Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 1 July 2020 | Volume 10 | Article 308
Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
evidence-based treatments of infectious diseases in outpatient Resource for Research and Education: Educational Resources—
clinics. Rapid diagnostics are needed for both pathogen Rapid Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing | University of Utah)
identification and resistance testing. The prevalence of AMR is particularly useful.
may be very high for some species in certain geographic The innovations in electronics, biosensor techniques,
locations. According to the current recommendations on AST optics, microfluidics, hybridization technologies and DNA
(antimicrobial susceptibility testing), pure culture isolates are amplification technologies have yielded new approaches in
used to test the effect of antimicrobial drugs. This is required AST. Unfortunately, the scientific papers on these technologies
as the sample matrix (blood, urine, mucosal) as well as the do not sufficiently relate these findings to the practical needs
number and proportions of different microbial species may in POCT. The requirement of a microbiology laboratory and
vary a lot in polymicrobial samples. It may be unclear whether the time and resources needed for the enrichment of cultures,
the detected microbe is pathogenic or merely a commensal preparation of pure cultures. and sample treatments is often
species. Despite significant progress in diagnostic technologies not sufficiently considered. These requirements also easily blur
in recent years, most patients with infectious diseases are still the total costs of AST. For these reasons, the deployment of
treated empirically and thus antibiotics are heavily overused new molecular methods for AST has been very slow (Doern,
(Li et al., 2016; Mashalla et al., 2017). Even in Western 2018). The standards of care for antibiotic prescription are quite
countries, 30% of antibiotic prescriptions are considered to be consistent in most European countries and the USA and apply
either unnecessary or suboptimal (Centers for Disease Control evidence-based ID and AST when available. In total, urinary
Prevention, 2018). Current diagnostic tests serve hospitalized and respiratory tract infections form a significant part of acute
patients rather well, but they are often not available in outpatient infections. Quick and accurate diagnosis for these diseases
clinics. For typical growth-based AST, several cultivation rounds already at outpatient settings could efficiently restrict the spread
are required: enrichment cultivations (e.g., blood cultures) to of AMR bacteria and allow an early isolation of the carrier and
increase the number of bacteria, plate cultivations to obtain correct treatment. Rapid diagnosis would also allow the prompt
pure cultures, and finally AST for liquid or plate cultures dismantling of unnecessary patient isolation, saving money
using various antimicrobial loads. Microbiology laboratories and resources. However, technical improvements translate into
apply the EUCAST-accepted breakpoint values to define whether benefits only if the structured communication and interpretation
the microbe is susceptible or resistant to the tested antibiotic. of the results are applied by the clinicians (Maurer et al., 2017)
They use the disk diffusion method or other systems calibrated and the cost of these technologies are reasonable.
to EUCAST standards. Altogether, AST may require several Vital emergency diagnostics for septicaemia has received a lot
days. Rapid molecular diagnostics has been discussed in many of resources (Marco, 2017; Hughes, 2018). New sensitive methods
excellent reviews (Pulido et al., 2013; Plüddemann et al., 2015; Li such as T2MR (T2Biosystems, USA) can quickly detect molecular
et al., 2017b; Maurer et al., 2017; Syal et al., 2017; Maugeri et al., targets directly from clinical samples, enabling rapid pathogen
2019). They present the progress in Nucleic Acid Amplification identification and detection of resistance factors. However,
Technology (NAAT), electrochemical methods, microarrays, growth-based AST for blood requires a fairly high bacterial
micro- and nanoparticles, as well as mass spectrometry count for enrichment cultures and a well-equipped microbiology
applications, but also emphasize that very few of the molecular laboratory. The achievements in blood testing do not necessarily
methods have acquired FDA approval. relate well to the antimicrobial stewardship in the front-line:
The review of David Boyle, “Tuberculosis Diagnostics healthcare settings.
Technology Landscape” is worth reading, since, although not Optimal antimicrobial therapy policy would require (1) Fast
focusing on AST, it presents comprehensively new affordable point of care analysis, (2) Identification of the etiological agent,
molecular diagnostic technologies available in standard (3) Finding of an efficient antibiotic, and (4) Determination of
microscopy stations, particularly in developing countries (Boyle, the functional dosage. According to Prof. Gunnar Kahlmeter
2017). The most up-to-date and concise progress compendia (Chairman, EUCAST general committee) (Kahlmeter, 2016), the
in the field of AST can be found in congress presentations, key questions for any new AST technology are:
lectures and webinars. Prof. Mark Fisher’s webinar “Rapid • Is it generally applicable or suitable only for one infection (for
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing” (ARUP, 2020; Scientific example sepsis or one resistance type)?
• What is the capacity? How many organisms/agents per hour
can be processed?
Abbreviations: AMR, Antimicrobial Resistance; AR gene, Antibiotic Resistance
gene; AST, Antimicrobial susceptibility testing; CLSI, Clinical & Laboratory
• Has the technology been validated against reference methods?
Standards Institute; EUCAST, European Committee on Antimicrobial • Are there any reference installations?
Susceptibility Testing; CFU, Colony forming units; FISH, Fluorescence in • Is scientific literature available?
situ Hybridization; ID, Identification; LF, Lateral flow; LCR, Ligase Chain • When will it be on the market?
Reaction; MALDI-TOF, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-
Of-Flight mass spectrometry; MIC, Minimal Inhibitory Concentration; POCT, Complete answers are hard to dig up, but this review tries to
Point of Care Testing; NA= Nucleic Acid; NAAT, Nucleic Acid Amplification address these questions. We present the needs and drivers for
Technology; PIT, Plasmonic Imaging and Tracking; SERS, Surface Enhanced
AST development, increase the understanding about the role
Raman Scattering; FEED, field effect enzymatic detection; MADM, Multiplexed
Automated Digital Microscopy; PNA, Peptide-Nucleic Acid probe; WGS, Whole of rapid AST in diagnostics of infectious diseases, show the
Genome Sequencing. benefits and limitations of AST methods, introduce the key
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 2 July 2020 | Volume 10 | Article 308
Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
POCT-compatible technologies, and contemplate on which AST to obtain pure isolates. Then identification (with MALDI-TOF
technologies are likely to thrive in the future. mass spectrometer, if available) is performed. Thereafter, AST
and MIC determination is performed according to EUCAST or
CLSI standards. This sequence, in total, requires several days.
CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES IN Standard healthcare settings do not have advanced microbiology
ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY laboratories with mass spectrometry instruments. Their arsenal
TESTING AND MICROBIAL for the diagnosis of infectious diseases may be limited to
IDENTIFICATION immuno-chromatographic strip tests (aka lateral flow tests = LF
or “dip-sticks”) applied to the detection of viruses (e.g., influenza)
Bacteria can acquire resistance to antibiotics by several and bacterial pathogens causing sexually transmitted diseases.
mechanisms. The antibiotic can be degraded or chemically Quick identification can efficiently restrict the search palette
modified (by acetylation, phosphorylation, nucleotidylation, for certain antibiotics. Hence mass spectrometry has become
ADP-ribosylation, mono-oxygenation, glycosylation). The drug a versatile workhorse in clinical laboratories. It is routinely
intake can be prevented, or efflux can be enhanced. Some applied for bacterial ID as soon as isolated colonies are available.
resistance mechanisms are based on the reprogramming of cell Through the simultaneous measurement of several metabolites
wall synthesis. Even slight changes in the target molecule, e.g., a biochemical signature of microbes can be obtained. Matrix-
a point mutation in the ribosomal protein, can render the assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight (MALDI-TOF)
antibiotic inefficient. The overwhelming variety of antimicrobials applies laser energy to evaporate the matrix-bound sample, that is
and resistance mechanisms complicates AST. Genotypic (nucleic then immediately analyzed. When frequent sampling is applied,
acid-based) methods can only find resistances that are searched MALDI-TOF can even provide semi-quantitative growth rate
for, and the potentially found resistance genes are not necessarily data (Maxson et al., 2017). Bruker Corp. (Germany) has launched
from the actual pathogenic organism. According to EUCAST test kits such as BT STAR-Carba Assay for AST based on
and CLSI guidelines, reliable antibiotic resistance diagnostics antibiotic degradation monitoring.
requires phenotypic testing, i.e., an experimental test whether AST for blood cultures has been applied after a short-term
the microorganism grows in the presence of the antibiotic. cultivation on agar plates followed by susceptibility testing
These methods work regardless of the resistance mechanism using VITEK AST cards selected on the basis of MALDI-
and give answers to the practical questions: which antibiotic TOF analysis (Idelevich et al., 2014; Mauri et al., 2017). By
is efficient and which dose should be applied in the therapy. applying the MBT-ASTRATM test with MALDI Biotyper for
Classical AST techniques such as broth microdilution, disk ID and AST, identification of mycobacterial strains resistant to
diffusion, gradient tests, agar dilution and breakpoint tests are rifampicin, isoniazid, linezolid, ethambutol, clarithromycin and
based on continuous exposure of a bacterial isolate to a set of rifabutin can be obtained 1 week faster than through routine
antimicrobials, followed by a visual detection of growth. The use cultivation-based AST (Ceyssens et al., 2017). The MS approaches
of advanced optoelectronic systems, fiber optics, microfluidics combined with NAAT or microfluidics will be presented in
and indicator dyes sensitive to redox-state or pH can further “Future technologies” section.
enhance the sensitivity and performance of optical systems.
Several commercial systems have streamlined and partly
automatized the follow-up of AST cultures. Systems like Vitek CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR RAPID
and Microscan perform automated turbidity measurement for AST
multiwell liquid cultures. BD Phoenix systemTM applies a redox
indicator to enhance the detection of organism growth. These Many novel methods claim to perform AST in minutes or in
systems have turnaround times as short as 4 h for ID and 6–8 h few hours. Such statements usually ignore the need of time-
for susceptibility testing (She and Bender, 2019). The CE-marked consuming steps such as enrichment cultures and isolation
Alfed 60 ASTTM system (Alifax, Italy) uses sensitive laser-light of pure cultures (Figure 1). Methods based on NAAT, nucleic
scattering technology to detect bacterial growth in a liquid culture acid hybridization or immunodiagnostics in principle allow the
broth and provides antimicrobial susceptibility results directly use of non-purified polymicrobial clinical samples. A short
from positive blood culture bottles within 4–6 h. cultivation with a pre-determined antibiotic load followed by
Such broth dilution-based systems use ready-made AST NAAT (e.g., isothermal amplification) can reveal AR, and even
cassettes or cards containing positive controls and wells provide a rough estimate of the minimal inhibitory concentration
with increasing concentrations of antibiotics. They provide (MIC) for the tested antibiotics. Most rapid growth-based AST
continuous growth monitoring and can analyze MIC patterns for methods perform end-point analysis only, whilst others rely on
a large group of organisms through their extensive databases. frequent sampling from the cultivation chamber. Some sensitive
Pathogen identification (ID) is usually a preliminary step of immunodiagnostic systems however provide real on-line growth
AST. For blood samples, microscopy and Gram-staining are monitoring (Figure 2). Biosensor technologies detecting changes
nearly always performed, as Gram-positive bacteria in general in microbial metabolism, movement or heat production have not
have a more limited variety of antibiotic resistances and less yet provided convincing clinical demonstrations. Fast, reliable,
problems with multidrug resistance. In AST, the following easy-to-use and inexpensive systems applicable to AST in
sequence is typically applied: First clinical samples are cultured outpatient clinics are still elusive (van Belkum et al., 2019a).
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 3 July 2020 | Volume 10 | Article 308
Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
FIGURE 1 | Rapid AST or rapid result? (A) Current technologies. (B) Rapid AST applicable to pure cultures. (C) Rapid AST for clinical polymicrobial samples. The
presented times are rough estimates and generalizations.
FIGURE 2 | Usability landscape of rapid AST technologies. NAAT, nucleic acid amplification technology; TPX, immunodetection based on two-photon excitation
fluorometry; Multipath, immunodiagnostic method applying magnetic spheres for cell separation, fluorescent nanoparticles for labeling and non-microscopic imaging.
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 4 July 2020 | Volume 10 | Article 308
Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 5 July 2020 | Volume 10 | Article 308
Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
rough MIC values. The cost of devices and reagents for qRT- allowing the use of samples without NA extraction), enabled
PCR are unfortunately currently far beyond the level acceptable miniaturization and cut down the costs of instrumentation
for routine AST. NAAT is a powerful tool for the identification by allowing NAAT at a constant (isothermal) temperature.
of both bacterial and viral pathogens. In principle it allows NUCLISENS R EASYQ R (bioMerieux) was the first automated
the use of patient samples without enrichment cultivations. system to combine NASBA and real-time detection using
However, due to the risk of losing the template during nucleic molecular beacon probes. It enabled the fast detection of
acid extraction and the sensitivity of DNA polymerases to Klebsiella carbapenemase genes (Spanu et al., 2012). LCR has
impurities in the sample matrix, enrichment cultivations and been successfully used for the detection of ciprofloxacin and
nucleic acid purification are often necessary. Due to the vast doxycycline resistance genes in Bacillus anthracis, Francisella
choice of different fluorescent labels, several target genes can tularensis, and Yersinia pestis (Oblath et al., 2013). LCR can be
be conveniently tested in parallel from the same sample. easily integrated into detection systems such as electrochemical
The systems can reach further sensitivity and specificity by and magnetic biosensors, quantum dots, quartz crystal and
applying hybridization to DNA arrays. A good number of FDA- leaky surface acoustic surface biosensors, Surface Enhanced
approved multiplexed diagnostic panels are already available. Raman Scattering (SERS), chemiluminescence and fluorescence
Such commercial systems include Xpert R (Cepheid Inc.), resonance energy transfer (Oblath et al., 2013). High-throughput
ePlex (GenMark Diagnostics), Unyvero (Curetis AG), BD Max multiplex genotyping can be achieved also by DNAzyme (DNA
(Becton-Dickinson), SeptiFast (Roche), Magicplex (SeeGene), oligonucleotides) technology, rolling circle amplification (RCA)
Novodiag (Mobidiag), and GenomEra (Abacus Diagnostics). and strand displacement amplification (SDA) techniques. LAMP
The Xpert R technology combines sample preparation, real-time is especially robust, since it is less sensitive to inhibitors than
PCR and nucleic acid analysis with molecular beacons. The standard PCR. This allows analysis after a minimal processing
ePlex system provides electrochemical detection of the amplified of blood (Curtis et al., 2008), urine or stool (Francois et al.,
sequences, wherein the detection is achieved by hybridizing 2011). LAMP is applicable to low-resource field settings where
ferrocene-labeled probes with the sample DNA (Nijhuis et al., DNA or RNA extraction is not possible. However multiplexing
2017). Hybridization techniques and microfluidics have been approaches are less developed for LAMP than for PCR (Sahoo
implemented also to Novodiag’s GenomEra microarray platform. et al., 2016).
