December 22nd

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Welcome to Queen of All Saints Parish

December 22nd 2024, Fourth Sunday of Advent

Mass Schedule—Heures des Messes
Monday 9:30 a.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole Saturday 4:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s
Tuesday 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s Sunday 9:00a.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole
Wednesday 4:00 p.m. Saint Lawrence O’Toole (French) 11:00 a.m. St. Augustine’s
Thursday 1:00 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy 4:00 p.m. Our Lady of Mercy
Friday 12:00 noon St. Augustine’s 7:00 p.m. St. Augustine’s

First Saturday of the month Mass is celebrated each month at 10:00am

St. Augustine’s Church / Confessions available.
Saint Lawrence O’Toole Mondays 10:00am to 12:00noon
St. Augustine’s Wednesdays 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Our Lady of Mercy Thursdays 11:00am to 1:00pm

Monday Malachi 3:1-4; 4:5-6; Luke 1:57-66

Tuesday The Nativity of the Lord
Isaiah 62:1-5; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Matthew 1:1-25
Wednesday The Nativity of the Lord
Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-6; John 1:1-18
Thursday Feast: St. Stephen Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59; Matthew 10:17-22
Friday Feast: St. John 1 John 1:1-4; John 20:2-8
Saturday Feast: The Holy Innocents 1 John 1:5-2:2; Matthew 2:13-18
Sunday The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Sirach 3:2-6; 12-14; Colossians 3:12-21; Luke 2:41-52

2025 Contribution envelopes are available for

St. Augustine’s and St. Lawrence O’Toole at each Church
When you receive your envelopes please look them over to see if we have the correct address and
information. Do we have your email address? It’s a great way for us to keep in contact with you. If you
would like to have a box of envelopes or start pre-authorized payments call Charlie at the parish office
at 506-857-4223 Thank you.

We are nearing the end of 2024! It is a great time to make up for any Sunday offerings that you may
have missed over the year. Together as a parish community we can meet our financial commit-
ments for the year. Donations can be made by cash, cheque, and preauthorized payments. All do-
nations for 2024 must be received prior to December 31st to be included in 2024 taxation receipts.
Thank you for your continued generosity!

Weekly Offering—Thank you for your generosity!

St. Augustine’s: Envelopes: $3,255.10 (90 env.); Loose: $1,181.50; Building Fund: $115.00 (4 env.);
Candles: $107.50; Christmas Offering: $60.00 (3 env.); International Outreach: $400.00; Missals: $30.00;
Christmas Flowers: $50.00; Needy at Christmas: $330.00 (7 env.); Ray of Hope: $340.00; Diocese
Collection: $24.00; Funeral: $250.00; Pre-Authorization: $3,175.00; (46 env.).

Saint Lawrence O’Toole: Envelopes: $1,500.00 (38 env.); Loose: $160.00; Initial Offering: $$20.00;
Heating: $50.00; Flowers: $20.00; St. Vincent de Paul: $40.00; Beaverbrook: $50.00; Christmas Boxes:
$100.00; Cemetery Upkeep: $2,000.00; Candles: $87.65; Pre-Authorized: $145.00 (6 env.).

