S02 Special - Year of the Shadow Lodge

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Year of the

Shadow Lodge

By Tim Hitchcock
Year of the Shadow Lodge
Pathfinder Society Special
Design: Tim Hitchcock
Development: Joshua J. Frost
Editing: Judy Bauer
Senior Art Director: Sarah Robinson
Layout: Crystal Frasier
Interior Artist: Christophe Swal, Ben Wootten
Cartographer: Jared Blando, Corey Macourek, Chris West
Vice President of Operations: Jeff Alvarez
Events Manager: Joshua J. Frost

Paizo CEO: Lisa Stevens

Corporate Accountant: Dave Erickson
Financial Analyst: Chris Self
Technical Director: Vic Wertz
Publisher: Erik Mona

This product makes use of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. These
rules can be found online as part of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document at

Pathfinder Society Special: Year of the Shadow Lodge is a Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 11th level
characters (Tiers: 1–2, 3–4, 5–6, 8–9, and 10–11). This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized
Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL)
and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

The OGL can be found on page 27 of this product.

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iven the chimeric nature of the Pathfinder Society, it
should surprise no one when intersocietal conflicts THE SHADOW LODGE
surface. As one of the foremost powers on Golarion, While the Decemvirate continues to deny the existence of
the Society is unique in its desire to remain neutral, the Shadow Lodge, its agents—mostly former or current
without debt or affiliation to other nations or religions, Pathfinders who see the Society’s plodding methods of artifact
despite the inherent alliances of its individual members. control to be outdated and naïve—are building their own
But an organization of such magnitude cannot always lodges in locations all across Golarion. Though their numbers
police its members, nor can it sway their ambitions or their are still small and scattered across the Inner Sea region, they
greed. What starts as a simple whisper becomes a seedling possess an organizational ability that rivals that of their parent.
of dissent, and when properly nurtured, grows into a giant While the Decemvirate and the Society’s myriad venture-
oak of rebellion, blotting the sunlight from the sky and captains struggle to get to the bottom of the Shadow Lodge’s
drowning the entire forest in its dark shadows. very existence, these former Pathfinders now have lodges
numbering in the dozens and are actively recruiting from
within the Pathfinder Society’s ranks.
INTRODUCTION It is not a matter of good and evil. It is rather a question
Year of the Shadow Lodge represents the first of what will of methods and goals, limits and horizons. One cannot tell
become a series of annual events allowing players to take a member of the Shadow Lodge simply by appearance. Even
part in major changes that occur within the Pathfinder personality and past deeds are unreliable measures, as the
Society. These scenarios are designed specifically for Shadow Lodge counts among its ranks some of the most
large scale organized play, allowing any number of storied and trusted agents in the Society. Anyone could be a
participants to play simultaneously and all have an member. The Shadow Lodge is ambitious, to be sure, but its
impact on the adventure’s outcome. members are not careless, so they build slowly, methodically,
and—so far—quietly, beneath the radar of the Society at large.
Running the Event
The event is organized as follows: act, that act is finished and the Table GM must follow
PCs: Player Characters. the instructions for getting the PCs to the next act as
The House: All the PCs participating in the adventure. provided in the act’s description. Likewise, if the Table
Acts: Like many Pathfinder Society scenarios, the event GM has a group that finishes the act before the Overseer
is broken into separate acts. GM calls time, she must notify the Overseer GM.
Overseer Game Master: This GM is responsible for Because the Overseer GM changes the scenes, Table
keeping the entire room on point. She sets the pace for GMs aren’t responsible for presenting the adventure’s
the event, as unlike a typical scenario, each of the acts is introduction or the descriptions for the major act changes,
timed. Timing for each act may speed up depending on the though they should be familiar with them in the event
length of time it takes tables from each tier to meet their that their PCs require a recap or further clarification of
objectives. The Overseer GM is responsible for introducing the events.
the event, stating the rules and terms, and performing the
opening descriptions for each of the major acts. Adventure Background
Table Game Masters: These GMs each run a tiered As a young Pathfinder, Charvion heard the call of the
table. Tables are run exactly like one would run a standard Shadow Lodge and quickly worked his way into the
Pathfinder Society table, with the following exceptions. foundations of the organization. He now serves as an
Table GMs must follow the timing of the event as set by important figure in the movement and is considered
the Overseer GM. Whenever the Overseer GM calls an to be among the more prominent leaders within the

Pathfinder Society SCENario

Shadow Lodge. Of course, he’s still masquerading as the ensuing chaos, to force his way into the Grand Lodge
a Pathfinder as well, though after performing several Mausoleum and seize the scrolls.
indescribable acts, he garnered the title “Eater-of-Bones” In the opening act, the PCs investigate the artifact
and his reputation as one of the more radical Pathfinders unveiling at the Irorium. Toward the end of the event,
is swiftly growing. Charvion’s allies (a force of goblins and black dragons)
As part of his latest plot, Charvion has been vocalizing besiege the arena, forcing the PCs to find some means of
his fear that the Shadow Lodge is slowly slipping into the escaping the death trap. Once outside the arena, they can
same sedentary glut that it was designed to overthrow. He’s clearly see the second attack focused on the Grand Lodge,
growing impatient with the Shadow Lodge’s cautious plots though more dark agents barricade the path through
to seize control of the Society, and perceives lack of action Absalom’s Foreigner’s Quarter. By the time the PCs
as failure. Despite a subtle shift in the balance of power, not reach the Grand Lodge, Charvion has already entered the
enough has changed, and the Decemvirate still maintains Mortuary while his force battle Pathfinders for control of
its stranglehold of control over the Society at large. Now the grounds. The PCs must navigate the grounds first, and
approaching middle-age, he knows if he fails to make a bid sneak or fight their way past an old black dragon to enter
for power soon, his time shall pass, so he feels pressured to the Mortuary. Within, the PCs must try to track down
act—swiftly, dramatically, and if necessary, violently. Charvion. Following him to the artifact, they discover
His impatience has not gone unheralded by others his tampering has caused the device to go haywire. They
within the Shadow Lodge. His fellow higher-ranking must first disable the artifact, and then chase the fleeing
agents are content to let the upstart act, as any blow villain into the undercrofts beneath the Mortuary. There
weakening the Decemvirate enables their cause; however, they engage Charvion in a final showdown.
they also need to waylay suspicions and downplay the role
of the Shadow Lodge in such a reckless act of terrorism. In Rewards
essence, they are prepared to let Charvion martyr himself. Rewards are handled differently in this event than in a
In fact, they have helped orchestrate his martyrdom. normal scenario. Rather than the PCs collecting loot in
These same Shadow Lodge agents have arranged their race to the Lodge, they receive a blanket reward at
to display a recently discovered artifact of profound the end of the event for successfully saving the Grand
significance. Dubbed the Cage of Spirit Echoes, the device Lodge. In addition, there are three bonus rewards for
is rumored to have been designed to allow individuals to each tier—each PC must select one, and the Table GMs
communicate with the souls of the departed. Secretly, they must line out any rewards that are not chosen.
know of the Cage of Spirit Echoes’ potent enchantments and
have hinted at its manipulations to Charvion, spurring Prestige Award
his brazen plot to pluck the device from its showing at the All participating PCs receive 2 PA for defeating Charvion
Irorium in Absalom and use its power to attack the Grand and successful completing the event. There are no faction
Lodge. But the agents plan to cut all ties to Charvion and missions for this event, but the factions still hold the PCs
let him doom himself while unwittingly doing their in high regard for their work. The factions themselves
dirty work. are not necessarily thrilled to have a new player—the
Shadow Lodge—in the battle for Absalom, so anytime the
Adventure Summary PCs can thwart the Shadow Lodge, they help both their
Pathfinders arrive in Absalom to participate in a huge own faction and the Pathfinder Society as a whole.
annual celebration of the city’s first military victory and its O verseer GM
freedom, called the Passion of the First Siege of Absalom.
The Irorium fills with a throng of hundreds of volunteer
actors who participate in a grand-scale mock combat. This
year, the featured presentation will be a special unveiling The event begins with an introduction by the Overseer
of an ancient Azlanti artifact recovered by the infamous GM. Its purpose is to give the PCs a brief background
Pathfinder Charvion Eater-of-Bones. Unbeknownst to all, before they are grouped by tier and assigned to a table. As
Charvion is a member of a covert organization known as the PCs enter, the Overseer GM greets them.
the Shadow Lodge, a somewhat mythical splinter group of
Pathfinders few believe to exist. Charvion has staged the The City of Absalom is abuzz with excitement. The streets
unveiling as part of an elaborate plan to use the device to are full of revelers and feasting, as residents celebrate the
break into the Grand Lodge and recover a set of scrolls city’s independence from tyranny. All seem most eager to
he believes hold the Decemvirate’s founding secrets. His witness the evening’s biggest event, the annual Passion of the
plan is to launch a major attack on the Irorium, and in First Siege of Absalom, where hundreds dress in elaborate


