1.0. Introduction
Food microbiology evolved as tools and techniques revealed problems and solutions. When
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek first observed ‘animalcules’ in 1676 with his microscope it was a tool
that revealed there was microscopic life around us. When Louis Pasteur demonstrated that
fermentation was caused by yeasts, not spontaneous germination, and later that heat could
inactivate microbes, he was building on the work of earlier scientists, such as Girolamo
Fracastoro, Agostino Bassi, Friedrich Henle, and others. But, Pasteur understood the mechanism
that heat killed bacteria and publicized it. Similarly, Robert Koch built on the work of others,
developed a cadre of microbiologists, and provided tools for future food microbiologists. Before
Pasteur and Koch, people had practical knowledge about food spoilage and fermentations from
experience. Brewers and bread makers knew that successful ferments could be transferred to new
batches. The effect of heat on spoilage was known years before Nicholas Apert won his 12 000
Franc prize, but he developed a reliable method for food preservation. Centuries prior, humans
had discovered that salting or drying would prevent food spoilage; however, food
microbiologists began understanding the mechanisms of how these methods worked and
developed more successful and reliable methods. An array of microorganisms has long been
known to be of major importance in the food industries, from public health perspectives as well
as for the biotechnological applications. Despite the ongoing development in the serological and
molecular methods in food protection consideration over the traditional cultural methodology,
the assurance of food safety and quality is still an essential issue as well as has appeared as a
major confront at present time urging more effective microbial controls along the food
production chain. Indeed, foods are usually prone to microbial attack (mostly by Salmonella
spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia strains including the Shiga toxin-producing E. coli-
mostly the O157 serogroups, Listeria monocytogenes, Vibrio spp., Clostridium botulinum,
Bacillus cereus, Penicillium expansum, Alicyclobacillus. Due to foodborne hazards, public
health concerns have been projected due to several foodborne pathogenic microorganisms mostly
the toxigenic Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., and Campylobacter spp., non-
typhoidal Salmonella enterica (NTS), Listeria spp., Yersinia spp., and Staphylococcus aureus
Guerra MM, de Almeida AM, Willingham AL. Conventional microbial control technologies
(replying on chemical exposure, application of radiation, and thermal approaches) have been
noticed to pose some major drawbacks like the degradation of quality and texture of the food
items; high energy cost; wastage of foods; occupational and health hazards Eleftheriadou M,
Shen C.
Therefore, the chemical-free approaches rise with its popularity among the consumers and hence
pondering to develop novel, more efficient, sustainable, and low-cost anti-microbial methods
Newell DG, Koopmans M. The availability of safe food items is probably the most important
global issue as well as it is challenging for the corresponding food authorities and the food
industries Pyrgiotakis G. The frequency and the dreadful impact of the foodborne disease are
globally fatal with significant morbidity. Progression in food safety research around the globe is
projecting the total knowledge of the foodborne microorganisms as well as the associated disease
onset. Besides the wet-lab experiments, the construction of food safety based databases has
drawn a huge improvement in the field of food microbiology. The present review attempted to
concentrate on the ongoing application and necessity of involving the advanced approaches
currently employed globally.
2.0. Literature review
We have reviewed key literature, in particular documents related to the proposal that include the
evidence used in the 2008 impact assessment and evidence published since this date, to provide a
more up to date assessment. Where relevant, peer-reviewed scientific journals have also been
analysed. It is important to highlight here that very little scientific literature has been published
on the subject of Novel Foods since 2008.
Other sources included position papers from the food industry to illustrate the views of industry
stakeholders on the proposed changes to the Novel Food Regulations. Some of these position
papers were published after 2008, but make reference to the previous Commission proposal of 14
January 2008. These position papers were useful in informing our research when the points
under discussion related to certain provisions which are still present in the 2013 proposal.
Finally, in carrying out the interview programme (see below), we also used the content of some
of these position papers as a basis for engaging in discussions with the associations who had
published them, as well as for substantiating the information gathered during the interviews.
2.1. Interview programme
In order to accurately assess the impact of the proposals on relevant stakeholders, including
applicants, consumers and public authorities, a number of representative consultations were
carried out.
Table 1 lists the types of organisations consulted. The study team consulted a mix of stakeholder
types to get the broadest possible view on the impacts of the proposed regulation. These included
both public and private stakeholders to get the views of regulators, authorities, consumers and
applicants who will be affected by the Regulation. Within the time frame available for this
assessment it was not practical to interview all Member States’ competent authorities. As such,
the Member States initially targeted, were those who have the most experience in dealing with
applications under the current system. For the industry member bodies interviewed, this included
large organisations and SMEs (one-member body had 22% of its industry members being SMEs,
two in which SME membership was 70-80%, and one in which SME membership was over
90%). The European umbrella organisation for consumer associations (BEUC) was interviewed
and one of its member associations also provided additional feedback.
Table 2.1: Organisations interviewed
Type of interviewee No. of
Member state competent authorities currently responsible for Novel Food 6
EU body responsible for risk assessment under the new proposals (EFSA) 1
EU Membership bodies representing applicants in different food sectors 3
European and national consumer associations 2
Representative from a third country 1
Relevant EU Commission DGs 2
Total 15
The interview checklist we used was structured around the key issues outlined in the European
Parliament’s terms of reference for the assignment. The checklist was sent to respondents prior
to interview so they could prepare. A copy of the interview checklist is provided in Appendix B.
The interviews were conducted by telephone in a semistructured manner in order to elicit the
greatest amount of detail from respondents. Each interview typically lasted between 60-90
2.2. Reporting
The findings from the assessment have been written up in way that reflects the principles in the
European Commission's Impact Assessment Guidelines of 2009. The analysis consisted of
presenting all evidence gathered from literature and interviews with organisations under each of
the five key research questions outlined above. The viewpoints of different organisations
interviewed (consumers, industry and regulatory) were summarized for each research question
and a conclusion reached on the impact of the proposal for a new Regulation on novel foods.