Our Lady of Mercy: Envelopes: $1,325.00; Loose: $142.75; Kitchen Renos: $45.00; Poor: $31.60;
Community Garden $45.00; Christmas Flowers: $140.00; Dinner: $368.55; Craft Sale: $360.00; Donation:
$75.00; Church Table: $448.00.
Sat 21 4:00pm St.A In Memory of Bernie Boyle Family
Sun 22 9:00am SLOT L. Florence Girouard Claudia and Family
11:00am St.A Late Robert and Theresa Cameron Daughter
4:00pm OLM Robert Van Snick Josephine Vandenburghe
7:00pm St.A For the Church -
Mon 23 9:30am SLOT Late Joan Mary Cormier Linda Cuthbertson
Tues 24 2:00pm St.A Late Brian Savoie Lorraine Bond-Wojcicki, Gabriel Savoie
4:00pm St.A Matilda, Susan, Eileen Fahey Lindsay Fahey
6:30pm OLM Marie-Lea LeBlanc Odette Babineau
7:00pm SLOT Late Danny Donnelly Claudia and Family
12:00pm St.A Late Juanita Knorr Family
Wed 25 9:00am SLOT Deceased Family Members Laurel Cliff
11:00am St.A Late Amanda Arsenault Family
7:00pm St.A Gary Richard Jeannette and Morris Richard
Thurs 26 1:00pm OLM Collette Hendrickson Odette Babineau
Fri 27 12:00noon St.A Special Intention Laurel Cliff
Sat 28 4:00pm St.A Mrs. Anna Curtis From a Friend
Sun 29 9:00am SLOT Tammy, Charlie and Family Laurel Cliff
11:00am St.A Claudette Belliveau Laurel Cliff
4:00pm OLM For the People -
7:00pm St.A For the Church -

We pray for the sick , and those awaiting surgery or a diagnosis

We also pray for those who have died including

Pierrette LeBlanc, Jacek Brachaniec
And for those who mourn the loss of a loved one.

Queen of All Saints Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Eve Dec. 24th Christmas Day Dec. 25th
2:00pm—St. Augustine’s 9:00am-Saint Lawrence O’Toole
4:00pm– St. Augustine’s 11:00am-St. Augustine’s
6:30pm– Our Lady of Mercy 7:00pm-St. Augustine’s
7:00pm-Saint Lawrence O’Toole
12:00midnight-St. Augustine’s
New Year’s December 31st 7:00pm Our Lady of Mercy
January 1st 9:00am Saint Lawrence O’Toole, 11:00am St. Augustine’s 7:00pm St. Augustine’s
*Regular weekday Masses will be held on Dec. 23, 26, 27, 30, Jan. 2, 3.

St. Augustine’s Faith Development

I would like to take this opportunity to wish a very
Merry Christmas to all of our catechism families, along
with everyone that helps make our catechism sessions
so wonderful. May your Christmas be filled with joy, peace
& love and may the New Year be filled with God’s blessings.
Looking forward to seeing you all in 2025….
With peace & blessings to all. Eileen Caissie, Co-ordinator Faith Development
On behalf of Deacon Frank Quinn and myself,
I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Holy New Year.
God has blessed us in so many ways over this past
year, let us be grateful and praise Him. The greatest gift
he has given me has been the response of the people to
His call. The outreach to the needy, the hungry,
the homeless, those in need of a safe haven as their
country is no longer a safe place for them. So much is being accomplished. People are
bringing their talents and gifts of perseverance and imagination and courage and a faith that
knows the generosity of God will give them what they need to succeed. The young people
taking such an active part in church life has been a revelation to us all. People stepping up
to share the faith through catechism, RCIA, adult faith, the youth group has been
Our staff and our volunteers continue to exceed expectations. This cannot continue
without that faith put into action by all of us. I could not be happier to be your pastor.
Sincerely, Fr. Angus

Faith Development/Family Catechism

for St. Augustine Please note that your family
must be pre-registered in order to attend any of the sessions.
Please use elevator entrance.

Level 1-3 (age 6-8)

Session #8 Sunday Jan. 12th, 9:30am for Group A 12:15pm for Group B
Session #9 Sunday Jan. 26th, 9:30am for Group A 12:15pm for Group B
Session #10 Sunday Feb. 9th, 9:30am for Group A 12:15pm for Group B
Level 4-6 (age 9-11)
Session #8 Monday Jan. 13th, 6:30pm for Group C Tuesday Jan. 14th 6:30pm for Group D
Session #9 Monday Jan. 27th, 6:30pm for Group C Tuesday Jan. 28th 6:30pm for Group D
Session #10 Monday Feb. 10th, 6:30pm for Group C Tuesday Feb. 11th 6:30pm for Group D


