performance management_guide_book
performance management_guide_book
performance management_guide_book
1. Goal Setting - It starts from reviewing the organizational goals. Align top-level
goals to stream, product groups, divisions or functions
3. Year-End Review - This is a time where individual sits down with their manager
to review on what has been accomplished for the past year and identify
development areas that would help individual advance well in their current or
future job
Goal setting is a powerful tool that is used to align team and individual goals to
Operating Group objectives and strategies. This strategy keeps all levels of the
organization on the same page. It not only helps improve the attainment of the 3- Year
Plan strategy but also encourages on-going communication between employees and
their managers. As well, each individual can see how their job makes a difference in the
overall success of the business.
Each individual is requested to develop 3-5 goals around four perspectives namely
Business, Customer, Operations and People. Senior management starts off setting the
goals for the entire business and cascading down the line.
To prepare for individual goals, one must review the immediate manager’s goal first and
link to own job role in deciding what can be accomplished in their role. The manager
can also assign goals to his/her team or individual. Both the manager and the employee
need to be involved in the goal setting. Together they need to agree on goals that are
demanding yet achievable.
The requirement is to set 3-5 goals but it is not necessary to have one goal in each
perspective. It all depends on the role of the individual.
Performance Goals
Develop and implement at least one cost saving idea in own function
Expand vendor base in 3 new locations for high-end products
Increase sales revenue by 10% through cross selling opportunities
Achieve defined Sustainability targets measured by project plan
Reduce overall expenses by 10 %
Implement offshore strategy as stipulated in the project plan
Implement outsourcing strategy on selected areas to achieve efficiency and cost
effectiveness as compared to last year figures
Increase new customers acquisition by 15%
Achieve the required service standards as stipulated by customers
Develop and implement customer feedback system by year end
Ensure that 90% of customers choose to renew their contracts
Reduce customer attrition rate by 5%
Contribute at least two service improvement strategies by year end
Reduce customer complaint level to 3% of transactions
Reduce time customers spend on hold by 10%
Achieve 80% customer satisfaction ratings
Solve customer problems in single phone call 90% of the time
Answer all calls professionally, using proper phone etiquette
Fulfill promises to customers 100% of time or notify them of changes
Lead the improvement team to reduce delays by 15% by year end
Complete all assigned projects on time and within budget
Produce outputs that meet agreed-upon standards 98% of time
Streamline the selected 2 processes to achieve 4 days turnaround time
Reduce errors by 50% on all outputs
Meet 100% compliance requirements
Implement the new systems by year end with zero downtime
Take the role as Learning Champion to teach others on key technical topics
Help at least one coworker each month to improve his or her productivity
Increase employee retention by 10% within own function
Implement the employee engagement initiatives as outlined for the division
Ensure all employees have a performance development plan and carry out
Develop high-potential employee in own team by providing the right development
Identify at least two employees to be groomed for supervisors positions
Identify and develop a successor to own role
Lead a knowledge sharing session with all colleagues on specific topics
Goal alignment involves ensuring that both people from top to bottom in an
organization are working to achieve similar goals.
First, we want people, from the top to the bottom, to contribute to the achievement of
the same set of goals that are important to the success of the entire organization. We
also want everyone to understand how their own individual contributions contribute to
the attainment of organizational goals.
The following is an example of how goals are cascaded down the line based on the
organization strategic focus.
E.g. “By Nov 1, 2012, implement a new performance management system for all levels
using clearly defined processes and guidelines so employees and managers can
evaluate performance objectively and develop their careers”
Actionable: An actionable goal involves thinking through what knowledge, skills and
abilities, resources needed to achieve the goal. It will usually answer the question:
Relevant: This stresses the importance of choosing goals that matter. A goal that
supports or is in alignment with your manager or other goals would be considered a
relevant goal. A relevant goal can answer yes to these questions:
Does this link to the three- year plan strategy and direction?
Does this match our stream/ function efforts and needs?
Is this somewhat aligned with my manager goals?
Timely: Give the goals a target date. Establish a sense of urgency. A time-bound goal
will usually answer the question:
What can I do 6 months from now?
What can I do 6 weeks from now?
What can I do today?
The rating scale is designed for reviewers to differentiate level of performance in a fair
and objective manner. The given rating should be evidence-based which means that
individual has to submit the results achieved in quantifiable and qualitative terms
before the year –end review starts.
