Amito Chem
Amito Chem
Amito Chem
Pewter Tin+Lead
was later
More recent work has expanded the range of known organic conductive
materials. A high conductivity of I S/cm (S
Siemens) was reported in 1963 for a derivative or tetraiodopyrrole. Polyaniline
In recent decades. research on conductive polymers has prospered, and the
2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Alan J. Ileeger, Alan G.
MacDiarmid. and Hideki Shirakawa jointly for their work on conductive
Attractive properties of polymer conductors include a wide range of electrical conductivity that.
can be tuned by varying the concentrations of chemical dopants.
mechanical flexibility. and high thermal stability. Organic conductive
materials can be grouped into two main classes.
Conductive small molecules
Conductive small molecules are usually used in the construction of
organic semiconductors. which exhibit degrees of electrical
conductivity between those of insulators and metals. Semiconducting
small molecules include polycyclic aromatic compounds such as
pentacene. anthracene and rubrene.
Their conductivity can be comparable to metals or semiconductors. I lowever they can
provide very high electrical conductivity without showing similar
mechanical properties to Other commercially available polymers. The
most well-studied class of conductive polymers is the so-called linear-backbone "polymer
blacks" Polyacctylenc including polyacetylene, polypyrrole, polyaniline, and their
copolymers. Poly (3-alkythiophenes) are also a typical material for use in solar_cells.
An electrolyte is a chemical system that provides an electrolytic
contact between the solar cell electrodes. and may exist in solid.
liquid or solution iörm. The electrolytes usually employed in
photoelectrochetnical solar cells are based on salts dissolved in
organic solvents. since the dye degenerates in the presence of water.
For long-term operation these organic liquid-based electrolytes
display many stability problems due to solvent evaporation.
sensitivity to air and water, as well as elevated temperatures.
The DSSC is a photo-electrochemical solar cell that requires a suitable
electrolyte containing an adapted and electrochemically suitable
redox couple. The iodide/triiodide redox couple • ) has given the
best overall results so far.
Ionic liquids are attractive as alternative electrolytes for photo-
electrochemical solar cell applications, and have several advantages
compared to organic solvent-based electrolytes. They display high + --x-zCH3
electrical conductivities. non-volatility, low vapor pressure, CNN
nonflammability. high ionic mobility and good electrochemical stability.
However, one disadvantage is their high viscosity resulting in low diffusion
coeflicients. CH3
The DSSCs with I- hexyl-3 imidazolium iodide. (IIxMeIm) I. and I-
methyl-3-propyI-imidazoIium iodide. (MePrIm) I. have achieved overall I -methyl-3-
conversion emciencies of 5.0 and 5.3 0/0, respectively. Room-tetnperature propyl.
molten salts, or ionic liquids. of Trialkylsulphonium iodides represent an imidazolium
interesting alternative system to the dialkylimidazolium iodides as iodide
electrolytes in dye-sensitized solar cells.
The organic sulphonium iodide-based ionic liquids developed have provided successful
and prosperous results while used as electrolytes for photoelectroehemieal solar cell
applications and therefore deserve to be further investigated in order to optimize results.
Wan. I laiying •Dye Sensitized Solar Cells". University ofAlabama l.)epattrnent ofChemistry. r. 3
Earlyllistory. Retrieved on 30 May 2013.
Brian O'Regan. Michael Gråtzel (24 October 1991 •A low-cost. high.cmciency solar cell based on dye-sensitized colloidal
Ti0: Nature 353
Professor Grittel wins the 2010 millennium technology grand prize for dyv%sensitized solar cells.Technology Academy
Finland. June 2010.
P. Wasserscheid. T. Wellton, Ionic Liquids in Synthesis, Wiley-VIIC. New York. USA 2003.
W. Kubo. S. Kambc. S. Nakade. T. Kitamura. K. Y. Wada. S. Yanagida. J. Phys. Chem. Il 2003. 107.4374.
p. Wang, S-M. Zakecruddin. J.•E. Moser. R. llumphry-Baker, M. Grätzel. J. Am. Chern- Soc. 2004. 126. 7164.