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Cybercrime that targets computers often involves viruses and other types of malware.
Cybercriminals may infect computers with viruses and malware to damage devices or stop them working.
They may also use malware to delete or steal data.
Cybercrime that stops users using a machine or network, or prevents a business providing a software service
to its customers, is called a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack.
Cybercrime that uses computers to commit other crimes may involve using computers or networks to spread
malware, illegal information or illegal images.
Sometimes cybercriminals conduct both categories of cybercrime at once. They may target computers with
viruses first. Then, use them to spread malware to other machines or throughout a network.
Cybercriminals may also carry out what is known as a Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDos) attack. This is
similar to a DoS attack but cybercriminals use numerous compromised computers to carry it out.
Cybercrimes against property - The second category of Cyber-crimes is that of Cybercrimes against all forms
of property. These crimes include computer vandalism (destruction of others' property), transmissionof
harmful programmes.
Cybercrimes against government - The third category of Cyber-crimes relate to Cybercrimes against
Government. Cyber terrorism is one distinct kind of crime in this category. The growth of internet has shown
that the medium of Cyberspace is being used by individuals and groups to threaten the international governments
as also to terrorize the citizens of a country. This crime manifests itself into terrorism when an individual "cracks"
into a government or military maintained website.
Types of cybercrime
Here are some specific examples of the different types of cybercrime:
Email and internet fraud - Email fraud (or email scam) is intentional deception for either personal gain
or to damage another individual by means of email. Internet fraud is the use of Internet servicesor
software with Internet access to defraud victims or to otherwise take advantage of them.
Identity fraud (where personal information is stolen and used) - is the use by one person of another
person's personal information, without authorization, to commit a crime or to deceive or defraud that
other person or a third person.
Theft of financial or card payment data - The purpose may be to obtain goods or services, or to
make payment to another account which is controlled by a criminal.
Theft and sale of corporate data - Data theft is the act of stealing information stored on corporate
databases, devices, and servers. This form of corporate theft is a significant risk for businesses of all sizes
and can originate both inside and outside an organization.
Cyberextortion (demanding money to prevent a threatened attack) - Cyberextortion is a crime
involving an attack or threat of an attack coupled with a demand for money or some other response in
return for stopping or remediating the attack.
Cyberextortion attacks start with a hacker gaining access to an organization's systems and seeking points
of weakness or targets of value. While ransomware attacks can be automated through malware spread by
email, infected websites or ad networks, these attacks tend to spread indiscriminately, and they may result
in only a small percentage of victims paying the extortionists. More targeted attacks can produce less
collateral damage while providing more lucrative targets for the extortion attempt.
Ransomware attacks (a type of cyberextortion) - Ransomware is a type of malicious software
(malware) that threatens to publish or blocks access to data or a computer system, usually by encrypting
it, until the victim pays a ransom fee to the attacker. In many cases, the ransom demand comes with a
deadline. If the victim doesn’t pay in time, the data is gone forever.
Cryptojacking (where hackers mine cryptocurrency using resources they do not own) -
Cryptojacking is the unauthorized use of someone else’s computer to mine cryptocurrency. Hackersdo
this by either getting the victim to click on a malicious link in an email that loads cryptomining code on
the computer, or by infecting a website or online ad with JavaScript code that auto-executes once loaded
in the victim’s browser.
Cyber espionage (where hackers access government or company data) - Cyber espionage is a form
of cyber attack that steals classified, sensitive data or intellectual property to gain an advantage over a
competitive company or government entity.
Drug Trafficking
Drug traffickers generally use encrypted messaging tools to build communications with drug mules. There
have been several instances of dark web site, such as the site ‘Silk Road’ was a notorious online marketplace
for drugs, before it was shut down by law enforcement. It got reopened again under new management, but got
shut down again later on. Another site emerged later on with the same name just to use the brand value.
A big example of drug trafficking by way of cyber crime would be cyber attack on the port Antwerp of Belgium
by 2011 - 2013. It was reported that hackers were hired by drug traffickers with the objective of breaching the
IT systems which used to control the movements and location of the containers. Even in a police raid earlier,
large amount of drugs, cash, along with several equipments for computer hacking were seized. Several persons
were charged as well. It was reported by the prosecutors that a Netherlands based trafficking group had hid drugs
like cocaine and other in several legitimate cargo containers. At the same time the hackers group was in function
at the computer networks of Antwerp port. They could access the secure data with regard to the location and
security details of the containers, and by a few methods stole their marked cargo before the legitimate owner
arrived. The suspicion first arose when the containers were found to be disappearing from the port without any
reasonable explanation. It was found that hackers had used malicious softwares to e-mail the staffs and access
data remotely. Even after the initial breach was discovered and a firewall was created to prevent any attacks, the
attackers were reported to have entered the premises and installed key-loggers into the computers.
To take any measure to prevent illegal drug trafficking is not that easy, and when at the same time it happens
by way of cyber crimes, it becomes more difficult, as cyberspace has no limits. Drug trade is international in
nature, and law enforcement agencies are not always effective because of the wide and complex nature of cyber
attackers. However, since the profit of drug trafficking and cyber crimes are equally big, mere one ortwo
arrests here and there won’t bode any measure. International laws and partnerships across nations willhave
to be strong. One nation should help another in case of investigation or extradition of a criminal to the other.
Overall, to neutralise drug trafficking by cyber crimes one nation’s law is never sufficient. These arethe places
where United Nations, or INTERPOL can come up with some measures.
Cyber Terrorism
Cyber terrorism is the use of the Internet to conduct violent acts that result in, or threaten, loss of life
or significant bodily harm, in order to achieve political or ideological gains through threat or intimidation.
It is also sometimes considered an act of Internet terrorism where terrorist activities, including acts of
deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks, especially of personal computers attached to the
Internet by means of tools such as computer viruses, computer worms, phishing, and other malicious
software and hardware methods and programming scripts.
Cyberterrorism is a controversial term. Some authors opt for a very narrow definition, relating to
deployment by known terrorist organizations of disruption attacks against information systems for the
primary purpose of creating alarm, panic, or physical disruption. Other authors prefer a broaderdefinition,
which includes cybercrime. Participating in a cyberattack affects the terror threat perception, even if it
isn't done with a violent approach. By some definitions, it might be difficult to distinguish which
instances of online activities are cyberterrorism or cybercrime.
Cyberterrorism can be also defined as the intentional use of computers, networks, and public internet
to cause destruction and harm for personal objectives.
Experienced cyberterrorists, who are very skilled in terms of hacking can cause massive damage to
government systems, hospital records, and national security programs, which might leave a country,
community or organization in turmoil and in fear of further attacks. The objectives of such terrorists may
be political or ideological since this can be considered a form of terror.
There is much concern from government and media sources about potential damage that could be caused
by cyberterrorism, and this has prompted efforts by government agencies such as the Federal Bureau of
Investigations (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to put an end to cyber- attacks and
Conceptually, its use for this purpose falls into three categories:
(i) weapon of mass destruction.
(ii) weapon of mass distraction.
(iii) weapon of mass disruption.
Need of Information Security
Information system means to consider available countermeasures or controls stimulated through uncovered
vulnerabilities and identify an area where more work is needed. The purpose of data security management is
to make sure business continuity and scale back business injury by preventing and minimizing the impact of
security incidents. The basic principle of Information Security is:
Threat can be anything that can take advantage of a vulnerability to breach security and negatively alter, erase,
harm object or objects of interest.
Software attacks means attack by Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses etc. Many users believe that malware, virus,
worms, bots are all same things. But they are not same, only similarity is that they all are malicious software that
behave differently.
Malware is a combination of 2 terms- Malicious and Software. So Malware basically means malicious software
that can be an intrusive program code or a anything that is designed to perform malicious operations on system.
Malware can be divided in 2 categories:
1. Infection Methods
2. Malware Actions
Information States:
1. Transmission – It defines time wherein data is between processing steps.
Example: In transit over networks when user sends email to reader, including memory and storage
encountered during delivery.
2. Storage –It defines time during which data is saved on medium suc b h as hard drive.
Example: Saving document on file server’s disk by user.
3. Processing – It defines time during which data is in processing state.
Example: Data is processed in random access memory (RAM) of workstation.
Security Services:
1. Confidentiality – It assures that information of system is not disclosed to unauthorized access and is read
and interpreted only by persons authorized to do so. Protection of confidentiality prevents malicious
access and accidental disclosure of information. Information that is considered to be confidential is called
as sensitive information. To ensure confidentiality data is categorized into different categories according
to damage severity and then accordingly strict measures are taken.