Recommendations were based on the conclusions reached in each section and aimed to outline
further actions which might be needed on the proposal to address the concerns identified.
2.3. Novel Foods & the 2008 Impact Assessment
Novel Foods – as defined in Article 1 of Regulation (EC) 258/97 – are foods which were not
consumed in the EU to a significant degree before 15 May 1997, i.e. before Regulation (EC)
258/97 entered into force. This is in particular relation to food produced using new techniques
and technologies, such as nanomaterials. Currently, foods falling under the scope of Regulation
(EC) 258/97 are subject to pre-market approval, based on a safety assessment. In other words, to
market a Novel Food or ingredient, companies must apply to an EU Member State authority for
authorisation, presenting the scientific information and safety assessment report.
Under the existing assessment procedure, the competent body of the Member State which
receives an application, must make an initial assessment and determine whether or not an
additional assessment is required. If neither the Commission nor the Member States raise an
objection, and if no additional assessment is required, the Member State informs the applicant
that they may place the product on the market. In other cases an authorisation decision is
required. This decision is adopted in accordance with the measures proposed by the Commission
within the Committee on Food Safety and Animal Health. The decision defines the scope of the
authorisation and specifies, as appropriate, the conditions of use, the designation of the food or
food ingredient, its specification and the specific labelling requirements. Finally, any decision or
provision concerning a Novel Food or food ingredient which is likely to have an effect on public
health must be referred to the Scientific Committee for Food. The safety assessment and product
authorisation procedure for Novel Foods is currently described as very lengthy, by both the food
industry and relevant Member State authorities. The decentralised procedure (i.e. on a Member
State basis) duplicates the work and often generates unnecessary delays in the authorisation
A first proposal streamlining the approval process of the 1997 Novel Food Regulation was issued
by the Commission on 14 January 2008. Inter-institutional negotiations on the content of this
proposal started in 2009. The legislative discussions on that proposal mainly focused on the
provisions applicable to nanomaterials and traditional foods from third countries, but also the
cloning of animals for food production. Further discussions concentrated on the criteria to be
examined for the risk assessment and risk management, and the procedure for the authorisation
of Novel Foods in accordance with the Lisbon Treaty.
However, the discussions reached a stalemate on a number of issues. More specifically, no
agreement could be reached between the Council and the European Parliament on any of the
issues linked to cloning. The Conciliation Committee did not reach a final agreement at its last
meeting on 28 March 2011, and the proposal was not therefore adopted. Following this failure,
the Commission undertook to present a separate proposal on cloning based on an impact
Thus, the proposal of December 2013 on Novel Foods (the ‘2013 proposal’) is limited to the
safety of Novel Foods and is said, by the Commission, to be based on the overall agreement,
which had been achieved in Conciliation in that area. It aims to streamline the authorisation
procedure and to improve its efficiency and transparency, whilst maintaining a high level of
public health protection. Under the proposed Regulation, Novel Food would be subject to a
simpler, clearer and more efficient authorisation procedure, fully centralised at EU level, which
should enable safe and innovative food to be placed on the EU market faster, without
compromising a high level of public health.
The proposal also clarifies the definition of a Novel Food, including new technologies which
have an impact on food, by replacing existing categories of Novel Food laid down in Article 1 of
Regulation (EC) No 258/97, with reference to the general definition of food provided for in
Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002. Special provisions are also made for food which has
not been marketed in the EU, but which has a history of safe use in non-EU countries. The aim
here is to create a more balanced system and a positive environment for trade.
Protecting and stimulating innovation, so as to improve the competitiveness of the European
food industry, is also a feature of the proposal. Under the new approval system put forward in the
proposal, in case of innovation supported by new scientific developments, the food company
which submitted the application may be given the authorisation to market the food for five years
before it can be produced and marketed by others.
2.4. Key points in the 2008 Impact Assessment
The Impact Assessment published by the Commission in 2008 presented four key measures that
were identified during the consultations as having a major impact, and in this regard,
recommended four key policy actions intended to amend and replace provisions already covered
under Regulation (EC) No. 258/97. These are presented below:
Policy Action 1: Adjusted safety assessment and management for traditional food from third
Current problems: at present, uniform criteria apply for the safety assessment of all kinds of
food, including traditional food from third countries and newly developed innovative food.
However, the strictness of the requirements is not always proportional to the potential risks,
which mean that the costs of application, could in turn be considered disproportionate. This is
perceived, for example, by third countries as unjustified barriers to trade in their traditional food
with a history of use.
Conclusions: for traditional food from third countries, a procedure setting out essential criteria
and guidelines, that would allow food, with a history of safe food use, to be subject to an
adjusted safety assessment and management procedure, should be introduced.
Policy Action 2: Safety assessment and authorisation procedure
Current problems: at present the initial risk assessment is carried out by a Member State’s
competent assessment body within three months of receiving the application. The initial
assessment report is circulated to the other Member States. If no objections are presented within
the 60 days' commenting period, the Member State’s competent authority informs the applicant
that it may place the Novel Food product in question on the market. An application is only
assessed and authorised at EU level if member state objections have been raised. In practice, this
is generally what has happened. So the system has proved to be time-consuming and has
imposed a high administrative burden, as applications are assessed twice.
Conclusions: the decentralised procedure should be replaced by a centralised procedure at EU
level. The safety assessment should be carried out by EFSA, and the authorisation decision taken
by comitology procedure, combined with time limits to be respected.
Policy action 3: Authorisation decision
Current problems: at present the authorisation decision is linked to the applicant, thus only
initially allowing this applicant to market the Novel Food in the EU, and making it necessary to
have an additional administrative notification procedure (simplified procedure). This allows food
to be marketed in the EU which is substantially equivalent to food already authorised in the EU.
