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1. Answer the following questions:
1. General etiquette involves rules for polite behavior in social or personal settings, often tied to cultural norms, which help people interact respectfully and avoid offending others. For example, saying “please” and “thank you,” maintaining good personal hygiene, and respecting others' personal space are common aspects of general etiquette. Business etiquette, on the other hand, focuses on professional behavior in a work or corporate environment. It includes rules that help establish trust, show respect, and maintain professionalism. Examples include dressing appropriately, being punctual, maintaining a polite tone in emails, and following hierarchy protocols. Business etiquette can vary significantly across different countries and industries. 2. In Japan, blowing your nose in public is considered rude. In Thailand, pointing your foot at someone or showing the soles of your feet is impolite. In Russia, it is considered bad manners to leave food on your plate as it may offend the host. 3. Yes, knowing international etiquette is important for a businessman because it helps to build trust, show respect, avoid misunderstandings, and create positive relationships with clients and partners from different cultural backgrounds. 4. The United States is often seen as a key trendsetter in global economic and business practices due to its large economy, influence in finance, and innovation. 5. To succeed as a businessman, it’s essential to understand cultural differences, follow local etiquette, and communicate respectfully and clearly. Being open to learning, adaptable to different customs, and prepared to observe appropriate behavior in social and professional settings are also crucial for building successful international relationships. 6. Knowledge of international etiquette means understanding the appropriate ways to behave socially and professionally in various countries, including customs, greetings, and respectful behavior, which helps in interacting effectively with people from diverse cultures. 7. Common greetings include handshakes, bows (especially in Japan), cheek kisses (in parts of Europe and the Middle East), and verbal greetings. Each culture has its own way of greeting based on respect and familiarity. 8. Useful habits include respecting personal space, using the right hand for gestures or giving items (especially in the Middle East), keeping a polite tone, maintaining good eye contact, and learning to use or avoid certain gestures in specific countries. 9. Shaking hands is customary in many countries, including the United States, most European countries, and parts of Asia. However, in some cultures, only the right hand should be used for handshakes. 10. Understanding and respecting cultural differences, practicing proper international etiquette, showing appreciation for others' customs, and building trust can all make business relationships stronger and longer-lasting. 2. Give the English equivalents of the following phrases: Дуже бажано -highly desirable, правила поведінки – rules of behavio, належним чином – properly, ставити себе в дурне становище – put oneself in an awkward position, мати успіх – be successful, критикувати інших – criticize others, публічно виступати – speak publicly, покривати голову – cover one’s head, особливо обережний – especially careful, схрещувати ноги – cross one’s legs, цілувати один одного в щоки – kiss each other on the cheeks, міжнародний етикет – international etiquette, працювати за кордоном – work abroad, довготривалі відносини – long-lasting relationships 3. Discuss if these statements are true about customs in your country. Yes No It depends Students use teachers’ names in class. + + Colleagues generally use family names at + work. People prefer to keep their work and + + private life separate. Businesspeople usually exchange + business cards at a first meeting. It is important to be punctual. +
Fill in the correct preposition:
1. They want to set up their own import-export business. 2. Clear guidelines have been set down for teachers. 3. How do senior managers set about making these decisions? 4. He set forth an idealistic view of society. 5. I will set off early to avoid the traffic. 6. Environmental experts said the move would set back further research. 7. If we all set to, we will finish the job in half an hour. 8. The band are setting up on a European tour in March.