. Typically the Low Men move in groups of 4-6 members
Traits: Acute Vision (5); Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Hearing; Discriminatory Smell; Doesn't Breathe;
Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity (All Mind Control); Immunity to
Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; Unliving); Night Vision (3); Single-Minded;
Temperature Tolerance (10); Unaging; Unfazeable; Bad Smell; Cannot Learn; Dependency (the Coat)
(Common) (Constantly); Disturbing Voice; Dread (Light); Fragile (Unnatural); Hidebound; Incurious (6-);
Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; Reprogrammable; Slave Mentality; Social Stigma (Dead); Unhealing
(Total); Sexless
Skills: Guns/TL8 (Pistol) 17; Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) 17; Knife 17; Stealth 16; Tactics 14
The Lurker is a deadly enemy. It moves very quickly and silently. It can match the color of its mantle with
the environment. Then, it kills.
Traits: 360° Vision; Chameleon (8) (Always On; Environmental); Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack;
Corrosion Attack (5) (Melee Attack: Reach C); Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (7); Flight; Silence (5); Striker
(Impaling) (Sting); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 15
Wrapping Cloak (15): the Lurker lays in wait, by disguising itself in the environment. Then, it attacks, by
hurling itself at its victims. It causes 3d+1 cr damage, by wrapping the enemy with its mantle.
Gastric Juice: once it wraps its enemies, the Lurker emits an acid fluid that causes 5d cor damage per second.
Death Rotation (15): the Lurker can whirl on itself and hurls at its enemies as just as a rotating blade. It causes
6d cut damage
A typical manticore is about 10 feet long and weighs about 1,000 pounds. Manticores speak human tongues A
manticore begins most attacks with a volley of spikes, then closes. In the outdoors, it often uses its powerful
wings to stay aloft during battle.
Manticore, Dire Beast Swift Strange Stalker Greater Hardy Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Acute Vision (2); Combat reflexes; Damage Resistance (10) (Tough Skin); Discriminatory Smell; Extra
Legs (Four Legs); Flight (Winged; Handling Penalty -3); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Infravision;
Invisibility; Night Vision (8); Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Berserk (12 or less); Bad Smell; Bloodlust;
Horizontal; Gluttony; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 16; Innate Attack (Projectile) 17; Survival (Desert) 12.
Although they closely resemble (and can interbreed with) the brown Norway rat, the rats of the Many-In-
One can climb sheer walls, walk on ceilings, and chew through steel. At full extension, their jaws open up
along half their body length, full of chiselsharp, plague-carrying teeth. (Unlike a true rat swarm, a Many-In-
One swarm does cutting damage.) Many-In-One seldom bothers taking human form, although Cabalists
fighting the Algiers Infestation in 1599 reported some individuals up to five feet tall on hind legs, using
swords. The statistics below are for a single Algiers Many-In-One, grown to human size. For each additional
human mass, IQ should increase by one point.
Traits: 360° Vision; Clinging; Damage Resistance (1); Injury Tolerance (Diffuse) (Body of Swarm)*; Night
Vision (8); Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec); Silence (2); Terror (Will-3) (Always On); Bad Smell; Bestial;
Cowardice (12 or less); Sadism (12 or less)
Skills: Brawling 19; Stealth 20
*Body of Swarm: the creature can become a swarm (p. B461) of gnat- to rat-sized bodies. This moves at its
best applicable Move; can bite, sting, etc. for thrust crushing damage for its ST; and is dispersed by injury
equal to your HP. A dispersed swarm is effectively “unconscious” and unable to act in concert. A determined
foe might contain and continue to damage its dispersed bodies, though. Should it reach -HP, enough of its
bodies have been killed to dissociate your consciousness and kill it!
Humanoid Form: it can assemble its component bodies into any vaguely manlike form, giving it a limited
ability to “morph” (although it won’t pass close inspection).
Scatter: it can scatter its component bodies by taking a Concentrate maneuver; its outer perimeter travels at
your best applicable Move. its constituent bodies can communicate instantly and work in a coordinated
fashion over a half-mile radius. While scattered, only area-effect, cone, and explosion attacks can injure it,
and only in proportion to the area they blanket; e.g., an attack that covers just 5% of its area does 5% of its
normal damage. It can focus its senses on any point within your area; changing viewpoints requires a Ready
maneuver. Otherwise, treat this state as Insubstantiality (p. B62) if you can.
Rat Bites (19): 2d+1 cut, Reach C. The rats that make up the body of the Many-In-One bite frantically the
bare body parts of the enemy. The rats can strike up to 6 enemies at a once.
Terror (Will-3): the repulsive sight of the twisting Many-In-One causes its victims to make a Will-3 roll, or
they must run away.
Terrible to behold, these creatures have the bodies of giant snakes, with huge, green, scaly coils. From the
waist up, they are beautiful, comely females. Besides her obvious snake body, the feature that reveals the true
nature of this tanar'ri is her six arms. They are commonly adorned with precious jewelry and highly
decorated weapons-marilith most often carry a different weapon in each of their six hands.
They cast on themselves Great Haste and become invincible. When they are defeated, they cast Panic against
their enemies to escape
Marilith, Greater Elegant Killer Ideal Strange Trickster Greater Graceful Brute (Greater Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (4) (Tough Skin); Enhanced Dodge (1);
Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Extra Arms (4); Extra Attack (2); High Pain Threshold; Magery (4); Magery 0;
Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Compulsive Lying; Life Bane; No Legs
(Slithers); Sadism (12 or less); Selfish (12 or less); Dream Weaving;
Skills: Axe/Mace 21; Brawling 20; Broadsword 21; Spear 21; Thaumatology 22
Spells: Great Hallucination 25; Great Haste 25; Panic 25
The Masters of Creation are creatures of god-like powers. They have absolute control over any kind of
matter. Their body is enveloped in dark armor and cloak. They are inscrutable creatures. If they want kill
you, you are a dead man...
Master of Creation, Dire Beast Greater Elegant Greater Power Killer Ideal Trickster Greater
Hardy Brute (Greater Boss)
Air Binding (27): the Master solidifies the air around its enemies. The creature just need to want it. The "air
cage" has ST 27.
Choking Attack (27): the Master can take away its enemies air. See pag B436 for details.
Disintegration (27): with the mere will power, the Master of Creation can disintegrate an area of 64 yard of
radius, by inflicting 10d corrosive damage.
Rocky Punches (27): the Master can crush its enemies with huge rocky punches, created out of the ground...
Mater Morbi
Mater Morbi is a demon of the worst kind. In the manic phase, this fiend is an eccentric, scheming, beautiful
lady that tries in any way to reach the peak of the society. Once it rules a town, city or a country it searches a
mean to increase its power of creating despair.
It makes use of any kind of minions...
Mater Morbi, Greater Elegant Killer Ideal Trickster Greater Graceful Brute (Lesser Boss)
Claws (20): 2d-1 cutting damage. The Mater Morbi can use its retractile claws to kill its enemies.
Chronic Depression Zone (HT-10): the creature so-called Mater Morbi is a major demon that can create a
zone (radius of 128 yards) where the people falls in chronic depression (pag. B126).
In Greek mythology Medusa was a Gorgon, a chthonic monster, and a daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. The
author Hyginus, (Fabulae, 151) interposes a generation and gives Medusa another chthonic pair as parents.
When she gazes directly upon a person, it turns into stone. She was beheaded by the hero Perseus, who
thereafter used her head as a weapon[4] until he gave it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield. In
classical antiquity the image of the head of Medusa appeared in the evil-averting device known as the
Medusa, Greater Elegant Strange Killer Cunning Strange Stalker (Greater Worthy)
Traits: 360° Vision; Affliction (Pietrification) (4) (Cone (+7)); Combat reflexes; Constriction Attack; Dark
Vision; Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Extra Basic Speed (+1.5) (Affects displayed Basic Speed score); Imbue
(3); Imbuement Talent (3); Weapon Master (Bow); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less);
Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); No Legs (Slithers); Flaying Touch; Shadow Casting
Skills: Bow 22; Brawling 18; Envenomed Weapon (Bow) 20; Tactics 16; Traps 16
Pietrification: the gaze of the Medusa petrifies its opponents up to 20 yards. To survive, the enemy has to win
a HT-3 roll
Longbow (22): the Medusa is very skilful at using its longbow (3d-1 imp). Its ability of envenoming the
arrows makes its bow more and more deadly
Coils (18): the Medusa envelopes its enemies with its coils, as though she has ST 21
Flaying Touch: the Medusa rends skin and sends fire coursing along nerves in this devastating attack. Ideal
for weakening a strong foe. Inflict 3d Impaling damage, and the target must roll HT (with a penalty equal to
the damage inflicted) or suffer Terrible Pain (-6) for the remainder of the battle
Shadow Casting: the Medusa drags shadows around it to deepen the darkness, where it feels most
comfortable. Inflict darkness on an area up to 32 yards around the Medusa (generally, an entire room),
enough to inflict a -4 on all rolls regarding vision
In Greek mythology, the Minotaur, was a creature with the head of a bull on the body of a man or, as
described by Roman poet Ovid, "part man and part bull". He dwelt at the center of the Cretan Labyrinth,
which was an elaborate maze-like construction designed by the architect Daedalus and his son Icarus, on the
command of King Minos of Crete. The Minotaur was eventually killed by the Athenian hero Theseus.
"Minotaur" was originally a proper noun in reference to this mythical figure. The use of "minotaur" as a
common noun to refer to members of a generic race of bull-headed creatures developed much later, in 20th-
century fantasy genre fiction.
Minotaur, Dire Beast Power Killer Greater Hardy Brute (Greater Worthy)
ST: 30 HP: 50 Speed: 6.75
DX: 13 Will: 13 Move: 6
IQ: 8 Per: 12
HT: 16 FP: 16 SM: 2
Dodge: 10 Parry: 11 DR: 6 (Tough Skin); 10 (Skull Only)
Traits: Absolute Direction; Acute Hearing (3); Combat reflexes; Damage Resistance (3) (Tough Skin); Damage
Resistance (Skull) (2) (Skull Only); High Pain Threshold; Magic Resistance (3); Peripheral Vision; Racial Skill
Point Bonus (Brawling) (4); Racial ST Bonus (7); Striker (Impaling) (Horns) (Limited Arc: Front; Long (+1));
Appearance (Hideous); Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (Battle Rage; 9 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (9 or less);
Intolerance (Total Intolerance); Loner (12 or less); Odious Racial Habit (Eats other sapients) (-3); Social
Stigma (Uneducated)
Skills: Brawling 15; Power Blow 17; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 15
The Moon Horror is a hideous monster active only by night. It is an Elder Spawn, terribly cruel and ruthless.
It likes the human flesh...
Being the artillery of the Crimson King, the Mutant Behemoth are the first ones to take the field. They
lacerate the flesh of the enemies with a heavy chain gun, mounted on the right arm and toast thei bodies with
a powerful flamer. If these horrors need their enemies live, they attack with a tactical neural disruptor
Mutant Behemoth, Dire Beast Greater Hardy Stolid Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (20); Danger Sense; Extra Attack (2); Hard to Kille (3); High Pain
Threshold; Indomitable; Infravision; Radar; Striking ST (5); Unfazeable; Gullibility (12 or less); Hidebound;
Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; Slave Mentality
Skills: Brawling 15; Gunner/TL8 (Beams) 18; Gunner/TL8 (Machine Gun) 18
Heavy Chaingun, 15mmCL (18): 15d pi+, Acc. 6, Range 2000/9000, RoF 12, Shots: 50(5), Rcl: 2
Heavy Flamer (18): 8d burn, Acc. 6, Range 130/390, RoF 1, Shots: 35(5), Rcl: 1
Tactical Neural Disruptor (18): HT-8 affliction (3 yd), accuracy 18, Range 160/480, RoF 10, Shots 100(5), Rcl 1
Punch (15): 4d+2 cr, Reach C-3
Nazi Abortion
The Nazi Abortion is the outcome of the nazi quest for the "super soldier". These creatures are essentially
wild beast that attack at first sight with their powerful claws and by emitting electric discharges.
Traits: Affliction (Heart Attack) (4) (Area Effect (4 yd); Heart Attack); Burning Attack (6) (Area Effect (4 yd));
Claws (Sharp Claws); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (10) (On the Arms); Discriminatory Hearing;
Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); High Pain Threshold; Night Vision (3); Super Jump (1); Bad Smell; Bestial;
Cannot Speak; Gullibility (12 or less); Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor
Skills: Brawling 18; Tracking 12
Claws (18): 2d+1 cut, Reach C
Spark Storm: 6d burn, within 4 yards of radius; anyone within the area must win a HT-3 roll or he
experiences a heart attack
Nazi Bot
The Nazi Bots are the best outcome of the nazi science: they are part robot and part human. Their
unbelievable strenght is granted by the atomic energy that pervades their bodies. This energy flows from
their hands and reallocates in the Semi-Portable Blasters that they use.
Nazi Bot, Greater Power Killer Greater Hardy Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Combat reflexes; Damage Resistance (12); Doesn't Breathe; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to
Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Pressure Support (3); Sealed; Vacuum
Support; Duty (Military) (15 or less (almost always)); Fanaticism (Nazi Party); Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Life
Bane; Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; Slave Mentality; Vulnerability (Salt)
Skills: Brawling 16; Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) 16; Explosives/TL8 (Nuclear Ordnance Disposal) 13;
Gunner/TL8 (Beams) 17; Guns/TL8 (Gyroc) 17; Guns/TL8 (Light Machine Gun) 17; Guns/TL8 (Rifle) 17;
Power Blow 23; Soldier/TL8 16
Semi-Portable Blaster (17): 6dx2 (5) burn surge, Acc. 15, Range 2800/8400, RoF 3, Shots 50(5), Rcl 1
Punch (16): 3d+2 cr, Reach C, 1
Kick (14): 4d-1 cr, Reach C, 2
Nazi Demon
Invisible, able of clinging on wall and ceiling, quick and ruthless. The Nazi Demon can dodge bullets very
easily and its "Light knives" butcher its victims in one second
Nazi Demon, Greater Elegant Killer Greater Graceful Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Clinging (Attraction); Cutting Attack (5) (Armor Divisor (10); Melee Attack: Reach C; Terrible Pain);
Enhanced Dodge (3); Enhanced Parry (all parries) (3); Enhanced Time Sense (Super); Extra Attack (1); Extra
Basic Speed (+1.5) (Affects displayed score; Super); High Pain Threshold; Hyper-Reflexes; Invisibility (Can
Carry Objects (Medium Encumbrance); Extended (All); Switchable); Life Bane; Power Grappling; Style
Familiarity (Aikijutsu); Sure-Footed (Uneven); Weapon Master (Knife); Bad Smell; Bully (12 or less); Sadism
(12 or less)
Skills: Arm Lock (Judo) 22; Breakfall (Judo) 22; Hand-Clap Parry 18; Judo 22; Karate 22; Knife 22; Low
Fighting (Karate) 20; Roll with Blow (Judo) 20; Trip (Judo) 19
Light Knives (22): onto its wrists, the Nazi Demon carries two energy conductors that project a short light
ray. The rays solidify and turn into two very sharp knives (7d+3 cut damage, Armor Divisor 10). Reach C.
Punch (22): 1d+1 cr, Reach C
Kich (20): 1d+2 cr, Reach C, 1
Nazi Necrospecter
When the evilest forces of the hell flow in a SS soldier, a Nazi Necrospecter rises. It is the strongest minion of
demonlords. It is resilient, very quick, and is nearly impossibly to hit.
Traits: Affliction (Suffocation) (5) (Cone (+3); Follow-Up; Choking; Jet); Burning Attack (6) (Cone (+3); Jet);
Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (2); Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Enhanced Dodge (2);
Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury
Tolerance (No Blood; No Brains; No Eyes; No Vitals; Unliving); Night Vision (3); Sure Footed; Temperature
Tolerance (10); Unaging; Unfazeable; Vacuum Support; Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Bad Smell; Bad
Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Callous; Fragile (Brittle); Gullibility (12 or less);
Impulsive; No Sense of Smell/Taste; Overconfidence; Skinny; Social Stigma (Dead); Vulnerability (Crushing
Attacks) (Common) (x2); Cannot Float; Sexless
Skills: Brawling 19; Innate Attack (Breath) 19; Tactics 17; Traps 17
Green Vapour (19): from its mouth, the Necrospecter can breathe a hideous green jet that suffocates (the
victim must win a HT-4 roll) and burns (6d burn damage) the enemies of the Nazi. Range 5/10.
Punch (19): 1d+1 cr, Reach C
Kick (18): 1d+2 cr, Reach C, 1
Nightmare Warrior
The Nightmare Warrior likes torment its victimes by inflict horrendous nightmares. By doing so, it steals the
energy from its enemies at a rate of 4 HP/turn. It attacks, furthermore, with its powerful bastard sword.
Traits: Affliction (Nightmare) (1) (Symptom: Disadvantage (+5)); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (8);
High Pain Threshold; Steal Energy (Leech 3 (Accelerated Healing, +25%; Increased Immunity 3, -30%;
Malediction 1, +100%; Nuisance Effect, Can transfer personality traits, -5%; Only Heals FP, -20%; Psychic
Vampirism, -10%; Ranged, +40%; Steal FP, -25%)); Weapon Master (Bastard Sword); Bloodlust (12 or less);
Gullibility (12 or less); Sadism (12 or less)
Skills: Broadsword 20; Two-Handed Sword 20; Steal Energy 20
Nightmares are the evil steeds of the lower planes, often serving as mounts for baatezu, tanar'ri, night hags,
liches, and powerful undead lords. They look like large, powerful horses with a jet black coat. Nightmares
have glowing red eyes, flaming orange nostrils, and hooves that burn like embers. Their flowing manes and
great tails are ragged and wild.
Nightmares can understand commands from evil riders. They communicate among themselves by empathy.
Nightmare, Strange Killer Greater Hardy Brute (Worthy)
Traits:Astral Travel (Jumper) (Limited Jump – One Plane Removed , Extra Carrying - Heavy); Combat
Reflexes; Damage Resistance (3) (Tough Skin); Dark Vision; Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't
Sleep; Fiery Hooves (Innate Attack – Fire, 1D-1 burn, Follow Up); Flight; Hard to Kill (3); High Pain
Threshold; Hooves; Insubstantial (Can Carry - Heavy, Costs FP 1); Quadruped; Peripheral Vision; Sharp
Teeth; Sulfurous Smoke (Obscure 8 (Vision -8, Area Effect 4 yds, Defensive, Link, Emergencies Only) +
Affliction 2 (Coughing, Area Effect 4 yds, Respiratory Agent, Link, Emanation, Emergencies Only)); Telesend
(Racial, Reduced Range /10); Unaging; Planar Being*; Appearance (Horrific); Bad Temper; Berserk (12 or
less); Bully; Cannot Speak; Frightens Animals; Intolerance (Non-lower Planar); Odious Personal Habit (Flesh-
eating); Sadism; Selfish; Burning Touch
*The Planar Being Meta-Trait: Summoning Susceptibility (Can be summoned by knowledgable casters who
know their true name, or with whom they've made a pact); Detect (Rare: Portals, Precise, Automatic, Can't
Analyze); Acute Portal Detection +6
Skills: Flight 14, Aerobatics 13, Free Fall 13, Brawling 15
The Norse Spirit is being evoked by the mad science of the Nazi sorcerers. It is the remains of the soul of the
norse warrior. It attacks with its spear with amazing strenght.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (3); Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; Flight
(Lighter Than Air); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Insubstantiality (Affect Substantial; Usually On);
Invisibility (Substantial Only; Usually On); Unaging; Berserk (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or
Skills: Shield 18; Spear 18
Ogre magi can perform the following feats of magic: fly (for 12 turns), become invisible, cause darkness in a
10-foot radius, polymorph to a human or similar bipedal creature (4 feet to 12 feet tall), and regenerate one
hit point per round (lost members must be reattached to regenerate). Oriental ogres attack with magic first
and resort to physical attacks only if necessary.
In battle, ogre magi prefer the naganata (75%) or scimitar and whip (25%). Those found in oriental settings
might (25%) possess ki power or have mastered a martial arts form. As ogre magi are intelligent, they will not
fight if faced with overwhelming odds, but will flee to gather their forces or hide.
These monsters live in fortified dwellings or caves and foray to capture slaves, treasure, and food. These
monsters are extremely protective of their young and will battle with savage abandon to save one's life. If a
young ogre mage is captured, these creatures will pay high ransom for its return, but they will seek revenge
and will never forget the insult of the kidnaping.