It applies time-resolved fluorescence detection of the amplified
product on a sealable plastic chip packed with dry chemistry. Immunodetection of Pathogens
Also Curetis, Becton-Dickinson, Roche and SeeGene products Immunodetection is a specific and sensitive method for the
apply cartridge-based integrated designs (Hughes, 2018). Fast identification of bacterial pathogens (Verma et al., 2013), toxin
analytics of PCR products enhance the throughput of NAAT proteins (Zhu et al., 2014), and viruses. Since immunodetection
systems. T2Biosystems has recently launched a test panel able does not necessarily require disruption of the target microbes,
to detect 13 resistance genes from both gram-positive and it can potentially provide pathogen identification and growth
gram-negative pathogens directly from blood. The amplification monitoring in a single step. It is applicable as simple lateral
products are detected by magnetic resonance after hybridization flow (LF) tests, but can also be integrated to biosensor
with DNA probes conjugated with superparamagnetic particles technology, microfluidics and even to DNA/RNA-based analysis.
(Hong Nguyen et al., 2019). Companies like Mizuho Medy, Alere, and Beckton Dickinson
PCR/electrospray ionization–mass spectrometry (IRIDICA have launched several easy-to-use stick tests for clinical
PCR/ESI-MS by Abbott Laboratories Inc., USA) allows the diagnostics of (influenza) viruses and bacteria causing sexually
detection of >750 different bacterial species in a single test transmitted diseases. The binders are typically antibodies that are
(Strålin et al., 2016). The High Resolution Melting system immobilized onto strips, micro/nanoparticle beads or biosensor
(HRM, by ThermoFisher) identifies variations in nucleic acid surfaces providing an efficient and specific target binding. The
sequences by detecting small differences in PCR melting curves. detection antibody can be labeled with fluorescent dyes or redox
A melting curve analysis for real-time quantitative PCR or enzymes to provide a quantitative signal.
digital PCR (wherein the sample is partitioned into a large Only few products are available for the direct detection
number of individual wells each containing either 1 or 0 of antibiotic resistance proteins. The LF-test developed by
targets) performed for growing bacterial cultures, revealed Kitao et al. detects chloramphenicol resistance in P. aeruginosa
both ID and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles for E. coli, E. samples (Kitao et al., 2010). Alere Inc. has launched an
faecalis, P. mirabilis and S. aureus in ∼6.5 h, when analyzed immunochromatography test for the detection of MRSA, based
by machine learning algorithms (Athamanolap et al., 2017). on a PBP2a-specific chicken IgY antibody (Yamada et al., 2013).
For routine analytics, such systems are still too expensive, The PBP2a SA Culture Colony Test can identify MRSA in 6 min
and they require separate kits for DNA extraction and PCR. (Trienski et al., 2013; Delport et al., 2016). Coris Bioconcept
However, new enzymes and technologies such as ligase chain (Belgium) has launched tests for the detection of carbapenemases
reaction (LCR) (Barany, 1991), nucleic acid sequence-based (OXA-48-like, KPC, and NDM type) from enterobacterial
amplification (NASBA) (Compton, 1991), strand displacement isolates (Bogaerts et al., 2013; Glupczynski et al., 2017). Boutal
amplification (SDA) (Walker et al., 1992) and loop-mediated et al. have presented LF tests for the carbapenemases TX-M-
isothermal amplification (LAMP) (Notomi et al., 2000) have 15, NDM, OXA-48-like, KPC, IMP, and VIM (Boutal et al.,
simplified nucleic acid amplification, made it more robust (often 2017). LF tests work well with isolated clinical isolates. They are,
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Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
however, generally not applicable for direct analysis of clinical Changes in individual cell morphology or size indicate growth
samples. The commercial MultiPathTM platform (First Light long before bacteria have multiplied. Single-cell morphological
Diagnostics Inc., USA) applies non-magnified digital imaging analysis (SCMA) uses bright-field microscopy to determine
for the detection of biomolecules tagged with antibody-coated antibiotic-induced changes in cells immobilized on an agarose
fluorescent nanoparticles. The mariPOC R system by ArcDia channel chip (Choi et al., 2014). The commercial MultiPathTM
Ltd, based on Two-Photon eXcitation fluoroscopy technology platform applies non-magnified digital imaging for the detection
(TPX), is already in diagnostic use for immunogenic detection of biomolecules tagged with antibody-coated fluorescent
of pathogens. These two technologies will be discussed closer in nanoparticles. Antibody-coated magnetic particles are used to
the following sections. bind to target cells and to pull them down to the camera surface,
thus eliminating background signal and enabling a wash-free
assay for clinical samples. The system counts individual targets
FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES UNDER in large areas and performs growth monitoring for multiple
COMMERCIALIZATION targets cells and enables the determination of MIC values. The
MultiPathTM system is currently seeking FDA clearance.
Mass spectrometry is likely to become tightly integrated The Two-Photon eXcitation fluoroscopy technology (TPX),
into other AST technologies, especially in the diagnostics of commercialized by ArcDia Ltd. (Finland), allows separation-free
septicaemia. In the MALDI-TOF Direct-On-Target Microdroplet detection of biological molecules in small reaction volumes by
Growth Assay (DOT-MGA), sample droplets (culture plus immunodetection (Vakkila et al., 2015). The mariPOC R test
antibiotics in 6 µL volume) are spotted directly onto disposable system was developed for rapid pathogen identification. It applies
MS-target plates, incubated for 3–4 h and then analyzed with MS polystyrene microparticles as solid carriers for immunocomplex
(Idelevich et al., 2018). Screening panels for ESBL and AmpC formation, that leads to three-component immunocomplexes
β-lactamases of enterobacteria are already available (Correa- (monoclonal antibody—antigen—labeled monoclonal antibody)
Martínez et al., 2019). The fast progress in microfluidics, on the microspheres in proportion to the analyte concentration.
biosensor technologies, isothermal amplification-based NAAT, The detection of the immunoassay fluorescence signal is
and immunodetection has recently provided several potent achieved by two-photon excitation from the surface of individual
systems which may eventually change the paradigms of AST. microspheres. This mechanism allows the use of unpurified
Gradientech’s QuickMIC system combines microfluidics with clinical samples and on-line monitoring of viable cells in AST
automated time-lapse photomicrography to follow growth cultures. At present this system is under clinical testing for AST.