Example: Protecting email content to read by only desired set of users. This can be insured by data
encryption. Two-factor authentication, strong passwords, security tokens, and biometric verification
are some popular norms for authentication users to access sensitive data.
2. Integrity – It ensures that sensitive data is accurate and trustworthy and can not be created, changed, or
deleted without proper authorization. Maintaining integrity involves modification or destruction of
information by unauthorized access.
To ensure integrity backups should be planned and implemented in order to restore any affected data
in case of security breach. Besides this cryptographic checksum can also be used for verification of data.
Example: Implementation of measures to verify that e-mail content was not modified in transit. This can
be achieved by using cryptography which will ensure that intended user receives correct and accurate
3. Availability – It guarantees reliable and constant access to sensitive data only by authorized users. It
involves measures to sustain access to data in spite of system failures and sources of interference.
To ensure availability of corrupted data must be eliminated, recovery time must be sped up and physical
infrastructure must be improved.
Example: Accessing and throughput of e-mail service.
4. Authentication – It is security service that is designed to establish validity of transmission of message
by verification of individual’s identity to receive specific category of information.
To ensure availability of various single factors and multi-factor authentication methods are used. A single
factor authentication method uses single parameter to verify users’ identity whereas two-factor
authentication uses multiple factors to verify user’s identity.
Example: Entering username and password when we log in to website is example of authentication.
Entering correct login information lets website verify our identity and ensures that only we access
sensitive information.
5. Non-Repudiation –
It is mechanism to ensure sender or receiver cannot deny fact that they are part of data transmission.
When sender sends data to receiver, it receives delivery confirmation. When receiver receives message,
it has all information attached within message regarding sender.
Example: A common example is sending SMS from one mobile phone to another. After message is
received confirmation message is displayed that receiver has received message. In return, message
received by receiver contains all information about sender.
Security Countermeasures:
1. People – People are heart of information system. Administrators and users of information systems
must follow policies and practice for designing good system. They must be informed regularly regarding
information system and ready to act appropriately to safeguard system.
2. Policy & Practice – Every organization has some set of rules defined in form of policies that must be
followed by every individual working in organization. These policies must be practiced in order to
properly handle sensitive information whenever system gets compromised.
3. Technology – Appropriate technology such as firewalls, routers, and intrusion detection must be used
in order to defend system from vulnerabilities, threats. The technology used must facilitate quick
response whenever information security gets compromised.
Cyber Security
Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and
data from malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology security or electronic information
security. The term applies in a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be divided into
a few common categories.
Network security is the practice of securing a computer network from intruders, whether targeted
attackers or opportunistic malware.
Application security focuses on keeping software and devices free of threats. A compromised
application could provide access to the data its designed to protect. Successful security begins in the
design stage, well before a program or device is deployed.
Information security protects the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in transit.
Operational security includes the processes and decisions for handling and protecting data assets.
The permissions users have when accessing a network and the procedures that determine how and where
data may be stored or shared all fall under this umbrella.
Disaster recovery and business continuity define how an organization responds to a cyber-security
incident or any other event that causes the loss of operations or data. Disaster recovery policies dictate
how the organization restores its operations and information to return to the same operating capacity
as before the event. Business continuity is the plan the organization falls back on while trying to operate
without certain resources.
End-user education addresses the most unpredictable cyber-security factor: people. Anyone can
accidentally introduce a virus to an otherwise secure system by failing to follow good security practices.
Teaching users to delete suspicious email attachments, not plug-in unidentified USB drives, and various
other important lessons is vital for the security of any organization.
Sections and Punishments under Information Technology Act, 2000 are as follows:
This section of IT Act, 2000 states that any act of destroying, altering or stealing computer
Section 43
system/network or deleting data with malicious intentions without authorization from
owner of the computer is liable for the payment to be made to owner as compensation for
This section of IT Act, 2000 states that any corporate body dealing with sensitive information
Section 43A that fails to implement reasonable security practices causing loss of other person will also
liable as convict for compensation to the affected party.
Hacking of a Computer System with malicious intentions like fraud will be punished with
Section 66
3 years imprisonment or the fine of Rs.5,00,000 or both.
Section 66 B, C, Fraud or dishonesty using or transmitting information or identity theft is punishable with
D 3 years imprisonment or Rs. 1,00,000 fine or both.
This Section is for Violation of privacy by transmitting image or private area is punishable
Section 66 E
with 3 years imprisonment or 2,00,000 fine or both.
This Section is on Cyber Terrorism affecting unity, integrity, security, sovereignty of India
Section 66 F
through digital medium is liable for life imprisonment.
This section states publishing obscene information or pornography or transmission ofobscene
Section 67 content in public is liable for imprisonment up to 5 years or fine or Rs. 10,00,000 or both.
As far as the number of cybercrime cases is concerned, Uttar Pradesh with a figure of 2,639 registered
the maximum number of cases followed by Maharashtra (2380), and Karnataka (1101). Among the
Metropolitan cities, Mumbai with 980 cases stood first followed by Bengaluru 762 and Jaipur 532.
Chennai city with 26 cases was ranked 16 among metros.
Social media seems to have turned antisocial at the hands of rumour mongers with more than 20
cases of lynching being reported in the last two months in our country. The advent of social media
appears to have added fuel to the existing fire, by helping organisers and opposition parties
congregate multitudes swiftly, easily, cheaply and efficiently —whether it be for a cause like
Jallikattu or for spreading the message of revolt against the policies of the establishment.
Quite obviously, social media played a crucial role in mobilising and engineering some of the major
agitations like the Cauvery river dispute.
If we decide to not give a damn to cyber criminals, we would be doing so at our own peril. We should
not forget the kind of havoc the ill-gotten gains of cybercrime wreaked on the city of Mumbai in
2008 during the terrorist siege by Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). The entire operation was funded by a
Filipino hacking cell workingon behalf of Jamaah Islamiyah an associate of Al-Quaeda. Millions of
dollars ripped off by the cybercriminals recruited by it were channelled to their manipulators in Saudi
Arabia who in turn laundered the funds to the Lashkar-e-Taiba team in Pakistan, which executed the
brutal onslaught against the City of Mumbai.
The situation today is that there are several laws protect cybercrime each one having its own scope
and limitations. India is no doubt imposing sanctions to deal with such crimes. However, the
conviction rate is found to be insignificant. However, what is needed a specific law particularly
dealing with cybercrimes. Just like what UK did in 1990, when it enacted the Computer Misuse Act
The advent of information technology revolutionised the whole world and fortunately India led a
leading role and captured global attention. India passed Information technology Act 2000 (The Act)
which came into force on 17-10-2000. The Act applies to the whole of India and even to persons
who commit offence outside India. The Act validates "DIGITAL SIGNATURE" and provides for
enabling a person to use it just like thetraditional signature. The basic purpose of digital signature is
not different from our conventional signature. The purpose therefore is to authenticate the document,
to identify the person and to make the contents of the document binding on person putting digital
signature. Let us see what digital signature is in technical terms.
A digital signature or digital signature scheme is a mathematical scheme for demonstrating the
authenticity of a digital message or document. A valid digital signature gives a recipient reason to
believe that the message was created by a known sender, and that it was not altered in transit.
Digital signatures are based on public key encryption. It uses prime numbers like 2,3.5.7,9,11 and so
on which can be divided only by itself or by 1 and is incapable of division by other numbers. We
have unlimited prime numbers and in DS we use the multiples of prime numbers.
The functioning of DS is based on the system of public key cryptography. Public-key cryptography
refers to a cryptographic system requiring two separate keys, one of which is secret and one of which
is public. Althoughdifferent, the two parts of the key pair are mathematically linked. One key locks
or encrypts the plain text, and the other unlocks or decrypts the cipher text. Neither key can perform
both functions. One of these keys is published or public, while the other is kept private.
"Key encryption allows more than just privacy. It can also assure the recipient of the authenticity of
a document because a private key can be used to encode a message that only a public key can decode.
If I have information I want to sign before sending it to you, my computer uses my private key to
encipher it. Now the message can be read only if my public key-which you and everyone else know-
is used to decipher it. This message is veritably from me because no one else has the private key that
could have encrypted it in this way".
Justice Yatindra Singh in his book "Cyber laws" has stated that since public key encryption is slow
and time consuming the hash function is used to transform a message into a unique shorter fixed
length value called the Hash result. Hash serves the purpose of an index of the original text. It is an
algorithm mapping or translationof one sequence into another. The hash function is such that the
same hash result is obtained every time that hash function is used on the same electronic record and
two electronic records cannot produce the same hash result using the same hash function. In other
words, mapping is one to one and not many to one. It is one way. One cannot reconstruct the original
message from the hash result. The encryption of a hash result of the message with the private key of
the sender is called a Digital signature.