Our next baptism preparation course will he held on
Saturday January 25th and Saturday February 1st at 9:30a.m.
in the Church basement.
Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register please call
the parish office at 506-857-4223 or email
Trevor Droesbeck 857-4879 Please note: new email address for
Karen Leblanc 387-4198 Trevor and Karen

January 6th, 2025 @ 6:00 pm - Parish Catechetical Coordinators – Immaculate Heart of Mary
January 22nd, 2025 @ 7:00 pm – Adult Faith Commission – Immaculate Heart of Mary
January 23rd, 2025 @ 10:00 am – Pastoral Care Committee – Immaculate Heart of Mary
FORMATION FOR BAPTISM PREPARATION TEAMS: To provide continuing formation
for members of parish baptismal preparation teams, they are asked to gather on Saturday,
January 26th at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish from 9:30 am – 12:00 noon. This
formation is relevant to new members of baptismal preparation teams as well as a
refresher for existing members. Facilitated by Trevor Droesbeck and Mark Mahoney, the
formation will follow the themes and guidelines outlined in Pastoral Recommendations
for the Baptism of Children, and will involve the resource that has been used in our diocese for the past
several years and will include a dialogue around working with parents, the rewards and challenges of being
involved in the ministry; what’s working and (maybe) what’s not; as well as ways we can be more effective.
Please contact Trevor at or 857-4879 to confirm your attendance.
INVITATION: Solemn Opening of the Jubilee Year 2025: The Jubilee of 2025 is a significant religious
event under the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.” This theme reflects Pope Francis's call to rekindle the flame of
hope in a world facing numerous crises. The Holy Father invites all dioceses worldwide to solemnly celebrate
the opening of the Jubilee on Sunday, December 29, 2024, the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and
Joseph. The faithful of the Archdiocese of Moncton are invited to take part in this important bilingual celebra-
tion, which will gather priests with the Archbishop for a three-part event on December 29, 2024:
1:30 PM – Saint Bernard’s Church: Gathering.
1:45 PM – Pilgrimage: Walk toward the Cathedral.
2:00 PM – Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral: Solemn Mass.
Those with mobility limitations are welcome to proceed directly to the Cathedral.
The Jubilee is an opportunity for everyone to embark on a pilgrimage of hope. We are called to seek signs of
hope and to be signs of hope in our families, for our neighbors, the imprisoned, the sick and dying, the
young, and the elderly. I personally invite each of you and encourage you to join us for this special event that
unites us with the global community. Indeed, hope does not disappoint!
+Mgr Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R.
Archbishop of Moncton

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we invite you to a gathering of prayer

and song at the Christmas Nativity Scene in downtown Moncton to
honor the Holy Family and celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Join us for this time of reflection and joy around the manger, as we sing
Christmas hymns and pray for peace and love in our hearts and in our
families on Saturday December 28, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Christmas
nativity scene at Moncton city hall. Saint Jean-Paull II pastoral unit’s Saint
Ephrem Choir will guide us in song from 6:00 pm and during this
celebration. Snacks and hot drinks will be served at Saint Bernard’s Church, 43 Botsford Street, after the

The Gospel Study Group:

will take a break and return in the new year.
Continuing Religious Education for Children of All Ages:
Regular catechism will be conducted simultaneously with Sunday School. After the sessions,
children will join their parents at Mass just before the offertory. During catechism/Sunday
school, children will also learn prayers, songs for the regular mass and the Christmas Concert and will
participate in special learning activities!