inhibition along a linear drug gradient. It measures the greyscale Nanostring Technologies Inc. combine genotypic and
intensity changes in the images caused by the formation of phenotypic AST through RNA detection. The GoPhAST-R
microcolonies and provides AST in 2–5 h (Malmberg et al., 2016). platform detects mRNA expression signatures in bacteria after
The system is currently seeking CE-IVD marking and FDA antibiotic exposure. The system can be used directly for positive
approval for AST in blood samples. blood culture bottles. It couples machine learning analysis of
Q-Linea ASTar R applies time-lapse microscopy to fully transcriptional changes with the detection of resistance genes
automated monitoring of blood cultures as well as preparation (Bhattacharyya et al., 2019).
and monitoring of bacterial isolates. It processes 12 samples at a Colorimetric sensor arrays provide an inexpensive method
time and 50 samples a day, delivering true MIC values for up to 48 to detect volatile organic compounds (VOCs) associated with
antibiotics within 6 h. The system does not perform ID, but it can microbial metabolism (Lonsdale et al., 2013; Lim et al., 2014).
be connected to any ID system. Clinical trials will start in 2020. Specific Technologies Inc (USA) has commercialized the small
The BacterioScan 216Dx system (St. Louis, MO, USA) molecule sensor (SMS) array technology which reacts with the
measures both a sample’s optical density (OD) and the scattered metabolic products of bacteria produced during their growth.
intensity by forward laser light scattering, allowing 10–100-fold Their Reveal-AST printed sensor array system responds to the
higher sensitivity compared to normal OD measurements. This volatiles emitted during growth producing a colorimetric pattern.
system can process 16 samples simultaneously and perform real- It reveals also species ID with 94% accuracy (Sharp, 2020).
time continuous growth measurement. It can detect bacterial The SlipChip/dLAMP technology by Caltech integrates
growth in 3 h from clinical urine samples containing >104 seamlessly cultivation and semiquantitative smartphone-based
cfu/ml of E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, visual analysis of NA products (Schoepp et al., 2017). This system,
Bacillus antracis, Yersinia pestis, or Burkholderia pseudomallei currently being commercialized by Talis Inc. (USA), will be
(Bugrysheva et al., 2016; Hayden et al., 2016; Montgomery et al., described closer in the chapter “POCT-compatible technologies.”
2017). The BacterioScan 216R Rapid AST System is currently
under testing. Whole Genome Sequencing
The oCelloscopeTM system (BioSense Solutions, Denmark) Progress in Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) technologies
applies digital time-lapse angled field microscopy and image has made them a feasible system for pathogen ID and AST
analysis for standard 96-well plates. The time-to-result for (van Belkum and Rochas, 2018). 3rd generation systems such as
positive blood cultures ranged from 1 to 4.2 h (Fredborg et al., Illumina MiniSeq, Pacific Biosciences PacBio Sequel system, or
2015). However, the overall performance for AST has not yet been Oxford Nanopore MiniON and PromethION can provide fairly
sufficiently tested. long reads at high speed. In principle, WGS can simultaneously
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 7 July 2020 | Volume 10 | Article 308
Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
provide fast pathogen ID, epidemiological typing, and detection time. smaRT-LAMP was shown to work well with diverse Gram-
of drug susceptibility genes. Since WGS provides a massive negative and Gram-positive pathogens in biological specimens,
amount of data in fragmented form, sophisticated software is giving in ∼1 h results with matched standard cultivation-based
needed to interpret the results (Quainoo et al., 2017). The tests. Reliable pathogen ID was obtained for spiked urea and
European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing blood samples as well as for urea samples of sepsis patients (105
reviewed in 2017 the development status of WGS for AST −108 CFUs). The small sample size (2 µl per reaction), however,
(Ellington et al., 2017). They concluded that, for most bacteria, limits its use for very diluted samples (Barnes et al., 2018).
the available evidence for WGS as an AST tool is still either Priya et al. have successfully coupled loop-mediated
poor or non-existent and thus inadequate for clinical decision isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) and sensitive quenching
making. They pointed out the urgent need for a single database of unincorporated amplification signal reporters (QUASR)
of all known resistance genes/mutations to facilitate comparison detection technologies to visual detection with a smartphone.
between different systems and bioinformatics tools. The portable “LAMP box” was successfully used for the sensitive
and specific detection of Zika, chikungunya, and dengue viruses
(Priye et al., 2017). This system has not yet been applied to
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Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
were hybridized, ligated and amplified by the circle-to-circle to real-time monitoring of microbial viability in biofilms in the
amplification method. Optical imaging system then performed presence or absence of antimicrobial compounds (Butini et al.,
digital quantification. Antibiotic susceptibility profiles of E. coli 2018). Microcalorimetric methods, although fast and sensitive,
for ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim could be determined with require pure cultures and a fairly high number of bacterial
100% accuracy in 3.5 h (Mezger et al., 2015). cells. In 2017, the Swedish company SymCel announced an
extensive 28-months clinical testing of their microcalorimeter
Detection of Growth-Related Molecules or calScreenerTM for AST. However, currently no clinically validated
Antibiotic Degradation Products microcalorimetry systems are available.
Devices detecting volatile compounds, so-called electronic noses For some antibiotics (beta-lactams, chloramphenicol) AMR
(eNose), can recognize a smell-print characteristic for bacterial can be assayed by the follow-up of antibiotic degradation. The
species and their metabolic profile. Since 1982, electronic noses BYG Carba test detects conductivity changes caused by the
have been applied in diagnostics (Persaud and Dodd, 1982), enzymatic hydrolysis reaction of imipenem antibiotics on an
but mainly for pathogen ID. The Cyranose system (Smiths electrode coated with polyaniline, which is highly sensitive to
Detection) was able to distinguish between controls and samples changes in pH or redox potential. With a loop-full of bacteria (10
positive for S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, µl) from a fresh plate as a sample, this home-made inexpensive
and P. aeruginosa in upper respiratory tract infections (Lai instrument could detect carbapenem resistance in <35 min
et al., 2002). Gas chromatography connected to ion mobility displaying 95% sensitivity and 100% specificity in comparison
spectrometry (GC-IMS E-nose) could reliably distinguish to PCR-based analysis (Bogaerts et al., 2016). Mecklenburg
bacterial infections from viral respiratory tract infections (Lewis et al. developed an assay that directly detects the thermal signal
et al., 2017). Saviauk et al. performed an applicability test for generated from the enzymatic breakdown of antibiotics. The
the ChemPro 100i Ion Mobility Spectrometry sensor (Environics system was able to distinguish between penicillinase and metallo-
Inc.). They could discriminate MRSA from MSSA with 83% β-lactamase (Mecklenburg et al., 2017). Its value for clinical work
sensitivity and 100% specificity (Saviauk et al., 2018) and were needs to be evaluated, as it requires pure cultures and does not
able to identify also other pathogens (P. aeruginosa, Enterococcus, provide pathogen ID.
