Education and Training

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1. Introduction................................................... ................................................ ................................................ 1

2. Origins of the Education and Training Policy................................... ................................................ ...... 1

3. IMPORTANCE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE POLICY ............................................ ................................................ ............. 4

4. Main issues and directions of the policy ................................................ .... 7

5. Key Outcome Areas of the Policy................................................. ................................................ ............ 14

6. The authority to issue policy and the scope of the policy. ................................................ 16

7. Policy Implementation Strategies................................................. ................................................ ..... 17

8. RELATED POLICIES ................................................... ................................................ ............................... 20

9. Definition of basic terms................................................... ................................................ ............................ 23

Education and training policy

1. Introduction

To ensure the development and prosperity of a country, to develop trust and good relations between citizens

Also, education and training play an important role in ensuring the rule of law and good governance. this

In order to achieve results, the quality and appropriateness of education and training must be closely related to economic and social development

It should be implemented in conjunction. According to this principle, by linking education and training with development, our country

Education and training policy to accelerate development1986 It has been designed and implemented. In this

According to policy, education sector development program divided every five years in the last twenty eight years.

When taxes are implemented in connection with the country's promised education for all and the Millennium Development Goals

They have been.

Based on this, increasing the accessibility of education by expanding education and training in all areas of the country

It was possible. In this way, the economy has contributed by providing the manpower it needs

There were gaps in terms of quality and variety. In addition, the curriculum is not practical

From the point of view of producing entrepreneurial citizens, encouraging technology and innovation, and indigenous people

By incorporating knowledge into the education system and applying it, it is broad in terms of ensuring national benefits

Gaps have been confirmed by education and training roadmaps.

Therefore, the policy is based on the challenges, shortcomings and the global changes of the sector

The policy needs to be revised. This policy evaluates the level of the education and training sector

The main problems of the sector and the obstacles of the existing policy will be solved by the new policy, implementation

It is designed to show the key outcomes expected when the strategies and policies are implemented.

2. Origins of the education and training policy

Education and training to accelerate the development of our country by linking education and training with development

Policy by1986 It has been designed and implemented. Divided every five years according to this policy
Education and training policy

Education sector development programs that the country has promised for education for all and the development of the century

They have been implemented in connection with goals. Accordingly, in the field of general education

Results have been recorded by ensuring access and equity, but they are old enough to go to school

There are still children who have not started school, problems of academic competence and those with special needs

In particular, the rate of participation in education of the disabled and young adults is low. The quality of education

It is declining and can be cited as evidence that most students at all levels

The result of education that is set on the policyThey could not achieve 50 percent or more results. system

The education is packed with theory, does not respond to the existing conditions of the country, and does not use indigenous knowledge.

It is not included, it is not regularly checked, and it does not sufficiently educate citizens with morals and good manners.

There was no preparation for entrepreneurship and international competitiveness. Teachers are also qualified

They have limitations in understanding and helping students and bringing them to the required level of competence

Even the schools are not suitable for learning, they do not have the necessary resources and the education

They are not supported by modern technology.

In order to provide medium-level skilled personnel in the field of technical and vocational education and training in the world

The best practices are compiled and a strategy based on the actual situation of the country is put into practice

From policy, strategy, organization and operation, implementation as well as finance.

Due to related problems, it was not possible to modernize the economy, especially agriculture.

Training institutions in such a way as to ensure access to technical and vocational education and training

They are not organized. He did not pay attention to agriculture, which is the economic base of the country, and updated this to

Industry could not support the transition. Various industrial and economic sectors combined

A system to train middle-level professionals who have appropriate qualifications and skills for their fields

It is not stretched. Establishing professional standards that properly consider national needs and implementing cooperative training

The result of implementing a system that is compatible with the current situation of our country

Unable to register.

Education and training policy

Although the results have been recorded through the expansion of access to higher education, most of the institutions

The fact that they did not meet the required standards and lacked many infrastructures in education and training

Having a negative impact on the quality and relevance of the system, without the economy allowing it70:30 formula

The application of science and social science education and training, supported by practice

Due to the lack of education and the lack of a strong quality and relevance controller, the quality and relevance

Unable to secure. On the other hand, research and research activities that are important for quality as well

Limitations have been observed in terms of community service benefiting the society. Generally speaking

Higher education institutions are supported by technology, linked with the industry and consider the current situation of the country.

They could not make education and training a reality.

When we look at it from the point of view of educational leadership, most of it is at every level, from the federal to the school

Because the existing educational structure lacks the responsibility, transparency and accountability of educational leadership and professionals

Managing the education and training system properly did not lead to better results. For this professional capacity

The lack of competition and lack of effectiveness of the training system is degrading the quality of education

It was one of the reasons for him to come.

In addition, the government has spent a lot of resources to expand access to higher education in the past years

It was the main source of finance for the sector. This has had a positive role in expanding access

However, the financing of the general education sector and the technical and vocational education and training sector has not been affected.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish alternative sources of income and financing in the future.

The basis of the grace of the environment that enables universities to make the human resources they produce effective

Although it is believed that they are engaged in training, universities in the country all types of education

Inefficient use of resources has occurred. Therefore, the natural resources that have universities

Expanding the infrastructure based on the mission of producing quality manpower.

The resource allocation system used for the implementation of teaching and learning activities should be customized.

Education and training policy

Therefore, by examining the current education and training system in all sectors and levels

A system that can respond to the existing conditions and create a competitive citizen should be established.

3. The importance and objectives of the policy

3.1 The importance of policy reform

The following are the basic reasons for revising the existing education and training policy

they are;

➢ Our education and training system is packed with theory and due attention to practical education

Since it was not given.

➢ Supported by technology in higher education institutions, linked to the industry and existing in the country

Not providing appropriate education and training and accordingly not providing adequate and appropriate manpower

And because the trained/graduated citizens are not entrepreneurs;

➢ The education and training sectors that have been implemented so far are the basis for the economic development of the country

Since there was a gap in terms of facilitating transition and productivity;

➢ Economic sectors and the education and training sector in the preparation of human resources in coordination

For not working.

➢ Establishing professional standards that properly consider national needs and enabling the implementation of cooperative training

For not setting up a system that is compatible with the current situation of our country.

➢ Globally growing technology and knowledge-based economic competition

Formulating a policy that makes it competitive globally by developing effective human resources

Because it's important.

Education and training policy

➢ Incorporating indigenous knowledge in the development of national human resources

Enhancing their contribution to the country by formulating an education and training policy that is in line with knowledge

Because it's important.

➢ Human resources produced by universities and technical and vocational training institutions in the country

The policy of education and training to contribute to the basis of their natural grace and mission

To improve by testing and form in such a way as to bring about the desired growth and development at the national level

Because it is important.

3.2 Policy philosophy, principles and objectives

3.2.1 Philosophy of education and training

Ethiopia's philosophy of education and training is derived from the national needs and actual situation

Accordingly, a multidisciplinary philosophy of education and training (Eclectic) is followed and made the main goal

Raised with good morals; Their self-confidence developed. using technology; For themselves

It is to create modern and problem-solving Ethiopian citizens who strive for the prosperity of their country.

3.2.2 Policy principles

The implementation of the education and training policy is based on the following principles;

➢ Quality and relevance;Providing quality lifelong education and training to all citizens;

➢ Decentralization;Following a decentralized education and training system;

➢ Transparency and Responsiveness;That policies and strategies are clear and responsive to problems


➢ Free from politics and religion.Education and training free from political and religious interference

give away,

Education and training policy

➢ Results oriented;The education and training system is a result-oriented education and training system

to follow

➢ Modern technology and competitiveness;Modern technology and the education and training system

Based on competitiveness,

3.2.3 The main objectives of the policy

➢ Quality education and training, especially from pre-primary to secondary level, free and compulsory

By supporting education with appropriate technology and providing it to all, the individual's intellectual, physical,

To promote social, spiritual and good values,

➢ Education and training from individual and social importance as well as change and development of economic sectors

connect with

➢ Through the education and training system, those who strengthen the construction of the state and peace among the citizens

Those who are dedicated to the construction of the state by including the values that are in the middle, and the ethics and

To produce competent citizens with values of peace,

➢ Developing a multi-faceted economy that responds to existing conditions and moving it to a higher level

To grow qualified citizens who can grow the economy and compete internationally.