This system is held in high regard by industry, but causes duplication of work for food that has
already been authorised and is regarded as safe.
Conclusions: the applicant-linked authorisation needs to be replaced and the present simplified
procedure abolished by granting generic authorisations as a general rule. In order to support
innovation and to ensure food safety, consideration could be given, in justified cases, to an
applicant-linked authorisation for a newly developed food for a certain period of time. Data
protection could be a further consideration.
Policy action 4: Submission of application for several food uses
Current Problems: at present separate applications need to be made within the respective legal
frameworks for a substance with different food uses (e.g. additives, flavourings, extraction
solvents or Novel Foods). The regulation, assessment and authorisation of one and the same
substance under different sectoral legislation leads to repetitive work and an additional
administrative burden. Industry is also seeking the simplest possible regulatory framework.
Conclusions: the present system should be simplified and applicants should be able to apply for
an approval by a single application covering Novel Food and food uses regulated under various
regulatory frameworks.
In addition, the Commission Impact Assessment of 2008 explored possibilities for bringing the
revised Novel Foods Regulation into line with other EU food safety policies.
Amongst the possibilities that were explored were the following:
• Making use of the food definition in the General Food Law and abandoning the
categories of describing foods;
• Setting out definitions or criteria for significant human consumption as food, traditional
food from third countries and history of safe use;
• Defining the role of EFSA and introducing deadlines for its opinions;
• Updating and formulating provisions on confidentiality and data protection;
• Creating a register of Novel Foods.
The findings of the 2008 Impact Assessment served as the basis for the Commission’s proposal
of 18 December 2013 for a Novel Food Regulation.
2.5. Developments since 2008
As discussed previously, very little research relating to the EU Novel Foods Regulation has been
published since 2008. A number of position papers were published after 2008, but these relate to
the previous proposal of January 2008. Most of these position papers were thus published prior
to the failure of the Conciliation procedure in March 2011.
EFSA and the Member State authorities interviewed reported that no change has been observed
since 2008 as regards the volume of Novel Food applications submitted. Similarly, the
Commission has not observed any particular changes since 2008 in terms of Member States'
voting patterns in the context of the decentralised system and whether, as a consequence, the
decentralised system has become even more burdensome since 2008.
As mentioned earlier, the failure of the conciliation procedure in March 2011 was mainly due to
disagreements over food produced from cloning. As such, cloning has been excluded from the
scope of the 2013 proposal. The second major disagreement was over the notion of ‘delegated
acts’ for the procedure of authorisation of Novel Foods. Delegated acts allow the European
Parliament and Council to delegate, to the European Commission, the power to adopt non-
legislative acts of general application and to supplement or amend non-essential regulatory
requirements. In this case, the Council would not agree to delegated acts in relation to the
authorisation procedure, as it may mean that Member States national experts are unable to vote
on the authorisation of particular Novel Foods.
Delegated acts can be vetoed by either the European Parliament or the Council. In this regard, it
is worth pointing out that in February 2014 the European Parliament rejected the Commission’s
proposal for a delegated act amending the definition of nanomaterials contained in Regulation
1169/2011 on the Provision of Food Information to Consumers, as its views were that this could
lead to existing nano-materials not being labelled.
In summary, very little research has been published on the topic of novel foods and no changes
to the volume of applications or Member States’ voting patterns have been reported since 2008.
Since the failure of the Conciliation procedure in March 2011, the use of Delegated Acts by the
Commission, as a legal instrument, has remained a rather sensitive issue for both the European
Parliament and the Council. This particular issue is likely to be further debated in inter-
institutional negotiations on the 2013 Novel Foods proposal.
2.6. Disrupting the Quorum Sensing (QS) pathway: A metabolic
Food spoilage takes place principally due to cell-to-cell communication among the foodborne
pathogens, a phenomenon known as quorum sensing (QS) Skandamis PN, Nychas GJ. Quorum
sensing in the context of food microbiology. Several studies pondered the bacterial QS system to
be strongly linked to the biofilm formation followed by foodborne disease onset Skandamis PN,
Stopforth JD, Ashton LV, et al. Escherichia coli O157:H7 survival, biofilm formation and acid
tolerance under simulated slaughter plant moist and dry conditions. A number of QS signaling
compounds have been reported to be present in different food items in the association of the
dominance of Pseudomonas spp., enteric bacteria, and Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). Thus, the
information on the QS system would aid in developing approaches for disrupting such cell-to-
cell communication systems; and hence preventing the spoilage network possible through
controlling the expression of the genes encoding the virulence factors required to disseminate the
foodborne diseases within hosts as shown in FIG. 1. For cell-to-cell communication with the
concomitant virulence factor production, bacterial cells have been reported to employ several
classes of signaling molecules namely the N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs, also called
autoinducer-1 or AI-1, produced by Gram-negative bacteria), a furanosyl borate diester (a
universal signal for interspecies and intraspecies communications), also known as autoinducer-2
(produced by both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria), the autoinducer-3 (AI-3, serving
as the QS signal for enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli), the autoinducing peptides (AIPs),
produced by Gram-positive bacteria, and the 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4-quinolone (PQS) in
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Development of the Quorum-sensing inhibitors (QSIs) in order to
target and block the synthesis of the cell signaling molecules would also be helpful to prevent the
biofilm-forming food spoilage bacteria as evident from Bacillus spp., Enterococcus spp.,
Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Streptomyces spp., and Rhizobium spp. QSIs can be
regarded of significant values in terms of food safety through their capacity to regulate virulence
factors of pathogens with the biofilm formation traits (FIG. 1). This approach is well known to
identify the virulent microorganisms especially within the meat (isolation of Enterobacteriaceae
strains, Aeromonas hydrophila, Yersinia enterocolitica, Pseudomonas fragi, E. coli O157:H7,
Lactic acid bacteria) and vegetable products (isolation of Enterobacteriaceae strains,
Pseudomonads, and Vibrionaceae strains, Yersinia enterocolitica, E. coli O157:H7).
industrial food item production accompanied by the microbial culture improvement and the
bioprocess (fermentation) optimization in order to achieve safe food products. The integration of
genome-scale model (GEM, where the comprehensive information is available) and CBM
together with the omics data analysis (through the relevant databases) further ponders to the
global qualitative and quantitative microbial metabolic traits within a given environment (i.e., in
a chemostat or in an industrial fermenter) to achieve high-quality products.