costume, don fake armor and weaponry, and crowd the map on page 8 used for the combat encounter—the map
Irorium floor to participate in a mock combat, reenacting is meant to assist you in combat, not directly reproduce
the first siege of Absalom. I suggest you do what you need the arena.
to prepare yourselves and then get to the Irorium to find
yourselves some seats. Irorium Layout (Exits and Seating)
The Irorium has five public entrances, the main gate
and four side gates. A sixth gate to the south is a work
entrance reserved for gladiators, arena workers, and
The overseer may need to repeat or paraphrase the other performers.
information for more PCs as they filter in, as well as to Main Gate: The main gates face north. On the
help get players to their assigned tables. mezzanine level, a 20-foot-wide stone arch opens onto an
Once the players are seated, the Table GMs should help equally wide marble stairwell that descends out onto the
them prepare to play. Shortly before the PCs arrive at the street. The stairwell corridor is 300 feet long. At street
arena, they are dragged into an intervening conversation level, the corridor can be barricaded with a pair of barred
by the enigmatic Osprey of Diobel. Once he pulls them iron gates.
aside, read or paraphrase the following: Side Gates: There are four side exits, all connected to
the mezzanine level. Each exit leads through a 20-foot-
wide stone arch that opens to an equally wide marble
Table GMs, you have 10 minutes stairwell, which in turn descends out onto the street. On
to run this encounter. the mezzanine level, the stairwell corridor is 300 feet long.
The upper level stairwells are 500 feet long. At the street
level, the corridor can be barricaded with a pair of barred
As you make your way through the streets, a lean-faced man iron gates.
hiding behind a long cowl slips alongside. “A moment of your Service Exit: The service exit is located on the arena
time,” he says and pulls you aside, into the shadows of a nearby floor, just behind the makeshift stage. Only Irorium
alley. “It seems we have two things in common, an eagerness workers and performers are permitted to use it; anyone
to participate in good celebration, and this…” He punctuates attempting to pass through the doors without permits is
his sentence by holding out an elaborately carved wayfinder, denied. All would-be trespassers are sent off by a platoon
the type only granted to Pathfinders of great importance. “I of surly guards. Beyond the entrance, a main passage
assure you, its mine,” he adds quickly, closing the device and connects to side chambers used by gladiators and arena
tucking it back into the folds of his cloak with a quick, easy workers. All creatures, gladiators, workers, and others
motion. Then he continues, “I know a good number of you involved with events use this route to gain access to the
are already planning to attend the festivities this evening. I arena floor.
need but a casual favor. An old associate of mine, Charvion The Irorium has four seating levels. To avoid undue
Eater-of–Bones is set to make an elaborate display of some attention, the Society has provided the PCs with seats
artifact he claims to have recovered. I’ve not had contact with according to their stature, based on the group’s Tier
him in a year or so, and I’ve a curious feeling about the event. status. The highest tier is proved with field level tickets.
More I cannot say; however, I’d appreciate you keeping an eye The remaining Tiers are provided with mezzanine level
on whatever stunt he’s considering. He’s a natural charlatan seats. Those with field tickets may sit anywhere. Those
that one. Just keep an eye out is all—nothing serious. Don’t with mezzanine seats are permitted to sit anywhere in
let him know that you’re watching, and do not approach the mezzanine or the three levels above. There are no specific
artifact during the showing. Most importantly, tell no one of assigned seats; seating is general and all seating consists
this conversation.” of stone or wooden bleachers.
1. Field Seats: These seats are on the lowest level,
Soon after, Osprey departs into an ally, ducks into the closest to the ring. They are reserved for important and
shadows, transforms into an a small bird of prey, and flies wealthy attendees. Field seats are accessible by descending
off. If the PCs bother to ask him who he is before he leaves, staircases from the mezzanine level.
he responds, “My name is Osprey.” Once Osprey leaves, 2. The Mezzanine: This level sits just above the field
the PCs are free to continue. At the Irorium, the PCs are seats, though it is entirely separated from them. The
assigned seats by tier as they enter. Lower tier groups are mezzanine has a slight overhang that extends over
given mezzanine seats, while only those in the highest the last two rows of field seats. These seats are open to
tier (10-11) receive field level seats. Table GMs, keep in the general public; however, they cost a couple of gold
mind that the layout of the Irorium is different from the pieces apiece (depending upon the event), and thus their

Pathfinder Society SCENario

occupants tend to be middle and upper class citizens. The The Passion
mezzanine is the central hub of the Irorium, providing The Overseer GM should then read the following aloud:
access to all other levels as well as the most of the exits. It
connects to five of the Irorium’s exits: the main gate and The Passion is long, tediously so, though the rowdy crowds
the four side exits. From the mezzanine, several sets of more than entertain themselves, booing and cheering the
stairs climb to the upper levels as well as descend to the performers and throwing rotten cabbages. In all, it turns out to
field seats. be a fine afternoon of celebration.
3. Terrace: The Terrace consists entirely of open-air Following the performance, a large stage is wheeled in to
stone bleachers carved into the structure of the Irorium. the west side of the Irorium. The stage is covered with a large
The view of the field is still good enough to observe curtain. Beneath is a scaled set of a ruin and in the center stands
events. A terrace seat usually costs a few silvers. Stairs a bizarre, cage-like structure of weathered metal covered with
from the mezzanine provide access to the terrace. strange runes and other ornate etchings. A man who fits the
4. Grandstands: This level consists of rickety wooden description of the Pathfinder known as Charvion Eater-of-
bleachers. Seats cost a few coppers, or are sometimes free, Bones stands next to the cage.
depending on the event. Stairs from the Terrace provide “Good evening, friends! On this auspicious night I present
access to the grandstands to you an incredible spectacle, the type of which you have
5. The Ledge: The top level of the Irorium is a broad, never seen before. From the darkest jungles of Mwangi, I
15-foot-wide railed ledge that encircles the entire arena. have procured an ancient device, an artifact capable of ripping
It is so far away from the arena floor that it provides only a through the very cloth of our reality!”
pitiful view of events below. Stairs from the grandstands Charvion touches something on the cage, and it falls open,
provide access to the ledge. slowly unfolding like a blossoming flower. He steps inside, and
Table GM s : Stop! the cage begins to close around him, crackling with swirling
tendrils of mystic, silvery ether.
In an ominous and unearthly voice he bellows, “I am now
O verseer GM
fused to the ethereal plane—the realm of ghosts! Ask me what
ACT 1: WELCOME TO you will, and the dead shall answer through me! But be wary of
what you seek, for you may not like the answers.”
Once it seems as if most GMs are finished with Starting
the Adventure, the Overseer GM should read the following Table GMs, you have 10 minutes
passage to get the event underway: to run this encounter.

Welcome to Absalom! On this glorious eve we gather again The Table GMs now take over at each table. All of
in celebration of our wonderful city and its freedom from the PCs are invited to ogle the display while Charvion’s
tyranny. We present to you all—the Passion of the First Siege onstage assistants aid him in taking questions from
of Absalom! A performance great and terrible, reenacting the crowd so that he might ask them of the spirits. At
Absalom’s victorious slaughter of Warlord Voradni Voon’s the end of the event, Charvion raises a fanfare to signal
troops upon the city’s rocky shores. As the highlight of the dragons to attack. The Overseer GM should time
this years performance, directly following the Passion, this section—after 10 minutes pass, Charvion’s agents
the Pathfinder Society has generously agreed to a public perform their summoning fanfare, as described in the
unveiling of its latest acquisition, a terrifying device dredged text below.
from ancient ruins in the Mwangi Expanse. And now, ladies Table GM s : Stop!
and gentlemen, please take your seats. The performance is
about to begin.
O verseer GM

A low, droning horn suddenly rises over the cacophonous

Table GMs, you have 5 minutes
throng. Soon after, it is joined by a second horn, then a third,
to run this encounter.
then dozens.
Table GM s : Stop!

Table GMs, you have 1 minute

O verseer GM
to run this encounter.


The horns signal the dragon attack. Table GMs can After the Overseer GM presents the read-aloud, the
allow their players to attempt to spot the horn blowers; Table GMs resume control of their tables. Moments after
however, their damage is already done. Once the fanfare the black dragon snatches Charvion away, more dragons
is complete, the agents try to escape out the side entrances arrive. On their backs they carry small groups of goblins,
with the rest of their allies. and as soon as the dragons hit the ground, the goblins
PCs attempting to identify the horns may attempt a DC jump off and attack. Not all of the goblins are elegant
20 Knowledge (history) check to identify them as ancient in their dismount: some simply fall off their dragon,
hunting horns. A DC 25 check correctly identifies them as and others jump poorly and break bones, flailing about
Ulfen Linnorm Horns, ancient devices used for hunting the arena and squealing in pain. The PCs can attempt
dragons. Three rounds after the horns sound, allow the to reduce the overall number of goblins that reach the
PCs a DC 12 Perception check to notice dark spots on ground by attacking approaching dragons.
the northern horizon. The spots grow larger, and after 4 Creatures: Black dragons swoop around overhead,
more rounds, it is readily apparent that they are dragons. spewing acid and occasionally diving into the crowd, using
The PCs have time to act before the dragons arrive. They their fear aura to whip everyone into a panic. Patrols of
may wish to flee, rush the stands, or otherwise maneuver goblins run amok through the Irorium, indiscriminately
through the crowded Irorium. hacking at the frenzied crowds, screaming wildly, blocking
exits, and sowing as much chaos as possible. Different tiers
Table GM s : Stop!
should face different opponents (see below). There is no
specific number of encounters; instead the PCs have to fight
Dragon Attack (CR Varies by Tier) a continual battle to exit the Irorium. After completing one
Once the dragons arrive, the Overseer GM should read encounter, they should have 1d4 rounds to move, regroup, or
the following aloud: perform any other actions until they face a new encounter.
Keep track of these accumulated rounds—once a table
A massive black dragon dives through the center of the Irorium, reaches a total of 10 rounds of time used to move and regroup
spewing gouts of acid onto the arena floor. She heads straight (possibly accomplished in as few as three encounters or as
for the small stage where Charvion stands within the cage. many as 10), the goblins are all dead or fleeing, combat ends,
Striking with both claws, she plucks the artifact free from the and the PCs proceed to Act 2.
base, shattering the stage and sending remnants of the mock Each time the PCs face off against a new encounter,
ruins everywhere. The creature lifts into the air, with Charvion the Table GMs (except the Table GMs for Tier 5–6 tables)
clinging to the bars and screaming in terror. The great beast roll a d20 to randomly determine which of the following
continues her flight, winging off toward the Grand Lodge. A opponent groups the PCs face, as described by their specific
few short moments later, rattling explosions shake the city, tier. Once a particular encounter has
and a shimmering column of pale, silvery light shoots up out been defeated, Table GMs and the
of the grounds of the Grand Lodge and into the night sky. players at their tables should feel free to
shout out their victories.

