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Leaders who "act as role models" and motivate their teams to achieve great things are vital to
every firm. Leaders are the backbone of every company, providing stability and direction for
the rest of the staff. Therefore, they are the focus of the most scrutiny, and their performance
impacts the company's overall success (Marr 2021). Gaining the respect of your team
members is only one benefit of being an efficient leader that may help your department
advance. The essay aims to provide the four different future workforce trends that will
redefine modern Leadership.
4 Future Workforce Trends Redefining Leadership in Modern Days
For companies, their workers, and their present CEOs and executives, the COVID-19
pandemic has meant a complete and total sea shift. This unprecedented worldwide recession
necessitates novel approaches to Leadership and governance from the world's top executives
and government officials. The four essential trends that impact modern Leadership are:
Globalization, New Talent Landscape, Technology and Culture (Akash 2022)
One observer claims that globalization is fuelled by a nearly universal push, the increasing
internationalization of corporate distribution and manufacturing strategies, and rapid
advancement in technology that is lowering barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and
capital around the world. Complex international challenges and exciting prospects for cross-
cultural exchange are two outcomes of globalization. To fully benefit from globalization, the
leaders of tomorrow will need to become truly global citizens who can effectively engage
with people from all walks of life and across linguistic and cultural boundaries. The arrival of
new ideas from outside should be greeted with excitement rather than alarm (StudyCorgi
While early foreign engagement is often characterized by the national stage's lack of cultural
sensitivity, the global stage's open market, multi-dimensional nature, and the necessity of
cultural sensitivity are hallmarks of the worldwide phase. Postings for upcoming contests
appear at this stage. Several successful practices characterize the international business scene,
and cultural awareness is essential. In each of these four phases, a company must make
critical decisions about its future direction to maintain its viability and growth while
remaining competitive. From a global viewpoint, outsourcing is now trending upwards,
primarily due to technological advancements but also fuelled by other advantages. Reduced
labour costs are an advantage of offshoring (Torres 2022).
Second is the new talent landscape; Changes in the talent environment have been gradual
over the last several years, but they are expected to accelerate. As baby boomers retire and
millennials join the workforce, firms must rethink their strategies for attracting and retaining
top people. Today, many companies employ members of four or even five generations. There
will be a more than $2.4 trillion global talent war by 2030 due to a predicted worldwide talent
deficit of 85 million workers (Mantu 2021)
Everyone in the company, not just new hires, is subject to the changing talent landscape. The
importance of educating and upskilling workers in light of rapidly developing technologies is
growing. While it is true that employees are ultimately responsible for their professional and
personal growth, it is also true that leaders and organizations should provide guidance and
support and guidance to equip their staff with the skills necessary to make meaningful strides
in their careers (Morgan 2021).
Leaders can put their weight behind efforts to build inclusive teams. Workers at all levels
have the right to request, and managers can create groups of various individuals. After
assembling an inclusive workforce, it's essential to give everyone a sense of belonging and
worth and strive to be part of a mentoring group. Younger workers may get valuable insight
from seasoned workers and even receive mentoring from them, particularly in areas like
social networking and technology. Also, make sure the leader regularly assesses your skill
level and invests in improving it if required. Please don't presume that leaders' prior education
and/or job experience is sufficient preparation for their current position (Ganly 2019).
Third, the technology. In the decades after the invention of the personal computer in the 80s,
technologies have steadily expanded their footprint across all levels of an organization, from
the factory floor to the main desk to the executive suite. Technological developments
profoundly influence how we communicate, do business, and socialize. Workers and
managers alike may benefit from more mobility, improved collaboration tools, and cutting-
edge analytics to boost output and efficiency. Even if it's great for consumers, keeping up
with the ever-changing nature of technology is a continuing challenge for businesses and, in
particular, their top executives (Jonk, Anscombe and Aurik 2018).
And finally, the culture. Discouragement might be the result of cultural factors. You may be a
corporation whose employees have trouble getting along, have difficulty communicating,
engage in gossip, or have co-workers who try to undermine their efforts. As the leaders must
deal with whatever this issue is. Leaders will feel demoralized due to the potential distraction
of these cultural challenges. As a consequence, team morale might plummet, and
organizational production fall (Quantic 2022).
Changing company culture is not simple, but you set the standard. Do not spread rumours
unless the leader wants them to spread about each other. For a company to succeed, its
leaders must be able to inspire their staff to work together effectively. It's normal; it occurs to
most of us. To get back on the right track, focus on and improve the beautiful things in their
environment. Unless leaders plan to improve the situation, the leader shouldn't focus on the
problems. Even if the leader doesn't think he is the biggest cheerleader, the team still needs a
leader to act like one. So go out and spread your joy even if the leader isn't feeling entirely up
to par. A leader's primary responsibility is to inspire their followers at all times. Executives
can no longer afford to be dishonest or opaque with their firms or workers; they must model
these values from the top down. Future leaders must have a firm grasp of their values and
principles and the ability to act following those principles. Being static is no longer an option.
Leaders need to take a stance and be as open and honest as they can be (Quantic 2022).
The study from different articles and resources has provided a great understanding of all the
various aspects impacting Leadership. There is a thin line that must be walked by businesses
who invest in this technology; whether the result is increased efficiency or a "chilling impact"
on personal liberties is still up in the air. The key to becoming a successful leader is having a
sense of mission and a willingness to serve a cause greater than oneself. Successful business
executives know that putting the demands of their organization ahead of their own is the most
significant way to guarantee success for everyone involved.
Torres, M., 2022. How Leadership Affects the Workplace and Employees in Local
Government (Doctoral dissertation, California State University, Northridge).
Morgan, J, 2021. Leadership Trends You Must Know: New Talent Landscape.
Mantu, 2021. The new talent landscape: keeping pace with changing expectations.
Jonk, G, Anscombe, J and Aurik J, C, 2018. How technology can transform Leadership – for
the good of employees. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/03/how-technology-can-