3. Repudiation – This attack is done by either sender or receiver. The sender or receiver can deny later that
he/she has send or receive a message. For example, customer ask his Bank “To transfer an amount to
someone” and later on the sender(customer) deny that he had made such a request. This is repudiation.
4. Replay – It involves the passive capture of a message and its subsequent the transmission to produce an
authorized effect.
5. Denial of Service – It prevents normal use of communication facilities. This attack may have a specific
target. For example, an entity may suppress all messages directed to a particular destination. Another
form of service denial is the disruption of an entire network wither by disabling the network or by
overloading it by messages so as to degrade performance.
Passive attacks: A Passive attack attempts to learn or make use of information from the system but does not
affect system resources. Passive Attacks are in the nature of eavesdropping on or monitoring of transmission.
The goal of the opponent is to obtain information is being transmitted.
Types of Passive attacks are as following:
1. The release of message content – Telephonic conversation, an electronic mail message or a transferred
file may contain sensitive or confidential information. We would like to prevent an opponent from
learning the contents of these transmissions.
2. Traffic analysis – Suppose that we had a way of masking (encryption) of information, so that the
attacker even if captured the message could not extract any information from the message. The
opponent could determine the location and identity of communicating host and could observe the
frequency and length of messages being exchanged. This information might be useful in guessing the
nature of the communication that was taking place.
Cybercrime prevention methods
1. Use Strong Passwords - Use different user ID / password combinations for different
accounts and avoid writing them down. Make the passwords more complicated by combining
letters, numbers, special characters (minimum 10 characters in total) and change them on a
regular basis.
2. Secure your computer -
Activate your firewall - Firewalls are the first line of cyber defence; they block
connectionsto unknown or bogus sites and will keep out some types of viruses and
Use anti-virus/malware software - Prevent viruses from infecting your computer
by installingand regularly updating anti-virus software.
Block spyware attacks - Prevent spyware from infiltrating your computer by
installing andupdating anti-spyware software.
3. Be Social-Media Savvy - Make sure your social networking profiles (e.g., Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, MSN, etc.) are set to private. Check your security settings. Be careful
what information you post online. Once it is on the Internet, it is there forever!
4. Secure your Mobile Devices - Be aware that your mobile device is vulnerable to viruses
and hackers. Download applications from trusted sources.
5. Install the latest operating system updates - Keep your applications and operating system
(e.g. Windows, Mac, Linux) current with the latest system updates. Turn on automatic
updates to prevent potential attacks on older software.
6. Protect your Data - Use encryption for your most sensitive files such as tax returns or
financial records, make regular back-ups of all your important data, and store it in another
7. Secure your wireless network - Wi-Fi (wireless) networks at home are vulnerable to
intrusion if they are not properly secured. Review and modify default settings. Public Wi-
Fi, a.k.a. “Hot Spots”, are also vulnerable. Avoid conducting financial or corporate
transactions on these networks.
8. Protect your e-identity - Be cautious when giving out personal information such as your
name, address, phone number or financial information on the Internet. Make sure that
websites are secure (e.g., when making online purchases) or that you’ve enabled privacy
settings (e.g. when accessing/using social networking sites).
9. Avoid being scammed - Always think before you click on a link or file of unknown origin.
Don’t feel pressured by any emails. Check the source of the message. When in doubt, verify
the source. Never reply to emails that ask you to verify your information or confirm your
user ID or password.
10. Call the right person for help - Don’t panic! If you are a victim, if you encounter illegal
Internet content (e.g., child exploitation) or if you suspect a computer crime, identity theft or
a commercial scam, report this to your local police. If you need help with maintenance or
software installation on your computer, consult with your service provider or a certified
computer technician.
Password Cracking
Password cracking techniques are used to recover passwords from the data that have
stored in ortransmitted by computer systems.
Attackers use password-cracking techniques to gain unauthorized access to the vulnerable
Most of the password cracking techniques are successful due to weak or easily guessable
Password cracking may use to recover the forgot password of any user to help him/her to
recover thepassword.
Password Guessing - The attacker crates a list of all possible passwords from the
information collected through social engineering or any other way and tries them
manually on the victim’s machine to crack the passwords.
Trojan/Spyware/Keylogger - The attacker installs Trojan/Spyware/Keylogger on
the victim’s machine to collect the victim’s user names and passwords.
Trojan/Spyware/Keylogger runs in the background and sends back all user
credentials to the attacker.
Hash Injection Attack - allows an attacker to inject a compromised hash into a local
session and use the hash to validate network resources. The attacker finds and extracts
a logged on domain admin account hash. The attacker uses the extracted hash to log
on to the domain controller.
A botnet is a network of computers infected with malware that are controlled by a bot herder. The bot
herder is the person who operates the botnet infrastructure and uses the compromised computers to
launch attacks designed to crash a target’s network, inject malware, harvest credentials or execute CPU-
intensive tasks. Each individual device within the botnet network is called a bot.
The first generation of botnets operated on a client-server architecture, where one command-and-control
(C&C) server operates the entire botnet. Due to its simplicity, the disadvantage of using a centralized
model over a P2P model is that it is susceptible to a single point of failure.
The two most common C&C communication channels are IRC and HTTP:
P2P botnets are harder to implement than IRC or HTTP botnets, but are also more resilient because
they do not rely on one centralized server. Instead, each bot works independently as both a client and a
server, updating and sharing information in a coordinated manner between devices in the botnet.
Infect and Grow
In stage 1, the hacker will find a vulnerability in either a website, application, or user behavior in order
to expose users to malware. A bot herder intends for users to remain unaware of their exposure and
eventual malware infection. They may exploit security issues in software or websites so that they can
deliver malware through emails, drive-by downloads, or trojan horse downloads.
In stage 2, victims’ devices are infected with malware that can take control of their devices. The initial
malware infection allows hackers to create zombie devices using techniques like web downloads,
exploit kits, popup ads, and email attachments. If it’s a centralized botnet, the herder will direct the
infected device to a C&C server. If it’s a P2P botnet, peer propagation begins and the zombie devices
seek to connect with other infected devices.
In stage 3, when the bot herder has infected a sufficient amount of bots, they can then mobilize their
attacks. The zombie devices will then download the latest update from the C&C channel to receive its
order. The bot then proceeds with its orders and engages in malicious activities. The bot herder can
continue to remotely manage and grow their botnet to carry out various malicious activities. Botnets do
not target specific individuals since the bot herder’s goal is to infect as many devices as possible so they
can carry out malicious attacks.
1. Phishing
Botnets can be used to distribute malware via phishing emails. Because botnets are automated and
consist of many bots, shutting down a phishing campaign is like playing a game of Whack-A-Mole.
Many will remember the massive Mirai botnet DDoS attack. Mirai is an IoT botnet made up of hundreds
of thousands of compromised IoT devices, which in 2016, took down services like OVH, DYN, and
Krebs on Security.
3. Spambots
Spambots harvest emails from websites, forums, guestbooks, chat rooms and anyplace else users enter
their email addresses. Once acquired, the emails are used to create accounts and send spam messages.
Over 80 percent of spam is thought to come from botnets.
Cybercrime is defined as a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime (hacking,
phishing, spamming) or is used as a tool to commit an offense (child pornography, hate crimes).
Cybercriminals may use computer technology to access personal information, business trade
secrets oruse the internet for exploitative or malicious purposes. Criminals can also use computers
for communication and document or data storage. Criminals who perform these illegal activities
are oftenreferred to as hackers.
Cybercrime may also be referred to as computer crime.
Mobile, Wireless Devices and hand-held devices
4. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
It is a small, usually pocket-sized, computer with limited functionality. It is intended to
supplement and synchronize with a desktop computer, giving access to contacts, address book, notes,
E-Mail and other features.
5. Ultra Mobile PC
It is a full-featured, PDA-sized computer running a general-purpose operating system (OS).
6. Smartphone
It is a PDA with an integrated cell phone functionality. Current Smartphones have a wide
range of features and installable applications.
7. Carputer
It is a computing device installed in an automobile. It operates as a wireless computer, sound
system, and global positioning system (GPS) and DVD player. It also contains word processing
software and is Bluetooth compatible.
8. Fly Fusion Pentop Computer
It is a computing device with the size and shape of a pen. It functions as a writing utensil, MP3
player, language translator, digital storage device and calculator.