Knowledge and Applications of Genomics in Food Safety: The Database Approach
As shown in FIG. 2, the whole genome sequencing (WGS) to provide detailed characterization
of foodborne pathogens (as evident from Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli, Listeria spp.,
Campylobacter spp. and Vibrio spp.), and the applications of shotgun metagenomics for their
taxonomic profiling and the possible drug-resistance traits have emerged as novel approaches in
the field of food safety. The genetic make-up of diverse pathogens causing foodborne illness will
doubt go a long way to resolve the public health issue related to food-related problems. Such a
genomic approach is expected to function as the foodborne disease outbreak detection,
identifying the reason for food contamination, accumulating all the virulence traits, etc. Thus the
new technologies and tools in genomics and metagenomics, and obviously about bioinformatics
in food microbiology would be a great impact to ensure food safety as well as maintaining public
health sustainability.
3.0. Food safety management: preventive strategies and control of
pathogenic microorganisms in food
In current times, food security has emerged as one of the major global concerns, driven by the
growing awareness of the health risks associated with consuming foods contaminated by
pathogenic microorganisms Vågsholm I 2020. The presence of these microorganisms in food
poses a significant threat to public health, as it can result in foodborne illnesses with serious
consequences for individuals and communities Bhunia AK 2018. Given this scenario, the
implementation of preventive and control strategies becomes vital to ensure the quality and
safety of food products, safeguarding the health and well-being of the population.
This review article proposes a comprehensive approach to food safety management, highlighting
its significance as a preventive and control strategy against pathogenic microorganisms in food.
A profound understanding of these aspects becomes essential, as improper handling, inadequate
processing, and incorrect storage of food can facilitate the proliferation of these harmful agents.
In this context, it is crucial to adopt rigorous measures throughout the entire food chain, from
production to consumption, in order to mitigate risks and ensure food safety.
This article examines the key pathogenic microorganisms that can contaminate food, focusing on
bacteria, fungi, parasites and virus that are often associated with outbreaks of foodborne diseases
Braz J Dev. 2021. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of utilizing advanced techniques
for microbiological identification, such as Real-Time PCR, Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS),
and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, to ensure early and accurate detection of these pathogens.
The environmental and intrinsic factors affecting microbial growth in food are also explored in
this study. Elements such as temperature, pH, water activity, and additives are analyzed in detail,
as they play a crucial role in inhibiting the proliferation of these pathogenic microorganisms
Peleg M. Furthermore, the article underscores the importance of applying quality management
systems, such as the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system, as an
effective approach to identify and control risks throughout the food chain.
The collaboration among various stakeholders, including regulatory bodies and international
entities, is presented as a fundamental component in promoting global food safety. The synergy
between different sectors and shared responsibility emerge as indispensable pillars to ensure that
the food offered to consumers is safe and healthy.
Finally, consumer education is highlighted as a crucial element for the success of food safety
strategies. Consumer awareness of safe food handling and storage practices plays a vital role in
preventing foodborne illnesses and promoting healthy eating habits.
In the current context, where food safety is a complex global issue, this scientific article provides
a comprehensive and detailed analysis of food safety management as a preventive and control
strategy against pathogenic microorganisms in food. By understanding and applying the
measures and knowledge presented in this study, society will be better equipped to address the
inherent challenges of food safety, ensuring a continuous supply of safe and high-quality food
for human consumption.
These pathogenic microorganisms can proliferate in food due to improper handling, preparation,
storage, and cooking practices. Ingesting food contaminated with these bacteria can lead to
gastrointestinal illnesses, ranging in severity from mild symptoms to potentially fatal conditions.
One of the most well-known bacteria causing food poisoning is Salmonella. It is often associated
with animal-derived foods such as raw or undercooked meat, eggs, and unpasteurized dairy
products. Salmonella contamination occurs during the production, processing, or inadequate
preparation of these foods. When ingested, Salmonella can cause symptoms such as diarrhea,
nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fever. In severe cases, Salmonella infection can spread
to the bloodstream and lead to more serious complications.
Another concerning bacterium is Escherichia coli. Some strains of E. coli, such as E. coli
O157:H7, are notorious for causing severe illnesses. This bacterium is often linked to raw or
undercooked meat as well as unpasteurized dairy products. E. coli infection can result in
symptoms similar to those of Salmonella, but in some cases, it can lead to more serious
complications like kidney failure.
The Campylobacter bacterium is another common cause of foodborne infections. It is often
found in raw or undercooked poultry, such as chicken. Ingesting food contaminated with
Campylobacter can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, abdominal cramps,
and fever.
Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium that can be found in processed foods such as soft cheeses,
deli meats, and ready-to-eat vegetables. It is particularly dangerous for vulnerable groups such as
pregnant women, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems. Listeria infection can
lead to symptoms like fever, muscle aches, nausea, and diarrhea. In severe cases, it can cause
neurological complications.
Clostridium perfringens is widely found in soil, water, and the intestinal tracts of animals and
humans. It is often associated with ready-to-eat foods such as cooked meats, stews, and sauces.
Food poisoning caused by C. perfringens occurs when prepared foods are kept at room
temperature for an extended period, allowing the bacteria to multiply and release toxins into the
food. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea.