If encountered in their lair, ogre magi will be led by a chief of great strength. Treasure is divided by this chief
and his trove is always the richest. The tribe will have their own clan symbol typical to the oriental lands,
and this symbol will be stitched on its war banners and flags as well as on armor and headdresses. The chief
will often have the tribe's symbol tattooed on his forehead or back.
Ogre magi speak the human tongue, their own special language, and the speech of normal ogres.
Traits: Damage Resistance (2); Flight (Handling Bonus +1); High Pain Threshold; Infravision; Magery 2
(Racially innate spells only); Magic Resistance 2 (Improved); Night Vision 5; Regeneration (Very Fast; 1
HP/sec.); Regrowth (can only reattach lost limb by holding the severed member to the stump); Bad
Temper( 12 or less); Bloodlust; Callous; Gluttony; Lecherousness
Skills: Bow 11; Innate Attack (Breath) 12; Thaumatology 14; Two-Handed Sword 12
Spells: Blackout 17; Body of Air 17; Icy Breath 17; Invisibility 17; Loyalty 17; Shapeshift 17; Sleep 17
The Overseer is member of a race of evil geni. They plan, conspire, carry out experiments on sentient species.
Their only goal is the domination on other living beings. They attack by stunning enemies with their eye ray
and then crushing them with their pseudopod.
Overseer, Cunning Strange Stalker Ideal Sadistic Trickster Epic Mastery Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Affliction (Dazing Ray) (5) (Cone (+3); Psionic; Resistible (Will) (Will-5)); Constriction Attack; Flight
(Low Ceiling, 5 Yards); Night Vision (3); Striker (Cutting) (Pseudopod with fangs) (Long (+2)); Callous; Loner;
Low Pain Threshold; Sadism (12 or less); Selfish (12 or less); Blink; Path Breaking
Skills: Architecture/TL8 22; Bioengineering/TL8 (Biogadgets) 19; Bioengineering/TL8 (Cloning) 19;
Bioengineering/TL8 (Genetic Engineering) 19; Bioengineering/TL8 (Microbioengineering) 19;
Bioengineering/TL8 (Tissue Engineering) 19; Bioengineering/TL8 (Uplift) 19; Bioengineering/TL8 (Vaccines)
19; Brawling 16; Chemistry/TL8 19; Engineer/TL8 (Artillery) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Civil) 19; Engineer/TL8
(Clockwork) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Combat) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Electrical) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Electrical Work) 19;
Engineer/TL8 (Electronics) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Guns) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Jump Drive) 19; Engineer/TL8
(Materials) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Microtechnology) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Mining) 19; Engineer/TL8
(Nanotechnology) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Parachronic) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Plumbing) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Power
Plant) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Primitive Machines) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Psychotronics) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Ships) 19;
Engineer/TL8 (Starships) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Temporal) 19; Engineer/TL8 (Vehicles) 19; Innate Attack (Gaze)
16; Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) 19; Mechanic/TL8 20; Physics/TL8 18; Tactics 23; Traps/TL8 20; Weird
Science 22
Dazing Ray (16): a powerful ray that dazes the enemies of the creature. It is resistible with a Will-5 roll
Constriction Attack (16): the creature can crushing its enemies with all its tentacles. It attacks as if had ST 30.
It causes cutting damage.
Blink: The Overseer vanishes from one point and arrives at another in an instant. The Overseer may use
Warp to a distance of up to 10 yards up to 3 times a day. He gains +6 to his roll, but for practical purposes, he
should spend 1 turn concentrating, and then assume a success.
Path Breaking: The monster reaches out and shatters the tenuous ties of space that bind reality together,
leaving a wild, shifting mess of strange pathways and weird, spatial distortions. The Overseer concentrates
and then makes an IQ roll. If successful, he breaks space and may redirect space for the next minute. He may
grant a +5 or -5 to any move action or to ranged attacks (as things turn out to be closer or farther than one
expected) by concentrating for a turn. Furthermore, broken space doesn't “work” properly. The GM should
decide the new ways players might navigate (doors lead to new rooms, the way to get up the stairs is to go
down, etc) to get around the room. If the GM is using tactical combat, consider "shuffling" some of the
miniatures around, or changing maps, to represent the rewritten paths of space.
Phantom of Darkness
The Phantoms of Darkness are hideous, green-skinned creatures that haunt the darkness. They are able to
move through the shadows and stab the enemy in the back. Only an clever adversary can defeat them: he
have to challenge the creatures to a fair duel, knife-to-knife. Mana Ceraces, however, will try to baffle the
enemy with their gift of gab. The most infamous of the Phantoms of Darkness is the diabolical Mana Cerace
Phantom of Darkness, Greater Elegant Greater Swift Killer Clever Strange Trickster Greater
Graceful Brute Wild Caster Epic Manipulation Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Altered Time Rate (maximum 10 seconds); Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Enhanced Dodge (1); Extra
Attack (1); Extraordinary Luck (Wishing); High Pain Threshold; Magery (4); Magery 0; Rapier Wit;
Serendipity (Wishing) (3); Warp (No Strain; Range Limit (20 yards); Reliable (+5)); Weapon Master (Knife);
Wild Talent (Magic only) (3); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less);
Compulsive Lying (12 or less); Life Bane; Sadism (12 or less); Vow (Never refuse a challenge to combat);
Hypnotic Eyes; Reality Rewrite
Skills: Knife 23
Spells: Blackout 15; Darkness 15
The Phantom Skirmisher is the "rapier's soul". It is proficient in the Italian School of Fencing and its favorite
modality of fighting is with dual-weapon attacks (rapier and main-gauche). With its abilities, the Skirmisher
can destroy someone else's weapons (Annihilating Weapon), cause, at will, only a few types of damage to the
enemies, and lengthen (and shorten) its rapier.
It is bound to the chivalry code.
Phantom Skirmisher, Greater Elegant Greater Swift Killer Clever Trickster Greater Graceful
Brute Epic Durability Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Altered Time Rate (1) (Maximum duration 10 seconds); Combat Reflexes; Enhanced Dodge (2);
Enhanced Parry (Rapier) (1); Extra Attack (1); High Pain Threshold; Imbue (3); Silence (10); Weapon Master
(Rapier) (one specific weapon); Off-Hand Weapon Training (Main-Gauche); Style Familiarity (Fencing -
Italian School); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Code of Honor (Chivalry); Impulsive; Mute;
Obsession (Defeating anyone proficient in the use of the sword); Overconfidence; Sense of Duty (its Master)
Skills: Acrobatics 22; Annihilating Weapon (Rapier) 22; Disarming (Rapier) 22; Dual-Weapon Attack (Main-
Gauche) 22; Main-Gauche 22; Rapier 25; Stealth 21; Supreme Control (Rapier) 22; Telescoping Weapon
(Rapier) 22
Rapier (25): 3d imp, Reach 1,2. With the rapier, the Phantom Skirmisher uses Annihilating Weapon,
Supreme Control, Telescoping Weapon
Main-Gauche (22): 2d-1 cut, Reach C, 1; 1d+1 impaling, reach C, 1
Dark Reincarnation: upon dying, the monster instantly regenerates to full health and manifests a new, even
more powerful form. This new form has +5 ST, +1 DX, +1 SM, and gains 150 points worth of templates (1 epic
Template, a greater template and a standard template or three standard templates). The monster only does
this once per battle. If the players slay the Dark Reincarnation form, the monster truly dies
Pink Rabbit
Pink Rabbit is an example of what happens when good cartoons go bad. Or he would be, if he had ever been a
good cartoon character to begin with. The Pink Rabbits appeared in only one animated short made in 1942,
condemned as thè "most foul, disgusting, and offensive piece of filth ever put on film!" by critics. That review
might be dismissed as a product of more puritanical times, except that Rabbit's oniy film, Mayhem Madness,
features nothing but the Rabbit performing mindless acts of depravity on-screen.
The Pink Rabbit was created in thè late 1930s, in thè golden age of animation. His creator, the italian Mirko
Billone, worked for many different studios, but never really carne up with anything on his own. His ideas
were too strange, even obscene, to be used in films. He was fired from one job after his employer saw his
doodles of thè company's star characters performing acts of a dubious nature.
He worked on his pet project in secret at his nextjob, after hours. He painstakingly created an animated short
starring his own creation, the Pink Rabbit. After a few years of furtive work, Billone used his own savings to
rent an old theater and invited his current and former employers as well as prominent movie critics to watch
thè premiere. He promised them an animated movie they'd never forget.
He delivered. Not 10 seconds into thè show, the Pink Rabbit had already disgusted and offended thè viewing
audiences with acts of senseless violence and gratuitous depravity that left more then a few of thè viewers
vomiting, some in a faint, and nearly all scarred for life.
The Rabbit never got a mainstream following as a cartoon. Having spent all his money in thè production,
Billone was now broke. He sold off all his equipment except for a projection camera, which he used to watch
his beloved movie night after night. Mirko Billone would remain in thè shadows of animation's greats... until
thè murders.
One by one, thè people who had lambasted his movie at its premiere died in bizarre ways. One movie critic
had his head caved in with an anvil. A studio executive had his head blown off with dynamite that was
stuffed in his mouth. Mirko's wife, son, and last employer, who had ali been at thè premiere, were found
stuffed inside a single small trash bin, mangled beyond recognition.
Though no fingerprints were found, thè trail of victims led back to Mirko, and thè methods of execution
matched thè antics of the Pink Rabbit in Mirko's movie. Mirko Billone was arrested and tried in 1944, and
was declared incompetent to stand trial when he insisted he was innocent of thè crimes, and that his own
creation, the Pink Rabbits, had somehow come to life and wreaked vengeance on those who had denied him
his chance at stardom. Mayhem Madness was screened by psychological experts, who declared that it was
proof thè man was insane, expressing his twisted fantasies through his films, then living them out when his
movie was a failure. Mirko spent thè rest of his life institutionalized; he died in 1966, still insisting he was
innocent. Which was thè truth.
When he claimed the Rabbit was real, Mirko wasn't crazy (or at least, not to thè point of delusion). The
Rabbit is a real being, brought to life by Mirko's movie, a living embodiment of Mirko's twisted visions and
demented fantasies. Buddhist lore might call him a Tulpa, a thought-form, except that the Rabbit can't
become more human, nor does he want to. He wants to have fun thè only way he knows how. He also wants
to be popular. He'd kill to be famous.
The Rabbit first leapt from thè movie screen one evening, after Mirko had fallen asleep watching Mayhem
Madness. He leafed through Mirko's address book, and began offing thè people who had ruined his big debut,
one by one. Mirko did catch him returning one late evening, but when he ran to embrace his creation, the
Rabbit cuffed him on thè head and told him to stay out of his way. Thè human had been necessary for his
creation, but now the Rabbit feit independent. But when Mirko was arrested, the Pink Rabbit found himself
a prisoner in thè unwatched movie for years.
The Rabbit was quite pleased when a few of thè institution's orderlies found his movie and loved it. He
became an underground sensation; he finally had an audience who loved him and watched him regularly
enough to satisfy his craving for attention. Sometimes, when he felt that a particular audience was twisted or
perverted enough, he even left his movie screen to interact with them directly.
But now, with thè Internet becoming so popular, the Rabbit's audience is dwindling. He's now afraid he'll be
forgotten again, locked up inside his movie can and left in a Storage closet forever. And when the Pink
Rabbit's afraid, he gets angry.
The Rabbit's killings to date have been focused on people his fans dislike. He has come up with an idea to
save himself, however. If thè Intemet is thè new medium of chioice, then maybe it can give him a new
chance for woridwide stardom.
He's no fool; he knows he has no chance of being put on TV or in mainstream theaters. But if any kind of
expression goes online, this will create new entities, with the same powers of the Pink Rabbit...
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (1); Gizmo (4); Morph (Improvised Forms; Retains Shape);
Pitiable; Rapier Wit; Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec); Regrowth; Serendipity (3); Supernatural Durability;
Unaging; Unkillable (2); Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Compulsive
Carousing (12 or less); Delusion (The world is my cartoon show); Disturbing Voice; Fanaticism (Self);
Gluttony (12 or less); Greed (12 or less); Impulsiveness (12 or less); Laziness; Lecherousness (12 or less);
Megalomania; Obsession (Long-Term Goal) (12 or less); Sadism (12 or less); Vulnerability (Fire) (x4)
Skills: Acrobatics 15; Acting 16; Disguise/TL8 16; Driving/TL8 (Automobile) 15; Fast-Talk 15; Intimidation
15; Performance 16; Power Blow 22; Stealth 15; Tactics 15; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 15
Thè prayer wolves hunt desperate people. When a person's hopes, dreams or wishes become urgent, a pack of
prayer wolves may arrive. Thè wolves first appear in thè distance, in thè peripheral vision of their prey, or
silhouetted on thè horizon. Within a few hours, however, they will be in full view.
Prayer wolves are slightly larger than normal wolves. Their coats are jet black (except in snowy settings
where they are silvery white). Thè pack can number as few as five or as many as 25 (roll 4d+1). They are
always slavering and growling. During a chase, they bark and foam at thè mouth.
Normally, thè pack's prey is a single person, thè one whose prayers and desperation summoned thè wolves. If
those prayers and feelings are intimately shared by others, all of them are considered "prey." Thè rest of
humanity is safe as long as it does not attack – outsiders who oppose thè wolves instantly become prey as
Prayer wolves will only hunt and attack people who meet these requirements. Thè wolves can close in for thè
kill only when their prey is looking at them. Staring at a prayer wolf as it charges forward will allow it to
strike. If their prey is able to look away, thè wolves stop in their tracks, frustrated and hungry. Each time
their prey looks at them, they get closer. This limitation ends once a prayer wolf touches its prey.
They have other powers and weaknesses. They heal 1 hit point per minute. A single attack worth four times
thè wolfs current hit points is needed to kill one permanently. Reducing a prayer wolfs HT below 0 only
leaves thè creature unconscious until its HT heals to 1.
They will not forcibly enter any sealed area. As a result, their prey is safe inside a house as long as all doors
and windows are closed.
Thè prayer wolves cannot cross water during daylight hours. If any member of thè pack is killed or separated
from thè rest for more than ten minutes, it will fade into nothingness, never to return. Thè entire pack will
fade once their prey has died, has given up all hope of having his prayer fulfilled, or has not looked at them
for 50 continuous hours.
Prayer wolves have been attributed to religious sources. In some cultures, they are looked upon as a test for
those who request divine assistance - if thè person survives this ordeal, what he so desperately needs is
granted. Thè GM must decide if this is true. If it isn't, and thè praying person thinks thè wolves were a divine
ordeal, his faith will be severely challenged.
Other cultures explain prayer wolves as a penalty for those who have permanently forsaken God and yet have
thè audacity to ask Him for favors. This is a likely explanation if thè investigators (who have undoubtedly
been permanently tainted by their careers of dealing with thè occult) become prey.
Of course, thè prayer wolves could come from a non-religious source. At least one occultist claims that they
manifest from another dimension; thè portal through which they travel is created by thè emotional
emanations of thè prey. If this is true, perhaps thè creatures can be banished by dimension-spanning spells, or
controlled using tools such as pentagrams.
Adventures with prayer wolves can involve a number of very different elements. Thè terrain of thè hunt will
play a major role, especially if it includes bodies of water. Thè size of thè pack matters if thè prey wants to
fight back - five quick-healing wolves are not much of a threat to a gang of well-armed PCs, but a pack of 25
is. Thè religious aspect can come into play as well; these creatures could be used to justify some much-needed
deus ex machina.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); High Pain Threshold; Regeneration (Fast: 1HP/Min);
Teeth (Fangs); Bestial; Cannot Speak; Gluttony (6 or less); Hidebound; See notes
Skills: Brawling 16
This creature resemble an oversized praying mantis, but it is 18 feet long! It can mesmerize a person with the
gaze and melt a prey with its acid saliva. The Praying Horror is the outcome of a huge exposition at the
Traits: Affliction (Paralysis) (4) (Cone (+7)); Combat Reflexes; Corrosion Attack (6) (Cone (+3); Reduced
Range (x1/10)); Damage Resistance (10); Enhanced Move (Ground) (2); Extra Legs (6 Legs); Hard to Kill (3);
High Pain Threshold; Peripheral Vision; Radar; Striker (Impaling) (Mantis Paws); Super Jump (2); Bad
Temper (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Gullibility (6 or less); Hidebound;
Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 16; Innate Attack (Breath) 16; Innate Attack (Gaze) 16
Paralysing Gaze (16): if the Horror stares at an enemy, he must win an Will-3 roll. If he loses, he halts, as just
as he was mesmerized, for 2d seconds. Reach 10
Acid Spit (16): from its jaws, the Praying Horror spits a cone of acid solution that inflicts 6d corrosive
damage. Reach 1/10
Mantis Paws (16): 8d-1 imp, Reach C-4
The Pre-Killer is "the Future Police": brutal, merciless, skilled at using any kind of weapon. It jumps in the
past (only one day) to kill those who commit a crime. The Pre-Killers are a caste of warriors who wear kevlar
vest. They are, in fact, some psyco-killers of the worst kind.
Pay attention to think of committing a crime... maybe someday you will commit it... or maybe you will die
before you commit it.
Traits: Catfal; Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (2); Gunslinger; Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold;
Injury Tolerance (Homogenous); Jumper (Time) (Can Carry Objects (Extra-Heavy Encumbrance); Limited
Jump; Past Only); Luck (Extraordinary); Night Vision (3); Recovery; Weapon Master (Longsword) (one
specific weapon); Ghostly Movement: Warp (Accessibility, Only if unobserved, -20%; Accessibility, Only
places you could walk/climb to, given time, -20%; Extra Carrying Capacity, Medium, +20%; Range Limit,
-50%); Bad Smell; Bloodlust (12 or less); Compulsive Behavior (Murder) (12 or less); Intolerance (Total
Intolerance); Loner (12 or less); Low Empathy; Obsession (Long-Term Goal) (12 or less); Odious Personal
Habit (Killing the killers) (-1); Sadism (12 or less); Secret (Pre-Killer) (Imprisonment or Exile)
Role: Minions, Worthies, Bosses
Skills: Brawling 16; Broadsword 16; Flamethrower/TL9 16; Guns/TL9 (Grenade Launcher) 16; Guns/TL9
(Gyroc) 16; Guns/TL9 (Light Machine Gun) 16; Guns/TL9 (Pistol) 16; Guns/TL9 (Rifle) 16; Guns/TL9
(Shotgun) 16; Guns/TL9 (Submachine Gun) 16; Guns/TL9 (Taser) 16; Knife 16; Tactics 16; Traps 16; Two-
Handed Sword 16
C-More M26 MASS, 12G 2.75'' (16): 1d+1 pi, Acc. 3, Range 40/800, RoF 1x9, Shots 5+1(3), Rcl 1/5
Colt M16A1, .223 Remington (16): 5d pi, Acc 5, Range 500/3200, RoF 13, Shots:20+1(3)
H&K AG36, 40x46mmSR (16): 4d-1 [2d] cr ex, Acc. 1, Range 30/440, RoF 1, Shots:1(3), Rcl 2
TOZ ShKAS, 7.62x54mmR (16): 5d (2) pi- inc, Acc. 5, Range 1000/4200, RoF 30!, Shots 100(5), Rcl 2
Longsword (One-Handed, 16): 2d+3 cut, Reach 1; 1d+3 imp, Reach 1, 2
Longsword (Two-Handed, 16): 2d+3 cut, Reach 1; 2d imp, Reach:1, 2
Large Knife (16): 2d cut, Reach C, 1; 1d+1 imp, Reach C
Probability Blender
The Probability Blender is the master of the reality alteration. It's weak, fragile and attacks only for
selfdefense. Nonetheless it is invincible. It can kill any creature with a single blow, by modifying the
probability of a critical hit. Its enemies fall whenever they attack; it can call up powers in a bit, even if it
didn't know it.