Trends in Mobility
Mobile computing is moving into a new era, third generation (3G), which promises greater
variety in applications and have highly improved usability as well as speedier networking. “iPhone”
from Apple and Google-led “Android” phones are the best examples of this trend and there are plenty
of other developments that point in this direction. This smart mobile technology is rapidly gaining
popularity and the attackers (hackers and crackers) are among its biggest fans.
1. Key Findings for Mobile Computing Security Scenario
1. With usage experience, awareness of mobile users gets enhanced
2. People continue to remain the weakest link for laptop security
3. Wireless connectivity does little to increase burden of managing laptops
4. Laptop experience changes the view of starting a smart hand-held pilot
5. There is naivety and/or neglect in smart hand-held security
6. Rules rather than technology keep smart hand-helds’ usage in check
2. Popular types of attacks against 3G mobile networks
1. Malwares, viruses and worms
2. Denial-of-service (DoS)
3. Overbilling attack
4. Spoofed policy development process (PDP)
5. Signaling-level attacks
Authentication Service Security
1. There are two components of security in mobile computing: security of devices
and security in networks.
2. A secure network access involves mutual authentication between the device and
the base stations or Webservers.
3. This is to ensure that only authenticated devices can be connected to the network for
obtaining the requested services.
4. No Malicious Code can impersonate the service provider to trick the device into
doing something it does not mean to.
5. Thus, the networks also play a crucial role in security of mobile devices. Some
eminent kinds of attacks to which mobile devices are subjected to are: push attacks,
pull attacks and crash attacks.
6. Authentication services security is important given the typical attacks on mobile
devices through wireless networks: DoS attacks, traffic analysis, eavesdropping, man-
in-the-middle attacks and session hijacking.
1. Cryptographic Security for Mobile Devices
We will discuss a technique known as cryptographically generated addresses
(CGA). CGA is Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) that addresses up to 64 address bits that
are generated by hashing owner’s public-key address. The address the owner uses is the
corresponding private key to assert address ownership.
Fig: Push attack on mobile devices. DDos implies distributed denial-of-service attack.
The most common LDAP use case is providing a central location for accessing and managing
directory services. LDAP enables organizations to store, manage, and secure information about the
organization, its users, and assets–like usernames and passwords. This helps simplify storage access
by providing a hierarchical structure of information, and it can be critical for corporations as they
grow and acquire more user data and assets.
LDAP also functions as an identity and access management (IAM) solution that targets user
authentication, including support for Kerberos and single sign-on (SSO), Simple Authentication
Security Layer (SASL), and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
LDAP is the core protocol used in–but not exclusive to–Microsoft’s Active Directory (AD)
directory service, a large directory service database that contains information spanning every user
account in a network. More specifically, LDAP is a lightweight version of Directory Access
Protocol (DAP) and provides a central location for accessing and managing directory services
running on the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The most recent version
is LDAPv3.
AD provides the authentication and management of users and groups, and it is what ultimately
authenticates a user or computer. The database contains a higher volume of attributes than what is
pulled into LDAP. However, LDAP specializes in finding a directory object with little information,
so it doesn’t need to extract all of its attributes from AD, or whichever directory service it is pulling
The main goal of LDAP is to communicate with, store, and extract objects (i.e. domains, users,
groups, etc.) from AD into a usable format for its own directory, located on the LDAP server.
Think of it this way: AD is the largest library in the world, and you’re looking for a book with a
title that mentions zombies. In the world of LDAP, the details of whether or not the book was
published in the U.S., contains over 1,000 pages, or is a how-to guide on surviving the zombie
apocalypse don’t matter–although they do help narrow down the options available. LDAP is the
experienced librarian who knows exactly where to find all of the options that satisfy your request
and verify you’ve found what you’re looking for.
The LDAP authentication process is a client-server model of authentication, and it consists of these
key players:
Directory System Agent (DSA): a server running the LDAP on its network
Directory User Agent (DUA): accesses DSAs as a client (ex. a user’s PC)
DN: the distinguished name, which contains a path through the Directory Information Tree (DIT)
for LDAP to navigate through (ex. cn=Susan, ou=users, o=Company)
Relative Distinguished Name (RDN): each component in the path within the DN (ex. cn=Susan)
Application Programming Interface (API): lets your product or service communicate with other
products and services without having to know how they’re implemented
The process starts when a user tries to access an LDAP-enabled client program, like a business
email application, on their PC. With LDAPv3, users will go through one of two possible user
authentication methods: simple authentication, like SSO with login credentials, or SASL
authentication, which binds the LDAP server to a program like Kerberos. The login attempt sends a
request to authenticate the DN assigned to the user. The DN is sent through the client API or service
that launches the DSA.
The client automatically binds to the DSA, and LDAP uses the DN to search for the matching object
or set of objects against the records in the LDAP database. The RDNs in the DN are very important
at this stage, as they provide each step in LDAP’s search through the DIT to find the individual. If
the path is missing a connecting RDN on the backend, the result could turn up as invalid. In this
case, the object LDAP is searching for is the individual user account (cn=Susan), and it can only
validate the user if the account in the directory has the matching uid and userPassword. User groups
are also identified as objects within the LDAP directory.
Once the user receives a response (valid or not valid), the client unbinds from the LDAP server.
Authenticated users are then able to access the API and its services, including necessary files, user
information, and other application data, based on the permissions granted by the system
The DIT makes it possible to quickly navigate through the different levels of the LDAP directory to
narrow down search results and provide a response to a query. The DIT starts at the root directory,
followed by countries, which then branches out to two subclasses: the Domain Component (dc) and
Organization Name (o).
Domain Access Component (dc)
The dc (i.e. dc=com, dc=example) uses domain name system (DNS) mapping to locate Internet
domain names and translate them into IP addresses.
Most users don’t know the domain name and/or IP address of the individual they’re searching for.
In this case, LDAP uses the Distinguished Name (DN) assigned to the user as a path to quickly
navigate through the DIT and find the search result. This is where the o subclass comes in.
The o subclass (ex. o-Company) is one of the most general subclasses listed in the DN, and it is
usually where LDAP starts when it runs a search. For example, a simple path usually starts with the
o subclass, branching off to the Organizational Unit (ou), followed by a user account or group.
As previously mentioned, the ou is a subclass of o and is often seen as ou=users or ou=group, with
each containing a list of user accounts or groups. Here’s how this might look in a directory:
A common name, or cn, is used to identify the name of a group or individual user account (ex.
cn=developers, cn=Susan). A user can belong to a group, so if Susan is a developer, they could also
live under cn=developers.
Each subclass in the LDAP DIT (i.e. o, ou, cn) contains attributes and values, or schema that
contains information on a LDAP directory’s structure that can help narrow down a search.
Attributes are similar to what you would find in an address book entry, with labels like name, phone
number, and address, and there are values assigned to each attribute. For example, Susan would be
the value of the name attribute.
In the cn=Susan account, user id (uid) and userPassword are attributes and a user’s login credentials
are the values. However, in a group like cn=developers, Susan would have the uniqueMember
attribute (ex. uniqueMember=cn-Susan,ou-Users,o-Company). This maps a path to where Susan’s
individual user account is located, along with the information LDAP is searching for. A user
account is the end of the line in the DIT, and it is where LDAP ultimately extracts the results of the
There are many other attribute types and syntaxes that can help narrow down a search, including
ObjectClasses, like organizationalPerson (structural) or personal (structural). However, the number
of attributes on LDAP is limited in order to keep it lightweight and easy to use.
Enterprise network admins are typically managing thousands of users at a time. This means they are
responsible for assigning access controls and policies based on a user’s role and access to files for
everyday tasks, like a company intranet.
LDAP simplifies the user management process, saves network admins valuable time, and
centralizes the authentication process. Before integrating LDAP into your environment, it’s
important to consider the following:
Capacity: how much user management data do you need to store? Consider if products that
implement LDAP solutions have the capacity to store and manage all the data you need.
Search frequency: are there pieces of data that a user needs to access daily, like a company intranet,
email application or service? If so, LDAP may be for you.
Organization: will the simple DIT in LDAP provide enough organization for your data, or do you
need a more detailed system?
Protecting against port scanning requires software that can trap unauthorized incoming data
packets and prevent a mobile device from revealing its existence and ID. A personal firewall on
a pocket PC or Smartphone device can be an effective protective screen against this form of
attack for the users connecting through a direct Internet or RAS connection. For situations
where all connections to the corporate network pass through a gateway, placing the personal
firewall on the gateway itself could be the simplest solution, because it avoids the need to place
a personal firewall on each mobile device. In either case, deploying secure access methods that
implement strong authentication keys will provide an additional protection.
been identified.