It is recommended that individual lists the accomplishments in relation to the goals set.
Back this up with specific examples, targets achieved in quantifiable terms. Continue by
listing examples of activities that supported the progress toward achieving the goals,
even if you didn’t meet them. Incorporate the notes into the system and submit to
immediate manager for review.
Competencies Framework
There are two sets of competencies namely Core and Leadership Competencies. Core
Competencies are knowledge, skills and behaviors that can apply to all or most jobs or
specific positions in the organization. And, for Leadership Competencies are skills,
capabilities and behaviors that are critical to current and future role of a leader at
Li&Fung in achieving our strategic plans.
1) Communication
2) Customer Focus
3) Job Knowledge / Technical Knowledge
4) Results Orientation
5) Teamwork and collaboration
6) Execute Seamlessly
7) Innovation
Please see appendix for the two sets of competencies and the expected behaviors at
each level.
The rating scale is designed for reviewers to differentiate level of performance in a fair
and objective manner. The given rating should be evidence-based which means that
individual has to provide examples on how the employee met or did not meet the
required expectations.
As we set goals at the beginning of the year, the Mid Year Performance Review acts as a
formal “check in” with the employee to see the progress of achievement. It can solidify
the actions you need the employee to take for the balance of the year. It is an excellent
opportunity to clarify and review specific goals and actions to be achieved by the end of
the year.
Year end review formalizes the ongoing performance management process and
provides the opportunity to recognize employee’s accomplishments and contributions,
give feedback on performance, and plan for development and improvement. Therefore,
make the process meaningful by getting it done right and on time.
The review of past year’s performance will be consisted of two parts: assessment on the
results achieved (i.e. goal achievement) and individual’s behaviors displayed during the
process of achieving the results (i.e. competency assessment).
Year end review takes place around Dec- Jan time frame every year. Here’s the
recommended process:
The manager is required to give the overall rating based on the following scale.
3 Meets expectations Achieved all goals and met 100% of the targets
Demonstrated base line proficiency in all
competencies at a satisfactory level most of the
1. How to conduct a performance review discussion? ( Video )
2. How to navigate the performance review system? ( Video Demo & System
The Performance Development Planning process enables you and the people who
report to you to identify their personal and business development needs that are most
significant to the organization’s success. Only through a disciplined goal setting and
communication process will bring individual and organization capability from strength
to strength.
PDP meetings are held, at least, bi-annually to review the person’s progress on the
action plan of the development goals. This meeting allows you to offer/ seek assistance
and to identify any help individual needs to succeed.
A 4- Step Approach
Discusses with manager what alternate patterns of behavior should be worked on and
manager provides suggestions if the employee has difficulty coming up with
development options.
2). Discussion. Employee sets up time with manager to share development needs, get
feedback and employees complete their own personal development plan (PDP).
3). Take Action. Employee sets development goal and explores the appropriate
development options (see overleaf for the various options and definition) Consider the
70-20-10 learning and development approach. Takes consideration of resources in
terms of who can support the plan and works on it accordingly.
4). Check in. Employee meets with manager regularly to follow up on progress and
updates the system. Gets feedback on performance from other parties e.g. superior,
peers and/or subordinates.
Most development actions tend to be around training only. It is important to take the
other options into consideration, as training is a quick fix and easy option to implement,
but not always the most effective on its own. This guide provides managers and all
colleagues with information to help them select the most appropriate development
activities that meet their needs. The emphasis in this Guide is non-course-based option.
The course-based programme can be found on the new Learning Management System.
The concept states that development typically begins with realization of a need and
motivation to do something about it, and that a blend of different learning approaches
can provide powerful learning.
There are different experiences that allow the leaders and managers to learn leadership
skills in managing direct reports, becoming self-aware and better at executing
effectively. Such experiences include:
While some of the above job experiences may provide new skills for leadership job
positions, there are other forms of experience that are relevant for broader positions,
such as:
Thus social learning may be done face-to-face or through the use of internet. Some of
the methods used include:
Mentoring- Find a mentor or be a mentor
Shadowing a skilled performer
Participate in discussion or interest groups
Seek advice and opinions
Get feedback from others
Ask an expert
Mentoring involves a mentor, who provides advice and support to someone else who
wants to develop their own potential. It can be very useful to have someone
knowledgeable about your work context that can help you think things through.