E. coli, and Clostridium perfringens) from culture plates with 78% A variety of electrochemical reporters for cell viability
accuracy. In order to access the AST market, the eNose systems have been applied to viability analysis and drug susceptibility
should outperform the simple and inexpensive colorimetric measurements. The system by Besant et al. uses resazurin dye
sensor array system “Reveal-AST” (Specific Technologies, USA) (an oxidation-reduction indicator) to monitor cells trapped
which is applicable to growth-based AST. in nanoliter wells (Besant et al., 2015). Within 1 h the
microfabricated device could detect the response of E. coli and
NAAT in Growth Monitoring K. pneumoniae exposed to ampicillin and ciprofloxacin in urine
Real-time qPCR can detect quantitative differences between samples spiked with bacteria in concentrations as low as 1 cfu/µL.
cultures exposed to various antibiotics and different The level of commercialization of this technology is not known.
concentrations. Already a 15 min cultivation can provide In microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) the deflections
a detectable increase of nucleic acids (Schoepp et al., associated with the micromotions of bacteria attached to a
2017). Although qPCR devices are expensive and require microcantilever provide a signature of bacterial metabolism. Such
experienced personnel for their operation, low-cost devices changes can indicate growth long before the bacteria replicate.
based on isothermal amplification might change the game With bacteria captured in bi-material microchannel cantilevers,
thoroughly. Applying chip electronics and microfluidics, quantitative antibiograms have been obtained for E. coli and
CalTech (the Technical University of California) has developed S. aureus within 2 h (Etayash et al., 2016). The bacteria absorb
a device applicable to AST. This system is currently under infrared photons and release heat to the support matrix by a
commercialization by SlipChip Corp and will be described closer process of vibrational energy relaxation, inducing bending of the
later in this review in the section “POC-compatible technology.” bimetallic cantilever proportional to the quantity of the released
energy. High sensitivity, corresponding to a single cell per µl,
Biosensor Systems was obtained with Listeria-containing samples. The researchers
Biosensors are devices that measure biological or chemical plan to further integrate sample separation techniques into this
reactions by generating signals proportional to the concentration BioMaterial Cantilever platform. LifeScale Analytics (NC, USA)
of an analyte in the reaction. Exposure to antibiotics causes has already launched a commercial product which correlates
detectable changes in bacterial membranes, morphology, cantilever vibration to biomass for MIC determination (Burg
metabolism, movements, mass, heat production and nucleic et al., 2007). This system performs automated cell counting,
acid content. In microcalorimetry approaches, heat production mass measurement, and visual observation of liquid samples for
correlates with the number of cells arising over time (von AST in <3 h, but requires cell concentrations above 104 cells/ml.
Ah et al., 2009). This approach is applicable to both solid The company has not yet presented peer-reviewed clinical AST
and liquid cultures (Howell et al., 2012). Dynamic heat flow studies for this instrument. Micromotions are affected by flowing
patterns have served species identification from urine samples liquids, and inefficient transfer of antibiotics to immobilized
(Bonkat et al., 2012). Isothermal microcalorimetry revealed bacteria can distort the results. Therefore pre-enrichment and
vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in <8 h (Entenza pre-purification of bacteria may be necessary (Li et al., 2017b; Syal
et al., 2014). Butini et al. applied isothermal microcalorimetry et al., 2017).
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A low-cost and rapid biosensor has been developed employing dried antibiotics. Following on-chip cultivation, the channels
photoluminescence emission of photo-corroded GaAs/AlGaAs can be monitored with a detection device such as a phase
biochips. Growing bacteria protect the biosensor surface contrast microscope. Some systems use agar to immobilize the
against photo-corrosion, while non-growing or dead cells give bacteria and to form growth chambers. Also gradient-forming
a higher signal. These biochips exposed to a E. coli and microfluidic platforms have been applied (Luka et al., 2015;
Legionella pneumophila cultures (w/o antibiotics) were capable Campbell et al., 2016). He et al. introduced a chip applying
of quantifying electrically charged bacteria in 4.5 h (Nazemi et al., antibody-coated glass beads to capture E. coli O157 and to
2017). provide fluorescence detection for ID and AST. Their device had
The Field Effect Enzymatic Detection (FEED) biosensor an integrated antibiotic release system, which could identify this
platform can detect extremely low bacterial concentrations strain at a range of 104 -108 cfu/ml within 30 min (He et al.,
(below 10 c.f.u./ml). An electrical field between the working 2014). Li et al. integrated antibody-coated carbon nanotubes with
electrode and the immune complex multiplies the biocatalytic isothermal amplification. The carbon nanotube multilayer could
output current, enabling a direct detection of bacteria without perform selective capture, cultivation and release of the bacteria.
sample processing (Shi et al., 2018). These biosensors apply After cultivation the antibody-entrapped bacteria were lysed, and
horse radish peroxidase (HRP) as a redox source in the their DNA was accurately quantified by LAMP. This system could
sandwich hybridization complex. Commercial devices detect E. coli O157:H7 and its toxin at concentrations as low
applying this technology for AST may potentially emerge as 1 cfu/ml without any complicated instrumentation (Li et al.,
in coming years. 2017a). Its use for growth-based AST has not yet been presented.
Researchers at Hong Kong Baptist University have developed a
Other Proof-of-Concept Technologies multidimensional AST system for growth-based AST, providing
Flow cytometry (FC) can provide excitation/emission spectra of detection through automated microscopy in 4 h. They established
cells and give information about cell-counts, morphology and a hydrogel microfluidic chip which simulates drug diffusion
viability, enabling AST in 2–3 h. Due to the large amount of raw and pathogen killing processes inside the human body. Due to
data, mathematical methods such as adaptive multidimensional the chip’s multidimensionality, several antibiotics, nutrients or
statistics must be applied for analysis (Huang et al., 2015). immunologic substances could be tested simultaneously. This
Successful demonstrations with clinical polymicrobial samples system is currently under commercialization (Sun et al., 2016;
are currently missing. Flow cytometric assays struggle with Liu et al., 2017a,b). Weibull et al. have presented a nanowell
complex patient samples, inefficient staining, the presence of AST device capable of real-time optical reading and growth
autofluorescence, the inability to differentiate cellular damage data analysis. This “stationary nanoliter droplet array” (SNDA)
for the influence of antibiotics, and lack of clinical databases for system can provide ID and AST for urine samples within one
validation. Flow cytometry instruments are very costly, making working shift. A filtering process first isolates bacteria from the
this technology an unlikely candidate for POCT. Atomic force clinical urine samples into a growth medium, supplemented
microscope (AFM) allows real time monitoring of bacterial with 10% resazurin (oxidation-reduction indicator). Applying
activity. This principle is applicable to both cultivable and 12 bacteria–antibiotic combinations precise MIC determinations
non-cultivable cells (Longo et al., 2013), but is an expensive could be obtained in 3 h, which is 6-fold faster than traditional
and tedious system for clinical work. Plasmonic imaging and broth microdilution assays in 96-well plates. However, follow-up
tracking (PIT) can be used for the monitoring of nanometer- studies with clinical isolates of both Gram-negative and Gram-
scale motions of single bacterial cells before and after antibiotic positive bacteria are needed (Weibull et al., 2014). Veses-Garcia
addition. The observed image contrast fluctuations were found et al. applied 0.5 µl cultures for uropathogens on a 672-nanowell
to indicate changes in bacterial metabolism long before cell slide equipped with optical signal analysis. They were able to
replication (Syal et al., 2016). Asynchronous magnetic bead define a precise minimum inhibitory concentration for 70 clinical
rotation (AMBR) is a non-microscopy-based approach capable E. coli isolates. Algorithm-assisted optical analysis determined
of monitoring individual cells for elongation, generation time, antibiotic susceptibility in 3 h 40 min, showing a total categorical
lag time, division, as well as sensitivity to antibiotics. It has agreement of 97.9% (Veses-Garcia et al., 2018).