➢ Those who enrich the good culture of Ethiopia; Those who love the people and the country, who accept the majority,

Those who respect human rights, who stand for human security and equality, for justice, for peacekeeping,

Those who are educated in ethical, moral and democratic culture, who know the history of their country, for their country.

To produce complete citizens who stand for unity,

➢ Self-confident, seeking the truth, standing up for the truth, through rational analysis and discussion

Believers, competent in their profession, entrepreneurs, innovators, beauty

Education and training policy

Admirers, for science and technology as well as for the spread, establishment and development of indigenous knowledge

Those who work hard In this way, those who improve their research and reasoning skills and stand up for the law

making citizens,

➢ Making education and training suitable and appropriate for the environment, to know and consider the environment

Those who have the ability to understand, reason and evaluate, analyze and change and appreciate

making citizens,

4. The main issues and directions of the policy

The main problems and challenges that are testing the education and training sector and may face in the future

To solve and fill gaps in the existing education and training policy and new ones

The following key policy issues and directions have been identified to include views.

4.1 Qualification framework for education and training

➢ National qualification framework for skills from various fields of education and training and work experience

They will have it.

4.2 Level of education and training

➢ Level of education to be able to achieve the educational objectives of the country; General education pre

First level (of5-year-olds and 6-year-olds), elementary (grades 1 to 6); Intermediate level

(Classes 7 and 8) and Secondary (Classes 9 to 12).

➢ Pre-primary education for four-year-old children in other options

A system will be developed for them to learn.

➢ First class entry ageIt will be 7 years.

➢ Eight levels of technical and vocational training (from level1- level 8) will have.

Education and training policy

➢ Minimum of undergraduate degree4 years, 2 years for master's degree and 4 years for Ph.D

It will be a year.

➢ Decentralized education and training is implemented at all levels of education and training.

4.3 Language of education and training

➢ Students will be taught at least three languages.

➢ Mother tongue as a form of education and as a language of instruction from pre-primary level

It will be given from the beginning and the class level where it will be given will be decided by the regions and implemented

It will be done.

➢ English language as a form of educationIt is given from 1st grade. In the work of teaching language

It will start to be used depending on the regions and it will be compulsoryIt will be implemented from 9th grade.

The details are determined by law.

➢ One more local language of the student/parent's choice among the federal working languages

It was decided by considering the education structure at each levelIt will be taught from 3rd to 10th grade.

➢ One more foreign languageIt will be taught as an optional subject from 9th grade onwards.

➢ Formal technical and vocational training is given in English and is short and community oriented

Trainings can be given in local or foreign languages according to the needs of the trainee.

4.4 Free and compulsory education

➢ The government provides pre-primary education b5-year-old and 6-year-old children are free for two years

It makes education compulsory.

Education and training policy

➢ Children in7 years old to start elementary school and from 1st to 6th grade as free and compulsory

It will be given.

➢ Secondary education will be made free and compulsory.

➢ Secondary education fromClasses 9 to 12 will be provided free of cost.

4.5 Education and training curriculum

4.5.1 General education

➢ The curriculum of general education is designed in a quality manner based on indigenous knowledge, vocational and

It includes color education and practical education and is integrated with production and practice

It will be delivered with the help of technology by developing a realistic curriculum.

➢ Secondary education in9th and 10th classes in the form of general education and in 11th and

It will be organized and given in different focus areas in 12th classes.

➢ Teacher Education and Training Curriculum

It will be adapted and adapted to education and supported by technology.

➢ Students with special talents and talents, disabilities and special learning needs

An accommodating curriculum will be developed and implemented.

➢ Vocational and technology education from pre-primary level in proportion to their age

It will be given.

➢ Practical education from1st to 6th grades independently, from 7th grade in citizenship education

It will be included.

Education and training policy

➢ Adult education in a way that improves the basic and universal life of the adult

Education and training will be provided on an intern basis.

➢ The curriculum will be updated regularly based on research.

4.5.2 Technical training

➢ Following the value chain analysis of technical and vocational training, the industry, vocational

Including unions, employer associations, highly experienced professionals and trainers

It will be prepared.

➢ Technical and vocational training curriculum and training equipment based on professional level

Institutions designed by the center are linked and related to the existing conditions of their areas and implemented

They will be made to do it.

➢ Technical and Vocational Training Curriculum Preparation and Review Industrial Professional Trainers and

It will involve professional associations.

➢ Technical and Vocational Training Curriculum Vocational Qualification Units, General Qualification Units and

It will include 21st century skills and entrepreneurship.

➢ Technical and vocational training curriculum includes environmental protection, sustainable development and occupational health and

It will include security.

➢ Technical and vocational training using alternative cooperative training models depending on the type of profession

It varies at least70% to be task-oriented and cooperation with industry and training institutions

It will be given.

➢ Vocational training will be focused on short courses.

Education and training policy

➢ Vocational training intern will be made to follow the training method.

➢ Adapted to the experience and level of competitiveness of technical and vocational training institutions, natural

They will focus on training programs based on grace, mission and field of focus.

➢ Professional ethics related to each professional field of trainees in technical and vocational training institutions

A course will be offered.

4.5.3 Higher education

➢ Higher education programs offered in the country from national and international development and growth

Also, quality and appropriate educational programs adapted to the needs of the labor market.

Taxes will be opened based on the needs of sectors and industries.

➢ All students spend at least twenty percent of their time at the university in industry or

A procedure will be developed where they will receive practical education related to the professional field they are training.

➢ In each professional field, a professional ethics course will be given in connection with the program.

➢ The educational programs of higher education institutions with the accumulated experience and level of competitiveness

Aligned, natural grace, mission and focus ((differentiation) will be focused on.

➢ To strengthen the national and international competitiveness of government higher education institutions

A system will be developed for them to transition to autonomy.

4.6 Level of teachers/coaches and leaders of education and training institutions

➢ The level of education of teachers, coaches and educational leaders who are engaged in every sector and every level

It will be from certificate to doctorate degree. Details are determined by policy.

Education and training policy

➢ Professional series for teachers, coaches and educational leaders to improve their skills

A reform program as well as a professional license and renewal system will be established; This is from their level of development

It will be linked to.

4.7 Research technology transfer and community service

➢ Studies and research conducted by educational and training institutions combined with technology transfer

They will be linked and functional in order to bring about social change.

➢ Universities in research, technology transfer and community service delivery

Area and Development Corridor (cluster) will be prioritized.

➢ Research and community service activities, depending on the mission of the institutions, at least institutions

their budget5% will be allocated to support them; The details are determined by law.

➢ Adapt the programs of education and training institutions to the needs of the industry and make them competitive

Technical and vocational training institutions, university, research to increase the productivity

Institute and industry will be linked.

4.8 Financing of education and training

➢ Effective, accountable and balanced decentralized education finance will be established.

➢ The cost of higher education is covered by the government and students, and the share that is covered by the government and

The share to be covered by students and the details of the system by which students pay are determined by law.

➢ Technical and vocational training sector based on research in terms of its contribution to the economy

It will be provided with appropriate budget support by the government.

➢ Technical and vocational training trainees will be included in the cost sharing system.

Education and training policy

➢ The mechanism by which industries/employers provide financial support for technical and vocational education and training

It stretches.

➢ The operating system for educational and training institutions to cover their expenses by generating internal revenue

It stretches.

➢ A national education and technical training fund will be established.

4.9 Education and Training Evaluation System

4.9.1 General education

➢ Completion of primary education (6th grade) exam will be prepared and given at state level.

➢ Completion of secondary education (8th grade) exam according to the standard issued by the Ministry of Education

Based on this, the work of preparing and managing the exam will be done by the states.

➢ Completion of secondary education nationwide12th class exam in color and vocational education

Areas of focus will be prepared and delivered in two forms.

4.9.2 Technical and vocational education and training

➢ Those who want to complete 12th grade and join the world of work in the career they have chosen in the 2nd level

A competency assessment will be prepared based on education.

➢ Technical and vocational training competency evaluation is given in the industry and the industry should also be evaluated

Where this is not possible, the competency assessment should be conducted at cluster assessment centres, mobile assessment centers and

It will be given using simulation.

➢ The competency assessment will be inclusive of the disabled and vulnerable sections of society.

Education and training policy

➢ To promote the competence and professional ethics of industry experts to participate in the assessment process on a sustainable basis.

