Presented By: Guided By: Prof.Hiren Raithatha Punganuru Rajesh Reddy Associate Professor Erp no. 200303124435 CSE Department CSE_AI, PIET PIET, Parul University Index • 1.0 Overview of the Company • 2.0 Overview of different plant/unit/department • 3.0 Introduction to Project / Internship and Project / Internship Management • 4.0 System Analysis
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• Parul Institute of Engineering & Technology, Limda
• This is to certify that the project report submitted along with the project entitled HTML CALCULATORweb development project: Bootstrap and HTML Calculator subprojects has been carried out by Venkatesh Matti under my guidance in partial fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science And Engineering, 8th Semester during the academic year 2023-24. , • Prof. Bhaumik machhi , Internal Guide . • Dr. Amit Barve Head of Department. 2/6/2024 Project Presentation 2023 3 NOC CERTIFICATE
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Overview of the Company
• History 1stop is a startup company which is devoted to
enhancing engineering education and life skills. Nearly 5000 students are doing internship under 1stop for various domains, this company is also recognized by AICTE and MSME. also builds various application in the field of full stack web development. 1stop helps various people to discover their ideal career path.
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Overview of different plant/unit/department • Web and Android applications like: Slash Web Highlight PDF & Web Highlighter This PDF & Web Highlighter Chrome Extension solves a problem that many of you surely have encountered. Screen-slash - Screen Video Recorder: With screen-slash you can create, edit, and share videos in seconds. To create the perfect video, you can record either your desktop, browser tab, and/or your webcam to showcase your presentation, ideas, and personality. SlashBot : AI Grammar And Writing Tool slashBot is a great alternative to grammarly and lets you write faster, smarter, and better. It will not only help you improve your grammar, but it can also rephrase whole sentences using AI. Slash Wi-Fi FTP Server - App on Google Playuse this free app to host your own FTP server on your phone/tablet. Use the FTP server to transfer files, photos, movies, songs or from your android device. SlashMe - Speaker BoosterSlashMe is the good music player that allows you to turn your friends into a portable speaker system! stream music or videos from youtube, spotify, deezer, soundcloud or your own music library, to sync phones and play the same music or video at the same time on multiple devices. 2/6/2024 Project Presentation 2023 8 Introduction to Project / Internship and Project / Internship Management
• 1 Internship Summary In the creation of our innovative websites,
we have meticulously harnessed the power of cutting- edge technologies in order to create innovative websites. Developed using HTML, CSS, javascript and Node.js the frontend and backend of our websites, ensuring responsiveness and interactivity. Firebase, a robust cloud-based platform, has been employed for real-time data synchronization and user authentication, fortifying the website’s security and reliability.
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Purpose of the project • The purpose of this project is to develop websites using React. JS, Node.js, and Firebase. The goal is to create seamless and secure websites like landing page, portfolio and food delivering websites using modern technologies to enhance user interaction, performance, and visual aesthetics. Through this project, we aim to showcase the applications of advanced web development tools, ensuring a user-centric approach while embracing efficiency, innovation, and robust data management.
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Project / Internship Scheduling (Gantt Chart)
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System Analysis • Requirement Analysis: Gather and analyze project requirements, identifying key functionalities like product details, navbar options, bg color/image, images need to be used and other details. Technology Selection: Select and update technologies, choosing a modern and compatible like HTML5, javascript, CSS3, Node.js, React.js, firebase. System Design: Create a comprehensive system design, outlining the architecture, database structure, and user interface based on requirements like php to store messages, structure of website. Development: Implement the system according to the design specifications, coding frontend and backend components using visual studio according to the requirements of the project, user authentication, and interactive features using ux design and responsiveness 2/6/2024 Project Presentation 2023 12 process • Testing: Conduct thorough testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing, to ensure functionality, security, and user experience. Check whether form is storing data for further purposes. User Feedback Integration: Incorporate user feedback into the development process, implementing enhancements and modifications to align with user expectations. Try by yourself whether it is working fine and solve errors if there are any. 12 Performance Optimization: Optimize system performance by identifying and addressing bottlenecks, ensuring a responsive and efficient user experience. Deployment: Deploy the system to a production environment, carefully managing the migration process and ensuring minimal downtime. food ordering and portfolio websites can be hosted on web server. Monitoring and Maintenance: Implement robust performance monitoring tools and establish ongoing maintenance procedures to address any issues promptly and proactively
Building Real-World Web Applications with Vue.js 3: Build a portfolio of Vue.js and TypeScript web applications to advance your career in web development
Ultimate Nuxt.js for Full-Stack Web Applications: Build Production-Grade Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static-Site Generated (SSG) Vue.js Applications Using Nuxt.js, Node.js, and Composition API (English Edition)