Individuals may find it particularly helpful to have a mentor when he/she is at critical
points of career development. The sharing of experience, skills and ideas from mentor
to mentee is the most valuable.
Coaching is a process in which an individual, through discussion and guided activity,
helps a colleague to solve a problem or achieve an objective that is personally important
to the individual. It can be very useful when an individual would like to gain a mastery
of certain areas, understand more of own strengths and areas of improvement, have a
coach to support the execution of a major goal, etc.
Job Secondment
Secondment is a temporary transfer to another department within the same or different
organizations. This will allow individual to view their role in a wider context. All
secondment should be well-planned and evaluated to gain maximum value from the
experience. It is a management development tool that may be used to test potential for a
position in a different field. Sometimes it may be used to accomplish special, short-term
Job Shadowing
It is a means of enabling an individual to see at firsthand how a successful colleague
operates within the organization. Individual “shadows” the colleague for a couple of
days and follow the person’s day-to-day work life during that time. This helps
individual to increase self-awareness of recognizing the skills they may need to develop.
This needs specific guidelines and support from the business manager to ensure an
effective learning experience is to be provided.
Teaching as Learning
Teaching a subject is the best way to learn. Have an individual to research on a
particular topic and prepare the materials to be used and the “teacher” can run it either
as a group or do it for an individual. The Learning Champions concept in the
organization is created for this purpose in terms of deepening the subject and gradually
become the subject matter expert.
3. What if my manager hasn’t set his/her goals into the system yet, how can I align?
Suggest you set up a meeting with your manager and learn about team goals or his or her
goals, you can then start writing yours to align.
10. Can we track back the last year performance rating from the system?
Yes, all employees’ previous performance evaluation was stored as pdf in the system.
13. My colleague joined the team less than 3 months, does she need to complete the
year-end review? (For Manager)
No, she is not required to complete the year-end review but she needs to set goals for 2014.
14. Is it necessary for me to enter rating on each competency for my direct reports? (For
Yes, it is important for development purposes as well as evaluating level of proficiency to
drive higher performance.
15. Do I need to approve my team members’ goals in the system? (For Manager)
Yes, once your team members created their initial goals, it is the manager role to discuss
and agree the goals with your team members. Then they can finalize the goals in the
system for your approval.
Inside office: On OneFamily page, click Gateway tab > My Career icon ( ).
You can click the “RESOURCES” and “DEMO” buttons at the top of the page. If necessary, you
can refer to the tutorials provided in the “HOME” page.
4. I want to view the summary of “My Goals”. I’ve clicked the icon but it doesn’t
work. What can I do?
Your browser may have activated the function that blocks downloading files. If you see
below error message, click on it and select the “Download File” option. Then, click the
icon again.
To update the progress of a goal, click on the goal’s name (under the “Title” column). For
each “Action” or “Target”, input the “Progress %” or “Actual” figure accordingly.
All “Actions” and “Targets” are weighted equally. The overall goal progress % is calculated
based on data updated for “Progress %” and “Actual” figures on pro-rata basis.
For example, for a goal with two items having one “progress %” and one “Actual” figure to
update; if the “progress %” is 50% (i.e. 50%) and the “Actual” figure meets the target figure
(i.e. 100%), the overall goal progress % is 75% (deriving from 50%x50% + 50%x100%).
This button helps you return to the “Performance Review” task conveniently if you have
clicked the link to add your goals while you are editing the “Performance Review” form. So,
click this button only if you need to continue editing a “Performance Review” form.
P.S. This button will be removed later in 2014.
This “Library” button provides goal examples under the 4 main “Perspectives” – Business,
Customer, Operation, and People. You can click the button to import an example and
then modify it according to your situation.
9. After creating “Actions” and “Targets” for one “Perspective” (e.g. “Customer”), how can
I create more for another “Perspective” (e.g. People)?
Since you can select only one “Perspective” in each “Goal”, you need to click the
button to create a new “Goal” in order to add “Actions” and “Targets” for
another “Perspective”.
10. What can I do if I have questions about creating/ updating “Development Plans”?
You can click the “RESOURCES” and “DEMO” buttons at the top of the page. If necessary, you
can refer to the tutorials provided in the “HOME” page.