Acknowledgment and Renewal of Validity License (Licensing and Re-licensing) system

It stretches.

➢ The transition from one level to another level is evaluated in the institution and in any case

Only trainees who want to enter the world of work will take the national competency assessment.

4.9.3 Higher education

➢ An exit exam will be given in all higher education and training programs.

➢ International recognition of higher education programs (accreditation) to enter the system

It will be done.

4.9.4 Minimum Passage or Transfer Result

➢ Minimum transfer of students/trainees from class to class or from level to level

average scoreIt will be 50% or more.

5. Key outcomes of the policy

5.1 Fair, inclusive and accessible education and training

Using different options to make education and training fair, inclusive and accessible, and the private sector

By increasing participation, building and expanding standard education and training institutions, education and

By supplementing the resources of training institutions, by increasing the capacity of executive and executive bodies at all levels, the country

By making it inclusive of knowledge, by strengthening the cooperation and coordination system, with sufficient budget and promotion.

Fair, inclusive and accessible education and training by making it accessible and empowering them to be problem solvers

It will be confirmed.

Education and training policy

5.2 In the labor market, there is a demand for human resources

By ensuring the quality of education and training at all levels, all students and trainees at the international level

Improve the curriculum of education and training that makes them competitive and what the economy needs

By providing education and training, evaluation of education and training, examination and evaluation system,

In education and training inspection, teachers and trainers as well as leaders in evaluation

By verifying, increasing the quality and relevance of research works, enriching languages and students

By improving teachers' use of language, supplementing laboratory resources, researchers

By increasing research capacity and implementing problem-solving research and research, education and training

By making the system inclusive of indigenous knowledge, by strengthening mutual and international cooperation and connection

Quality and relevant manpower will be provided for the labor market.

5.3 Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship Expansion

Developing technologies by understanding the benefits of technology transfer in education and training institutions;

By transferring to enterprises, making them competitive and working to build technological capacity.

By understanding and building the capacity to copy technology, based on the blessings of the environment

By doing analysis, identifying technologies, developing, adapting and applying, education and

Research capacity in the field of training by properly following the scientific approach and providing solutions.

The institutes develop indigenous knowledge and skills, promote innovation and technology transfer, science,

Mathematics, technology, engineering and art subjects are given special attention in the curriculum

By including, empowering students and trainees, increasing the country's economy, science and technology

Education and vocational training from pre-primary level in an appropriate way by qualified teachers

Trainers in various science and technology laboratories required for the education and training system;

By providing education and training using workshops and other materials, science, technology and work

Creativity will flourish.

Education and training policy

5.4 Community and environmental development

By supporting community service and industrial extension, what is done for the local community

By increasing the support of knowledge and skills, charitable services and environmental development and protection, as well as from the country

By benefiting citizens with knowledge and skills, based on the blessings of development in different areas

Provided education and training as well as professional support, carried out in education and training institutions

Research and study activities based on the development needs of the local community and the local community

By enabling enterprises to benefit, sustainable local development is ensured.

5.5 Strong education and training system and enforcement capacity

Implementation capacity in the field of education and training based on this policy and other legal frameworks

By building, making education and training institutions competitive, the head of education and training institutions

Making them independent, doing service improvement works, human resource capacity building works

By working, increasing access to institutional infrastructure, a strong education and training system and

Builds enforcement capacity.

6. The authority to make policy and the scope of the policy

This education and training policy is the brainchild of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Employment and Skills

It will be prepared and approved by the Council of Ministers.

This policy applies to pre-primary, primary (1st-6th grades), intermediate level (7th and 8th

classes), secondly (from9th to 12th grades), in adult education and training institutions, in vocational schools

Training institutions (from level1 to level 8), in education and training colleges, higher education institutions

(universities), education and training institutions and training in industry (short and

formal trainings) will be implemented.

Education and training policy

7. Policy implementation strategies

7.1 Policy enforcement agencies

This policy will have the following main executive bodies.

➢ Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation offices and institutions run at the national level

Coordinating technology research and study to facilitate the teaching and learning process

By expanding digitalization, expanding ICT infrastructure, technological innovation and education

They help to have a technology-based education system by linking it with the training.

As well as technological and creative works generated by research and education in educational and training institutions

They put them to good use.

➢ Offices and institutions of the Ministry of Social and Human Resource Development, educational and training institutions

They create a comfortable environment for students and trainees who do on-the-job training

In the era of health, culture, tourism, indigenous, etc. Based on knowledge and skills

To have a curriculum and professional ethics to be properly included in education and training

They do. Languages used in education and training Eligible for education and training

that they are They work to develop languages so that languages can be used for education and training. Children,

Activities to increase the participation of women and citizens with special needs in education and training

By working, giving immigrants and returnees access to education and training

They are expected to play their part.

➢ Those who lead and coordinate and implement the agricultural, manufacturing and other service sectors

Institutions in various fields of education and training institutions in their mission and focus areas

Based on this, they create a comfortable environment for them to practice and practice.

Education and training policy

➢ Federal and regional education and training quality assurance authorities in the policy

Education quality, level, professional level, professional conduct and other control and monitoring activities

They perform.

7.2 Legal frameworks to implement the policy

To implement the key result areas of this policy, the Technical and Vocational Training Act, the high

Education Proclamation, Education and Training Cost Sharing Regulation, Education and Training Institutions Income Generation

Regulation of Enterprises, Regulation of Establishment of Universities and other decrees in force

Revise as necessary. Also, national education and training qualification framework, general education

Proclamation, University Autonomy Proclamation and other important proclamations and regulations are prepared and implemented

will be done.

7.3 Policy Implementation Programs

To ensure equitable, inclusive and accessible education and training:Educational infrastructure and

Education and training infrastructure and facility program will be implemented to develop facilities

This program is mainly to build educational infrastructure and infrastructure at all levels of education

Developments to complete the facilities to provide services and comfortable learning

It involves creating an atmosphere. In addition to teaching and learning, for research and society

Service and infrastructure and facilities for education and training industry

It includes

To produce a competent and desirable workforce in the labor market:Quality of general education

Reform, higher education quality improvement and technical and vocational education and training quality and relevance improvement

Programs will be implemented. This program is mainly a general education curriculum

To improve, to improve the competence of teachers and educational leaders, to improve school programs;

To improve the national standard of general education, to improve and enrich language skills, lifetime

Education and training policy

To improve the education of adults, to improve the competence of higher education teachers and educational leaders;

To improve the mission focus area of universities, to improve research activities, in technical and professional fields

Education and training, preparation and revision of professional standards and procedures, qualifications of trainers and managers.

It includes measures to improve and improve the competency assessment system.

To promote science, technology and entrepreneurship:Technology transfer of education and training institutions

An upgrade program will be implemented. Expansion of incubation centers to achieve this programme;

Improving technology research and transfer, foreign employment training, education and training institutions, etc

Improving industry linkages, expanding enterprise development (enterprise development) to be carried out

it will be.

To promote community and local development:Community Service and Area Development Program

It will be done. For this, indigenous knowledge and skills improvement and transfer and development extension

Work related to service improvement is carried out by this program.

Building a strong education and training system and enforcement capacity:Education and training institutions

Capacity building and competitiveness program will be implemented. Thus, educational and training institutions are autonomous,

Related to service improvement, human resource capacity building and institutional infrastructure capacity building

Tasks are executed by this program.

7.4 Monitoring and evaluation system to ensure the effective implementation of the policy

The education and training policy implementation sector has the necessary resources and sufficient personnel for the development and growth of the country.

From providing quality, inclusive and competitive education and training, employment and technology

In terms of encouraging innovation and helping community development and accelerating local development

The results of the education and training policy are regularly monitored and evaluated. Monitoring and support

The work will focus on implementation programs and projects based on the policy.

This is to achieve the key result areas of the policy and to ensure that current measures are taken

Education and training policy

Also to ensure that there is sufficient and compelling reason to make a policy revision as necessary

Enables. In general, the following monitoring and evaluation systems to implement this education and training policy

They will be implemented.

➢ Coordinating between federal, state, education and training institutions and other structures in the sector

The support in which all parties participated in the procedure followed and it is implemented in a consistent manner

Monitoring includes standards and performance indicators and is based on international evaluation indicators

A scanned document will be generated.

