2. a) Show that: 8M
i. x(a)"(n)=h(n)*x(n)
x(n)"[4(n)+h, (n)]= x(n)"h(n)+ x(n)", (n)
b Adiscrete system has impulse response 7M
i. h(n) =a' u(n+3)
3 a
State and Prove Circular time shift, Circular convolution and linearity properties of DFT. 9M
b Find the N-point DFT ofthe sequence xn)= cos(w,), w, = 27k, /N, 0<nSN-1.
4 a Develop the DIF-FFT algorithm for N=8. Using the resulting signal flow graph compute the 9M
H(2)= 1.052+0.062
6. a) Prove that if adiscrete time LTI system is BIBO stable, then the ROC of the system 7M
Unit -IV
is 1OM
7 a) Derive the frequency response of Linear phase IR filter when impulse response
symmetric and N is odd.
b) Explain Fourierseries method of designing FIR filters
window. Cutoff 10M
a Design hgh pass FiR filter for the following specifications using Hamming
frequency- 500Hz, Sampling frequency-2000Hz, and N=11.
b) Compare Rectangular and Hanning Window functions.
9 a) Explain design method of IR filter by impulse invariant method.
b) Given the specifications a, =3dB, a =16dB, f =IKH: and =2KHz. Determine
the order of the filter using Chebyshev approximation and find H(S).
R and FIR filters. SM
10 a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital filters? Compare 1OM
and explain
b) Explain design procedure of digital lIR filter using Bilinear Transformation
the warping effect.