Pathfinder Society SCENario

The Irorium
One square = 5 feet

GameMastery Flip Mat: Arena

Tier 3–4 (CR 4)

Table GMs, you have 30 minutes D20 Encounter
to run this encounter. 1–15 6 goblins
16–17 2 goblins and 1 goblin slayer
Tier 1–2 (CR 2) 18–20 Black dragon drool hazard (2d6 acid; Reflex DC 14 avoids)
D20 Encounter
1–19 3 goblins
20 Black dragon drool hazard (2d6 acid, Reflex DC 12 avoids) Goblins (3) CR 1/3
hp 6 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156)
Goblins (3) CR 1/3 TACTICS
hp 6 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156) During Combat The goblins charge their targets, attacking
TACTICS recklessly.
During Combat The goblins charge their targets, attacking recklessly. Morale The slaughter-crazed goblins fight to the death.
Morale The slaughter-crazed goblins fight to the death.
Goblin Slayer CR 3
Black Dragon Drool Hazard: Acid falls from one of Male goblin fighter 4
the dragons circling overhead and splatters, dealing CE Small humanoid (goblinoid)
1d6 acid damage to all creatures in 10-foot-radius as a Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60ft.; Perception +0
splash attack. The PCs may attempt a DC 12 Ref lex save DEFENSE
for half damage. AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15; (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 shield, +1 size)


hp 30 (4d10+8) Languages Draconic, Goblin

Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1; +1 vs. fear SQ armor training 2
OFFENSE Combat Gear flasks of alchemist’s fire (2), tanglefoot bag,
Speed 30 ft. thunderstones (2), torches (3); Other Gear breastplate, light
Melee short sword +9 (1d4+2) shield
Ranged shortbow +8 (1d4/X3)
STATISTICS Tier 10–11 (CR 10/11)
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8 D20 Encounter
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD +18 1–12 2 goblin shadow blades
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon 13–15 3 young black dragons (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 92)
Focus (short sword), Weapon Finesse 16–18 6 goblin slayers and 1 goblin shadow blade
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +8, Fly +4, Ride +6, Stealth +12, Swim +8; 19–20 1 adult black dragon (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 92)
Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth. Table GM s : Stop!
Languages Draconic, Goblin
SQ armor training 1
O verseer GM
Combat Gear flasks of alchemist’s fire (3), torches (3); Other Gear
studded leather, light wooden shield
Concluding Act 1
Tier 5–6 (CR 7) After 30 minutes have passed, the Overseer GM calls Act
1 to a close and reads the following aloud:
Young Black Dragon CR 7
hp 72 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 92) The attacks die down, and all serious threats are driven out
of the Irorium and onto the streets. The eerie pillar of light
Tier 8–9 (CR 8/9) still shoots skyward from somewhere on the Grand Lodge’s
D20 Encounter grounds, and the citizens of the city stand in dumb awe of
1–14 6 goblin slayers the spectacle.
15–17 2 goblin slayers and goblin shadow blade (see below)
18–20 1 young black dragon (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 92) At this point, the PCs should proceed toward the Grand
Lodge. If further incentive is needed, a group of wounded
Goblin Shadow Blade CR 7 Pathfinders approach the PCs from the direction of the
Male goblin fighter 8 Grand Lodge. Too injured to continue the fight, they
CM Small humanoid (goblinoid) implore the PCs to go to the Grand Lodge and aid the
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3 Society against the attack.
Table GM s : Stop!
AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 18; (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge,
+1 shield, +1 dodge)
hp 67 (9d10+18)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5
Defensive Abilities bravery +2 FOREIGN QUARTER
OFFENSE Emerging onto the streets of Absalom, now clogged
Speed 30 ft. with panic-stricken former revelers, the PCs must rush
Melee short sword +15/+10 (1d4+2/17-20) to the Grand Lodge to stop the disaster. The streets are
Ranged shortbow +14/+9 (1d4/3) filled with fear, mayhem, and Charvion’s forces. Plotting
STATISTICS a course toward the Grand Lodge still proves simple
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 9 enough, however, given the immense pillar of light
Base Atk +9; CMB +10; CMD +24 streaking up into the night sky.
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus (short As Pathfinders race to the Lodge, they enter a market
sword), Improved Critical (short sword), Improved Initiative, where pooling trails of acid streak the streets. Several
Iron Will, Mobility, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (short buildings and large tents here have collapsed, their
sword), Weapon Focus (shortbow) remnants now scattered across the market, forming a
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +6, Fly +2, Perception +3, Ride +4, defensible barricade manned by Charvion’s agents. All
Stealth +14, Survival +7, Swim +6; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, of the nearby streets are choked with fleeing Absalom
+4 Stealth citizens—the market seems like the only way through.

Pathfinder Society SCENario

O verseer GM
Before Combat The goblins hide in the shadows near the exit
with arrows nocked. As soon as a target enters the street,
Fire in the Streets (CR Varies by Tier) they open fire.
The Overseer GM reads the following aloud: During Combat The goblins fire and reload and fire again,
backing off and repositioning if necessary. If pursued,
Your race through the Foreign Quarter to the Grand Lodge they split up and try to break groups apart or disorient
brings you to a large market. Collapsed buildings, broken them in the tangled Foreign Quarter streets. A few
tents, and piles of debris torn from other nearby structures minutes later, they double back and regroup to try and
form a crude but effective-looking barricade across the center gang up on their victims.
of the market square, blocking your progress. Morale These goblins fight until they are reduced to 3 hit points
or fewer. Then their cravenly instincts take over, and they flee
for their lives.

Table GMs, you have 30 minutes Melyra Shimore CR 1

to run this encounter. Female human cleric of Groetus 2
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Though only a few feet tall, the barricade is difficult Init –1; Senses Perception +3
to pass, as it provides cover for goblins on the other side. DEFENSE
Furthermore, the barricade is threaded with both real AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 armor, –1 Dex)
and decoy tripwires set to trigger several injuriously hp 10 (2d8+1)
brutal traps upon anyone foolish enough to attempt to Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6
cross. Higher tier PCs could simply fly over the trap, but OFFENSE
the skies above are filled with black dragons, moving in Speed 20 ft.
lazy circles around the city. Melee heavy flail +3 (1d10+3/19–20)
Creatures: Currently, a patrol of goblin archers holds Special Attacks channel negative energy 4/day (DC 12, 1d6)
the barricade. They operate under the command of a Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
recent Shadow Lodge convert named Melyra Shimore. 6/day—touch of darkness (1 rounds)
Melyra remains a firm believer in the Shadow Lodge, 6/day—vision of madness (+/–1)
though she is rapidly losing faith in Charvion, and Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +5)
suspects he has failed both in the intent of the Shadow 1st—divine favor, doom (DC 14), lesser confusion D (DC 14),
Lodge as well as in his mission. magic weapon
Traps: Sections of the barricade are rigged to collapse 0 (at will)—bleed (DC 13), create water, guidance, resistance
and immediately bury victims with a barrage of heavy D Domain spell; Domains Darkness, Madness
stones, jagged metal, and similarly dangerous objects. TACTICS
When one of the live trip wires is snagged, it triggers the Before Combat Melyra hangs back, defending the barrier and
collapse. Anyone caught in a collapse zone can attempt an using her spells to bolster her allies.
appropriate Reflex safe to avoid the trap’s effects. There During Combat The cleric continues to keep her distance, though
are enough of these traps that any time the PCs enter a she unleashes melee and touch attacks on all opponents
new 10-foot-by-20-foot section of the barricade, they run entering the area she guards.
the risk of triggering another one. Morale Melyra fights until reduced to 3 hit points, at which point
she attempts to flee. If the PCs subdue or capture her, she
Tier 1–2 (CR 3) surrenders (see Developments).
Collapsing Rubble Trap CR 1/2 Str 14, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 12
Type Mechanical; Perception DC 15; Disable Device DC 15 Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 12
EFFECTS Feats Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes
Trigger location; Reset manual Skills Diplomacy +5, Heal +7, Knowledge (planes) +6, Knowledge
Effect avalanche of rubble (1d6 crushing damage); DC 15 Reflex (religion) +6, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +6
avoids; multiple targets (all targets in a 10-ft.-square area) Languages Common, Draconic
SQ aura
Goblins (2) CR 1/3 Gear breastplate, heavy flail, 265 gp
hp 6 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156)


The Foreign Quarter Markets

One square = 5 feet
G = Goblins
G1 = Additional Goblins
D = Goblin Dogs
D1 - Additional Dogs
M = Melyra Shimore

T D PCs’ Approach


G1 T

GameMastery Flip Mat: City Market

Tier 3–4 (CR 4) Foreign Quarter streets. A few minutes later, the goblins double
back and regroup to try and gang up on their victims.
Collapsing Rubble Trap CR 1 Morale These goblins fight until they are reduced to 3 hit points
Type Mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20 or fewer. Then their cravenly instincts take over, and they flee
EFFECTS for their lives.
Trigger location; Reset manual
Effect avalanche of rubble (2d6 crushing damage); DC 20 Reflex Goblin Dog CR 1
avoids; multiple targets (all targets in a 10-ft.-square area) hp 9 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 157)

Goblins (2) CR 1/3 Melyra Shimore CR 1

hp 6 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156) hp 10 each (use the stats for Tier 1–2)
Before Combat The goblins hide in the shadows near the exit Tier 5–6 (CR 6)
with arrows nocked. As soon as a target enters the street,
they open fire. Collapsing Rubble Trap CR 3
During Combat The goblins fire and reload and fire again, backing Type Mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20
off and repositioning whenever necessary. If pursued, they split EFFECTS
up and try to break groups apart or disorient them in the tangled Trigger location; Reset manual

Pathfinder Society SCENario

Effect avalanche of rubble (3d6 crushing damage); DC 20 Reflex Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 14
avoids; multiple targets (all targets in a 10-ft.-square area) Feats Combat Casting, Elemental Channel, Extra Channel,
Lightning Reflexes
Goblins (3) CR 1/3 Skills Diplomacy +7, Heal +9, Knowledge (planes) +7, Knowledge
hp 6 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156) (religion) +7, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +8
TACTICS Languages Common, Draconic
Before Combat The goblins hide in the shadows near the exit SQ aura
with arrows nocked. As soon as a target enters the street, Gear masterwork breastplate, masterwork heavy flail, 1,735 gp
they open fire.
During Combat The goblins fire and reload and fire again, Tier 8–9 (CR 8)
backing off and repositioning if necessary. If pursued, they
split up and try to break groups apart or disorient them in Collapsing Rubble Trap CR 4
the tangled Foreign Quarter streets. A few minutes later, they Type Mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20
double back and regroup to try and gang up on their victims. EFFECTS
Morale These goblins fight until they are reduced to 3 hit points Trigger location; Reset manual
or fewer. Then their cravenly instincts take over, and they flee Effect avalanche of rubble (5d6 crushing damage); DC 20 Reflex
for their lives. avoids; multiple targets (all targets in a 10-ft.-square area)