➢ Monitoring and evaluation of short, medium and long-term plan performance in the sector; this

A standardized and technologically supported monitoring and evaluation system will be developed to enable implementation;

A strong organization will be made complete with skilled manpower.

➢ Mid-term evaluation of the results of the education and training policy every three years

By doing so, they will be used as resources for the improvement of further works. The results of the policy

In education and training, stakeholders and communities in an inclusive information gathering method as well

It is done based on various national and international research activities.

➢ To evaluate the annual performance of education and training from school to national level

A system will be developed for the education and training conference.

➢ When the policy is necessary, based on research and considering national and international experiences

It will be improved.

8. Related Policies

Others that help to implement the main policy issues and directions identified in the education and training sector

The relevant policies are as follows.

Education and training policy

8.1 Production sectors and infrastructure policies

Agricultural and rural development by ensuring food security and food safety so that they do not pose a health risk and in health

In order to prevent the loss of education due to defects and better results for students in their studies

It will make them register and to have a link between education and industry in the production industry policy

To do and education and training human resource development from the industries educated manpower and skills

Ensures compliance with requirements. Centralization policy in education and training institutions

Contributing to the development of essential infrastructure for drinking water and sanitation

it will be. Electricity policy for educational institutions at all levels of electricity and other energy options

The construction policy will contribute significantly to the provision of infrastructure

Established in all levels of educational institutions by supporting design and quality control activities.

It helps them develop.

8.2 Social and human development policies

Health sector policy by improving citizens' health and maternal and child health services, system

All by improving food, disease prevention and control, and personal hygiene and environmental health care

A child of school age plays a major role in getting an education. Social

Protection policy for shelter, food, medicine and other treatment for the vulnerable sections of society

Provides access to services, educational institutions, and awareness of women's policy related to education.

He will be responsible for creating and educating mothers to send their children to school. of youth

Policy that can make young people benefit from education, cognitive creation works, psychology

It will contribute by providing services and children's policy to ensure that children get nutritious food

To ensure access to basic child health services and health services for vulnerable children;

From doing awareness activities to make them become users of education and in general

It will play a significant role in developing attitudes and culture. Sports policy by informing the community

For the education and training sector by making physically and mentally developed citizens

It will contribute. Cultural policies such as traditional practices that make education and training ineffective

Education and training policy

It is the responsibility to eliminate activities such as early marriage, to strengthen socio-cultural institutions

The responsibility comes to help them make an impact, film policy by raising public awareness, at the national level

Unnecessary actions of foreign countries by making the films that are shown to protect the values of the country

It will eliminate problems in education.

8.3 Science, Technology and Innovation Policy

Science, technology and innovation policy supporting scientific research and education and training

Equipment, helping to improve the supply of resources, scientific, research and research carried out in educational institutions

and putting creativity into practice as well as important science, technology and innovation

Providing adequate infrastructure, educational information management through digital technology

Supporting and updating the quality of education for all and working around science and technology

It allows for the coordination of components. Ethiopia's quality policy is both domestic and foreign

It will have a role in maintaining and verifying the standards of imported educational resources and equipment.

8.4 Judicial and Administrative Policies

By making peace police to develop peace infrastructure in schools and higher education institutions

Clubs and forums should be stopped, working together to establish or expand procedures, trainings.

The physical, mental and environmental freedom and security of citizens by coordinating with universities

By securing, ensuring peaceful and fair thinking and practice, education and training policy without any

The problem of peace makes it practical. The effectiveness of civil service policy for the education and training sector

Support for organization and operation and a system that encourages education professionals

It contributes by stretching. Foreign relations policy to attract and develop investment in the education sector

Partners will play an important role in helping fundraise for education.

Education and training policy

9. Basic terminology

In this education and training policy, unless the context dictates otherwise;

➢ Philosophy of education and trainingIt means the basis of the country's education and training

It is indicative.

➢ Strategy It is a strategy used to implement the education and training policy.

➢ Principle It is the basic guideline that we follow to implement the education and training policy.

➢ Level of education and trainingmeans the system designed to achieve the objectives of education and training;

Education is a level of distribution.

➢ Pre-primary educationmeans fromThe overall development of children aged 4 to 6 years

It is the level of education where they are prepared and laid the foundation for primary education.

➢ Primary educationmeans fromChildren's Reading, including 1st through 6th grade levels;

Computing: knowing and protecting the environment, etc. Basic knowledge and skills

As a part of basic education, they will develop good moral character

It is a curriculum.

➢ Intermediate educationmeans students ofTeaching 7th and 8th grade for next

Secondary education is the level of education at which you are ready to transition.

➢ Secondary education means from9th grade includes the 12th grade and the 9th grade

and theThe 10th grade is where the middle school education continues to be strengthened

11th and 12th grade education is divided into different areas of focus to prepare students for higher education

It is the level of education that makes them job ready.

Education and training policy

➢ Adult educationIt means that the content and teaching methods are formal or informal

Even if it is a way, adults can develop their skills, enrich their knowledge or technical and professional

A program designed to enhance their skills in formal, evening and distance education

It is the process of education and reception that they go through.

➢ General educationIt means pre-primary, primary; Middle and high school education

When it is a program; It also includes adult education.

➢ Technical and vocational trainingThat is, through formal and informal education and training systems

By providing education and training in the types of occupations and levels from second to third degree

For work by enhancing knowledge, skills and professional ethics and ensuring professional competence assessment

It is a field of education and training.

➢ Professional levelIt means that it is a professional level prepared by professionals in the world of work, and people in the world of work

It refers to the skills they must have in order to be effective.

➢ ApprenticeIt means that the education and training system can respond to changing occupational requirements and

It is the ability to accommodate the diverse needs of groups of different types and sizes.

➢ Short trainingIt means that trainees are qualified for work in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Technical and vocational training institutions to get a promotion or earn extra income

One of the qualification units that are prepared based on the professional level and given in one level

It's a short-term training program that contains some of them.

➢ Evaluation in the institutionMeans for technical and vocational training for the level of completion of one level

Before moving on to the next level, the competency assessment given by the institutions themselves at the institution level

is it.

Education and training policy

➢ Professional qualificationIt means that the knowledge, skills and skills that are prepared based on the professional level

It is a process of measuring attitude and ensuring that it is suitable for the job.

➢ Outcome-based assessmentIt means considering how, when and where the professional qualification was obtained

It is a practice that is judged only on the presence of the professional qualification without entering.

➢ Cooperative trainingIt means technical and vocational training institutions and direct with the profession

Supported by practice given in related industries or enterprises

It is a training system that involves training.

➢ TechnologyIt means using resources and machinery to produce a product or service

Technical, business management, marketing knowledge and skills, institutional organization,

It is the knowledge and skill to understand the operating system and work culture.

➢ Technology transferTo ensure scientific and technological development, knowledge, skills,

Technology, production method, production equipment and samples from the producer to the user

It is the process of transferring and using technologies, working and upgrading to new practices.

➢ Industry extension service support That means micro and small enterprises as well

Organization of complete information by identifying intermediate industries based on needs, training and

This includes consulting, technology development, marketing and best practice selection and transfer

It's support.

➢ Indigenous knowledge and skillsThat is, special professions that have lived in a community for a long time

Knowledge and skills, information that is used by the community and transmitted informally

Rather than written texts, it means that they are spoken through oral tradition and not written down.

➢ General or supporting units of competenceIt means the basic training for technical and vocational training trainees

It means supporting supporting units of competence.

Education and training policy

➢ Higher educationIt means that after high school, color and professional knowledge, skills, morals and

It has undergraduate and graduate programs that will help you improve your skills

It is the level of education.

➢ Education and training managementThat is, in accordance with the policy of education and training

Organized to implement the structure of education and training by coordinating the resources and the appropriate process

It is a body that provides leadership at every level to achieve results.