Probability Blender, Clever Trickster Stolid Strange Brute Epic Durability Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Catfall; Enhanced Block (5); Enhanced Dodge (5); Enhanced Parry (all parries) (5); Indomitable; Luck
(Ridiculous) (Wishing); Serendipity (5) (Wishing (yourself and others)); Super Luck (1 per 4-min) (Wishing
(can aid your rolls and others rolls)); Unfazeable; Visualization (Blessing (can aid others and yourself);
Cursing; Reliable (+6)); Wild Talent (5) (No Advantage Requirement; Retention; Wild Ability); Callous;
Fragile (Brittle); Gullibility; Impulsive; Low Pain Threshold; Overconfidence; Pacifism (Self-Defense Only);
Pain Aura
Skills: Axe/Mace 16; Fast-Talk 20; Tactics 20; Traps 20
The Psychos are members of a sect of murderous monsters that worship an asexual, three-headed entity
called "The Ascetic". They are strong, dexterous and merciless. They hate the sex.
Psycho, Greater Power Killer Clever Trickster Hardy Brute (Greater Worthy)
Traits: Catfall; Combat Reflexes; Damage resistance (4); Extraordinary Luck; Ghostly Movement (see below);
Hard to Kill 2; High Pain Threshold; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous); Recovery; Weapon Master (Improvised
Weapons); Bad Temper; Berserk (12 or less); Bloodlust (12); Compulsive Murderer (12); Intolerance (Sexually
active women); Loner (12); Low Empathy; Obsession (12) (Slaughtering teenagers); Odious Personal Habit
(Voyeuristic teenager-slaughterer); Sadism (12); Secret (Psycho Killer); Trademark; Trickster
Skills: Brawling 16; Stealth 16; Knife 18; Tactics 20; Traps 20
Ghostly Movement: Warp (Accessibility, Only if unobserved; Accessibility, Only places you could
walk/climb to, given time; Extra Carrying Capacity, Medium; Range Limit). Notes: Requires a Move
maneuver in combat. Psycho can get anywhere within Move yards, provided that nobody is looking and that
you could have gotten there “the hard way,” given sufficient time. For example, Psycho could move from the
floor of an office into the heating vent above you, with the grate closed behind you, in a second. As a special
effect, any mundane requirements for getting from A to B replace Warp’s usual success roll, and Warp fails if
it can’t meet them; e.g., if it would need a Lockpicking roll, it must know Lockpicking, while if it would have
to unscrew a bolt, you require a wrench. The GM decides whether this is “actual” Warp, some sort of
superspeed, or simply a special effect of being a psycho killer.
Large Knife (18): 1d+2 imp, Reach C; 2d+2 cut, Reach 1, C
Punch (16): 2d+2 cr, Reach C
Kick (14): 3d-1 cr, Reach C, 1
The Punisher owes its name to its creator, the Police Commissioner of the N.Y.C. of XXI century. It is an
automaton, quite loyal to its creator and merciless. The Punishers are the cops of the future, implacable
against the criminals as just as against the strikers.
Traits: Active IR; Damage Resistance (30); Discriminatory Hearing; Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Move (Air)
(2); Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Flight; Hard to Kill (3); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance
(Homogenous; No Blood); Penetrating Vision (5); Perfect Balance; Peripheral Vision; Pressure Support (3);
Sealed; Striking ST (10); Vacuum Support; Gullibility (12 or less); Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Low Empathy;
No Sense of Humor; Slave Mentality
Skills: Brawling 16; Guns/TL 9 (Flamethrower) 16; Guns/TL9 (Grenade Launcher) 16; Guns/TL9 (Gyroc) 16;
Guns/TL9 (Light Machine Gun) 16; Guns/TL9 (Rifle) 16; Guns/TL9 (Shotgun) 16; Tracking 20
Multi-Function Rifle:
• Bolt-Action Rifle (16): 6dx2 pi+, Acc. 6+3, Range 1700/6500, RoF 1, Shots 10+1(3), Rcl 3
• Flamethrower (16): 3d burn, Acc. 3, Range 50, RoF Jet, Shots 10
• Gyroc Carbine (16): 6d pi++, Acc. 2, Range 1900, RoF 3, Shots 10(3), Rcl 1
• Grenade Lancheur (16): 4d-1 [2d] cr ex, Acc. 1, Range 30/440, RoF 1, Shots 1(3)
Punch (16): 4d cr, Reach C, 1
Pyramid Head
Pyramid Head, also known as the Red Pyramid Thing, is the name James Sunderland uses in reference to a
monster who is arguably the main antagonist of Silent Hill 2. In Silent Hill: Homecoming, a monster known
as the Bogeyman closely resembles Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2, which furthers the theory that Pyramid
Head is more than just a mere monster, being that he has multiple incarnations and is frequently associated
with feelings of extreme guilt. He is in both of the Silent Hill films, and appears in other various Silent Hill
media. Pyramid Head is one of the most well-known and iconic monsters in the series.
He is usually portrayed as, at his most basic, a violent monster. A deeper meaning given to him, however,
explains his existence as that of punisher or executioner. He's typically attracted to those who feel an extreme
amount of guilt or have an overwhelming desire for punishment.
Pyramid Head, Dire Beast Greater Power Killer Greater Hardy Brute Epic Mastery Epic
Manipulation Monster (Greater Epic Monster)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (8); Dark Vision; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep; Flaying
(see below); Immunity to Disease; Indomitable; Silence (4); Supernatural Durability; Unaging; Unfazeable;
Appearance (Monstrous); Bestial; Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; Move -2; No Sense of Humor;
Slave Mentality; Social Stigma (Monster); Wealth (Dead Broke)
Skills: Area Knowledge (Silent Hill) 12; Brawling 17; Tracking 13; Two-Handed Sword 17; Wrestling 17
Rakshasas are a race of malevolent spirits encased in flesh that hunt and torment humanity. No one knows
where these creatues originate; some say they are the embodiment of nightmares.
Rakshasas stand 6 feet tall and weigh between 250 and 300 pounds. They have no uniform appearance but
appear as humanoid creatures with the bodily features of various cats. Hands whose palms cume backward,
away from the body, seem to be common. All rakshasas wear human clothing of the highest quality.
The Rakshasa is a master of illusion: it makes use of this ability for cheating and killing its enemies. The only
way to defeat a Rakshasa is to take advantage of its weakness for sex. Once it is busy in the sexual activity, it
will forget any enemy
Rakshasa, Greater Swift Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Ideal Strange Trickster Greater Graceful
Brute Blood Caster Epic Manipulation Epic Mastery Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Altered Time Rate (1) (Maximum 10 seconds); Claws (Sharp Claws); Combat Reflexes; Damage
Resistance (1); Dark Vision; Empathy; Enhanced Dodge (1); Extra Attack (1); High Pain Threshold; Illusion
(Initiative; Mental; Stigmata); Illusion Talent (4); Magery (5); Magery 0; Mimicry; Morph (Cosmetic); Silence
(4); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Compulsive Lying (12 or less); Cowardice (12 or less);
Lecherousness (6 or less); Megalomania; Sadism (12 or less); Dream Weaving;
Skills: Acrobatics 25; Brawling 23; Saber 23
Spells: Initiative 25; Invisibility 25; Phantom 25
The Ravagers of Worlds are demons that bring destruction everywhere. They can destroy whole cities.
Weapon-masters in the use of the broadsword, these demons are supernaturally resilient. They have only one
weakness: an amulet, the "Pathir", that is in the remotest lands of the world.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (2) (Tough Skin); High Pain Threshold; Leech (per sec +5)
(Malediction (Recieves -1/yard range); Steal HT); Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec); Supernatural
Durability; Weapon Master (Broadsword) (one specific weapon); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or
less); Callous
Skills: Brawling 20; Broadsword 20; Riding (Flying Horse) 16; Wrestling 20
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (2) (Tough Skin); Leech (per sec +5) (Malediction (Recieves
-1/yard range); Steal HT); Magery (1); Magery (0); Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec); Supernatural
Durability; Weapon Master (Broadsword) (one specific weapon); Wild Talents (Magic Spell only) (3);
Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Callous; Fright Animals; Sadism (12 or less)
Skills: Brawling 20; Broadsword 20; Leadership 21; Riding (Flying Horse) 16; Tactics 21; Traps 21; Wrestling
The Raven Judge loves test the moral principles of its victims. It kidnaps and shuts an unlucky person in a
building or dungeon and puts him in front of a choiche: an easier way, but conflicting with the principles of
the victim, or a deadlier way but observant of his beliefs.
Finally, Judge expresses a judgement: if it is positive, the creature will let go the victim. If it is negative, the
unlucky person will be killed by this horror.
Raven Judge, Greater Swift Killer Cunning Stalker Clever Trickster Greater Graceful Brute Epic
Manipulation Monster (Greater Epic Monster)
Traits: Accelerated Time Rate (maximum duration 10 seconds); Combat reflexes; Enhanced Dodge (1); Extra
Attack (1); Magery (1); Magery 0; Night Vision (3); Peripheral Vision; Photographic Memory; Teeth (Sharp
Beak); Trained By A Master; Low Pain Threshold; Obsession (Killng the deceivers); Unfazeable; Callous; Low
Skills: Karate 21; Pressure Points (Human) 21; Pressure Secrets (Human) 21; Targeted Attack (Karate
Punch/Jaw) 18; Targeted Attack (Karate Punch/Chinks in Vitals Armor) 16; Targeted Attack (Karate
Punch/Neck Vein/Artery) 17
Spells: Find Weakness 20
Punch (21): the Judge attacks with its punches, aiming at the jaw, chinks in the armor, and the neck veins
and arteries. Thanks to its knowledge of the pressure points and pressure secrets (pag B215), it is a deadly
Red Cap
Possessed of an unnatural and insatiable hunger, redcaps can often be found roaming the streets in gangs of
four or more, gathering wherever the homeless population does. While they don’t have to subsist on a diet of
human flesh, they do find it particularly tasty – especially the flesh of women and children. Redcaps cannot
swim, and thus avoid areas with large bodies of water like the plague. Like goblins and ogres, redcaps do not
possess a dual-planar nature or a personal glamour to mask their appearance, and therefore are affected by
attacks normally, cannot go to Faerie, and are fairly unattractive. They tend to speak whatever language the
humans in their “territory” speak, often English.
By themselves, redcaps are formidable foes; as groups, they can be downright deadly. A gang of four redcaps
is a fair fight for one to two champions armed with iron weapons, or two to three champions armed only
with normal ones.
Traits: Acute Hearing 3; Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (4); Extended Hearing (Low);
High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Night Vision (10); Reduced Consumption 4 (Cast-Iron
Stomach); Regeneration (Slow; Bane, Iron); Striking ST 6 (Bite only); Ultrahearing; Appearance
(Unattractive); Bad Temper (12); Bloodlust (12); Callous; Dislikes Loud Noises; Divine Curse (Can be driven
off by using your True Name); Divine Curse (Cannot harm anyone who invokes your True Name); Divine
Curse (Keep to the letter of any promise); Dread (Iron; Can be trapped only; Insensitive); Frightens Animals;
Incompetence (Swimming); Intolerance (Religious or holy people and places); Odious Personal Habit
(Capricious); Odious Racial Habit (Dyes its cap in human blood); Odious Racial Habit (Eats human beings);
Odious Racial Habit (Territorial); Paranoia; Vulnerability (Iron*2), Shadow Casting
Skills: Brawling 16; Climbing 18; Forced Entry 14; Intimidation 14; Stealth 16; Urban Survival 14; Wrestling
Bite (16): 2d cut; Reach C. Additionally, a redcap may extend his jaw like an egg-eating snake; he gains
Appearance (Monstrous) and Cannot Speak, but his bite does 2d+3 impaling at Reach C, 1. Optionally, a
redcap may attempt to grapple its victim instead of biting and letting go; if so it may worry (see below) in
subsequent rounds. A redcap without its jaws extended can only attack the face, neck, torso, or limbs of a SM
0 opponent. One who has his jaws extended may attack any location of a SM 0 opponent!
Kick (14): 1d+1 cr; Reach C, 1.
Punch (16): 1d cr; Reach C.
Worry (–): Redcaps can attempt to worry a target (SM 0 or smaller) after successfully biting him if they
choose, by staying “latched on.” This counts as an attack, but it always hits – simply roll biting damage each
Improvised Weapon (9): Based on damage 1d/2d; Reach per weapon.
Shadow Casting: This creepy Red Cap drags shadows around it to deepen the darkness, where they feel most
comfortable. Inflict darkness on an area up to 32 yards around the Red Cap (generally, an entire room),
enough to inflict a -4 on all rolls regarding vision. Replace Nightvision with Dark Vision
The Riddlers are evil geni that come from the "Plane of the Games". They settle in an isolated zone and,
thank to their huge hoard, build a mazy fortress filled of traps and monsters where they throw adventurers of
any kind. They love the riddles...
Riddler, Ideal Strange Trickster Wild Power Archcaster Epic Mastery Epic Manipulation
Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Absolute Direction; Absolute Timing; Ally Group (Allow 100 point Allies; Frequency: Almost all the
time (15 or less); Size: Large Group (20 to 100)); Empathy; Intuitive Mathematician; Magery (2); Magery
0Mathematical Ability (3); Photographic Memory; Rapier Wit; Wild Talent (3); Compulsive Lying (12 or
less); Cowardice (12 or less); Delusion (being in a fictional world) (Severe); Disturbing Voice; Increased Life
Support (Aqualung); Low Pain Threshold; Sadism (12 or less); Dream-Weaving; Luck Shifter; Path Breaking;
Grandfather Clock
Skills: Architecture/TL8 22; Engineer/TL8 (Clockwork) 20; Engineer/TL8 (Electronics) 21; Mathematics/TL8
21; Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) 20; Poisons/TL8 20; Smallsword 14; Traps/TL8 22
Spells: all the "Meta-Spell" at 25 or more
A Road Ghost rises when a person gives a tribute to the road (for example, a driver that run over many
cyclists). At the end of any summer, when the vacationers go home, a beutiful man/woman stands on the
roadside and hitches a ride. Inside the motor vehicle, it talks the driver about the failures of his life, driving
him to suicide.
Only if it is threatened, the Ghost turn itself in the deadly giant totally made up of scrap.
The Road Ghost has two forms.
Human Form
Traits: Appearance (Handsome); Charisma (4); Hermaphromorph; Magery 0; Magery (1); Serendipity (1);
Sexmorph; Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Impulsive; Overconfidence;
Sadism (6)
Skills: Acting 20; Fast-Talk 20
Spells: Fear 20; Panic 20; Terror 20; Sense Emption 20; Sense Foes 20
Machine Form
Road Ghost, Machine Form, Giant Beast Greater Power Killer Clever Trickster Greater Hardy
Brute Power Caster (Greater Boss)
Traits: Claws (Sharp Claws); Combat Reflexes; Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (15); Doesn't Breathe;
High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Magery 0;
Magery (1); Pressure Support (3); Sealed; Vacuum Support; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less);
Bloodlust (12 or less); Impulsive; Overconfidence; Sadism (6)
Skills: Brawling 16; Tactics 18; Traps 18; Power Blow 32
Spells: Fear 20; Panic 20; Terror 20; Sense Emption 20; Sense Foes 20
Found in rocky terrain (canyons, ridges, mountains), especially near volcanic or seismic activity, rockworms
are earthworm-like creatures the size of cattle. They have short, thick bodies; rough, stubbly skin that can
turn small-arms fire, and a maw that can rip a man to shreds.
Rockworms do not typically engage in combat; they are timid, busy creatures, their single-minded brains
concerned with little else but tunneling through miles of tasty rock. They use their super-hard teeth to
burrow at a shocking rate of 1 yard per second, leaving behind a trail of pulverized gravel streaked with what
looks like wet sand, the entire mass leeched of vital mineral nutrients. Their usual tendency to avoid other
living things dangerously reverses when seismic or volcanic activity occurs nearby. At first (often due to a
mild tremor, undetectable to unaided humans), they just get edgy, and begin to cluster together and move to
the surface. When the activity reaches the level a human can detect, the rockworms are there, ready to madly
kill anything that isn’t a rockworm.
In combat, a rockworm has the stats given above (rockworms can “sprint” at Move 3 for short periods, but
rarely bother except when crazed by tremors). All rockworm attacks are bites to grapple, treated as both an
attack and a grapple. Once a victim is successfully bitten, he is held fast, even if DR is not penetrated (and DR
is halved vs. rockworm bites). Effective grappling ST for contests is 20; multiple humans can add their ST
together to pull out a friend. A humansized victim who isn’t pulled free will be sucked inside in 1d+1 turns.
Once inside, damage is doubled. When a swallowed victim has taken HT´6 total damage, he is expelled in a
messy spray from the opposite end of the rockworm. Some rockworms have been known to deliberately aim
this spray at foes to blind them (treat this as an attack with reach 4 and no penalty to hit the face, due to the
width of the jet). Being sprayed by a comrade’s churned remains tends to demoralize (although this rarely
fazes a black op): make a Fright Check at -5. Rockworms are numerous; fortunately, their tactics are terrible.
The nearly blind (Vision rolls succeed only on an unmodified 3 or 4) worms sense vibrations at up to 20
yards. They then move to what they sensed and eat it.
Other Notes: Rockworms were discovered when a group of geologists went missing a few years ago. Only one
made it back to base, and she was in bad shape. A black op squad intercepted her radioed call for help. When
they showed up, she was dead from massive trauma to all major organs. Subsequent investigation led to an
epic battle with a den of rockworms.
The largest rockworm nest uncovered to date was, curiously, far from normal volcanic or seismic activity, in
the rocky hills near the Khyber Pass (Pakistan end), with no less than 117 rockworm bodies accounted for
when the carnage was done. The clean-up and cover-up mission was among the most inconvenient and
unsettling in Company history, requiring not only considerable favor-taking with the Pakistani military, but
over 3,000 lbs. of curry. The beasts were driven into combat frenzy not by natural vibrations, but by sonic
devices planted by the Greys. Company scientists theorize that the actual limit to rockworm size is much
greater than the encounters to date would suggest, possibly ranging up to 6 tons. If such rockworms exist,
they probably never approach the surface world. They would do 10d cutting damage, but burrow at lower
speeds (perhaps 16 yards per hour).
Traits: Damage Resistance (10) (Tough Skin); Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Tunneling (Tunneling Move (+1)); Bad
Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Cannot Speak; Hidebound
Skills: Brawling 13
Bite (13): 6d+1 cut, Reach C. After a successful roll for biting, the Rockworm grapples: see above
The Scorpion-Man inhabits the hottest deserts of the planet, or deep caves. It attacks with weapons plundered
from its victims (halberd is typical) and with its powerful and venomous tail. Its back is protected by a
chitinous armor.
Halberd (15): 6d+2 cut, Reach 3, 4; 6d+1 imp, Reach 1-3; 3d+2 imp, Reach 3, 4;
Hooked Tail (17): 5d imp. It delivers a powerful venom (see below)
Venom (HT -3): if the tail hits, it injects a venom that causes a heart-attack
Sensitive Statue of Cotillac
This creature is a simple metal statue… or just about. When a creature come close the Statue (within a radius
of 4 yards) it has to make a roll of HT-3 or it loses a sense per turn (vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch). When
the Statue steal the the last sense, the touch, it comes to life and attacks the inert victim with the mighty
punches. If the Statue dies, the victim regains the lost senses
Traits: Affliction (Sensitive deprivation) (4) (Area Effect (4 yd); Disadvantage (No Sense of Taste-Smell) (+5);
Disadvantage (Deafness) (+20); Disadvantage (Blindness) (+50); Resistible (HT) (HT-5)); Damage Resistance
(9); Doesn't Breathe; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No
Blood; Unliving; Homogenous); Pressure Support (3); Sealed; Vacuum Support; Hidebound; Incurious (6 or
less); Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; Slave Mentality; Unhealing (Total)
Skills: Brawling 14
The Sewer Horror inhabits the sewer of the megalopolis of the planet. It is a colossus 30 feet tall. It is cunning
and dexterous, and has an incommensurable strenght.
Sewer Horror, Giant Beast Greater Hardy Brute Epic Durability Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Amphibious; Binding (Sticky Tongue) (20) (Jet; Sticky); Claws (Sharp Claws); Combat Reflexes;
Damage Resistance (5) (Tough Skin); Dark Vision; Enhanced Move (Ground) (2); High Pain Threshold;
Nictitating Membrane (6); Teeth (Blunt Teeth); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or
less); Callous; Cannot Speak; Cold-Blooded (You "stiffen up" below 50°); Hidebound; Semi-Upright; Total
Skills: Innate Attack (Projectile) 16; Brawling 16
Bleak and sinister humanlike people that inhabit the Shadowfell and serve the Raven Queen. Following the
dark auguries of their witches, shadar-kai move secretly to accomplish ruinous ends, destroying any heroes or
kingdoms that stand in their way.
