2. It is a set of rules, regulations, guidelines, directives
development/promotion objectives and strategies that provide framework.
- Tourism Policy
5. It is an area that contain one or more tourist attractions. A tourist attraction
is defined by Tourism Western Australia (2006) as either “a physical or cultural
feature of a particular place that the individual travelers of tourists perceive as
capable of meeting one or more of their specific leisure-related needs.
- Tourist Site
6. It is an area designated for possessing an important site or groups of
tourism sites.
- Tourism Development Area
8. It is defined as a route involving at least three major tourist destinations
which are located in different towns, villages or cities
- Tourism Circuit
9. It refers to a route defined by theme spanning several countries or even
- Tourism Corridor
11. Enumerate the key features of National Tourism Policy and Legislation.
1. National orientation
2. Sustainable Tourism Development
3. Tourism that is ecologically sustainable, responsible, participative,
culturally sensitive, economically viable, and ethically and socially equitable for
local communities
4. International target markets
5. Tourism product diversification and
6. Private sector participation and focus on agri-tourism
12. Enumerate the steps of rational planning model according to Taylor (1998)
13. These includes all the things your destination best in, as well as all the
controllable factors.
- Strenghts
14. These are internal factors that are under yourcontrol but need
improvement, such as lack of experience or knowledgeable staff, security
issues, lack of infrastructure, or transportation access, dirty environment, and
lack of local tourism plans.
- Weaknesses
15. These are external factors that can enhance the viability of a destination,
such as robust growth in the source markets, national level support for tourism
- Opportunities
16. These are uncontrollable factors that could place your destination at risk,
such as lack of up-to-date statistics from national government, new competitors,
war or economic downturn in the source market and climate change.
- Threats
17. It is a tool for analyzing the macro-environmental forces that affect tourism
in the destination.
- PEST. (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological)
18. Is it a tool for analyzing whether a destination is facing challenge of
market development, product development or both.
- TALC, (Tourism Area Life Cycle)
20. It sees tourism as a good thing and celebrates tourism’s positive impacts
on the economy, the environment, and the society.
- Advocacy Platform
21. It acknowledges that mass tourism has negative impact but can be
minimized or avoided with alternative tourism.
- Adaptancy Platform
22. It embraces “participatory processes involving open dialogue, resource
distribution, equity, pro-poor planning, gender sensitivity, responsiveness to
diversity. Tourism planners as to be an agent of positive change.
- Social Justice Platform
26. Sees tourism as a positive force for economic development. Its primary
goal is to maximize tourism revenues through mass tourism.
- Boosterist Approach
27. It focuses on “destination” layout and design and breaks down tourism
into spatial units.
- Spatial Planning Approach
30. It is defined as tourism that generates net benefits for the poor. In this
approach, the needs of the poor are prioritized over externally-oriented growth
- Pro-poor Approach
33. Enumerate the different measures the government should undertake in
order for tourism to be sustainable according to McKercher (2003).
1. Establish national tourism objectives that reflect the unique character,
opportunities and constraints in a destination
2. Develop a shared vision of what type of tourism is wanted and how to
achieved that goal.
3. Establish a policy framework to achieve those objectives.
4. Develop in collaboration with others, guidelines, policies and practices for
both new tourism projects and the management of ongoing tourism
5. Work with the educational institutions and other organizations in
education, training and development programs.
6. Provide a longer-term commitment to move from the current situation to
more active future position.