➢ Management of education and trainingIt means education and training policy at all levels

Appropriate human, material and financial resources for educational and training institutions to implement

It is an operating system that is organized to make daily activities effective.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction................................................... ................................................ .......................................... 1

2. Basic Assumptions of the Education and Training Policy ........................................ ................................ 1

3. The Importance and Objectives of the Policy........................................ ................................................ 4

4. Core Issues and Directions of the Policy........................................ ................................................ ....... 6

5. Key Output (Performance) Areas of the Policy ...................................... ............................................... 12

6. Policy Issuing Authority and Scope of the Policy ........................................ ........................................... 13

7. The Policy Implementation Strategies ............................................ ................................................ .. 14

8. Related Policies................................................... ................................................ ................................... 17

9. Definitions of Terms................................................... ................................................ .............................. 19

Education and Training Policy

1. Introduction

Education and training are key instruments that play a crucial role in fostering the development and

prosperity of a country, building trust and positive relations between citizens, and ensuring the rule of

law as well as good governance. The quality and relevance of education and training must be directly

linked to the socio-economic development goals of the nation. Given this fundamental principle and its

contributions to national development, the Government of Ethiopia has been pursuing the

implementation of the Education and Training Policy promulgated in 1994. Based on the Policy, it has

been possible to implement five education sector development programs, divided into five -year period

each, with a view to meeting the country's commitment to "Education for All" and the Millennium

Development Goals.

The policy had considerable contributions to expand access to education and training and supply human

resources to the economy in all regions of the country. However, there have been serious gaps in the

quality and profile of graduates. As evidenced in the findings of the national Education and Development

Roadmap, serious hurdles in advancing technology and innovation and incorporating indigenous

knowledge in the curriculum—which often lacked practical orientation with a resultant effect of

diminished benefits to the nation—had been identified.

Given the challenges and shortcomings of the policy and recent international developments in the sector, it

has become imperative to revise the Education and Training Policy. Thus, this revised policy has been

developed to address the implementation snags of the old policy, offer implementation strategies and outline

key outputs through a closer analysis of the sector.

2. Basic Assumptions of the Education and Training Policy

The Government of Ethiopia issued an Education and Training Policy in 1994 with the aim of fostering the

overall development of the country through education and training. Based on the Policy, the education

sector was guided by a series of five-year Education Sector Development Programs, which were designed

and implemented to achieve educational goals of the nation and meet the country's commitment

towards, among others, "Education for All" and the Millennium Development Goals.

Education and Training Policy

Despite remarkable achievements registered in terms of access and equity in general education, some

outstanding challenges, such as school-aged children with no access to education; internal weaknesses in

efficiency and effectiveness; and low participation rate of special needs students, particularly people with

disabilities and adults, remain a clear manifestation of the system. The quality of education has also been

reported to have declined over time as evidenced by the failure of most students at various levels to acquire

the minimum passing mark of 50% as set out in the Policy.

The curricula at all levels were predominantly theoretical, non-responsive to current national demands,

and lacked indigenous knowledge and regular review. The curricula also lacked moral principles and

sound values to shape the social and psychological outlook of students. It was also inadequate in

preparing students for entrepreneurship and international competitiveness. Teachers were also found to

be incompetent with limitations in supporting students to achieve the required level of proficiency.

Schools lacked a conducive environment for learning as they were devoid of the requisite educational

resources, including modern technology—now deemed paramount for enhancing the learning process.

Over the years, tremendous efforts have been made to benchmark best world practices and adapting

relevant strategies to produce mid-level skilled manpower in the field of technical and vocational

education and training. However, due to challenges related to policy, strategy, organization and

operation, implementation and finance, such efforts failed to modernize the economy, especially the

agricultural sector. The technical and vocational education and training institutions were not organized

to ensure access to quality technical and vocational education and training. The sector failed to provide

adequate attention to the agricultural sector, which is the backbone of the national economy, and

enhance the transition to industrial economy. The various industrial and economic sectors were not

coordinated to produce mid-level professionals with appropriate competencies, qualifications and skills.

Similarly, a national qualifications framework and a system for implementation of cooperative training—

manifestations of national training needs—were missing.

Although results in expanding access to higher education have been encouraging, the majority of the

institutions failed to meet the required standards and lacked commensurate infrastructure—adversely

impacting the quality and relevance of the national education and training system. Furthermore, the

introduction and implementation of a policy that privileges science and technology programs against

social sciences and humanities, at a ratio of 70:30, without regard to the labor market needs; the lack of

Education and Training Policy

practice-oriented education (practicum); and the absence of a robust regulatory agency to ensure quality

and relevance, have had detrimental effects on the entire education system. Furthermore, serious

limitations in research outputs and community services—critical components of educational quality were

evident. In general, higher education institutions have failed to provide education and training programs

that are supported by technology, linked to industry, and relevant to the current national needs.

The lack of accountability and transparency in terms of challenges of educational leadership adversely

affected the overall effectiveness of the system. The absence of merit-based and competitive

appointments of educational leaders has been one of the main factors for the deterioration of the quality

of education.

In the past several years, the government has been allocating huge financial resources to expand access to

higher education in all the regions of the country. Although this has had a positive impact in promoting access,

it has strained the budgetary allocation to general education and the technical and vocational education and

training sub-sectors. Therefore, it is extremely important to identify alternative sources of funding and put in

place a robust financing system.

Although it is established that universities can bring about appreciable positive impact in the production

of highly qualified and competent graduates through effective utilization of natural resources in their

respective localities, virtually all universities in the country have been offering similar programs without

particular focus on their comparative advantages. . More precisely, the programs that Ethiopian

universities offer have not been differentiated based on their specific conditions, resulting in undue

wastages of resources. To overcome such challenges and help universities make an effective use of

natural resources in their area as well as discharge their responsibilities to produce qualified human

resources, it is important to put in place a system of resource allocation that contributes positively

towards the attainment of their mission , expansion of their infrastructure and enhancement of the

quality of teaching and learning.

Therefore, it has become imperative to critically review the current education and training system and respond

to the challenges documented at all levels with a view to creating a new system that is capable of producing

competent and qualified citizens.

Education and Training Policy

3. The Importance and Objectives of the Policy

3.1 The need to revise the policy

• whereas the existing system of education and training is excessively theory-laden and pays little

attention to practical applications;

• whereas higher education institutions' failure in offering education and training that are relevant,

technology-supported, and industry linked, has led to shortages of sufficient and competent human

resources and graduates without entrepreneurship skills;

• whereas the deficiency of the existing education and training system in enhancing the

transformation and productivity of key sectors of the economy is recognized;

• whereas proper coordination between the economic and education and training sectors on the

preparation of required human power is lacking;

• whereas gaps in establishing qualification standards and schemes for implementing cooperative trainings

that adequately mirror the national need and concrete reality of the country are recognized;

• whereas the need to develop a policy to boost the country's international competitiveness through the

ever-growing technology that fosters a knowledge-based economic competitiveness at a global level is


• whereas the imperative to formulate an education and training policy that integrates indigenous

knowledge with modern knowledge to enhance their contribution towards the national development

process has been advanced; and

• whereas the need to evaluate and improve the existing education and training policy with a view to

creating a system that enables universities and technical and vocational education institutions to

offer programs based on their relative advantages and effective utilization of natural resources in

their localities to bring about the desired national development and growth has been well

recognized; it has thus become an imperative to revise the existing Education and Training Policy.

Education and Training Policy

3.2 The philosophy, principles and objectives of the policy

3.2.1 Philosophy of education and training

Ethiopia's philosophy of education and training stems from national interests and objectives

conditions prevailing in the country. The country follows a flexible and eclectic philosophy of

education and training that aims to create citizens who are ethical, self-confident, problem solvers,

technology savvy, passionate towards national prosperity and skillful in addressing various challenges.

3.2.2 Principles of the policy

The implementation of the Education and Training Policy is based on the following principles:

• Quality and relevance -Providing all citizens with relevant and quality education and the

opportunity for lifelong education and training;

• Decentralization -Adopting devolved education and training systems;

• Transparent and responsive -Ensuring that policies and strategies are clear and responsive to


• Free from politics and religion -Providing education and training free from political and

religious interference;

• Result oriented -Following a result-oriented education and training system; and

• Modern technology and competitiveness -Implementing the education and training system driven

by modern technology and competitiveness.