A shadar-kai resembles a human but has gray skin and eyes that are lustrous black orbs, like a raven’s. The
shadows around it seem to deepen as it moves. A shadar-kai prefers loose dark garments, often with complex
but subtle designs. Hair is worn long, sometimes loose, other times elaborately shaved, styled, and/or braided.
A shadar-kai’s skin always has patterns of tattoos and scarifications, as well as many piercings. Shadar-kai
prefer light, exotically shaped weapons. Shadar-kai fight without concern for their own wellbeing, believing
that death is foretold at birth and cannot be avoided.
A group of 4-6 Shadar-Kais has a Raven Hag (see above) as Patron and commander. They are fanatically loyal
to the referential Hag.
Traits: Absolute Direction; Acute Vision (2); Catfall; Combat Reflexes; Contact (Cops) (Effective Skill 12) (9 or
less; Somewhat Reliable); Daredevil (3); Death Talent (4); High Manual Dexterity (3); High Pain Threshold;
Night Vision (8); Patron (Frequency: Almost all the time (15 or less); Size: Extremely Powerful Individual;
Special Abilities: extensive social or political power; Special Abilities: grants special powers; Special Abilities:
magical powers in nonmagical world); Perfect Balance; Resistant (Poison) (Common) (+3); Silence (2);
Unfazeable; Off-Hand Weapon Training (Shortsword); Style Familiarity (Shortsword Fighting); Bloodlust (12
or less); Callous; Code of Honor (Stays Bought); Low Empathy; Paranoia; Secret (An assassin) (Possible Death)
Skills: Blowpipe 20; Brawling 20; Camouflage 20; Climbing 20; Disguise/TL3 20; Dual-Weapon Attack
(Shortsword) 20; Eye-Gouge (Brawling) 20; Fast-Draw (Knife) 20; Fast-Draw (Sword) 20; Fast-Talk 15; Feint
(Shortsword) 20; Garrote 20; Judo 20; Knife 20; Lockpicking/TL3 20; Main-Gauche 20; Poisons/TL3 20;
Shadowing 20; Shortsword 20; Sleight of Hand 20; Stealth 20; Streetwise 15; Targeted Attack (Shortsword
Swing/Arm) 19; Targeted Attack (Shortsword Swing/Neck) 18; Traps/TL3 20
A shadow can be difficult to see in dark or gloomy areas but stands out starkly in brightly illuminated places.
A shadow is 5 to 6 feet tall and is weightless. Shadows cannot speak intelligibly. Shadows lurk in dark places,
waiting for living prey to happen by.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Sleep; Enhanced Dodge (1); Flight (Handling
Bonus +1); High Pain Threshold; Immunity (All mind control); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable;
Insubstantiality (Affect Substantial, Always On, Doesn’t work against positive/negative energy and force
effects, Works 50% against magic/spells/holy water) Injury Tolerance (Diffuse, Unliving); Gullibility (12 or
less); Unfazeable; Unhealing (Total)
Skills: Brawling 15; Stealth 15; Tactics 15; Traps 15
Strenght Drain (15): 1d-2 ST damage (min 1). Affects only living foes. A foe reduced to ST 0 by a shadow dies.
If humanoid, it becomes a shadow under the control of its killer within 1d6 x 5 seconds. Reduced ST is
recovered at 1pt/hour.
The Shopkeeper is physically insignificant. Nevertheless, it is very dangerous. It has a store and always knows
the costumers like. Its store is a doorway toward other worlds. It is a matchless trader and takes advantage of
its ability to create conflicts among the people.
It isn't undefended: its store is full of golems, guards and beasts...
These gigantic, stooped brutes are stupid, ill-tempered, and completely loyal to the dark forces that control
whatever dungeon they’re found in. Their purpose in life is to tow siege engines and guard gateways. They
wade into battle with a massive hammer like a meat tenderizer riveted to one hand and steel bands nailed
directly to their leathery hide. Although it looks like an automaton, fortunately for delvers, siege beasts,
inside the armor, are flesh-and-blood creatures, not constructs, and thus are subject to poison, strangulation,
and blows to vital areas.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (10); Hard to Kill 4; High Pain Threshold; Very Rapid Healing;
Bad Temper (12 or less); Easy to Read; Fanaticism
Skills: Axe/Mace 16; Brawling 16; Power Blow 22
The Skeletal Warriors are the élite troops of the undead army. They are deadly fighters.
Traits: Damage Resistance (2); Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to
Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; No Brains; No Eyes; No Vitals; Unliving); Temperature
Tolerance (10); Unaging; Vacuum Support; Appearance (Monstrous) (Universal); Fragile (Brittle); No Sense of
Smell/Taste; Skinny; Social Stigma (Dead); Vulnerability (Crushing Attacks) (Common) (x2); Cannot Float;
Skills: Armoury/TL3 15; Broadsword 20; Shield (Shield) 20; Staff 20
In a undead army, the Skull Knight is second only to the Wraith. It is very skilful in the use of its weapons
and it is an expert strategist.
Skull Knight, Greater Elegant Killer Clever Trickster Graceful Strange Brute (Greater Worthy)
As creatures of pure entropy, slaads exist to create disorder. Their hold on reality is tenuous at best. Their
thoughts are clouded with maddening images, they seem aware of things beyond other creatures’ perceptions,
and they attack without provocation.
Slaads propogate by planting embryos in their victims. As each embryo grows, the host creature succumbs to
madness. Left untreated, the embryo transforms into a slaad tadpole that burrows out of its host’s skull,
killing the host in the process. For this reason, most other intelligent creatures loathe and fear slaads.
A slaad tadpole matures into a full-sized adult slaad (of a random type) in 1d + 3 days. Until then, it feeds on
whatever small prey it finds.
Slaad, Swift Strange Killer Greater Assassin Strange Stalker Clever Strange Nightmarish
Trickster Greater Hardy Strange Brute Wild Caster Epic Manipulation Epic Mastery Monster
(Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Affliction (Curse) (5) (Contact Agent; Disadvantage (+75); Jet); Attractive (Impressive, Universal);
Claws (Long Talons); Combat reflexes; Damage Resistance (4) (Tuogh Skin); Dark Vision; Extra Attack (1);
Extraordinary Luck (3) (Wishing); Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Magery (1); Magery (0); Obscure
(Vision) (10); Regeneration (Very Fast: 1HP/Sec); Serendipity (3) (Wishing); Shadow Form; Super Jump (3);
Teeth (Fangs); Terror; Warp (Blink); Wild Talent (Magic Only) (3); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less);
Berserk (6 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully; Loner (6 or less); Sadism (12 or less); Vulnerability
(Holy Water); Icy Touch; Fire Blast; Vampiric Aura; Path Breaking; Reality Rewrite
Skills: Brawling 20; Innate Attack (Breath) 20; Stealth 22; Tactics 22; Traps 22
Slaver dogs look like normal dogs, but they are intelligent and evil. They can control humans by making
them afraid of everything outside a specific, confined location. Thè victim is effectively caged by his fear,
with a slaver dog as his warden. A slaver dog might have thè appearance of a known dog breed, or might look
like a mutt. They are commonly encountered in thè forms of wary and disciplined breeds such as mastiffs or
half-wolf malamutes. They drool when they are hungry, frothing at thè mouth if they go too long without
food. They are carnivores; they crave fresh flesh and blood. They are smart but suffer thè disadvantages of
normal dogs: they do not have opposable thumbs and they cannot speak. Some are smart enough to read,
however, and they understand human speech. If there are several slaver dogs in a single community or area,
they will fight for leadership. Typically, thè oldest (and largest) slaver dog becomes thè leader. If thè leader is
particularly bright, it will get thè others to cooperate in protecting each other... and in exploiting their
human slaves better. A single slaver dog can have up to ten victims. It must make eye contact with a human,
then win a Contest of Wills, to induce paranoia. A slaver dog's Will is equal to its current number of hit
points. If it has more than two victims, all of them have thè same set of boundaries, or cage. With one or two
victims, each victim has his own cage. People in thè same cage can pool their resources to either support or
fight their canine master. Cages range in size from a single hex to a small community. Thè Game Master
determines exactly where thè border is located. Possible cages include a house, a room, thè lot on which thè
victim's house is located, a residential block, a park, an island, thè cellar or one floor of a building, or thè
interior of a vehicle. Even if thè physical manifestation of thè border is removed (thè wall of a house is torn
out, for example), thè border remains. Thè slaver dog can expand or retract thè border at will, at a rate of ten
percent of thè total original area per hour. Thus, a cage that is 100,000 square feet in size can expand or
contract by 10,000 square feet an hour. Thè captive can sense this alteration, though he may not know why
or how it is changing. Any victim who is threatened with thè prospect of moving outside his cage must make
a Fright Check at +3. If thè move actually occurs, he will become Paranoid, and makes all Fright Checks at -4
until he returns. This effect is permanent until thè slaver dog is killed.
Prisoners inside thè cage can think clearly. Some try to devise an escape. Others are overcome with fear of
thè outside world and consider their prison to be a sanctuary, even a blessing. Most captives quickly deduce
that thè dog is responsible for their situation. These people realize that, if thè dog is killed, their cage will
vanish. This idea terrifies them, and most will defend their slaver dog masters. Thè few who do not discover
thè origin of their fear may search in vain for thè cause, or simply decide to live with their fate regardless of
thè explanation.
Victims travel outside their cages only when they must. A subject may, for example, use friends or relatives to
bring food from thè outside world. He will always try to devise a reasonable explanation for his confinement.
If he attracts too much attention to his circumstance, his master thè dog may force him outside thè cage or
punish him. If a slaver dog accompanies a hostage outside thè cage, thè paranoia and Fright Check penalties
may not surface. Thè two beings must stay within 2 yards of one another. Thè dog can suspend thè effect at
any time, instantly making thè person Paranoid until he returns to his cage. This is thè most common method
for a human to discover that thè dog is supernatural. This also makes him more protective of thè dog.
When a slaver dog dies, thè cages around its prisoners begin to shrink at thè maximum rate, eventually
contracting to one hex. One hour later, thè one-hex cage disappears, exposing thè victim inside to thè world.
Thè Paranoia and Fright Check penalties take effect immediately, and last 1d days. Some people can be
drugged until thè effects subside. Others suffer through it. A rare few will break down during this time and
become permanently insane or catatonic.
Once per year, a slaver dog will give birth to a litter of two to 12 pups. Thè slaver dog must first consume a
feast of at least 200 pounds of fresh flesh. Thè dog becomes bloated and immobile.
After thè birth, it returns to its normal appearance, but it is larger than before. If thè slaver dog was a medium
sized breed (a pit bull, for example), it will now be a large dog (about thè size of a wolf). Any wolf-sized
slaver dog that gives birth will grow to thè size of thè largest dogs (such as Irish wolfhounds).
Subsequent increases are less dramatic. But any slaver dog that survives past thè wolfhound stage becomes too
big to be mistaken for a natural hound. By thè fourth birth after wolfhound size, it is as big as a compact car.
Slaver dogs do not live longer than normal dogs, so thè maximum size is about equal to a large van. Large
slaver dogs have thè appropriate ST, HT, Move and damage.
Beyond that size, extend thè range. A van-sized slaver dog, for example, might have a ST of 20 and a HT of
30. Larger slaver dogs can also grow smarter, possibly due to their greater experience.
Large slaver dogs stay out of sight, roaming only at night They might use their unnatural size to intimidate
people, but only when thè encounter is isolated. These large creatures also need large places to sleep and hide
- as they grow larger, they will locate and secure these locations. Old slaver dogs become fetid and disgusting
before they die. Their decomposition starts before death. A dead slaver dog rots quickly, within an hour of its
death. Thè size of a slaver dog and thè nature of its captives will define thè adventures in which they are
used. Large slaver dogs will be hidden, but might be encountered roaming in forests or alleys at night.
Victims can be secretly plotting to escape thè slaver dog's control, its willing slaves, or a combination of thè
two. Their occupations and skills will make a difference when they seek outside aid or try to defend their
masters. Another factor is thè role of thè dog – watchdog, lap dog, show dog, sled-puller, drug-sniffer, police
dog, wild dog, hunting dog, etc. Each of these roles provides a wide number of plot choices.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Empathy; Teeth (Fangs); Overconfidence; Impulsive; Sadism; See notes
Skills: Brawling 16
The Snake-Man camouflages itself and approaches its victim by flying. Then, it stretch its arms and crushes
the neck of its enemy. The venom on the surface of the skin causes a terrible pain, and the peduncles feed on
the victim, yet alive.
Traits: Affliction (Venom) (5) (Aura; Contact Agent; Terrible Pain); Chameleon (5); Combat Reflexes;
Constriction Attack; Extra Basic Speed (+1.25); Flight (Low Ceiling (10 foot ceiling)); Night Vision (3);
Stretching (5) (Arms Only); Striker (Cutting) (Mini-Jaws); Bad Smell; Bully (12 or less); Sadism (12 or less)
Skills: Brawling 18; Stealth 17; Tactics 16; Traps 16; Wrestling 18
Mini-Jaws (18): the Snake-Man envelopes its victims with its arms (see below) and then strikes with six eel-
like peduncles, that inflict, as a whole, 2d+3 cutting damage.
Venom (HT-4): the mere touch of a snake-man causes a terrible pain. The victim has to roll a HT-4 or is
unable to fight or cast spells.
Coils (18): the arms of a Snake-Man can crushing a man. With its arms it attacks as if had ST 20
Snow Beast
The Snow Beast is a bad-tempered creature that, when it comes into action, goes in berserk. It attacks with its
claws and bite. It looks like a huge rat with the ability of running onto the snow as just as it ran onto asphalt.
Traits: Claws (Talons); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (4); Discriminatory Smell; Enhanced Move
(Ground) (1); Extra Legs (4 Legs); Night Vision (3); Teeth (Fangs); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk
(12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Hidebound; Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 18; Climbing 18; Tracking 14
The Spring Undead is a diabolical creature that disguises itself in a common person. Once it is near (i.e. 1, 2
yards) it attacks with its spring scythe, decapitating the enemy. Its only goal is collecting heads...
Mechanical Scythe (18): 6d cutting damage, reach 1, 2. The Spring Undead tries to hit the neck to decapitate
its victims
Star Whale
The Star Whales are deep-space creatures. They sail the sidereal space out for a human community whereof
they feed. These creatures attack with their very long tentacles and lightning bolts. They are merciless and
fond of human flesh. The Star Whales fly at the peak of 60 foot of altutitude.
Star Whale, Giant Beast Greater Power Killer Ideal Strange Trickster Greater Hardy Strange
Brute Epic Destruction Epic Mastery Epic Manipulation Epic Durability Monster (Greater Epic
Lightning Bolts (14): 6d bur attack; it causes a heart attack if the victim misses a HT-5 roll. Range 50/500
Tentacles (13): 14d+2 cut!! This creature can slash them at a distance of 50 yards.
Mimic: The Whale can change its form to imitate what it sees. By spending a turn concentrating, it can shifts
its form to match whatever it can see (in general terms: if it sees humans, it can choose to exactly mimic the
humans it sees, or it can choose to become a general human). It gains none of the powers of the creature it
changed into. It must retain its mass and it can only change into other “animals,” but it may appear to be any
creature it sees otherwise
Armageddon: Once per battle, the monster unleashes a wave of complete and total destruction that
completely rewrites the battlefield. First, the monster must Ready his attack over the course of 4 turns. The
fact that he's powering up a major attack is readily obvious to anyone who glances his direction (glowing balls
of energy). When he has finished readying his power, he attacks, unleashing an explosive 20d blast of
burning damage. This strikes everything within a twenty yard radius, though each yard between the target
and the monster reduces the dice of damage by 1. After the smoke clears, the battlefield is set on fire. This
should involve a new map in tactical combat, or new movement rules in normal combat
Typhon's Grasp: The monster can control the weather, summoning a vast and terrible storm that covers an
area of up to 1000 yards in radius (over a mile wide). He concentrates and then makes an IQ roll. If successful,
he summons the storm. Every turn, the monster my direct the winds and rain to offer a +2 or a -2 to anyone
(for example, impeding vision or ranged attack rolls) he wishes. Furthermore, every turn he gets a two free
attacks, in addition to his normal actions. The first is a lightning blast (3d(2) burning) and the second is a
sweeping wind (3d force that causes x2 knockback and no wounding). The powerful storm threatens to
escape the monster's grasp, though, and anytime something unusual or surprising happens, the monster must
roll Will or temporarily lose control of the storm.
Reality Rewrite: The world does not work around the monsters as it should. Everything that can go wrong,
does go wrong. The monster gains Serendipity 3 (Wishing) and Extraordinary Luck (Wishing), which allows
him to force any roll in his presence to be rerolled twice, with him choosing the result he likes best, once
every thirty minutes of gameplay, and he may have three “lucky” events occur in his favor whenever he
wishes, and in whatever form he wishes
Total Regeneration: The monster heals as quickly as its opponents damage it. Every turn, the monster heals
10 HP (remember the rules for high HP and healing: So a 50 HP monster heals 50 HP per turn)
Sultan of the Storm
The Sultan of Storm is a storm embodied. In the "human" form is a dreadful warrior. In the storm form is a
nightmare: it is hundreds of feet tall, and attack its victims with lightning bolts and very powerful winds.
Human Form
Sultan of Storm, Greater Elegant Killer Ideal Trickster Greater Graceful Brute Power Caster
Epic Mastery Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Alternate Form (Human Storm); Combat Reflexes; Enhanced Parry (Broadsword) (2); High Pain
Threshold; Magery (4); Magery 0; Weapon Master (Broadsword); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or
less); Bully (12 or less); Compulsive Lying (12 or less); Frightens Animals; Life Bane; Sadism (12 or less);
Typhon's Grasp
Skills: Armoury/TL3 (Melee Weapons) 18; Broadsword 22; Shield (Shield) 19; Shortsword 20; Tactics 20
Storm Form
Sultan of Storm, Giant Beast Ideal Trickster Power Caster Epic Mastery Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Affliction (Heart Attack) (5) (Heart Attack); Burning Attack (10) (Area Effect (4 yd); Follow-Up (+1);
Increased Range (x5)); Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Move (Air) (2); Flight (Lighter Than Air); Immunity to
Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Magery (4); Magery 0; Obscure (Vision) (10); Bad Temper (12
or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Compulsive Lying (12 or less); Frightens Animals; Life Bane;
No Legs (Aerial); No Manipulators; Vulnerability (Vacuum and wind-based attacks) (Occasional) (x2); Sadism
(12 or less); Typhon's Grasp
Skills: Innate Attack (projectile) 16
Spells: Windstorm 25
Lightning Bolt (16): in this form the Sultan shoots a lightning bolt that causes 10d of burning damage (range
50/500). The lightning brings about a heart-attack in the next turn (HT-5).
Typhon's Grasp: the monster can control the weather, summoning a vast and terrible storm that covers an
area of up to 1000 yards in radius (over a mile wide). He concentrates and then makes an IQ roll. If successful,
he summons the storm. Every turn, the monster may direct the winds and rain to offer a +2 or a -2 to anyone
(for example, impeding vision or ranged attack rolls) he wishes. Furthermore, every turn he gets a two free
attacks, in addition to his normal actions. The first is a lightning blast (3d(2) burning) and the second is a
sweeping wind (3d force that causes x2 knockback and no wounding). The powerful storm threatens to
escape the monster's grasp, though, and anytime something unusual or surprising happens, the monster must
roll Will or temporarily lose control of the storm
The Tarrasque is intended to be the invicincible, indestructible. It can only be killed (according to the
legends) by slaughtering it and by casting a wish spell upon it, wishing it to die. Its teeth act as swords of
sharpness, it has complete immunity to mind effecting spells, a very high magic resistance.