Additionally, Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that produces toxins that cause food
poisoning. Contamination occurs due to improper handling of food, such as leaving it at room
temperature for too long. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. Vibrio
cholerae, the bacterium responsible for cholera, has also been considered. This infection is
primarily transmitted through the consumption of water and food contaminated with infected
human feces, posing a common concern in areas with limited access to clean water and basic
In addition to the mentioned bacteria, fungi can also cause foodborne illnesses. Fungi are
eukaryotic organisms belonging to the kingdom Fungi. They are distinct from plants, animals,
and bacteria, forming a diverse group of living beings. Fungi are characterized by their cells with
a defined nucleus, a cell wall primarily composed of chitin, and a lack of chlorophyll, the green
pigment responsible for photosynthesis in plants.
Fungi play an essential role in nature, acting as decomposers, breaking down dead organic matter
and recycling nutrients in the environment. They can also establish symbiotic associations with
other life forms, such as mycorrhizae, which benefit both fungi and plants by enhancing nutrient
absorption. Although the majority of them are beneficial, some fungi can produce toxic
substances known as mycotoxins during their growth and development in food. These
mycotoxins can be harmful to human and animal health, causing acute or chronic poisoning and
even being carcinogenic. Several mycotoxins are of particular interest in food. Among them,
aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, fumonisins, deoxynivalenol (DON) or vomitoxin, and zearalenone are
Aflatoxins are primarily produced by fungi of the genus Aspergillus, notably A. flavus and A.
parasiticus. These mycotoxins are often found in agricultural commodities such as peanuts, corn,
grains, and seeds, especially under inadequate storage conditions, high humidity, and elevated
temperatures. Aflatoxins are highly toxic and carcinogenic, posing a serious risk to human and
animal health. Ochratoxin A is another concerning mycotoxin, produced by some species of
fungi, including Aspergillus and Penicillium. It can be found in various foods like grains, coffee,
grapes, and meat products. Ochratoxin A has the ability to accumulate in the body, primarily in
the kidneys, and is known to cause renal damage, besides being classified as potentially
Fumonisins, primarily produced by fungi of the genus Fusarium, are commonly found in corn
and its derivatives. These mycotoxins have been associated with diseases in livestock such as
horses and can cause neurological problems and even death in severe cases. Although their effect
on humans is not as well established, there are concerns regarding potential health risks.
Deoxynivalenol (DON), also known as vomitoxin, is another mycotoxin produced by Fusarium
fungi, such as F. graminearum and F. culmorum. This mycotoxin is often found in cereals,
especially wheat, barley, and corn. Exposure to DON can cause gastrointestinal problems like
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, in both humans and animals.
Zearalenone is another mycotoxin produced by Fusarium fungi. It can be found in cereals and
cerealbased products. Zearalenone is known for its ability to mimic the estrogen hormone and
can cause reproductive system issues in animals, negatively affecting production and
reproductive health. The consequences of mycotoxin contamination in food are severe. They can
cause organ damage, such as to the liver and kidneys, and negatively impact the nervous and
immune systems. Some mycotoxins also exhibit estrogenic effects, affecting the reproductive
system of animals and potentially causing hormonal imbalances in humans.
Parasites present yet another class of microorganisms that demand attention. Parasites are
organisms that rely on other living hosts to sustain themselves, often at the expense of the host's
well-being. In the context of foodborne illnesses, the ingestion of contaminated food can
introduce parasites into the human body, leading to a range of health complications. Parasites
encompass a diverse range of organisms, including protozoa and helminths, more commonly
known as worms. These organisms find their way into the food chain through various avenues,
such as mishandling, improper cooking, or even contaminated water sources. Once ingested,
parasites can establish themselves within the host's gastrointestinal tract or other organs,
potentially triggering gastrointestinal, hepatic, and even neurological disorders. Several parasites
stand out due to their impact on food safety and public health. Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan
parasite, can be transmitted through the consumption of undercooked or raw meat from infected
animals, particularly pork, lamb, and game meats. It can also spread through contact with
contaminated soil, water, and vegetables. Toxoplasma infection can lead to flu-like symptoms,
posing a particular risk to pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems.
Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia duodenalis, both protozoan parasites, often find their way
into the human body via contaminated water sources. However, they can also hitch a ride
through contaminated food, such as fresh produce irrigated or washed with tainted water.
Ingesting food or water housing these parasites can lead to gastrointestinal distress, including
diarrhea and abdominal cramps, with more severe consequences for those with compromised
immune systems.
Trichinella spp, parasitic worms, can lurk in undercooked or raw meat from infected animals,
particularly pork and game meats. Infection occurs through the consumption of larvae, which
then mature in the host's muscles. The result can be muscle pain, fever, and inflammation, with
severe cases potentially causing myocarditis and encephalitis.
Tapeworms, such as Taenia solium and T. saginata, are also consired significant. These parasites
are contracted through the consumption of undercooked or raw beef or pork, respectively. After
ingestion, the larvae develop into adult tapeworms in the human intestines, leading to symptoms
like abdominal discomfort, weight loss, and nausea. T. solium infection can even result in
neurocysticercosis, a severe condition affecting the central nervous system.
Distinct from other microorganisms, viruses consist of genetic material enclosed within a protein
coat. Lacking the cellular structure of living organisms, viruses rely on host cells for replication
and survival. Viral contamination of food can occur through various routes, including poor
sanitation practices, improper handling, and contact with infected food handlers. Several
prominent foodborne viruses merit close attention due to their potential impact on public health:
Norovirus stands as a leading culprit behind foodborne illnesses. Often associated with
contaminated food, water, and person-to-person transmission, norovirus ingestion can trigger
rapid and severe symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Notably,
outbreaks of norovirus can escalate quickly in crowded environments such as cruise ships and
institutional settings.
The hepatitis A virus (HAV) primarily gains entry through the consumption of contaminated
water and food, particularly shellfish and produce. HAV infection manifests as acute hepatitis,
marked by symptoms such as jaundice, fatigue, and abdominal discomfort [80]. Although most
individuals recover fully, certain populations, such as older adults and those with preexisting
liver conditions, can experience more severe illness.