Goblin Dog (2) CR 1 Goblin Slayers (2) CR 3

hp 9 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 157) hp 30 (use the stats on page 9)
Melyra Shimore CR 3 Before Combat The goblin slayers hide in the shadows near the
Female human cleric of Groetus 4 exit with arrows nocked. As soon as a target enters the street,
CN Medium humanoid (human) they open fire.
Init –1; Senses Perception +3 During Combat The goblin slayers fire and reload and fire again,
DEFENSE backing off and repositioning if necessary. If pursued, they
AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (+6 armor, –1 Dex) split up and try to break groups apart or disorient them in
hp 20 (4d8+2) the tangled Foreign Quarter streets. A few minutes later, they
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +7 double back and regroup to try and gang up on their victims.
OFFENSE Morale These goblins fight until they drop to 10 hit points. Then
Speed 20 ft. their cravenly instincts take over, and they flee for their lives.
Melee mwk heavy flail +6 (1d10+3/19–20)
Special Attacks channel negative energy 6/day (DC 13, 2d6) Goblin Dog (2) CR 1
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +7) hp 9 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 157)
6/day—touch of darkness (2 rounds)
6/day—vision of madness (+/–2) Melyra Shimore CR 7
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +7) Female human cleric of Groetus 8
2nd—bear’s endurance, darkness, silence, touch of idiocyD (DC 15) CN Medium humanoid (human)
1st—bless, divine favor, doom (DC 14), lesser confusion D (DC 14), Init –1; Senses Perception +4
magic weapon Aura aura of madness (30 ft.)
0 (at will)—bleed (DC 13), create water, guidance, resistance DEFENSE
D Domain spell; Domains Darkness, Madness AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +1 deflection, –1 Dex)
TACTICS hp 40 (8d8+4)
Before Combat Melyra hangs back, defending the barrier and Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +10
using her spells to bolster her allies. OFFENSE
During Combat The cleric continues to keep her distance, though Speed 20 ft.
she unleashes melee and touch attacks on all opponents Melee +1 heavy flail +10/+5 (1d10+4/19–20),
entering the area she guards. Special Attacks aura of madness (DC 18, 8 rounds/day), channel
Morale Melyra fights until reduced to 6 hit points, at which point negative energy 6/day (DC 15, 4d6)
she attempts to flee. If the PCs subdue or capture her, she Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +12)
surrenders (see Developments). 7/day—touch of darkness (4 rounds)
STATISTICS 7/day—vision of madness (+/–4)
Str 14, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 12 Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 8th; concentration +12)


4th—chaos hammer, freedom of movement, shadow conjuration D, Goblin Dogs (6) CR 1

unholy blight (DC 18) hp 9 each (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 157)
3rd—contagion (DC 17), dispel magic, inflict serious wounds (DC
17), prayer, rage D Melyra Shimore CR 9
2nd—bear’s endurance, darkness, enthrall (DC 16), silence, touch Female human cleric of Groetus 10
of idiocyD (DC 16) CN Medium humanoid (human)
1st—bless, divine favor, doom (DC 15), lesser confusion D (DC 15), Init –1; Senses Perception +4
magic weapon, sanctuary Aura aura of madness (30 ft.)
0 (at will)—bleed (DC 14), create water, guidance, resistance DEFENSE
D Domain spell; Domains Darkness, Madness AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +1 deflection, –1 Dex)
TACTICS hp 60 (10d8+15)
Before Combat Melyra hangs back, defending the barrier and Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +11
using her spells to bolster her allies. OFFENSE
During Combat The cleric continues to keep her distance, though Speed 20 ft.
she unleashes melee and touch attacks on all opponents Melee +2 heavy flail +12/+7 (1d10+5/19–20),
entering the area she guards. Special Attacks aura of madness (DC 19, 10 rounds/day), channel
Morale Melyra fights until reduced to 12 hit points, at which point negative energy 6/day (DC 16, 5d6)
she attempts to flee. If the PCs subdue or capture her, she Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +14)
surrenders (see Developments). 7/day—touch of darkness (5 rounds)
STATISTICS 7/day—vision of madness (+/–5)
Str 14, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12 Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 10th; concentration +14)
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 18 5th—insect plague, nightmare D (DC 19), slay living (DC 19)
Feats Combat Casting, Elemental Channel, Extra Channel, 4th—air walk, chaos hammer (DC 18), freedom of movement,
Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (heavy flail) shadow conjuration D, unholy blight (DC 18)
Skills Diplomacy +10, Heal +13, Knowledge (history) +11, 3rd—contagion (DC 17), dispel magic, inflict serious wounds
Knowledge (planes) +11, Knowledge (religion) +11, Sense (DC 17), prayer, rage D
Motive +13, Spellcraft +13 2nd—bear’s endurance, darkness, enthrall (DC 16), silence, touch
Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon of idiocyD (DC 16)
SQ aura, eyes of darkness (4 rounds/day) 1st—bless, divine favor, doom (DC 15), lesser confusion D (DC 15),
Gear +1 breastplate, +1 heavy flail, ring of protection +1, 2,135 gp magic weapon, sanctuary
0 (at will)—bleed (DC 14), create water, guidance, resistance
Tier 10–11 (CR 11) D Domain spell; Domains Darkness, Madness
Collapsing Rubble Trap CR 6 Before Combat Melyra hangs back, defending the barrier and
Type Mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20 using her spells to bolster her allies.
EFFECTS During Combat The cleric continues to keep her distance, though
Trigger location; Reset manual she unleashes melee and touch attacks on all opponents
Effect avalanche of rubble (7d6 crushing damage); DC 20 Reflex entering the area she guards.
avoids; multiple targets (all targets in a 20-ft.-square area) Morale Melyra fights until reduced to 20 hit points, at which
point she attempts to flee. If the PCs subdue or capture her,
Goblin Slayers (3) CR 3 she surrenders (see Developments).
hp 30 each (use the stats on page 9) STATISTICS
TACTICS Str 14, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12
Before Combat The goblin slayers hide in the shadows near the Base Atk +7; CMB +9; CMD 19
exit with arrows nocked. As soon as a target enters the street, Feats Combat Casting, Elemental Channel, Extra Channel,
they open fire. Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Weapon Focus (heavy flail)
During Combat The goblin slayers fire and reload and fire again, Skills Diplomacy +11, Heal +14, Knowledge (history) +12,
backing off and repositioning if necessary. If pursued, they Knowledge (planes) +13, Knowledge (religion) +13, Sense
split up and try to break groups apart or disorient them in Motive +15, Spellcraft +15
the tangled Foreign Quarter streets. A few minutes later, they Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon
double back and regroup to try and gang up on their victims. SQ aura, eyes of darkness (5 rounds/day)
Morale These goblins fight until they drop to 10 hit points. Then Gear +1 breastplate, +2 heavy flail, ring of protection +1, 1,085 gp
their cravenly instincts take over, and they flee for their lives.

Pathfinder Society SCENario

Development: Once the PCs break through the barrier, On the ground below, the shattered bodies of half a dozen
the goblins flee. If the PCs subdue Melyra, she offers to men and women lie in the dust.
barter information for her freedom. She possesses a
wealth of information concerning Charvion’s strategy
and the reasoning behind his attack on the Grand Lodge’s Table GMs, you have 30 minutes
Mausoleum. Initially, he plotted to get the artifact from to run this encounter.
within the Lodge and use it to access some supposedly secret
scrolls buried beneath the Mausoleum. Her assignment When the PCs arrive, the main gates are quiet and
was to help create a distraction, not a slaughter. It is her appear unmanned. Table GMs should allow their PCs to
opinion that Charvion’s recent actions have gone too far, investigate the closed gates. All of the tables should work
and he has operated rashly, without the consent of her together on this. The gates are not only locked, but heavily
allies. She speaks little beyond that, as truthfully, that is damaged. This damage destroyed part of the locking
close to as much as she knows. She hopes this information mechanism. It takes a DC 60 Disable Device check or DC
satisfies the PCs enough for them to let her free. 60 Strength check to get the doors open. The PCs can
Melyra makes a serious slip by using the word “allies.” work together to climb the gates, or higher tier PCs can
She hopes the PCs will miss it, and let her go. She attempts fly lower tier PCs over them—however the PCs decide to
to Bluff her way past the slip by claiming she means her do it, the Overseer GM and the Table GMs should reward
goblin allies, however if PCs counter her bluff, she simply all creative solutions. The gates and the shining white
refuses to say any more except to tell more would bring walls are both 30 feet tall. Once C1 is bypassed, the Table
death upon her. Still, if the PCs can wear her down with GMs should proceed to area C2.
three opposed Diplomacy or Intimidation checks, she
breaks down and whispers, “The Shadow Lodge!” C2. Skyreach (CR Varies by Tier)
Once the PCs are over the wall or through the gates, they
Table GM s : Stop!
can see the Grand Lodge’s towering fortress of Skyreach
directly ahead. At this point, the Table GM reads or
O verseer GM paraphrases the following aloud:

Concluding Act 2 Defending Skyreach, a valiant group of Pathfinders line

After 30 minutes have passed, the Overseer GM reads or the towers and stations along the fortress’s exterior. On the
paraphrases the following: grounds in front, a large black dragon lies in a crumpled heap,
its corpse riddled with arrows and leaking acid and ichor.
Suddenly, a great flash of blinding light erupts over the city and,
for a moment, there is silence. Then another terrible explosion Creatures: Charvion’s agents now find themselves
rocks the city. An enormous black dragon can be seen circling on the defensive after the failed dragon-led assault on
above the Grand Lodge, near the ghostly light pillar. He roars Skyreach. When the PCs arrive at Skyreach’s front gates,
and plunges toward the light. If any of you are still engaged in they are attacked by desperately retreating forces.
combat, your enemies flee toward the Grand Lodge—it seems
the flash of light and the explosion were a signal. Tier 1–2 (CR 2)
Injured Goblin Besiegers (6) CR 1/6
ACT 3: THE GRAND LODGE OF Goblin (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156)

ABSALOM hp 6 each (currently 3 each)

O verseer GM
Before Combat The goblins are currently focused on defending
and fleeing. They suffer a –2 circumstance penalty to Initiative
C1. The Gate and their CR has been reduced because of their injuries.
The Overseer GM reads or paraphrases the following:
Tier 3–4 (CR 4)
Defying all recent memory, the Grand Lodge’s great steel
gates stand closed and fast. Now silent, the façade is heavily Goblin Besiegers (6) CR 1/3
scarred with claw marks and acid burns. A long crack divides Goblin (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156)
the arch above the doors, splitting the glyph of the open road. hp 6 each


(Act 4)



Pathfinder Society SCENario

Tier 5–6 (CR 6) Tier 8– 9: lesser strand of prayer beads

Tier 10–11: figurine of wondrous power (bronze griffon)
Goblin Besiegers (6) CR 1/3
Goblin (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156) Other Structures
hp 6 each Most of the other structures on the grounds remain
unscathed, forgone by the assailants in favor of Charvion’s
Goblin Slayers (2) CR 3 primary target—the Mausoleum.
hp 30 each (use the stats from page 9) Table GM s : Stop!