Tarrasque, Giant Beast Greater Power Killer Greater Hardy Brute Epic Destruction Epic
Durability Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance 20; Enhanced Move (Ground) (1.5); Regeneration (extreme);
Unkillable 2; Immunity to metabolic hazards; Discriminatory Smell; Magic Resistance 15; Sharp teeth; Talons;
High pain threshold; Terror (-3 on fright check) (always on); Extra Attack 3 (2 claws, 1 bite, 1 tail swipe);
Berserk (12 or less); Bestial; Bloodlust; Callous; Cannot Speak; Dead broke; Gluttony (6 or less); Hidebound;
No fine manipulators; Dark Reincarnation; Armageddon
Skills: Brawling 17; Tracking 14
Terror hounds combine the build of a dire wolf, the heavy fur of a chow and the color and disposition of a
mishandled Doberman. They are almost never encountered in the wild. They are used by certain government
and military agencies for security, espionage, and assassination. Information about their origin, utilization and
training (rumored to require a handler with Antipsi power) is highly classified; penalties for unauthorized
knowledge about them range from limited mindwipe to summary execution, depending on the data and
organization involved. The listed damage is the hound's bite, but its main attacks are psionic.
The hound uses Mind Control to project fear and malice, causing the subject to make a Fright Check. The
hound can also "bark" a psionic attack to stun an opponent.
The hound uses Mind Reading to watch the subject's reactions and "tailor" further Mind Control for
maximum effect.
The amount by which the hound makes its roll to enter the subject's mind is applied as a penalty to the
subject's Fright Checks, until contact is broken. It uses Mind Control to force cooperation, making the subject
open doors, turn off alarms, throw away weapons, jump out windows, etc. The hound's intelligence prevents
it from instructing controlled persons to do anything too complex for an IQ 6 untrained animal (of course,
rumors of the hound's abilities may far exceed this limit).
Terror hounds can be used both singly and in packs. They can be sent to seek and destroy a certain victim,
both by scent and psionic brain patterns.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (1); Discriminatory Hearing; Discriminatory Smell; Enhanced
Move (Ground) (1); Extra Legs (4 Legs); Mind Control; Mind Probe; Mind Reading; Night Vision (3);
Surefooted; Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Telepathy Talent (4); Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial;
Bloodlust (12 or less); Horizontal; Low Pain Threshold; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 19
The Brood are a race of insect-like, parasitic, extraterrestrial beings. The Brood possess wings, fanged teeth
and a stinging tail. They have a hive mentality and mindlessly follow a queen. To reproduce, they must infect
other races with their eggs.
Despite their resemblance to insects, the Brood have endoskeletons as well as exoskeletons. Also unlike
insects, they have fanged jaws instead of mandibles. Their skulls are triangular and flat, with a birthmark
(such as the battle axe which is most common in broodlings but are different for each Brood) between their
large eyes. Their two front legs are actually long tentacles they can use to manipulate objects.
Due to their natural body armor and teeth, the Brood are very dangerous in combat. In addition, they have
stingers that can deliver either paralyzing or killing poison.
The parasitic Brood have the ability to impregnate a host (of any lifeform) with an egg, making them
somewhat similar to Aliens from the Fox franchise. When the embryo is grown, the host becomes a Brood,
and is effectively dead.
They use a hive mind to pass memory to their hosts, which also passes an individual's knowledge, given to a
broodling, to the hive and back to the queen, meaning newborn brood know what any member of a race
knows. Until the embryo gains the host's body the embryo can only gain temporary control of the host, often
without the host noticing as the host is unaware when it loses control.
If the host possesses any genetic powers, the resultant Brood will inherit them. What happens to the persona
of the host once the Brood is "born" is not clear; it appears that it is extinguished, but in some cases if the will
is enough, it survives and coexists with the Brood's.
Some Brood can switch back-and-forth between their host's form and their true one, even changing into a
hybrid form if they wish.
The Brood are sadistic creatures that enjoy the suffering they intentionally cause others, especially the terror
their infection causes their hosts. They have been compared to "demons".
The Brood have a civilization based on the typical communal insect societies, such as those of the bees and
ants. The Queens are the absolute rulers, while the "sleazoids" do all the work; despite their evil, they never
Traits: 3D Spatial Sense; Affliction (Venom) (4) (Blood Agent; Paralysis; Melee Attack: Reach C,1);
Ambidexterity; Combat Reflexes; Corrosion Attack (4) (Explosive (Damage / 3xYards)); Damage Resistance
(6); Dominance; Early Maturation (2); Enhanced Move (Air) (3); Extra Attacks (1); Extra Legs (4 Legs); Flight
(Small Wings); Hard to Kill (2); High Pain Threshold; Night Vision (5); Peripheral Vision Rapid Healing;
Striker (Infernal Tail; Impaling; Teeth (Fangs); Very Fit; Appearance (Horrific); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial;
Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Code of Honor (Respect Brave Warriors) (-1); Fanaticism (Race);
Intolerance (Total Intolerance); Megalomania; Odious Personal Habit (Eats other sentients) (-3); Sadism (12
or less)
Skills: Aerobatics 15; Beam Weapons/TL3 (Rifle) 18; Brawling 18
Blaster Carbine (18): 5d (5) burn, Accuracy 10+1, Range 50 /1500, RoF 3, Shots 17(3), Rcl:1
Stingers (18): 2d+2 imp, Reach C, 1. They inject a paralysing venom (HT-3)
Corrosive Wounds: when a member of the Brood is being wounded, it sprays a cloud of corrosive venom, that
causes 4d of corrosive damage
The Face & Faceless
In the 1967, the Lieutenant General Bob Barret determines that it is high time one fights the communism
with alternative and unorthodox means. He convenes many of the major wizards of the U.S.A. and put
oneself up for the experiment, that concernes the removal of the brain and the face of many person to
connect them psionically to one major brain (the one of Barret).
Many vietnamese get killed by the men of Barret that remove their brains and faces. Upon the spell, Barret
goes crazy. The resultant creature is the hive mind "Face" and its unnumbered drones, "Faceless". Any
Faceless keeps alive the traits and the skills of the brain. They act as just as they were one creature.
Rumour has it that the communists created anything alike...
The Face and the Faceless in fact are one creature, with full many bodies (Faceless) and only one brain (The
The Face
The Face, Giant Beast Ideal Trickster Epic Durability Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Ally Group (Allow 100+ point Allies; Frequency: all the time; Size: Large Group (100000)); Crushing
Attack (30) (Area Effect (32 yd); Explosive (Damage / 1xYards); Increased Range (x20)); Enhanced Move (Air)
(2); Flight; Mind Control; Mind Probe; Mind Reading; Mind Shield (20); Mindlink (10,000-99,999 people);
Regeneration (Extreme: 10 HP/Sec); Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less);
Compulsive Lying (12 or less); Lecherousness (12 or less); No Fine Manipulators; No Legs (Aerial); Immortal
Skills: Brawling 16; Driving/TL8 (Automobile) 16; First Aid/TL8 18; Gunner/TL8 (Machine Gun) 16;
Gunner/TL8 (Rockets) 16; Guns/TL8 (Grenade Launcher) 16; Guns/TL8 (Light Machine Gun) 16; Guns/TL8
(Pistol) 16; Guns/TL8 (Rifle) 16; Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) 16; Hammer Fist (Brawling) 14; Hammer Fist (Karate)
14; Hand Catch (Judo) 13; Judo 18; Karate 18; Knife 18; Tracking 18; Urban Survival 18
Mind Blast (25): 30d crushing/explosive (the damage is being divided by the yards from the area effect. The
area effect has a 32 yards radius. Range 200/2000
Immortal: The monster is Supernaturally Durable, which means it ignores stunning and penalties until it
reaches 0 HP, and only suffers ½ movement penalties when it reaches -1 x HP. The monster can only die if a
single attack inflicts 10 x HP in damage
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Hard to Kill (3); High Pain Threshold; Mindlink (10,000-99,999 people); Very Fit;
Off-Hand Weapon Training (Knife); Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully
(12 or less); Compulsive Lying (12 or less); Hidebound; Incurious (6-); Lecherousness (12 or less); Low
Empathy; No Sense of Humor; Slave Mentality
Skills: Brawling 16; Driving/TL8 (Automobile) 16; First Aid/TL8 18; Gunner/TL8 (Machine Gun) 16;
Gunner/TL8 (Rockets) 16; Guns/TL8 (Grenade Launcher) 16; Guns/TL8 (Light Machine Gun) 16; Guns/TL8
(Pistol) 16; Guns/TL8 (Rifle) 16; Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) 16; Hammer Fist (Brawling) 14; Hammer Fist (Karate)
14; Hand Catch (Judo) 13; Judo 18; Karate 18; Knife 18; Tracking 18; Urban Survival 18
Almond-eyed and silent, the Greys are chilling even to contemplate, much less wage a war against. The irony
is, we have images of them everywhere: on the covers of books, on bumper stickers, in movies. Literature has
been devoted to them. They even have fan clubs. It’s all a Company lie, except for the wide eyes and quiet
disposition. They have those, but they aren’t our “space brothers.” We’re animals to them, little more than lab
The Greys’ mother ship crashed into the Siberian wilderness in 1908, leaving only 1,500 of them alive in their
escape ships (the infamous “foo fighters” reported in both world wars). They are now trapped on Earth. They
want nothing more than to get off this primitive world and head back to their home planet, but Earth’s
technology is sadly lacking. They have been subtly advancing human technology in an effort to spur the
development of FTL space travel before they all die out. The Greys are fully aware of the Company’s
campaign against them, and have been since the 1950s, when an uneasy alliance was developed by Argus and
implemented by the Company: the Greys’ technology and wisdom in exchange for our help with their goal of
escape from our world. This lasted until 1959, when Robert Oppenheimer, in a fit of misguided conscience,
betrayed the existence of the aliens to the military.
Two alien fliers were shot down by Air Force fighters in an ambush over Bryce Canyon. Luckily, black ops
had a few hours’ warning of the betrayal and were able to remove the alien corpses (as well as any usable
technology) and produce three sheepish aviation experts who claimed they had privately developed these
aircraft in an attempt to perpetrate an elaborate hoax; the “hoax” never made it to the public because the
military destroyed the only fliers they had. The Air Force believed them.
The wreckage and the “experts” were snatched up by the Air Force, but the hapless aviators could not
duplicate their amazing fliers, though they tried for years. The public was never told of this, and any records
related to it have long been shredded. (Illustrating the irony of life, the famous Roswell, New Mexico, crash
of 1947 was an elaborate hoax designed by the Company to distract the Air Force from a highly sensitive
operation. It worked.) After the downing, the Greys cut off all relations with Argus and doubled their efforts
in abduction and experimentation. Argus had no choice but to go to war. Oppenheimer, by the way, was
privately discredited and lost his security clearance.
Greys are clearly superior to humans, both physically and mentally. Physically, they are tall and lean, with
compact, muscular frames and surprising agility. They look somewhat lanky, but are unbelievably strong.
Mentally, their intellect reaches far beyond human levels of genius. They are closest to us in terms of physical
hardiness. All things considered, they don’t live much longer than we do, and black ops are doing their best
to make the average Grey lifespan even shorter. A few slugs from a .45 will put one down as easily as they
would a healthy man.
Greys are warm-blooded, bipedal vertebrates. They have two sexes (male and female), and the females bear
young in the womb. They have lungs and a heart, after a fashion. They see in the same visual spectrum as us.
Then we start to run out of similarities with our “space brothers.” A Grey’s face is dominated by two large,
oval eyes with slitted black pupils that form an “X” shape. When he is angry, these flare open to make an
almost square shape. A Grey has no discernable mouth, but his “chin” ends in a large flap of grey skin. His
“ears” are two long, thin, slightly indented membranes where our nose would be.
The Greys communicate in two ways: telepathically and via a kind of pheromonal “note-pad” system. While
Science is researching the latter, it isn’t yet understood at a level that ops in the field find useful. The
Company’s guess is that the Greys are evolved from predators. The human sense of smell is focused in the
nose, and adequate for a species that used to gather fruit to survive; the Greys smell with their entire skin,
and can know hours later if you’ve been in a room just by the smell of it. On operations where Company
telepaths have successfully “jammed” Grey telepathy, the Greys still acted as though they knew what their
companions were thinking, which baffled and frustrated the ops. The reason was pheromones.
The Greys lack the teeth or claws of a predator – in fact,
they lack teeth and fingernails entirely – but the skin
flap on their “chin” folds open to reveal four concentric
rings of acid-producing pustules. They use these to
devour their food, but they can also spit very nasty acid.
They have a predator’s ruthlessness, cunning and
disregard for any life that isn’t them.
With a little tinkering (and without consent), they’ve
proven themselves capable of impregnating human
women. As far as we know, these women haven’t
survived, and no viable offspring have been produced.
The Greys are naturally telepathic, and it seems
probable that their pre-sentient ancestors were, too –
perhaps some kind of vicious pack predator,
coordinating attacks through telepathy. Of course, that’s
just speculation. In GURPS terms, Greys have Mind
Control, Mind Probe, Mind Reading, Mind Shield. They
use the standard rules for Telepathy, and can use any telepathic skill, with the following racial modifications:
• The Greys have a complex, image-based telepathic language that humanity can’t generally fathom.
Psi-ops are sometimes more powerful than the Greys, but prying into their skulls is useless when all
you can see is pretty colors and incomprehensible bands of texture and abstraction. Thus, while
human telepathy can find and recognize Grey minds, only a few, specially trained telepaths, the
Grey-readers, can read them.
• The Greys cannot force their way into each other’s minds. This is the principal clue that Grey
telepathy is a longstanding feature of the species. If a Grey doesn’t want to reveal a thought to
another Grey, the other Grey can’t force the issue; their “defenses” against their own style of
telepathy are so instinctive and complete that they aren’t really defenses any more – just the ability
to shut up. This doesn’t prevent human telepaths from looking in (they have to work to do that), but
getting in has been pretty useless so far.
• The Greys can force their way into our minds, but the differences in our thoughts work against them
almost as much as they work against us. Use the normal rules, but skill rolls that succeed by more
than 2 still don’t give up anything but surface thoughts and emotions.
Greys who want to communicate with a human will let him know that he’s being scanned so that he can use
his surface thoughts to talk back. Only basic ideas can be transmitted; even then, communication takes effort.
There is a 50% chance (1-3 on 1d) that any thought exchanged by human and Grey will be gibberish,
regardless of consent. These telepathic “conversations” never exceed the speed of halting, uncertain speech,
and the Greys (who see us as cattle, anyway) are always exceedingly condescending.
The Company does not understand Grey pheromone communication nearly as well as Grey telepathy. That
information was not shared during the brief alliance with Argus, possibly because the Greys consider
pheromone communication to be a crude reminder of their primitive past, and don’t like to talk about it.
In addition to sensing differences in smells with an acuity that rivals a bloodhound, the Greys can selectively
emit odors which have crude symbolism to other Greys. These are persistent, lingering on surfaces and in still
air for days, and lasting hours even in areas with good air circulation.
A Grey pheromonal “note” can convey any non-specific concept that can be summed up in a single English
word. For instance, it could say “food” but it couldn’t say “fruit,” much less “tangerine.” A note could say
“human” or “enemy” but it couldn’t say “black op” or “soldier.” It could say “Flee!” but it couldn’t say “run to
the south.” The GM is left to determine what, exactly, can be communicated. These notes are almost always
undetectable by human senses. Those that are detectable carry a faint smell of cinnamon, a detail that has
crept into the public lore regarding the Greys.
Company scientists have learned that the Greys smell with their
skin, and have even developed odors that are harmful to the Greys,
but deciphering the pheromone language could be a key turning
point in the war. Electronic “noses” could spy on Grey pheromone
communication, and false pheromones could be used to mislead
them. If pheromone communication is somehow the primitive
precursor to the symbolism in the Grey telepathic language, then
understanding the simple code of pheromones could be the
Rosetta stone Company telepaths have been waiting for. All of
these possibilities are on the Science department’s table, but none
have yet borne fruit.
The Company knows the Greys have bases all over the globe (the
American Southwest, the Antarctic ice fields and the red canyons
of Madagascar, to name a few suspected locales), and some rumors
even have them making forays from the dark side of the moon. In
those bases, presumably, are the keys to unraveling the mystery of
Grey culture. So far, they have been impossible to root out. Only a
little is known. The Greys are analytical, systematic, thorough and
inquisitive, but have very little of what we call human emotion. Their ruthlessness and single-mindedness,
combined with their incredible intellect (made even more incredible by their collective, telepathic genius),
have created a society that is best described as antiseptic, impersonal, clinical and uncaring.
There is a pecking order among the Greys, apparently based on strict ratings of intellectual capacity and
reward for good performance. Those in the lower ranks toil. Those in the higher ranks think, live well and
have stimulating work and mating privileges. Competition is fierce and deadly, but entirely dispassionate.
Greys compete because failure means death or a poor quality of life, not because competition inspires them
with passion.
In 1974, a squad operating in Brazil witnessed the Greys feeding. The food was a blue, pearly substance
formed into spheres, apparently created from available animal life by an alien device. The Greys ate in order,
with the higher-ranking aliens eating their fill, then the lower ranks sharing the scraps. At first, the Company
believed that there might be resentment between the ranks that could be exploited, but every attempt along
those lines has failed. Of course, it might help if we could really communicate with them.
What they do for fun (assuming they even understand the concept) is a total mystery, but they do seem to
enjoy their work. No examples of Grey art have ever been seen, although telepaths who have directly
touched Grey minds insist that a great potential for subtle complexity exists in their mental language. It is
possible that all of their art is ephemeral and telepathic. Perhaps the Greys on Earth are simply too busy with
their mission to have time for art, but the Grey home world is an aesthetic paradise. Of course, all of this
applies only to Grey males here on Earth. When the Grey ship crashed in 1908, all of the females were killed.
As a result, we don’t know if the females are the Greys’ natural rulers, second-class citizens used only for
mating, or something in between.
The Greys have two primary motives.
First, they want to breed. The Greys on Earth can’t breed. For reasons related to their breeding cycle, all the
females on board the mother ship were in stasis, and were killed when it crashed. The Greys who survived in
the escape ships were all male. As a result, they are kidnapping and changing humans by the hundreds every
year, and have been experimenting with human females as incubators for the past 90 years in an attempt to
create viable offspring. Their attempts have so far been futile, although in recent years, they have managed to
successfully inseminate several human women with pure Grey genetics. None of the impregnations were
carried to term, and all of the women died from “complications due to miscarriage.”
Second, they want to build a working hyperdrive and leave Earth. To achieve this, they are feeding humanity
technology in order to help us build what they lack the resources to make themselves. Despite the Company’s
best efforts to stop it, there seem to be plenty of people willing to “deal with the devil.” Company operatives
have, on rare missions, observed humans interacting with and helping the aliens. It is not yet known if the
humans are there voluntarily or if they’re being controlled telepathically. It is depressingly likely that some
corporate or governmental organizations are exchanging human slaves for technological secrets, the idea of
which is profoundly disturbing to Argus. Lately, the Company has become very interested in learning the
truth. It is wary of Grey lackeys infiltrating its ranks.
Peripheral to all of this, certain Greys are simply curious, in a very clinical fashion. Many of the experiments
on humans seem to have nothing to do with either of their known goals. This might point to a third,
undetected motive. It might also be their idea of a good time.
There’s one thing we know for sure: the average Grey lifespan is 140 years. Their home planet is 110
lightyears away, and was sent a radio message from the doomed mother ship in 1908. In 2018, the Grey home
planet will receive the message and most likely dispatch a FTL rescue ship, which will arrive a few weeks
later. This means that even if the Greys are unsuccessful in their breeding attempts, some will probably still
survive to greet the rescue ship. We don’t know all the implications of this, but we’re fairly confident that the
alien ship is a lot more likely to just move on if there aren’t any Greys around. This is one more reason why
we want to kill them all.
The Greys are an old (but not ancient) interstellar race. All of their devices are considered to be TL10; see
GURPS Ultra-Tech of TL10 gadgetry.
First, they have an impressive mastery of psi-tech and a baffling array of weapons. Their sensors include
gravscanners, multiscanners and ultrascanners. They also have force screens and deflectors, but these are not
compact: use the rules for TL12 force screens and deflectors in GURPS Space or Ultra-Tech, but any field
generator that weighs less than 25 tons is unavailable; only the big starships have them.
Next, the Greys have the biotechnology to make clones, store living things cryogenically and make
“braintapes” (computerized records of sentient minds to be read into clones or used as the basis for AI
programming). However, very little of this is available to the Greys on Earth. It seems that all working
examples of these delicate technologies were reduced to scrap when the Greys smacked into the planet nine
decades ago.