Rotavirus is a leading cause of severe diarrhea and dehydration in infants and young children.
While most infections are associated with person-to-person transmission, contaminated food can
also contribute to the spread of this virus. Rotavirus symptoms can range from mild to severe,
potentially leading to hospitalization in vulnerable populations.
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is transmitted primarily through the consumption of contaminated water
and undercooked meat, particularly pork and game meats. HEV infection can lead to acute
hepatitis, causing symptoms similar to other forms of hepatitis, such as jaundice and malaise. In
certain regions, chronic HEV infection can pose significant risks, especially for pregnant women.
Sapovirus, like norovirus, is associated with gastroenteritis and often spreads through
contaminated food and water. Symptoms of sapovirus infection include vomiting, diarrhea, and
stomach cramps. While sapovirus infections are generally self-limiting, they can cause more
severe illness in vulnerable individuals.
Food contamination arises from a multitude of sources, resulting in the introduction of harmful
substances or pathogens that undermine the safety and quality of food products [87-89]. A
comprehensive understanding of these sources is essential for the implementation of effective
food safety measures. Pathogenic microorganisms, encompassing bacteria, fungi, parasites, and
viruses, can infiltrate food during various stages of production, processing, handling, and storage
(Table 2). For this reason, efficient food safety management is a shared responsibility among
producers, industry, distributors, retailers, and regulatory authorities.
Table 3.2. Sources of foodborne pathogenic contamination and descriptions.
Contamination Source Description
Contamination can originate from raw materials used in food production, such as
Raw Ingredients
contaminated soil or water for crops and livestock.
Transfer of pathogens from one food to another, usually through shared utensils, cutting
boards, or hands during food preparation.
Poor hygiene practices by food handlers, such as inadequate handwashing, can introduce
Improper Handling
pathogens into the food.
Insufficient cooking temperatures or inadequate cooking times may leave harmful
Inadequate Cooking
microorganisms alive in the food.
Equipment used in food processing, packaging, or storage can harbor pathogens if not
Contaminated Equipment
cleaned and sanitized properly.
Contaminated water used for washing produce, diluting beverages, or making ice can
Water and Ice
introduce pathogens to the food.
Inadequate temperature control during storage can lead to the growth of harmful
Poor Storage Conditions
Pests Insects, rodents, and other pests can carry and transmit pathogens to food products.
Environmental Factors Airborne contamination, dust, and pollution can introduce pathogens into food during
processing or handling.
Contaminated food preparation surfaces, storage areas, and facilities can contribute to
Unsanitary Facilities
microbial growth.
Inadequate Packaging Improperly sealed or damaged packaging can allow contaminants to enter the food.
During transportation, food can be exposed to unsanitary conditions, leading to
Improper Transportation
Thawing food at room temperature can allow bacteria to multiply, leading to
Improper Thawing
Inadequate Supplier
Contaminated ingredients from suppliers can introduce pathogens to the final product.
One of the key aspects to be considered is hygiene in production. In the field, it's essential to
good agricultural practices that minimize the presence of contaminants in food [90]. This
includes the responsible use of pesticides, proper pest and disease control, ensuring the personal
hygiene of workers involved in production, and protecting planting areas against potential
external contaminations. In food processing industries, it's crucial to follow good manufacturing
practices (GMP). These guidelines encompass various aspects, such as strict equipment and
facility hygiene, precise control of temperature and processing time, proper training of
employees for safe food handling, and product traceability, which enables the identification of
the origin and destination of each batch, facilitating corrective actions in case of issues. Another
crucial point is quality control carried out throughout the entire food chain. It's important to also
verify the presence of pesticide residues and other chemicals that could be harmful to health.
Additionally, microbiological testing and laboratory analyses are essential to monitor the
presence of pathogens and other contaminants in food.
3.3. Microbiological Identification Techniques
3.3.1. Collection and Sampling
The first step in this process, in this context, is the careful collection of representative samples of
the food in question. These samples can be obtained from different batches, production areas, or
storage locations to ensure that the analysis is comprehensive and reflects the potential diversity
of microorganisms present. Accuracy at this stage is crucial as the quality of the result depends
on the sample's representativeness. Once the samples are collected, they need to be prepared for
analysis. This may involve homogenizing the food and breaking up any clumps to achieve a
uniform mixture. Additionally, in some cases, the samples may need to be diluted in sterile
solutions to allow for a manageable number of microorganisms on culture plates, ensuring
reliable results.
3.3.2. Conventional Identification Methods
The subsequent step, isolation and enrichment, is crucial to promote the growth of the target
microorganisms. For this purpose, samples are incubated on specific culture media that provide
optimal conditions for the growth of particular groups of microorganisms. Upon the growth of
microorganisms on the culture plates, the preliminary identification stage begins. At this stage, it
is observed morphological characteristics, Gram staining, and biochemical tests to differentiate
the microorganisms present. These initial tests help identify general groups of microorganisms.
Furthermore, microscopy is a fundamental tool in this process. It enables direct visualization of
the microorganisms present in the samples, which can provide important clues about their
identity. By observing characteristics such as shape, size, and cellular arrangement, technicians
can gather valuable information to aid in microorganism identification. Quantification is also
important to determine the quantity of microorganisms present in the samples. This can be done
through colony counting on Petri dishes or more modern techniques like flow cytometry, which
allows rapid and accurate assessment of microorganism quantities in a sample. For more precise
identification, however, more specific tests are conducted. This can include more detailed
biochemical tests, serological tests to detect the presence of specific antigens, metabolism tests to
analyze the production of characteristic chemicals, and even antibiotic susceptibility tests to
determine the microorganism's response to different treatments. An example is the Enzyme-
Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), which is used to detect specific pathogens like
Salmonella and Listeria.