been successfully tested with E. coli attached to anti-E. coli The “Integrated Comprehensive Droplet Digital Detection”
functionalized beads (Kinnunen et al., 2011). This system is (IC 3D) system is capable of detecting bacteria directly from
still at the research stage and a complex technology regarding diluted blood within 1.5–4 h. It consists of bacteria-specific
handling, setup and the need for expertise (Schumacher et al., DNAzyme-based sensors, a droplet microencapsulation system,
2018). lysozyme and a 3D particle counter system. The ongoing
work aims to develop an automated, portable device for
multiplexed and rapid detection of antibiotic-resistant strains
MINIATURIZED AND CHIP-BASED (Kang et al., 2014). The Ultrafast Parallelized Microfluidic
GROWTH MONITORING SYSTEMS Platform consists of four arrays (each holding 110 pL droplets
with 1–4 bacteria) which are screened by dynamic imaging over
Lab-on-a-chip systems combine one or several laboratory 2 h. This imaging-based AST was successfully tested with four
functions into a single integrated circuit. The microfluidic types of pathogens causing urinary tract infection (UTI) (Kang
AST platforms typically apply channels containing pre-loaded et al., 2019).
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Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
by magnetic beads conjugated with another microbe-specific benefit from methods concentrating the cells and removing the
antibody. Thereby the system is capable of monitoring viable cells impurities. The FISH-based Accelerate Pheno system applies
using non-magnified digital imaging. A POCT-compatible device electrokinetic/electrophoretic system for these purposes. Coarse
is currently under testing. Immunodiagnostic TPX-technology cell sorting for blood samples can be achieved through simple
(two-photon excitation fluorometry), commercialized by ArcDia inertial microfluidic systems, where centrifugal (inertial) force
Ltd (Finland) to mariPOC and mariAST platforms, can analyze drives bacteria to the outer side of a spiral-formed microcapillary
40–100 samples a day. It has a cloud-based connectivity allowing tube, while blood cells stay on the inner side (Bhattacharyya
efficient sharing of epidemiologic data. TPX allows the use et al., 2017). Some systems bypass the problem of impurities by
of untreated polymicrobial clinical samples on-line, providing bringing the target close to the biosensor surface with magnetic
bacterial ID in 20 min and antibiotic resistance in a few hours. and antibody-coupled beads or nanoparticles. Miniaturization
Unlike most other AST systems, it can also provide sensitive sets high demands to the standardization of the conditions, as
immunodetection of viruses Sanbonmatsu-Gámez et al., 2015; the samples should represent similar growth states and culture
Bruning et al., 2018. densities. Robots may be needed for accurate pipetting.
POCT devices using smartphone technology have long been Serious doubts concerning the ability of accelerated cultures to
used for personalized medication applications such as the fully substitute standard growth-based tests have been presented.
colorimetric analysis of urine strips (Barnes et al., 2018). The use Accelerated cultivations may struggle to differentiate between
of smartphones in growth-based AST for miniaturized cultures wild type and resistant strains (Leclercq et al., 2013; Kahlmeter,
has been presented in several studies (Kadlec et al., 2014; Schoepp 2014; Maurer et al., 2017). This is especially a concern in the
et al., 2017; Cui et al., 2018; Hernández-Neuta et al., 2019), case of induced expression of the resistance factors, e.g., in the
although instrument manufacturers seem to be reluctant to detection of AmpC in enterobacteria or macrolide-resistance in
incorporate standard commercial smartphones to their systems. streptococci (Leclercq and Courvalin, 2002; Jacoby, 2009; Harris
Photolithography, plotting, plasma etching, inkjet printing, and Ferguson, 2012).
cutting, and wax printing can be used to pattern paper for
inexpensive diagnostic tests (López-Marzo and Merkoçi, 2016).
Paper-based systems have been applied for the immunodetection ECONOMIC DRIVERS FOR RAPID AST
of Helicobacter pylori, Chlamydia infections and Zika virus
infections, but platforms integrating LF-testing into growth- Substantial overall savings can be obtained with rapid AST
based AST have not been presented. through the reduction of hospital days, disability days and the
saving of lives (Cassini et al., 2019). Despite the potential total
cost savings, the high price of molecular testing forms an efficient
PROBLEMS WITH MINIATURIZATION AND barrier for the installation of new technologies. A price tag
RAPID AST ranging from $100 to $250 per test is common for molecular
tests (Li et al., 2017b). For a typical 500-bed community hospital,
Due to the small sample size (at lowest a single bacterial detailed multiplex testing of positive blood cultures by NAAT
cell), rapid AST may not give results representing the whole could cost more than $500,000/year in reagents alone (She and
bacterial population in the diagnostic sample. This problem can Bender, 2019). Also the instrument prices may be significant.
be mitigated by analyzing a large number of individual cells. The total costs of testing are quite difficult to estimate. The
An example of such a strategy is the stochastic confinement prices of test kits and diagnostic instruments are based on
of bacteria in nanoliter droplets, so that a high number of the distributors’ offers. Testing costs include clinical sampling
individual droplets can be analyzed quickly and efficiently and usually also cultivations in microbiology labs (enrichment,
(Boedicker et al., 2008). The direct analysis of clinical samples preparation of bacterial isolates) before AST can be performed.