The simplest of these technologies is cryo-storage, which requires not only hardware but also drugs that the
Greys either haven’t been able to synthesize or haven’t bothered expending their resources on. Certainly, if
the Greys have any working freeze tubes, they hold key Greys, ensuring their survival until the rescue ship
arrives in 2018. Most Grey medical resources are used in the ongoing experiments on mankind.
Finally, the Greys are capable of FTL travel. Grey hyperdrives achieve an average FTL speed of 1 parsec per
day, but this varies somewhat; some parts of the galaxy are frequented by hyperspace storms, or contain
“slow” or “fast” patches of hyperspace. Grey sub-light drives are reactionless, requiring power but not fuel or
reaction mass. Greys do not have FTL “radio” or “radar” of any kind. Hyperspace travel, as far as the Company
knows, has no dangerous physical or psychological side effects, and sidesteps the issue of time dilation. Grey
females might be susceptible to some sort of hyperspace malady, which may be why they were frozen on a
journey only a few weeks away from the home world. Of course, the Greys may have been in the midst of a
much longer journey. Two Grey technologies are described below.
The term “flying saucer” originated in a misquote. In the 1940s, an Air Force pilot who was being
interviewed by a magazine about his encounter with an UFO explained that it moved “like a saucer being
skipped across a lake.” He was quoted as saying he saw a “flying saucer.” In fact, Grey ships do move like
something being skipped across water, but they don’t look much like saucers.
They are more oval than flat, and they have six “legs” spaced evenly about their body that act as landers,
pincers and airfoils for steering. People who have seen Grey ships up close often describe them as “spider-
like,” though after the legs retract into the body
(when they leave Earth, for example), they look
like squashed spheres. The ships fly using what
the techies call a “gravity damper.” The damper
is a large device that hums loudly when active,
and it negates most of the effects of gravity
within a specific area while it’s on. It works in a
cyclic pattern, so when a Grey ship is moving
through the air in a straight line, it seems to
skip in a shallow wave pattern as the damper
kicks in and out. Using high-pressure air jets
and their airfoil legs, the ships maneuver
extremely well.
The Greys have two types of weapons on their
ships. The first (the flashing lights that airman
Johnny Franklin reported to his major) is called
a “scorcher” by the techies, and uses a
concentrated beam of microwaves to superheat objects. Metal objects and living tissue are extremely
susceptible. The second weapon is an antiparticle beam that can blow through ten feet of solid iron.
Fortunately, this only works in a vacuum; it is useless in an atmosphere.
The Grey ships communicate by amplifying psychic energy and transmitting telepathy using radio waves.
They also possess stealth and sensors that would (and do) make human military men weep. All of the ship’s
equipment and weaponry is controlled mentally by the aliens.
The Company has managed to acquire two Grey ships. One is heavily damaged (one of the two shot down by
the Air Force in 1959); the other seems to be in working order. The techies can’t seem to get the thing to
actually fly, but with their experimental psychic amplifiers and their knowledge of the Grey psychic
language, they may make headway soon. Since most of it relies on alien telepathy to function, our existing
stash of Grey technology is useless to us.
The chip is a small implant that the Greys place in abducted humans to monitor them. It’s about the size of a
push-pin and rests just behind the left ear. It is attached to the bone of the upper jaw and can listen in on
anything the subject hears (and believe me, just because we don’t understand their complex thought language
doesn’t mean they haven’t deciphered our simple, vocal one).
The chip is also a tracking device with a range of about 500 miles, accurate to within 10’. We don’t know how
carefully the Greys monitor humans, but they certainly pay more attention to people of power, especially
military officers and political officials. We run routine chip checks on the president and the more important
members of Congress, but we can’t get to everyone. When we find a chip, we have to manufacture some sort
of innocuous affliction, like a nose polyp or tonsillitis, to get the politico into the operating room. The chip is
fairly easy to remove once it’s discovered, and the Greys cannot tell from their monitoring the difference
between a chip’s removal and the victim dying, so they usually don’t investigate right away. All black ops are
checked at least twice a year for chips, and we’re all taught what one feels like. Due to its proximity to major
arteries feeding the brain, it is not recommended that a black op attempt to remove the chip himself.
The Company has done some random sampling and estimated that about ten million humans have been
chipped, mostly in developed countries and most commonly in the U.S., Japan and Russia. About 70% of
chipped humans are fertile women, and we suspect that the Greys are looking for specific signs that certain
women are more likely to be able to carry viable Grey offspring. We don’t yet know what these signs are. In
the past few months, three of the chips removed by Company docs have been slightly different. They are a bit
bigger and have more connections to the surrounding nerve tissue. The rumor around the Science and Tech
departments is that these chips give the Greys some type of limited control over the victim, allowing for
remote hypnotic suggestion. If this is true, then things are a lot worse than we could have imagined.
Throughout the years, a few members of Argus have argued that the chip represents the only real reason for
the Company to go public. Their arguments have not yet persuaded anyone to take action, but the chip
remains one of the Company’s primary concerns.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Corrosion Attack (2) (Cyclic (1 second interval) (3 cycles); Melee Attack: Reach C,1);
Discriminatory Smell; High TL (2); Mind Control; Mind Probe; Mind Reading; Mind Shield (5); Bloodlust (12
or less); Callous; Curious; Easy to Read; Icy Touch
Skills: Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol) 17; Beam Weapons/TL10 (Projector) 17; Beam Weapons/TL10 (Rifle) 17;
Engineer/TL10 (Artillery) 16; Engineer/TL10 (Electronics) 16; Engineer/TL10 (Nanotechnology) 16;
Engineer/TL10 (Starships) 16; Engineer/TL10 (Vehicles) 16; Mathematics/TL10 (Applied) 16; Mechanic/TL10
Acid Spitting (16): 2d cor attack; the damage continues for three rounds, after the first one; Reach C, 1
Heavy Laser Pistol (16): 4d (2) burn, Acc 6, Range 300/900, RoF 10, shots 56(3), Rcl 1
Laser Carbine (16): 5d (2) burn, Acc 12, Range 500/1500, RoF 10, shots 28(3), Rcl 1
Icy Touch: The killer freezes his foe in place. Ideal for eliminating lesser Delvers from the fight. Inflict 2d
Freezing Fatigue damage, and the target must roll HT (with a penalty equal to the damage inflicted) or be
Paralyzed for the remainder of the fight. This paralysis might be removed with a careful thawing
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Corrosion Attack (2) (Cyclic (1 second interval) (3 cycles); Melee Attack: Reach C,1);
Discriminatory Smell; High TL (2); Mind Control; Mind Probe; Mind Reading; Mind Shield (5); Bloodlust (12
or less); Callous; Curious; Life Bane
Skills: Beam Weapons/TL10 (Pistol) 17; Beam Weapons/TL10 (Projector) 17; Beam Weapons/TL10 (Rifle) 17;
Brawling 16; Engineer/TL10 (Artillery) 16; Engineer/TL10 (Electronics) 16; Engineer/TL10 (Nanotechnology)
16; Engineer/TL10 (Starships) 16; Engineer/TL10 (Vehicles) 16; Mathematics/TL10 (Applied) 16;
Mechanic/TL10 16
Acid Spitting (16): 2d cor attack; the damage continues for three rounds, after the first one; Reach C, 1
Heavy Laser Pistol (16): 4d (2) burn, Acc 6, Range 300/900, RoF 10, shots 56(3), Rcl 1
Laser Carbine (16): 5d (2) burn, Acc 12, Range 500/1500, RoF 10, shots 28(3), Rcl 1
Punch (16): 2d +2 cr, Reach C-1
The Thing
No one knows where they come from. No one knows how many of them there are. And no one knows how
many of us are actually them. Thè scientists have a name for them, six syllables in Latin and four more in
ancient Greek, that no one uses. Everyone else who knows about them simply calls them ... thè Things.
Thè Things exploded into thè Galactic consciousness with what is now called thè Palisade Massacre. Through
means still unknown, one of these savage, sentient predators arrived on thè rimward colony world of Palisade
and began to hunt among thè remote homesteads that dotted thè planet's one settled continent Its viciousness
and single-mindedness quickly betrayed it; as settler after settler dropped off thè planetary datanet, thè
colonial government grew suspicious and dispatched a platoon of mobile infantry to investigate.
Expecting to discover brigands or other human predators raiding thè distant homesteads, thè troops were
initially shocked to discover that instead they were pursing some variety of monster. It was not until thè
fortuitous moment when they came upon thè creature as it fed upon its latest victim that they had any due
what in truth they faced. Half thè platoon perished in thè subsequent battle, but thè creature was defeated,
killed in nud-transformation. Thè survivors bundled thè grotesque body into their transport. Then, stunned
and in traumatic shock, they returned to Bartlett, Palisade's capitol city.
What they didn't know was that much of thè population in thè region had been replaced by thè creature's
Before an autopsy had even begun on thè monstrous corpse, rumors had aiready spread through Palisade's
remaining human population and, from there, off-world. Within a week, nearby worids Were demanding to
know what had been found. Thè colonial govemment of Palisade stonewalled for a month, then shared what
it had learned. Twenty-four hours later, thè classified data packet had reached both thè media
and thè interstellar Net. Thè govemment report posed as many questions as it had answered. Thè creature had
been in thè process of changing not only its shape but also its DNA - gene scans of its various parts were
wildly different from each other. Worse yet, it had very clearly been an intelligent being; not only had it
fought thè government troops with sly cunning and an eye toward tactics, but later invesdgation revealed
that it had been moving from homestead to homestead under a variety of guises. A number of witnesses
reported speaking with it, and none had sensed anything amiss about it. Finally, thè hope that it was a one-
of-a-kind bioengineered weapon or a sterile mutant was dashed by thè revelation that the creature had been
about to spawn.
Two weeks later Palisade went silent.
A quarantine at blockade slammed down on thè colony world. Robotic probes revealed thè disturbing truth –
there were no humans left on thè planet, only horrorific shapeshifting creatures like thè one that had been
killed, Thè suspicions about their intelligence proved correct when thè creatures attempted to leave thè
planet using the few spacecraft still remaining at Barflett's one starport. They were destroyed thè moment
they tried to leave thè planet's atmosphere.
At thè end, there was no choice: Palisade was sterilized.
Faced with thè possibility of "Things" on their own worlds, govemments based near thè lost colony set up
crash research programs to find ways to detect and disable thè creatures, as well as combat teams intended to
pursue and terminate them. To date no less than a dozen attempts by the Things on as many planets have
been detected and thwarted.
Sometimes the cost in human lives has been high, but thè fight is for thè survival of thè human race -
sacrifices must be made.
In their naturai form - which shaken witnesses have seen from time to time - thè Things have been likened to
"latex sacks filled with gelatin." Roughly man-sized in height, they are horrifìc greenish-black ellipsoids
whose upper ends are marked by two large eyes and an enormous fanged mouth.
Individuals who see this much rarely live to report it, as thè Things use that maw to attack, and to swallow
prey whole. They normally take a shape with legs in order to move quickly; when in natural form they must
move either inchworm-style or by repeatedly stretching ahead contracting their bodies. If thè Thing have a
name for themselves - indeed, if they even have a native-language - it is unknown.
Move. Kill. Feed. Reproduce. Thè Thing seeks to make thè community one with himself. Although they
appear to be as intelligent as humans, it is believed that their minds work in a dramadcally different way.
Attempts to communicate with them have all failed, even when thè Thing was in a form demonstrated to be
capable of intelligible speech and social interaction; they either maintain their roles or ignore their
interrogatore. They do not "break character" uniess they lose thè shape, either due to environmental
pressures or because of excessive damage.
It appeare from their behavior that they are solipsists to thè point of sociopathy - no one matters to a Thing
other than himself; everyone and everything else, even other Things, exists solely as either tools or food, in
that order. Groups of Things con cooperate when working for a common goal, and can do so even for
extended periods, but in final analysis each one is using thè others, and intends to consume them. They have
no parenting instinct, nor any consistent shared culture.
Even though they are such a cipher to investigators and researchers, some of their racial imperatives can be
deduced from their behavior. First and foremost, they are predators - fearsome, cunning, and most of all
intelligent predators. They study their prey extensively. They lay traps and plan ahead for contingencies, and
they know when to abandon a hopeless cause. They can be subtle and inhumanly patient. They know what
technology is and use it adeptly (as evidenced by their ability to pilot between systems), although what little
of their own native technology has been found has proven impenetrable to researchers.
They are also colonizers. By virtue of their biology, they have a constantly expanding population. Wherever
they have had thè technology to do so, Things (individually or in groups) have continued to adjacent stare to
seek out more fertile hunting grounds. Where they have not, Things have contrived to catch rides with
anwary visitors, usually by impersonating one or more of them.
Whether it is something they are consciously ware or not, it is clear that their ultimate goal is thè conversion
of all thè organic matter they can reach into
metamorphic Things, resulting in a universe of
constant cannibalistic struggle that must
inevitably taper off into a dwindling death at thè
hands of thè law of thermodynamics.
The Things are predators, capable of surviving on
thè flesh of nearly any carbon-based creature.
They are cautious and cunning, preferring to
hunt more like trap-door spiders than lions. They
live about as long as humans, but because of their
reproductìve cycle, they spend almost all of their
lives as active adults. Essentially a macroscale
version of cellular division, thè process self-
triggers every six to eight weeks and rarely takes
more than 24 houre. A Thing about to reproduce
consumes its own weight in meat (creatures so
consumed cannot be used like templates) and
then finds a secluded lair. When thè division
process is complete, there are two competent (if
somewhat smaller adults where before there was
one – The Things waste no time on childhood.
(Both offspring inherit thè parent's memorized
forms, as well.) Thè exact source of their
morphing abilities is unknown. What is known is
that it is unpleasant to see – thè Things' shape change is slow and disturbing. Those few witnesses who have
dared to stay for thè entire process have likened it to "wet, rotting meat sculpting itself, one paper-thin layer
at a time."
Because thè combination of their physical powers and psychological attitudes seems unlikely to have evolved
naturally (thè very existence of an intelligent, cannibalistìc, solipsistic race sends some xenobiologists and
xenologists into fits), many experts believe that thè Invadere were genetically engineered. Thè most
commonly accepted theory is that they are a biological doomsday weapon that was either used or accidentally
released and that turned out to be much better at long-term survival than its creators intended.
There is a great deal of evidence to support this view. First, for an ostensibly sentient race, they are driven by
a number of hard-wired biological imperatives that prevent them from developing anything approaching a
civilization. Among these is reproduction - unlike virtually all other sentient races. Thing's reproduction is
completely involuntary, extraordinarily rapid, and clearly geared toward producing more Things.
Second, they are (despite their large eyes) near-sighted, unable to see clearly anything farther away than 30
feet or so, effectively forcing them to focus on their next victim or their next task. Finally, while Things are
carbon-based (and capable of consuming almost any carbon-based flesh), they react badly to alcohol,
including methanol (wood alcohol) and isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) as well as ethanol; this may have been
an attempt at a control mechanism in case thè Things ran wild.
Another odd vulnerability is that other shapeshifters don't agree with them. If a Thing consumes an Enyyn,
or other shapechanger, thè Thing almost immediately goes into spasms lasting 2d+10 minutes, during which
it loses control of ite own Morph power and shifts randomly every 1d seconds.
Thè Things are sufficiently individualistic so that it's impossible to provide a universal profile for their
behavior. In general, though, they tend to infiltrate worlds rather than attack outright. They take targets of
opportunity at first, killing and replacing them regardless of their roles in society. (Ironically, because of thè
Things' metabolic reaction to alcohol, thè usual clichéd hunting grounds and victims – bars, parties, and their
denizens, not to mention homeless drunks - are thè safest.)
Once they have taken over an individual's life, they "harvest" all his connections. With every spawning, they
take over another of thè target's relatives, friends, or acquaintances, until his social and family circles have
been completely converted. At this point, thè original victim's shape is of no further use; thè Thing abandons
it in favor of a new victim, with a new social network to absorb.
Thè Things don't seem to take any personal names other than those of thè individuals whose shapes they've
adopted. Indeed, it's unknown if they nave a language at all.
The Things aren't always so patient – they have been known to explode into spasms of utter violence, usually
employing forms with greater mobility than their native one, enhanced with all thè strength of their unusual
Thè Things have no native culture; they are unable to cooperate long enough to create one, and appear to
have no interest in doing so even if they could.
Things have no political relations with any other race in thè galaxy. They don't even acknowledge other
members of their own race as sentients, let alone other races. For all practical purposes, there is a permanent
state of war between thè Things and every other species in thè galaxy.
It is a highly classified secret, but Palisade is not thè only Planet taken over by thè aliens. Thè Galactic Survey
Service has discovered several other entire planets populated by nothing but Things, endlessly stalking and
devouring each other. For thè sake of galactic civilization, every such world has been sterilized, like Palisade.
One peculiar form of the Things could be called "thè Lerneaen Things." Not only do thè Things reproduce as
described above, cutting damage just turns them into smaller versions of themselves! Whenever a Thing takes
cutting damage, instead of suffering a wound thè Thing becomes two Things - one with at many HT as thè
attack inflicted, thè other with whatever HT remains. (Treat cutting damage equal to or greater than thè
Invader's HT as HT/2 – effectively dividing thè creature into two equal halves.)
Recalculate ST for each new Thing based on thè distribution of Hp. This is an advantage related to
The Thing, Giant Beast Greater Power Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Clever Trickster Greater
Hardy Brutes Power Caster (Greater Boss)
Titans are gargantuan, almost godlike men and woman. They, quite simply, look like 45' tall people of great
physical strength and beauty. They are commonly dressed in traditional Greek garb, favoring togas, and such.
They wear rare and valuable jewelry and in other ways make themselves seem beautiful and overpowering.
In addition to speaking their own language, titans are able to speak the six main dialects of giants. All titans
are also conversant in the common tongue as well as that commonly spoken by forest creatures, as these
giants have close ties with nature. They are great wizards, adept in the use of air spell.
Titan, Greater Elegant Greater Power Killer Ideal Luscious Strange Trickster Greater Graceful
Greater Hardy Brute Epic Destruction Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Awe; Beautiful (Universal); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance +5 (Tough Skin, -40%); Enhanced
Move (Ground) (2); Enhanced Parry (2) (Warhammer); Magery (5); Magery 0; Weapon Master (Warhammer)
(one specific weapon); Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less);
Gluttony; Impulsive; Increased Consumption 4; Overconfidence; Mimic; Armageddon
Skills: Brawling 21; Innate Attack (Projectile) 21; Power Blow 37; Sex Appeal 23; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 25
Spells: Air Jet 25; Apportation 25; Ball of Lightning 25; Create Air 25; Explosive Lightning 25; Lightning 25;
Purify Air 25; Shape Air 25; Spark Cloud 25; Spark Storm 25; Windstorm 25
Tornado Harpies are wicked, greenish, avian beasts that prey upon nearly all creatures but prefer the flesh of
humans and demihumans. Tornado Harpies have the bodies of vultures but the upper torsos and heads of
men. Their human features are youthful, but hideous, with frayed unkempt hair and decaying teeth. A foul
odor surrounds all harpies and that which they touch. Harpies never bathe nor clean themselves in any way.
Their dress, if anything, is limited to tattered rags and shiny trinkets taken from previous victims.
Toxifiers might be mistaken for ghosts due to their smudgy, semisolid appearance. However, they’re actually
demonic clouds of greenish poison vapor. They attack simply by standing near victims and engulfing them in
a lethal mist of contact poison. They’re largely unaffected by weapons other than those specifically designed
to injure spirits, and are unusually strong-willed and hard to repel with magic.
Attribute Modifiers: ST -; DX +4
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Hp +10; Will +6
Advantages: Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to
Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Silence 2; Unkillable 1 (Achilles Heel, Magic
Weapons); Vibration Sense (Air)
Disadvantages: Dread (Blessed Objects; 5 yards); No Legs (Aerial); No Manipulators; ; Vulnerability (Wind ¥2)
Role: Minions, Worthies
Recommended Templates: Dire Beasts (Dire Beasts, Giant Beasts); Stalkers (Any); Casters (Wild Casters)
Inappropriate Templates: Killers (Any); Tricksters (Any); Brutes (Any); Casters (Any, except Wild Casters);
Epic Monsters (Any)
Traits: Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic
Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Night Vision (3); Silence (4); Unkillable (1) (Achilles Heel,
Magic Weapons); Vibration Sense (Air); Dread (Blessed Objects; 5 yards); No Legs (Aerial); No Manipulators;
Vulnerability (Wind ¥2)
Skills: Aerobatics 18; Stealth 17 (21 vs. Hearing).