Tier 8–9 (CR 9)

O verseer GM

Goblin Slayers (8) CR 3

hp 30 each (use the stats on page 9) Concluding Act 3
After 30 minutes have passed, the Overseer GM draws Act
Tier 10–11 (CR 11) 3 to a close by reading the following aloud:

Goblin Slayers (8) CR 3 An enormous black dragon sweeps over Skyreach, breathing
hp 30 each (use the stats from page 9) acid on the defenders in the towers, and then roars in anger
and wings over toward the Mausoleum.
Goblin Shadow Blades (2) CR 7
hp 67 (use stats from page 9)
Development: Once the PCs defeat these creatures,
Osprey creeps out of the shadows. At first, he seems stable, Charvion targeted the Grand Lodge’s Mausoleum seeking
but on second glance, the PCs notice he is grievously scrolls he believes were hidden under the floor in area D8
wounded, with several arrows piercing his flesh. Despite by a suspected former Decemvirate member. Charvion
appearances, Osprey still possesses enough strength to believes these scrolls hold the founding secrets of the
fight or flee if the situation turns ugly. Table GMs should enigmatic group. Fortunately for the Society, he has been
read the following after their players defeat this assault. fed a red herring and there are no such documents—
though unfortunately for the Society, Charvion has
“Come quickly!” a voice from the shadows calls out. Wedged wrought a great deal of destruction before finding out he
into one of Skyreach’s darkened doorways is the enigmatic was tricked by his Shadow Lodge peers.
Pathfinder, Osprey. He’s paler than usual, several arrows On reaching the crypt, Charvion performed the rituals
pierce his skin, and his hands are smeared with blood. “I have needed to fully activate the artifact. Having done insufficient
little time to speak; however, I must now burden you with a research and unskilled in its use, Charvion was unable to
suspicion that is now a reality.” Lowering his voice to a soft work the device properly, and it has gone haywire. He was
hiss he whispers, “The Shadow Lodge is real.” seeking to use the device to create an escape rift to the
Ethereal Plane, but the rift currents have reversed, causing
Once Osprey makes his declaration, he offers the PCs a some of the plane’s ghostly essence to spill into the Grand
special item (by tier) and says, “Please, take this. It may help Lodge’s grounds. The Mausoleum is now haunted, taking
you defeat Charvion.” After giving the PCs a gift, Osprey on a persona of its own, while Charvion struggles to get his
limps into Skyreach, but refuses any aid simply saying, “I artifact under control. Toward the end of the encounter, he
must check on what remains of our Decemvirate.” becomes more desperate, and surrenders this plan in favor
If the PCs are confused about just what the Shadow of finding some other means of escape.
Lodge is, Osprey knows all of the information from the All of the areas in the Mausoleum have 30-foot-tall
Shadow Lodge sidebar on page 3 and can inform ignorant ceilings, and are not lit unless otherwise noted.
PCs about the threat of the shadowy organization within
the Pathfinder Society. The Black Dragon (CR Varies by Tier)
Treasure: Osprey offers the PCs the appropriate item After the black dragon Zythrustianax seized the Cage of
for their Tier. Spirit Echoes in Act 1, she brought it here. Using her acid
Tier 1–2: feather token (whip) to burn through the roof, she helped Charvion to enter
Tier 3–4: dust of disappearance the Mausoleum with the artifact. Too big to enter the
Tier 5–6: deck of illusions structure herself, the dragon is perched atop the roof,


The Mausoleum
One square = 5 feet




guarding the gaping hole and attacking all approaching Many Pathfinders have engaged the black dragon atop the
the building. She does not, however, pursue individuals Mausoleum. She is too distracted to effectively guard it.
who manage to charge into the building, particularly if
distracted. While upper tier parties can attempt to slay
the dragon, lower level PCs have ample opportunity to Outnumbering the Dragon
sneak or run past the beast and into the Mausoleum. If more than three-fourths of the tables (of any tier) engage
In addition to standard combat, the entire house plays Zythrustianax, she realizes that she is outnumbered and
a role in defeating the dragon. Details of how this action flees Absalom. If this happens, the Overseer GM reads the
is played out are given below. Table GMs have 45 minutes following aloud:
to get their tables to area D7.
Scores of Pathf inders fall upon the black dragon.
Realizing she is grossly outnumbered, she raises her
Table GMs, you have 45 minutes wings, lets out an ear-piercing roar, and takes f light,
to run this encounter. headed for the harbor.

Distracting the Dragon

If a group chooses to engage the dragon, then a runner Badly Wounding the Dragon
from that table should be sent to inform the Overseer GM. As soon as any group drops the dragon to 60 hit points,
If at least half of the tables engage Zythrustianax, she is then a runner from that table should be sent to inform
unable to attack other parties entering the Mausoleum. If the Overseer GM. If this happens, the Overseer GM reads
this happens, the Overseer GM reads the following aloud: the following aloud:

Pathfinder Society SCENario

Under heavy attack, the mighty black dragon falters, blood Tier 10–11 (CR 14)
spilling from dozens of wounds. She staggers forward, raises Only Tier 10–11 PCs are afforded the opportunity to
her wings, lets out an ear-piercing roar, and takes flight, bring down Zythrustianax. They, too, can sneak by her
headed for the harbor. with a DC 30 Stealth check, or make a mad dash into the
building. Sneaking characters must repeat the check
each round until they enter the Mausoleum. If the PCs
Tiers 1–4 (CR 3) attempt to run, their actions automatically attract the
The dragon is preoccupied when the encounter begins. dragon’s attention.
The PCs have the opportunity to try to sneak past her with At this point, the Table GM of any Tier 10–11 table
a DC 20 Stealth check, or can make a mad dash into the should ask her players to roll initiative, as the dragon
building. Characters attempting to sneak in must repeat looks as though she’s preparing to launch herself off the
the check each round until they enter the Mausoleum. If roof. Tier 10–11 PCs have 1 round to decide if they are
the PCs run for it, their actions automatically attract the fighting the dragon, or fleeing into the Mausoleum.
dragon’s attention. The Mausoleum’s doors are unlocked, but wedged shut.
If Zythrustianax spots the PCs before they enter the They can be forced open with a DC 18 Strength check.
Mausoleum, she initiates her attacks with a single tail Once the PCs enter the Mausoleum, they are safe from
slap, causing part of the building to collapse and sending further dragon attacks. The first group to force open
a shower of flying rubble that deals 2d4 bludgeoning the door to the Mausoleum should send a runner to the
damage to all targets within a 20-foot-by-20-foot area Overseer GM to tell him they’re inside. If the PCs arrive
(DC 14 Reflex save for half ). at the door and it has already been opened, ignore the
Following the tail slap, the PCs have 2 rounds to dash Strength check.
inside or flee before she attacks. The Mausoleum’s doors If the black dragon has left the roof, but no longer has
are unlocked, but wedged shut. They can be forced open any PCs to fight, she flies back up to the roof again and
with a DC 18 Strength check. Once the PCs enter the resumes her guardianship of the hole.
Mausoleum, they are safe from further dragon attacks.
The first group to force open the door to the Mausoleum Zythrustianax CR 14
should send a runner to the Overseer GM to tell him Female old black dragon
they’re inside. If the PCs arrive at the door and it has CE Huge dragon (water)
already been opened, ignore the Strength check. Init +4; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light
vision, dragon senses; Perception +29
Tier 5–9 (CR 7) DEFENSE
The dragon is preoccupied when the encounter begins. AC 32, touch 8, flat-footed 32 (+24 natural, –2 size)
The PCs have the opportunity to try to sneak past her hp 225 (18d12+108)
with a DC 25 Stealth check, or can make a mad dash into Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +15
the building. Sneaking characters must repeat the check Immune acid, magic paralysis and sleep, dragon traits; SR 25
each round until they enter the Mausoleum. If the PCs OFFENSE
attempt to run, their actions automatically attract the Speed 30 ft., fly 200 ft. (poor)
dragon’s attention. Melee 1 bite +26 (2d8+13), 2 claw +25 (2d6+9), 2 wings +23 (1d8+4),
If the dragon spots the PCs before they enter the 1 tail slap +23 (2d6+13)
Mausoleum, she initiates her attacks with a single tail Ranged claw +16 (1d8)
slap, causing part of the building to collapse and sending Space 15 ft.; Reach 10ft. (15 ft. with bite)
a shower of flying rubble that deals 3d8 bludgeoning Special Attacks crush, breath weapon
damage to all targets in a 20-foot-by-20-foot area (DC 18 Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +21)
Reflex save for half ). At Will—darkness (80 feet), plant growth
Following the tail slap, the PCs have 2 rounds to dash Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +10)
inside or flee before she attacks. The Mausoleum’s doors 3rd (5)—dispel magic, slow (DC 16)
are unlocked, but wedged shut. They can be forced open 2nd (7)—blur, glitterdust (DC 15), invisibility
with a DC 18 Strength check. Once the PCs enter the 1st (7)—alarm, mage armor, magic missile, obscuring mist,
Mausoleum, they are safe from further dragon attacks. true strike
The first group to force open the door to the Mausoleum 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, mending, message,
should send a runner to the Overseer GM to tell him prestidigitation, read magic, resistance
they’re inside. If the PCs arrive at the door and it has TACTICS
already been opened, ignore the Strength check. During Combat If the black dragon is able to attack the Tier 10–11