11. How can I view all items in one list for all my “Development Plans”?
You need to click the and then select the “Display” and “Sort By”
options to display the items in your Development Plans in one list. For example, to generate
a list of “Learning Items” by “Due Date”, you should select “Learning Items” in the “Display:”
field and then “Due Date” in the “Sort By:” field before clicking the button.
To display system labels in another language (e.g. Chinese), click “My Account”, select a
language in the “Display Language” field, click “Save” and “Log Out”. You will see some
system labels are changed to your preferred language.
Think Strategically Understands the broader picture and Envisions future scenarios
global business trends. Ensures actions are • Is able to think of future scenarios and employs a
aligned with our capabilities and strategic clear business rationale for evaluating the
plans. Uses data and market insights to opportunities and risks associated with proposed
ensure the business is agile, adaptive and strategies.
competitive. • Implements strategy throughout the organization
and is aware of the impact of strategic decisions on
the organization, the market, and future decisions.
• Provides insight and thinking into multiple 3 year
plans and ensures alignment with the organization’s
overall strategic vision.
Focus on Customers Has a robust understanding of our Develops unknown markets and products
Customers, products, and markets which • Identifies opportunities and future trends to
allows him/her to act as trusted adviser. develop products and markets unknown to
Works tirelessly to solve customer customers and other partners.
problems and builds effective relations. • Oversees and aligns the definition of the company’s
Commit to translate customer and supplier value proposition to customers.
insights into new solutions and creates • Aligns the organization and its position in the
business value. actual and future market accordingly.
Engage Others Has a clear sense of purpose, passion about Is a strategic communicator
what they do and sets a clear and • Is able to foster the trust of others with an open and
compelling direction for others. clear approach.
Encourages others to step up as leaders • Shares the overall vision and strategy with broader
and involves those around them in decision groups in a compelling manner that responds to the
making. Creates an open and energizing audience’s needs and interests.
environment that motivates team members • Is able to align the organization strategy to team
to achieve. goals and rally teams to further share the vision and
strategy downstream and achieve results.
Execute Seamlessly Strives to ensure the business can perform Conceives of process innovation
to a high standard and meet stretch goals. • Thinks about new solutions, and comes up with
Creates a performance culture focused on new, boundary breaking ideas to improve
operational excellence, delivering results operations.
and continual performance improvements. • Develops, or enables the development, of new
Actively monitors execution and gives concepts that are unique to the industry and to the
timely feedback to ensure a quality market.
experience. • Supports leading-edge approaches that have the
potential to achieve systematic competitive advantages.
Develop People Proactive in creating a positive fit with Shapes organizational capabilities
people and roles through knowing people’s • Builds continuous improvement processes to
career goals, strengths, limitations and develop organizational capabilities and implements
development needs. Promotes continuous measures and structures that ensure the
learning through the development of organization meets the highest knowledge, skills, and
himself/herself and others and works to competency standards.
ensure there is a sustainable pipeline of • Empowers departments and functions to set-up
talent. reviews and development processes and oversees
their integration for an enterprise view.
• Envisions future requirements and proactively
initiates measures to align the organization's people
Build our Welcomes the diversity of backgrounds and Seeks ways to positively impact society
Community styles that makes up our global business • Is keenly sensitive to different cultures and is able
and actively works to make a difference to to cultivate rapport and attunement with a broad
individuals, teams and the communities. diversity of people.
Supports the key concepts of • Is a role model for cultural, reputational and
environmental and social sustainability and environmental awareness within Li & Fung and the
ensures the business is not exposed to broader community.
reputational risk. • Envisions ways in which Li & Fung can contribute
to societal matters and works to bring this to
Think Strategically Understands the broader picture and Thinks globally and is future focused
global business trends. Ensures actions • Draws upon market dynamics and trends based on
are aligned with our capabilities and a thorough analysis of customers, markets,
strategic plans. Uses data and market competitors, resources etc. and aggregates this
insights to ensure the business is agile, information to inform strategic planning.
adaptive and competitive. • Thinks globally in terms of opportunities and risks
and defines direction for next 3 years.
• Is alert to emerging global trends and re-evaluates
and adapts strategic direction as necessary.