Toxic Attack (Resisted by HT-4): contact agent emanated in a two-yard radius. Those who fail to resist take
1d toxic damage and are nauseated (-2 to attribute and skill rolls, -1 to active defenses, and possible vomiting
(see p. B428) if injury reaches 2/3 of HP. Nausea lasts until healed above 2/3 HP
Unholy Ninja
The Unholy Ninja are the cruelest demons of the Hell. They are very skilful in the ninja's techniques, and
they have the power of duplicate themselves, by creating up to six "dupes". These creatures can mimic the
voice of their victims and are perfect killers. They are the minions of the Hell's Lords.
Unholy Ninja, Strange Stalker (Minion)
Traits: Accelerated Reflexes; Acute Taste and Smell (1); Acute Touch (1); Acute Vision (1); Ambidexterity;
Catfall; Combat Reflexes; Duplication (6) (Duplicated Gear; No Sympathetic Injury); Extra Attack (1)
(Temporary Disadvantage (Electrical)); Gizmo (3); Mimicry; Perfect Balance; Silence (6); Weapon Master
(Sword) (one specific weapon); Grip Mastery (Katana); Grip Mastery (Kusari); Dark Vision; Off-Hand
Weapon Training (Fast-Draw (Shuriken)); Off-Hand Weapon Training (Thrown Weapon (Shuriken)); Special
Setup (Kusari Parry > Arm Lock); Style Familiarity (Kenjutsu) [1]; Style Familiarity (Kusarigamajutsu); Style
Familiarity (Kusarijutsu); Style Familiarity (Shurikenjutsu); Unusual Training (Can use Tricky Shooting in a
campaign that doesn't use those rules); Albinism; Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less);
Cowardice (12 or less); Callous; Sadism (12 or less); Shadow Casting
Skills: Axe/Mace 17; Blind Fighting 18; Broadsword 17; Choke Hold (Kusari) 13; Dual-Weapon Attack
(Kusari) 15; Dual-Weapon Attack (Kusari) 15; Dual-Weapon Attack (Thrown Weapon (Shuriken)) 14
Entangle (Kusari) 14; Fast-Draw (Shuriken) 19; Fast-Draw (Sword) 19; Fast-Draw (Two-Handed Sword) 19;
Feint (Two-Handed Sword) 17; Feint (Broadsword) 17; Flail 16; Holdout 15; Kiai 15; Kusari 16; Power Blow
17; Return Strike (Kusari) 15; Stealth 17; Targeted Attack (Kusari Swing/Arm) 15; Targeted Attack (Kusari
Swing/Face) 14; Targeted Attack (Kusari Swing/Skull) 13; Targeted Attack (Shuriken Throw/Eye) 14;
Targeted Attack (Shuriken Throw/Hand) 16; Targeted Attack (Shuriken Throw/Leg) 17; Targeted Attack
(Shuriken Throw/Neck) 15; Targeted Attack (Two-Handed Sword Swing/Arm) 15; Targeted Attack (Two-
Handed Sword Swing/Neck) 12; Targeted Attack (Two-Handed Sword Swing/Skull) 13; Targeted Attack
(Two-Handed Sword Thrust/Neck) 14; Targeted Attack (Two-Handed Sword Thrust/Vitals) 14; Thrown
Weapon (Knife) 18; Thrown Weapon (Shuriken) 18; Thrown Weapon (Sword) 18; Two-Handed Sword 17
The Universoul is a humanoid black-hole!! When it raises both the arms and opens the cloak, the creature
projects an incredibly powerful drawing ray that drags anything into deep space!! The Universouls come from
space-time anomalies. It instantly moves along any point in the universe.
It is an inscrutable creature. It takes advantage of the space-time anomalies to travel towards other realities
and ages. It can get killed only with attacks at the back... but this is the only thing that makes the Universoul
really angry...
Universoul, Ideal Trickster Wild Caster Epic Mastery Epic Destruction Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Dark Vision; Jumper (Time); Jumper (World); Magery (1); Magery 0; Silence (4); Unfazeable;
Unkillable (3); Warp (No Strain; Reliable (+10); Tunnel (forms before you teleport)); Disturbing Voice; Life
Bane; Overconfidence; Vow (Don't play havoc with human affairs) (Great); Wild Talent (Magic Spell Only)
(3); Swalloving Void; Armageddon
Exoteleport (21): the Universoul projects a tunnel of deforming space-time. The strenght of such tunnel is so
great that it can drag whole buildings!!
Swallowing Void: the monster casts everything into complete and total darkness. An area up to 32 yards in
radius plummets into complete (-10) darkness. He may move this area about, shifting the shape of the shadow
radius, or even casting it far away from him. The borders of the area aren't clear, representing vague twilight
areas that trick a person into walking deeper into the shadowy mist
Armageddon: Once per battle, the monster unleashes a wave of complete and total destruction that
completely rewrites the battlefield. First, the monster must Ready his attack over the course of 4 turns. The
fact that he's powering up a major attack is readily obvious to anyone who glances his direction (intense
aura). When he has finished readying his power, he attacks, unleashing an explosive 20d blast of burning
damage. This strikes everything within a twenty yard radius, though each yard between the target and the
monster reduces the dice of damage by 1. After the smoke clears, the battlefield has changed in some
profound way that the monster has no control over (it is torn apart and filled with cracks and gulleys). This
should involve a new map in tactical combat, or new movement rules in normal combat.
Wild Caster: the monster uses its magic innately, calling on the power of the universe. Three times per
session, the Universoul may cast any single spell, regardless of prerequisites or capability, by rolling IQ +
Magery. It must still pay the appropriate energy costs and spend the appropriate time casting
The Vertigo is a evil being. It is a conglomerate of shadows: its personality feels the effects of this joining. In
effect the Vertigo is utterly crazy. It casts a ray of despair and confusion on its enemies and can steal their
vitality with a chilling touch
Traits: Affliction (Self-Destruction Ray) (6) (Cone (+5); Disadvantage (Chronic Depression) (+6); Link (Powers
must be used together)); Affliction (Vertigo Ray) (6) (Cone (+5); Seizure; Link (Powers must be used
together)); Ally Group (Allow 100 point Allies; Size: Large Group (20 to 100); Summonable); Create Light (10)
(Destruction (you can only destroy)); Dark Vision; Illusion (Area Effect (16); Visual Only); Injury Tolerance
(Diffuse); Insubstantiality (Affect Substantial); Magery (2); Magery 0; Obscure (Vision) (10); Shadow Form;
Cowardice; Sadism (12 or less); Self-Destruct; Selfish (12 or less); Split Personality (6 or less)
Skills: Brawling 11; Innate Attack (Beam) 16
Spells: Steal Vitality 20
Self-Destruction/Vertigo Ray (16): the Vertigo delivers a beam that has a double effect, if a victim miss a HT-
5 roll: a terrible instinct of auto-destruction and seizures. The ray has a range of 10/100.
The Vibros are insubstantial and blind creatures that haunt the dungeons. They attack with a powerful cone
of sonic vibration that tears apart the flesh of their enemies. They perceive the presence of a human being by
"hearing" the vibration emitted by the motion.
Traits: Affliction (Deafness) (7) (Cone (+5); Disadvantage (Deafness) (+20); Terrible Pain; Link (Powers must
be used together)); Combat Reflexes; Crushing Attack (7) (Cone (+5); Link (Powers must be used together));
Flight (Low Ceiling (5 foot ceiling)); Insubstantiality (Affect Substantial); Silence (10); Vibration Sense; Bad
Smell; Blindness; Callous; Blink
Skills: Aerobatics 18; Innate Attack (Breath) 18; Tactics 14; Traps 14
Sonic Breath (18): 7d crushing damage, plus it causes deafness and terrible pain if the victims miss a HT-6 roll
Blink: The Vibro vanishes from one point and arrives at another in an instant. The Vibro may use Warp to a
distance of up to 10 yards up to 3 times a day. He gains +6 to his roll, but for practical purposes, he should
spend 1 turn concentrating, and then assume a success.
Volcanic Hound
The Volcanic Hound is the Hell's keeper. It attacks by spraying a jet of lava (fire plus stone). Its fangs are
formidable death machines. It is the brother of Cerberus.
Volcanic Hound, Dire Beast Swift Stalker Greater Hardy Brute Epic Destruction Epic Mastery
Epic Manipulation Monster (Epic Boss)
ST: 95 HP: 115 Speed: 8.00
DX: 15 Will: 7 Move: 40
IQ: 5 Per: 12
HT: 17 FP: 17 SM: 6
Dodge: 12 Parry: - DR: 16
Traits: Burning Attack (10) (Cone (+5); Combat Reflexes; Jet; Link (Powers must be used together)); Crushing
Attack (10) (Cone (+5); Jet; Link (Powers must be used together)); Damage Resistance (10); Discriminatory
Hearing; Discriminatory Smell; Doesn't Breathe; Enhanced Move (Ground) (2); Extra Legs (4 Legs); Fangs;
Hard to Kill (3); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Pressure
Support (3); Sealed; Vacuum Support; Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less); Bestial;
Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Dread (Water); Fragile (Brittle); Gullibility (12 or less); Hidebound;
Horizontal; No Fine Manipulators
Skills: Brawling 16; Innate Attack (Breath) 16
The War Centaur is a horror that delights in killing and maiming. It has a gatling laser and a chainsaw that
uses with amazing skilfulness. This creature is found in any battlefield
Traits: Claws (Talons); Combat Reflexes; Enhanced Move (Ground) (1); Extra Legs (4 Legs); High Pain
Threshold; Magic Resistance (3); Night Vision (3); Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Berserk (12 or less);
Bestial; Horizontal; Life Bane; Loner; Burning Touch
Skills: Brawling 18; Gunner (Beams) 18; Two-Handed Axe/Mace 18
A war-wight is a forgotten soldier from another time. Each has an uncompleted mission, and knows exactly
how to complete thè mission in its new surroundings. A war-wight will stop at nothing to be victorious.
Any conceivable military mission is possible - saving a comrade behind enemy lines, assassinating an enemy
agent, escaping to safety over thè border, taking out an enemy installation, etc. Draw parallels between thè
warwight's original era and thè present day. For example, to a World War II war-wight, City Hall in a large
town 20 miles away could be an enemy installation (perhaps a secret bunker). Some parallels will be strangely
close. If, for example, thè World War II war-wight needs to protect a train with special cargo, thè train could
be one that was actually running during World War II. Or, thè parallels can be more remote - say, an Arabian
soldier from thè Crusades on a mission in thè Arctic.
Thè mission always involves one or two human targets to capture, interrogate, kill, or rescue. This can be a
side effect of a greater goal (such as assassination as a result of destroying an installation) or it might be thè
mission' s exclusive goal. Thè target can be well-known, or evil (justifying assassination), or innocent, chosen
seemingly at random by thè war-wight.
Thè war-wight will know something that links thè target to thè war-wight's time. Perhaps thè target's
ancestor was thè war-wight's nemesis, or thè target may have served in thè war-wight's war. Any careful
investigation of a target's background will reveal striking and eerie links between thè target and thè
warwight's mission.
Thè war-wight divides thè world into allies, enemies and bystanders. Everyone except thè mission's target (if
any) starts out as a bystander. Those who help become its allies; thè war-wight manipulates them, but never
trusts them. Anyone who poses a threat to thè war-wight and actively impedes its progress becomes an
enemy, to be destroyed, usually as brutally as possible.
When thè mission is complete, thè war-wight disappears. Thè damage it has caused remains. Careful
examination of history books will show that thè soldier, once anonymous, is now mentioned (at least
parenthetically). There may even be a reference to thè mission, described in thè context of thè war-wight's
era of origin.
Each war-wight is different. Some look perfectly human. Others look like zombies or have inhuman features.
Most have only natural abilities (though often at high levels). A few have supernatural abilities. Some are
violent and aggressive. Others are so quiet that it is nearly impossible to notice that they are even on a
mission. Most act alone, but a rare few will find strength in numbers.
A war-wight will always hide its face - behind a gas mask, under thè shadow of a helmet, etc. Only thè most
trusted ally or tenacious enemy will find a way to see it.
All war-wights will try to locate weapons, vehicles and equipment from their time. For 20th-century
warwights, this is relatively easy. War-wights from earlier eras, however, may have to burglarize museums or
private artifact collections to assemble an arsenal. They might also build their own.
War-wights operate in secrecy. Although thè final moment in a mission may attract attention (explosions,
firefights, etc.), thè events leading to it are carried out with maximum silence and subterfuge. Some
warwights are better at this than others. A Russian intelligence agent from thè Afghanistan battles will stay
inconspicuous longer than a war-wight from an ancient Celtic war.
They are fanatical and tough, with Danger Sense, Toughness DR 4, Immunity to Disease and Night Vision.
Those with supernatural abilities hide their special powers as best they can. War-wight mages generally have
combat oriented spells, information-gathering spells and disguise spells. Those with psionics normally have
psychokinetic powers, telepathic powers, electrokinesis and ESP. Other possible abilities include
shapeshifting, special senses, rapid healing, creating or gathering allies and communion with dark forces.
Some may have supernatural pets - imagine a war-wight with a pet deathwing and a cooperative puppeteer.
War-wights with supernatural powers always have one or two supernatural weaknesses as well.
During thè day, their attributes, spells, skills and advantage levels are halved. War-wights spend this time
resting, contemplating, receiving orders (see below), healing and studying available mission information.
They are active at night.
All war-wights are soldiers who actually lived, with identities, personal histories and skills appropriate to
their era of origin. They also have thè misconceptions and prejudices of their era. An individual's ability to
aid, influence and fight a war-wight increases with thè individual's knowledge of thè proper era. As a mission
wears on, a war-wight may become desperate. A war-wight who has struggled for weeks and is still far from
his goal will become more violent, savage and fanatical. At this point (and in thè moment before thè climax
of a mission), thè war-wight becomes superhumanly resistant to outside influences. This gives it a +5 at least
to resist psionic suggestions, mind-control spells and other such tactics. Each war-wight regularly receives
helpful, even essential, information and orders from a special source. Every war-wight has a different
receiving method. It could be a radio, a walkie-talkie, written notes that appear in thè war-wight's
equipment, spoken words from a shadowy figure, etc. Thè war-wight will keep these transmissions secret.
Outsiders who discover them will find thè orders to be cryptic . . . and thè information horrifyingly true.
Investigators of this source will have limited success. They may be able to block thè messages temporarily, or
even create fake messages, but they will never be able to learn thè identity of thè war-wight's backer. If thè
examiners persist, it will soon become obvious that they are dealing with a very powerful and evil force. They
would be well advised to leave this secret alone. Normally, a war-wight arrives in its new era in its own body.
But a rare few may arrive by taking possession of someone's body. Rather than experiencing a total
personality switch, thè person will adopt some of thè mannerisms, knowledge and skills of thè war-wight.
Thè victim will begin receiving orders from thè sponsor, hiding his face, and acting nocturnal. Before long,
he embarks on thè war-wight's mission. This progression is complete, with thè war-wight in total control,
just before thè mission climax. If thè mission is completed, thè victim's personality is permanently restored.
In this situation, thè possessed individual's link to thè war-wight is represented by a small object. This could
be an old gun from thè war-wight's era, dog tags, or some other significant item. He will become increasingly
protective of thè item as thè mission wears on. If thè item is taken away, thè war-wight will become frenzied
in its efforts to recover it. If thè item is destroyed, thè war-wight is exorcised.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (4); Danger Sense; Doesn't Breathe; Immunity to
Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; No Brain; No Vitals; Unliving); Magery (1); Magery 0; Night
Vision (10); Supernatural Durability (Spells/Magic Weapons); Temperature Tolerance (10); Unaging;
Unfazeable; Appearance (Horrific); Bloodlust (12 or less); Callous; Code of Honor (Soldier's); Dependency
(Wraith Item) (Rare) (Constantly); Disturbing Voice; Dread (Light); Fanaticism (Patriot); Intolerance
(Intolerance of one group); Life Bane; Social Stigma (Dead); Supernatural Feature (No Body Heat; Pallor);
Unhealing (Can heal with Steal Vitality) (Partial); Loves battle; Sexless
Skills: Armoury/TL8 (Small Arms) 13; Brawling 19; Camouflage 14; Computer Operation/TL8 13;
Driving/TL8 (Tracked) 14; Electronics Operation/TL8 (Communications) 12; Electronics Operation/TL8
(Sensors) 12; First Aid/TL8 13; Gesture 13; Gunner/TL8 (Machine Gun) 19; Guns/TL8 (Light Machine Gun)
19; Guns/TL8 (Pistol) 18; Guns/TL8 (Rifle) 19; Guns/TL8 (Shotgun) 18; Guns/TL8 (Submachine Gun) 18;
Hiking 16; Knife 18; Leadership 13; Navigation/TL8 (Land) 13; NBC Suit/TL8 14; Savoir-Faire (Military) 15;
Scrounging 16; Soldier/TL8 14; Stealth 18; Survival (Desert) 13; Tactics 13; Throwing 18
Spells: Deathtouch 16; Ethereal Body 15; Steal Vitality 16
Weapon X is a human who possesses animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities and a healing factor
that allows him to recover from virtually any wound, disease, or toxin at an accelerated rate. The healing
factor also slows down his aging process, enabling him to live beyond a normal human lifespan. His powerful
healing factor enabled the supersoldier program Weapon X to bond the near-indestructible metal alloy to his
skeleton without killing him
Weapon X's senses of sight, smell, and hearing are all superhumanly acute. He can see with perfect clarity at
greater distances than an ordinary human, even in near-total darkness. His hearing is enhanced in a similar
manner, allowing him to both hear sounds ordinary humans cannot and also hear to greater distances.
Weapon X is able to use his sense of smell to track targets by scent, even if the scent has been eroded
somewhat over time by natural factors. This sense also allows him to identify shapeshifting mutants despite
other forms they may take. .
Weapon X, Greater Elegant Killer Greater Assassin Stalker Greater Graceful Brute (Greater
Traits: Animal Empathy; Catfall; Claws (Talons) (Armor Divisor (100)); Combat Reflexes; Danger Sense;
Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense); Enhanced Dodge (1); Extended Lifespan 2; High Pain Threshold;
Injury Tolerance (Unbreakable Bones); Night Vision (8); Regeneration (10 points/sec.); Regrowth; Resistant
(Metabolic Hazards, Immune); Silence (2); Unkillable 2; Very Fit; Amnesia (Partial); Bad Smell; Berserk
(Battle Rage); Bestial; Bloodlust (12); Easy to Read; Impulsiveness (12); Loner (12); Overconfidence (12);
Skills: Blind Fighting 24; Brawling 28; Body Language 24; Detect Lies 24; Gesture 11; Immovable Stance 23;
Intimidation 22; Survival (Arctic) 24
The Wicked Predator is the cruelest wild animal of the planet: it loves paralysing its victims and then eating
them alive!!
Wicked Predator, Dire Beast Swift Strange Stalker Strange Brute (Worthy)
Traits: 360° Vision; Affliction (Venom) (5) (Paralysis); Claws (Sharp Claws); Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision;
Discriminatory Hearing; Discriminatory Smell; Enhanced Move (1.5); Extra Attack (1); Extra Legs (4 Legs);
Regeneration (Extreme) (Max 10 secondsSilence (8); Surefooted; Teeth (Sharp Teeth); Bad Temper (12 or
less); Bestial; Bloodlust (12 or less); Cannot Speak; Hidebound; Horizontal; Gluttony; Low Pain Threshold; No
Fine Manipulators; Sadism (12 or less); Shadow Casting
Skills: Acrobatics 19; Brawling 20; Stealth 20; Tracking 14
This apex predator inhabit the surface of the wildest oceans of the planet
The Wolves of Calla are the shock troopers of the Crimson King. They are cyborg with a wolf mask, green
cloack, grey clothes. Ther ride on grey cyborg-horses. The wolves have awesome weapons: force sword,
flamers, sonic shuriken and use them with awesome ability.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (8); High Pain Threshold; Radar; Unfazeable; Hidebound;
Incurious (6-); Low Empathy; No Sense of Humor; Slave Mentality
Skills: Beam Weapons/TL8 (Projector) 16; Force Sword 16; Force Whip 16; Thrown Weapon (Shuriken) 16
Force Sword (16): 8d (5) burn, Reach: 1, 2
Assault Flamer (16): 5d burn, acc. 6, Range 50/150, RoF 1, Shots 28(3), Rcl:1
Sonic Shuriken (16): 1d+1 (3) cut, acc. 1, Range 8/16, RoF 1, Shots T(1) ST:5
Upon first glance, the Wolf-In-Sheep’s-Clothing appears to be a worn tree stump with many of its roots
exposed, and often with a small creature resting upon it. Close examination, however, reveals the truth—that
the Wolf-Insheep’s-Clothing is in fact not a plant, but rather a bizarre aberration that chance or deliberate
machinations have shaped into something alien that camouf lages itself well among the living things of the
forest. Its primary roots are actually powerful, sinewy tentacles, with two smaller, vine-like roots that emerge
from either side of the stumpy body terminating in unblinking eyes that look like f lower buds; these latter
are frequently wrapped around nearby trees or plants to avoid detection. When its prey has been securely
seized, a nearly undetectable slit in the stump’s side opens to reveal a mouth with rows of serrated teeth and a
prehensile tongue.