To ensure the accuracy and reliability of results, the confirmation step is crucial. This may
involve advanced molecular techniques, such as genetic sequencing, which provides detailed
information about the microorganism's DNA and allows highly specific identification.
3.3.3. Advanced Identification Methods
The research and identification of relevant microorganisms in food have significantly evolved in
recent years, thanks to the development of alternative methods that provide greater efficiency,
speed, and accuracy compared to traditional techniques. These advancements are crucial to
ensuring food safety and the quality of consumed products, as well as monitoring and controlling
outbreaks of foodborne diseases.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), for example, is a powerful molecular technique that
selectively amplifies specific DNA sequences present in a sample, making it one of the most
widely used methods in microbiology and molecular biology for the identification of
microorganisms in food. The principle of PCR is based on the use of heat-stable enzymes, such
as Taq DNA polymerase, to repeatedly amplify a specific DNA sequence in a chain reaction.
The reaction involves successive cycles of heating (DNA denaturation), cooling (primer
hybridization), and extension (new DNA chain synthesis).
Another widely employed modern approach is Real-Time PCR (qPCR). This revolutionary
technique enables the amplification of target DNA from specific microorganisms present in food,
such as pathogenic bacteria. Providing results within hours, qPCR is essential for the rapid
detection of pathogens like Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Listeria, allowing immediate
actions to contain potential risks to public health.
Furthermore, Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) has played a transformative role in food
microorganism research. With its ability to simultaneously sequence multiple genomes, NGS
offers a comprehensive view of the microbial composition of a food sample. This approach not
only identifies pathogenic microorganisms but also contributes to the study of normal
microbiota, enabling a deeper understanding of microbial interactions in food products.
Another promising technique is Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight
Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). This approach analyzes protein or peptide patterns
present in microorganisms and compares these patterns to a database for identification. MALDI-
TOF mass spectrometry offers an efficient and accurate way to identify microorganisms in food,
becoming a valuable tool for food analysis laboratories.
Biosensors have emerged as innovative devices for the detection of microorganisms in food.
These sensors use biological components to interact with target microorganisms, generating
detectable signals, such as color changes. This approach is especially useful for portable and
field applications, enabling rapid and convenient identification of microorganisms.
Metagenomics, in turn, has revolutionized our understanding of microbial diversity in food. This
approach directly analyzes the genetic material extracted from a sample, allowing the
identification of microorganisms without the need for prior isolation or cultivation.
Metagenomics is particularly valuable for studying complex microbial ecosystems in food,
highlighting the interconnection between different microorganisms.
Nanotechnology has also been explored to develop sensitive and specific detection methods for
microorganisms in food. In this technology, functionalized nanoparticles interact with target
microorganisms and generate detectable signals, providing an innovative and highly sensitive
approach for the identification of pathogens and contaminants.
Furthermore, the use of automation and artificial intelligence has enabled the development of
automated microorganism detection systems in food. These systems, so called Automated
Detection Systems, are capable of analyzing large volumes of data and providing accurate, real-
time results, making the identification process more efficient.
Cellulase T. longibrachiatum
Pectinase A. niger
Table 2. Cont.
Substrates Enzymes Microbial Source
Glucose oxidase P. notatum Clarification of juices
Tannase A. niger Removing O2
Hydrolysis of
Papain S. aureus
Meat Protease T. longibrachiatum, A. niger, A. Tenderization of meat
oryzae and B. subtilis
The enzyme nattokinase produced by B. subtilis present in natto has been observed for its
fibrinolytic activity. Other bacterial strains isolated from fermented foods like B.
amyloliquefaciens, Vagococcus carniphilus, V. lutrae, P. acidilactici, Enterococcus faecalis, E.
faecium, and E. gallinarum also shows fibrinolytic activity. The SK1-3-7 strain of Virgibacillus
halodenitrificans isolated from fermented fish sauce also showed fibrinolytic activity.
3.5.1. Biochemical Changes during Cereal Fermentation
All over the world, cereals are the most crucial carbohydrates, dietary proteins, minerals, fibers,
and vitamins. However, the major problem that exists with cereals is their acceptance among
consumers in terms of its nutritional quality and sensorial properties of their products compared
to milk and milk products. This is due to the low content of proteins, lack of some essential
amino acids (for example, lysine), low availability of starch, presence of anti-nutrients (such as
polyphenols tannins, and phytic acid), and the coarse nature of the cereals. Several methods have
been employed to alleviate the nutritional contents of cereals. For example, improvement
through genetic modifications and supplementation of amino acids with concentrates of proteins
or alternate rich sources of proteins such as defatted/legumes oilseed meals of cereal grains. In
addition to this, various processing technologies such as sprouting, cooking, fermentation, and
milling enhance the nutritive quality of cereals, among which fermentation is the best one.
Natural fermentation of cereals generally decreases the level of carbohydrates with non-
digestible oligo and polysaccharides, improving vitamin B group availability and the synthesis of
amino acids. Natural fermentation promotes enzymatic degradation of phytates by providing
optimum pH conditions present in a complex form with polyvalent cations such as zinc, iron,
magnesium, and calcium. This decrease in phytate can increase the availability of calcium,
soluble iron, and zinc by large folds. Then, after fermentation, the effect on amino acid and
protein levels is controversial; for example, the concentration of available methionine,
tryptophan, and lysine increases in cornmeal. Likewise, fermentation of cereals such as millet,
maize, sorghum, and other grains significantly enhances the quality of protein in addition to the
levels of lysine. However, while investigating sorghum kisra bread’s nutritional content, no
increase has been observed in lysine values, but there is an increase in methionine and tyrosine.
The tryptophan content increased while the manufacturing of uji, whereas it was also measured
that there was a significant drop in lysine content. It shows that the fermentation effect on foods’
nutritional content is changeable, while the evidence for enhancement is significant.