3. First mobile virus was identified in 2004 and it was the beginning to understand that
mobile devices can act as vectors to enter the computer network.
4. Mobile viruses get spread through two dominant communication protocols – Bluetooth
and MMS.
5. Bluetooth virus can easily spread within a distance of 10–30 m, through Bluetooth-
activated phones (i.e., if Bluetooth is always ENABLED into a mobile phone) whereas
MMS virus can send a copy of itself to all mobile users whose numbers are available in
the infected mobile phone’s address book.
Following are some tips to protect mobile from mobile malware attacks.
1. Download or accept programs and content (including ring tones, games, video clips and
photos) only from a trusted source.
2. If a mobile is equipped with Bluetooth, turn it OFF or set it to non-discoverable mode
when it is not in use and/or not required to use.
3. If a mobile is equipped with beam (i.e., IR), allow it to receive incoming beams, only
from the trusted source.
4. Download and install antivirus software for mobile devices.
3. Mishing
1. Mishing is a combination of mobile phone and Phishing Mishing attacks are attempted
using mobile phone technology.
2. M-Commerce is fast becoming a part of everyday life. If you use your mobile phone for
purchasing goods/services and for banking, you could be more vulnerable to a Mishing
3. A typical Mishing attacker uses call termed as Vishing or message (SMS) known as
4. Attacker will pretend to be an employee from your bank or another organization and
will claim a need for your personal details.
5. Attackers are very creative and they would try to convince you with different reasons
why they need this information from you.
4. Vishing
Vishing is the criminal practice of using social engineering over the telephone
system, most often using features facilitated by VoIP, to gain access to personal and
financial information from the public for the purpose of financial reward. The term is a
combination of V – voice and Phishing.
Vishing is usually used to steal credit card numbers or other related data used in ID
theft schemes from individuals.
The most profitable uses of the information gained through a Vishing attack include
1. ID theft;
2. Purchasing luxury goods and services;
3. Transferring money/funds;
4. Monitoring the victims’ bank accounts;
5. Making applications for loans and credit cards.
How Vishing Works
The criminal can initiate a Vishing attack using a variety of methods, each of
which depends upon information gathered by a criminal and criminal’s will to reach a
particular audience.
1. Internet E-Mail: It is also called Phishing mail.
2. Mobile text messaging.
3. Voicemail: Here, victim is forced to call on the provided phone number, once he/she
listens to voicemail.
4. Direct phone call: Following are the steps detailing on how direct phone call works:
• The criminal gathers cell/mobile phone numbers located in a particular region and/or
steals cell/ mobile phone numbers after accessing legitimate voice messaging
• The criminal often uses a war dialer to call phone numbers of people from aspecific
region, and that to from the gathered list of phone numbers.
• When the victim answers the call, an automated recorded message is played to alert
the victim that his/her credit card has had fraudulent activity and/or his/her bank
account has had unusual activity.
• When the victim calls on the provided number, he/she is given automated instructions
to enter his/her credit card number or bank account details with the help of phone
• Once the victim enters these details, the criminal (i.e., visher) has the necessary
information to make fraudulent use of the card or to access the account.
• Such calls are often used to harvest additional details such as date of birth, credit card
expiration date, etc.
Some of the examples of vished calls, when victim calls on the provided number after
receiving phished E-Mail and/or after listening voicemail, are as follows:
1. Automated message: Thank you for calling (name of local bank). Your business is
important to us. To help you reach the correct representative and answer your query
fully, please press the appropriate number on your handset after listening to options.
• Press 1 if you need to check you’re banking details and live balance.
• Press 2 if you wish to transfer funds.
• Press 3 to unlock your online profile.
• Press 0 for any other query.
2. Regardless of what the victim enters (i.e., presses the key), the automated system
prompts him to authenticate himself: “The security of each customer is important to
us. To proceed further, we require that you authenticate your ID before proceeding.
Please type your bank account number, followed by the pound key.”
3. The victim enters his/her bank account number and hears the next prompt: “Thank
you. Now please type your date of birth, followed by the pound key. For example,
01 January 1950 press 01011950.”
4. The caller enters his/her date of birth and again receives a prompt from the
automated system:
“Thank you. Now please type your PIN, followed by the pound key.”
5. The caller enters his PIN and hears one last prompt from the system: “Thank you.
We will now transfer you to the appropriate representative.”
How to Protect from Vishing Attacks
Following are some tips to protect oneself from Vishing attacks.
1. Be suspicious about all unknown callers.
2. Do not trust caller ID. It does not guarantee whether the call is really coming from
that number, that is, from the individual and/or company – caller ID Spoofing is easy.
3. Be aware and ask questions, in case someone is asking for your personal or financial
4. Call them back.
5. Report incidents:
5. Smishing
Smishing is a criminal offense conducted by using social engineering techniques similar
to Phishing. The name is derived from “SMS PhISHING.” SMS – Short Message Service– is
the text messages communication component dominantly used into mobile phones. To know
how SMS can be abused by using different methods and techniques other than information
gatheringunder cybercrime.
How to Protect from Smishing Attacks
Following are some tips to protect oneself from Smishing attacks:
1. Do not answer a text message that you have received asking for your PI.
2. Avoid calling any phone numbers, as mentioned in the received message, to cancel a
membership and/or confirming a transaction which you have not initiated but
mentioned in the message.
3. Always call on the numbers displayed on the invoice and/or appearing in the bank
3. Never click on a hot link received through message on your Smartphone or PDA. Hot
links are links that you can click, which will take you directly to the Internet sites.
6. Hacking Bluetooth
1. Bluetooth is an open wireless technology standard used for communication (i.e.,
exchanging data) over short distances between fixed and/or mobile devices.
2. Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communication service/technology that uses the 2.4-
GHz frequency range for its transmission/communication.
Name of the
S. No. Description
This tool enables to search for Bluetooth enable device and will try to extract
1 BlueScanner asmuch information as possible for each newly discovered device after
connecting it with the target.
This is a GUI-based utility for finding discoverable and hidden Bluetooth
2 BlueSniff enabled devices.
The buggers exploit the vulnerability of the device and access the images,
3 BlueBugger
phonebook, messages and other personal information.
If a Bluetooth of a device is switched ON, then Bluesnarfing makes it possible
4 Bluesnarfer to connect to the phone without alerting the owner and to gain access to
restricted portions of the stored data.
Bluediving is testing Bluetooth penetration. It implements attacks like Bluebug
5 BlueDiving
and BlueSnarf.
Bluejacking, Bluesnarfing, Bluebugging and Car Whisperer are common attacks that have
emerged as Bluetooth-specific security issues.
1. Bluejacking: It means Bluetooth Jacking where Jacking is short name for hijack – act of
taking over something. Bluejacking is sending unsolicited messages over Bluetooth to
Bluetooth-enabled devices such as mobile phones, PDAs or computers.
2. Bluesnarfing: It is the unauthorized access from a wireless device through a Bluetooth
connection between cell phones, PDAs and computers. This enables the attacker to access a
calendar, contact list, SMS and E-Mails as well as enable attackers to copy pictures and
private videos.
3. Bluebugging: It allows attackers to remotely access a user’s phone and use its features
without user’s attention.
4. Car Whisperer: It is a piece of software that allows attackers to send audio to and receive
audio from a Bluetooth-enabled car stereo.
Mobile Devices: Security Implications for Organizations
1. Managing diversity and proliferation of hand-held devices
We have talked about the micro issues of purely technical nature in mobile device
security. Given the threats to information systems through usage of mobile devices, the
organizations need to establish security practices at a level appropriate to their security
objectives, subject to legal and other external constraints.
2. Unconventional/stealth storage devices
We would like to emphasize upon widening the spectrum of mobile devices and focus
on secondary storage devices, such as compact disks (CDs) and Universal Serial Bus (USB)
drives (also called zip drive, memory sticks) used by employees.
As the technology is advancing, the devices continue to decrease in size and emerge in
new shapes and sizes – unconventional/stealth storage devices available nowadays are
difficult to detect and have become a prime challenge for organizational security.
5. Educating the laptop users
Often it so happens that corporate laptop users could be putting their company’s
networks at risk by down- loading non-work-related software capable of spreading viruses
and Spyware.
We have discussed micro- and macro level security issues with mobile devices used for
mobile computing purposes and what individuals can do to protect their personal data on mobile
devices. We discuss what organizations can do toward safeguarding their information systems
in the mobile computing paradigm.