PCs, she flies into the largest concentration of PCs and uses ability functions as the spell speak with animals, but only with
her breath weapon. After that, she focuses on catching as many reptilian animals.
targets as she can with spells or attacks. Swamp Stride (Ex): An old black dragon can move through bogs
Morale Zythrustianax does her best to prevent anyone from and quicksand without penalty at its normal speed.
entering the Mausoleum. Both powerful and arrogant, Water Breathing (Ex): A black dragon can breathe underwater
she has little fear of humans, and thoroughly enjoys the indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and
destruction and slaughter she is causing. Still, Charvion has other abilities while submerged.
promised her quite a sizeable compensation in exchange for
her aid, and once it becomes apparent that Eater-of-Bones D1. The Dissection Rooms
won’t be able to make good on her payments, the dragon These rooms contain large, steel surgical tables. Their
wings away. Likewise, she has no interest in perishing perimeters are lined with additional work areas whose
for some human’s cause, and if badly injured or seriously tables are covered with texts, surgical instruments and
outnumbered, she flees. tools, alembics, scales, abacuses, and similar devices used
STATISTICS in alchemical and biological tests. The rooms also hold
Str 29, Dex 10, Con 23, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 16 barrels of wash water, along with bottles of various fluids
Base Atk +18; CMB +29; CMD 39 (43 vs. trip) and salts used in sterilization and embalming. The center
Feats Alertness, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Improved Vital of the floor contains a drain for run off, as well as a few
Strike, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Vital waste buckets.
Strike, Weapon Focus (bite)
Skills Fly +13, Handle Animal +21, Knowledge (arcana) +24, D2. The Ossuarium
Knowledge (geography) +24, Knowledge (history) +24, (CR Varies by Tier)
Perception +29, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +24, Stealth +19,
Swim +30
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin This cavernous hallway is contains a number of elaborate
SQ speak with reptiles, swamp stride, water breathing skeletal displays. The reassembled creations consist of both
SPECIAL ABILITIES accurate assemblies and imaginative creation built from the
Acidic Bite (Su): When a black dragon reaches old age, its bite bones of multiple specimens. Several large, glass cylinders
deals an additional 2d6 points of acid damage. contain colonies of dermestid beetles for cleaning bones.
Corrupt Water (Sp): Once per day, an adult or older black dragon Several have actively decaying specimens. Arches along the side
can stagnate 10 cubic feet of still water, making it foul and lead to small workstations. Near the back sits another, larger
rendering it unable to support water-breathing life. The ability work area filled with kilns, a hearth, and some large iron vats.
spoils liquids containing water. Liquid-based magic items In the middle of the floor, six corpses lie piled together is a pool
(such as potions) and items in a creature’s possession must of blood.
succeed on a Will save (DC equal to the dragon’s frightful
presence) or become ruined. This ability is the equivalent The Ossuarium is used to process and display the bones
of a 1st-level spell. Its range is equal to that of the dragon’s and skeletal structures of creatures. The side workstations
frightful presence. contain large workbenches, which are strewn with bones
Crush (Ex): A flying or jumping dragon that is size Huge or or arrangements of bones. The benches are equipped
larger can land on foes as a standard action, using its whole with a variety of equipment, such as chisels, hammers,
body to crush them. Crush attacks are effective only against magnifying lenses, glue, wires, and other tools used for
opponents three or more size categories smaller than the reassembling skeletal structures. The back work area
dragon. A crush attack affects as many creatures as fit in the contains a number of kilns for drying and preserving
dragon’s space. Creatures in the affected area must succeed samples. Near the kilns sits an open hearth with a row
on a Reflex save (DC equal to that of the dragon’s breath of cauldrons for boiling off flesh, marrow, and fat from
weapon) or be pinned, automatically taking bludgeoning remains. The corpses lying on the floor are all those of
damage during the next round unless the dragon moves Pathfinders, necromancers who were working during the
off them. If the dragon chooses to maintain the pin, it must incursion. Their slayers are still about, hiding behind
succeed at a combat maneuver check as normal. Pinned foes the displays.
take damage from the crush each round if they don’t escape. Creatures: Goblins hide here, waiting to ambush
A crush attack deals 2d8 damage plus 1-1/2 times the dragon’s and slay anyone attempting to pass through the room.
Strength bonus. They attempt to surprise intruders, initiating combat
Speak with Reptiles (Sp): A young or older black dragon gains by knocking over the dermestid beetle tanks. The tanks
the constant, spell-like ability to speak with reptiles. This shatter on impact, releasing swarms of hungry beetles

Pathfinder Society SCENario

and a slop of rotten flesh across the floor. Then the Tier 8–9 (CR 8)
goblins attack.
Hazard: The entire room is considered to be under the Goblin Slayers (2) CR 3
effects of a grease spell once the goblins smash the beetle hp 30 (use the stats from page 9)
tanks. This hazard affects both the PCs and the goblins.
Dermestid Beetle Swarms (2) CR 5
Tier 1–2 (CR 2) Army ant swarm (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 16)
hp 49
Goblins (2) CR 1/3
hp 6 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156) Tier 10–11 (CR 11)
Before Combat The goblins wait to spill the beetle tanks—once Goblin Shadow Blades (2) CR 8
the PCs enter the room, they do so, initiating combat. hp 67 (use the stats from page 9)
During Combat The goblins flee for cover and fire arrows at
targets as the swarm attacks. Dermestid Beetle Swarms (3) CR 5
Morale The goblins fight to the death. Use the stats for army ant swarm (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 16)
hp 49
Dermestid Beetle Swarms CR 1
Use the stats for spider swarm (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 258) D3. Courtyard
hp 9 The open courtyard is strewn with pools of acid and
piled with rubble and other debris. It is lorded over by
Tier 3–4 (CR 4) the dragon Zythrustianax (described at the start of Act 4).
The PCs can attempt to sneak through this area or run
Goblins (3) CR 1/3 through it just as they could in the introduction to Act 4,
hp 6 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156) making the same checks to do so.
Before Combat The goblins wait to spill the beetle tanks—once D4. The Slabs (CR Varies by Tier)
the PCs enter the room, they do so, initiating combat. Set deep into the building’s rear exterior walls, a pair of
During Combat The goblins flee for cover and fire arrows at plain, iron-shod double doors provide a service entrance
targets as the swarm attacks. into the Slabs, a sort of morgue-like storage area for
Morale The goblins fight to the death. bodies and parts. The Slabs take up a large section of the
rear of the East Wing.
Dermestid Beetle Swarms (2) CR 1
Use the stats for spider swarm (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 258) This huge chamber is entirely tiled with plain gray flagstones.
hp 9 It’s uncannily cold, and only a trickle of light slips through
a trio of tiny windows, one set into each adjoining wall, just
Tier 5–6 (CR 6) below the eaves. The room is lined and partitioned with rows
of massive stone cubicles. The cubicles stand twice the height
Goblins (3) CR 1/3 of a grown human. Each cubical has an iron door with a brass
hp 6 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 156) plate on it. The plates are labeled and numbered with a black
TACTICS wax pencil.
Before Combat The goblins wait to spill the beetle tanks—once
the PCs enter the room, they do so, initiating combat. The cubicles in the Slabs have been magically
During Combat The goblins flee for cover and fire arrows at augmented to maintain a temperature just above the
targets as the swarm attacks. freezing point. Most of them contain humanoid remains,
Morale The goblins fight to the death. though a few hold the remains of other creatures. Each
cubicle is labeled with a creature type and a date, as well as
Dermestid Beetle Swarms CR 5 a brief description of the nature of the cubicle’s contents.
Use the stats for army ant swarm (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 16) These contents range from entire preserved corpses to
hp 49 various organs or other parts. All of the sampled contents
contain at least some soft tissue, as cleaned bones are
stored in the Ossuarium instead.


Creatures: An undead creature wanders this room, D7. The Cage of Spirit Echoes
curious as to its nature and investigating the bodies. (CR Varies by Tier)
As soon as a living creature enters the room, it finds a
strategic place to prepare an ambush and waits to attack Once each table reaches area D7, the Table GM should
(in Tier 1–2, the PCs face skeletons instead). send a runner to the Overseer GM and inform him that
their table has reached D7. All tables encounter D7 at the
Tier 1–2 (CR 3) same time.
Charvion broke into the Mausoleum through the roof,
Skeletons (6) CR 1/3 set the cage up, and activated it. His initial plan was to use
hp 4 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 250) it to create a rift into the ethereal plane by which he could
escape after seizing the information he sought from the
Tier 3–4 (CR 5) Mausoleum. But the device turned out to be a little more
difficult than he’d first surmised. When he cracked it
Wraith CR 5 open, it shot out wispy tendrils of frigid ether, and soon
hp 47 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 281) went completely haywire. Ice-cold alien tendrils of ether
struck his allies, sending some into violent convulsions,
Tier 5–6 (CR 7) and slaying others instantly.
Charvion fled into D8 as his well-laid plan changed to
Spectre CR 7 one of desperation.
hp 52 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 256) O verseer GM

Tier 8–9 (CR 9) The Overseer GM reads or paraphrases the following

to begin this encounter:
Spectres (2) CR 7
hp 52 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 256) A strange, metal cage lies sprawled in the center of the room like
a great, undulating, skeletal lotus. Long tendrils of translucent
Tier 10–11 (CR 11) ether lash violently from the artifact, while crackles of eerie light
dance across the metal frame and up into the ghostly pillar that
Advanced Greater Shadows (2) CR 9 erupts from the center of the device into the night sky. A dozen
hp 76 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 245, 294) bodies surround the pulsating cage, flopping on the floor and
convulsing madly.
D5. The Incinerators
This chamber contains a massive iron stove, which
the necromancers use to burn the remains of their
Table GMs, you have 15 minutes
experiments. Ash is gathered, collected, and placed into
to run this encounter.
sample urns. The urns are dated, labeled, and stacked
along a wall near the back for later use.
At this point, the Table GMs take over. This encounter
D6. The Library is meant to simulate all tables to work toward shutting
The library occupies a third of the Mausoleum’s west wing. down the device so that they may pass it safely and
proceed to area D8.
Within this vast chamber, rows and rows of dark-lacquered PCs entering this room have three choices. They can
mahogany shelves hold thousands of texts. attempt to bypass the haywire artifact, partially shut it
down, or shut it down completely.
The scope of the collection is limited to morbid topics Bypassing the artifact: This approach requires a run
of concern to necromancers. It contains standard texts through the room, avoiding the wispy tendrils of ether—a
on undead studies and anatomical references as well reasonable task, as the ether isn’t intelligent. Determine
as books on the subject of the funerary rites of various the results with three Fortitude saves as determined by
cultures, death ceremonies, serpent toxins, necromantic level (see below). These Fortitude saves represent the
tinctures, and similarly morbid works. random tendrils of the ethereal plane snapping about the
room. PCs who reach the door to area D8 find it locked
Table GM s : Stop!
and have a 25% chance each turn to get hit by the ether
while they wait for the other tables.