Focus on Customers Has a robust understanding of our Identifies unmet Customer needs in the market
Customers, products, and markets which • Understands the long-term development of key
allows him/her to act as trusted adviser. markets by staying abreast of market intelligence
Works tirelessly to solve customer and trend data.
problems and builds effective relations. • Searches the marketplace to identify unmet needs
Commit to translate customer and and helps the organization to develop new
supplier insights into new solutions and approaches to respond.
creates business value. • Proactively develops new relationships at the most
strategic level that are linked to future competitive
Lead Courageously Maintains a belief in their own Takes personal and business risk
capabilities and decision making, even in • Speaks out and does not shy away from broaching
uncertain times and is not afraid to say unpopular issues, taking appropriate personal and
what needs to be said. Makes timely and business risk.
well-informed decisions by thinking • Takes decisive action based on Li & Fung values
logically and creatively. Pushes and personal belief in what is right for the business.
themselves out of comfort zone and takes • Strives for breakthrough results by actively
others to promote change and take championing initiatives and encouraging others to
informed risks. challenge the status quo.
Engage Others Has a clear sense of purpose, passion Creates an open and energizing environment
about what they do and set a clear and • Motivates the team by communicating and
compelling direction for others. positioning the team and its capabilities within the
Encourages others to step up as leaders organization.
and involves those around them in • Engages individuals or groups and gives them an
decision making. Creates an open and active role to play in achieving goals which improves
energizing environment that motivates commitment.
team members to achieve. • Leads the team to top performance by breaking
silos between teams and organizational units.
Execute Seamlessly Strives to ensure the business can Develops sustainable operations
perform to a high standard and meet • Questions defined standards and routines and
stretch goals. Creates a performance continues to raise the bar as long as improvements
culture focused on operational excellence, create economic value.
delivering results and continual • Helps others to understand the importance of
performance improvements. Actively individual contributions and holds people
monitors execution and gives timely accountable.
feedback to ensure a quality experience. • Evaluates outcomes, addresses performance
problems, and celebrates successes.
Develop People Proactive in creating a positive fit with Is an active talent scout
people and roles through knowing • Focuses on identifying talents throughout and
people’s career goals, their strengths, outside the organization.
limitations and development needs. • Conveys a sense of urgency about effective
Promotes continuous learning through succession planning and the depth of the talent
the development of themselves and pipeline so that not only the medium-term, but also
others and works to ensure there is a the long-term needs, of the organization are met.
sustainable pipeline of talent. • Develops a picture of the overall talent situation of
the organization to identify and mitigate business
Build our Welcomes the diversity of backgrounds Supports inclusion and sustainability actively
Community and styles that makes up our global • Takes a global view, integrates all cultural
business and actively works to make a perspectives in each decision and interaction
difference to individuals, teams and the • Is aware of diversity metrics and reputational
communities. Supports the key concepts exposure and evaluates the impact on the wider
of environmental and social sustainability community.
and ensure the business is not exposed to • Actively identifies practices that support inclusion,
reputational risk. sustainability and drive these throughout the
Think Understands the broader picture and global Uses market data and translates 3YP into actionable
Strategically business trends. Ensures actions are aligned steps
with our capabilities and strategic plans. Uses • Looks at situations from a 3YP perspective to
data and market insights to ensure the ensure alignment with strategic goals.
business is agile, adaptive and competitive. • Defines challenging goals for the business based on
a thorough analysis of future opportunities, risks,
and requirements.
• Synchronizes own activities with defined goals, and
tactically adapts measures if necessary.
Focus on Has a robust understanding of our Customers, Fosters reciprocal business relationships
Customers products, and markets which allows him/her • Has a deep understanding of the customers’
to act as trusted advisers. Works tirelessly to business, relevant markets and their industry by
solve customer problems and build effective actively scanning, interpreting market data,
relations. Commit to translate customer and customer feedback and communicates information
supplier insights into new solutions and to appropriate people.
creates business value. • Customizes own products, services and processes
to meet customers' current and future needs.
• Builds strong relationships both in teams, and
individually, with customers that yield long term
business benefit.
