EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY: RangeWater Real Estate is an equal housing opportunity provider. This community does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, or familial status. RangeWater fully supports and complies with the Federal Fair Housing Act and all local and state laws
regarding fair housing.
Our company seeks to lease its apartments at the most competitive rates obtainable in each community’s housing market. This is done by comparative pricing,
negotiated rents, and pricing incentives to obtain the highest rental income possible for the owners of our properties. There may be price differences as to the
effective rental rates obtained by our residents depending on the leasing or marketing program then in effect and the time and date on which they visited the
community or applied for residency.
APPLICANTS AND OCCUPANTS: An applicant must be 18 years of age or older to qualify as a Resident. All individuals 18 years of age or older must complete an
application and be listed as a “Resident” on the lease agreement. All individuals 17 years of age or younger must be listed on the application and lease agreement as
an “Occupant”.
IDENTIFICATION: Valid government issued photo identification is required for all applicants. Non-U.S. citizens are required to submit INS documents for verification.
Acceptable forms include:
It is also required that INS Form I-94 Arrival/Departure record be accompanied by a passport and visa from the applicant’s home country.
CREDIT REPORT: Each applicant’s credit report will be requested and processed. This community uses a statistical credit scoring model to evaluate your consumer
credit report. Credit scoring is based on real data and statistics, so it treats all applicants objectively. Your consumer credit report contains information about you
and your credit experiences, such as your bill payment history, the number and type of accounts that you have, late payments, collection actions, outstanding debt,
rental history, and the age of your accounts. Based upon your credit score, your application will be accepted, rejected, or accepted on the condition that an
additional security deposit is paid. If your application is rejected or accepted with conditions, you will be given the name, address, and telephone number of the
consumer reporting agencies which provided your consumer information. An applicant rejected for unsatisfactory credit is encouraged to obtain a copy of the credit
report, correct any erroneous information that may be in the report, and submit a new application to this community for further consideration.
RENTAL HISTORY: Unresolved debts to a current or previous landlord will result in an automatic rejection of your application.
INCOME VERIFICATION: Applicant’s gross combined income must be equal to three times the amount of market rent. If your application is accepted or accepted
with conditions you must provide the following income verification prior to move-in. Verification must substantiate income information provided on the application
and may include, but is not limited to the following:
60 days of current and consecutive pay stubs from your current employer(s) AND two most recent bank statements (PDF) or brokerage statements (PDF).
o If using a brokerage statement, the brokerage account must contain liquid funds totaling 3x the annual market rent amount. If using a
Guarantor, the Guarantor’s account must contain liquid funds totaling 5x the annual rent amount.
Pension or retirement income: most recent pension distribution statement or income verification letter from pension provider’s website
Court-ordered alimony or child support payments: court order
Proof of government payments (welfare, disability, social security): most recent benefit statement or benefit verification letter
Proof of self-employment income: most previous year’s tax return AND most recent personal bank statement. Tax return must include Schedule C that will
reflect net profit or loss for a business. If a profit, divide the amount by 12; this will be the monthly income.
Proof of student loan
Not Accepted:
o Crypto currency statements.
o Business bank statements not accepted as personal income.
o Cash, Venmo, Zelle, or similar non-verifiable cash application statements
If we are unable to verify your income or your income is contrary to your lease application, our acceptance of your lease application will be withdrawn.
Individuals applying for an apartment with a community that has a specific Regulatory Agreement will be required to meet additional guidelines.
CRIMINAL BACKGROUND HISTORY: All applicants and occupants 18 years of age or older who will be occupying an apartment must meet the applicable criminal
background qualification criteria and consent to a criminal background check. Each of the applicants and occupants 18 years of age or older who will be occupying
the apartment must score a “Pass” on their criminal background check.
If your application is rejected based on the discovery of public records that indicate an unacceptable criminal background, you will be given the name, address, and
telephone number of the consumer reporting agency that provided the criminal background report. An applicant rejected based on such a criminal background
report is encouraged to obtain a copy of the report, correct any erroneous information that may be on the report, and submit a new application to the community for
further consideration. Our policy of performing criminal background screening during the application process does not constitute a representation, warranty, or
guarantee that all other residents and occupants living in the apartment community have no criminal histories.