Pathfinder Society SCENario

GMs. This means the machine is entirely incapacitated. Its

Cage of Soul Echoes tendrils dissipate and the artifact folds up again, locking
The artifact has three distinct parts, and in order to shut it
tightly. Anyone attempting to shut down the artifact has a
down, all three parts need to be disabled. Each part requires
50% chance each round to be hit by the tendrils snaking
its own disable check. The checks must be performed one at
through the room (see below).
a time, over the course of 3 successive rounds. Failure always
If after 15 minutes the machine still remains active,
triggers an ethereal blast and resets the device.
it reaches a point where it overloads, and starts working
backward. The artifact begins flickering in and out of the
Cage of Soul Echoes (Minor Artifact) ethereal plane. It is only substantial enough to touch every
Aura strong conjuration and necromancy; CL 18th 1d4 rounds. The tendrils begin sucking matter into the
Slot none; Weight 60 lbs. ethereal plane. Anything touching the tendril or the cage
DESCRIPTION must succeed on the appropriate Fortitude saving throw
The Cage of Soul Echoes can be used to create (by Tier) or instead of taking damage, it is jettisoned into
a rift into the ethereal plane. The rift works in a the ethereal plane for 1d4 rounds. Anyone pulled into the
similar fashion to a gate spell; however, some of the ethereal plane has a 50% chance each round to be touched
ethereal plane leaks into the surrounding plane, by the tendrils, thus forcing another Fortitude save. At this
creating a strange ethereal mist. The artifact can time, if the dragon Zythrustianax is still perched on the
be manipulated to control the speed, strength, and roof of the mausoleum, she takes the implosion as her cue
direction of the current. to leave, and wings away across Absalom.
Static: The current remains stationary. Once this Tier 1–2 (CR 1)
state is triggered, the mists fill with ghosts and spirits
of the departed. An individual who stands within Cage of Soul Echoes CR 1
the cage can speak with the departed and ask them Type Mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device* DC 18
questions. This power works as speak with dead. EFFECTS
Output: The ethereal mist flows in a current that Trigger touch; Reset automatic
draws living things into the ethereal plane, as the Effect ethereal blast (1d6); DC 15 Fort save for half; multiple
telekinesis spell (CL 18). targets (all targets in a 10-ft.-cone)
Input: Ethereal mist rushes from the cage, erupting
into the area in great ghostly tendrils. Lashing Tier 3–4 (CR 2)
frantically, they discharge bolts of supernatural cold
into all living creatures they touch. Creatures from the Cage of Soul Echoes CR 2
ethereal plane can freely travel into the plane when Type Mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20
the cage is activated. The input state is a protection, EFFECTS
predominantly used to ward off enemies seeking to Trigger touch; Reset automatic
steal or tamper with the device when its owner is Effect ethereal blast (2d6); DC 15 Fort save for half; multiple
traveling the ethereal plane. targets (all targets in a 10-ft.-cone)
The Cage of Soul Echoes rusts away to nothingness if a Tier 5–6 (CR 4)
departed soul is brought back to life within its bars.
Cage of Soul Echoes CR 4
Shutting down the haywire artifact: Accomplishing this Type Mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20
action requires some skill. If a group attempts to shut down EFFECTS
the device, each player who can must make a Disable Device Trigger touch; Reset automatic
check (see the trap entries below), and then the Table GM Effect ethereal blast (4d6); DC 15 Fort save for half; multiple
must send a runner to inform the Overseer GM of the total targets (all targets in a 10-ft.-cone)
number of successes for their table. Once the total number
of successes equals the number of tables, the Overseer GM Tier 8–9 (CR 7)
announces a Code Gray to the Table GMs. This means the
machine is partially incapacitated, reducing all damage dealt Cage of Soul Echoes CR 7
by the machine by half (after rolling, round down). Once the Type Mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 25
total number of successes equals twice the number of tables, EFFECTS
the Overseer GM announces a Code Black to the Table Trigger touch; Reset automatic


Effect ethereal blast (7d6); DC 20 Fort save for half; multiple used to climb to the higher shelves, are scattered about the
targets (all targets in a 20-ft.-cone) room. At a half-dozen points throughout the room, the rough,
sandstone floor has been breached—smashed open as though
Tier 10–11 (CR 9) someone were looking for something—and from somewhere
in the room you hear an angry pounding.
Cage of Soul Echoes CR 9
Type Mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 28
Trigger touch; Reset automatic Table GMs, you have 1 minute
Effect ethereal blast (9d6); DC 22 Fort save for half; multiple to run this encounter.
targets (all targets in a 30-ft.-cone)
Table GM s : Stop! Creatures: When the PCs arrive, Charvion Eater-
of-Bones is furiously smashing the floor with a heavy
sledgehammer as he searches for Ekrimat Azu’s secret
O verseer GM
cache of scrolls. Azu was a great sorcerer who Charvion
Development: Once the Cage of Soul Echoes has believes to have been one of the earliest members of the
been disabled, this encounter ends for all tables. The Society, if not one of the founders of the Decemvirate.
Overseer GM then announces that Table GMs need to Charvion seeks legendary scrolls that are supposedly
solve the “door problem.” buried beneath this room, and that may reveal the
founding secrets of the Decemvirate—even of the entire
D8. The Chamber of Truths Pathfinder Society. But unable to find the scrolls even
(CR Varies by Tier) after breaking through the floor in multiple locations,
he’s gradually coming to the realization that he was
After growing frustrated with the cage, Charvion duped by his Shadow Lodge peers. His frustration
abandoned the haywire artifact. Changing tactics, he mounts, and as soon as the PCs enter, he breaks from
decided to make a break for the Chamber of Truths in his vain and fruitless task, flinging the sledgehammer
order to grab what he came for and take his chances aside, and attacks the PCs with all the strength he can
on finding some other form of escape. Now desperate, muster, drawing on the power of the Cage of Soul Echoes
he takes few precautions and makes almost no effort to in his fury.
conceal his tracks. Charvion is currently in the Chamber Table GM s : Stop!
of Truths, smashing sections of the floor with a heavy
sledgehammer looking for the scrolls that he’s sure are
O verseer GM
hidden here. He’s spiked the door from area D7 from
the inside; however, it can be forced open with a DC 18 The Overseer GM reads the following aloud:
Strength check. The door isn’t meant to stop intruders as
much as to give Charvion some warning of their approach. With a supernatural roar of fury, Charvion Eater-of-Bones
The first table to break through the door should shout to raises his arms to the ceiling and screams in an ancient,
the Overseer GM that they have done so, which eliminates guttural tongue. A nimbus of white flame erupts about him
the need for the other tables to continue trying. and then explodes, sending several different versions of
Table GM s : Stop! Charvion flying about the room. Each Charvion stands and
laughs, and in one loud chorus they say, “Come and fight me,
Pathfinders. Your days are numbered!”
O verseer GM

Once the door is open, the Overseer GM reads the

following aloud:
Final Encounter!
The walls and floor of this room are made of pale, roughly-
finished sandstone. The walls curve upward to an almost dome-
like structure above, and the level of the floor is slightly lower than At this point the Table GMs take over.
that of the entry door. Squared arches of polished sandstone are Each tier is fighting a different version of Charvion,
cut into the curved walls, creating fantastic columns. The walls but in essence all tiers are fighting the same man. Should
are covered to a height of 30 feet with enormous bookshelves one table defeat Charvion, they must send a runner to the
full of tomes, scrolls, and leather-bound books. Several ladders, Overseer GM informing him that they have done so. The

Pathfinder Society SCENario

Overseer GM informs the runner that her table is now Focus (claws)
under attack by yet another Charvion of the appropriate Skills Bluff +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Linguistics +0,
tier and must continue to fight. Perception +5
Once Charvion has been defeated a number of times Languages Common, Draconic
equal to half the total number of tables in the room, the SQ bloodline arcana
Overseer GM calls out a Code White, meaning Charvion’s Combat Gear potion of bull’s strength, potions of cure light wounds
power wanes and all copies of him immediately lose half (2), potions of cure moderate wounds (2), scroll of obscuring mist,
of their hit points (rounded down). scroll of shield; Other Gear +1 studded leather
Once Charvion has been defeated a number of times
equal to the total number of tables in the room, the Tier 3–4 (CR 6)
Overseer GM calls out a Code Gray, meaning Charvion’s
power wanes further and in addition to his Code White Charvion CR 6
power loss, all of Charvion’s copies immediately deal half Male human sorcerer 7
damage on all actions (determined after damage is rolled, CE Medium humanoid (human)
round down). Init +6; Senses Perception +7
Lastly, once Charvion has been defeated a number of Defense
times equal to one-and-a-half times the number of tables AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
in the room, his last copy falls and the combat is over. The hp 45 (7d6+21)
Overseer GM calls out Code Black, signaling victory. Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +5
Resist cold 5
Tier 1–2 (CR 3) Offense
Speed 30 ft.
Charvion CR 3 Melee 2 claws +8 (1d6+4)
Male human sorcerer 4 Special Attacks claws (2, 1d6+4, treated as magic weapons, 5 rounds/
CE Medium humanoid (human) day)
Init +6; Senses Perception +5 Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +9)
DEFENSE 3rd (4/day)—fly, hold person (DC 15), vampiric touch (DC 15)
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural) 2nd (7/day)—ghoul touch (DC 14), glitterdust (DC 14), hideous
hp 26 (4d6+12) laughter (DC 14), resist energy
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4 1st (7/day)—chill touch (DC 13), color spray (DC 13), mage armor,
Resist cold 5 shocking grasp, true strike
OFFENSE 0 (at will)—acid splash, daze (DC 12), detect magic, light, mage
Speed 30 ft. hand, open/close, ray of frost (+1 damage per die rolled)
Melee 2 claws +6 (1d4+3) Bloodline Draconic (white)
Special Attacks claws (2, 1d4+3, 5 rounds/day) Tactics
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +6) Before Combat As soon as he is alerted to the presence of
2nd (4/day)—acid arrow (DC 14) intruders at the door, Charvion casts as many defensive spells
1st (7/day)—cause fear (DC 13), mage armor, magic missile, as possible. He feigns distraction, waiting to unleash his
obscuring mist ranged spells.
0 (at will)—acid splash (DC 12), daze (DC 12), ray of frost (+1 During Combat Charvion attacks with ranged spells, holds his
damage per die rolled), mage hand, open/close ground, and switches to his claws when opponents close into
Bloodline Draconic (white) melee range.
TACTICS Morale Crazed and suicidal, Charvion fights to the death.
Before Combat As soon as he is alerted to the presence of Statistics
intruders, Charvion casts as many defensive spells as possible. Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 15
He feigns distraction, waiting to unleash his ranged spells. Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 18
During Combat Charvion attacks with ranged spells, holds his ground, Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Eschew Materials, Improved
and switches to his claws when opponents close into melee range. Initiative, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (claws)
Morale Crazed and suicidal, Charvion fights to the death. Skills Bluff +9, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Linguistics +0,
STATISTICS Perception +7
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 15 Languages Common, Draconic
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 SQ bloodline arcana
Feats Eschew Materials, Improved Initiative, Toughness, Weapon Combat Gear potion of bull’s strength, potion of cure light wounds,