also demands the use of valid internal standards. Additionally As an example, Patel et al. estimated the total costs for mass
any growth-based analysis may utterly fail if the growth rate spectrometry-based AST to be roughly 79 e per patient, when
is very low or the microbes cease to grow due to the lack the cost of the MALDI-TOF device, reagents, pharmacist time
of specific growth factors, a non-optimal atmosphere, or the and the antimicrobial stewardship program are pooled together
accumulation of growth-inhibiting substances. For intracellular (Patel et al., 2017). Yet the reagent costs for one MS-sample can
pathogens the use of NAAT may be necessary. Compared to be pressed close to 1 e. A typical MALDI-TOF MS system with
standard microbial cultivations, favorable growth conditions may all the accessories, software databases and maintenance is costly
be difficult to establish for miniaturized set-ups. These problems (up to e200,000 per year) (Wieser et al., 2012). This implies that
can be mitigated by analyzing cell viability, morphology or the use of the instrument must be high for an acceptable cost
movements. Miniaturization can improve the performance and efficiency. This unfortunately rules out their use in outpatient
capacity of cultivation-based AST only if the need for manual clinics. MS-instruments are, however, very versatile and can be
steps is minimized. As reagent dilutions are often done before applied also to other routine diagnostics in central laboratories
loading onto the chip device, set-up complexity may stay a (Vrioni et al., 2018). Direct inoculation from plates to automated
similar level as in broth dilution methods. Due to the relatively identification systems such as Vitek, Microscan and others has
low number of pathogens in most clinical samples and the been validated and used in many clinical laboratories. These
impurities of the sample matrices, miniaturized cultivations systems apply multiwell liquid cultures and have a turnaround
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time as short as 4 h for ID and 6–8 h for AST (She and Bender, While central laboratories have resources to validate new tests
2019), but the prices of these instruments are high. The cost against the standardized tests, smaller healthcare units are bound
of any rapid AST should not significantly exceed the cost level to use tests validated by authorities such as the FDA. The few
currently considered acceptable for routine testing: this might systems currently capable of providing simultaneous ID and
be roughly 30 to 50 e, including sampling, culturing and AST growth-based AST directly from clinical samples are based either
(EU, 2013). Five phenotypic tests for a targeted detection of on FISH (Accelerate Pheno), immunodiagnostics (e.g., mariAST,
enterobacterial carbapenemases have been recently evaluated for MultiPath, immunobiosensors), or digital AST (dAST) (Table 1).
their performance and costs. All these tests required the use As their properties and application areas differ, all these systems
of culture isolates. Per sample, the costs of multiplexed PCR- may have a good future. Rapid growth-based diagnostic systems
based analysis was 30 e, immunochromatographic methods rely on accelerated cultivations. For this reason, it is necessary to
∼15 e, a colorimetric assay 5 e and carbapenem hydrolysis validate every new technology carefully against the standard tests
test 1 e per sample (Baeza et al., 2019). Apart from turnover accepted by EUCAST and CLSI. The MIC breakpoints (sensitive,
time, also the capacity of the test system is important. Among resistant, or in-between) must be re-defined for each system
automated microscopy systems, Accelerate Pheno handles one and each tested organism. This requirement definitely retards
sample per unit module (max. four modules per device, cost per the deployment of new technologies. While most novel AST
sample ∼250 e), whilst the Q-Linea ASTar system can handle systems only perform an endpoint analysis, the systems based
50 samples per day. The capacities of NAAT-based systems can on microscopy, heat production, movements, immunodetection
be even higher. Automated MIC-determination systems such as or detection of mass changes in principle facilitate on-line
VITEK-2 can manage tens of samples per time. For POCT usage, monitoring. Biosensor-based AST systems, however, yet miss
however, a throughput capacity of a few tens of samples per time convincing clinical demonstrations.
would be sufficient. In practice clinical diagnosis should be obtained during office
hours, meaning <8 h from sampling to results. This does not
leave time for enrichment cultivations or preparation of culture
SUMMARY: HOW DO THE AST isolates. The strategy “take a sample, store and analyze later”
TECHNOLOGIES MEET THE works fine for diagnosis of slowly advancing infections, but also
REQUIREMENTS? for NAAT-based systems which do not require viable microbes.
Growth-based AST, on the other hand, need fresh samples to
Several identification systems based on NAAT, NA hybridization ensure pathogen survival until the point of analysis.
and immunodiagnostics are already available for rapid Regarding the speed and the need to handle clinical
diagnostics, but only few are applicable to POCT. This is polybacterial samples, the immunodiagnostic TPX-technology
due to high costs, lack of appropriate facilities or expert (ArcDia Ltd), growth-based FISH (Accelerate Pheno), the
labor, or insufficient performance with clinical samples. Multipath digital imaging technology based on nanoparticles
Multiplexing and high-throughput capacities are important for labeling and magnetic beads for capturing (First Light
for central laboratories, but most healthcare settings process Diagnostics Inc.), and the NAAT-based dAST (Talis Inc.)
only few samples per time. POCT use rules out expensive seem promising options for rapid point-of-care testing of
devices, systems requiring demanding sample preparation, and antimicrobial susceptibility. The Talis system is, however, not yet
systems requiring standard microbiology laboratory facilities. on the market. Immunobiosensors are still in their infancy, but
NAAT serves well for the identification of viral and bacterial may in the future become important in testing non-culturable
pathogens, and in some cases provides also the detection of microbes. Lateral Flow (immuno-chromatographic “dip-sticks”)
AR genes. However, the commercial multiplexed diagnostic systems would be an ideal product format for clinical work,
NAAT panels are far too expensive for routine diagnostics. but their applicability has been so far proven only with isolated
Immunochromatographic tests, especially dip-sticks, are a cultures (i.e., colonies on plate).
low-cost and handy option for virus diagnostics and detection Due to the plethora of different resistance mechanisms, NAAT
of inflammatory factors. Unfortunately systems capable of struggles with the detection of antibiotic resistances in Gram-
detection of antibiotic resistance proteins directly from clinical negative bacteria (Maurer et al., 2017) and with the analysis
samples without enrichment cultures, culture isolation or sample of samples containing commensal flora. NAAT may fail to
purification do not yet exist. The routine diagnostic tools for identify several ESBL genes and genes providing fluoroquinolone
infectious diseases should serve a wide field of requirements: or aminoglycoside resistance. NAAT is, however, a powerful
both the identification of the pathogen (viral and bacterial), and necessary technology for the detection of fastidious, slow-
the detection of antibiotic resistance and the determination of growing or intracellular pathogens, toxin-producing bacteria
the correct antibiotic dosing. Systems based on microscopy are such as E. coli O157:H7, and viruses (Miller et al., 2018). Still,
not compatible with the detection of viruses or inflammatory the increased use of NAAT has raised a concern about the fate
factors. Diagnostic systems differ very much in their potential to of bacterial samples required for further studies (Marder et al.,
provide all relevant data for medication (Table 1). Multiplexing 2017; McAdam, 2017). Since NAAT does not require viable
NAAT-based systems can seamlessly incorporate the detection samples, subsequent epidemiologic studies or cultivation-based
of emerging resistance-related genes or mutations. However, confirmatory AST may be impossible with the stored samples.
every update for a diagnostic panel requires new validations. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is still in its infancy regarding
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TABLE 1 | Properties of technologies applicable to rapid identification and AST.
Technology Company or Time for AST (h) Simultaneous ID Clinical Online AST Provides Detects new AST for non- Enables Level of References
product and AST polymicrob. MICs resistances culturable virus ID commercialization
(examples) samples microbes
Non-microscopic First Light 4h X X X X X – X Commercial, under https://www.
imaging, fluorescent Diagnostics testing firstlightdx.com/
antibody-bound publications/
magnetic beads for
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org
Vasala et al.