1. Encrypting Organizational Databases
Critical and sensitive data reside on databases [say, applications such as customer
relationship management (CRM) that utilize patterns discovered through data warehousing and
data mining (DM) techniques] and with the advances in technology, access to these data is not
impossible through hand-held devices. It is clear that to protect the organizations’ data loss,
such databases need encryption.
2. Including Mobile Devices in Security Strategy
These discussions so far make a strong business case – in recognition of the fact that
our mobile workforce is on the rise, organizational IT departments will have to take the
accountability for cyber security threats that come through inappropriate access to
organizational data from mobile-device–user employees. Encryption of corporate databases is
not the end of everything.
A few things that enterprises can use are:
1. Implement strong asset management, virus checking, loss prevention and other
controls for mobile systems that will prohibit unauthorized access and the entry of
corrupted data.
2. Investigate alternatives that allow a secure access to the company information through a
firewall, such as mobile VPNs.
3. Develop a system of more frequent and thorough security audits for mobile devices.
4. Incorporate security awareness into your mobile training and support programs so
that everyone understands just how important an issue security is within a
company’s overall IT strategy.
5. Notify the appropriate law-enforcement agency and change passwords. User
accounts are closely monitored for any unusual activity for a period of time.
Organizational Security Policies and Measures in Mobile Computing Era
1. Importance of Security Policies relating to Mobile Computing Devices
Proliferation of hand-held devices used makes the cyber security issue graver
than what we would tend to think. People (especially, the youth) have grown so used to
their handhelds that they are treating them like wallets! The survey asked the
participants about the likelihood of six separate scenarios involving the use of cell
phones to communicate sensitive and confidential information occurring in their
The scenarios described the following:
1. A CEO’s administrative assistant uses a cell phone to arrange ground transportation that
reveals the CEO’s identity and location.
2. The finance and accounting staff discusses earnings of press release and one
participant onthe call is using a cell phone.
3. A conference call among senior leaders in the organization in which cell
phones aresometimes used.
4. A sales manager conducting business in Asia uses, his/her cell phone to
communicate withthe home office.
5. An external lawyer asks for proprietary and confidential information while using
his cellphone.
6. A call center employee assists a customer using a cell phone to establish an
account andcollects personal information (including SSN).
2. Operating Guidelines for Implementing Mobile Device Security Policies
In situations such as those described above, the ideal solution would be to
prohibit all confidential data from being stored on mobile devices, but this may not
always be practical. Organizations can, however, reduce the risk that confidential
information will be accessed from lost or stolen mobile devices through the following
Unauthorized computer access, popularly referred to as hacking, describes a criminal action whereby someone
uses a computer to knowingly gain access to data in a system without permission to access that data.
Computer Intrusion
Computer intrusions occur when someone tries to gain access to any part of your computer system. Computer
intruders or hackers typically use automated computer programs when they try to compromise a computer’s
security. There are several ways an intruder can try to gain access to your computer. They can:
1. Access your computer to view, change, or delete information on your computer.
2. Crash or slow down your computer.
3. Access your private data by examining the files on your system.
4. Use your computer to access other computers on the Internet.
Ways a virus can affect your computer system. The ways are mentioned below −
By downloading files from the Internet.
During the removable of media or drives.
Through pen drive.
Through e-mail attachments.
Through unpatched software & services.
Through unprotected or poor administrator passwords.
Impact of Virus
Let us now see the impact of virus on your computer system −
Disrupts the normal functionality of respective computer system.
Disrupts system network use.
Modifies configuration setting of the system.
Destructs data.
Disrupts computer network resources.
Destructs of confidential data.
Malicious Code - is the kind of harmful computer code or web script designed to create system vulnerabilities
leading to back doors, security breaches, information and data theft, and other potential damages to files and
computing systems. It's a type of threat that may not be blocked by antivirus software on its own. Malware
specifically refers to malicious software, but malicious code includes website scripts that can exploit
vulnerabilities in order to upload malware.
It is an auto-executable application that can activate itself and take on various forms, including Java Applets,
ActiveX controls, pushed content, plug-ins, scripting languages or other programming languages that are
designed to enhance Web pages and email.
The code gives a cybercriminal unauthorized remote access to the attacked system — called an application back
door — which then exposes sensitive company data. By unleashing it, cybercriminals can even wipe outa
computer's data or install spyware.
Internet Hacking and Cracking
Hacking is the activity of identifying weaknesses in a computer system or a network to exploit the security to
gain access to personal data or business data. An example of computer hacking can be: using a password cracking
algorithm to gain access to a computer system.
Computers have become mandatory to run a successful business. It is not enough to have isolated computers
systems; they need to be networked to facilitate communication with external businesses. This exposes them
to the outside world and hacking. System hacking means using computers to commit fraudulent acts such as
fraud, privacy invasion, stealing corporate/personal data, etc. Cybercrimes cost many organizations millions
of dollars every year. Businesses need to protect themselves against such attacks.
A Hacker is a person who finds and exploits the weakness in computer systems and/or networks to gain
access. Hackers are usually skilled computer programmers with knowledge of computer security.
Hackers are classified according to the intent of their actions. The following list classifies types of hackers
according to their intent:
Ethical Hacker (White hat): A security hacker who gains access to systems with a view to fix the
identified weaknesses. They may also perform penetration Testing and vulnerability assessments.
Cracker (Black hat): A hacker who gains unauthorized access to computer systems for personal gain.
The intent is usually to steal corporate data, violate privacy rights, transfer funds from bank accounts etc.
Grey hat: A hacker who is in between ethical and black hat hackers. He/she breaks into computer
systems without authority with a view to identify weaknesses and reveal them to the system owner.
Script kiddies: A non-skilled person who gains access to computer systems using already made tools.
Hacktivist: A hacker who use hacking to send social, religious, and political, etc. messages. This is
usually done by hijacking websites and leaving the message on the hijacked website.
Phreaker: A hacker who identifies and exploits weaknesses in telephones instead of computers.
Cracking is a technique used to breach computer software or an entire computer security system, and
with malicious intent.
Cracking is when someone performs a security hack for criminal or malicious reasons, and the
person is called a “cracker.” Just like a bank robber cracks a safe by skilfully manipulating its lock, a
cracker breaks into a computer system, program, or account with the aid of their technical wizardry.
it’s always with the aim of doing something naughty when you’re there: stealing data, impersonating
someone, or even just using paid software for free.
Software Piracy
Software piracy is the act of stealing software that is legally protected. This stealing includes copying,
distributing, modifying or selling the software.
Copyright laws were originally put into place so that the people who develop software (programmers, writers,
graphic artists, etc.) would get the proper credit and compensation for their work. When software piracy occurs,
compensation is stolen from these copyright holders.
Mail Bombs
An email bomb is an attack against an email inbox or server designed to overwhelm an inbox or inhibit the
server’s normal function, rendering it unresponsive, preventing email communications, degrading network
performance, or causing downtime. The intensity of an email bomb can range from an inconvenience to a
complete denial of service. Typically, these attacks persist for hours or until the targeted inbox or server
implements a mitigation tactic to filter or block the attacking traffic. Such attacks can be carried out intentionally
or unintentionally by a single actor, group of actors, or a botnet.
Steganography is the technique of hiding secret data within an ordinary, non-secret, file or message in order
to avoid detection; the secret data is then extracted at its destination.
Use of Steganography
There are many ways to conceal information using Steganography. The most common method is by embedding
information into digital images. We all know that digital images say, a JPEG image, contains several megabytes
of data in the form of pixels. This allows some room for someone to embed steganography information within
the digital file. With the use of steganography applications, a hacker alters the least significant bits of the data
file and embeds a malicious code into the image. Once the targeted user downloads and opens the image file in
their computer, the malware is activated. Depending on its programming, the malware can now open a leeway
for the attacker to gain control over the user’s device or network. The danger of Steganography is that the
difference between the original image and the steganography image is subtle and the two cannot be distinguished
by the naked eye.
Types of Keyloggers
Key logger tools are mostly constructed for the same purpose. But they’ve got important distinctions in terms
of the methods they use and their form factor.
Here are the two forms of Keyloggers
1. Software Keyloggers
2. Hardware Keyloggers
Software Keyloggers - Software Keyloggers are computer programs that install onto your device’s hard drive.
Common Keyloggers software types may include:
API-based Keyloggers directly eavesdrop between the signals sent from each keypress to the program
you’re typing into. Application programming interfaces (APIs) allow software developers and hardware
manufacturers to speak the same “language” and integrate with each other. API keyloggers quietly
intercept keyboard APIs, logging each keystroke in a system file.
“Form grabbing”-based Keyloggers eavesdrop all text entered into website forms once you send it
to the server. Data is recorded locally before it is transmitted online to the web server.