potion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of potion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of
shield; Other Gear +1 studded leather, amulet of mighty fists +1 shield; Other Gear +2 studded leather, amulet of mighty fists +1,
cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection +1
Tier 5–6 (CR 9)
Tier 8–9 (CR 11)
Charvion CR 9
Male human sorcerer 10 Charvion CR 11
CE Medium humanoid (human) Male human sorcerer 12
Init +6; Senses Perception +8 CE Medium humanoid (human)
Defense Init +6; Senses Perception +8
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, Defense
+2 natural) AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+5 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex,
hp 65 (10d6+30) +2 natural)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +8 hp 78 (12d6+36)
Resist cold 10 Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +9
Offense Resist cold 10
Speed 30 ft. Offense
Melee 2 claws +10 (1d6+4) Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks claws (2, 1d6+4, treated as magic weapons, 6 rounds/ Melee 2 claws +12 (1d6+5 plus 1d6 cold)
day), breath weapon (30-foot cone, 10d6 cold, DC 18, 1/day) Special Attacks claws (2, 1d6+5 plus 1d6 cold, treated as magic
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 10th; concentration +13) weapons, 6 rounds/day), breath weapon (30-foot cone, 12d6
5th (3/day)—baleful polymorph (DC 18) cold, DC 19, 1/day)
4th (5/day)—charm monster (DC 17), confusion (DC 17), fear (DC 17) Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 12th; concentration +15)
3rd (7/day)—fly, hold person (DC 16), sleet storm (DC 16), 6th (3/day)—repulsion (DC 19)
vampiric touch (DC 16) 5th (5/day)—baleful polymorph (DC 18), hold monster (DC 18),
2nd (7/day)—ghoul touch (DC 15), glitterdust (DC 15), hideous spell resistance
laughter (DC 15), resist energy, web (DC 15) 4th (6/day)—black tentacles (DC 17), charm monster (DC 17),
1st (7/day)—chill touch (DC 14), color spray (DC 14) grease (DC 14), confusion (DC 17), fear (DC 17)
mage armor, shocking grasp, true strike 3rd (7/day)—fireball (DC 16), fly, hold person (DC 16), sleet storm
0 (at will)—acid splash, daze (DC 13), detect magic, light, mage (DC 16), vampiric touch
hand, open/close, ray of frost (+1 damage per die rolled), 2nd (7/day)—ghoul touch (DC 15), glitterdust (DC 15), hideous
resistance, touch of fatigue (DC 13) laughter (DC 15), invisibility, resist energy, web (DC 15)
Bloodline Draconic (white) 1st (7/day)—chill touch (DC 14), color spray (DC 14), grease (DC 14),
Tactics mage armor, shocking grasp, true strike
Before Combat As soon as he is alerted to the presence of 0 (at will)—acid splash, daze (DC 13), detect magic, light, mage
intruders at the door, Charvion casts as many defensive spells hand, open/close, ray of frost (+1 damage per die rolled),
as possible. He feigns distraction, waiting to unleash his resistance, touch of fatigue (DC 13)
ranged spells. Bloodline Draconic (white)
During Combat Charvion attacks with ranged spells, holds his Tactics
ground, and switches to his claws when opponents close into Before Combat As soon as he is alerted to the presence of
melee range. intruders at the door, Charvion casts as many defensive spells
Morale Crazed and suicidal, Charvion fights to the death. as possible. He feigns distraction, waiting to unleash his
Statistics ranged spells.
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16 During Combat Charvion attacks with ranged spells, holds his
Base Atk +5; CMB +8; CMD 21 ground, and switches to his claws when opponents close into
Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Eschew Materials, Improved melee range.
Initiative, Power Attack, Step Up, Toughness, Weapon Morale Crazed and suicidal, Charvion fights to the death.
Focus (claws) Statistics
Skills Bluff +11, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 17
Linguistics +0, Perception +8 Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 22
Languages Common, Draconic Feats Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Eschew Materials, Great
SQ bloodline arcana Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Step Up,
Combat Gear potion of bull’s strength, potion of cure light wounds, Toughness, Weapon Focus (claws)

Pathfinder Society SCENario

Skills Bluff +11, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (arcana) +10, 1st (7/day)—chill touch (DC 14), color spray (DC 14) grease (DC
Linguistics +0, Perception +8 14), mage armor, shocking grasp, true strike
Languages Common, Draconic 0 (at will)—acid splash, daze (DC 13), detect magic, light, mage
SQ bloodline arcana hand, open/close, ray of frost (+1 damage per die rolled),
Combat Gear potion of bull’s strength, potion of cure light wounds, resistance, touch of fatigue (DC 13)
potion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of obscuring mist, scroll of Bloodline Draconic (white)
shield; Other Gear +2 studded leather, amulet of mighty fists +2, Tactics
cloak of resistance +1, ring of protection +1 Before Combat As soon as he is alerted to the presence of intruders
at the door, Charvion casts as many defensive spells as possible.
Tier 10–11 (CR 13) He feigns distraction, waiting to unleash his ranged spells.
During Combat Charvion attacks with ranged spells, holds his
Charvion CR 13 ground, and switches to his claws when opponents close into
Male human sorcerer 14 melee range.
CE Medium humanoid (human) Morale Crazed and suicidal, Charvion fights to the death.
Init +6; Senses Perception +8 Statistics
Defense Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 17
AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+6 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, Base Atk +7; CMB +10; CMD 24
+1 dodge, +2 natural) Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Eschew
hp 91 (14d6+42) Materials, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack,
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +11 Step Up, Toughness, Weapon Focus (claws)
Resist cold 10 Skills Bluff +11, Intimidate +11, Knowledge (arcana) +14,
Offense Linguistics +0, Perception +8
Speed 30 ft. Languages Common, Draconic
Melee 2 claws +13/+8 (1d6+5 plus 1d6 cold) SQ bloodline arcana
Special Attacks claws (2, 1d6+5 plus 1d6 cold, treated as magic Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, potion of cure moderate
weapons, 6 rounds/day), breath weapon (30-foot cone, 14d6 wounds, potion of bull’s strength, scroll of shield, scroll of
cold, DC 20, 1/day) obscuring mist; Other Gear +3 studded leather, amulet of mighty
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 14th; concentration +17) fists +2, cloak of resistance +2, ring of protection +1
7th (3/day)—finger of death (DC 20)
6th (5/day)—eyebite (DC 19), form of the dragon I, repulsion (DC 19)
5th (6/day)—baleful polymorph (DC 18), cloudkill (DC 18), hold
monster (DC 18), spell resistance Once Charvion is destroyed, the Overseer GM reads the
4th (6/day)—black tentacles (DC 17), charm monster (DC 17), following aloud:
confusion (DC 17), fear (DC 17), greater invisibility
3rd (7/day)—displacement, fireball (DC 16), fly, hold person (DC In a mighty burst of light, all remaining copies of the Pathfinder
16), sleet storm (DC 16), vampiric touch (DC 16) Charvion Eater-of-Bones merge back into one form. Charvion,
2nd (7/day)—ghoul touch (DC 15), glitterdust (DC 15), hideous his mouth open and his eyes wide, shrieks in horror as his
laughter (DC 15), invisibility, resist energy, web (DC 15) recombined form is sucked back through the door into the
room with the Cage of Soul Echoes. The cage suddenly hums
with a ground-shaking energy, and you see Charvion, caught
for one moment on the edge of the light’s eclipse, his hands
wrapped around the cage itself, mouth the words, “Help me!”
before a second burst of light envelopes his body, pulling the
Pathfinder out of existence. As suddenly as it began, the room
goes dark and silent, and Charvion is no more.

Unfortunately for Charvion, his obsession with the

Cage of Soul Echoes was his demise. Sucked through the
device, Charvion is torn to a million pieces, his soul
shattered and forever unrecoverable. Because of his
foolish errand, however, the Pathfinder Society knows
finally, unequivocally, that the Shadow Lodge is real and
the entire Society is in danger.

Scenario Chronicle #
Pathfinder Society Special:
Year of the Shadow Lodge TIER
1–2 500
This Chronicle Certifies That
3–4 1,250


5–6 2,500


Player Name Character Name Pathfinder Society # Faction 8–9 5,334


10–11 7,667
Has Completed This Scenario.
Items Found During This Scenario
TIERS Select one boon—line through the others.
1–2 ☐ Combat Boon: As an immediate action, you may reroll an attack roll before success is
determined. You must accept the second roll, even if it’s worse than the first roll. You may only Starting XP
3 –4 use this ability once. On using this ability, check the box and line through this boon.
☐ Magic Boon: As a standard action, you may recall one spell that you have already prepared and +1 XP
then cast that day. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. You may only
use this ability once. On using this ability, check the box and line through this boon.
☐ Skill Boon: As an immediate action, you may reroll a skill check before success is determined.
You must accept the second roll, even if it’s worse than the first roll. You may only use this Final XP Total
ability once. On using this ability, check the box and line through this boon.
TIERS Select one boon—line through the others.
5 –6 ☐ ☐ Combat Boon: As an immediate action, you may reroll an attack roll before success is
& determined. You must accept the second roll, even if it’s worse than the first roll. You may only
use this ability twice. On using this ability, check one of the boxes. On using this ability the Starting PA
8 –9
second time, check the final box and line through this boon. GM’s

☐ ☐ Magic Boon: As a standard action, you may recall a spell that you have already prepared and
then cast that day. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. You may PA Gained (GM ONLY)
only use this ability twice. On using this ability, check one of the boxes. On using this ability
the second time, check the final box and line through this boon.
☐ ☐ Skill Boon: As an immediate action, you may reroll a skill check before success is determined.
You must accept the second roll, even if it’s worse than the first roll. You may only use this Final PA Total
ability twice. On using this ability, check one of the boxes. On using this ability the second
time, check the final box and line through this boon. GOLD

TIER Select one boon—line through the others.

10 –11 ☐ ☐ ☐ Combat Boon: As an immediate action, you may reroll an attack roll before success is
Start GP
determined. You must accept the second roll, even if it’s worse than the first roll. You may only GM’s
use this ability three times. On using this ability, check one of the boxes. On using this ability +

the third time, check the final box and line through this boon.
☐ ☐ ☐ Magic Boon: As a standard action, you may recall a spell that you have already prepared and GP Gained (GM ONLY)
then cast that day. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. You may
only use this ability three times. On using this ability, check one of the boxes. On using this +
ability the third time, check the final box and line through this boon. Items Sold
☐ ☐ ☐ Skill Boon: As an immediate action, you may reroll a skill check before success is determined.
You must accept the second roll, even if it’s worse than the first roll. You may only use this =
ability three times. On using this ability, check one of the boxes. On using this ability the third
time, check the final box and line through this boon. Subtotal

Items Sold / Conditions Gained Items Bought / Conditions Cleared Items Bought


Gold Spent

Add 1/2 this value to the “Items Sold” Box Subtotal

For GM Only

EVENT EVENT CODE DATE Game Master’s Signature GM Pathfinder Society #

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