Lead Maintains a belief in their own capabilities Challenges the status quo
Courageously and decision making, even in uncertain times • Displays self-confidence even against strong
and is not afraid to say what needs to be said. opposition, and does not give up when difficulties
Makes timely and well-informed decisions by arise.
thinking logically and creatively. Pushes • Is not afraid to call out under-performance or
themselves out of comfort zone and takes system issues that are hampering current or future
others to promote change and take informed success.
risks. • Creates a change-focused culture where issues are
addressed and people are encouraged to try new
Engage Others Has a clear sense of purpose, passion about Empowers and encourages others
what they do and set a clear and compelling • Empowers the team by sharing additional input
direction for others. Encourages others to and insights to generate a deeper understanding of
step up as leaders and involves those around the background of management decisions and goals.
them in decision making. Creates an open and • Includes perspectives of subordinates in the
energizing environment that motivates team decision making process.
members to achieve. • Empowers the team to increasingly act on its own.
Acknowledges progress and celebrates
Execute Strives to ensure the business can perform to Creates a results driven culture
Seamlessly a high standard and meet stretch goals. • Seeks to secure ‘buy in’ from direct reports to
Creates a performance culture focused on stretched goals and targets.
operational excellence, delivering results and • Encourages others to ‘raise the bar’ in performance
continual performance improvements. by regularly giving positive and constructive
Actively monitors execution and gives timely feedback.
feedback to ensure a quality experience. • Creates new standards for processes and services
that increase overall performance.
Develop People Proactive in creating a positive fit with Builds the talent pipeline
people and roles through knowing • Gives constructive feedback to direct reports and
people’s career goals, strengths, provides mentoring/coaching to accelerate their
limitations and development needs. development.
Promotes continuous learning through • Provides in-depth coaching, training or
the development of himself/herself and connections for high potential talent to secure long-
others and works to ensure there is a term success.
sustainable pipeline of talent. • Contributes to the evaluation of the talent pipeline,
especially in business critical areas to ensure
business continuity.
Influence and Builds cross-functional and external Leverages networks and partnerships
Collaborate networks that further his/her own and • Builds coalitions and influences across the
others’ knowledge. Seeks to understand organization by using long-term strategies to gain
others’ agendas and regularly draws on a support.
range of influencing strategies. Works • Is willing to share information and support other
effectively across horizontal, vertical, departments whilst developing internal and external
external, geographic and personal alliances.
boundaries to develop activities within • Creates alignment between parties with
and outside of his/her networks. differentiating viewpoints.
Build our Community Welcomes the diversity of backgrounds Champions sustainable practices
and styles that makes up our global • Works to ensure the business has a diverse
business and actively works to make a composition and looks beyond explicit differences
difference to individuals, teams and the when building teams.
communities. Supports the key concepts • Ensures the business is not exposed to reputational
of environmental and social risk and that communications are appropriate for
sustainability and ensure the business is diverse groups.
not exposed to reputational risk. • Is supportive of company efforts to impact
environmental and social sustainability matters,
including energy and climate, natural resources,
people and community and encourages aligned and
sustainable work practices with our suppliers.
Think Strategically Understands the broader picture and Makes sense of trends and prioritizes to 3YP
global business trends. Ensures actions • Reflects the business from different perspectives by
are aligned with our capabilities and looking at trend data and considering the business’
strategic plans. Uses data and market current trajectory.
insights to ensure the business is agile, • Implements medium-term measures to balance
adaptive and competitive. strategic and operational activities.
• Adapts own approaches and guides others to
ensure activities are aligned with strategic plans and
business goals.
Focus on Customers Has a robust understanding of our Develops enduring customer relationships
Customers, products, and markets which • Has a robust understanding of customers’ products
allows him/her to act as trusted adviser. and services that is evident in how they interact with
Works tirelessly to solve customer customers.
problems and builds effective relations. • Invests time in building relationships and
Commit to translate customer and uncovering underlying needs of customers to
supplier insights into new solutions and develop informed offerings.
creates business value. • Builds long term partnerships with key customers.
Lead Courageously Maintains a belief in their own Is decisive and achieves under uncertainty
capabilities and decision making, even in • Is willing to decide and act even when relevant
uncertain times and isnot afraid to say facts are missing and the consequences of the
what needs to be said. Makes timely and decisions are uncertain.
well-informed decisions by thinking • Takes full accountability for difficult decisions and
logically and creatively. Pushes implements the necessary measures to achieve their
themselves out of comfort zone and growth targets.
takes others to promote change and take • Takes others with them when implementing
informed risks. change.