Kernel-based keyloggers work their way into the system’s core for admin-level permissions. These
loggers can bypass and get unrestricted access to everything entered in your system.
Hardware Keyloggers - Hardware keyloggers are physical components built-in or connected to your device.
Some hardware methods may be able to track keystrokes without even being connected to your device. For
brevity, we’ll include the keyloggers you are most likely to fend against:
Keyboard hardware keyloggers can be placed in line with your keyboard’s connection cable or built
into the keyboard itself. This is the most direct form of interception of your typing signals.
Hidden camera keyloggers may be placed in public spaces like libraries to visually track keystrokes.
USB disk-loaded keyloggers can be a physical Trojan horse that delivers the keystroke logger malware
once connected to your device.
Prevention from Keystroke logging
Always read your terms of service or any contracts before accepting.
Install internet security software on all your devices.
Make sure your security programs are updated on the latest threats.
Don’t leave your mobile and computer devices unsupervised.
Keep all other device software updated.
Do not use unfamiliar USB drives or external hard drives.
Spyware is a broad category of malware designed to secretly observe activity on a device and send
those observations to a snooper. That data can be used to track your activity online and that information
can be sold to marketers.
Spyware can also be used to steal personal information, such as account passwords and credit card
numbers, which can result in identity theft and fraud.
Spyware is unwanted software that infiltrates your computing device, stealing your internet usage data
and sensitive information.
Spyware is classified as a type of malware — malicious software designed to gain access to or damage
your computer, often without your knowledge. Spyware gathers your personal information and relays
it to advertisers, data firms, or external users.
Types of spyware
Spyware can take a number of forms. They include:
Adware: It eyes your online activity and displays ads it thinks you'll be interested in based on that
information. Although benign compared to some other forms of spyware, adware can have an impact on
the performance of a device, as well as just being annoying.
Tracking cookies: They're similar to adware, although they tend to be less intrusive.
Trojans: After landing on a device, they look for sensitive information, such as bank account
information, and send it to a seedy third-party who will use it to steal money, compromise accounts or
make fraudulent purchases. They can also be used to gain control of a computer through the installation
of a backdoor or a remote access Trojan (RAT).
Keyloggers: They allow a miscreant to capture every keystroke from your keyboard, including the
keystrokes you use when you log into your online accounts.
Stalkerware: It's typically installed on a mobile phone so the owner of the phone can be tracked by a
third party. For example, during the trial of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, it was revealed the drug kingpin
installed spyware on the phones of his wife, associates and female friends so he could read their text
messages, listen to their conversations and follow their movements.
Stealware: It's crafted to take advantage of online shopping sites awarding credits to websites that send
traffic to their product pages. When a user goes to one of those sites, stealware intercepts the request and
takes credit for sending the user there.
System monitors: They record everything that's happening on a device—from keystrokes, emails and
chat room dialogs to websites visited, programs launched, and phone calls made—and send it to a snoop
or cyber-criminal. They can also monitor a system's processes and identify any vulnerabilitieson it.
Spyware can be harmful, but it can be removed and prevented by being cautious and using an antivirus tool.
If you’ve been infected with spyware, take steps to remove it. Be proactive by changing your passwords and
notifying your bank to watch for fraudulent activity.
A lot of things you should do come with a corresponding thing not to do — like, do be careful with email
attachments and don’t click on suspicious email attachments. Here are some more don’ts.
Don’t visit unsafe websites. Some internet security software will alert you that you’re about to visit an
unsafe site, such as Norton Safe Web.
Don’t open a link in an email unless you’re confident it comes from a legitimate source. In general,
avoid opening unsolicited emails from senders you don’t know.
Don’t download or install programs if you don’t have complete trust in the publisher.
Don’t click on pop-up windows that promise free programs that perform useful tasks.
Don’t ever open a link in an email unless you know exactly what it is.
Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message
by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as
personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.
The information is then used to access important accounts and can result in identity theft and financial
Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to deceive users. Users are lured by
communications purporting to be from trusted parties such as social networking websites, auction sites,
banks, mails/messages from friends or colleagues/executives, online payment systems or IT
Types of phishing
Spear phishing - Phishing attempts directed at specific individuals or companies
Catphishing and catfishing - is a type of online deception that involves getting to know someone closely
in order to gain access to information or resources, usually in the control of the mark, or to otherwise get
control over the conduct of the target.
Clone phishing - is a type of phishing attack whereby a legitimate, and previously delivered, email
containing an attachment or link has had its content and recipient address(es) taken and used to create
an almost identical or cloned email.
Voice phishing - uses fake caller-ID data to give the appearance that calls come from a trusted
SMS phishing - or smishing uses cell phone text messages to deliver the bait to induce people to divulge
their personal information.
DOS Attack
A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is an attack meant to shut down a machine or network, making it
inaccessible to its intended users. DoS attacks accomplish this by flooding the target with traffic, or
sending it information that triggers a crash. In both instances, the DoS attack deprives legitimate users
(i.e., employees, members, or account holders) of the service or resource they expected.
Victims of DoS attacks often target web servers of high-profile organizations such as banking, commerce,
and media companies, or government and trade organizations. Though DoS attacks do not typically result
in the theft or loss of significant information or other assets, they can cost the victim a great deal of time
and money to handle.
A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is a type of cyber attack in which a malicious actor aims to render a
computer or other device unavailable to its intended users by interrupting the device's normal functioning.
DoS attacks typically function by overwhelming or flooding a targeted machine with requests until
normal traffic is unable to be processed, resulting in denial-of-service to addition users.
A DoS attack is characterized by using a single computer to launch the attack.
There are two general methods of DoS attacks: flooding services or crashing services.
Flood attacks occur when the system receives too much traffic for the server to buffer, causing them to slow
down and eventually stop.
Popular flood attacks include:
Buffer overflow attacks – the most common DoS attack. The concept is to send more traffic to a
network address than the programmers have built the system to handle. It includes the attacks listed
below, in addition to others that are designed to exploit bugs specific to certain applications or
ICMP flood – leverages misconfigured network devices by sending spoofed packets that ping every
computer on the targeted network, instead of just one specific machine. The network is then triggered
to amplify the traffic. This attack is also known as the smurf attack or ping of death.
SYN flood – sends a request to connect to a server, but never completes the handshake. Continues until
all open ports are saturated with requests and none are available for legitimate users to connectto.
Other DoS attacks simply exploit vulnerabilities that cause the target system or service to crash. In these attacks,
input is sent that takes advantage of bugs in the target that subsequently crash or severely destabilize the system,
so that it can’t be accessed or used.
DDOS Attack
A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a
targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a
flood of Internet traffic.
DDoS attacks achieve effectiveness by utilizing multiple compromised computer systems as sources
of attack traffic. Exploited machines can include computers and other networked resources such as IoT
From a high level, a DDoS attack is like an unexpected traffic jam clogging up the highway, preventing
regular traffic from arriving at its destination.
DDoS attacks are carried out with networks of Internet-connected machines.
These networks consist of computers and other devices (such as IoT devices)which have been infected
with malware, allowing them to be controlled remotely by an attacker. These individual devices are
referred to as bots (or zombies), and a group of bots is called a botnet.
Once a botnet has been established, the attacker is able to direct an attack by sending remote instructions
to each bot.
When a victim’s server or network is targeted by the botnet, each bot sends requests to the target’s IP
address, potentially causing the server or network to become overwhelmed, resulting in a denial-of-
service to normal traffic.
Because each bot is a legitimate Internet device, separating the attack traffic from normal traffic can
be difficult.
SQL Injection
SQL injection, also known as SQLI, is a common attack vector that uses malicious SQL code for backend
database manipulation to access information that was not intended to be displayed. This information may
include any number of items, including sensitive company data, user lists or private customer details.
The impact SQL injection can have on a business is far-reaching.
A successful attack may result in the unauthorized viewing of user lists, the deletion of entire tables and,
in certain cases, the attacker gaining administrative rights to a database, all of which are highly
detrimental to a business.
When calculating the potential cost of an SQLi, it’s important to consider the loss of customer trust should
personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, and credit card details be stolen.
While this vector can be used to attack any SQL database, websites are the most frequent targets.
In-band SQLi - The attacker uses the same channel of communication to launch their attacks and to gather their
results. In-band SQLi’s simplicity and efficiency make it one of the most common types of SQLi attack. There
are two sub-variations of this method:
Error-based SQLi—the attacker performs actions that cause the database to produce error messages.
The attacker can potentially use the data provided by these error messages to gather information about
the structure of the database.