CO-SIGNERS: A co-signer may be permitted only if the applicant(s) occupying the apartment meet(s) one of the following criteria:
The applicant is a full or part-time student who does not meet the income requirements
The applicant’s income does not meet the income requirements
The applicant must still meet all credit and criminal qualifying criteria
Complete an application
Meet all income (5 times the monthly rental amount) and qualifying criteria. An application processed with a co-signer must be accepted without
Sign the Guarantor Agreement. The co-signer will not be a leaseholder
The Guarantor must reside in the United States.
OCCUPANCY POLICY: No more than two (2) persons per sleeping place shall be permitted to occupy an apartment. A child or infant who is under the age of twelve
(12) months (including an unborn child) at the time of leasing or renewing an existing lease will not be counted in determining the maximum number of persons who
may occupy an apartment.
The exception of not counting an infant under the age of twelve months only applies to one child, and does not apply when there is more than one child under the
age of twelve months (such as twins, triplets, or two or more children under age twelve months). At the time of renewal, a child who is at least twelve months old
will be counted as an additional person for purposes of determining the maximum occupancy allowed. If there are two (2) or more children under the age of twelve
months, then they will be considered as additional persons under the standard.
Two persons who wish to rent a one-bedroom apartment are allowed to do so even though the mother is pregnant and will deliver during the lease term. Two
persons who wish to rent a one-bedroom apartment and already have a child who is under twelve months of age at the time of leasing or renewal are allowed to do
Residents who have exceeded the occupancy restriction are not required to “upgrade” (move to a larger apartment) until the end of their current lease or renewal
term (not including any month-to-month automatic renewal extensions).
One Bedroom: Two persons plus one infant under the age of twelve (12) months
Two Bedrooms: Four persons plus one infant under the age of twelve (12) months
Three Bedrooms: Six persons plus one infant under the age of twelve (12) months
RENTER’S INSURANCE: Residents are required to purchase and maintain a renter’s insurance policy which insures the resident’s personal property and provides a
minimum liability coverage of $100,000 for damages to the apartment or building and automobile insurance which provides the minimum liability coverage required
under state law, as well as both collision and comprehensive coverage for damages to or theft of resident’s car. Resident acknowledges that he/she has been advised
to obtain renter’s insurance and further acknowledges that RangeWater Real Estate is not responsible for any personal belongings that are damaged due to
disaster or incident that may occur in their apartment including but not limited to fire, storm damage, car damage, break-ins, flooding, roof leaks, and sewer
backups. Resident further acknowledges that they are solely responsible for obtaining, making payment for, and maintaining coverage of renter’s insurance during
their occupancy.
VEHICLES: Parking is permitted as follows: Only one vehicle per licensed Resident as allowed (as space permits within the community). Boats, trailers, commercial
vans, and campers are not permitted to be parked on the property at any time except, if available, in designated parking areas only. Unsightly or inoperable vehicles
are not permitted and may be towed at owner’s expense by management. Such unsightly or inoperable vehicles are determined at the sole discretion of
management. Each applicant agrees to be bound by and sign all addenda to the lease that pertain to parking rules and regulations.
PETS: Pets are prohibited unless applicants comply with the following regulations and obtain management’s express written approval. Pet Agreement must be
signed and followed. There are restrictions on the maximum number of pets permitted per home. To obtain more information contact a member of the leasing
team. Pets must be commonly recognized as an accepted domestic pet. Pets must be spayed or neutered. Residents are responsible for having dogs always leashed
and cleaning up after their pets. Residents are required to pay a one-time pet and a monthly pet rent (per pet) prior to pet entering an apartment. Aggressive breeds
are strictly prohibited.
Breed Restrictions are as follows: Tosa Inu/Ken, American Bandogge, Cane Corso, Rottweiler, Doberman, Pit Bull, Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Dogo Argentino,
Boer Boel, Gull Dong, Basenji, Mastiff, Perro de Presa Canario, Fila Brasiliero, Wolf Hybrid, Caucasian Oucharka, Alaskan Malamutes, Kangal, German Shepard,
Shepard, Chow, Spitz, Akita, Reptiles, Rabbits and Pot-Bellied Pigs. Mixed breeds containing these bloodlines are also prohibited.
Move in date: Your move in date is an estimate of when the home will be ready based on the best available information. Circumstances out of our control (including,
but not limited to, construction delays, current occupant date changes, and pandemics), may affect the date when the home can be occupied. Our office makes no
guarantees about move in dates and cannot be held responsible for delays.
_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Applicant Date Agent for Management Date