Engage Others Has a clear sense of purpose, passion Inspires others to strive for success
about what they do and set a clear and • Sets a clear and compelling direction for others,
compelling direction for others. explaining and simplifying the organization's
Encourages others to step up as leaders complexity to provide guidance.
and involves those around them in • Creates a motivating environment by encouraging
decision making. Creates an open and others to think independently and solve problems on
energizing environment that motivates their own as appropriate.
team members to achieve. • Fosters a sense of camaraderie and team spirit.
Execute Seamlessly Strives to ensure the business can Manages execution effectively
perform to a high standard and meet • Defines challenging, but realistic, goals for the team
stretch goals. Creates a performance and specifies relevant performance indicators.
culture focused on operational • Effectively selects, develops, provides technical
excellence, delivering results and information and retains people to meet current
continual performance improvements. business demand.
Actively monitors execution and gives • Defines timeframes, conducts meetings, distributes
timely feedback to ensure a quality tasks and monitors whether goals are reached.
Develop People Proactive in creating a positive fit with Helps people realize their potential
people and roles through knowing • Is aware of the goals, abilities and development
people’s career goals, strengths, needs of the team and ensures they each have a
limitations and development needs. plan.
Promotes continuous learning through • Seeks to align roles, training and stretch
the development of himself/herself and opportunities to help people realize their full
others and works to ensure there is a potential.
sustainable pipeline of talent. • Takes an active interest in developing others by
providing sufficient feedback and making
suggestions for improvement.
Build our Community Welcomes the diversity of backgrounds Creates a harmonious environment
and styles that makes up our global • Respects the origins of other cultures, background
business and actively works to make a and preferences and is not afraid to address
difference to individuals, teams and the behavior that negatively impacts individuals and
communities. Supports the key concepts the environment.
of environmental and social • Carefully considers how to approach an issue or
sustainability and ensures the business is situation given the diversity of the team and
not exposed to reputational risk. cultures involved and intentionally changes
behavior and style accordingly.
• Understands the impact of his/her own and others
behavior and encourages informed and sustainable
work practices.
Communication The way you communicate ideas and • Demonstrates ability to effectively explain, describe
information ensuring your message is or convey ideas in a clear, concise and open manner
understood in both spoken and written format. Uses jargon free
• Displays a good sense in the choice of means of
communication, i.e. face to face vs written
communication (e.g. email).
• Listens to people and is able to ask questions to
Customer Focus Understands the context in which the • Invests time to understand customers' needs and
organization operates and takes appropriate priorities.
action to provide quality customer service. • Delivers services that meet and exceed customers’
Identifies opportunities for exceeding needs.
customer expectations. • Takes personal responsibility for solving customer
problems to their satisfaction.
Job Knowledge/ Demonstrates knowledge of techniques, • Demonstrates relevant job knowledge to carry out
Technical skills, equipment, procedures and materials. job duties.
Knowledge Applies knowledge to identify issues and • Utilizes expertise to improve work operation.
internal problems; works to develop • Is eager to learn and being proficient in applying
additional technical knowledge and skills. skills.
Results Orientation Consistently delivers required business • Sets clear specific goals, performs with high
results, sets and achieves goals, meets standards and priorities.
deadlines. • Manages own time well to complete, delivers
allocated tasks with high quality.
• Takes responsibility and stays focused on problems
until an effective solution can be found.
Teamwork & Is willing to participate as a full member of a • Provides assistance, information, or other support
Collaboration team. As a team member, the ability and to others, to build and maintain relationship.
desire to work cooperatively with others in a • Shares his/her expertise with others.
team. As a team leader, the ability to getting • Promotes cooperation with other functions or
groups to learn to work together units.
Execute Seamlessly Is able to translate plan to personal actions • Exercises Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) action to
and execute agreed actions. Is able to identify attain expected results.
flag issues and make recommendations in the • Ensures quality of products, services, or concepts
implementation of plans. meets customers’ expectations.
• Identifies a potential delay/problem and comes up
with a corrective action.
Innovation Positive and solution focused, suggests • Is positive about change and seeks to identify
performance improvement ideas. Is willing quality and performance improvements.
to work in complex and unclear • Is comfortable with ambiguity, willing to adapt to
circumstances, and demonstrates ‘out of the changing circumstances.
box’ thinking. • Is open to new approaches, establishes improved
ways of getting jobs done.