3.2.3. Main objectives of the policy

• to provide quality, free and compulsory education and training to all, especially from pre-primary

to middle level, supporting it with appropriate technology and cultivating the cognitive, physical,

social, spiritual and ethical values and capacities of individuals;

• to link education and training with individual and social benefits as well as the development and

transformation of economic sectors;

• to nurture competent citizens of high morality who, through the education and training system,

advance state building and peaceful relations among citizens;

Education and Training Policy

• to develop competent citizens who can respond to current national needs, and endeavor to

transform the country's development, as well as produce internationally competitive citizens;

• to nurture mature citizens who accept pluralism, love their country, respect human rights, stand for

social well-being, equality, justice and peace; enrich the diverse cultures of Ethiopia; pursue ethical,

moral and democratic cultures; impart good knowledge on national history; and stand for national


• to cultivate citizens who are self-confident, seek and stand for truth, appreciate logic and

dialogue, competent in their profession, entrepreneurial and innovative, value aesthetic

sensibility, stand up for the rule of law, strive for the advancement of science and technology as

well as indigenous knowledge with a view to the development of research and analytical skills;


• to render the educational and training policy responsive and relevant to the local surroundings by

cultivating citizens with abilities and skills to understand, analyze, assess, and change.

4. Core Issues and Directions of the Policy

The following key policy issues and directions have been identified to respond to the major problems and

challenges of the education and training sector and address the gaps identified in the previous education

and training policy as well as incorporate new perspectives in the new policy.

4.1 Education and training qualification framework

A national qualifications framework shall be developed for various professions in the education and

training sector and from work experiences.

4.2 Level of education and training

To achieve the country's educational aims and goals, the education and training structures are divided

into the following levels:

• General Education will include Pre-Primary (5- and 6-year-olds), Primary (Grades 1 to 6);

Junior or Middle level (Grades 7 and 8) and Secondary level (Grades 9 to 12);

• Pre-Primary education for four-year-old children will be designed using alternative educational

provision approaches;

• The entry age for first grade will be 7 years;

Education and Training Policy

• Technical and vocational training shall have eight levels (from Level 1 to Level 8).

• Higher education shall have a minimum of 4 years for an undergraduate degree, 2 years for a master's

degree and 4 years for a Ph.D. degree.

• A decentralized education and training system will be applied across all levels of education and


4.3 Language of education and training

• Students shall learn at least three languages.

• The mother tongue shall be taught as a subject and language of instruction beginning from Pre-

Primary level. The grade level at which it ends as a subject and language of instruction shall be

determined by the Regional States.

• English shall be offered as a subject beginning from Grade 1; the grade level at which it will be

used as a language of instruction shall be determined by the Regions. However, it shall be used

as the language of instruction in all regions beginning from Grade 9. Further details shall be

issued in directives.

• Students shall learn one additional local language among the federal working languages from Grade

3 to Grade 10, based on students'/parents' choices, and depending on the educational structure at

each level.

• An additional foreign language shall be offered as an optional subject from Grade 9 onwards.

• Formal technical and vocational training shall be given in English, while short and community-

based trainings can be given in local or foreign languages, depending on the choices of the


4.4 Free and compulsory education

• The Government shall provide two years of free and compulsory pre-primary education for 5-

and 6-year-old children.

• Children shall start primary education at the age of 7; and education shall be free and

compulsory for all from Grade 1 to Grade 6.

• Junior (middle-level) education shall be free and compulsory.

• Secondary education shall be free from Grade 9 to Grade 12.

Education and Training Policy

4.5 Curriculum of education and training

4.5.1 General education

• High-quality, practice-oriented, and technology-supported curricula for general education shall be

designed by incorporating indigenous knowledge, moral and ethical values, vocational and academic


• Secondary education shall be organized in the form of general education from Grade 9 to Grade 10;

and in Grades 11 and 12 different focus areas shall be provided.

• Teacher education and training curricula shall be developed, aligned with the curricula and level of the

subject that the trainees will be teaching, supported by technology.

• Curricula that address students with special educational needs, including special talents and

gifts, disabilities and special learning needs, shall be developed.

• Vocational and technical education shall be prepared and provided in an age-appropriate

manner, beginning with Pre-Primary level.

• Moral education shall be taught from Grade 1 to Grade 6 as an independent subject and shall be

incorporated in citizenship education beginning in Grade 7.

• Adult education shall be provided as a flexible component of education and training in a manner that

improves the fundamental and holistic life of the person.

• The curricula shall be regularly reviewed based on research.

4.5.2 Technical and vocational training

• Technical and vocational training shall be prepared following occupational standards and value

chain analysis in collaboration with industry, professional associations, employers' associations, highly

experienced professionals and trainers.

• Technical and vocational training curricula shall be developed and training tools determined

centrally based on the level of the occupational standards; and institutions shall adapt and

implement them on the objective reality of their local contexts and needs.

• The preparation and revision of technical and vocational training curricula shall be done with the

participation of industrial practitioners, vocational trainers and professional associations.

Education and Training Policy

• Technical and vocational training curricula shall involve vocational units of competence, general

units of competence, and 21Stcentury skills and entrepreneurship.

• Technical and vocational training curricula shall include environmental protection, sustainable

development and occupational health and safety.

• Technical and vocational training shall be offered using alternative training models, depending on the

type of profession, but shall be at least 70% practical and delivered in collaboration with industries and

training institutions.

• Technical and vocational training shall focus on short-term trainings, in addition to the regular training


• Technical and vocational training shall follow flexible training methods.

• Technical and vocational training institutions shall emphasize on training programs aligned with their

long training expertise and level of competitiveness, local resources, and mission and field of focus.

• Trainees in technical and vocational training institutions shall receive professional ethics courses

related to their fields.

4.5.3 Higher Education

• Higher education programs shall be launched based on national and international development

needs, human resource demands of the labor market, and the needs of the sectors and industry,

taking quality and relevance into account.

• A system of internship and practicum shall be designed to place students to spend at least 20% of

their academic programs in relevant industries.

• Professional ethics courses related to the field of studies shall be offered to all students.

• Higher education institutions shall focus on educational programs that are aligned with their

accumulated expertise and level of competitiveness, local resources, and mission and field of

focus (ie, differentiation).

• A system shall be in place for public higher education institutions to become autonomous to

enhance their national and international competitiveness.

Education and Training Policy

4.6. Levels of teachers/trainers and leaders of education and training institutions

• The education levels of teachers, trainers and educational leaders, engaged in various fields and

levels, shall be from certificate to doctorate degrees. Further details shall be issued in directives.

• A continuous professional development program as well as a professional licensing and renewal

system shall be developed for teachers, trainers and educational leaders to improve their

competencies, which will be linked to their career progress.

4. 7 Research, technology transfer and community service

• Studies and research conducted by educational and training institutions shall be combined with

technology transfer and implemented to bring about social transformation.

• Universities shall conduct research, technology transfer and community service in collaboration with

primarily the local communities and development corridors of their areas.

• Although the nature of research and community service shall be determined by their missions,

universities shall be expected to allocate at least 5% of their budget to support research and

community service activities. Further details shall be issued in directives.

• Programs offered in educational and training institutions shall be aligned with the needs of

industry to promote competitiveness and productivity; this shall be done through establishing

strong links among technical and vocational training institutes, universities, research institutes,

and industry.

4.8 Financing of education and training

• There shall be an effective, accountable and decentralized education financing system.

• The cost of higher education shall be covered by the government and students; further details

shall be issued in directives.

• Appropriate budget shall be allocated to the technical and vocational training sector based on

research in terms of its contribution to the economy.

• Trainees of technical and vocational training shall be included in the cost sharing system.

• A system to provide financial support for technical and vocational education and training by

industries/employers shall be established.

• A system to generate internal revenues by education and training institutions shall be


Education and Training Policy

• A national education and technical and vocational training fund shall be established.

4.9 Education and training assessment system

4.9.1 General education

• Primary Education Completion (Grade 6) Examination shall be prepared and administered at a

regional level.

• Middle-Level Education Completion (Grade 8) Examination shall be prepared and administered by

Regions based on national standards issued by the Ministry of Education.

• National Secondary School Completion (Grade 12) Examination shall be given in the academic

and vocational education focus areas.

4.9.2 Technical and vocational education and training

• A competency assessment shall be carried out for students who prefer to join the world of work

after completing Grade 12 based on their fields of study at secondary education.

• Technical and vocational training competency assessment shall be offered by industry; and in

cases where industry cannot provide the assessment, the competency assessment shall be

effected through cluster assessment centers, mobile assessment centers, and simulations.

• The competency assessment shall be inclusive and responsive to vulnerable groups of society

and people with disabilities.

• A licensing and re-licensing system shall be put in place to ensure competence and professional ethics

of industry assessors in a sustainable manner.

• The transition of trainees from one level to another shall be validated through an assessment

performed in the institution; and only trainees who prefer to enter the world of work at any level shall

take a national competency assessment.