TABLE 1 | Continued
Technology Company or Time for AST (h) Simultaneous ID Clinical Online AST Provides Detects new AST for non- Enables Level of References
product and AST polymicrob. MICs resistances culturable virus ID commercialization
(examples) samples microbes
Atomic force Experimental 0.25-4h – – X (X) X (X) – Inverted microscope Longo et al., 2013
microscopy cantilever
SAW and other mass Experimental 0.5-6h – – X (X) X (X) X Experimental Chang et al.,
sensitive biosensors 2007; Hoß and
Bendas, 2017
Heat production
Microcalorimetry SymCel AB, TA Few hours – – X (X) X (X) – Commercial https://www.
Instruments laboratoryequipment.
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Vasala et al.
TABLE 1 | Continued
Technology Company or Time for AST (h) Simultaneous ID Clinical Online AST Provides Detects new AST for non- Enables Level of References
product and AST polymicrob. MICs resistances culturable virus ID commercialization
(examples) samples microbes
Field effect enzymatic Experimental 1–2 h X X X X X (X) – Experimental Shi et al., 2018
Electronic nose: ion Environics, Few minutes (X) – (X) – – – – Commercial Lewis et al., 2017;
mobility spectrometry Olfactomics Saviauk et al.,
sensor 2018
PCR, qPCR Several 2–4 h X X – – – X X Commercial
Integrated Several 4h X X – – – X X Commercial
cassette-based NAAT
Isothermal amplification Several 0.5–4 X X – – – X X Commercial
The marking X is in brackets, if the possible feature lacks experimental demonstrations. – indicates a missing property. fr indicates the need for frequent sampling.
Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
TABLE 2 | Contemplation on Prof. Kahlmeter’s criteria for new technologies (Kahlmeter, 2016).
Criteria Contemplation
Generally applicable or restricted to certain infections? In principle all growth-based rapid AST systems are generic and work with culture isolates.
However, for polymicrobial clinical samples they must be coupled with specific probes or
antibodies which provide ID. Therefore, specific test panels have been developed e.g., for
respiratory, urinary, and blood samples. The pathogen load may not be high enough for
direct analysis, and especially blood samples may require culturing prior to analysis. AST
for fastidious, non-culturable, or intracellular pathogens call for NAAT. The complexity of
the sample matrix affects the choice of the diagnostic system and the methods for sample
Capacity: how many organisms/agents per hour can be processed DNA-arrays and PCR systems (including multiplexed cassette designs) have a high
throughput capacity. Mass-spectrometry performed on PCR products can handle
hundreds of samples per hour in central laboratories. In outpatient clinics speed is more
essential than the capacity. High multiplexing (parameters per sample) and
high-throughput capacity (number of samples) may be challenging to combine. Progress
in NAAT, immunodiagnostics, biosensor technologies and microfluidics has yielded several
systems capable of analyzing tens of samples per day or even during a single work shift.
Has the technology been validated against reference methods? So far quite few quick technologies have received FDA-approval. Currently they include
PCR-tests, cartridge-based NAAT-systems and Accelerate Pheno (automated
microscopy). Several clinical trials are in progress to achieve CE-marking or
Are there any reference installations? Commercial analysis systems in general do have, and manufacturers tend to publish
successful clinical trials. However, finding a lab which lines up to the specific needs may
be challenging.
Is scientific literature available? For mature commercial systems scientific references can be fairly easily found. For
near-market products this is much more challenging. Companies often only declare
on-going tests, but provide only limited info about the progress. Scientific articles typically
present proof-of-concept level data obtained with isolated cultures spiked into sample
When on market? Many systems are already available, but they may have a limited scope for ID/AST. Due to
lack of clinical data, some systems have a “research use only” status. Some have been
accepted only for veterinary use. Commercially mature products include several NAAT
systems, FISH-systems and immunodiagnostic system.
its use for rapid AST. The required bioinformatics is challenging, Sensitive growth monitoring can be achieved either by frequent
and universal open databases are needed to interpret the results. sampling (applicable to disruptive methods like FISH or NAAT)
In the near future, the progress in chip, microfluidics or by on-line immunodiagnostic methods. dAST with chip-
and biosensor technologies may provide new inexpensive AST based microfluidics devices and isothermal amplification can
systems. Integration of many sophisticated technologies will be potentially revolutionize phenotypic AST. With this approach,
needed to resolve problems with a low initial pathogen number thousands of individual single bacterium droplet samples can be
and the presence of contaminating sample matrices. Several categorized according whether the amount of amplified DNA
scientific publications have already demonstrated the successful reaches the limit defined for growing cells. The FISH-based
use of smartphone optics and telecommunication capacity for Accelerate Pheno system has already reached FDA approval.
monitoring of microwell or microcapillary cultivations, pH and The mariPOC device based on immunodetection with two-
redox changes and for delivering the read-outs of biosensor data photon excitation fluoroscopy allows non-disruptive microbial
(Berg et al., 2015; Feng et al., 2016; Cui et al., 2018; Hernández- identification. Its clinical validation for AST should be followed
Neuta et al., 2019). The obvious lack of IPR protection for with interest, as this technology enables the use of non-
smartphone-based analytic devices and the requirement to purified clinical samples and also allows follow-up studies to
validate analytic devices as an entity unfortunately discourages confirm the results. Additionally it already provides a rapid and
commercialization of these technologies. sensitive identification of both bacterial and viral pathogens.
The Multipath technology (First Light Diagnostics Inc.) may
CONCLUSIONS provide a functional platform for automated on-line detection
by applying fluorescent nanoparticles for signaling, magnetic
Standard growth-based technologies based on disc diffusion beads for binding, and non-microscopic imaging for detection.
and broth dilution still dominate in AST. They are slow and Multiplexing cartridge-based NAAT solutions are likely to reach
require pure cultures, but in other aspects serve the purpose a significant customer base in central laboratories, since they offer
well. Only few rapid growth-based AST methods work directly high speed, work well with non-culturable bacteria and viruses
with polymicrobial clinical samples, which is required in POCT. and possess an excellent high-throughput power for pathogen
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | www.frontiersin.org 17 July 2020 | Volume 10 | Article 308
Vasala et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Antimicrobial Resistance
ID. However, all new emerging technologies struggle to meet processed by all the authors. VH and OL mediated valuable
all of the criteria Prof. Kahlmeter set for AST technologies contacts to the expert biotech scientists and healthcare experts
(Table 2). As none of the presented technologies is optimal in consulted for this review. All authors contributed to the writing
all aspects, it is probable that many of them will reach a large and accepted the final version.
customer base. Therefore the consensus statement of the PIAMR
AMR- RDT Working Group on Antimicrobial Resistance and FUNDING
Rapid Diagnostic Testing is still valid: “There is no single major,
or broadly accepted, technological breakthrough that leads the This work was supported by the Business Finland project
field of rapid AST platform development” (van Belkum et al., DARE (Dnro 2769/31/2018), which evaluated the current
2019b). and emerging technologies for AST and the possibilities
to develop new innovative products for AST testing. The
AUTHOR’S NOTE authors declare that this study received funding from
Fimlab Laboratories. The funder was not involved in the
The described technologies have been taken into consideration study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data,
without any pre-selection and have been judged only by their the writing of this article or the decision to submit it
applicability to clinical diagnostics. for publication.
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