pattern is formed. Determine the amplitude at 19. A string vibrates in 4 loops with a frequency
node and antinodes. of 400 Hz.
13. Two waves are described by (a) What is its fundamental frequency ?
y1 = 0.30 sin [(5x – 200)t] (b) What is frequency will cause it to vibrate into
and y2 = 0.30 sin [(5x – 200t) + /3] 7 loops.
where y1, y2 and x are in meters and t is 20.A string fixed at both ends is vibrating in the
in seconds. When these two waves are combined, lowest mode of vibration for which a point at
a traveling wave is produced. What are the (a) quarter of its lengths from one end is a point of
amplitude, (b) wave speed, and (c) wave length maximum displacement. The frequency of vibration
of that traveling wave ? in this mode is 100 Hz. What will be the frequency
14.What are (a) the lowest frequency, (b) the emitted when it vibrates in the next mode such
second lowest frequency, and (c) the third lowest that this point is again a point of maximum
frequency for standing waves on a wire that is displacement.
10.0 m long has a mass of 100 g. and is stretched 21. A guitar string is 90 cm long and has a
under a tension of 250 N which is fixed at both fundamental frequency of 124 Hz. Where should
ends ? it be pressed to produced a fundamental
15. A nylon guitar string has a linear density of frequency of 186 Hz ?
7.20 g/m and is under a tension of 150 N. The 22. A 2.00 m long rope, having a mass of 80 g, is
fixed supports are distance D = 90.0 cm apart. fixed at one end and is tied to a light string at
The string is oscillating in the standing wave the other end. The tension in the string is 256 N.
pattern shown in figure. Calculate the (a) speed (a) Find the frequencies of the fundamental and
wavelength, and (c) frequency of the traveling the first two overtones. (b) Find the wavelength
waves whose superposition gives this standing in the fundamental and the first two overtones.
23. A stretched uniform wire of a sonometer
between two fixed knife edges, when vibrates in
its second harmonic gives 1 beat per second with
a vibrating tuning fork of frequency 200 Hz. Find
the percentage change in the tension of the wire
to be in unison with the tuning fork.
16.A string that is stretched between fixed 24. A sonometer wires resonates with a given
supports separated by 75.0 cm has resonant tuning fork forming standing waves with five
frequencies of 420 and 315 Hz with no intermediate antinodes between the two bridges when a mass
resonant frquencies. What are of 9 kg is suspended from the wire. When this
(a) the lowest resonant frequencies and (b) the mass is replaced by M, the wire resonates with
wave speed ? the same tuning fork forming three antinodes for
the same position of bridges. Find the value of M.
17. A string oscillates according to the equation
25. A 40 cm long wire having a mass 3.2 gm and
–1 area of c.s. 1 mm2 is stretched between the
y = (0.50 cm) sin 3 cm x cos [(40 s–1)t]
support 40.05 cm apart. In its fundamental mode.
What are the (a) amplitude and (b) speed of the It vibrate with a frequency 1000/64 Hz. Find the
two waves (identical except for direction of young’s modulus of the wire.
travel) whose superposition gives this oscillation 26. A steel rod having a length of 1m is fastened
? (c) What is the distance between nodes ? (d) at its middle. Assuming young’s modulus to be 2
What is the transverse speed of a particle of the × 1011 Pa, and density to be 8 gm/cm3 find the
string at the position x = 1.5 cm when t = 9/8 s ? fundamental frequency of the longitudinal
18. In an experiment of standing waves, a string vibration and frequency of first overtone.
90 cm long is attached to the prong of an
electrically driven tuning fork that oscillates
perpendicular to the length of the string at a
frequency of 60 Hz. The mass of the string is
0.044 kg. What tension must the string be under
(weights are attached to the other end) if it is to
oscillate in four loops ?