Union-based SQLi—this technique takes advantage of the UNION SQL operator, which fuses multiple
select statements generated by the database to get a single HTTP response. This response may contain
data that can be leveraged by the attacker.
Inferential (Blind) SQLi - The attacker sends data payloads to the server and observes the response and behavior
of the server to learn more about its structure. This method is called blind SQLi because the data isnot
transferred from the website database to the attacker, thus the attacker cannot see information about the attack
Blind SQL injections rely on the response and behavioral patterns of the server so they are typically slower to
execute but may be just as harmful. Blind SQL injections can be classified as follows:
Boolean—that attacker sends a SQL query to the database prompting the application to return a result.
The result will vary depending on whether the query is true or false. Based on the result, the information
within the HTTP response will modify or stay unchanged. The attacker can then work outif the message
generated a true or false result.
Time-based—attacker sends a SQL query to the database, which makes the database wait (for a period
in seconds) before it can react. The attacker can see from the time the database takes to respond, whether
a query is true or false. Based on the result, an HTTP response will be generated instantly or after a
waiting period. The attacker can thus work out if the message they used returned true or false, without
relying on data from the database.
Out-of-band SQLi - The attacker can only carry out this form of attack when certain features are enabled on the
database server used by the web application. This form of attack is primarily used as an alternative to the in-band
and inferential SQLi techniques.
Out-of-band SQLi is performed when the attacker can’t use the same channel to launch the attack and gather
information, or when a server is too slow or unstable for these actions to be performed. These techniques count
on the capacity of the server to create DNS or HTTP requests to transfer data to an attacker.
Buffer Overflow
Buffers are memory storage regions that temporarily hold data while it is being transferred from one
location to another.
A buffer overflow (or buffer overrun) occurs when the volume of data exceeds the storage capacity of
the memory buffer. As a result, the program attempting to write the data to the buffer overwrites adjacent
memory locations.
For example, a buffer for log-in credentials may be designed to expect username and password inputs of
8 bytes, so if a transaction involves an input of 10 bytes (that is, 2 bytes more than expected), the program
may write the excess data past the buffer boundary.
Buffer overflows can affect all types of software. They typically result from malformed inputs or failure
to allocate enough space for the buffer. If the transaction overwrites executable code, it can cause the
program to behave unpredictably and generate incorrect results, memory access errors, or crashes.
Buffer overflow example
Security measures in code and operating system protection are not enough. When an organization
discovers a buffer overflow vulnerability, it must react quickly to patch the affected software and
make sure that users of the software can access the patch.
In the global environment with continuous network connectivity, the possibilities for
cyberattacks can emanate from sources that are local, remote, domestic or foreign. They could be
launched by an individual or a group. They could be casual probes from hackers using personal
computers (PCs) in their homes, hand-held devices or intense scans from criminal groups.
PI is information that is, or can be, about or related to an identifiable individual. It includes any
information that can be linked to an individual or used to directly or indirectly identify an individual.
Most information the organization collects about an individual is likely to come under “PI”
category if it can be attributed to an individual. For an example, PI is an individual’s first name or
first initial and last name in combination with any of the following data:
A case in point is the infamous “Heartland Payment System Fraud” that was uncovered
in January 2010. This incident brings out the glaring point about seriousness of “insider attacks.
In this case, the concerned organization suffered a serious blow through nearly 100 million
credit cards compromised from at least 650 financial services companies. When a card is used
to make a purchase, the card information is trans- mitted through a payment network.
Yet another incidence is the Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Data Breach in October
2009 the theft of 57 hard drives from a BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee training facility
puts the private information of approximately 500,000 customers at risk in at least 32 states.
The two lessons to be learnt from this are:
1. Physical security is very important.
2. Insider threats cannot be ignored.
A key message from this discussion is that cybercrimes do not happen on their own or
in isolation. Cybercrimes take place due to weakness of cybersecurity practices and “privacy”
which may get impacted when cybercrimes happen.
The key challenges from emerging new information threats to organizations are as follows:
1. Industrial espionage: There are several tools available for web administrators to
monitor and track the various pages and objects that are accessed on their website.
2. IP-based blocking: This process is often used for blocking the access of specific IP
addresses and/or domain names.
3. IP-based “cloaking”: Businesses are global in nature and economies are interconnected.
4. Cyberterrorism: “Cyberterrorism” refers to the direct intervention of a threat source
toward your organization’s website.
5. Confidential information leakage: “Insider attacks” are the worst ones. Typically, an
organization is protected from external threats by your firewall and antivirus solutions.
Reflecting on the discussion in the previous sections brings us to the point that
cybercrimes cost a lot to organizations.
IV- II SEM CSE, Cyber Security Unit - V
When a cybercrime incidence occurs, there are a number of internal costs associated
with it for organizations and there are organizational impacts as well.
Detection and recovery constitute a very large percentage of internal costs. This is
supported by a benchmark study conducted by Ponemon Institute USA carried out with the sample
of 45 organizations representing more than 10 sectors and each with a head count of at least 500
The internal costs typically involve people costs, overhead costs and productivity losses.
The internal costs, in order from largest to the lowest and that has been supported by the
benchmark study mentioned:
1. Detection costs.
2. Recovery costs.
3. Post response costs.
4. Investigation costs.
5. Costs of escalation and incident management.
6. Cost of containment.
The consequences of cybercrimes and their associated costs, mentioned
1. Information loss/data theft.
2. Business disruption.
3. Damages to equipment, plant and property.
4. Loss of revenue and brand tarnishing.
5. Other costs.
There are many new endpoints in today’s complex networks; they include hand-held
Again, there are lessons to learn:
1. Endpoint protection: It is an often-ignored area but it is IP-based printers, although they
are passive devices, are also one of the endpoints.
2. Secure coding: These practices are important because they are a good mitigation control to
protect organizations from “Malicious Code” inside business applications.
3. HR checks: These are important prior to employment as well as after employment.
4. Access controls: These are always important, for example, shared IDs and shared laptops
are dangerous.
The most often quoted reasons by employees, for use of pirated software, are as follows:
There are tools to protect organization’s bandwidth by stopping unwanted traffic before
it even reaches your Internet connection.
Use of mobile handset devices in cybercrimes. Most mobile communication devices for
example, the personal digital assistant
Exposures to sensitive PI and confidential business information are possible if due care
is not taken by organizations while using the mode of “social media marketing.”
There are other tools too that organizations use; industry practices indicate the following:
1. Twitter is used with higher priority to reach out to maximum marketers in the technology
space and monitor the space.
2. Professional networking tool LinkedIn is used to connect with and create a community
of top executives from the Fortune 500.
3. Facebook as the social group or social community tool is used to drive more traffic to
Websense website and increase awareness about Websense.
4. YouTube (the video capability tool to run demonstrations of products/services, etc.) is used
to increase the brand awareness and create a presence for corporate videos.
5. Wikipedia is also used for brand building and driving traffic.
There are three kinds of spheres and their characteristics are as follows:
1. User sphere: Here data is stored on users’ desktops, PCs, laptops, mobile phones, Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) chips, etc. Organization’s responsibility is to provide access to
users and monitor that access to ensure misuse does not happen.
2. Recipient sphere: Here, data lies with recipients: servers and databases of network providers,
service providers or other parties with whom data recipient shares data.
3. Joint sphere: Here data lies with web service provider’s servers and databases. This is the in
between sphere where it is not clear to whom does the data belong.
Protecting People’s Privacy in the Organization
The costs associated with cybercrimes. A key point in that discussion is that people perceive
their PI/SPI to be very sensitive. From privacy perspective, people would hate to be monitored in
terms of what they are doing, where they are moving.
In the US, Social Security Number is a well-established system/mechanism for uniquely
identifying all American citizens; however, similar thoughts are now emerging in India. The UID
Project was started by Government of India and is running through an agency called Unique
Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) based on the similar concept.
Fig: Anonymity by web proxy.
Forensics Best Practices for Organizations
This section focuses on forensics readiness of organizations. Organization’s forensics
readiness is important forensics readiness is defined as the ability of an organization to maximize
its potential to use digital evidence while minimizing the costs of an investigation.
Preparation to use digital evidence is not easy – it involves system and staff monitoring,
technical, physical and procedural means to secure data to evidential standards of admissibility,
processes and procedures. All this becomes essential for ensuring that staff recognizes the
importance and legal sensitivities of evidence, and appropriate legal advice and interfacing with
law enforcement.
The prime factor in understanding the need for forensics readiness is a risk assessment.
In the context of forensic readiness discussion, the key activities are presented. These are
the activities that an organization should consider if they wish to be forensically ready.