Final Wt Progress Report3906
Final Wt Progress Report3906
Final Wt Progress Report3906
1. Title of the project፡ Widal Test Diagnostic Performance, Prevalence and in Vitro-
Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Salmonella Typhi to Traditional Medicinal Plant Extract
among Febrile Patients in Werabe Comprhensive Specilized Referal Hospital; Srn Ethiopia
2. Principal investigator and co-investigator/s
2.1. Abdulmejid Muteba (PI)
2.2. Mohammed Muze (Co-In)
2.3. Dureti Ensarmu (Co- In)
2.4. Dereje Abebe (Co-In)
3. Department: Biology, college of Natural and Computational sciences
4. Objectives
4.1. General: General objective of this study is to investigate prevalence and in vitro-
antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Salmonella Typhi among patients attending outpatient
department of Werabe Comprhensive Specilized Referal Hospital in 2021.
4.2. Specific:
Determine the prevalence of Salmonella Typhi among patients attending OPD in the
study area.
Determine antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Salmonella Typhi in the study area.
Identify plant species and their antimicrobial activity against Salmonella Typhi in the
study area.
Identify and document plant parts used for medicinal purposes, methods of preparation
and ways of administration to treat Typhoid fever.
Assess the role of local people in conservation of medicinal plants in the study area.
7. Work accomplished/achievements description during first phase:
Table-2: Accomplished work during first phase Activities Duration Quantity Remark
1. Processing ethical clearance and Arrangement of February/2021 EPHI and
laboratory facility WCSH
2. Identification of medicinal plants and their parts used, March/2021 10 Weredas
methods of preparation and ways of administration to
treat Typhoid disease in the study area.
3. Assessment of the role of local people in conservation April/2021 10 Weredas
of medicinal plants.
4. Collection of medicinal plants May/2021 Leaves &
5. Preparation of medicinal plants for extraction (air June/2021 Leaves
6. Pro-forma, Purchasing and final processing for April2021-January2022 AA, WRU
laboratory chemicals
7. Supervision February-June/2021 Wredas,
8. Performance measure achievements [achievements as per the agreement made, over all = 40%
9. Problems encountered:
Losing a lot of time to get ethical clearance due to absence of ethical review committee in the
campus in the previous year.
Inability to conduct the research in the proposed research laboratory i.e EPHI and
reprocessing new working laboratory.
Shortage of budget
Shortage of importers
Inability to get laboratory chemicals and materials individually in the market; which was the
most challenging problem that we faced.
10. Measures taken:
Research Laboratory working center was changed From EPHI; A.A to WCSH; werabe.
Available laboratory culture media and chemicals were patiently checked for long period of
time in different wholesaler (Laboratory equipment and chemical importers) from Addis
Table-4: Utilized Budget in the first phase
S/No Activities Personnel Numbe Number Perdium Cost
r of days (ETB)
1. Data collection Data collectors 3 6 288 5184
2. Supervision Investigators 4 19 383 14554
3. Searching laboratory Investigator 01 2 round -
culture media, Pro-forma (10+15)
processing and purchasing
4. Arrangement of laboratory Investigator 01 10 -
facility(EPHI: AA)
5. Transportation 2000
6. Mobile card 500
7. Culture Media cost 21550
Total 33784
12. Work plan for the next phase: (Description of the work plan for the next phase, detailed expenditure
by budget item )
Table-5: Plan of second phase 2022
S/No. Activities Duration Quantity Remark
Adama Science and technology
Medicinal Plant extraction January12-25/2022
1. institute
Data collection from January 26- Questionnaire and Bacterial culture
2. Hospital April30/2022 results
Supervision Every other day
3. 30/2022
Data entry and Data
Study variables
4. analysis May01 June-20/2022
5. Report writing June 21-July20/2022 a document
Submission of final report
6. for presentation August 01/2022 Research Manuscript draft
7. Presentation August 30/2022 30 Minute presentation
Submission of final
8. documents September /2022 Research Manuscript
Table-6: Budget Plan of second phase /2022/
Head of the Department Signature Date
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Dean of the College Signature Date
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Research and publication Directorate
Signature Date
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Vice president of research and community service