While the Wolf-In-Sheep’s-Clothing relies on its powerful tentacles to seize and hold its prey, its long tongue
is extremely dexterous, and accomplishes most of the creature’s fine manipulation, including scraping
captured victims against the sharp teeth within the creature’s mouth. The rows of teeth themselves rotate
side to side in alternating directions on ropy pieces of gristle, so that the victim’s flesh and bones are
thoroughly shredded before the meal reaches the creature’s stomach. It absorbs this slurry effortlessly and
quickly; its stomach acid is powerful enough to dissolve organic material in short order, but has no effect on
metals or stone. These items it deposits into a dug-out hollow beneath its body, often changing location when
this hollow becomes full. Yet the most notorious aspect of a Wolf-In-Sheep’s-Clothing is not how it eats, but
how it captures its food in the first place.
Traits: 360° Vision (Easy to Hit); Claws (Blunt Claws); Constriction Attack; Damage Resistance (4) (Semi-
Ablative); Doesn't Breathe; Extra Arms (4); Extra Attack (1); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury
Tolerance (Homogenous); Lifting ST (5); Striking ST (10); Teeth (Fangs); Vibration Sense; Bestial; Cannot
Speak; Hidebound; No Legs (Sessile); Numb
Skills: Brawling 16
The Womb Men are some mothers in reverse: they destroy the life, don't create it. They are 13 feet tall,
muscolar and very strong. They are skilful at using the spear. Their great resilience of the Womb Men allows
them to experience huge amount of damage and use it to become tougher...
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Corrosion Attack (5) (Aura; Melee Attack: Reach C); Damage Resistance (10)
(Absorption (Any trait)); High Pain Threshold; Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction (Extended) (/5)); Warp
(Exoteleport); See Notes; Bad Smell; Bad Temper (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Callous; Easy to Read;
Skills: Brawling 15; Innate Attack (Beam) 15; Power Blow 19; Spear 15
Spear (one-handed) (15): 5d+2 imp, Reach 4
Spear (two-handed) (15): 6d-1 imp, Reach 4, 5
Drawing Ray (15): the Womb Man emits a beam that exoteleports the enemies into its belly, where they melt
away (see below).
Corrosive Placenta: the belly of the Womb Men is full of corrosive liquid that liquefy the victims of these
creatures (it causes 5d of corrosive damage per second). An aggressor is being captured, furthermore, when he
hurls himself against the creature: the belly suddenly opens onto him and swallows. Remains of the victims
are visible into the translucent belly of the monster.
In modern usage, a "wraith" is nothing more than a ghost; however, thè word comes from thè Old Norse
vorthr, which actually means "warder" or "guardian." Thè wraith of modern fantasy is exactly that: an undead
guardian, usually created by magic. This trend originated in thè works of J. R. R. Tolkien, whose Ring-
Wraiths were powerful undead warriors and champions of darkness. Thè wraith as an undead knight has
since become a staple of fantasy gaming, and is thè subject of this discussion.
Thè wraith is one of thè most deadly of thè corporeal undead. Intensely magical and physically powerful, it
cannot be turned by any force short of thè magic that created it. There are tales of wraiths being vulnerable
to light, holy water, silver, etc.; unfortunately, most of these are lies - although fire, magic weapons and spells
are of some use when combatting wraiths. A wraith's only real weakness is that it relies on an enchantment
for its survival, and should thè item carrying this spell be removed or destroyed, thè wraith will perish.
Wraiths have several magical powers, including an aura of palpable fear, a deadly touch and thè ability to
repair their undead bodies by leeching thè life from their foes. Their semi-spectral forms are extremely tough.
They can even become completely ethereal, although they are loath to do so because it means giving up thè
protection of their armor, which often exposes thè magic item that sustains them. Wraiths may have other
magical abilities as well, depending on thè skill and imagination of their creator.
Since thè item that raises a wraith is expensive and requires little-known magical rites, wraiths are rather
uncommon except in thè service of extremely powerful necromancers (who are often liches). Most wraiths
are highly skilled warriors who have been hand-picked from among their peers, and are dangerous foes in
their own right. This combination of skill, supernatural toughness and thè resources of a powerful enchanter
means that thè wraith is one of thè toughest opponents on thè fantasy battlefield.
Wraiths have bodies of semi-spectral flesh through which their blackened bones can be seen. Their facial
features resemble a hideous death mask and their eyes glow with a cold fire. Most wraiths wear full armor
and wield finely made magical weapons. Elaborate helms, cloaks and cowls are often used to enhance thè
wraith's intimidating image while disguising its most hideous features. Many wraiths were knights in life, and
ride upon undead beasts.
Wraiths can be found anywhere their duty takes them. They are often encountered in thè strongholds of thè
rich and evil, usually in thè service of a wizard. Wraiths love battle, and can frequently be found heading up
thè armies of their employers.
Traits: Damage Resistance (4); Doesn't Breathe; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No Blood;
No Brain; No Vitals; Unliving); Magery (6); Magery 0; Night Vision (9); Supernatural Durability (Spells/Magic
Weapons); Temperature Tolerance (10); Unaging; Unfazeable; Weapon Master (Greatsword); Appearance
(Horrific); Bloodlust (12 or less); Callous; Dependency (Wraith Item) (Rare) (Constantly); Disturbing Voice;
Life Bane; Social Stigma (Dead); Supernatural Feature (No Body Heat; Pallor); Unhealing (Can heal with Steal
Vitality) (Partial); Loves battle; Sexless
Skills: Tactics 20; Traps; Two-Handed Sword 22
Spells: Deathtouch 18; Ethereal Body 17; Explosive Fireball (Fixed) 20; Mass Zombie (Fixed) 25; Rotting
Death 18; Steal Vitality 18
Wraith-Sorcerers are undead knight-sorcerers who have reanimated themselves with necromancy and
preserved their ethereal bodies with alchemical elixirs. As a result, they are extremely magical. They are thè
most feared of thè undead. This is in part due to their potent undead form, but mostly because they tend to be
powerful wizards.
Thè usual motivations for becoming a Wraith-Sorcerer are megalomania and an unwillingness to accept
death, although a few sorcerers simply want to be able to study without having to deal with things like eating
and sleeping. Wraith-Sorcerers tend to have thè kinds of attitudes associated with melodramatic dark
overlords and mad scientists in cinema.
While they aren't necessarily evil, organized faiths will likely do their best to portray them that way, since
most gods take a dim view of those who cheat death. Between their image problems and appearance, it's rare
for Wraith-Sorcerers to be well-integrated members of society. Most take their notes, reanimate a few
servants and retreat to a secret hiding place to hatch their plots.
Wraith-Sorcerers are reserved as NPC foes in most fantasy campaigns. They are extremely effective in this
role. First, they are sorcerers who neither sleep nor age, so they have plenty of time to perfect thè most
diabolical spells. Next, they are traditionally served by armies of mindless undead, like mummies, skeletons
and zombies. Finally, since Wraith-Sorcerers tend to retreat from society, most are faced in their lairs, where
they have thè home-ground advantage.
Thè Wraith-Sorcerer spell withers thè body, melting away flesh to avoid decay. Thè end result is a
skinwrapped shadow with glowing pinpoints of reddish or yellowish light for eyes. A Wraith-Sorcerer's body
is enchanted. A mage can sense this on a successful (IQ + Magery) roll, while both Analyze Magic and Aura
will reveal thè Wraith-Sorcerer for what it is. Many Wraith-Sorcerers embed a large Powerstone in their
body, often in thè skull.
To avoid casual harassment by priests and undead hunters, most Wraith-Sorcereres live in labyrinthine tombs
or spooky old castles far from civilization. To keep thè living out, these lairs tend to be kept in utter darkness
and filled with traps, linked spells (see p. M64) and undead guards. Being largely immune to mortal
weaknesses, some Wraith-Sorcereres will even locate their strongholds in Arctic locales, or put them under
water or in vacuum, relying on thè environment to exclude thè living.
A Wraith-Sorcerer isn't bound to its death site, tomb or anything else. While it typically remains in its lair,
this is a matter of choice. It can travel anywhere, even in daylight.
Attribute Modifiers: ST +11; DX +4; IQ +6; HT +6
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Hp +5
Advantages: Boost Innate Attack (Projectile) (10); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (4); Doesn't Breathe;
High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; No Brain; No Vitals;
Unliving); Magery (4); Magery 0; Night Vision (9); Supernatural Durability (Spells/Magic Weapons);
Temperature Tolerance (10); Unaging; Unfazeable; Weapon Master (Great Sword) (one specific weapon)
Disadvantages: Appearance (Horrific); Bloodlust (12 or less); Callous; Dependency (Wraith Item) (Rare)
(Constantly); Disturbing Voice; Social Stigma (Dead); Supernatural Feature (No Body Heat; Pallor); Unhealing
(Can heal with Steal Vitality) (Partial); Loves battle; Sexless
Role: Bosses
Recommended Templates: Killers (Any); Tricksters (Any); Brutes (Any); Casters (Any); Epic Monsters (Any)
Inappropriate Templates: Dire Beasts (Dire Beasts, Giant Beasts); Stalkers (Any);
Wraith-Sorcerer, Greater Elegant Greater Power Strange Killer Ideal Trickster Greater Graceful
Brute Wild Archcaster Epic Mastery Epic Manipulation Monster (Greater Epic Boss)
Traits: Boost Innate Attack (Projectile) (10); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (4); Dark Vision; Doesn't
Breathe; Enhanced Parry (Great Sword) (3); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury
Tolerance (No Blood; No Brain; No Vitals; Unliving); Magery (6); Magery 0; Night Vision (9); Silence (4);
Supernatural Durability (Spells/Magic Weapons); Temperature Tolerance (10); Unaging; Unfazeable; Weapon
Master (Great Sword) (one specific weapon); Wild Talent (Magic Only) (3); Appearance (Horrific); Bad
Temper; Bloodlust (12 or less); Callous; Dependency (Wraith Item) (Rare) (Constantly); Disturbing Voice;
Megalomania; Social Stigma (Dead); Supernatural Feature (No Body Heat; Pallor); Unhealing (Can heal with
Steal Vitality) (Partial); Vulnerability (Fire); Loves battle; Sexless; Icy Touch; Swalloving Void; Madness
Skills: Armoury/TL3 (Body Armor) 22; Brawling 22; Connoisseur (Weapons) 22; Knight! 22; Lance 24;
Leadership 22; Riding (Equines) 22; Power Blow 33; Strategy (Land) 22; Tactics 22; Two-Handed Sword 25
Spells: Acid Ball 25; Acid Jet 25; Create Acid 25; Create Earth 25; Create Water 25; Deathtouch 25; Earth to
Stone 25; Earth Vision 25; Earthquake 25; Ethereal Body 25; Purify Water 25; Rotting Death (Fixed) 25; Seek
Earth 25; Seek Water 25; Shape Earth 25; Shape Water 25; Steal Vitality 25; Steelwraith 25; Volcano 25;
Seemingly unholy blends of cephalopod and human, the yithoghu are composed of psionically solidified
ectoplasm. Whether their bodily forms and integrity arise from their own biology or are the projections of
some inhuman brain somewhere in the Astral Realm remains unknown, although the yithoghu themselves,
staunch materialists, hold the previous theory.
They hunt unwary or weak travelers in the Astral Realm taking them as slaves and as sources of will-force,
upon which they feed. Yithoghu morality does not recognize any beings save the yithoghu themselves as
worthy of consideration, and within yithoghu society it recognizes only force or skill. Their Polished Citadel
lies at the center of their predations, and holds generations of hideously mutated and deformed slaves bred to
produce psionic essences for their masters’ consumption. Yithoghu also seek out magic items to make up for
their racial inability to use magic, and valuable artifacts and secrets for their sages to study. Yithoghu slavers
compete with Atlantean traders for cargo, and parties of yithoghu will attack Atlanteans without warning
Yithoghu, Greater Swift Killers Ideal Trickster Mana Breaker Brute Epic Manipulation Epic
Mastery Monster (Epic Boss)
Traits: Altered Time Rate (maximum 10 seconds); Combat Reflexes; Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink;
Doesn't Sleep; Extra Arms (4) (Extra-Flexible; Short); Extra Attack (2); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to
Metabolic Hazards; Insubstantiality (Always On); Invisibility (Substantial Only); Magic Resistance (15);
Unaging; TK Bullet (Piercing Attack 5d-2 (Based on IQ; Environmental, Pebbles or equivalent; Increased
1/2D * 50, Increased Max * 20; Psychokinesis; Variable)); TK Crush (Crushing Attack 5d (Based on IQ;
Malediction 3; No Signature; Nuisance Effect, Must stare intently and directly at the subject; Psychokinesis;
Variable)); Mental Stab (Fatigue Attack 10 points (Damage cannot exceed margin of victory; Malediction 5;
No Signature; Telepathy) + Toxic Attack 10 points (Damage cannot exceed margin of victory; Malediction 5;
No Signature; Telepathy); Bad Temper; Compulsive Lying; Dependency (Stolen energy; common, daily);
Intolerance; Monstrous Appearance; No Sense of Humor; Reputation -3 (Implacable, sadistic slavers); Sadism;
Self- Centered; Solipsist.
Skills: TK Bullet 17; Flat Edge 17; Rapid Fire 14; Sharp Edge 14; TK Crush 18; Brain Squeeze 13; Throath
Squeeze 14; Mental Stab 16; Brawling 15
TK Bullet (17): 5d-2 crushing. The creature can pick up nearby small rocks and fling them at bullet-like
speeds, all in a single, practiced action. This ability only works if there are small objects nearby, about the size
and shape of a pebble. It takes an Attack maneuver and make a skill roll, with all normal modifiers for a
ranged attack.
TK Crush (18): the creature can crush someone’s internal organs with a steely glare. It rolls a Quick Contest
of skill (minus long-distance modifiers) vs. the subject’s Will. If Yithoghu wins, the subject takes 5d of
damage; DR does not protect against this! It may do less damage if you prefer.
Brain Squeeze (13): this creature can attempt to squeeze someone’s brain, causing convulsions and fits if you
do it enough. It rolls the attack normally, except that it do 2d+2 (with no wounding multiplier), due to the
need for greater precision. Once the target has taken more than HP/2 damage from this attack, whether all at
once or over multiple turns, he goes into a seizure (p. B429) until he is at or above HP/2 again!
Throath Squeeze (14): as for Brain Squeeze, above, but it targets the throat. Enough damage leaves the victim
choking (p. B428) instead of in a seizure. This can easily suffocate a person to death – (the creature don't use
it with caution!).
Mental Stab (16): this creature can thrust the equivalent of a mental knife into the subject’s brain, causing
actual damage. It roll a Quick Contest of skill vs. the subject’s Will. If it succeeds, he takes damage equal to its
margin of victory (maximum 10 points)! It can chooses, when attacking, whether this is temporary (FP) or
long-term (HP) damage. The ability of an Yithoghu decreases any yard of distance by 1.
Tentacles (15): usually, an Yithoghu uses a Brain Squeeze on an enemy, then, when he is in a seizure, it tears
his skull off with its tentacles (3d+2 cutting).
The Ytuty are a people composed by brave tribes in combat each other. The major tribe are composed by a
thousand of individuals. They say that there is a powerful sorcerer that is gathering whole tribes to attack the
human communities
Traits: Acute Vision (2); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (5); Fit; Flight (Winged); High
Pain Threshold; Magery (1); Magery 0; Striking ST (2); Berserk (12 or less); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or
less); Callous; Code of Honor (Soldier's); Duty (the Tribe)
Skills: Armoury/TL3 11; Axe/Mace 14; Polearm 14; Shield (Shield) 14
Traits: Acute Vision (2); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (3); Fit; Flight (Winged); High
Pain Threshold; Magery (1); Magery 0; Striking ST (2); Bloodlust (12 or less); Bully (12 or less); Callous; Code
of Honor (Soldier's); Duty (the Tribe); Easy to Read
Skills: Aerobatics 16; Broadsword 18; Camouflage 11; Fast-Draw (Arrow) 17; Knife 15; Soldier/TL3 10;
Survival (Woodlands) 10; Tracking 10
Traits: Acute Vision (2); Combat Reflexes; Damage Resistance (Tough Skin) (3); Fit; Flight (Winged); High
Pain Threshold; Magery (1); Magery 0; Silence (2); Striking ST (2); Night Vision (3); Bloodlust (12 or less);
Bully (12 or less); Callous; Code of Honor (Soldier's); Cowardice; Duty (the Tribe); Easy to Read
Skills: Aerobatics 16; Bow 18; Camouflage 11; Fast-Draw (Arrow) 17; Knife 16; Poison 18; Soldier/TL3 10;
Stealth 18; Survival (Woodlands) 10; Tracking 10
Yuki onna are Japanese spirits of snow and ice that take the form of beautiful women. They are rarely seen
outside of Japan or other areas with large enclaves of Japanese. They are thought to bring snow, and are
sometimes believed to be the spirit of a person who died in the snow and given a new form.
Yuki onna are particularly malicious, liking to freeze stranded travelers to death or even whole communities
(if it’s strong enough or if the weather is already cold). They can summon blizzards that last at least eight
hours, and make already wintery conditions even worse. They are particularly susceptible to fire attacks,
which work on them much like iron does. This can be used for other spirits of cold and winter, such as some
tales of the Wendigo and Jack Frost.
Traits: Appearance (Very Beautiful/Handsome; Glamour‡, Will-4); Acute Hearing 3; Altered Time Rate
(Maximum duration 10 seconds); Camouflage 10 (Only in snowy conditions); Combat Reflexes; Control
Blizzards 10 (Extended Duration, 30,000¥; Independent; Natural Phenomena; Persistent); Damage Resistance
(40 vs. Cold or Ice); Extended Hearing (Low); Extra Attack (Multi-Strike); Injury Tolerance (Diffuse; Not
against iron or fire attacks); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Jumper (Spirit; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP; Limited
Access, Faerie; Special Movement, Must be able to walk; Special Portal, Any reflective surface; Tunnel, Takes
Extra Time 5); Night Vision (3); Silence 10 (Only on snow or ice); Temperature Tolerance 34 (-460° F to 71°
F); Terrain Adaptation (Ice or Snow); Ultrahearing; Voice (Glamour‡, Will-4); Bad Temper; Cowardice;
Dislikes Loud Noises; Divine Curse (Can be driven off by using your True Name); Divine Curse (Cannot harm
anyone who invokes your True Name); Divine Curse (Keep to the letter of any promise); Dread (Iron; Can be
trapped only; Insensitive); Intolerance (Religious or holy people and places); Odious Personal Habit
(Capricious); Vulnerability (Iron¥2); Vulnerability (Fire¥2)
Skills: Brawling 17; Innate Attack (Breath) 17; Stealth 17; Tactics 20; Traps 20; Urban Survival (Arctic) 20
Freezing Touch (17): 3d+1 fatigue. This attack freezes the target’s flesh causing near-instant hypothermia. It
completely ignores all DR, and FP lost to it can only be regained through rest and being near a heat source
Icy Breath (17): 5-yard-wide ¥ 20-yard-long cone of frost does 3d crushing without blunt trauma or
knockback + roll vs. HT at -1 per 2 points of penetrating damage or frozen (paralyzed) for (20 - HT) minutes,
minimum 1 minute
Punch (17): 1d-1 cr; Reach C