Lecture 3 Definitions and relations
Lecture 3 Definitions and relations
Lecture 3 Definitions and relations
Lecture 3
Dr. Dalia Bahaa Hamdy
Associate Professor Of Geotechnical Engineering, Civil
Engineering Dep., Badr Univ.
CIV 262 – Soil Mechanics (1)
(b) Water
(c) Air
1- water content: (w)
The water content (also called the moisture
content) is defined as the ratio between the weight
of water (Ww) and the weight of solids (Ws) in a
given soil.
gsub = gsat - gw
5- Porosity: (n)
The porosity is defined as the ratio between volume of
voids to total volume of Soil.
Dr. DaliaHamdy
Dr. Dalia Hamdy 12
CIV 262 – Soil Mechanics (1)
Functional relations
2- Density:
gsub = gsat - gw
3 - Specific gravity: (Gs)
5- Porosity: (n)
Example (1):
Example (2):
Example (3):
Thank you