4.9.3 Higher education

• An exit examination shall be administered in all higher education and training institutions.

• Higher education programs shall be included in the international accreditation system.

Education and Training Policy

4.9.4. Pass mark

• The minimum average score required to promote students/trainees from one grade to another or

from one level to another is 50%.

5. Key Output (Performance) Areas of the Policy

5.1 Equity, inclusive and accessible education and training

Education and training shall be fair, inclusive and accessible to all through engaging the private sectors,

employing various alternatives, building and expanding education and training institutions that meet the

required standards, supplying resources for education and training institutions, developing the capacity of

executives at all levels, integrating indigenous knowledge, strengthening a system of collaboration and

coordination, allocating sufficient budget, and putting in place an incentive system to produce problem solving


5.2 Qualified and competent workforce in the labor market

Efforts shall be made to make all students and trainees globally competitive through the provision of

quality education and training at all levels, reviewing curricula for relevance to the economy, employing

proper assessment and evaluation, designing effective assessment system, setting up strong education

and training inspection mechanisms; promoting professional competence of teachers, trainers and

leaders through regular competence assessment procedures, and developing quality and relevant

research activities. Furthermore, through developing languages, improving language competence of

students and teachers, equipping laboratories with appropriate inputs, promoting research capacity of

researchers, and implementing problem-solving research, integrating indigenous knowledge in various

curricula, strengthening national, regional and international collaborations and partnerships, and

ensuring quality and relevance of education and training, higher education and training institutions

supply qualified and competent workforce to meet the labor market needs.

5.3 Science, technology and entrepreneurship expansion

Science, technology and entrepreneurship (job creation) shall be advanced through developing

technologies and transferring them to enterprises and industries to build their capacity and

competitiveness; developing their capacity to identify, develop, adapt and expand technologies that

meet local and environmental needs; scoping and analyzing local resources; offering appropriate

solutions to problems on the basis of scientific approaches; developing indigenous

Education and Training Policy

knowledge and skills; enhancing innovation and technology transfer; giving special attention to science,

mathematics, technology, engineering and arts and incorporating them in the curricula; developing the

economy to empower students and trainees, and providing age-appropriate vocational training at all levels

beginning with Pre-Primary by qualified teachers and trainers using various appropriate science and

technology laboratories, workshops and other materials.

5.4 Community and Local Development

Efforts shall be made to benefit local communities and enterprises through the provision of community-

wide services and championing industrial extension; enhancing knowledge and skills to support local

communities; providing voluntary services to environmental development and protection as well as

enabling citizens to benefit from indigenous knowledge and skills; providing professional support and

education and training based on local developmental needs and resources; and conducting research on

local problems to seek solutions.

5.5 Strong education and training system and implementation capacity

Robust education and training system and execution capacity shall be developed based on this policy

and other legal frameworks to enhance the competitiveness of the education and training institutions,

granting autonomy to education and training institutions by building human resource capacity,

improving service quality and expanding access to the infrastructure of institutions.

6. Policy Issuing Authority and Scope of the Policy

This Education and Training Policy has been formulated by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of

Labor and Skills and shall be effective following its approval by the Council of Ministers.

This Policy shall be applicable to all Pre-Primary, Primary (Grades 1 to 6), Middle School (Grades 7 and 8),

and Secondary (Grades 9 to 12) education; adult education and training; technical and vocational training

institutions (Levels 1 to 8); education and training colleges; higher education institutions (universities);

and educational training institutions and industries (that provide short-term and formal training).

Education and Training Policy

7. The Policy Implementation Strategies

7.1 Executive bodies of the policy

This policy will have the following main executive bodies.

• Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and affiliated institutions shall provide support to

the education system through coordinating national research activities on technology;

expanding digitalization to facilitate the teaching and learning process; expanding ICT

infrastructure; and connecting technological innovation with education and training. The Ministry

and related institutions shall spearhead the development and marketing of innovations and

technological works generated through research in educational and training institutions.

• Offices and institutes of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Human Resource Development shall

create a conducive environment for internship students and trainees drawn from education and

training institutes. They ensure that the curricula at various levels involve relevant health-,

culture-, and tourism-related and indigenous knowledge and skills, and that professional ethics

are properly adhered to. They also confirm that appropriate language use is exercised in the

curricula suitable for education and training; and develop languages for use in education and

training. They work to ensure the inclusion of children, women and citizens with special needs to

raise their participation in education and training, and create opportunities for refugees and

returnees to access education and training services.

• Institutions that lead, coordinate and implement agricultural, manufacturing and other service

sectors shall create a conducive environment for education and training institutions with

different missions and goals to make education and training task-oriented and practice-based.

• Federal and regional education and training quality assurance authorities shall carry out

supervisory roles in ensuring the quality and standards of education, professional standards,

professional ethics and other expectations enshrined in the Policy.

7.2 Legal frameworks to implement the policy

To enact the key performance areas of this policy, proclamations that are under implementation, ie,

Technical and Vocational Training Proclamation, Higher Education Proclamation, Education and Training

Cost Sharing Regulation, Education and Training Institutions Revenue Generating

Education and Training Policy

Enterprises' Regulation, Universities Establishment Regulation, and other applicable proclamations and

regulations, as amended, shall serve as legal frameworks for the implementation of this Policy.

Moreover, National Education and Training Qualification Framework, General Education Proclamation,

University Autonomy Proclamation and other important proclamations and regulations shall be ratified

and implemented.

7.3 Policy implementation programs

To ensure fair, inclusive and accessible education and training:Education and Training Infrastructure

and Facilities Program shall be implemented to develop educational infrastructure. It shall include

educational and training infrastructure and facilities for research and community service, and be

conducive to teaching and learning processes. Moreover, the Program shall include infrastructure and

facilities that link or create links between education and training institutions and industry.

To produce competent and labor market-driven workforce:Quality and Relevance Enhancement

Program shall be implemented to improve the quality and relevance of general education, higher

education and technical and vocational education and training. This program is mainly meant to advance

the general education curriculum; improve teachers' and educational leadership competencies, school

programs, the national standard of general education; and develop language skills; improve lifelong

learning of adults; develop competencies of higher education teachers and educational leadership;

reorient the mission and focus areas of universities; improve research undertakings; develop and revise

technical and vocational education and training for occupational standards and curriculum; and improve

competency assessment and evaluation system.

To promote science, technology and entrepreneurship:Education and Training Institutions'

Technology Transfer Improvement Program shall be established and implemented. To ensure its

success, the creation and expansion of incubation centers, advancement of research on technology and

technology transfer, effecting training for foreign employment, and strengthening linkages between

education and training institutions and industries, and consolidating enterprise development shall be

carried out.

To promote community and local development:Community Service and Local Development Program

shall be implemented. To this end, works related to the improvement and transfer of indigenous

Education and Training Policy

knowledge and skills and promotion of development extension services will be the focus areas of this


To create a robust education and training system and implementation capacity:Education and

Training Institutions' Capacity Building and Competitiveness Program shall be established and

implemented. Thus, activities related to ensuring autonomy of education and training institutions,

improving service delivery of institutions, building human resources capacity, and developing

infrastructure of institutions will be carried out by this Program.

7.4 Monitoring and evaluation system to ensure effective implementation of the Policy

The implementation of the Education and Training Policy shall be regularly monitored and evaluated in

terms of its ability to produce qualified and sufficient manpower for the development and transformation

of the country; to deliver quality, inclusive and competitive education and training; to enhance job

creation and technological innovation; to support and accelerate community and local development. The

Policy Monitoring and Evaluation, and the support rendered to educational and training institutions

thereof shall focus on the status of the implementation of programs and projects intended to execute the

Policy. This will enable the Ministry to ensure that key outcome areas are achieved and that timely and

appropriate actions are taken, and, when necessary, undertake policy review based on valid and

compelling reasons. In general, the following monitoring and evaluation systems shall be considered to

implement this Education and Training Policy.

• A document detailing the support and monitoring of standards and performance indicators, which

parallel international evaluation indicators, that states coordinated actions to be carried out by Federal

and Regional Governments, education and training institutions and other sectoral structures shall be

crafted for consistent application at all levels across the system.

• Short, medium and long-term performance monitoring and evaluation of the education and

training sector shall be conducted in the sector with reference to the plan. To this end, a

standardized and technologically supported monitoring and evaluation system will be developed.