Fermentation in food results in improvement or enhances the flavor, texture, taste, aroma, and,
most importantly, the product’s shelf life. Different volatile compounds are produced during
cereals’ fermentation, which generates a mixture of complex flavors in the products. In addition
to flavors, aroma-producing compounds like butyric acid and diacetyl acetic acid also upgrade
the appeal of fermented cereal food products.
The most important ingredient used in traditional fermented foods and beverages prepared in
most world regions is cereals (such as wheat, rice, wheat, sorghum, or corn). Some of these are
used as significant foods in the human diet, whereas others are utilized as spices, colorants,
breakfast, and beverages. In maximum cereal-based fermented products, fermentation is done
with natural or mixed cultures such as bacteria, fungi, and yeasts. During fermentation, these
microorganisms act parallel or in a sequential manner, changing dominant microbiota. Species of
Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Micrococcus, Streptococcus, Pediococcus, and Leuconostoc are the
common fermenting bacteria. Moreover, Cladosporium, Aspergillus, Trichothecium,
Paecilomyces, Fusarium, and Penicillium are the common fungal genera found in fermented
products. The predominant yeast species is Saccharomyces, used in the fermentation of alcohols.
These factors are responsible for developing fermenting microorganisms in fermented
foods/beverages pH, water activity, concentration of salt, temperature, and food matrix
composition. The most common microbes mediate food fermentation through L.A.B. This type
of lactic acid fermentation provides enhanced nutritional value, safety, a longer shelf life of the
fermented food products, and wide acceptability. During natural fermentation in cereals, when
cereals are cleaned and soaked in water for a few days, a succession of natural microbiota takes
place, which is dominated by a large number of L.A.B.s. In this fermentation type, amylases
produce sugars fermented by lactic acid bacteria as a source of energy. Apart from fermentation,
other steps like reducing size, salting, or heating also contribute to the final products. Aguirre
and Collins described L.A.B. as a broad group of catalase-negative, Gram-positive, non-motile,
and non-sporing cocci and rods. They utilize fermentative carbohydrates to form lactic acid.
Based on hexose sugars’ utilization, the pathways are divided into two groups, i.e.,
homofermentative and heterofermentative. In homofermentative pathways, the sole end or
primary product of glucose fermentation by some lactic acid bacteria such as Streptococcus,
Pediococcus, Lactococcus, and some lactobacilli is lactic acid. In contrast, in heterofermentative
pathways, microorganisms such as Leuconostoc, Weisella, and some lactobacilli, the end
products are ethanol, lactate, and CO2. Lactic acid fermentation technology has also been
confirmed for its preservative role in some cereals. L.A.B.-mediated antibiosis was characterized
by the formation of hydrogen peroxide, antibiotics, and organic acids.
The production of organic acids by L.A.B. creates stressful conditions for spoilage-causing
microorganisms present in cereals by reducing the pH to below 4.0. The acid action on the
bacterial cytoplasmic membrane results in an antimicrobial effect, as it hinders the maintenance
of the membrane potential, affecting active transport. Besides organic acid production, L.A.B.
also produces hydrogen peroxide with flavin nucleotides, which rapidly react with oxygen and
oxidize reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH). It can also accumulate catalase
enzyme (as true catalase is not present in the L.A.B. to degrade hydrogen peroxide) and inhibit
several microorganisms. In high tannin-containing cereals, lactic acid fermentation can also
reduce tannin levels in some cereal crops to enhance iron absorption. Fermentation through
L.A.B. also contributes to viricidal activity and antitumor properties.
Most of the legume products produced or consumed in Asia and Africa were fortified with
cereals for improving the overall quality of proteins in the fermented product because legumes
can provide a rich amount of lysine but are deficient in sulfur-containing amino acids. However,
cereals are rich in methionine and cysteine but are deficient in lysine.
3.6. Nutritional Value of Fermented Dairy Products
The values of fermented dairy products viz. sour milk, yogurt, dahi, kumiss, acidophilus milk,
and other similar milk products are much more in demand due to their enhanced nutritional
content compared to simple milk. Proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and some fat quality and
quantity change in fermented milk, whereas the composition of minerals remains the same
(Figure 5). The quality of sour milk is determined by the fermenting microorganisms and the
substances formed during milk souring’s biochemical reactions. The substances include alcohol,
lactic acid, antibiotics, carbon dioxide, and vitamins.
Advancement in food safety research and studies around the world is really escalating the in-
depth knowledge of the foodborne pathogens together with the concomitant disease
complications. The fine-tuned application of genetic engineering in the food microbial
biotechnology, sensitive procedures like the whole genome sequencing or the next-generation
sequencing, constructing the phylogeny of the foodborne pathogens, creating the databases
related to foodborne microorganisms and the associated hazards through the application of
“Omics” concept (i.e., the genomics and bioinformatic analyses), precise detection of the
foodborne pathogens using nanotechnology; and predicting the possible foodborne disease have
emerged in many developed countries to maintain the food safety along with the sustainable
consumer safety as well. In perspective of Bangladesh, such high technological throughput along
with the food industries and the food research laboratories would be quite challenging because of
some limitations like the required expertise to handle these tools as well as the financial deficit
for capacity building to conduct such types of advanced studies. Yet the concurrent knowledge
on the ongoing approaches to maintain food safety would increment our researchers and
professionals to design their experimental strategies regarding food safety in the future.
The significance of food safety management, as demonstrated in this article, is paramount in the
prevention and control of pathogenic microorganisms within the food supply chain, thereby
ensuring public health. Research highlights several key aspects contributing to a more resilient
food chain:
• Food safety management is crucial for preventing and controlling pathogenic
microorganisms in food.
• Collaboration across the food chain, from production to consumption, is essential for
effective management strategies.
• Factors like temperature, pH, and water activity, alongside advanced identification
techniques, play key roles in microbial control.
• Consumer education is essential in promoting safe food handling practices, thereby
reducing foodborne illnesses and reinforcing confidence in the food system.
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