New Sunday School Hours: Every Sunday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm Location: Church Basement.
The young adults studying for confirmation under the guidance of Fr Angus, will still attend their lessons every
second week at 3:00pm! Catechism Schedule as follows.
Dec. 22nd Mass 2:00pm (Christmas concert 3:30) Dec. 29th Mass 4:00pm (followed by special activity)
Dec. 24th 6:30pm Mass Dec. 31st 7:00pm Mass
January 5th-class for confirmation candidates at 3:00pm with Fr Angus & regular catechism (Sunday School)
for all age groups at 3:30pm

January 12th-regular catechism (Sunday School) for all age groups at 3:30pm
January 19th-class for confirmation candidates at 3:00pm with Fr Angus & regular catechism (Sunday
School) for all age groups at 3:30pm
January 26th-regular catechism (Sunday School) for all age groups at 3:30pm

Our Lady of Mercy 2025 parish envelopes are ready for pick up at the back of the Church.
When you receive your envelopes please look them over to see if we have the
correct address and information. Thank you.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL would like to extend a heartfelt

THANK YOU to all parishioners who donated to another
successful toy campaign. The Salvation Army was able to
distribute the gifts to a number of local children to help
make their Christmas a very Merry one!


Tuesday December 24th—reopen Monday December 30th
CLOSED Wednesday January 1st


HOLIDAY HOURS (CLOSED) December 24th/25th
Will (REOPEN) January 3rd
Donation bins closed December 24th—reopen January 2nd

The blessings of peace, the beauty of hope,

the spirit of love, the comfort of faith.
May these be your gifts this
Christmas Season.
Memorial Flowers

The Following Memorial Donations have been received

for Christmas Flowers - St. Augustine’s
In Memory of Bernie Boyle – from Family
In Memory of Roy and Laura Day – from Nancy Middleton and Family
In Memory of J.P. and Chris LeBlanc – from Marilyn LeBlanc
In Memory of deceased Cameron and Madden family members – from Family
In Memory of Manuel and Luz Baculio – from Maribel and Ramon Rodas
In Memory of Irena and Andres Rodas Sr. – from Ramon and Maribel Rodas
In Memory of Earl McDonald – from wife Ann Marie McDonald
In Memory of Alyre and Kay LeBlanc – from Colleen, Connie and Frank
In Memory of Bazil Lund – from Madge Lund and Family
In Memory of John and Doreen LeBlanc – from daughter Anne Marie Landry
In Memory of Serge and Stephane Landry – from Normand and Anne Marie Landry
In Memory of Parents William and Aurare McKay – from Doris Brown
In Memory of Bill and Patricia Weightman – from Michael and Rosemarie Weightman
In Memory of Alfred and Margaret Morgan – from Michael and Rosemarie Weightman
In Memory of Don & Anne Lahanky & deceased family members – from their children
In Memory of Therese Treherne—from Perry and Christine Kukkonen
In Memory of Donna MacLeod – from Michael, Jared and Josh
In Memory of Alexander and Mary MacLeod – from Michael

St. Lawrence O’Toole

In Memory of Omer Roy—from Janette Roy
Memorial Flowers

The Following Memorial Donations have been received

for Christmas Flowers - Our Lady of Mercy
In Memory of Aldo & Gigcomina Cuzzolino—from Silvana Cuzzolino
In Memory of Earle Leaman—from Odette Babineau
In Memory of Marie Lea LeBlanc—from Odette and family
In Memory of Felicitas Tagay & Angelo DeMayo—from Precy
In Memory of Robert Payne—from wife Dorilla
Donation for flowers for the altar—from Linda Richard
In Memory of Dora and Umberto Taraschi—from Lorena Taraschi
In Memory of Robert & Marion McLellan—from Karen
In Memory of Deborah McLellan Bourque—from Godson Mathieu
In Memory of Robert Poirier—from Karen and Mathieu
In Memory of Deanna Gallant—from Odette Babineau
In Memory of MacNeil & Gautreau Families –from Paul & Anne Marie MacNeil
In Memory of Angela LeBlanc—from Odette Babineau
In Memory of Memere Marie Lea LeBlanc—from Jeff & David Babineau
In Memory of MAM Marie Lea— from Odette and family
In Memory of Leo & Juliette Babineau—from Roland & family
In Memory of Arthur Dableo—from Odette Babineau
In Memory of John & Eileen Sullivan, Joan & Ted Blakney- Mike & Judy Sullivan
In Memory of the Lutes and Abell Families—from Norma & Bill Lutes

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