A strong organization with competent and skilled manpower shall be set up.

• A mid-term evaluation of the outcomes of the Education and Training Policy shall be conducted every

three years, the results of which are used as input for the improvement of future activities.

Education and Training Policy

• Data on the evaluation of the Policy to generate valid, reliable and trustworthy evidence shall be

gathered from various sources using robust research approaches involving stakeholders and

communities in the education and training sector.

• In order to evaluate the annual performance of the education and training system, a regular

education and training conference shall be convened from school to national level.

• As deemed necessary, the policy shall be revised based on research taking into consideration

national and international experiences.

8. Related Policies
The following policies are identified as playing key roles in achieving the policy issues and directions

stated thereof in the education and training sector.

8.1 Production sectors and infrastructure policies

Agricultural and rural development ensure food security and food safety and consequently counter

threats to educational wastages and health-related problems which adversely affect learning and its

outcomes. The Policy on Manufacturing Industries will serve as a foundation to link education and

training institutions and industries, which will help align human resource development and the labor

market demand, as well as produce competent citizens with skills required by industry. Water

Development Policy plays its part in terms of expanding the necessary infrastructure for potable water

and sanitation at all levels of the education and training institutions. Electricity Policy contributes greatly

to the provision of electricity and other energy alternatives to educational and training institutions at all

levels; and Construction Policy helps education and training institutions at all levels to have uniform

infrastructure by supporting the design and supervision as well as control of infrastructure development.

8.2 Social and human resource development policies

The Health Sector Policy will play a significant role in improving the healthcare of citizens and maternal and

child medical services, nutrition, disease prevention and control, personal and communal hygiene and thus

have a significant role in ensuring school-aged children to stay at school and pursue education. Social

Protection Policy is designed to promote the provision of shelter, food, medicine and medical services to

vulnerable groups in educational institutions. Women Policy is intended to raise awareness

Education and Training Policy

of mothers to send their children to school. Youth Policy contributes towards providing educational

activities and counseling services to young people to benefit from education. Child Policy helps to ensure

that children get a balanced diet and access basic pediatric health services; raise public awareness so that

vulnerable children be provided with healthcare and education services and, in general, enhance the

awareness and culture of support to children's growth and development. Sport Policy contributes to the

education and training sector by encouraging society to take part in physical activities, and helps to

produce physically and mentally fit citizens. Cultural Policy helps to deal with traditionally harmful

practices such as early marriages which adversely affect education and training; and strengthens the

responsibility of socio-cultural institutions to make the requisite impact. Film Policy helps to raise public

awareness, ensure the protection and preservation of established national values in featured films, and

help counter the unintended negative cultural influences of foreign entities on education.

8.3 Science, technology and innovation policy

Science, Technology and Innovation Policy helps education and training institutions in deciphering and

translation of science, research and innovation results into actions through supporting scientific

research, provision of educational and training resources and inputs to institutions; developing science,

technology and innovation infrastructure and educational information management systems; supporting

education and training institutions in digitizing their information management; and enhancing

technology to expand access to quality education for all. It ensures that a coordinated system is in place

for those stakeholders working in the field of science and technology. The Ethiopian Quality Policy

intends to play a role in maintaining and ensuring standards of educational resources and equipment

produced both domestically and abroad.

8.4 Judicial and administrative policies

Peace Policy enables the establishment of mechanisms and infrastructure for the realization of peace in

schools and higher education institutions, working collaboratively with these institutions, through the

establishment of student clubs and forums; establishing operational mechanisms for joint coordination

for training in schools, colleges and universities; protecting the physical and mental well-being of

members of the school community as well as building a healthy school environment for the security of

citizens, and promoting a healthy behavior for peace and rational thoughts. Civil Service Policy strives

Education and Training Policy

to support the designing and effective implementation of a functional education and training sector that

encourages education professionals. Foreign Relations Policy plays a major role in attracting investment and

mobilizing finance from development partners to the education sector.

9. Definitions of Terms

In this Education and Training Policy, unless the context dictates otherwise:

Adaptabilityrefers to the ability of an education and training system to respond to changing

occupational requirements and to accommodate the diverse needs of different groups.

Adult educationrefers to the provision of education, both formal and non-formal, in which adults go

through various educational modalities including regular, evening, online and/or distance education

program designed to develop their competencies, enrich their knowledge and/or improve their technical

and professional skills.

Assessment by institutionsrefers to a competency assessment administered to trainees by the

institutions themselves to determine their technical and vocational competency levels before the trainees

are promoted from one level to the next.

Collaborative trainingrefers to a system of training provided jointly by technical and vocational

training institutions and industries or enterprises that is directly related to a specific profession

emphasizing on hands-on, practical training.

Education and training leadershiprefers to the body that provides leadership at every level of the

educational system to achieve the intended goals through coordinating resources and processes of the

education and training structure to implement the Education and Training Policy.

Education and training managementis an operational system of the education and training

institutions at all levels organized to run the day-to-day activities of the education and training

processes through coordinating appropriate human, material, financial, and other resources to

effectively and efficiently implement the Education and Training Policy.

General educationrefers to educational level that involves pre-primary, primary, middle and high school

education programs, as well as adult education.

Education and Training Policy

General or supporting units of competencerefers to units of competencies provided to trainees to

support the core training provided by technical and vocational training.

Higher educationrefers to a post-secondary level of education that includes undergraduate and

graduate programs that further develop academic and vocational knowledge, skills, ethics, and

competencies of learners.

Indigenous knowledge and skillsrefers to special professional knowledge and skills that have

existed in a community for a long time, and used by the community and are transmitted from

generation to generation formally and informally pre-dominantly through oral exchanges and


Industry extension service supportrefers to a support that includes organizing and providing complete

information, training and advice, technology development, marketing and transfer of best practices to

micro and small enterprises and medium industries based on their needs.

Level of education and trainingrefers to the level into which the curriculum is divided to achieve the

objectives of education and training.

Middle (Junior) educationrefers to educational level which includes Grades 7 and 8 where students

are prepared for the transition to secondary education.

Philosophy of education and trainingrefers to the foundation and direction of the country's

education and training.

Pre-primary educationrefers to the level of education where children between 4 and 6 years of age are

prepared for primary education by emphasizing their overall development.

Primary educationrefers to the level of education from Grades 1 to 6; where children acquire

reading, arithmetic, understanding and protecting the environment, etc. It is an educational level

where basic education is provided to help children acquire basic knowledge and skills as well as

develop good moral character.

Education and Training Policy

Principlerefers to a basic guideline that we follow to implement the Education and Training

Professional competency assessmentrefers to a process of assessing knowledge, skills and

behavior based on professional standards to ascertain that trainees are professionally qualified for

the world of work.

Professional levelrefers to professional qualification level prepared by professionals in the labor

market that demonstrates the required skills and knowledge people should have in order to be

successful in the world of work.

Secondary educationrefers to educational level of Grades 9 to 12, which are further divided into

two sub-levels, where the first sub-level includes Grades 9 and 10, where general areas of education

are provided to strengthen the second sub-level that includes Grades 11 and 12, where different

focus areas, both academic and vocational, will be offered to students to get prepared for higher

education and the world of work.

Short-term trainingrefers to a training program that is prepared by technical and vocational training

institutions focusing on selected units of a profession, to help trainees become competent in their

profession so that they can create their own businesses to generate income in specialized areas through

acquiring detailed and relevant knowledge , skills and attitudes.

Strategyrefers to the strategy used to implement the Education and Training Policy.

Performance-based assessmentrefers to assessment undertaken to make sure that the individual

has the required professional competence, without considering how, when and where it was


Technical and vocational trainingstands for the program of regular and non-formal education

that prepares trainees for the world work by providing education and training at different levels of

education and training systems, ie, from secondary to tertiary (or Ph.D.) level, enhancing their

knowledge , skills and professional ethics through professional qualification assessment.

Education and Training Policy

Technology transferrefers to the process of transferring knowledge, skills, technology, production

methods, production equipment and samples from the producer to the user and using, working

and upgrading technologies to new practices to ensure scientific and technological progress.

Technologyrefers to using resources and machinery to make a product or provide a service that requires

technical, managerial, operational, marketing capabilities, knowledge and skills, as well as understanding

institutional organization, operating system and work culture.


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