Loksabhaquestions Annex 183 AS48 PB7S3E
Loksabhaquestions Annex 183 AS48 PB7S3E
Loksabhaquestions Annex 183 AS48 PB7S3E
ANSWERED ON 28.11.2024
(c) the manner in which the said scheme aligns with India’s vision of providing
reliable, affordable and quality power to all citizens;
(d) the details of the specific targets set to reduce losses in the distribution
sector through the said scheme and strategy adopted by the Government to
achieve these targets;
(e) the current status of the implementation of RDSS and number of States
adopted the said scheme;
(f) the total funds allocated under the said scheme and the manner in which
funding is being distributed among participating States; and
(g) the manner in which the said scheme benefitted the consumers in terms of
reducing power outages and improving the reliability of electricity supply?
(b) to (g) : RDSS was launched by the Government of India, in July 2021. The
main objective of the scheme is to support Distribution utilities i.e.
DISCOMs/Power Departments (PDs) to improve the operational efficiencies and
financial sustainability of distribution sector so as to provide quality and reliable
supply of power. The scheme envisages reducing the Aggregate Technical and
Commercial (AT&C) Losses to 12-15% at pan-India level and Gap between
Average Cost of Supply and Average Revenue Realised (ACS-ARR Gap) to Zero by
AT&C Losses and ACS-ARR Gap for a utility are the key financial and
operational indicators of its performance. Losses directly impact the cash flow
and affects their financial position thereby forcing them to supply costly
electricity to consumers. Reduction in AT&C losses and ACS-ARR Gap improves
the finances of these utilities, which will enable them to better maintain the
system and buy power as per requirements; benefitting the consumers.
Further, projects worth Rs. 2.77 lakh crore have been sanctioned under
RDSS for loss reduction and smart metering works (State-wise details placed at
Annexure). Sanctioned infrastructure works are at various stages of
implementation and physical progress of ~17% has been achieved till date.
DPRs for the proposed works are submitted by the utilities, keeping in view
the specific issues faced by them, with the approval of the State Cabinet after
recommendation of the Distribution Reforms Committee (DRC) which are
subsequently approved, as per scheme guidelines, by the Monitoring Committee
constituted under RDSS. The maximum financial assistance for loss reduction
works given to utility is 60% of the approved project cost, while for special
category States it is limited to 90%. Further, grant is also provided for Smart
Metering works, as per the scheme guidelines, based on number of feeders,
distribution transformers and consumers proposed to be metered.
Sanctioned Sanctioned
Sanctioned Sanctioned
Cost of Sanctioned GBS of Total
cost of GBS Loss
State/Discoms Loss total Outlay Metering GBS in
metering Reduction
Reduction (Rs. Cr.) Works Rs Cr.
(Rs. Cr.) (Rs. Cr.)
(Rs. Cr.) (Rs. Cr.)
Andaman & Nicobar
54 462 516 12 416 428
Andhra Pradesh 4,128 10,687 14,814 815 6,412 7,227
Arunachal Pradesh 184 1,034 1,217 54 930 985
Assam 4,050 3,395 7,444 1,052 3,055 4,107
Bihar 2,021 7,320 9,341 412 4,392 4,804
Chhattisgarh 4,105 3,964 8,070 804 2,379 3,183
Delhi 13 324 337 2 194 196
Goa 469 247 716 95 148 243
Gujarat 10,642 6,089 16,731 1,885 3,653 5,538
Haryana 0 6,797 6,797 0 4,078 4,078
Himachal Pradesh 1,788 2,327 4,115 466 2,094 2,560
Jammu & Kashmir 1,064 4,771 5,835 272 4,294 4,566
Jharkhand 858 3,344 4,202 191 2,006 2,197
Karnataka - 4 4 2 2
Kerala 8,231 3,011 11,243 1,413 1,807 3,220
Ladakh - 876 876 788 788
Madhya Pradesh 8,911 9,516 18,426 1,504 5,709 7,213
Maharashtra 15,215 17,209 32,424 2,840 10,326 13,165
Manipur 121 615 737 38 554 592
Meghalaya 310 1,232 1,542 86 1,109 1,195
Mizoram 182 319 500 61 287 348
Nagaland 208 461 668 60 415 474
Puducherry 251 84 335 56 51 107
Punjab 5,769 3,873 9,642 960 2,324 3,284
Rajasthan 9,715 17,427 27,142 1,686 10,456 12,142
Sikkim 97 416 514 30 375 405
Tamil Nadu 19,235 9,568 28,803 3,398 5,741 9,139
Telangana - 7 7 4 4
Tripura 319 555 874 80 500 580
Uttar Pradesh 18,956 21,612 40,568 3,501 12,967 16,468
Uttarakhand 1,106 1,697 2,803 310 1,527 1,837
West Bengal 12,670 7,223 19,893 2,089 4,334 6,423
Grand Total 1,30,671 1,46,465 2,77,136 24,173 93,327 1,17,500